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# Howto scan the material
## Introduction
Use DD4hep tool [materialScan]( to get the material passing through for a geatino partical (i.e. a straight line) at a given angle.
## Material Scan
Select the dd4hep geometry files you wish to scan, and run the given script.
# Scan the material for a specific detector
root -l 'src/ScanMaterial.cpp("input_file.xml", "output_file.txt", bins, world_size)'
# example: scan the material for the BeamPipe detector
root -l 'src/ScanMaterial.cpp("Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyBeamPipe.xml", "BeamPipe.txt", 100, 10000)'
The "FILE* outFile" truncates the "stdout" output stream to the output_file.txt ("MaterialScanLogs.txt" by default), so you can't see any output. Be patient and wait for the file to be created, it may take 1-2 minutes depending on the detectors & the number of bins.
*bins* is the number of bins for theta and phi, *world_size* is the size of the scanning area (mm).
The output_file.txt contains all the material passing through for a straight line at the given angles with the size of bins of theta and phi.
## Draw the material budget for single xml file
We give an example script [options/](options/ to draw the material budget from the scan file generated above (e.x. MaterialScanLogs.txt).
# Draw the material budget for single xml file
# --input_file: the scan file generated above
# --output_file: the output file name (default: material_budget.png)
# --detector: the detector name to be used as the title of the plot (default: all_world)
# --bins: the bins of theta and phi (default: 100), the theta-bins is set to "bins"+1, the phi-bins is set to "bins"*2+1
# --bias: the bias used to cut the theta range to [bias, bins-bias] (default: 0)
python options/ \
--input_file MaterialScanLogs.txt \
--output_file material_budget.png \
--detector all_world \
--bins 100 \
--bias 0
Make sure the property "bins" is the same as the one used in the [Material Scan](#material-scan).
The output is a png file shows the material budget at different theta and phi, and the average X0 for theta/phi.
## Draw the material budget for multiple xml files
For multiple xml files, we can use the script [options/](options/ to draw the material budget.
# Draw the material budget for multiple xml files
# --input_files: the scan files generated above, files names separated with spaces
# --labels: the labels name to be used as the legend of the plot
# --output_file: the output file name (default: accumulated_material_budget.png)
# --bins: the bins of theta and phi (default: 100), the theta-bins is set to "bins"+1, the phi-bins is set to "bins"*2+1
# --bias: the bias used to cut the theta range to [bias, bins-bias] (default: 0)
python options/ \
--input_file BeamPipe.txt Lumical.txt VXD.txt FTD.txt SIT.txt \
--labels BeamPipe Lumical VXD FTD SIT \
--output_file accumulated_material_budget.png \
--bins 100 \
--bias 0
The output is a png file shows the average X0 for theta/phi with different labels.
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import argparse
def extract_x0_values(filename):
"""Extract x0 values from a single file"""
x0_values = []
counter = 0
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
if '| 0 Average Material' in line:
counter += 1
items = [item.strip() for item in line.split('|')]
x0_value = float(items[1].split()[10])
print(f"Processing file {filename}: ", counter, " x0: ", x0_value)
return x0_values
def process_multiple_files(file_list, bins, bias):
"""Process multiple files and return their x0 matrices"""
theta_bins = bins + 1
phi_bins = bins*2 + 1
range_theta = [bias, theta_bins-bias]
matrices = []
for file in file_list:
x0_values = extract_x0_values(file)
x0_matrix = np.array(x0_values).reshape(theta_bins, phi_bins)[range_theta[0]:range_theta[1], :]
return matrices
def plot_accumulated_projections(matrices, output_file, bins, bias, labels):
"""Plot accumulated projections"""
theta_bins = bins + 1
phi_bins = bins*2 + 1
range_theta = [bias, theta_bins-bias]
# Create angle arrays
phi = np.linspace(-180, 180, phi_bins)
theta = np.linspace(range_theta[0]*180/theta_bins, range_theta[1]*180/theta_bins, range_theta[1]-range_theta[0])
# Create figure
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 8))
# Accumulation data
accumulated_theta = np.zeros_like(theta)
accumulated_phi = np.zeros_like(phi)
colors =, 1, len(matrices)))
# Plot phi projection
for i, matrix in enumerate(matrices):
phi_projection = np.sum(matrix, axis=0) / (range_theta[1]-range_theta[0])
accumulated_phi += phi_projection
ax1.fill_between(phi, accumulated_phi, accumulated_phi - phi_projection,
label=labels[i], color=colors[i], alpha=0.6)
# Plot theta projection
for i, matrix in enumerate(matrices):
theta_projection = np.sum(matrix, axis=1) / phi_bins
accumulated_theta += theta_projection
ax2.fill_between(theta, accumulated_theta, accumulated_theta - theta_projection,
label=labels[i], color=colors[i], alpha=0.6)
# Set phi projection plot
ax1.set_title('Accumulated Projection along Phi', fontsize=14, pad=10)
ax1.set_xlabel('Phi (degree)', fontsize=12)
ax1.set_ylabel('Accumulated X/X0', fontsize=12)
ax1.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
# Set theta projection plot
ax2.set_title('Accumulated Projection along Theta', fontsize=14, pad=10)
ax2.set_xlabel('Theta (degree)', fontsize=12)
ax2.set_ylabel('Accumulated X/X0', fontsize=12)
ax2.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
plt.suptitle('Detector Material Budget Accumulation Analysis', fontsize=16, y=0.95)
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process multiple material scan data and generate accumulated distribution plots.')
parser.add_argument('--input_files', nargs='+', required=True,
help='List of input files in order')
parser.add_argument('--labels', nargs='+', required=True,
help='Labels for each input file')
parser.add_argument('--output_file', default='accumulated_material_budget.png',
help='Output PNG file path')
parser.add_argument('--bins', type=int, default=100,
help='theta bins is "bins"+1, phi bins is "bins"*2+1, (default: 100)')
parser.add_argument('--bias', type=int, default=0,
help='Bias value for theta range (default: 0)')
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args.input_files) != len(args.labels):
raise ValueError("Number of input files must match number of labels!")
# Process all input files
matrices = process_multiple_files(args.input_files, args.bins, args.bias)
# Plot accumulated graphs
plot_accumulated_projections(matrices, args.output_file, args.bins, args.bias, args.labels)
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import argparse
def extract_x0_values(filename):
x0_values = []
counter = 0
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
if '| 0 Average Material' in line:
counter += 1
items = [item.strip() for item in line.split('|')]
x0_value = float(items[1].split()[10])
print("processing: ", counter, " x0: ", x0_value)
return x0_values
def plot_all_in_one(x0_values, output_file, bins, bias, detector):
"""Plot all charts in one figure"""
theta_bins = bins + 1
phi_bins = bins*2 + 1
range_theta = [bias, theta_bins-bias]
# Adjust figure size and ratio, increase height to accommodate title
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(28, 8))
# Adjust spacing between subplots and top margin
gs = fig.add_gridspec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1.2, 1, 1], wspace=0.25, top=0.85)
# Add three subplots
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) # Heat map
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) # Phi projection
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2]) # Theta projection
# Draw heat map
X0_matrix = np.array(x0_values).reshape(theta_bins, phi_bins)[range_theta[0]:range_theta[1], :]
phi = np.linspace(-180, 180, phi_bins)
theta = np.linspace(range_theta[0]*180/theta_bins, range_theta[1]*180/theta_bins, range_theta[1]-range_theta[0])
THETA, PHI = np.meshgrid(theta, phi)
im = ax1.pcolormesh(THETA, PHI, X0_matrix.T, shading='auto', cmap='viridis')
cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax1)
cbar.set_label('X/X0', fontsize=12)
ax1.set_title('Material Budget Distribution', fontsize=12, pad=10)
ax1.set_xlabel('Theta (angle)', fontsize=10)
ax1.set_ylabel('Phi (angle)', fontsize=10)
# Draw phi projection
phi_projection = np.sum(X0_matrix, axis=0) / (range_theta[1]-range_theta[0])
ax2.plot(phi, phi_projection, 'b-', linewidth=2)
ax2.fill_between(phi, phi_projection, alpha=0.3)
ax2.set_title('Projection along Phi', fontsize=12, pad=10)
ax2.set_xlabel('Phi (degree)', fontsize=10)
ax2.set_ylabel('Average X/X0', fontsize=10)
ax2.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
# Draw theta projection
theta_projection = np.sum(X0_matrix, axis=1) / phi_bins
ax3.plot(theta, theta_projection, 'r-', linewidth=2)
ax3.fill_between(theta, theta_projection, alpha=0.3)
ax3.set_title('Projection along Theta', fontsize=12, pad=10)
ax3.set_xlabel('Theta (degree)', fontsize=10)
ax3.set_ylabel('Average X/X0', fontsize=10)
ax3.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
# Adjust main title position
plt.suptitle('Material Budget Analysis for {}'.format(detector),
fontsize=16, # Increase font size
y=0.95) # Adjust title vertical position
plt.savefig(output_file, dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process material scan data and generate plots.')
