From 1dcf0355cfda62f35750bd596fedcf3a3fa33dc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Frank <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 20:20:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Improve JSON interpreter

 DDCore/CMakeLists.txt                     |    2 +-
 DDCore/include/JSON/Detector.h            |   33 +
 DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.h           |   31 +
 DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.inl         |   24 +
 DDCore/include/JSON/Elements.h            |  124 +--
 DDCore/include/JSON/Tags.h                |   26 +
 DDCore/include/JSON/config.h              |    6 +-
 DDCore/include/XML/UnicodeValues.h        | 1008 ++++++++++-----------
 DDCore/include/XML/XMLDetector.h          |   72 +-
 DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.h         |  559 +-----------
 DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.inl       |   35 +-
 DDCore/include/XML/XMLTags.h              |   20 +-
 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.h      |   94 ++
 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.imp    |  104 +++
 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.h     |  568 ++++++++++++
 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.imp   |  221 +++++
 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.inl   |   55 ++
 DDCore/src/JSON/Detector.cpp              |   19 +
 DDCore/src/JSON/Dimension.cpp             |   17 +
 DDCore/src/XML/XMLDetector.cpp            |   90 +-
 DDCore/src/XML/XMLDimension.cpp           |  208 +----
 DDCore/src/XML/XMLTags.cpp                |    7 +
 examples/ClientTests/compact/MiniTel.json |   36 +
 examples/ClientTests/src/JsonTest.cpp     |   58 ++
 24 files changed, 1865 insertions(+), 1552 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/JSON/Detector.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.inl
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/JSON/Tags.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.imp
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.h
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.imp
 create mode 100644 DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.inl
 create mode 100644 DDCore/src/JSON/Detector.cpp
 create mode 100644 DDCore/src/JSON/Dimension.cpp
 create mode 100644 examples/ClientTests/compact/MiniTel.json
 create mode 100644 examples/ClientTests/src/JsonTest.cpp

diff --git a/DDCore/CMakeLists.txt b/DDCore/CMakeLists.txt
index e8bc4a493..e97409d67 100644
--- a/DDCore/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/DDCore/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dd4hep_package(    DDCore
   INCLUDE_DIRS     include
-  INSTALL_INCLUDES include/DD4hep include/XML)
+  INSTALL_INCLUDES include/DD4hep include/XML  include/JSON)
 #---Generate ROOT dictionary------------------------------------------------------
 dd4hep_add_dictionary( G__DD4hep
diff --git a/DDCore/include/JSON/Detector.h b/DDCore/include/JSON/Detector.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19f35c299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/JSON/Detector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "JSON/Dimension.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  // Forward declarations
+  class NamedObject;
+  /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting JSON utilities
+  namespace JSON {
+    /// Include the implementation in the proper namespace
+#include "XML/detail/Detector.h"
+  }       /* End namespace JSON       */
+}         /* End namespace DD4hep     */
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_JSON_DETECTOR_H   */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.h b/DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8e369618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "JSON/Elements.h"
+#include "JSON/Tags.h"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting JSON utilities
+  namespace JSON {
+    /// Re-use the defined interface for the XML data access
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.h"
+  }       /* End namespace JSON       */
+}         /* End namespace DD4hep     */
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_JSON_DIMENSION_H  */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.inl b/DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.inl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74f13ccf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/JSON/Dimension.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Configuration definitions
+// Framework include files
+#include "JSON/Dimension.h"
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.inl"
diff --git a/DDCore/include/JSON/Elements.h b/DDCore/include/JSON/Elements.h
index 74c0a91e2..383b4cd4d 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/JSON/Elements.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/JSON/Elements.h
@@ -37,11 +37,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     typedef const JsonAttr* Attribute;
-    typedef const std::string& CSTR;
-    /// Dump DOM tree of a document
-    void dumpTree(JsonDocument* doc);
     /// Convert json attribute to STL string  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
     std::string _toString(const Attribute attr);
     /// Convert json string to STL string  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
@@ -69,13 +64,12 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     {      return _ptrToString((void*)p,fmt);       }
     /// Helper function to populate the evaluator dictionary  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
-    void _toDictionary(const char* name, const char* value);
+    template <typename T> void _toDictionary(const char* name, T value);
     /// Helper function to populate the evaluator dictionary  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
-    void _toDictionary(const std::string& name, const char* value)
-    {  _toDictionary(name, value);  }
+    void _toDictionary(const char* name, const char* value);
     /// Helper function to populate the evaluator dictionary  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
-    template <typename T> void _toDictionary(const char* name, T value);
+    inline void _toDictionary(const std::string& name, const char* value)
+    {  _toDictionary(name.c_str(), value);          }
     /// Helper function to populate the evaluator dictionary  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
     void _toDictionary(const char* name, float  value);
     /// Helper function to populate the evaluator dictionary  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
@@ -84,13 +78,13 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     std::string getEnviron(const std::string& env);
     /// Conversion function from raw unicode string to bool  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
-    bool _toBool(const char* value);
+    bool   _toBool(const char* value);
     /// Conversion function from raw unicode string to int  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
-    int _toInt(const char* value);
+    int    _toInt(const char* value);
     /// Conversion function from raw unicode string to long  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
-    long _toLong(const char* value);
+    long   _toLong(const char* value);
     /// Conversion function from raw unicode string to float  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
-    float _toFloat(const char* value);
+    float  _toFloat(const char* value);
     /// Conversion function from raw unicode string to double  \ingroup DD4HEP_JSON
     double _toDouble(const char* value);
@@ -154,7 +148,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       operator Elt_t() const    {        return m_node;                     }
       /// Direct access to the JsonElement by function
       Elt_t ptr() const         {        return m_node;                     }
-      /// Unicode text access to the element's tag. Tis must be wrong ....
+      /// Unicode text access to the element's tag.
       const char* rawTag() const;
       /// Unicode text access to the element's text
       const char* rawText() const;
@@ -371,19 +365,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       Element(const Handle_t& e) : m_element(e)          {      }
       /// Constructor from JsonElement handle
       Element(const Element& e) : m_element(e.m_element) {      }
-      /// Constructor from DOM document entity
-      //Element(const Document& document, const char* type);
-      /// Access the hosting document handle of this DOM element
-      //Document document() const;
-      /// operator bool: check handle validity
-      operator bool() const {
-        return 0 != m_element.ptr();
-      }
-      /// operator NOT: check handle validity
-      bool operator!() const {
-        return 0 == m_element.ptr();
-      }
       /// Assignment operator
       Element& operator=(const Element& c)  {
         m_element = c.m_element;
@@ -394,89 +376,51 @@ namespace DD4hep {
         m_element = handle;
         return *this;
+      /// operator bool: check handle validity
+      operator bool() const        {        return 0 != m_element.ptr();      }
+      /// operator NOT: check handle validity
+      bool operator!() const       {        return 0 == m_element.ptr();      }
       /// Automatic conversion to DOM element handle
-      operator Handle_t() const {
-        return m_element;
-      }
+      operator Handle_t() const    {        return m_element;                 }
       /// Automatic conversion to JsonElement pointer
