From 4e475c54b4993d1d67c51d7b2930a947fa5bb57f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marko Petric <>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 13:32:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] flake8 DDCore

 DDCore/python/          |   4 +-
 DDCore/python/ |  24 +-
 DDCore/python/     |  19 +-
 DDCore/python/            | 487 -------------------------------
 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 511 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 DDCore/python/

diff --git a/DDCore/python/ b/DDCore/python/
index 1177b14ca..f02a172c4 100644
--- a/DDCore/python/
+++ b/DDCore/python/
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
 # ==========================================================================
 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-from dd4hep_base import *
+from dd4hep_base import *  # noqa: F403
+import_units(__import__(__name__))  # noqa: F405
diff --git a/DDCore/python/ b/DDCore/python/
index 2cb18d098..13959f5ce 100755
--- a/DDCore/python/
+++ b/DDCore/python/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import os
 import sys
 import optparse
 import logging
+import errno
 from ddsix.moves import input
 from io import open
@@ -45,11 +46,11 @@ class ComponentDumper:
     file = open(fname, "r")
     lines = file.readlines()
     dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
-    for l in lines:
-      l = l[:-1]
-      if len(l) > 2 and (l[0:2] == '//' or l[0] == '#'):
+    for line in lines:
+      line = line[:-1]
+      if len(line) > 2 and (line[0:2] == '//' or line[0] == '#'):
-      lib, comp = l.split(':')
+      lib, comp = line.split(':')
       self.all_components.append([dirname + os.sep + lib, comp])
@@ -102,12 +103,12 @@ class ComponentDumper:
           ret = 'D'
           if interactive:
-              ret = input("<CR> to DUMP the list of components \n" +
-                          "<Q>  to QUIT                        \n" +
-                          "<D>  to DUMP the list of components \n" +
-                          "<S>  to SKIP this particular library\n" +
-                          "<L>  to no longer LOAD libraries    \n")
-            except Exception as X:
+              ret = input("%s%s%s%s" % ("<CR> to DUMP the list of components \n",
+                                        "<Q>  to QUIT                        \n",
+                                        "<D>  to DUMP the list of components \n",
+                                        "<S>  to SKIP this particular library\n",
+                                        "<L>  to no longer LOAD libraries    \n"))
+            except Exception:
               ret = 'D'
           if not len(ret):
             ret = 'D'
@@ -155,7 +156,6 @@ if not (opts.check or opts.dump or opts.load):
-  import ROOT
   from ROOT import gROOT
   from ROOT import gSystem
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ except ImportError as X:
-  import dd4hep
+  import dd4hep  # noqa: F401
 except ImportError as X:
   logger.error('dd4hep python interface not accessible: %s', str(X))
diff --git a/DDCore/python/ b/DDCore/python/
index 33bc4b5e1..f633524c7 100644
--- a/DDCore/python/
+++ b/DDCore/python/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def compileAClick(dictionary, g4=True):
   from ROOT import gInterpreter, gSystem
-  import sys
   import os.path
   dd4hep = os.environ['DD4hepINSTALL']
   inc = ' -I' + os.environ['ROOTSYS'] + '/include -I' + dd4hep + '/include '
@@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ def loaddd4hep():
   import sys
   # Add ROOT to the python path in case it is not yet there....
   sys.path.append(os.environ['ROOTSYS'] + os.sep + 'lib')
-  import ROOT
   from ROOT import gSystem
   import platform
@@ -258,7 +256,7 @@ import_detail()
