diff --git a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Primary.h b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Primary.h
index 86c1d45203f1b2b2e1acb5370cb0a57b861089ac..6ecae7b66b76f7020945dafadbda02922305a16f 100644
--- a/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Primary.h
+++ b/DDG4/include/DDG4/Geant4Primary.h
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ namespace DD4hep {
       Geant4PrimaryInteraction& operator=(const Geant4PrimaryInteraction& c) = delete;
-      typedef Geant4Particle                    Particle;
-      typedef Geant4Vertex                      Vertex;
-      typedef std::map<int,Particle*>           ParticleMap;
-      typedef std::map<int,Vertex*>             VertexMap;
-      typedef dd4hep_ptr<PrimaryExtension>      ExtensionHandle;
+      typedef Geant4Particle                     Particle;
+      typedef Geant4Vertex                       Vertex;
+      typedef std::map<int,Particle*>            ParticleMap;
+      typedef std::map<int,std::vector<Vertex*>> VertexMap;
+      typedef dd4hep_ptr<PrimaryExtension>       ExtensionHandle;
       /// The map of primary vertices for the particles.
       VertexMap       vertices;
diff --git a/DDG4/src/Geant4InputAction.cpp b/DDG4/src/Geant4InputAction.cpp
index b9cbc71431c9270e6efcbbf15bf3e7ea702426db..d45f122c373a96b1820121790efd4079a9c777b4 100644
--- a/DDG4/src/Geant4InputAction.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/src/Geant4InputAction.cpp
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void Geant4InputAction::operator()(G4Event* event)   {
   for(size_t i=0; i<vertices.size(); ++i )   {
-    inter->vertices.insert(make_pair(m_mask,vertices[i])); 
+    inter->vertices[m_mask].push_back( vertices[i] ); 
   // build collection of MCParticles
diff --git a/DDG4/src/Geant4InputHandling.cpp b/DDG4/src/Geant4InputHandling.cpp
index 3d1dd488999ff9c6095834c9d3615608dcdf2a50..fe174a7aa5e175dcdc9d95680384ac96a4a2c12f 100644
--- a/DDG4/src/Geant4InputHandling.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/src/Geant4InputHandling.cpp
@@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ static void collectPrimaries(Geant4PrimaryMap*         pm,
     dv->mask = mask;
-    interaction->vertices.insert(make_pair(vid,dv));
+    interaction->vertices[vid].push_back(dv) ;
     for(; dau; dau = dau->GetNext())
       collectPrimaries(pm, interaction, dv, dau);
@@ -127,7 +129,8 @@ DD4hep::Simulation::createPrimary(int mask,
   interaction->locked = true;
   interaction->mask = mask;
   v->mask = mask;
-  interaction->vertices.insert(make_pair(vid,v));
+  interaction->vertices[vid].push_back(v);
   for (G4PrimaryParticle *gp = gv->GetPrimary(); gp; gp = gp->GetNext() )
     collectPrimaries(pm, interaction, v, gp);
   return interaction;
@@ -177,12 +180,13 @@ static void appendInteraction(const Geant4Action* caller,
   Geant4PrimaryInteraction::VertexMap::iterator ivfnd, iv, ivend;
   for( iv=input->vertices.begin(), ivend=input->vertices.end(); iv != ivend; ++iv )   {
-    ivfnd = output->vertices.find((*iv).second->mask);
+    ivfnd = output->vertices.find((*iv).first) ; //(*iv).second->mask);
     if ( ivfnd != output->vertices.end() )   {
       caller->abortRun("Duplicate primary interaction identifier!",
