From 4211165df37ccf68bf4ef8b772a344a33cf75787 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andre Sailer <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 14:21:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Docs: fix texttt in mathmode

 doc/usermanuals/DD4hep/chapters/basics.tex | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/usermanuals/DD4hep/chapters/basics.tex b/doc/usermanuals/DD4hep/chapters/basics.tex
index db188543f..b3bac7660 100644
--- a/doc/usermanuals/DD4hep/chapters/basics.tex
+++ b/doc/usermanuals/DD4hep/chapters/basics.tex
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ The variable names used in the \texttt{XML} snippet are evaluated when interpret
 In the above code snippet an \texttt{XML} (sub-)tree is passed to the executing function as a handle to an \texttt{XML} element ({\texttt{xml\_h}}). Such handles may seamlessly be assigned to any supporting helper class inheriting from the class {\texttt{XML::Element}}, which encapsulates the functionality required to interpret the \texttt{XML} structures. Effectively the various \texttt{XML} attributes and child nodes are accessed using functions with the same name from a convenience handle. In lines 3-5 child nodes are extracted, lines 10-12,16 access element attributes.Element collections with the same tag names \texttt{layer} and \texttt{slice} are exposed to the client code using an iteration mechanism.
-Note the macros $\texttt{\_U(layer)}$ and $\texttt{\_U(slice)}$:  When using \texttt{Xerces-C} as an \texttt{XML} parser, it will expand to the reference to an object containing the unicode value of the string ``layer''. The full list of predefined tag names can be found in the include file \texttt{XML/UnicodeValues.h}. If a user tag is not part in the precompiled tag list, the corresponding Unicode string may be created with the macro \texttt{\_Unicode(layer)} or the function \texttt{Unicode(``layer'')}.
+Note the macros \texttt{\_U(layer)} and \texttt{\_U(slice)}:  When using \texttt{Xerces-C} as an \texttt{XML} parser, it will expand to the reference to an object containing the unicode value of the string ``layer''. The full list of predefined tag names can be found in the include file \texttt{XML/UnicodeValues.h}. If a user tag is not part in the precompiled tag list, the corresponding Unicode string may be created with the macro \texttt{\_Unicode(layer)} or the function \texttt{Unicode(``layer'')}.
 The convenience handles actually implement these functions to ease life. There is no magic - newly created attributes with new names obviously cannot be accessed with convenience mechanism. Hence, either you know what you are doing and you create your own convenience handlers or you restrict yourself a bit in the creativity of defining new attribute names.
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ DECLARE_DETELEMENT(CylindricalEndcapCalorimeter,create_detector);
 11--16 & Access the \texttt{dimension} child-element from the \texttt{XML} subtree, access the element's attributes and precompute values used later.\\
 17 & Retrieve a reference to the ``air'' material from \texttt{Detector}.\\
 18--19 & Construct the envelope volume shaped as a tube made out of air.\\
-24 & Now the detector can be built: We loop over all layers types and overeach layer type as often as necessary (attribute: repeat).The \texttt{XML} collection object will return all child elements of \texttt{x\_det}with a tag-name ``layer''.  Note the macro $\texttt{\_U(layer)}$: When using Xerces-C as an \texttt{XML} parser, it will expand to the reference to an object containing the unicode value of the string ``layer''. The full list of predefined tag names can be found in theinclude file \texttt{XML/UnicodeValues.h}.If a user tag is not part in the precompiled tag list, the corresponding Unicodestring may be created with the macro \texttt{\_Unicode(layer)} or \texttt{Unicode("layer")}.\\
+24 & Now the detector can be built: We loop over all layers types and overeach layer type as often as necessary (attribute: repeat).The \texttt{XML} collection object will return all child elements of \texttt{x\_det}with a tag-name ``layer''.  Note the macro \texttt{\_U(layer)}: When using Xerces-C as an \texttt{XML} parser, it will expand to the reference to an object containing the unicode value of the string ``layer''. The full list of predefined tag names can be found in theinclude file \texttt{XML/UnicodeValues.h}.If a user tag is not part in the precompiled tag list, the corresponding Unicodestring may be created with the macro \texttt{\_Unicode(layer)} or \texttt{Unicode("layer")}.\\
 25 & Convenience assignment to extract attributes of the layer element.\\
 26--28 & Compute total layer width.\\
 30 & Create \texttt{repeat} number of layers of the same type.\\