diff --git a/Detector/CMakeLists.txt b/Detector/CMakeLists.txt
index 57e6f2ce1389dc6690edf864c20b8862b81313f5..d628d7ab5b402422bff9135b662a12688c56841f 100644
--- a/Detector/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Detector/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ add_subdirectory(DetInterface)
diff --git a/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/CMakeLists.txt b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c65b50318a2d0040922057a2fcc36a84db3ec50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+##Package : MagneticFieldMap
+                 SOURCES src/GenericBFieldMapBrBz.cpp
+                         src/GenericBFieldMapBrBzFactory.cpp
+                         src/FieldMapFileProvider.cpp
+                 LINK Gaudi::GaudiKernel
+                      ${DD4hep_COMPONENT_LIBRARIES}
+                      ${ROOT_LIBRARIES}
+install(TARGETS MagneticFieldMap
diff --git a/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/FieldMapFileProvider.cpp b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/FieldMapFileProvider.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2eb352e4912a7d63eb797104beab25f59ec706ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/FieldMapFileProvider.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#include "FieldMapFileProvider.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+FieldMapFileProvider::FieldMapFileProvider(const std::string& url_)
+    : m_url(url_), nr(-1), nz(-1), 
+      rBinMin(-1), zBinMin(-1), 
+      rBinMax(-1), zBinMax(-1), 
+      drBin(-1), dzBin(-1) {
+    init();
+int FieldMapFileProvider::rBinIdx(double r, double& rn) {
+    // 
+    // | --- | --- | --- |
+    // ^        ^        ^
+    // rmin     |        rmax
+    //          r
+    //       | 
+    //    return
+    double absr = std::fabs(r);
+    int idx = -1;
+    // std::cout << "FieldMapFileProvider::rBinIdx: "
+    //           << " r: " << r
+    //           << " rBinMin: " << rBinMin
+    //           << " rBinMax: " << rBinMax
+    //           << std::endl;
+    if ( rBinMin <= absr && absr < rBinMax) {
+        idx = (absr - rBinMin) / drBin;
+        double r0 = rBinMin + idx*drBin;
+        rn = (absr - r0)/drBin;
+    }
+    return idx;
+int FieldMapFileProvider::zBinIdx(double z, double& zn) {
+    double absz = std::fabs(z);
+    int idx = -1;
+    if ( zBinMin <= absz && absz < zBinMax) {
+        idx = (absz - zBinMin) / dzBin;
+        double z0 = zBinMin + idx*dzBin;
+        zn = (absz - z0)/dzBin;
+    }
+    return idx;
+void FieldMapFileProvider::access(int rbin, int zbin, double& Br, double& Bz) {
+    // the valid bin should between [0, n)
+    // if the point is not in the valid region, return 0
+    if ((rbin < 0 || rbin >= nr) || (zbin < 0 || zbin >= nr)) {
+        Br = 0;
+        Bz = 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    // convert to the internal table (with left col and top row)
+    int ridx = rbin+1;
+    int zidx = zbin+1;
+    int globalidx = ridx + zidx*(nr+1);
+    Br = Brdata[globalidx];
+    Bz = Bzdata[globalidx];
+// ======================
+// Below are private impl
+// ======================
+void FieldMapFileProvider::init() {
+    // parse the url
+    //   Br=/tmp/lint/CEPCSW/Br.csv;Bz=/tmp/lint/CEPCSW/Bz.csv
+    std::map<std::string, std::string> url_parsed;
+    size_t idx_begin = 0;
+    size_t idx_end = m_url.find(";");
+    while (true) {
+        std::string keyval = m_url.substr(idx_begin, idx_end-idx_begin);
+        if (keyval.size()) {
+            std::cout << "---> keyval: " << keyval << std::endl;
+            // separate by '='
+            size_t idx_sep = keyval.find("=");
+            if (idx_sep == std::string::npos) {
+                std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] FieldMapFileProvider: Pleaes specify label=path. ";
+                throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+            }
+            std::string key = keyval.substr(0, idx_sep);
+            std::string val = keyval.substr(idx_sep+1);
+            std::cout << "-----> key: " << key << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "-----> val: " << val << std::endl;
+            // insert into map
+            // duplicated
+            if (url_parsed.count(key)) {
+                std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] FieldMapFileProvider: duplicated key '" + key + "'";
+                throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+            }
+            url_parsed[key] = val;
+        }
+        if (idx_end == std::string::npos) {
+            break;
+        }
+        idx_begin = idx_end+1;
+        idx_end = m_url.find(';', idx_begin);
+    }
+    // access the map 'url_parsed'
+    std::string key;
+    // load Br
+    key = "Br";
+    if (url_parsed.count(key) == 0) {
+        std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] FieldMapFileProvider: missing key '" + key + "'";
+        throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+    }
+    loadBr(url_parsed[key]);
+    // load Bz
+    key = "Bz";
+    if (url_parsed.count(key) == 0) {
+        std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] FieldMapFileProvider: missing key '" + key + "'";
