From 0263ae480120e8a062d4e41a6aa5f03a69a9a4d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Gaede <>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:04:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH]  - added implemation of conical surfaces     - ICone,
 VolConeImpl, VolCone, ConeSurface

 DDRec/include/DDRec/Surface.h            |  96 ++++++++++--
 DDRec/src/DetectorSurfaces.cpp           |  11 +-
 DDRec/src/Surface.cpp                    | 185 +++++++++++++++++++++--
 DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/ISurface.h |  45 +++++-
 DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/Vector3D.h |  17 +--
 5 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/DDRec/include/DDRec/Surface.h b/DDRec/include/DDRec/Surface.h
index cfb96df1f..2a3481c97 100644
--- a/DDRec/include/DDRec/Surface.h
+++ b/DDRec/include/DDRec/Surface.h
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       virtual void setV(const Vector3D& v) ;
       /// setter for daughter classes
       virtual void setNormal(const Vector3D& n) ;
+      /// setter for daughter classes
+      virtual void setOrigin(const Vector3D& o) ;
@@ -354,6 +356,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
         _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Plane    , true ) ;
         _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Cylinder , false ) ;
+        _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Cone     , false ) ;
         _type.checkParallelToZ( *this ) ;
         _type.checkOrthogonalToZ( *this ) ;
@@ -382,7 +385,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       VolCylinderImpl( Geometry::Volume vol, SurfaceType type, double thickness_inner ,double thickness_outer,  Vector3D origin ) ;
       /** First direction of measurement U - rotated to point projected onto the cylinder.
        *  No check is done whether the point actually is on the cylinder surface
@@ -396,13 +398,62 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /** Distance to surface */
       virtual double distance(const Vector3D& point ) const  ;
-      /** Convert the global position to the local position (u,v) on the surface - u runs along the axis of the cylinder, v is r*phi */
+      /** Convert the global position to the local position (u,v) on the surface - v runs along the axis of the cylinder, u is r*phi */
       virtual Vector2D globalToLocal( const Vector3D& point) const ;
-      /** Convert the local position (u,v) on the surface to the global position  - u runs along the axis of the cylinder, v is r*phi*/
+      /** Convert the local position (u,v) on the surface to the global position  - v runs along the axis of the cylinder, u is r*phi*/
       virtual Vector3D localToGlobal( const Vector2D& point) const ;
     } ;
+    //======================================================================================================
+    /** Implementation of conical surface attached to a volume 
+     * @author F.Gaede, DESY
+     * @date Nov, 6 2015
+     * @version $Id$
+     */
+    class VolConeImpl : public VolSurfaceBase {
+    public:
+      /// default c'tor
+      VolConeImpl() : VolSurfaceBase() { }
+      /** The standard constructor. The origin vector points to the origin of the coordinate system on the cone,
+       *  its rho defining the mean radius of the cone (z-component of the origin is ignored !).
+       *  The measurement direction v defines the opening angle of the cone,
+       *  the normal is chosen to be orthogonal to v. NB: the cone is always parallel to the local z axis.
+       */
+      VolConeImpl( Geometry::Volume vol, SurfaceType type, double thickness_inner ,double thickness_outer,
+		   Vector3D v, Vector3D origin ) ;
+      /** First direction of measurement U - rotated to point projected onto the cone.
+       *  No check is done whether the point actually is on the cone surface
+       */
+      virtual Vector3D u( const Vector3D& point = Vector3D() ) const ;
+      /** Second direction of measurement V - rotated to point projected onto the cone.
+       *  No check is done whether the point actually is on the cone surface
+       */
+      virtual Vector3D v( const Vector3D& point = Vector3D() ) const ;
+      /** The normal direction at the given point, projected  onto the cone.
