From e480c5153f45135f50960bd1780688df37c1b379 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 21:33:44 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 01/17] updated TPC geo

 Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt                |   2 +
 .../TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml          | 253 +++++++++
 .../TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml      | 179 ++++++
 .../src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp  | 517 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp  | 463 ++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 1414 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt b/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt
index e99d0789..8f28a78b 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ gaudi_add_module(DetCRD
+                         src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
+                         src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e522f4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+    <info
+        name   ="TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01"
+        status ="developing"
+        version = "TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01"
+        author = "Xin She">
+        <comment> The compact format for the CEPC TPC used for the TDR </comment>
+    </info>
+    <define> 
+        <!--from CDR baseline-->
+        <!--Readout pad size-->
+        <constant name="TPC_pad_height"          value="0.5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_pad_width"           value="0.5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_max_step_length"     value="5*mm"      />
+        <!--Wall/Cathode/Readout/Endplate-->
+        <constant name="dr_InnerWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dr_InnerServiceArea"     value="10*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dr_OuterServiceArea"     value="23*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dr_OuterWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode"              value="0.06*mm"   />
+        <constant name="dz_Readout"              value="3.50*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dz_Endplate"             value="135*mm"    />
+        <constant name="sensitive_threshold_eV"  value="32*eV"     />
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Insulator"    value="0.0275*mm" />
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Conductor"    value="0.0025*mm" />
+        <constant name="dr_Cathode_Grip"         value="10.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Grip"         value="15*mm"     />
+        <!-- Inermeidate variables                                --> 
+        <constant name="rMin_GasVolume"          value="TPC_inner_radius+dr_InnerWall"/>
+        <constant name="rMax_GasVolume"          value="TPC_outer_radius-dr_OuterWall"/>
+        <constant name="dz_GasVolume"            value="TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate"/>
+        <constant name="rMin_Sensitive"          value="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="rMax_Sensitive"          value="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="dz_Wall"                 value="2*dz_GasVolume"/>
+        <constant name="dz_Sensitive"            value="dz_GasVolume-dz_Readout-dz_Cathode/2."/>
+        <constant name="numberOfPadrows"         value="int((rMax_Sensitive-rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
+    </define>
+    <materials>
+        <material name="T2KGas1" state="gas">
+                <MEE unit="eV" value="177.374841770826"/>
+                <D value="0.0017357" unit="g/cm3"/>
+                <fraction n="0.908928"    ref="Ar"/>
+                <fraction n="0.031643"    ref="C"/>
+                <fraction n="0.004828"    ref="H"/>
+                <fraction n="0.054601"    ref="F"/>
+        </material>      
+        <material name="Polyimide" state="solide">
+                <D value="1.38"   unit="g/cm3"/>
+                <composite n="22" ref="C"/>
+                <composite n="10" ref="H"/>
+                <composite n="2"  ref="N"/>
+                <composite n="5"  ref="O"/>
+        </material>
+        <material name="mat_Alframe" state="solide">
+            <D value="1.8" unit="g/cm3"/>
+            <fraction n="1." ref="Al" />
+        </material>
+    </materials>
+    <display>
+      <vis name="CuVis"   alpha="1.0" r="0.5" g=".5"  b=".5"   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="KaptonVis"   alpha="0.8" r="1" g="0."  b="0."   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="gasVis" alpha="0.2" r="0.0" g="1.0" b="0.0"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="transVis" alpha="0.1" r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="readoutVis" alpha="0.8" r="1.0" g=".0" b=".0"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="aramidVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.0" g="0.3" b="0.7"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="epoxyVis" alpha="0.2" r="0.0" g="0.3" b="0.3"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="TPCMotherVis1"     alpha="0.5" r="0.96"  g="0.64"    b="0.90"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+    </display>
+    <detectors>
+      <detector name="TPC" type="TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01" vis="TPCVis" id="DetID_TPC" limits="tracker_limits" readout="TPCCollection" insideTrackingVolume="true">
+      <envelope vis="TPCVis">
+        <shape type="Tube" rmin="TPC_inner_radius" rmax="TPC_outer_radius" dz="TPC_half_length" material="Air"/>
+      </envelope>
+      <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER +  DetType_BARREL + DetType_GASEOUS "/>
+       <section name="TPCinnerWall" type="TPCinnerWall" R_start="TPC_inner_radius" R_end="rMin_GasVolume" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+           <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
+           <!--layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="Aramid"          thickness = "0.07*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="AramidHoneycomb" thickness = "23.5*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.0125*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.035*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.035*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="epoxy"           thickness = "0.042*mm"  vis="epoxy" /-->
+           <!--CF wall  -->
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.010*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="Polyimide"       thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCouterWall" type="TPCouterWall" R_start="rMax_GasVolume" R_end="TPC_outer_radius" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+           <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
+           <!--layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.07*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="AramidHoneycomb" thickness = "23.5*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="Aramid"          thickness = "0.07*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="epoxy"           thickness = "0.042*mm"  vis="epoxy" /-->
+           <!--CF wall  -->
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"   vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="Polyimide"       thickness = "0.05*mm"   vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"   vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.010*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="Grip" type="TPCGrip" material="SiC_foam">
+           <layer 
+               name="TPCinnerGrip" 
+               rmin="rMin_GasVolume"  
+               rmax="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea" 
+               z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip"
+               vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+            <layer 
+               name="TPCouterGrip" 
+               rmin="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"  
+               rmax="rMax_GasVolume" 
+               z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip"
+               vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+       </section>
+       <section name="Cathode" type="TPCCathode">
+           <layer name="Cathodeinsulator" material= "Kapton" rmin="rMin_Sensitive"  rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Insulator" vis="KaptonVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+           </layer>
+           <layer name="Cathodeconductor" material= "G4_Cu" rmin="rMin_Sensitive" rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Conductor" vis="CuVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+           </layer>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCreadout" type="TPCreadout" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions rmin = "rMin_GasVolume" rmax = "rMax_GasVolume" z_length = "dz_Readout"/>
+           <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+(TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate-dz_Readout/2.)"/>
+           <!--Triple Gem readout structure from CEPCV4-->
+           <!--layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.003*mm"  comment="gating" vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="0.030*mm"  comment="gating" vis="KaptonVis"  />
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.003*mm"  comment="gating"    vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="T2KGas1"     dz="4.447*mm"  comment="gating"  vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.003*mm"  comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="0.030*mm"  comment="mpgd"   vis="Kapton"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.003*mm"  comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="T2KGas1"     dz="4.447*mm"  comment="mpgd"    vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.003*mm"  comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="0.030*mm"  comment="mpgd"   vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.003*mm"  comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="T2KGas1"     dz="4.447*mm"  comment="mpgd"    vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.050*mm"  comment="pads"       vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="g10"         dz="2.000*mm"  comment="structural"      vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Si"       dz="0.500*mm"  comment="electronics" vis="epoxyVis" />
+           <layer material="epoxy"       dz="2*mm"      comment="structural"    vis="epoxyVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="1*mm"      comment="structural" vis="KaptonVis"  />
+           <layer material="G4_Al"       dz="2*mm"      comment="Cooling"       vis="GrayVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="1*mm"      comment="structural"  vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber" dz="3*mm"      comment="structural" vis="GrayVis"  /-->
+           <!--MicroMegas readout structure-->
+           <layer material="G4_Fe"       dz="0.025*mm"  comment="Mesh"           vis="GrayVis"/>
+           <layer material="T2KGas1"     dz="0.128*mm"  comment="GasAmpRegion"   vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="0.050*mm"  comment="Kaptonfoil"     vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="Acrylicglue" dz="0.008*mm"  comment="gule"           vis="BlueVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.017*mm"  comment="ReadoutPad"     vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="PCB"         dz="1.000*mm"  comment="PCBboard"       vis="GreenVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Si"       dz="0.500*mm"  comment="electronics"    vis="BlackVis"/>
+           <layer material="epoxy"       dz="1.500*mm"  comment="structural"     vis="epoxyVis"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCSensitiveVol" type="TPCSensitiveVol" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions rmin = "rMin_Sensitive" rmax = "rMax_Sensitive" z_length = "dz_Sensitive"/>
+           <layer      repeat="numberOfPadrows" thickness="TPC_pad_height"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCEndplate" type="TPCEndplate" z_frame="20.*mm" s_frame="20.*mm" >
+           <dimensions rmin = "TPC_inner_radius" rmax = "TPC_outer_radius" z_length = "dz_Endplate"/>
+           <layer name="InnerPlate" type="Frame" thickness="25.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="ring1"      type="Frame" thickness="10.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="module1"    type="Module" thickness="151.*mm" repeat="23" phi0_offset="0.*deg">
+             <slice material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+             <slice material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+             <slice material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+             <slice material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+           </layer>
+           <layer name="ring2"      type="Frame" thickness="20.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="module2"    type="Module" thickness="141.*mm" repeat="27" phi0_offset="+10.*deg">
+             <slice material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+             <slice material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+             <slice material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+             <slice material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+             <slice material="PCB"   dz="10.0*mm" comment="cooling"/>
+           </layer>
+           <layer name="ring3"      type="Frame" thickness="20.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="module3"    type="Module" thickness="141.*mm" repeat="32" phi0_offset="-5.*deg">
+             <slice material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+             <slice material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+             <slice material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+             <slice material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+           </layer> 
+           <layer name="ring4"      type="Frame" thickness="20.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="module4"    type="Module" thickness="141.*mm" repeat="34" phi0_offset="0.*deg">
+             <slice material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+             <slice material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+             <slice material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+             <slice material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+           </layer>
+           <layer name="ring5"      type="Frame" thickness="20.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="module5"    type="Module" thickness="141.*mm" repeat="39" phi0_offset="+5.*deg">
+             <slice material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+             <slice material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+             <slice material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+             <slice material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+           </layer>
+           <layer name="ring6"      type="Frame" thickness="20.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="module6"    type="Module" thickness="141.*mm" repeat="44" phi0_offset="-5.*deg">
+             <slice material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+             <slice material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+             <slice material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+             <slice material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+           </layer>
+           <layer name="ring7"      type="Frame" thickness="20.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="module7"    type="Module" thickness="141.*mm" repeat="49" phi0_offset="0.*deg">
+             <slice material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+             <slice material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+             <slice material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+             <slice material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+           </layer>
+           <layer name="ring8"      type="Frame" thickness="23.*mm"/>
+           <layer name="Outerplate" type="Frame" thickness="25.*mm"/>
+       </section>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <readouts>
+    <readout name="TPCCollection">
+      <id>system:5,side:-2,layer:13,module:6,sensor:6</id>
+    </readout>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ea27fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+    <info
+        name   ="TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01"
+        status ="developing"
+        version = "TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01">
+        <comment> The compact format for the CEPC TPC used for the TDR </comment>
+    </info>
+    <define> 
+        <!--from CDR baseline-->
+        <!--Readout pad size-->
+        <constant name="TPC_pad_height"          value="0.5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_pad_width"           value="0.5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_max_step_length"     value="5*mm"      />
+        <!--Wall/Cathode/Readout/Endplate  Honeycomb barrel-->
+        <constant name="dr_InnerWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dr_InnerServiceArea"     value="10*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dr_OuterServiceArea"     value="23*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dr_OuterWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode"              value="0.06*mm"   />
+        <constant name="dz_Readout"              value="3.50*mm"     />
+        <constant name="dz_Endplate"             value="135*mm"    />
+        <constant name="sensitive_threshold_eV"  value="32*eV"     />
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Insulator"    value="0.0275*mm" />
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Conductor"    value="0.0025*mm" />
+        <constant name="dr_Cathode_Grip"         value="10.*mm"/>
+        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Grip"         value="15*mm"     />
+        <!-- Inermeidate variables                                --> 
+        <constant name="rMin_GasVolume"          value="TPC_inner_radius+dr_InnerWall"/>
+        <constant name="rMax_GasVolume"          value="TPC_outer_radius-dr_OuterWall"/>
+        <constant name="dz_GasVolume"            value="TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate"/>
+        <constant name="rMin_Sensitive"          value="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="rMax_Sensitive"          value="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="dz_Wall"                 value="2*dz_GasVolume"/>
+        <constant name="dz_Sensitive"            value="dz_GasVolume-dz_Readout-dz_Cathode/2."/>
+        <constant name="numberOfPadrows"         value="int((rMax_Sensitive-rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
+    </define>
+    <materials>
+        <material name="T2KGas1" state="gas">
+                <MEE unit="eV" value="177.374841770826"/>
+                <D value="0.0017357" unit="g/cm3"/>
+                <fraction n="0.908928"    ref="Ar"/>
+                <fraction n="0.031643"    ref="C"/>
+                <fraction n="0.004828"    ref="H"/>
+                <fraction n="0.054601"    ref="F"/>
+        </material>      
+        <material name="Polyimide" state="solide">
+                <D value="1.38"   unit="g/cm3"/>
+                <composite n="22" ref="C"/>
+                <composite n="10" ref="H"/>
+                <composite n="2"  ref="N"/>
+                <composite n="5"  ref="O"/>
+        </material>
+    </materials>
+    <display>
+      <vis name="CuVis"   alpha="1.0" r="0.5" g=".5"  b=".5"   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="KaptonVis"   alpha="0.8" r="1" g="0."  b="0."   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="gasVis" alpha="0.2" r="0.0" g="1.0" b="0.0"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="readoutVis" alpha="0.8" r="1.0" g=".0" b=".0"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="aramidVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.0" g="0.3" b="0.7"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="epoxyVis" alpha="0.2" r="0.0" g="0.3" b="0.3"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+      <vis name="TPCMotherVis1"     alpha="0.5" r="0.96"  g="0.64"    b="0.90"  showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
+    </display>
+    <detectors>
+      <detector name="TPC" type="TPC_Simple_o1_v01" vis="TPCVis" id="DetID_TPC" limits="tracker_limits" readout="TPCCollection" insideTrackingVolume="true">
+      <envelope vis="TPCVis">
+        <shape type="Tube" rmin="TPC_inner_radius" rmax="TPC_outer_radius" dz="TPC_half_length" material="Air"/>
+      </envelope>
+      <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER +  DetType_BARREL + DetType_GASEOUS "/>
+       <section name="TPCinnerWall" type="TPCinnerWall" R_start="TPC_inner_radius" R_end="rMin_GasVolume" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+           <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
+           <!--layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="Aramid"          thickness = "0.07*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="AramidHoneycomb" thickness = "23.5*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.0125*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.035*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.035*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="epoxy"           thickness = "0.042*mm"  vis="epoxy" /-->
+           <!--CF wall  -->
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.010*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="Polyimide"       thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCouterWall" type="TPCouterWall" R_start="rMax_GasVolume" R_end="TPC_outer_radius" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+           <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
+           <!--layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="Aramid"          thickness = "0.07*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="AramidHoneycomb" thickness = "23.5*mm"  vis="aramidVis" />
+           <layer material="g10-TPC"         thickness = "0.3*mm"  vis="gasVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.0125*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.035*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
+           <layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.035*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer material="epoxy"           thickness = "0.042*mm"  vis="epoxy" /-->
+           <!--CF wall  -->
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="Polyimide"       thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.010*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="Grip" type="TPCGrip" material="SiC_foam">
+           <layer name="TPCinnerGrip"  rmin="rMin_GasVolume"   rmax="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea"  z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+            <layer name="TPCouterGrip" rmin="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"  rmax="rMax_GasVolume" z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+       </section>
+       <section name="Cathode" type="TPCCathode">
+           <layer name="Cathodeinsulator" material= "Kapton" rmin="rMin_Sensitive" rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Insulator" vis="KaptonVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+            </layer>
+            <layer name="Cathodeconductor" material= "G4_Cu" rmin="rMin_Sensitive"  rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Conductor" vis="CuVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+            </layer>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCreadout" type="TPCreadout" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions rmin = "rMin_GasVolume" rmax = "rMax_GasVolume" z_length = "dz_Readout"/>
+           <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+(TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate-dz_Readout/2.)"/>
+           <!--layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="gating" vis="CuVis" />
+           <layer thickness="0.03*mm" material="G4_KAPTON" comment="gating" vis="KaptonVis"  />
+           <layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="gating"    vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="4.447*mm" material="T2KGas1" comment="gating"  vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="0.03*mm" material="G4_KAPTON" comment="mpgd"   vis="Kapton"/>
+           <layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="4.447*mm" material="T2KGas1" comment="mpgd"    vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="0.03*mm" material="G4_KAPTON" comment="mpgd"   vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="mpgd"      vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer thickness="4.447*mm" material="T2KGas1" comment="mpgd"    vis="gasVis"/-->
+           <!--MicroMegas readout structure-->
+           <layer material="G4_Fe"       dz="0.025*mm"  comment="Mesh"           vis="GrayVis"/>
+           <layer material="T2KGas1"     dz="0.128*mm"  comment="GasAmpRegion"   vis="gasVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="0.050*mm"  comment="Kaptonfoil"     vis="KaptonVis"/>
+           <layer material="Acrylicglue" dz="0.008*mm"  comment="gule"           vis="BlueVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.017*mm"  comment="ReadoutPad"     vis="CuVis"/>
+           <layer material="PCB"         dz="1.000*mm"  comment="PCBboard"       vis="GreenVis"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Si"       dz="0.500*mm"  comment="electronics"    vis="BlackVis"/>
+           <layer material="epoxy"       dz="1.500*mm"  comment="structural"     vis="epoxyVis"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCSensitiveVol" type="TPCSensitiveVol" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions  rmin = "rMin_Sensitive" rmax = "rMax_Sensitive" z_length = "dz_Sensitive"/>
+           <layer repeat="numberOfPadrows" thickness="TPC_pad_height"/>
+       </section>
+       <section name="TPCEndplate" type="TPCEndplate">
+           <dimensions  rmin = "TPC_inner_radius" rmax = "TPC_outer_radius" z_length = "dz_Endplate"/>
+           <layer material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
+           <layer material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
