diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimShowerModel.inl.h b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimShowerModel.inl.h
index cb461c21063baa7850da6cd73a69a15374750148..7faea69cdd98db7b664b84fe9b65dd7e621b6418 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimShowerModel.inl.h
+++ b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimShowerModel.inl.h
@@ -85,4 +85,12 @@ namespace dd4hep  {
   }     /* End namespace sim   */
 }       /* End namespace dd4hep */
+#include "G4Version.hh"
+#if G4VERSION_NUMBER > 1070
+#include "G4FastSimHitMaker.hh"
+class G4FastSimHitMaker  {  public:  void make(const G4FastHit&, const G4FastTrack&)  { } };
diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimSpot.h b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimSpot.h
index 20b8aa129c1d2a041c78fa7dee1f335585059c68..5d827f0aaa71dbac1a7ccbc5d5152953cb75e538 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimSpot.h
+++ b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4FastSimSpot.h
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ namespace dd4hep {
       /// Primary track position
       G4ThreeVector trackPosition() const  { return primary->GetPosition();      }
+      /// Primary track momentum
+      G4ThreeVector trackMomentum() const  { return primary->GetMomentum();      }
       /// Primary track kinetic energy
       double kineticEnergy() const         { return primary->GetKineticEnergy(); }
       /// Primary track particle definition
diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Random.h b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Random.h
index a1803cf4adec340a91f7aab9ba4be831f2433bbc..5c60d31a1b0533e1202450baa060711c181f90ac 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Random.h
+++ b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Random.h
@@ -153,12 +153,18 @@ namespace dd4hep {
       double exp(double tau);
       /// Create gaussian distributed random numbers
       double gauss(double mean=0, double sigma=1);
+      /// Create gamma distributed random numbers
+      double gamma(double k, double lambda);
       /// Create landau distributed random numbers
       double landau(double mean=0, double sigma=1);
       /// Create tuple of randum number around a circle with radius r
       void   circle(double &x, double &y, double r);
       /// Create tuple of randum number on a sphere with radius r
       void   sphere(double &x, double &y, double &z, double r);
+      /// Create poisson distributed random numbers
+      double poisson(double mean=1e0 );
+      /// Create breit wigner distributed random numbers
+      double breit_wigner(double mean=0e0, double gamma=1e0);
   }    // End namespace sim
diff --git a/DDG4/plugins/Geant4CaloSmearShowerModel.cpp b/DDG4/plugins/Geant4CaloSmearShowerModel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa8405969fe8a0d9ffba1c2f93a2497c0d622acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDG4/plugins/Geant4CaloSmearShowerModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation
+// Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
+// All rights reserved.
+// For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
+// For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
+// Author     : M.Frank
+// Please note:
+// These shower parametrizations is a generalized form of the Geant4 example:
+// <geant4-source-dir>/examples/extended/parameterisations/Par02
+// Framework include files
+#include <DDG4/Geant4FastSimShowerModel.inl.h>
+#include <DDG4/Geant4FastSimSpot.h>
+#include <DDG4/Geant4Random.h>
+// Geant4 include files
+#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
+#include "G4FastStep.hh"
+/// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace dd4hep  {
+  /// Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+  namespace sim  {
+    ///===================================================================================================
+    ///
+    ///  Par02 electromagnetic shower model (e+, e-)
+    ///