 #  Calling import_units makes all the units local to the dd4hep module.
-  ###from ROOT import TGeoUnit as TGeoUnits
+  # from ROOT import TGeoUnit as TGeoUnits
   def import_units(ns=None):
     def import_unit(ns, nam):
       setattr(ns, nam, getattr(core, nam))
@@ -274,12 +272,13 @@ try:
         # Angle
         'radian', 'milliradian', 'degree', 'steradian', 'rad', 'mrad', 'sr', 'deg',
         # Time & frequency
-        'nanosecond', 'second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond', 'picosecond', 'hertz', 'kilohertz', 'megahertz', 'ns', 's', 'ms',
+        'nanosecond', 'second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond', 'picosecond', 'hertz',
+        'kilohertz', 'megahertz', 'ns', 's', 'ms',
         # Electric charge
         'eplus', 'e_SI', 'coulomb',
         # Energy
-        'electronvolt', 'kiloelectronvolt', 'megaelectronvolt', 'gigaelectronvolt', 'teraelectronvolt', 'petaelectronvolt',
-        'joule', 'eV', 'keV', 'MeV', 'GeV', 'TeV', 'PeV',
+        'electronvolt', 'kiloelectronvolt', 'megaelectronvolt', 'gigaelectronvolt', 'teraelectronvolt',
+        'petaelectronvolt', 'joule', 'eV', 'keV', 'MeV', 'GeV', 'TeV', 'PeV',
         # Mass
         'milligram', 'gram', 'kilogram', 'mg', 'g', 'kg',
         # Power, Force, Pressure
@@ -296,8 +295,8 @@ try:
         'candela', 'lumen', 'lux',
         # Misc
         'perCent', 'perThousand', 'perMillion', 'pi', 'twopi', 'halfpi', 'pi2',
-        'Avogadro', 'c_light', 'c_squared', 'h_Planck', 'hbar_Planck', 'hbarc', 'hbarc_squared', 'electron_charge', 'e_squared',
-        'electron_mass_c2', 'proton_mass_c2', 'neutron_mass_c2', 'amu_c2', 'amu', 'mu0', 'epsilon0',
+        'Avogadro', 'c_light', 'c_squared', 'h_Planck', 'hbar_Planck', 'hbarc', 'hbarc_squared', 'electron_charge',
+        'e_squared', 'electron_mass_c2', 'proton_mass_c2', 'neutron_mass_c2', 'amu_c2', 'amu', 'mu0', 'epsilon0',
         'elm_coupling', 'fine_structure_const', 'classic_electr_radius', 'electron_Compton_length', 'Bohr_radius',
         'alpha_rcl2', 'twopi_mc2_rcl2', 'k_Boltzmann', 'STP_Temperature', 'STP_Pressure',
@@ -310,8 +309,8 @@ try:
       if u[0] != '_':
         import_unit(ns, u)
     return len(items)
-  logger.warning('No units can be imported.')
+except Exception as e:
+  logger.warning('No units can be imported. %s' % str(e))
   def import_units(ns=None):
     return 0
diff --git a/DDCore/python/ b/DDCore/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e4f8ba31..000000000
--- a/DDCore/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
-# ==========================================================================
-#  AIDA Detector description implementation
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
-# All rights reserved.
-# For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
-# For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
-# ==========================================================================
-from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
-from math import cos, sin, pi, tan
-from os import path, listdir
-from functools import partial
-import g4units
-import math
-import logging
-from ddsix.moves import range
-from io import open
-from ROOT import SetOwnership, dd4hep, TGeoMixture, TGeoMedium, gGeoManager, TNamed
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-Detector = dd4hep.Geometry.Detector
-Constant = dd4hep.Geometry.Constant
-Material = dd4hep.Geometry.Material
-VisAttr = dd4hep.Geometry.VisAttr
-AlignmentEntry = dd4hep.Geometry.AlignmentEntry
-Limit = dd4hep.Geometry.Limit
-DetElement = dd4hep.Geometry.DetElement
-Box = dd4hep.Geometry.Box
-Tube = dd4hep.Geometry.Tube
-Trapezoid = dd4hep.Geometry.Trapezoid
-Volume = dd4hep.Geometry.Volume
-PlacedVolume = dd4hep.Geometry.PlacedVolume
