diff --git a/DDRec/include/DDRec/MaterialManager.h b/DDRec/include/DDRec/MaterialManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5626dd2d182071f73359fa127357ea8932b0d808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDRec/include/DDRec/MaterialManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#ifndef DDRec_MaterialManager_H_
+#define DDRec_MaterialManager_H_
+#include "DD4hep/Objects.h"
+#include "DDSurfaces/Vector3D.h"
+#include <vector>
+class TGeoManager ;
+namespace DD4hep {
+  namespace DDRec {
+    typedef Geometry::Material Material ;
+    typedef std::vector< std::pair< Material, double > > MaterialVec ;
+    /** Material manager provides access to the material properties of the detector.
+     *  Material can be accessed either for a given point or as a list of materials along a straight
+     *  line between two points.
+     *
+     * @author F.Gaede, DESY
+     * @date May, 19 2014
+     * @version $Id:$
+     */
+    class MaterialManager {
+    public:
+      MaterialManager();
+      ~MaterialManager();
+      /** Get a vector with all the materials between the two points p0 and p1 with the corresponding thicknesses -
+       *  element type is  std::pair< Material, double >.
+       */
+      const MaterialVec& materials(const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& p0, const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& p1 ) ;
+      /** Get the material at the given position
+       */
+      const Material& material(const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& pos );
+    protected :
+      //cached materials
+      MaterialVec  _mV ;
+      Material _m ;
+      // cached last points
+      DDSurfaces::Vector3D _p0 , _p1, _pos ;
+      TGeoManager* _tgeoMgr ;
+    };
+    /// dump Material operator 
+    inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os , const Material& m ) {
+      os << "  " << m.name() << " Z: " << m.Z() << " A: " << m.A() << " densitiy: " << m.density() << " radiationLength: " <<  m.radLength() 
+	 << " interactionLength: " << m.intLength() ;
+      return os ;
+    }
+    /// dump MaterialVec operator 
+    inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os , const MaterialVec& m ) {
+      for( unsigned i=0,n=m.size() ; i<n ; ++i ) {
+	os << "  material: " << m[i].first << "  thickness  : " << m[i].second << std::endl ; 
+      }
+      return os ;
+    }
+  } /* namespace DDRec */
+} /* namespace DD4hep */
+#endif // DDRec_MaterialManager_H_
diff --git a/DDRec/src/MaterialManager.cpp b/DDRec/src/MaterialManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef115088d15ec35af952fb053f75653ffa75ba25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDRec/src/MaterialManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#include "DDRec/MaterialManager.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Exceptions.h"
+#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
+#include "TGeoVolume.h"
+#include "TGeoManager.h"
+#include "TGeoNode.h"
+#include "TVirtualGeoTrack.h"
+#define MINSTEP 1.e-5
+namespace DD4hep {
+  namespace DDRec {
+    MaterialManager::MaterialManager() : _mV(0), _m( Material() ), _p0(),_p1(),_pos() {
+      _tgeoMgr = Geometry::LCDD::getInstance().world().volume()->GetGeoManager();
+   }
+    MaterialManager::~MaterialManager(){
+    }
+    const MaterialVec&MaterialManager:: materials(const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& p0, const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& p1 ) {
+      if( ( p0 != _p0 ) && ( p1 != _p1 ) ) {
+	//---------------------------------------	
+	_mV.clear() ;
+	//
+	// algorithm copied from TGeoGearDistanceProperties.cc :
+	// 
+	double startpoint[3], endpoint[3], direction[3];
+	double L=0;
+	for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+	  startpoint[i] = p0[i];
+	  endpoint[i]   = p1[i];
+	  direction[i] = endpoint[i] - startpoint[i];
+	  L+=direction[i]*direction[i];
+	}
+	double totDist = sqrt( L ) ;
+	//normalize direction
+	for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
+	  direction[i]=direction[i]/sqrt(L);
+	_tgeoMgr->AddTrack(0,12);
+	TGeoNode *node1 = _tgeoMgr->InitTrack(startpoint, direction);
+	//check if there is a node at startpoint
+	if(!node1)
+	  throw std::runtime_error("No geometry node found at given location. Either there is no node placed here or position is outside of top volume.");
+	while ( !_tgeoMgr->IsOutside() )  {
+	  TGeoNode *node2;
+	  TVirtualGeoTrack *track; 
+	  node2 = _tgeoMgr->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(500, 1) ;
+	  if(!node2 || _tgeoMgr->IsOutside())
+	    break;
+	  const double *position =(double*) _tgeoMgr->GetCurrentPoint();
+	  const double *previouspos =(double*) _tgeoMgr->GetLastPoint();
+	  double length=_tgeoMgr->GetStep();
+	  track = _tgeoMgr->GetLastTrack();
+	  //protection against infinitive loop in root which should not happen, but well it does...