+    ///===================================================================================================
+    /// Configuration structure for the fast simulation shower model Geant4FSShowerModel<par02_em_model>
+    class calo_smear_model  {
+    public:
+      G4FastSimHitMaker hitMaker          { };
+      double            StocasticEnergyResolution { -1e0 };
+      double            ConstantEnergyResolution  { -1e0 };
+      double            NoiseEnergyResolution     { -1e0 };
+      double resolution(double momentum)   const    {
+	double res = -1e0;
+	double mom = momentum/CLHEP::GeV;
+	if ( this->StocasticEnergyResolution > 0 && 
+	     this->ConstantEnergyResolution  > 0 &&
+	     this->NoiseEnergyResolution > 0 )    {
+	  res = std::sqrt(std::pow( this->StocasticEnergyResolution / std::sqrt( mom ), 2 ) +  // stochastic
+			  std::pow( this->ConstantEnergyResolution, 2 ) +                      // constant
+			  std::pow( this->NoiseEnergyResolution / mom, 2 ) );                  // noise
+	}
+	else if ( this->StocasticEnergyResolution > 0 &&
+		  this->ConstantEnergyResolution > 0 )    {
+	  res = std::sqrt(std::pow( this->StocasticEnergyResolution / std::sqrt( mom ), 2 ) +  // stochastic
+			  std::pow( this->ConstantEnergyResolution, 2 ) );                     // constant
+	}
+	else if ( this->StocasticEnergyResolution > 0 )    {
+	  res = this->StocasticEnergyResolution / std::sqrt( mom );                            // stochastic
+	}
+	else if ( this->ConstantEnergyResolution > 0 )    {
+	  res = this->ConstantEnergyResolution;                                                // constant
+	}
+	return res;
+      }
+      double smearEnergy(double mom)   const  {
+	double resolution = this->resolution(mom);
+	double smeared    = mom;
+	if ( resolution > 0e0 )  {
+	  for( smeared = -1e0; smeared < 0e0; ) {  // Ensure that the resulting value is not negative
+	    smeared = mom * Geant4Random::instance()->gauss(1e0, resolution);
+	  }
+	}
+	return smeared;
+      }
+    };
+    /// Declare optional properties from embedded structure
+    template <> 
+    void Geant4FSShowerModel<calo_smear_model>::initialize()     {
+      declareProperty("StocasticResolution", locals.StocasticEnergyResolution );
+      declareProperty("ConstantResolution", locals.ConstantEnergyResolution );
+      declareProperty("NoiseResolution", locals.NoiseEnergyResolution );
+    }
+    /// Sensitive detector construction callback. Called at "ConstructSDandField()"
+    template <>
+    void Geant4FSShowerModel<calo_smear_model>::constructSensitives(Geant4DetectorConstructionContext* ctxt)   {
+      this->Geant4FastSimShowerModel::constructSensitives(ctxt);
+    }
+    /// User callback to model the particle/energy shower
+    template <> 
+    void Geant4FSShowerModel<calo_smear_model>::modelShower(const G4FastTrack& track, G4FastStep& step)   {
+      auto* primary = track.GetPrimaryTrack();
+      // Kill the parameterised particle:
+      this->killParticle(step, primary->GetKineticEnergy(), 0e0);
+      //-----------------------------------------------------
+      G4FastHit hit;
+      Geant4FastSimSpot spot(&hit, &track);
+      G4ThreeVector     position = spot.trackPosition();
+      double            deposit  = spot.kineticEnergy();
+      hit.SetPosition(spot.trackPosition());
+      // Consider only primary tracks and smear according to the parametrized resolution
+      // ELSE: simply set the value of the (initial) energy of the particle is deposited in the step
+      if ( !spot.primary->GetParentID() ) {
+	deposit = locals.smearEnergy(deposit);
+      }
+      hit.SetEnergy(deposit);
+      step.ProposeTotalEnergyDeposited(deposit);
+      this->locals.hitMaker.make(hit, track);
+    }
+    typedef Geant4FSShowerModel<calo_smear_model> Geant4CaloSmearShowerModel;
+  }
+#include <DDG4/Factories.h>
diff --git a/DDG4/plugins/Geant4P1ShowerModel.cpp b/DDG4/plugins/Geant4P1ShowerModel.cpp
index 315bbe07c56befe27d3da7ac4764f222f2932666..03328b46764c30aae89ebfbf9463201f59b775cb 100644
