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 # Quick start
-## Start development environment in a Singularity Container
+## Start development environment in lxslc7 (CentOS 7)
-Start the container in lxslc7 (OS: CentOS7):
-$ /cvmfs/ shell SL6
+$ ssh -Y
 ## Manage code using git
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-# Tutorial on CEPCSW simulation
-Tao Lin
-17 Sept. 2020
-[CEPCSW Tutorial, 2020, IHEP](
-## What will learn in this Tutorial?
-* As Users
-  * Run a simple simulation job in CEPCSW
-  * Understand and Customize the simulation
-  * Analyze the simulation output
-* As Developers
-  * Understand the simulation framework
-  * Learn basics on Geant4 simulation
-  * Simulate with different detector options
-* Note: the emoji :writing_hand: means exercises
-### CEPCSW Simulation Framework
-* The simulation chain is driven by Gaudi.
-* Detector description is from DD4hep.
-* Event Data Model is in EDM4hep format.
-* Detector response is done by Geant4.
-#### Code is on GitHub
-* Detector description: [See Detector](
-* Event generator interface: [See Generator](
-* Detector simulation: [See Simulation](
-  * [DetSimInterface: Gaudi Tool interface](
-  * [DetSimCore: integrate Gaudi and Geant4](
-  * [DetSimGeom: integrate with DD4hep](
-  * [DetSimAna: collect data from Geant4](
-  * [DetSimSD: detector response](
-* Job options: [See Examples/options](
-### Run simulation in CEPCSW
-* The simulation is run by following command:
-$ ./ Examples/options/
-* The job option: `Examples/options/`. &lt;!-- .element: style=&#34;color:yellow; &#34; --&gt;
-* :writing_hand: copy the job option into your current directory. Edit your job option in the later exercises. 
-$ cp Examples/options/
-### What&#39;s inside the job option?
-* Random Number Service
-  * Use `Seeds` option to control the random number sequences.
-* Event Data Service and PODIO writer
-* Geometry Service
-  * Different detector options could be loaded here via `compact` option.
-* Physics generator algorithm
-* Detector simulation algorithm
-#### Save detector response into ROOT file
-from Configurables import PodioOutput
-out = PodioOutput(&#34;outputalg&#34;)
-out.filename = &#34;test-detsim10-seed42.root&#34;
-out.outputCommands = [&#34;keep *&#34;]
-* The EDM4hep format is used in the detector response.
-* All the collections created in simulation will be saved.
-* :writing_hand: modify the output file name.
-#### Control how many events to be simulated
-from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
-ApplicationMgr( TopAlg = [genalg, detsimalg, out],
-                EvtSel = &#39;NONE&#39;,
-                EvtMax = 10,
-                ExtSvc = [rndmengine, dsvc, geosvc],
-* :writing_hand: modify the `EvtMax` property and check the entries in the output.
-#### Random Number 
-from Configurables import RndmGenSvc, HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__RanluxEngine_
-# rndmengine = HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__RanluxEngine_() # The default engine in Gaudi
-rndmengine = HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__HepJamesRandom_() # The default engine in Geant4
-rndmengine.SetSingleton = True
-rndmengine.Seeds = [42]
-* Seed is used to initialize the state of the random number engine.
-* If two job set the same seed, the outputs will be same.
-* :writing_hand: modify the seed and see the difference.
-#### Geometry / Detector Description
-geometry_option = &#34;CepC_v4-onlyVXD.xml&#34;
-geometry_path = os.path.join(os.getenv(&#34;DETCEPCV4ROOT&#34;), 
-                             &#34;compact&#34;, geometry_option)
-from Configurables import GeomSvc
-geosvc = GeomSvc(&#34;GeomSvc&#34;)
-geosvc.compact = geometry_path
-* The compact file is in XML format, which describes the detector. 
-* :writing_hand: change the geometry path and run simulation again.
-geometry_path = &#34;Detector/DetEcalMatrix/compact/det.xml&#34;
-#### Customize primary particles
-##### Particle Gun
-gun = GtGunTool(&#34;GtGunTool&#34;)
-gun.Particles =  [&#34;pi+&#34;, &#34;pi-&#34;]
-gun.EnergyMins = [100.,  100]  # GeV
-gun.EnergyMaxs = [100.,  100]  # GeV
-gun.ThetaMins =  [0,     0]    # deg
-gun.ThetaMaxs =  [180.,  180]  # deg
-gun.PhiMins =    [0.,    0.]   # deg
-gun.PhiMaxs =    [360.,  360.] # deg
-* Particle name can be found in [`$ROOTSYS/etc/pdg_table.txt`](
-* :writing_hand: change the particles, energies and directions.
-##### Event Generators
-stdheprdr = StdHepRdr(&#34;StdHepRdr&#34;)
-stdheprdr.Input = &#34;/cefs/data/stdhep/CEPC250/2fermions/E250.Pbhabha.e0.p0.whizard195/bhabha.e0.p0.00001.stdhep&#34;
-genalg = GenAlgo(&#34;GenAlgo&#34;)
-genalg.GenTools = [&#34;StdHepRdr&#34;]
-* There are several readers to read the output of event generators in different formats
-  * StdHep: `StdHepRdr`, lcio: `SLCIORdr`, HepMC: `HepMCRdr`.