-      operator Elt_t() const {
-        return m_element;
-      }
+      operator Elt_t() const       {        return m_element;                 }
       /// Access to JsonElement pointer
-      Elt_t ptr() const {
-        return m_element;
-      }
-#if 0
-      /// Access the JsonElements parent
-      Handle_t parent()  const   {
-        return m_element.parent();
-      }
-      /// Access the JsonElements parent
-      Elt_t parentElement()  const;
+      Elt_t ptr() const            {        return m_element;                 }
       /// Access the tag name of this element
-      std::string tag() const {
-        return m_element.tag();
-      }
+      std::string tag() const      {        return m_element.tag();           }
       /// Access the tag name of this element
-      const char* tagName() const {
-        return m_element.rawTag();
-      }
+      const char* tagName() const  {        return m_element.rawTag();        }
       /// Access the tag name of this element
-      std::string text() const {
-        return m_element.text();
-      }
+      std::string text() const     {        return m_element.text();          }
       /// Check for the existence of a named attribute
-      bool hasAttr(const char* name) const {
-        return m_element.hasAttr(name);
-      }
+      bool hasAttr(const char* name) const {return m_element.hasAttr(name);   }
       /// Access attribute with implicit return type conversion
-      template <class T> T attr(const char* tag_value) const {
-        return m_element.attr<T>(tag_value);
-      }
+      template <class T> T attr(const char* tag_value) const
+      {  return m_element.attr<T>(tag_value);                                 }
       /// Access attribute name (throws exception if not present)
-      const char* attr_name(const Attribute a) const {
-        return m_element.attr_name(a);
-      }
+      const char* attr_name(const Attribute a) const
+      {  return m_element.attr_name(a);                                       }
       /// Access attribute value by the attribute  (throws exception if not present)
-      const char* attr_value(const Attribute a) const {
-        return m_element.attr_value(a);
-      }
+      const char* attr_value(const Attribute a) const
+      {  return m_element.attr_value(a);                                      }
       /// Access the number of children of this element with a given tag name
-      size_t numChildren(const char* tag_value, bool exc = true) const {
-        return m_element.numChildren(tag_value, exc);
-      }
+      size_t numChildren(const char* tag_value, bool exc = true) const
+      {  return m_element.numChildren(tag_value, exc);                        }
       /// Retrieve a collection of all attributes of this element
-      std::vector<Attribute> attributes() const {
-        return m_element.attributes();
-      }
+      std::vector<Attribute> attributes() const
+      {  return m_element.attributes();                                       }
       /// Access single attribute by it's name
       Attribute getAttr(const char* name) const;
      /// Access child by tag name. Thow an exception if required in case the child is not present
-      Handle_t child(const char* tag_value, bool except = true) const {
-        return m_element.child(tag_value, except);
-      }
+      Handle_t child(const char* tag_value, bool except = true) const
+      {  return m_element.child(tag_value, except);                           }
       /// Check the existence of a child with a given tag name
-      bool hasChild(const char* tag_value) const {
-        return m_element.hasChild(tag_value);
-      }
+      bool hasChild(const char* tag_value) const
+      {  return m_element.hasChild(tag_value);                                }
 #undef INLINE
-    /// Forward declarations
-    class DocumentHandler;
-    /// Dump partial or full JSON trees to stdout
-    void dump_tree(Handle_t elt);
-    /// Dump partial or full JSON trees
-    void dump_tree(Handle_t elt, std::ostream& os);
-    /// Dump partial or full JSON documents to stdout
-    void dump_tree(Document doc);
-    /// Dump partial or full JSON documents
-    void dump_tree(Document doc, std::ostream& os);
   }       /* End namespace XML               */
 }         /* End namespace DD4hep            */
 #endif    /* DDCORE_DD4HEP_JSON_ELEMENTS_H   */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/JSON/Tags.h b/DDCore/include/JSON/Tags.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..307e1331b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/JSON/Tags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "JSON/Elements.h"
+// Helpers to access tags and attributes quickly without specifying explicitly namespaces
+#define _DD4hep_Unicode_Item(a) #a
+#define _U(a) #a
+#define _Unicode(a) #a
+#endif // DD4HEP_JSON_TAGS_H
diff --git a/DDCore/include/JSON/config.h b/DDCore/include/JSON/config.h
index b0327306e..4c3895e75 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/JSON/config.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/JSON/config.h
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting JSON utilities
   namespace JSON {
+    typedef char                                    XmlChar;
     typedef boost::property_tree::ptree             ptree;
     typedef boost::property_tree::ptree             JsonDocument;
     typedef boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type JsonAttr;
     typedef boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type JsonElement;
   }       /* End namespace JSON              */
 }         /* End namespace DD4hep            */
-#endif   /* DD4HEP_DDCORE_JSON_CONFIG_H  */
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_DDCORE_JSON_CONFIG_H  */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/UnicodeValues.h b/DDCore/include/XML/UnicodeValues.h
index 33d5633f7..c1f009083 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/XML/UnicodeValues.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/UnicodeValues.h
@@ -11,512 +11,502 @@
-/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
-namespace DD4hep {
-  /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities
-  namespace XML {
-    extern const Tag_t Unicode_NULL;
-    extern const Tag_t Unicode_empty;
-    extern const Tag_t Unicode_star;
-    extern const Tag_t Unicode_PI;
-    extern const Tag_t Unicode_TWOPI;
-    UNICODE(0);
-    UNICODE(1);
-    UNICODE(2);
-    UNICODE(3);
-    UNICODE(4);
-    UNICODE(5);
-    UNICODE(6);
-    UNICODE(7);
-    UNICODE(8);
-    UNICODE(9);
-    UNICODE (a);
-    UNICODE (A);
-    UNICODE (Air);
-    UNICODE (angle);
-    UNICODE (alignment);
-    UNICODE (alignments);
-    UNICODE (alpha);
-    UNICODE (alpha1);
-    UNICODE (alpha2);
-    UNICODE (alpha3);
-    UNICODE (alpha4);
-    UNICODE (arb8);
-    UNICODE (arg);
-    UNICODE (argument);
-    UNICODE (assembly);
-    UNICODE (atom);
-    UNICODE (attributes);
-    UNICODE (aunit);
-    UNICODE (author);
-    UNICODE (b);
-    UNICODE (B);
-    UNICODE (barrel);
-    UNICODE (barrel_envelope);
-    UNICODE (beampipe);
-    UNICODE (beta);
-    UNICODE (box);
-    UNICODE (c);
-    UNICODE (distance);
-    UNICODE (C);
-    UNICODE (calorimeter);
-    UNICODE (cartesian_grid_xy);
-    UNICODE (chamber);
-    UNICODE (chambers);
-    UNICODE (check);
-    UNICODE (checksum);
-    UNICODE (close);
-    UNICODE (cm);
-    UNICODE (coefficient);
-    UNICODE (coefficients);
-    UNICODE (color);
-    UNICODE (collections);
-    UNICODE (collection);
-    UNICODE (combine_hits);
-    UNICODE (combineHits);
-    UNICODE (comment);
-    UNICODE (component);
-    UNICODE (composite);
-    UNICODE (cone);
-    UNICODE (cons);
-    UNICODE (constant);
-    UNICODE (crossing_angle);
-    UNICODE (cut);
-    UNICODE (d);
-    UNICODE (D);
-    UNICODE (daughter);
-    UNICODE (define);
-    UNICODE (delta);
-    UNICODE (deltaphi);
-    UNICODE (deltatheta);
-    UNICODE (depth);
-    UNICODE (density);
-    UNICODE (detector);
-    UNICODE (detectors);
-    UNICODE (dim_r);
-    UNICODE (dim_x);
-    UNICODE (dim_y);
-    UNICODE (dim_z);
-    UNICODE (dimensions);
-    UNICODE (dipole_coeff);
-    UNICODE (disk);
-    UNICODE (disks);
-    UNICODE (display);
-    UNICODE (dr);
-    UNICODE (drawing_style);
-    UNICODE (drawingStyle);
-    UNICODE (dx);
-    UNICODE (dy);
-    UNICODE (dz);
-    UNICODE (e);
-    UNICODE (E);
-    UNICODE (ecut);
-    UNICODE (element);
-    UNICODE (eltube);
-    UNICODE (end);
-    UNICODE (end_module);
-    UNICODE (end_modules);
-    UNICODE (endcap);
-    UNICODE (endphi);
-    UNICODE (epsilon);
-    UNICODE (eunit);
-    UNICODE (end_x);
-    UNICODE (end_y);
-    UNICODE (end_z);
-    UNICODE (f);
-    UNICODE (F);
-    UNICODE(false);
-    UNICODE (field);
-    UNICODE (fields);
-    UNICODE (field_name);
-    UNICODE (file);
-    UNICODE (first);
-    UNICODE (firstposition);
-    UNICODE (firstrotation);
-    UNICODE (formula);
-    UNICODE (fraction);
-    UNICODE (funit);
-    UNICODE (g);
-    UNICODE (G);
-    UNICODE (gamma);
-    UNICODE (gap);
-    UNICODE (gas);
-    UNICODE (generator);
-    UNICODE (gdml);
-    UNICODE (gdmlFile);
-    UNICODE (geometry);
-    UNICODE (glass);
-    UNICODE (global);
-    UNICODE (global_grid_xy);
-    UNICODE (grid_size_x);
-    UNICODE (grid_size_y);
-    UNICODE (grid_size_z);
-    UNICODE (grid_size_phi);
-    UNICODE (grid_xyz);
-    UNICODE (gridSizePhi);
-    UNICODE (gridSizeX);
-    UNICODE (gridSizeY);
-    UNICODE (gridSizeZ);
-    UNICODE (h);
-    UNICODE (H);
