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60 results
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with 452 additions and 545 deletions
......@@ -49,26 +49,26 @@ class MuonDigiAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm
virtual StatusCode initialize() ;
virtual StatusCode execute() ;
virtual StatusCode finalize() ;
void MuonHandle(int barrel_or_endcap); // 2->Barrel 0->Endcap
void Clear();
void GetSimHit(edm4hep::SimTrackerHit _simhit, dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder* _m_decoder);
double Gethit_sipm_length_Barrel();
double Gethit_sipm_length_Endcap();
void EdeptoADC();
void SaveData_mapcell();
bool Mapcell_todata(int _message[6], std::array<unsigned long long, 2> _key);
void GetSimHit(edm4hep::SimTrackerHit hit_simhit, dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder* hit_m_decoder, int hit_i,
int hit_data[6], double & hit_Edep, unsigned long long & hit_cellid, double & hit_xydist,
edm4hep::Vector3d & hit_pos, dd4hep::Position & hit_ddpos,
std::array<unsigned long long, 2> & cell_key, double & cell_mcpz, double & hit_time);
double Gethit_sipm_length_Barrel(dd4hep::Position hit_ddpos, edm4hep::Vector3d hit_pos, int hit_data[6]);
double Gethit_sipm_length_Endcap(dd4hep::Position hit_ddpos, edm4hep::Vector3d hit_pos, int hit_data[6]);
double EdeptoADC(double hit_Edep, double hit_sipm_length);
void SaveData_mapcell(std::array<unsigned long long, 2> cell_key, double hit_Edep, int hit_data[6], edm4hep::Vector3d hit_pos, double hit_time);
void Cut3();
void Save_trkhit(edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection* _trkhitVec, std::array<unsigned long long, 2> _key, int _pdgid, unsigned long long _cellid, edm4hep::Vector3d _pos);
void Renew_strip(std::array<unsigned long long, 2> _key1, std::array<unsigned long long, 2> _key2);
void Find_anotherlayer(int _i, edm4hep::Vector3d _pos1, edm4hep::Vector3d _pos2, double _ddposi, int _pdgid);
int Get_true_pdgid(int _i, int _pdgid);
void Save_onelayer_signal(edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection* _trkhitVec);
void Save_pos(int _i);
void Find_anotherlayer(int barrel_or_endcap, std::array<unsigned long long, 2> key1,
std::array<unsigned long long, 2> key2, double ddposi, int & anotherlayer_cell_num);
void Save_trkhit(edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection* trkhitVec, std::array<unsigned long long, 2> key, int pdgid, edm4hep::Vector3d pos);
void Save_onelayer_signal(edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection* trkhitVec);
TTree* m_tree;
TFile* m_wfile;
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class MuonDigiAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm
std::map<std::array<unsigned long long, 2>, double> map_cell_edep;
std::map<std::array<unsigned long long, 2>, double> map_cell_adc;
std::map<std::array<unsigned long long, 2>, double> map_cell_time;
std::map<std::array<unsigned long long, 2>, int> map_cell_layer;
std::map<std::array<unsigned long long, 2>, int> map_cell_slayer;
std::map<std::array<unsigned long long, 2>, int> map_cell_strip;
......@@ -130,18 +131,11 @@ class MuonDigiAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm
Gaudi::Property<double> m_EdepMin{ this, "EdepMin", 0.0001, "Minimum Edep of a mip" };
Gaudi::Property<double> m_hit_Edep_min{ this, "HitEdepMin", 0.000001, "Minimum Edep of a mip"};
Gaudi::Property<double> m_hit_Edep_max{ this, "HitEdepMax", 0.1, "Maximum Edep of a mip"};
Gaudi::Property<double> m_time_resolution{ this, "TimeResolution", 2.0, "Time resolution of a hit, in nano-second ns." };
// number of strips parallel to beam direction
// in each slayer, each strip width=4cm, so
int strip_length[6] = {26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86}; //for barrel
std::array<unsigned long long, 2> key, key1, key2;
int pdgid, layer, slayer, strip, Fe, Env, anotherlayer_cell_num, true_pdgid;
unsigned long long cellid, abspdgid, cellid1, cellid2;
double Edep, xydist, hit_sipm_length, ADC, hit_strip_length, ADCmean, Hit_max, Hit_min;
edm4hep::Vector3d pos, pos1, pos2;
edm4hep::Vector3d mcppos;
dd4hep::Position ddpos, ddpos1, ddpos2;
int all_message1[6], all_message2[6]; // int layer1, slayer1, strip1, Fe1, Env1, pdgid1;
double endcap_strip_length[193] = {2.12, 2.12, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17, 2.19, 2.22,
2.24, 2.28, 2.32, 2.37, 2.45, 2.65, 2.64, 2.63, 2.62, 2.61,
