From 5e60fa5c2d237f1b1e2571daa5c21b96e01517b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chengdong Fu <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 14:20:35 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] first import from MarlinUtil

 Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt           |  14 +
 Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt~          |  26 +
 .../DataHelper/DataHelper/CaloHitExtended.h   |  72 ++
 .../DataHelper/DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h   | 105 +++
 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/GroupTracks.h |  46 ++
 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/HelixClass.h  | 302 +++++++
 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/LineClass.h   |  32 +
 .../DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackExtended.h     | 130 +++
 .../DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h           |  84 ++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/   | 128 +++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/  | 128 +++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/CaloHitExtended.h~   |  72 ++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/   | 232 ++++++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/  | 232 ++++++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/ClusterExtended.h~   | 105 +++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/       |  40 +
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/      |  40 +
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/GroupTracks.h~       |  44 +
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/        | 768 ++++++++++++++++++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/       | 768 ++++++++++++++++++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/         |  73 ++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/        |  73 ++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/     | 229 ++++++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/    | 229 ++++++
 Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackExtended.h~     | 130 +++
 .../DataHelper/src/      | 133 +++
 .../DataHelper/src/     | 133 +++
 .../DataHelper/src/TrackerHitExtended.h~      |  84 ++
 28 files changed, 4452 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt~
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/CaloHitExtended.h
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/GroupTracks.h
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/HelixClass.h
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/LineClass.h
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackExtended.h
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/CaloHitExtended.h~
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/ClusterExtended.h~
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/GroupTracks.h~
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackExtended.h~
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/
 create mode 100644 Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitExtended.h~

diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt b/Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8cfb6ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+gaudi_subdir(DataHelper v0r0)
+find_package(EDM4HEP REQUIRED)
+set(DataHelperLib_srcs src/*.cc)
+gaudi_add_library(DataHelperLib ${DataHelperLib_srcs}
+    PUBLIC_HEADERS DataHelper
+    LINK_LIBRARIES EDM4HEP::edm4hep EDM4HEP::edm4hepDict
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt~ b/Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccbc04fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/CMakeLists.txt~
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+gaudi_subdir(DataHelper v0r0)
+#find_package(CLHEP REQUIRED)
+#find_package(GEAR REQUIRED)
+#find_package(GSL REQUIRED )
+#find_package(LCIO REQUIRED )
+#find_package(podio REQUIRED )
+#find_package(K4FWCore REQUIRED)
+find_package(EDM4HEP REQUIRED)
+set(DataHelper_srcs src/*.cc)
+#gaudi_add_library(DataHelperLib ${DataHelperLib_srcs}
+#    PUBLIC_HEADERS DataHelper
+#    LINK_LIBRARIES EDM4HEP::edm4hep EDM4HEP::edm4hepDict
+# Modules
+gaudi_add_module(DataHelper ${DataHelper_srcs}
+    LINK_LIBRARIES K4FWCore GaudiKernel GaudiAlgLib CLHEP $ENV{GEAR}/lib/ ${GSL_LIBRARIES} ${LCIO_LIBRARIES} EDM4HEP::edm4hep EDM4HEP::edm4hepDict
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/CaloHitExtended.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/CaloHitExtended.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07b717ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/CaloHitExtended.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#ifndef CaloHitExtended_H
+#define CaloHitExtended_H 1
+//#include "lcio.h"
+//#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "edm4hep/CalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+using namespace edm4hep ;
+class ClusterExtended;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class CalorimeterHit. <br>
+ * Class CaloHitExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: CaloHitExtended.h,v 1.4 2006-02-22 14:53:27 owendt Exp $<br>
+ */
+class CaloHitExtended {
+    public:
+  CaloHitExtended(const edm4hep::CalorimeterHit& calhit, int type);
+    ~CaloHitExtended();
+    CalorimeterHit * getCalorimeterHit();
+    CaloHitExtended * getCaloHitTo();
+    CaloHitExtended * getCaloHitFrom();
+    ClusterExtended * getClusterExtended();
+    int    getIndex();
+    int    getType();
+    const float* getDirVec();
+    float  getYresTo();
+    float  getYresFrom();
+    float  getGenericDistance();
+    //void setCalorimeterHit(CalorimeterHit* calhit);
+    void setCaloHitTo(CaloHitExtended* calhitto);
+    void setCaloHitFrom(CaloHitExtended* calohitfrom);
+    void setClusterExtended(ClusterExtended* cluster);
+    void setIndex(int index);
+    void setType(int type);
+    void setDirVec(float* dirVec);
+    void setYresTo(float yresto);
+    void setYresFrom(float yresfrom);
+    void setGenericDistance(float genericDistance);
+    void setDistanceToCalo(float distanceToCalo);
+    float getDistanceToCalo();
+    void setDistanceToNearestHit(float distanceToNearest);
+    float getDistanceToNearestHit();
+    private:
+    edm4hep::CalorimeterHit _calohit;
+    CaloHitExtended * _calohitTo;
+    CaloHitExtended * _calohitFrom;
+    ClusterExtended * _clusterAR;
+    int _index;
+    int _type;
+    float _dirVec[3];
+    float _yresTo;
+    float _yresFrom;
+    float _genericDistance;
+    float _caloDistance;
+    float _distanceToNearestHit;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b38d887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#ifndef ClusterExtended_H
+#define ClusterExtended_H 1
+//#include "CaloHitExtended.h"
+//#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include "edm4hep/Cluster.h"
+#include "HelixClass.h"
+using namespace edm4hep;
+class TrackExtended;
+typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
+class CaloHitExtended;
+typedef std::vector<CaloHitExtended*> CaloHitExtendedVec;
+//class ClusterExtended;
+//typedef std::vector<ClusterExtended*> ClusterExtendedVec;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class Cluster. <br>
+ * Class ClusterExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: ClusterExtended.h,v 1.4 2006-02-22 14:41:41 owendt Exp $<br>
+ */
+class ClusterExtended {
+ public:
+    ClusterExtended();
+    ClusterExtended( Cluster * cluster );
+    ClusterExtended(CaloHitExtended * calohit);
+    ClusterExtended(TrackExtended * track);
+    ~ClusterExtended();
+    CaloHitExtendedVec & getCaloHitExtendedVec();
+    TrackExtendedVec & getTrackExtendedVec();
+    const float* getStartingPoint();
+    const float* getDirection();
+    void setStartingPoint(float* sPoint);
+    void setDirection(float* direct);
+    void addCaloHitExtended(CaloHitExtended * calohit);
+    void addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * track);
+    void setType( int type );
+    int getType();
+    void Clear();
+    void setCluster(Cluster * cluster);
+    Cluster * getCluster();
+    void setAxis(float * axis);
+    float * getAxis();
+    void setEccentricity( float eccentricity);
+    float getEccentricity();
+    void setHelix(HelixClass helix);
+    HelixClass & getHelix();
+    void setHelixChi2R(float helixChi2);
+    float getHelixChi2R();
+    void setHelixChi2Z(float helixChi2);
+    float getHelixChi2Z();
+    void setPosition(float * position);
+    float * getPosition();
+    void setLowEdge(float * lowEdge);
+    float * getLowEdge();
+    void setUpEdge(float * upEdge);
+    float * getUpEdge();
+ private:
+    TrackExtendedVec _trackVector;
+    CaloHitExtendedVec _hitVector;
+    float _startingPoint[3];
+    float _direction[3];
+    int _type;
+    Cluster * _cluster;
+    float _axis[3];
+    float _position[3];
+    float _eccentricity;
+    HelixClass _helix;
+    float _helixChi2R;
+    float _helixChi2Z;
+    float _lowEdge[3];
+    float _upEdge[3];
+typedef std::vector<ClusterExtended*> ClusterExtendedVec;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/GroupTracks.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/GroupTracks.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ae27f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/GroupTracks.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#define GROUPTRACKS_H 1
+//#include "TrackExtended.h"
+//#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+#include <vector>
+//fg : forwar declaration needed because of circular include ....
+class TrackExtended;
+typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
+//fg : forward ....
+ * Class GroupTracks is needed to group track segments <br>
+ * with close helix parameters. Needed for Tracking. <br>
+ *  * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: GroupTracks.h,v 1.4 2007-09-05 09:39:49 rasp Exp $<br>
+ */
+//class GroupTracks;
+//typedef std::vector<GroupTracks*>  GroupTracksVec;
+class GroupTracks {
+ public:
+  GroupTracks();
+  GroupTracks(TrackExtended * track );
+  ~GroupTracks();
+  void addTrackExtended( TrackExtended * track );
+  void ClearTrackExtendedVec();
+  TrackExtendedVec & getTrackExtendedVec();
+  void setEdges(float * edges);
+  float * getEdges();
+ private:
+  TrackExtendedVec _trackARVec;
+  float _edges[2];
+typedef std::vector<GroupTracks*>  GroupTracksVec;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/HelixClass.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/HelixClass.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..794f8158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/HelixClass.h
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#ifndef HELIXAR_H
+#define HELIXAR_H 1
+#include <vector>
+ *    Utility class to manipulate with different parameterisations <br>
+ *    of helix. Helix can be initialized in a three different <br>
+ *    ways using the following public methods : <br>
+ *    1) Initialize_VP(float * pos, float * mom, float q, float B) : <br>
+ *       initialization of helix is done using <br>
+ *       - position of the reference point : pos[3]; <br>
+ *       - momentum vector at the reference point : mom[3];<br>
+ *       - particle charge : q;<br>
+ *       - magnetic field (in Tesla) : B;<br>
+ *    2) Initialize_BZ(float xCentre, float yCentre, float radius, <br>
+ *				   float bZ, float phi0, float B, float signPz,<br>
+ *				   float zBegin):<br>
+ *       initialization of helix is done according to the following<br>
+ *       parameterization<br>
+ *       x = xCentre + radius*cos(bZ*z + phi0)<br>
+ *       y = yCentre + radius*sin(bZ*z + phi0)<br>
+ *       where (x,y,z) - position of point on the helix<br>
+ *       - (xCentre,yCentre) is the centre of circumference in R-Phi plane<br>
+ *       - radius is the radius of circumference<br>
+ *       - bZ is the helix slope parameter<br>
+ *       - phi0 is the initial phase of circumference<br>
+ *       - B is the magnetic field (in Tesla)<br>
+ *       - signPz is the sign of the z component of momentum vector<br>
+ *       - zBegin is the z coordinate of the reference point;<br>
+ *    3) void Initialize_Canonical(float phi0, float d0, float z0, float omega,<br> 
+ *			      float tanlambda, float B) :<br>
+ *    canonical (LEP-wise) parameterisation with the following parameters<br>
+ *       - phi0 - Phi angle of momentum vector at the point of<br>
+ *         closest approach to IP in R-Phi plane;
+ *       - d0 - signed distance of closest approach to IP in R-Phi plane;<br>
+ *       - z0 - z coordinate of the point of closest approach in R-Phi plane;<br>
+ *       - omega - signed curvature;<br>
+ *       - tanlambda - tangent of dip angle;<br>
+ *       - B - magnetic field (in Tesla);<br>
+ *    A set of public methods (getters) provide access to <br>
+ *    various parameters associated with helix. Helix Class contains<br>
+ *    also several utility methods, allowing for calculation of helix<br>
+ *    intersection points with planes parallel and perpendicular to <br>
+ *    z (beam) axis and determination of the distance of closest approach<br>
+ *    from arbitrary 3D point to the helix. <br>
+ *    @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ *    @version $Id: HelixClass.h,v 1.16 2008-06-05 13:47:18 rasp Exp $<br>
+ *
+ */
+#include "LineClass.h"
+class HelixClass;
+class HelixClass {
+ public:
+ *  Constructor. Initializations of constants which are used
+ *  to calculate various parameters associated with helix.
+ */ 
+    HelixClass();
+ *  Destructor. 