-    UNICODE (half_x);
-    UNICODE (half_y);
-    UNICODE (half_z);
-    UNICODE (header);
-    UNICODE (height);
-    UNICODE (hits_collections);
-    UNICODE (hits_collection);
-    UNICODE (hype);
-    UNICODE (i);
-    UNICODE (I);
-    UNICODE (id);
-    UNICODE (iddict);
-    UNICODE (identity_rot);
-    UNICODE (identity_pos);
-    UNICODE (idfield);
-    UNICODE (idspec);
-    UNICODE (idspecref);
-    UNICODE (include);
-    UNICODE (includes);
-    UNICODE (incoming_r);
-    UNICODE (info);
-    UNICODE (inner);
-    UNICODE (inner_field);
-    UNICODE (inner_r);
-    UNICODE (inner_radius);
-    UNICODE (inner_stereo);
-    UNICODE (inner_z);
-    UNICODE (insideTrackingVolume);
-    UNICODE (intersection);
-    UNICODE (InvisibleNoDaughters);
-    UNICODE (InvisibleWithDaughters);
-    UNICODE (isotope);
-    UNICODE (item);
-    UNICODE (j);
-    UNICODE (J);
-    UNICODE (k);
-    UNICODE (key);
-    UNICODE (key_min);
-    UNICODE (key_max);
-    UNICODE (key_val);
-    UNICODE (key_value);
-    UNICODE (K);
-    UNICODE (l);
-    UNICODE (L);
-    UNICODE (label);
-    UNICODE (ladder);
-    UNICODE (layer);
-    UNICODE (layers);
-    UNICODE (lcdd);
-    UNICODE (lccdd);
-    UNICODE (length);
-    UNICODE (limit);
-    UNICODE (limits);
-    UNICODE (limitset);
-    UNICODE (limitsetref);
-    UNICODE (line_style);
-    UNICODE (lineStyle);
-    UNICODE (local);
-    UNICODE (logvol);
-    UNICODE (lunit);
-    UNICODE (m);
-    UNICODE (M);
-    UNICODE (material);
-    UNICODE (materialref);
-    UNICODE (materials);
-    UNICODE (member);
-    UNICODE (MeV);
-    UNICODE (mm);
-    UNICODE (module);
-    UNICODE (modules);
-    UNICODE (module_component);
-    UNICODE (module_envelope);
-    UNICODE (moduleHeight);
-    UNICODE (modulePitch);
-    UNICODE (modulePosX);
-    UNICODE (modulePosY);
-    UNICODE (moduleWidth);
-    UNICODE (mother);
-    UNICODE (n);
-    UNICODE (N);
-    UNICODE (name);
-    UNICODE (nmodules);
-    UNICODE (nModules);
-    UNICODE (normal);
-    UNICODE (nonprojective_cylinder);
-    UNICODE (nPads);
-    UNICODE (nphi);
-    UNICODE (ntheta);
-    UNICODE (number);
-    UNICODE (numsides);
-    UNICODE (nsides);
-    UNICODE (nsides_inner);
-    UNICODE (nsides_outer);
-    UNICODE (nz);
-    UNICODE (o);
-    UNICODE (O);
-    UNICODE (offset);
-    UNICODE (open);
-    UNICODE (overlap);
-    UNICODE (outer);
-    UNICODE (outer_field);
-    UNICODE (outer_r);
-    UNICODE (outer_radius);
-    UNICODE (outer_stereo);
-    UNICODE (outer_z);
-    UNICODE (outgoing_r);
-    UNICODE (outst);
-    UNICODE (p);
-    UNICODE (P);
-    UNICODE (padPitch);
-    UNICODE (pads);
-    UNICODE (para);
-    UNICODE (paraboloid);
-    UNICODE (param);
-    UNICODE (parameter);
-    UNICODE (params);
-    UNICODE (parent);
-    UNICODE (particles);
-    UNICODE (path);
-    UNICODE (phi);
-    UNICODE (phi0);
-    UNICODE (phi0_offset);
-    UNICODE (phi1);
-    UNICODE (phi_tilt);
-    UNICODE (phiBins);
-    UNICODE (phi_size_max);
-    UNICODE (physvol);
-    UNICODE (physvolid);
-    UNICODE (pivot);
-    UNICODE (pivot_point);
-    UNICODE (plugin);
-    UNICODE (plugins);
-    UNICODE (point);
-    UNICODE (polyhedra);
-    UNICODE (polycone);
-    UNICODE (position);
-    UNICODE (positionref);
-    UNICODE (pressure);
-    UNICODE (projective_cylinder);
-    UNICODE (projective_zplane);
-    UNICODE (properties);
-    UNICODE (psi);
-    UNICODE (q);
-    UNICODE (Q);
-    UNICODE (r);
-    UNICODE (R);
-    UNICODE (r_size);
-    UNICODE (r0);
-    UNICODE (rad);
-    UNICODE (radian);
-    UNICODE (radius);
-    UNICODE (radiator);
-    UNICODE (rbg);
-    UNICODE (rc);
-    UNICODE (readout);
-    UNICODE (readouts);
-    UNICODE (ref);
-    UNICODE (reflect);
-    UNICODE (reflect_rot);
-    UNICODE (region);
-    UNICODE (regions);
-    UNICODE (regionref);
-    UNICODE (repeat);
-    UNICODE (rhi);
-    UNICODE (ring);
-    UNICODE (rlo);
-    UNICODE (rmax);
-    UNICODE (rmax1);
-    UNICODE (rmax2);
-    UNICODE (rmin);
-    UNICODE (rmin1);
-    UNICODE (rmin2);
-    UNICODE (RL);
-    UNICODE (row);
-    UNICODE (rpc);
-    UNICODE (RowID);
-    UNICODE (rowHeight);
-    UNICODE (rowPitch);
-    UNICODE (rphi_layout);
-    UNICODE (rotation);
-    UNICODE (rotationref);
-    UNICODE (rtor);
-    UNICODE (s);
-    UNICODE (S);
-    UNICODE (scintillator);
-    UNICODE (sd);
-    UNICODE (sdref);
-    UNICODE (second);
-    UNICODE (segmentation);
-    UNICODE (sensitive);
-    UNICODE (sensitive_detector);
-    UNICODE (sensitive_detectors);
-    UNICODE (sensor);
-    UNICODE (sequence);
-    UNICODE (setup);
-    UNICODE (shape);
-    UNICODE (show_daughters);
-    UNICODE (showDaughters);
-    UNICODE (size);
-    UNICODE(signed);
-    UNICODE (skew);
-    UNICODE (slice);
-    UNICODE (slices);
-    UNICODE (solid);
-    UNICODE (solids);
-    UNICODE (solidref);
-    UNICODE (spacer);
-    UNICODE (sphere);
-    UNICODE (status);
-    UNICODE (start);
-    UNICODE (start_x);
-    UNICODE (start_y);
-    UNICODE (start_z);
-    UNICODE (startphi);
-    UNICODE (starttheta);
-    UNICODE (state);
-    UNICODE (stave);
-    UNICODE (staves);
-    UNICODE (store_secondaries);
-    UNICODE (strength);
-    UNICODE (structure);
-    UNICODE (subtraction);
-    UNICODE (support);
-    UNICODE (system);
-    UNICODE (symbol);
-    UNICODE (t);
-    UNICODE (T);
-    UNICODE (temperature);
-    UNICODE (theta);
-    UNICODE (thetaBins);
-    UNICODE (thickness);
-    UNICODE (threshold);
-    UNICODE (title);
-    UNICODE (tube);
-    UNICODE (tubes);
-    UNICODE (torus);
-    UNICODE (tracker);
-    UNICODE (tracking_cylinder);
-    UNICODE (tracking_volume);
-    UNICODE (trap);
-    UNICODE (trd);
-    UNICODE (true);
-    UNICODE (tubs);
-    UNICODE (type);
-    UNICODE (u);
-    UNICODE (U);
-    UNICODE (union);
-    UNICODE (unit);
-    UNICODE (useForHitPosition);
-    UNICODE (url);
-    UNICODE (v);
-    UNICODE (V);
-    UNICODE (v1x);
-    UNICODE (v1y);
-    UNICODE (v2x);
-    UNICODE (v2y);
-    UNICODE (v3x);
-    UNICODE (v3y);
-    UNICODE (v4x);
-    UNICODE (v4y);
-    UNICODE (v5x);
-    UNICODE (v5y);
-    UNICODE (v6x);
-    UNICODE (v6y);
-    UNICODE (v7x);
-    UNICODE (v7y);
-    UNICODE (v8x);
-    UNICODE (v8y);
-    UNICODE (Vacuum);
-    UNICODE (value);
-    UNICODE (verbose);
-    UNICODE (version);
-    UNICODE (vis);
-    UNICODE (visible);
-    UNICODE (visref);
-    UNICODE (volume);
-    UNICODE (volumeref);
-    UNICODE (w);
-    UNICODE (W);
-    UNICODE (wedge);
-    UNICODE (width);
-    UNICODE (world);
-    UNICODE (world_box);
-    UNICODE (world_volume);
-    UNICODE (x);
-    UNICODE (X);
-    UNICODE (x_offset);
-    UNICODE (x0);
-    UNICODE (x1);
-    UNICODE (X1);
-    UNICODE (x2);
-    UNICODE (X2);
-    UNICODE (x3);
-    UNICODE (x4);
-    UNICODE (xhalf);
-    UNICODE (xmax);
-    UNICODE (xmin);
-    UNICODE (xml);
-    UNICODE (y);
-    UNICODE (Y);
-    UNICODE (y0);
-    UNICODE (y1);
-    UNICODE (Y1);
-    UNICODE (y2);
-    UNICODE (Y2);
-    UNICODE (y3);
-    UNICODE (y4);
-    UNICODE (yhalf);
-    UNICODE (ymin);
-    UNICODE (ymax);
-    UNICODE (y_offset);
-    UNICODE (z);
-    UNICODE (Z);
-    UNICODE (z_layout);
-    UNICODE (z_length);
-    UNICODE (z_offset);
-    UNICODE (z0);
-    UNICODE (z1);
-    UNICODE (z2);
-    UNICODE (z3);
-    UNICODE (z4);
-    UNICODE (Zeff);
-    UNICODE (zhalf);
-    UNICODE (zmin);
-    UNICODE (zmax);
-    UNICODE (zplane);
-    UNICODE (zstart);
-  }
+extern const Tag_t Unicode_NULL;
+extern const Tag_t Unicode_empty;
+extern const Tag_t Unicode_star;
+extern const Tag_t Unicode_PI;
+extern const Tag_t Unicode_TWOPI;
+UNICODE (angle);
+UNICODE (alignment);
+UNICODE (alignments);
+UNICODE (alpha);
+UNICODE (alpha1);
+UNICODE (alpha2);
+UNICODE (alpha3);
+UNICODE (alpha4);
+UNICODE (arb8);
+UNICODE (arg);
+UNICODE (argument);
+UNICODE (assembly);
+UNICODE (atom);
+UNICODE (attributes);
+UNICODE (aunit);
+UNICODE (author);
+UNICODE (barrel);
+UNICODE (barrel_envelope);
+UNICODE (beampipe);
+UNICODE (beta);
+UNICODE (box);
+UNICODE (distance);
+UNICODE (calorimeter);
+UNICODE (cartesian_grid_xy);
+UNICODE (chamber);
+UNICODE (chambers);
+UNICODE (check);
+UNICODE (checksum);
+UNICODE (close);
+UNICODE (cm);
+UNICODE (coefficient);
+UNICODE (coefficients);
+UNICODE (color);
+UNICODE (collections);
+UNICODE (collection);
+UNICODE (combine_hits);
+UNICODE (combineHits);
+UNICODE (comment);
+UNICODE (component);
+UNICODE (composite);
+UNICODE (cone);
+UNICODE (cons);
+UNICODE (constant);
+UNICODE (crossing_angle);
+UNICODE (cut);
+UNICODE (daughter);
+UNICODE (define);
+UNICODE (delta);
+UNICODE (deltaphi);
+UNICODE (deltatheta);
+UNICODE (depth);
+UNICODE (density);
+UNICODE (detector);
+UNICODE (detectors);
+UNICODE (dim_r);
+UNICODE (dim_x);
+UNICODE (dim_y);
+UNICODE (dim_z);
+UNICODE (dimensions);
+UNICODE (dipole_coeff);
+UNICODE (disk);
+UNICODE (disks);
+UNICODE (display);
+UNICODE (dr);
+UNICODE (drawing_style);
+UNICODE (drawingStyle);
+UNICODE (dx);
+UNICODE (dy);
+UNICODE (dz);
+UNICODE (ecut);
+UNICODE (element);
+UNICODE (eltube);
+UNICODE (end);
+UNICODE (end_module);
+UNICODE (end_modules);
+UNICODE (endcap);
+UNICODE (endphi);
+UNICODE (epsilon);
+UNICODE (eunit);
+UNICODE (end_x);
+UNICODE (end_y);
+UNICODE (end_z);
+UNICODE (field);
+UNICODE (fields);
+UNICODE (field_name);
+UNICODE (file);
+UNICODE (first);
+UNICODE (firstposition);
+UNICODE (firstrotation);
+UNICODE (formula);
+UNICODE (fraction);
+UNICODE (funit);
+UNICODE (gamma);
+UNICODE (gap);
+UNICODE (gas);
+UNICODE (generator);
+UNICODE (gdml);