--- a/DDG4/plugins/Geant4P1ShowerModel.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/plugins/Geant4P1ShowerModel.cpp
@@ -30,17 +30,11 @@
 // Framework include files
 #include <DDG4/Geant4FastSimShowerModel.inl.h>
 #include <DDG4/Geant4FastSimSpot.h>
+#include <DDG4/Geant4Random.h>
 // Geant4 include files
-#include "G4Version.hh"
 #include "G4Gamma.hh"
-#include "Randomize.hh"
 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
-#if G4VERSION_NUMBER > 1070
-#include "G4FastSimHitMaker.hh"
-class G4FastSimHitMaker  {  public:  void make(const G4FastHit&, const G4FastTrack&)  { } };
 // C/C++ include files
@@ -121,15 +115,16 @@ namespace dd4hep  {
       xShower = zShower.orthogonal();
       yShower = zShower.cross(xShower);
       // starting point of the shower:
+      Geant4Random* rndm    = Geant4Random::instance();
       G4ThreeVector sShower = spot.particleLocalPosition();
       for (int i = 0; i < nSpots; i++)    {
 	// Longitudinal profile: -- shoot z according to Gamma distribution:
-	G4double bt  = G4RandGamma::shoot(a,1.0);
+	G4double bt  = rndm->gamma(a, 1e0);
 	G4double t   = bt/b;                       // t : reduced quantity = z/X0:
 	G4double z   = t*X0;
 	// transverse profile: we set 90% of energy in one Rm, the rest between 1 and 3.5 Rm:
-	G4double xr  = G4UniformRand();
-	G4double phi = G4UniformRand()*twopi;
+	G4double xr  = rndm->uniform(0e0,1e0);
+	G4double phi = rndm->uniform(0e0,twopi);
 	G4double r;
 	if (xr < 0.9) r = xr/0.9*Rm;
 	else r = ((xr - 0.9)/0.1*2.5 + 1.0)*Rm;
@@ -194,11 +189,11 @@ namespace dd4hep  {
       G4double      Energy  = primary->GetKineticEnergy();
       G4int         nSpot   = 50;
       G4double      deposit = Energy/double(nSpot);
+      Geant4Random* rndm    = Geant4Random::instance();
       for (int i = 0; i < nSpot; i++)  {
-	double z   = G4RandGauss::shoot(0,20*cm);
-	double r   = G4RandGauss::shoot(0,10*cm);
-	double phi = G4UniformRand()*twopi;
+	double z   = rndm->gauss(0, 20*cm);
+	double r   = rndm->gauss(0, 10*cm);
+	double phi = rndm->uniform(0e0, twopi);
 	G4ThreeVector position = showerCenter + z*zShower + r*std::cos(phi)*xShower + r*std::sin(phi)*yShower;
 	/// Process spot and call sensitive detector
 	G4FastHit hit(position, deposit);
diff --git a/DDG4/src/Geant4Random.cpp b/DDG4/src/Geant4Random.cpp
index d79c68cb6f13672de6c06ce827b6d311ce9427d9..464ff3c134516fa3accf1c1682c2bcdda9ced528 100644
--- a/DDG4/src/Geant4Random.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/src/Geant4Random.cpp
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "DDG4/Geant4Random.h"
 #include "CLHEP/Random/EngineFactory.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Random/RandGamma.h"
 #include "CLHEP/Random/Random.h"
 // ROOT include files
@@ -324,3 +325,20 @@ void   Geant4Random::sphere(double &x, double &y, double &z, double r)  {
+/// Create poisson distributed random numbers
+double Geant4Random::poisson(double mean)   {
+  if ( !m_inited ) initialize();
+  return gRandom->PoissonD(mean);
+/// Create breit wigner distributed random numbers
+double Geant4Random::breit_wigner(double mean, double gamma)   {
+  if ( !m_inited ) initialize();
+  return gRandom->BreitWigner(mean, gamma);
+/// Create gamma distributed random numbers
+double Geant4Random::gamma(double k, double lambda)    {
+  if ( !m_inited ) initialize();
+  return CLHEP::RandGamma::shoot(this->m_engine, k, lambda);
diff --git a/examples/ClientTests/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/ClientTests/CMakeLists.txt
index 3b124df17ab406272988b2f245524db2e04906f9..b16248d1b16e5fac19c368d46486ebb659aba466 100644
--- a/examples/ClientTests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/ClientTests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -430,13 +430,17 @@ if (DD4HEP_USE_GEANT4)
       REGEX_FAIL "Exception;EXCEPTION;ERROR;Error" )
-  # Geant4 full simulation checks of multi-collection/segmentation detectors
-  foreach(script SiliconBlockGFlash SiliconBlockFastSim )
-    dd4hep_add_test_reg( ClientTests_sim_${script}_LONGTEST
-      COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/run_test_ClientTests.sh"