+ */
+    ~HelixClass();
+ *   Initialization of helix using <br>
+ *     - position of the reference point : pos[3]; <br>
+ *     - momentum vector at the reference point : mom[3];<br>
+ *     - particle charge : q;<br>
+ *     - magnetic field (in Tesla) : B<br>
+ */  
+    void Initialize_VP(float * pos, float * mom, float q, float B);
+ *   Initialization of helix according to the following<br>
+ *   parameterization<br>
+ *   x = xCentre + radius*cos(bZ*z + phi0)<br>
+ *   y = yCentre + radius*sin(bZ*z + phi0)<br>
+ *     where (x,y,z) - position of point on the helix<br>
+ *     - (xCentre,yCentre) is the centre of circumference in R-Phi plane<br>
+ *     - radius is the radius of circumference<br>
+ *     - bZ is the helix slope parameter<br>
+ *     - phi0 is the initial phase of circumference<br>
+ *     - B is the magnetic field (in Tesla)<br>
+ *     - signPz is the sign of the z component of momentum vector<br>
+ *     - zBegin is the z coordinate of the reference point<br>
+ */  
+    void Initialize_BZ(float xCentre, float yCentre, float radius, 
+				   float bZ, float phi0, float B, float signPz,
+				   float zBegin);
+ *  Canonical (LEP-wise) parameterisation with the following parameters<br>
+ *     - phi0 - Phi angle of momentum vector at the point of<br>
+ *       closest approach to IP in R-Phi plane;
+ *     - d0 - signed distance of closest approach in R-Phi plane;<br>
+ *     - z0 - z coordinate of the point of closest approach to IP 
+ *       in R-Phi plane;<br>
+ *     - omega - signed curvature;<br>
+ *     - tanlambda - tangent of dip angle;<br>
+ *     - B - magnetic field (in Tesla)<br>
+ */  
+    void Initialize_Canonical(float phi0, float d0, float z0, float omega, 
+			      float tanlambda, float B);
+    /**
+     *  Returns momentum of particle at the point of closest approach <br>
+     *  to IP <br>
+     */
+    const float * getMomentum();
+    /**
+     *  Returns reference point of track <br>     
+     */
+    const float * getReferencePoint();
+    /**
+     *  Returns Phi angle of the momentum vector <br>
+     *  at the point of closest approach to IP <br>     
+     */
+    float getPhi0();
+    /**
+     *  Returns signed distance of closest approach <br>
+     *  to IP in the R-Phi plane <br>     
+     */
+    float getD0();
+    /**
+     *  Returns z coordinate of the point of closest 
+     *  approach to IP in the R-Phi plane <br>     
+     */
+    float getZ0();
+    /**
+     *  Returns signed curvature of the track <br>     
+     */
+    float getOmega();
+    /**
+     *  Returns tangent of dip angle of the track <br>     
+     */
+    float getTanLambda();
+    /**
+     *  Returns transverse momentum of the track <br>     
+     */
+    float getPXY();
+    /**
+     *  Returns x coordinate of circumference
+     */
+    float getXC();
+    /**
+     *  Returns y coordinate of circumference
+     */
+    float getYC();
+     /**
+     *  Returns radius of circumference
+     */
+    float getRadius();   
+    /**
+     *  Returns helix intersection point with the plane <br>
+     *  parallel to z axis. Plane is defined by two coordinates <br>
+     *  of the point belonging to the plane (x0,y0) and normal <br>
+     *  vector (ax,ay).  ref[3] is the reference point of the helix. <br>
+     *  point[3] - returned vector holding the coordinates of <br>
+     *  intersection point <br>     
+     */
+    float getPointInXY(float x0, float y0, float ax, float ay, 
+			      float * ref , float * point);
+    /**
+     *  Returns helix intersection point with the plane <br>
+     *  perpendicular to z axis. Plane is defined by z coordinate <br>
+     *  of the plane. ref[3] is the reference point of the helix. <br>
+     *  point[3] - returned vector holding the coordinates of <br>
+     *  intersection point <br>     
+     */
+    float getPointInZ(float zLine, float * ref, float * point);
+    /**
+     * Return distance of the closest approach of the helix to <br>
+     * arbitrary 3D point in space. xPoint[3] - coordinates of <br>
+     * space point. Distance[3] - vector of distances of helix to <br> 
+     * a given point in various projections : <br>
+     * Distance[0] - distance in R-Phi plane <br>
+     * Distance[1] - distance along Z axis <br>
+     * Distance[2] - 3D distance <br> 
+     */
+    float getDistanceToPoint(float * xPoint, float * Distance);
+    /**
+     * Return distance of the closest approach of the helix to <br>
+     * arbitrary 3D point in space. xPoint[3] - coordinates of <br>
+     * space point. distCut - limit on the distance between helix <br> 
+     * and the point to reduce calculation time <br>
+     * If R-Phi is found to be greater than distCut, rPhi distance is returned <br>
+     * If the R-Phi distance is not too big, than the exact 3D distance is returned <br>
+     * This function can be used, if the exact distance is not always needed <br>
+     */
+    float getDistanceToPoint(const float* xPoint, float distCut);
+    float getDistanceToPoint(const std::vector<float>& xPoint, float distCut);
+    /**
+     * This method calculates coordinates of both intersection <br>
+     * of the helix with a cylinder. <br>
+     * Rotational symmetry with respect to z axis is assumed,  <br>
+     * meaning that cylinder axis corresponds to the z axis <br>
+     * of reference frame. <br>
+     * Inputs : <br> 
+     * Radius - radius of cylinder. <br>
+     * ref[3] - point of closest approach to the origin of the helix. <br>
+     * Output : <br>
+     * point[6] - coordinates of intersection point. <br>
+     * Method returns also generic time, defined as the <br>
+     * ratio of helix length from reference point to the intersection <br>
+     * point to the particle momentum <br>
+     */
+    float getPointOnCircle(float Radius, float * ref, float * point);
+    /** Returns distance between two helixes <br>
+     * Output : <br> 
+     * pos[3] - position of the point of closest approach <br>
+     * mom[3] - momentum of V0 <br>
+     */
+    float getDistanceToHelix(HelixClass * helix, float * pos, float * mom);
+    /**
+     * Set Edges of helix 
+     */
+    void setHelixEdges(float * xStart, float * xEnd);
+    /**
+     * Returns starting point of helix
+     */
+    float * getStartingPoint() {return _xStart;}
+    /**
+     * Returns endpoint of helix
+     */
+    float * getEndPoint() {return _xEnd;}
+    /**
+     * Returns BZ for the second parameterization
+     */
+    float getBz();
+    /**
+     * Returns Phi for the second parameterization
+     */
+    float getPhiZ();
+    /**
+     * Returns extrapolated momentum
+     */
+    void getExtrapolatedMomentum(float * pos, float * momentum);
+    /**
+     * Returns charge 
+     */
+    float getCharge();
+ private:    
+    float _momentum[3]; // momentum @ ref point 
+    float _referencePoint[3]; // coordinates @ ref point
+    float _phi0; // phi0 in canonical parameterization 
+    float _d0;   // d0 in canonical parameterisation
+    float _z0;   // z0 in canonical parameterisation
+    float _omega; // signed curvuture in canonical parameterisation
+    float _tanLambda; // TanLambda 
+    float _pxy; // Transverse momentum
+    float _charge; // Particle Charge
+    float _bField; // Magnetic field (assumed to point to Z>0)
+    float _radius; // radius of circle in XY plane
+    float _xCentre; // X of circle centre
+    float _yCentre; // Y of circle centre
+    float _phiRefPoint; // Phi w.r.t. (X0,Y0) of circle @ ref point
+    float _phiAtPCA; // Phi w.r.t. (X0,Y0) of circle @ PCA 
+    float _xAtPCA; // X @ PCA
+    float _yAtPCA; // Y @ PCA
+    float _pxAtPCA; // PX @ PCA
+    float _pyAtPCA; // PY @ PCA
+    float _phiMomRefPoint; // Phi of Momentum vector @ ref point
+    float _const_pi; // PI
+    float _const_2pi; // 2*PI
+    float _const_pi2; // PI/2    
+    float _FCT; // 2.99792458E-4
+    float _xStart[3]; // Starting point of track segment
+    float _xEnd[3]; // Ending point of track segment
+    float _bZ;
+    float _phiZ;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/LineClass.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/LineClass.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98970a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/LineClass.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef LINECLASS_H
+#define LINECLASS_H  
+class LineClass {
+  public:
+  LineClass(float x0,
+	    float y0,
+	    float z0,
+	    float ax,
+	    float ay,
+	    float az);
+  LineClass(float *x0,
+	    float *ax);
+  ~LineClass();
+  float * getReferencePoint();
+  void setReferencePoint(float *x0);
+  float * getDirectionalVector();
+  void setDirectionalVector(float *ax);
+  float getDistanceToPoint(float * xpoint, float * pos);
+ private:
+  float _x0[3];
+  float _ax[3];
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackExtended.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackExtended.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61ff5923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackExtended.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#ifndef TRACKAR_H 
+#define TRACKAR_H 1
+//#include "lcio.h"
+//#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "edm4hep/Track.h"
+#include <vector>
+//#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+//#include "TrackerHitExtended.h"
+#include "GroupTracks.h"
+//using namespace edm4hep;
+class ClusterExtended;
+//class GroupTracks;
+class TrackerHitExtended;
+typedef std::vector<TrackerHitExtended*> TrackerHitExtendedVec;
+typedef std::vector<ClusterExtended*> ClusterExtendedVec;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class Track. <br>
+ * Class TrackExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: TrackExtended.h,v 1.8 2007-09-05 09:39:49 rasp Exp $<br>
+ */
+class TrackExtended {
+ public:
+    TrackExtended( );
+    TrackExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit );
+    TrackExtended( edm4hep::Track * track );
+    ~TrackExtended();
+    edm4hep::Track * getTrack();
+    const float * getSeedDirection();
+    const float * getSeedPosition();
+    ClusterExtendedVec & getClusterVec();
+    ClusterExtended * getSuperCluster();
+    TrackerHitExtendedVec & getTrackerHitExtendedVec();
+    void addCluster(ClusterExtended * cluster);
+    void setSuperCluster(ClusterExtended * superCluster);
+    void setSeedDirection( float * seedDirection );
+    void setSeedPosition( float * seedPosition);
+    void addTrackerHitExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit);
+    void ClearTrackerHitExtendedVec();
+    void setX0(float x0);
+    void setY0(float y0);
+    void setR0(float r0);
+    void setD0(float d0);
+    void setZ0(float z0);
+    void setBz(float bz);
+    void setPhi0(float phi0);
+    void setPhi(float phi);
+    void setOmega(float omega);
+    void setTanLambda(float tanLambda);
+    void setStart(float * xStart);
+    void setEnd(float * xEnd);
+    float getX0();
+    float getY0();
+    float getD0();
+    float getZ0();
+    float getOmega();
+    float getTanLambda();
+    float getPhi();
+    float getR0();
+    float getBz();
+    float getPhi0();
+    float * getStart();
+    float * getEnd();
+    void setGroupTracks( GroupTracks * group );
+    GroupTracks * getGroupTracks();
+    float getChi2();
+    void setChi2(float chi2);
+    int getNDF();
+    void setNDF(int ndf);
+    float * getCovMatrix();
+    void setCovMatrix( float * cov);
+ private:
+    ClusterExtended *_superCluster;
+    ClusterExtendedVec _clusterVec;
+    GroupTracks * _group;
+    edm4hep::Track * _track;
+    float _seedDirection[3];
+    float _seedPosition[3];
+    TrackerHitExtendedVec _trackerHitVector;    
+    float _x0;
+    float _y0;
+    float _r0;
+    float _bz;
+    float _phi0;
+    float _xStart[3];
+    float _xEnd[3];
+    float _d0; // d0 in canonical parameterisation
+    float _z0; // z0 in canonical parameterisation
+    float _omega; // omega in canonical parameterisation
+    float _tanLambda; // tanlambda in canonical parameterisation
+    float _phi; // phi in canonical parameterisation 
+    float _chi2; // chi2 of the fit
+    float _cov[15]; // covariance matrix
+    int _ndf; // NDF
+    int _type; // Track type;
+typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d625679e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+//#include "lcio.h"
+//#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "edm4hep/TrackerHit.h"
+//#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include <vector>
+//using namespace edm4hep;
+class TrackExtended;
+typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class TrackerHit. <br>
+ * Class TrackerHitExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: TrackerHitExtended.h,v 1.7 2007-09-05 09:39:49 rasp Exp $<br>
+ */
+class TrackerHitExtended {
+ public:
+  TrackerHitExtended(const edm4hep::TrackerHit& trackerhit);
+  ~TrackerHitExtended();
+  void setTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR);
+    void addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR);
+    void setTrackerHitTo(TrackerHitExtended * hitTo);
+    void setTrackerHitFrom(TrackerHitExtended * hitFrom);
+    void setGenericDistance(float genericDistance);
+    //void setTrackerHit(edm4hep::TrackerHit* hit);
+    void setYresTo(float yresTo);
+    void setYresFrom(float yresFrom);
+    void setDirVec(float * dirVec);
+    void clearTrackVec();
+    void setResolutionRPhi(float rphiReso);
+    void setResolutionZ(float zReso);
+    void setType(int type);
+    void setDet(int idet);
+    void setUsedInFit(bool usedInFit);
+    edm4hep::TrackerHit* getTrackerHit();
+    TrackExtended * getTrackExtended();
+    TrackExtendedVec & getTrackExtendedVec();
+    TrackerHitExtended * getTrackerHitFrom();
+    TrackerHitExtended * getTrackerHitTo();
+    float getGenericDistance();
+    float getYresTo();
+    float getYresFrom();
+    float * getDirVec();
+    float getResolutionRPhi();
+    float getResolutionZ();
+    int getType();
+    int getDet();
+    bool getUsedInFit();
+ private:
+    edm4hep::TrackerHit _trackerHit;
+    TrackExtended * _trackAR;
+    TrackerHitExtended * _hitTo;
+    TrackerHitExtended * _hitFrom;
+    TrackExtendedVec _trackVecAR;
+    float _rphiReso;
+    float _zReso;
+    float _yresTo;
+    float _yresFrom;
+    float _genericDistance;
+    float _dirVec[3];
+    int _type;
+    int _idet;
+    bool _usedInFit;
+typedef std::vector<TrackerHitExtended*> TrackerHitExtendedVec; 
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c608d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#include "DataHelper/CaloHitExtended.h"
+#include <math.h>
+CaloHitExtended::CaloHitExtended(const edm4hep::CalorimeterHit& calhit, int type)
+  :_calohit(calhit){
+  _type    = type;
+  _index   = 0;
+  _calohitTo = NULL;
+  _calohitFrom = NULL;
+CalorimeterHit* CaloHitExtended::getCalorimeterHit() {    
+    return &_calohit;
+CaloHitExtended* CaloHitExtended::getCaloHitTo() {
+    return _calohitTo;
+CaloHitExtended* CaloHitExtended::getCaloHitFrom() {
+    return _calohitFrom;
+ClusterExtended* CaloHitExtended::getClusterExtended() {
+    return _clusterAR;    
+int CaloHitExtended::getIndex() {
+    return _index;
+int CaloHitExtended::getType() {
+    return _type;
+const float* CaloHitExtended::getDirVec() {
+    return _dirVec;
+float  CaloHitExtended::getYresTo() {
+    return _yresTo;
+float  CaloHitExtended::getYresFrom() {
+    return _yresFrom;
+float  CaloHitExtended::getGenericDistance() {
+    return _genericDistance;
+//void CaloHitExtended::setCalorimeterHit(CalorimeterHit* calhit) {
+//    _calohit = calhit;
+void CaloHitExtended::setCaloHitTo(CaloHitExtended* calhitto) {
+    _calohitTo = calhitto; 
+void CaloHitExtended::setCaloHitFrom(CaloHitExtended* calhitfrom) {
+    _calohitFrom = calhitfrom; 
+void CaloHitExtended::setClusterExtended(ClusterExtended* cluster) {
+    _clusterAR = cluster;
+void CaloHitExtended::setIndex(int index) {
+    _index = index;
+void CaloHitExtended::setType(int type) {
+    _type = type;
+void CaloHitExtended::setDirVec(float* dirVec) {    
+    float modulus(0.);
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) {
+	modulus += dirVec[i]*dirVec[i];
+    }
+    modulus = sqrt(modulus);
+    if (modulus <= 0.) {
+	_dirVec[0] = 0.;
+	_dirVec[1] = 0.;
+	_dirVec[2] = 1.;
+    }
+    else {
+	_dirVec[0] = dirVec[0] / modulus;
+	_dirVec[1] = dirVec[1] / modulus;
+	_dirVec[2] = dirVec[2] / modulus;
+    }
+void CaloHitExtended::setYresTo(float yresto) {
+    _yresTo = yresto;
+void CaloHitExtended::setYresFrom(float yresfrom) {
+    _yresFrom = yresfrom;
+void CaloHitExtended::setGenericDistance(float genericDistance) {
+    _genericDistance = genericDistance;
+void CaloHitExtended::setDistanceToCalo(float caloDistance) {
+  _caloDistance = caloDistance;
+float CaloHitExtended::getDistanceToCalo() {
+  return _caloDistance;
+void CaloHitExtended::setDistanceToNearestHit(float distanceToNearest) {
+  _distanceToNearestHit = distanceToNearest;
+float CaloHitExtended::getDistanceToNearestHit() {
+  return _distanceToNearestHit;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3adab51d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#include "CaloHitExtended.h"
+#include <math.h>
+CaloHitExtended::CaloHitExtended(const edm4hep::CalorimeterHit& calhit, int type)
+  :_calohit(calhit){
+  _type    = type;
+  _index   = 0;
+  _calohitTo = NULL;
+  _calohitFrom = NULL;
+CalorimeterHit* CaloHitExtended::getCalorimeterHit() {    
+    return &_calohit;
+CaloHitExtended* CaloHitExtended::getCaloHitTo() {
+    return _calohitTo;
+CaloHitExtended* CaloHitExtended::getCaloHitFrom() {
+    return _calohitFrom;
+ClusterExtended* CaloHitExtended::getClusterExtended() {
+    return _clusterAR;    
+int CaloHitExtended::getIndex() {
+    return _index;
+int CaloHitExtended::getType() {
+    return _type;
+const float* CaloHitExtended::getDirVec() {
+    return _dirVec;
+float  CaloHitExtended::getYresTo() {
+    return _yresTo;
+float  CaloHitExtended::getYresFrom() {
+    return _yresFrom;
+float  CaloHitExtended::getGenericDistance() {
+    return _genericDistance;
+//void CaloHitExtended::setCalorimeterHit(CalorimeterHit* calhit) {
+//    _calohit = calhit;
+void CaloHitExtended::setCaloHitTo(CaloHitExtended* calhitto) {
+    _calohitTo = calhitto; 
+void CaloHitExtended::setCaloHitFrom(CaloHitExtended* calhitfrom) {
+    _calohitFrom = calhitfrom; 
+void CaloHitExtended::setClusterExtended(ClusterExtended* cluster) {
+    _clusterAR = cluster;
+void CaloHitExtended::setIndex(int index) {
+    _index = index;
+void CaloHitExtended::setType(int type) {
+    _type = type;
+void CaloHitExtended::setDirVec(float* dirVec) {    
+    float modulus(0.);
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) {