+        throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+    }
+    loadBz(url_parsed[key]);
+bool FieldMapFileProvider::loadBr(const std::string& fn) {
+    //  ----> r
+    // |
+    // v
+    // z
+    // the shape
+    int ncol = -1;
+    int nrow = -1;
+    // load data
+    bool st = loadCSV(fn, Brdata, ncol, nrow);
+    // update the metadata
+    // for (int i = 0; i < ncol; ++i) {
+    //     std::cout << "i: " << i << " data[i]: " << data[i] << std::endl;
+    // }
+    nr = ncol-1; // skip the top row and left col
+    nz = nrow-1; 
+    rBinMin = Brdata[1];
+    zBinMin = Brdata[ncol];
+    rBinMax = Brdata[ncol-1];
+    zBinMax = Brdata[ncol*(nrow-1)];
+    drBin = (rBinMax-rBinMin) / (nr-1);
+    dzBin = (zBinMax-zBinMin) / (nz-1);
+    std::cout << "nr: " << nr << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "nz: " << nz << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "rBinMin: " << rBinMin << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "zBinMin: " << zBinMin << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "rBinMax: " << rBinMax << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "zBinMax: " << zBinMax << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "drBin: " << drBin << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "dzBin: " << dzBin << std::endl;
+    return true;
+bool FieldMapFileProvider::loadBz(const std::string& fn) {
+    // the shape
+    int ncol = -1;
+    int nrow = -1;
+    bool st = loadCSV(fn, Bzdata, ncol, nrow);
+    return true;
+bool FieldMapFileProvider::loadCSV(const std::string& fn, 
+                                   std::vector<double>& data, 
+                                   int& ncol, int& nrow) {
+    std::ifstream input(fn);
+    std::string tmpline;
+    ncol = 0;
+    nrow = 0;
+    while(std::getline(input, tmpline)) {
+        std::cout << "------> " << tmpline << std::endl;
+        ++nrow;
+        // split by ,
+        int col_per_line = 0;
+        size_t idx_begin = 0;
+        size_t idx_end = tmpline.find(",");
+        while (true) {
+            std::cout << "----------------> idx: "
+                      << idx_begin << "->" << idx_end << std::endl;
+            std::string val = tmpline.substr(idx_begin, idx_end-idx_begin);
+            double v = 0.0;
+            // parse val
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << val;
+            ss >> v;
+            // if (not ss.good()) {
+            //     v = 0;
+            //     ss.clear();
+            // }
+            std::cout << "----------------> v: " << v << std::endl;
+            // if (val.size()==0 || ) { // if it is empty or not number, use 0
+            //     data.push_back(0.0);
+            // } else {
+            // }
+            data.push_back(v);
+            ++col_per_line;
+            // break
+            if (idx_end == std::string::npos) {
+                break;
+            }
+            // goto next val
+            idx_begin = idx_end+1;
+            idx_end = tmpline.find(',', idx_begin);
+        }
+        // if it is the first line, we need to store the column sizes
+        if (ncol == 0) {
+            ncol = col_per_line;
+        }
+        std::cout << "--> ncol: " << ncol
+                  << " col_per_line: " << col_per_line
+                  << std::endl;
+        if (ncol != col_per_line) {
+            std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] FieldMapFileProvider: Mismatch columns. ";
+            throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+        }
+    }
+    std::cout << "SUMMARY: "
+              << " size of the data: " << data.size()
+              << " shape (ncol: " << ncol
+              << " , nrow: " << nrow
+              << ")" << std::endl;
+    return true;
diff --git a/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/FieldMapFileProvider.h b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/FieldMapFileProvider.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a754a7a2a1ae41864ca7c339adc968a12fb288a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/FieldMapFileProvider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#ifndef FieldMapFileProvider_h
+#define FieldMapFileProvider_h
+#include "IFieldMapProvider.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+class FieldMapFileProvider: public IFieldMapProvider {
+    FieldMapFileProvider(const std::string& url_);
+    // Meta data about the map
+    virtual int rBinIdx(double r, double& rn);
+    virtual int zBinIdx(double z, double& zn);
+    // The Br and Bz
+    virtual void access(int rbin, int zbin, double& Br, double& Bz);
+    void init();
+    bool loadBr(const std::string& fn);
+    bool loadBz(const std::string& fn);
+    bool loadCSV(const std::string& fn, std::vector<double>& data, int& ncol, int& nrow);
+    std::string m_url; // the url passed from GenericBFieldMapBrBz
+    std::string m_filename_Br;
+    std::string m_filename_Bz;
+    // the data will include the left col (z) and top row (r)
+    std::vector<double> Brdata;
+    std::vector<double> Bzdata;
+    // in this impl, the rBin/zBin should be consistent between Br and Bz.
