From 22ca69f6341990c851386644e1298e2466f9f41c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Gaede <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:20:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH]  - added support for gear::ZPlanarParameters  - implemented
 for the VXD

 DDRec/include/DDRec/DetectorData.h  | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 DDRec/src/gear/DDGear.cpp           |  6 +--
 DDRec/src/gear/createGearForILD.cpp | 49 +++++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/DDRec/include/DDRec/DetectorData.h b/DDRec/include/DDRec/DetectorData.h
index 4f6519e1b..3c833b636 100644
--- a/DDRec/include/DDRec/DetectorData.h
+++ b/DDRec/include/DDRec/DetectorData.h
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     /** Wrapper class for adding structs or pods as extensions to DetElements.
      *  Provides default implementations of the c'tors required by the extension mechamism.
-     *  Structs (or classes) can be defined w/o any c'tors relying in the default ones 
+     *  Structs (or classes) can be defined w/o any c'tors relying on the default ones 
      *  created by the compiler.
      * @author F.Gaede, CERN/DESY
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       StructExtension(const StructExtension<T>& t, const Geometry::DetElement& d) : T(t) {}
-    /** Simple data structure holding data that is relevant for
+    /** Simple data structure with key parameters for
      *  reconstruction of a cylindrical TPC with a pad plane that
      *  is symmetrically populated with one size pads.
-     *  ( Can be used to instantiate a gear::TPCParmeter object
+     *  ( Can be used to instantiate a gear::TPCParameter object
      *    with a FixedPadSizeDiskLayout )
      * @author F.Gaede, CERN/DESY
@@ -50,6 +50,68 @@ namespace DD4hep {
     typedef StructExtension<FixedPadSizeTPCStruct> FixedPadSizeTPCData ;
+    /** Simple data structure with key parameters for
+     *  reconstruction of a planar silicon tracking detector
+     *  with planes parallel to the z-axis.
+     *  ( Can be used to instantiate a gear::ZPlanarParameters object )
+     * 
+     * @author F.Gaede, CERN/DESY
+     * @date Oct, 15 2014
+     * @version $Id: $
+     */
+    struct ZPlanarStruct{
+      ///  The half length (z) of the support shell (w/o gap) - 0. if no shell exists.
+      double zHalfShell ;
+      ///  The length of the gap in mm (gap position at z=0).
+      double  gapShell ;
+      ///  The inner radius of the support shell.
+      double rInnerShell ;
+      ///  The outer radius of the support shell.
+      double rOuterShell ;
+      /**Internal helper struct for defining the layer layout. Layers are defined 
+       * with a sensitive part and a support part.
+       */      
+      struct LayerLayout{
+	/// The number of ladders in the layer.
+	int ladderNumber ;
+	/// Azimuthal angle of the (outward pointing) normal of the first ladder.
+	double phi0 ; 
+	/// The distance of the ladder support from the origin (IP).
+	double distanceSupport ;
+	/// The thickness of the ladder support from the origin (IP).
+	double thicknessSupport ;
+	/// The offset of the ladder support, i.e. the shift in the direction of increasing phi, perpendicular to the ladders's normal.
+	double offsetSupport ; 
+	///The width of the ladder support.
+	double widthSupport ;
+	///The half length of the ladder support in z.
+	double zHalfSupport ;
+	/// The distance of the ladder sensitive from the origin (IP).
+	double distanceSensitive ;
+	/// The thickness of the ladder sensitive from the origin (IP).
+	double thicknessSensitive ;
+	/// The offset of the ladder sensitive, i.e. the shift in the direction of increasing phi, perpendicular to the ladders's normal.
+	double offsetSensitive ; 
+	///The width of the ladder sensitive.
+	double widthSensitive ;
+	///The half length of the ladder sensitive in z.
