From 08c718c5ab95566ba9660fd8a688d47952a34da2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Frank <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:49:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] First version of conditions implementation

 DDCond/CMakeLists.txt                         |   2 +-
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionValidator.h    |  44 --
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h  |  86 +++
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h       |  63 ++
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h     |  76 --
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h     | 245 +++++++
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsManager.h     | 168 +++++
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsPool.h        | 155 ++++
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsStack.h       |  75 --
 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsTransaction.h |  57 --
 DDCond/src/ConditionTest.cpp                  | 121 ----
 DDCond/src/ConditionsDataLoader.cpp           |  50 ++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsEntry.cpp                |  50 ++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsExample.cpp              | 164 +++++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsHandler.cpp              | 121 ----
 DDCond/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp              | 679 ++++++++++++++++++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsLinearPool.cpp           | 272 +++++++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsManager.cpp              | 194 +++++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsMultiLoader.cpp          | 174 +++++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsParser.cpp               | 268 +++----
 DDCond/src/ConditionsPool.cpp                 |  76 ++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsStack.cpp                | 116 ---
 DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.cpp                 | 233 ++++++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.h                   |  65 ++
 DDCond/src/ConditionsTransaction.cpp          |  41 --
 DDCond/src/ConditionsXmlLoader.cpp            | 186 +++++
 .../include/DD4hep}/ComponentProperties.h     |  47 +-
 .../include/DD4hep}/ComponentProperties_inl.h |   4 +-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Conditions.h            | 160 +++--
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Detector.h              |  25 +-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/DetectorSelector.h      |   4 +
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Dictionary.h            | 114 +--
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Errors.h                |  55 ++
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Factories.h             |  25 +-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.h                | 542 +++++++-------
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.inl              |  64 +-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/LCDD.h                  |   5 +-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Mutex.h                 |  42 ++
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/PluginCreators.h        |  64 ++
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Plugins.h               |   4 +-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Primitives.h            | 125 +++-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Printout.h              |   6 +-
 DDCore/include/DD4hep/World.h                 |  75 ++
 .../DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h        | 256 +++----
 .../include/DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h  |  39 +-
 {DDG4 => DDCore}/src/ComponentProperties.cpp  |  24 +-
 DDCore/src/Conditions.cpp                     | 160 +++--
 DDCore/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp              | 144 ++--
 DDCore/src/Detector.cpp                       |  31 +-
 DDCore/src/DetectorInterna.cpp                |  37 +-
 DDCore/src/Errors.cpp                         |  34 +
 DDCore/src/Handle.cpp                         |  80 +--
 DDCore/src/LCDDImp.cpp                        |  18 +-
 DDCore/src/LCDDImp.h                          |   6 +-
 DDCore/src/LCDDLoad.cpp                       |   2 +-
 DDCore/src/PluginCreators.cpp                 |  62 ++
 DDCore/src/Plugins.cpp                        |   1 +
 DDCore/src/Primitives.cpp                     | 128 ++--
 DDCore/src/VolumeManager.cpp                  |   2 +-
 .../src/World.cpp                             |  24 +-
 DDCore/src/plugins/Compact2Objects.cpp        |   2 +-
 DDCore/src/plugins/LCDDFields.cpp             |  16 +-
 DDCore/src/plugins/PluginInvoker.cpp          |   4 +-
 DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceBarrel_surfaces.cpp   |   6 +-
 DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceEndcap_surfaces.cpp   |   2 +-
 DDDetectors/src/GenericSurfaceInstaller.cpp   |   2 +-
 DDDetectors/src/SiTrackerBarrel_surfaces.cpp  |   2 +-
 DDDetectors/src/SurfaceExamplePlugin.cpp      |   2 +-
 DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Action.h              |   2 +-
 DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Handle.h              |   2 +-
 DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4UIMessenger.h         |   4 +-
 DDG4/plugins/Geant4FieldTrackingSetup.cpp     |   4 +-
 DDG4/python/                         |   5 +-
 DDG4/python/                           |   1 +
 UtilityApps/src/run_plugin.h                  |  69 +-
 doc/           |   7 +-
 doc/release.notes                             |   6 +
 77 files changed, 4666 insertions(+), 1660 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionValidator.h
 create mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h
 create mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h
 create mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h
 create mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsManager.h
 create mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsPool.h
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsStack.h
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsTransaction.h
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionTest.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsDataLoader.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsEntry.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsExample.cpp
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsHandler.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsLinearPool.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsManager.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsMultiLoader.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsPool.cpp
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsStack.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.h
 delete mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsTransaction.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCond/src/ConditionsXmlLoader.cpp
 rename {DDG4/include/DDG4 => DDCore/include/DD4hep}/ComponentProperties.h (85%)
 rename {DDG4/include/DDG4 => DDCore/include/DD4hep}/ComponentProperties_inl.h (98%)
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Errors.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/DD4hep/Mutex.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/DD4hep/PluginCreators.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/DD4hep/World.h
 rename {DDG4 => DDCore}/src/ComponentProperties.cpp (93%)
 create mode 100644 DDCore/src/Errors.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCore/src/PluginCreators.cpp
 rename DDCond/src/ConditionValidator.cpp => DDCore/src/World.cpp (61%)

diff --git a/DDCond/CMakeLists.txt b/DDCond/CMakeLists.txt
index 6d0d8bba3..d27c519a6 100644
--- a/DDCond/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/DDCond/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 dd4hep_package(    DDCond
-  USES             DDCore
+  USES             BOOST DDCore
   INCLUDE_DIRS     include
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionValidator.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionValidator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7410ea4..000000000
--- a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionValidator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework includes
-#include "DDCond/Condition.h"
-/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
-namespace DD4hep {
-  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
-  namespace Geometry {
-    /// Conditions validation class.
-    /** 
-     *  \author   M.Frank
-     *  \version  1.0
-     *  \ingroup  DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-     */
-    class ConditionValidator  {
-    public:
-      /// Standard constructor
-      ConditionValidator();
-      /// Validate detector subtree and return conditions out of date
-      bool validate(DetElement subtree, std::vector<Condition>& tobe_updated);
-    };
-  } /* End namespace Geometry               */
-} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b6bcd2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
+#include "DD4hep/NamedObject.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsManager.h"
+// C/C++ include files
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class Entry;
+    class ConditionsDataLoader;
+    typedef std::list<Entry*> ConditionsStack;
+    /// Interface for a generic conditions loader
+    /** 
+     *  Common function for all loader.
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     */
+    class ConditionsDataLoader : public NamedObject, public PropertyConfigurable   {
+    public:
+      typedef std::vector<std::string> Sources;
+      typedef ConditionsDataLoader base_t;
+    protected:
+      /// Reference to main detector description object
+      LCDD&    m_lcdd;
+      /// Reference to conditions manager used to queue update requests
+      ConditionsManager m_mgr;
+      /// Property: input data source definitions
+      Sources  m_sources;
+    protected:
+      /// Queue update to manager.
+      Condition queueUpdate(Entry* data);
+      /// Push update to manager.
+      void pushUpdates();
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsDataLoader(LCDD& lcdd, ConditionsManager mgr, const std::string nam);
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~ConditionsDataLoader();
+      /// Add data source definition to loader
+      void addSource(const std::string& source);
+      /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      virtual size_t load(DetElement det,
+                          const std::string& cond,
+                          const IOV& req_validity,
+                          RangeConditions& conditions) = 0;
+      /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      virtual size_t load_range(DetElement det, 
+                                const std::string& cond,
+                                const IOV& req_validity,
+                                RangeConditions& conditions) = 0;
+    };
+  } /* End namespace Conditions             */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e34b6dc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/NamedObject.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class Entry;
+    /// The intermediate conditions data used to populate the DetElement conditions
+    /**
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    class Entry : public NamedObject  {
+    public:
+      /// Reference to the detector element
+      DetElement detector;
+      /// The actual conditions data
+      std::string value;
+      /// The validity string to be interpreted by the updating engine
+      std::string validity;
+      /// Hash value of the name for fast identification
+      int hash;
+      /// Default constructor
+      Entry() {}
+      /// Initializing constructor
+      Entry(const DetElement& det, const std::string& nam, const std::string& typ, const std::string& valid, int hash);
+      /// Copy constructor
+      Entry(const Entry& c);
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~Entry();
+      /// Assignment operator
+      Entry& operator=(const Entry& c);
+    };
+  } /* End namespace Conditions             */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
+#endif     /* DDCOND_CONDITIONSENTRY_H    */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe6835ca..000000000
--- a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework include files
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsStack.h"
-/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
-namespace DD4hep {
-  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
-  namespace Geometry {
-    /// Forward declarations
-    class ConditionsStack;
-    class LCDD;
-    /// Class caching all known conditions operations for one LCDD instance.
-    /**
-     *  Internally the instances are fragmented to subdetectors defined
-     *  by the next-to-top level detector elements.
-     *
-     *  \author   M.Frank
-     *  \version  1.0
-     *  \ingroup  DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-     */
-    class ConditionsHandler  {
-      friend class LCDD;
-    protected:
-      LCDD&       m_lcdd;
-      /// Reference count
-      int         m_refCount;
-    protected:
-      /// Default constructor
-      ConditionsHandler(LCDD& lcdd);
-      /// Default destructor
-      virtual ~ConditionsHandler();
-      /// Population entry: Apply a complete stack of ordered conditionss to the geometry structure
-      void apply(ConditionsStack& stack);
-    public:
-      /// Create and install a new instance tree
-      static void install(LCDD& lcdd);
-      /// Unregister and delete a tree instance
-      static void uninstall(LCDD& lcdd);
-      /// Functor callback
-      static void triggerUpdate(DetElement detector);
-      /// Add reference count
-      int addRef();
-      /// Release object. If reference count goes to NULL, automatic deletion is triggered.
-      int release();
-      /// Open a new transaction stack (Note: only one stack allowed!)
-      void openTransaction();
-      /// Close existing transaction stack and apply all conditionss
-      void closeTransaction();
-    };
-  } /* End namespace Geometry        */
-} /* End namespace DD4hep            */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1abb02878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Mutex.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Memory.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsPool.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h"
+// C/C++ include files
+#include <set>
+#include <list>
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    class Entry;
+    class IOVPool;
+    class ConditionsPool;
+    class ConditionsDataLoader;
+    typedef std::pair<RangeConditions,bool> RangeStatus;
+    using Geometry::LCDD;
+    using Geometry::DetElement;
+    /// Conditions internal namespace declaration
+    /** Internally defined datastructures are not presented to the
+     *  user directly, but are used by dedicated views.
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    namespace Interna {
+      /// The data class behind a conditions manager handle
+      /**
+       *  For convenience, the class definition is here.
+       *  See ConditionsManager.cpp for the implementation.
+       *
+       *  \author  M.Frank
+       *  \version 1.0
+       *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+       */
+      class ConditionsManagerObject : public NamedObject, public PropertyConfigurable {
+      public:
+        friend class ConditionsDataLoader;
+        typedef dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsDataLoader> Loader;
+        typedef std::vector<IOVType>  IOVTypes;
+        typedef std::vector<IOVPool*> TypedConditionPool;
+        typedef std::map<IOV::Key, ReplacementPool*> ReplacementCache;
+        typedef std::vector<ReplacementPool*> FreePools;
+      public:
+        /// Property: maximal number of IOV types to be handled
+        int                m_maxIOVTypes;
+        /// Property: ConditionsPool constructor type (default: empty. MUST BE SET!)
+        std::string        m_poolType;
+        /// Property: UpdatePool constructor type (default: DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool)
+        std::string        m_updateType;
+        /// Property: ReplacementPool constructor type (default: DD4hep_ConditionsLinearReplacementPool)
+        std::string        m_replType;
+        /// Property: Conditions loader type (default: "multi" -> DD4hep_Conditions_multi_Loader)
+        std::string            m_loaderType;
+        /// Reference to main detector description object
+        LCDD&                  m_lcdd;
+        IOVTypes               m_iovTypes;
+        TypedConditionPool     m_pool;
+        /// Lock to protect the update/delayed conditions pool
+        dd4hep_mutex_t         m_updateLock;
+        /// Lock to protect the pool of all known conditions
+        dd4hep_mutex_t         m_poolLock;
+        /// Reference to data loader
+        Loader                 m_loader;
+        /// Reference to update conditions pool
+        dd4hep_ptr<UpdatePool> m_updatePool;
+        /// Public access: if locked, DetElements stay intact and are not altered
+        int                    locked;
+      protected:
+        /// Retrieve  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+        bool __find(DetElement detector,
+                    const std::string& condition_name, 
+                    const IOV& req_validity,
+                    RangeConditions& conditions);
+        /// Retrieve  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+        bool __find_range(DetElement detector,
+                          const std::string& condition_name, 
+                          const IOV& req_validity,
+                          RangeConditions& conditions);
+        /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+        bool __load_immediate(DetElement detector,
+                              const std::string& condition_name,
+                              const IOV& req_validity,
+                              RangeConditions& conditions);
+        /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+        bool __load_range_immediate(DetElement detector,
+                                    const std::string& condition_name,
+                                    const IOV& req_validity,
+                                    RangeConditions& conditions);
+        /// Register a set of new managed condition for an IOV range. Called by __load_immediate
+        void __register_immediate(RangeConditions& c);
+        /// Push registered set of conditions to the corresponding detector elements
+        void __push_immediate(RangeConditions& rc);
+      public:
+        /// Set a single conditions value to be managed.
+        /// Requires EXTERNALLY held lock on update pool!
+        Condition __queue_update(Entry* data);
+      public:
+        /// Standard constructor
+        ConditionsManagerObject(LCDD& lcdd);
+        /// Default destructor
+        virtual ~ConditionsManagerObject();
+        void initialize();
+        /// Register new IOV type if it does not (yet) exist.
+        /** Returns (false,pointer) if IOV existed and
+         *  (true,pointer) if new IOV was registered to the manager.
+         */
+        std::pair<bool, const IOVType*> registerIOVType(size_t iov_type, const std::string& iov_name);
+        /// Access IOV by its type
+        const IOVType* iovType (size_t iov_type) const;
+        /// Access IOV by its name
+        const IOVType* iovType (const std::string& iov_name) const;
+        /// Register IOV using new string data
+        ConditionsPool* registerIOV(const std::string& data);
+        /// Register IOV with type and key
+        ConditionsPool* registerIOV(const IOVType& typ, IOV::Key key);
+        /// Prepare all updates to the clients with the defined IOV
+        void prepare(const IOV& required_validity);
+        /// Enable all updates to the clients with the defined IOV
+        void enable(const IOV& required_validity);
+        /// Validate the conditions set and age all unused conditions
+        void validate(const IOV& iov);
+        /// Age conditions, which are no longer used and to be removed eventually
+        void age();
+        /// Clean conditions, which are above the age limit.
+        void clean();
+        /// Full cleanup of all managed conditions.
+        void clear();
+        /// Push all pending updates to the conditions store. 
+        /** Note:
+         *  This does not yet make the new conditions availible to the clients
+         */
+        void pushUpdates();
+        /// Register a new managed condition.
+        /** The condition is created externally by the user.
+         *  Lengthy and tedious procedure.
+         */
+        void registerCondition(Condition c);
+        /// Retrieve a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+        Condition get(DetElement detector,
+                      const std::string& condition_name,
+                      const IOV& req_validity);
+        /// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name
+        RangeConditions getRange(DetElement detector,
+                                 const std::string& condition_name,
+                                 const IOV& req_range_validity);
+      };
+    } /* End namespace Interna              */
+    /// Pool of conditions satisfying one IOV type (epoch, run, fill, etc)
+    /** 
+     *  Purely internal class to the conditions manager implementation.
+     *  Not at all to be accessed by clients!
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    class IOVPool  {
+    public:
+      typedef ConditionsPool* Entry;
+      typedef std::map<std::pair<int,int>, Entry > Entries;
+      Entries        entries;
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      IOVPool();
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~IOVPool();
+      /// Retrieve  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      void __find(DetElement detector,
+                  const std::string& condition_name,
+                  const IOV& req_validity,
+                  RangeConditions& result);
+      /// Retrieve  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      void __find_range(DetElement detector,
+                        const std::string& condition_name,
+                        const IOV& req_validity,
+                        RangeConditions& result);
+      /// Select all ACTIVE conditions, which do no longer match the IOV requirement
+      void __select_expired(const IOV& required_validity, 
+                            RangeConditions& result);
+      void __update_expired(Interna::ConditionsManagerObject* caller,
+                            ConditionsPool* pool,
+                            RangeConditions& expired,
+                            const IOV& required_validity);
+   };
+  } /* End namespace Conditions             */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsManager.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99ecf36bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class Entry;
+    class ConditionsDataLoader;
+    /// Conditions internal namespace
+    namespace Interna  {
+      class ConditionsManagerObject;
+    }
+    /// Manager class for condition handles
+    /**
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    class ConditionsManager : public Handle<Interna::ConditionsManagerObject> {
+    public:
+      /// Standard object type
+      typedef Interna::ConditionsManagerObject Object;
+      typedef ConditionsDataLoader             Loader;
+      typedef std::vector<IOVType*>            IOVTypes;
+      typedef std::map<DetElement,Container>   DetectorConditions;
+      typedef std::map<IOVType*,Container>     TypeConditions;
+    public:
+      /// Static accessor if installed as an extension
+      /**
+       * Note:
+       *
+       * There may very well be several instances of a 
+       * conditions manager. Do not think this is a sort of
+       * 'static constructor'. This woul dbe a big mistake!.
+       */
+      template <typename T> static ConditionsManager from(T& host);
+      /// Initializing constructor
+      ConditionsManager(LCDD& lcdd);
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsManager() : Handle<Object>() {}
+      /// Constructor to be used with valid pointer to object
+      ConditionsManager(Object* p) : Handle<Object>(p) {}
+      /// Constructor to assing handle of the same type
+      template <typename Q> ConditionsManager(const ConditionsManager& c)
+        : Handle<Object>(c) {
+      }
+      /// Constructor to be used assigning from different type
+      template <typename Q> ConditionsManager(const Handle<Q>& e)
+        : Handle<Object>(e) {
+      }
+      /// Default destructor
+      ~ConditionsManager();
+      /// Access to properties
+      Property& operator[](const std::string& property_name) const;
+      /// Access to the property manager
+      PropertyManager& properties()  const;
+      /// Access the conditions loader
+      Handle<Loader> loader()  const;
+      /// Access the availible/known IOV types
+      const IOVTypes& iovTypes()  const;
+      /// Register new IOV type if it does not (yet) exist.
+      /** Returns (false,pointer) if IOV existed and
+       *  (true,pointer) if new IOV was registered to the manager.
+       */
+      std::pair<bool, const IOVType*> registerIOVType(size_t iov_type, const std::string& iov_name);
+      /// Access IOV by its type
+      const IOVType* iovType (size_t iov_type) const;
+      /// Access IOV by its name
+      const IOVType* iovType (const std::string& iov_name) const;
+      /// Lock the internal data structures. This disables calls to "register", etc.
+      void lock();
+      /// Unlock the internal data structures. This enables calls to "register", etc.
+      void unlock();
+      /// Age conditions, which are no longer used and to be removed eventually
+      void age();
+      /// Clean conditions, which are above the age limit.
+      void clean();
+      /// Full cleanup of all managed conditions.
+      void clear();
+      /// Push all pending updates to the conditions store. 
+      /** Note:
+       *  This does not yet make the new conditions availible to the clients
+       */
+      void pushUpdates();
+      /// Prepare all updates to the clients with the defined IOV
+      void prepare(const IOV& required_validity);
+      /// Enable all updates to the clients with the defined IOV
+      void enable(const IOV& required_validity);
+      /// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name
+      Condition get(DetElement detector,
+                    const std::string& condition_name,
+                    const IOV& req_validity);
+      /// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element path and the conditions name
+      Condition get(const std::string& detector_path,
+                    const std::string& condition_name,
+                    const IOV& req_validity);
+      /// Retrieve a condition given the conditions path = <Detector Element path>.<conditions name>
+      Condition get(const std::string& conditions_path,
+                    const IOV& req_validity);
+      /// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name
+      RangeConditions getRange(DetElement detector,
+                               const std::string& condition_name,
+                               const IOV& req_range_validity);
+      /// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element path and the conditions name
+      RangeConditions getRange(const std::string& detector_path, 
+                               const std::string& condition_name,
+                               const IOV& req_range_validity);
+      /// Retrieve a condition given the conditions path = <Detector Element path>.<conditions name>
+      RangeConditions getRange(const std::string& conditions_path,
+                               const IOV& req_range_validity);
+    };
+  }       /* End namespace Geometry                 */
+}         /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsPool.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsPool.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e65a8cd82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsPool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Mutex.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
+#include "DD4hep/NamedObject.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class Entry;
+    class ConditionsPool;
+    class ReplacementPool;
+    /// Class implementing the conditions collection for a given IOV type
+    /**
+     *  Implementation is mostly virtual, to allow to switch between
+     *  different implementations, which allow for different lookup
+     *  and store optimizations and/or various caches.
+     *  The interface only represents the basic functionality required.
+     *
+     *  For convenience, the class definition is here.
+     *  See ConditionsManager.cpp for the implementation.
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    class ConditionsPool : public NamedObject {
+    public:
+      enum { AGE_NONE = 0, 
+             AGE_ANY  = 9999999,
+             AGE_EXPIRED = 12345678
+      };
+      const IOVType*   iovType;
+      IOV*             iov;
+      /// Temporary buffer
+      ReplacementPool* updates;
+      int              age_value;
+    protected:
+      /// Unconditionally create a new condition from the input data
+      /** 
+       *  Common function for all pools.....
+       *  \author  M.Frank
+       *  \version 1.0
+       */
+      virtual Condition create(ConditionsPool* pool, const Entry* cond);
+      /// Check if detector and name match
+      bool match(const DetElement::Object* det, int hash, const Condition::Object* c)  const {
+        return det == c->detector.ptr() && hash == c->hash;
+      }
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsPool();
+      /// Default destructor. Note: pool must be cleared by the subclass!
+      virtual ~ConditionsPool();
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool
+      virtual void insert(Condition cond) = 0;
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool. May overload for performance reasons.
+      virtual void insert(RangeConditions& cond) = 0;
+      /// Full cleanup of all managed conditions.
+      virtual void clear() = 0;
+      /// Check if a condition exists in the pool
+      virtual Condition exists(DetElement, const std::string&)  const  {
+        return Condition();
+      }
+      /// Check if a condition exists in the pool
+      virtual Condition exists(Condition)  const  {
+        return Condition();
+      }
+      /// Select the conditions matching the DetElement and the conditions name
+      virtual void select(DetElement det, const std::string& cond_name, RangeConditions& result) = 0;
+      /// Select all conditions contained
+      virtual void select_all(RangeConditions& result) = 0;
+      /// Select the conditons, used also by the DetElement of the condition
+      virtual void select_used(RangeConditions& result) = 0;
+    };
+    /// Interface for conditions pool optimized to host conditions updates.
+    /** 
+     *  Common function for all pools..... 
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     */
+    class UpdatePool : public ConditionsPool  {
+    public:
+      typedef std::vector<Condition> ConditionEntries;
+      /// Update container specification
+      typedef std::map<const IOV*, ConditionEntries> UpdateEntries;
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      UpdatePool();
+      /// Default destructor.
+      virtual ~UpdatePool();
+      /// Adopt all entries sorted by IOV. Entries will be removed from the pool
+      virtual void popEntries(UpdateEntries& entries) = 0;
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool
+      virtual void insert(Condition cond) = 0;
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool. May overload for performance reasons.
+      virtual void insert(RangeConditions& cond) = 0;
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool
+      virtual Condition insert(ConditionsPool* pool, Entry* cond) = 0;
+      /// Select the conditions matching the DetElement and the conditions name
+      virtual void select_range(DetElement det,
+                                const std::string& cond_name, 
+                                const IOV& req_validity,
+                                RangeConditions& result) = 0;
+    };
+    class ReplacementPool : public ConditionsPool  {
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ReplacementPool();
+      /// Default destructor.
+      virtual ~ReplacementPool();
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool
+      virtual void insert(Condition cond) = 0;
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool. May overload for performance reasons.
+      virtual void insert(RangeConditions& cond) = 0;
+      /// Pop conditions. May overloade for performance reasons!
+      virtual void popEntries(RangeConditions& entries) = 0;
+    };
+  } /* End namespace Conditions             */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
+#endif     /* DDCOND_CONDITIONSPOOL_H    */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsStack.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsStack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 09722b7d8..000000000
--- a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsStack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework include files
-#include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
-#include "DD4hep/Memory.h"
-/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
-namespace DD4hep {
-  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
-  namespace Geometry {
-    namespace ConditionsInterna {
-      // Forward declarations
-      class Entry;
-    }
-    /// Implementation of a stack of conditions assembled before application
-    /** 
-     *  \author   M.Frank
-     *  \version  1.0
-     *  \ingroup  DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-     */
-    class ConditionsStack {
-    public:
-      typedef ConditionsInterna::Entry     Entry;
-      typedef std::map<std::string,Entry*> Stack;
-    protected:
-      /// The subdetector specific map of conditions caches
-      Stack m_stack;
-      /// Standard constructor
-      ConditionsStack();
-    public:
-      /// Standard destructor
-      virtual ~ConditionsStack();
-      /// Static client accessor
-      static ConditionsStack& get(); 
-      /// Create an conditions stack instance. The creation of a second instance will be refused.
-      static void create();
-      /// Check existence of conditions stack
-      static bool exists();
-      /// Push new entry into the stack
-      void insert(dd4hep_ptr<Entry>& data);
-      /// Clear data content and remove the slignment stack
-      void release();
-      /// Access size of the conditions stack
-      size_t size() const  {  return m_stack.size(); }
-      /// Retrieve an conditions entry of the current stack
-      dd4hep_ptr<Entry> pop();
-      /// Get all path entries to be aligned. Note: transient!
-      std::vector<const Entry*> entries() const;
-    };
-  } /* End namespace Geometry               */
-} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
diff --git a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsTransaction.h b/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsTransaction.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cb211859..000000000
--- a/DDCond/include/DDCond/ConditionsTransaction.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework include files
-#include "DD4hep/Primitives.h"
-/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
-namespace DD4hep {
-  namespace XML { class Handle_t; }
-  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
-  namespace Geometry {
-    // Forward declarations
-    class LCDD;
-    class ConditionsHandler;
-    /// Manage conditions transaction to the handler for a given LCDD instance
-    /** 
-     *  \date     01/04/2014
-     *  \author   M.Frank
-     *  \version  1.0
-     *  \ingroup  DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-     */
-    class ConditionsTransaction {
-    public:
-      /// Internal flag to remember transaction contexts
-      bool flag;
-      /// Reference to the current LCDD instance
-      LCDD& lcdd;
-      /// Reference to the conditions handler
-      ConditionsHandler* m_handler;
-      /// Default constructor
-      ConditionsTransaction(LCDD& l, const XML::Handle_t& e);
-      /// Default destructor
-      ~ConditionsTransaction();
-    };
-  } /* End namespace Geometry        */
-} /* End namespace DD4hep            */
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionTest.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a9bf27c5c..000000000
--- a/DDCond/src/ConditionTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework include files
-#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
-#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
-#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
-#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-namespace {
-  /// Dump the conditions of one detectpr element
-  void dump_element(DetElement elt) {
-    string test = "ConditionsTest1";
-    Conditions conds = elt.conditions();
-    printout(INFO,test,"DetElement:%s # of conditons:%d",elt.path().c_str(),int(conds.count()));
-    const Conditions::Entries& entries = conds.entries();
-    for(Conditions::Entries::const_iterator i=entries.begin(); i!=entries.end(); ++i)  {
-      Condition c((*i).second);
-      string type = c.type();
-      printout(INFO,test,"           %s Condition[%s]: %s [%s] Validity:%s",
-               c.detector().path().c_str(), type.c_str(),, 
-               c.value().c_str(), c.validity().c_str());
-      if ( type == "alignment" )  {
-        c.bind<string>();
-      }
-      else if ( type == "temperature" )  {
-        c.bind<double>();
-        printout(INFO,test,"                %s : double value:%g ",
-       , c.get<double>());
-      }
-      else if ( type == "pressure" )  {
-        c.bind<double>();
-        printout(INFO,test,"                %s : double value:%g [%g hPa]",
-       , c.get<double>(),
-                 _multiply(c.get<double>(),"1.0/hPa"));
-      }
-      else if ( type == "whatever" )  {
-        c.bind<vector<double> >();
-        const vector<double>& v = c.get<vector<double> >();
-        printout(INFO,test,"                %s : vector<double> size:%d = %s",
-       , int(v.size()), c.block().str().c_str());
-      }
-      printout(INFO,test,  "                Type: %s",typeName(c.typeInfo()).c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  /// Dump conditions tree of a detector element
-  void dump_conditions(DetElement elt) {
-    Conditions conds = elt.conditions();
-    const DetElement::Children& children = elt.children();
-    if ( !conds.isValid() )
-      printout(INFO,"ConditionsTest1","DetElement:%s  NO CONDITIONS present",elt.path().c_str());
-    else
-      dump_element(elt);
-    for(DetElement::Children::const_iterator j=children.begin(); j!=children.end(); ++j)
-      dump_conditions((*j).second);
-  }
-  /// Test execution function
-  long conditions_test(LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv) {
-    DetElement det =;
-    string args = "";
-    for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i) { args += argv[i], args += " "; };
-    printout(INFO,"ConditionsTest1","Args: %s",args.c_str());
-    dump_conditions(det);
-    return 1;
-  }
-namespace {
-  struct Callee  {
-    int m_param;
-    Callee() : m_param(0) {}
-    void call(unsigned long tags, DetElement& det, void* param)    {
-      if ( DetElement::CONDITIONS_CHANGED == (tags&DetElement::CONDITIONS_CHANGED) )
-        printout(INFO,"Callee","+++ Conditions update %s param:%p",det.path().c_str(),param);
-      if ( DetElement::PLACEMENT_CHANGED == (tags&DetElement::PLACEMENT_CHANGED) )  
-        printout(INFO,"Callee","+++ Alignment update %s param:%p",det.path().c_str(),param);
-    }
-  };
-  /// Callback conditions tree of a detector element
-  void callback_install(DetElement elt, Callee* c) {
-    Position local, global;
-    const DetElement::Children& children = elt.children();
-    elt.localToWorld(local, global);
-    elt.callAtUpdate(DetElement::CONDITIONS_CHANGED|DetElement::PLACEMENT_CHANGED,c,&Callee::call);
-    for(DetElement::Children::const_iterator j=children.begin(); j!=children.end(); ++j)
-      callback_install((*j).second,c);
-  }
-  /// Test execution function
-  long callback_test(LCDD& lcdd, int /* argc */, char** /* argv */) {
-    DetElement det =;
-    callback_install(det, new Callee());
-    return 1;
-  }
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsDataLoader.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsDataLoader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a01293b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsDataLoader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Handle.inl"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h"
+using std::string;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+/// Default constructor
+ConditionsDataLoader::ConditionsDataLoader(LCDD& lcdd, ConditionsManager mgr, const string nam) 
+  : NamedObject(nam,"ConditionsDataLoader"), m_lcdd(lcdd), m_mgr(mgr)  {
+  if ( m_mgr.isValid() ) return;
+  except("ConditionsDataLoader","+++ Cannot create without a valid conditions manager handle!");
+/// Default destructor
+ConditionsDataLoader::~ConditionsDataLoader()   {
+/// Add data source definition to loader
+void ConditionsDataLoader::addSource(const string& source)   {
+  m_sources.push_back(source);
+/// Queue update to manager.