-Position = dd4hep.Geometry.Position
-Rotation = dd4hep.Geometry.Rotation
-Handle = dd4hep.Geometry.Handle
-Readout = dd4hep.Geometry.Readout
-GridXYZ = dd4hep.Geometry.GridXYZ
-GlobalGridXY = dd4hep.Geometry.GlobalGridXY
-CartesianGridXY = dd4hep.Geometry.CartesianGridXY
-NoSegmentation = dd4hep.Geometry.NoSegmentation
-GridPhiEta = dd4hep.Geometry.GridPhiEta
-GridRPhiEta = dd4hep.Geometry.GridRPhiEta
-ProjectiveCylinder = dd4hep.Geometry.ProjectiveCylinder
-NonProjectiveCylinder = dd4hep.Geometry.NonProjectiveCylinder
-ProjectiveZPlane = dd4hep.Geometry.ProjectiveZPlane
-IDDescriptor = dd4hep.Geometry.IDDescriptor
-_toDictionary = dd4hep.Geometry._toDictionary
-unique_mat_id = 0x7FFEFEED
-current_xmlfile = None
-constants = {}
-drivers = {}
-# ---Enhancing the Element class with dedicated accessors--------------------------
-def _getInt(self, attrib): return int(eval(self.get(attrib).replace('(int)', ''), constants))
-def _getFloat(self, *attrib):
-  sval = self.get(attrib[0], None)
-  if not sval and len(attrib) > 1:
-    return attrib[1]
-  else:
-    return float(eval(sval.replace('(int)', ''), constants))
-def _getBool(self, attrib):
-  return self.get(attrib, '').lower() in ('true', 'yes', 'on')
-xml._ElementInterface.getI = _getInt
-xml._ElementInterface.getF = _getFloat
-xml._ElementInterface.getB = _getBool
- = property(lambda self: self.get('name'))
-xml._ElementInterface.type = property(lambda self: self.get('type'))
-xml._ElementInterface.vis = property(lambda self: self.get('vis'))
-xml._ElementInterface.ref = property(lambda self: self.get('ref'))
-xml._ElementInterface.value = property(lambda self: self.getF('value'))
-xml._ElementInterface.material = property(lambda self: self.get('material'))
-xml._ElementInterface.module = property(lambda self: self.get('module')) = property(lambda self: self.getI('id'))
-xml._ElementInterface.number = property(lambda self: self.getI('number'))
-xml._ElementInterface.x1 = property(lambda self: self.getF('x1'))
-xml._ElementInterface.x2 = property(lambda self: self.getF('x2'))
-xml._ElementInterface.x = property(lambda self: self.getF('x'))
-xml._ElementInterface.y = property(lambda self: self.getF('y'))
-xml._ElementInterface.z = property(lambda self: self.getF('z'))
-xml._ElementInterface.zstart = property(lambda self: self.getF('zstart'))
-xml._ElementInterface.offset = property(lambda self: self.getF('offset'))
-xml._ElementInterface.radius = property(lambda self: self.getF('radius'))
-xml._ElementInterface.zhalf = property(lambda self: self.getF('zhalf'))
-xml._ElementInterface.phi0 = property(lambda self: self.getF('phi0'))
-xml._ElementInterface.r = property(lambda self: self.getF('r')) = property(lambda self: self.getF('dz'))
-xml._ElementInterface.thickness = property(lambda self: self.getF('thickness'))
-xml._ElementInterface.length = property(lambda self: self.getF('length'))
-xml._ElementInterface.width = property(lambda self: self.getF('width'))
-xml._ElementInterface.inner_r = property(lambda self: self.getF('inner_r'))
-xml._ElementInterface.outer_r = property(lambda self: self.getF('outer_r'))
-xml._ElementInterface.z_length = property(lambda self: self.getF('z_length'))
-xml._ElementInterface.rmin = property(lambda self: self.getF('rmin'))
-xml._ElementInterface.rmax = property(lambda self: self.getF('rmax'))
-def getRotation(rot):
-  if rot is not None:
-    return Rotation(rot.getF('x', 0.0), rot.getF('y', 0.0), rot.getF('z', 0.0))
-  else:
-    return Rotation()
-def getPosition(pos):
-  if pos is not None:
-    return Position(pos.getF('x', 0.0), pos.getF('y', 0.0), pos.getF('z', 0.0))
-  else:
-    return Position()
-drivers['getRotation'] = getRotation
-drivers['getPosition'] = getPosition
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def load_drivers(*args):
-  if not args:
-    args = [path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'drivers')]
-  for arg in args:
-    if path.exists(arg):
-      if path.isfile(arg):
-"Loading driver file ... %s" % arg)
-        exec(compile(open(arg).read(), arg, 'exec'), drivers)
-      elif path.isdir(arg):
-        for f in listdir(arg):
-          if path.splitext(f)[1] == '.py':
-  "Loading driver file ... %s" % path.join(arg, f))
-            exec(compile(open(path.join(arg, f)).read(), path.join(arg, f), 'exec'), drivers)
-      else:
-        raise IOError("Path '%s' is not a directory or file" % arg)
-    else:
-      raise IOError("Path '%s' does not exists" % arg)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_xmlfile(description, file):
-  global current_xmlfile
-  file = file.replace('file:', '')
-  root = xml.parse(file).getroot()
-  last_xmlfile, current_xmlfile = current_xmlfile, file
-  tags = ('includes', 'define', 'materials', 'properties', 'limits', 'display',
-          'readouts', 'detectors', 'alignments', 'fields', 'sensitive_detectors')
-  if root.tag in tags:
-    process_tag(description, root)
-  else:
-    for tag in tags:
-      for e in root.findall(tag):
-        process_tag(description, e)
-  current_xmlfile = last_xmlfile
-def process_tag(description, elem):
-  if elem.tag == 'detectors':
-    description.init()  # call init before processing 'detectors' (need world volume)
-  procs = globals().get('process_%s' % elem.tag, None)
-  if not procs:
-    procs = drivers.get('process_%s' % elem.tag, None)
-  if procs:
-    procs(*(description, elem))
-  else:
-'XML tag %s not processed!!! No function found.' % elem.tag)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def fromXML(xmlfile):
-'Converting Compact file: %s', xmlfile)
-  description = Detector.getInstance()
-  # description.create()
-  process_xmlfile(description, xmlfile)
-  return description
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_includes(description, elem):
-  for c in elem.findall('gdmlFile'):
-'Adding Gdml file ... %s', c.get('ref'))
-    fname = c.get('ref').replace('file:', '')
-    if not path.isabs(fname):
-      fname = path.join(path.dirname(current_xmlfile), fname)
-    process_xmlfile(description, fname)
-  for c in elem.findall('pyBuilder'):
-'Adding PyBuilder ... %s', c.get('ref'))
-    fname = c.get('ref')
-    if not path.isabs(fname):
-      fname = path.join(path.dirname(current_xmlfile), fname)
-    load_drivers(fname)
-  for c in elem.findall('alignment'):
-'Adding Alignment file ... %s', c.get('ref'))
-    fname = c.get('ref').replace('file:', '')
-    if not path.isabs(fname):
-      fname = path.join(path.dirname(current_xmlfile), fname)
-    process_xmlfile(description, fname)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_info(description, elem):
-  pass
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_define(description, elem):
-  for c in elem.findall('constant'):
-    description.addConstant(Constant(c.get('name'), c.get('value')))
-    _toDictionary(c.get('name'), c.get('value'))  # -- Make it known to the evaluator
-    constants[c.get('name')] = c.getF('value')
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_element(description, elem):
-  ename = elem.get('name')
-  tab = gGeoManager.GetElementTable()
-  element = tab.FindElement(ename)
-  if not element:
-    atom = elem.find('atom')
-    tab.AddElement(atom.get('name'), atom.get('formula'), atom.getI('Z'), atom.getI('value'))
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_materials(description, elem):
-  for m in elem.findall('material'):
-    process_material(description, m)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# <material formula="Ac" name="Actinium" state="solid" >
-#  <RL type="X0" unit="cm" value="0.601558" />
-#  <NIL type="lambda" unit="cm" value="21.2048" />