2.60, 2.59, 2.57, 2.56, 2.54, 2.53, 2.51, 2.50, 2.48, 2.46,
......@@ -89,16 +89,16 @@ StatusCode SmearDigiTool::Call(edm4hep::SimTrackerHit simhit, edm4hep::TrackerHi
auto e = simhit.getEDep();
if (e <= m_eThreshold) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if (e < m_eThreshold) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if (m_randSvc->generator(Rndm::Flat(0, 1))->shoot() > m_efficiency) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
auto t = simhit.getTime();
auto cellId = simhit.getCellID();
int system = m_decoder->get(cellId, "system");
int side = m_decoder->get(cellId, "side" );
int layer = m_decoder->get(cellId, "layer" );
int module = m_decoder->get(cellId, "module");
int sensor = m_decoder->get(cellId, "sensor");
int system = m_decoder->get(cellId, CEPCConf::DetCellID::system);
int side = m_decoder->get(cellId, CEPCConf::DetCellID::side);
int layer = m_decoder->get(cellId, CEPCConf::DetCellID::layer);
int module = m_decoder->get(cellId, CEPCConf::DetCellID::module);
int sensor = m_decoder->get(cellId, CEPCConf::DetCellID::sensor);
auto& pos = simhit.getPosition();
auto& mom = simhit.getMomentum();
......@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ StatusCode SmearDigiTool::Call(edm4hep::SimTrackerHit simhit, edm4hep::TrackerHi
<< localPointSmeared.u()/dd4hep::mm << " " << localPointSmeared.v()/dd4hep::mm << ")" << endmsg;
auto outhit = hitCol->create();
edm4hep::Vector3d smearedPos(globalPointSmeared.x()/dd4hep::mm,
......@@ -791,10 +791,34 @@ StatusCode TPCDigiAlg::execute()
// (this is for B=3T, h is the pad height = pad-row pitch in mm)
// sigma_{z}^2 = (400microns)^2 + L_{drift}cm * (80micron/sqrt(cm))^2
// Pixel readout TPC spatial resolution (preliminary) update, Xin She, 20250228
// + Take "hodoscope" effect into consideration
// + The parameters are based on Neff=30 and the pad pitch=0.5mm
// @T2K gas, B=3T, D_{T} is close to 32.3 um/sqrt(cm) @230 V/cm Drift field
// + sigma_x = 0.006001*sqrt(z/10.)+0.1175*exp(-0.09018*z/10.), z>=5.1mm
// + sigma_x = 0.1443-0.0047*z, z<5.1mm
// where sigma_x is the r-phi resolution, unit [mm],
// z is the driftlength, unit [mm]
double driftLength_in_mm = driftLength*10.;
if(driftLength_in_mm>=5.1) // using fitted curves
tpcRPhiRes = _fittedRPhiResoParas[0]*std::sqrt(0.1*driftLength_in_mm) +
else // using linear interpolation
tpcRPhiRes = _fittedRPhiResoParas[3] + _fittedRPhiResoParas[4]*driftLength_in_mm;
// without "hodoscope" effect
double aReso = _pointResoRPhi0*_pointResoRPhi0 ;
double bReso = _diffRPhi * _diffRPhi ;
tpcRPhiRes = sqrt(aReso + bReso * driftLength) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
tpcZRes = sqrt( _pointResoZ0 * _pointResoZ0 + _diffZ * _diffZ * driftLength ) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
//tpcRPhiRes = sqrt(aReso + bReso * driftLength) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
//tpcZRes = sqrt( _pointResoZ0 * _pointResoZ0 + _diffZ * _diffZ * driftLength ) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
tpcZRes = sqrt( _pointResoZ0 * _pointResoZ0 + _diffZ * _diffZ * driftLength ) / sqrt(_nEff); // driftLength in cm
else {
// Calculate Point Resolutions according to Ron's Formula
......@@ -169,6 +169,22 @@ protected:
edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection* _trkhitVec;
edm4hep::MCRecoTrackerAssociationCollection* _relCol;
// Pixel readout TPC spatial resolution (preliminary) update, Xin She, 20250228
// + Take "hodoscope" effect into consideration
// + The parameters are based on Neff=30 and the pad pitch=0.5mm
// @T2K gas, B=3T, D_{T} is close to 32.3 um/sqrt(cm) @230 V/cm Drift field
// + sigma_x = 0.006001*sqrt(z/10.)+0.1175*exp(-0.09018*z/10.), z>=5.1mm
// + sigma_x = 0.1443-0.0047*z, z<5.1mm
// where sigma_x is the r-phi resolution, unit [mm],
// z is the driftlength, unit [mm]
// Input fitted parameters will be set as optional parameters though Gaudi algo
// interface. If some conditions (e.g. pixel size) had changed, it can be modified
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> _fittedRPhiResoParas{this, "fittedRPhiResoParas",{0.006001,0.1175,0.009018,0.1443,-0.0047}};
bool _pixelClustering;
bool _use_raw_hits_to_store_simhit_pointer;
......@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ CEPC offline software prototype based on [Key4hep](
## Quick start
SSH to lxlogin (Alma Linux 9) and start the container CentOS 7:
$ /cvmfs/ shell CentOS7
SSH to lxlogin (Alma Linux 9).