+Condition ConditionsDataLoader::queueUpdate(Entry* data)   {
+  return m_mgr->__queue_update(data);
+/// Push update to manager.
+void ConditionsDataLoader::pushUpdates()   {
+  m_mgr->pushUpdates();
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsEntry.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsEntry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca90bdc2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsEntry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h"
+using std::string;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+/// Initializing constructor
+Entry::Entry(const DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement& det, const string& nam, const string& typ, const string& valid, int h)
+  : NamedObject(nam,typ), detector(det), value(), validity(valid), hash(h)
+  InstanceCount::increment(this);
+/// Copy constructor
+Entry::Entry(const Entry& c)
+  : NamedObject(c), detector(c.detector), value(c.value), validity(c.validity)
+  InstanceCount::increment(this);
+/// Default destructor
+Entry::~Entry()   {
+  InstanceCount::decrement(this);
+/// Assignment operator
+Entry& Entry::operator=(const Entry& c)   {
+  if ( this != &c )  {
+    this->NamedObject::operator=(c);
+    detector = c.detector;
+    value = c.value;
+    validity = c.validity;
+  }
+  return *this;
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsExample.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsExample.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9cab82ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsExample.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "ConditionsTest.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace DD4hep;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+using Geometry::LCDD;
+using Geometry::Position;
+using Geometry::DetElement;
+namespace  {
+  void print_tpc_discrete_conditions(Test::TestEnv& env, int epoch_min, int epoch_max, int run_min, int run_max)   {
+    IOV iov_epoch(env.epoch), iov_run(;
+    iov_epoch.keyData.first  = epoch_min;
+    iov_epoch.keyData.second = epoch_max;
+    iov_run.keyData.first    = run_min;
+    iov_run.keyData.second   = run_max;
+    env.manager.prepare(iov_run);
+    env.manager.enable(iov_run);
+    env.manager.prepare(iov_epoch);
+    env.manager.enable(iov_epoch);
+    Condition cond = env.manager.get(env.detector,"AmbientTemperature",iov_epoch);
+    Test::print_condition<void>(cond);
+    cond = env.detector.condition("AmbientTemperature",iov_epoch);
+    Test::check_discrete_condition(cond, iov_epoch);
+    Test::print_condition<void>(cond);
+    cond = env.detector.condition("ExternalPressure",iov_epoch);
+    Test::check_discrete_condition(cond, iov_epoch);
+    Test::print_condition<void>(cond);
+    cond = env.detector.condition("SomeMultiParams",iov_epoch);
+    Test::check_discrete_condition(cond, iov_epoch);
+    Test::print_condition<void>(cond);
+    printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++ Conditions access OK for iov:%s!",iov_epoch.str().c_str());
+    printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    cond = env.detector.condition("alignment",iov_run);
+    Test::check_discrete_condition(cond, iov_run);
+    Test::print_condition<void>(cond);
+    cond = env.detector.condition("TPC_A_align",iov_run);
+    Test::check_discrete_condition(cond, iov_run);
+    Test::print_condition<void>(cond);
+    cond = env.daughter("TPC_SideA").condition("alignment",iov_run);
+    Test::check_discrete_condition(cond, iov_run);
+    Test::print_condition<void>(cond);
+    printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++ DISCRETE Conditions access OK for iov:%s!",iov_run.str().c_str());
+    printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+  }
+  void print_tpc_discrete_conditions(Test::TestEnv& env)   {
+    print_tpc_discrete_conditions(env, 1396887257, 1396887257, 563543, 563543);
+    print_tpc_discrete_conditions(env, 1396887257, 1396887257, 234567, 234567);
+    print_tpc_discrete_conditions(env, 1396887257, 1396887257, 563543, 563543);
+  }
+  void print_tpc_range_conditions(Test::TestEnv& env, int run_min, int run_max)   {
+    RangeConditions cond;
+    IOV iov_run(;
+    iov_run.keyData.first    = run_min;
+    iov_run.keyData.second   = run_max;
+    try {
+      cond = env.manager.getRange(env.detector,"TPC_A_align",iov_run);
+      Test::print_conditions<void>(cond);
+      printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+      printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++ RANGE Conditions access OK for iov:%s!",iov_run.str().c_str());
+      printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    }
+    catch(const std::exception& e)   {
+      printout(INFO,"Example","FAILED:  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+      printout(INFO,"Example","FAILED:  +++ RANGE Conditions access FAILED for iov:%s!",iov_run.str().c_str());
+      printout(INFO,"Example","FAILED:  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    }
+  }
+  int example1(LCDD& lcdd, int, char** )  {
+    printout(INFO,"Example1","+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    printout(INFO,"Example1","+++ Executing Conditions example No. 1: Test conditions access");
+    printout(INFO,"Example1","+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    Test::TestEnv env(lcdd, "TPC");
+    env.add_xml_data_source("/examples/Conditions/xml/TPC.xml");
+    env.add_xml_data_source("/examples/Conditions/xml/TPC_run_563543.xml");
+    env.add_xml_data_source("/examples/Conditions/xml/TPC_run_234567.xml");
+    print_tpc_discrete_conditions(env);
+    env.dump_conditions_pools();
+    print_tpc_range_conditions(env,234567,563543);  // Should fail !
+    print_tpc_range_conditions(env,123456,563543);  // Should fail !
+    env.add_xml_data_source("/examples/Conditions/xml/TPC_run_filler.xml");
+    env.add_xml_data_source("/examples/Conditions/xml/TPC_run_123456.xml");
+    print_tpc_range_conditions(env,123456,900000);  // Now it should succeed
+    return 1;
+  }
+  int example2(LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv)  {
+    printout(INFO,"Example2","+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    printout(INFO,"Example2","+++ Executing Conditions example No. 2: Dump conditions tree");
+    printout(INFO,"Example2","+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    DetElement det =;
+    string args = "";
+    for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i) { args += argv[i], args += " "; };
+    printout(INFO,"Example2","Args: %s",args.c_str());
+    Test::TestEnv::dump_conditions_tree(det);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  struct Callee  {
+    int m_param;
+    Callee() : m_param(0) {}
+    void call(unsigned long tags, DetElement& det, void* param)    {
+      if ( (tags&DetElement::CONDITIONS_CHANGED) )
+        printout(INFO,"Callee","+++ Conditions update %s param:%p",det.path().c_str(),param);
+      if ( (tags&DetElement::PLACEMENT_CHANGED) )  
+        printout(INFO,"Callee","+++ Alignment update %s param:%p",det.path().c_str(),param);
+    }
+  };
+  /// Callback conditions tree of a detector element
+  void callback_install(DetElement elt, Callee* c) {
+    Position local, global;
+    const DetElement::Children& children = elt.children();
+    elt.localToWorld(local, global);
+    elt.callAtUpdate(DetElement::CONDITIONS_CHANGED|DetElement::PLACEMENT_CHANGED,c,&Callee::call);
+    for(DetElement::Children::const_iterator j=children.begin(); j!=children.end(); ++j)
+      callback_install((*j).second,c);
+  }
+  int DD4hep_CallbackInstallTest(LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv)  {
+    printout(INFO,"Example3","+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    printout(INFO,"Example3","+++ Executing DD4hepCallbackInstallTest: Install user callbacks");
+    printout(INFO,"Example3","+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+    string args = "";
+    for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i) { args += argv[i], args += " "; };
+    printout(INFO,"Example3","Args: %s",args.c_str());
+    DetElement det =;
+    callback_install(det, new Callee());
+    return 1;
+  }
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsHandler.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsHandler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb0b2acaf..000000000
--- a/DDCond/src/ConditionsHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework include files
-#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
-#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
-#include "DD4hep/DetectorTools.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsOperators.h"
-#include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
-#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-typedef ConditionsStack::Entry Entry;
-/// Default constructor
-ConditionsHandler::ConditionsHandler(LCDD& lcdd)
-  : m_lcdd(lcdd), m_refCount(1)
-/// Default destructor
-ConditionsHandler::~ConditionsHandler()   {
-  printout(INFO,"ConditionsHandler","+++ Destroy cache");
-/// Add reference count
-int ConditionsHandler::addRef()   {
-  return ++m_refCount;
-/// Release object. If reference count goes to NULL, automatic deletion is triggered.
-int ConditionsHandler::release()   {
-  int value = --m_refCount;
-  if ( value == 0 )  {
-    delete this;
-  }
-  return value;
-/// Open a new transaction stack (Note: only one stack allowed!)
-void ConditionsHandler::openTransaction()   {
-  /// Check if transaction already present. If not, open, else issue an error
-  if ( !ConditionsStack::exists() )  {
-    ConditionsStack::create();
-    return;
-  }
-  string msg = "Request to open a second conditions transaction stack -- not allowed!";
-  string err = format("Conditions<conditions>",msg);
-  printout(FATAL,"ConditionsHandler",msg);
-  throw runtime_error(err);
-/// Close existing transaction stack and apply all conditions
-void ConditionsHandler::closeTransaction()   {
-  /// Check if transaction is open. If yes, close it and apply conditions stack.
-  /// If no transaction is active, ignore the staement, but issue a warning.
-  if ( ConditionsStack::exists() )  {
-    ConditionsStack& stack = ConditionsStack::get();
-    printout(DEBUG,"ConditionsHandler","+++ Closing conditions transaction....");
-    apply(stack);
-    stack.release();
-    printout(INFO,"ConditionsHandler","Conditions were applied....");
-    return;
-  }
-  printout(WARNING,"Conditions<conditions>",
-           "Request to close a non-existing conditons transaction.");
-/// Create and install a new instance tree
-void ConditionsHandler::install(LCDD& lcdd)   {
-  ConditionsHandler* cache = lcdd.extension<ConditionsHandler>(false);
-  if ( !cache )  {
-    lcdd.addExtension<ConditionsHandler>(new ConditionsHandler(lcdd));
-  }
-/// Unregister and delete a tree instance
-void ConditionsHandler::uninstall(LCDD& lcdd)   {
-  if ( lcdd.extension<ConditionsHandler>(false) )  {
-    lcdd.removeExtension<ConditionsHandler>(true);
-  }
-void ConditionsHandler::triggerUpdate(DetElement det)  {
-  printout(DEBUG,"ConditionsHandler","+++ Trigger conditions update for %s",det.path().c_str());
-  det._data().update(DetElement::CONDITIONS_CHANGED,(void*)0x1);
-/// Apply a complete stack of ordered conditionss to the geometry structure
-void ConditionsHandler::apply(ConditionsStack& stack)    {
-  typedef set<DetElement> Updates;
-  Updates updates;
-  printout(DEBUG,"ConditionsHandler","+++ Apply conditions ....");
-  while(stack.size() > 0)    {
-    Entry* data = stack.pop().release();
-    DetElement det = data->detector;
-    /// Do something!
-    printout(DEBUG,"ConditionsHandler","+++ %s  name:%s type:%s value:%s  Validity:%s",
-             det.path().c_str(), data->name.c_str(), data->type.c_str(), 
-             data->value.c_str(), data->validity.c_str());
-    det.conditions().set(data);
-    updates.insert(det);
-  }
-  // Now trigger update callbacks for all detector elements with changed conditions:
-  for_each(updates.begin(), updates.end(), triggerUpdate);
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7c3be8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Errors.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Memory.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Plugins.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/World.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Handle.inl"
+#include "DD4hep/DetectorTools.h"
+#include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
+#include "DD4hep/PluginCreators.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsPool.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsManager.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace DD4hep;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions::Interna;
+typedef UpdatePool::UpdateEntries Updates;
+#define NO_AGE 0
+namespace  {
+  int s_debug = INFO;
+  int install_cond_mgr (Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, int /* argc */, char** /* argv */)  {
+    typedef Interna::ConditionsManagerObject ConditionsManagerObject;
+    Handle<ConditionsManagerObject> mgr(lcdd.extension<ConditionsManagerObject>(false));
+    if ( !mgr.isValid() )  {
+      ConditionsManager mgr_handle(lcdd);
+      lcdd.addExtension<ConditionsManagerObject>(mgr_handle.ptr());
+      printout(INFO,"ConditionsManager","+++ Successfully installed conditions manager instance.");
+    }
+    return 1;
+  }
+namespace {
+  template <typename T> const IOVType* check_iov_type(const ConditionsManagerObject* o, const IOV* iov);
+  template <> const IOVType* check_iov_type<void>(const ConditionsManagerObject* o, const IOV* iov)   {
+    if ( iov )  {
+      const IOVType* typ = iov->iovType ? iov->iovType : o->iovType(iov->type);
+      if ( typ )  {
+        if ( iov->type == typ->type )  {
+          if ( typ->type < o->m_pool.size() )  {
+            if ( o->m_pool[typ->type] != 0 )  {
+              return typ;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  struct Range {};
+  struct Discrete {};
+  template <> const IOVType* check_iov_type<Discrete>(const ConditionsManagerObject* o, const IOV* iov)   {
+    const IOVType* typ = check_iov_type<void>(o,iov);
+    if ( typ && !iov->has_range() ) return typ;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  template <> const IOVType* check_iov_type<Range>(const ConditionsManagerObject* o, const IOV* iov)   {
+    const IOVType* typ = check_iov_type<void>(o,iov);
+    if ( typ && iov->has_range() ) return typ;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  template <typename T> void __check_values__(const ConditionsManagerObject* o, 
+                                            Geometry::DetElement det,
+                                            const std::string& cond,
+                                            const IOV* iov)  
+  {
+    if ( !iov )  {
+      except("ConditionsManager","+++ Invalid IOV to access condition: %s.%s. [Null-reference]",
+             det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str());
+    }
+    const IOVType* typ = check_iov_type<T>(o,iov);
+    if ( !typ )  {
+      // Severe: We have an unknown IOV type. This is not allowed, 
+      // because we do not known hot to handle it.....
+      except("ConditionsManager","+++ Invalid IOV type [%d] to access condition: %s.%s.",
+             iov->type, det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str());
+    }
+    if ( !det.isValid() )  {
+      except("ConditionsManager","+++ Attempt to use the conditions manager %s for "
+             "an unknown detector element [Invalid Handle].", cond.c_str());
+    }
+  }
+  bool is_range_complete(const IOV& iov, const RangeConditions& conditions)  {
+    if ( !conditions.empty() )  {
+      // We need to check if the entire range is covered.
+      // For every key.second we must find a key.first, which is at least as big
+      IOV::Key test=iov.keyData;
+      /// The range may be returned unordered. Hence, 
+      /// we have to try to match at most conditions.size() times until we really know
+      for(size_t j = 0; j < conditions.size(); ++j )  {
+        for(RangeConditions::const_iterator i=conditions.begin(); i!=conditions.end(); ++i)  {
+          const IOV::Key& k = (*i)->iov->key();
+          if ( k.first   <= test.first+1 && k.second >= test.first  ) test.first = k.second;
+          if ( k.first+1 <= test.second  && k.second >= test.second ) test.second = k.first;
+          //printout(INFO,"Test","IOV: %d,%d --> %d,%d",k.first,k.second, test.first, test.second);
+          if ( test.first >= test.second ) return true;
+        }
+        if ( test.first <= iov.keyData.first && test.second >= iov.keyData.second ) return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  void __print(const char* prefix, Condition c)   {
+    if ( s_debug > INFO )  {
+      printout(INFO,"ConditionsManager","+++ %s %s.%s [%s] = %s",
+               prefix, c->detector.path().c_str(),, 
+               c->iov->str().c_str(), c->value.c_str());
+    }
+  }
+  /// Helper class to be injected into the world object to allow loading from DetElements directly.....
+  struct lcdd_cond_loader : public ConditionsLoader  {
+    ConditionsManager m_manager;
+    lcdd_cond_loader(ConditionsManager m) : m_manager(m) {}
+    virtual ~lcdd_cond_loader() {}
+    /// Access the conditions loading
+    virtual Condition get(Geometry::DetElement element, const std::string& key, const IOV& iov)   {
+      return m_manager->get(element, key, iov);
+    }
+ };
+/// Default constructor
+IOVPool::IOVPool()  {
+/// Default destructor
+IOVPool::~IOVPool()  {
+static inline bool key_contains_range(const IOV::Key& key, const IOV::Key& test)   {
+  return key.first <= test.first && key.second >= test.second;
+void IOVPool::__find(DetElement detector,
+                     const std::string& condition_name,
+                     const IOV& req_validity,
+                     RangeConditions& result)
+  for(Entries::const_iterator i=entries.begin(); i!=entries.end(); ++i)  {
+    if ( key_contains_range((*i).first, req_validity.key()) )  {
+      (*i).second->select(detector, condition_name, result);
+    }
+  }
+void IOVPool::__find_range(DetElement detector,
+                           const std::string& condition_name,
+                           const IOV& req_validity,
+                           RangeConditions& result)
+  const IOV::Key& range = req_validity.key();
+  for(Entries::const_iterator i=entries.begin(); i!=entries.end(); ++i)  {
+    const IOV::Key& key = (*i).first;
+    if ( IOV::key_is_contained(key,range) )
+      // IOV test contained in key. Take it!
+      (*i).second->select(detector, condition_name, result);
+    else if ( IOV::key_overlaps_lower_end(key,range) )
+      // IOV overlap on test on the lower end of key
+      (*i).second->select(detector, condition_name, result);
+    else if ( IOV::key_overlaps_higher_end(key,range) )
+      // IOV overlap of test on the higher end of key
+      (*i).second->select(detector, condition_name, result);
+  }
+/// Select all ACTIVE conditions, which do no longer match the IOV requirement
+void IOVPool::__select_expired(const IOV& required_validity, RangeConditions& result)  {
+  for(Entries::const_iterator i=entries.begin(); i!=entries.end(); ++i)  {
+    ConditionsPool* pool = (*i).second;
+    if ( !key_contains_range((*i).first, required_validity.key()) )  {
+      if ( pool->age_value == ConditionsPool::AGE_NONE ) {
+        // Now check the content:
+        pool->select_used(result);
+      }
+      ++pool->age_value;
+      continue;
+    }
+    pool->age_value = 0;
+  }
+/// Select all ACTIVE conditions, which do no longer match the IOV requirement
+void IOVPool::__update_expired(Interna::ConditionsManagerObject* caller,
+                               ConditionsPool* new_pool,
+                               RangeConditions& updates,
+                               const IOV& required_validity)  {
+  RangeConditions upda;
+  for(RangeConditions::const_iterator i=updates.begin(); i!=updates.end(); ++i)  {
+    Condition::Object* condition = (*i).ptr();
+    Condition c = new_pool->exists(condition);
+    if ( c.isValid() )  {
+      upda.push_back(c);
+      continue;
+    }
+    size_t items = caller->m_loader->load(condition->detector,condition->name,required_validity,upda);
+    if ( items < 1 )  {
+      // Error: no such condition
+      except("ConditionsManager","+++ update_expired: Cannot update condition %s.%s [%s] to iov:%s.",
+             condition->detector.path().c_str(), condition->name.c_str(),
+             condition->iov->str().c_str(), required_validity.str().c_str());
+    }
+  }
+  updates = upda;
+/// Standard constructor
+ConditionsManagerObject::ConditionsManagerObject(LCDD& lcdd)
+  : NamedObject(), m_lcdd(lcdd), m_iovTypes(), m_pool(), 
+    m_updateLock(), m_poolLock(), m_loader(),
+    m_updatePool(), 
+    locked(0)
+  InstanceCount::increment(this);
+  declareProperty("MaxIOVTypes",         m_maxIOVTypes=32);
+  declareProperty("PoolType",            m_poolType   = "");
+  declareProperty("UpdatePoolType",      m_updateType = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool");
+  declareProperty("ReplacementPoolType", m_replType   = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearReplacementPool");
+  declareProperty("LoaderType",     m_loaderType = "multi");
+  m_iovTypes.resize(m_maxIOVTypes,IOVType());
+  m_pool.resize(m_maxIOVTypes,0);
+/// Default destructor
+ConditionsManagerObject::~ConditionsManagerObject()   {
+  for_each(m_pool.begin(), m_pool.end(), DestroyObject<IOVPool*>());
+  InstanceCount::decrement(this);
+void ConditionsManagerObject::initialize()  {
+  if ( !m_updatePool.get() )  {
+    string typ = "DD4hep_Conditions_"+m_loaderType+"_Loader";
+    char* argv[] = {(char*)"ConditionsDataLoader", (char*)this, 0};
+    m_loader.adopt(createPlugin<ConditionsDataLoader>(typ,m_lcdd,2,argv));
+    m_updatePool.adopt(createPlugin<UpdatePool>(m_updateType,m_lcdd));
+    if ( !m_updatePool.get() )  {
+      except("ConditionsManager","+++ The update pool of type %s cannot be created. [%s]",
+             m_updateType.c_str(),Errors::noSys().c_str());
+    }
+    Ref_t ref(m_updatePool.get());
+    ref->SetName("updates");
+    ref->SetTitle("updates");
+    Geometry::World world(;
+    world->conditionsLoader = new lcdd_cond_loader(ConditionsManager(this));
+  }
+/// Register new IOV type if it does not (yet) exist.
+pair<bool, const IOVType*> ConditionsManagerObject::registerIOVType(size_t iov_type, const string& iov_name)   {
+  if ( iov_type<m_iovTypes.size() )  {
+    IOVType& t = m_iovTypes[iov_type];
+    bool eq_type = t.type == iov_type;
+    bool eq_name = == iov_name;
+    if ( eq_type && eq_name )  {
+      return make_pair(false,&t);
+    }
+    else if ( t.type != 0 && eq_type && !eq_name )  {
+      except("ConditionsManager","Cannot register IOV %s. Type %d already in use!",
+             iov_name.c_str(), iov_type);
+    }
+ = iov_name;
+    t.type = iov_type;
+    m_pool[t.type] = new IOVPool();
+    return make_pair(true,&t);    
+  }
+  except("ConditionsManager","Cannot register IOV section %d of type %d. Value out of bounds: [%d,%d]",
+         iov_name.c_str(), iov_type, 0, int(m_iovTypes.size()));
+  return make_pair(false,(IOVType*)0);
+/// Access IOV by its type
+const IOVType* ConditionsManagerObject::iovType (size_t iov_type) const  {
+  if ( iov_type<m_iovTypes.size() )  {
+    const IOVType& t = m_iovTypes[iov_type];
+    if ( t.type == iov_type ) return &t;
+  }
+  except("ConditionsManager","Request to access an unregistered IOV type: %d.", iov_type);
+  return 0;
+/// Access IOV by its name
+const IOVType* ConditionsManagerObject::iovType (const string& iov_name) const   {
+  for( IOVTypes::const_iterator i=m_iovTypes.begin(); i != m_iovTypes.end(); ++i)
+    if ( (*i).name == iov_name ) return &(*i);
+  except("ConditionsManager","Request to access an unregistered IOV type: %s.", iov_name.c_str());
+  return 0;
+/// Register IOV using new string data
+ConditionsPool* ConditionsManagerObject::registerIOV(const string& data)   {
+  size_t id1 = data.find(',');
+  size_t id2 = data.find('#');
+  if ( id2 == string::npos )  {
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Unknown IOV string representation: %s",data.c_str());
+  }
+  string iov_name = data.substr(id2+1);
+  IOV::Key key;
+  int nents = 0;
+  if ( id1 != string::npos )
+    nents = ::sscanf(data.c_str(),"%d,%d#",&key.first,&key.second) == 2 ? 2 : 0;
+  else  {
+    nents = ::sscanf(data.c_str(),"%d#",&key.first) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+    key.second = key.first;
+  }
+  if ( nents == 0 )   {
+    except("ConditionsManager",
+           "+++ Failed to read keys from IOV string representation: %s",data.c_str());
+  }
+  // Check if this IOV type is known
+  const IOVType* typ = iovType(iov_name);
+  if ( !typ )  {
+    // Severe: We have an unknown IOV type. This is not allowed, 
+    // because we do not known hot to handle it.....
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Unknown IOV type requested from data: %s. [%s]",
+           data.c_str(),Errors::invalidArg().c_str());
+  }
+  // IOV read and checked. Now register it.
+  return registerIOV(*typ, key);
+/// Register IOV with type and key
+ConditionsPool* ConditionsManagerObject::registerIOV(const IOVType& typ, IOV::Key key)   {
+  // IOV read and checked. Now register it, but always locked!
+  IOVPool* pool = m_pool[typ.type];
+  dd4hep_lock_t lock(m_poolLock);
+  if ( !pool )  {
+    m_pool[typ.type] = pool = new IOVPool();
+  }
+  IOVPool::Entries::const_iterator i = pool->entries.find(key);
+  if ( i != pool->entries.end() )   {
+    return (*i).second;
+  }
+  ConditionsPool* cond_pool = createPlugin<ConditionsPool>(m_poolType,m_lcdd);
+  IOV* iov = new IOV(&typ);
+  iov->type      = typ.type;
+  iov->keyData   = key;
+  cond_pool->iov = iov;
+  pool->entries.insert(make_pair(key,cond_pool));
+  return cond_pool;
+/// Set a single conditions value to be managed. 
+/// Requires external lock on update pool!
+Condition ConditionsManagerObject::__queue_update(Entry* e)   {
+  if ( e )  {
+    ConditionsPool*  p = registerIOV(e->validity);
+    Condition c = m_updatePool->insert(p, e);
+    if ( s_debug > INFO )  {
+      printout(INFO,"Conditions","+++ Loaded condition: %s.%s to %s [%s] V: %s",
+               c.detector().path().c_str(),, c->value.c_str(),
+               c->type.c_str(),c->validity.c_str());
+    }
+    return c;
+  }
+  return Condition();
+/// Age conditions, which are no longer used and to be removed eventually
+void ConditionsManagerObject::age()   {
+  //call_member_func(m_pool, &ConditionsPool::age);
+/// Clean conditions, which are above the age limit.
+void ConditionsManagerObject::clean()   {
+  //call_member_func(m_pool, &ConditionsPool::clean);
+/// Full cleanup of all managed conditions.
+void ConditionsManagerObject::clear()   {
+  //call_member_func(m_pool, &ConditionsPool::clear);
+/// Push all pending updates to the conditions store
+void ConditionsManagerObject::pushUpdates()   {
+  Updates entries;  {
+    dd4hep_lock_t lock(m_updateLock);
+    m_updatePool->popEntries(entries);
+  }
+  // Lock global pool so that no other updates happen in the meanwhile
+  // which could kill the pool's containers
+  dd4hep_lock_t lock(m_poolLock);
+  for(Updates::const_iterator iov_iter=entries.begin(); iov_iter!=entries.end(); ++iov_iter)  {
+    typedef UpdatePool::ConditionEntries _E;
+    const _E& ents = (*iov_iter).second;
+    if ( !ents.empty() )  {
+      for(_E::const_iterator j=ents.begin(); j != ents.end(); ++j) {
+        (*j)->pool->insert(*j);
+        __print("__register(2):",*j); 
+      }
+      //for_each(ents.begin(), ents.end(), [](_E::reference c) { c->pool->insert(c); });
+      //for_each(ents.begin(), ents.end(), [](_E::reference c) { __print("__register(2):",c); });
+    }
+  }
+/// Prepare all updates to the clients with the defined IOV
+void ConditionsManagerObject::prepare(const IOV& required_validity)   {
+  const IOVType* typ = check_iov_type<Discrete>(this, &required_validity);
+  if ( typ )  {
+    ConditionsPool*  cp = 0;
+    IOVPool* pool = m_pool[typ->type];
+    if ( pool )  {{
+        dd4hep_lock_t lock(m_poolLock);
+        cp = registerIOV(*typ, required_validity.key());
+        if ( !cp->updates ) 
+          cp->updates = createPlugin<ReplacementPool>(m_replType,m_lcdd);
+      }
+      /// First push any pending updates and register them to pending pools...
+      pushUpdates();
+      RangeConditions updates;
+      pool->__select_expired(required_validity, updates);
+      pool->__update_expired(this, cp, updates, required_validity);
+      cp->updates->insert(updates);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  except("ConditionsManager","+++ Unknown IOV type requested to enable conditions. [%s]",
+         Errors::invalidArg().c_str());
+/// Enable all updates to the clients with the defined IOV
+void ConditionsManagerObject::enable(const IOV& required_validity)   {
+  if ( !locked )   {
+    IOVPool* pool = m_pool[required_validity.type];
+    if ( pool )  {
+      ReplacementPool* rep_pool = 0;
+      pushUpdates();
+      {
+        dd4hep_lock_t lock(m_poolLock);
+        IOVPool::Entries::iterator i = pool->entries.find(required_validity.key());
+        if ( i == pool->entries.end() )   {
+          except("ConditionsManager","+++ Unknown IOV [%s] requested to enable conditions. [%s]",
+                 required_validity.str().c_str(), Errors::invalidArg().c_str());
+        }
+        rep_pool = (*i).second->updates;
+      }
+      RangeConditions entries;
+      rep_pool->popEntries(entries);
+      __push_immediate(entries);
+      return;
+    }
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Unknown IOV type requested to enable conditions. [%s]",
+           Errors::invalidArg().c_str());
+  }
+  except("ConditionsManager","+++ Cannot enable new conditions for IOV:%s in locked state! [%s]",
+         required_validity.str().c_str(), Errors::invalidArg().c_str());
+/// Register a new managed condition
+void ConditionsManagerObject::registerCondition(Condition c)    {
+  dd4hep_ptr<ConditionObject> cond(c.ptr());
+  if ( !cond.get() )  {
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Failed to register invalid handle.");
+  }
+  if ( !locked )  {
+    DetElement det = cond->detector;
+    IOV* iov = const_cast<IOV*>(cond->iov);
+    // Check arguments. This also checks the existence of the proper pool
+    __check_values__<Discrete>(this,det,,iov);
+    IOVPool* pool = m_pool[iov->type];
+    { // We are now modifying the pool: need to lock any access
+      dd4hep_lock_t lock(m_poolLock);
+      IOVPool::Entries::iterator it = pool->entries.find(iov->keyData);
+      if ( it != pool->entries.end() )  {
+        (*it).second->insert(c);
+        return;
+      }
+      ConditionsPool* cp = createPlugin<ConditionsPool>(m_poolType,m_lcdd);
+      pool->entries.insert(make_pair(iov->keyData,cp));
+      cp->insert(c);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  except("ConditionsManager","+++ You cannot register new conditions while the conditions manager is locked!");
+/// Retrieve  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+bool ConditionsManagerObject::__find(DetElement det, 
+                                     const std::string& cond,
+                                     const IOV& req_validity,
+                                     RangeConditions& conditions)   {
+  IOVPool* p = 0;
+  {
+    dd4hep_lock_t locked_action(m_poolLock);
+    p = m_pool[req_validity.type]; // Already checked by upper level!