-#  <D type="density" unit="g/cm3" value="10.07" />
-#  <composite n="1" ref="Ac" />
-# </material>
-# <material name="G10">
-#  <D type="density" value="1.7" unit="g/cm3"/>
-#  <fraction n="0.08" ref="Cl"/>
-#  <fraction n="0.773" ref="Quartz"/>
-#  <fraction n="0.147" ref="Epoxy"/>
-# </material>
-def process_material(description, m):
-  density = m.find('D')
-  radlen = m.find('RL')
-  intlen = m.find('NIL')
-  composites = m.findall('fraction') or m.findall('composite')
-  table = gGeoManager.GetElementTable()
-  mat = gGeoManager.GetMaterial(
-  if not mat:
-    mat = TGeoMixture(, len(composites), eval(density.get(
-        'value') + '*' + density.get('unit') + '/(g/cm3)', constants))
-    SetOwnership(mat, False)
-  rl = (radlen is not None) and eval(radlen.get('value') + '*' + radlen.get('unit'), constants) or 0.0
-  il = (intlen is not None) and eval(intlen.get('value') + '*' + intlen.get('unit'), constants) or 0.0
-  #mat.SetRadLen(-rl, -il)
-  elts = [mat.GetElement(i).GetName() for i in range(mat.GetNelements())]
-  for c in composites:
-    nam = c.ref
-    if nam not in elts:
-      if c.tag == 'composite':
-        fraction = c.getI('n')
-      elif c.tag == 'fraction':
-        fraction = c.getF('n')
-      if table.FindElement(nam):
-        mat.AddElement(table.FindElement(nam), fraction)
-      elif gGeoManager.GetMaterial(nam):
-        mat.AddElement(gGeoManager.GetMaterial(nam), fraction)
-      else:
-        raise NameError('Something going very wrong. Undefined material:' + nam)
-  medium = gGeoManager.GetMedium(
-  if not medium:
-    global unique_mat_id
-    unique_mat_id = unique_mat_id - 1
-    medium = TGeoMedium(, unique_mat_id, mat)
-    SetOwnership(medium, False)
-    medium.SetTitle('material')
-    medium.SetUniqueID(unique_mat_id)
-  description.addMaterial(Handle(medium))
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_display(description, elem):
-  for v in elem.findall('vis'):
-    visattr = VisAttr(
-    r, g, b = 1., 1., 1.
-    if 'r' in list(v.keys()):
-      r = v.getF('r')
-    if 'g' in list(v.keys()):
-      g = v.getF('g')
-    if 'b' in list(v.keys()):
-      b = v.getF('b')
-    visattr.setColor(r, g, b)
-    if 'showDaughters' in list(v.keys()):
-      visattr.setShowDaughters(v.getB('showDaughters'))
-    if 'visible' in list(v.keys()):
-      visattr.setVisible(v.getB('visible'))
-    if 'alpha' in list(v.keys()):
-      visattr.setAlpha(v.getF('alpha'))
-    if 'lineStyle' in list(v.keys()):
-      ls = v.get('lineStyle')
-      if ls == 'unbroken':
-        visattr.setLineStyle(VisAttr.SOLID)
-      if ls == 'broken':
-        visattr.setLineStyle(VisAttr.DASHED)
-    else:
-      visattr.setLineStyle(VisAttr.SOLID)
-    if 'drawingStyle' in list(v.keys()):
-      ds = v.get('drawingStyle')
-      if ds == 'wireframe':
-        visattr.setDrawingStyle(VisAttr.WIREFRAME)
-    description.addVisAttribute(visattr)
-def process_limits(description, elem):
-  # <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm" />
-  for l in elem.findall('limit'):
-    limit = Limit(description.document(), l.get('name'))
-    limit.setParticles(l.get('particles'))
-    limit.setValue(l.getF('value'))
-    limit.setUnit(l.get('unit'))
-    description.addLimit(limit)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_detectors(description, elem):
-  for d in elem.findall('detector'):
-    procs = drivers.get('detector_%s' % d.get('type'), None)
-    if procs:
-      detector = procs(*(description, d))
-      description.addDetector(detector)
-    else:
-'Detector type %s not found' % d.get('type'))
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_alignments(description, elem):
-  for a in elem.findall('alignment'):