Before run following commands, please make sure you setup the CVMFS:
......@@ -20,6 +17,7 @@ $ cd CEPCSW
$ git checkout master # branch name
$ source
$ ./
$ source
$ ./ Examples/options/
......@@ -37,8 +35,3 @@ $ ./ Examples/options/
* Reconstruction: Reconstruction
## CyberPFA-5.0.1-dev (developing)
* Based on CEPCSW tag tdr 24.12.0
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ FinalPIDAlg::FinalPIDAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
// output
declareProperty("OutputPFOName", m_outPFOCol, "Reconstructed particles with PID information");
// PID method
declareProperty("Method", m_method = "TPC+TOF", "PID method: TPC, TPC+TOF, TPC+TOF+CALO");
declareProperty("PIDMethod", m_method = "TPC+TOF+CALO", "PID method: TPC, TPC+TOF, TPC+TOF+CALO");
......@@ -86,13 +86,18 @@ StatusCode FinalPIDAlg::execute(){
auto outpfo = pfo.clone();
if(m_method.value().find("TPC+TOF")!=std::string::npos ){
if( _hasTPC && _hasTPC && (tofcol->size()+dqdxcol->size()>0) )
FillTPCTOFPID(dqdxcol, tofcol, outpfo);
std::array<double, 5> chi2s; chi2s.fill(0);
if( _hasTPC && dqdxcol->size()>0){
FillTPCPID(dqdxcol, outpfo, chi2s);
if( _hasTOF && tofcol->size()>0){
FillTOFPID(tofcol, outpfo, chi2s);
if(m_method.value().find("CALO")!=std::string::npos )
debug()<<" cyber pfo pid : " << outpfo.getType() << " cyber pfo charge : " << outpfo.getCharge() << " cyber pfo energy "<< outpfo.getEnergy() << endmsg;
debug()<<" cyber pfo pid : " << outpfo.getType() << " cyber pfo charge : " << outpfo.getCharge() << " cyber pfo energy "<< outpfo.getEnergy() << " cyber pfo mass "<< outpfo.getMass() << endmsg;
......@@ -107,33 +112,10 @@ StatusCode FinalPIDAlg::finalize(){
void FinalPIDAlg::FillTPCPID(const edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection* pfocol, const edm4hep::RecDqdxCollection* dqdxcol, edm4hep::ParticleIDCollection* pidcol){
for (auto pfo : *pfocol){
for (auto trk : pfo.getTracks()){
for (auto dqdx : *dqdxcol){
if (dqdx.getTrack() == trk){
std::array<double, 5> chi2s = dqdx.getHypotheses();
int minchi2idx = std::distance(chi2s.begin(), std::min_element(chi2s.begin(), chi2s.end()));
auto pid = pidcol->create();
pid.setPDG( pfo.getCharge() * );
pid.setLikelihood( chi2s[minchi2idx] );
StatusCode FinalPIDAlg::FillTPCTOFPID(const edm4hep::RecDqdxCollection* dqdxcol, const edm4hep::RecTofCollection* tofcol, edm4hep::MutableReconstructedParticle& pfo){
void FinalPIDAlg::FillTPCPID(const edm4hep::RecDqdxCollection* dqdxcol, edm4hep::MutableReconstructedParticle& pfo, std::array<double, 5>& chi2s){
for (auto trk : pfo.getTracks()){
std::array<double, 5> chi2s; chi2s.fill(0);
for (auto dqdx : *dqdxcol){
if (dqdx.getTrack() == trk){
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
......@@ -142,6 +124,25 @@ StatusCode FinalPIDAlg::FillTPCTOFPID(const edm4hep::RecDqdxCollection* dqdxcol,
int pdgid = 0;
if ( std::all_of(chi2s.begin(), chi2s.end(), [](double x){return x == 0;}) ){
pdgid = pfo.getCharge() * 211;
int minchi2idx = std::distance(chi2s.begin(), std::min_element(chi2s.begin(), chi2s.end()));
pdgid = pfo.getCharge() *;
pfo.setType( pdgid );
pfo.setMass( abs(pdgid) ) );