+UNICODE (gdmlFile);
+UNICODE (geometry);
+UNICODE (glass);
+UNICODE (global);
+UNICODE (global_grid_xy);
+UNICODE (grid_size_x);
+UNICODE (grid_size_y);
+UNICODE (grid_size_z);
+UNICODE (grid_size_phi);
+UNICODE (grid_xyz);
+UNICODE (gridSizePhi);
+UNICODE (gridSizeX);
+UNICODE (gridSizeY);
+UNICODE (gridSizeZ);
+UNICODE (half_x);
+UNICODE (half_y);
+UNICODE (half_z);
+UNICODE (header);
+UNICODE (height);
+UNICODE (hits_collections);
+UNICODE (hits_collection);
+UNICODE (hype);
+UNICODE (id);
+UNICODE (iddict);
+UNICODE (identity_rot);
+UNICODE (identity_pos);
+UNICODE (idfield);
+UNICODE (idspec);
+UNICODE (idspecref);
+UNICODE (include);
+UNICODE (includes);
+UNICODE (incoming_r);
+UNICODE (info);
+UNICODE (inner);
+UNICODE (inner_field);
+UNICODE (inner_r);
+UNICODE (inner_radius);
+UNICODE (inner_stereo);
+UNICODE (inner_z);
+UNICODE (insideTrackingVolume);
+UNICODE (intersection);
+UNICODE (InvisibleNoDaughters);
+UNICODE (InvisibleWithDaughters);
+UNICODE (isotope);
+UNICODE (item);
+UNICODE (key);
+UNICODE (key_min);
+UNICODE (key_max);
+UNICODE (key_val);
+UNICODE (key_value);
+UNICODE (label);
+UNICODE (ladder);
+UNICODE (layer);
+UNICODE (layers);
+UNICODE (lcdd);
+UNICODE (lccdd);
+UNICODE (length);
+UNICODE (limit);
+UNICODE (limits);
+UNICODE (limitset);
+UNICODE (limitsetref);
+UNICODE (line_style);
+UNICODE (lineStyle);
+UNICODE (local);
+UNICODE (logvol);
+UNICODE (lunit);
+UNICODE (material);
+UNICODE (materialref);
+UNICODE (materials);
+UNICODE (member);
+UNICODE (mm);
+UNICODE (module);
+UNICODE (modules);
+UNICODE (module_component);
+UNICODE (module_envelope);
+UNICODE (moduleHeight);
+UNICODE (modulePitch);
+UNICODE (modulePosX);
+UNICODE (modulePosY);
+UNICODE (moduleWidth);
+UNICODE (mother);
+UNICODE (name);
+UNICODE (nmodules);
+UNICODE (nModules);
+UNICODE (normal);
+UNICODE (nonprojective_cylinder);
+UNICODE (nPads);
+UNICODE (nphi);
+UNICODE (ntheta);
+UNICODE (number);
+UNICODE (numsides);
+UNICODE (nsides);
+UNICODE (nsides_inner);
+UNICODE (nsides_outer);
+UNICODE (nz);
+UNICODE (offset);
+UNICODE (open);
+UNICODE (overlap);
+UNICODE (outer);
+UNICODE (outer_field);
+UNICODE (outer_r);
+UNICODE (outer_radius);
+UNICODE (outer_stereo);
+UNICODE (outer_z);
+UNICODE (outgoing_r);
+UNICODE (outst);
+UNICODE (padPitch);
+UNICODE (pads);
+UNICODE (para);
+UNICODE (paraboloid);
+UNICODE (param);
+UNICODE (parameter);
+UNICODE (params);
+UNICODE (parent);
+UNICODE (particles);
+UNICODE (path);
+UNICODE (phi);
+UNICODE (phi0);
+UNICODE (phi0_offset);
+UNICODE (phi1);
+UNICODE (phi_tilt);
+UNICODE (phiBins);
+UNICODE (phi_size_max);
+UNICODE (physvol);
+UNICODE (physvolid);
+UNICODE (pivot);
+UNICODE (pivot_point);
+UNICODE (plugin);
+UNICODE (plugins);
+UNICODE (point);
+UNICODE (polyhedra);
+UNICODE (polycone);
+UNICODE (position);
+UNICODE (positionref);
+UNICODE (pressure);
+UNICODE (projective_cylinder);
+UNICODE (projective_zplane);
+UNICODE (properties);
+UNICODE (psi);
+UNICODE (r_size);
+UNICODE (r0);
+UNICODE (rad);
+UNICODE (radian);
+UNICODE (radius);
+UNICODE (radiator);
+UNICODE (rbg);
+UNICODE (rc);
+UNICODE (readout);
+UNICODE (readouts);
+UNICODE (ref);
+UNICODE (reflect);
+UNICODE (reflect_rot);
+UNICODE (region);
+UNICODE (regions);
+UNICODE (regionref);
+UNICODE (repeat);
+UNICODE (rhi);
+UNICODE (ring);
+UNICODE (rlo);
+UNICODE (rmax);
+UNICODE (rmax1);
+UNICODE (rmax2);
+UNICODE (rmin);
+UNICODE (rmin1);
+UNICODE (rmin2);
+UNICODE (row);
+UNICODE (rpc);
+UNICODE (rowHeight);
+UNICODE (rowPitch);
+UNICODE (rphi_layout);
+UNICODE (rotation);
+UNICODE (rotationref);
+UNICODE (rtor);
+UNICODE (scintillator);
+UNICODE (sd);
+UNICODE (sdref);
+UNICODE (second);
+UNICODE (segmentation);
+UNICODE (sensitive);
+UNICODE (sensitive_detector);
+UNICODE (sensitive_detectors);
+UNICODE (sensor);
+UNICODE (sequence);
+UNICODE (setup);
+UNICODE (shape);
+UNICODE (show_daughters);
+UNICODE (showDaughters);
+UNICODE (size);
+UNICODE (skew);
+UNICODE (slice);
+UNICODE (slices);
+UNICODE (solid);
+UNICODE (solids);
+UNICODE (solidref);
+UNICODE (spacer);
+UNICODE (sphere);
+UNICODE (status);
+UNICODE (start);
+UNICODE (start_x);
+UNICODE (start_y);
+UNICODE (start_z);
+UNICODE (startphi);
+UNICODE (starttheta);
+UNICODE (state);
+UNICODE (stave);
+UNICODE (staves);
+UNICODE (store_secondaries);
+UNICODE (strength);
+UNICODE (structure);
+UNICODE (subtraction);
+UNICODE (support);
+UNICODE (system);
+UNICODE (symbol);
+UNICODE (temperature);
+UNICODE (theta);
+UNICODE (thetaBins);
+UNICODE (thickness);
+UNICODE (threshold);
+UNICODE (title);
+UNICODE (tube);
+UNICODE (tubes);
+UNICODE (torus);
+UNICODE (tracker);
+UNICODE (tracking_cylinder);
+UNICODE (tracking_volume);
+UNICODE (trap);
+UNICODE (trd);
+UNICODE (true);
+UNICODE (tubs);
+UNICODE (type);
+UNICODE (union);
+UNICODE (unit);
+UNICODE (useForHitPosition);
+UNICODE (url);
+UNICODE (v1x);
+UNICODE (v1y);
+UNICODE (v2x);
+UNICODE (v2y);
+UNICODE (v3x);
+UNICODE (v3y);
+UNICODE (v4x);
+UNICODE (v4y);
+UNICODE (v5x);
+UNICODE (v5y);
+UNICODE (v6x);
+UNICODE (v6y);
+UNICODE (v7x);
+UNICODE (v7y);
+UNICODE (v8x);
+UNICODE (v8y);
+UNICODE (Vacuum);
+UNICODE (value);
+UNICODE (verbose);
+UNICODE (version);
+UNICODE (vis);
+UNICODE (visible);
+UNICODE (visref);
+UNICODE (volume);
+UNICODE (volumeref);
+UNICODE (wedge);
+UNICODE (width);
+UNICODE (world);
+UNICODE (world_box);
+UNICODE (world_volume);
+UNICODE (x_offset);
+UNICODE (x0);
+UNICODE (x1);
+UNICODE (x2);
+UNICODE (x3);
+UNICODE (x4);
+UNICODE (xhalf);
+UNICODE (xmax);
+UNICODE (xmin);
+UNICODE (xml);
+UNICODE (y0);
+UNICODE (y1);
+UNICODE (y2);
+UNICODE (y3);
+UNICODE (y4);
+UNICODE (yhalf);
+UNICODE (ymin);
+UNICODE (ymax);
+UNICODE (y_offset);
+UNICODE (z_layout);
+UNICODE (z_length);
+UNICODE (z_offset);
+UNICODE (z0);
+UNICODE (z1);
+UNICODE (z2);
+UNICODE (z3);
+UNICODE (z4);
+UNICODE (Zeff);
+UNICODE (zhalf);
+UNICODE (zmin);
+UNICODE (zmax);
+UNICODE (zplane);
+UNICODE (zstart);
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDetector.h b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDetector.h
index b8264f723..f5c3eb550 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDetector.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDetector.h
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 // Author     : M.Frank
@@ -26,74 +25,9 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities
   namespace XML {
-    /// XML Handle class extending the XML handle Dimension
-    /**
-     *  Helper class to access any field in a xml tag.
-     *  Specialized for attributes of a detector sub-element.
-     *
-     *  \author   M.Frank
-     *  \version  1.0
-     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
-     */
-    struct Component: public Dimension {
-      /// Constructor from Handle
-      Component(Handle_t e)
-        : Dimension(e) {
-      }
-      /// Constructor from Element
-      Component(const Element& e)
-        : Dimension(e) {
-      }
-      /// Access material attribute as STL string
-      std::string materialStr() const;
-      /// Check if component is sensitive
-      bool isSensitive() const;
-      /// Check if component is a radiator (absorber)
-      bool isRadiator() const;
-      /// Create a shape using the plugin mechanism from an XML element
-      NamedObject* createShape() const;
-    };
-    /// XML Handle class extending the XML handle Dimension
-    /**
-     *  Helper class to access any field in a xml tag.
-     *  Specialized for some of the attributes of a detector element.
-     *
-     *  \author   M.Frank
-     *  \version  1.0
-     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
-     */
-    struct DetElement: public Dimension {
-      /// Constructor from Handle
-      DetElement(Handle_t e)
-        : Dimension(e) {
-      }
-      /// Access underlying XML handle object
-      Handle_t handle() const {
-        return m_element;
-      }
+    /// Include the implementation in the proper namespace
+#include "XML/detail/Detector.h"
-      /// Access parameters: id
-      int id() const;
-      /// Access material attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
-      std::string materialStr() const;
-      /// Check if xml detector element is sensitive
-      bool isSensitive() const;
-      /// Check if element describes a tracking detector
-      bool isTracker() const;
-      /// Check if element describes a calorimetric detector
-      bool isCalorimeter() const;
-      /// Check if element is inside the tracking volume
-      bool isInsideTrackingVolume() const;
-      /// Helper to check a condition (for debugging)
-      void check(bool condition, const std::string& msg) const;
-      /// Access attribute by type
-      template <typename T> T attr(const XmlChar* tag_value) const {
-        return m_element.attr < T > (tag_value);
-      }
-    };
-} /* End namespace DD4hep       */
+}         /* End namespace DD4hep    */
 #endif    /* DD4HEP_XMLDETECTOR_H    */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.h b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.h
index 74bb491b3..9bbc9d361 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.h
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 // Author     : M.Frank
 // Framework include files
+#include "XML/XMLElements.h"
 #include "XML/XMLTags.h"
 /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
@@ -23,550 +23,9 @@ namespace DD4hep {
   /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities
   namespace XML {
-    /// XML Handle to xml elements with predefined attribute access
-    /**
-     *  Helper class to access any field in a xml tag in a
-     *  very easy way.