+	modulus += dirVec[i]*dirVec[i];
+    }
+    modulus = sqrt(modulus);
+    if (modulus <= 0.) {
+	_dirVec[0] = 0.;
+	_dirVec[1] = 0.;
+	_dirVec[2] = 1.;
+    }
+    else {
+	_dirVec[0] = dirVec[0] / modulus;
+	_dirVec[1] = dirVec[1] / modulus;
+	_dirVec[2] = dirVec[2] / modulus;
+    }
+void CaloHitExtended::setYresTo(float yresto) {
+    _yresTo = yresto;
+void CaloHitExtended::setYresFrom(float yresfrom) {
+    _yresFrom = yresfrom;
+void CaloHitExtended::setGenericDistance(float genericDistance) {
+    _genericDistance = genericDistance;
+void CaloHitExtended::setDistanceToCalo(float caloDistance) {
+  _caloDistance = caloDistance;
+float CaloHitExtended::getDistanceToCalo() {
+  return _caloDistance;
+void CaloHitExtended::setDistanceToNearestHit(float distanceToNearest) {
+  _distanceToNearestHit = distanceToNearest;
+float CaloHitExtended::getDistanceToNearestHit() {
+  return _distanceToNearestHit;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/CaloHitExtended.h~ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/CaloHitExtended.h~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65781a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/CaloHitExtended.h~
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#ifndef CaloHitExtended_H
+#define CaloHitExtended_H 1
+//#include "lcio.h"
+//#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "edm4hep/CalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+using namespace edm4hep ;
+class ClusterExtended;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class CalorimeterHit. <br>
+ * Class CaloHitExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: CaloHitExtended.h,v 1.4 2006-02-22 14:53:27 owendt Exp $<br>
+ */
+class CaloHitExtended {
+    public:
+    CaloHitExtended(CalorimeterHit* calhit, int type);
+    ~CaloHitExtended();
+    CalorimeterHit * getCalorimeterHit();
+    CaloHitExtended * getCaloHitTo();
+    CaloHitExtended * getCaloHitFrom();
+    ClusterExtended * getClusterExtended();
+    int    getIndex();
+    int    getType();
+    const float* getDirVec();
+    float  getYresTo();
+    float  getYresFrom();
+    float  getGenericDistance();
+    void setCalorimeterHit(CalorimeterHit* calhit);
+    void setCaloHitTo(CaloHitExtended* calhitto);
+    void setCaloHitFrom(CaloHitExtended* calohitfrom);
+    void setClusterExtended(ClusterExtended* cluster);
+    void setIndex(int index);
+    void setType(int type);
+    void setDirVec(float* dirVec);
+    void setYresTo(float yresto);
+    void setYresFrom(float yresfrom);
+    void setGenericDistance(float genericDistance);
+    void setDistanceToCalo(float distanceToCalo);
+    float getDistanceToCalo();
+    void setDistanceToNearestHit(float distanceToNearest);
+    float getDistanceToNearestHit();
+    private:
+    CalorimeterHit * _calohit;
+    CaloHitExtended * _calohitTo;
+    CaloHitExtended * _calohitFrom;
+    ClusterExtended * _clusterAR;
+    int _index;
+    int _type;
+    float _dirVec[3];
+    float _yresTo;
+    float _yresFrom;
+    float _genericDistance;
+    float _caloDistance;
+    float _distanceToNearestHit;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..beee779d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#include "DataHelper/CaloHitExtended.h"
+#include "DataHelper/TrackExtended.h"
+#include "DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h"
+#include <math.h>
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended() {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    _direction[0] = 0.;
+    _direction[1] = 0.;
+    _direction[2] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[0] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[1] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[2] = 0.;	
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended( Cluster * cluster ) {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    _direction[0] = 0.;
+    _direction[1] = 0.;
+    _direction[2] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[0] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[1] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[2] = 0.;	
+    _cluster = cluster;
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended(CaloHitExtended * calohit) {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _hitVector.push_back(calohit);
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    float rad(0);
+    _startingPoint[0] = calohit->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition().x;
+    _startingPoint[1] = calohit->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition().y;
+    _startingPoint[2] = calohit->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition().z;
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) {
+	rad += _startingPoint[i]*_startingPoint[i];
+    }
+    rad = sqrt(rad);
+    _direction[0] = _startingPoint[0]/rad;
+    _direction[1] = _startingPoint[1]/rad;
+    _direction[2] = _startingPoint[2]/rad;
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended(TrackExtended * track) {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.push_back(track);
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) {
+	_startingPoint[i] = track->getSeedPosition()[i];
+	_direction[i] = track->getSeedDirection()[i];
+    }
+ClusterExtended::~ClusterExtended() {
+   _hitVector.clear(); 
+   _trackVector.clear();
+CaloHitExtendedVec& ClusterExtended::getCaloHitExtendedVec() {
+    return _hitVector;
+TrackExtendedVec& ClusterExtended::getTrackExtendedVec() {
+    return _trackVector;
+const float* ClusterExtended::getStartingPoint() {
+    return _startingPoint;
+const float* ClusterExtended::getDirection() {
+    return _direction;
+void ClusterExtended::setStartingPoint(float* sPoint) {
+    _startingPoint[0] = sPoint[0];
+    _startingPoint[1] = sPoint[1];
+    _startingPoint[2] = sPoint[2];
+void ClusterExtended::setDirection(float* direct) {
+    _direction[0] = direct[0];
+    _direction[1] = direct[1];
+    _direction[2] = direct[2];
+void ClusterExtended::addCaloHitExtended(CaloHitExtended* calohit) {
+    _hitVector.push_back(calohit);
+void ClusterExtended::addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * track) {
+    _trackVector.push_back(track);
+void ClusterExtended::Clear() {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+void ClusterExtended::setType( int type ) {
+  _type = type;
+int ClusterExtended::getType() {
+  return _type;
+void ClusterExtended::setCluster(Cluster * cluster) {
+  _cluster = cluster;
+Cluster * ClusterExtended::getCluster() {
+  return _cluster;
+void ClusterExtended::setAxis(float * axis) {
+  _axis[0] = axis[0];
+  _axis[1] = axis[1];
+  _axis[2] = axis[2];
+float * ClusterExtended::getAxis() {
+  return _axis;
+void ClusterExtended::setEccentricity( float eccentricity) {
+  _eccentricity = eccentricity;
+float ClusterExtended::getEccentricity() {
+  return _eccentricity;
+void ClusterExtended::setHelix(HelixClass helix) {
+  _helix = helix;
+  int nHits = int(_hitVector.size());
+  float timeMax = -1.0e+20;
+  float timeMin = 1.0e+20;
+  for (int ihit=0;ihit<nHits;++ihit) {
+    float pos[3];
+    for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
+      pos[i]=_hitVector[ihit]->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition()[i];
+    float distance[3];
+    float time = _helix.getDistanceToPoint(pos,distance);
+    if (time > timeMax) {
+      timeMax = time;
+      _upEdge[0] = pos[0];
+      _upEdge[1] = pos[1];
+      _upEdge[2] = pos[2];
+    }
+    if (time < timeMin) {
+      timeMin = time;
+      _lowEdge[0] = pos[0];
+      _lowEdge[1] = pos[1];
+      _lowEdge[2] = pos[2];
+    }
+  }
+HelixClass & ClusterExtended::getHelix() {
+  return _helix;
+void ClusterExtended::setHelixChi2R(float helixChi2) {
+  _helixChi2R = helixChi2;
+float ClusterExtended::getHelixChi2R() {
+  return _helixChi2R;
+void ClusterExtended::setHelixChi2Z(float helixChi2) {
+  _helixChi2Z = helixChi2;
+float ClusterExtended::getHelixChi2Z() {
+  return _helixChi2Z;
+void ClusterExtended::setPosition(float * position) {
+  _position[0] = position[0];
+  _position[1] = position[1];
+  _position[2] = position[2];
+float * ClusterExtended::getPosition() {
+  return _position;
+void ClusterExtended::setUpEdge(float * upEdge) {
+  _upEdge[0] = upEdge[0];
+  _upEdge[1] = upEdge[1];
+  _upEdge[2] = upEdge[2];
+void ClusterExtended::setLowEdge(float * lowEdge) {
+  _lowEdge[0] = lowEdge[0]; 
+  _lowEdge[1] = lowEdge[1]; 
+  _lowEdge[2] = lowEdge[2]; 
+float * ClusterExtended::getUpEdge() {
+  return _upEdge;
+float * ClusterExtended::getLowEdge() {
+  return _lowEdge;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5f99aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#include "CaloHitExtended.h"
+#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+#include <math.h>
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended() {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    _direction[0] = 0.;
+    _direction[1] = 0.;
+    _direction[2] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[0] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[1] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[2] = 0.;	
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended( Cluster * cluster ) {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    _direction[0] = 0.;
+    _direction[1] = 0.;
+    _direction[2] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[0] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[1] = 0.;
+    _startingPoint[2] = 0.;	
+    _cluster = cluster;
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended(CaloHitExtended * calohit) {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _hitVector.push_back(calohit);
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    float rad(0);
+    _startingPoint[0] = calohit->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition().x;
+    _startingPoint[1] = calohit->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition().y;
+    _startingPoint[2] = calohit->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition().z;
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) {
+	rad += _startingPoint[i]*_startingPoint[i];
+    }
+    rad = sqrt(rad);
+    _direction[0] = _startingPoint[0]/rad;
+    _direction[1] = _startingPoint[1]/rad;
+    _direction[2] = _startingPoint[2]/rad;
+ClusterExtended::ClusterExtended(TrackExtended * track) {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.push_back(track);
+    for (int i(0); i < 3; ++i) {
+	_startingPoint[i] = track->getSeedPosition()[i];
+	_direction[i] = track->getSeedDirection()[i];
+    }
+ClusterExtended::~ClusterExtended() {
+   _hitVector.clear(); 
+   _trackVector.clear();
+CaloHitExtendedVec& ClusterExtended::getCaloHitExtendedVec() {
+    return _hitVector;
+TrackExtendedVec& ClusterExtended::getTrackExtendedVec() {
+    return _trackVector;
+const float* ClusterExtended::getStartingPoint() {
+    return _startingPoint;
+const float* ClusterExtended::getDirection() {
+    return _direction;
+void ClusterExtended::setStartingPoint(float* sPoint) {
+    _startingPoint[0] = sPoint[0];
+    _startingPoint[1] = sPoint[1];
+    _startingPoint[2] = sPoint[2];
+void ClusterExtended::setDirection(float* direct) {
+    _direction[0] = direct[0];
+    _direction[1] = direct[1];
+    _direction[2] = direct[2];
+void ClusterExtended::addCaloHitExtended(CaloHitExtended* calohit) {
+    _hitVector.push_back(calohit);
+void ClusterExtended::addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * track) {
+    _trackVector.push_back(track);
+void ClusterExtended::Clear() {
+    _hitVector.clear();
+    _trackVector.clear();
+void ClusterExtended::setType( int type ) {
+  _type = type;
+int ClusterExtended::getType() {
+  return _type;
+void ClusterExtended::setCluster(Cluster * cluster) {
+  _cluster = cluster;
+Cluster * ClusterExtended::getCluster() {
+  return _cluster;
+void ClusterExtended::setAxis(float * axis) {
+  _axis[0] = axis[0];
+  _axis[1] = axis[1];
+  _axis[2] = axis[2];
+float * ClusterExtended::getAxis() {
+  return _axis;
+void ClusterExtended::setEccentricity( float eccentricity) {
+  _eccentricity = eccentricity;
+float ClusterExtended::getEccentricity() {
+  return _eccentricity;
+void ClusterExtended::setHelix(HelixClass helix) {
+  _helix = helix;
+  int nHits = int(_hitVector.size());
+  float timeMax = -1.0e+20;
+  float timeMin = 1.0e+20;
+  for (int ihit=0;ihit<nHits;++ihit) {
+    float pos[3];
+    for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
+      pos[i]=_hitVector[ihit]->getCalorimeterHit()->getPosition()[i];
+    float distance[3];
+    float time = _helix.getDistanceToPoint(pos,distance);
+    if (time > timeMax) {
+      timeMax = time;
+      _upEdge[0] = pos[0];
+      _upEdge[1] = pos[1];
+      _upEdge[2] = pos[2];
+    }
+    if (time < timeMin) {
+      timeMin = time;
+      _lowEdge[0] = pos[0];
+      _lowEdge[1] = pos[1];
+      _lowEdge[2] = pos[2];
+    }
+  }
+HelixClass & ClusterExtended::getHelix() {
+  return _helix;
+void ClusterExtended::setHelixChi2R(float helixChi2) {
+  _helixChi2R = helixChi2;
+float ClusterExtended::getHelixChi2R() {
+  return _helixChi2R;
+void ClusterExtended::setHelixChi2Z(float helixChi2) {
+  _helixChi2Z = helixChi2;
+float ClusterExtended::getHelixChi2Z() {
+  return _helixChi2Z;
+void ClusterExtended::setPosition(float * position) {
+  _position[0] = position[0];
+  _position[1] = position[1];
+  _position[2] = position[2];
+float * ClusterExtended::getPosition() {
+  return _position;
+void ClusterExtended::setUpEdge(float * upEdge) {
+  _upEdge[0] = upEdge[0];
+  _upEdge[1] = upEdge[1];
+  _upEdge[2] = upEdge[2];
+void ClusterExtended::setLowEdge(float * lowEdge) {
+  _lowEdge[0] = lowEdge[0]; 
+  _lowEdge[1] = lowEdge[1]; 
+  _lowEdge[2] = lowEdge[2]; 
+float * ClusterExtended::getUpEdge() {
+  return _upEdge;
+float * ClusterExtended::getLowEdge() {
+  return _lowEdge;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ClusterExtended.h~ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ClusterExtended.h~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a180240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ClusterExtended.h~
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#ifndef ClusterExtended_H
+#define ClusterExtended_H 1
+#include "CaloHitExtended.h"
+#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include "plcio/Cluster.h"
+#include "HelixClass.h"
+using namespace plcio;
+//class TrackExtended;
+//typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
+//class CaloHitExtended;
+//typedef std::vector<CaloHitExtended*> CaloHitExtendedVec;
+//class ClusterExtended;
+//typedef std::vector<ClusterExtended*> ClusterExtendedVec;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class Cluster. <br>
+ * Class ClusterExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: ClusterExtended.h,v 1.4 2006-02-22 14:41:41 owendt Exp $<br>
+ */
+class ClusterExtended {
+ public:
+    ClusterExtended();
+    ClusterExtended( Cluster * cluster );
+    ClusterExtended(CaloHitExtended * calohit);
+    ClusterExtended(TrackExtended * track);
+    ~ClusterExtended();
+    CaloHitExtendedVec & getCaloHitExtendedVec();
+    TrackExtendedVec & getTrackExtendedVec();
+    const float* getStartingPoint();
+    const float* getDirection();
+    void setStartingPoint(float* sPoint);
+    void setDirection(float* direct);
+    void addCaloHitExtended(CaloHitExtended * calohit);
+    void addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * track);
+    void setType( int type );
+    int getType();
+    void Clear();
+    void setCluster(Cluster * cluster);
+    Cluster * getCluster();
+    void setAxis(float * axis);
+    float * getAxis();
+    void setEccentricity( float eccentricity);
+    float getEccentricity();
+    void setHelix(HelixClass helix);
+    HelixClass & getHelix();
+    void setHelixChi2R(float helixChi2);
+    float getHelixChi2R();
+    void setHelixChi2Z(float helixChi2);
+    float getHelixChi2Z();
+    void setPosition(float * position);
+    float * getPosition();
+    void setLowEdge(float * lowEdge);
+    float * getLowEdge();
+    void setUpEdge(float * upEdge);
+    float * getUpEdge();
+ private:
+    TrackExtendedVec _trackVector;
+    CaloHitExtendedVec _hitVector;
+    float _startingPoint[3];
+    float _direction[3];
+    int _type;
+    Cluster * _cluster;
+    float _axis[3];
+    float _position[3];
+    float _eccentricity;
+    HelixClass _helix;
+    float _helixChi2R;
+    float _helixChi2Z;
+    float _lowEdge[3];
+    float _upEdge[3];
+typedef std::vector<ClusterExtended*> ClusterExtendedVec;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..593fe02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "DataHelper/TrackExtended.h"
+#include "DataHelper/GroupTracks.h"
+GroupTracks::GroupTracks() {
+  _trackARVec.clear();
+  _edges[0] = 0.0;
+  _edges[1] = 0.0;
+GroupTracks::GroupTracks( TrackExtended * track ) {
+  _trackARVec.clear();
+  _trackARVec.push_back( track );
+  _edges[0] = 0.0;
+  _edges[1] = 0.0;
+GroupTracks::~GroupTracks() {}
+void GroupTracks::addTrackExtended( TrackExtended * track ) {  
+  _trackARVec.push_back( track );
+void GroupTracks::ClearTrackExtendedVec() {
+  _trackARVec.clear();
+TrackExtendedVec & GroupTracks::getTrackExtendedVec() {
+  return _trackARVec;
+void GroupTracks::setEdges(float * edges) {
+  _edges[0] = edges[0];
+  _edges[1] = edges[1];  
+float * GroupTracks::getEdges() {
+  return _edges;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdbda40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include "GroupTracks.h"
+GroupTracks::GroupTracks() {
+  _trackARVec.clear();
+  _edges[0] = 0.0;
+  _edges[1] = 0.0;
+GroupTracks::GroupTracks( TrackExtended * track ) {
+  _trackARVec.clear();
+  _trackARVec.push_back( track );
+  _edges[0] = 0.0;
+  _edges[1] = 0.0;
+GroupTracks::~GroupTracks() {}
+void GroupTracks::addTrackExtended( TrackExtended * track ) {  
+  _trackARVec.push_back( track );
+void GroupTracks::ClearTrackExtendedVec() {
+  _trackARVec.clear();
+TrackExtendedVec & GroupTracks::getTrackExtendedVec() {
+  return _trackARVec;
+void GroupTracks::setEdges(float * edges) {
+  _edges[0] = edges[0];
+  _edges[1] = edges[1];  
+float * GroupTracks::getEdges() {
+  return _edges;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/GroupTracks.h~ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/GroupTracks.h~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..681117bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/GroupTracks.h~
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#define GROUPTRACKS_H 1
+#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+#include <vector>
+//fg : forwar declaration needed because of circular include ....