+           <layer material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
+           <layer material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
+       </section>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <readouts>
+    <readout name="TPCCollection">
+      <id>system:5,side:-2,layer:13,module:6,sensor:6</id>
+    </readout>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8751b67d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+ * Author           : Lan-sx & origin author: F. Gaede, Desy
+ * Email            :
+ * Last modified    : 2024-06-02 20:37
+ * Filename         : TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
+ * Description      : 
+ * ******************************************************************/
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetType.h"
+//#include "./include/LcgeoExceptions.h"
+//#include "./include/lcgeo.h"
+#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+//#include "XMLHandlerDB.h"
+#include <math.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dd4hep;
+//using namespace lcgeo;
+using dd4hep::rec::Vector3D;
+using dd4hep::rec::VolCylinder;
+using dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType;
+using dd4hep::rec::volSurfaceList;
+using dd4hep::rec::VolPlane;
+using dd4hep::rec::FixedPadSizeTPCData;
+/** Construction of TPC detector, ported from Mokka driver
+ * Mokka History:
+ * - modified version of TPC driver by Ties Behnke
+ * - modified version of TPC02 as TPC03 with selectable chamber gas -- Adrian Vogel, 2005-06-09
+ * - modified version of TPC03 as TPC04 with limit of step length   -- Adrian Vogel, 2006-02-01
+ * - introduced self-scalability, no superdriver needed anymore     -- Adrian Vogel, 2006-03-11
+ * - modified version of TPC04 as TPC05 in order to have full MC
+ *   information both at entry and exit hits in the TPC ,
+ *   more realistic central electrode and endplate             -- Predrag Krstonosic, 2006-07-12
+ * - implemented new GEAR interface -- K. Harder, T. Pinto Jayawardena                2007-07-31
+ * - TPC10 implemented readout within the Gas volume and layered inner and outer wall -- SJA -- 2010-11-19
+ *
+ *  @author: F.Gaede, DESY, Nov 2013
+ *
+ * - Modular Endcap TPC Geo implemention for CEPC TDR TPC
+ *  @author: X.She, IHEP, May 2024
+ */
+static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
+    //------------------------------------------
+    //  See comments starting with '//**' for
+    //     hints on porting issues
+    //------------------------------------------
+    xml_det_t    x_det = e;
+    string       name  = x_det.nameStr();
+    DetElement   tpc(  name,  ) ;
+    // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+    Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  e , tpc ) ;
+    dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( e, tpc ) ;
+    if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return tpc ;
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    PlacedVolume pv;  
+    sens.setType("tracker");
+    std::cout << " **Lan Lan building TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01 construction" << std::endl ;
+    //######################################################################################################################################################################
+    const double phi1 =   0.0 ;
+    const double phi2 =  2*M_PI ;
+    const double dzTotal            = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_half_length") * 2. ; 
+    const double rInner             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_inner_radius") ;
+    const double rOuter             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_outer_radius") ;
+    const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_InnerWall");
+    const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_OuterWall");
+    const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Cathode");
+    const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Endplate");
+    const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Readout");
+    const double tpcpadheight       = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_height");
+    const double tpcpadwidth        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_width");
+    const int    tpcnumberOfPadRows = theDetector.constant<int>("numberOfPadrows");
+    std::cout<< "============ TPC_HoneyComb_TDR_o1_v01 mother Volume(Tube) (Dz,Ri,Ro) : (" << dzTotal/dd4hep::mm/2. << "\t" 
+                                                                    << rInner/dd4hep::mm  << "\t"
+                                                                    << rOuter/dd4hep::mm  <<" )"<<std::endl;
+    Material materialT2Kgas  = theDetector.material("T2KGas1");
+    Material materialAir     = theDetector.material("Air");
+    Material materialAlframe = theDetector.material("mat_Alframe");
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+    //-------------------------------- TPC mother volume ----------------------------------------------------//
+    //------------ Volume for the whole TPC, Field Cage, Cathode, and Endplate and Sensitive ----------------//
+    Tube tpc_motherSolid(rInner ,rOuter ,dzTotal/2.0 , phi1 , phi1+phi2 ); 
+    Volume tpc_motherLog(  "TPCLog", tpc_motherSolid, materialT2Kgas);
+    pv = envelope.placeVolume( tpc_motherLog ) ;
+    tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "TPCMotherVis1" ,  tpc_motherLog ) ;
+    double gasRegion = ((rOuter-drOuterWall)-(rInner+drInnerWall))/dd4hep::mm;
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    std::cout << "TPC_HoneyComb_TDR_o1_v01: Total Gas material corresponds to " << ( ( gasRegion ) / (materialT2Kgas->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen() / dd4hep::mm ) * 100.0 ) 
+              << "% of a radiation length." << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+    //Loop all sections
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+    for(xml_coll_t si(x_det, Unicode("section"));si;++si)
+    {
+        xml_comp_t x_section(si);
+        std::string types = x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(type));
+        const std::string volName = x_section.nameStr();
+        //-------------------------------- inner/outer wall construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCinnerWall" || types == "TPCouterWall")
+        {
+            double r_start = x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(R_start));
+            double r_end =  x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(R_end));
+            double z_fulllength = x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(Z_fulllength));
+            //Create Inner/Outer Wall mother logic volume
+            std::string volNameLog = volName + "Log";
+            Tube WallSolid(r_start,r_end,z_fulllength/2., phi1 , phi1+phi2);
+            Volume WallLog(volNameLog,WallSolid,materialT2Kgas);
+            pv=tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(WallLog);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,"CyanVis",WallLog);
+            Vector3D ocyl;
+            //SurfaceList data, same as TPC10(CEPCV4)
+            double dr_wall = r_end-r_start;
+            if(types == "TPCinnerWall")
+                ocyl.fill(r_start+0.5*dr_wall,0.,0.);
+            else
+                ocyl.fill(r_end-0.5*dr_wall,0.,0.);
+            //std::cout<<"======>   Vector3D cout : "<<ocyl.x()<<"\t"<<ocyl.y()<<"\t"<<ocyl.z()<<std::endl;
+            VolCylinder surfWall(WallLog,SurfaceType( SurfaceType::Helper ),0.5*dr_wall,0.5*dr_wall,ocyl);
+            volSurfaceList( tpc )->push_back( surfWall );
+            //Loop all layers of inner/outer wall
+            int ilayer =0;
+            double rCursor = r_start;
+            double fracRadLengthWall = 0.;
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer)); li;++li,++ilayer)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t x_layer(li);
+                double thickness = x_layer.thickness();
+                Material layerMaterial = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr() );
+                char suffix[20];
+                sprintf(suffix,"_%d",ilayer);
+                std::string layerName = volNameLog + suffix;
+                Tube layerSolid(rCursor,rCursor+thickness,z_fulllength/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+                Volume layerLog(layerName,layerSolid,layerMaterial);
+                //layerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.visStr());
+                pv=WallLog.placeVolume(layerLog);
+                rCursor += thickness; 
+                double layerRadLength = thickness/(layerMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen());
+                fracRadLengthWall += layerRadLength; 
+                std::cout<<"-> "<<volName<<"layer"<<ilayer<<" : "<< thickness/dd4hep::mm << "mm \t Materials: "<<
+                         <<" X0= "<<layerMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<"mm \t"
+                         <<layerRadLength<<" X0"<<std::endl;
+            }
+            double drSumThickness = rCursor - r_start;
+            if(drSumThickness > (r_end-r_start))
+            {
+                std::cout<<"Warning!  sum_{i}layerThickness_{i} > drWall !\n"<<std::endl;
+            }
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            std::cout<<"=====>$ "<<volName<<" material corresponds to "<< int(fracRadLengthWall*1000)/10. << "% of a radiation length."<<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<"=====>$ "<<volName<<" effective X0=  "<<std::setw(4)<< (r_end-r_start)/fracRadLengthWall <<" cm "<<std::endl; 
+            std::cout<<"=====>$ Sum of layer thickness = "<< drSumThickness/dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<" \t Wall thickness = "<<(r_end-r_start)/dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<std::endl;
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPCGrip construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCGrip")
+        {
+            Material gripMaterial = theDetector.material(x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material))) ;
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer));li;++li)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t x_layer(li);
+                //std::string volNameLog = x_layer.nameStr()+"Log"; 
+                Tube gripSolid(x_layer.rmin(),x_layer.rmax(),x_layer.z_length()/2., phi1 , phi1+phi2);
+                Volume gripLog(x_layer.nameStr()+"Log",gripSolid,gripMaterial);
+                pv=tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(gripLog);
+                tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.visStr(),gripLog);
+                std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+                std::cout<<"=====>$ "<<x_layer.nameStr()<<" Constructed ! "<<std::endl;
+                std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            }
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPCCathode construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCCathode")
+        {
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer));li;++li)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t x_layer(li);
+                Material cathodeMaterial = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr());
+                Tube cathodeSolid(x_layer.rmin(),x_layer.rmax(),x_layer.z_length()/2,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+                Volume cathodeLog(x_layer.nameStr()+"Log",cathodeSolid,cathodeMaterial);
+                for(xml_coll_t pj(x_layer,_U(position));pj;++pj)
+                {
+                    xml_dim_t x_pos(pj);
+                    pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(cathodeLog,Position(x_pos.x(),x_pos.y(),x_pos.z()));
+                    tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector, x_layer.visStr(),cathodeLog);
+                    std::cout<<"============>Cathod Z Position: "<<x_pos.z() / dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPC Sensitive Volume construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCSensitiveVol")
+        {
+            //Material T2KgasMaterial = theDetector.material(x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material))) ;
+            std::cout<<"============>T2K gas RadLen= "<< materialT2Kgas->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<" mm"<<std::endl;
+            xml_dim_t dimSD = x_section.dimensions();
+            std::cout<<"============>rmin,rmax,dz "<< dimSD.rmin()<<"\t"<<dimSD.rmax()<<"\t"<<dimSD.z_length()<<std::endl; 
+            Tube sensitiveGasSolid(dimSD.rmin(),dimSD.rmax(),dimSD.z_length()/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+            Volume sensitiveGasLog(volName+"Log",sensitiveGasSolid,materialT2Kgas);
+            DetElement sensGasDEfwd(tpc, "tpc_senGas_fwd",;
+            DetElement sensGasDEbwd(tpc, "tpc_senGas_bwd",;
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(sensitiveGasLog,Transform3D(RotationY(0.),Position(0,0,+(dz_Cathode/2+dimSD.z_length()/2.))));
+            pv.addPhysVolID("side",+1);
+            sensGasDEfwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(sensitiveGasLog,Transform3D(RotationY(pi),Position(0,0,-(dz_Cathode/2+dimSD.z_length()/2.))));
+            pv.addPhysVolID("side",-1);
+            sensGasDEbwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "gasVis", sensitiveGasLog);
+            //Pad row doublets construction
+            xml_coll_t cc(x_section,_U(layer));
+            xml_comp_t x_layer = cc;
+            int numberPadRows = x_layer.repeat();
+            double padHeight  = x_layer.thickness();
+            std::cout<<"##################$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Number of Pad Rows: > "<<numberPadRows<<"\t padHeight= "<<padHeight/dd4hep::mm<<" mm"<<std::endl;
+            //Sensitive Volume construction  : readout pad layers
+            for(int ilayer=0; ilayer < numberPadRows; ++ilayer)
+            {
+                // create twice the number of rings as there are pads, producing an lower and upper part of the pad with the boundry between them the pad-ring centre
+                const double inner_lowerlayer_radius = dimSD.rmin()+ (ilayer * (padHeight));
+                const double outer_lowerlayer_radius = inner_lowerlayer_radius + (padHeight/2.0);
+                const double inner_upperlayer_radius = outer_lowerlayer_radius ;
+                const double outer_upperlayer_radius = inner_upperlayer_radius + (padHeight/2.0);
+                Tube lowerlayerSolid( inner_lowerlayer_radius, outer_lowerlayer_radius, dimSD.z_length() / 2.0, phi1, phi2);
+                Tube upperlayerSolid( inner_upperlayer_radius, outer_upperlayer_radius, dimSD.z_length() / 2.0, phi1, phi2);
+                Volume lowerlayerLog( _toString( ilayer ,"TPC_lowerlayer_log_%02d") ,lowerlayerSolid, materialT2Kgas );
+                Volume upperlayerLog( _toString( ilayer ,"TPC_upperlayer_log_%02d") ,upperlayerSolid, materialT2Kgas );
+                tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "Invisible" ,  lowerlayerLog) ;
+                tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "Invisible" ,  upperlayerLog) ;
+                //tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "RedVis" ,  lowerlayerLog) ;
+                //tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "RedVis" ,  upperlayerLog) ;
+                DetElement   layerDEfwd( sensGasDEfwd ,   _toString( ilayer, "tpc_row_fwd_%03d") , );
+                DetElement   layerDEbwd( sensGasDEbwd ,   _toString( ilayer, "tpc_row_bwd_%03d") , );
+                Vector3D o(  inner_upperlayer_radius + 1e-10  , 0. , 0. ) ;
+                // create an unbounded surface (i.e. an infinite cylinder) and assign it to the forward gaseous volume only
+                VolCylinder surf( upperlayerLog , SurfaceType(SurfaceType::Sensitive, SurfaceType::Invisible, SurfaceType::Unbounded ) ,  (padHeight/2.0) ,  (padHeight/2.0) ,o ) ;
+                volSurfaceList( layerDEfwd )->push_back( surf ) ;
+                // volSurfaceList( layerDEbwd )->push_back( surf ) ;
+                pv = sensitiveGasLog.placeVolume( lowerlayerLog ) ;
+                pv.addPhysVolID("layer", ilayer ).addPhysVolID( "module", 0 ).addPhysVolID("sensor", 1 ) ;
+                pv = sensitiveGasLog.placeVolume( upperlayerLog ) ;
+                pv.addPhysVolID("layer", ilayer ).addPhysVolID( "module", 0 ).addPhysVolID("sensor", 0 ) ;
+                layerDEfwd.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+                layerDEbwd.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+                lowerlayerLog.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+                upperlayerLog.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+            }
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPC Endplate and readout construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCEndplate")
+        {
+            xml_dim_t dimEndCap = x_section.dimensions();
+            std::cout<<"============>(rmin,rmax,dz): "<< dimEndCap.rmin() / dd4hep::mm<<"mm "
+                                                      << dimEndCap.rmax() / dd4hep::mm<<" mm "
+                                                      << dimEndCap.z_length() / dd4hep::mm<< " mm" <<std::endl; 
+            //Create endcap Log volume
+            Tube endcapSolid(dimEndCap.rmin(),dimEndCap.rmax(),dimEndCap.z_length()/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+            Volume endcapLog(volName+"Log",endcapSolid,materialAir);
+            DetElement endcapDEfwd(tpc, "tpc_endcap_fwd",;
+            DetElement endcapDEbwd(tpc, "tpc_endcap_bwd",;
+            //Vectors for endplate plane
+            Vector3D u(0.,1.,0.);
+            Vector3D v(1.,0.,0.);
+            Vector3D n(0.,0.,1.);
+            ////need to set the origin of the helper plane to be inside the material (otherwise it would pick up the vacuum at the origin)
+            double mid_r = 0.5*(rOuter + rInner);
+            Vector3D o(0., mid_r, 0.);
+            VolPlane surf( endcapLog, SurfaceType( SurfaceType::Helper ), (dz_Endplate+dz_Readout)/2.,dz_Endplate/2.,u,v,n,o);
+            volSurfaceList(endcapDEfwd) -> push_back(surf);
+            volSurfaceList(endcapDEbwd) -> push_back(surf);
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(endcapLog,Transform3D(RotationY(0.),Position(0,0,+(dzTotal/2.-dz_Endplate/2.))));
+            endcapDEfwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(endcapLog,Transform3D(RotationY(pi),Position(0,0,-(dzTotal/2.-dz_Endplate/2.))));
+            endcapDEbwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "transVis", endcapLog);
+            //================================================================================================
+            //Modular Endplate construction
+            //================================================================================================
+            double dz_Endpaltelength     = dimEndCap.z_length();
+            double r_start        = dimEndCap.rmin();  
+            double ds_reinforce   = x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(s_frame));
+            double dz_Alframe     = x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(z_frame));
+            double rCursor        = r_start;
+            //Loop all layers to construct frame-module
+            for(xml_coll_t ilayer(x_section,_U(layer)); ilayer; ++ilayer)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t x_layer(ilayer);
+                const std::string layerName = x_layer.nameStr();
+                const std::string layerType = x_layer.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(type));
+                double layerThickness       = x_layer.thickness();
+                double r_end = rCursor + layerThickness;
+                std::cout<<"===============>$ "<<layerName<<"\t"<<layerType
+                    <<" thickness = "<<layerThickness / dd4hep::mm << "mm "
+                    <<" inner radius = "<<rCursor / dd4hep::mm<<" mm"
+                    <<" outer radius = "<<r_end /dd4hep::mm<<" mm"
+                    <<std::endl;
+                //--------------------------------------
+                if(layerType == "Frame")
+                {
+                    double phi_start = 0.;
+                    double phi_end   = 2*M_PI;
+                    Tube   ringSolid(rCursor, r_end, dz_Alframe/2., phi_start,  phi_end) ;
+                    Volume ringLog( layerName+"Log", ringSolid, materialAlframe) ;
+                    pv = endcapLog.placeVolume( ringLog, Position(0., 0., -dz_Endpaltelength/2. + dz_Alframe) ) ;
+                    tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,"GrayVis",ringLog);
+                }
+                if(layerType == "Module")
+                {
+                    int numberofModules = x_layer.repeat(); 
+                    double phi_start    = x_layer.phi0_offset();
+                    double phiCursor    = phi_start;
+                    double phiModule    = (2*M_PI*rCursor-numberofModules*ds_reinforce)/numberofModules/rCursor;
+                    double phiReinforce = ds_reinforce/rCursor;
+                    //Construct each module 
+                    for(int k=0; k<numberofModules;++k)
+                    {
+                        Tube moduleSolid1(rCursor,r_end,dz_Endpaltelength/2.,phiCursor,phiCursor+phiModule);
+                        std::string moduleLogName1 = layerName + _toString(k,"Log%00d");
+                        Volume moduleLog1(moduleLogName1,moduleSolid1,materialAir);
+                        double z_cursor = -dz_Endpaltelength/2.; 
+                        int    m_sli = 0;
+                        for(xml_coll_t sli(x_layer,_U(slice)); sli; ++sli,++m_sli)
+                        {
+                            xml_comp_t x_slice = sli; 
+                            double dz_modulepiece = sli.attr<double>(_Unicode(dz));
+                            std::string moduleSliceName = moduleLogName1 + _toString(m_sli,"slice%d");
+                            Material slice_mat = theDetector.material(x_slice.materialStr());
+                            Tube moduleSliceSolid(rCursor,r_end,dz_modulepiece/2.,phiCursor,phiCursor+phiModule);
+                            Volume moduleSliceLog(moduleSliceName,moduleSliceSolid,slice_mat);
+                            pv = moduleLog1.placeVolume(moduleSliceLog,Position(0.,0.,z_cursor+dz_modulepiece/2.));
+                            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "Invisible" ,  moduleSliceLog) ;
+                            z_cursor += dz_modulepiece;
+                            if(z_cursor > dz_Endpaltelength/2.)
+                            {
+                                std::cout<<" Warning ! TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC Module- check your xml file - section <Endpalte>." <<std::endl;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        pv = endcapLog.placeVolume(moduleLog1);
+                        tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,"RedVis",moduleLog1);
+                        phiCursor = phiCursor+phiModule;
+                        //Construct the Al frame between each module 
+                        Tube moduleSolid2(rCursor,r_end,dz_Alframe/2.,phiCursor,phiCursor+phiReinforce);
+                        std::string moduleLogName2 = layerName + _toString(k,"Log_rein%00d");
+                        Volume moduleLog2(moduleLogName2,moduleSolid2,materialAlframe);
+                        pv = endcapLog.placeVolume(moduleLog2, Position(0., 0., -dz_Endpaltelength/2.+dz_Alframe/2.));
+                        tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,"GrayVis",moduleLog2);
+                        phiCursor = phiCursor+phiReinforce;
+                    }
+                }
+                rCursor = r_end;
+            }
+            double RadlenOfAl_Frame = materialAlframe->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen();
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            std::cout << "TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Endplate Al frame corresponds to " << (2. / RadlenOfAl_Frame*100)<< "% of a radiation length." << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPCreadout construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCreadout")
+        {
+            xml_dim_t dimReadout = x_section.dimensions();
+            double dzReadout = dimReadout.z_length();
+            Tube readoutSolid(dimReadout.rmin(),dimReadout.rmax(),dimReadout.z_length()/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+            Volume readoutLog(volName+"Log",readoutSolid, materialT2Kgas);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,"CyanVis",readoutLog);
+            xml_dim_t posReadout = x_section.position();
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(readoutLog,Transform3D(RotationY(0.),Position(0,0,posReadout.z())));  
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(readoutLog,Transform3D(RotationY(pi),Position(0,0,-posReadout.z())));  
+            std::cout<<"=========ReadOut dim: "<< dimReadout.rmin() / dd4hep::mm<<" mm "
+                                               << dimReadout.rmax() / dd4hep::mm<<" mm "
+                                               << dzReadout / dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<"=========ReadOut Z_pos: "<<posReadout.z() / dd4hep::mm << " mm "<<std::endl;
+            int pieceCounter = 0;
+            double fracRadLengthReadout = 0;
+            double zCursor = -dzReadout/ 2;
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer)); li;++li)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t  x_layer( li );
+                const double dzPiece = x_layer.attr<double>(_Unicode(dz)); 
+                Material pieceMaterial = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr() );
+                Tube pieceSolid( dimReadout.rmin(),dimReadout.rmax(), dzPiece / 2, phi1, phi2);
+                Volume pieceLog (  _toString( pieceCounter ,"TPCReadoutPieceLog_%02d"), pieceSolid, pieceMaterial ) ;
+                pieceLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.visStr());
+                pv = readoutLog.placeVolume( pieceLog  , Position(0, 0,  zCursor + dzPiece/2. ) ) ;
+                ++pieceCounter;
+                fracRadLengthReadout += dzPiece / pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen();
+                zCursor += dzPiece;
+                std::cout<<"==========> "<<dzPiece/dd4hep::mm<<" mm Material= "<<x_layer.materialStr()<<"\t"
+                         <<"X0= "<<pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<"\t"
+                         <<dzPiece / pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()  <<" X0"<< std::endl;