-      EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${ClientTestsEx_INSTALL}/scripts/${script}.py -batch -events 2
-      REGEX_PASS "Event 1 Begin event action. Access event related information"
-      REGEX_FAIL "Exception;EXCEPTION;ERROR;Error" )
-  endforeach(script)
+  if(Geant4_VERSION VERSION_LESS 10.7)
+    dd4hep_print("|++> Geant4 fast simulation not supported for Geant4 ${Geant4_VERSION}")
+  else()
+    # Geant4 full simulation checks of multi-collection/segmentation detectors
+    dd4hep_print("|++> Geant4 fast simulation tests enabled for Geant4 ${Geant4_VERSION}")
+    foreach(script SiliconBlockGFlash SiliconBlockFastSim )
+      dd4hep_add_test_reg( ClientTests_sim_${script}_LONGTEST
+        COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/run_test_ClientTests.sh"
+        EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${ClientTestsEx_INSTALL}/scripts/${script}.py -batch -events 2
+        REGEX_PASS "Event 1 Begin event action. Access event related information"
+        REGEX_FAIL "Exception;EXCEPTION;ERROR;Error" )
+    endforeach(script)
+  endif()
diff --git a/examples/DDG4/scripts/TestProperties.py b/examples/DDG4/scripts/TestProperties.py
index 623100aa07e9e1619d3a9e7bd51a4b69b7dcd15b..4e690bad24a557d12a057beb77175701415fd5ac 100644
--- a/examples/DDG4/scripts/TestProperties.py
+++ b/examples/DDG4/scripts/TestProperties.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 # ==========================================================================
 #  AIDA Detector description implementation
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -13,33 +12,12 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
 import logging
 import DDG4
 import os
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 from g4units import GeV, m
 logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-||||||| parent of c61ce8aa (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-from g4units import GeV, MeV, m
-from g4units import GeV, m
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> c61ce8aa (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-||||||| parent of 17dfd548 (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
->>>>>>> 17dfd548 (Fix python style according to Flake8)
    dd4hep example setup using the python configuration
@@ -62,163 +40,6 @@ def run():
   ui = geant4.setupCshUI(vis=None)
   # Now the calorimeters
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-  act = DDG4.Action(kernel, str('PropertyTestAction/Test'))
-  act.prop_str = 'Hello World!'
-  act.prop_bool = True
-  act.prop_int = 1234
-  act.prop_long = 3456
-  act.prop_ulong = 4567
-  act.prop_float = 1234567.8
-  act.prop_double = 1234567.8
-  act.prop_XYZPoint = (1, 2, 3)
-  act.prop_XYZVector = (1 * m, 2 * m, 3 * m)
-  act.prop_PxPyPzEVector = (1 * GeV, 2 * GeV, 3 * GeV, 4 * GeV)
-  act.map_str_str = {'a': 'AA', 'b': 'BB', 'c': 'CC'}
-  act.map_str_bool = {'a': 1, 'b': 0, 'c': 1}
-  act.map_str_int = {'a': 11, 'b': 22, 'c': 33}
-  act.map_str_long = {'a': 111, 'b': 222, 'c': 333}
-  #  act.map_str_ulong = {'a': 1111, 'b': 2222, 'c': 3333}
-  act.map_str_float = {'a': 11.11, 'b': 22.22, 'c': 33.33}
-  act.map_str_double = {'a': 11.111, 'b': 22.222, 'c': 33.333}
-  act.map_int_str = {100: 'AA', 200: 'BB', 300: 'CC'}
-  act.map_int_bool = {100: 1, 200: 0, 300: 1}
-  act.map_int_int = {100: 11, 200: 22, 300: 33}
-  act.map_int_long = {100: 111, 200: 222, 300: 333}
-  #  act.map_int_ulong = {100: 1111, 200: 2222, 300: 3333}
-  act.map_int_float = {100: 11.11, 200: 22.22, 300: 33.33}
-  act.map_int_double = {100: 11.111, 200: 22.222, 300: 33.333}
-  act.map_int_str = {100 * 10: 'AA', 200 * 10: 'BB', 300 * 10: 'CC'}
-  act.map_int_bool = {100 * 10: 1, 200 * 10: 0, 300 * 10: 1}
-  act.map_int_int = {100 * 10: 11, 200 * 10: 22, 300 * 10: 33}
-  act.map_int_long = {100 * 10: 111, 200 * 10: 222, 300 * 10: 333}
-  #  act.map_int_ulong = {100 * 10: 1111, 200 * 10: 2222, 300 * 10: 3333}
-  act.map_int_float = {100 * 10: 11.11, 200 * 10: 22.22, 300 * 10: 33.33}