+class TrackExtended;
+typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
+//fg : forward ....
+ * Class GroupTracks is needed to group track segments <br>
+ * with close helix parameters. Needed for Tracking. <br>
+ *  * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: GroupTracks.h,v 1.4 2007-09-05 09:39:49 rasp Exp $<br>
+ */
+class GroupTracks;
+typedef std::vector<GroupTracks*>  GroupTracksVec;
+class GroupTracks {
+ public:
+  GroupTracks();
+  GroupTracks(TrackExtended * track );
+  ~GroupTracks();
+  void addTrackExtended( TrackExtended * track );
+  void ClearTrackExtendedVec();
+  TrackExtendedVec & getTrackExtendedVec();
+  void setEdges(float * edges);
+  float * getEdges();
+ private:
+  TrackExtendedVec _trackARVec;
+  float _edges[2];
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..591acc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+#include "DataHelper/HelixClass.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+//#include "ced_cli.h"
+HelixClass::HelixClass() {
+    _const_2pi = 2.0*M_PI;
+    _const_pi2 = 0.5*M_PI;
+    _FCT = 2.99792458E-4;
+HelixClass::~HelixClass() {}
+void HelixClass::Initialize_VP(float * pos, float * mom, float q, float B) {
+    _referencePoint[0] = pos[0];
+    _referencePoint[1] = pos[1];
+    _referencePoint[2] = pos[2];
+    _momentum[0] = mom[0];
+    _momentum[1] = mom[1];
+    _momentum[2] = mom[2];
+    _charge = q;
+    _bField = B;
+    _pxy = sqrt(mom[0]*mom[0]+mom[1]*mom[1]);
+    _radius = _pxy / (_FCT*B);
+    _omega = q/_radius;
+    _tanLambda = mom[2]/_pxy;
+    _phiMomRefPoint = atan2(mom[1],mom[0]);
+    _xCentre = pos[0] + _radius*cos(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q);
+    _yCentre = pos[1] + _radius*sin(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q);
+    _phiRefPoint = atan2(pos[1]-_yCentre,pos[0]-_xCentre);
+    _phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
+    _phi0 = -_const_pi2*q + _phiAtPCA;
+    while (_phi0<0) _phi0+=_const_2pi;
+    while (_phi0>=_const_2pi) _phi0-=_const_2pi;
+    _xAtPCA = _xCentre + _radius*cos(_phiAtPCA);
+    _yAtPCA = _yCentre + _radius*sin(_phiAtPCA);
+    //    _d0 = -_xAtPCA*sin(_phi0) + _yAtPCA*cos(_phi0);
+    double pxy = double(_pxy);
+    double radius = pxy/double(_FCT*B);
+    double xCentre = double(pos[0]) + radius*double(cos(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q));
+    double yCentre = double(pos[1]) + radius*double(sin(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q));
+    double d0;
+    if (q>0) {
+      d0 = double(q)*radius - double(sqrt(xCentre*xCentre+yCentre*yCentre));
+    }
+    else {
+      d0 = double(q)*radius + double(sqrt(xCentre*xCentre+yCentre*yCentre));
+    }
+    _d0 = float(d0);
+//     if (fabs(_d0)>0.001 ) {
+//       std::cout << "New helix : " << std::endl;
+//       std::cout << " Position : " << pos[0] 
+// 		<< " " << pos[1]
+// 		<< " " << pos[2] << std::endl;
+//       std::cout << " Radius = " << _radius << std::endl;
+//       std::cout << " RC = " << sqrt(_xCentre*_xCentre+_yCentre*_yCentre) << std::endl;  
+//       std::cout << " D0 = " << _d0 << std::endl;
+//     }
+    _pxAtPCA = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
+    _pyAtPCA = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
+    float deltaPhi = _phiRefPoint - _phiAtPCA;    
+    float xCircles = -pos[2]*q/(_radius*_tanLambda) - deltaPhi;
+    xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
+    int nCircles;
+    int n1,n2;
+    if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+	n1 = int(xCircles);
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+	n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+	nCircles = n1;
+    }
+    else {
+	nCircles = n2;
+    }
+    _z0 = pos[2] + _radius*_tanLambda*q*(deltaPhi + _const_2pi*nCircles);
+void HelixClass::Initialize_Canonical(float phi0, float d0, float z0, 
+				      float omega, float tanLambda, float B) {
+    _omega = omega;
+    _d0 = d0;
+    _phi0 = phi0;
+    _z0 = z0;
+    _tanLambda = tanLambda;
+    _charge = omega/fabs(omega);
+    _radius = 1./fabs(omega);
+    _xAtPCA = -_d0*sin(_phi0);
+    _yAtPCA = _d0*cos(_phi0);    
+    _referencePoint[0] = _xAtPCA;
+    _referencePoint[1] = _yAtPCA;
+    _referencePoint[2] = _z0;
+    _pxy = _FCT*B*_radius;
+    _momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
+    _momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
+    _momentum[2] = _tanLambda * _pxy;    
+    _pxAtPCA = _momentum[0];
+    _pyAtPCA = _momentum[1];
+    _phiMomRefPoint = atan2(_momentum[1],_momentum[0]);
+    _xCentre = _referencePoint[0] + 
+      _radius*cos(_phi0-_const_pi2*_charge);
+    _yCentre = _referencePoint[1] + 
+      _radius*sin(_phi0-_const_pi2*_charge);
+    _phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
+    _phiRefPoint =  _phiAtPCA ;
+    _bField = B;
+void HelixClass::Initialize_BZ(float xCentre, float yCentre, float radius, 
+			       float bZ, float phi0, float B, float signPz,
+			       float zBegin) {
+  _radius = radius;
+  _pxy = _FCT*B*_radius;
+  _charge = -(bZ*signPz)/fabs(bZ*signPz);
+  _momentum[2] = -_charge*_pxy/(bZ*_radius);
+  _xCentre = xCentre;
+  _yCentre = yCentre;
+  _omega = _charge/radius;
+  _phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
+  _phi0 = -_const_pi2*_charge + _phiAtPCA;
+  while (_phi0<0) _phi0+=_const_2pi;
+  while (_phi0>=_const_2pi) _phi0-=_const_2pi;
+  _xAtPCA = _xCentre + _radius*cos(_phiAtPCA);
+  _yAtPCA = _yCentre + _radius*sin(_phiAtPCA);
+  _d0 = -_xAtPCA*sin(_phi0) + _yAtPCA*cos(_phi0);
+  _pxAtPCA = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
+  _pyAtPCA = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
+  _referencePoint[2] = zBegin;
+  _referencePoint[0] = xCentre + radius*cos(bZ*zBegin+phi0);
+  _referencePoint[1] = yCentre + radius*sin(bZ*zBegin+phi0);
+  _phiRefPoint = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  _phiMomRefPoint =  -_const_pi2*_charge + _phiRefPoint;
+  _tanLambda = _momentum[2]/_pxy;
+  _momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(_phiMomRefPoint);
+  _momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(_phiMomRefPoint);
+  float deltaPhi = _phiRefPoint - _phiAtPCA;    
+  float xCircles = bZ*_referencePoint[2] - deltaPhi;
+  xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
+  int nCircles;
+  int n1,n2;
+  if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+    n1 = int(xCircles);
+    n2 = n1 + 1;
+  }
+  else {
+    n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+    n2 = n1 + 1;
+  }
+  if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+    nCircles = n1;
+  }
+  else {
+    nCircles = n2;
+  }  
+  _z0 = _referencePoint[2] - (deltaPhi + _const_2pi*nCircles)/bZ;  
+  _bField = B;
+const float * HelixClass::getMomentum() {
+    return _momentum;
+const float * HelixClass::getReferencePoint() {
+    return _referencePoint;
+float HelixClass::getPhi0() {
+  if (_phi0<0.0)
+    _phi0 += 2*M_PI;
+  return _phi0;
+float HelixClass::getD0() {
+    return _d0;
+float HelixClass::getZ0() {
+    return _z0;
+float HelixClass::getOmega() {
+    return _omega;
+float HelixClass::getTanLambda() {
+    return _tanLambda;
+float HelixClass::getPXY() {
+    return _pxy;
+float HelixClass::getXC() {
+  return _xCentre;
+float HelixClass::getYC() {
+  return _yCentre;
+float HelixClass::getRadius() {
+  return _radius;
+float HelixClass::getBz() {
+  return _bZ;
+float HelixClass::getPhiZ() {
+  return _phiZ;
+float HelixClass::getCharge() {
+    return _charge;
+float HelixClass::getPointInXY(float x0, float y0, float ax, float ay, 
+			      float * ref , float * point) {
+  float time;
+  float AA = sqrt(ax*ax+ay*ay);
+  if (AA <= 0) {
+    time = -1.0e+20; 
+    return time;
+  }
+  float BB = ax*(x0-_xCentre) + ay*(y0-_yCentre);
+  BB = BB / AA;
+  float CC = (x0-_xCentre)*(x0-_xCentre) 
+    + (y0-_yCentre)*(y0-_yCentre) - _radius*_radius;
+  CC = CC / AA;
+  float DET = BB*BB - CC;
+  float tt1 = 0.;
+  float tt2 = 0.;
+  float xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2; 
+  if (DET < 0 ) {
+    time = 1.0e+10;
+    point[0]=0.0;
+    point[1]=0.0;
+    point[2]=0.0;
+    return time;
+  }
+  tt1 = - BB + sqrt(DET);
+  tt2 = - BB - sqrt(DET);
+  xx1 = x0 + tt1*ax;
+  yy1 = y0 + tt1*ay;
+  xx2 = x0 + tt2*ax;
+  yy2 = y0 + tt2*ay;
+  float phi1 = atan2(yy1-_yCentre,xx1-_xCentre);
+  float phi2 = atan2(yy2-_yCentre,xx2-_xCentre);
+  float phi0 = atan2(ref[1]-_yCentre,ref[0]-_xCentre);
+  float dphi1 = phi1 - phi0;
+  float dphi2 = phi2 - phi0;
+  if (dphi1 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi1 = dphi1 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi1 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi1 = dphi1 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  if (dphi2 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi2 = dphi2 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi2 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi2 = dphi2 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  // Times
+  tt1 = -_charge*dphi1*_radius/_pxy;
+  tt2 = -_charge*dphi2*_radius/_pxy;
+  if (tt1 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt1 << std::endl;
+  if (tt2 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt2 << std::endl;
+  if (tt1 < tt2) {
+    point[0] = xx1;
+    point[1] = yy1;
+    time = tt1;
+  }
+  else {
+    point[0] = xx2;
+    point[1] = yy2;
+    time = tt2;
+  }
+  point[2] = ref[2]+time*_momentum[2];
+  return time;
+float HelixClass::getPointOnCircle(float Radius, float * ref, float * point) {
+  float distCenterToIP = sqrt(_xCentre*_xCentre + _yCentre*_yCentre);
+  point[0] = 0.0;
+  point[1] = 0.0;
+  point[2] = 0.0;
+  if ((distCenterToIP+_radius)<Radius) {
+    float xx = -1.0e+20;
+    return xx;
+  }
+  if ((_radius+Radius)<distCenterToIP) {
+    float xx = -1.0e+20;
+    return xx;
+  }
+  float phiCentre = atan2(_yCentre,_xCentre);
+  float phiStar   = Radius*Radius + distCenterToIP*distCenterToIP 
+                                    - _radius*_radius;
+  phiStar = 0.5*phiStar/fmax(1.0e-20,Radius*distCenterToIP);
+  if (phiStar > 1.0) 
+    phiStar = 0.9999999;
+  if (phiStar < -1.0)
+    phiStar = -0.9999999;
+  phiStar = acos(phiStar);
+  float tt1,tt2,time;
+  float xx1 = Radius*cos(phiCentre+phiStar);
+  float yy1 = Radius*sin(phiCentre+phiStar);
+  float xx2 = Radius*cos(phiCentre-phiStar);
+  float yy2 = Radius*sin(phiCentre-phiStar);
+  float phi1 = atan2(yy1-_yCentre,xx1-_xCentre);
+  float phi2 = atan2(yy2-_yCentre,xx2-_xCentre);
+  float phi0 = atan2(ref[1]-_yCentre,ref[0]-_xCentre);
+  float dphi1 = phi1 - phi0;
+  float dphi2 = phi2 - phi0;
+  if (dphi1 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi1 = dphi1 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi1 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi1 = dphi1 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  if (dphi2 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi2 = dphi2 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi2 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi2 = dphi2 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  // Times
+  tt1 = -_charge*dphi1*_radius/_pxy;
+  tt2 = -_charge*dphi2*_radius/_pxy;
+  if (tt1 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt1 << std::endl;
+  if (tt2 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt2 << std::endl;
+  float time2;
+  if (tt1 < tt2) {
+    point[0] = xx1;
+    point[1] = yy1;
+    point[3] = xx2;
+    point[4] = yy2;
+    time = tt1;
+    time2 = tt2;
+  }
+  else {
+    point[0] = xx2;
+    point[1] = yy2;
+    point[3] = xx1;
+    point[4] = yy1;
+    time = tt2;
+    time2 = tt1;
+  }
+  point[2] = ref[2]+time*_momentum[2];
+  point[5] = ref[2]+time2*_momentum[2];
+  return time;
+float HelixClass::getPointInZ(float zLine, float * ref, float * point) {
+  float time = zLine - ref[2];
+  if (_momentum[2] == 0.) {
+    time = -1.0e+20;
+    point[0] = 0.;
+    point[1] = 0.;
+    point[2] = 0.;
+    return time;
+  }
+  time = time/_momentum[2];
+  float phi0 = atan2(ref[1] - _yCentre , ref[0] - _xCentre);
+  float phi = phi0 - _charge*_pxy*time/_radius;
+  float xx = _xCentre + _radius*cos(phi);
+  float yy = _yCentre + _radius*sin(phi);