-     *  - You may assign any xml handle to a dimension object
-     *  - Any attribute of this xml element may then be accessed
-     *    by it's natural way. All possible attribute names are
-     *    reflected by the Dimension object's member functions.
-     *  - If an attribute is requested and not present, a exception
-     *    is thrown.
-     *  - Functions, which accept a default value do NOT throw
-     *    an exception if the attribute is not present. These
-     *    rather return the default value.
-     *  - If a often used function is not present - the
-     *    implementation thereof is simple.
-     *
-     *  Such helper classes may be defined locally by any user
-     *  since XML element handles may easily be transferred.
-     *  Run-time exceptions occur however, if non-exiting attributes
-     *  are accessed.
-     *
-     *  \author  M.Frank
-     *  \version 1.0
-     *  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
-     */
-    struct Dimension: public Element {
-      /// Default constructor
-      Dimension()
-        : Element(Handle_t(0)) {
-      }
-      /// Constructor from Handle
-      Dimension(Handle_t e)
-        : Element(e) {
-      }
-      /// Constructor from Element
-      Dimension(const Element& e)
-        : Element(e) {
-      }
-      /// Access parameters: id
-      int id() const;
-      /// Access parameters: id, if not present returns default
-      int id(int default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: type
-      int type() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: combineHits
-      bool combineHits() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double angle() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: alpha
-      double alpha() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: alpha
-      double alpha(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: alpha1
-      double alpha1() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: alpha1
-      double alpha1(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: alpha2
-      double alpha2() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: alpha2
-      double alpha2(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double beta() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double beta(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double gamma() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double gamma(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double delta() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double delta(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double epsilon() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: angle
-      double epsilon(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: theta
-      double theta() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: theta
-      double theta(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: deltatheta
-      double deltatheta() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: deltatheta
-      double deltatheta(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: thetaBins
-      int thetaBins() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: phi
-      double phi() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: phi
-      double phi(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: phiBins
-      int phiBins() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: phi0
-      double phi0() const;
-      /// Access parameters: phi0, if not present returns default
-      double phi0(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: phi0_offset
-      double phi0_offset() const;
-      /// Access parameters: phi0_offset, if not present returns default
-      double phi0_offset(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: phi1
-      double phi1() const;
-      /// Access parameters: phi1, if not present returns default
-      double phi1(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: psi
-      double psi() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: psi
-      double psi(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access Tube parameters: zhalf
-      double zhalf() const;
-      /// Access Tube parameters: deltaphi
-      double deltaphi() const;
-      /// Access Tube parameters: deltaphi
-      double deltaphi(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: startphi
-      double startphi() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: startphi
-      double startphi(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: a
-      double a() const;
-      /// Access parameters: a
-      double a(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: A
-      double A() const;
-      /// Access parameters: A
-      double A(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: b
-      double b() const;
-      /// Access parameters: b
-      double b(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: c
-      double c() const;
-      /// Access parameters: c
-      double c(double default_value) const;
-      ///Access parameters: distance
-      double distance() const;
-      ///Access parameters: distance
-      double distance(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: B
-      double B() const;
-      /// Access parameters: B
-      double B(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: g
-      double g() const;
-      /// Access parameters: g
-      double g(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: G
-      double G() const;
-      /// Access parameters: G
-      double G(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: I
-      double I() const;
-      /// Access parameters: I
-      double I(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: r
-      double r() const;
-      /// Access parameters: r, if not present returns default
-      double r(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: R
-      double R() const;
-      /// Access parameters: R
-      double R(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: dr
-      double dr() const;
-      /// Access parameters: dr, if not present returns default
-      double dr(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: r0
-      double r0() const;
-      /// Access parameters: r0
-      double r0(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmin
-      double rmin() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmin
-      double rmin(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmax
-      double rmax() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmax
-      double rmax(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmin1
-      double rmin1() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmin1
-      double rmin1(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmax1
-      double rmax1() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmax1
-      double rmax1(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmin2
-      double rmin2() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmin2
-      double rmin2(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmax2
-      double rmax2() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: rmax2
-      double rmax2(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: radius
-      double radius() const;
-      /// Access parameters: radius
-      double radius(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: outer_radius
-      double outer_radius() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: outer_r
-      double outer_r() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: inner_radius
-      double inner_radius() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: inner_r
-      double inner_r() const;
-      /// Access parameters: x
-      double x() const;
-      /// Access parameters: x, if not present returns default
-      double x(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: X
-      double X() const;
-      /// Access parameters: X
-      double X(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: x0
-      double x0() const;
-      /// Access parameters: x0
-      double x0(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: x1
-      double x1() const;
-      /// Access parameters: x1
-      double x1(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: x2
-      double x2() const;
-      /// Access parameters: x2
-      double x2(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: x3
-      double x3() const;
-      /// Access parameters: x3
-      double x3(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: x4
-      double x4() const;
-      /// Access parameters: x4
-      double x4(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: dx
-      double dx() const;
-      /// Access parameters: dx, if not present returns default
-      double dx(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
-      double xmin() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
-      double xmin(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
-      double xmax() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
-      double xmax(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: x_offset
-      double x_offset() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: x_offset
-      double x_offset(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: dim_x
-      double dim_x() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: dim_x
-      double dim_x(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: y
-      double y() const;
-      /// Access parameters: y, if not present returns default
-      double y(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: Y
-      double Y() const;
-      /// Access parameters: Y
-      double Y(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: y0
-      double y0() const;
-      /// Access parameters: y0
-      double y0(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: y1
-      double y1() const;
-      /// Access parameters: y1
-      double y1(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: y2
-      double y2() const;
-      /// Access parameters: y2
-      double y2(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: dy
-      double dy() const;
-      /// Access parameters: dz, if not present returns default
-      double dy(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
-      double ymin() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
-      double ymin(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
-      double ymax() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
-      double ymax(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: y_offset
-      double y_offset() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: y_offset
-      double y_offset(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: dim_y
-      double dim_y() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: dim_y
-      double dim_y(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access parameters: z
-      double z() const;
-      /// Access parameters: z, if not present returns default
-      double z(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: Z
-      double Z() const;
-      /// Access parameters: Z
-      double Z(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: z0
-      double z0() const;
-      /// Access parameters: z0
-      double z0(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: z1
-      double z1() const;
-      /// Access parameters: z1
-      double z1(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: z2
-      double z2() const;
-      /// Access parameters: z2
-      double z2(double default_val) const;
-      /// Access parameters: dz
-      double dz() const;
-      /// Access parameters: dz, if not present returns default
-      double dz(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
-      double zmin() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
-      double zmin(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
-      double zmax() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
-      double zmax(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: outer_z
-      double outer_z() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: inner_z
-      double inner_z() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: outer_stereo
-      double outer_stereo() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: inner_stereo
-      double inner_stereo() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: z_offset
-      double z_offset() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: z_offset
-      double z_offset(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: dim_z
-      double dim_z() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: dim_z
-      double dim_z(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: length
-      double length() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: width
-      double width() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: height
-      double height() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: depth
-      double depth() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: thickness
-      double thickness() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: z_length
-      double z_length() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: gap
-      double gap() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: r_size
-      double r_size() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: phi_size_max
-      double phi_size_max() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: reflect
-      bool reflect() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: reflect
-      bool reflect(bool default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: crossing_angle
-      double crossing_angle() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: repeat
-      int repeat() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: coefficient
-      double coefficient() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: coefficient
-      double coefficient(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: skew
-      double skew() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: skew
-      double skew(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: outgoing_r
-      double outgoing_r() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: incoming_r
-      double incoming_r() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: offset
-      double offset() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: offset
-      double offset(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: number
-      int number() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nmodules
-      int nmodules() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nModules
-      int nModules() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: RowID
-      int RowID() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: moduleHeight
-      double moduleHeight() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: moduleWidth
-      double moduleWidth() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: modulePitch
-      double modulePitch() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: modulePosX
-      double modulePosX() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: modulePosY
-      double modulePosY() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nPads
-      int nPads() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: rowPitch
-      double rowPitch() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: padPitch