+    p->__find(det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  {
+    dd4hep_lock_t locked_action(m_updateLock);
+    m_updatePool->select_range(det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  return !conditions.empty();
+/// Retrieve  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+bool ConditionsManagerObject::__find_range(DetElement det, 
+                                           const std::string& cond,
+                                           const IOV& req_validity,
+                                           RangeConditions& conditions)
+  IOVPool* p = 0;
+  {
+    dd4hep_lock_t locked_action(m_poolLock);
+    p = m_pool[req_validity.type]; // Existence alread checked!
+    p->__find_range(det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  {
+    dd4hep_lock_t locked_action(m_updateLock);
+    m_updatePool->select_range(det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  return is_range_complete(req_validity,conditions);
+/// Register a new managed condition.
+void ConditionsManagerObject::__register_immediate(RangeConditions& rc)    {
+  // We modify the pool. For this we need a lock, 
+  // since this may happen during the event processing in parallel
+  dd4hep_lock_t locked_action(m_poolLock);
+  for(RangeConditions::iterator i=rc.begin(); i != rc.end(); ++i)   {
+    Condition c = *i;
+    if ( !c->pool )   {
+      except("ConditionsManager","+++ __register_immediate: Invalid pool. [Fatal, Internal or Usage Error]");
+    }
+    if ( s_debug > INFO )  {
+      printout(INFO,"ConditionsManager","+++ __register(1): %s.%s [%s]",
+               c->detector.path().c_str(),, c->iov->str().c_str());
+    }
+    c->pool->insert(c);
+  }
+/// Push registered set of conditions to the corresponding detector elements
+void ConditionsManagerObject::__push_immediate(RangeConditions& rc)    {
+  for(RangeConditions::iterator i=rc.begin(); i!=rc.end(); ++i)   {
+    Condition::Object* c = (*i).ptr();
+    Interna::ConditionContainer* cnt = c->detector.conditions().ptr();
+    if ( s_debug > INFO )  {
+      printout(INFO,"ConditionsManager","Register condition %s.%s [%s] = %s to Conditions::Container....",
+               c->detector.path().c_str(), c->name.c_str(), c->iov->str().c_str(), c->value.c_str());
+    }
+    cnt->add(c);
+  }
+/// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+bool ConditionsManagerObject::__load_immediate(DetElement det,
+                                               const std::string& cond,
+                                               const IOV& req_validity,
+                                               RangeConditions& conditions)
+  const IOV& iov = req_validity;
+  {
+    dd4hep_lock_t locked_action(m_updateLock);
+    m_loader->load(det, cond, iov, conditions);
+  }
+  if ( conditions.size() == 0 )  {
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Condition %s.%s for the requested IOV %s do not exist.",
+           det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+  }
+  __push_immediate(conditions);
+  return true;
+/// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+bool ConditionsManagerObject::__load_range_immediate(DetElement det,
+                                                     const std::string& cond,
+                                                     const IOV& req_validity,
+                                                     RangeConditions& conditions)
+  const IOV& iov = req_validity;
+  {
+    dd4hep_lock_t locked_action(m_updateLock);
+    m_loader->load_range(det, cond, iov, conditions);
+  }
+  if ( conditions.size() == 0 )  {
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Condition %s.%s for the requested IOV %s do not exist.",
+           det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+  }
+  __push_immediate(conditions);
+  conditions.clear();
+  return __find_range(det, cond, iov, conditions);
+/// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name
+ConditionsManagerObject::get(DetElement det, const string& cond, const IOV& req_validity)
+  RangeConditions conditions;
+  const IOV& iov = req_validity;
+  __check_values__<Discrete>(this, det, cond, &iov);
+  bool rc = __find(det, cond, iov, conditions);
+  if ( !rc )  {
+    rc = __load_immediate(det, cond, iov, conditions);
+  }
+  if ( !rc )   {
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Condition %s.%s for the requested IOV %s do not exist.",
+           det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+  }
+  else if ( conditions.size() > 1 )  {
+    printout(ERROR,"ConditionsManager","+++ Condition %s.%s is ambiguous for IOV %s:",
+             det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+    for(RangeConditions::const_iterator i=conditions.begin(); i!=conditions.end(); ++i)  {
+      Condition c = *i;
+      printout(ERROR,"ConditionsManager","+++ %s.%s [%s] = %s",
+               c->detector.path().c_str(),, c->iov->str().c_str(), c->value.c_str());
+    }
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Condition %s.%s is ambiguous for IOV %s:",
+           det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+  }
+  if ( conditions.size() == 1 )   {
+    conditions[0]->flags |= ConditionObject::ACTIVE;
+    return conditions[0];
+  }
+  return Condition();
+/// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name
+ConditionsManagerObject::getRange(DetElement det,
+                                  const std::string& cond,
+                                  const IOV& req_range_validity)
+  RangeConditions conditions;
+  const IOV& iov = req_range_validity;
+  __check_values__<Range>(this, det, cond, &iov);
+  bool rc = __find_range(det, cond, iov, conditions);
+  if ( rc )  {
+    return conditions;
+  }
+  rc = __load_range_immediate(det, cond, iov, conditions);
+  if ( !rc )  {
+    except("ConditionsManager","+++ Conditions %s.%s for IOV %s do not exist.",
+           det.path().c_str(), cond.c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+  }
+  return conditions;
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsLinearPool.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsLinearPool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54fc79604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsLinearPool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsPool.h"
+// C/C++ include files
+#include <list>
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    /// Class implementing the conditions collection for a given IOV type
+    /**
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    template<typename MAPPING, typename BASE> 
+    class ConditionsLinearPool : public BASE   {
+    protected:
+      typedef MAPPING Mapping;
+      Mapping      m_conditions;
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsLinearPool();
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~ConditionsLinearPool();
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool
+      virtual void insert(Condition condition)    {
+        m_conditions.insert(m_conditions.end(),condition.ptr());
+      }
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool. May overload for performance reasons.
+      virtual void insert(RangeConditions& new_entries)   {
+        for(RangeConditions::iterator i=new_entries.begin(); i!=new_entries.end(); ++i)
+          m_conditions.insert(m_conditions.end(),(*i).ptr());
+      }
+      /// Register a new condition to this pool
+      virtual Condition insert(ConditionsPool* pool, Entry* cond)   {
+        MAPPING& m = this->ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,BASE>::m_conditions;
+        Condition c = this->create(pool, cond);
+        m.insert(m.end(),c.ptr());
+        return c;
+      }
+      /// Full cleanup of all managed conditions.
+      virtual void clear()   {
+        for_each(m_conditions.begin(), m_conditions.end(), DD4hep::deleteObject<Condition::Object>);
+        m_conditions.clear();
+      }
+      /// Check if a condition exists in the pool
+      virtual Condition exists(DetElement det, const std::string& cond_name)  const   {
+        if ( !m_conditions.empty() )  {
+          int hash = DD4hep::hash32(cond_name);
+          DetElement::Object* ptr = det.ptr();
+          for(typename Mapping::const_iterator i=m_conditions.begin(); i!=m_conditions.end(); ++i)
+            if ( this->ConditionsPool::match(ptr,hash,(*i)) ) return *i;
+        }
+        return Condition();
+      }
+      /// Check if a condition exists in the pool
+      virtual Condition exists(Condition test)  const  {
+        int hash = DD4hep::hash32(test->name);
+        DetElement::Object* ptr = test->detector.ptr();
+        for(typename Mapping::const_iterator i=m_conditions.begin(); i!=m_conditions.end(); ++i)  {
+          if ( this->ConditionsPool::match(ptr,hash,(*i)) ) return *i;
+        }
+        return Condition();
+      }
+      /// Select the conditions matching the DetElement and the conditions name
+      virtual void select(DetElement det, const std::string& cond_name, RangeConditions& result)   {
+        if ( !m_conditions.empty() )  {
+          int hash = DD4hep::hash32(cond_name);
+          DetElement::Object* ptr = det.ptr();
+          for(typename Mapping::const_iterator i=m_conditions.begin(); i!=m_conditions.end(); ++i)
+            if ( this->ConditionsPool::match(ptr,hash,(*i)) ) result.push_back(*i); 
+        }
+      }
+      /// Select the conditons, used also by the DetElement of the condition
+      virtual void select_used(RangeConditions& result)  {
+        for(typename Mapping::const_iterator i=m_conditions.begin(); i!=m_conditions.end(); ++i)  {
+          Condition::Object* c = *i;
+          if ( (c->flags & Interna::ConditionObject::ACTIVE) ) result.push_back(c);
+#if 0
+          // Too slow. Simple check the conditions flag. If it is set to ACTIVE, take it.
+          const Container::Entries& cond = c->detector->conditions->elements();
+          Container::Entries::const_iterator k=cond.find(c->hash);
+          if ( k != cond.end() )  {
+            if ( (*k).second->pool == this )  {
+              result.push_back(c);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      /// Select the conditons, used also by the DetElement of the condition
+      virtual void select_all(RangeConditions& result) {
+        for(typename Mapping::const_iterator i=m_conditions.begin(); i!=m_conditions.end(); ++i)
+          result.push_back(*i); 
+      }
+      /// Select the conditions matching the DetElement and the conditions name
+      virtual void select_range(DetElement det,
+                                const std::string& cond_name,
+                                const IOV& req,
+                                RangeConditions& result)
+      {
+        if ( !m_conditions.empty() )   {
+          unsigned int req_typ = req.iovType ? req.iovType->type : req.type;
+          const IOV::Key& req_key = req.key();
+          int hash = DD4hep::hash32(cond_name);
+          DetElement::Object* ptr = det.ptr();
+          for(typename Mapping::const_iterator i=m_conditions.begin(); i!=m_conditions.end(); ++i)  {
+            if ( this->ConditionsPool::match(ptr,hash,(*i)) )   {
+              const IOV* _iov = (*i)->iov;
+              unsigned int typ = _iov->iovType ? _iov->iovType->type : _iov->type;
+              if ( req_typ == typ )   {
+                if ( IOV::key_is_contained(_iov->key(),req_key) )
+                  // IOV test contained in key. Take it!
+                  result.push_back(*i);
+                else if ( IOV::key_overlaps_lower_end(_iov->key(),req_key) )
+                  // IOV overlap on test on the lower end of key
+                  result.push_back(*i);
+                else if ( IOV::key_overlaps_higher_end(_iov->key(),req_key) )
+                  // IOV overlap of test on the higher end of key
+                  result.push_back(*i);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    template<typename MAPPING> class ConditionsLinearReplacementPool 
+      : public ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,ReplacementPool>
+    {
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsLinearReplacementPool() : ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,ReplacementPool>() {}
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~ConditionsLinearReplacementPool()  {}
+      /// Full cleanup of all managed conditions.
+      virtual void clear()   {
+        this->ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,ReplacementPool>::m_conditions.clear();
+      }
+      /// Pop conditions. May overloade for performance reasons!
+      virtual void popEntries(RangeConditions& entries)   {
+        MAPPING& m = this->ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,ReplacementPool>::m_conditions;
+        if ( !m.empty() )  {
+          for(typename MAPPING::iterator i=m.begin(); i!=m.end(); ++i)
+            entries.push_back((*i));        
+          m.clear();
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    template<typename MAPPING> class ConditionsLinearUpdatePool 
+      : public ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,UpdatePool>
+    {
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsLinearUpdatePool() : ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,UpdatePool>() {}
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~ConditionsLinearUpdatePool()  {}
+      /// Adopt all entries sorted by IOV. Entries will be removed from the pool
+      virtual void popEntries(UpdatePool::UpdateEntries& entries)   {
+        MAPPING& m = this->ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,UpdatePool>::m_conditions;
+        if ( !m.empty() )  {
+          for(typename MAPPING::iterator i=m.begin(); i!=m.end(); ++i)   {
+            Interna::ConditionObject* o = *i;
+            entries[o->iov].push_back(Condition(o));
+          }
+          m.clear();        
+        }
+      }
+    };
+  } /* End namespace Conditions             */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+//#include "DDCond/ConditionsLinearPool.h"
+#include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+/// Default constructor
+template<typename MAPPING, typename BASE>
+ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,BASE>::ConditionsLinearPool() : BASE() {
+  InstanceCount::increment(this);
+/// Default destructor
+template<typename MAPPING, typename BASE>
+ConditionsLinearPool<MAPPING,BASE>::~ConditionsLinearPool()  {
+  clear();
+  InstanceCount::decrement(this);
+#include "DD4hep/Factories.h"
+namespace {
+  void* create_vector_pool(DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD&, int, char**)
+  {  return new ConditionsLinearPool<std::vector<Condition::Object*> , ConditionsPool>();  }
+  void* create_list_pool(DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD&, int, char**)
+  {  return new ConditionsLinearPool<std::list<Condition::Object*> , ConditionsPool>();    }
+  void* create_replacement_pool(DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD&, int, char**)  {
+    ReplacementPool* pool = new ConditionsLinearReplacementPool<std::vector<Condition::Object*> >();
+    return pool;
+  }
+  void* create_update_pool(DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD&, int, char**)  {
+    UpdatePool* pool = new ConditionsLinearUpdatePool<std::vector<Condition::Object*> >();
+    return pool;
+  }
+DECLARE_LCDD_CONSTRUCTOR(DD4hep_ConditionsLinearPool,      create_vector_pool)
+DECLARE_LCDD_CONSTRUCTOR(DD4hep_ConditionsLinearListPool,  create_list_pool)
+DECLARE_LCDD_CONSTRUCTOR(DD4hep_ConditionsLinearReplacementPool, create_replacement_pool)
+DECLARE_LCDD_CONSTRUCTOR(DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool, create_update_pool)
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsManager.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..488797a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Errors.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetectorTools.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsManager.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace DD4hep;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    /// Access specialization
+    template <> ConditionsManager ConditionsManager::from<LCDD>(LCDD& host)  {
+      Object* obj = host.extension<Object>();
+      if ( obj ) return ConditionsManager(obj);
+      except("ConditionsManager","+++ Failed to access manager from LCDD.");
+      return ConditionsManager();
+    }
+  }
+/// Default constructor
+ConditionsManager::ConditionsManager(LCDD& lcdd)  {
+  assign(new Object(lcdd), "ConditionsManager","");
+/// Default destructor
+ConditionsManager::~ConditionsManager()   {
+  access()->clear();
+/// Access to the property manager
+PropertyManager& ConditionsManager::properties()  const   {
+  return access()->properties();
+/// Access to properties
+Property& ConditionsManager::operator[](const std::string& property_name) const    {
+  return access()->properties().property(property_name);
+/// Access the conditions loader
+Handle<ConditionsManager::Loader> ConditionsManager::loader()  const   {
+  return Handle<Loader>(access()->m_loader.get());
+/// Register new IOV type if it does not (yet) exist.
+pair<bool, const IOVType*> 
+ConditionsManager::registerIOVType(size_t iov_type, const string& iov_name)   {
+  return access()->registerIOVType(iov_type, iov_name);
+/// Access IOV by its type
+const IOVType* ConditionsManager::iovType (size_t iov_type) const  {
+  return access()->iovType(iov_type);
+/// Access IOV by its name
+const IOVType* ConditionsManager::iovType (const string& iov_name) const   {
+  return access()->iovType(iov_name);
+/// Age conditions, which are no longer used and to be removed eventually
+void ConditionsManager::age()   {
+  access()->age();
+/// Clean conditions, which are above the age limit.
+void ConditionsManager::clean()   {
+  access()->clean();
+/// Full cleanup of all managed conditions.
+void ConditionsManager::clear()   {
+  access()->clear();
+/// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name
+ConditionsManager::get(DetElement detector,
+                       const string& cond,
+                       const IOV& req_validity)
+  return access()->get(detector, cond, req_validity);
+/// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element path and the conditions name
+ConditionsManager::get(const string& detector_path, 
+                       const string& cond,
+                       const IOV& req_validity)
+  Interna::ConditionsManagerObject* o = access();
+  DetElement detector = Geometry::DetectorTools::findDaughterElement(o->, detector_path);
+  return o->get(detector, cond, req_validity);
+/// Push all pending updates to the conditions store
+void ConditionsManager::pushUpdates()   {
+  access()->pushUpdates();
+/// Lock the internal data structures. This disables calls to "register", etc.
+void ConditionsManager::lock()   {
+  access()->locked = 1;
+/// Unlock the internal data structures. This enables calls to "register", etc.
+void ConditionsManager::unlock()   {
+  access()->locked = 0;
+/// Enable all updates to the clients with the defined IOV
+void ConditionsManager::enable(const IOV& required_validity)   {
+  access()->enable(required_validity);
+/// Prepare all updates to the clients with the defined new IOV. Changes are not yet applied
+void ConditionsManager::prepare(const IOV& required_validity)   {
+  access()->prepare(required_validity);
+/// Retrieve a condition given the conditions path = <Detector Element path>.<conditions name>
+ConditionsManager::get(const string& conditions_path, const IOV& req_validity)
+  size_t idx = conditions_path.rfind(".");
+  if ( idx != string::npos )  {
+    string detector_path  = conditions_path.substr(0,idx);
+    string condition_name = conditions_path.substr(idx+1, string::npos);
+    return this->get(detector_path,condition_name, req_validity);
+  }
+  except("ConditionsManager","+++ Badly formed conditions path %s. [%s]",
+         conditions_path.c_str(),Errors::linkRange().c_str());
+  return Condition();
+/// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element and the conditions name
+ConditionsManager::getRange(DetElement detector,
+                            const std::string& condition_name,
+                            const IOV& req_range_validity)
+  return access()->getRange(detector, condition_name, req_range_validity);
+/// Retrieve a condition given a Detector Element path and the conditions name
+ConditionsManager::getRange(const std::string& detector_path, 
+                            const std::string& condition_name,
+                            const IOV& req_range_validity)
+  Interna::ConditionsManagerObject* o = access();
+  DetElement detector = Geometry::DetectorTools::findDaughterElement(o->, detector_path);
+  return o->getRange(detector, condition_name, req_range_validity);
+/// Retrieve a condition given the conditions path = <Detector Element path>.<conditions name>
+ConditionsManager::getRange(const std::string& conditions_path,
+                            const IOV& req_range_validity)
+  size_t idx = conditions_path.rfind(".");
+  if ( idx != string::npos )  {
+    string detector_path  = conditions_path.substr(0,idx);
+    string condition_name = conditions_path.substr(idx+1, string::npos);
+    return this->getRange(detector_path,condition_name, req_range_validity);
+  }
+  except("ConditionsManager","+++ Badly formed conditions path %s. [%s]",
+         conditions_path.c_str(),Errors::linkRange().c_str());
+  return RangeConditions();
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsMultiLoader.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsMultiLoader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fff24204b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsMultiLoader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+//  \author  Markus Frank
+//  \date    2016-02-02
+//  \version 1.0
+// $Id$
+// Framework include files
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions  {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class ConditionsHandler;
+    /// Implementation of a stack of conditions assembled before application
+    /** 
+     *  \author   M.Frank
+     *  \version  1.0
+     *  \ingroup  DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    class ConditionsMultiLoader : public ConditionsDataLoader   {
+      typedef std::map<std::string, ConditionsDataLoader*> Loaders;
+      typedef std::map<std::string, ConditionsDataLoader*> OpenSources;
+      Loaders m_loaders;
+      OpenSources m_openSources;
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsMultiLoader(LCDD& lcdd, ConditionsManager mgr, const std::string& nam);
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~ConditionsMultiLoader();
+      /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      virtual size_t load(DetElement det,
+                          const std::string& cond,
+                          const IOV& req_validity,
+                          RangeConditions& conditions);
+      /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      virtual size_t load_range(DetElement det,
+                                const std::string& cond,
+                                const IOV& req_validity,
+                                RangeConditions& conditions);
+      size_t load_source(const std::string& nam,
+                         DetElement det,
+                         const std::string& cond,
+                         const IOV& req_validity,
+                         RangeConditions& conditions);
+    };
+  } /* End namespace Geometry               */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
+//#include "ConditionsMultiLoader.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Factories.h"
+#include "DD4hep/PluginCreators.h"
+// Forward declartions
+using std::string;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+namespace {
+  void* create_loader(DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv)   {
+    const char* name = argc>0 ? argv[0] : "MULTILoader";
+    Interna::ConditionsManagerObject* mgr = (Interna::ConditionsManagerObject*)(argc>0 ? argv[1] : 0);
+    return new ConditionsMultiLoader(lcdd,ConditionsManager(mgr),name);
+  }
+/// Standard constructor, initializes variables
+ConditionsMultiLoader::ConditionsMultiLoader(LCDD& lcdd, ConditionsManager mgr, const string& nam) 
+: ConditionsDataLoader(lcdd, mgr, nam)
+/// Default Destructor
+ConditionsMultiLoader::~ConditionsMultiLoader() {
+size_t ConditionsMultiLoader::load_source(const std::string& nam,
+                                          DetElement det,
+                                          const std::string& cond,
+                                          const IOV& req_validity, 
+                                          RangeConditions& conditions)
+  size_t idx = nam.find(':');
+  if ( idx == string::npos )   {
+    except("ConditionsMultiLoader","Invalid data source specification: "+nam);
+  }
+  string ident = nam.substr(0,idx);
+  Loaders::iterator ild = m_loaders.find(ident);
+  ConditionsDataLoader* loader = 0;
+  if ( ild == m_loaders.end() )  {
+    string typ = "DD4hep_Conditions_"+ident+"_Loader";
+    string fac = ident+"_ConditionsDataLoader";
+    char* argv[] = {(char*)fac.c_str(), (char*)m_mgr.ptr(), 0};
+    loader = createPlugin<ConditionsDataLoader>(typ,m_lcdd,2,argv);
+    if ( !loader )  {
+      except("ConditionsMultiLoader",
+             "Failed to create conditions loader of type: "+typ+" to read:"+nam);
+    }
+  }
+  else  {
+    loader = (*ild).second;
+  }
+  loader->addSource(nam.substr(idx+1));
+  m_loaders[ident] = loader;
+  m_openSources[nam] = loader;
+  size_t items = loader->load(det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  if ( items > 0 )  {
+    return items;
+  }
+  return 0;
+/// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+size_t ConditionsMultiLoader::load_range(DetElement det,
+                                         const std::string& cond,
+                                         const IOV& req_validity,
+                                         RangeConditions& conditions)   {
+  size_t len = conditions.size();
+  // No better idea: Must chack all sources to find the required condition
+  for(Sources::const_iterator i=m_sources.begin(); i != m_sources.end(); ++i)  {
+    const string& nam = *i;
+    OpenSources::iterator iop = m_openSources.find(nam);
+    if ( iop == m_openSources.end() )  {
+      load_source(nam, det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+      continue;
+    }
+    (*iop).second->load(det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  return conditions.size() - len;
+size_t ConditionsMultiLoader::load(DetElement det, 
+                                   const std::string& cond, 
+                                   const IOV& req_validity, 
+                                   RangeConditions& conditions)  {
+  size_t len = conditions.size();
+  // No better idea: Must chack all sources to find the required condition
+  for(Sources::const_iterator i=m_sources.begin(); i != m_sources.end(); ++i)  {
+    const string& nam = *i;
+    size_t items = 0;
+    OpenSources::iterator iop = m_openSources.find(nam);
+    if ( iop == m_openSources.end() )  {
+      items = load_source(nam, det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+      if ( items > 0 )  {
+        return items;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    items = (*iop).second->load(det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+    if ( items > 0 ) return items;
+  }
+  return conditions.size() - len;
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsParser.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsParser.cpp
index 96b87c365..e5a2f42eb 100644
--- a/DDCond/src/ConditionsParser.cpp
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsParser.cpp
@@ -17,14 +17,13 @@
 #include "XML/Conversions.h"
 #include "XML/XMLElements.h"
 #include "XML/DocumentHandler.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
 #include "DD4hep/DetectorTools.h"
 #include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
-#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
 #include "DDCond/ConditionsTags.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsStack.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsTransaction.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h"
 // C/C++ include files
 #include <stdexcept>
@@ -46,144 +45,157 @@ namespace DD4hep  {
   template <> void Converter<conditions>::operator()(xml_h seq)  const;
-using namespace std;
 using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-typedef ConditionsStack::Entry Entry;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+using Geometry::DetElement;
+using std::string;
-/// Helper: Extract the validity from the xml element
-string _getValidity(xml_h elt)  {
-  if ( !elt.ptr() )
-    return "Infinite";
-  else if ( !elt.hasAttr(_U(validity)) )
-    return _getValidity(elt.parent());
-  return elt.attr<string>(_U(validity));
+namespace {
+  struct ConversionArg {
+    DetElement detector;
+    ConditionsStack* stack;
+    ConversionArg(DetElement det, ConditionsStack* s) : detector(det), stack(s) {}
+  };
-/// Helper: Extract the required detector element from the parsing information
-DetElement _getDetector(void* param, xml_h e)  {
-  DetElement detector = param ? *(DetElement*)param : DetElement();
-  string     subpath  = e.hasAttr(_U(path)) ? e.attr<string>(_U(path)) : string();
-  return subpath.empty() ? detector : DetectorTools::findDaughterElement(detector,subpath);
+  /// Helper: Extract the validity from the xml element
+  string _getValidity(xml_h elt)  {
+    if ( !elt.ptr() )
+      return "Infinite";
+    else if ( !elt.hasAttr(_U(validity)) )
+      return _getValidity(elt.parent());
+    return elt.attr<string>(_U(validity));
+  }
-/// Helper: Extract the string value from the xml element 
-Entry* _createStackEntry(void* param, xml_h element)  {
-  xml_comp_t e(element);
-  DetElement elt = _getDetector(param, element);
-  string name = e.hasAttr(_U(name)) ? e.nameStr() : e.tag();
-  return new Entry(elt,name,e.tag(),_getValidity(element));
+  ConversionArg* _getArgs(void* param)   {
+    ConversionArg* arg = (ConversionArg*)param;
+    return arg;
+  }
+  /// Helper: Extract the required detector element from the parsing information
+  DetElement _getDetector(void* param, xml_h e)  {
+    ConversionArg* arg  = _getArgs(param);
+    DetElement detector = arg ? arg->detector : DetElement();
+    string     subpath  = e.hasAttr(_U(path)) ? e.attr<string>(_U(path)) : string();
+    return subpath.empty() ? detector : Geometry::DetectorTools::findDaughterElement(detector,subpath);
+  }
-/** Convert arbitrary conditon objects containing standard tags
- *
- *    Function entry expects as a parameter a valid DetElement handle
- *    pointing to the subdetector, which detector elements should be 
- *    realigned.
- *
- *      <temperature path="/world/TPC" name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Celcius"/>
- *      <temperature path="TPC" name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Celcius"/>
- *      <temperature name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Celcius"/>
- *
- *      <temperature name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Kelvin"/>
- *      <pressure name="external_pressure" value="980*hPa"/>
- *      <include ref="..."/>
- *
- *    The object tag name is passed as the conditons type to the system.
- *    The data payload may either be specified as an attribute to the
- *    element or as text (data payload as the inner XML of the element).
- *
- *  These items have:
- *  - a name defining the condition within the detector element
- *  - a value interpreted as a double. In XML the value may be dressed with a unit
- *    which will be correctly treated by the expression evaluator
- *  - a path (optionally). attribute_values are ALWAYS treated within the context
- *    of the containing detector element. If pathes are relative, they are 
- *    relative to the embedding element. If pathes are absolute, the embedding
- *    element is ignored.
- *
- *  @author  M.Frank
- *  @version 1.0
- *  @date    01/04/2014
- */
-template <> void Converter<arbitrary>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
-  xml_comp_t elt(e);
-  string tag = elt.tag();
-  if ( tag == "open_transaction" )
-    return;
-  else if ( tag == "close_transaction" ) 
-    return;
-  else if ( tag == "include" )
-    Converter<include>(lcdd,param)(e);
-  else if ( tag == "conditions" )  
-    Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param)(e);
-  else if ( tag == "detelement" )
-    Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param)(e);
-  else if ( tag == "subdetectors" )
-    xml_coll_t(e,_U(star)).for_each(Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param));
-  else if ( tag == "detelements" )
-    xml_coll_t(e,_U(star)).for_each(Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param));
-  else  {
-    dd4hep_ptr<Entry> val(_createStackEntry(param,e));
-    val->value = elt.hasAttr(_U(value)) ? elt.valueStr() : e.text();
-    ConditionsStack::get().insert(val);
+  /// Helper: Extract the string value from the xml element 
+  Entry* _createStackEntry(void* param, xml_h element)  {
+    xml_comp_t e(element);
+    DetElement elt = _getDetector(param, element);
+    string name = e.hasAttr(_U(name)) ? e.nameStr() : e.tag();
+    return new Entry(elt,name,e.tag(),_getValidity(element),hash32(name));
-/** Convert include objects
- *
- *  @author  M.Frank
- *  @version 1.0
- *  @date    01/04/2014
- */
-template <> void Converter<include>::operator()(xml_h element) const {
-  XML::DocumentHolder doc(XML::DocumentHandler().load(element, element.attr_value(_U(ref))));
-  xml_coll_t(doc.root(),_U(star)).for_each(Converter<arbitrary>(lcdd,param));
+  /** Convert arbitrary conditon objects containing standard tags
+   *
+   *    Function entry expects as a parameter a valid DetElement handle
+   *    pointing to the subdetector, which detector elements should be 
+   *    realigned.