+  point[0] = xx;
+  point[1] = yy;
+  point[2] = zLine;
+  return time;
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToPoint(float * xPoint, float * Distance) {
+  float zOnHelix;
+  float phi = atan2(xPoint[1]-_yCentre,xPoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  float phi0 = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  //calculate distance to XYprojected centre of Helix, comparing this with distance to radius around centre gives DistXY
+  float DistXY = (_xCentre-xPoint[0])*(_xCentre-xPoint[0]) + (_yCentre-xPoint[1])*(_yCentre-xPoint[1]);
+  DistXY = sqrt(DistXY);
+  DistXY = fabs(DistXY - _radius);
+  int nCircles = 0;
+  if (fabs(_tanLambda*_radius)>1.0e-20) {
+    float xCircles = phi0 - phi -_charge*(xPoint[2]-_referencePoint[2])/(_tanLambda*_radius);
+    xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
+    int n1,n2;
+    if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+	n1 = int(xCircles);
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+	n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+	nCircles = n1;
+    }
+    else {
+	nCircles = n2;
+    }
+  }
+  float DPhi = _const_2pi*((float)nCircles) + phi - phi0;
+  zOnHelix = _referencePoint[2] - _charge*_radius*_tanLambda*DPhi;
+  float DistZ = fabs(zOnHelix - xPoint[2]);
+  float Time;
+  if (fabs(_momentum[2]) > 1.0e-20) {
+    Time = (zOnHelix - _referencePoint[2])/_momentum[2];
+  }
+  else {
+    Time = _charge*_radius*DPhi/_pxy;
+  }
+  Distance[0] = DistXY;
+  Distance[1] = DistZ;
+  Distance[2] = sqrt(DistXY*DistXY+DistZ*DistZ);
+  return Time;
+//When we are not interested in the exact distance, we can check if we are
+//already far enough away in XY, before we start calculating in Z as the
+//distance will only increase
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToPoint(const std::vector<float>& xPoint, float distCut) {
+  //calculate distance to XYprojected centre of Helix, comparing this with distance to radius around centre gives DistXY
+  float tempx = xPoint[0]-_xCentre;
+  float tempy = xPoint[1]-_yCentre;
+  float tempsq = sqrt(tempx*tempx + tempy*tempy);
+  float tempdf = tempsq - _radius;
+  float DistXY = fabs( tempdf );
+  //If this is bigger than distCut, we dont have to know how much bigger this is
+  if( DistXY > distCut) {
+    return DistXY;
+  }
+  int nCircles = 0;
+  float phi = atan2(tempy,tempx);
+  float phi0 = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  float phidiff = phi0-phi;
+  float  tempz = xPoint[2] - _referencePoint[2];//Yes referencePoint
+  float tanradius = _tanLambda*_radius;
+  if (fabs(tanradius)>1.0e-20) {
+    float xCircles = (phidiff -_charge*tempz/tanradius)/_const_2pi;
+    int n1,n2;
+    if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+	n1 = int(xCircles);
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+	n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+	nCircles = n1;
+    }
+    else {
+	nCircles = n2;
+    }
+  }
+  float DistZ = - tempz - _charge*tanradius*(_const_2pi*((float)nCircles) - phidiff);
+  return sqrt(DistXY*DistXY+DistZ*DistZ);
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToPoint(const float* xPoint, float distCut) {
+  std::vector<float> xPosition(xPoint, xPoint + 3 );//We are expecting three coordinates, must be +3, last element is excluded!
+  return getDistanceToPoint(xPosition, distCut);
+void HelixClass::setHelixEdges(float * xStart, float * xEnd) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    _xStart[i] = xStart[i];
+    _xEnd[i] = xEnd[i];
+  }
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToHelix(HelixClass * helix, float * pos, float * mom) {
+  float x01 = getXC();
+  float y01 = getYC();
+  float x02 = helix->getXC();
+  float y02 = helix->getYC();
+  float rad1 = getRadius();
+  float rad2 = helix->getRadius();
+  float distance = sqrt((x01-x02)*(x01-x02)+(y01-y02)*(y01-y02));
+  bool singlePoint = true;
+  float phi1 = 0;
+  float phi2 = 0;
+  if (rad1+rad2<distance) {
+    phi1 = atan2(y02-y01,x02-x01);
+    phi2 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
+  }
+  else if (distance+rad2<rad1) {
+    phi1 = atan2(y02-y01,x02-x01);
+    phi2 = phi1;
+  }
+  else if (distance+rad1<rad2) {
+    phi1 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
+    phi2 = phi1;
+  }
+  else {
+    singlePoint = false;
+    float cosAlpha = 0.5*(distance*distance+rad2*rad2-rad1*rad1)/(distance*rad2);
+    float alpha = acos(cosAlpha);
+    float phi0 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
+    phi1 = phi0 + alpha;
+    phi2 = phi0 - alpha;
+  }
+  float ref1[3];
+  float ref2[3];
+  for (int i=0;i<3;++i) {
+    ref1[i]=_referencePoint[i];
+    ref2[i]=helix->getReferencePoint()[i];
+  }
+  float pos1[3];
+  float pos2[3];
+  float mom1[3];
+  float mom2[3];
+  if (singlePoint ) {
+    float xSect1 = x01 + rad1*cos(phi1);
+    float ySect1 = y01 + rad1*sin(phi1);
+    float xSect2 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi2);
+    float ySect2 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi2);
+    float R1 = sqrt(xSect1*xSect1+ySect1*ySect1);
+    float R2 = sqrt(xSect2*xSect2+ySect2*ySect2);
+    getPointOnCircle(R1,ref1,pos1);
+    helix->getPointOnCircle(R2,ref2,pos2);
+  }
+  else {    
+    float xSect1 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi1);
+    float ySect1 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi1);
+    float xSect2 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi2);
+    float ySect2 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi2);
+//     std::cout << "(xSect1,ySect1)=(" << xSect1 << "," << ySect1 << ")" << std::endl;
+//     std::cout << "(xSect2,ySect2)=(" << xSect2 << "," << ySect2 << ")" << std::endl;
+    float temp21[3];
+    float temp22[3];
+    float phiI2  = atan2(ref2[1]-y02,ref2[0]-x02); 
+    float phiF21 = atan2(ySect1-y02,xSect1-x02);
+    float phiF22 = atan2(ySect2-y02,xSect2-x02);
+    float deltaPhi21 = phiF21 - phiI2;
+    float deltaPhi22 = phiF22 - phiI2;
+    float charge2 = helix->getCharge();
+    float pxy2 = helix->getPXY();
+    float pz2   = helix->getMomentum()[2];
+    if (deltaPhi21 < 0 && charge2 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi21 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi21 > 0 && charge2 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi21 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    if (deltaPhi22 < 0 && charge2 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi22 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi22 > 0 && charge2 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi22 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    float time21 = -charge2*deltaPhi21*rad2/pxy2;
+    float time22 = -charge2*deltaPhi22*rad2/pxy2;
+    float Z21 = ref2[2] + time21*pz2;
+    float Z22 = ref2[2] + time22*pz2;
+    temp21[0] = xSect1; temp21[1] = ySect1; temp21[2] = Z21;
+    temp22[0] = xSect2; temp22[1] = ySect2; temp22[2] = Z22;
+//     std::cout << "temp21 = " << temp21[0] << " " << temp21[1] << " " << temp21[2] << std::endl;
+//     std::cout << "temp22 = " << temp22[0] << " " << temp22[1] << " " << temp22[2] << std::endl;
+    float temp11[3];
+    float temp12[3];
+    float phiI1  = atan2(ref1[1]-y01,ref1[0]-x01); 
+    float phiF11 = atan2(ySect1-y01,xSect1-x01);
+    float phiF12 = atan2(ySect2-y01,xSect2-x01);
+    float deltaPhi11 = phiF11 - phiI1;
+    float deltaPhi12 = phiF12 - phiI1;
+    float charge1 = _charge;
+    float pxy1 = _pxy;
+    float pz1   = _momentum[2];
+    if (deltaPhi11 < 0 && charge1 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi11 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi11 > 0 && charge1 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi11 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    if (deltaPhi12 < 0 && charge1 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi12 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi12 > 0 && charge1 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi12 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    float time11 = -charge1*deltaPhi11*rad1/pxy1;
+    float time12 = -charge1*deltaPhi12*rad1/pxy1;
+    float Z11 = ref1[2] + time11*pz1;
+    float Z12 = ref1[2] + time12*pz1;
+    temp11[0] = xSect1; temp11[1] = ySect1; temp11[2] = Z11;
+    temp12[0] = xSect2; temp12[1] = ySect2; temp12[2] = Z12;
+//     std::cout << "temp11 = " << temp11[0] << " " << temp11[1] << " " << temp11[2] << std::endl;
+//     std::cout << "temp12 = " << temp12[0] << " " << temp12[1] << " " << temp12[2] << std::endl;
+    float Dist1 = 0;
+    float Dist2 = 0;
+    for (int j=0;j<3;++j) {
+      Dist1 += (temp11[j]-temp21[j])*(temp11[j]-temp21[j]);
+      Dist2 += (temp12[j]-temp22[j])*(temp12[j]-temp22[j]);
+    }
+    if (Dist1<Dist2) {
+      for (int l=0;l<3;++l) {
+	pos1[l] = temp11[l];
+	pos2[l] = temp21[l];
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+       for (int l=0;l<3;++l) {
+	pos1[l] = temp12[l];
+	pos2[l] = temp22[l];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  getExtrapolatedMomentum(pos1,mom1);
+  helix->getExtrapolatedMomentum(pos2,mom2);
+  float helixDistance = 0;
+  for (int i=0;i<3;++i) {
+    helixDistance += (pos1[i] - pos2[i])*(pos1[i] - pos2[i]);
+    pos[i] = 0.5*(pos1[i]+pos2[i]);
+    mom[i] = mom1[i]+mom2[i];
+  }
+  helixDistance = sqrt(helixDistance);
+  return helixDistance;
+void HelixClass::getExtrapolatedMomentum(float * pos, float * momentum) {
+  float phi = atan2(pos[1]-_yCentre,pos[0]-_xCentre);
+  if (phi <0.) phi += _const_2pi;
+  phi = phi - _phiAtPCA + _phi0;
+  momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(phi);
+  momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(phi);
+  momentum[2] = _momentum[2];
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d16ac955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+#include "HelixClass.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+//#include "ced_cli.h"
+HelixClass::HelixClass() {
+    _const_2pi = 2.0*M_PI;
+    _const_pi2 = 0.5*M_PI;
+    _FCT = 2.99792458E-4;
+HelixClass::~HelixClass() {}
+void HelixClass::Initialize_VP(float * pos, float * mom, float q, float B) {
+    _referencePoint[0] = pos[0];
+    _referencePoint[1] = pos[1];
+    _referencePoint[2] = pos[2];
+    _momentum[0] = mom[0];
+    _momentum[1] = mom[1];
+    _momentum[2] = mom[2];
+    _charge = q;
+    _bField = B;
+    _pxy = sqrt(mom[0]*mom[0]+mom[1]*mom[1]);
+    _radius = _pxy / (_FCT*B);
+    _omega = q/_radius;
+    _tanLambda = mom[2]/_pxy;
+    _phiMomRefPoint = atan2(mom[1],mom[0]);
+    _xCentre = pos[0] + _radius*cos(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q);
+    _yCentre = pos[1] + _radius*sin(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q);
+    _phiRefPoint = atan2(pos[1]-_yCentre,pos[0]-_xCentre);
+    _phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
+    _phi0 = -_const_pi2*q + _phiAtPCA;
+    while (_phi0<0) _phi0+=_const_2pi;
+    while (_phi0>=_const_2pi) _phi0-=_const_2pi;
+    _xAtPCA = _xCentre + _radius*cos(_phiAtPCA);
+    _yAtPCA = _yCentre + _radius*sin(_phiAtPCA);
+    //    _d0 = -_xAtPCA*sin(_phi0) + _yAtPCA*cos(_phi0);
+    double pxy = double(_pxy);
+    double radius = pxy/double(_FCT*B);
+    double xCentre = double(pos[0]) + radius*double(cos(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q));
+    double yCentre = double(pos[1]) + radius*double(sin(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q));
+    double d0;
+    if (q>0) {
+      d0 = double(q)*radius - double(sqrt(xCentre*xCentre+yCentre*yCentre));
+    }
+    else {
+      d0 = double(q)*radius + double(sqrt(xCentre*xCentre+yCentre*yCentre));
+    }
+    _d0 = float(d0);
+//     if (fabs(_d0)>0.001 ) {
+//       std::cout << "New helix : " << std::endl;
+//       std::cout << " Position : " << pos[0] 
+// 		<< " " << pos[1]
+// 		<< " " << pos[2] << std::endl;
+//       std::cout << " Radius = " << _radius << std::endl;
+//       std::cout << " RC = " << sqrt(_xCentre*_xCentre+_yCentre*_yCentre) << std::endl;  
+//       std::cout << " D0 = " << _d0 << std::endl;
+//     }
+    _pxAtPCA = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
+    _pyAtPCA = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