-  act.map_int_double = {100 * 10: 11.111, 200 * 10: 22.222, 300 * 10: 33.333}
-  act.set_str = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd']
-  act.set_bool = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
-  act.set_int = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.set_long = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  #  act.set_ulong = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.set_float = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.set_double = [0 * m, 1 * m, 2 * m, 3 * m, 4 * m, 5 * m, 6 * m, 7 * m, 8 * m, 8 * m, 8 * m]
-  act.set_XYZPoint = [(1, 2, 3), (11, 22, 33), (111, 222, 333), (1111, 2222, 3333)]
-  act.set_XYZVector = [(1, 2, 3), (11, 22, 33), (111, 222, 333), (1111, 2222, 3333)]
-  act.set_PxPyPzEVector = [(1 * GeV, 2 * GeV, 3 * GeV, 4 * GeV),
-                           (11 * GeV, 22 * GeV, 33 * GeV, 44 * GeV),
-                           (111 * GeV, 222 * GeV, 333 * GeV, 444 * GeV)]
-  act.list_str = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd']
-  act.list_bool = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
-  act.list_int = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_long = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_ulong = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_float = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_double = [0 * m, 1 * m, 2 * m, 3 * m, 4 * m, 5 * m, 6 * m, 7 * m, 8 * m, 8 * m, 8 * m]
-  act.list_XYZPoint = [(1, 2, 3), (11, 22, 33), (111, 222, 333), (1111, 2222, 3333)]
-  act.list_XYZVector = [(1, 2, 3), (11, 22, 33), (111, 222, 333), (1111, 2222, 3333)]
-  act.list_PxPyPzEVector = [(1 * GeV, 2 * GeV, 3 * GeV, 4 * GeV),
-                            (11 * GeV, 22 * GeV, 33 * GeV, 44 * GeV),
-                            (111 * GeV, 222 * GeV, 333 * GeV, 444 * GeV)]
-  act.vector_str = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd']
-  act.vector_bool = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
-  act.vector_int = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_long = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_ulong = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_float = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_double = [0 * m, 1 * m, 2 * m, 3 * m, 4 * m, 5 * m, 6 * m, 7 * m, 8 * m, 8 * m, 8 * m]
-  act.vector_XYZPoint = [(1, 2, 3), (11, 22, 33), (111, 222, 333), (1111, 2222, 3333)]
-  act.vector_XYZVector = [(1, 2, 3), (11, 22, 33), (111, 222, 333), (1111, 2222, 3333)]
-  act.vector_PxPyPzEVector = [(1 * GeV, 2 * GeV, 3 * GeV, 4 * GeV),
-                              (11 * GeV, 22 * GeV, 33 * GeV, 44 * GeV),
-                              (111 * GeV, 222 * GeV, 333 * GeV, 444 * GeV)]
-||||||| parent of c61ce8aa (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  act = DDG4.Action(kernel, str('PropertyTestAction/Test'));
-  act.prop_str  =             'Hello World!'
-  act.prop_bool  =            True
-  act.prop_int  =             1234
-  act.prop_long  =            3456
-  act.prop_ulong =            4567
-  act.prop_float  =           1234567.8
-  act.prop_double  =          1234567.8
-  act.prop_XYZPoint  =        (1,2,3)
-  act.prop_XYZVector  =       (1*m,2*m,3*m)
-  act.prop_PxPyPzEVector  =   (1*GeV,2*GeV,3*GeV,4*GeV)
-  act.map_str_str  =          {'a': 'AA',   'b': 'BB',   'c': 'CC'}
-  act.map_str_bool =          {'a': 1,      'b': 0,      'c': 1}
-  act.map_str_int =           {'a': 11,     'b': 22,     'c': 33}
-  act.map_str_long =          {'a': 111,    'b': 222,    'c': 333}
-  #act.map_str_ulong =         {'a': 1111,   'b': 2222,   'c': 3333}
-  act.map_str_float =         {'a': 11.11,  'b': 22.22,  'c': 33.33}
-  act.map_str_double =        {'a': 11.111, 'b': 22.222, 'c': 33.333}
-  act.map_int_str =           {100: 'AA',   200: 'BB',   300: 'CC'}
-  act.map_int_bool =          {100: 1,      200: 0,      300: 1}
-  act.map_int_int =           {100: 11,     200: 22,     300: 33}
-  act.map_int_long =          {100: 111,    200: 222,    300: 333}
