#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Setup script for CEPCSW: # - build the cepcsw # # Usage: # $ bash build.sh # or: # $ # # Author: Tao Lin <lintao@ihep.ac.cn> ############################################################################## function info:() { echo "INFO: $*" 1>&2 } function error:() { echo "ERROR: $*" 1>&2 } function check-cepcsw-envvar() { # CEPCSWEXTERNAL is defined in /cvmfs/cepcsw.ihep.ac.cn/prototype/releases/externals/ if [ -z "${CEPCSWEXTERNAL}" ]; then error: "The CEPCSW is not setup. Please source setup.sh." return 1 fi } function build-dir() { local blddir=build if [ -n "${bldtool}" ]; then blddir=${blddir}.${bldtool} fi # If detect the extra env var, append it to the build dir if [ -n "${lcg_version}" ]; then blddir=${blddir}.${lcg_version} fi if [ -n "${lcg_platform}" ]; then blddir=${blddir}.${lcg_platform} fi echo $blddir } function check-working-builddir() { local blddir=$(build-dir) if [ ! -d "$blddir" ]; then mkdir $blddir || { error: "Failed to create $blddir" return 1 } fi } function run-cmake() { local blddir=$(build-dir) if [ ! -d "$blddir" ]; then error: "Failed to create $blddir" return 1 fi local bldgen if [ -n "$bldtool" ] ; then case $bldtool in ninja) bldgen="-G Ninja" ;; *) ;; esac fi cd $blddir cmake .. -DHOST_BINARY_TAG=${lcg_platform} ${bldgen} || { error: "Failed to cmake" return 1 } } function run-make() { # User can limit the number of cores by setting NJOBS envvar. # For example: NJOBS=8 ./build.sh local njobs=${NJOBS} if [ -z "$njobs" ]; then njobs=$(nproc) fi # following is IHEP specific hack due to the limitation of nthreads 150. local nthreads=$(ulimit -u) if [ "$nthreads" = "unlimited" ]; then nthreads=$njobs else local factor=16 nthreads=$((nthreads/factor)) # assume it is safe to divide by scale factor. fi # min(njobs, nthreads) njobs=$((njobs<nthreads ? njobs: nthreads)) njobs=-j${njobs} echo "njobs: $njobs" cmake --build . $njobs } function run-install() { cmake --install . } ############################################################################## # Parse the command line options ############################################################################## # The current default platform lcg_platform=${CEPCSW_LCG_PLATFORM:-x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt} lcg_version=${CEPCSW_LCG_VERSION:-103.0.2} bldtool=${CEPCSW_BLDTOOL} # make, ninja # set in env var check-cepcsw-envvar || exit -1 check-working-builddir || exit -1 run-cmake || exit -1 run-make || exit -1 run-install || exit -1