+                if (zCursor > +dzReadout / 2) 
+                {
+                    //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
+                    std::cout<<" TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <readout>." <<std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            std::cout << "TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Readout material corresponds to " << int(fracRadLengthReadout * 1000) / 10.0 << "% of a radiation length." << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+        }
+    }
+    //TPC data
+    FixedPadSizeTPCData* tpcData = new FixedPadSizeTPCData();
+    tpcData->zHalf = dzTotal/2.;
+    tpcData->rMin  = rInner;
+    tpcData->rMax  = rOuter;
+    tpcData->innerWallThickness = drInnerWall;
+    tpcData->outerWallThickness = drOuterWall;
+    tpcData->rMinReadout = rInner + drInnerWall;
+    tpcData->rMaxReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + tpcnumberOfPadRows*tpcpadheight;
+    tpcData->maxRow = tpcnumberOfPadRows;
+    tpcData->padHeight = tpcpadheight;
+    tpcData->padWidth =  tpcpadwidth;
+    tpcData->driftLength = dzTotal/2.- dz_Endplate - dz_Readout - dz_Cathode/2.0; // SJA: cathode has to be added as the sensitive region does not start at 0.00    
+    tpcData->zMinReadout = dz_Cathode/2.0; 
+    //tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_det.visStr(), envelope );
+    tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "TPCMotherVis1", envelope );
+    //  if( tpc.isValid() ) 
+    // tpc.setPlacement(pv);
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    std::cout << "TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01 Constructed!"<< std::endl; 
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    return tpc;
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1c01c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+ * Author           : Lan-sx & origin author: F. Gaede, Desy
+ * Email            :
+ * Last modified    : 2024-06-02 20:40
+ * Filename         : TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
+ * Description      : 
+ * ******************************************************************/
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetType.h"
+//#include "./include/LcgeoExceptions.h"
+//#include "./include/lcgeo.h"
+#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+//#include "XMLHandlerDB.h"
+#include <math.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dd4hep;
+//using namespace lcgeo;
+using dd4hep::rec::Vector3D;
+using dd4hep::rec::VolCylinder;
+using dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType;
+using dd4hep::rec::volSurfaceList;
+using dd4hep::rec::VolPlane;
+using dd4hep::rec::FixedPadSizeTPCData;
+/** Construction of TPC detector, ported from Mokka driver
+ * Mokka History:
+ * - modified version of TPC driver by Ties Behnke
+ * - modified version of TPC02 as TPC03 with selectable chamber gas -- Adrian Vogel, 2005-06-09
+ * - modified version of TPC03 as TPC04 with limit of step length   -- Adrian Vogel, 2006-02-01
+ * - introduced self-scalability, no superdriver needed anymore     -- Adrian Vogel, 2006-03-11
+ * - modified version of TPC04 as TPC05 in order to have full MC
+ *   information both at entry and exit hits in the TPC ,
+ *   more realistic central electrode and endplate             -- Predrag Krstonosic, 2006-07-12
+ * - implemented new GEAR interface -- K. Harder, T. Pinto Jayawardena                2007-07-31
+ * - TPC10 implemented readout within the Gas volume and layered inner and outer wall -- SJA -- 2010-11-19
+ *
+ *  @author: F.Gaede, DESY, Nov 2013
+ *
+ * - Simple TPC Geo implemention for CEPC TDR TPC
+ *  @author: X.She, IHEP, May 2024
+ */
+static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
+    //------------------------------------------
+    //  See comments starting with '//**' for
+    //     hints on porting issues
+    //------------------------------------------
+    xml_det_t    x_det = e;
+    string       name  = x_det.nameStr();
+    DetElement   tpc(  name,  ) ;
+    // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+    Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  e , tpc ) ;
+    dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( e, tpc ) ;
+    if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return tpc ;
+    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    PlacedVolume pv;  
+    sens.setType("tracker");
+    std::cout << " **Lan Lan building TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01 construction" << std::endl ;
+    //######################################################################################################################################################################
+    const double phi1 =   0.0 ;
+    const double phi2 =  2*M_PI ;
+    const double dzTotal            = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_half_length") * 2. ; 
+    const double rInner             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_inner_radius") ;
+    const double rOuter             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_outer_radius") ;
+    const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_InnerWall");
+    const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_OuterWall");
+    const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Cathode");
+    const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Endplate");
+    const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Readout");
+    const double tpcpadheight       = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_height");
+    const double tpcpadwidth        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_width");
+    const int    tpcnumberOfPadRows = theDetector.constant<int>("numberOfPadrows");
+    std::cout<< "============ TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01 mother Volume(Tube) (Dz,Ri,Ro) : (" << dzTotal/dd4hep::mm/2. << "\t" 
+                                                                    << rInner/dd4hep::mm  << "\t"
+                                                                    << rOuter/dd4hep::mm  <<" )"<<std::endl;
+    Material materialT2Kgas = theDetector.material("T2KGas1");
+    Material materialAir    = theDetector.material("Air");
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+    //-------------------------------- TPC mother volume ----------------------------------------------------//
+    //------------ Volume for the whole TPC, Field Cage, Cathode, and Endplate and Sensitive ----------------//
+    Tube tpc_motherSolid(rInner ,rOuter ,dzTotal/2.0 , phi1 , phi1+phi2 ); 
+    Volume tpc_motherLog(  "TPCLog", tpc_motherSolid, materialT2Kgas);
+    pv = envelope.placeVolume( tpc_motherLog ) ;
+    tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "TPCMotherVis1" ,  tpc_motherLog ) ;
+    double gasRegion = ((rOuter-drOuterWall)-(rInner+drInnerWall))/dd4hep::mm;
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    std::cout << "TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Total Gas material corresponds to " << ( ( gasRegion ) / (materialT2Kgas->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen() / dd4hep::mm ) * 100.0 ) 
+              << "% of a radiation length." << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+    //Loop all sections
+    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+    for(xml_coll_t si(x_det, Unicode("section"));si;++si)
+    {
+        xml_comp_t x_section(si);
+        std::string types = x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(type));
+        const std::string volName = x_section.nameStr();
+        //-------------------------------- inner/outer wall construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCinnerWall" || types == "TPCouterWall")
+        {
+            double r_start = x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(R_start));
+            double r_end =  x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(R_end));
+            double z_fulllength = x_section.attr<double>(_Unicode(Z_fulllength));
+            //Create Inner/Outer Wall mother logic volume
+            std::string volNameLog = volName + "Log";
+            Tube WallSolid(r_start,r_end,z_fulllength/2., phi1 , phi1+phi2);
+            Volume WallLog(volNameLog,WallSolid,materialT2Kgas);
+            pv=tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(WallLog);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,"CyanVis",WallLog);
+            Vector3D ocyl;
+            //SurfaceList data
+            double dr_wall = r_end-r_start;
+            if(types == "TPCinnerWall")
+                ocyl.fill(r_start+0.5*dr_wall,0.,0.);
+            else
+                ocyl.fill(r_end-0.5*dr_wall,0.,0.);
+            //std::cout<<"======>   Vector3D cout : "<<ocyl.x()<<"\t"<<ocyl.y()<<"\t"<<ocyl.z()<<std::endl;
+            VolCylinder surfWall(WallLog,SurfaceType( SurfaceType::Helper ),0.5*dr_wall,0.5*dr_wall,ocyl);
+            volSurfaceList( tpc )->push_back( surfWall );
+            //Loop all layers of inner/outer wall
+            int ilayer =0;
+            double rCursor = r_start;
+            double fracRadLengthWall = 0.;
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer)); li;++li,++ilayer)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t x_layer(li);
+                double thickness = x_layer.thickness();
+                Material layerMaterial = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr() );
+                char suffix[20];
+                sprintf(suffix,"_%d",ilayer);
+                std::string layerName = volNameLog + suffix;
+                Tube layerSolid(rCursor,rCursor+thickness,z_fulllength/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+                Volume layerLog(layerName,layerSolid,layerMaterial);
+                //layerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.visStr());
+                pv=WallLog.placeVolume(layerLog);
+                rCursor += thickness; 
+                double layerRadLength = thickness/(layerMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen());
+                fracRadLengthWall += layerRadLength; 
+                std::cout<<"-> "<<volName<<"layer"<<ilayer<<" : "<< thickness/dd4hep::mm << "mm \t Materials: "<<
+                         <<" X0= "<<layerMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<"mm \t"
+                         <<layerRadLength<<" X0"<<std::endl;
+            }
+            double drSumThickness = rCursor - r_start;
+            if(drSumThickness > (r_end-r_start))
+            {
+                std::cout<<"Warning!  sum_{i}layerThickness_{i} > drWall !\n"<<std::endl;
+            }
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            std::cout<<"=====>$ "<<volName<<" material corresponds to "<< int(fracRadLengthWall*1000)/10. << "% of a radiation length."<<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<"=====>$ "<<volName<<" effective X0=  "<<std::setw(4)<< (r_end-r_start)/fracRadLengthWall <<" cm "<<std::endl; 
+            std::cout<<"=====>$ Sum of layer thickness = "<< drSumThickness/dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<" \t Wall thickness = "<<(r_end-r_start)/dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<std::endl;
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPCGrip construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCGrip")
+        {
+            Material gripMaterial = theDetector.material(x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material))) ;
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer));li;++li)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t x_layer(li);
+                //std::string volNameLog = x_layer.nameStr()+"Log"; 
+                Tube gripSolid(x_layer.rmin(),x_layer.rmax(),x_layer.z_length()/2., phi1 , phi1+phi2);
+                Volume gripLog(x_layer.nameStr()+"Log",gripSolid,gripMaterial);
+                pv=tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(gripLog);
+                tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.visStr(),gripLog);
+                std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+                std::cout << "=====>$ "<<x_layer.nameStr()<<" Constructed ! "<<std::endl;
+                std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            }
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPCCathode construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCCathode")
+        {
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer));li;++li)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t x_layer(li);
+                Material cathodeMaterial = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr());
+                Tube cathodeSolid(x_layer.rmin(),x_layer.rmax(),x_layer.z_length()/2,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+                Volume cathodeLog(x_layer.nameStr()+"Log",cathodeSolid,cathodeMaterial);
+                for(xml_coll_t pj(x_layer,_U(position));pj;++pj)
+                {
+                    xml_dim_t x_pos(pj);
+                    pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(cathodeLog,Position(x_pos.x(),x_pos.y(),x_pos.z()));
+                    tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector, x_layer.visStr(),cathodeLog);
+                    std::cout<<"============>Cathod Z Position: "<<x_pos.z() / dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPC Sensitive Volume construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCSensitiveVol")
+        {
+            //Material T2KgasMaterial = theDetector.material(x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material))) ;
+            std::cout<<"============>T2K gas RadLen= "<< materialT2Kgas->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<" mm"<<std::endl;
+            xml_dim_t dimSD = x_section.dimensions();
+            std::cout<<"============>rmin,rmax,dz "<< dimSD.rmin()<<"\t"<<dimSD.rmax()<<"\t"<<dimSD.z_length()<<std::endl; 
+            Tube sensitiveGasSolid(dimSD.rmin(),dimSD.rmax(),dimSD.z_length()/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+            Volume sensitiveGasLog(volName+"Log",sensitiveGasSolid,materialT2Kgas);
+            DetElement sensGasDEfwd(tpc, "tpc_senGas_fwd",;
+            DetElement sensGasDEbwd(tpc, "tpc_senGas_bwd",;
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(sensitiveGasLog,Transform3D(RotationY(0.),Position(0,0,+(dz_Cathode/2+dimSD.z_length()/2.))));
+            pv.addPhysVolID("side",+1);
+            sensGasDEfwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(sensitiveGasLog,Transform3D(RotationY(pi),Position(0,0,-(dz_Cathode/2+dimSD.z_length()/2.))));
+            pv.addPhysVolID("side",-1);
+            sensGasDEbwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "gasVis", sensitiveGasLog);
+            //Pad row doublets construction
+            xml_coll_t cc(x_section,_U(layer));
+            xml_comp_t x_layer = cc;
+            int numberPadRows = x_layer.repeat();
+            double padHeight  = x_layer.thickness();
+            std::cout<<"##################$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Number of Pad Rows: > "<<numberPadRows<<"\t padHeight= "<<padHeight/dd4hep::mm<<" mm"<<std::endl;
+            //Sensitive Volume construction  : readout pad layers
+            for(int ilayer=0; ilayer < numberPadRows; ++ilayer)
+            {
+                // create twice the number of rings as there are pads, producing an lower and upper part of the pad with the boundry between them the pad-ring centre
+                const double inner_lowerlayer_radius = dimSD.rmin()+ (ilayer * (padHeight));
+                const double outer_lowerlayer_radius = inner_lowerlayer_radius + (padHeight/2.0);
+                const double inner_upperlayer_radius = outer_lowerlayer_radius ;
+                const double outer_upperlayer_radius = inner_upperlayer_radius + (padHeight/2.0);
+                Tube lowerlayerSolid( inner_lowerlayer_radius, outer_lowerlayer_radius, dimSD.z_length() / 2.0, phi1, phi2);
+                Tube upperlayerSolid( inner_upperlayer_radius, outer_upperlayer_radius, dimSD.z_length() / 2.0, phi1, phi2);
+                Volume lowerlayerLog( _toString( ilayer ,"TPC_lowerlayer_log_%02d") ,lowerlayerSolid, materialT2Kgas );
+                Volume upperlayerLog( _toString( ilayer ,"TPC_upperlayer_log_%02d") ,upperlayerSolid, materialT2Kgas );
+                tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "Invisible" ,  lowerlayerLog) ;
+                tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "Invisible" ,  upperlayerLog) ;
+                //tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "RedVis" ,  lowerlayerLog) ;
+                //tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "RedVis" ,  upperlayerLog) ;
+                DetElement   layerDEfwd( sensGasDEfwd ,   _toString( ilayer, "tpc_row_fwd_%03d") , );
+                DetElement   layerDEbwd( sensGasDEbwd ,   _toString( ilayer, "tpc_row_bwd_%03d") , );
+                Vector3D o(  inner_upperlayer_radius + 1e-10  , 0. , 0. ) ;
+                // create an unbounded surface (i.e. an infinite cylinder) and assign it to the forward gaseous volume only
+                VolCylinder surf( upperlayerLog , SurfaceType(SurfaceType::Sensitive, SurfaceType::Invisible, SurfaceType::Unbounded ) ,  (padHeight/2.0) ,  (padHeight/2.0) ,o ) ;
+                volSurfaceList( layerDEfwd )->push_back( surf ) ;
+                // volSurfaceList( layerDEbwd )->push_back( surf ) ;
+                pv = sensitiveGasLog.placeVolume( lowerlayerLog ) ;
+                pv.addPhysVolID("layer", ilayer ).addPhysVolID( "module", 0 ).addPhysVolID("sensor", 1 ) ;
+                pv = sensitiveGasLog.placeVolume( upperlayerLog ) ;
+                pv.addPhysVolID("layer", ilayer ).addPhysVolID( "module", 0 ).addPhysVolID("sensor", 0 ) ;
+                layerDEfwd.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+                layerDEbwd.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+                lowerlayerLog.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+                upperlayerLog.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+            }
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPC Endplate construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCEndplate")
+        {
+            //Material endplateMaterial = theDetector.material(x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material))) ;
+            //std::cout<<"============>Endplate Log material RadLen= "<< endplateMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<" mm "<<std::endl;
+            xml_dim_t dimEndCap = x_section.dimensions();
+            std::cout<<"============>(rmin,rmax,dz): "<< dimEndCap.rmin() / dd4hep::mm<<"mm "
+                                                      << dimEndCap.rmax() / dd4hep::mm<<" mm "
+                                                      << dimEndCap.z_length() / dd4hep::mm<< " mm" <<std::endl; 
+            Tube endcapSolid(dimEndCap.rmin(),dimEndCap.rmax(),dimEndCap.z_length()/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+            Volume endcapLog(volName+"Log",endcapSolid,materialAir);
+            DetElement endcapDEfwd(tpc, "tpc_endcap_fwd",;
+            DetElement endcapDEbwd(tpc, "tpc_endcap_bwd",;
+            //Vectors for endplate plane
+            Vector3D u(0.,1.,0.);
+            Vector3D v(1.,0.,0.);
+            Vector3D n(0.,0.,1.);
+            //need to set the origin of the helper plane to be inside the material (otherwise it would pick up the vacuum at the origin)
+            double mid_r = 0.5*(rOuter + rInner);
+            Vector3D o(0., mid_r, 0.);
+            VolPlane surf( endcapLog, SurfaceType( SurfaceType::Helper ), (dz_Endplate+dz_Readout)/2.,dz_Endplate/2.,u,v,n,o);
+            volSurfaceList(endcapDEfwd) -> push_back(surf);
+            volSurfaceList(endcapDEbwd) -> push_back(surf);
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(endcapLog,Transform3D(RotationY(0.),Position(0,0,+(dzTotal/2.-dz_Endplate/2.))));
+            endcapDEfwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(endcapLog,Transform3D(RotationY(pi),Position(0,0,-(dzTotal/2.-dz_Endplate/2.))));
+            endcapDEbwd.setPlacement(pv);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "readoutVis", endcapLog);
+            int pieceCounter = 0;
+            double fracRadLengthEndplate = 0;
+            double zCursor = -dz_Endplate/ 2;
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer)); li;++li)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t  x_layer( li );
+                const double dzPiece = x_layer.attr<double>(_Unicode(dz)); 
+                Material pieceMaterial = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr() );
+                Tube pieceSolid( dimEndCap.rmin(),dimEndCap.rmax(), dzPiece / 2, phi1, phi2);
+                Volume pieceLog (  _toString( pieceCounter ,"TPCReadoutPieceLog_%02d"), pieceSolid, pieceMaterial ) ;
+                pieceLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.visStr());
+                pv = endcapLog.placeVolume( pieceLog  , Position(0, 0,  zCursor + dzPiece/2. ) ) ;
+                ++pieceCounter;
+                fracRadLengthEndplate += dzPiece / pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen();
+                zCursor += dzPiece;
+                std::cout<<"==========> z_pos ="<<zCursor/dd4hep::mm<<" mm "<<dzPiece/dd4hep::mm<<" mm Material= "<<x_layer.materialStr()<<"\t"
+                         <<"X0= "<<pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<"\t"
+                         <<dzPiece / pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()  <<" X0"<< std::endl;
+                if (zCursor > + dz_Endplate/ 2) 
+                {
+                    //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
+                    std::cout<<" TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - section <TPCEndplate>." <<std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            std::cout << "TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Endplate material corresponds to " << int(fracRadLengthEndplate* 1000) / 10.0 << "% of a radiation length." << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+        }
+        //-------------------------------- TPCreadout construction ----------------------------------------//
+        if(types == "TPCreadout")
+        {
+            xml_dim_t dimReadout = x_section.dimensions();
+            double dzReadout = dimReadout.z_length();
+            Tube readoutSolid(dimReadout.rmin(),dimReadout.rmax(),dimReadout.z_length()/2.,phi1,phi1+phi2);
+            Volume readoutLog(volName+"Log",readoutSolid, materialT2Kgas);
+            tpc.setVisAttributes(theDetector,"CyanVis",readoutLog);
+            xml_dim_t posReadout = x_section.position();
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(readoutLog,Transform3D(RotationY(0.),Position(0,0,posReadout.z())));  
+            pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume(readoutLog,Transform3D(RotationY(pi),Position(0,0,-posReadout.z())));  
+            std::cout<<"=========ReadOut dim: "<< dimReadout.rmin() / dd4hep::mm<<" mm "
+                                               << dimReadout.rmax() / dd4hep::mm<<" mm"
+                                               << dzReadout / dd4hep::mm <<" mm "<<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<"=========ReadOut Z_pos: "<<posReadout.z() / dd4hep::mm << " mm "<<std::endl;
+            int pieceCounter = 0;
+            double fracRadLengthReadout = 0;
+            double zCursor = -dzReadout/ 2;
+            for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer)); li;++li)
+            {
+                xml_comp_t  x_layer( li );
+                const double dzPiece = x_layer.attr<double>(_Unicode(dz)); 
+                Material pieceMaterial = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr() );
+                Tube pieceSolid( dimReadout.rmin(),dimReadout.rmax(), dzPiece / 2, phi1, phi2);
+                Volume pieceLog (  _toString( pieceCounter ,"TPCReadoutPieceLog_%02d"), pieceSolid, pieceMaterial ) ;
+                pieceLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.visStr());
+                pv = readoutLog.placeVolume( pieceLog  , Position(0, 0,  zCursor + dzPiece/2. ) ) ;
+                ++pieceCounter;
+                fracRadLengthReadout += dzPiece / pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen();
+                zCursor += dzPiece;
+                std::cout<<"==========> z_pos ="<<zCursor/dd4hep::mm<<" mm "<<dzPiece/dd4hep::mm<<" mm Material= "<<x_layer.materialStr()<<"\t"
+                         <<"X0= "<<pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()/dd4hep::mm<<"\t"
+                         <<dzPiece / pieceMaterial->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen()  <<" X0"<< std::endl;
+                if (zCursor > + dzReadout / 2) 
+                {
+                    //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
+                    std::cout<<" TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <TPCreadout>." <<std::endl;
+                }
+            }
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+            std::cout << "TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Readout material corresponds to " << int(fracRadLengthReadout * 1000) / 10.0 << "% of a radiation length." << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+        }
+    }
+    //TPC data
+    FixedPadSizeTPCData* tpcData = new FixedPadSizeTPCData();
+    tpcData->zHalf = dzTotal/2.;
+    tpcData->rMin  = rInner;
+    tpcData->rMax  = rOuter;
+    tpcData->innerWallThickness = drInnerWall;
+    tpcData->outerWallThickness = drOuterWall;
+    tpcData->rMinReadout = rInner + drInnerWall;
+    tpcData->rMaxReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + tpcnumberOfPadRows*tpcpadheight;
+    tpcData->maxRow = tpcnumberOfPadRows;
+    tpcData->padHeight = tpcpadheight;
+    tpcData->padWidth =  tpcpadwidth;
+    tpcData->driftLength = dzTotal/2.- dz_Endplate - dz_Readout - dz_Cathode/2.0; // SJA: cathode has to be added as the sensitive region does not start at 0.00    
+    tpcData->zMinReadout = dz_Cathode/2.0; 
+    //tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_det.visStr(), envelope );
+    tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "TPCMotherVis1", envelope );
+    //  if( tpc.isValid() ) 
+    // tpc.setPlacement(pv);
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    std::cout << "TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01 Constructed!"<< std::endl; 
+    std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
+    return tpc;