-  #act.map_int_ulong =         {100: 1111,   200: 2222,   300: 3333}
-  act.map_int_float =         {100: 11.11,  200: 22.22,  300: 33.33}
-  act.map_int_double =        {100: 11.111, 200: 22.222, 300: 33.333}
-  act.map_int_str =           {100*10: 'AA',   200*10: 'BB',   300*10: 'CC'}
-  act.map_int_bool =          {100*10: 1,      200*10: 0,      300*10: 1}
-  act.map_int_int =           {100*10: 11,     200*10: 22,     300*10: 33}
-  act.map_int_long =          {100*10: 111,    200*10: 222,    300*10: 333}
-  #act.map_int_ulong =         {100*10: 1111,   200*10: 2222,   300*10: 3333}
-  act.map_int_float =         {100*10: 11.11,  200*10: 22.22,  300*10: 33.33}
-  act.map_int_double =        {100*10: 11.111, 200*10: 22.222, 300*10: 33.333}
-  act.set_str =               ['aa', 'bb', 'cc' ,'dd']
-  act.set_bool =              [0,0,0,1,1,1]
-  act.set_int =               [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.set_long =              [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  #act.set_ulong =             [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.set_float =             [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.set_double =            [0*m, 1*m, 2*m, 3*m, 4*m, 5*m, 6*m, 7*m, 8*m, 8*m, 8*m]
-  act.set_XYZPoint =          [(1,2,3),(11,22,33),(111,222,333),(1111,2222,3333)]
-  act.set_XYZVector =         [(1,2,3),(11,22,33),(111,222,333),(1111,2222,3333)]
-  act.set_PxPyPzEVector =     [(1*GeV,2*GeV,3*GeV,4*GeV), (11*GeV,22*GeV,33*GeV,44*GeV), (111*GeV,222*GeV,333*GeV,444*GeV)]
-  act.list_str =              ['aa', 'bb', 'cc' ,'dd']
-  act.list_bool =             [0,0,0,1,1,1]
-  act.list_int =              [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_long =             [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_ulong =            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_float =            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.list_double =           [0*m, 1*m, 2*m, 3*m, 4*m, 5*m, 6*m, 7*m, 8*m, 8*m, 8*m]
-  act.list_XYZPoint =         [(1,2,3),(11,22,33),(111,222,333),(1111,2222,3333)]
-  act.list_XYZVector =        [(1,2,3),(11,22,33),(111,222,333),(1111,2222,3333)]
-  act.list_PxPyPzEVector =    [(1*GeV,2*GeV,3*GeV,4*GeV), (11*GeV,22*GeV,33*GeV,44*GeV), (111*GeV,222*GeV,333*GeV,444*GeV)]
-  act.vector_str =            ['aa', 'bb', 'cc' ,'dd']
-  act.vector_bool =           [0,0,0,1,1,1]
-  act.vector_int =            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_long =           [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_ulong =          [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_float =          [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8]
-  act.vector_double =         [0*m, 1*m, 2*m, 3*m, 4*m, 5*m, 6*m, 7*m, 8*m, 8*m, 8*m]
-  act.vector_XYZPoint =       [(1,2,3),(11,22,33),(111,222,333),(1111,2222,3333)]
-  act.vector_XYZVector =      [(1,2,3),(11,22,33),(111,222,333),(1111,2222,3333)]
-  act.vector_PxPyPzEVector =  [(1*GeV,2*GeV,3*GeV,4*GeV), (11*GeV,22*GeV,33*GeV,44*GeV), (111*GeV,222*GeV,333*GeV,444*GeV)]
-  #  Check read access:
-  print('-------------------------------------------------------')
-  print(act.prop_str)              #     'Hello World!'
-  print(act.prop_bool)             #     True
-  print(act.prop_int)              #     1234
-  print(act.prop_float)            #     1234567.8
-  print(act.prop_double)           #     1234567.8
-  print(act.prop_XYZPoint)         #     (1,2,3)
-  print(act.prop_XYZVector)        #     (1*m,2*m,3*m)
-  print(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)    #     (1*GeV,2*GeV,3*GeV,4*GeV)
-  print('-------------------------------------------------------')
   act = DDG4.Action(kernel, str('PropertyTestAction/Test'))
   act.prop_str = 'Hello World!'
   act.prop_bool = True
@@ -297,130 +118,6 @@ def run():
   #  Check read access:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-  print('-------------------------------------------------------')
-  print(act.prop_str)              #     'Hello World!'