-      double padPitch() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: rowHeight
-      double rowHeight() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: padType
-      std::string padType() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: numsides
-      int numsides() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nsides
-      int nsides() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nsides_inner
-      int nsides_inner() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nsides_outer
-      int nsides_outer() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: phi_tilt
-      double phi_tilt() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nphi
-      int    nphi() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: rc
-      double rc() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: zstart
-      double zstart() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: nz
-      int    nz() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: key
-      int    key() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: key_min
-      int    key_min() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: key_max
-      int    key_max() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: key_val
-      int    key_val() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: key_value
-      int    key_value() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: start
-      double start() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: start
-      double start(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: end
-      double end() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: end
-      double end(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access attribute values: inner_field
-      double inner_field() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: outer_field
-      double outer_field() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: visible
-      bool   visible() const;
-      /// Access attribute values: show_daughters
-      bool   show_daughters() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: cut
-      double cut() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: cut
-      double cut(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: threshold
-      double threshold() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: threshold
-      double threshold(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: eunit
-      double eunit() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: eunit
-      double eunit(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: lunit
-      double lunit() const;
-      /// Access min/max parameters: lunit
-      double lunit(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: temperature
-      double temperature() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: temperature
-      double temperature(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: pressure
-      double pressure() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: pressure
-      double pressure(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: density
-      double density() const;
-      /// Access rotation constants: density
-      double density(double default_value) const;
-      /// Access child element with tag "dimensions" as Dimension object
-      Dimension dimensions(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
-      /// Child access: position
-      Dimension position(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
-      /// Child access: rotation
-      Dimension rotation(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
-      /// Child access: trd
-      Dimension trd(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
-      /// Child access: tubs
-      Dimension tubs(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
-      /// Child access: staves
-      Dimension staves(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
-      /// Child access: beampipe
-      Dimension beampipe(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
-      /// Access "name" attribute as STL string
-      std::string nameStr() const;
-      /// Access "ref" attribute as a string
-      std::string refStr() const;
-      /// Access "type" attribute as STL string
-      std::string typeStr() const;
-      /// Access "value" attribute as STL string
-      std::string valueStr() const;
-      /// Access "module" attribute as STL string
-      std::string moduleStr() const;
-      /// Access "readout" attribute as STL string
-      std::string readoutStr() const;
-      /// Access vis attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
-      std::string visStr() const;
-      /// Access region attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
-      std::string regionStr() const;
-      /// Access limits attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
-      std::string limitsStr() const;
-    };
-  } /* End namespace XML       */
-} /* End namespace DD4hep    */
-#endif    /* DD4HEP_XMLDIMENSION_H   */
+    /// Re-use the defined interface for the XML data access
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.h"
+  }       /* End namespace XML           */
+}         /* End namespace DD4hep        */
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_XML_XMLDIMENSION_H   */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.inl b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.inl
index c5deadb24..1a1620a81 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.inl
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLDimension.inl
@@ -14,38 +14,11 @@
-// Framework include files
-#include "XML/XMLDimension.h"
-#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(type,ns,name)  type ns::name() const { return m_element.attr<type>(Unicode_##name); }
-#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(type,ns,name,dressing)	\
-  type ns::name(type default_val) const {			\
-    const ::DD4hep::XML::XmlChar* val = m_element.attr_value_nothrow(Unicode_##name); \
-    return val ? dressing(val) : default_val; }
-#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DOUBLE(ns,name)			\
-  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(double,ns,name)				\
-  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(double,ns,name,DD4hep::XML::_toDouble)
-#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_INT(ns,name)			\
-  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(int,ns,name)				\
-  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(int,ns,name,DD4hep::XML::_toInt)
-#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_STRING(ns,name)			\
-  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(std::string,ns,name)			\
-  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(std::string,ns,name,DD4hep::XML::_toString)
-#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(type,name)                  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(type,DD4hep::XML::Dimension,name)
-#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(name,type,dressing) XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(type,DD4hep::XML::Dimension,name,dressing)
-#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR_DOUBLE(name)		      XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DOUBLE(DD4hep::XML::Dimension,name)
-#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR_INT(name)                   XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(int,DD4hep::XML::Dimension,name,_toInt)
-#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR_BOOL(name)                  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(bool,DD4hep::XML::Dimension,name,_toBool)
-#define XML_CHILD_ACCESSOR_XML_DIM(name)				\
-  DD4hep::XML::Dimension DD4hep::XML::Dimension::name(bool throw_if_not_present) const {		\
-    return m_element.child(Unicode_##name,throw_if_not_present); }
+// Framework include files
+#include "XML/XMLDimension.h"
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.inl"
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLTags.h b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLTags.h
index 80b427bc8..c73cac3c4 100644
--- a/DDCore/include/XML/XMLTags.h
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/XMLTags.h
@@ -11,19 +11,29 @@
-#ifndef DD4hep_XML_TAGS_H
-#define DD4hep_XML_TAGS_H
+#ifndef DD4HEP_XML_TAGS_H
+#define DD4HEP_XML_TAGS_H
 #define DECLARE_UNICODE_TAG(x)  extern const ::DD4hep::XML::Tag_t Unicode_##x (#x)
 // Framework include files
 #include "XML/XMLElements.h"
 #define UNICODE(x)  extern const Tag_t Unicode_##x
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities
+  namespace XML {
 #include "XML/UnicodeValues.h"
+  }
 #undef  UNICODE
 // Helpers to access tags and attributes quickly without specifying explicitly namespaces
-#define _U(a) ::DD4hep::XML::Unicode_##a
-#define _Unicode(a) ::DD4hep::XML::Strng_t(#a)
+#define _DD4hep_Unicode_Item(a) Unicode_##a
+#define _U(a)              ::DD4hep::XML::Unicode_##a
+#define _Unicode(a)        ::DD4hep::XML::Strng_t(#a)
-#endif // DD4hep_XML_TAGS_H
+#endif // DD4HEP_XML_TAGS_H
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.h b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a420dbd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+ *  Note: Do NEVER include this file directly!
+ *
+ *  Include XML/XMLDetector.h or JSON/Detector.h !
+ */
+// Framework includes
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.h"
+/// XML Handle class extending the XML handle Dimension
+ *  Helper class to access any field in a xml tag.
+ *  Specialized for attributes of a detector sub-element.
+ *
+ *  \author   M.Frank
+ *  \version  1.0
+ *  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
+ */
+struct Component: public Dimension {
+  /// Constructor from Handle
+  Component(Handle_t e)
+    : Dimension(e) {
+  }
+  /// Constructor from Element
+  Component(const Element& e)
+    : Dimension(e) {
+  }
+  /// Access material attribute as STL string
+  std::string materialStr() const;
+  /// Check if component is sensitive
+  bool isSensitive() const;
+  /// Check if component is a radiator (absorber)
+  bool isRadiator() const;
+  /// Create a shape using the plugin mechanism from an XML element
+  NamedObject* createShape() const;
+/// XML Handle class extending the XML handle Dimension
+ *  Helper class to access any field in a xml tag.
+ *  Specialized for some of the attributes of a detector element.
+ *
+ *  \author   M.Frank
+ *  \version  1.0
+ *  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
+ */
+struct DetElement: public Dimension {
+  /// Constructor from Handle
+  DetElement(Handle_t e)
+    : Dimension(e) {
+  }
+  /// Access underlying XML handle object
+  Handle_t handle() const {
+    return m_element;
+  }
+  /// Access parameters: id
+  int id() const;
+  /// Access material attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
+  std::string materialStr() const;
+  /// Check if xml detector element is sensitive
+  bool isSensitive() const;
+  /// Check if element describes a tracking detector
+  bool isTracker() const;
+  /// Check if element describes a calorimetric detector
+  bool isCalorimeter() const;
+  /// Check if element is inside the tracking volume
+  bool isInsideTrackingVolume() const;
+  /// Helper to check a condition (for debugging)
+  void check(bool condition, const std::string& msg) const;
+  /// Access attribute by type
+  template <typename T> T attr(const XmlChar* tag_value) const {
+    return m_element.attr < T > (tag_value);
+  }
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_XML_DETAIL_DETECTOR_H    */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.imp b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.imp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8418b003c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Detector.imp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "DD4hep/Plugins.h"
+#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace Geometry { class LCDD; }
+string Component::materialStr() const {
+  return m_element.attr < string > (_U(material));
+bool Component::isSensitive() const {
+  char val = m_element.hasAttr(_U(sensitive)) ? m_element.attr < string > (_U(sensitive))[0] : 'f';
+  val = ::toupper(val);
+  return val == 'T' || val == 'Y';
+bool Component::isRadiator() const {
+  char val = m_element.hasAttr(_U(radiator)) ? m_element.attr < string > (_U(radiator))[0] : 'f';
+  val = ::toupper(val);
+  return val == 'T' || val == 'Y';
+DD4hep::NamedObject* Component::createShape() const {
+  using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
+  Dimension child_dim(m_element);
+  string typ = child_dim.typeStr();
+  string fac = typ + "__shape_constructor";
+  Handle_t solid_elt = m_element;
+  LCDD* lcdd = 0;
+  NamedObject* solid = PluginService::Create<NamedObject*>(fac, lcdd, &solid_elt);
+  if ( !solid )  {
+    PluginDebug dbg;
+    PluginService::Create<NamedObject*>(typ, lcdd, &solid_elt);
+    throw runtime_error("Failed to create solid of type " + typ + ". " + dbg.missingFactory(typ));
+  }
+  return solid;
+int DetElement::id() const {
+  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(id)) ? m_element.attr<int>(_U(id)) : -1;
+bool DetElement::isSensitive() const {
+  char val = m_element.hasAttr(_U(sensitive)) ? m_element.attr < string > (_U(sensitive))[0] : 'f';
+  val = ::toupper(val);
+  return val == 'T' || val == 'Y';
+string DetElement::materialStr() const {
+  Handle_t h = m_element.child(_U(material));
+  if (h && h.hasAttr(_U(name))) {
+    return h.attr < string > (_U(name));
+  }
+  return "";
+void DetElement::check(bool condition, const string& msg) const {
+  if (condition) {
+    throw runtime_error(msg);
+  }
+bool DetElement::isTracker() const {
+  if (m_element) {
+    string typ = attr < string > (_U(type));
+    if (typ.find("Tracker") != string::npos && hasAttr(_U(readout))) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool DetElement::isCalorimeter() const {
+  if (m_element) {
+    string typ = attr < string > (_U(type));
+    if (typ.find("Calorimeter") != string::npos && hasAttr(_U(readout))) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool DetElement::isInsideTrackingVolume() const {
+  if (m_element && hasAttr(_U(insideTrackingVolume)) )
+    return attr<bool>(_U(insideTrackingVolume));
+  else if ( isTracker() )
+    return true;
+  return false;
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.h b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d64042f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+ *  Note: Do NEVER include this file directly!
+ *
+ *  Include XML/XMLDimension.h or JSON/Dimension.h !
+ */
+/// XML Handle to xml elements with predefined attribute access
+ *  Helper class to access any field in a xml tag in a
+ *  very easy way.
+ *  - You may assign any xml handle to a dimension object
+ *  - Any attribute of this xml element may then be accessed
+ *    by it's natural way. All possible attribute names are
+ *    reflected by the Dimension object's member functions.
+ *  - If an attribute is requested and not present, a exception
+ *    is thrown.
+ *  - Functions, which accept a default value do NOT throw
+ *    an exception if the attribute is not present. These
+ *    rather return the default value.
+ *  - If a often used function is not present - the
+ *    implementation thereof is simple.
+ *
+ *  Such helper classes may be defined locally by any user
+ *  since XML element handles may easily be transferred.
+ *  Run-time exceptions occur however, if non-exiting attributes
+ *  are accessed.