parser.add_argument('--input_file', help='Path to the input text file')
parser.add_argument('--output_file', default='material_budget.png', help='Path to the output png file')
parser.add_argument('--detector', default='all_world', help='Detector name')
parser.add_argument('--bins', type=int, default=100, help='theta bins is "bins"+1, phi bins is "bins"*2+1, (default: 100)')
parser.add_argument('--bias', type=int, default=0, help='Bias value for theta range (default: 0)')
args = parser.parse_args()
# all_world Coil Ecal FTD Hcal Lumical Muon OTK ParaffinEndcap SIT TPC VXD
# bias detectors: BeamPipe onlyTracker
# Extract detector name from filename
x0_values = extract_x0_values(args.input_file)
plot_all_in_one(x0_values, args.output_file, args.bins, args.bias, args.detector)
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
#include <DD4hep/Detector.h>
#include <DDRec/MaterialScan.h>
#include <fstream>
void ScanMaterial(string infile, string outfile="MaterialScanLogs.txt", int bins=100, double world_size=1000){
using namespace dd4hep;
using namespace dd4hep::rec;
cout << "Usage: root -l 'ScanMaterial.cpp(\"input_file.xml\", \"output_file.txt\", bins, world_size)' " << endl;
Detector& description = Detector::getInstance();
MaterialScan scan(description);
std::ofstream clearFile(outfile.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
FILE* outFile = freopen(outfile.c_str(), "w", stdout);
for(int thetabin=0; thetabin<=bins; thetabin++){
double theta = thetabin * M_PI / bins;
double z = world_size*cos(theta);
double tranverse = world_size*sin(theta);
for(int phibin=-bins; phibin<=bins; phibin++){
double phi = phibin * M_PI / bins;
double x = tranverse*cos(phi);
double y = tranverse*sin(phi);
\ No newline at end of file
SOURCES src/ReadDigiAlg.cpp
LINK k4FWCore::k4FWCore
EDM4HEP::edm4hep EDM4HEP::edm4hepDict
install(TARGETS ReadDigi
#include "HelixClassD.hh"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
//#include "ced_cli.h"
HelixClassD::HelixClassD() {
_const_2pi = 2.0*M_PI;
_const_pi2 = 0.5*M_PI;
_FCT = 2.99792458E-4;
HelixClassD::~HelixClassD() {}
void HelixClassD::Initialize_VP(float * pos, float * mom, float q, float B) {
_referencePoint[0] = pos[0];
_referencePoint[1] = pos[1];
_referencePoint[2] = pos[2];
_momentum[0] = mom[0];
_momentum[1] = mom[1];
_momentum[2] = mom[2];
_charge = q;
_bField = B;
_pxy = sqrt(mom[0]*mom[0]+mom[1]*mom[1]);
_radius = _pxy / (_FCT*B);
_omega = q/_radius;
_tanLambda = mom[2]/_pxy;
_phiMomRefPoint = atan2(mom[1],mom[0]);
_xCentre = pos[0] + _radius*cos(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q);
_yCentre = pos[1] + _radius*sin(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q);
_phiRefPoint = atan2(pos[1]-_yCentre,pos[0]-_xCentre);
_phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
_phi0 = -_const_pi2*q + _phiAtPCA;
while (_phi0<0) _phi0+=_const_2pi;
while (_phi0>=_const_2pi) _phi0-=_const_2pi;
_xAtPCA = _xCentre + _radius*cos(_phiAtPCA);
_yAtPCA = _yCentre + _radius*sin(_phiAtPCA);
// _d0 = -_xAtPCA*sin(_phi0) + _yAtPCA*cos(_phi0);
double pxy = double(_pxy);
double radius = pxy/double(_FCT*B);
double xCentre = double(pos[0]) + radius*double(cos(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q));
double yCentre = double(pos[1]) + radius*double(sin(_phiMomRefPoint-_const_pi2*q));
double d0;
if (q>0) {
d0 = double(q)*radius - double(sqrt(xCentre*xCentre+yCentre*yCentre));
else {
d0 = double(q)*radius + double(sqrt(xCentre*xCentre+yCentre*yCentre));
_d0 = float(d0);
// if (fabs(_d0)>0.001 ) {
// std::cout << "New helix : " << std::endl;
// std::cout << " Position : " << pos[0]
// << " " << pos[1]
// << " " << pos[2] << std::endl;
// std::cout << " Radius = " << _radius << std::endl;
// std::cout << " RC = " << sqrt(_xCentre*_xCentre+_yCentre*_yCentre) << std::endl;
// std::cout << " D0 = " << _d0 << std::endl;
// }
_pxAtPCA = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
_pyAtPCA = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
float deltaPhi = _phiRefPoint - _phiAtPCA;
float xCircles = -pos[2]*q/(_radius*_tanLambda) - deltaPhi;
xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
int nCircles;
int n1,n2;
if (xCircles >= 0.) {
n1 = int(xCircles);
n2 = n1 + 1;
else {
n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
n2 = n1 + 1;
if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
nCircles = n1;
else {
nCircles = n2;
_z0 = pos[2] + _radius*_tanLambda*q*(deltaPhi + _const_2pi*nCircles);
void HelixClassD::Initialize_Canonical(float phi0, float d0, float z0,
float omega, float tanLambda, float B) {
_omega = omega;
_d0 = d0;
_phi0 = phi0;
_z0 = z0;
_tanLambda = tanLambda;
_charge = omega/fabs(omega);
_radius = 1./fabs(omega);
_xAtPCA = -_d0*sin(_phi0);
_yAtPCA = _d0*cos(_phi0);
_referencePoint[0] = _xAtPCA;
_referencePoint[1] = _yAtPCA;
_referencePoint[2] = _z0;
_pxy = _FCT*B*_radius;
_momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
_momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
_momentum[2] = _tanLambda * _pxy;
_pxAtPCA = _momentum[0];
_pyAtPCA = _momentum[1];
_phiMomRefPoint = atan2(_momentum[1],_momentum[0]);
_xCentre = _referencePoint[0] +
_yCentre = _referencePoint[1] +
_phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
_phiRefPoint = _phiAtPCA ;
_bField = B;
void HelixClassD::Initialize_BZ(float xCentre, float yCentre, float radius,
float bZ, float phi0, float B, float signPz,
float zBegin) {
_radius = radius;
_pxy = _FCT*B*_radius;
_charge = -(bZ*signPz)/fabs(bZ*signPz);
_momentum[2] = -_charge*_pxy/(bZ*_radius);
_xCentre = xCentre;
_yCentre = yCentre;
_omega = _charge/radius;
_phiAtPCA = atan2(-_yCentre,-_xCentre);
_phi0 = -_const_pi2*_charge + _phiAtPCA;
while (_phi0<0) _phi0+=_const_2pi;
while (_phi0>=_const_2pi) _phi0-=_const_2pi;
_xAtPCA = _xCentre + _radius*cos(_phiAtPCA);
_yAtPCA = _yCentre + _radius*sin(_phiAtPCA);