From 5956aedf8484564fa4f5a195cef8019f6b2d23ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 19:19:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 02/17] add T2Kgas and Polyimide to material.xml

 .../compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml      | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml          | 15 ---------------
 .../TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml      | 19 -------------------
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml
index 57b8871e..48d3da2a 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml
@@ -671,4 +671,22 @@
      <composite n="2" ref="H" />
      <composite n="1"  ref="O" />
+   <material name="T2KGas1" state="gas">
+       <MEE unit="eV" value="177.374841770826"/>
+       <D value="0.0017357" unit="g/cm3"/>
+       <fraction n="0.908928"    ref="Ar"/>
+       <fraction n="0.031643"    ref="C"/>
+       <fraction n="0.004828"    ref="H"/>
+       <fraction n="0.054601"    ref="F"/>
+   </material>      
+   <material name="Polyimide" state="solide">
+       <D value="1.38"   unit="g/cm3"/>
+       <composite n="22" ref="C"/>
+       <composite n="10" ref="H"/>
+       <composite n="2"  ref="N"/>
+       <composite n="5"  ref="O"/>
+   </material>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
index e522f4c6..ce8eda50 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
@@ -39,21 +39,6 @@
-        <material name="T2KGas1" state="gas">
-                <MEE unit="eV" value="177.374841770826"/>
-                <D value="0.0017357" unit="g/cm3"/>
-                <fraction n="0.908928"    ref="Ar"/>
-                <fraction n="0.031643"    ref="C"/>
-                <fraction n="0.004828"    ref="H"/>
-                <fraction n="0.054601"    ref="F"/>
-        </material>      
-        <material name="Polyimide" state="solide">
-                <D value="1.38"   unit="g/cm3"/>
-                <composite n="22" ref="C"/>
-                <composite n="10" ref="H"/>
-                <composite n="2"  ref="N"/>
-                <composite n="5"  ref="O"/>
-        </material>
         <material name="mat_Alframe" state="solide">
             <D value="1.8" unit="g/cm3"/>
             <fraction n="1." ref="Al" />
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
index 6ea27fb2..38fb7a84 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
@@ -36,25 +36,6 @@
         <constant name="numberOfPadrows"         value="int((rMax_Sensitive-rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
-    <materials>
-        <material name="T2KGas1" state="gas">
-                <MEE unit="eV" value="177.374841770826"/>
-                <D value="0.0017357" unit="g/cm3"/>
-                <fraction n="0.908928"    ref="Ar"/>
-                <fraction n="0.031643"    ref="C"/>
-                <fraction n="0.004828"    ref="H"/>
-                <fraction n="0.054601"    ref="F"/>
-        </material>      
-        <material name="Polyimide" state="solide">
-                <D value="1.38"   unit="g/cm3"/>
-                <composite n="22" ref="C"/>
-                <composite n="10" ref="H"/>
-                <composite n="2"  ref="N"/>
-                <composite n="5"  ref="O"/>
-        </material>
-    </materials>
       <vis name="CuVis"   alpha="1.0" r="0.5" g=".5"  b=".5"   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
       <vis name="KaptonVis"   alpha="0.8" r="1" g="0."  b="0."   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>