+   *
+   *      <temperature path="/world/TPC" name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Celcius"/>
+   *      <temperature path="TPC" name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Celcius"/>
+   *      <temperature name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Celcius"/>
+   *
+   *      <temperature name="AbientTemperatur" value="20.9*Kelvin"/>
+   *      <pressure name="external_pressure" value="980*hPa"/>
+   *      <include ref="..."/>
+   *
+   *    The object tag name is passed as the conditons type to the system.
+   *    The data payload may either be specified as an attribute to the
+   *    element or as text (data payload as the inner XML of the element).
+   *
+   *  These items have:
+   *  - a name defining the condition within the detector element
+   *  - a value interpreted as a double. In XML the value may be dressed with a unit
+   *    which will be correctly treated by the expression evaluator
+   *  - a path (optionally). attribute_values are ALWAYS treated within the context
+   *    of the containing detector element. If pathes are relative, they are 
+   *    relative to the embedding element. If pathes are absolute, the embedding
+   *    element is ignored.
+   *
+   *  @author  M.Frank
+   *  @version 1.0
+   *  @date    01/04/2014
+   */
+  template <> void Converter<arbitrary>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
+    xml_comp_t elt(e);
+    string tag = elt.tag();
+    if ( tag == "open_transaction" )
+      return;
+    else if ( tag == "close_transaction" ) 
+      return;
+    else if ( tag == "include" )
+      Converter<include>(lcdd,param)(e);
+    else if ( tag == "conditions" )  
+      Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param)(e);
+    else if ( tag == "detelement" )
+      Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param)(e);
+    else if ( tag == "subdetectors" )
+      xml_coll_t(e,_U(star)).for_each(Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param));
+    else if ( tag == "detelements" )
+      xml_coll_t(e,_U(star)).for_each(Converter<conditions>(lcdd,param));
+    else if ( tag == "alignment" )   {
+      dd4hep_ptr<Entry> val(_createStackEntry(param,e));
+      val->value = elt.attr<string>(_U(ref));
+      _getArgs(param)->stack->push_back(val.release());
+    }
+    else  {
+      dd4hep_ptr<Entry> val(_createStackEntry(param,e));
+      val->value = elt.hasAttr(_U(value)) ? elt.valueStr() : e.text();
+      _getArgs(param)->stack->push_back(val.release());
+    }
+  }
-/** Convert objects containing standard conditions tags
- *
- *    Function entry expects as a parameter a valid DetElement handle
- *    pointing to the subdetector, which detector elements should be 
- *    realigned. A absolute or relative DetElement path may be supplied by
- *    the element as an attribute:
- *
- *    <conditions path="/world/TPC/TPC_SideA/TPC_SideA_sector02">
- *        ...
- *    </conditions>
- *
- *  @author  M.Frank
- *  @version 1.0
- *  @date    01/04/2014
- */
-template <> void Converter<conditions>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
-  DetElement elt = _getDetector(param,e);
-  xml_coll_t(e,_U(star)).for_each(Converter<arbitrary>(lcdd,&elt));
+  /** Convert include objects
+   *
+   *  @author  M.Frank
+   *  @version 1.0
+   *  @date    01/04/2014
+   */
+  template <> void Converter<include>::operator()(xml_h element) const {
+    XML::DocumentHolder doc(XML::DocumentHandler().load(element, element.attr_value(_U(ref))));
+    xml_coll_t(doc.root(),_U(star)).for_each(Converter<arbitrary>(lcdd,param));
+  }
-/** Basic entry point to read conditions files
- *
- *  @author  M.Frank
- *  @version 1.0
- *  @date    01/04/2014
- */
-static long setup_Conditions(lcdd_t& lcdd, const xml_h& e) {
-  ConditionsHandler::install(lcdd);
-  ConditionsTransaction tr(lcdd, e);
-  DetElement top =;
-  (DD4hep::Converter<DD4hep::conditions>(lcdd,&top))(e);
-  return 1;
+  /** Convert objects containing standard conditions tags
+   *
+   *    Function entry expects as a parameter a valid DetElement handle
+   *    pointing to the subdetector, which detector elements should be 
+   *    realigned. A absolute or relative DetElement path may be supplied by
+   *    the element as an attribute:
+   *
+   *    <conditions path="/world/TPC/TPC_SideA/TPC_SideA_sector02">
+   *        ...
+   *    </conditions>
+   *
+   *  @author  M.Frank
+   *  @version 1.0
+   *  @date    01/04/2014
+   */
+  template <> void Converter<conditions>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
+    ConversionArg* arg  = _getArgs(param);
+    DetElement elt = arg->detector;
+    arg->detector = _getDetector(param,e);
+    xml_coll_t(e,_U(star)).for_each(Converter<arbitrary>(lcdd,param));
+    arg->detector = elt;
+  }
-/** Basic entry point to install the conditions handler in a LCDD instance
+/** Basic entry point to read conditions files
  *  @author  M.Frank
  *  @version 1.0
  *  @date    01/04/2014
-static long install_Conditions(lcdd_t& lcdd, int, char**) {
-  ConditionsHandler::install(lcdd);
-  return 1;
+static void* setup_Conditions(lcdd_t& lcdd, int argc, char** argv)  {
+  if ( argc == 2 )  {
+    xml_h e = xml_h::Elt_t(argv[0]);
+    ConditionsStack* stack = (ConditionsStack*)argv[1];
+    ConversionArg args(, stack);
+    (DD4hep::Converter<DD4hep::conditions>(lcdd,&args))(e);
+    return &lcdd;
+  }
+  except("XML_DOC_READER","Invalid number of arguments to interprete conditions.");
+  return 0;
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsPool.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsPool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df9aadebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsPool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Handle.inl"
+#include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsPool.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h"
+using std::string;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+/// Default constructor
+  : NamedObject(), iovType(0), iov(0), updates(0), age_value(AGE_NONE)
+  InstanceCount::increment(this);
+/// Default destructor
+ConditionsPool::~ConditionsPool()   {
+  DD4hep::deletePtr(updates);
+  // Should, but cannot clear here, since clear is a virtual overload.
+  InstanceCount::decrement(this);
+/// Unconditionally create a new condition from the input data
+Condition ConditionsPool::create(ConditionsPool* pool, const Entry* entry)   {
+  Condition condition(entry->name,entry->type);
+  Condition::Object* c = condition.ptr();
+  //c->name = entry->name;
+  //  c->type = entry->type;
+  c->value = entry->value;
+  c->comment = "----";
+  c->address = "----";
+  c->validity = entry->validity;
+  c->detector = entry->detector;
+  c->iov  = pool->iov;
+  c->pool = pool;
+  return c;
+/// Insert a set of conditions
+RangeConditions& conditions();
+/// Default constructor
+UpdatePool::UpdatePool() : ConditionsPool()
+/// Default destructor
+UpdatePool::~UpdatePool()   {
+/// Default constructor
+ReplacementPool::ReplacementPool()  : ConditionsPool() {
+/// Default destructor.
+ReplacementPool::~ReplacementPool()   {
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsStack.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsStack.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e75c3808..000000000
--- a/DDCond/src/ConditionsStack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework include files
-#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
-#include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsStack.h"
-#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-static dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsStack>& _stack()  {
-  static dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsStack> s;
-  return s;
-static dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsStack>& _stack(ConditionsStack* obj)  {
-  dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsStack>& s = _stack();
-  dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsStack>  n(obj);
-  s = n;
-  return s;
-/// Standard constructor
-ConditionsStack::ConditionsStack()  {
-  InstanceCount::increment(this);
-/// Standard destructor
-ConditionsStack::~ConditionsStack()  {
-  destroyObjects(m_stack)();
-  InstanceCount::decrement(this);
-/// Static client accessor
-ConditionsStack& ConditionsStack::get()  {
-  if ( _stack().get() ) return *_stack();
-  throw runtime_error("ConditionsStack> Stack not allocated -- may not be retrieved!");
-/// Create an conditions stack instance. The creation of a second instance will be refused.
-void ConditionsStack::create()   {
-  if ( _stack().get() )   {
-    throw runtime_error("ConditionsStack> Stack already allocated. Multiple copies are not allowed!");
-  }
-  _stack(new ConditionsStack());
-/// Check existence of conditions stack
-bool ConditionsStack::exists()   {
-  return _stack().get() != 0;
-/// Clear data content and remove the slignment stack
-void ConditionsStack::release()    {
-  if ( _stack().get() )  {
-    _stack(0);
-    return;
-  }
-  throw runtime_error("ConditionsStack> Attempt to delete non existing stack.");
-/// Retrieve an conditions entry of the current stack
-dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsStack::Entry> ConditionsStack::pop()   {
-  Stack::iterator i = m_stack.begin();
-  if ( i != m_stack.end() )   {
-    dd4hep_ptr<ConditionsStack::Entry> e((*i).second);
-    m_stack.erase(i);
-    return e;
-  }
-  throw runtime_error("ConditionsStack> pop: Conditions stack is empty. Check size first!");
-/// Get all pathes to be aligned
-vector<const ConditionsStack::Entry*> ConditionsStack::entries() const    {
-  vector<const ConditionsStack::Entry*> result;
-  result.reserve(m_stack.size());
-  for(Stack::const_iterator i=m_stack.begin(); i != m_stack.end(); ++i)
-    result.push_back((*i).second);
-  return result;
-/// Push new entry into the stack
-void ConditionsStack::insert(dd4hep_ptr<Entry>& data)   {
-  if ( data.get() && !data->name.empty() )  {
-    DetElement det = data->detector;
-    // Need to make some checks BEFORE insertion
-    if ( !det.isValid() )   {
-      throw runtime_error("ConditionsStack> Invalid conditions data [No such detector]");
-    }
-    string    path = det.path()+'!'+data->name;
-    Stack::const_iterator i = m_stack.find(path);
-    printout(DEBUG,"ConditionsStack","+++ %s  name:%s type:%s value:%s  Validity:%s",
-             det.path().c_str(), data->name.c_str(), data->type.c_str(), 
-             data->value.c_str(), data->validity.c_str());
-    if ( i == m_stack.end() )   {
-      m_stack.insert(make_pair(path,data.release()));
-      return;
-    }
-    throw runtime_error("ConditionsStack> The data with path "+path+
-                        " cannot be set twice in one transaction. [Intended inhibit]");
-  }
-  throw runtime_error("ConditionsStack> Attempt to apply an invalid conditions data.");
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4aa8128e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/DetectorTools.h"
+#include "ConditionsTest.h"
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    /// Namespace for test environments in DDCond
+    namespace Test  {
+      template <typename T> void print_bound_condition(Condition c, const char* norm)   {}
+      template<typename T> void __print_bound_val(Condition c, const char* norm, const char* fmt)  {
+        const char* test = c.detector().name();
+        char text_format[1024];
+        c.bind<T>();
+        T value = c.get<T>();
+        if ( norm )  {
+          T val = _multiply(c.get<T>(),norm);
+          ::snprintf(text_format,sizeof(text_format),"  Bound value  %%s : value:%s [%s] Type: %%s",fmt,fmt);
+          printout(INFO,test,text_format,, value, val, typeName(c.typeInfo()).c_str());
+          return;
+        }
+        ::snprintf(text_format,sizeof(text_format),"  Bound value  %%s : value:%s Type: %%s",fmt);
+        printout(INFO,test,text_format,, value, typeName(c.typeInfo()).c_str());
+      }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<string>(Condition c, const char*)   {
+        const char* test = c.detector().name();
+        c.bind<string>();
+        printout(INFO,test,"  Bound value  %s : string value:%s  Type: %s",
+       , c.get<string>().c_str(),typeName(c.typeInfo()).c_str());
+      }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<short>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<short>(c, norm, "%d");      }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<int>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<int>(c, norm, "%d");        }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<long>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<long>(c, norm, "%d");       }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<unsigned short>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<unsigned short>(c, norm, "%d");      }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<unsigned int>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<unsigned int>(c, norm, "%d");        }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<unsigned long>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<unsigned long>(c, norm, "%d");       }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<float>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<float>(c, norm, "%g");      }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<double>(Condition c, const char* norm)
+      {       __print_bound_val<double>(c, norm, "%g");     }
+      template <> void print_bound_value<vector<double> >(Condition c, const char*)   {
+        const char* test = c.detector().name();
+        c.bind<vector<double> >();
+        const vector<double>& v = c.get<vector<double> >();
+        printout(INFO,test,"  Bound value  %s : size:%d = %s Type: %s",
+       , int(v.size()), c.block().str().c_str(),
+                 typeName(c.typeInfo()).c_str());
+      }
+      template <> void print_condition<void>(Condition c)   {
+        const char* test = c.detector().name();
+        string type = c.type();
+        printout(INFO,test,"%-32s  [%16s] :  %s [%s] ", 
+                 (c.detector().path()+".",c.type().c_str(),
+                 c.value().c_str(),c.validity().c_str());
+        if ( type == "alignment" )
+          print_bound_value<string>(c);
+        else if ( type == "temperature" )
+          print_bound_value<double>(c);
+        else if ( type == "pressure" )
+          print_bound_value<double>(c,"1.0/hPa");
+        else if ( type == "whatever" )
+          print_bound_value<vector<double> >(c);
+        else if ( type == "short" )
+          print_bound_value<short>(c);
+        else if ( type == "integer" )
+          print_bound_value<int>(c);
+        else if ( type == "long" )
+          print_bound_value<long>(c);
+        else if ( type == "unsigned short" )
+          print_bound_value<unsigned short>(c);
+        else if ( type == "unsigned integer" )
+          print_bound_value<unsigned int>(c);
+        else if ( type == "unsigned long" )
+          print_bound_value<unsigned long>(c);
+        else if ( type == "double" )
+          print_bound_value<double>(c);
+        else if ( type == "double" )
+          print_bound_value<double>(c);
+        else if ( type == "vector<double>" )
+          print_bound_value<vector<double> >(c);
+      }
+      template <typename T> void print_conditions(const RangeConditions& rc)   {
+        for(RangeConditions::const_iterator k=rc.begin(); k != rc.end(); ++k) 
+          print_condition<T>(*k);
+      }
+      template void print_conditions<void>(const RangeConditions& rc);
+      void check_discrete_condition(Condition c, const IOV& iov)   {
+        const IOV* i = c->iov;
+        if ( i->is_discrete() )  {
+          if ( iov.contains(*i) )  {
+            return;
+          }
+          except("Example", "+++ The condition %s.%s [%s] is not fully contained in iov:%s",
+                 c->detector.path().c_str(), c->name.c_str(), i->str().c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+        }
+        except("Example", "+++ The condition %s.%s [%s] has no discrete type matching iov:%s",
+               c->detector.path().c_str(), c->name.c_str(), i->str().c_str(), iov.str().c_str());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Test::TestEnv::TestEnv(LCDD& _lcdd, const string& detector_name) 
+  : lcdd(_lcdd), detector(), manager()
+  manager = ConditionsManager::from(lcdd);
+  manager["LoaderType"]     = "multi";
+  manager["PoolType"]       = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearPool";
+  manager["UpdatePoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool";
+  manager["ReplacementPoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearReplacementPool";
+  manager->initialize();
+  detector = lcdd.detector(detector_name);
+  if ( detector.isValid() )  {
+    pair<bool, const IOVType*> e = manager.registerIOVType(0, "epoch");
+    pair<bool, const IOVType*> r = manager.registerIOVType(1, "run");
+    loader = manager.loader();
+    if ( e.first && r.first )  {
+      epoch = e.second;
+      run   = r.second;
+      return;
+    }
+    invalidHandleError<IOVType>();
+  }
+  invalidHandleError<DetElement>();
+/// Find daughter element of the detector object
+DetElement Test::TestEnv::daughter(const string& sub_path)  const  {
+  return DD4hep::Geometry::DetectorTools::findDaughterElement(detector,sub_path);
+void Test::TestEnv::add_xml_data_source(const string& file)   {
+  string source = "xml:"+string(::getenv("DD4hepINSTALL"))+file;
+  this->loader->addSource(source);
+void Test::TestEnv::dump_conditions_pools()
+  typedef RangeConditions _R;
+  typedef IOVPool::Entries _E;
+  typedef Interna::ConditionsManagerObject::TypedConditionPool _P;
+  int cnt = 0;
+  _P& p = this->manager->m_pool;
+  for(_P::const_iterator i=p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i, ++cnt)  {
+    IOVPool* pool = (*i);
+    if ( pool )  {
+      const _E& e = pool->entries;
+      const IOVType* typ = this->manager->iovType(cnt);
+      printout(INFO,"Example","+++ IOVPool for type %s", typ->str().c_str());
+      for (_E::const_iterator j=e.begin(); j != e.end(); ++j)  {
+        _R rc;
+        ConditionsPool* cp = (*j).second;
+        cp->select_all(rc);
+        printout(INFO,"Example","+++ Conditions for pool with IOV: %s age:%d",
+                 cp->iov->str().c_str(), cp->age_value);
+        print_conditions<void>(rc);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+  printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++ Conditions pools successfully dumped");
+  printout(INFO,"Example","SUCCESS: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+/// Dump the conditions of one detectpr element
+void Test::TestEnv::dump_detector_element(DetElement elt)
+  Container conds = elt.conditions();
+  printout(INFO,"conditions","DetElement:%s # of conditons:%d",elt.path().c_str(),int(conds.count()));
+  const Container::Entries& entries = conds.entries();
+  for(Container::Entries::const_iterator i=entries.begin(); i!=entries.end(); ++i)  {
+    Condition cond((*i).second);
+    print_condition<void>(cond);
+  }
+/// Dump conditions tree of a detector element
+void Test::TestEnv::dump_conditions_tree(DetElement elt)
+  Container conds = elt.conditions();
+  const DetElement::Children& children = elt.children();
+  if ( !conds.isValid() )
+    printout(INFO,"conditions_tree","DetElement:%s  NO CONDITIONS present",elt.path().c_str());
+  else
+    dump_detector_element(elt);
+  for(DetElement::Children::const_iterator j=children.begin(); j!=children.end(); ++j)
+    dump_conditions_tree((*j).second);
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.h b/DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ee5128d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsTest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsManager.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions {
+    /// Namespace for test environments in DDCond
+    namespace Test  {
+      using Geometry::LCDD;
+      using Geometry::Position;
+      using Geometry::DetElement;
+      struct TestEnv {
+        LCDD& lcdd;
+        DetElement detector;
+        ConditionsManager manager;
+        Handle<ConditionsDataLoader> loader;
+        const IOVType* epoch;
+        const IOVType* run;
+        TestEnv(LCDD& _lcdd, const std::string& detector_name);
+        /// Find daughter element of the detector object
+        DetElement daughter(const std::string& sub_path)  const;
+        void add_xml_data_source(const std::string& file);
+        void dump_conditions_pools();
+        static void dump_detector_element(DetElement elt);
+        static void dump_conditions_tree(DetElement elt);
+      };
+      template <typename T> void print_condition(Condition condition);
+      template <typename T> void print_bound_value(Condition condition, const char* norm=0);
+      template <typename T> void print_conditions(const RangeConditions& rc);
+      void check_discrete_condition(Condition c, const IOV& iov);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsTransaction.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsTransaction.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3247263c9..000000000
--- a/DDCond/src/ConditionsTransaction.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: $
-//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
-// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-// All rights reserved.
-// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-// Author     : M.Frank
-// Framework include files
-#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsTags.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsHandler.h"
-#include "DDCond/ConditionsTransaction.h"
-using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-/// Default constructor
-ConditionsTransaction::ConditionsTransaction(LCDD& l, const XML::Handle_t& e) : lcdd(l) {
-  flag = e.hasChild(_U(close_transaction));
-  /// First check if a transaction is to be opened
-  m_handler = lcdd.extension<Geometry::ConditionsHandler>();
-  m_handler->addRef();
-  if ( e.hasChild(_U(open_transaction)) )  {
-    m_handler->openTransaction();
-  }
-/// Default destructor
-ConditionsTransaction::~ConditionsTransaction()   {
-  /// Last check if a transaction is to be closed
-  if ( flag ) {
-    lcdd.extension<Geometry::ConditionsHandler>()->closeTransaction();
-  }
-  m_handler->release();
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionsXmlLoader.cpp b/DDCond/src/ConditionsXmlLoader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06febf215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCond/src/ConditionsXmlLoader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+//  \author  Markus Frank
+//  \date    2016-02-02
+//  \version 1.0
+// $Id$
+// Framework include files
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsDataLoader.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions  {
+    /// Implementation of a stack of conditions assembled before application
+    /** 
+     *  \author   M.Frank
+     *  \version  1.0
+     *  \ingroup  DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    class ConditionsXmlLoader : public ConditionsDataLoader   {
+      typedef std::vector<Condition> Buffer;
+      Buffer m_buffer;
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      ConditionsXmlLoader(LCDD& lcdd, ConditionsManager mgr, const std::string& nam);
+      /// Default destructor
+      virtual ~ConditionsXmlLoader();
+      /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      virtual size_t load(DetElement det,
+                          const std::string& cond,
+                          const IOV& req_validity,
+                          RangeConditions& conditions);
+      /// Load  a condition set given a Detector Element and the conditions name according to their validity
+      virtual size_t load_range(DetElement det,
+                                const std::string& cond,
+                                const IOV& req_validity,
+                                RangeConditions& conditions);
+      size_t load_source  (const std::string& nam,
+                          DetElement det,
+                          const std::string& cond,
+                          const IOV& req_validity,
+                          RangeConditions& conditions);
+    };
+  } /* End namespace Geometry               */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
+//#include "ConditionsXmlLoader.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Factories.h"
+#include "DD4hep/PluginCreators.h"
+#include "XML/XMLElements.h"
+#include "XML/DocumentHandler.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsInterna.h"
+#include "DDCond/ConditionsEntry.h"
+// C/C++ include files
+#include <string>
+// Forward declartions
+using std::string;
+using namespace DD4hep;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+namespace {
+  void* create_loader(DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv)   {
+    const char* name = argc>0 ? argv[0] : "XMLLoader";
+    Interna::ConditionsManagerObject* mgr = (Interna::ConditionsManagerObject*)(argc>0 ? argv[1] : 0);
+    return new ConditionsXmlLoader(lcdd,ConditionsManager(mgr),name);
+  }
+/// Standard constructor, initializes variables
+ConditionsXmlLoader::ConditionsXmlLoader(LCDD& lcdd, ConditionsManager mgr, const std::string& nam) 
+: ConditionsDataLoader(lcdd, mgr, nam)
+/// Default Destructor
+ConditionsXmlLoader::~ConditionsXmlLoader() {
+size_t ConditionsXmlLoader::load_source(const std::string& nam,
+                                       DetElement det,
+                                       const std::string& cond,
+                                       const IOV& req_validity, 
+                                       RangeConditions& conditions)
+  size_t len = conditions.size();
+  string fac = "XMLConditionsParser";
+  XML::DocumentHolder doc(XML::DocumentHandler().load(nam));
+  XML::Handle_t       handle = doc.root();
+  ConditionsStack     stack;
+  char* argv[] = { (char*)handle.ptr(), (char*)&stack, 0};
+  void* result = DD4hep::createPlugin(fac, m_lcdd, 2, argv, 0);
+  if ( result == &m_lcdd )  { // All OK.
+    for (ConditionsStack::iterator c=stack.begin(); c!=stack.end(); ++c)  {
+      Entry* e = (*c);
+      Condition condition = queueUpdate(e);
+      delete e;
+      if ( condition.isValid() )   {
+        if ( det == condition.detector() && cond == )  {
+          if ( req_validity.contains(condition.iov()) )   {
+            conditions.push_back(condition);
+            continue;
+          }
+        }
+        m_buffer.push_back(condition);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  m_sources.erase(m_sources.begin());
+  stack.clear();
+  return conditions.size()-len;
+size_t ConditionsXmlLoader::load(DetElement det,
+                                 const std::string& cond,
+                                 const IOV& req_validity, 
+                                 RangeConditions& conditions)
+  size_t len = conditions.size();
+  if ( m_buffer.empty() && !m_sources.empty() )  {
+    return load_source(*(m_sources.begin()), det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  for (Buffer::iterator j=m_buffer.begin(); j!=m_buffer.end(); ++j)  {
+    Condition condition = *j;
+    if ( det == condition->detector && cond == condition->name )  {
+      if ( req_validity.contains(*condition->iov) )   {
+        conditions.push_back(condition);
+        m_buffer.erase(j);
+        return conditions.size()-len;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ( !m_sources.empty() )  {
+    return load_source(*(m_sources.begin()), det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  return conditions.size()-len;
+size_t ConditionsXmlLoader::load_range(DetElement det,
+                                       const std::string& cond,
+                                       const IOV& req_validity, 
+                                       RangeConditions& conditions)
+  size_t len = conditions.size();
+  while ( !m_sources.empty() )  {
+    load_source(*(m_sources.begin()), det, cond, req_validity, conditions);
+  }
+  std::vector<Condition> keep;
+  for (size_t j=0; j<m_buffer.size(); ++j)  {
+    Condition condition = m_buffer[j];
+    if ( det == condition->detector && cond == condition->name )  {
+      const IOV* iov = condition->iov;
+      if ( IOV::same_type(req_validity,*iov) )  {
+        if ( IOV::key_is_contained(req_validity.key(),iov->key()) ||
+             IOV::key_overlaps_lower_end(req_validity.key(),iov->key()) || 
+             IOV::key_overlaps_higher_end(req_validity.key(),iov->key()) )  {
+          conditions.push_back(condition);
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    keep.push_back(condition);
+  }
+  m_buffer = keep;
+  return conditions.size()-len;
diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/ComponentProperties.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h
similarity index 85%
rename from DDG4/include/DDG4/ComponentProperties.h
rename to DDCore/include/DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h
index 488acaa8d..e757b3519 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/ComponentProperties.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: $
+// $Id$
 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 // Framework include files
-#include "DDG4/ComponentUtils.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Primitives.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Exceptions.h"
 // C/C++ include files
 #include <algorithm>
@@ -232,6 +233,46 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     void dump() const;
-}      // End namespace DD4hep
+  /// Property object as base class for all objects supporting properties
+  /** 
+   *  \author  M.Frank
+   *  \version 1.0
+   */
+  class PropertyConfigurable  {
+  protected:
+    /// Property pool
+    PropertyManager m_properties;
+  public:
+    /// Standard constructor
+    PropertyConfigurable();
+    /// Default destructor
+    virtual ~PropertyConfigurable();
+    /// Access to the properties of the object
+    PropertyManager& properties() {
+      return m_properties;
+    }
+    /// Check property for existence
+    bool hasProperty(const std::string& name) const;
+    /// Access single property
+    Property& property(const std::string& name);
+    /// Declare property
+    template <typename T> void declareProperty(const std::string& nam, T& val);
+    /// Declare property
+    template <typename T> void declareProperty(const char* nam, T& val);
+  };
+  /// Declare property
+  template <typename T> 
+  void PropertyConfigurable::declareProperty(const std::string& nam, T& val) {
+    m_properties.add(nam, val);
+  }
+  /// Declare property
+  template <typename T> 
+  void PropertyConfigurable::declareProperty(const char* nam, T& val) {
+    m_properties.add(nam, val);
+  }
+}      // End namespace DD4hep
diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/ComponentProperties_inl.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/ComponentProperties_inl.h
similarity index 98%
rename from DDG4/include/DDG4/ComponentProperties_inl.h
rename to DDCore/include/DD4hep/ComponentProperties_inl.h
index f75708de6..587fb0d95 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/ComponentProperties_inl.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/ComponentProperties_inl.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: $
+// $Id$
 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include "DD4hep/BasicGrammar.h"
-#include "DDG4/ComponentProperties.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h"
 // C/C++ include files
 #include <sstream>
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Conditions.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Conditions.h
index 70e0338a4..94a2f47d9 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Conditions.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Conditions.h
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include "DD4hep/Handle.h"
+// C/C++ include files
+#include <vector>
 /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
 namespace DD4hep {
@@ -25,18 +28,99 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
   namespace Geometry {
     // Forward declarations
     class DetElement;
+    class LCDD;
+  }
+  /// Namespace for the conditions part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions   {
+    // The DetElement is a central object. We alias it here.
+    using Geometry::DetElement;
+    using Geometry::LCDD;
+    // Forward declarations
+    class ConditionsManager;
+    class ConditionsLoader;
+    class IOVType;
+    class IOV;
     /// Conditions intrnal namespace
-    namespace ConditionsInterna  {
+    namespace Interna  {
       class ConditionContainer;
       class ConditionObject;
-      class Entry;
-      class IOV;
+    class IOVType   {
+    public:
+      enum { UNKNOWN_IOV = ~0x0 } _IOVTypes;
+      unsigned int type;
+      std::string  name;
+      IOVType() : type(UNKNOWN_IOV), name() {}
+      ~IOVType() {}
+      std::string str() const;
+    };
+    /// Class describing the interval of validty
+    /**
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    class IOV   {
+      friend class Condition;
+    private:
+      /// No IOC copies!
+      explicit IOV(const IOV&) {}
+      /// Initializing constructor: Does not set reference to IOVType !
+      explicit IOV();
+    public:
+      /// Key definition
+      typedef std::pair<int,int> Key;
+      const IOVType* iovType;
+      Key            keyData;
+      int            optData;
+      /// IOV buffer type: Must be a bitmap!
+      unsigned int   type;
+      /// Initializing constructor
+      explicit IOV(const IOVType* typ);
+      /// Standard Destructor
+      ~IOV();
+      /// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
+      void move(IOV& from);
+      /// Create string representation of the IOV
+      std::string str() const;
+      /// Check if the IOV corresponds to a range
+      bool has_range() const    {  return keyData.first != keyData.second;  }
+      /// Check if the IOV corresponds to a range
+      bool is_discrete() const  {  return keyData.first == keyData.second;  }
+      /// Get the local key of the IOV
+      Key  key() const {  return keyData; }
+      /// Check for validity containment
+      /** Check if the caller 'iov' is of the same type and the range 
+       *  is fully conained by the caller.