_d0 = -_xAtPCA*sin(_phi0) + _yAtPCA*cos(_phi0);
_pxAtPCA = _pxy*cos(_phi0);
_pyAtPCA = _pxy*sin(_phi0);
_referencePoint[2] = zBegin;
_referencePoint[0] = xCentre + radius*cos(bZ*zBegin+phi0);
_referencePoint[1] = yCentre + radius*sin(bZ*zBegin+phi0);
_phiRefPoint = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
_phiMomRefPoint = -_const_pi2*_charge + _phiRefPoint;
_tanLambda = _momentum[2]/_pxy;
_momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(_phiMomRefPoint);
_momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(_phiMomRefPoint);
float deltaPhi = _phiRefPoint - _phiAtPCA;
float xCircles = bZ*_referencePoint[2] - deltaPhi;
xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
int nCircles;
int n1,n2;
if (xCircles >= 0.) {
n1 = int(xCircles);
n2 = n1 + 1;
else {
n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
n2 = n1 + 1;
if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
nCircles = n1;
else {
nCircles = n2;
_z0 = _referencePoint[2] - (deltaPhi + _const_2pi*nCircles)/bZ;
_bField = B;
const float * HelixClassD::getMomentum() {
return _momentum;
const float * HelixClassD::getReferencePoint() {
return _referencePoint;
float HelixClassD::getPhi0() {
if (_phi0<0.0)
_phi0 += 2*M_PI;
return _phi0;
float HelixClassD::getD0() {
return _d0;
float HelixClassD::getZ0() {
return _z0;
float HelixClassD::getOmega() {
return _omega;
float HelixClassD::getTanLambda() {
return _tanLambda;
float HelixClassD::getPXY() {
return _pxy;
float HelixClassD::getXC() {
return _xCentre;
float HelixClassD::getYC() {
return _yCentre;
float HelixClassD::getRadius() {
return _radius;
float HelixClassD::getBz() {
return _bZ;
float HelixClassD::getPhiZ() {
return _phiZ;
float HelixClassD::getCharge() {
return _charge;
float HelixClassD::getPointInXY(float x0, float y0, float ax, float ay,
float * ref , float * point) {
float time;
float AA = sqrt(ax*ax+ay*ay);
if (AA <= 0) {
time = -1.0e+20;
return time;
float BB = ax*(x0-_xCentre) + ay*(y0-_yCentre);
BB = BB / AA;
float CC = (x0-_xCentre)*(x0-_xCentre)
+ (y0-_yCentre)*(y0-_yCentre) - _radius*_radius;
CC = CC / AA;
float DET = BB*BB - CC;
float tt1 = 0.;
float tt2 = 0.;
float xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2;
if (DET < 0 ) {
time = 1.0e+10;
return time;
tt1 = - BB + sqrt(DET);
tt2 = - BB - sqrt(DET);
xx1 = x0 + tt1*ax;
yy1 = y0 + tt1*ay;
xx2 = x0 + tt2*ax;
yy2 = y0 + tt2*ay;
float phi1 = atan2(yy1-_yCentre,xx1-_xCentre);
float phi2 = atan2(yy2-_yCentre,xx2-_xCentre);
float phi0 = atan2(ref[1]-_yCentre,ref[0]-_xCentre);
float dphi1 = phi1 - phi0;
float dphi2 = phi2 - phi0;
if (dphi1 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
dphi1 = dphi1 + _const_2pi;
else if (dphi1 > 0 && _charge > 0) {
dphi1 = dphi1 - _const_2pi;
if (dphi2 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
dphi2 = dphi2 + _const_2pi;
else if (dphi2 > 0 && _charge > 0) {
dphi2 = dphi2 - _const_2pi;
// Times
tt1 = -_charge*dphi1*_radius/_pxy;
tt2 = -_charge*dphi2*_radius/_pxy;
if (tt1 < 0. )
std::cout << "WARNING " << tt1 << std::endl;
if (tt2 < 0. )
std::cout << "WARNING " << tt2 << std::endl;
if (tt1 < tt2) {
point[0] = xx1;
point[1] = yy1;
time = tt1;
else {
point[0] = xx2;
point[1] = yy2;
time = tt2;
point[2] = ref[2]+time*_momentum[2];
return time;
float HelixClassD::getPointOnCircle(float Radius, float * ref, float * point) {
float distCenterToIP = sqrt(_xCentre*_xCentre + _yCentre*_yCentre);
point[0] = 0.0;
point[1] = 0.0;
point[2] = 0.0;
if ((distCenterToIP+_radius)<Radius) {
float xx = -1.0e+20;
return xx;
if ((_radius+Radius)<distCenterToIP) {
float xx = -1.0e+20;
return xx;
float phiCentre = atan2(_yCentre,_xCentre);
float phiStar = Radius*Radius + distCenterToIP*distCenterToIP
- _radius*_radius;
phiStar = 0.5*phiStar/fmax(1.0e-20,Radius*distCenterToIP);
if (phiStar > 1.0)
phiStar = 0.9999999;
if (phiStar < -1.0)
phiStar = -0.9999999;
phiStar = acos(phiStar);
float tt1,tt2,time;
float xx1 = Radius*cos(phiCentre+phiStar);
float yy1 = Radius*sin(phiCentre+phiStar);
float xx2 = Radius*cos(phiCentre-phiStar);
float yy2 = Radius*sin(phiCentre-phiStar);
float phi1 = atan2(yy1-_yCentre,xx1-_xCentre);
float phi2 = atan2(yy2-_yCentre,xx2-_xCentre);
float phi0 = atan2(ref[1]-_yCentre,ref[0]-_xCentre);
float dphi1 = phi1 - phi0;
float dphi2 = phi2 - phi0;
if (dphi1 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
dphi1 = dphi1 + _const_2pi;
else if (dphi1 > 0 && _charge > 0) {
dphi1 = dphi1 - _const_2pi;
if (dphi2 < 0 && _charge < 0) {
dphi2 = dphi2 + _const_2pi;
else if (dphi2 > 0 && _charge > 0) {
dphi2 = dphi2 - _const_2pi;
// Times
tt1 = -_charge*dphi1*_radius/_pxy;
tt2 = -_charge*dphi2*_radius/_pxy;
if (tt1 < 0. )
std::cout << "WARNING " << tt1 << std::endl;
if (tt2 < 0. )
std::cout << "WARNING " << tt2 << std::endl;
float time2;
if (tt1 < tt2) {
point[0] = xx1;
point[1] = yy1;
point[3] = xx2;
point[4] = yy2;
time = tt1;
time2 = tt2;
else {
point[0] = xx2;
point[1] = yy2;
point[3] = xx1;
point[4] = yy1;
time = tt2;
time2 = tt1;
point[2] = ref[2]+time*_momentum[2];
point[5] = ref[2]+time2*_momentum[2];
return time;
float HelixClassD::getPointInZ(float zLine, float * ref, float * point) {
float time = zLine - ref[2];
if (_momentum[2] == 0.) {
time = -1.0e+20;
point[0] = 0.;
point[1] = 0.;
point[2] = 0.;
return time;
time = time/_momentum[2];
float phi0 = atan2(ref[1] - _yCentre , ref[0] - _xCentre);
float phi = phi0 - _charge*_pxy*time/_radius;
float xx = _xCentre + _radius*cos(phi);
float yy = _yCentre + _radius*sin(phi);
point[0] = xx;
point[1] = yy;
point[2] = zLine;
return time;
int HelixClassD::getNCircle(float * xPoint) {
int nCircles = 0;
float phi = atan2(xPoint[1]-_yCentre,xPoint[0]-_xCentre);
float phi0 = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
if (fabs(_tanLambda*_radius)>1.0e-20) {
float xCircles = phi0 - phi -_charge*(xPoint[2]-_referencePoint[2])/(_tanLambda*_radius);
xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
int n1,n2;
if (xCircles >= 0.) {
n1 = int(xCircles);
n2 = n1 + 1;
else {
n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
n2 = n1 + 1;
if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
nCircles = n1;
else {
nCircles = n2;
return nCircles;
float HelixClassD::getDistanceToPoint(float * xPoint, float * Distance) {
float zOnHelix;
float phi = atan2(xPoint[1]-_yCentre,xPoint[0]-_xCentre);
float phi0 = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
//calculate distance to XYprojected centre of Helix, comparing this with distance to radius around centre gives DistXY
float DistXY = (_xCentre-xPoint[0])*(_xCentre-xPoint[0]) + (_yCentre-xPoint[1])*(_yCentre-xPoint[1]);
DistXY = sqrt(DistXY);
DistXY = fabs(DistXY - _radius);
int nCircles = 0;
if (fabs(_tanLambda*_radius)>1.0e-20) {
float xCircles = phi0 - phi -_charge*(xPoint[2]-_referencePoint[2])/(_tanLambda*_radius);
xCircles = xCircles/_const_2pi;
int n1,n2;
if (xCircles >= 0.) {
n1 = int(xCircles);
n2 = n1 + 1;
else {
n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
n2 = n1 + 1;
if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
nCircles = n1;
else {
nCircles = n2;
float DPhi = _const_2pi*((float)nCircles) + phi - phi0;
zOnHelix = _referencePoint[2] - _charge*_radius*_tanLambda*DPhi;
float DistZ = fabs(zOnHelix - xPoint[2]);
float Time;
if (fabs(_momentum[2]) > 1.0e-20) {
Time = (zOnHelix - _referencePoint[2])/_momentum[2];
else {
Time = _charge*_radius*DPhi/_pxy;
Distance[0] = DistXY;
Distance[1] = DistZ;
Distance[2] = sqrt(DistXY*DistXY+DistZ*DistZ);
return Time;
//When we are not interested in the exact distance, we can check if we are
//already far enough away in XY, before we start calculating in Z as the
//distance will only increase
float HelixClassD::getDistanceToPoint(const std::vector<float>& xPoint, float distCut) {
//calculate distance to XYprojected centre of Helix, comparing this with distance to radius around centre gives DistXY
float tempx = xPoint[0]-_xCentre;
float tempy = xPoint[1]-_yCentre;
float tempsq = sqrt(tempx*tempx + tempy*tempy);
float tempdf = tempsq - _radius;
float DistXY = fabs( tempdf );
//If this is bigger than distCut, we dont have to know how much bigger this is
if( DistXY > distCut) {
return DistXY;
int nCircles = 0;
float phi = atan2(tempy,tempx);
float phi0 = atan2(_referencePoint[1]-_yCentre,_referencePoint[0]-_xCentre);
float phidiff = phi0-phi;
float tempz = xPoint[2] - _referencePoint[2];//Yes referencePoint
float tanradius = _tanLambda*_radius;
if (fabs(tanradius)>1.0e-20) {
float xCircles = (phidiff -_charge*tempz/tanradius)/_const_2pi;
int n1,n2;
if (xCircles >= 0.) {
n1 = int(xCircles);
n2 = n1 + 1;
else {
n1 = int(xCircles) - 1;
n2 = n1 + 1;
if (fabs(n1-xCircles) < fabs(n2-xCircles)) {
nCircles = n1;
else {
nCircles = n2;
float DistZ = - tempz - _charge*tanradius*(_const_2pi*((float)nCircles) - phidiff);
return sqrt(DistXY*DistXY+DistZ*DistZ);
float HelixClassD::getDistanceToPoint(const float* xPoint, float distCut) {
std::vector<float> xPosition(xPoint, xPoint + 3 );//We are expecting three coordinates, must be +3, last element is excluded!
return getDistanceToPoint(xPosition, distCut);
void HelixClassD::setHelixEdges(float * xStart, float * xEnd) {
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
_xStart[i] = xStart[i];
_xEnd[i] = xEnd[i];
float HelixClassD::getDistanceToHelix(HelixClassD * helix, float * pos, float * mom) {
float x01 = getXC();
float y01 = getYC();
float x02 = helix->getXC();
float y02 = helix->getYC();
float rad1 = getRadius();
float rad2 = helix->getRadius();
float distance = sqrt((x01-x02)*(x01-x02)+(y01-y02)*(y01-y02));
bool singlePoint = true;
float phi1 = 0;
float phi2 = 0;
if (rad1+rad2<distance) {
phi1 = atan2(y02-y01,x02-x01);
phi2 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
else if (distance+rad2<rad1) {
phi1 = atan2(y02-y01,x02-x01);
phi2 = phi1;
else if (distance+rad1<rad2) {
phi1 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
phi2 = phi1;
else {
singlePoint = false;
float cosAlpha = 0.5*(distance*distance+rad2*rad2-rad1*rad1)/(distance*rad2);
float alpha = acos(cosAlpha);
float phi0 = atan2(y01-y02,x01-x02);
phi1 = phi0 + alpha;
phi2 = phi0 - alpha;
float ref1[3];
float ref2[3];
for (int i=0;i<3;++i) {
float pos1[3];
float pos2[3];
float mom1[3];
float mom2[3];
if (singlePoint ) {
float xSect1 = x01 + rad1*cos(phi1);
float ySect1 = y01 + rad1*sin(phi1);
float xSect2 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi2);
float ySect2 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi2);
float R1 = sqrt(xSect1*xSect1+ySect1*ySect1);
float R2 = sqrt(xSect2*xSect2+ySect2*ySect2);
else {
float xSect1 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi1);
float ySect1 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi1);
float xSect2 = x02 + rad2*cos(phi2);
float ySect2 = y02 + rad2*sin(phi2);
// std::cout << "(xSect1,ySect1)=(" << xSect1 << "," << ySect1 << ")" << std::endl;
// std::cout << "(xSect2,ySect2)=(" << xSect2 << "," << ySect2 << ")" << std::endl;
float temp21[3];
float temp22[3];
float phiI2 = atan2(ref2[1]-y02,ref2[0]-x02);
float phiF21 = atan2(ySect1-y02,xSect1-x02);
float phiF22 = atan2(ySect2-y02,xSect2-x02);
float deltaPhi21 = phiF21 - phiI2;
float deltaPhi22 = phiF22 - phiI2;
float charge2 = helix->getCharge();
float pxy2 = helix->getPXY();
float pz2 = helix->getMomentum()[2];
if (deltaPhi21 < 0 && charge2 < 0) {
deltaPhi21 += _const_2pi;
else if (deltaPhi21 > 0 && charge2 > 0) {
deltaPhi21 -= _const_2pi;
if (deltaPhi22 < 0 && charge2 < 0) {
deltaPhi22 += _const_2pi;
else if (deltaPhi22 > 0 && charge2 > 0) {
deltaPhi22 -= _const_2pi;
float time21 = -charge2*deltaPhi21*rad2/pxy2;
float time22 = -charge2*deltaPhi22*rad2/pxy2;
float Z21 = ref2[2] + time21*pz2;
float Z22 = ref2[2] + time22*pz2;