From 60be236da835ca388d978bcb9e1feaa5e0bf5be6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:56:37 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 03/17] Add Al frame material to materials.xml

 Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml      | 4 ++++
 .../compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml   | 8 --------
 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp  | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml
index 48d3da2a..65173c76 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/materials.xml
@@ -688,5 +688,9 @@
        <composite n="2"  ref="N"/>
        <composite n="5"  ref="O"/>
+   <material name="TPC_Alframe" state="solid">
+       <D value="1.8" unit="g/cm3"/>
+       <fraction n="1." ref="Al" />
+   </material>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
index ce8eda50..023f5416 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
@@ -37,14 +37,6 @@
         <constant name="numberOfPadrows"         value="int((rMax_Sensitive-rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
-    <materials>
-        <material name="mat_Alframe" state="solide">
-            <D value="1.8" unit="g/cm3"/>
-            <fraction n="1." ref="Al" />
-        </material>
-    </materials>
       <vis name="CuVis"   alpha="1.0" r="0.5" g=".5"  b=".5"   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
       <vis name="KaptonVis"   alpha="0.8" r="1" g="0."  b="0."   showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
index 8751b67d..7995acf8 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                                                                     << rOuter/dd4hep::mm  <<" )"<<std::endl;
     Material materialT2Kgas  = theDetector.material("T2KGas1");
     Material materialAir     = theDetector.material("Air");
-    Material materialAlframe = theDetector.material("mat_Alframe");
+    Material materialAlframe = theDetector.material("TPC_Alframe");
     //-------------------------------- TPC mother volume ----------------------------------------------------//
     //------------ Volume for the whole TPC, Field Cage, Cathode, and Endplate and Sensitive ----------------//

From ecce396f5a7353ed2130a9e4ad020b018de43fb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:58:53 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 04/17] bug fix1