+       */
+      bool contains(const IOV& iov)  const;
+      static bool same_type(const IOV& iov, const IOV& test)  {
+        unsigned int typ1 = iov.iovType ? iov.iovType->type : iov.type;
+        unsigned int typ2 = test.iovType ? test.iovType->type : test.type;
+        return typ1 == typ2;
+      }
+      static bool key_is_contained(const IOV::Key& key, const IOV::Key& test)
+      {   return key.first >= test.first && key.second <= test.second;      }
+      static bool key_overlaps_lower_end(const IOV::Key& key, const IOV::Key& test)
+      {   return key.first <= test.second && key.first >= test.first;       }
+      static bool key_overlaps_higher_end(const IOV::Key& key, const IOV::Key& test)
+      {   return key.second >= test.first && key.second <= test.second;     }
+    };
     /// Class describing an opaque conditions data block
      *  Access methods are templated. Once the access is fixed
@@ -44,23 +128,25 @@ namespace DD4hep {
      *  \author  M.Frank
      *  \version 1.0
-     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
      *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
     class Block   {
       /// Access only through the conditions class!
       friend class Condition;
       /// Standard initializing constructor
       /// Standard Destructor
       virtual ~Block();
       /// Data type
       const BasicGrammar* grammar;
       /// Pointer to object data
       void* pointer;
       /// Create data block from string representation
       void fromString(const std::string& rep);
@@ -79,15 +165,13 @@ namespace DD4hep {
      *  \author  M.Frank
      *  \version 1.0
-     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
      *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-    class Condition: public Handle<ConditionsInterna::ConditionObject> {
+    class Condition: public Handle<Interna::ConditionObject> {
-      typedef ConditionsInterna::ConditionObject Object;
-      typedef ConditionsInterna::Entry Entry;
-      typedef ConditionsInterna::IOV IOV;
+      typedef Interna::ConditionObject Object;
+    public:
       /// Default constructor
       /// Copy constructor
@@ -99,7 +183,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
         : Handle<Object>(e) {
       /// Initializing constructor
-      Condition(const std::string& name);
+      Condition(const std::string& name, const std::string& type);
       /// Assignment operator
       Condition& operator=(const Condition& c);
@@ -111,9 +195,9 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /** Interval of validity            */
       /// Access the IOV type
-      int iovType()  const;
+      const IOVType& iovType()  const;
       /// Access the IOV block
-      IOV& iov()  const;
+      const IOV& iov()  const;
       /** Direct data items in string form */
       /// Access the name of the condition
@@ -129,8 +213,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /// Access the address string [e.g. database identifier]
       const std::string& address()  const;
       /// Access the hosting detector element
-      DetElement detector()  const;
+      Geometry::DetElement detector()  const;
       /** Conditions meta-data   */
       /// Access to the type information
@@ -139,8 +222,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       const BasicGrammar& descriptor() const;
       /** Conditions handling */
-      /// Replace the data block of the condition with a new value. Free old data
-      Condition& replace(Entry* new_condition);
       /// Re-evaluate the conditions data according to the previous bound type definition
       Condition& rebind();
@@ -176,49 +257,44 @@ namespace DD4hep {
      *  \author  M.Frank
      *  \version 1.0
-     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
      *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-    class Conditions : public Handle<ConditionsInterna::ConditionContainer> {
+    class Container : public Handle<Interna::ConditionContainer> {
       /// Standard object type
-      typedef ConditionsInterna::ConditionContainer Object;
-      /// Local helper definition
-      typedef ConditionsInterna::Entry     Entry;
+      typedef Interna::ConditionContainer Object;
       /// Definition of the conditions container of this detector element
-      typedef std::map<std::string, Condition> Entries;
+      //typedef std::map<std::string, Condition> Entries;
+      typedef std::map<int, Condition> Entries;
+    public:
       /// Default constructor
-      Conditions();
+      Container();
       /// Constructor to be used when reading the already parsed object
-      template <typename Q> Conditions(const Conditions& c)
-        : Handle<Object>(c) {
-      }
+      template <typename Q> Container(const Container& c) : Handle<Object>(c) {}
       /// Constructor to be used when reading the already parsed object
-      template <typename Q> Conditions(const Handle<Q>& e)
-        : Handle<Object>(e) {
-      }
+      template <typename Q> Container(const Handle<Q>& e) : Handle<Object>(e) {}
       /// Access the number of conditons available for this detector element
       size_t count() const;
       /// Access the full map of conditons
       Entries& entries() const;
-      /// Clear all conditions. Auto-delete of all existing entries
+      /// Clear all attached DetElement conditions.
       void removeElements() const;
-      /** Set a single conditions value (eventually existing entries are overwritten)
-       * Note: Passing a valid handle also passes ownership!!!
-       *
-       * Failure return 0 in case an invalid handle is present
-       * Successful insertion returns 1
-       * Successful overwriting an existing value returns 3
-       */
-      int set(Entry* data);
+      /// Access to condition objects. No loading undertaken. The condition must be present
+      Condition operator[](const std::string& key);
+      /// Access to condition objects directly by their hash key. 
+      /// No loading undertaken. The condition must be present
+      Condition operator[](int hash_key);
     /// Default constructor
-    inline Conditions::Conditions() : Handle<Object>() {
+    inline Container::Container() : Handle<Object>() {
-  } /* End namespace Geometry               */
+    // Utility type definitions
+    typedef std::vector<Condition> RangeConditions;
+    typedef std::pair<RangeConditions,bool> RangeStatus;
+  } /* End namespace Conditions             */
 } /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
 #endif    /* DD4HEP_GEOMETRY_CONDITION_H    */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Detector.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Detector.h
index d54c285e0..90d7c95b9 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Detector.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Detector.h
@@ -196,6 +196,9 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /// Extensions destructor type
       typedef void (*destruct_t)(void*);
+      typedef Conditions::IOV IOV;
+      typedef Conditions::Condition Condition;
+      typedef Conditions::Container ConditionsContainer;
       typedef std::map<std::string, DetElement> Children;
       typedef std::map<const std::type_info*, void*> Extensions;
@@ -237,27 +240,19 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /// Default constructor
-      DetElement()
-        : RefObject() {
-      }
+      DetElement() : RefObject() {  }
       /// Constructor to hold handled object
-      DetElement(Object* object_ptr)
-        : RefObject(object_ptr) {
-      }
+      DetElement(Object* object_ptr) : RefObject(object_ptr) { }
       /// Clone constructor
       DetElement(Object* data, const std::string& name, const std::string& type);
       /// Templated constructor for handle conversions
-      template <typename Q> DetElement(const Handle<Q>& e)
-        : RefObject(e) {
-      }
+      template <typename Q> DetElement(const Handle<Q>& e) : RefObject(e) {}
       /// Constructor to copy handle
-      DetElement(const DetElement& e)
-        : RefObject(e) {
-      }
+      DetElement(const DetElement& e) : RefObject(e) { }
 #ifdef __MAKECINT__
       /// Constructor to copy handle
@@ -381,7 +376,11 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /// Access to the survey alignment information
       Alignment surveyAlignment() const;
       /// Access to the conditions information
-      Conditions conditions() const;
+      ConditionsContainer conditions() const;
+      /// Access to the conditions information. No loading undertaken. The condition must be present
+      Condition  condition(const std::string& key) const;
+      /// Access to condition objects. If not present, load condition.
+      Condition  condition(const std::string& key, const IOV& iov);
       /// Set detector element for reference transformations. Will delete existing reference trafo.
       DetElement& setReference(DetElement reference);
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/DetectorSelector.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/DetectorSelector.h
index 6da55ecb0..e8d9221d0 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/DetectorSelector.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/DetectorSelector.h
@@ -47,12 +47,16 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /// Result set definition
       typedef std::vector<DetElement> Result;
+#ifndef __CINT__
       /// Reference to main detector description object
       LCDD& lcdd;
+#ifndef __CINT__
       /// Default constructor
       DetectorSelector(LCDD& _lcdd) : lcdd(_lcdd)  {}
       /// Default destructor
       ~DetectorSelector()  {}
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Dictionary.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Dictionary.h
index 547670943..1bedef44a 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Dictionary.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Dictionary.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "XML/Evaluator.h"
+#include "DD4hep/World.h"
 #include "DD4hep/LCDDData.h"
 #include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
 #include "DD4hep/FieldTypes.h"
@@ -63,33 +64,34 @@ using namespace std;
 #pragma link C++ namespace DD4hep;
 #pragma link C++ namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
+#pragma link C++ namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
 #pragma link C++ namespace DD4hep::DDSegmentation;
 #ifndef __ROOTCLING__
 template pair<unsigned int, string>;
-template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject>;
-template class pair< string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >;
-template class map< string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >;
+template class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject>;
+template class pair< string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >;
+template class map< string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >;
 #pragma link C++ class pair<unsigned int,string>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::NamedObject+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Ref_t+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject>+;
-#pragma link C++ class pair<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >+;
-#pragma link C++ class map<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >+;
-#pragma link C++ class map<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator;
-#pragma link C++ class map<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::const_iterator;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class pair<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >+;
+#pragma link C++ class map<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >+;
+#pragma link C++ class map<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator;
+#pragma link C++ class map<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::const_iterator;
 #ifdef R__MACOSX
 // We only need these declarations for the clang compiler
-#pragma link C++ function operator==( const map<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator&,const map<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator& ); 
-#pragma link C++ function operator!=( const map<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator&,const map<string, DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator& ); 
+#pragma link C++ function operator==( const map<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator&,const map<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator& ); 
+#pragma link C++ function operator!=( const map<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator&,const map<string, DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::NamedObject> >::iterator& ); 
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::ObjectExtensions+;
-template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TNamed>;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TNamed>+;
+template class DD4hep::Handle<TNamed>;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TNamed>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::LCDDData+;
@@ -108,26 +110,26 @@ template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TNamed>;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManager+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManagerObject+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManagerContext+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManagerObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeManagerObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianField+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianField::Object+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianField::Object>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::CartesianField::Object>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::OverlayedField+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::OverlayedField::Object+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::OverlayedField::Object>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::OverlayedField::Object>+;
 // FieldTypes.h
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantField+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantField>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantField>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::SolenoidField+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::SolenoidField>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::SolenoidField>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::DipoleField+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::DipoleField>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::DipoleField>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptor+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptorObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptorObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptorObject>+;
 // Objects.h
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Author+;
@@ -135,25 +137,25 @@ template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TNamed>;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Header+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::HeaderObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::HeaderObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::HeaderObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Constant+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ConstantObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::Constant>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Atom+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::Atom>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoElement>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoElement>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Material+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::Material>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoMedium>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoMedium>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::VisAttr+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::VisAttr>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::VisAttrObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::VisAttrObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::VisAttrObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::AlignmentEntry+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Limit+;
@@ -162,39 +164,41 @@ template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TNamed>;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSet+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSet>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSetObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSetObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::LimitSetObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Region+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::RegionObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::RegionObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::RegionObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::Region>+;
 // Readout.h
 #pragma link C++ class vector<pair<size_t,string> >+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Segmentation+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::SegmentationObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::SegmentationObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::SegmentationObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Readout+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::ReadoutObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ReadoutObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ReadoutObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::Readout>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::IDDescriptor>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Alignment+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoPhysicalNode>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoPhysicalNode>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Condition+;
-#pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::Condition>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::ConditionsInterna::ConditionObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ConditionsInterna::ConditionObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Conditions::Condition+;
+#pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Conditions::Condition>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Conditions::Interna::ConditionObject+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Conditions::Interna::ConditionObject>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Conditions+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::ConditionsInterna::ConditionContainer+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::ConditionsInterna::ConditionContainer>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Conditions::Container+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Conditions::Interna::ConditionContainer+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Conditions::Interna::ConditionContainer>+;
 // DetElement.h
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::World+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::WorldObject+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::DetElementObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::DetElementObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::DetElementObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement>+;
 #pragma link C++ class pair<string,DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement>+;
 #pragma link C++ class map<string,DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement>+;
@@ -209,14 +213,14 @@ template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TNamed>;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetector+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetectorObject+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetectorObject>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetectorObject>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::SensitiveDetector>+;
 // Volume.h
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Volume+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::VolumeExtension+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::Volume>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoVolume>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoVolume>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolume+;
 #ifndef __ROOTCLING__
@@ -228,70 +232,70 @@ template vector<pair<string, int> >::iterator;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolumeExtension::VolIDs+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolumeExtension+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolume>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoNode>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoNode>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<TGeoNode*>+;
 #pragma link C++ class vector<TGeoVolume*>+;
 // Shapes.h
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoShape>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoShape>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoShape>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Polycone+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoPcon>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoPcon>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoPcon>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::ConeSegment+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoConeSeg>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoConeSeg>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoConeSeg>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Box+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoBBox>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoBBox>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoBBox>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Torus+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoTorus>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoTorus>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoTorus>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Cone+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoCone>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoCone>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoCone>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Tube+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoTubeSeg>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoTubeSeg>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoTubeSeg>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::EllipticalTube+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoEltu>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoEltu>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoEltu>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Trap+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoTrap>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoTrap>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoTrap>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Trapezoid+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoTrd2>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoTrd2>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoTrd2>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Sphere+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoSphere>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoSphere>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoSphere>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Paraboloid+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoParaboloid>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoParaboloid>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoParaboloid>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Hyperboloid+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoHype>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoHype>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoHype>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::PolyhedraRegular+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoPgon>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoPgon>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoPgon>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::BooleanSolid+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Solid_type<TGeoCompositeShape>+;
-#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<TGeoCompositeShape>+;
+#pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Handle<TGeoCompositeShape>+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::SubtractionSolid+;
 #pragma link C++ class DD4hep::Geometry::UnionSolid+;
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Errors.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Errors.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5efa43d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Errors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+//  \author   Markus Frank
+//  \date     2016-02-02
+//  \version  1.0
+// $Id$
+#ifndef DD4HEP_ERRORS_H 
+#define DD4HEP_ERRORS_H 1
+// C/C++ include files
+#include <string>
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Utility namespace: Errors
+  namespace Errors  {
+    /// System error string for EPERM. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string noPermission();
+    /// System error string for ENOENT. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string noEntry();
+    /// System error string for EIO. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string ioError();
+    /// System error string for EINVAL. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string invalidArg();
+    /// System error string for ENOKEY. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string noKey();
+    /// System error string for ENOSYS. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string noSys();
+    /// System error string for ECANCELED. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string cancelled();
+    /// System error string for ELNRNG. Sets errno accordingly
+    std::string linkRange();
+  }
+} /* End namespace DD4hep             */
+#endif  // DD4HEP_ERRORS_H
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Factories.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Factories.h
index bb4453787..215e2cde9 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Factories.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Factories.h
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     static void* create(const char* arg);
+  template <typename T> class LCDDConstructionFactory : public PluginFactoryBase {
+  public:
+    static void* create(lcdd_t& lcdd, int argc, char** argv);
+  };
   /// Template class with a generic signature to apply LCDD plugins
@@ -147,14 +151,22 @@ namespace {
   DD4HEP_PLUGIN_FACTORY_ARGS_1(void*,const char*)  
   {    return DD4hep::ConstructionFactory<P>::create(a0);                               }
   {    return DD4hep::TranslationFactory<P>::create(*a0).ptr();                         }
+  DD4HEP_PLUGIN_FACTORY_ARGS_3(void*,ns::LCDD*,int,char**)
+  {    return DD4hep::LCDDConstructionFactory<P>::create(*a0,a1,a2);                    }
   {    return make_return<long>(DD4hep::ApplyFactory<P>::create(*a0,a1,a2));            }
   {    return DD4hep::XMLElementFactory<P>::create(*a0,*a1).ptr();                      }
   {    return make_return<long>(DD4hep::XMLDocumentReaderFactory<P>::create(*a0,*a1));  }
   {    return DD4hep::DetElementFactory<P>::create(*a0,*a1,*a2).ptr();                  }
@@ -172,29 +184,40 @@ namespace {
 #define DECLARE_NAMED_DETELEMENT_FACTORY(n,x)       namespace DD4hep    \
   { DD4HEP_PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(n::x,x,DD4hep::NamedObject*(Geometry::LCDD*,XML::Handle_t*,Geometry::Ref_t*),__LINE__) }
+// Call function of the type [long (*func)(const char* arg)]
 #define DECLARE_APPLY(name,func)        DD4HEP_OPEN_PLUGIN(DD4hep,name)   { \
     template <> long ApplyFactory<name>::create(lcdd_t& l,int n,char** a) {return func(l,n,a);} \
+// Call function of the type [void* (*func)(const char* arg)]
 #define DECLARE_CONSTRUCTOR(name,func)  DD4HEP_OPEN_PLUGIN(DD4hep,name) { \
     template <> void* ConstructionFactory<name>::create(const char* n) { return func(n);} \
     DD4HEP_PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(name,name,void*(const char*),__LINE__) }
+// Call function of the type [void* (*func)(lcdd_t& lcdd, int argc,char** argv)]
+#define DECLARE_LCDD_CONSTRUCTOR(name,func)  DD4HEP_OPEN_PLUGIN(DD4hep,name) { \
+    template <> void* LCDDConstructionFactory<name>::create(lcdd_t& l, int n,char** a) { return func(l,n,a);} \
+    DD4HEP_PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(name,name,void*(Geometry::LCDD*,int,char**),__LINE__) }
+// Call function of the type [void* (*func)(lcdd_t& lcdd)]
 #define DECLARE_TRANSLATION(name,func)  DD4HEP_OPEN_PLUGIN(DD4hep,name)  { \
     template <> Geometry::Ref_t TranslationFactory<name>::create(lcdd_t& l) {return func(l);} \
+// Call function of the type [void* (*func)(lcdd_t& lcdd, xml_h handle)]
 #define DECLARE_XMLELEMENT(name,func)  DD4HEP_OPEN_PLUGIN(DD4hep,xml_element_##name)  {\
     template <> Geometry::Ref_t XMLElementFactory<xml_element_##name>::create(lcdd_t& l,xml_h e) {return func(l,e);} \
     DD4HEP_PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(xml_element_##name,name,NamedObject*(Geometry::LCDD*,XML::Handle_t*),__LINE__)  }
+// Call function of the type [long (*func)(lcdd_t& lcdd, xml_h handle)]
 #define DECLARE_XML_DOC_READER(name,func)  DD4HEP_OPEN_PLUGIN(DD4hep,xml_document_##name)  { \
     template <> long XMLDocumentReaderFactory<xml_document_##name>::create(lcdd_t& l,xml_h e) {return func(l,e);} \
     DD4HEP_PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(xml_document_##name,name##_XML_reader,long(Geometry::LCDD*,XML::Handle_t*),__LINE__)  }
+// Call function of the type [NamedObject* (*func)(lcdd_t& lcdd, xml_h handle, ref_t reference)]
 #define DECLARE_XML_PROCESSOR_BASIC(name,func,deprecated)  DD4HEP_OPEN_PLUGIN(DD4hep,det_element_##name) {\
     template <> Geometry::Ref_t DetElementFactory< det_element_##name >::create(lcdd_t& l,xml_h e,ref_t h) \
-    { if (deprecated) Geometry::warning_deprecated_xml_factory(#name); return func(l,e,h);} \
+    { if (deprecated) warning_deprecated_xml_factory(#name); return func(l,e,h);} \
     DD4HEP_PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(det_element_##name,name,NamedObject*(Geometry::LCDD*,XML::Handle_t*,Geometry::Ref_t*),__LINE__)  }
 #define DECLARE_XML_PROCESSOR(name,func)          DECLARE_XML_PROCESSOR_BASIC(name,func,0)
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.h
index 467f21c25..eb0f71f4d 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.h
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@
 // Author     : M.Frank
+#ifndef DD4HEP_HANDLE_H
+#define DD4HEP_HANDLE_H
+// Framework include files
 #include "DD4hep/config.h"
 #include "DD4hep/Primitives.h"
@@ -44,298 +46,300 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   // Forward declarations
   class NamedObject;
-  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
-  namespace Geometry {
+  long num_object_validations();
+  void increment_object_validations();
+  /// Function tp print warning about deprecated factory usage. Used by Plugin mechanism.
+  void warning_deprecated_xml_factory(const char* name);
-    // Forward declarations
-    class LCDD;
-    /// String conversions: boolean value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    std::string _toString(bool value);
-    /// String conversions: integer value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    std::string _toString(int value, const char* fmt = "%d");
-    /// String conversions: float value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    std::string _toString(float value, const char* fmt = "%.17e");
-    /// String conversions: double value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    std::string _toString(double value, const char* fmt = "%.17e");
-    /// Pointer to text conversion
-    std::string _ptrToString(const void* p, const char* fmt = "%p");
-    /// Format any pointer (64 bits) to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
-    template <typename T> std::string _toString(const T* p, const char* fmt = "%p")
-    {      return _ptrToString((void*)p, fmt);       }
+  /// Access to the magic word, which is protecting some objects against memory corruptions  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  inline unsigned long long int magic_word() {
+  }
-    /// String conversions: string to boolean value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    bool _toBool(const std::string& value);
-    /// String conversions: string to integer value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    int _toInt(const std::string& value);
-    /// String conversions: string to long integer value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    long _toLong(const std::string& value);
-    /// String conversions: string to float value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    float _toFloat(const std::string& value);
-    /// String conversions: string to double value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    double _toDouble(const std::string& value);
+  /// Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects.
+  /**
+   * The Handle is the base class to access all objects in DD4hep.
+   * Objects, which consist ONLY of data  are NEVER passed directly.
+   * They are ALWAYS passed using handles. Such handles are 'handy' ;-).
+   * Assignment is to and from different handles is possible using concrete
+   * type checking.
+   *
+   * Real benefits can result from sophisticated handle subclasses, which can
+   * implement any desired user functionality with out compromising the
+   * object's data content. This leads to very flexible implementations,
+   * where the same data may be shared by many handle implementations
+   * providing different functionality to the clients.
+   *
+   * In this sense, is the consequent use of handles to access data nothing
+   * else then the consequent application of component oriented programming
+   * using local objects from the heap.
+   *
+   * Note:
+   * If you cannot live with this approach, it is better you get hands of this
+   * software package, because you will try to consequently fight the framework,
+   * which will frustrate you (and also me).
+   *
+   * \author  M.Frank
+   * \version 1.0
+   * \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+   */
+  template <typename T> class Handle {
+  public:
+    /** Type definitions and class specific abbreviations and forward declarations */
+    /// Extern accessible definition of the contained element type
+    typedef T Implementation;
+    /// Declaration of 'self'
+    typedef Handle<Implementation> handle_t;
-    /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    inline bool _toBool(bool value) {
-      return value;
+    /// Single and only data member: Reference to the actual element.
+    T* m_element;
+    /// Defaulot constructor
+    Handle()
+      : m_element(0) {
-    /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    inline int _toInt(int value) {
-      return value;
+    /// Initializing constructor from pointer
+    Handle(T* e)
+      : m_element(e) {
-    /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    inline long _toLong(long value) {
-      return value;
+    /// Copy constructor
+    Handle(const Handle<T>& e)
+      : m_element(e.m_element) {
-    /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    inline float _toFloat(float value) {
-      return value;
+    /// Initializing constructor from unrelated pointer with type checking
+    template <typename Q> Handle(Q* e)
+      : m_element((T*) e) {
+      verifyObject();
-    /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    inline double _toDouble(double value) {
-      return value;
+    /// Initializing constructor from unrelated handle with type checking
+    template <typename Q> Handle(const Handle<Q>& e)
+      : m_element((T*) e.m_element) {
+      verifyObject();
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <class T> T _multiply(const std::string& left, T right);
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <class T> T _multiply(T left, const std::string& right);
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <class T> T _multiply(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> int _multiply<int>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline int _multiply<int>(int left, const std::string& right) {
-      return left * _toInt(right);
+    /// Assignment operator
+    Handle<T>& operator=(const Handle<T>& e) {
+      m_element = e.m_element;
+      return *this;
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline int _multiply<int>(const std::string& left, int right) {
-      return _toInt(left) * right;
+    /// Boolean operator == used for RB tree insertions
+    bool operator==(const Handle<T>& e)  const {
+      return m_element == e.m_element;
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> long _multiply<long>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline long _multiply<long>(long left, const std::string& right) {
-      return left * _toLong(right);
+    /// Boolean operator < used for RB tree insertions
+    bool operator<(const Handle<T>& e)  const {
+      return m_element < e.m_element;
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline long _multiply<long>(const std::string& left, long right) {
-      return _toLong(left) * right;
+    /// Boolean operator > used for RB tree insertions
+    bool operator>(const Handle<T>& e)  const {
+      return m_element > e.m_element;
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> float _multiply<float>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline float _multiply<float>(float left, const std::string& right) {
-      return left * _toFloat(right);
+    /// Check the validity of the object held by the handle
+    bool isValid() const {
+      return 0 != m_element;
+    }
+    /// Check the validity of the object held by the handle
+    bool operator!() const {
+      return 0 == m_element;
+    }
+    /// Release the object held by the handle
+    Handle<T>& clear() {
+      m_element = 0;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    /// Access the held object using the -> operator
+    T* operator->() const {
+      return m_element;
+    }
+    /// Automatic type conversion to an object references
+    operator T&() const {
+      return *m_element;
+    }
+    /// Access the held object using the * operator
+    T& operator*() const {
+      return *m_element;
+    }
+    /// Access to the held object
+    T* ptr() const {
+      return m_element;
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline float _multiply<float>(const std::string& left, float right) {
-      return _toFloat(left) * right;
+    /// Access to an unrelated object type
+    template <typename Q> Q* _ptr() const {
+      return (Q*) m_element;
+    /// Access to an unrelated object type
+    template <typename Q> Q* data() const {
+      return (Q*) m_element;
+    }
+    /// Access to an unrelated object type
+    template <typename Q> Q& object() const {
+      return *(Q*) m_element;
+    }
+    /// Checked object access. Throws invalid handle runtime exception
+    T* access() const;
+    /// Verify the object type after a (re-)assignment
+    void verifyObject() const;
+    /// Access the object name (or "" if not supported by the object)
+    const char* name() const;
+    /// Helper routine called when unrelated types are assigned.
+    static void bad_assignment(const std::type_info& from, const std::type_info& to);
+    /// Assign a new named object. Note: object references must be managed by the user
+    void assign(Implementation* n, const std::string& nam, const std::string& title);
+  };
+  /// Default Ref_t definition describing named objects  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  typedef Handle<NamedObject> Ref_t;
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> double _multiply<double>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline double _multiply<double>(const std::string& left, double right) {
-      return _toDouble(left) * right;
+  /// Helper to delete objects from heap and reset the handle  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <typename T> inline void destroyHandle(T& h) {
+    deletePtr(h.m_element);
+  }
+  /// Helper to delete objects from heap and reset the handle  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <typename T> inline void releaseHandle(T& h) {
+    releasePtr(h.m_element);
+  }
+  /// Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <typename T> class DestroyHandle {
+  public:
+    void operator()(T p) const {
+      destroyHandle(p);
+    }
+  };
+  /// Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <typename T> class ReleaseHandle {
+  public:
+    void operator()(T p) const {
+      releaseHandle(p);
+    }
+  };
+  /// map Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <typename M> class DestroyHandles {
+  public:
+    M& object;
+    DestroyHandles(M& m)
+      : object(m) {
-    /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <> inline double _multiply<double>(double left, const std::string& right) {
-      return left * _toDouble(right);
+    ~DestroyHandles() {
+      object.clear();
+    void operator()(std::pair<typename M::key_type, typename M::mapped_type> p) const {
+      DestroyHandle<typename M::mapped_type>()(p.second);
+    }
+  };
+  /// Functional created of map destruction functors
+  template <typename M> DestroyHandles<M> destroyHandles(M& m) {
+    return DestroyHandles<M>(m);
+  }
-    /// Enter name value pair to the dictionary. \"value\" must be a numerical expression, which is evaluated  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    void _toDictionary(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
-    /// Enter name value pair to the dictionary.  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    void _toDictionary(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, const std::string& typ);
+  /// String conversions: boolean value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  std::string _toString(bool value);
+  /// String conversions: integer value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  std::string _toString(int value, const char* fmt = "%d");
+  /// String conversions: float value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  std::string _toString(float value, const char* fmt = "%.17e");
+  /// String conversions: double value to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  std::string _toString(double value, const char* fmt = "%.17e");
+  /// Pointer to text conversion
+  std::string _ptrToString(const void* p, const char* fmt = "%p");
+  /// Format any pointer (64 bits) to string  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
+  template <typename T> std::string _toString(const T* p, const char* fmt = "%p")
+  {      return _ptrToString((void*)p, fmt);       }
-    long num_object_validations();
-    void increment_object_validations();
-    /// Function tp print warning about deprecated factory usage. Used by Plugin mechanism.
-    void warning_deprecated_xml_factory(const char* name);
+  /// String conversions: string to boolean value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  bool _toBool(const std::string& value);
+  /// String conversions: string to integer value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  int _toInt(const std::string& value);
+  /// String conversions: string to long integer value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  long _toLong(const std::string& value);
+  /// String conversions: string to float value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  float _toFloat(const std::string& value);
+  /// String conversions: string to double value  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  double _toDouble(const std::string& value);
+  /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  inline bool _toBool(bool value) {
+    return value;
+  }
+  /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  inline int _toInt(int value) {
+    return value;
+  }
+  /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  inline long _toLong(long value) {
+    return value;
+  }
+  /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  inline float _toFloat(float value) {
+    return value;
+  }
+  /// Void helper function to support formalisms  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  inline double _toDouble(double value) {
+    return value;
+  }
-    /// Access to the magic word, which is protecting some objects against memory corruptions  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    inline unsigned long long int magic_word() {
-    }
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <class T> T _multiply(const std::string& left, T right);
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <class T> T _multiply(T left, const std::string& right);
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <class T> T _multiply(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
-    /// Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects.
-    /**
-     * The Handle is the base class to access all objects in DD4hep.
-     * Objects, which consist ONLY of data  are NEVER passed directly.
-     * They are ALWAYS passed using handles. Such handles are 'handy' ;-).
-     * Assignment is to and from different handles is possible using concrete
-     * type checking.
-     *
-     * Real benefits can result from sophisticated handle subclasses, which can
-     * implement any desired user functionality with out compromising the
-     * object's data content. This leads to very flexible implementations,
-     * where the same data may be shared by many handle implementations
-     * providing different functionality to the clients.
-     *
-     * In this sense, is the consequent use of handles to access data nothing
-     * else then the consequent application of component oriented programming
-     * using local objects from the heap.
-     *
-     * Note:
-     * If you cannot live with this approach, it is better you get hands of this
-     * software package, because you will try to consequently fight the framework,
-     * which will frustrate you (and also me).