temp21[0] = xSect1; temp21[1] = ySect1; temp21[2] = Z21;
temp22[0] = xSect2; temp22[1] = ySect2; temp22[2] = Z22;
// std::cout << "temp21 = " << temp21[0] << " " << temp21[1] << " " << temp21[2] << std::endl;
// std::cout << "temp22 = " << temp22[0] << " " << temp22[1] << " " << temp22[2] << std::endl;
float temp11[3];
float temp12[3];
float phiI1 = atan2(ref1[1]-y01,ref1[0]-x01);
float phiF11 = atan2(ySect1-y01,xSect1-x01);
float phiF12 = atan2(ySect2-y01,xSect2-x01);
float deltaPhi11 = phiF11 - phiI1;
float deltaPhi12 = phiF12 - phiI1;
float charge1 = _charge;
float pxy1 = _pxy;
float pz1 = _momentum[2];
if (deltaPhi11 < 0 && charge1 < 0) {
deltaPhi11 += _const_2pi;
else if (deltaPhi11 > 0 && charge1 > 0) {
deltaPhi11 -= _const_2pi;
if (deltaPhi12 < 0 && charge1 < 0) {
deltaPhi12 += _const_2pi;
else if (deltaPhi12 > 0 && charge1 > 0) {
deltaPhi12 -= _const_2pi;
float time11 = -charge1*deltaPhi11*rad1/pxy1;
float time12 = -charge1*deltaPhi12*rad1/pxy1;
float Z11 = ref1[2] + time11*pz1;
float Z12 = ref1[2] + time12*pz1;
temp11[0] = xSect1; temp11[1] = ySect1; temp11[2] = Z11;
temp12[0] = xSect2; temp12[1] = ySect2; temp12[2] = Z12;
// std::cout << "temp11 = " << temp11[0] << " " << temp11[1] << " " << temp11[2] << std::endl;
// std::cout << "temp12 = " << temp12[0] << " " << temp12[1] << " " << temp12[2] << std::endl;
float Dist1 = 0;
float Dist2 = 0;
for (int j=0;j<3;++j) {
Dist1 += (temp11[j]-temp21[j])*(temp11[j]-temp21[j]);
Dist2 += (temp12[j]-temp22[j])*(temp12[j]-temp22[j]);
if (Dist1<Dist2) {
for (int l=0;l<3;++l) {
pos1[l] = temp11[l];
pos2[l] = temp21[l];
else {
for (int l=0;l<3;++l) {
pos1[l] = temp12[l];
pos2[l] = temp22[l];
float helixDistance = 0;
for (int i=0;i<3;++i) {
helixDistance += (pos1[i] - pos2[i])*(pos1[i] - pos2[i]);
pos[i] = 0.5*(pos1[i]+pos2[i]);
mom[i] = mom1[i]+mom2[i];
helixDistance = sqrt(helixDistance);
return helixDistance;
void HelixClassD::getExtrapolatedMomentum(float * pos, float * momentum) {
float phi = atan2(pos[1]-_yCentre,pos[0]-_xCentre);
if (phi <0.) phi += _const_2pi;
phi = phi - _phiAtPCA + _phi0;
momentum[0] = _pxy*cos(phi);
momentum[1] = _pxy*sin(phi);
momentum[2] = _momentum[2];
This diff is collapsed.
#ifndef READ_DIGI_H
#define READ_DIGI_H
#include "k4FWCore/DataHandle.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
#include "edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackerHit.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackerHitCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/SimCalorimeterHitCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection.h"
#include "HelixClassD.hh"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
using namespace std;
class ReadDigiAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm
public :
ReadDigiAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode execute();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
StatusCode Clear();
private :
DataHandle<edm4hep::MCParticleCollection> m_MCParticleCol{"MCParticle", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_SITRawColHdl{"SITTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_SETRawColHdl{"SETTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_FTDRawColHdl{"FTDStripTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_VTXTrackerHitColHdl{"VTXTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_SITTrackerHitColHdl{"SITSpacePoints", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_TPCTrackerHitColHdl{"TPCTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_SETTrackerHitColHdl{"SETSpacePoints", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_FTDSpacePointColHdl{"FTDSpacePoints", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> m_FTDPixelTrackerHitColHdl{"FTDPixelTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> m_SiTrk{"SiTracks", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> m_TPCTrk{"ClupatraTracks", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> m_fullTrk{"CompleteTracks", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection> m_TPCTrkAssoHdl{"ClupatraTracksParticleAssociation", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection> m_fullTrkAssoHdl{"CompleteTracksParticleAssociation", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitCollection> m_ECalBarrelHitCol{"EcalBarrelCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitCollection> m_ECalEndcapHitCol{"EcalEndcapCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitCollection> m_HCalBarrelHitCol{"HcalBarrelCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitCollection> m_HCalEndcapHitCol{"HcalEndcapsCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
mutable Gaudi::Property<std::string> _filename{this, "OutFileName", "testout.root", "Output file name"};
mutable Gaudi::Property<double> _Bfield{this, "BField", 3., "Magnet field"};
typedef std::vector<float> FloatVec;
typedef std::vector<int> IntVec;
int _nEvt;
TFile *m_wfile;
TTree *m_mctree, *m_sitrktree, *m_tpctrktree, *m_fulltrktree;
int N_MCP;
FloatVec MCP_px, MCP_py, MCP_pz, MCP_E, MCP_VTX_x, MCP_VTX_y, MCP_VTX_z, MCP_endPoint_x, MCP_endPoint_y, MCP_endPoint_z;
IntVec MCP_pdgid, MCP_gStatus;
int N_SiTrk, N_TPCTrk, N_fullTrk;
//int N_VTXhit, N_SIThit, N_TPChit, N_SEThit, N_FTDhit, N_SITrawhit, N_SETrawhit;
FloatVec m_trk_px, m_trk_py, m_trk_pz, m_trk_p;
FloatVec m_trkstate_d0, m_trkstate_z0, m_trkstate_phi, m_trkstate_tanL, m_trkstate_omega, m_trkstate_kappa;
FloatVec m_trkstate_refx, m_trkstate_refy, m_trkstate_refz;
IntVec m_trkstate_tag, m_trkstate_location, m_trk_Nhit, m_trk_type;
FloatVec m_truthMC_tag, m_truthMC_pid, m_truthMC_px, m_truthMC_py, m_truthMC_pz, m_truthMC_E;
FloatVec m_truthMC_EPx, m_truthMC_EPy, m_truthMC_EPz, m_truthMC_weight;
//int Nhit_EcalB;
//int Nhit_EcalE;
//int Nhit_HcalB;
//int Nhit_HcalE;
//IntVec CaloHit_type; //0: EM hit. 1: Had hit.