 .../TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml      | 94 +++++++++----------
 .../DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp  | 26 ++---
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
index 38fb7a84..6b829897 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
@@ -13,27 +13,27 @@
         <constant name="TPC_pad_width"           value="0.5*mm"      />
         <constant name="TPC_max_step_length"     value="5*mm"      />
         <!--Wall/Cathode/Readout/Endplate  Honeycomb barrel-->
-        <constant name="dr_InnerWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dr_InnerServiceArea"     value="10*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dr_OuterServiceArea"     value="23*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dr_OuterWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode"              value="0.06*mm"   />
-        <constant name="dz_Readout"              value="3.50*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dz_Endplate"             value="135*mm"    />
-        <constant name="sensitive_threshold_eV"  value="32*eV"     />
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Insulator"    value="0.0275*mm" />
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Conductor"    value="0.0025*mm" />
-        <constant name="dr_Cathode_Grip"         value="10.*mm"/>
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Grip"         value="15*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_InnerWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea"     value="10*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_OuterServiceArea"     value="23*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_OuterWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode"              value="0.06*mm"   />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Readout"              value="3.50*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Endplate"             value="135*mm"    />
+        <constant name="TPC_sensitive_threshold_eV"  value="32*eV"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator"    value="0.0275*mm" />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor"    value="0.0025*mm" />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_Cathode_Grip"         value="10.*mm"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Grip"         value="15*mm"     />
         <!-- Inermeidate variables                                --> 
-        <constant name="rMin_GasVolume"          value="TPC_inner_radius+dr_InnerWall"/>
-        <constant name="rMax_GasVolume"          value="TPC_outer_radius-dr_OuterWall"/>
-        <constant name="dz_GasVolume"            value="TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate"/>
-        <constant name="rMin_Sensitive"          value="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea"/>
-        <constant name="rMax_Sensitive"          value="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"/>
-        <constant name="dz_Wall"                 value="2*dz_GasVolume"/>
-        <constant name="dz_Sensitive"            value="dz_GasVolume-dz_Readout-dz_Cathode/2."/>
-        <constant name="numberOfPadrows"         value="int((rMax_Sensitive-rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMin_GasVolume"          value="TPC_inner_radius+TPC_dr_InnerWall"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMax_GasVolume"          value="TPC_outer_radius-TPC_dr_OuterWall"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_GasVolume"            value="TPC_half_length-TPC_dz_Endplate"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMin_Sensitive"          value="TPC_rMin_GasVolume+TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMax_Sensitive"          value="TPC_rMax_GasVolume-TPC_dr_OuterServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Wall"                 value="2*TPC_dz_GasVolume"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Sensitive"            value="TPC_dz_GasVolume-TPC_dz_Readout-TPC_dz_Cathode/2."/>
+        <constant name="TPC_numberOfPadrows"         value="int((TPC_rMax_Sensitive-TPC_rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
       <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER +  DetType_BARREL + DetType_GASEOUS "/>
-       <section name="TPCinnerWall" type="TPCinnerWall" R_start="TPC_inner_radius" R_end="rMin_GasVolume" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+       <component name="TPCinnerWall" type="TPCinnerWall" R_start="TPC_inner_radius" R_end="TPC_rMin_GasVolume" Z_fulllength="TPC_dz_Wall"> 
            <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
            <!--layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
            <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
            <layer material="Polyimide"       thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis"/>
            <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
            <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCouterWall" type="TPCouterWall" R_start="rMax_GasVolume" R_end="TPC_outer_radius" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCouterWall" type="TPCouterWall" R_start="TPC_rMax_GasVolume" R_end="TPC_outer_radius" Z_fulllength="TPC_dz_Wall"> 
            <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
            <!--layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
            <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
@@ -96,24 +96,24 @@
            <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
            <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
            <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.010*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="Grip" type="TPCGrip" material="SiC_foam">
-           <layer name="TPCinnerGrip"  rmin="rMin_GasVolume"   rmax="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea"  z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
-            <layer name="TPCouterGrip" rmin="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"  rmax="rMax_GasVolume" z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
-       </section>
-       <section name="Cathode" type="TPCCathode">
-           <layer name="Cathodeinsulator" material= "Kapton" rmin="rMin_Sensitive" rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Insulator" vis="KaptonVis">
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="Grip" type="TPCGrip" material="SiC_foam">
+           <layer name="TPCinnerGrip"  rmin="TPC_rMin_GasVolume"   rmax="TPC_rMin_GasVolume+TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea"  z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+           <layer name="TPCouterGrip"  rmin="TPC_rMax_GasVolume-TPC_dr_OuterServiceArea"  rmax="TPC_rMax_GasVolume" z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+       </component>
+       <component name="Cathode" type="TPCCathode">
+           <layer name="Cathodeinsulator" material= "Kapton" rmin="TPC_rMin_Sensitive" rmax="TPC_rMax_Sensitive" z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator" vis="KaptonVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
-            <layer name="Cathodeconductor" material= "G4_Cu" rmin="rMin_Sensitive"  rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Conductor" vis="CuVis">
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+            <layer name="Cathodeconductor" material= "G4_Cu" rmin="TPC_rMin_Sensitive"  rmax="TPC_rMax_Sensitive" z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor" vis="CuVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ (TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- (TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCreadout" type="TPCreadout" material="T2KGas1">
-           <dimensions rmin = "rMin_GasVolume" rmax = "rMax_GasVolume" z_length = "dz_Readout"/>
-           <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+(TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate-dz_Readout/2.)"/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCreadout" type="TPCreadout" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions rmin = "TPC_rMin_GasVolume" rmax = "TPC_rMax_GasVolume" z_length = "TPC_dz_Readout"/>
+           <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+(TPC_half_length-TPC_dz_Endplate-TPC_dz_Readout/2.)"/>
            <!--layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="gating" vis="CuVis" />
            <layer thickness="0.03*mm" material="G4_KAPTON" comment="gating" vis="KaptonVis"  />
            <layer thickness="0.003*mm" material="G4_Cu" comment="gating"    vis="CuVis"/>
@@ -135,18 +135,18 @@
            <layer material="PCB"         dz="1.000*mm"  comment="PCBboard"       vis="GreenVis"/>
            <layer material="G4_Si"       dz="0.500*mm"  comment="electronics"    vis="BlackVis"/>
            <layer material="epoxy"       dz="1.500*mm"  comment="structural"     vis="epoxyVis"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCSensitiveVol" type="TPCSensitiveVol" material="T2KGas1">
-           <dimensions  rmin = "rMin_Sensitive" rmax = "rMax_Sensitive" z_length = "dz_Sensitive"/>
-           <layer repeat="numberOfPadrows" thickness="TPC_pad_height"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCEndplate" type="TPCEndplate">
-           <dimensions  rmin = "TPC_inner_radius" rmax = "TPC_outer_radius" z_length = "dz_Endplate"/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCSensitiveVol" type="TPCSensitiveVol" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions  rmin = "TPC_rMin_Sensitive" rmax = "TPC_rMax_Sensitive" z_length = "TPC_dz_Sensitive"/>
+           <layer repeat="TPC_numberOfPadrows" thickness="TPC_pad_height"/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCEndplate" type="TPCEndplate">
+           <dimensions  rmin = "TPC_inner_radius" rmax = "TPC_outer_radius" z_length = "TPC_dz_Endplate"/>
            <layer material="PCB"              dz="5.0*mm"  comment="FEE_BEEPCB"/>
            <layer material="G4_Al"            dz="1.5*mm"  comment="cooling"/>
            <layer material="TPC_endplate_mix" dz="50.0*mm" comment="MonitorMix"/>
            <layer material="CarbonFiber"      dz="3.0*mm"  comment="structural"/>
-       </section>
+       </component>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
index e1c01c97..52d17bfc 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -75,20 +75,20 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     std::cout << " **Lan Lan building TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01 construction" << std::endl ;
     const double phi1 =   0.0 ;
     const double phi2 =  2*M_PI ;
     const double dzTotal            = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_half_length") * 2. ; 
     const double rInner             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_inner_radius") ;
     const double rOuter             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_outer_radius") ;
-    const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_InnerWall");
-    const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_OuterWall");
-    const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Cathode");
-    const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Endplate");
-    const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Readout");
+    const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_InnerWall");
+    const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_OuterWall");
+    const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Cathode");
+    const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Endplate");
+    const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Readout");
     const double tpcpadheight       = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_height");
     const double tpcpadwidth        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_width");
-    const int    tpcnumberOfPadRows = theDetector.constant<int>("numberOfPadrows");
+    const int    tpcnumberOfPadRows = theDetector.constant<int>("TPC_numberOfPadrows");
     std::cout<< "============ TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01 mother Volume(Tube) (Dz,Ri,Ro) : (" << dzTotal/dd4hep::mm/2. << "\t" 
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
-    //Loop all sections
+    //Loop all TPC components
-    for(xml_coll_t si(x_det, Unicode("section"));si;++si)
+    for(xml_coll_t si(x_det, Unicode("component"));si;++si)
         xml_comp_t x_section(si);
         std::string types = x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(type));
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
             Vector3D ocyl;
-            //SurfaceList data
+            //SurfaceList data, keep the CEPCV4 
             double dr_wall = r_end-r_start;
             if(types == "TPCinnerWall")
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
             VolCylinder surfWall(WallLog,SurfaceType( SurfaceType::Helper ),0.5*dr_wall,0.5*dr_wall,ocyl);
             volSurfaceList( tpc )->push_back( surfWall );
-            //Loop all layers of inner/outer wall
+            //Loop all layers of TPC inner/outer wall
             int ilayer =0;
             double rCursor = r_start;
             double fracRadLengthWall = 0.;
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                 if (zCursor > + dz_Endplate/ 2) 
                     //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
-                    std::cout<<" TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - section <TPCEndplate>." <<std::endl;
+                    throw " $!!!TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - section <TPCEndplate>.";
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                 if (zCursor > + dzReadout / 2) 
                     //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
-                    std::cout<<" TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <TPCreadout>." <<std::endl;
+                    throw " $!!! TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <TPCreadout>.";
             std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 

From 288ec2aa42fd0ed636743805a595d0a186793de6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:51:59 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 05/17] move and rename compact file

 .../TPC_Simple_o1_v01.xml}                                        | 0
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename Detector/DetCRD/compact/{TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml => CRD_common_v02/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.xml} (100%)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01.xml
rename to Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.xml

From 2f2f15d2149bee364edc0d54d13109d9fc02f73e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 20:39:56 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 06/17] do some modifications and mv TPC xml file location