                        "Cannot handle 2 interactions with identical identifiers!");
-    output->vertices.insert(make_pair((*iv).second->mask,(*iv).second->addRef()));
+    for(Geant4Vertex* vtx :  (*iv).second )
+      output->vertices[(*iv).first].push_back( vtx->addRef() );
@@ -204,16 +208,16 @@ static void rebaseVertices(Geant4PrimaryInteraction::VertexMap& vertices, int pa
   set<int>::iterator i;
   // Now move begin and end-vertex of all primary vertices accordingly
   for(iv=vertices.begin(), ivend=vertices.end(); iv != ivend; ++iv)  {
-    Geant4Vertex* v = (*iv).second;
-    in  = v->in;
-    out = v->out;
-    for(in=v->in, i=in.begin(), v->in.clear(); i != in.end(); ++i)
-      v->in.insert((*i)+part_offset);
-    for(out=v->out, i=out.begin(), v->out.clear(); i != out.end(); ++i)
-      v->out.insert((*i)+part_offset);
+    for( Geant4Vertex* v : (*iv).second ){ 
+      in  = v->in;
+      out = v->out;
+      for(in=v->in, i=in.begin(), v->in.clear(); i != in.end(); ++i)
+	v->in.insert((*i)+part_offset);
+      for(out=v->out, i=out.begin(), v->out.clear(); i != out.end(); ++i)
+	v->out.insert((*i)+part_offset);
+    }
 /// Merge all interactions present in the context
 int DD4hep::Simulation::mergeInteractions(const Geant4Action* caller,
                                           const Geant4Context* context)
@@ -262,18 +266,18 @@ int DD4hep::Simulation::boostInteraction(const Geant4Action* caller,
   else if ( alpha != 0.0 )  {
     // Now move begin and end-vertex of all primary vertices accordingly
-    for(iv=inter->vertices.begin(); iv != inter->vertices.end(); ++iv)  {
-      Geant4Vertex* v = (*iv).second;
-      double t = gamma * v->time + betagamma * v->x / CLHEP::c_light;
-      double x = gamma * v->x + betagamma * CLHEP::c_light * v->time;
-      double y = v->y;
-      double z = v->z;
-      v->x = x;
-      v->y = y;
-      v->z = z;
-      v->time = t;
+    for(iv=inter->vertices.begin(); iv != inter->vertices.end(); ++iv){  
+      for( Geant4Vertex* v :  (*iv).second ) {
+	double t = gamma * v->time + betagamma * v->x / CLHEP::c_light;
+	double x = gamma * v->x + betagamma * CLHEP::c_light * v->time;
+	double y = v->y;
+	double z = v->z;
+	v->x = x;
+	v->y = y;
+	v->z = z;
+	v->time = t;
+      }
     // Now move begin and end-vertex of all primary and generator particles accordingly
     for(ip=inter->particles.begin(); ip != inter->particles.end(); ++ip)  {
       Geant4ParticleHandle p = (*ip).second;
@@ -281,18 +285,18 @@ int DD4hep::Simulation::boostInteraction(const Geant4Action* caller,
       double x = gamma * p->vsx + betagamma * CLHEP::c_light * p->time;
       double y = p->vsy;
       double z = p->vsz;
       double m  = p->mass;
       double e2 = SQR(p->psx)+SQR(p->psy)+SQR(p->psz)+SQR(m);
       double px = betagamma * std::sqrt(e2) + gamma * p->psx;
       double py = p->psy;
       double pz = p->psz;
       p->vsx = x;
       p->vsy = y;
       p->vsz = z;
       p->time = t;
       p->psx = px;
       p->psy = py;
       p->psz = pz;
@@ -316,11 +320,12 @@ int DD4hep::Simulation::smearInteraction(const Geant4Action* caller,
   // Now move begin and end-vertex of all primary vertices accordingly
   for(iv=inter->vertices.begin(); iv != inter->vertices.end(); ++iv)  {
-    Geant4Vertex* v = (*iv).second;
-    v->x += dx;
-    v->y += dy;
-    v->z += dz;