+    float deltaPhi = _phiRefPoint - _phiAtPCA;    
+    float xCircles = -pos[2]*q/(_radius*_tanLambda) - deltaPhi;
+    xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
+    int nCircles;
+    int n1,n2;
+    if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+	n1 = int(xCircles);
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+	n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+	nCircles = n1;
+    }
+    else {
+	nCircles = n2;
+    }
+    _z0 = pos[2] + _radius*_tanLambda*q*(deltaPhi + _const_2pi*nCircles);
+void HelixClass::Initialize_Canonical(float phi0, float d0, float z0, 
+				      float omega, float tanLambda, float B) {
+    _omega = omega;
+    _d0 = d0;
+    _phi0 = phi0;
+    _z0 = z0;
+    _tanLambda = tanLambda;
+    _charge = omega/fabs(omega);
+    _radius = 1./fabs(omega);
+    _xAtPCA = -_d0*sin(_phi0);
+    _yAtPCA = _d0*cos(_phi0);    
+    _referencePoint[0] = _xAtPCA;
+    _referencePoint[1] = _yAtPCA;
+    _referencePoint[2] = _z0;
+    _pxy = _FCT*B*_radius;
+    _momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
+    _momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
+    _momentum[2] = _tanLambda * _pxy;    
+    _pxAtPCA = _momentum[0];
+    _pyAtPCA = _momentum[1];
+    _phiMomRefPoint = atan2(_momentum[1],_momentum[0]);
+    _xCentre = _referencePoint[0] + 
+      _radius*cos(_phi0-_const_pi2*_charge);
+    _yCentre = _referencePoint[1] + 
+      _radius*sin(_phi0-_const_pi2*_charge);
+    _phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
+    _phiRefPoint =  _phiAtPCA ;
+    _bField = B;
+void HelixClass::Initialize_BZ(float xCentre, float yCentre, float radius, 
+			       float bZ, float phi0, float B, float signPz,
+			       float zBegin) {
+  _radius = radius;
+  _pxy = _FCT*B*_radius;
+  _charge = -(bZ*signPz)/fabs(bZ*signPz);
+  _momentum[2] = -_charge*_pxy/(bZ*_radius);
+  _xCentre = xCentre;
+  _yCentre = yCentre;
+  _omega = _charge/radius;
+  _phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
+  _phi0 = -_const_pi2*_charge + _phiAtPCA;
+  while (_phi0<0) _phi0+=_const_2pi;
+  while (_phi0>=_const_2pi) _phi0-=_const_2pi;
+  _xAtPCA = _xCentre + _radius*cos(_phiAtPCA);
+  _yAtPCA = _yCentre + _radius*sin(_phiAtPCA);
+  _d0 = -_xAtPCA*sin(_phi0) + _yAtPCA*cos(_phi0);
+  _pxAtPCA = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
+  _pyAtPCA = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
+  _referencePoint[2] = zBegin;
+  _referencePoint[0] = xCentre + radius*cos(bZ*zBegin+phi0);
+  _referencePoint[1] = yCentre + radius*sin(bZ*zBegin+phi0);
+  _phiRefPoint = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  _phiMomRefPoint =  -_const_pi2*_charge + _phiRefPoint;
+  _tanLambda = _momentum[2]/_pxy;
+  _momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(_phiMomRefPoint);
+  _momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(_phiMomRefPoint);
+  float deltaPhi = _phiRefPoint - _phiAtPCA;    
+  float xCircles = bZ*_referencePoint[2] - deltaPhi;
+  xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
+  int nCircles;
+  int n1,n2;
+  if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+    n1 = int(xCircles);
+    n2 = n1 + 1;
+  }
+  else {
+    n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+    n2 = n1 + 1;
+  }
+  if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+    nCircles = n1;
+  }
+  else {
+    nCircles = n2;
+  }  
+  _z0 = _referencePoint[2] - (deltaPhi + _const_2pi*nCircles)/bZ;  
+  _bField = B;
+const float * HelixClass::getMomentum() {
+    return _momentum;
+const float * HelixClass::getReferencePoint() {
+    return _referencePoint;
+float HelixClass::getPhi0() {
+  if (_phi0<0.0)
+    _phi0 += 2*M_PI;
+  return _phi0;
+float HelixClass::getD0() {
+    return _d0;
+float HelixClass::getZ0() {
+    return _z0;
+float HelixClass::getOmega() {
+    return _omega;
+float HelixClass::getTanLambda() {
+    return _tanLambda;
+float HelixClass::getPXY() {
+    return _pxy;
+float HelixClass::getXC() {
+  return _xCentre;
+float HelixClass::getYC() {
+  return _yCentre;
+float HelixClass::getRadius() {
+  return _radius;
+float HelixClass::getBz() {
+  return _bZ;
+float HelixClass::getPhiZ() {
+  return _phiZ;
+float HelixClass::getCharge() {
+    return _charge;
+float HelixClass::getPointInXY(float x0, float y0, float ax, float ay, 
+			      float * ref , float * point) {
+  float time;
+  float AA = sqrt(ax*ax+ay*ay);
+  if (AA <= 0) {
+    time = -1.0e+20; 
+    return time;
+  }
+  float BB = ax*(x0-_xCentre) + ay*(y0-_yCentre);
+  BB = BB / AA;
+  float CC = (x0-_xCentre)*(x0-_xCentre) 
+    + (y0-_yCentre)*(y0-_yCentre) - _radius*_radius;
+  CC = CC / AA;
+  float DET = BB*BB - CC;
+  float tt1 = 0.;
+  float tt2 = 0.;
+  float xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2; 
+  if (DET < 0 ) {
+    time = 1.0e+10;
+    point[0]=0.0;
+    point[1]=0.0;
+    point[2]=0.0;
+    return time;
+  }
+  tt1 = - BB + sqrt(DET);
+  tt2 = - BB - sqrt(DET);
+  xx1 = x0 + tt1*ax;
+  yy1 = y0 + tt1*ay;
+  xx2 = x0 + tt2*ax;
+  yy2 = y0 + tt2*ay;
+  float phi1 = atan2(yy1-_yCentre,xx1-_xCentre);
+  float phi2 = atan2(yy2-_yCentre,xx2-_xCentre);
+  float phi0 = atan2(ref[1]-_yCentre,ref[0]-_xCentre);
+  float dphi1 = phi1 - phi0;
+  float dphi2 = phi2 - phi0;
+  if (dphi1 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi1 = dphi1 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi1 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi1 = dphi1 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  if (dphi2 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi2 = dphi2 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi2 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi2 = dphi2 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  // Times
+  tt1 = -_charge*dphi1*_radius/_pxy;
+  tt2 = -_charge*dphi2*_radius/_pxy;
+  if (tt1 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt1 << std::endl;
+  if (tt2 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt2 << std::endl;
+  if (tt1 < tt2) {
+    point[0] = xx1;
+    point[1] = yy1;
+    time = tt1;
+  }
+  else {
+    point[0] = xx2;
+    point[1] = yy2;
+    time = tt2;
+  }
+  point[2] = ref[2]+time*_momentum[2];
+  return time;
+float HelixClass::getPointOnCircle(float Radius, float * ref, float * point) {
+  float distCenterToIP = sqrt(_xCentre*_xCentre + _yCentre*_yCentre);
+  point[0] = 0.0;
+  point[1] = 0.0;
+  point[2] = 0.0;
+  if ((distCenterToIP+_radius)<Radius) {
+    float xx = -1.0e+20;
+    return xx;
+  }
+  if ((_radius+Radius)<distCenterToIP) {
+    float xx = -1.0e+20;
+    return xx;
+  }
+  float phiCentre = atan2(_yCentre,_xCentre);
+  float phiStar   = Radius*Radius + distCenterToIP*distCenterToIP 
+                                    - _radius*_radius;
+  phiStar = 0.5*phiStar/fmax(1.0e-20,Radius*distCenterToIP);
+  if (phiStar > 1.0) 
+    phiStar = 0.9999999;
+  if (phiStar < -1.0)
+    phiStar = -0.9999999;
+  phiStar = acos(phiStar);
+  float tt1,tt2,time;
+  float xx1 = Radius*cos(phiCentre+phiStar);
+  float yy1 = Radius*sin(phiCentre+phiStar);
+  float xx2 = Radius*cos(phiCentre-phiStar);
+  float yy2 = Radius*sin(phiCentre-phiStar);
+  float phi1 = atan2(yy1-_yCentre,xx1-_xCentre);
+  float phi2 = atan2(yy2-_yCentre,xx2-_xCentre);
+  float phi0 = atan2(ref[1]-_yCentre,ref[0]-_xCentre);
+  float dphi1 = phi1 - phi0;
+  float dphi2 = phi2 - phi0;
+  if (dphi1 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi1 = dphi1 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi1 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi1 = dphi1 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  if (dphi2 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
+    dphi2 = dphi2 + _const_2pi;
+  }
+  else if (dphi2 > 0 && _charge > 0) { 
+    dphi2 = dphi2 - _const_2pi;
+  }
+  // Times
+  tt1 = -_charge*dphi1*_radius/_pxy;
+  tt2 = -_charge*dphi2*_radius/_pxy;
+  if (tt1 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt1 << std::endl;
+  if (tt2 < 0. )
+    std::cout << "WARNING " << tt2 << std::endl;
+  float time2;
+  if (tt1 < tt2) {
+    point[0] = xx1;
+    point[1] = yy1;
+    point[3] = xx2;
+    point[4] = yy2;
+    time = tt1;
+    time2 = tt2;
+  }
+  else {
+    point[0] = xx2;
+    point[1] = yy2;
+    point[3] = xx1;
+    point[4] = yy1;
+    time = tt2;
+    time2 = tt1;
+  }
+  point[2] = ref[2]+time*_momentum[2];
+  point[5] = ref[2]+time2*_momentum[2];
+  return time;
+float HelixClass::getPointInZ(float zLine, float * ref, float * point) {
+  float time = zLine - ref[2];
+  if (_momentum[2] == 0.) {
+    time = -1.0e+20;
+    point[0] = 0.;
+    point[1] = 0.;
+    point[2] = 0.;
+    return time;
+  }
+  time = time/_momentum[2];
+  float phi0 = atan2(ref[1] - _yCentre , ref[0] - _xCentre);
+  float phi = phi0 - _charge*_pxy*time/_radius;
+  float xx = _xCentre + _radius*cos(phi);
+  float yy = _yCentre + _radius*sin(phi);
+  point[0] = xx;
+  point[1] = yy;
+  point[2] = zLine;
+  return time;
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToPoint(float * xPoint, float * Distance) {
+  float zOnHelix;
+  float phi = atan2(xPoint[1]-_yCentre,xPoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  float phi0 = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  //calculate distance to XYprojected centre of Helix, comparing this with distance to radius around centre gives DistXY
+  float DistXY = (_xCentre-xPoint[0])*(_xCentre-xPoint[0]) + (_yCentre-xPoint[1])*(_yCentre-xPoint[1]);
+  DistXY = sqrt(DistXY);
+  DistXY = fabs(DistXY - _radius);
+  int nCircles = 0;
+  if (fabs(_tanLambda*_radius)>1.0e-20) {
+    float xCircles = phi0 - phi -_charge*(xPoint[2]-_referencePoint[2])/(_tanLambda*_radius);
+    xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
+    int n1,n2;
+    if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+	n1 = int(xCircles);
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+	n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+	nCircles = n1;
+    }
+    else {
+	nCircles = n2;
+    }
+  }
+  float DPhi = _const_2pi*((float)nCircles) + phi - phi0;
+  zOnHelix = _referencePoint[2] - _charge*_radius*_tanLambda*DPhi;
+  float DistZ = fabs(zOnHelix - xPoint[2]);
+  float Time;
+  if (fabs(_momentum[2]) > 1.0e-20) {
+    Time = (zOnHelix - _referencePoint[2])/_momentum[2];
+  }
+  else {
+    Time = _charge*_radius*DPhi/_pxy;
+  }
+  Distance[0] = DistXY;
+  Distance[1] = DistZ;
+  Distance[2] = sqrt(DistXY*DistXY+DistZ*DistZ);
+  return Time;
+//When we are not interested in the exact distance, we can check if we are
+//already far enough away in XY, before we start calculating in Z as the
+//distance will only increase
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToPoint(const std::vector<float>& xPoint, float distCut) {
+  //calculate distance to XYprojected centre of Helix, comparing this with distance to radius around centre gives DistXY
+  float tempx = xPoint[0]-_xCentre;
+  float tempy = xPoint[1]-_yCentre;
+  float tempsq = sqrt(tempx*tempx + tempy*tempy);
+  float tempdf = tempsq - _radius;
+  float DistXY = fabs( tempdf );
+  //If this is bigger than distCut, we dont have to know how much bigger this is
+  if( DistXY > distCut) {
+    return DistXY;
+  }
+  int nCircles = 0;
+  float phi = atan2(tempy,tempx);
+  float phi0 = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
+  float phidiff = phi0-phi;
+  float  tempz = xPoint[2] - _referencePoint[2];//Yes referencePoint
+  float tanradius = _tanLambda*_radius;
+  if (fabs(tanradius)>1.0e-20) {
+    float xCircles = (phidiff -_charge*tempz/tanradius)/_const_2pi;
+    int n1,n2;
+    if (xCircles >= 0.) {
+	n1 = int(xCircles);
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+	n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
+	n2 = n1 + 1;
+    }
+    if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
+	nCircles = n1;
+    }
+    else {
+	nCircles = n2;
+    }
+  }
+  float DistZ = - tempz - _charge*tanradius*(_const_2pi*((float)nCircles) - phidiff);
+  return sqrt(DistXY*DistXY+DistZ*DistZ);
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToPoint(const float* xPoint, float distCut) {
+  std::vector<float> xPosition(xPoint, xPoint + 3 );//We are expecting three coordinates, must be +3, last element is excluded!