 .../TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml}             | 110 ++++++++----------
 .../TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml     |   7 +-
 .../src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp  |  21 ++--
 .../DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp  |   5 +-
 4 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
 rename Detector/DetCRD/compact/{TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml => CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml} (74%)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml
similarity index 74%
rename from Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
rename to Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml
index 023f5416..2fe24195 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml
@@ -10,31 +10,31 @@
         <!--from CDR baseline-->
         <!--Readout pad size-->
-        <constant name="TPC_pad_height"          value="0.5*mm"      />
-        <constant name="TPC_pad_width"           value="0.5*mm"      />
-        <constant name="TPC_max_step_length"     value="5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_pad_height"              value="0.5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_pad_width"               value="0.5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_max_step_length"         value="5*mm"      />
-        <constant name="dr_InnerWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dr_InnerServiceArea"     value="10*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dr_OuterServiceArea"     value="23*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dr_OuterWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode"              value="0.06*mm"   />
-        <constant name="dz_Readout"              value="3.50*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dz_Endplate"             value="135*mm"    />
-        <constant name="sensitive_threshold_eV"  value="32*eV"     />
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Insulator"    value="0.0275*mm" />
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Conductor"    value="0.0025*mm" />
-        <constant name="dr_Cathode_Grip"         value="10.*mm"     />
-        <constant name="dz_Cathode_Grip"         value="15*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_InnerWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea"     value="10*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_OuterServiceArea"     value="23*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_OuterWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode"              value="0.06*mm"   />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Readout"              value="3.50*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Endplate"             value="135*mm"    />
+        <constant name="sensitive_threshold_eV"      value="32*eV"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator"    value="0.0275*mm" />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor"    value="0.0025*mm" />
+        <constant name="TPC_dr_Cathode_Grip"         value="10.*mm"     />
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Grip"         value="15*mm"     />
         <!-- Inermeidate variables                                --> 
-        <constant name="rMin_GasVolume"          value="TPC_inner_radius+dr_InnerWall"/>
-        <constant name="rMax_GasVolume"          value="TPC_outer_radius-dr_OuterWall"/>
-        <constant name="dz_GasVolume"            value="TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate"/>
-        <constant name="rMin_Sensitive"          value="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea"/>
-        <constant name="rMax_Sensitive"          value="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"/>
-        <constant name="dz_Wall"                 value="2*dz_GasVolume"/>
-        <constant name="dz_Sensitive"            value="dz_GasVolume-dz_Readout-dz_Cathode/2."/>
-        <constant name="numberOfPadrows"         value="int((rMax_Sensitive-rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMin_GasVolume"          value="TPC_inner_radius+TPC_dr_InnerWall"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMax_GasVolume"          value="TPC_outer_radius-TPC_dr_OuterWall"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_GasVolume"            value="TPC_half_length-TPC_dz_Endplate"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMin_Sensitive"          value="TPC_rMin_GasVolume+TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_rMax_Sensitive"          value="TPC_rMax_GasVolume-TPC_dr_OuterServiceArea"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Wall"                 value="2*TPC_dz_GasVolume"/>
+        <constant name="TPC_dz_Sensitive"            value="TPC_dz_GasVolume-TPC_dz_Readout-TPC_dz_Cathode/2."/>
+        <constant name="TPC_numberOfPadrows"         value="int((TPC_rMax_Sensitive-TPC_rMin_Sensitive)/TPC_pad_height)"/>
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
       <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER +  DetType_BARREL + DetType_GASEOUS "/>
-       <section name="TPCinnerWall" type="TPCinnerWall" R_start="TPC_inner_radius" R_end="rMin_GasVolume" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+       <component name="TPCinnerWall" type="TPCinnerWall" R_start="TPC_inner_radius" R_end="TPC_rMin_GasVolume" Z_fulllength="TPC_dz_Wall"> 
            <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
            <!--layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
            <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
            <layer material="Polyimide"       thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis"/>
            <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
            <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCouterWall" type="TPCouterWall" R_start="rMax_GasVolume" R_end="TPC_outer_radius" Z_fulllength="dz_Wall"> 
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCouterWall" type="TPCouterWall" R_start="TPC_rMax_GasVolume" R_end="TPC_outer_radius" Z_fulllength="TPC_dz_Wall"> 
            <!--HoneyComb wall  -->
            <!--layer material="Copper80P"       thickness = "0.01*mm"  vis="CuVis" />
            <layer material="Kapton"          thickness = "0.05*mm"  vis="KaptonVis" />
@@ -98,34 +98,24 @@
            <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.03*mm"   vis="CuVis"/>
            <layer material="CarbonFiber"     thickness = "0.1*mm"    vis="aramidVis"/>
            <layer material="G4_Cu"           thickness = "0.010*mm"  vis="CuVis"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="Grip" type="TPCGrip" material="SiC_foam">
-           <layer 
-               name="TPCinnerGrip" 
-               rmin="rMin_GasVolume"  
-               rmax="rMin_GasVolume+dr_InnerServiceArea" 
-               z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip"
-               vis="KaptonVis"/> 
-            <layer 
-               name="TPCouterGrip" 
-               rmin="rMax_GasVolume-dr_OuterServiceArea"  
-               rmax="rMax_GasVolume" 
-               z_length="dz_Cathode_Grip"
-               vis="KaptonVis"/> 
-       </section>
-       <section name="Cathode" type="TPCCathode">
-           <layer name="Cathodeinsulator" material= "Kapton" rmin="rMin_Sensitive"  rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Insulator" vis="KaptonVis">
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="Grip" type="TPCGrip" material="SiC_foam">
+           <layer name="TPCinnerGrip" rmin="TPC_rMin_GasVolume"  rmax="TPC_rMin_GasVolume+TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea" z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+            <layer name="TPCouterGrip" rmin="TPC_rMax_GasVolume-TPC_dr_OuterServiceArea"  rmax="TPC_rMax_GasVolume" z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Grip" vis="KaptonVis"/> 
+       </component>
+       <component name="Cathode" type="TPCCathode">
+           <layer name="Cathodeinsulator" material= "Kapton" rmin="TPC_rMin_Sensitive"  rmax="TPC_rMax_Sensitive" z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator" vis="KaptonVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator/2."/>
-           <layer name="Cathodeconductor" material= "G4_Cu" rmin="rMin_Sensitive" rmax="rMax_Sensitive" z_length="dz_Cathode_Conductor" vis="CuVis">
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
-                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- (dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+           <layer name="Cathodeconductor" material= "G4_Cu" rmin="TPC_rMin_Sensitive" rmax="TPC_rMax_Sensitive" z_length="TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor" vis="CuVis">
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+ (TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
+                  <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="- (TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator+ (TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor/2.))"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCreadout" type="TPCreadout" material="T2KGas1">
-           <dimensions rmin = "rMin_GasVolume" rmax = "rMax_GasVolume" z_length = "dz_Readout"/>
-           <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+(TPC_half_length-dz_Endplate-dz_Readout/2.)"/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCreadout" type="TPCreadout" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions rmin = "TPC_rMin_GasVolume" rmax = "TPC_rMax_GasVolume" z_length = "TPC_dz_Readout"/>
+           <position x="0.*mm" y="0.*mm" z="+(TPC_half_length-TPC_dz_Endplate-TPC_dz_Readout/2.)"/>
            <!--Triple Gem readout structure from CEPCV4-->
            <!--layer material="G4_Cu"       dz="0.003*mm"  comment="gating" vis="CuVis" />
            <layer material="G4_KAPTON"   dz="0.030*mm"  comment="gating" vis="KaptonVis"  />
@@ -156,13 +146,13 @@
            <layer material="PCB"         dz="1.000*mm"  comment="PCBboard"       vis="GreenVis"/>
            <layer material="G4_Si"       dz="0.500*mm"  comment="electronics"    vis="BlackVis"/>
            <layer material="epoxy"       dz="1.500*mm"  comment="structural"     vis="epoxyVis"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCSensitiveVol" type="TPCSensitiveVol" material="T2KGas1">
-           <dimensions rmin = "rMin_Sensitive" rmax = "rMax_Sensitive" z_length = "dz_Sensitive"/>
-           <layer      repeat="numberOfPadrows" thickness="TPC_pad_height"/>
-       </section>
-       <section name="TPCEndplate" type="TPCEndplate" z_frame="20.*mm" s_frame="20.*mm" >
-           <dimensions rmin = "TPC_inner_radius" rmax = "TPC_outer_radius" z_length = "dz_Endplate"/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCSensitiveVol" type="TPCSensitiveVol" material="T2KGas1">
+           <dimensions rmin = "TPC_rMin_Sensitive" rmax = "TPC_rMax_Sensitive" z_length = "TPC_dz_Sensitive"/>
+           <layer      repeat="TPC_numberOfPadrows" thickness="TPC_pad_height"/>
+       </component>
+       <component name="TPCEndplate" type="TPCEndplate" z_frame="20.*mm" s_frame="20.*mm" >
+           <dimensions rmin = "TPC_inner_radius" rmax = "TPC_outer_radius" z_length = "TPC_dz_Endplate"/>
            <layer name="InnerPlate" type="Frame" thickness="25.*mm"/>
            <layer name="ring1"      type="Frame" thickness="10.*mm"/>
            <layer name="module1"    type="Module" thickness="151.*mm" repeat="23" phi0_offset="0.*deg">
@@ -216,7 +206,7 @@
            <layer name="ring8"      type="Frame" thickness="23.*mm"/>
            <layer name="Outerplate" type="Frame" thickness="25.*mm"/>
-       </section>
+       </component>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
index 18e6abf0..4768589e 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@
   <include ref="./TDR_Dimensions_v01_01.xml"/>
   <!--TODO: vertex cooling-->
-  <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/Beampipe_v01_03.xml"/>
+  <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v02/Beampipe_v01_03.xml"/-->
   <!--preliminary vertex and tracker, to update/-->
-  <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/VXD_StaggeredLadder_v02_01.xml"/>
+  <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v02/VXD_StaggeredLadder_v02_01.xml"/>
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/FTD_SkewRing_v01_05.xml"/>
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/SIT_SimplePixel_v01_03.xml"/>
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/TPC_Simple_v10_02.xml"/>
-  <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/>
+  <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/-->
+  <include ref="./TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml"/>
     <field name="InnerSolenoid" type="solenoid"
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
index 7995acf8..140f1f81 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     const double dzTotal            = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_half_length") * 2. ; 
     const double rInner             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_inner_radius") ;
     const double rOuter             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_outer_radius") ;
-    const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_InnerWall");
-    const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("dr_OuterWall");
-    const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Cathode");
-    const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Endplate");
-    const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("dz_Readout");
+    const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_InnerWall");
+    const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_OuterWall");
+    const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Cathode");
+    const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Endplate");
+    const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Readout");
     const double tpcpadheight       = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_height");
     const double tpcpadwidth        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_pad_width");
-    const int    tpcnumberOfPadRows = theDetector.constant<int>("numberOfPadrows");
+    const int    tpcnumberOfPadRows = theDetector.constant<int>("TPC_numberOfPadrows");
     std::cout<< "============ TPC_HoneyComb_TDR_o1_v01 mother Volume(Tube) (Dz,Ri,Ro) : (" << dzTotal/dd4hep::mm/2. << "\t" 
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     //Loop all sections
-    for(xml_coll_t si(x_det, Unicode("section"));si;++si)
+    for(xml_coll_t si(x_det, Unicode("component"));si;++si)
         xml_comp_t x_section(si);
         std::string types = x_section.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(type));
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
             if(drSumThickness > (r_end-r_start))
                 std::cout<<"Warning!  sum_{i}layerThickness_{i} > drWall !\n"<<std::endl;
+                throw "$!!! TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC Wall - check your xml file -component <TPCInnerWall/TPCOuterWall>";
             std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
@@ -405,7 +406,8 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                             if(z_cursor > dz_Endpaltelength/2.)
-                                std::cout<<" Warning ! TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC Module- check your xml file - section <Endpalte>." <<std::endl;
+                                //std::cout<<" Warning ! TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC Module- check your xml file - section <Endpalte>." <<std::endl;
+                                throw " $!!! TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC Module- check your xml file - component <Endpalte>.";
@@ -479,7 +481,8 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                 if (zCursor > +dzReadout / 2) 
                     //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
-                    std::cout<<" TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <readout>." <<std::endl;
+                    //std::cout<<" TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - component <TPCReadout>." <<std::endl;
+                    throw " $!!! TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - component <TPCReadout>.";
             std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
index 52d17bfc..0ce7ec73 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
             if(drSumThickness > (r_end-r_start))
                 std::cout<<"Warning!  sum_{i}layerThickness_{i} > drWall !\n"<<std::endl;
+                throw "$!!! TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC Wall - check your xml file -component <TPCInnerWall/TPCOuterWall>";
             std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                 if (zCursor > + dz_Endplate/ 2) 
                     //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
-                    throw " $!!!TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - section <TPCEndplate>.";
+                    throw " $!!! TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC endplate - check your xml file - component <TPCEndplate>.";
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                 if (zCursor > + dzReadout / 2) 
                     //throw GeometryException(  "TPC11: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <readout>."   ) ;
-                    throw " $!!! TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - section <TPCreadout>.";
+                    throw " $!!! TPC_Simple_TDR_o1_v01: Overfull TPC readout - check your xml file - comment <TPCreadout>.";
             std::cout << "================================================================"<< std::endl; 

From b48d957c540a9475e9664513b9b6173691fd26f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:32:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 07/17] add TPC_ prefix

 .../DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml  | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml
index 2fe24195..92f9487c 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
         <constant name="TPC_pad_height"              value="0.5*mm"      />
         <constant name="TPC_pad_width"               value="0.5*mm"      />
         <constant name="TPC_max_step_length"         value="5*mm"      />
+        <constant name="TPC_sensitive_threshold_eV"      value="32*eV"     />
         <constant name="TPC_dr_InnerWall"            value="25.*mm"     />
         <constant name="TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea"     value="10*mm"     />
@@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
         <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode"              value="0.06*mm"   />
         <constant name="TPC_dz_Readout"              value="3.50*mm"     />
         <constant name="TPC_dz_Endplate"             value="135*mm"    />
-        <constant name="sensitive_threshold_eV"      value="32*eV"     />
         <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Insulator"    value="0.0275*mm" />
         <constant name="TPC_dz_Cathode_Conductor"    value="0.0025*mm" />
         <constant name="TPC_dr_Cathode_Grip"         value="10.*mm"     />

From 1c6f3b0e276202184cb62ee1583c8dc082870900 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 17:29:10 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 08/17] Add tpcData to tpc Obj

 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp | 1 +
 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp        | 3 ++-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
index 140f1f81..67c7e478 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     tpcData->driftLength = dzTotal/2.- dz_Endplate - dz_Readout - dz_Cathode/2.0; // SJA: cathode has to be added as the sensitive region does not start at 0.00    
     tpcData->zMinReadout = dz_Cathode/2.0; 
+    tpc.addExtension<FixedPadSizeTPCData >(tpcData);
     //tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_det.visStr(), envelope );
     tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "TPCMotherVis1", envelope );
     //  if( tpc.isValid() ) 
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
index 0ce7ec73..f842c6bf 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -450,7 +450,8 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     tpcData->padWidth =  tpcpadwidth;
     tpcData->driftLength = dzTotal/2.- dz_Endplate - dz_Readout - dz_Cathode/2.0; // SJA: cathode has to be added as the sensitive region does not start at 0.00    
     tpcData->zMinReadout = dz_Cathode/2.0; 
+    tpc.addExtension<FixedPadSizeTPCData >(tpcData);
     //tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_det.visStr(), envelope );
     tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "TPCMotherVis1", envelope );
     //  if( tpc.isValid() ) 

From 367b32675895c7807d619022b93c5e51b5790ca9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:12:36 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 09/17] add supportData to tpc Obj

 .../src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp  | 27 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp  | 25 ++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
index 67c7e478..2ec03997 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ using dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType;
 using dd4hep::rec::volSurfaceList;
 using dd4hep::rec::VolPlane;
 using dd4hep::rec::FixedPadSizeTPCData;
+using dd4hep::rec::ConicalSupportData;
 /** Construction of TPC detector, ported from Mokka driver
  * Mokka History:
@@ -507,7 +508,31 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     tpcData->driftLength = dzTotal/2.- dz_Endplate - dz_Readout - dz_Cathode/2.0; // SJA: cathode has to be added as the sensitive region does not start at 0.00    
     tpcData->zMinReadout = dz_Cathode/2.0; 
-    tpc.addExtension<FixedPadSizeTPCData >(tpcData);
+    ConicalSupportData* supportData = new ConicalSupportData;
+    ConicalSupportData::Section section0;
+    section0.rInner = rInner + drInnerWall; 
+    section0.rOuter = rOuter - drOuterWall;
+    section0.zPos   = dzTotal/2. - dz_Endplate - dz_Readout; 
+    ConicalSupportData::Section section1;
+    section1.rInner = rInner + drInnerWall; 
+    section1.rOuter = rOuter - drOuterWall;
+    section1.zPos   = dzTotal/2. - dz_Endplate; 
+    ConicalSupportData::Section section2;
+    section2.rInner = rInner ; 
+    section2.rOuter = rOuter ;
+    section2.zPos   = dzTotal/2.; 
+    supportData->sections.push_back(section0);
+    supportData->sections.push_back(section1);
+    supportData->sections.push_back(section2);
+    tpc.addExtension< FixedPadSizeTPCData >(tpcData);
+    tpc.addExtension< ConicalSupportData >(supportData);
     //tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_det.visStr(), envelope );
     tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "TPCMotherVis1", envelope );
     //  if( tpc.isValid() ) 
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
index 82f049d9..8dd22ac7 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ using dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType;
 using dd4hep::rec::volSurfaceList;
 using dd4hep::rec::VolPlane;
 using dd4hep::rec::FixedPadSizeTPCData;
+using dd4hep::rec::ConicalSupportData;
 /** Construction of TPC detector, ported from Mokka driver
  * Mokka History:
@@ -451,7 +452,29 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     tpcData->driftLength = dzTotal/2.- dz_Endplate - dz_Readout - dz_Cathode/2.0; // SJA: cathode has to be added as the sensitive region does not start at 0.00    
     tpcData->zMinReadout = dz_Cathode/2.0; 
-    tpc.addExtension<FixedPadSizeTPCData >(tpcData);
+    ConicalSupportData* supportData = new ConicalSupportData;
+    ConicalSupportData::Section section0;
+    section0.rInner = rInner + drInnerWall; 
+    section0.rOuter = rOuter - drOuterWall;
+    section0.zPos   = dzTotal/2. - dz_Endplate - dz_Readout; 
+    ConicalSupportData::Section section1;
+    section1.rInner = rInner + drInnerWall; 
+    section1.rOuter = rOuter - drOuterWall;
+    section1.zPos   = dzTotal/2. - dz_Endplate; 
+    ConicalSupportData::Section section2;
+    section2.rInner = rInner ; 
+    section2.rOuter = rOuter ;
+    section2.zPos   = dzTotal/2.; 
+    supportData->sections.push_back(section0);
+    supportData->sections.push_back(section1);
+    supportData->sections.push_back(section2);
+    tpc.addExtension< FixedPadSizeTPCData >(tpcData);
+    tpc.addExtension< ConicalSupportData >(supportData);
     //tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_det.visStr(), envelope );
     tpc.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "TPCMotherVis1", envelope );