-  print(act.prop_bool)             #     True
-  print(act.prop_int)              #     1234
-  print(act.prop_float)            #     1234567.8
-  print(act.prop_double)           #     1234567.8
-  print(act.prop_XYZPoint)         #     (1,2,3)
-  print(act.prop_XYZVector)        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  print(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  print('-------------------------------------------------------')
->>>>>>> c61ce8aa (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-||||||| parent of 131094de (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  print('-------------------------------------------------------')
-  print(act.prop_str)              #     'Hello World!'
-  print(act.prop_bool)             #     True
-  print(act.prop_int)              #     1234
-  print(act.prop_float)            #     1234567.8
-  print(act.prop_double)           #     1234567.8
-  print(act.prop_XYZPoint)         #     (1,2,3)
-  print(act.prop_XYZVector)        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  print(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  print('-------------------------------------------------------')
-  print('--> %s'%(str('-------------------------------------------------------'),))
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_str),))              #     'Hello World!'
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_bool),))             #     True
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_int),))              #     1234
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_float),))            #     1234567.8
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_double),))           #     1234567.8
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_XYZPoint),))         #     (1,2,3)
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_XYZVector),))        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector),))    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  print('--> %s'%(str('-------------------------------------------------------'),))
->>>>>>> 131094de (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-||||||| parent of d656762e (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  print('--> %s'%(str('-------------------------------------------------------'),))
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_str),))              #     'Hello World!'
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_bool),))             #     True
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_int),))              #     1234
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_float),))            #     1234567.8
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_double),))           #     1234567.8
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_XYZPoint),))         #     (1,2,3)
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_XYZVector),))        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  print('--> %s'%(str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector),))    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  print('--> %s'%(str('-------------------------------------------------------'),))
-||||||| parent of 297d253e (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  """
->>>>>>> 297d253e (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_str)))              #     'Hello World!'
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_bool)))             #     True
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_int)))              #     1234
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_float)))            #     1234567.8
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_double)))           #     1234567.8
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZPoint)))         #     (1,2,3)
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZVector)))        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)))    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> d656762e (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  act.enableUI()
-||||||| parent of 297d253e (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  act.enableUI()
-  """
->>>>>>> 297d253e (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  #  Check read access:
-  logger.info('+{value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_str)))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_bool)))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_int)))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_float)))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_double)))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZPoint)))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZVector)))
-  logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)))
-  logger.info('+{value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-||||||| parent of 17dfd548 (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  """
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_str)))              #     'Hello World!'
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_bool)))             #     True
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_int)))              #     1234
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_float)))            #     1234567.8
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_double)))           #     1234567.8
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZPoint)))         #     (1,2,3)
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZVector)))        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)))    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  print('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-  """
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_str)))              #     'Hello World!'
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_bool)))             #     True
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_int)))              #     1234
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_float)))            #     1234567.8
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_double)))           #     1234567.8
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZPoint)))         #     (1,2,3)
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZVector)))        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)))    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
->>>>>>> 17dfd548 (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-||||||| parent of 4671e80c (Fix python style according to Flake8)
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_str)))              #     'Hello World!'
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_bool)))             #     True
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_int)))              #     1234
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_float)))            #     1234567.8
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_double)))           #     1234567.8
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZPoint)))         #     (1,2,3)
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZVector)))        #     (1 * m,2 * m,3 * m)
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)))    #     (1 * GeV,2 * GeV,3 * GeV,4 * GeV)
-  logger.info('--> {value}'.format(value='-------------------------------------------------------'))
   logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_str)))
   logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_bool)))
@@ -431,12 +128,15 @@ def run():
   logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_XYZVector)))
   logger.info('|  {value}'.format(value=str(act.prop_PxPyPzEVector)))
->>>>>>> 4671e80c (Fix python style according to Flake8)
   phys = geant4.setupPhysics('FTFP_BERT')
   ui.Commands = ['/ddg4/Test/show', '/ddg4/Test/dumpProperties', '/ddg4/UI/exit']
-  geant4.execute()
+  kernel.NumEvents = 0
+  kernel.configure()
+  kernel.initialize()
+  kernel.run()
+  kernel.terminate()
 if __name__ == "__main__":