+	  //work around until solution within root can be found when the step gets very small e.g. 1e-10
+	  //and the next boundary is never reached
+	  if(length<MINSTEP) {
+	    _tgeoMgr->SetCurrentPoint(position[0]+MINSTEP*direction[0], position[1]+MINSTEP*direction[1], position[2]+MINSTEP*direction[2]);
+	    length=_tgeoMgr->GetStep();
+	    node2 = _tgeoMgr->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(500, 1) ;
+	    //fg: need to update positions as well !?
+	    position = (const double*) _tgeoMgr->GetCurrentPoint();
+	    previouspos = (const double*) _tgeoMgr->GetLastPoint();
+	  }
+	  //	printf( " --  step length :  %1.8e %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   - %s \n" , length ,
+	  //		position[0], position[1], position[2], previouspos[0], previouspos[1], previouspos[2] , node1->GetMedium()->GetMaterial()->GetName() ) ;
+	  DDSurfaces::Vector3D posV( position ) ;
+	  double currDistance = ( posV - p0 ).r() ;
+	  // //if the next boundary is further than end point
+	  //  if(fabs(position[0])>fabs(endpoint[0]) || fabs(position[1])>fabs(endpoint[1]) 
+	  //  || fabs(position[2])>fabs(endpoint[2]))
+	  //if we travelled too far:
+	  if( currDistance > totDist  ) {
+	    length=sqrt(pow(endpoint[0]-previouspos[0],2)
+			+pow(endpoint[1]-previouspos[1],2)
+			+pow(endpoint[2]-previouspos[2],2));
+	    track->AddPoint(endpoint[0], endpoint[1], endpoint[2], 0.);
+	    _mV.push_back( std::make_pair( Material( node1->GetMedium() ) , length )  ) ; 
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  track->AddPoint(position[0], position[1], position[2], 0.);
+	  _mV.push_back( std::make_pair( Material( node1->GetMedium() ), length  )  ) ; 
+	  node1=node2;
+	}
+	_tgeoMgr->ClearTracks();
+	_tgeoMgr->CleanGarbage();
+	//---------------------------------------	
+	_p0 = p0 ;
+	_p1 = p1 ;
+      }
+      return _mV ; ;
+    }
+    const Geometry::Material& MaterialManager::material(const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& pos ){
+      if( pos != _pos ) {
+	TGeoNode *node=_tgeoMgr->FindNode( pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] ) ;
+	if( ! node ) {
+	  std::stringstream err ;
+	  err << " MaterialManager::material: No geometry node found at location: " << pos ;
+	  throw std::runtime_error( err.str() );
+	}
+	//	std::cout << " @@@ MaterialManager::material @ " << pos << " found volume : " << node->GetName() << std::endl ;
+	_m = Material( node->GetMedium() ) ;
+	_pos = pos ;
+      }
+      return _m ; ;
+    }
+  } /* namespace DDRec */
+} /* namespace DD4hep */
diff --git a/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp b/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp
index a386b8aa3656d1d68198ebb4154a3c660e17d3b7..a11ddc34408abbf604a3a655a933cb564a15fc22 100644
--- a/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp
+++ b/DDRec/src/Surface.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #include "DDRec/Surface.h"
 #include "DD4hep/objects/DetectorInterna.h"
+#include "DDRec/MaterialManager.h"
 #include <math.h>
 #include <memory>
 #include <exception>
@@ -223,6 +225,18 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 	//        neeed averaged material in case of several volumes...