-     *
-     * \author  M.Frank
-     * \version 1.0
-     * \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-     */
-    template <typename T> class Handle {
-    public:
-      /** Type definitions and class specific abbreviations and forward declarations */
-      /// Extern accessible definition of the contained element type
-      typedef T Implementation;
-      /// Declaration of 'self'
-      typedef Handle<Implementation> handle_t;
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> int _multiply<int>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline int _multiply<int>(int left, const std::string& right) {
+    return left * _toInt(right);
+  }
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline int _multiply<int>(const std::string& left, int right) {
+    return _toInt(left) * right;
+  }
-      /// Single and only data member: Reference to the actual element.
-      T* m_element;
-      /// Defaulot constructor
-      Handle()
-        : m_element(0) {
-      }
-      /// Initializing constructor from pointer
-      Handle(T* e)
-        : m_element(e) {
-      }
-      /// Copy constructor
-      Handle(const Handle<T>& e)
-        : m_element(e.m_element) {
-      }
-      /// Initializing constructor from unrelated pointer with type checking
-      template <typename Q> Handle(Q* e)
-        : m_element((T*) e) {
-        verifyObject();
-      }
-      /// Initializing constructor from unrelated handle with type checking
-      template <typename Q> Handle(const Handle<Q>& e)
-        : m_element((T*) e.m_element) {
-        verifyObject();
-      }
-      /// Assignment operator
-      Handle<T>& operator=(const Handle<T>& e) {
-        m_element = e.m_element;
-        return *this;
-      }
-      /// Boolean operator == used for RB tree insertions
-      bool operator==(const Handle<T>& e)  const {
-        return m_element == e.m_element;
-      }
-      /// Boolean operator < used for RB tree insertions
-      bool operator<(const Handle<T>& e)  const {
-        return m_element < e.m_element;
-      }
-      /// Boolean operator > used for RB tree insertions
-      bool operator>(const Handle<T>& e)  const {
-        return m_element > e.m_element;
-      }
-      /// Check the validity of the object held by the handle
-      bool isValid() const {
-        return 0 != m_element;
-      }
-      /// Check the validity of the object held by the handle
-      bool operator!() const {
-        return 0 == m_element;
-      }
-      /// Release the object held by the handle
-      Handle<T>& clear() {
-        m_element = 0;
-        return *this;
-      }
-      /// Access the held object using the -> operator
-      T* operator->() const {
-        return m_element;
-      }
-      /// Automatic type conversion to an object references
-      operator T&() const {
-        return *m_element;
-      }
-      /// Access the held object using the * operator
-      T& operator*() const {
-        return *m_element;
-      }
-      /// Access to the held object
-      T* ptr() const {
-        return m_element;
-      }
-      /// Access to an unrelated object type
-      template <typename Q> Q* _ptr() const {
-        return (Q*) m_element;
-      }
-      /// Access to an unrelated object type
-      template <typename Q> Q* data() const {
-        return (Q*) m_element;
-      }
-      /// Access to an unrelated object type
-      template <typename Q> Q& object() const {
-        return *(Q*) m_element;
-      }
-      /// Checked object access. Throws invalid handle runtime exception
-      T* access() const;
-      /// Verify the object type after a (re-)assignment
-      void verifyObject() const;
-      /// Access the object name (or "" if not supported by the object)
-      const char* name() const;
-      /// Helper routine called when unrelated types are assigned.
-      static void bad_assignment(const std::type_info& from, const std::type_info& to);
-      /// Assign a new named object. Note: object references must be managed by the user
-      void assign(Implementation* n, const std::string& nam, const std::string& title);
-    };
-    /// Default Ref_t definition describing named objects  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    typedef Handle<NamedObject> Ref_t;
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> long _multiply<long>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline long _multiply<long>(long left, const std::string& right) {
+    return left * _toLong(right);
+  }
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline long _multiply<long>(const std::string& left, long right) {
+    return _toLong(left) * right;
+  }
-    /// Helper to delete objects from heap and reset the handle  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <typename T> inline void destroyHandle(T& h) {
-      deletePtr(h.m_element);
-    }
-    /// Helper to delete objects from heap and reset the handle  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <typename T> inline void releaseHandle(T& h) {
-      releasePtr(h.m_element);
-    }
-    /// Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <typename T> class DestroyHandle {
-    public:
-      void operator()(T p) const {
-        destroyHandle(p);
-      }
-    };
-    /// Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <typename T> class ReleaseHandle {
-    public:
-      void operator()(T p) const {
-        releaseHandle(p);
-      }
-    };
-    /// map Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-    template <typename M> class DestroyHandles {
-    public:
-      M& object;
-      DestroyHandles(M& m)
-        : object(m) {
-      }
-      ~DestroyHandles() {
-        object.clear();
-      }
-      void operator()(std::pair<typename M::key_type, typename M::mapped_type> p) const {
-        DestroyHandle<typename M::mapped_type>()(p.second);
-      }
-    };
-    /// Functional created of map destruction functors
-    template <typename M> DestroyHandles<M> destroyHandles(M& m) {
-      return DestroyHandles<M>(m);
-    }
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> float _multiply<float>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline float _multiply<float>(float left, const std::string& right) {
+    return left * _toFloat(right);
+  }
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline float _multiply<float>(const std::string& left, float right) {
+    return _toFloat(left) * right;
+  }
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> double _multiply<double>(const std::string& left, const std::string& right);
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline double _multiply<double>(const std::string& left, double right) {
+    return _toDouble(left) * right;
+  }
+  /// Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  template <> inline double _multiply<double>(double left, const std::string& right) {
+    return left * _toDouble(right);
+  }
+  /// Enter name value pair to the dictionary. \"value\" must be a numerical expression, which is evaluated  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  void _toDictionary(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
+  /// Enter name value pair to the dictionary.  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+  void _toDictionary(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, const std::string& typ);
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Geometry {
+    using DD4hep::Handle;
+    using DD4hep::Ref_t;
+    // Forward declarations
+    class LCDD;
   } /* End namespace Geometry  */
-} /* End namespace DD4hep    */
-#endif    /* DD4HEP_ELEMENTS_H       */
+}   /* End namespace DD4hep    */
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_HANDLE_H       */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.inl b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.inl
index 56ed2146d..e6bdeb0c6 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.inl
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Handle.inl
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
 /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
 namespace DD4hep {
-  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
-  namespace Geometry {
     /// Helper routine called when unrelated types are assigned.
     template <typename T> void Handle<T>::bad_assignment(const std::type_info& from, const std::type_info& to) {
@@ -47,42 +44,41 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       return 0; // We have thrown an exception before - does not harm!
-  } /* End namespace Geometry    */
 }   /* End namespace DD4hep      */
 #define DD4HEP_INSTANTIATE_HANDLE(X)                                    \
-  namespace DD4hep { namespace Geometry {                               \
-      template <> void Handle<X>::verifyObject() const {		\
-        increment_object_validations();					\
-        if (m_element && dynamic_cast<X*>((TObject*)m_element) == 0) {	\
-	  bad_assignment(typeid(*m_element), typeid(X));		\
-        }								\
-      }}}								\
-  template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<X>
+  namespace DD4hep {                                                    \
+    template <> void Handle<X>::verifyObject() const {		        \
+      increment_object_validations();					\
+      if (m_element && dynamic_cast<X*>((TObject*)m_element) == 0) {	\
+        bad_assignment(typeid(*m_element), typeid(X));		        \
+      }                                                                 \
+  }}                                                                    \
+  template class DD4hep::Handle<X>
 #define DD4HEP_INSTANTIATE_HANDLE_NAMED(X)                              \
-  namespace DD4hep { namespace Geometry {                               \
-      template <> const char* Handle<X>::name() const			\
-      { return this->m_element ? this->m_element->name.c_str() : ""; }	\
-      template <> void							\
-      Handle<X>::assign(X* p, const std::string& n, const std::string& t) { \
-        this->m_element = p;						\
-        p->name = n;							\
-        p->type = t;							\
-      }									\
-      template <> void Handle<X>::verifyObject() const {		\
-        increment_object_validations();                                 \
-        if (m_element && dynamic_cast<X*>((NamedObject*)m_element) == 0) { \
-	  bad_assignment(typeid(*m_element), typeid(X));		\
-        }								\
-      }}}								\
-  template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<X>
+  namespace DD4hep {                                                    \
+    template <> const char* Handle<X>::name() const			\
+    { return this->m_element ? this->m_element->name.c_str() : ""; }	\
+    template <> void							\
+    Handle<X>::assign(X* p, const std::string& n, const std::string& t){\
+      this->m_element = p;						\
+      p->name = n;							\
+      p->type = t;							\
+    }									\
+    template <> void Handle<X>::verifyObject() const {		        \
+      increment_object_validations();                                   \
+      if (m_element && dynamic_cast<X*>((NamedObject*)m_element) == 0) {\
+        bad_assignment(typeid(*m_element), typeid(X));		        \
+      }                                                                 \
+    }}                                                                  \
+  template class DD4hep::Handle<X>
 #define DD4HEP_INSTANTIATE_HANDLE_UNNAMED(X)                            \
-  namespace DD4hep { namespace Geometry {                               \
-					 template <> void		\
-					 Handle<X>::assign(X* n, const std::string&, const std::string&) \
-					 { this->m_element = n;}	\
-					 template <> const char* Handle<X>::name() const { return ""; }	\
-					 }}				\
+  namespace DD4hep {                                                    \
+    template <> void		                                        \
+    Handle<X>::assign(X* n, const std::string&, const std::string&)     \
+    { this->m_element = n;}	                                        \
+    template <> const char* Handle<X>::name() const { return ""; }	\
+  }                                                                     \
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/LCDD.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/LCDD.h
index 49e0c2b87..829e94368 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/LCDD.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/LCDD.h
@@ -165,8 +165,11 @@ namespace DD4hep {
          - The sensitive type of a detector is set in the 'detector constructor'.
          - Not sensitive detector structures have the name 'passive'
          - Compounds (ie. nested detectors) are of type 'compound'
+         - If throw_exc is set to true, an exception is thrown if the type
+           is not present. Otherwise an empty detector container is returned.
-      virtual const std::vector<DetElement>& detectors(const std::string& type) = 0;
+      virtual const std::vector<DetElement>& detectors(const std::string& type,
+                                                       bool throw_exc=false) = 0;
       /// Access a set of subdetectors according to several sensitive types.
       virtual std::vector<DetElement> detectors(const std::string& type1,
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Mutex.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Mutex.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28c05eed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Mutex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+#ifndef DD4HEP_MUTEX_H
+#define DD4HEP_MUTEX_H
+// C/C++ include files
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+#include <mutex>
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep  {
+#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
+  typedef std::recursive_mutex dd4hep_mutex_t;
+  typedef std::lock_guard<dd4hep_mutex_t> dd4hep_lock_t;
+  struct dd4hep_mutex_t {
+    dd4hep_mutex_t() {}
+    ~dd4hep_mutex_t() {}
+    int lock() { return 0;}
+    int trylock() { return 0;}
+    int unlock() { return 0;}
+  };
+  struct dd4hep_lock_t {
+    dd4hep_lock_t(dd4hep_mutex_t&, bool=true) {}
+    ~dd4hep_lock_t() {}
+  };
+#endif  // DD4HEP_MUTEX_H
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/PluginCreators.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/PluginCreators.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68aef2dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/PluginCreators.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+//  \author   Markus Frank
+//  \date     2016-01-29
+//  \version  1.0
+// $Id$
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Primitives.h"
+// C/C++ include files
+#include <string>
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Geometry {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class LCDD;
+  }
+  /// Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory
+  /** Signature: void* create(const char* arg);
+   *
+   *  An exception is thrown in the event the object cannot be created.
+   *  The object is properly casted before given to the caller.
+   */
+  void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, void* (*cast)(void*));
+  void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, const std::string& arg, void* (*cast)(void*));
+  void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv, void* (*cast)(void*));
+  /// Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type
+  template <typename T> T* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd)   {
+    typedef T plugin_t;
+    struct __cast{ static void* cast(void* p) { return &dynamic_cast<plugin_t&>(*(plugin_t*)p); } };
+    return (plugin_t*)createPlugin(factory, lcdd, __cast::cast);
+  }
+  /// Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type
+  template <typename T> T* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, const std::string& arg)   {
+    typedef T plugin_t;
+    struct __cast{ static void* cast(void* p) { return &dynamic_cast<plugin_t&>(*(plugin_t*)p); } };
+    return (plugin_t*)createPlugin(factory, lcdd, arg, __cast::cast);
+  }
+  /// Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type
+  template <typename T> T* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv)   {
+    typedef T plugin_t;
+    struct __cast{ static void* cast(void* p) { return &dynamic_cast<plugin_t&>(*(plugin_t*)p); } };
+    return (plugin_t*)createPlugin(factory, lcdd, argc, argv, __cast::cast);
+  }
+} /* End namespace DD4hep      */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Plugins.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Plugins.h
index adec0e847..e5bb38b13 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Plugins.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Plugins.h
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 namespace DD4hep {
   class NamedObject;
+  template <typename T> class Handle;
   /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
   namespace Geometry  {
-    template <typename T> class Handle;
     class LCDD;
   /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   /// Factory base class implementing some utilities
   struct PluginFactoryBase  {
     typedef Geometry::LCDD lcdd_t;
-    typedef Geometry::Handle<NamedObject> ref_t;
+    typedef Handle<NamedObject> ref_t;
     typedef XML::Handle_t xml_h;
     typedef XML::Element  xml_e;
     typedef std::string   str_t;
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Primitives.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Primitives.h
index ab62b5096..9e2d862a3 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Primitives.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Primitives.h
@@ -42,21 +42,24 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15);
     return hash;
+  inline unsigned int hash32(const std::string& key) {
+    return hash32(key.c_str());
+  }
   /// ABI information about type names
   std::string typeName(const std::type_info& type);
-  void typeinfoCheck(const std::type_info& typ1, const std::type_info& typ2, const std::string& text = "");
+  void typeinfoCheck(const std::type_info& typ1, const std::type_info& typ2, const std::string& text = "") throw(std::exception);
   /// Throw exception when handles are check for validity
-  void invalidHandleError(const std::type_info& type);
+  void invalidHandleError(const std::type_info& type) throw(std::exception);
   /// Throw exception when handles are badly assigned
-  void invalidHandleAssignmentError(const std::type_info& from, const std::type_info& to);
+  void invalidHandleAssignmentError(const std::type_info& from, const std::type_info& to) throw(std::exception);
   /// Throw exception when handles are check for validity
-  template <typename T> void invalidHandleError()  {
+  template <typename T> void invalidHandleError()  throw(std::exception) {
   /// Throw exception when handles are check for validity
-  void notImplemented(const std::string& msg);
+  void notImplemented(const std::string& msg)  throw(std::exception);
   /// Class to perform dynamic casts using unknown pointers.
   /** @class ComponentCast Primitives.h DD4hep/Primitives.h
@@ -103,11 +106,11 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     /// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
-    void* apply_dynCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const;
+    void* apply_dynCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const   throw(std::exception);
     /// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
-    void* apply_upCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const;
+    void* apply_upCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const    throw(std::exception);
     /// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
-    void* apply_downCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const;
+    void* apply_downCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const  throw(std::exception);
@@ -294,6 +297,112 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     return ReferenceObjects<typename M::value_type>();
+  /// Member function call-functor with no arguments
+  template <typename R, typename T> struct ApplyMemFunc {
+    typedef R (T::*memfunc_t)();
+    memfunc_t func;
+    ApplyMemFunc(memfunc_t f) : func(f)  {}
+    void operator()(T* p)  const {  if (p) { (p->*func)(); } }
+  };
+  /// Member function call-functor with 1 argument
+  template <typename R, typename T, typename A1> struct ApplyMemFunc1 {
+    typedef R (T::*memfunc_t)(A1 a1);
+    memfunc_t func;
+    A1& arg1;
+    ApplyMemFunc1(memfunc_t f, A1& a1) : func(f), arg1(a1)  {}
+    void operator()(T* p)  const {  if ( p ) { (p->*func)(arg1); } }
+  };
+  /// Member function call-functor with 2 arguments
+  template <typename R, typename T, typename A1, typename A2> struct ApplyMemFunc2 {
+    typedef R (T::*memfunc_t)(A1 a1, A2 a2);
+    memfunc_t func;
+    A1& arg1;
+    A2& arg2;
+    ApplyMemFunc2(memfunc_t f, A1& a1, A2& a2) : func(f), arg1(a1), arg2(a2)  {}
+    void operator()( T* p)  const {  if ( p ) { (p->*func)(arg1, arg2); } }
+  };
+  /// Member function call-functor with no arguments (const version)
+  template <typename R, typename T> struct ApplyMemFuncConst {
+    typedef R (T::*memfunc_t)() const;
+    memfunc_t func;
+    ApplyMemFuncConst(memfunc_t f) : func(f)  {}
+    void operator()(const T* p)  const {  if ( p ) { (p->*func)(); } }
+  };
+  /// Member function call-functor with 1 argument (const version)
+  template <typename R, typename T, typename A1> struct ApplyMemFuncConst1 {
+    typedef R (T::*memfunc_t)(A1 a1) const;
+    memfunc_t func;
+    A1& arg1;
+    ApplyMemFuncConst1(memfunc_t f, A1& a1) : func(f), arg1(a1)  {}
+    void operator()(const T* p)  const {  if ( p ) { (p->*func)(arg1); } }
+  };
+  /// Member function call-functor with 2 arguments (const version)
+  template <typename R, typename T, typename A1, typename A2> struct ApplyMemFuncConst2 {
+    typedef R (T::*memfunc_t)(A1 a1, A2 a2) const;
+    memfunc_t func;
+    A1& arg1;
+    A2& arg2;
+    ApplyMemFuncConst2(memfunc_t f, A1& a1, A2& a2) : func(f), arg1(a1), arg2(a2)  {}
+    void operator()(const T* p)  const {  if ( p ) { (p->*func)(arg1, arg2); } }
+  };
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T>
+  void call_member_func(C& object, R (T::*pmf)())
+  {   std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),ApplyMemFunc<R,T>(pmf));    }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T>
+  void call_member_func(C& object, R (T::*pmf)() const)
+  {   std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),ApplyMemFuncConst<R,T>(pmf));    }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T, typename A1>
+  void call_member_func(C& object, R (T::*pmf)(A1 a1), A1 a1)
+  {   std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),ApplyMemFunc1<R,T,A1>(pmf,a1));    }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T, typename A1>
+  void call_member_func(C& object, R (T::*pmf)(A1 a1) const, A1 a1)
+  {   std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),ApplyMemFuncConst1<R,T,A1>(pmf,a1));    }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T, typename A1, typename A2>
+  void call_member_func(C& object, R (T::*pmf)(A1 a1,A2 a2), A1 a1, A2 a2)
+  {   std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),ApplyMemFunc2<R,T,A1,A2>(pmf,a1,a1));    }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T, typename A1, typename A2>
+  void call_member_func(C& object, R (T::*pmf)(A1 a1,A2 a2) const, A1 a1, A2 a2)
+  {   std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),ApplyMemFuncConst2<R,T,A1,A2>(pmf,a1,a2));    }
+  /// Generic map Functor to act on second element
+  template <typename M, typename FCN> class Apply2nd {
+  public:
+    const FCN& func;
+    Apply2nd(const FCN& f) : func(f) {    }
+    void operator()(std::pair<typename M::key_type const, typename M::mapped_type>& p) const
+    {   (func)(p.second);    }
+  };
+  template <typename C, typename FCN> Apply2nd<C,FCN> apply__2nd_value(C&,const FCN& func)
+  {  return Apply2nd<C,FCN>(func);  }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T>
+  void apply2nd(C& object, R (T::*pmf)())  
+  {  std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),apply__2nd_value(object,ApplyMemFunc<R,T>(pmf)));  }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T, typename A1>
+  void apply2nd(C object, R (T::*pmf)(A1 a1), A1 a1)
+  {  std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),apply__2nd_value(object,ApplyMemFunc1<R,T,A1>(pmf,a1)));  }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T>
+  void apply2nd(C& object, R (T::*pmf)() const)  
+  {  std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),apply__2nd_value(object,ApplyMemFuncConst<R,T>(pmf)));  }
+  template <typename C, typename R, typename T, typename A1>
+  void apply2nd(C object, R (T::*pmf)(A1 a1) const, A1 a1)
+  {  std::for_each(object.begin(),object.end(),apply__2nd_value(object,ApplyMemFuncConst1<R,T,A1>(pmf,a1)));  }
   /// Data structure to manipulate a bitmask held by reference and represented by an integer
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Printout.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Printout.h
index f2ed650a2..858a65793 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Printout.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/Printout.h
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   // Forward declarations
   class NamedObject;
+  template <typename T> class Handle;
+  typedef Handle<NamedObject> Ref_t;
   /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
   namespace Geometry {
@@ -41,8 +43,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     class VisAttr;
     class DetElement;
     class PlacedVolume;
-    template <typename T> class Handle;
-    typedef Handle<NamedObject> Ref_t;
   enum PrintLevel {
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   template <typename T> struct PrintMap {
     typedef T item_type;
-    typedef const std::map<std::string, Geometry::Ref_t> cont_type;
+    typedef const std::map<std::string, Ref_t> cont_type;
     /// Reference to the detector description object
     const Geometry::LCDD* lcdd;
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/World.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/World.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b53db9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/World.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+#ifndef DD4HEP_WORLD_H
+#define DD4HEP_WORLD_H
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Geometry {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class WorldObject;
+    /// Handle class to hold the information of the top DetElement object 'world'
+    /**
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+     */
+    class World : public Handle<WorldObject>  {
+    protected:
+      /// Internal object type
+      typedef WorldObject Object;
+      /// Definition of the base handle type
+      typedef Handle<Object>        RefObject;
+      /// Conditions stuff
+      typedef Conditions::IOV       IOV;
+      typedef Conditions::Condition Condition;
+    public:
+      /// Default constructor
+      World() : RefObject() {      }
+      /// Copy from named handle
+      World(const RefObject& sd) : RefObject(sd) {}
+      /// Copy from handle
+      World(const World& sd) : RefObject(sd) {}
+      /// Templated constructor for handle conversions
+      template <typename Q> World(const Handle<Q>& e) : RefObject(e) {}
+      /// Assignment operator
+      World& operator=(const World& sd) {
+        m_element = sd.m_element;
+        return *this;
+      }
+#ifndef __CINT__
+      LCDD& lcdd() const;
+      /// Access the conditions loading
+      Condition getCondition(DetElement child,const std::string&  key, const IOV& iov) const;
+    };
+  } /* End namespace Geometry      */
+} /* End namespace DD4hep        */
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_DETECTOR_H      */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h
index 5f46f354b..c649b30d4 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Conditions.h"
 #include "DD4hep/BasicGrammar.h"
 #include "DD4hep/NamedObject.h"
@@ -27,131 +28,108 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   /// Namespace for the geometry part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
   namespace Geometry {
     // Forward declarations
     class DetElement;
+    class DetElementObject;
+  }
+  /// Namespace for the conditions part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions   {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class ConditionsLoader;
+    class ConditionsPool;
     class Condition;
+    class IOVType;
+    class IOV;
-    ///   Conditions internal namespace declaration
-    /**  Internally defined datastructures are not presented to the
-     *   user directly, but are used by dedicated views.
+    /// Class describing an opaque conditions data block
+    /**
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-    namespace ConditionsInterna {
-      class ConditionContainer;
-      class ConditionObject;
-      class Entry;
-      class IOV;
-      /// Class describing the interval of validty
-      /**
-       *
-       * \author  M.Frank
-       * \version 1.0
-       * \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-       */
-      class IOV   {
-        friend class Condition;
-      public:
-        enum {
-          UNKNOWN_IOV = 1<<0
-        } _IOVTypes;
-        /// IOV buffer type: Must be a bitmap!
-        int type;
-        int data[4];
-        int _spare;
-        /// Initializing constructor
-        IOV(int t=UNKNOWN_IOV);
-        /// Standard Destructor
-        ~IOV();
-        /// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
-        void move(IOV& from);
-        /// Create IOV data from string representation
-        void fromString(const std::string& rep);
-        /// Create string representation of the IOV
-        std::string str();
-      };
-      /// Class describing an opaque conditions data block
-      /**
-       *
-       * \author  M.Frank
-       * \version 1.0
-       * \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-       */
-      class BlockData : public Block   {
-        friend class Condition;
-        friend class Object;
+    class BlockData : public Block   {
+      friend class Condition;
+      friend class Object;
-      private:
-        enum {
-          PLAIN_DATA = 1<<0,
-          ALLOC_DATA = 1<<1,
-          BOUND_DATA = 1<<2
-        } _DataTypes;
-        /// Data buffer: plain data are allocated directly on this buffer
-        unsigned int data[16];
-        /// Destructor function -- only set if the object is valid
-        void (*destruct)(void*);
-        /// Constructor function -- only set if the object is valid
-        void (*copy)(void*,const void*);
+    private:
+      enum {
+        PLAIN_DATA = 1<<0,
+        ALLOC_DATA = 1<<1,
+        BOUND_DATA = 1<<2
+      } _DataTypes;
+      /// Data buffer: plain data are allocated directly on this buffer
+      unsigned int data[16];
+      /// Destructor function -- only set if the object is valid
+      void (*destruct)(void*);
+      /// Constructor function -- only set if the object is valid
+      void (*copy)(void*,const void*);
-      public:
-        /// Data buffer type: Must be a bitmap!
-        int type;
+    public:
+      /// Data buffer type: Must be a bitmap!
+      int type;
-        /// Standard initializing constructor
-        BlockData();
-        /// Standard Destructor
-        ~BlockData();
-        /// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
-        void move(BlockData& from);
-        /// Set data value
-        void bind(const BasicGrammar* grammar,
-                  void (*ctor)(void*,const void*),
-                  void (*dtor)(void*));
-        /// Set data value
-        void assign(const void* ptr,const std::type_info& typ);
-      };
+      /// Standard initializing constructor
+      BlockData();
+      /// Standard Destructor
+      ~BlockData();
+      /// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
+      void move(BlockData& from);
+      /// Set data value
+      void bind(const BasicGrammar* grammar,
+                void (*ctor)(void*,const void*),
+                void (*dtor)(void*));
+      /// Set data value
+      void assign(const void* ptr,const std::type_info& typ);
+    };
-      /// The intermediate conditions data
-      /**
-       *
-       * \author  M.Frank
-       * \version 1.0
-       * \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+    /// The data class behind a conditions container handle.
+    /**
+     *  See ConditionsInterna.cpp for the implementation.
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
-      class Entry : public NamedObject  {
-      public:
-        /// Reference to the detector element
-        DetElement detector;
-        /// Conditions type (was the tag in the XML)
-        std::string type;
-        /// The actual conditions data
-        std::string value;
-        /// The validity string to be interpreted by the updating engine
-        std::string validity;
-        /// Default constructor
-        Entry() {}
-        /// Initializing constructor
-        Entry(const DetElement& det, const std::string& nam, const std::string& typ, const std::string& valid);
-        /// Copy constructor
-        Entry(const Entry& c);
-        /// Default destructor
-        virtual ~Entry();
-        /// Assignment operator
-        Entry& operator=(const Entry& c);
-      };
+    class ConditionsLoader  {
+    protected:
+      /// Protected destructor
+      virtual ~ConditionsLoader();
+    public:
+      /// Access the conditions loading
+      virtual Condition get(Geometry::DetElement element, const std::string& key, const IOV& iov) = 0;
+    };
+    /// Conditions internal namespace declaration
+    /** Internally defined datastructures are not presented to the
+     *  user directly, but are used by dedicated views.
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
+     */
+    namespace Interna {
+      // Forward declarations
+      class ConditionContainer;
+      class ConditionObject;
       /// The data class behind a conditions handle.
+       *  See ConditionsInterna.cpp for the implementation.
-       * \author  M.Frank
-       * \version 1.0
-       * \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+       *  \author  M.Frank
+       *  \version 1.0
+       *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
       class ConditionObject : public NamedObject {
+        enum ConditionState {
+          INACTIVE = 0,
+          ACTIVE = 1
+        };
         /// Condition value (in string form)
         std::string value;
         /// Condition validity (in string form)
@@ -161,42 +139,75 @@ namespace DD4hep {
         /// Comment string
         std::string comment;
         /// The detector element
-        DetElement detector;
+        Geometry::DetElement detector;
         /// Data block
         BlockData data;
+        /// Reference to conditions pool
+        ConditionsPool* pool;
         /// Interval of validity
-        IOV iov;
+        const IOV* iov;
+        /// Hash value of the name
+        int hash;
+        /// Flags
+        int flags;
+        /// Reference count
+        int refCount;
         /// Standard constructor
         /// Standard Destructor
         virtual ~ConditionObject();
         /// Move data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
         ConditionObject& move(ConditionObject& from);
+        /// Access safely the IOV
+        const IOV* iov_data() const;
+        /// Access safely the IOV-type
+        const IOVType* iov_type() const;
       /// The data class behind a conditions container handle.
+       *  See ConditionsInterna.cpp for the implementation.