pfo.setEnergy( sqrt(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*pfo.getMomentum()[0] + pfo.getMomentum()[1]*pfo.getMomentum()[1] + pfo.getMomentum()[2]*pfo.getMomentum()[2] + pfo.getMass()*pfo.getMass()) );
debug() << " fill tpc pid: chi2s : " << chi2s[0]<<" " <<chi2s[1]<<" " <<chi2s[2]<<" "<<chi2s[3]<<" "<<chi2s[4]<<" id:"<<pfo.getType()<<" mass:"<<pfo.getMass()<<endmsg;
void FinalPIDAlg::FillTOFPID(const edm4hep::RecTofCollection* tofcol, edm4hep::MutableReconstructedParticle& pfo, std::array<double, 5>& chi2s){
for (auto trk : pfo.getTracks()){
for (auto tof : *tofcol){
if (tof.getTrack() == trk){
double toft = tof.getTime();
......@@ -155,13 +156,21 @@ StatusCode FinalPIDAlg::FillTPCTOFPID(const edm4hep::RecDqdxCollection* dqdxcol,
int minchi2idx = std::distance(chi2s.begin(), std::min_element(chi2s.begin(), chi2s.end()));
int pdgid = pfo.getCharge() *;
int pdgid = 0;
if ( std::all_of(chi2s.begin(), chi2s.end(), [](double x){return x == 0;}) ){
pdgid = pfo.getCharge() * 211;
int minchi2idx = std::distance(chi2s.begin(), std::min_element(chi2s.begin(), chi2s.end()));
pdgid = pfo.getCharge() *;
pfo.setType( pdgid );
pfo.setMass( abs(pdgid) ) );
pfo.setEnergy( sqrt(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*pfo.getMomentum()[0] + pfo.getMomentum()[1]*pfo.getMomentum()[1] + pfo.getMomentum()[2]*pfo.getMomentum()[2] + pfo.getMass()*pfo.getMass()) );
debug() << " fill tof pid: chi2 : " << chi2s[0]<<" " <<chi2s[1]<<" " <<chi2s[2]<<" "<<chi2s[3]<<" "<<chi2s[4]<<" id:"<<pfo.getType()<<" mass:"<<pfo.getMass()<<endmsg;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -197,13 +206,15 @@ StatusCode FinalPIDAlg::FillCaloPID(edm4hep::MutableReconstructedParticle& pfo){
int pdgid = 22;
pfo.setType( pdgid );
pfo.setMass( abs(pdgid) ) );
pfo.setEnergy( sqrt(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*pfo.getMomentum()[0] + pfo.getMomentum()[1]*pfo.getMomentum()[1] + pfo.getMomentum()[2]*pfo.getMomentum()[2] + pfo.getMass()*pfo.getMass()) );
double p_scale = sqrt( pfo.getEnergy()*pfo.getEnergy() - pfo.getMass()*pfo.getMass() ) / sqrt(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*pfo.getMomentum()[0] + pfo.getMomentum()[1]*pfo.getMomentum()[1] + pfo.getMomentum()[2]*pfo.getMomentum()[2] );
pfo.setMomentum( Vector3f(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*p_scale, pfo.getMomentum()[1]*p_scale, pfo.getMomentum()[2]*p_scale) );
int pdgid = 130;
pfo.setType( pdgid );
pfo.setMass( abs(pdgid) ) );
pfo.setEnergy( sqrt(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*pfo.getMomentum()[0] + pfo.getMomentum()[1]*pfo.getMomentum()[1] + pfo.getMomentum()[2]*pfo.getMomentum()[2] + pfo.getMass()*pfo.getMass()) );
double p_scale = sqrt( pfo.getEnergy()*pfo.getEnergy() - pfo.getMass()*pfo.getMass() ) / sqrt(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*pfo.getMomentum()[0] + pfo.getMomentum()[1]*pfo.getMomentum()[1] + pfo.getMomentum()[2]*pfo.getMomentum()[2] );
pfo.setMomentum( Vector3f(pfo.getMomentum()[0]*p_scale, pfo.getMomentum()[1]*p_scale, pfo.getMomentum()[2]*p_scale) );
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.