 	//	_volSurf.setInnerMaterial( _volSurf.volume().material() ) ;
+	MaterialManager matMgr ;
+	Vector3D p = _o - innerThickness() * _n  ;
+	const MaterialVec& materials = matMgr.materials( _o , p  ) ;
+	// std::cout << " ####### found materials between points : " << _o << " and " << p << " : " ;
+	// for( unsigned i=0,n=materials.size();i<n;++i){
+	//   std::cout <<  materials[i].first.name() << "[" <<   materials[i].second << "], " ;
+	// }
+	// std::cout << std::endl ;
+	//std::cout <<  "  #### material at origin : " << matMgr.material( _o ).name() <<  " material at endpoint : " <<    matMgr.material( p ).name() << std::endl ;
 	mat = _volSurf.volume().material() ;
 	//	std::cout << "  **** Surface::innerMaterial() - assigning volume material to surface : " << mat.name() << std::endl ;
@@ -243,7 +257,7 @@ namespace DD4hep {
 	mat  =  _volSurf.volume().material() ;
- 	//std::cout << "  **** Surface::outerMaterial() - assigning volume material to surface : " << mat.name() << std::endl ;
+	// 	std::cout << "  **** Surface::outerMaterial() - assigning volume material to surface : " << mat.name() << std::endl ;
       return  _volSurf.outerMaterial()  ;
@@ -631,184 +645,6 @@ namespace DD4hep {
-    // //===================================================================================================================
-    // std::vector< Vector3D > Surface::getVertices(unsigned nMax) {
-    //   const static double epsilon = 1e-6 ; 
-    //   std::vector< Vector3D > _vert ;
-    //   // get local and global surface vectors
-    //   const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& lu = _volSurf.u() ;
-    //   const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& lv = _volSurf.v() ;
-    //   const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& ln = _volSurf.normal() ;
-    //   const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& lo = _volSurf.origin() ;
-    //   Volume vol = volume() ; 
-    //   const TGeoShape* shape = vol->GetShape() ;
-    //   if( type().isPlane() ) {
-    // 	if( shape->IsA() == TGeoBBox::Class() ) {
-    // 	  TGeoBBox* box = ( TGeoBBox* ) shape  ;
-    // 	  DDSurfaces::Vector3D boxDim(  box->GetDX() , box->GetDY() , box->GetDZ() ) ;  
-    // 	  bool isYZ = std::fabs(  ln.x() - 1.0 ) < epsilon  ; // normal parallel to x
-    // 	  bool isXZ = std::fabs(  ln.y() - 1.0 ) < epsilon  ; // normal parallel to y
-    // 	  bool isXY = std::fabs(  ln.z() - 1.0 ) < epsilon  ; // normal parallel to z
-    // 	  if( isYZ || isXZ || isXY ) {  // plane is parallel to one of the box' sides -> need 4 vertices from box dimensions
-    // 	    // if isYZ :
-    // 	    unsigned uidx = 1 ;
-    // 	    unsigned vidx = 2 ;
-    // 	    DDSurfaces::Vector3D ubl(  0., 1., 0. ) ; 
-    // 	    DDSurfaces::Vector3D vbl(  0., 0., 1. ) ;
-    // 	    if( isXZ ) {
-    // 	      ubl.fill( 1., 0., 0. ) ;
-    // 	      vbl.fill( 0., 0., 1. ) ;
-    // 	      uidx = 0 ;
-    // 	      vidx = 2 ;
-    // 	    } else if( isXY ) {
-    // 	      ubl.fill( 1., 0., 0. ) ;
-    // 	      vbl.fill( 0., 1., 0. ) ;
-    // 	      uidx = 0 ;
-    // 	      vidx = 1 ;
-    // 	    }
-    // 	    DDSurfaces::Vector3D ub ;
-    // 	    DDSurfaces::Vector3D vb ;
-    // 	    _wtM->LocalToMasterVect( ubl , ub.array() ) ;
-    // 	    _wtM->LocalToMasterVect( vbl , vb.array() ) ;
-    // 	    _vert.resize(4) ;
-    // 	    _vert[0] = _o + boxDim[ uidx ] * ub  + boxDim[ vidx ] * vb ;
-    // 	    _vert[1] = _o - boxDim[ uidx ] * ub  + boxDim[ vidx ] * vb ;
-    // 	    _vert[2] = _o - boxDim[ uidx ] * ub  - boxDim[ vidx ] * vb ;
-    // 	    _vert[3] = _o + boxDim[ uidx ] * ub  - boxDim[ vidx ] * vb ;
-    // 	    return _vert ;
-    // 	  }	    
-    // 	}
-    // 	// ===== default for arbitrary planes in arbitrary shapes ================= 
-    // 	// We create nMax vertices by rotating the local u vector around the normal
-    // 	// and checking the distance to the volume boundary in that direction.