+	double zHalfSensitive ;
+      } ;
+      std::vector<LayerLayout> layers ;
+    } ;
+    typedef StructExtension<ZPlanarStruct> ZPlanarData ;
   } /* namespace DDRec */
 } /* namespace DD4hep */
diff --git a/DDRec/src/gear/DDGear.cpp b/DDRec/src/gear/DDGear.cpp
index dbdeee2b8..d90fd0c58 100644
--- a/DDRec/src/gear/DDGear.cpp
+++ b/DDRec/src/gear/DDGear.cpp
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ namespace DD4hep{
       else if( gearH->name() == "LcalParameters" )       { gearMgr->setLcalParameters      ( dynamic_cast<gear::CalorimeterParameters* >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
       else if( gearH->name() == "LHcalParameters" )      { gearMgr->setLHcalParameters     ( dynamic_cast<gear::CalorimeterParameters* >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
       else if( gearH->name() == "BeamCalParameters" )    { gearMgr->setBeamCalParameters   ( dynamic_cast<gear::CalorimeterParameters* >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
-      else if( gearH->name() == "VXDParameters" )        { gearMgr->setVXDParameters       ( dynamic_cast<gear::ZPlanarParameters*     >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
+      else if( gearH->name() == "ZPlanarParameters" )    { gearMgr->setVXDParameters       ( dynamic_cast<gear::ZPlanarParameters*     >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
       else if( gearH->name() == "FTDParameters" )        { gearMgr->setFTDParameters       ( dynamic_cast<gear::FTDParameters*         >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
-      else if( gearH->name() == "SITParameters" )        { gearMgr->setSITParameters       ( dynamic_cast<gear::ZPlanarParameters*     >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
-      else if( gearH->name() == "SETParameters" )        { gearMgr->setSETParameters       ( dynamic_cast<gear::ZPlanarParameters*     >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
+      else if( gearH->name() == "ZPlanarParameters" )    { gearMgr->setSITParameters       ( dynamic_cast<gear::ZPlanarParameters*     >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
+      else if( gearH->name() == "ZPlanarParameters" )    { gearMgr->setSETParameters       ( dynamic_cast<gear::ZPlanarParameters*     >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }
       else if( gearH->name() == "SiPlanesParameters" )   { gearMgr->setSiPlanesParameters  ( dynamic_cast<gear::SiPlanesParameters*    >( gearH->takeGearObject() ) ) ; }  
       else  { 
diff --git a/DDRec/src/gear/createGearForILD.cpp b/DDRec/src/gear/createGearForILD.cpp
index 8364988eb..9c48d0c91 100644
--- a/DDRec/src/gear/createGearForILD.cpp
+++ b/DDRec/src/gear/createGearForILD.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 #include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
 #include "DD4hep/Factories.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h" 
 #include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
 #include "DDRec/DDGear.h"
 #include "gearimpl/TPCParametersImpl.h"
 #include "gearimpl/FixedPadSizeDiskLayout.h"
+#include "gearimpl/ZPlanarParametersImpl.h"
 #include <iostream>
@@ -32,28 +33,48 @@ namespace DD4hep{
       std::cout << " **** running plugin createGearForILD ! " <<  std::endl ;
-      //***** TPC ********
+      //========= TPC ==============================================================================
       DetElement tpcDE = lcdd.detector("TPC") ;
       FixedPadSizeTPCData* tpc = tpcDE.extension<FixedPadSizeTPCData>() ;
-      gear::TPCParametersImpl* gearTPC = new gear::TPCParametersImpl( tpc->driftLength , gear::PadRowLayout2D::POLAR ) ;
+      gear::TPCParametersImpl* gearTPC = new gear::TPCParametersImpl( tpc->driftLength /dd4hep::mm , gear::PadRowLayout2D::POLAR ) ;
-      gearTPC->setPadLayout( new gear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayout( tpc->rMinReadout, tpc->rMaxReadout, tpc->padHeight, tpc->padWidth, tpc->maxRow, tpc->padGap  ) ) ;
+      gearTPC->setPadLayout( new gear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayout( tpc->rMinReadout/dd4hep::mm , tpc->rMaxReadout/dd4hep::mm, tpc->padHeight/dd4hep::mm,
+							       tpc->padWidth/dd4hep::mm , tpc->maxRow, tpc->padGap /dd4hep::mm  ) ) ;
-      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcInnerRadius", tpc->rMin )  ; // inner r of support tube
-      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcOuterRadius", tpc->rMax )  ; // outer radius of TPC
-      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcInnerWallThickness", tpc->innerWallThickness )  ;   // thickness of inner shell
-      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcOuterWallThickness", tpc->outerWallThickness )  ;   // thickness of outer shell
+      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcInnerRadius", tpc->rMin/dd4hep::mm  )  ; // inner r of support tube
+      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcOuterRadius", tpc->rMax/dd4hep::mm  )  ; // outer radius of TPC
+      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcInnerWallThickness", tpc->innerWallThickness/dd4hep::mm  )  ;   // thickness of inner shell
+      gearTPC->setDoubleVal("tpcOuterWallThickness", tpc->outerWallThickness/dd4hep::mm  )  ;   // thickness of outer shell
       tpcDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearTPC, "TPCParameters" ) ) ;
-      //********************
+      //========= VXD ==============================================================================
+      DetElement vxdDE = lcdd.detector("VTX") ;
+      ZPlanarData* vxd = vxdDE.extension<ZPlanarData>() ;
+      //      ZPlanarParametersImpl (int type, double shellInnerRadius, double shellOuterRadius, double shellHalfLength, double shellGap, double shellRadLength)
+      int type =  gear::ZPlanarParameters::CMOS ;
+      gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl* gearVXD = new gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl( type, vxd->rInnerShell/dd4hep::mm,  vxd->rOuterShell/dd4hep::mm,
+									      vxd->zHalfShell/dd4hep::mm , vxd->gapShell/dd4hep::mm , 0.  ) ;
+      for(unsigned i=0,n=vxd->layers.size() ; i<n; ++i){
+	const DDRec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& l = vxd->layers[i] ;
+	// FIXME set rad lengths to 0 -> need to get from DD4hep ....
+	gearVXD->addLayer( l.ladderNumber, l.phi0, 
+			   l.distanceSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.offsetSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l. thicknessSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.zHalfSupport/dd4hep::mm,   l.widthSupport/dd4hep::mm,   0. , 
+			   l.distanceSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.offsetSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l. thicknessSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.zHalfSensitive/dd4hep::mm, l.widthSensitive/dd4hep::mm, 0. )  ;
+      }
+     vxdDE.addExtension< GearHandle >( new GearHandle( gearVXD, "ZPlanarParameters" ) ) ;
+     //============================================================================================
       // --- LCDD::apply() expects return code 1 if all went well ! ----
       return 1;