From 0c7e8376efd8e044bc7725ce500c8854a39b1653 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Gaede <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 11:59:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix computation of cellID from postion

  - combine DetElement volID with volIDs of placed daughters
  - comment out debug statements
 DDRec/include/DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h |  9 +--
 DDRec/src/CellIDPositionConverter.cpp         | 57 ++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/DDRec/include/DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h b/DDRec/include/DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h
index 2f27e2738..d71eb5339 100644
--- a/DDRec/include/DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h
+++ b/DDRec/include/DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h
@@ -69,11 +69,12 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 					  const Geometry::DetElement& det=Geometry::DetElement() ) const; 
-      /** Find the lowest daughter Placement in the Placement that
-       *  contains the point (in the coordinate system of the mother placement) the local coordintates 
-       *  in this placement are also returned.
+      /** Find the lowest daughter Placement in the given Placement that
+       *  contains the point (in the coordinate system of the mother placement).
+       *  Return the local coordinates in this daughter Placement and collect all volIDs 
+       *  on the way.
-      Geometry::PlacedVolume findPlacement(const Geometry::Position& point, const  Geometry::PlacedVolume& mother, double locPos[3]) const ; 
+      Geometry::PlacedVolume findPlacement(const Geometry::Position& point, const  Geometry::PlacedVolume& mother, double locPos[3], Geometry::PlacedVolume::VolIDs& volIDs) const ; 
       /** Find the readout object for the given DetElement. If the DetElement is sensitive the corresondig 
diff --git a/DDRec/src/CellIDPositionConverter.cpp b/DDRec/src/CellIDPositionConverter.cpp
index 4bb0a9e67..eef501f60 100644
--- a/DDRec/src/CellIDPositionConverter.cpp
+++ b/DDRec/src/CellIDPositionConverter.cpp
@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       Segmentation seg = r.segmentation() ;
       Position local = seg.position(cell);
@@ -85,37 +83,40 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     CellID CellIDPositionConverter::cellID(const Position& global) const {
       CellID result(0) ;
       DetElement motherDet = _lcdd->world()  ; // could also start from an arbitrary DetElement here !?
       DetElement det = findDetElement( global , motherDet ) ;
       if( ! det.isValid() )
 	return result ;
       double g[3], e[3] , l[3] ;
       global.GetCoordinates( g ) ;
       det.nominal().worldTransformation().MasterToLocal( g, e );
-      PlacedVolume pv = findPlacement( Position( e[0], e[1] , e[2] ) , det.placement() , l ) ;
+      PlacedVolume::VolIDs volIDs ;
+      PlacedVolume pv = findPlacement( Position( e[0], e[1] , e[2] ) , det.placement() , l , volIDs ) ;
       if(  pv.isValid() && pv.volume().isSensitive() ) {
 	Geometry::SensitiveDetector sd = pv.volume().sensitiveDetector();
 	Readout r = sd.readout() ;
-	VolumeID volID = det.volumeID() ;
-	result = r.segmentation().cellID( Position( l[0], l[1], l[2] ) , global, volID );
-      } else {
-	std::cout << " *** ERROR : found non-sensitive Placement " <<
-		  << "  for point " << global << std::endl ;
+	VolumeID volIDElement = det.volumeID() ;
+	// add the placed volumes volIDs:
+	VolumeID volIDPVs = r.idSpec().encode( volIDs ) ;
+	result = r.segmentation().cellID( Position( l[0], l[1], l[2] ) , global, ( volIDElement | volIDPVs  ) );
+	// } else {
+	// 	std::cout << " *** ERROR : found non-sensitive Placement " <<
+	// 		  << "  for point " << global << std::endl ;
       return result ;
@@ -178,16 +179,19 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       return DetElement() ;
-    Geometry::PlacedVolume CellIDPositionConverter::findPlacement(const Geometry::Position& pos, const  Geometry::PlacedVolume& pv , double locPos[3]) const {
+    Geometry::PlacedVolume CellIDPositionConverter::findPlacement(const Geometry::Position& pos, const  Geometry::PlacedVolume& pv , double locPos[3], Geometry::PlacedVolume::VolIDs& volIDs) const {
       double l[3] ;
       pos.GetCoordinates( l ) ;
-      std::cout << " --- " << pos << " " << << " loc: (" << locPos[0] << "," << locPos[1] << "," << locPos[2] << ")" << std::endl ;
+      //      std::cout << " --- " << pos << " " << << " loc: (" << locPos[0] << "," << locPos[1] << "," << locPos[2] << ")" << std::endl ;
       if( pv.volume().solid()->Contains( l ) ) {
+	// copy the volIDs
+	volIDs.insert( std::end(volIDs), std::begin(pv.volIDs()), std::end(pv.volIDs()));
 	int ndau = pv->GetNdaughters() ;
 	if( ndau == 0 ) // no daughter volumes -> we are done
@@ -201,15 +205,16 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 	  PlacedVolume pvDau = pv->GetDaughter( i );
 	  pvDau->MasterToLocal( l , locPos ) ;  // transform point to daughter's local frame
-	  std::cout << "   - " << pos << " " <<
-		    << " loc: (" << locPos[0] << "," << locPos[1] << "," << locPos[2] << ")"
-		    <<  pvDau.volume().solid()->Contains( locPos )
-		    << " ndau: " << pvDau->GetNdaughters()
-		    << std::endl ;
+	  // std::cout << "   - " << pos << " " <<
+	  // 	    << " loc: (" << locPos[0] << "," << locPos[1] << "," << locPos[2] << ")"
+	  // 	    <<  pvDau.volume().solid()->Contains( locPos )
+	  // 	    << " ndau: " << pvDau->GetNdaughters()
+	  // 	    << std::endl ;
 	  if( pvDau.volume().solid()->Contains( locPos ) ) { // point is contained in daughter node
 	    result = pvDau ;
+	    volIDs.insert( std::end(volIDs), std::begin(pvDau.volIDs()), std::end(pvDau.volIDs()) );
 	    break ;
@@ -219,7 +224,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 	  if( result->GetNdaughters() == 0 ){  // no more children -> done
 	    return result ;
 	  } else
-	    return findPlacement( Position( locPos[0], locPos[1] , locPos[2]  ), result , locPos ) ; // keep searching in daughter volumes
+	    return findPlacement( Position( locPos[0], locPos[1] , locPos[2]  ), result , locPos , volIDs) ; // keep searching in daughter volumes