+ *
+ *  \author  M.Frank
+ *  \version 1.0
+ *  \ingroup DD4HEP_XML
+ */
+struct Dimension: public Element {
+  /// Default constructor
+  Dimension()
+    : Element(Handle_t(0)) {
+  }
+  /// Constructor from Handle
+  Dimension(Handle_t e)
+    : Element(e) {
+  }
+  /// Constructor from Element
+  Dimension(const Element& e)
+    : Element(e) {
+  }
+  /// Access parameters: id
+  int id() const;
+  /// Access parameters: id, if not present returns default
+  int id(int default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: type
+  int type() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: combineHits
+  bool combineHits() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double angle() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: alpha
+  double alpha() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: alpha
+  double alpha(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: alpha1
+  double alpha1() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: alpha1
+  double alpha1(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: alpha2
+  double alpha2() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: alpha2
+  double alpha2(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double beta() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double beta(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double gamma() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double gamma(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double delta() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double delta(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double epsilon() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: angle
+  double epsilon(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: theta
+  double theta() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: theta
+  double theta(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: deltatheta
+  double deltatheta() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: deltatheta
+  double deltatheta(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: thetaBins
+  int thetaBins() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: phi
+  double phi() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: phi
+  double phi(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: phiBins
+  int phiBins() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: phi0
+  double phi0() const;
+  /// Access parameters: phi0, if not present returns default
+  double phi0(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: phi0_offset
+  double phi0_offset() const;
+  /// Access parameters: phi0_offset, if not present returns default
+  double phi0_offset(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: phi1
+  double phi1() const;
+  /// Access parameters: phi1, if not present returns default
+  double phi1(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: psi
+  double psi() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: psi
+  double psi(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access Tube parameters: zhalf
+  double zhalf() const;
+  /// Access Tube parameters: deltaphi
+  double deltaphi() const;
+  /// Access Tube parameters: deltaphi
+  double deltaphi(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: startphi
+  double startphi() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: startphi
+  double startphi(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: a
+  double a() const;
+  /// Access parameters: a
+  double a(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: A
+  double A() const;
+  /// Access parameters: A
+  double A(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: b
+  double b() const;
+  /// Access parameters: b
+  double b(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: c
+  double c() const;
+  /// Access parameters: c
+  double c(double default_value) const;
+  ///Access parameters: distance
+  double distance() const;
+  ///Access parameters: distance
+  double distance(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: B
+  double B() const;
+  /// Access parameters: B
+  double B(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: g
+  double g() const;
+  /// Access parameters: g
+  double g(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: G
+  double G() const;
+  /// Access parameters: G
+  double G(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: I
+  double I() const;
+  /// Access parameters: I
+  double I(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: r
+  double r() const;
+  /// Access parameters: r, if not present returns default
+  double r(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: R
+  double R() const;
+  /// Access parameters: R
+  double R(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: dr
+  double dr() const;
+  /// Access parameters: dr, if not present returns default
+  double dr(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: r0
+  double r0() const;
+  /// Access parameters: r0
+  double r0(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmin
+  double rmin() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmin
+  double rmin(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmax
+  double rmax() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmax
+  double rmax(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmin1
+  double rmin1() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmin1
+  double rmin1(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmax1
+  double rmax1() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmax1
+  double rmax1(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmin2
+  double rmin2() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmin2
+  double rmin2(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmax2
+  double rmax2() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: rmax2
+  double rmax2(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: radius
+  double radius() const;
+  /// Access parameters: radius
+  double radius(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: outer_radius
+  double outer_radius() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: outer_r
+  double outer_r() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: inner_radius
+  double inner_radius() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: inner_r
+  double inner_r() const;
+  /// Access parameters: x
+  double x() const;
+  /// Access parameters: x, if not present returns default
+  double x(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: X
+  double X() const;
+  /// Access parameters: X
+  double X(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: x0
+  double x0() const;
+  /// Access parameters: x0
+  double x0(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: x1
+  double x1() const;
+  /// Access parameters: x1
+  double x1(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: x2
+  double x2() const;
+  /// Access parameters: x2
+  double x2(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: x3
+  double x3() const;
+  /// Access parameters: x3
+  double x3(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: x4
+  double x4() const;
+  /// Access parameters: x4
+  double x4(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: dx
+  double dx() const;
+  /// Access parameters: dx, if not present returns default
+  double dx(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
+  double xmin() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
+  double xmin(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
+  double xmax() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: xmax
+  double xmax(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: x_offset
+  double x_offset() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: x_offset
+  double x_offset(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: dim_x
+  double dim_x() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: dim_x
+  double dim_x(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: y
+  double y() const;
+  /// Access parameters: y, if not present returns default
+  double y(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: Y
+  double Y() const;
+  /// Access parameters: Y
+  double Y(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: y0
+  double y0() const;
+  /// Access parameters: y0
+  double y0(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: y1
+  double y1() const;
+  /// Access parameters: y1
+  double y1(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: y2
+  double y2() const;
+  /// Access parameters: y2
+  double y2(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: dy
+  double dy() const;
+  /// Access parameters: dz, if not present returns default
+  double dy(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
+  double ymin() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
+  double ymin(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
+  double ymax() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: ymax
+  double ymax(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: y_offset
+  double y_offset() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: y_offset
+  double y_offset(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: dim_y
+  double dim_y() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: dim_y
+  double dim_y(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access parameters: z
+  double z() const;
+  /// Access parameters: z, if not present returns default
+  double z(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: Z
+  double Z() const;
+  /// Access parameters: Z
+  double Z(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: z0
+  double z0() const;
+  /// Access parameters: z0
+  double z0(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: z1
+  double z1() const;
+  /// Access parameters: z1
+  double z1(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: z2
+  double z2() const;
+  /// Access parameters: z2
+  double z2(double default_val) const;
+  /// Access parameters: dz
+  double dz() const;
+  /// Access parameters: dz, if not present returns default
+  double dz(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
+  double zmin() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
+  double zmin(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
+  double zmax() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: zmax
+  double zmax(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: outer_z
+  double outer_z() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: inner_z
+  double inner_z() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: outer_stereo
+  double outer_stereo() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: inner_stereo
+  double inner_stereo() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: z_offset
+  double z_offset() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: z_offset
+  double z_offset(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: dim_z
+  double dim_z() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: dim_z
+  double dim_z(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: length
+  double length() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: width
+  double width() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: height
+  double height() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: depth
+  double depth() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: thickness
+  double thickness() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: z_length
+  double z_length() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: gap
+  double gap() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: r_size
+  double r_size() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: phi_size_max
+  double phi_size_max() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: reflect
+  bool reflect() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: reflect
+  bool reflect(bool default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: crossing_angle
+  double crossing_angle() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: repeat
+  int repeat() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: coefficient
+  double coefficient() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: coefficient
+  double coefficient(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: skew
+  double skew() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: skew
+  double skew(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: outgoing_r
+  double outgoing_r() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: incoming_r
+  double incoming_r() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: offset
+  double offset() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: offset
+  double offset(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: number
+  int number() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nmodules
+  int nmodules() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nModules
+  int nModules() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: RowID
+  int RowID() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: moduleHeight
+  double moduleHeight() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: moduleWidth
+  double moduleWidth() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: modulePitch
+  double modulePitch() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: modulePosX
+  double modulePosX() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: modulePosY
+  double modulePosY() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nPads
+  int nPads() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: rowPitch
+  double rowPitch() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: padPitch
+  double padPitch() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: rowHeight
+  double rowHeight() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: padType
+  std::string padType() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: numsides
+  int numsides() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nsides
+  int nsides() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nsides_inner
+  int nsides_inner() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nsides_outer
+  int nsides_outer() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: phi_tilt
+  double phi_tilt() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nphi
+  int    nphi() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: rc
+  double rc() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: zstart
+  double zstart() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: nz
+  int    nz() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: key
+  int    key() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: key_min
+  int    key_min() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: key_max
+  int    key_max() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: key_val
+  int    key_val() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: key_value
+  int    key_value() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: start
+  double start() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: start
+  double start(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: end
+  double end() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: end
+  double end(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access attribute values: inner_field
+  double inner_field() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: outer_field
+  double outer_field() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: visible
+  bool   visible() const;
+  /// Access attribute values: show_daughters
+  bool   show_daughters() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: cut
+  double cut() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: cut
+  double cut(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: threshold
+  double threshold() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: threshold
+  double threshold(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: eunit
+  double eunit() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: eunit
+  double eunit(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: lunit
+  double lunit() const;
+  /// Access min/max parameters: lunit
+  double lunit(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: temperature
+  double temperature() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: temperature
+  double temperature(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: pressure
+  double pressure() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: pressure
+  double pressure(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: density
+  double density() const;
+  /// Access rotation constants: density
+  double density(double default_value) const;
+  /// Access child element with tag "dimensions" as Dimension object
+  Dimension dimensions(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
+  /// Child access: position
+  Dimension position(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
+  /// Child access: rotation
+  Dimension rotation(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
+  /// Child access: trd
+  Dimension trd(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
+  /// Child access: tubs
+  Dimension tubs(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
+  /// Child access: staves
+  Dimension staves(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
+  /// Child access: beampipe
+  Dimension beampipe(bool throw_if_not_present = true) const;
+  /// Access "name" attribute as STL string
+  std::string nameStr() const;
+  /// Access "ref" attribute as a string
+  std::string refStr() const;
+  /// Access "type" attribute as STL string
+  std::string typeStr() const;
+  /// Access "value" attribute as STL string
+  std::string valueStr() const;
+  /// Access "module" attribute as STL string
+  std::string moduleStr() const;
+  /// Access "readout" attribute as STL string
+  std::string readoutStr() const;
+  /// Access vis attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
+  std::string visStr() const;
+  /// Access region attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
+  std::string regionStr() const;
+  /// Access limits attribute as STL string. If not present empty return empty string
+  std::string limitsStr() const;
+#endif    /* DD4HEP_XML_DETAIL_DIMENSION_H   */
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.imp b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.imp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d7b7d705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.imp
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.inl"
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, combineHits)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_z)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_z)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_r)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_radius)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_r)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_radius)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, angle)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, thetaBins)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, phiBins)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, length)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, width)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, height)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, depth)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, crossing_angle)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, incoming_r)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outgoing_r)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, phi_size_max)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, r_size)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, gap)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, z_length)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, zhalf)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, phi_tilt)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, rc)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_min)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_max)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_val)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_value)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, zstart)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, thickness)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_stereo)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_stereo)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, numsides)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nsides)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nsides_inner)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nsides_outer)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, number)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, repeat)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, reflect)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nmodules)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nModules)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, moduleHeight)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, moduleWidth)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, modulePosX)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, modulePosY)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, modulePitch)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, rowPitch)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, padPitch)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, rowHeight)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_field)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_field)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, visible)
+XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, show_daughters)
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::padType() const {
+  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(pads));
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::nameStr() const {
+  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(name));
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::refStr() const {
+  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(ref));
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::typeStr() const {
+  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(type));
+/// Access "value" attribute as STL std::string
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::valueStr() const   {
+  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(value));
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::regionStr() const {
+  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(region)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(region)) : std::string();
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::limitsStr() const {
+  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(limits)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(limits)) : std::string();
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::visStr() const {
+  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(vis)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(vis)) : std::string();
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::readoutStr() const {
+  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(readout)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(readout)) : std::string();
+std::string DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::moduleStr() const {
+  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(module)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(module)) : std::string();
diff --git a/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.inl b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.inl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeb2fc662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/include/XML/detail/Dimension.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+ *  Note: Do NEVER include this file directly!
