diff --git a/DDG4/python/DDSim/DD4hepSimulation.py b/DDG4/python/DDSim/DD4hepSimulation.py
index bcb5019aae4f218e4d922eeeda6a879fdce811b5..9c4fb52e3ca8377dcfe80d82d17a9a0ba118032f 100644
--- a/DDG4/python/DDSim/DD4hepSimulation.py
+++ b/DDG4/python/DDSim/DD4hepSimulation.py
@@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ class DD4hepSimulation(object):
       self.__applyBoostOrSmear(kernel, actionList, index)
     if actionList:
-      simple.buildInputStage( actionList , output_level=self.output.inputStage,
-                              have_mctruth = self._enablePrimaryHandler() )
+      self._buildInputStage(simple, actionList, output_level=self.output.inputStage,
+                            have_mctruth=self._enablePrimaryHandler() )
@@ -490,8 +490,6 @@ class DD4hepSimulation(object):
     if self._g4gps is not None:
-    #DDG4.setPrintLevel(Output.DEBUG)
     startUpTime, _sysTime, _cuTime, _csTime, _elapsedTime = os.times()
@@ -726,6 +724,53 @@ SIM = DD4hepSimulation()
       print "Disabling the PrimaryHandler"
     return enablePrimaryHandler
+  def _buildInputStage(self, simple, generator_input_modules, output_level=None, have_mctruth=True):
+    """
+    Generic build of the input stage with multiple input modules.
+    Actions executed are:
+    1) Register Generation initialization action
+    2) Append all modules to build the complete input record
+    These modules are readers/particle sources, boosters and/or smearing actions.
+    3) Merge all existing interaction records
+    4) Add the MC truth handler
+    """
+    from DDG4 import GeneratorAction
+    ga = simple.kernel().generatorAction()
+    # Register Generation initialization action
+    gen = GeneratorAction(simple.kernel(),"Geant4GeneratorActionInit/GenerationInit")
+    if output_level is not None:
+      gen.OutputLevel = output_level
+    ga.adopt(gen)
+    # Now append all modules to build the complete input record
+    # These modules are readers/particle sources, boosters and/or smearing actions
+    for gen in generator_input_modules:
+      gen.enableUI()
+      if output_level is not None:
+        gen.OutputLevel = output_level
+      ga.adopt(gen)
+    # Merge all existing interaction records
+    gen = GeneratorAction(simple.kernel(),"Geant4InteractionMerger/InteractionMerger")
+    gen.enableUI()
+    if output_level is not None:
+      gen.OutputLevel = output_level
+    ga.adopt(gen)
+    # Finally generate Geant4 primaries
+    if have_mctruth:
+      gen = GeneratorAction(simple.kernel(),"Geant4PrimaryHandler/PrimaryHandler")
+      gen.RejectPDGs=ConfigHelper.makeString(self.physics.rejectPDGs)
+      gen.enableUI()
+      if output_level is not None:
+        gen.OutputLevel = output_level
+      ga.adopt(gen)
+    # Puuuhh! All done.
+    return None
@@ -756,3 +801,4 @@ def getOutputLevel(level):
              6: OutputLevel.FATAL,
              7: OutputLevel.ALWAYS }
   return levels[level]
diff --git a/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/ConfigHelper.py b/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/ConfigHelper.py
index e4bac6a1e984b319b5af7c705a2438bb7ef65d29..89f5c3e39d7a96c82af96626fe2505b725dd7a4e 100644
--- a/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/ConfigHelper.py
+++ b/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/ConfigHelper.py
@@ -70,6 +70,25 @@ class ConfigHelper( object ):
       return stringVal.split(sep)
+  @staticmethod
+  def makeSet(stringVal, sep=" "):
+    """returns a set from a string separated by sep"""
+    if not stringVal:
+      return set()
+    if isinstance(stringVal, (list, set, tuple)):
+      return set(stringVal)
+    else:
+      return set(stringVal.split(sep))
+  @staticmethod
+  def makeString(container):
+    """Return a string that can be parsed by dd4hep into a vector."""
+    if not container:
+      return ""
+    if isinstance(container, set):
+      return '{%s}' % ','.join([str(s) for s in container])
   def makeTuple( val ):
     """ returns a tuple of the string, separators are space or comma """
diff --git a/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/Physics.py b/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/Physics.py
index f84f0a69b85cec54600c1db6799083296aff7136..344404cf112ae81e0cb9b3150b403a370388ef6e 100644
--- a/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/Physics.py
+++ b/DDG4/python/DDSim/Helper/Physics.py
@@ -13,7 +13,18 @@ class Physics( ConfigHelper ):
     self.list ="FTFP_BERT"
     self.decays = True
     self._pdgfile = None
+    self._rejectPDGs = {1,2,3,4,5,6,21,23,24}
+  @property
+  def rejectPDGs( self ):
+    """Set of PDG IDs that will not be passed from the input record to Geant4.
+    Quarks, gluons and W's Z's etc should not be treated by Geant4
+    """
+    return self._rejectPDGs
+  @rejectPDGs.setter
+  def rejectPDGs( self, val ):
+    self._rejectPDGs = val
   def rangecut( self ):