+       *  No check is done whether the point actually is on the cone surface
+       */
+      virtual Vector3D normal(const Vector3D& point = Vector3D() ) const ;
+      /** Distance to surface */
+      virtual double distance(const Vector3D& point ) const  ;
+      /** Convert the global position to the local position (u,v) on the surface - v runs along the axis of the cone, u is r*phi */
+      virtual Vector2D globalToLocal( const Vector3D& point) const ;
+      /** Convert the local position (u,v) on the surface to the global position  - v runs along the axis of the cone, u is r*phi*/
+      virtual Vector3D localToGlobal( const Vector2D& point) const ;
+      virtual std::vector< std::pair<DDSurfaces::Vector3D, DDSurfaces::Vector3D> > getLines(unsigned nMax=100) ;
+  } ;
@@ -436,6 +487,12 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 	VolSurface( new VolCylinderImpl( vol,  type,  thickness_inner , thickness_outer, origin ) ) {}
     } ;
+    class VolCone : public VolSurface{
+    public:
+      VolCone( Geometry::Volume vol, SurfaceType type, double thickness_inner ,double thickness_outer, Vector3D v, Vector3D origin ) :
+	VolSurface( new VolConeImpl( vol,  type,  thickness_inner , thickness_outer, v,  origin ) ) {}
+    } ;
     /** Implementation of Surface class holding a local surface attached to a volume and the DetElement 
@@ -539,12 +596,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       virtual double length_along_v() const ;
-      //---------------------------------------------------
-      /** Get vertices constraining the surface for drawing ( might not be exact boundaries) -
-       *  at most nMax points are returned.
-       */
-      //      std::vector< Vector3D > getVertices( unsigned nMax=360 ) ;
       /** Get lines constraining the surface for drawing ( might not be exact boundaries) -
        *  at most nMax lines are returned.
@@ -596,10 +647,33 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /// the center of the cylinder 
       virtual Vector3D center() const ;
     } ;
+    //======================================================================================================
+    /** Specialization of Surface for cones - specializes CyliderSurface (for lazyness ...)
+     *  @author F.Gaede, DESY
+     *  @date May, 10 2014
+     */
+    class ConeSurface : public CylinderSurface, public ICone {
+    public:      
+      ConeSurface( Geometry::DetElement det, VolSurface volSurf ) : CylinderSurface( det, volSurf ) { }      
+      /// the start radius of the cone
+      virtual double radius0() const ;
+      /// the end radius of the cone
+      virtual double radius1() const ;
+      /// the start z of the cone
+      virtual double z0() const ;
+      /// the end z of the cone
+      virtual double z1() const ;
+      /// the center of the cone 
+      virtual Vector3D center() const ;
+    };
     /** std::list of Surfaces that optionally takes ownership.
      * @author F.Gaede, DESY
diff --git a/DDRec/src/DetectorSurfaces.cpp b/DDRec/src/DetectorSurfaces.cpp
index 632021ab4..1885133b7 100644
--- a/DDRec/src/DetectorSurfaces.cpp
+++ b/DDRec/src/DetectorSurfaces.cpp
@@ -43,8 +43,17 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 	  VolSurface volSurf =  *it ;
-	  Surface* surf = ( volSurf.type().isCylinder() ?  new CylinderSurface(  det,  volSurf )  :  new Surface(  det,  volSurf )  ) ;
+	  Surface* surf = 0 ;
+	  if( volSurf.type().isCylinder() )
+	    surf = new CylinderSurface(  det,  volSurf ) ;
+	  else if( volSurf.type().isCone() ) 
+	    surf = new ConeSurface( det, volSurf ) ;
+	  else
+	    surf = new Surface(  det,  volSurf ) ;
 	  // std::cout << " ------------------------- " 
 	  //   	    << " surface: "   << *surf        << std::endl
 	  //   	    << " ------------------------- "  << std::endl ;
diff --git a/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp b/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp
index 65d146bf7..7f22f0a71 100644
--- a/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp
+++ b/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     void VolSurfaceBase::setU(const Vector3D& u_val) {  _u = u_val  ; }
     void VolSurfaceBase::setV(const Vector3D& v_val) {  _v = v_val ; }