+ *
+ *  Include XML/XMLDimension.h or JSON/Dimension.h !
+ */
+#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(type,ns,name)  type ns::name() const { return m_element.attr<type>(_DD4hep_Unicode_Item(name)); }
+#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(type,ns,name,dressing)	\
+  type ns::name(type default_val) const {			\
+    const XmlChar* val = m_element.attr_value_nothrow(_DD4hep_Unicode_Item(name));   \
+    return val ? dressing(val) : default_val; }
+#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DOUBLE(ns,name)			\
+  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(double,ns,name)				\
+  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(double,ns,name,DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::_toDouble)
+#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_INT(ns,name)			\
+  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(int,ns,name)				\
+#define XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_STRING(ns,name)			\
+  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(std::string,ns,name)			\
+  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(std::string,ns,name,DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::_toString)
+#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(type,name)                  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR(type,DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension,name)
+#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(name,type,dressing) XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(type,DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension,name,dressing)
+#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR_INT(name)                   XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(int,DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension,name,_toInt)
+#define XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR_BOOL(name)                  XML_ATTR_NS_ACCESSOR_DEFAULT(bool,DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension,name,_toBool)
+#define XML_CHILD_ACCESSOR_XML_DIM(name)                        		\
+    DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension DD4hep::DIMENSION_NS::Dimension::name(bool throw_if_not_present) const {		\
+    return m_element.child(_DD4hep_Unicode_Item(name),throw_if_not_present); }
diff --git a/DDCore/src/JSON/Detector.cpp b/DDCore/src/JSON/Detector.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8216e7b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/src/JSON/Detector.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "JSON/Detector.h"
+using namespace DD4hep::JSON;
+#include "XML/detail/Detector.imp"
diff --git a/DDCore/src/JSON/Dimension.cpp b/DDCore/src/JSON/Dimension.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..356f1277c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDCore/src/JSON/Dimension.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "JSON/Dimension.inl"
+// Instantiate here the concrete implementations
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.imp"
diff --git a/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDetector.cpp b/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDetector.cpp
index 29b928486..339b624ae 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDetector.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDetector.cpp
@@ -13,94 +13,6 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include "XML/XMLDetector.h"
-#include "DD4hep/Plugins.h"
-#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
-using namespace std;
 using namespace DD4hep::XML;
-namespace Geometry { class LCDD; }
-string Component::materialStr() const {
-  return m_element.attr < string > (_U(material));
-bool Component::isSensitive() const {
-  char val = m_element.hasAttr(_U(sensitive)) ? m_element.attr < string > (_U(sensitive))[0] : 'f';
-  val = ::toupper(val);
-  return val == 'T' || val == 'Y';
-bool Component::isRadiator() const {
-  char val = m_element.hasAttr(_U(radiator)) ? m_element.attr < string > (_U(radiator))[0] : 'f';
-  val = ::toupper(val);
-  return val == 'T' || val == 'Y';
-DD4hep::NamedObject* Component::createShape() const {
-  using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
-  Dimension child_dim(m_element);
-  string typ = child_dim.typeStr();
-  string fac = typ + "__shape_constructor";
-  Handle_t solid_elt = m_element;
-  LCDD* lcdd = 0;
-  NamedObject* solid = PluginService::Create<NamedObject*>(fac, lcdd, &solid_elt);
-  if ( !solid )  {
-    PluginDebug dbg;
-    PluginService::Create<NamedObject*>(typ, lcdd, &solid_elt);
-    throw runtime_error("Failed to create solid of type " + typ + ". " + dbg.missingFactory(typ));
-  }
-  return solid;
-int DetElement::id() const {
-  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(id)) ? m_element.attr<int>(_U(id)) : -1;
-bool DetElement::isSensitive() const {
-  char val = m_element.hasAttr(_U(sensitive)) ? m_element.attr < string > (_U(sensitive))[0] : 'f';
-  val = ::toupper(val);
-  return val == 'T' || val == 'Y';
-string DetElement::materialStr() const {
-  Handle_t h = m_element.child(_U(material));
-  if (h && h.hasAttr(_U(name))) {
-    return h.attr < string > (_U(name));
-  }
-  return "";
-void DetElement::check(bool condition, const string& msg) const {
-  if (condition) {
-    throw runtime_error(msg);
-  }
-bool DetElement::isTracker() const {
-  if (m_element) {
-    string typ = attr < string > (_U(type));
-    if (typ.find("Tracker") != string::npos && hasAttr(_U(readout))) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-bool DetElement::isCalorimeter() const {
-  if (m_element) {
-    string typ = attr < string > (_U(type));
-    if (typ.find("Calorimeter") != string::npos && hasAttr(_U(readout))) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-bool DetElement::isInsideTrackingVolume() const {
-  if (m_element && hasAttr(_U(insideTrackingVolume)) )
-    return attr<bool>(_U(insideTrackingVolume));
-  else if ( isTracker() )
-    return true;
-  return false;
+#include "XML/detail/Detector.imp"
diff --git a/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDimension.cpp b/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDimension.cpp
index a38b340b6..c02dfd9f8 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDimension.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/XML/XMLDimension.cpp
@@ -14,209 +14,5 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include "XML/XMLDimension.inl"
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, combineHits)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_z)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_z)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_r)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_radius)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_r)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_radius)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, angle)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, thetaBins)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, phiBins)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, length)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, width)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, height)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, depth)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, crossing_angle)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, incoming_r)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outgoing_r)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, phi_size_max)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, r_size)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, gap)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, z_length)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, zhalf)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, phi_tilt)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, rc)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_min)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_max)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_val)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, key_value)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, zstart)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, thickness)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_stereo)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_stereo)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, numsides)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nsides)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nsides_inner)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nsides_outer)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, number)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, repeat)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, reflect)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nmodules)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(int, nModules)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, moduleHeight)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, moduleWidth)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, modulePosX)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, modulePosY)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, modulePitch)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, rowPitch)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, padPitch)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, rowHeight)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, inner_field)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(double, outer_field)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, visible)
-XML_ATTR_ACCESSOR(bool, show_daughters)
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::padType() const {
-  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(pads));
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::nameStr() const {
-  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(name));
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::refStr() const {
-  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(ref));
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::typeStr() const {
-  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(type));
-/// Access "value" attribute as STL std::string
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::valueStr() const   {
-  return m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(value));
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::regionStr() const {
-  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(region)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(region)) : std::string();
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::limitsStr() const {
-  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(limits)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(limits)) : std::string();
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::visStr() const {
-  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(vis)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(vis)) : std::string();
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::readoutStr() const {
-  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(readout)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(readout)) : std::string();
-std::string DD4hep::XML::Dimension::moduleStr() const {
-  return m_element.hasAttr(_U(module)) ? m_element.attr < std::string > (_U(module)) : std::string();
+// Instantiate here the concrete implementations
+#include "XML/detail/Dimension.imp"
diff --git a/DDCore/src/XML/XMLTags.cpp b/DDCore/src/XML/XMLTags.cpp
index a1378c34c..ea04bb4f8 100644
--- a/DDCore/src/XML/XMLTags.cpp
+++ b/DDCore/src/XML/XMLTags.cpp
@@ -61,7 +61,14 @@ namespace {
 #define UNICODE(x)        extern const Tag_t Unicode_##x (#x, #x, __Init::register_tag)
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace DD4hep {
+  /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities
+  namespace XML {
 #include "XML/UnicodeValues.h"
+  }
 namespace DD4hep {
   namespace XML {
diff --git a/examples/ClientTests/compact/MiniTel.json b/examples/ClientTests/compact/MiniTel.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2d474c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ClientTests/compact/MiniTel.json
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+    "detectors":  {
+        "detector1":  {
+            "id":        1,
+            "type":     "MiniTelPixel",
+            "material": "Silicon",
+            "vis":      "DetVis",
+            "readout":  "MyLHCBdetector1Hits",
+            "dimensions": { "z": "1*mm", "y": "10*cm", "x": "10*cm" },
+            "module": {
+                "name":     "pixel",
+                "type:":    "MiniTelPixel",
+                "material": "Silicon",
+                "x":        "6*mm",
+                "y":        "6*mm",
+                "z":        "1*mm",
+                "vis":      "ModVis",
+                "alpha":    "-2.*radian",
+                "beta":     "-2.*radian",
+                "gamma":    "-0.*radian"
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/examples/ClientTests/src/JsonTest.cpp b/examples/ClientTests/src/JsonTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..880570f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ClientTests/src/JsonTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Framework include files
+#include "JSON/Elements.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Factories.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace DD4hep;
+using namespace DD4hep::JSON;
+using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
+static long json_dump(LCDD& lcdd, int argc, char** argv)   {
+  if ( argc < 1 )  {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
+	boost::property_tree::read_json(argv[0], pt);
+  for( boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& rowPair : pt.get_child( "" ) ) 
+	{
+		cout << "1--" << rowPair.first << ": " << endl;
+    cout << rowPair.second.get_value<string>() << " " << endl;
+		for( boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& itemPair : rowPair.second ) 
+		{
+			cout << "\t2--" << itemPair.first << " " << endl;
+		  for( boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& node : itemPair.second ) 
+			{
+				cout << "\t\t3--" << node.first << "=" << node.second.get_value<string>() << endl;
+			}
+			cout << endl;
+		}
+		cout << endl;
+  }
+  return 1;