+  return getDistanceToPoint(xPosition, distCut);
+void HelixClass::setHelixEdges(float * xStart, float * xEnd) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    _xStart[i] = xStart[i];
+    _xEnd[i] = xEnd[i];
+  }
+float HelixClass::getDistanceToHelix(HelixClass * helix, float * pos, float * mom) {
+  float x01 = getXC();
+  float y01 = getYC();
+  float x02 = helix->getXC();
+  float y02 = helix->getYC();
+  float rad1 = getRadius();
+  float rad2 = helix->getRadius();
+  float distance = sqrt((x01-x02)*(x01-x02)+(y01-y02)*(y01-y02));
+  bool singlePoint = true;
+  float phi1 = 0;
+  float phi2 = 0;
+  if (rad1+rad2<distance) {
+    phi1 = atan2(y02-y01,x02-x01);
+    phi2 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
+  }
+  else if (distance+rad2<rad1) {
+    phi1 = atan2(y02-y01,x02-x01);
+    phi2 = phi1;
+  }
+  else if (distance+rad1<rad2) {
+    phi1 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
+    phi2 = phi1;
+  }
+  else {
+    singlePoint = false;
+    float cosAlpha = 0.5*(distance*distance+rad2*rad2-rad1*rad1)/(distance*rad2);
+    float alpha = acos(cosAlpha);
+    float phi0 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
+    phi1 = phi0 + alpha;
+    phi2 = phi0 - alpha;
+  }
+  float ref1[3];
+  float ref2[3];
+  for (int i=0;i<3;++i) {
+    ref1[i]=_referencePoint[i];
+    ref2[i]=helix->getReferencePoint()[i];
+  }
+  float pos1[3];
+  float pos2[3];
+  float mom1[3];
+  float mom2[3];
+  if (singlePoint ) {
+    float xSect1 = x01 + rad1*cos(phi1);
+    float ySect1 = y01 + rad1*sin(phi1);
+    float xSect2 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi2);
+    float ySect2 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi2);
+    float R1 = sqrt(xSect1*xSect1+ySect1*ySect1);
+    float R2 = sqrt(xSect2*xSect2+ySect2*ySect2);
+    getPointOnCircle(R1,ref1,pos1);
+    helix->getPointOnCircle(R2,ref2,pos2);
+  }
+  else {    
+    float xSect1 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi1);
+    float ySect1 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi1);
+    float xSect2 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi2);
+    float ySect2 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi2);
+//     std::cout << "(xSect1,ySect1)=(" << xSect1 << "," << ySect1 << ")" << std::endl;
+//     std::cout << "(xSect2,ySect2)=(" << xSect2 << "," << ySect2 << ")" << std::endl;
+    float temp21[3];
+    float temp22[3];
+    float phiI2  = atan2(ref2[1]-y02,ref2[0]-x02); 
+    float phiF21 = atan2(ySect1-y02,xSect1-x02);
+    float phiF22 = atan2(ySect2-y02,xSect2-x02);
+    float deltaPhi21 = phiF21 - phiI2;
+    float deltaPhi22 = phiF22 - phiI2;
+    float charge2 = helix->getCharge();
+    float pxy2 = helix->getPXY();
+    float pz2   = helix->getMomentum()[2];
+    if (deltaPhi21 < 0 && charge2 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi21 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi21 > 0 && charge2 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi21 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    if (deltaPhi22 < 0 && charge2 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi22 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi22 > 0 && charge2 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi22 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    float time21 = -charge2*deltaPhi21*rad2/pxy2;
+    float time22 = -charge2*deltaPhi22*rad2/pxy2;
+    float Z21 = ref2[2] + time21*pz2;
+    float Z22 = ref2[2] + time22*pz2;
+    temp21[0] = xSect1; temp21[1] = ySect1; temp21[2] = Z21;
+    temp22[0] = xSect2; temp22[1] = ySect2; temp22[2] = Z22;
+//     std::cout << "temp21 = " << temp21[0] << " " << temp21[1] << " " << temp21[2] << std::endl;
+//     std::cout << "temp22 = " << temp22[0] << " " << temp22[1] << " " << temp22[2] << std::endl;
+    float temp11[3];
+    float temp12[3];
+    float phiI1  = atan2(ref1[1]-y01,ref1[0]-x01); 
+    float phiF11 = atan2(ySect1-y01,xSect1-x01);
+    float phiF12 = atan2(ySect2-y01,xSect2-x01);
+    float deltaPhi11 = phiF11 - phiI1;
+    float deltaPhi12 = phiF12 - phiI1;
+    float charge1 = _charge;
+    float pxy1 = _pxy;
+    float pz1   = _momentum[2];
+    if (deltaPhi11 < 0 && charge1 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi11 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi11 > 0 && charge1 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi11 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    if (deltaPhi12 < 0 && charge1 < 0) {
+      deltaPhi12 += _const_2pi;
+    }
+    else if (deltaPhi12 > 0 && charge1 > 0) { 
+      deltaPhi12 -= _const_2pi;
+    }
+    float time11 = -charge1*deltaPhi11*rad1/pxy1;
+    float time12 = -charge1*deltaPhi12*rad1/pxy1;
+    float Z11 = ref1[2] + time11*pz1;
+    float Z12 = ref1[2] + time12*pz1;
+    temp11[0] = xSect1; temp11[1] = ySect1; temp11[2] = Z11;
+    temp12[0] = xSect2; temp12[1] = ySect2; temp12[2] = Z12;
+//     std::cout << "temp11 = " << temp11[0] << " " << temp11[1] << " " << temp11[2] << std::endl;
+//     std::cout << "temp12 = " << temp12[0] << " " << temp12[1] << " " << temp12[2] << std::endl;
+    float Dist1 = 0;
+    float Dist2 = 0;
+    for (int j=0;j<3;++j) {
+      Dist1 += (temp11[j]-temp21[j])*(temp11[j]-temp21[j]);
+      Dist2 += (temp12[j]-temp22[j])*(temp12[j]-temp22[j]);
+    }
+    if (Dist1<Dist2) {
+      for (int l=0;l<3;++l) {
+	pos1[l] = temp11[l];
+	pos2[l] = temp21[l];
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+       for (int l=0;l<3;++l) {
+	pos1[l] = temp12[l];
+	pos2[l] = temp22[l];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  getExtrapolatedMomentum(pos1,mom1);
+  helix->getExtrapolatedMomentum(pos2,mom2);
+  float helixDistance = 0;
+  for (int i=0;i<3;++i) {
+    helixDistance += (pos1[i] - pos2[i])*(pos1[i] - pos2[i]);
+    pos[i] = 0.5*(pos1[i]+pos2[i]);
+    mom[i] = mom1[i]+mom2[i];
+  }
+  helixDistance = sqrt(helixDistance);
+  return helixDistance;
+void HelixClass::getExtrapolatedMomentum(float * pos, float * momentum) {
+  float phi = atan2(pos[1]-_yCentre,pos[0]-_xCentre);
+  if (phi <0.) phi += _const_2pi;
+  phi = phi - _phiAtPCA + _phi0;
+  momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(phi);
+  momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(phi);
+  momentum[2] = _momentum[2];
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..826a0d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#include "DataHelper/LineClass.h"
+#include <math.h> 
+ * Constructor
+ */
+LineClass::LineClass(float x0,
+		     float y0,
+		     float z0,
+		     float ax,
+		     float ay,
+		     float az) {
+  _x0[0] = x0;
+  _x0[1] = y0;
+  _x0[2] = z0;
+  _ax[0] = ax;
+  _ax[1] = ay;
+  _ax[2] = az;
+LineClass::LineClass(float *x0,
+		     float *ax) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    _x0[i] = x0[i];
+    _ax[i] = ax[i];
+  }
+float * LineClass::getReferencePoint() {
+  return _x0;
+float * LineClass::getDirectionalVector() {
+  return _ax;
+void LineClass::setReferencePoint(float *x0) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
+    _x0[i] = x0[i];
+void LineClass::setDirectionalVector(float *ax) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
+    _ax[i] = ax[i];
+float LineClass::getDistanceToPoint(float * xpoint, float * pos) {
+  float dif[3];
+  float prod = 0;
+  float den = 0;
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    dif[i] = xpoint[i] - _x0[i];
+    prod += _ax[i]*dif[i];
+    den += _ax[i]*_ax[i];
+  }
+  float time = prod/fmax(1e-10,den);
+  float dist = 0.0;
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    pos[i] = _x0[i] + _ax[i]*time;
+    dist += (xpoint[i]-pos[i])*(xpoint[i]-pos[i]);
+  }
+  dist = sqrt(dist);
+  return dist;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e23db1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#include "LineClass.h"
+#include <math.h> 
+ * Constructor
+ */
+LineClass::LineClass(float x0,
+		     float y0,
+		     float z0,
+		     float ax,
+		     float ay,
+		     float az) {
+  _x0[0] = x0;
+  _x0[1] = y0;
+  _x0[2] = z0;
+  _ax[0] = ax;
+  _ax[1] = ay;
+  _ax[2] = az;
+LineClass::LineClass(float *x0,
+		     float *ax) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    _x0[i] = x0[i];
+    _ax[i] = ax[i];
+  }
+float * LineClass::getReferencePoint() {
+  return _x0;
+float * LineClass::getDirectionalVector() {
+  return _ax;
+void LineClass::setReferencePoint(float *x0) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
+    _x0[i] = x0[i];
+void LineClass::setDirectionalVector(float *ax) {
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
+    _ax[i] = ax[i];
+float LineClass::getDistanceToPoint(float * xpoint, float * pos) {
+  float dif[3];
+  float prod = 0;
+  float den = 0;
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    dif[i] = xpoint[i] - _x0[i];
+    prod += _ax[i]*dif[i];
+    den += _ax[i]*_ax[i];
+  }
+  float time = prod/fmax(1e-10,den);
+  float dist = 0.0;
+  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+    pos[i] = _x0[i] + _ax[i]*time;
+    dist += (xpoint[i]-pos[i])*(xpoint[i]-pos[i]);
+  }
+  dist = sqrt(dist);
+  return dist;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd5444d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#include "DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h"
+#include "DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h"
+#include "DataHelper/TrackExtended.h"
+#include <math.h>
+TrackExtended::TrackExtended( ) {
+    _track = NULL;
+    _superCluster = NULL;
+    _trackerHitVector.clear();
+    _clusterVec.clear();
+    _group = NULL;
+TrackExtended::TrackExtended( Track * track) {
+    _track = track;
+    _superCluster = NULL;
+    _trackerHitVector.clear();
+    _clusterVec.clear();
+    _group = NULL;
+TrackExtended::TrackExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit) {
+    _trackerHitVector.clear();
+    _trackerHitVector.push_back(trackerhit);
+    _track = NULL;
+    _superCluster = NULL;
+    _clusterVec.clear();
+    _group = NULL;
+TrackExtended::~TrackExtended() {}
+Track * TrackExtended::getTrack() {
+    return _track;
+const float * TrackExtended::getSeedPosition() {
+    return _seedPosition;
+const float * TrackExtended::getSeedDirection() {
+    return _seedDirection;
+ClusterExtendedVec & TrackExtended::getClusterVec() {
+    return _clusterVec;
+ClusterExtended * TrackExtended::getSuperCluster() {
+    return _superCluster;
+TrackerHitExtendedVec & TrackExtended::getTrackerHitExtendedVec() {
+    return _trackerHitVector;
+void TrackExtended::addCluster(ClusterExtended * cluster) {
+    _clusterVec.push_back(cluster);
+void TrackExtended::setSuperCluster(ClusterExtended * superCluster) {
+    _superCluster = superCluster;
+void TrackExtended::setSeedDirection( float * seedDirection ) {
+    _seedDirection[0] = seedDirection[0];
+    _seedDirection[1] = seedDirection[1];
+    _seedDirection[2] = seedDirection[2];
+void TrackExtended::setSeedPosition( float * seedPosition) {
+    _seedPosition[0] = seedPosition[0];
+    _seedPosition[1] = seedPosition[1];
+    _seedPosition[2] = seedPosition[2];
+void TrackExtended::addTrackerHitExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit) {
+  _trackerHitVector.push_back(trackerhit);
+void TrackExtended::ClearTrackerHitExtendedVec() {
+  _trackerHitVector.clear();
+void TrackExtended::setX0( float x0 ) {
+  _x0 = x0;
+void TrackExtended::setD0( float d0 ) {
+  _d0 = d0;
+void TrackExtended::setZ0( float z0 ) {
+  _z0 = z0;
+void TrackExtended::setY0( float y0 ) {
+  _y0 = y0;
+void TrackExtended::setR0( float r0 ) {
+  _r0 = r0;
+void TrackExtended::setBz( float bz ) {
+  _bz = bz;
+void TrackExtended::setPhi0( float phi0 ) {
+  _phi0 = phi0;
+void TrackExtended::setPhi( float phi ) {
+  _phi = phi;
+void TrackExtended::setOmega( float omega ) {
+  _omega = omega;
+void TrackExtended::setTanLambda( float tanLambda ) {
+  _tanLambda = tanLambda;
+void TrackExtended::setNDF( int ndf) {
+  _ndf = ndf;
+float TrackExtended::getX0() {
+  return _x0;
+float TrackExtended::getY0() {
+  return _y0;
+float TrackExtended::getR0() {
+  return _r0;
+float TrackExtended::getBz() {
+  return _bz;
+float TrackExtended::getD0() {
+  return _d0;
+float TrackExtended::getZ0() {
+  return _z0;
+float TrackExtended::getPhi0() {
+  return _phi0;
+float TrackExtended::getPhi() {
+  return _phi;
+float TrackExtended::getOmega() {
+  return _omega;
+float TrackExtended::getTanLambda() {
+  return _tanLambda;
+int TrackExtended::getNDF() {
+  return _ndf;
+void TrackExtended::setStart(float * xStart) {
+  _xStart[0] = xStart[0];
+  _xStart[1] = xStart[1];
+  _xStart[2] = xStart[2];
+void TrackExtended::setEnd(float * xEnd) {
+  _xEnd[0] = xEnd[0];
+  _xEnd[1] = xEnd[1];
+  _xEnd[2] = xEnd[2];
+float * TrackExtended::getStart() {
+  return _xStart;
+float * TrackExtended::getEnd() {
+  return _xEnd;
+void TrackExtended::setGroupTracks( GroupTracks * group ) {
+  _group = group;
+GroupTracks * TrackExtended::getGroupTracks() {
+  return _group;
+float TrackExtended::getChi2() {
+  return _chi2;
+void TrackExtended::setChi2(float chi2) {
+  _chi2 = chi2;
+void TrackExtended::setCovMatrix(float * cov) {
+  for (int i=0; i<15; ++i)
+    _cov[i] = cov[i];
+float * TrackExtended::getCovMatrix() {
+  return _cov;
+// void TrackExtended::setType(int type) {
+//   _type = type
+// }
+// int TrackExtended::getType() {
+//   return _type;
+// }
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77393705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+#include "TrackerHitExtended.h"
+#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include <math.h>
+TrackExtended::TrackExtended( ) {
+    _track = NULL;
+    _superCluster = NULL;
+    _trackerHitVector.clear();
+    _clusterVec.clear();
+    _group = NULL;
+TrackExtended::TrackExtended( Track * track) {
+    _track = track;
+    _superCluster = NULL;
+    _trackerHitVector.clear();
+    _clusterVec.clear();
+    _group = NULL;
+TrackExtended::TrackExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit) {
+    _trackerHitVector.clear();
+    _trackerHitVector.push_back(trackerhit);
+    _track = NULL;
+    _superCluster = NULL;
+    _clusterVec.clear();
+    _group = NULL;
+TrackExtended::~TrackExtended() {}
+Track * TrackExtended::getTrack() {
+    return _track;
+const float * TrackExtended::getSeedPosition() {
+    return _seedPosition;
+const float * TrackExtended::getSeedDirection() {
+    return _seedDirection;
+ClusterExtendedVec & TrackExtended::getClusterVec() {
+    return _clusterVec;
+ClusterExtended * TrackExtended::getSuperCluster() {
+    return _superCluster;
+TrackerHitExtendedVec & TrackExtended::getTrackerHitExtendedVec() {
+    return _trackerHitVector;
+void TrackExtended::addCluster(ClusterExtended * cluster) {
+    _clusterVec.push_back(cluster);
+void TrackExtended::setSuperCluster(ClusterExtended * superCluster) {
+    _superCluster = superCluster;
+void TrackExtended::setSeedDirection( float * seedDirection ) {