//FloatVec CaloHit_x, CaloHit_y, CaloHit_z, CaloHit_E, CaloHit_Eem, CaloHit_Ehad, CaloHit_aveT, CaloHit_Tmin, CaloHit_TmaxE;
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
#include <EVENT/LCFloatVec.h>
#include <EVENT/LCParameters.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <TRandom.h>
#include <Rtypes.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <Rtypes.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <TMath.h>
......@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ TotalInvMass::TotalInvMass(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
_colName ,
_leptonID = 13;
registerProcessorParameter( "LeptonIDTag" ,
"Lepton ID that will be used in this analysis." ,
_leptonID ,
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::initialize() {
_outputTree->SetAutoSave(32*1024*1024); // autosave every 32MB
_outputTree->Branch("EventNr", &_eventNr, "EventNr/I");
_outputTree->Branch("Num", &_Num, "Num/I");
_outputTree->Branch("OriQuarkID", &_OriQuarkID, "OriQuarkID/I");
_outputTree->Branch("ISREn", &_ISREn, "ISREn/F");
......@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::initialize() {
_outputTree->Branch("N3En", &_N3En, "N3En/F");
_outputTree->Branch("N3Pt", &_N3Pt, "N3Pt/F");
_outputTree->Branch("ArborPFO_E", &_ArborPFO_E);
_outputTree->Branch("ArborPFO_Charge", &_ArborPFO_Charge);
_outputTree->Branch("OriJ1CosTheta", &_OriJ1CosTheta, "OriJ1CosTheta/F");
_outputTree->Branch("OriJ2CosTheta", &_OriJ2CosTheta, "OriJ2CosTheta/F");
......@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::initialize() {
_outputTree->Branch("FrPh", FrPh, "FrPh[4]/F");
_outputTree->Branch("FrNe", FrNe, "FrNe[4]/F");
_outputTree->Branch("KPF", KPF, "KPF[4]/F");
_outputTree->Branch("UdP", UdP, "UdP[4]/F");
......@@ -172,13 +175,16 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::initialize() {
StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
info() << "TotalInvMass::executing..." << endmsg;
EVENT::LCEvent* evtP = nullptr;
// if (evtP) {
MCParticleColHandler m_mcParticle{_MCPCollectionName, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
// if (evtP) {
TLorentzVector ArborTotalP(0, 0, 0, 0);
TLorentzVector ArborChP(0, 0, 0, 0);
......@@ -194,6 +200,9 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
TLorentzVector ArborISR(0, 0, 0, 0);
TLorentzVector PandoraISR(0, 0, 0, 0);
// TODO: using the event header
// _eventNr = evtP->getEventNumber();
......@@ -221,23 +230,23 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
nCHPFO_a = 0;
nCHPFO_a = 0;
nCHPFO_p = 0;
nNEPFO_a = 0;
nNEPFO_a = 0;
nNEPFO_p = 0;
Type = -100;
Charge = -100;
Charge = -100;
Energy = 0;
CluEn = 0;
TrkSumEn = 0;
CluEn = 0;
TrkSumEn = 0;
_EcalTotalE = 0; _HcalTotalE = 0; _EcalCluE = 0; _HcalCluE = 0;
_EcalTotalE = 0; _HcalTotalE = 0; _EcalCluE = 0; _HcalCluE = 0;
_EcalCluE_p = 0; _HcalCluE_p = 0;
_HDPID = -1;
_OriQuarkID = 0;
_HDPID = -1;
_OriQuarkID = 0;
_OQDir = -10;
_HDir = -10;
......@@ -323,12 +332,12 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
auto MCPCol = m_mcParticle.get();
TVector3 tmpP;
TVector3 tmpP;
TVector3 ISRP(0, 0, 0);
_N3En = 0;
_N3Pt = 0;
int NNeutrinoCount = 0;
int NNeutrinoCount = 0;
for (int s0 = 0; s0 < MCPCol->size(); ++s0) {
auto MCP = (*MCPCol)[s0];
......@@ -340,10 +349,20 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
TVector3 VTX(VTX0.x, VTX0.y, VTX0.z);
TVector3 EndP(EndP0.x, EndP0.y, EndP0.z);
int GenStatus = MCP.getGeneratorStatus();
int SimuStatus = MCP.getSimulatorStatus();
if(0) debug()<<"MCP "<<s0<<": tmpPID = "<<tmpPID<<", NParent = "<<NParent<<", NDaughter = "<<NDaughter<<", GenStatus = "<<GenStatus<<", SimuStatus = "<<SimuStatus<<endmsg;
// auto aDau = MCP.getDaughters(0);
// if(aDau){
// debug()<<"Dau 0: PDG = "<<aDau->getPDG()<<endmsg;
if(tmpPID == 22 && NParent == 0 && s0 < 4) {
auto tmpP0 = MCP.getMomentum();
tmpP = TVector3(tmpP0.x, tmpP0.y, tmpP0.z);
ISRP += tmpP;
ISRP += tmpP;
if( (abs(tmpPID) == 12 || abs(tmpPID) == 14 || abs(tmpPID) == 16) && NParent != 0 && NDaughter == 0 && VTX.Mag() < 100 && EndP.Mag() > 100) {
......@@ -355,20 +374,25 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
tmpP = TVector3(tmpP0.x, tmpP0.y, tmpP0.z);
_N3En += tmpP.Mag();
_N3Pt += tmpP.Perp();
cout<<"Found Neutrino: "<<NNeutrinoCount<<" En "<<_N3En<<" Pt "<<_N3Pt<<endl;
debug()<<"Found Neutrino: "<<NNeutrinoCount<<" En "<<_N3En<<" Pt "<<_N3Pt<<endmsg;
if(tmpPID == 25 && NDaughter > 1 && NParent !=0 ) { //Higgs
// cout<<"tmpPID:HDPID"<<tmpPID<<" "<<NDaughter<<" "<<NParent<<endl;
// debug()<<"tmpPID:HDPID"<<tmpPID<<" "<<NDaughter<<" "<<NParent<<endmsg;
_HDPID = abs(MCP.getDaughters(0).getPDG());
_HDir = MCP.getMomentum()[2]/MCP.getEnergy();
// debug()<<"This is Higgs, has "<<NDaughter<<" daughters"<<endmsg;
debug()<<"This is Higgs, has "<<NDaughter<<" daughters"<<endmsg;
if(NDaughter == 2) {
auto D1 = MCP.getDaughters(0);
_J1CosTheta = D1.getMomentum()[2]/D1.getEnergy();
auto D2 = MCP.getDaughters(1);
_J2CosTheta = D2.getMomentum()[2]/D2.getEnergy();
debug()<<"---> PDG: "<<D1.getPDG()<<" + "<<D2.getPDG()<<endmsg;
if(abs(tmpPID)<7 && NParent == 0) {
......@@ -379,9 +403,9 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
if(abs(tmpPID)<7 && NParent == 0) {
_OriQuarkID = abs(tmpPID);
_OriQuarkID = abs(tmpPID);
_OQDir = MCP.getMomentum()[2]/MCP.getEnergy();
if(abs(_J1CosTheta) > abs(_J2CosTheta))
......@@ -413,17 +437,21 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
auto a_RecoP = (*col_RecoNeP)[i0];
TLorentzVector currP( a_RecoP.getMomentum()[0], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[1], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[2], a_RecoP.getEnergy());
ArborTotalP += currP;
auto currMom0 = a_RecoP.getMomentum();
TVector3 currMom(currMom0.x, currMom0.y, currMom0.z);
// if(a_RecoP->getType() == 22 && a_RecoP->getEnergy() > 2) //Compensate...