     void VolSurfaceBase::setNormal(const Vector3D& n) { _n = n ; }
+    void VolSurfaceBase::setOrigin(const Vector3D& o) { _o = o ; }
     long64 VolSurfaceBase::id() const  { return _id ; } 
@@ -268,6 +269,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Plane    , false ) ;
       _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Cylinder , true ) ;
+      _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Cone     , false ) ;
       _type.checkParallelToZ( *this ) ;
       _type.checkOrthogonalToZ( *this ) ;
@@ -316,7 +318,140 @@ namespace DD4hep {
+    VolConeImpl::VolConeImpl( Geometry::Volume vol, SurfaceType typ, 
+			      double thickness_inner ,double thickness_outer, Vector3D v,  Vector3D o ) :
+      VolSurfaceBase(typ, thickness_inner, thickness_outer, Vector3D() , v ,  Vector3D() , Vector3D() , vol, 0) {
+      Vector3D o_rphi( o.x() , o.y() , 0. ) ;
+      // sanity check: v and o have to have a common phi
+      double dphi = v.phi() - o_rphi.phi() ;
+      while( dphi < -M_PI ) dphi += 2.*M_PI ;
+      while( dphi >  M_PI ) dphi -= 2.*M_PI ;
+      if( std::fabs( dphi ) > 1e-6 ){
+	std::stringstream sst ; sst << "VolConeImpl::VolConeImpl() - incompatibel vector v and o given " 
+				    << v << " - " << o ;
+	throw std::runtime_error( sst.str() ) ;
+      }
+      Vector3D n( 1. , v.phi() , ( v.theta() + M_PI/2. ) , Vector3D::spherical ) ;
+      Vector3D u = v.cross( n ) ;
+      setU( u ) ;
+      setOrigin( o_rphi ) ;
+      setNormal( n ) ;
+      _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Plane   , false ) ;
+      _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Cylinder, false ) ;
+      _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Cone    , true ) ;
+      _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::ParallelToZ, true ) ;
+      _type.setProperty( SurfaceType::OrthogonalToZ, false ) ;
+    }      
+    Vector3D VolConeImpl::v(const Vector3D& point ) const {  
+      // just take phi from point
+      Vector3D av( 1. , point.phi() , _v.theta() , Vector3D::spherical ) ;
+      return av ; 
+    }
+    Vector3D VolConeImpl::u(const Vector3D& point ) const {  
+      // compute from v X n 
+      const Vector3D& av = this->v( point ) ;
+      const Vector3D& n = normal( point ) ;
+      return av.cross( n ) ; 
+    }
+    Vector3D VolConeImpl::normal(const Vector3D& point ) const {  
+      // just take phi from point
+      Vector3D n( 1. , point.phi() , _n.theta() , Vector3D::spherical ) ;
+      return n ;
+    }
+    Vector2D VolConeImpl::globalToLocal( const Vector3D& point) const {
+      // cone is parallel to z here, so u is r *Phi and v is "along" z
+      double phi = point.phi() - origin().phi() ;
+      while( phi < -M_PI ) phi += 2.*M_PI ;
+      while( phi >  M_PI ) phi -= 2.*M_PI ;
+      return  Vector2D( origin().rho()*phi, ( point.z() - origin().z() ) / cos( _v.theta() ) ) ;
+    }
+    Vector3D VolConeImpl::localToGlobal( const Vector2D& point) const {
+      double z = point.v() * cos( _v.theta() ) + origin().z() ;
+      double phi = point.u() / origin().rho() + origin().phi() ;
+      while( phi < -M_PI ) phi += 2.*M_PI ;
+      while( phi >  M_PI ) phi -= 2.*M_PI ;
+      return Vector3D( origin().rho() , phi, z  , Vector3D::cylindrical )    ;
+    }
+    /** Distance to surface */
+    double VolConeImpl::distance(const Vector3D& point ) const {
+      //fixme: there are probably faster ways to compute this
+      // e.g by using the intercept theorem - tbd. ...
+      const Vector2D& lp = globalToLocal( point ) ;
+      const Vector3D& gp = localToGlobal( lp ) ;
+      Vector3D dz = point - gp ;
+      return dz * normal( point )  ;
+    }
+    /// create outer bounding lines for the given symmetry of the polyhedron
+    std::vector< std::pair<DDSurfaces::Vector3D, DDSurfaces::Vector3D> >  VolConeImpl::getLines(unsigned nMax){
+      std::vector< std::pair<DDSurfaces::Vector3D, DDSurfaces::Vector3D> >  lines ;
+      lines.reserve( nMax ) ;
+      double theta = v().theta() ;
+      double half_length = 0.5 * length_along_v() * cos( theta ) ;
+      Vector3D zv( 0. , 0. , half_length ) ;
+      double dr =  half_length * tan( theta ) ;
+      double r0 = origin().rho() - dr ;  
+      double r1 = origin().rho() + dr ;