-    // 	// This is brute force and not very smart, as many points are created on straight 
-    // 	// lines and the edges are still rounded. 
-    // 	// The alterative would be to compute the true intersections a plane and the most
-    // 	// common shapes - at least for boxes that should be not too hard. To be done...
-    // 	_vert.resize( nMax ) ;
-    // 	double dAlpha =  2.* ROOT::Math::Pi() / double( nMax ) ; 
-    // 	TVector3 normal( ln.x() , ln.y() , ln.z() ) ;
-    // 	for(unsigned i=0 ; i< nMax ; ++i ){ 
-    // 	  double alpha = double(i) * dAlpha ;
-    // 	  TVector3 vec( lu.x() , lu.y() , lu.z() ) ;
-    // 	  TRotation rot ;
-    // 	  rot.Rotate( alpha , normal );
-    // 	  TVector3 vecR = rot * vec ;
-    // 	  DDSurfaces::Vector3D luRot ;
-    // 	  luRot.fill( vecR ) ;
-    // 	  double dist = shape->DistFromInside( lo.const_array() , luRot.const_array()  , 3, 0.1 ) ;
-    // 	  // local point at volume boundary
-    // 	  DDSurfaces::Vector3D lp = lo + dist * luRot ;
-    // 	  DDSurfaces::Vector3D gp ;
-    // 	  _wtM->LocalToMaster( lp , gp.array() ) ;
-    // 	  //	  std::cout << " **** normal:" << ln << " lu:" << lu  << " alpha:" << alpha << " luRot:" << luRot << " lp :" << lp  << " gp:" << gp << std::endl;
-    // 	  _vert[i] = gp ;
-    // 	}
-    //   } else if( type().isCylinder() ) {  
-    // 	//	if( shape->IsA() == TGeoTube::Class() ) {
-    // 	if( shape->IsA() == TGeoConeSeg::Class() ) {
-    // 	  _vert.resize( nMax ) ;
-    // 	  TGeoTube* tube = ( TGeoTube* ) shape  ;
-    // 	  double zHalf = tube->GetDZ() ;
-    // 	  Vector3D zv( 0. , 0. , zHalf ) ;
-    // 	  double r = lo.rho() ;
-    // 	  unsigned n = nMax / 4 ;
-    // 	  n = 8 ;
-    // 	  double dPhi = 2.* ROOT::Math::Pi() / double( n ) ; 
-    // 	  for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i ) {
-    // 	    Vector3D rv0(  r*sin(  i   *dPhi ) , r*cos(  i   *dPhi )  , 0. ) ;
-    // 	    Vector3D rv1(  r*sin( (i+1)*dPhi ) , r*cos( (i+1)*dPhi )  , 0. ) ;
-    // 	    // 4 points on local cylinder
-    // 	    Vector3D pl0 =  zv + rv0 ;
-    // 	    Vector3D pl1 =  zv + rv1 ;
-    // 	    Vector3D pl2 = -zv + rv1  ;
-    // 	    Vector3D pl3 = -zv + rv0 ;
-    // 	    Vector3D pg0,pg1,pg2,pg3 ;
-    // 	    _wtM->LocalToMaster( pl0, pg0.array() ) ;
-    // 	    _wtM->LocalToMaster( pl1, pg1.array() ) ;
-    // 	    _wtM->LocalToMaster( pl2, pg2.array() ) ;
-    // 	    _wtM->LocalToMaster( pl3, pg3.array() ) ;
-    // 	    _vert[ i*5     ] = pg0 ;
-    // 	    _vert[ i*5 + 1 ] = pg1 ;
-    // 	    _vert[ i*5 + 2 ] = pg2 ;
-    // 	    _vert[ i*5 + 3 ] = pg3 ;
-    // 	    _vert[ i*5 + 3 ] = pg0 ;
-    // 	  }
-    // 	}
-    //   }
-    //   return _vert ;
-    // }
-    //===================================================================================================================
-    // double CylinderSurfaceSurface::radius() const {
-    //   return _volSurf.origin().rho() ;
-    // }
-    // //===================================================================================================================
   } // namespace
 } // namespace
diff --git a/UtilityApps/CMakeLists.txt b/UtilityApps/CMakeLists.txt
index 81a86d25279c452b8ec227589af6f59b2eb32110..ab578f37c6f1dd361f84ec59335e70f185410115 100644
--- a/UtilityApps/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/UtilityApps/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ target_link_libraries(geoConverter DD4hepCore)