-    v->time += dt;
+    for( Geant4Vertex* v : (*iv).second ){
+      v->x += dx;
+      v->y += dy;
+      v->z += dz;
+      v->time += dt;
+    }
   // Now move begin and end-vertex of all primary and generator particles accordingly
   for(ip=inter->particles.begin(); ip != inter->particles.end(); ++ip)  {
@@ -431,33 +436,35 @@ int DD4hep::Simulation::generatePrimaries(const Geant4Action* caller,
   else   {
     Geant4PrimaryInteraction::VertexMap::iterator ivfnd, iv, ivend;
     for(Interaction::VertexMap::const_iterator iend=vm.end(),i=vm.begin(); i!=iend; ++i)  {
-      int num_part = 0;
-      Geant4Vertex* v = (*i).second;
-      G4PrimaryVertex* v4 = new G4PrimaryVertex(v->x,v->y,v->z,v->time);
-      event->AddPrimaryVertex(v4);
-      caller->print("+++++ G4PrimaryVertex at (%+.2e,%+.2e,%+.2e) [mm] %+.2e [ns]",
-                    v->x/CLHEP::mm,v->y/CLHEP::mm,v->z/CLHEP::mm,v->time/CLHEP::ns);
-      for(Geant4Vertex::Particles::const_iterator ip=v->out.begin(); ip!=v->out.end(); ++ip)  {
-        Geant4ParticleHandle p = pm[*ip];
-        if ( p->daughters.size() > 0 )  {
-          PropertyMask mask(p->reason);
-          mask.set(G4PARTICLE_HAS_SECONDARIES);
-        }
-        if ( p->parents.size() == 0 )  {
-          Primaries relevant = getRelevant(visited,prim,pm,p);
-          for(Primaries::const_iterator j=relevant.begin(); j!= relevant.end(); ++j)  {
-            Geant4ParticleHandle r = (*j).first;
-            G4PrimaryParticle* p4 = (*j).second;
-            PropertyMask reason(r->reason);
-            char text[64];
-            reason.set(G4PARTICLE_PRIMARY);
-            v4->SetPrimary(p4);
-            ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"-> G4Primary[%3d]",num_part);
-            r.dumpWithMomentum(caller->outputLevel()-1,caller->name(),text);
-            ++num_part;
-          }
-        }
+      for( Geant4Vertex* v : (*i).second ){
+	int num_part = 0;
+	G4PrimaryVertex* v4 = new G4PrimaryVertex(v->x,v->y,v->z,v->time);
+	event->AddPrimaryVertex(v4);
+	caller->print("+++++ G4PrimaryVertex at (%+.2e,%+.2e,%+.2e) [mm] %+.2e [ns]",
+		      v->x/CLHEP::mm,v->y/CLHEP::mm,v->z/CLHEP::mm,v->time/CLHEP::ns);
+	for(Geant4Vertex::Particles::const_iterator ip=v->out.begin(); ip!=v->out.end(); ++ip)  {
+	  Geant4ParticleHandle p = pm[*ip];
+	  if ( p->daughters.size() > 0 )  {
+	    PropertyMask mask(p->reason);
+	  }
+	  if ( p->parents.size() == 0 )  {
+	    Primaries relevant = getRelevant(visited,prim,pm,p);
+	    for(Primaries::const_iterator j=relevant.begin(); j!= relevant.end(); ++j)  {
+	      Geant4ParticleHandle r = (*j).first;
+	      G4PrimaryParticle* p4 = (*j).second;
+	      PropertyMask reason(r->reason);
+	      char text[64];
+	      reason.set(G4PARTICLE_PRIMARY);
+	      v4->SetPrimary(p4);
+	      ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"-> G4Primary[%3d]",num_part);
+	      r.dumpWithMomentum(caller->outputLevel()-1,caller->name(),text);
+	      ++num_part;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
     for(map<int,G4PrimaryParticle*>::iterator i=prim.begin(); i!=prim.end(); ++i)  {
diff --git a/DDG4/src/Geant4ParticleGenerator.cpp b/DDG4/src/Geant4ParticleGenerator.cpp
index 17742a8d9dd04f253b3d7b3b3b9c0b565f3d5a19..2f822eb8b7c8648e099ac570489b1da4f900055d 100644