+      unsigned n = nMax / 4 ;
+      double dPhi = 2.* ROOT::Math::Pi() / double( n ) ; 
+      for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i ) {
+ 	Vector3D r0v0(  r0*sin(  i   *dPhi ) , r0*cos(  i   *dPhi )  , 0. ) ;
+	Vector3D r0v1(  r0*sin( (i+1)*dPhi ) , r0*cos( (i+1)*dPhi )  , 0. ) ;
+ 	Vector3D r1v0(  r1*sin(  i   *dPhi ) , r1*cos(  i   *dPhi )  , 0. ) ;
+	Vector3D r1v1(  r1*sin( (i+1)*dPhi ) , r1*cos( (i+1)*dPhi )  , 0. ) ;
+	Vector3D pl0 =  zv + r1v0 ;
+	Vector3D pl1 =  zv + r1v1 ;
+	Vector3D pl2 = -zv + r0v1  ;
+	Vector3D pl3 = -zv + r0v0 ;
+	lines.push_back( std::make_pair( pl0, pl1 ) ) ;
+	lines.push_back( std::make_pair( pl1, pl2 ) ) ;
+	lines.push_back( std::make_pair( pl2, pl3 ) ) ;
+	lines.push_back( std::make_pair( pl3, pl0 ) ) ;
+      } 
+      return lines; 
+    }
+    //================================================================================================================
       // // delete all surfaces attached to this volume
@@ -527,7 +662,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       Vector3D localPoint( pa ) ;
       return _volSurf.distance( localPoint ) ;
-      //FG      return ( _volSurf.type().isPlane() ?   VolPlane(_volSurf).distance( localPoint )  : VolCylinder(_volSurf).distance( localPoint ) ) ;
     bool Surface::insideBounds(const Vector3D& point, double epsilon) const {
@@ -537,8 +671,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       Vector3D localPoint( pa ) ;
       return _volSurf.insideBounds( localPoint , epsilon) ;
-      //FG      return ( _volSurf.type().isPlane() ?   VolPlane(_volSurf).insideBounds( localPoint, epsilon )  : VolCylinder(_volSurf).insideBounds( localPoint , epsilon) ) ;
     void Surface::initialize() {
@@ -554,11 +686,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
         throw std::runtime_error( sst.str() ) ;
-      // std::cout << " **** Surface::initialize() # placements for surface = " << pVList.size() 
-      // 		<< " worldTransform : " 
-      // 		<< std::endl ; 
       //=========== compute and cache world transform for surface ==========
       const TGeoHMatrix& wm = _det.worldTransformation() ;
@@ -674,8 +801,8 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 	for( unsigned i=0;i<n;++i){
 	  DDSurfaces::Vector3D av,bv;
-	  _wtM->LocalToMasterVect( local_lines[i].first ,  av.array() ) ;
-	  _wtM->LocalToMasterVect( local_lines[i].second , bv.array() ) ;
+	  _wtM->LocalToMaster( local_lines[i].first ,  av.array() ) ;
+	  _wtM->LocalToMaster( local_lines[i].second , bv.array() ) ;
 	  lines.push_back( std::make_pair( av, bv ) );
@@ -1075,6 +1202,44 @@ namespace DD4hep {
+    double ConeSurface::radius0() const {
+      double theta = _volSurf.v().theta() ;
+      double l = length_along_v() * cos( theta ) ;
+      return origin().rho() - 0.5 * l * tan( theta ) ;  
+    }
+    double ConeSurface::radius1() const {
+      double theta = _volSurf.v().theta() ;
+      double l = length_along_v() * cos( theta ) ;
+      return origin().rho() + 0.5 * l * tan( theta ) ;  
+    }
+    double ConeSurface::z0() const {
+      double theta = _volSurf.v().theta() ;
+      double l = length_along_v() * cos( theta ) ;
+      return origin().z() - 0.5 * l ;  
+    }
+    double ConeSurface::z1() const {
+      double theta = _volSurf.v().theta() ;
+      double l = length_along_v() * cos( theta ) ;
+      return origin().z() + 0.5 * l ;
+    }
+    Vector3D ConeSurface::center() const {  return volumeOrigin() ;  }
+    //================================================================================================================
   } // namespace
 } // namespace
diff --git a/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/ISurface.h b/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/ISurface.h
index 5c37a7cc2..38d7bfdc5 100644
--- a/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/ISurface.h
+++ b/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/ISurface.h
@@ -98,6 +98,23 @@ namespace DDSurfaces {
     virtual double radius() const=0 ;
     virtual Vector3D center() const=0 ;
+  //==============================================================================================
+  /** Minimal interface to provide acces to radii of conical surfaces.