-    process_alignment(description, a)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_alignment(description, elem):
-  alignment = AlignmentEntry(description,
-  pos = getPosition(elem.find('position'))
-  rot = getRotation(elem.find('rotation'))
-"%s %s", pos.isNull(), rot.isNull())
-  alignment.align(pos, rot)
-  return alignment
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_readouts(description, elem):
-  for a in elem.findall('readout'):
-    process_readout(description, a)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def process_readout(description, elem):
-  readout = Readout(
-  seg = elem.find('segmentation')
-  if seg is not None:
-    procs = globals().get('create_%s' % seg.get('type'), None)
-    if not procs:
-      procs = drivers.get('create_%s' % seg.get('type'), None)
-    if procs:
-      segment = procs(*(description, seg))
-      readout.setSegmentation(segment)
-    else:
-'Segmentation type %s not found' % seg.get('type'))
-  id = elem.find('id')
-  if id is not None:
-    idSpec = IDDescriptor(id.text)
-    idSpec.SetName(
-    readout.setIDDescriptor(idSpec)
-    description.addIDSpecification(idSpec)
-  description.addReadout(readout)
-# ---Segmentations--------------------------------------------------------------------
-def create_GridXYZ(description, elem):
-  obj = GridXYZ()
-  if 'gridSizeX' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeX(elem.getF('gridSizeX'))
-  if 'gridSizeY' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeY(elem.getF('gridSizeY'))
-  if 'gridSizeZ' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeZ(elem.getF('gridSizeZ'))
-  return obj
-def create_GlobalGridXY(description, elem):
-  obj = GlobalGridXY()
-  if 'gridSizeX' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeX(elem.getF('gridSizeX'))
-  if 'gridSizeY' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeY(elem.getF('gridSizeY'))
-  return obj
-def create_CartesianGridXY(description, elem):
-  obj = CartesianGridXY()
-  if 'gridSizeX' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeX(elem.getF('gridSizeX'))
-  if 'gridSizeY' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeY(elem.getF('gridSizeY'))
-  return obj
-def create_NoSegmentation(description, elem):
-  obj = NoSegmentation()
-  return obj
-def create_ProjectiveCylinder(description, elem):
-  obj = ProjectiveCylinder()
-  if 'phiBins' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setPhiBins(elem.getI('phiBins'))
-  if 'thetaBins' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setThetaBins(elem.getI('thetaBins'))
-  return obj
-def create_NonProjectiveCylinder(description, elem):
-  obj = NonProjectiveCylinder()
-  if 'gridSizePhi' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setThetaBinSize(elem.getF('gridSizePhi'))
-  if 'gridSizeZ' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setPhiBinSize(elem.getI('gridSizeZ'))
-  return obj
-def create_ProjectiveZPlane(description, elem):
-  obj = ProjectiveZPlaner()
-  if 'phiBins' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setPhiBins(elem.getI('phiBins'))
-  if 'thetaBins' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setThetaBins(elem.getI('thetaBins'))
-  return obj
-def create_GridPhiEta(description, elem):
-  obj = GridPhiEta()
-  if 'phiBins' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setPhiBins(elem.getI('phiBins'))
-  if 'gridSizeEta' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeEta(elem.getI('gridSizeEta'))
-  return obj
-def create_GridRPhiEta(description, elem):
-  obj = GridRPhiEta()
-  if 'phiBins' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setPhiBins(elem.getI('gridSizeR'))
-  if 'gridSizeEta' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeEta(elem.getI('gridSizeEta'))
-  if 'gridSizeR' in list(elem.keys()):
-    obj.setGridSizeR(elem.getI('gridSizeR'))
-  return obj