-* :writing_hand: use the different readers to load different samples.
-* [The existing samples could be found here.](
-#### Customize Geant4 using [built-in commands](
-##### :writing_hand: Turn on the verbose during tracking 
-detsimalg.RunCmds = [
-    &#34;/tracking/verbose 1&#34;,
-# Or
-detsimalg.RunMacs = [
-    &#34;run.mac&#34;,
-# Below is the content of run.mac
-/tracking/verbose 1
-* Each step will be print out. Remeber to redirect the output to a file.
-$ ./ &gt;&amp; mylog
-##### Geant4 tracking output
-* G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
-Step#    X(mm)    Y(mm)    Z(mm) KinE(MeV)  dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng  NextVolume ProcName
-    0        0        0        0     1e+05        0        0         0      pWorld initStep
-    1 1.03e+03  1.8e+04  1.1e-12         0        0  1.8e+04   1.8e+04      pWorld conv
-* G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Track ID = 4,   Parent ID = 1
-Step#    X(mm)    Y(mm)    Z(mm) KinE(MeV)  dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng  NextVolume ProcName
-    0 1.03e+03  1.8e+04  1.1e-12  2.91e+04        0        0         0      pWorld initStep
-    1 1.04e+03  1.8e+04 -0.00523  2.91e+04   0.0117     54.9      54.9      pWorld eIoni
-    2 1.04e+03 1.81e+04 -0.00912  2.91e+04  0.00604     38.7      93.6      pWorld eIoni
-    3 1.06e+03 1.84e+04  -0.0404  2.91e+04   0.0634      321       415      pWorld eIoni
-    4 1.06e+03 1.84e+04  -0.0416  2.91e+04  0.00234     13.1       428      pWorld eIoni
-&lt;!-- .element: style=&#34;color:yellow; font-size:small&#34; --&gt;
-* From this output, you can see the current track and its stepping information.
-* Particle name, current track ID, parent track ID
-* Step position, deposit energy
-##### :writing_hand: Visualize using Geant4
-* Enable following command in your job option:
-detsimalg.VisMacs = [&#34;Examples/options/vis.mac&#34;]
-* :warning: If your X Server supports the G4 OpenGL, the detector will be shown.
-  * Try [Xming X Server]( in Windows.
-* :notebook: [Visualization in Geant4 Documentation](
-  * G4 UI commands during visualization
-/vis/scene/add/axes 0 0 0 3 m
-##### Snapshot: The Qt based Geant4 visualization
-![G4Vis]( =600x500)
-:writing_hand: Play with Geant4 Visualization  
-&lt;!-- .element: style=&#34;color:yellow&#34; --&gt;
-### Analyze the simulation output
-* :writing_hand: Modify the geometry option and run the simulation
-geometry_option = &#34;CepC_v4-onlyECAL.xml&#34;
-* :writing_hand: Plot the `EcalBarrelCollection` in ROOT
-root [] events-&gt;Draw(&#34;EcalBarrelCollection.position.y:EcalBarrelCollection.position.x&#34;)
-root [] events-&gt;Draw(&#34;EcalBarrelCollection.position.y:EcalBarrelCollection.position.x&#34;, &#34;Entry$==0&#34;)
-&lt;!-- .element: style=&#34;color:yellow; font-size:small&#34; --&gt;
-#### See the branches in the `events` tree
-root [] events-&gt;Print()
-*Br  146 :EcalBarrelCollection.cellID :                                      *
-*         | ULong64_t cellID[EcalBarrelCollection_]                          *
-*Entries :       10 : Total  Size=    1398779 bytes  File Size  =     420214 *
-*Baskets :        4 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   3.33     *
-*Br  147 : Float_t energy[EcalBarrelCollection_]*
-*Entries :       10 : Total  Size=     699855 bytes  File Size  =     163107 *
-*Baskets :        3 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   4.29     *
-*Br  148 :EcalBarrelCollection.position.x : Float_t x[EcalBarrelCollection_] *
-*Entries :       10 : Total  Size=     699865 bytes  File Size  =     466951 *
-*Baskets :        3 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.50     *
-*Br  149 :EcalBarrelCollection.position.y : Float_t y[EcalBarrelCollection_] *
-*Entries :       10 : Total  Size=     699865 bytes  File Size  =     469393 *
-*Baskets :        3 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.49     *
-*Br  150 :EcalBarrelCollection.position.z : Float_t z[EcalBarrelCollection_] *
-*Entries :       10 : Total  Size=     699865 bytes  File Size  =     560229 *
-*Baskets :        3 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.25     *
-&lt;!-- .element: style=&#34;color:yellow; font-size:small&#34; --&gt;
-# Thank you for your attention
-* [Create issue]( Report a bug
-* [Pull Request]( Fix a bug or Implement a feature
-Your contributions are welcome!
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 # Tutorial
-* [New CEPCSW Tutorial and detector study, IHEP, 17-18 Sept 2020](
-  * [Tutorial on CEPCSW simulation](
+* [CEPCSW Tutorial and detector study, IHEP, 17-18 Sept 2020](