From 6304ad51add663203ef13a9e65b3e644a9de7f8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 19:52:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 10/17] Fix the TPC_ModularEndcap Al frame position

 Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
index 402afae0..deb866dd 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/SIT_SimplePixel_v01_03.xml"/>
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/TPC_Simple_v10_02.xml"/>
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/-->
-  <include ref="./TPC_ModularEndcap_TDR_o1_v01.xml"/>
+  <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml"/>
   <!--prepare for update, need check first-->
   <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml"/-->
-  <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/>
+  <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/-->
     <field name="InnerSolenoid" type="solenoid"

From b519a0a55d1caeeec650fe8835c0f33d5c901c94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:01:15 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 11/17] TPC_ModularEndcap Al frame fix

 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
index 2ec03997..616c7e1a 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
                     double phi_end   = 2*M_PI;
                     Tube   ringSolid(rCursor, r_end, dz_Alframe/2., phi_start,  phi_end) ;
                     Volume ringLog( layerName+"Log", ringSolid, materialAlframe) ;
-                    pv = endcapLog.placeVolume( ringLog, Position(0., 0., -dz_Endpaltelength/2. + dz_Alframe) ) ;
+                    pv = endcapLog.placeVolume( ringLog, Position(0., 0., -dz_Endpaltelength/2. + dz_Alframe/2.) ) ;
                 if(layerType == "Module")

From 1afaa9159954064c2e0f5411b89660ab59ed6325 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:20:39 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 12/17] test TPC_ModularEndcap_01_v01 and uncomment other sub

 .../DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml | 9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
index deb866dd..a3cbc62d 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/TDR_o1_v01/TDR_o1_v01-onlyTracker.xml
@@ -29,15 +29,14 @@
   <!--TODO: vertex cooling-->
   <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v02/Beampipe_v01_03.xml"/-->
   <!--preliminary vertex and tracker, to update/-->
-  <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v02/VXD_StaggeredLadder_v02_01.xml"/>
+  <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/VXD_StaggeredLadder_v02_01.xml"/>
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/FTD_SkewRing_v01_05.xml"/>
   <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/SIT_SimplePixel_v01_03.xml"/>
-  <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/TPC_Simple_v10_02.xml"/>
-  <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/-->
-  <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml"/>
+  <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v01/TPC_Simple_v10_02.xml"/-->
+  <include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/>
   <!--prepare for update, need check first-->
-  <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml"/-->
+  <include ref="../CRD_common_v02/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.xml"/>
   <!--include ref="../CRD_common_v01/SET_SimplePixel_v01_01.xml"/-->

From bb46ca5d6460df5f9395c83d5abab64b1b3d4456 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 18:34:07 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 13/17] Fix tpcData error, rMinReadout!=TPC_rMin_Sensitive

 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp | 5 +++--
 Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp        | 5 +++--
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
index edd4bddb..49df905f 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_ModularEndcap_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     const double rOuter             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_outer_radius") ;
     const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_InnerWall");
     const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_OuterWall");
+    const double drInnerServiceArea = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea");
     const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Cathode");
     const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Endplate");
     const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Readout");
@@ -510,8 +511,8 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     tpcData->rMax  = rOuter;
     tpcData->innerWallThickness = drInnerWall;
     tpcData->outerWallThickness = drOuterWall;
-    tpcData->rMinReadout = rInner + drInnerWall;
-    tpcData->rMaxReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + tpcnumberOfPadRows*tpcpadheight;
+    tpcData->rMinReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + drInnerServiceArea;
+    tpcData->rMaxReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + drInnerServiceArea + tpcnumberOfPadRows*tpcpadheight;
     tpcData->maxRow = tpcnumberOfPadRows;
     tpcData->padHeight = tpcpadheight;
     tpcData->padWidth =  tpcpadwidth;
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
index a137e03d..a8bb12ef 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/TPC_Simple_o1_v01.cpp
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     const double rOuter             = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_outer_radius") ;
     const double drInnerWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_InnerWall");
     const double drOuterWall        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_OuterWall");
+    const double drInnerServiceArea = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dr_InnerServiceArea");
     const double dz_Cathode         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Cathode");
     const double dz_Endplate        = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Endplate");
     const double dz_Readout         = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_dz_Readout");
@@ -454,8 +455,8 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
     tpcData->rMax  = rOuter;
     tpcData->innerWallThickness = drInnerWall;
     tpcData->outerWallThickness = drOuterWall;
-    tpcData->rMinReadout = rInner + drInnerWall;
-    tpcData->rMaxReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + tpcnumberOfPadRows*tpcpadheight;
+    tpcData->rMinReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + drInnerServiceArea;
+    tpcData->rMaxReadout = rInner + drInnerWall + drInnerServiceArea + tpcnumberOfPadRows*tpcpadheight;
     tpcData->maxRow = tpcnumberOfPadRows;
     tpcData->padHeight = tpcpadheight;
     tpcData->padWidth =  tpcpadwidth;

From 343da421a278558bc47922331302790aa0312af3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 22:28:23 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 14/17] Fix incorrect gas pressure in TrackHeedSimTool

 Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.cpp | 2 +-
 Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.h   | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.cpp b/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.cpp
index a4fe56c7..33028871 100644
--- a/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.cpp
+++ b/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.cpp
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ StatusCode TrackHeedSimTool::initialize()
   else if(m_det=="TPC"){
-      m_gas.SetPressure(750.);
+      m_gas.SetPressure(m_gaspressure);
       m_gas.SetComposition("Ar", 95., "isobutane", 2., "CF4", 3.);
diff --git a/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.h b/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.h
index eb66b4ed..e2605fa1 100644
--- a/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.h
+++ b/Simulation/DetSimDedx/src/TrackHeedSimTool.h
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ class TrackHeedSimTool: public extends<AlgTool, IDedxSimTool> {
         Gaudi::Property<float> m_change_threshold {this, "change_threshold", 0.05};
         Gaudi::Property<float> m_BField   {this, "BField", -3};
         Gaudi::Property<float> m_eps     { this, "eps"   , 1e-6  };//very small value, it is returned dedx for unsimulated step (may needed for SimTrackerHit)
+        Gaudi::Property<float> m_gaspressure { this, "gaspressure"   , 760.  };// default gas pressure, 760 Torr. 1 ATM
         // Output collections
         DataHandle<edm4hep::SimPrimaryIonizationClusterCollection>    m_SimPrimaryIonizationColWriter{"SimPrimaryIonizationClusterCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this};
         edm4hep::SimPrimaryIonizationClusterCollection* m_SimPrimaryIonizationCol;

From 3f7805d92413b2bad199e13e1f9020985882f346 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:39:02 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 15/17] Update TPC r-phi spatial resolution in TPCDigiAlg, with
 hodoscope effect

 Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
index 50a3ec96..c50d2fae 100644
--- a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
+++ b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
@@ -791,10 +791,33 @@ StatusCode TPCDigiAlg::execute()
         // (this is for B=3T, h is the pad height = pad-row pitch in mm)
         // sigma_{z}^2 = (400microns)^2 + L_{drift}cm * (80micron/sqrt(cm))^2
+        // OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO
+        // Pixel readout TPC spatial resolution (preliminary) update, Xin She, 20250228 
+        // + Take "hodoscope" effect into consideration
+        // + The parameters are based on Neff=30 and the pad pitch=0.5mm 
+        //   @T2K gas, B=3T, D_{T} is close to 32.3 um/sqrt(cm) @230 V/cm Drift field
+        // + sigma_x = 0.006001*sqrt(z/10.)+0.1175*exp(-0.09018*z/10.), z>=5.1mm
+        // + sigma_x = 0.1443-0.0047*z, z<5.1mm 
+        //   where sigma_x is the r-phi resolution, unit [mm], 
+        //   z is the driftlength, unit [mm]
+        // OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO OOOoooOOOoooOOO
+        double driftLength_in_mm =  driftLength*10.; 
+        if(driftLength_in_mm>=5.1) // using fitted curves
+        {
+            tpcRPhiRes = 0.006001*std::sqrt(0.1*driftLength_in_mm) + 0.1175*std::exp(-0.009018*driftLength_in_mm);
+        }
+        else // using linear interpolation
+        {
+            tpcRPhiRes = 0.1443 - 0.1147*driftLength_in_mm;
+        }
+        // without "hodoscope" effect
         double aReso = _pointResoRPhi0*_pointResoRPhi0 ;
         double bReso = _diffRPhi * _diffRPhi ;
-        tpcRPhiRes   = sqrt(aReso + bReso * driftLength) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
-        tpcZRes      = sqrt( _pointResoZ0 * _pointResoZ0 + _diffZ * _diffZ * driftLength ) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
+        //tpcRPhiRes   = sqrt(aReso + bReso * driftLength) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
+        //tpcZRes      = sqrt( _pointResoZ0 * _pointResoZ0 + _diffZ * _diffZ * driftLength ) / sqrt(ne); // driftLength in cm
+        tpcZRes      = sqrt( _pointResoZ0 * _pointResoZ0 + _diffZ * _diffZ * driftLength ) / sqrt(_nEff); // driftLength in cm
       else {
         // Calculate Point Resolutions according to Ron's Formula

From 0b50fd89ea44b6ce79ea245a2cf6c5d40fda4918 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:49:39 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 16/17] Fix am error parameter in tpcRPhiRes

 Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
index c50d2fae..44179913 100644
--- a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
+++ b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ StatusCode TPCDigiAlg::execute()
         else // using linear interpolation
-            tpcRPhiRes = 0.1443 - 0.1147*driftLength_in_mm;
+            tpcRPhiRes = 0.1443 - 0.0047*driftLength_in_mm;
         // without "hodoscope" effect
         double aReso = _pointResoRPhi0*_pointResoRPhi0 ;

From 37efa1c15148fd522bc71f6cad5bb16c64d3ec0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: shexin <>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 00:51:30 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 17/17] Update, set the fiited parameters of the pixel TPC
 spatial resolution (sigma_rphi) through Gaudi algo interface

 Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp |  5 +++--
 Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.h   | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
index 44179913..66c26e05 100644
--- a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
+++ b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.cpp
@@ -805,11 +805,12 @@ StatusCode TPCDigiAlg::execute()
         double driftLength_in_mm =  driftLength*10.; 
         if(driftLength_in_mm>=5.1) // using fitted curves
-            tpcRPhiRes = 0.006001*std::sqrt(0.1*driftLength_in_mm) + 0.1175*std::exp(-0.009018*driftLength_in_mm);
+            tpcRPhiRes = _fittedRPhiResoParas[0]*std::sqrt(0.1*driftLength_in_mm) + 
+                         _fittedRPhiResoParas[1]*std::exp(-1*_fittedRPhiResoParas[2]*driftLength_in_mm);
         else // using linear interpolation
-            tpcRPhiRes = 0.1443 - 0.0047*driftLength_in_mm;
+            tpcRPhiRes = _fittedRPhiResoParas[3] + _fittedRPhiResoParas[4]*driftLength_in_mm;
         // without "hodoscope" effect
         double aReso = _pointResoRPhi0*_pointResoRPhi0 ;
diff --git a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.h b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.h
index ff5d8dc8..516cab5a 100644
--- a/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.h
+++ b/Digitization/DigiSimple/src/TPCDigiAlg.h
@@ -169,6 +169,22 @@ protected:
   edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection* _trkhitVec;
   edm4hep::MCRecoTrackerAssociationCollection* _relCol;
+  // Pixel readout TPC spatial resolution (preliminary) update, Xin She, 20250228 
+  // + Take "hodoscope" effect into consideration
+  // + The parameters are based on Neff=30 and the pad pitch=0.5mm 
+  //   @T2K gas, B=3T, D_{T} is close to 32.3 um/sqrt(cm) @230 V/cm Drift field
+  // + sigma_x = 0.006001*sqrt(z/10.)+0.1175*exp(-0.09018*z/10.), z>=5.1mm
+  // + sigma_x = 0.1443-0.0047*z, z<5.1mm 
+  //   where sigma_x is the r-phi resolution, unit [mm], 
+  //   z is the driftlength, unit [mm]
+  // Input fitted parameters will be set as optional parameters though Gaudi algo 
+  // interface. If some conditions (e.g. pixel size) had changed, it can be modified
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> _fittedRPhiResoParas{this, "fittedRPhiResoParas",{0.006001,0.1175,0.009018,0.1443,-0.0047}};
   bool _pixelClustering;
   bool _use_raw_hits_to_store_simhit_pointer;