+    _seedDirection[0] = seedDirection[0];
+    _seedDirection[1] = seedDirection[1];
+    _seedDirection[2] = seedDirection[2];
+void TrackExtended::setSeedPosition( float * seedPosition) {
+    _seedPosition[0] = seedPosition[0];
+    _seedPosition[1] = seedPosition[1];
+    _seedPosition[2] = seedPosition[2];
+void TrackExtended::addTrackerHitExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit) {
+  _trackerHitVector.push_back(trackerhit);
+void TrackExtended::ClearTrackerHitExtendedVec() {
+  _trackerHitVector.clear();
+void TrackExtended::setX0( float x0 ) {
+  _x0 = x0;
+void TrackExtended::setD0( float d0 ) {
+  _d0 = d0;
+void TrackExtended::setZ0( float z0 ) {
+  _z0 = z0;
+void TrackExtended::setY0( float y0 ) {
+  _y0 = y0;
+void TrackExtended::setR0( float r0 ) {
+  _r0 = r0;
+void TrackExtended::setBz( float bz ) {
+  _bz = bz;
+void TrackExtended::setPhi0( float phi0 ) {
+  _phi0 = phi0;
+void TrackExtended::setPhi( float phi ) {
+  _phi = phi;
+void TrackExtended::setOmega( float omega ) {
+  _omega = omega;
+void TrackExtended::setTanLambda( float tanLambda ) {
+  _tanLambda = tanLambda;
+void TrackExtended::setNDF( int ndf) {
+  _ndf = ndf;
+float TrackExtended::getX0() {
+  return _x0;
+float TrackExtended::getY0() {
+  return _y0;
+float TrackExtended::getR0() {
+  return _r0;
+float TrackExtended::getBz() {
+  return _bz;
+float TrackExtended::getD0() {
+  return _d0;
+float TrackExtended::getZ0() {
+  return _z0;
+float TrackExtended::getPhi0() {
+  return _phi0;
+float TrackExtended::getPhi() {
+  return _phi;
+float TrackExtended::getOmega() {
+  return _omega;
+float TrackExtended::getTanLambda() {
+  return _tanLambda;
+int TrackExtended::getNDF() {
+  return _ndf;
+void TrackExtended::setStart(float * xStart) {
+  _xStart[0] = xStart[0];
+  _xStart[1] = xStart[1];
+  _xStart[2] = xStart[2];
+void TrackExtended::setEnd(float * xEnd) {
+  _xEnd[0] = xEnd[0];
+  _xEnd[1] = xEnd[1];
+  _xEnd[2] = xEnd[2];
+float * TrackExtended::getStart() {
+  return _xStart;
+float * TrackExtended::getEnd() {
+  return _xEnd;
+void TrackExtended::setGroupTracks( GroupTracks * group ) {
+  _group = group;
+GroupTracks * TrackExtended::getGroupTracks() {
+  return _group;
+float TrackExtended::getChi2() {
+  return _chi2;
+void TrackExtended::setChi2(float chi2) {
+  _chi2 = chi2;
+void TrackExtended::setCovMatrix(float * cov) {
+  for (int i=0; i<15; ++i)
+    _cov[i] = cov[i];
+float * TrackExtended::getCovMatrix() {
+  return _cov;
+// void TrackExtended::setType(int type) {
+//   _type = type
+// }
+// int TrackExtended::getType() {
+//   return _type;
+// }
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackExtended.h~ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackExtended.h~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6cbd4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackExtended.h~
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#ifndef TRACKAR_H 
+#define TRACKAR_H 1
+//#include "lcio.h"
+//#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "plcio/Track.h"
+#include <vector>
+//#include "ClusterExtended.h"
+//#include "TrackerHitExtended.h"
+#include "GroupTracks.h"
+using namespace plcio;
+class ClusterExtended;
+//class GroupTracks;
+class TrackerHitExtended;
+typedef std::vector<TrackerHitExtended*> TrackerHitExtendedVec;
+typedef std::vector<ClusterExtended*> ClusterExtendedVec;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class Track. <br>
+ * Class TrackExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: TrackExtended.h,v 1.8 2007-09-05 09:39:49 rasp Exp $<br>
+ */
+class TrackExtended {
+ public:
+    TrackExtended( );
+    TrackExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit );
+    TrackExtended( plcio::Track * track );
+    ~TrackExtended();
+    plcio::Track * getTrack();
+    const float * getSeedDirection();
+    const float * getSeedPosition();
+    ClusterExtendedVec & getClusterVec();
+    ClusterExtended * getSuperCluster();
+    TrackerHitExtendedVec & getTrackerHitExtendedVec();
+    void addCluster(ClusterExtended * cluster);
+    void setSuperCluster(ClusterExtended * superCluster);
+    void setSeedDirection( float * seedDirection );
+    void setSeedPosition( float * seedPosition);
+    void addTrackerHitExtended( TrackerHitExtended * trackerhit);
+    void ClearTrackerHitExtendedVec();
+    void setX0(float x0);
+    void setY0(float y0);
+    void setR0(float r0);
+    void setD0(float d0);
+    void setZ0(float z0);
+    void setBz(float bz);
+    void setPhi0(float phi0);
+    void setPhi(float phi);
+    void setOmega(float omega);
+    void setTanLambda(float tanLambda);
+    void setStart(float * xStart);
+    void setEnd(float * xEnd);
+    float getX0();
+    float getY0();
+    float getD0();
+    float getZ0();
+    float getOmega();
+    float getTanLambda();
+    float getPhi();
+    float getR0();
+    float getBz();
+    float getPhi0();
+    float * getStart();
+    float * getEnd();
+    void setGroupTracks( GroupTracks * group );
+    GroupTracks * getGroupTracks();
+    float getChi2();
+    void setChi2(float chi2);
+    int getNDF();
+    void setNDF(int ndf);
+    float * getCovMatrix();
+    void setCovMatrix( float * cov);
+ private:
+    ClusterExtended *_superCluster;
+    ClusterExtendedVec _clusterVec;
+    GroupTracks * _group;
+    Track * _track;
+    float _seedDirection[3];
+    float _seedPosition[3];
+    TrackerHitExtendedVec _trackerHitVector;    
+    float _x0;
+    float _y0;
+    float _r0;
+    float _bz;
+    float _phi0;
+    float _xStart[3];
+    float _xEnd[3];
+    float _d0; // d0 in canonical parameterisation
+    float _z0; // z0 in canonical parameterisation
+    float _omega; // omega in canonical parameterisation
+    float _tanLambda; // tanlambda in canonical parameterisation
+    float _phi; // phi in canonical parameterisation 
+    float _chi2; // chi2 of the fit
+    float _cov[15]; // covariance matrix
+    int _ndf; // NDF
+    int _type; // Track type;
+typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2169bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include "DataHelper/TrackExtended.h"
+#include "DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h"
+TrackerHitExtended::TrackerHitExtended(const edm4hep::TrackerHit& trackerhit):
+  _trackerHit(trackerhit){
+  _trackAR = NULL;
+  _trackVecAR.clear();
+  _usedInFit = false;
+TrackerHitExtended::~TrackerHitExtended() {
+void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR) {
+    _trackAR = trackAR;
+    _trackVecAR.clear();
+    _trackVecAR.push_back(trackAR);
+void TrackerHitExtended::addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR) {
+  _trackVecAR.push_back(trackAR);
+TrackExtendedVec & TrackerHitExtended::getTrackExtendedVec() {
+  return _trackVecAR;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackerHitTo(TrackerHitExtended * hitTo) {
+    _hitTo = hitTo;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackerHitFrom(TrackerHitExtended * hitFrom) {
+    _hitFrom = hitFrom;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setGenericDistance(float genericDistance) {
+    _genericDistance = genericDistance; 
+//void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackerHit(edm4hep::TrackerHit * hit) {
+//    _trackerHit = hit;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setYresTo(float yresTo) {
+    _yresTo = yresTo;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setYresFrom(float yresFrom) {
+    _yresFrom = yresFrom;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setDirVec(float * dirVec) {
+    _dirVec[0] = dirVec[0];
+    _dirVec[1] = dirVec[1];
+    _dirVec[2] = dirVec[2];
+void TrackerHitExtended::setType(int ityp) {
+    _type = ityp;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setDet(int idet) {
+    _idet = idet;
+edm4hep::TrackerHit * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackerHit() {
+    return &_trackerHit;
+TrackExtended * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackExtended() {
+    return _trackAR;
+TrackerHitExtended * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackerHitFrom() {
+    return _hitFrom;
+TrackerHitExtended * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackerHitTo() {
+    return _hitTo;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getGenericDistance() {
+    return _genericDistance;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getYresTo() {
+    return _yresTo;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getYresFrom() {
+    return _yresFrom;
+float * TrackerHitExtended::getDirVec() {
+    return _dirVec;
+void TrackerHitExtended::clearTrackVec() {
+  _trackVecAR.clear();
+float TrackerHitExtended::getResolutionRPhi() {
+  return _rphiReso;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getResolutionZ() {
+  return _zReso;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setResolutionRPhi(float rphiReso) {
+  _rphiReso = rphiReso;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setResolutionZ(float zReso) {
+  _zReso = zReso;
+int TrackerHitExtended::getType() {
+    return _type;
+int TrackerHitExtended::getDet() {
+    return _idet;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setUsedInFit(bool usedInFit) {
+    _usedInFit = usedInFit;
+bool TrackerHitExtended::getUsedInFit() {
+    return _usedInFit;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..551b1923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include "TrackerHitExtended.h"
+TrackerHitExtended::TrackerHitExtended(const edm4hep::TrackerHit& trackerhit):
+  _trackerHit(trackerhit){
+  _trackAR = NULL;
+  _trackVecAR.clear();
+  _usedInFit = false;
+TrackerHitExtended::~TrackerHitExtended() {
+void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR) {
+    _trackAR = trackAR;
+    _trackVecAR.clear();
+    _trackVecAR.push_back(trackAR);
+void TrackerHitExtended::addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR) {
+  _trackVecAR.push_back(trackAR);
+TrackExtendedVec & TrackerHitExtended::getTrackExtendedVec() {
+  return _trackVecAR;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackerHitTo(TrackerHitExtended * hitTo) {
+    _hitTo = hitTo;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackerHitFrom(TrackerHitExtended * hitFrom) {
+    _hitFrom = hitFrom;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setGenericDistance(float genericDistance) {
+    _genericDistance = genericDistance; 
+//void TrackerHitExtended::setTrackerHit(edm4hep::TrackerHit * hit) {
+//    _trackerHit = hit;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setYresTo(float yresTo) {
+    _yresTo = yresTo;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setYresFrom(float yresFrom) {
+    _yresFrom = yresFrom;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setDirVec(float * dirVec) {
+    _dirVec[0] = dirVec[0];
+    _dirVec[1] = dirVec[1];
+    _dirVec[2] = dirVec[2];
+void TrackerHitExtended::setType(int ityp) {
+    _type = ityp;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setDet(int idet) {
+    _idet = idet;
+edm4hep::TrackerHit * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackerHit() {
+    return &_trackerHit;
+TrackExtended * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackExtended() {
+    return _trackAR;
+TrackerHitExtended * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackerHitFrom() {
+    return _hitFrom;
+TrackerHitExtended * TrackerHitExtended::getTrackerHitTo() {
+    return _hitTo;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getGenericDistance() {
+    return _genericDistance;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getYresTo() {
+    return _yresTo;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getYresFrom() {
+    return _yresFrom;
+float * TrackerHitExtended::getDirVec() {
+    return _dirVec;
+void TrackerHitExtended::clearTrackVec() {
+  _trackVecAR.clear();
+float TrackerHitExtended::getResolutionRPhi() {
+  return _rphiReso;
+float TrackerHitExtended::getResolutionZ() {
+  return _zReso;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setResolutionRPhi(float rphiReso) {
+  _rphiReso = rphiReso;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setResolutionZ(float zReso) {
+  _zReso = zReso;
+int TrackerHitExtended::getType() {
+    return _type;
+int TrackerHitExtended::getDet() {
+    return _idet;
+void TrackerHitExtended::setUsedInFit(bool usedInFit) {
+    _usedInFit = usedInFit;
+bool TrackerHitExtended::getUsedInFit() {
+    return _usedInFit;
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitExtended.h~ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitExtended.h~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2a85261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitExtended.h~
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+//#include "lcio.h"
+//#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "edm4hep/TrackerHit.h"
+//#include "TrackExtended.h"
+#include <vector>
+//using namespace edm4hep;
+class TrackExtended;
+typedef std::vector<TrackExtended*> TrackExtendedVec;
+ * Class extending native LCIO class TrackerHit. <br>
+ * Class TrackerHitExtended is used in TrackwiseClustering <br>
+ * and Wolf processors. <br>
+ * @author A. Raspereza (DESY)<br>
+ * @version $Id: TrackerHitExtended.h,v 1.7 2007-09-05 09:39:49 rasp Exp $<br>
+ */
+class TrackerHitExtended {
+ public:
+  TrackerHitExtended(const edm4hep::TrackerHit& trackerhit);
+  ~TrackerHitExtended();
+  void setTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR);
+    void addTrackExtended(TrackExtended * trackAR);
+    void setTrackerHitTo(TrackerHitExtended * hitTo);
+    void setTrackerHitFrom(TrackerHitExtended * hitFrom);
+    void setGenericDistance(float genericDistance);
+    void setTrackerHit(edm4hep::TrackerHit hit);
+    void setYresTo(float yresTo);
+    void setYresFrom(float yresFrom);
+    void setDirVec(float * dirVec);
+    void clearTrackVec();
+    void setResolutionRPhi(float rphiReso);
+    void setResolutionZ(float zReso);
+    void setType(int type);
+    void setDet(int idet);
+    void setUsedInFit(bool usedInFit);
+    edm4hep::TrackerHit* getTrackerHit();
+    TrackExtended * getTrackExtended();
+    TrackExtendedVec & getTrackExtendedVec();
+    TrackerHitExtended * getTrackerHitFrom();
+    TrackerHitExtended * getTrackerHitTo();
+    float getGenericDistance();
+    float getYresTo();
+    float getYresFrom();
+    float * getDirVec();
+    float getResolutionRPhi();
+    float getResolutionZ();
+    int getType();
+    int getDet();
+    bool getUsedInFit();
+ private:
+    edm4hep::TrackerHit _trackerHit;
+    TrackExtended * _trackAR;
+    TrackerHitExtended * _hitTo;
+    TrackerHitExtended * _hitFrom;
+    TrackExtendedVec _trackVecAR;
+    float _rphiReso;
+    float _zReso;
+    float _yresTo;
+    float _yresFrom;
+    float _genericDistance;
+    float _dirVec[3];
+    int _type;
+    int _idet;
+    bool _usedInFit;
+typedef std::vector<TrackerHitExtended*> TrackerHitExtendedVec; 