 add_executable(geoPluginRun src/plugin_runner.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(geoPluginRun DD4hepCore)
+add_executable( print_materials src/print_materials.cc)
+target_link_libraries(print_materials DD4hepCore DD4hepRec)
 root_generate_dictionary( G__teve src/EvNavHandler.h LINKDEF src/LinkDef.h)
@@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ target_link_libraries( teveDisplay DD4hepCore ${ROOT_EVE_LIBRARIES} DD4hepRec ${
 #--- install target-------------------------------------
-install(TARGETS geoDisplay geoConverter geoPluginRun teveDisplay
+install(TARGETS geoDisplay geoConverter geoPluginRun teveDisplay print_materials
diff --git a/UtilityApps/src/print_materials.cc b/UtilityApps/src/print_materials.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a8a0c74de7a8b5525ec3caac888992c151b2b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UtilityApps/src/print_materials.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// $Id:$
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
+//  Simple program to print all the materials in a detector on
+//  a straight line between two given points
+//  Author     : F.Gaede, DESY
+#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
+#include "DD4hep/TGeoUnits.h"
+#include "DDRec/MaterialManager.h"
+using namespace std ;
+using namespace DD4hep ;
+using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
+using namespace DD4hep::DDRec;
+using namespace DDSurfaces ;
+using namespace tgeo ;
+int main(int argc, char** argv ){
+  if( argc != 8 ) {
+    std::cout << " usage: print_materials compact.xml x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1 " << std::endl 
+	      << "        -> prints the materials on a straight line between the two given points ( unit is cm) "  ;
+    exit(1) ;
+  }
+  std::string inFile =  argv[1] ;
+  std::stringstream sstr ;
+  sstr << argv[2] << " " << argv[3] << " " << argv[4] << " " << argv[5] << " " << argv[6] << " " << argv[7] ;
+  double x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1 ;
+  sstr >> x0 ;
+  sstr >> y0 ;
+  sstr >> z0 ;
+  sstr >> x1 ;
+  sstr >> y1 ;
+  sstr >> z1 ;
+  LCDD& lcdd = LCDD::getInstance();
+  lcdd.fromCompact( inFile );
+  Vector3D p0( x0, y0, z0 ) ;
+  Vector3D p1( x1, y1, z1 ) ;
+  MaterialManager matMgr ;
+  const MaterialVec& materials = matMgr.materials( p0 , p1  ) ;
+  std::cout  << std::endl  << " #######  materials between the two  points : " << p0 << "*cm  and " << p1 << "*cm :  "  << std::endl ;
+  for( unsigned i=0,n=materials.size();i<n;++i){
+    std::cout <<  "      " << materials[i].first << "  \t  thickness: " <<   materials[i].second / tgeo::mm << " mm " << std::endl ;
+  }
+  std::cout << "############################################################################### "  << std::endl  << std::endl  ;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ILDExSimu/src/test_surfaces.cc b/examples/ILDExSimu/src/test_surfaces.cc
index e5b79cce60223e9b28667f938f01dd3c984d3b7d..c98e6da1716bb1ea77ff837e810651688dbaaffa 100644
--- a/examples/ILDExSimu/src/test_surfaces.cc
+++ b/examples/ILDExSimu/src/test_surfaces.cc
@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv ){
 	if( surf != 0 ){
+	  //	  std::cout << " found surface " <<  *surf << std::endl ;
 	  Vector3D point( sHit->getPosition()[0]* tgeo::mm , sHit->getPosition()[1]* tgeo::mm ,  sHit->getPosition()[2]* tgeo::mm ) ;
 	  double dist = surf->distance( point ) ;