// ArborTotalP += 0.98*currP;
// else
// else
// ArborTotalP += currP;
if(a_RecoP.getCharge() != 0) {
ArborChP += currP;
} else if(a_RecoP.getType() == 310) {
ArborKPF += currP;
ArborKPF += currP;
} else if(a_RecoP.getType() == 22) {
if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() < 3.0)
ArborFrPh += currP;
......@@ -436,21 +464,36 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
ArborNeP += currP;
} else if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() < 3.0) {
ArborFrP += currP;
cout<<"Undef "<<a_RecoP.getType()<<endl;
if(0) debug()<<"Undef "<<a_RecoP.getType()<<endmsg;
} else {
ArborUdP += currP;
cout<<"Undef "<<a_RecoP.getType() << "En "<<a_RecoP.getEnergy()<<endl;
if(0) debug()<<"Undef "<<a_RecoP.getType() << "En "<<a_RecoP.getEnergy()<<endmsg;
if(0) debug()<<"[YX debug - BMR] PFO "<<i0<<", E = "<<a_RecoP.getEnergy()<<", Charge = "<<a_RecoP.getCharge()<<endmsg;
if(a_RecoP.clusters_size() > 0) {
int nTrkHit = 0;
auto a_Trk = a_RecoP.getTracks(0);
nTrkHit = a_Trk.trackerHits_size();
auto a_clu = a_RecoP.getClusters(0);
auto CluPos0 = a_clu.getPosition();
TVector3 CluPos(CluPos0.x, CluPos0.y, CluPos0.z);
if( CluPos.Perp() < 300 && abs(CluPos.Z()) < 1300 && a_RecoP.getCharge() == 0 ) // 1150-1300
ArborLCAL += currP;
ArborLCAL += currP;
if(0) debug()<<"[YX debug - BMR] ---> nTrkHit = "<<nTrkHit<<", CluE = "<<a_clu.getEnergy()<<", CluPos = ("<<CluPos.X()<<", "<<CluPos.Y()<<", "<<CluPos.Z()<<")"<<endmsg;
float MinAngleToCH = 1.0E6;
float MinAngleToNE = 1.0E6;
float MinAngleToNE = 1.0E6;
if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() > 5 && a_RecoP.getCharge() == 0) {
for(int i1 = 0; i1 < col_RecoNeP->size(); i1++) {
......@@ -464,7 +507,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
if(tmpAngle < MinAngleToCH) {
MinAngleToCH = tmpAngle;
} else {
} else {
if(tmpAngle < MinAngleToNE) {
MinAngleToNE = tmpAngle;
......@@ -474,19 +517,19 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
if( MinAngleToNE > 0.5 || MinAngleToCH > 0.5 ) {
ArborISR += currP;
ArborISR += currP;
TrackHit = 0;
TrackHit = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
StartPos[k] = 0;
EndPos[k] = 0;
Charge = int(a_RecoP.getCharge());
CluEn = 0;
CluEn = 0;
CluEnCom[0] = 0;
CluEnCom[1] = 0;
......@@ -510,7 +553,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
if((!Charge) and (currClu.subdetectorEnergies_size() > 2)) {
CluEnCom[0] = currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(0);
CluEnCom[1] = currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);
CluEnCom[1] = currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);
NeCaloE_a[0] += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(0);
NeCaloE_a[1] += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);
......@@ -522,7 +565,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
if(Charge) {
TrkSumEn += Energy;
TrkSumEn += Energy;
if (a_RecoP.tracks_size()>0) {
auto a_Trk = a_RecoP.getTracks(0);
......@@ -535,19 +578,19 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
EndPos[0] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(TrackHit - 1)).getPosition()[0];
EndPos[1] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(TrackHit - 1)).getPosition()[1];
EndPos[2] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(TrackHit - 1)).getPosition()[2];
EndPos[2] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(TrackHit - 1)).getPosition()[2];
if( Energy > CluEn + sqrt(Energy)) {
ElargeP[0] += Energy;
ElargeP[1] += CluEn;
ElargeP[0] += Energy;
ElargeP[1] += CluEn;
} else if( fabs(Energy - CluEn) < sqrt(Energy) ) {
EequP[0] += Energy;
EequP[1] += CluEn;
EequP[1] += CluEn;
} else {
EsmallP[0] += Energy;
EsmallP[1] += CluEn;
EsmallP[1] += CluEn;
......@@ -559,18 +602,18 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
}catch (lcio::DataNotAvailableException err) { }
//LCCollection* col_RecoPandora = evtP->getCollection( "PandoraPFOs" );
//LCCollection* col_RecoPandora = evtP->getCollection( "PandoraPFOs" );
//for(int i2 = 0; i2 < col_RecoPandora->getNumberOfElements(); i2++)
for(int s = 0; s < 1; s++) {
auto col_PFO_iter = m_arbopfo.get();
col_PFO_iter = evtP->getCollection( "ArborChargedCore" );
col_PFO_iter = evtP->getCollection( "ArborNeutralCore" );
col_PFO_iter = evtP->getCollection( "ArborNeutralCore" );
for(int i2 = 0; i2 < col_PFO_iter->size(); i2++) {
for(int i2 = 0; i2 < col_PFO_iter->size(); i2++) {
auto a_RecoP = (*col_PFO_iter)[i2];
TLorentzVector currP( a_RecoP.getMomentum()[0], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[1], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[2], a_RecoP.getEnergy());
PandoraTotalP += currP;
......@@ -580,7 +623,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
} else {
auto currMom0 = a_RecoP.getMomentum();
TVector3 currMom(currMom0.x, currMom0.y, currMom0.z);
......@@ -592,7 +635,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
auto currClu = a_RecoP.getClusters(0);
CluEn = currClu.getEnergy();
_EcalCluE_p += CluEn;
_EcalCluE_p += CluEn;
_HcalCluE_p += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);
if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() > 5 && a_RecoP.getCharge() == 0) {
......@@ -625,11 +668,11 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
}catch (lcio::DataNotAvailableException err) { }
_Mass_a = 0;
_Mass_p = 0;
_Mass_a = 0;
_Mass_p = 0;
_Mass_a_Pisr = 0;
_Mass_a_Plcal = 0;
_Mass_p_Pisr = 0;
_Mass_a_Plcal = 0;
_Mass_p_Pisr = 0;
_Mass_a = ArborTotalP.M();
_Mass_p = PandoraTotalP.M();
......@@ -656,7 +699,7 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
PhP[0] = ArborPhP.X();
PhP[1] = ArborPhP.Y();
PhP[2] = ArborPhP.Z();
PhP[3] = ArborPhP.T();
PhP[3] = ArborPhP.T();
NeP[0] = ArborNeP.X();
NeP[1] = ArborNeP.Y();
......@@ -688,18 +731,18 @@ StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute()
KPF[2] = ArborKPF.Z();
KPF[3] = ArborKPF.T();
cout<<_Mass_a<<" : "<<_Mass_p<<endl;
info()<<_Mass_a<<" : "<<_Mass_p<<endmsg;
// }
// }
info() << "TotalInvMass::execute done" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode TotalInvMass::finalize()
......@@ -34,7 +34,11 @@ public:
typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::MCParticleCollection> MCParticleColHandler;
MCParticleColHandler m_mcParticle{"MCParticle", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
// MCParticleColHandler m_mcParticle{"MCParticle", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
// MCParticleColHandler m_mcParticle{"MCParticleGen", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> _MCPCollectionName{this,
"MCPCollectionName", "MCParticle",
typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection> CaloHitColHandler;
CaloHitColHandler m_ecalbarrelhitcol{"ECALBarrel", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
......@@ -45,8 +49,9 @@ protected:
CaloHitColHandler m_hcalotherhitcol {"HCALOther", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection> RecParticleColHandler;
RecParticleColHandler m_reconep{"AncientPFOs", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
RecParticleColHandler m_arbopfo{"ArborLICHPFOs", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
RecParticleColHandler m_reconep{"ArborPFO", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
RecParticleColHandler m_arbopfo{"ArborPFO", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> _treeFileName{this,
"TreeOutputFile", "MCTruth.root",
......@@ -61,36 +66,36 @@ protected:
"OverwriteFile", 0,
"If zero an already existing file will not be overwritten."};
int _leptonID;
float _cmsE;
float _cmsE;
TTree *_outputTree, *_outputPFO;
float _ISRP[3];
float _ISREn, _ISRPt;
float _N3En, _N3Pt;
float _NEn, _NPt;
float _ISREn, _ISRPt;
float _N3En, _N3Pt;
float _NEn, _NPt;
int _HDPID, _OriQuarkID;
int _HDPID, _OriQuarkID;
float _OQDir, _HDir;
int _NMuP, _NMuM, _NChP, _NChM;
float _P_MuP[4], _P_MuM[4], _P_DL[4];
int _EventType;
float _InvMass, _RecoilMass;
float _J1CosTheta, _J2CosTheta, _MaxJetCosTheta;
float _OriJ1CosTheta, _OriJ2CosTheta, _MaxOriJetCosTheta;
float _Mass_a, _Mass_p;
int _EventType;
float _InvMass, _RecoilMass;
float _J1CosTheta, _J2CosTheta, _MaxJetCosTheta;
float _OriJ1CosTheta, _OriJ2CosTheta, _MaxOriJetCosTheta;
float _Mass_a, _Mass_p;
int _PID1, _PID2;
float _PL1[4], _PL2[4], _RPL1[4], _RPL2[4], _SM[4], _P_allCharged[4], _P_allNeutral[4], _P_Higgs[4], _P_allReco[4];
float _Hmass;
float _Hmass;
int _Num;
int _NHDaug;
int _HdaughterPID;
int _ZdaughterPID;
int _NHDaug;
int _HdaughterPID;
int _ZdaughterPID;
float _Pz[4], _Ph[4], _PzD1[4], _PzD2[4], _PhD1[4], _PhD2[4], _RPzD1[4], _RPzD2[4], _RPhD1[4], _RPhD2[4];
float _P[4], _SumP[4], _VisP[4], _MissP[4];
int _PID, _NFMCP, _MotherFlag, _NNeutrino;
float _ENeutrino, _DiPhMass, _DiPhMassCorr;
int _PID, _NFMCP, _MotherFlag, _NNeutrino;
float _ENeutrino, _DiPhMass, _DiPhMassCorr;
// float _CosTheta, _Phi, _Charge;
float _Mz, _Mrecoil, _MzReco, _MhReco, _MrecoilReco;
float _Mz, _Mrecoil, _MzReco, _MhReco, _MrecoilReco;
float KthEn[7][9];
unsigned int _eventNr;
......@@ -102,12 +107,12 @@ protected:
float ElargeP[2], EequP[2], EsmallP[2];
float ChP[4], FrP[4], PhP[4], NeP[4], UdP[4], FrPh[4], FrNe[4], KPF[4];
float _EcalTotalE, _HcalTotalE, _EcalCluE, _HcalCluE, _EcalCluE_p, _HcalCluE_p;
float _EcalTotalE, _HcalTotalE, _EcalCluE, _HcalCluE, _EcalCluE_p, _HcalCluE_p;
float _HcalEn1, _HcalEn2,_HcalEn3,_HcalEn4,_HcalEn5;
float _EcalEn1, _EcalEn2,_EcalEn3,_EcalEn4,_EcalEn5;
int Type, Charge;
float Energy, TrkSumEn;
float Energy, TrkSumEn;
float P[3], CluEnCom[2];
float CluEn;
......@@ -115,6 +120,17 @@ protected:
float StartPos[3], EndPos[3];
float _visE;
std::vector<int> _ArborPFO_Charge;
std::vector<double> _ArborPFO_E;
// std::vector<double> _ArborPFO_CosTheta;
// std::vector<int> _ArborPFO_nTrk;
// std::vector<int> _ArborPFO_nClu;
// std::vector<TVector3> _ArborPFO_TrkP3;
// std::vector<double> _ArborPFO_CluE;
// std::vector<double> _ArborPFO_CluHitESum;
// std::vector<double> _ArborPFO_CluHitESum;
std::string _fileName;
std::ostream *_output;
std::string _histFileName;
......@@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ project(CEPCSW)
find_package(ROOT COMPONENTS RIO Tree)
"Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories." FORCE )
# Put bin/lib/include under CMAKE_BINARY_DIR
# set Install/lib
# Set up C++ Standard
# ``-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=<standard>`` when invoking CMake
......@@ -27,13 +33,28 @@ if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD MATCHES "17|20")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported C++ standard: ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}")
# Build type
# Use ``-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`` when invoking CMake.
# By default, it is RelWithDebInfo since Sept 6th, 2024.
CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None|Release|MinSizeRel|Debug|RelWithDebInfo" FORCE)
CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None|Release|MinSizeRel|Debug|RelWithDebInfo" FORCE)
......@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ add_subdirectory(DetDriftChamber)
......@@ -4,18 +4,6 @@
# Based on package: lcgeo
find_package(DD4hep COMPONENTS DDRec DDG4 DDParsers REQUIRED)
# find_package(DD4hep)
include( DD4hep )
find_package(ROOT COMPONENTS MathCore GenVector Geom REQUIRED)
SOURCES src/tracker/VXD04_geo.cpp
......@@ -34,6 +22,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(DetCEPCv4
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<detector name="TPC" type="TPC10" vis="TPCVis" id="ILDDetID_TPC" limits="Tracker_limits" readout="TPCCollection" insideTrackingVolume="true">
<detector name="TPC" type="TPC10" vis="TPCVis" id="ILDDetID_TPC" limits="TPC_limits" readout="TPCCollection" insideTrackingVolume="true">
<envelope vis="ILD_TPCVis">
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<readout name="TPCCollection">
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -327,7 +327,13 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
PlacedVolume pv;
if (x_det.hasChild(_U(sensitive))) {
xml_dim_t sd_typ = x_det.child(_U(sensitive));
else {
// --- create assembly and DetElement for support and service volumes
......@@ -1016,7 +1022,11 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
petalSupport(theDetector, ftd, valuesDict, FTDPetalAirLogical ) ;
VolVec volV = petalSensor( theDetector, ftd, sens, valuesDict, FTDPetalAirLogical );
if (x_det.hasAttr(_U(limits))) {
for (auto vol : volV) {
vol.first.setLimitSet(theDetector, x_det.limitsStr());
//---- meassurement surface vectors
......@@ -327,7 +327,13 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
PlacedVolume pv;
if (x_det.hasChild(_U(sensitive))) {
xml_dim_t sd_typ = x_det.child(_U(sensitive));
else {
// --- create assembly and DetElement for support and service volumes
......@@ -1018,7 +1024,11 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
petalSupport(theDetector, ftd, valuesDict, FTDPetalAirLogical ) ;
VolVec volV = petalSensor( theDetector, ftd, sens, valuesDict, FTDPetalAirLogical );
if (x_det.hasAttr(_U(limits))) {
for (auto vol : volV) {
vol.first.setLimitSet(theDetector, x_det.limitsStr());
//---- meassurement surface vectors