diff --git a/DDTest/CMakeLists.txt b/DDTest/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1c6c51d07621695ea2bd0a3353c69b634c07bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDTest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+include_directories( ./include )
+SET( test_name "example_test" )
+ADD_EXECUTABLE( ${test_name} ./src/${test_name}.cc )
+ADD_TEST( t_${test_name} "${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${test_name}" )
diff --git a/DDTest/include/DD4hepTest.h b/DDTest/include/DD4hepTest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb0eba942e317eab4299effd978314b0481fa8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDTest/include/DD4hepTest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/** Simple class for defining unit tests.
+ *  Use in main program that is added as a test to ctest:
+ *  
+ *    DD4hepTest test = DD4hepTest( "example" ) ; 
+ *    test.log( "example test" );
+ *    test( "Example", "Example", "example test - string comparison " ); // this test will pass
+ *    test( "Example", "BadExample", "example test - string comparison " ); //  this test will fail
+ * 
+ * @author F.Gaede, DESY, 2014
+ * based on original version from J.Engels  
+ */
+class DD4hepTest{
+  DD4hepTest() :  _out(std::cout) {}
+  /** Only constructor
+   */
+  DD4hepTest( const std::string& testname, std::ostream& stream=std::cout ) :
+    _testname(testname), 
+    _out(stream), 
+    _failed(0), 
+    _passed(0), 
+    _last_test_status(false) {
+    _out << std::endl << "[" << _testname << "] ";
+    _out << "****************************** TEST_BEGIN ******************************" << std::endl << std::endl;
+  }
+  /** Destructor - print summary of tests passed and failed 
+   */
+  ~DD4hepTest(){
+    std::stringstream sstr ;
+    sstr << std::endl;
+    sstr << "[" << _testname << "] number of tests PASSED : " << _passed << std::endl ;
+    sstr << "[" << _testname << "] number of tests FAILED : " << _failed << std::endl ;
+    sstr << std::endl;
+    sstr << "[" << _testname << "] " ;
+    sstr << "****************************** " ;
+    sstr << ( _failed == 0 ? "TEST_PASSED" : "TEST_FAILED" ) ;
+    sstr << " ******************************" ;
+    sstr << std::endl << std::endl ;
+    _out << sstr.str() ;
+    if( _failed != 0 ) exit(1) ;
+  }
+  /** Operator for calling a test - test is passed if v1 == v2
+   */
+  template <class V1, class V2 >
+  void operator()(const V1& v1, const V2& v2, const std::string& name ) {
+    if ( ! (v1 == v2)  ) {
+      std::stringstream sstr ;
+      sstr << "  " << name<< " : [" << v1 << "] != [" << v2 <<"]" ;
+      error( sstr.str() ) ;
+    } else {
+      pass( name ) ;
+    }
+    return ;
+  }
+  /** Operator for calling a test - test is passed if (!c)==false 
+   */
+  template <class Cond >
+  void operator()(const Cond& c, const std::string& name ) {
+    if ( ! (c)  ) {
+      std::stringstream sstr ;
+      sstr << "  " << name<< " : [" << c << "] " ;
+      error( sstr.str() ) ;
+    } else {      
+      pass( name ) ;
+    }
+    return ;
+  }
+  /** Simple log message */
+  void log( const std::string& msg ){
+    _out << "[" << _testname << "] " << msg << std::endl;
+  }
+  /** print message when test passed */  
+  void pass( const std::string& msg ){
+    _passed++;
+    _last_test_status = true ;
+    _out << "[" << _testname << "] test " << last_test_status() << " : " << msg << std::endl;
+  }
+  /** print message when test failed */  
+  void error( const std::string& msg ){
+    _failed++;
+    _last_test_status = false ;
+    std::stringstream errmsg;
+    //    errmsg << std::endl;
+    errmsg << "[" << _testname << "] ##################### TEST_FAILED ######################" << std::endl;
+    errmsg << "[" << _testname << "] ### ERROR: " << msg << std::endl;
+    errmsg << "[" << _testname << "] ########################################################" << std::endl;
+    //  errmsg << std::endl;
+    _out << errmsg.str();
+    // also send error to stderr
+    //std::cerr << errmsg.str();
+  }
+  /** Fatal error ...*/
+  void fatal_error( const std::string& msg ){
+    error( msg );
+    _out << "FATAL ERROR OCCURRED, program will exit now !!" << std::endl ;
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  /** Return the status from the last test - either PASSED or FAILED */
+  const char* last_test_status(){
+    return ( _last_test_status ? "PASSED" : "FAILED" ) ;
+  }
+  std::string _testname ;
+  std::ostream& _out ;
+  unsigned int _failed ;      // number of failed tests
+  unsigned int _passed ;      // number of passed tests
+  bool _last_test_status ;    // true if last test succeeded, false otherwise
diff --git a/DDTest/src/example_test.cc b/DDTest/src/example_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f17ac76e94822ff4bbbec44c37ac614e6dc46881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDTest/src/example_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "DD4hepTest.h"
+#include <exception>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace std ;
+// this should be the first line in your test
+DD4hepTest test = DD4hepTest( "example" ) ; 
+int main(int argc, char** argv ){
+  try{
+    // ----- write your tests in here -------------------------------------
+    test.log( "example test" );
+    // ----- example test for testing two expressions for equality:
+    test( "Example", "Example", "example test - string comparison " ); // this test will pass
+    //test( "Example", "BadExample", "example test - string comparison " ); //  this test will fail
+    double pi_d = M_PI ;
+    float  pi_f = M_PI ;
+    // ----- example for test of an expresssion - not using equality
+    test(  1.1 * pi_f > pi_d   , " example comparison:  1.1* float(M_PI)  > double( M_PI) " ) ;  
+    // ... guess which of these will pass ...
+    // test(  double(pi_f) == pi_d  , " example comparison:  float(M_PI) == double( M_PI) " ) ;  
+    // test(  double(pi_f) <  pi_d  , " example comparison:  float(M_PI)  < double( M_PI) " ) ;  
+    // test(  double(pi_f) >  pi_d  , " example comparison:  float(M_PI)  > double( M_PI) " ) ;  
+    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+  } catch( exception &e ){
+    //} catch( ... ){
+    test.log( e.what() );
+    test.error( "exception occurred" );
+  }
+  return 0;