+   * @author F. Gaede, DESY
+   * @version $Id$
+   * @date Nov 6 2015
+   */
+  class ICone {
+  public:
+    /// Destructor
+    virtual ~ICone() {}
+    virtual double radius0() const=0 ;
+    virtual double radius1() const=0 ;
+    virtual double z0() const=0 ;
+    virtual double z1() const=0 ;
+    virtual Vector3D center() const=0 ;
+  };
@@ -120,7 +137,8 @@ namespace DDSurfaces {
-      Measurement1D
+      Measurement1D,
+      Cone
     } ;
     ///default c'tor
@@ -176,6 +194,9 @@ namespace DDSurfaces {
     /// true if this a cylindrical surface
     bool isCylinder() const { return _bits[ SurfaceType::Cylinder ] ; } 
+    /// true if this a conical surface
+    bool isCone() const { return _bits[ SurfaceType::Cone ] ; } 
     /// true if surface is parallel to Z
     bool isParallelToZ() const { return _bits[ SurfaceType::ParallelToZ ] ; } 
@@ -188,6 +209,9 @@ namespace DDSurfaces {
    /// true if this is a cylinder parallel to Z
     bool isZCylinder() const  { return ( _bits[ SurfaceType::Cylinder ] &&  _bits[ SurfaceType::ParallelToZ ] ) ; } 
+   /// true if this is a cone parallel to Z
+    bool isZCone() const  { return ( _bits[ SurfaceType::Cone ] &&  _bits[ SurfaceType::ParallelToZ ] ) ; } 
    /// true if this is a plane parallel to Z
     bool isZPlane() const  { return ( _bits[ SurfaceType::Plane ] &&  _bits[ SurfaceType::ParallelToZ ] ) ; 
@@ -246,9 +270,17 @@ namespace DDSurfaces {
   /// dump SurfaceType operator 
   inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os , const SurfaceType& t ) {
-    os << "sensitive[" << t.isSensitive() << "] helper[" << t.isHelper() << "] plane[" << t.isPlane()  << "] cylinder[" << t.isCylinder()  
-       << "] parallelToZ[" << t.isParallelToZ()  << "] orthogonalToZ[" << t. isOrthogonalToZ()  << "] zCylinder[" << t.isZCylinder() 
-       <<  "] zPlane[" << t.isZPlane()  <<  "] zDisk[" << t.isZDisk() << "]"  ; 
+    os << "sensitive["       << t.isSensitive() 
+       << "] helper["        << t.isHelper() 
+       << "] plane["         << t.isPlane()  
+       << "] cylinder["      << t.isCylinder()  
+       << "] cone["          << t.isCone()  
+       << "] parallelToZ["   << t.isParallelToZ()  
+       << "] orthogonalToZ[" << t.isOrthogonalToZ()  
+       << "] zCylinder["     << t.isZCylinder() 
+       << "] zCone["         << t.isZCone() 
+       << "] zPlane["        << t.isZPlane()  
+       << "] zDisk["         << t.isZDisk() << "]"  ; 
     return os ;
@@ -264,10 +296,13 @@ namespace DDSurfaces {
        <<  "   outerMaterial :  " << s.outerMaterial() << "  thickness: " <<  s.outerThickness()  << std::endl   ;
     const ICylinder* cyl = dynamic_cast< const ICylinder* > ( &s ) ;
     if( cyl )
       os << "   cylinder radius : " << cyl->radius() <<  std::endl   ;
+    const ICone* cone = dynamic_cast< const ICone* > ( &s ) ;
+    if( cone )
+      os << "   cone radius0: " << cone->radius0() << "   cone radius1: " << cone->radius1()  <<  std::endl   ;
     return os ;
diff --git a/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/Vector3D.h b/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/Vector3D.h
index 819de8b88..23a826e30 100644
--- a/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/Vector3D.h
+++ b/DDSurfaces/include/DDSurfaces/Vector3D.h
@@ -344,15 +344,14 @@ namespace DDSurfaces {
   /** Output operator */
   inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, const Vector3D &v) {
-    os << "( " << v[0] << ", " << v[1] << ", " << v[2] << " )" ;
-    // os << "  ( " << v[0] 
-    //    << ", " << v[1]
-    //    << ", " << v[2]
-    //    << " ) -  [ phi: " << v.phi()
-    //    << " , rho: " << v.rho() << " ] "  
-    //    << "  [ theta: " << v.theta()
-    //    << " , r: " << v.r() << " ] " ;
+    //    os << "( " << v[0] << ", " << v[1] << ", " << v[2] << " )" ;
+    os << "  ( " << v[0] 
+       << ", " << v[1]
+       << ", " << v[2]
+       << " ) -  [ phi: " << v.phi()
+       << " , rho: " << v.rho() << " ] "  
+       << "  [ theta: " << v.theta()
+       << " , r: " << v.r() << " ] " ;
     return os ;