diff --git a/examples/DDCAD/compact/DD4hep_Issue_1134.xml b/examples/DDCAD/compact/DD4hep_Issue_1134.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fce01b072096a3725d050e8f8dfaaeb0f1523d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/DDCAD/compact/DD4hep_Issue_1134.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<!-- #==========================================================================
+     #  AIDA Detector description implementation 
+     #==========================================================================
+     # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+     # All rights reserved.
+     #
+     # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+     # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+     #
+     #==========================================================================
+  <includes>
+    <gdmlFile ref="../../ClientTests/compact/CheckShape.xml"/>
+  </includes>
+  <define>
+    <constant name="tracker_region_zmax" value="10*m"/>
+    <constant name="tracker_region_rmax" value="5*m"/>
+  </define>
+  <detectors>
+    <detector id="1" name="Shape_STL" type="DD4hep_TestShape_Creator">
+      <check>
+	<!-- If you supply materials and visualisation attributes to the shape:
+	     1) The material attribute in the <shape/> element will be applied 
+	        to all sub-volumes without an explicit material attribute in the 
+   	        <volume/> element.
+	     2) dto. the material cchild in the <shape/> element.
+	     3) The material attribute in the <volume/> element applies 
+	        ONLY to the volume specified. This allows to specify a separate 
+                material for each sub-volume in multi-volume CADs.
+             4) The vis attribute in the  <volume/> element applies 
+	        ONLY to the volume specified. The name identifies a dd4hep vis object.
+        -->
+        <shape type="CAD_MultiVolume"
+	       ref="${DD4hepExamplesINSTALL}/examples/DDCAD/models/STL/DD4hep_Issue_1134.stl"
+	       unit="cm"
+	       material="Iron">
+	  <volume id="0" name="s1" vis="Shape3_vis" material="Gold"/>
+        </shape>
+      </check>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
diff --git a/examples/DDCAD/models/STL/DD4hep_Issue_1134.stl b/examples/DDCAD/models/STL/DD4hep_Issue_1134.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c35bfa552d612533f7c3c0b1d9363e9a9444f329
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/DDCAD/models/STL/DD4hep_Issue_1134.stl differ
diff --git a/examples/DDCAD/scripts/DD4hep_Issue_1134.py b/examples/DDCAD/scripts/DD4hep_Issue_1134.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..761b9e2f49187be80360f03e717372e9f363f94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/DDCAD/scripts/DD4hep_Issue_1134.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# ==========================================================================
+#  AIDA Detector description implementation
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+# All rights reserved.
+# For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+# For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+# ==========================================================================
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+import os
+import time
+import DDG4
+from DDG4 import OutputLevel as Output
+from g4units import GeV, MeV, m
+   dd4hep simulation example setup using the python configuration
+   @author  M.Frank
+   @version 1.0
+def run():
+  args = DDG4.CommandLine()
+  kernel = DDG4.Kernel()
+  install_dir = os.environ['DD4hepExamplesINSTALL']
+  kernel.loadGeometry(str("file:" + install_dir + "/examples/DDCAD/compact/DD4hep_Issue_1134.xml"))
+  DDG4.importConstants(kernel.detectorDescription(), debug=False)
+  geant4 = DDG4.Geant4(kernel, tracker='Geant4TrackerCombineAction')
+  geant4.printDetectors()
+  # Configure UI
+  if args.macro:
+    ui = geant4.setupCshUI(macro=args.macro)
+  else:
+    ui = geant4.setupCshUI()
+  if args.batch:
+    ui.Commands = ['/run/beamOn ' + str(args.events), '/ddg4/UI/terminate']
+  # Configure field
+  geant4.setupTrackingField(prt=True)
+  # Configure Event actions
+  prt = DDG4.EventAction(kernel, 'Geant4ParticlePrint/ParticlePrint')
+  prt.OutputLevel = Output.DEBUG
+  prt.OutputType = 3  # Print both: table and tree
+  kernel.eventAction().adopt(prt)
+  # Configure G4 geometry setup
+  seq, act = geant4.addDetectorConstruction("Geant4DetectorGeometryConstruction/ConstructGeo")
+  act.DebugVolumes = True
+  act.DebugShapes = True
+  seq, act = geant4.addDetectorConstruction("Geant4DetectorSensitivesConstruction/ConstructSD")
+  # Configure I/O
+  geant4.setupROOTOutput('RootOutput', 'DD4hep_Issue_1134_' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M'))
+  # Setup particle gun
+  gun = geant4.setupGun("Gun", particle='e+', energy=20 * GeV, multiplicity=1)
+  # Now build the physics list:
+  phys = geant4.setupPhysics('QGSP_BERT')
+  ph = DDG4.PhysicsList(kernel, str('Geant4PhysicsList/Myphysics'))
+  ph.addParticleConstructor(str('G4Geantino'))
+  ph.enableUI()
+  phys.adopt(ph)
+  geant4.execute()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  run()