-       * \author  M.Frank
-       * \version 1.0
-       * \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+       *  \author  M.Frank
+       *  \version 1.0
+       *  \ingroup DD4HEP_CONDITIONS
       class ConditionContainer : public NamedObject {
-      public:
-#ifndef __CINT__
-        /// Container definition
-        typedef std::map<std::string, DD4hep::Geometry::Condition> Entries;
-        std::map<std::string,DD4hep::Geometry::Condition> entries;
+      private:
+        // We only allow creation and deletion by the central detector element
+        friend class Geometry::DetElement;
+        friend class Geometry::DetElementObject;
         /// Standard constructor
         /// Default destructor
         virtual ~ConditionContainer();
+      public:
         /// Clear all conditions. Auto-delete of all existing entries
+        void lock();
+        void unlock();
         void removeElements();
+        void add(Condition condition);
+        void remove(int condition_hash);
+        size_t size() const { return entries.size(); }
+#ifdef __CINT__
+        Handle<NamedObject> detector;
+        typedef Container::Entries Entries;
+        Entries& elements() { return entries; }
+        const Entries& elements() const { return entries; }
+      public:
+        /// The hosting detector element
+        DetElement detector;
+      private:
+        /// Conditions container declaration
+        Container::Entries entries;
+        // std::map<std::string,Condition> entries;
-    } /* End namespace ConditionsInterna    */
+    } /* End namespace Interna    */
     template <typename T> static void copyObject(void* t, const void* s)  {
       *((T*)t) = *((const T*)s);
@@ -218,7 +229,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     /// Bind the data of the conditions object to a given format.
     template <typename T> Condition& Condition::bind()   {
       Object* o = access();
-      ConditionsInterna::BlockData& b = o->data;
+      BlockData& b = o->data;
       new(b.pointer) T();
       if ( !o->value.empty() ) b.fromString(o->value);
@@ -232,11 +243,12 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     template <typename T> const T& Condition::get() const {
       return access()->data.get<T>();
-  } /* End namespace Geometry               */
+  } /* End namespace Conditions             */
 } /* End namespace DD4hep                   */
 #define DD4HEP_DEFINE_CONDITIONS_TYPE(x)            \
-  namespace DD4hep { namespace Geometry  {          \
+  namespace DD4hep { namespace Conditions  {        \
       template Condition& Condition::bind<x>();     \
       template x& Condition::get<x>();              \
       template const x& Condition::get<x>() const;  \
diff --git a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h
index d10fdeb06..043ebe6fa 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h
@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       typedef /* DD4hep::Geometry:: */  DetElement::Children Children;
       typedef /* DD4hep::Geometry:: */  DetElement::Extensions Extensions;
       typedef std::pair<Callback,unsigned long> UpdateCall;
-      typedef std::vector<UpdateCall> UpdateCallbacks;
+      typedef std::vector<UpdateCall>           UpdateCallbacks;
+      typedef DetElement::ConditionsContainer   ConditionsContainer;
+      typedef DetElement::Condition             Condition;
+      typedef Conditions::IOV                   IOV;
       enum DetFlags {
         HAVE_WORLD_TRAFO = 1<<0,
@@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       /// Alignment entries for lower level volumes, which are NOT attached to daughter DetElements
       std::vector<Alignment> volume_surveys;
       /// The detector elements condition entry
-      Conditions conditions;
+      ConditionsContainer conditions;
       //@{ Cached information of the detector element
       /// Intermediate buffer to store the transformation to the world coordination system
@@ -167,6 +170,38 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       void revalidate(TGeoHMatrix* parent_world_trafo);
+    /// Data class with properties of a detector element
+    /**
+     *
+     *  \author  M.Frank
+     *  \version 1.0
+     *
+     *  \ingroup DD4HEP DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
+     */
+    class WorldObject: public DetElementObject {
+    public:
+      typedef Conditions::ConditionsLoader ConditionsLoader;
+      /// Reference to the LCDD instance object
+      LCDD* lcdd;
+      /// Conditions loader for this LCDD instance
+      ConditionsLoader* conditionsLoader;
+    public:
+      //@{ Public methods to ease the usage of the data. */
+      /// Default constructor
+      WorldObject() : DetElementObject(), lcdd(0), conditionsLoader(0)  {}
+#ifndef __CINT__
+      /// Initializing constructor
+      WorldObject(LCDD& lcdd, const std::string& nam);
+      /// Internal object destructor: release extension object(s)
+      virtual ~WorldObject();
+      /// Access the conditions loading
+      Condition getCondition(DetElement child, const std::string&  key, const IOV& iov);
+   };
   } /* End namespace Geometry      */
 } /* End namespace DD4hep        */
diff --git a/DDG4/src/ComponentProperties.cpp b/DDCore/src/ComponentProperties.cpp
similarity index 93%
rename from DDG4/src/ComponentProperties.cpp
rename to DDCore/src/ComponentProperties.cpp
index 8ecfaa630..6d7e41eed 100644
--- a/DDG4/src/ComponentProperties.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/ComponentProperties.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: $
+// $Id$
 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
 #include "DD4hep/BasicGrammar.h"
-#include "DDG4/ComponentProperties.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h"
 // C/C++ include files
 #include <stdexcept>
@@ -215,6 +215,24 @@ void PropertyManager::dump() const {
+/// Standard PropertyConfigurable constructor
+PropertyConfigurable::PropertyConfigurable()  {
+/// Default PropertyConfigurable destructor
+PropertyConfigurable::~PropertyConfigurable()   {
+/// Check property for existence
+bool PropertyConfigurable::hasProperty(const string& nam) const    {
+  return m_properties.exists(nam);
+/// Access single property
+Property& PropertyConfigurable::property(const string& nam)   {
+  return properties()[nam];
 namespace DD4hep { 
   namespace Parsers {
     int parse(Property& result, const std::string& input) {
@@ -239,7 +257,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 #include "Math/Vector4D.h"
 #include "DD4hep/objects/BasicGrammar_inl.h"
-#include "DDG4/ComponentProperties_inl.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties_inl.h"
 namespace DD4hep {
diff --git a/DDCore/src/Conditions.cpp b/DDCore/src/Conditions.cpp
index baa24ca64..0f5da68ca 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/Conditions.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/Conditions.cpp
@@ -20,25 +20,58 @@
 #include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
 using namespace std;
-using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-namespace {
-  void set_condition_values(Condition::Object* c, const Condition::Entry* e)   {
-    c->type = e->type;
-    c->value = e->value;
-    c->comment = "----";
-    c->address = "----";
-    c->validity = e->validity;
-    c->detector = e->detector;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
+std::string IOVType::str()  const   {
+  char text[256];
+  ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%s(%d)",name.c_str(),int(type));
+  return text;
+/// Initializing constructor: Does not set reference to IOVType !
+IOV::IOV() : iovType(0), keyData(0,0), optData(0)  {
+  type = int(IOVType::UNKNOWN_IOV);
+/// Initializing constructor
+IOV::IOV(const IOVType* typ) : iovType(typ), keyData(0,0), optData(0)  {
+  type = typ ? typ->type : int(IOVType::UNKNOWN_IOV);
+/// Standard Destructor
+IOV::~IOV()  {
+/// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
+void IOV::move(IOV& from)   {
+  ::memcpy(this,&from,sizeof(IOV));
+  from.keyData.first = from.keyData.second = from.optData = 0;
+  from.type = int(IOVType::UNKNOWN_IOV);
+  from.iovType = 0;
+/// Create string representation of the IOV
+string IOV::str()  const  {
+  char text[256];
+  if ( iovType )  {
+    ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%s(%d):[%d-%d]",
+               iovType->name.c_str(),int(iovType->type),keyData.first, keyData.second);
-  Condition make_condition(const Condition::Entry* e)   {
-    Condition c(e->name);
-    set_condition_values(c.ptr(),e);
-    return c;
+  else  {
+    ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%d:[%d-%d]",type,keyData.first, keyData.second);
+  return text;
+/// Check for validity containment
+bool IOV::contains(const IOV& iov)  const   {
+  if ( key_is_contained(iov.keyData,keyData) )  {
+    unsigned int typ1 = iov.iovType ? iov.iovType->type : iov.type;
+    unsigned int typ2 = iovType ? iovType->type : type;
+    return typ1 == typ2;
+  }
+  return false;
 /// Standard initializing constructor
 Block::Block() : grammar(0), pointer(0)   {
@@ -49,7 +82,7 @@ Block::~Block()   {
 /// Create data block from string representation
-void Block::fromString(const std::string& rep)   {
+void Block::fromString(const string& rep)   {
   if ( pointer && grammar )  {
@@ -58,7 +91,7 @@ void Block::fromString(const std::string& rep)   {
 /// Create string representation of the data block
-std::string Block::str()   {
+string Block::str()   {
   if ( pointer && grammar )  {
     return grammar->str(pointer);
@@ -66,8 +99,10 @@ std::string Block::str()   {
 /// Initializing constructor
-Condition::Condition(const string& nam) : Handle<Object>()  {
-  assign(new ConditionsInterna::ConditionObject(),nam,"condition");
+Condition::Condition(const string& nam,const string& typ) : Handle<Object>()  {
+  Object* o = new Object();
+  assign(o,nam,typ);
+  o->hash = hash32(nam);
 /// Assignment operator
@@ -87,13 +122,13 @@ Block& Condition::block() const   {
 /// Access the IOV type
-int Condition::iovType() const   {
-  return access()->iov.type;
+const IOVType& Condition::iovType() const   {
+  return *(access()->iov_type());
 /// Access the IOV block
-Condition::IOV& Condition::iov() const   {
-  return access()->iov;
+const IOV& Condition::iov() const   {
+  return *(access()->iov_data());
 /// Access the name of the condition
@@ -148,81 +183,54 @@ const DD4hep::BasicGrammar& Condition::descriptor() const   {
   return *g;
-/// Replace the data block of the condition with a new value. Free old data
-Condition& Condition::replace(Entry* new_condition)    {
-  set_condition_values(access(),new_condition);
-  return rebind();
 /// Re-evaluate the conditions data according to the previous bound type definition
 Condition& Condition::rebind()    {
   Object* o = access();
-  o->iov.fromString(o->validity);
+  //o->iov->fromString(o->validity);
   printout(INFO,"Condition","+++ condition:%s : %s rebinding value:%s",
            detector().path().c_str(), name().c_str(), o->value.c_str());
   return *this;
 /// Clear all conditions. Auto-delete of all existing entries
-void Conditions::removeElements() const   {
+void Container::removeElements() const   {
   if ( !isValid() )   {
-    invalidHandleError<Conditions>();
+    invalidHandleError<Container>();
 /// Access the number of conditons available for this detector element
-size_t Conditions::count() const   {
+size_t Container::count() const   {
   if ( !isValid() )   {
-    invalidHandleError<Conditions>();
+    invalidHandleError<Container>();
-  return data<Object>()->entries.size();
+  return data<Object>()->size();
 /// Access the full map of conditons
-Conditions::Entries& Conditions::entries() const  {
+Container::Entries& Container::entries() const  {
   if ( !isValid() )   {
-    invalidHandleError<Conditions>();
+    invalidHandleError<Container>();
-  return data<Object>()->entries;
-/** Set a single conditions value (eventually existing entries are overwritten)
- * Note: Passing a valid handle also passes ownership!!!
- *
- * Failure return 0 in case an invalid handle is present
- * Successful insertion returns 1
- * Successful overwriting an existing value returns 3
- */
-int Conditions::set(Entry* cond)   {
-  int status = 0;
-  if ( cond )  {
-    Condition c;
-    Object* o = 0;
-    status = 1;
-    if ( isValid() )   {
-      o = data<Object>();
-      Entries::iterator i = o->entries.find(cond->name);
-      if ( i != o->entries.end() )  {
-        (*i).second.replace(cond);
-        c = (*i).second;
-        status = 2;
-      }
-    }
-    else  {
-      DetElement det(cond->detector);
-      assign(o=new ConditionsInterna::ConditionContainer(),cond->name,cond->;
-      det._data().conditions = *this;  // Ugly. Need to fix this....
-    }
-    if ( status == 1 )   {
-      c = make_condition(cond);
-      o->entries.insert(make_pair(cond->name,c));
-    }
-    printout(INFO,"Conditions","+++ %s condition:%s : %s value:%s",
-             (status==1) ? "Added NEW" : "Replaced existing",
-             c.detector().path().c_str(),, c->value.c_str());
-    delete cond;
+  return data<Object>()->elements();
+/// Access to condition objects
+Condition Container::operator[](const std::string& key)  {
+  return this->operator[](hash32(key));
+/// Access to condition objects
+Condition Container::operator[](int condition_hash)  {
+  Object* c = ptr();
+  if ( !c )   {
+    invalidHandleError<Container>();
-  return status;
+  Entries::iterator i=c->elements().find(condition_hash);
+  if ( i != c->elements().end() ) return (*i).second;
+  except("ConditionContainer",
+         "No condition with key 0x%08X present!",condition_hash);
+  return Condition();
diff --git a/DDCore/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp b/DDCore/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp
index b54d50356..110190759 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/ConditionsInterna.cpp
@@ -13,46 +13,23 @@
 // Framework includes
+#include "DD4hep/Mutex.h"
 #include "DD4hep/Handle.inl"
 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
 #include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetectorTools.h"
 #include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
 #include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
 using namespace std;
-using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-using namespace DD4hep::Geometry::ConditionsInterna;
+using namespace DD4hep::Conditions;
-/// Initializing constructor
-IOV::IOV(int t) : type(t)  {
-  data[0]=data[1]=data[2]=data[3]=0;
+namespace {
+  DD4hep::dd4hep_mutex_t s_conditionsMutex;
-/// Standard Destructor
-IOV::~IOV()  {
-/// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
-void IOV::move(IOV& from)   {
-  ::memcpy(this,&from,sizeof(IOV));
-  from.type = UNKNOWN_IOV;
-/// Create IOV data from string representation
-void IOV::fromString(const std::string& rep)   {
-  notImplemented("void IOV::fromString(const std::string& rep): "+rep);
-/// Create string representation of the IOV
-std::string IOV::str()  {
-  notImplemented("void IOV::fromString(const std::string& rep)");
-  return "";
 /// Standard initializing constructor
 BlockData::BlockData() : Block(), destruct(0), copy(0), type(0)   {
@@ -67,7 +44,7 @@ BlockData::~BlockData()   {
   pointer = 0;
   grammar = 0;
+#if 0
 /// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
 void BlockData::move(BlockData& from)   {
   pointer = from.pointer;
@@ -83,7 +60,7 @@ void BlockData::move(BlockData& from)   {
   from.pointer = 0;
   from.grammar = 0;
 /// Set data value
 void BlockData::bind(const BasicGrammar* g, void (*ctor)(void*,const void*), void (*dtor)(void*))   {
   if ( !grammar )  {
@@ -114,76 +91,89 @@ void BlockData::assign(const void* ptr, const type_info& typ)  {
 /// Standard constructor
-ConditionObject::ConditionObject() : NamedObject(), detector(), data(), iov()   {
+  : NamedObject(), detector(), data(), iov(0), hash(0), flags(0), refCount(0)
 /// Standard Destructor
-ConditionObject::~ConditionObject()  {
+Interna::ConditionObject::~ConditionObject()  {
-/// Assignment operator
-ConditionObject& ConditionObject::move(ConditionObject& c)   {
-  if ( this != &c )  {
-    name =;
-    type = c.type;
-    address = c.address;
-    comment = c.comment;
-    detector = c.detector;
-    data.move(;
-    iov.move(c.iov);
-  }
+/// Move data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
+Interna::ConditionObject& Interna::ConditionObject::move(ConditionObject& /* from */)   {
   return *this;
-/// Initializing constructor
-Entry::Entry(const DetElement& det, const string& nam,
-             const string& typ, const string& valid)
-  : NamedObject(nam), detector(det), type(typ), value(), validity(valid)
-  InstanceCount::increment(this);
+/// Access safely the IOV
+const IOV* Interna::ConditionObject::iov_data() const    {
+  if ( iov ) return iov;
+  invalidHandleError<IOV>();
+  return 0;
-/// Copy constructor
-Entry::Entry(const Entry& c)
-  : NamedObject(c), detector(c.detector), type(c.type), value(c.value), validity(c.validity)
+/// Access safely the IOV-type
+const IOVType* Interna::ConditionObject::iov_type() const    {
+  if ( iov && iov->iovType ) return iov->iovType;
+  invalidHandleError<IOVType>();
+  return 0;
+/// Standard constructor
+Interna::ConditionContainer::ConditionContainer() : NamedObject(), entries() {
 /// Default destructor
-Entry::~Entry()   {
+Interna::ConditionContainer::~ConditionContainer() {
+  removeElements();
-/// Assignment operator
-Entry& Entry::operator=(const Entry& c)   {
-  if ( this != &c )  {
-    this->NamedObject::operator=(c);
-    detector = c.detector;
-    type = c.type;
-    value = c.value;
-    validity = c.validity;
+/// Clear all attached conditions.
+void Interna::ConditionContainer::removeElements()    {
+  dd4hep_lock_t locked_call(s_conditionsMutex);
+  for(Entries::iterator i=entries.begin(); i!=entries.end();++i)
+    (*i).second->flags &= ~(ConditionObject::ACTIVE);
+  entries.clear();
+void Interna::ConditionContainer::add(Condition condition)   {
+  ConditionObject* o = condition.ptr();
+  if ( o )  {
+    if ( !o->hash ) o->hash = hash32(;
+    dd4hep_lock_t locked_call(s_conditionsMutex);
+    Entries::iterator i=entries.find(o->hash);
+    o->flags |= ConditionObject::ACTIVE;
+    if ( i != entries.end() )  {
+      (*i).second->flags &= ~(ConditionObject::ACTIVE);
+      (*i).second = o;
+      return;
+    }
+    entries[o->hash] = o;
+    return;
-  return *this;
+  invalidHandleError<Condition>();
-/// Standard constructor
-ConditionContainer::ConditionContainer() : NamedObject() {
-  InstanceCount::increment(this);
+void Interna::ConditionContainer::remove(int condition_hash)   {
+  dd4hep_lock_t locked_call(s_conditionsMutex);
+  Entries::iterator i=entries.find(condition_hash);
+  if ( i != entries.end() )  {
+    (*i).second->flags &= ~(ConditionObject::ACTIVE);
+  }
-/// Default destructor
-ConditionContainer::~ConditionContainer() {
-  removeElements();
-  InstanceCount::decrement(this);
+void Interna::ConditionContainer::lock()   {
+  s_conditionsMutex.lock();
-/// Clear all conditions. Auto-delete of all existing entries
-void ConditionContainer::removeElements()    {
-  for(Entries::iterator i=entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i)
-    delete (*i).second.ptr();
-  entries.clear();
+void Interna::ConditionContainer::unlock()   {
+  s_conditionsMutex.unlock();
+/// Protected destructor
+ConditionsLoader::~ConditionsLoader()   {
diff --git a/DDCore/src/Detector.cpp b/DDCore/src/Detector.cpp
index 5742b477a..99559930a 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/Detector.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/Detector.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/ConditionsInterna.h"
 #include "DD4hep/DetectorTools.h"
+#include "DD4hep/World.h"
 #include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
 using namespace std;
@@ -139,8 +141,29 @@ Alignment DetElement::surveyAlignment() const  {
 /// Access to the conditions information
-Conditions DetElement::conditions() const  {
-  return access()->conditions;
+DetElement::ConditionsContainer DetElement::conditions() const  {
+  Object* o = access();
+  if ( o->conditions.isValid() ) return o->conditions;
+  o->conditions.assign(new ConditionsContainer::Object(),"conditions","");
+  o->conditions->detector = *this;
+  return o->conditions;
+/// Access to the conditions information
+DetElement::condition(const std::string& key) const   {
+  return access()->conditions[key];
+/// Access to condition objects. If not present, load condition.
+DetElement::condition(const std::string& key, const IOV& iov)   {
+  typedef DetElement::ConditionsContainer::Object::Entries _E;
+  _E& ents = conditions()->entries;
+  _E::iterator i = ents.find(hash32(key));
+  if ( i != ents.end() ) return (*i).second;
+  World world(Geometry::DetectorTools::topElement(*this));
+  return world.getCondition(*this,key,iov);
 const DetElement::Children& DetElement::children() const {
@@ -163,8 +186,8 @@ DetElement DetElement::parent() const {
   return (o) ? o->parent : 0;
-void DetElement::check(bool condition, const string& msg) const {
-  if (condition) {
+void DetElement::check(bool cond, const string& msg) const {
+  if (cond) {
     throw runtime_error("DD4hep: " + msg);
diff --git a/DDCore/src/DetectorInterna.cpp b/DDCore/src/DetectorInterna.cpp
index 98965a2ec..80fa958fc 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/DetectorInterna.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/DetectorInterna.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@
 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
 #include "TGeoManager.h"
 #include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the conditions part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace Conditions   {
+    // Forward declarations
+    class ConditionsManager;
+  }
 using namespace std;
 using namespace DD4hep;
@@ -29,6 +37,7 @@ using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
 typedef DetectorTools::PlacementPath PlacementPath;
 typedef DetectorTools::ElementPath   ElementPath;
@@ -85,7 +94,8 @@ DetElementObject::DetElementObject(const std::string& nam, int ident)
 DetElementObject::~DetElementObject() {
   for_each(children.begin(), children.end(), destroyHandles(children));
   deletePtr (referenceTrafo);
-  destroyHandle(conditions);
+  if ( conditions.isValid() ) delete conditions.ptr();
+  conditions = ConditionsContainer();
@@ -102,7 +112,7 @@ DetElementObject* DetElementObject::clone(int new_id, int flg) const {
   obj->flag = 0;
   obj->combineHits = combineHits;
   obj->alignment = Alignment();
-  obj->conditions = Conditions();
+  obj->conditions = ConditionsContainer();
   obj->parent = DetElement();
   if ( (flg & DetElement::COPY_PLACEMENT) == DetElement::COPY_PLACEMENT )  {
     obj->placement  = placement;
@@ -259,8 +269,29 @@ void DetElementObject::update(unsigned int tags, void* param)   {
   for(UpdateCallbacks::const_iterator i=updateCalls.begin(); i != updateCalls.end(); ++i)  {
-    if ( (tags&((*i).second)) == tags )  {
+    if ( (tags&((*i).second)) )  {
+/// Initializing constructor
+WorldObject::WorldObject(LCDD& _lcdd, const string& nam) 
+  : DetElementObject(nam,0), lcdd(&_lcdd), conditionsLoader(0)
+/// Internal object destructor: release extension object(s)
+WorldObject::~WorldObject()  {
+/// Access the conditions loading
+WorldObject::getCondition(DetElement child,const string& key, const IOV& iov)  {
+  if ( conditionsLoader )   {
+    return conditionsLoader->get(child,key,iov);
+  }
+  except("Conditions","+++ No ConditionsLoader registered to this LCDD instance!");
+  return DetElement::Condition();
diff --git a/DDCore/src/Errors.cpp b/DDCore/src/Errors.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4d3c0f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/src/Errors.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+//  \author  Markus Frank
+//  \date    2016-02-02
+//  \version 1.0
+// $Id$
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Errors.h"
+// C/C++ includes
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstring>
+#define IMPLEMENT(x,y) std::string x () { return ::strerror( errno = y ); }
+namespace DD4hep { namespace Errors  {
+    IMPLEMENT(noPermission,EPERM)       //  1
+    IMPLEMENT(noEntry,ENOENT)           //  2
+    IMPLEMENT(ioError,EIO)              //  5
+    IMPLEMENT(invalidArg,EINVAL)        // 22
+    IMPLEMENT(noSys,ENOSYS)             // 38
+    IMPLEMENT(linkRange,ELNRNG)         // 48
+    IMPLEMENT(cancelled,ECANCELED)      // 125
+    IMPLEMENT(noKey,ENOKEY)             // 126
+  }}
diff --git a/DDCore/src/Handle.cpp b/DDCore/src/Handle.cpp
index 33e520f55..7eaad7e86 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/Handle.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/Handle.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace DD4hep;
 using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-int DD4hep::Geometry::_toInt(const string& value) {
+int DD4hep::_toInt(const string& value) {
   string s(value);
   size_t idx = s.find("(int)");
   if (idx != string::npos)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ int DD4hep::Geometry::_toInt(const string& value) {
   return (int) result;
-long DD4hep::Geometry::_toLong(const string& value) {
+long DD4hep::_toLong(const string& value) {
   string s(value);
   size_t idx = s.find("(int)");
   if (idx != string::npos)
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ long DD4hep::Geometry::_toLong(const string& value) {
   return (long) result;
-bool DD4hep::Geometry::_toBool(const string& value) {
+bool DD4hep::_toBool(const string& value) {
   return value == "true" || value == "yes";
-float DD4hep::Geometry::_toFloat(const string& value) {
+float DD4hep::_toFloat(const string& value) {
   double result = eval.evaluate(value.c_str());
   if (eval.status() != XmlTools::Evaluator::OK) {
     cerr << value << ": ";
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ float DD4hep::Geometry::_toFloat(const string& value) {
   return (float) result;
-double DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble(const string& value) {
+double DD4hep::_toDouble(const string& value) {
   double result = eval.evaluate(value.c_str());
   if (eval.status() != XmlTools::Evaluator::OK) {
     cerr << value << ": ";
@@ -92,28 +92,28 @@ double DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble(const string& value) {
   return result;
-template <> int DD4hep::Geometry::_multiply<int>(const string& left, const string& right) {
+template <> int DD4hep::_multiply<int>(const string& left, const string& right) {
   return (int) _toDouble(left + "*" + right);
-template <> long DD4hep::Geometry::_multiply<long>(const string& left, const string& right) {
+template <> long DD4hep::_multiply<long>(const string& left, const string& right) {
   return (long) _toDouble(left + "*" + right);
-template <> float DD4hep::Geometry::_multiply<float>(const string& left, const string& right) {
+template <> float DD4hep::_multiply<float>(const string& left, const string& right) {
   return _toFloat(left + "*" + right);
-template <> double DD4hep::Geometry::_multiply<double>(const string& left, const string& right) {
+template <> double DD4hep::_multiply<double>(const string& left, const string& right) {
   return _toDouble(left + "*" + right);
-void DD4hep::Geometry::_toDictionary(const string& name, const string& value) {
+void DD4hep::_toDictionary(const string& name, const string& value) {
   _toDictionary(name, value, "number");
 /// Enter name value pair to the dictionary.  \ingroup DD4HEP_GEOMETRY
-void DD4hep::Geometry::_toDictionary(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, const std::string& typ)   {
+void DD4hep::_toDictionary(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, const std::string& typ)   {
   if ( typ == "string" )  {
@@ -144,45 +144,43 @@ template <typename T> static inline string __to_string(T value, const char* fmt)
   return text;
-string DD4hep::Geometry::_toString(bool value) {
+string DD4hep::_toString(bool value) {
   return value ? "true" : "false";
-string DD4hep::Geometry::_toString(int value, const char* fmt) {
+string DD4hep::_toString(int value, const char* fmt) {
   return __to_string(value, fmt);
-string DD4hep::Geometry::_toString(float value, const char* fmt) {
+string DD4hep::_toString(float value, const char* fmt) {
   return __to_string(value, fmt);
-string DD4hep::Geometry::_toString(double value, const char* fmt) {
+string DD4hep::_toString(double value, const char* fmt) {
   return __to_string(value, fmt);
-string DD4hep::Geometry::_ptrToString(const void* value, const char* fmt) {
+string DD4hep::_ptrToString(const void* value, const char* fmt) {
   return __to_string(value, fmt);
 namespace DD4hep {
-  namespace Geometry {
-    static long s_numVerifies = 0;
+  static long s_numVerifies = 0;
-    long num_object_validations() {
-      return s_numVerifies;
-    }
-    void increment_object_validations() {
-      ++s_numVerifies;
-    }
-    void warning_deprecated_xml_factory(const char* name)   {
-      const char* edge = "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++";
-      size_t len = ::strlen(name);
-      cerr << edge << edge << edge << endl;
-      cerr << "++  The usage of the factory: \"" << name << "\" is DEPRECATED due to naming conventions."
-           << setw(53-len) << right << "++" << endl;
-      cerr << "++  Please use \"DD4hep_" << name << "\" instead." << setw(93-len) << right << "++" << endl;
-      cerr << edge << edge << edge << endl;
-    }
+  long num_object_validations() {
+    return s_numVerifies;
+  }
+  void increment_object_validations() {
+    ++s_numVerifies;
+  }
+  void warning_deprecated_xml_factory(const char* name)   {
+    const char* edge = "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++";
+    size_t len = ::strlen(name);
+    cerr << edge << edge << edge << endl;
+    cerr << "++  The usage of the factory: \"" << name << "\" is DEPRECATED due to naming conventions."
+         << setw(53-len) << right << "++" << endl;
+    cerr << "++  Please use \"DD4hep_" << name << "\" instead." << setw(93-len) << right << "++" << endl;
+    cerr << edge << edge << edge << endl;
@@ -190,16 +188,14 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 typedef DDSegmentation::Segmentation _Segmentation;
 namespace DD4hep {
-  namespace Geometry {
-    template <> void Handle<_Segmentation>::assign(_Segmentation* s, const std::string& n, const std::string&) {
-      this->m_element = s;
-      s->setName(n);
-    }
-    template <> const char* Handle<_Segmentation>::name() const {
-      return this->m_element ? this->m_element->name().c_str() : "";
-    }
-    template class DD4hep::Geometry::Handle<_Segmentation>;
+  template <> void Handle<_Segmentation>::assign(_Segmentation* s, const std::string& n, const std::string&) {
+    this->m_element = s;
+    s->setName(n);
+  }
+  template <> const char* Handle<_Segmentation>::name() const {
+    return this->m_element ? this->m_element->name().c_str() : "";
+  template class DD4hep::Handle<_Segmentation>;
 #include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
diff --git a/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.cpp b/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.cpp
index e9fceac0a..245f98200 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "DD4hep/LCDDHelper.h"
 #include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
 #include "DD4hep/objects/VolumeManagerInterna.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
 #include "LCDDImp.h"
 // C/C++ include files
@@ -50,10 +51,6 @@ using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
 using namespace DD4hep;
 using namespace std;
 namespace {
-  struct TopDetElement: public DetElement {
-    TopDetElement(const string& nam) : DetElement(nam,/* "structure", */0) {
-    }
-  };
   struct TypePreserve {
     LCDDBuildType& m_t;
     TypePreserve(LCDDBuildType& t)
@@ -331,12 +328,13 @@ vector<string> LCDDImp::detectorTypes() const  {
 /// Access a set of subdetectors according to the sensitive type.
-const vector<DetElement>& LCDDImp::detectors(const string& type)  {
+const vector<DetElement>& LCDDImp::detectors(const string& type, bool throw_exc)  {
   if ( m_manager->IsClosed() ) {
-    // DetectorTypeMap::const_iterator i=m_detectorTypes.find(type);
-    // if ( i != m_detectorTypes.end() ) return (*i).second;
-    // throw runtime_error("detectors("+type+"): Detectors of this type do not exist in the current setup!");
+    if ( throw_exc )  {
+      DetectorTypeMap::const_iterator i=m_detectorTypes.find(type);
+      if ( i != m_detectorTypes.end() ) return (*i).second;
+      throw runtime_error("detectors("+type+"): Detectors of this type do not exist in the current setup!");
+    }
     // return empty vector instead of exception
     return m_detectorTypes[ type ] ;
@@ -503,7 +501,7 @@ void LCDDImp::init() {
     m_materialVacuum = material("Vacuum");
     Volume world_vol("world_volume", worldSolid, m_materialAir);
-    m_world = TopDetElement("world");
+    m_world = DetElement(new WorldObject(*this,"world"));
     m_worldVol = world_vol;
     // Set the world volume to invisible.
     VisAttr worldVis("WorldVis");
diff --git a/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.h b/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.h
index a04f2743d..206d55ecf 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.h
+++ b/DDCore/src/LCDDImp.h
@@ -258,8 +258,10 @@ namespace DD4hep {
          - The sensitive type of a detector is set in the 'detector constructor'.