+    int nr; // include the two endpoints, so nr = nrBin + 1
+    int nz;
+    double rBinMin;
+    double zBinMin;
+    double rBinMax;
+    double zBinMax;
+    double drBin;
+    double dzBin;
diff --git a/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBz.cpp b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBz.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b3218b3c2f47521c892e854e2732728cb7e7a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBz.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#include "GenericBFieldMapBrBz.h"
+#include "FieldMapFileProvider.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
+    : m_provider(nullptr) {
+    type = dd4hep::CartesianField::MAGNETIC;
+void GenericBFieldMapBrBz::fieldComponents(const double* pos, double* field) {
+    if (!m_provider) {
+        std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] GenericBFieldMapBrBz: No provider! ";
+        throw std::runtime_error(error_msg); 
+    }
+    // convert pos to r/z
+    double x = pos[0] / dd4hep::m; // convert to meter
+    double y = pos[1] / dd4hep::m;
+    double z = pos[2] / dd4hep::m;
+    double r = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
+    double phi = atan2(y, x);
+    // std::cout << " r: " << r
+    //           << " x: " << x
+    //           << " y: " << y
+    //           << " z: " << z
+    //           << " field Bx: " << field[0]
+    //           << " field By: " << field[1]
+    //           << " field Bz: " << field[2]
+    //           << std::endl;
+    // get the point r0/z0, r1/z1
+    // -- normalized r/z at the bin
+    double rn = 0.0;
+    double zn = 0.0;
+    int ir0 = 0;
+    int iz0 = 0;
+    ir0 = m_provider->rBinIdx(r, rn);
+    iz0 = m_provider->zBinIdx(z, zn);
+    // not in the valid return
+    if (ir0 < 0 || iz0 < 0) {
+        // std::cout << "SKIP due to "
+        //           << " r: " << r
+        //           << " x: " << x
+        //           << " y: " << y
+        //           << " z: " << z
+        //           << " ir0: " << ir0
+        //           << " iz0: " << iz0
+        //           << " rn: " << rn
+        //           << " zn: " << zn
+        //           << std::endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    // std::cout << " r: " << r
+    //           << " x: " << x
+    //           << " y: " << y
+    //           << " z: " << z
+    //           << " ir0: " << ir0
+    //           << " iz0: " << iz0
+    //           << " rn: " << rn
+    //           << " zn: " << zn
+    //           << std::endl;
+    int ir1 = ir0 + 1;
+    int iz1 = iz0 + 1;
+    // get the Br/Bz at four points
+    double Br_r0z0 = 0.0;    double Bz_r0z0 = 0.0;
+    double Br_r1z0 = 0.0;    double Bz_r1z0 = 0.0;
+    double Br_r0z1 = 0.0;    double Bz_r0z1 = 0.0;
+    double Br_r1z1 = 0.0;    double Bz_r1z1 = 0.0;
+    // calculate the field at r/z
+    m_provider->access(ir0, iz0, Br_r0z0, Bz_r0z0);
+    m_provider->access(ir1, iz0, Br_r1z0, Bz_r1z0);
+    m_provider->access(ir0, iz1, Br_r0z1, Bz_r0z1);
+    m_provider->access(ir1, iz1, Br_r1z1, Bz_r1z1);
+    double Br = (1.0 - rn) * (1.0 - zn) * Br_r0z0 
+              +        rn  * (1.0 - zn) * Br_r1z0
+              + (1.0 - rn) *        zn  * Br_r0z1
+              +        rn  *        zn  * Br_r1z1;
+    double Bz = (1.0 - rn) * (1.0 - zn) * Bz_r0z0 
+              +        rn  * (1.0 - zn) * Bz_r1z0
+              + (1.0 - rn) *        zn  * Bz_r0z1
+              +        rn  *        zn  * Bz_r1z1;
+    // update the global field
+    field[0] += Br*cos(phi);
+    field[1] += Br*sin(phi);
+    field[2] += Bz;
+    return;
+void GenericBFieldMapBrBz::init_provider(const std::string& provider, const std::string& url) {
+    if (provider == "file") {
+        std::cout << "Initialize provider with file. " << std::endl;
+        m_provider = new FieldMapFileProvider(url);
+    } else if (provider == "db") {
+        std::cout << "Initialize provider with file. " << std::endl;
+    } else {
+        std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] GenericBFieldMapBrBz: Unknown provider: " + provider;
+        throw std::runtime_error(error_msg); 
+    }
diff --git a/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBz.h b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBz.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93abfcfbbb5650d5e5945b774280e6586b1c17c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBz.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#ifndef GenericBFieldMapBrBz_h
+#define GenericBFieldMapBrBz_h
+ * GenericBFieldMapBrBz is an extension of Cartesian Field in DD4hep.