--- a/DDG4/src/Geant4ParticleGenerator.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/src/Geant4ParticleGenerator.cpp
@@ -83,14 +83,15 @@ void Geant4ParticleGenerator::printInteraction(Geant4PrimaryInteraction* inter)
   for(_V::const_iterator iv=inter->vertices.begin(); iv!=inter->vertices.end(); ++iv)  {
-    Geant4Vertex* v = (*iv).second;
-    print("+-> Interaction [%d] %.3f GeV %s pos:(%.3f %.3f %.3f)[mm]",
-             count, m_energy/CLHEP::GeV, m_particleName.c_str(),
-             v->x/CLHEP::mm, v->y/CLHEP::mm, v->z/CLHEP::mm);
-    ++count;
-    for(set<int>::const_iterator i=v->out.begin(); i!=v->out.end(); ++i)  {
-      Geant4ParticleHandle p = inter->particles[*i];
-      p.dumpWithVertex(outputLevel(),name(),"  +->");
+    for( Geant4Vertex* v : (*iv).second ){
+      print("+-> Interaction [%d] %.3f GeV %s pos:(%.3f %.3f %.3f)[mm]",
+	    count, m_energy/CLHEP::GeV, m_particleName.c_str(),
+	    v->x/CLHEP::mm, v->y/CLHEP::mm, v->z/CLHEP::mm);
+      ++count;
+      for(set<int>::const_iterator i=v->out.begin(); i!=v->out.end(); ++i)  {
+	Geant4ParticleHandle p = inter->particles[*i];
+	p.dumpWithVertex(outputLevel(),name(),"  +->");
+      }
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ void Geant4ParticleGenerator::operator()(G4Event*) {
   vtx->x = position.X();
   vtx->y = position.Y();
   vtx->z = position.Z();
-  inter->vertices.insert(make_pair(inter->vertices.size(),vtx));
+  inter->vertices[m_mask].push_back( vtx );
   for(int i=0; i<m_multiplicity; ++i)   {
     double momentum = m_energy;
     Particle* p = new Particle();
diff --git a/DDG4/src/Geant4Primary.cpp b/DDG4/src/Geant4Primary.cpp
index 45f307dd1168654e518d324d06a7fc69060aaba1..72ab573b75423e83f93fd926e7a15db42901f7e8 100644
--- a/DDG4/src/Geant4Primary.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/src/Geant4Primary.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,12 @@ const Geant4Particle* Geant4PrimaryMap::get(const G4PrimaryParticle* particle) c
 /// Default destructor
 Geant4PrimaryInteraction::~Geant4PrimaryInteraction()   {
-  releaseObjects(vertices);
+  Geant4PrimaryInteraction::VertexMap::iterator iv, ivend;
+  for( iv=vertices.begin(), ivend=vertices.end(); iv != ivend; ++iv ){
+    for( Geant4Vertex* vtx : (*iv).second ) 
+      ReleaseObject<Geant4Vertex*>()( vtx ); 
+  } 
@@ -70,17 +75,19 @@ void Geant4PrimaryInteraction::setNextPID(int new_value)   {
 /// Apply mask to all contained vertices and particles
 bool Geant4PrimaryInteraction::applyMask()   {
-  if ( vertices.size() <= 1 )  {
-    Geant4PrimaryInteraction::ParticleMap::iterator ip, ipend;
-    for( ip=particles.begin(), ipend=particles.end(); ip != ipend; ++ip )
-      (*ip).second->mask = mask;
-    Geant4PrimaryInteraction::VertexMap::iterator iv, ivend;
-    for( iv=vertices.begin(), ivend=vertices.end(); iv != ivend; ++iv )
-      (*iv).second->mask = mask;
-    return true;
+  Geant4PrimaryInteraction::ParticleMap::iterator ip, ipend;
+  for( ip=particles.begin(), ipend=particles.end(); ip != ipend; ++ip )
+    (*ip).second->mask = mask;
+  Geant4PrimaryInteraction::VertexMap::iterator iv, ivend;
+  for( iv=vertices.begin(), ivend=vertices.end(); iv != ivend; ++iv ){
+    for( auto vtx : (*iv).second )
+      vtx->mask = mask;
-  return false;
+  return true;
 /// Default destructor