          - Not sensitive detector structures have the name 'passive'
          - Compounds (ie. nested detectors) are of type 'compound'
+         - If throw_exc is set to true, an exception is thrown if the type
+           is not present. Otherwise an empty detector container is returned.
-      virtual const std::vector<DetElement>& detectors(const std::string& type);
+      virtual const std::vector<DetElement>& detectors(const std::string& type, bool throw_exc);
       /// Access a set of subdetectors according to several sensitive types.
       virtual std::vector<DetElement> detectors(const std::string& type1,
@@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
        *  includeFlag set but none of the properties given in excludeFlag
       virtual std::vector<DetElement> detectors(unsigned int includeFlag, 
-						unsigned int excludeFlag=0 ) const ;
+                                                unsigned int excludeFlag=0 ) const ;
 #define __R  return *this
diff --git a/DDCore/src/LCDDLoad.cpp b/DDCore/src/LCDDLoad.cpp
index 63f4a051d..b46eca4b5 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/LCDDLoad.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/LCDDLoad.cpp
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void LCDDLoad::processXMLElement(const std::string& xmlfile, const XML::Handle_t
   long result = PluginService::Create<long>(type, m_lcdd, &handle);
   if (0 == result) {
     PluginDebug dbg;
-    result = PluginService::Create<long>(type, m_lcdd, &xml_root);
+    result = PluginService::Create<long>(type, m_lcdd, &handle);
     if ( 0 == result )  {
       throw runtime_error("DD4hep: Failed to locate plugin to interprete files of type"
                           " \"" + tag + "\" - no factory:" + type + ". " + dbg.missingFactory(type));
diff --git a/DDCore/src/PluginCreators.cpp b/DDCore/src/PluginCreators.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d33a5d0be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/src/PluginCreators.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// $Id$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/PluginCreators.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Primitives.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Plugins.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  static inline ComponentCast* component(void* p) { return (ComponentCast*)p; }
+  void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv, void* (*cast)(void*))
+  {
+    void* object = PluginService::Create<void*>(factory, &lcdd, argc, argv);
+    if ( !object ) {
+      PluginDebug dbg;
+      object = PluginService::Create<void*>(factory, &lcdd, argc, argv);
+      if ( !object )  {
+        except("ConditionsManager","DD4hep: plugin: Failed to locate plugin %s. [%s].",
+               factory.c_str(), dbg.missingFactory(factory).c_str());
+      }
+    }
+    if ( cast )   {
+      void* obj = cast(object);
+      if ( obj ) return obj;
+      invalidHandleAssignmentError(typeid(cast),typeid(*component(object)));
+    }
+    return object;
+  }
+  /// Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory
+  void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, void* (*cast)(void*))
+  {
+    char* argv[] = {0};
+    int   argc = 0;
+    return createPlugin(factory, lcdd, argc, argv, cast);
+  }
+  /// Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory
+  void* createPlugin(const std::string& factory, 
+                     Geometry::LCDD& lcdd, 
+                     const std::string& arg,
+                     void* (*cast)(void*))   {
+    char* argv[] = { (char*)arg.c_str(), 0 };
+    int   argc = 1;
+    return createPlugin(factory, lcdd, argc, argv, cast);
+  }
diff --git a/DDCore/src/Plugins.cpp b/DDCore/src/Plugins.cpp
index 9693d413f..996b81e80 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/Plugins.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/Plugins.cpp
@@ -158,3 +158,4 @@ DD4HEP_IMPLEMENT_PLUGIN_REGISTRY(long, (Geometry::LCDD*))
 DD4HEP_IMPLEMENT_PLUGIN_REGISTRY(long, (Geometry::LCDD*, const Geometry::GeoHandler*, const std::map<std::string,std::string>*))
+DD4HEP_IMPLEMENT_PLUGIN_REGISTRY(void*, (Geometry::LCDD*,int,char**))
diff --git a/DDCore/src/Primitives.cpp b/DDCore/src/Primitives.cpp
index b8577ae92..680e18c8a 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/Primitives.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/Primitives.cpp
@@ -152,11 +152,16 @@ std::string DD4hep::typeName(const std::type_info& typ) {
   return __typeinfoName(typ);
-void DD4hep::invalidHandleError(const std::type_info& type)   {
+void DD4hep::invalidHandleError(const std::type_info& type)
+  throw(std::exception)
   throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to access invalid object of type "+typeName(type)+" [Invalid Handle]");
-void DD4hep::invalidHandleAssignmentError(const std::type_info& from, const std::type_info& to)  {
+void DD4hep::invalidHandleAssignmentError(const std::type_info& from, 
+                                          const std::type_info& to)
+  throw(std::exception)
   std::string msg = "Wrong assingment from ";
   msg += typeName(from);
   msg += " to ";
@@ -166,12 +171,16 @@ void DD4hep::invalidHandleAssignmentError(const std::type_info& from, const std:
 /// Throw exception when handles are check for validity
-void DD4hep::notImplemented(const std::string& msg)   {
+void DD4hep::notImplemented(const std::string& msg)
+  throw(std::exception)
   std::string m = "The requested feature " + msg + " is not implemented!";
   throw std::runtime_error(m);
-void DD4hep::typeinfoCheck(const std::type_info& typ1, const std::type_info& typ2, const std::string& text) {
+void DD4hep::typeinfoCheck(const std::type_info& typ1, const std::type_info& typ2, const std::string& text)
+  throw(std::exception)
   if (typ1 != typ2) {
     throw unrelated_type_error(typ1, typ2, text);
@@ -220,7 +229,9 @@ static inline void* cast_wrap(const void* p,
 /// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
-void* DD4hep::ComponentCast::apply_dynCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const {
+void* DD4hep::ComponentCast::apply_dynCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const
+  throw(std::exception)
   if (&to == this) {
     return (void*) ptr;
@@ -229,65 +240,70 @@ void* DD4hep::ComponentCast::apply_dynCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void*
   void *r = (*to.cast)(ptr);
   if (r)
     return r;
-  {
-    // Now try the up-cast
-    r = (*cast)(ptr);
-    if (r)      return r;
+  // Now try the up-cast
+  r = (*cast)(ptr);
+  if (r)      return r;
+  throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Failed to apply abi dynamic cast operation!");
-    void* r = (void*)ptr;
-    if ( to.abi_class )  {
-      bool cast_worked = type.__do_upcast((const class_t*)to.abi_class,&r);
-      if ( cast_worked ) return r;
-      r = (void*)ptr;
-      cast_worked = to.type.__do_upcast((const class_t*)abi_class,&r);
-      if ( cast_worked ) return r;
+  void* r = (void*)ptr;
+  if ( to.abi_class )  {
+    bool cast_worked = type.__do_upcast((const class_t*)to.abi_class,&r);
+    if ( cast_worked ) return r;
+    r = (void*)ptr;
+    cast_worked = to.type.__do_upcast((const class_t*)abi_class,&r);
+    if ( cast_worked ) return r;
 #if 0
-      const class_t* src_type = (const class_t*)to.abi_class;
-      if (src_type) {
-        // First try down cast
-        void *r = cast_wrap(ptr, src_type, (const class_t*) abi_class, -1);
-        if ( r ) return r;
-        // Now try the up-cast
-        r = cast_wrap(ptr, (const class_t*) abi_class, src_type, -1);
-        if (r)      return r;
+    const class_t* src_type = (const class_t*)to.abi_class;
+    if (src_type) {
+      // First try down cast
+      void *r = cast_wrap(ptr, src_type, (const class_t*) abi_class, -1);
+      if ( r ) return r;
+      // Now try the up-cast
+      r = cast_wrap(ptr, (const class_t*) abi_class, src_type, -1);
+      if (r)      return r;
+    }
+    throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Failed to apply abi dynamic cast operation!");
+  }
+  throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Target type is not an abi class type!");
-        throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Failed to apply abi dynamic cast operation!");
-      }
-      throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Target type is not an abi class type!");
-    }
-    /// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
-    void* DD4hep::ComponentCast::apply_upCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const {
-      if (&to == this) {
-        return (void*) ptr;
-      }
-      return apply_dynCast(to, ptr);
-    }
-    /// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
-    void* DD4hep::ComponentCast::apply_downCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const {
-      if (&to == this) {
-        return (void*) ptr;
-      }
+/// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
+void* DD4hep::ComponentCast::apply_upCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const
+  throw(std::exception)
+  if (&to == this) {
+    return (void*) ptr;
+  }
+  return apply_dynCast(to, ptr);
+/// Apply cast using typeinfo instead of dynamic_cast
+void* DD4hep::ComponentCast::apply_downCast(const ComponentCast& to, const void* ptr) const
+  throw(std::exception)
+  if (&to == this) {
+    return (void*) ptr;
+  }
 #ifdef __APPLE__
-      void *r = (*to.cast)(ptr);
-      if (r) return r;
-      {
+  void *r = (*to.cast)(ptr);
+  if (r) return r;
+  throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Failed to apply abi dynamic cast operation!");
-        if ( to.abi_class )  {
-          // Since we have to cast a 'to' pointer up to the real pointer
-          // no virtual inheritance can be supported!
-          void* r = (void*)ptr;
-          bool cast_worked = type.__do_upcast((const class_t*)to.abi_class,&r);
-          if ( cast_worked ) return r;
+  if ( to.abi_class )  {
+    // Since we have to cast a 'to' pointer up to the real pointer
+    // no virtual inheritance can be supported!
+    void* r = (void*)ptr;
+    bool cast_worked = type.__do_upcast((const class_t*)to.abi_class,&r);
+    if ( cast_worked ) return r;
 #if 0
-          void *r = cast_wrap(ptr, src_type, (const class_t*)abi_class, -1);
-          if (r) return r;
+    void *r = cast_wrap(ptr, src_type, (const class_t*)abi_class, -1);
+    if (r) return r;
+    throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Failed to apply abi dynamic cast operation!");
+  }
+  throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Target type is not an abi class type!");
-          throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Failed to apply abi dynamic cast operation!");
-        }
-        throw unrelated_type_error(type, to.type, "Target type is not an abi class type!");
-      }
diff --git a/DDCore/src/VolumeManager.cpp b/DDCore/src/VolumeManager.cpp
index e18dfd4c8..8f0b5fa31 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/VolumeManager.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/VolumeManager.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: $
+// $Id:$
 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
diff --git a/DDCond/src/ConditionValidator.cpp b/DDCore/src/World.cpp
similarity index 61%
rename from DDCond/src/ConditionValidator.cpp
rename to DDCore/src/World.cpp
index 23deff009..57ba6168f 100644
--- a/DDCond/src/ConditionValidator.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/World.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: $
+// $Id$
 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
@@ -12,22 +12,20 @@
-#if 0
 // Framework include files
-#include "DDCond/ConditionValidator.h"
+#include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
+#include "DD4hep/World.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace DD4hep;
+using std::string;
 using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-/// Standard constructor
-ConditionValidator::ConditionValidator()  {
+/// Access the conditions loading
+World::Condition World::getCondition(DetElement child,const string&  key, const IOV& iov)  const  {
+  return access()->getCondition(child,key,iov);
-/// Validate detector subtree and return conditions out of date
-bool ConditionValidator::validate(DetElement subtree, std::vector<Condition>& tobe_updated)
-  return true;
+/// Access the detector descrion tree
+LCDD& World::lcdd() const   {
+  return *(access()->lcdd);
diff --git a/DDCore/src/plugins/Compact2Objects.cpp b/DDCore/src/plugins/Compact2Objects.cpp
index 34a0f57e1..5d98d0955 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/plugins/Compact2Objects.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/plugins/Compact2Objects.cpp
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ template <> void Converter<Readout>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
             std::vector<std::string> elements = DD4hep::DDSegmentation::splitString(parameterString);
             for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = elements.begin(); j != elements.end(); ++j) {
               if ((*j).empty()) continue;
-              valueVector.push_back(DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble((*j)));
+              valueVector.push_back(DD4hep::_toDouble((*j)));
             typedef DD4hep::DDSegmentation::TypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector<double> > ParDouVec;
diff --git a/DDCore/src/plugins/LCDDFields.cpp b/DDCore/src/plugins/LCDDFields.cpp
index dcb135780..5de3a0d94 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/plugins/LCDDFields.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/plugins/LCDDFields.cpp
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ static Ref_t convert_solenoid(LCDD&, xml_h field, Ref_t object) {
   field.setAttr(_U(lunit), "mm");
   field.setAttr(_U(funit), "tesla");
   ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%g/mm", s->outerRadius);
-  field.setAttr(_U(outer_radius), _toDouble(text));
+  field.setAttr(_U(outer_radius), DD4hep::_toDouble(text));
   ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%g/mm", s->innerRadius);
-  field.setAttr(_U(inner_radius), _toDouble(text));
+  field.setAttr(_U(inner_radius), DD4hep::_toDouble(text));
   ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%g/tesla", s->innerField);
-  field.setAttr(_U(inner_field), _toDouble(text));
+  field.setAttr(_U(inner_field), DD4hep::_toDouble(text));
   ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%g/tesla", s->outerField);
-  field.setAttr(_U(outer_field), _toDouble(text));
+  field.setAttr(_U(outer_field), DD4hep::_toDouble(text));
   field.setAttr(_U(zmin), s->minZ);
   field.setAttr(_U(zmax), s->maxZ);
   return object;
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ static Ref_t convert_dipole(LCDD&, xml_h field, Ref_t object) {
   field.setAttr(_U(lunit), "mm");
   field.setAttr(_U(funit), "tesla");
   ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%g/mm", s->rmax);
-  field.setAttr(_U(rmax), _toDouble(text));
+  field.setAttr(_U(rmax), DD4hep::_toDouble(text));
   ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%g/mm", s->zmax);
-  field.setAttr(_U(zmax), _toDouble(text));
+  field.setAttr(_U(zmax), DD4hep::_toDouble(text));
   ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%g/mm", s->zmin);
-  field.setAttr(_U(zmin), _toDouble(text));
+  field.setAttr(_U(zmin), DD4hep::_toDouble(text));
   DipoleField::Coefficents::const_iterator i = s->coefficents.begin();
   for (; i != s->coefficents.end(); ++i) {
     xml_elt_t coeff = xml_elt_t(doc, _U(dipole_coeff));
-    coeff.setValue(_toString(*i));
+    coeff.setValue(DD4hep::_toString(*i));
   return object;
diff --git a/DDCore/src/plugins/PluginInvoker.cpp b/DDCore/src/plugins/PluginInvoker.cpp
index 9047300bc..4c461a945 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/plugins/PluginInvoker.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/plugins/PluginInvoker.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ template <> void Converter<plugin>::operator()(xml_h e)  const  {
   for(vector<string>::const_iterator i=args.begin(); i!=args.end();++i)
-  printout(INFO,"Converter<plugin>","+++ Now executing plugin:%s [%d args]",nam.c_str(),int(cargs.size()));
+  printout(INFO,"ConverterPlugin","+++ Now executing plugin:%s [%d args]",nam.c_str(),int(cargs.size()));
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ template <> void Converter<plugin>::operator()(xml_h e)  const  {
  *  @version 1.0
  *  @date    01/04/2014
-template <> void Converter<include_file>::operator()(xml_h element) const {
+template <> void Converter<include_file>::operator()(xml_h element) const   {
   XML::DocumentHolder doc(XML::DocumentHandler().load(element, element.attr_value(_U(ref))));
   xml_h node = doc.root();
   string tag = node.tag();
diff --git a/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceBarrel_surfaces.cpp b/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceBarrel_surfaces.cpp
index 2233db2d9..bf36e82dd 100644
--- a/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceBarrel_surfaces.cpp
+++ b/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceBarrel_surfaces.cpp
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ namespace{
       char* ptr = ::strchr(argv[i],'=');
       if ( ptr )  {
         std::string name( argv[i] , ptr ) ;
-        double value = DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble(++ptr);
+        double value = DD4hep::_toDouble(++ptr);
-	printout(DD4hep::DEBUG,"DD4hep_CaloFaceBarrelSurfacePlugin", "argument[%d] = %s = %f" , i, name.c_str() , value  ) ;
+        printout(DD4hep::DEBUG,"DD4hep_CaloFaceBarrelSurfacePlugin", "argument[%d] = %s = %f" , i, name.c_str() , value  ) ;
         if(      name=="length"    ) data.length     = value ; 
         else if( name=="radius"  ) data.radius   = value ; 
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace{
         else if( name=="systemID") data.systemID   = value ; 
         else if( name=="encoding") data.encoding = ptr ; 
         else {
-	  printout(DD4hep::WARNING,"DD4hep_CaloFaceBarrelSurfacePlugin", "unknown parameter:  %s ", name.c_str() ) ;
+          printout(DD4hep::WARNING,"DD4hep_CaloFaceBarrelSurfacePlugin", "unknown parameter:  %s ", name.c_str() ) ;
diff --git a/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceEndcap_surfaces.cpp b/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceEndcap_surfaces.cpp
index 09cb46209..0813f0943 100644
--- a/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceEndcap_surfaces.cpp
+++ b/DDDetectors/src/CaloFaceEndcap_surfaces.cpp
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace{
       char* ptr = ::strchr(argv[i],'=');
       if ( ptr )  {
         std::string name( argv[i] , ptr ) ;
-        double value = DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble(++ptr);
+        double value = DD4hep::_toDouble(++ptr);
 	printout(DD4hep::DEBUG,"DD4hep_CaloFaceEndcapSurfacePlugin", "argument[%d] = %s = %f" , i, name.c_str() , value  ) ;
diff --git a/DDDetectors/src/GenericSurfaceInstaller.cpp b/DDDetectors/src/GenericSurfaceInstaller.cpp
index 6a6333d9e..d8e74aaaa 100644
--- a/DDDetectors/src/GenericSurfaceInstaller.cpp
+++ b/DDDetectors/src/GenericSurfaceInstaller.cpp
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ namespace{
             char* ptr = ::strchr(argv[i],'=');
             if ( ptr )  {
                 std::string name( argv[i] , ptr ) ;
-                value = DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble(++ptr);
+                value = DD4hep::_toDouble(++ptr);
                 std::cout << "DD4hep_GenericSurfaceInstallerPlugin: argument[" << i << "] = " << name 
                 << " = " << value << std::endl;
                 if( name=="dimension" ) data.dimension = value ; 
diff --git a/DDDetectors/src/SiTrackerBarrel_surfaces.cpp b/DDDetectors/src/SiTrackerBarrel_surfaces.cpp
index f9d566c12..63c64339d 100644
--- a/DDDetectors/src/SiTrackerBarrel_surfaces.cpp
+++ b/DDDetectors/src/SiTrackerBarrel_surfaces.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace{
       char* ptr = ::strchr(argv[i],'=');
       if ( ptr )  {
         std::string name( argv[i] , ptr ) ;
-        double value = DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble(++ptr);
+        double value = DD4hep::_toDouble(++ptr);
         if( name=="dimension" ) data.dimension = value ; 
         std::cout << "DD4hep_SiTrackerBarrelSurfacePlugin: argument[" << i << "] = " << name 
                   << " = " << value << std::endl;
diff --git a/DDDetectors/src/SurfaceExamplePlugin.cpp b/DDDetectors/src/SurfaceExamplePlugin.cpp
index 294357c68..9bdc88c7a 100644
--- a/DDDetectors/src/SurfaceExamplePlugin.cpp
+++ b/DDDetectors/src/SurfaceExamplePlugin.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace {
       double value = -1;
       char* ptr = ::strchr(argv[i],'=');
       if ( ptr )  {
-        value = DD4hep::Geometry::_toDouble(++ptr);
+        value = DD4hep::_toDouble(++ptr);
       std::cout << "SurfaceExamplePlugin: argument[" << i << "] = " << argv[i] 
                 << " value = " << value << std::endl;
diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Action.h b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Action.h
index 7080256c8..a21b00df9 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Action.h
+++ b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Action.h
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h"
 #include "DDG4/Geant4Context.h"
 #include "DDG4/Geant4Callback.h"
-#include "DDG4/ComponentProperties.h"
 // Geant4 forward declarations
 class G4Run;
diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Handle.h b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Handle.h
index fba05d189..86bafa087 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Handle.h
+++ b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Handle.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 // Framework include files
-#include "DDG4/ComponentProperties.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h"
 #include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
 // C/C++ include files
diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4UIMessenger.h b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4UIMessenger.h
index 1a997f456..3f38b5812 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4UIMessenger.h
+++ b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4UIMessenger.h
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 // Framework include files
-#include "DDG4/ComponentProperties.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4Callback.h"
+#include "DD4hep/ComponentProperties.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Callback.h"
 #include "G4UImessenger.hh"
 #include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
diff --git a/DDG4/plugins/Geant4FieldTrackingSetup.cpp b/DDG4/plugins/Geant4FieldTrackingSetup.cpp
index 98ccab460..93f0d5257 100644
--- a/DDG4/plugins/Geant4FieldTrackingSetup.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/plugins/Geant4FieldTrackingSetup.cpp
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ namespace {
   double Geant4SetupPropertyMap::toDouble(const string& key) const {
-    return Geometry::_toDouble(this->value(key));
+    return _toDouble(this->value(key));
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ static long setup_fields(lcdd_t& lcdd, const DD4hep::Geometry::GeoHandler& /* cn
       lcdd_t::PropertyValues::const_iterator iV = values.find("min_chord_step");
       eq_typ      = pm.value("equation");
       stepper_typ = pm.value("stepper");
-      min_chord_step = Geometry::_toDouble((iV==values.end()) ? string("1e-2 * mm") : (*iV).second);
+      min_chord_step = _toDouble((iV==values.end()) ? string("1e-2 * mm") : (*iV).second);
       if ( pm["eps_min"] ) eps_min = pm.toDouble("eps_min");
       if ( pm["eps_max"] ) eps_max = pm.toDouble("eps_max");
       if ( pm["delta_chord"] ) delta_chord = pm.toDouble("delta_chord");
diff --git a/DDG4/python/ b/DDG4/python/
index 16d4a1a78..e9cf76a5a 100644
--- a/DDG4/python/
+++ b/DDG4/python/
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ OutputLevel = _Levels()
 Core       = DD4hep
 Geo        = DD4hep.Geometry
 Geometry   = DD4hep.Geometry
+Conditions = DD4hep.Conditions
@@ -121,9 +122,11 @@ def import_geometry():
   #// Readout.h
-  import_namespace_item('Geo','Conditions')
+  import_namespace_item('Conditions','Condition')
+  import_namespace_item('Conditions','Container')
   #// DetElement.h
+  import_namespace_item('Geo','World')
diff --git a/DDG4/python/ b/DDG4/python/
index 471c0299b..ddd15b288 100644
--- a/DDG4/python/
+++ b/DDG4/python/
@@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ class Geant4:
   def printDetectors(self):
     print '+++  List of sensitive detectors:'
     for i in self.lcdd.detectors():
+      print i.second.ptr().GetName()
       o = DetElement(i.second.ptr())
       sd = self.lcdd.sensitiveDetector(
       if sd.isValid():
diff --git a/UtilityApps/src/run_plugin.h b/UtilityApps/src/run_plugin.h
index 994e45db9..03c32a783 100644
--- a/UtilityApps/src/run_plugin.h
+++ b/UtilityApps/src/run_plugin.h
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ namespace {
       "        -build_type <number/string> Specify the build type                         \n"
       "                     [OPTIONAL]     MUST come immediately after the -compact input.\n"
       "                                    Default for each file is: BUILD_DEFAULT [=1]   \n"
-      "                                    Allowed values: BUILD_SIMU [=1], BUILD_RECO [=2], BUILD_DISPLAY [=3] or BUILD_ENVELOPE [=4]\n"
+      "                                    Allowed: BUILD_SIMU [=1], BUILD_RECO [=2],     \n"
+      "                                    BUILD_DISPLAY [=3] or BUILD_ENVELOPE [=4]      \n"
       "        -destroy     [OPTIONAL]     Force destruction of the LCDD instance         \n"
       "                                    before exiting the application                 \n"
       "        -volmgr      [OPTIONAL]     Load and populate phys.volume manager to       \n"
@@ -84,7 +85,11 @@ namespace {
       "        -print      <number/string> Specify output level. Default: INFO(=3)        \n"
       "                     [OPTIONAL]     Allowed values: VERBOSE(=1), DEBUG(=2),        \n"
       "                                    INFO(=3), WARNING(=4), ERROR(=5), FATAL(=6)    \n"
-      "                                    The lower the level, the more printout...      \n";
+      "                                    The lower the level, the more printout...      \n"
+      "        -plugin <name> <args>       Execute plugin <name> after loading geometry.  \n"
+      "                                    All arguments following until the next '-'     \n"
+      "                                    are considered as arguments to the plugin.     \n"
+      " ";
     return cout;
@@ -100,14 +105,15 @@ namespace {
   struct Args  {
-    bool        volmgr, dry_run, destroy;
+    bool        volmgr, dry_run, destroy, interpreter;
     int         print;
     std::vector<const char*> geo_files, build_types;
+    std::vector<std::vector<const char*> > plugins;
     Args() {
       volmgr  = false;
       dry_run = false;
       destroy = false;
+      interpreter = true;
       print   = DD4hep::INFO;
     int handle(int& i, int argc, char** argv)    {
@@ -127,12 +133,56 @@ namespace {
         DD4hep::setPrintLevel(DD4hep::PrintLevel(print = decodePrintLevel(argv[++i])));
       else if ( strncmp(argv[i],"-destroy",5)==0 )
         destroy = true;
+      else if ( strncmp(argv[i],"-no-destroy",8)==0 )
+        destroy = false;
       else if ( strncmp(argv[i],"-volmgr",4)==0 )
         volmgr = true;
+      else if ( strncmp(argv[i],"-no-volmgr",7)==0 )
+        volmgr = false;
+      else if ( strncmp(argv[i],"-interpreter",6)==0 )
+        interpreter = true;
+      else if ( strncmp(argv[i],"-no-interpreter",7)==0 )
+        interpreter = false;
+      else if ( strncmp(argv[i],"-plugin",5)==0 )   {
+        // Need to interprete plugin args here locally.....
+        plugins.push_back(std::vector<const char*>());
+        plugins.back().push_back(argv[++i]);
+        for(; i<argc; ++i)   {
+          if ( argv[i][0]=='-' ) { --i; break; }
+          plugins.back().push_back(argv[i]);
+        }
+      }
         return 0;
       return 1;
+    long run(LCDD& lcdd, const char* name)  {
+      pair<int, char**> a(0,0);
+      long result;
+      for(size_t i=0; i<plugins.size(); ++i)   {
+        std::vector<const char*>& plug=plugins[i];
+        result = run_plugin(lcdd,plug[0],plug.size()-1,(char**)(plug.size()>1 ? &plug[1] : 0));
+        if ( result == EINVAL )   {
+          cout << "FAILED to execute DD4hep plugin: '" << plug[0] 
+               << "' with args (" << (plug.size()-1) << ") :[ ";
+          for(size_t j=1; j<plug.size(); ++j)   {
+            cout << plug[j] << " ";
+          }
+          cout << "]" << endl;
+          usage_default(name);
+        }
+        cout << "Executed DD4hep plugin: '" << plug[0]
+             << "' with args (" << (plug.size()-1) << ") :[ ";
+        for(size_t j=1; j<plug.size(); ++j)   {
+          cout << plug[j] << " ";
+        }
+        cout << "]" << endl;
+      }
+      result = run_plugin(lcdd,name,a.first,a.second);
+      return result;
+    }
     int decodePrintLevel(const std::string& val)   {
       switch(::toupper(val[0]))  {
       case '1':
@@ -196,11 +246,16 @@ namespace {
     // Create an interactive ROOT application
     if ( !args.dry_run ) {
+      long result = 0;
       pair<int, char**> a(0,0);
-      TRint app(name, &a.first, a.second);
-      long result = run_plugin(lcdd,name,a.first,a.second);
+      if ( args.interpreter )   {
+        TRint app(name, &a.first, a.second);
+        result =,name);
+        if ( result != EINVAL ) app.Run();
+      }
+      else
+        result =,name);
       if ( result == EINVAL ) usage_default(name);
-      app.Run();
     else {
       cout << "The geometry was loaded. Application now exiting." << endl;
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 8c7d604bb..11f2ab2c1 100755
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ INSTALL_XERCESC=${SW}/xercesc;
 # ==============================================================================
 # Parse arguments
 # ==============================================================================
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ build_all()
                     OPTS="`make_opt ${DOGEANT4} -DDD4HEP_USE_GEANT4 -DGeant4_DIR=${INSTALL_G4}`\
 		    `make_opt ${DOLCIO}     -DDD4HEP_USE_LCIO -DLCIO_DIR=${INSTALL_LCIO}` \
-                    -DDD4HEP_NO_REFLEX=ON -DDD4HEP_USE_CXX11=ON \
+                    -DDD4HEP_NO_REFLEX=ON -DDD4HEP_USE_CXX11=OFF \
 		    CMD="cd ${dir_name}/$folder ; cmake ${OPTS} ${CHECKOUT};";
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ build_all()
                     OPTS_ex="`make_opt ${DOGEANT4} -DDD4HEP_USE_GEANT4 -DGeant4_DIR=${INSTALL_G4}`\
 		    `make_opt ${DOLCIO}     -DDD4HEP_USE_LCIO    -DLCIO_DIR=${INSTALL_LCIO}` \
-                    -DDD4HEP_NO_REFLEX=ON -DDD4HEP_USE_CXX11=ON \
+                    -DDD4HEP_NO_REFLEX=ON -DDD4HEP_USE_CXX11=OFF \
 		    source ${DD4hep_DIR}/bin/;
    		    CMD="cd ${WORK_DIR}/EX; cmake ${OPTS} -DDD4hep_DIR=${DD4hep_DIR} ${CHECKOUT}/examples;";
diff --git a/doc/release.notes b/doc/release.notes
index c6f1b789a..980b30294 100644
--- a/doc/release.notes
+++ b/doc/release.notes
@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
 DD4hep  ----  Release Notes
+2016-02-10 M.Frank
+  DDCond
+    First implementation of conditions access. Required some movements of files
+    from DDG4 (Properties) and some changes in the core conditions implementation.
+    The basic infrastructure is now present. Don't know yet however how buggy it is...
 2016-02-03 N.Nikiforou
   - Added plugin DD4hep_GenericSurfaceInstallerPlugin, copied from lcgeo