+ * - It enables the DD4hep to access the Magnetic Service from Gaudi. 
+ * - It also enables the calculation of Br/Bz at position X. 
+ * - It will get the map from an abstract class IFieldMapProvider.
+ *
+ * -- Tao Lin <lintao AT ihep.ac.cn>
+ */
+#include <DD4hep/FieldTypes.h>
+#include "IFieldMapProvider.h"
+class GenericBFieldMapBrBz: public dd4hep::CartesianField::Object {
+    GenericBFieldMapBrBz();
+    virtual void fieldComponents(const double* pos, double* field);
+    // following are interfaces to configure this field map
+    void init_provider(const std::string& provider, const std::string& url);
+    IFieldMapProvider* m_provider;
diff --git a/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBzFactory.cpp b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBzFactory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7d9fe302d75e214e290f52ebf2382441df305c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/GenericBFieldMapBrBzFactory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * In this file, the xml is parsed and the GenericBFieldMapBrBz object is created and configured.
+ * 
+ * The properties for the GenericBFieldMapBrBz
+ * - provider (attribute)
+ *   - [file, db]
+ * - source (tag)
+ *   - the attributes include: 
+ *     - url
+ *       - file path for the 'file' mode.
+ *       - DB instance ... for the 'db' mode.
+ * - rhoMin, rhoMax, zMin, zMax
+ * 
+ * -- Tao Lin <lintao AT ihep.ac.cn>
+ */
+#include "GenericBFieldMapBrBz.h"
+#include <DD4hep/Version.h>
+#if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE(0,24)
+#include <DD4hep/detail/Handle.inl>
+#include <DD4hep/Handle.inl>
+#include <DD4hep/FieldTypes.h>
+#include <DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h>
+#include <XML/Utilities.h>
+static dd4hep::Ref_t create_GenericBFieldMapBrBz(dd4hep::Detector& , 
+                                                 dd4hep::xml::Handle_t handle ) {
+    // 1. retrieve the parameters from xml
+    dd4hep::xml::Component xmlParameter(handle);
+    // - provider
+    bool hasProvider = xmlParameter.hasAttr(_Unicode(provider));
+    if (!hasProvider) {
+        std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] GenericBFieldMapBrBz: Must specify the 'provider'. ";
+        throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+    }
+    std::string provider = xmlParameter.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(provider));
+    // - source
+    bool hasSource = xmlParameter.hasChild(_Unicode(source));
+    if (!hasSource) {
+        std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] GenericBFieldMapBrBz: Must specify the 'source' tag. ";
+        throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+    }
+    dd4hep::xml::Component source(xmlParameter.child(_Unicode(source)));
+    // get the url
+    bool hasUrl = source.hasAttr(_Unicode(url));
+    if (!hasUrl) {
+        std::string error_msg = "[ERROR] GenericBFieldMapBrBz: Must specify the 'url' in 'source' tag. ";
+        throw std::runtime_error(error_msg);
+    }
+    std::string url = source.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(url));
+    // 2. create the CartesianField
+    dd4hep::CartesianField obj;
+    GenericBFieldMapBrBz* ptr = new GenericBFieldMapBrBz();
+    ptr->init_provider(provider, url);
+    obj.assign(ptr, xmlParameter.nameStr(), xmlParameter.typeStr());
+    return obj;
diff --git a/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/IFieldMapProvider.h b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/IFieldMapProvider.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1e8d948ef3797926f43a892fe21ef61eafdb207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/MagneticFieldMap/src/IFieldMapProvider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#ifndef IFieldMapProvider_h
+#define IFieldMapProvider_h
+ * IFieldMapProvider will provide the B-Field at a 2D grid (r-z).
+ * The provider will return the bin index for r/z. Then the GenericBFieldMapBrBz
+ * will use this bin index to get the values at (r0,z0), (r1,z0), (r0,z1), (r1,z1).
+ * The interpolation is not computated IFieldMapProvider. Please see GenericBFieldMapBrBz. 
+ *
+ * -- Tao Lin <lintao AT ihep.ac.cn>
+ */
+class IFieldMapProvider {
+    // Meta data about the map
+    // return rn/zn is the normalized value in the bin. the value is [0,1]
+    virtual int rBinIdx(double r, double& rn) = 0;
+    virtual int zBinIdx(double z, double& zn) = 0;
+    // The Br and Bz
+    virtual void access(int rbin, int zbin, double& Br, double& Bz) = 0;