diff --git a/DDG4/examples/CLICSidAClick.C b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidAClick.C
index f2f26a3269bb87ba0eb0ffb8f6d671b90a5ca187..ff2a7f3242bf413c6ba470fe07f7f84e3ccc5ccd 100644
--- a/DDG4/examples/CLICSidAClick.C
+++ b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidAClick.C
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+// $Id: Geant4Data.h 513 2013-04-05 14:31:53Z gaede $
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation
+//  Run Geant4 using DDG4 from root prompt with test objects for
+//  Run/Event/Sensitive actions.
+//  The Geant4 setup is programmed as a root script.
+//  Usage:
+//  $> root.exe
+//  root[0] .x <installation-directory>/examples/DDG4/examples/initAClick.C
+//  root[1] .L <installation-directory>/examples/DDG4/examples/CLICSidAClick.C+
+//  root[2] CLICSidAClick()
+//  Author     : M.Frank
 #include "DDG4/Geant4Config.h"
 #include "DDG4/Geant4TestActions.h"
diff --git a/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimu.py b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimu.py
index 4642ca2be267c8d71108deef2f16a77989c2938a..8244bec6b768bc64ffde1120531cf899099ea2dc 100644
--- a/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimu.py
+++ b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimu.py
@@ -54,20 +54,10 @@ def run():
   gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4GeneratorActionInit/GenerationInit")
-  """
-  Generation of isotrope tracks using the DDG4 partcle gun:
-  # Setup particle gun
-  gun = simple.setupGun('Gun','pi-',energy=10*GeV,isotrop=True,multiplicity=1)
-  gun.OutputLevel = 5 # generator_output_level
-  gun.Mask = 1
-  #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-  """
   Generation of isotrope tracks of a given multiplicity with overlay:
+  """
   # First particle generator: pi+
   gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4IsotropeGenerator/IsotropPi+");
@@ -97,57 +87,6 @@ def run():
   gen.Sigma = (12*mm, 8*mm, 8*mm, 0*ns)
-  """
-  """
-  Generation of primary particles from LCIO input files
-  """
-  # First particle file reader
-  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"LCIOInputAction/LCIO1");
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/e2e2nn_gen_1343_1.stdhep"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/qq_gen_128_999.stdhep"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/smuonLR_PointK_3TeV_BS_noBkg_run0001.stdhep"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/bbbb_3TeV.stdhep"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOFileReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/mcparticles_pi-_5GeV.slcio"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOFileReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/mcparticles_mu-_5GeV.slcio"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOFileReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/bbbb_3TeV.slcio"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/FCC-eh.stdhep"
-  gen.Input = "Geant4EventReaderHepMC|/home/frankm/SW/data/data.hepmc.txt"
-  gen.Input = "Geant4EventReaderHepMC|/home/frankm/SW/data/sherpa-2.1.1_zjets.hepmc2g"
-  gen.OutputLevel = 4 # generator_output_level
-  gen.MomentumScale = 1.0
-  gen.Mask = 1
-  gen.enableUI()
-  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
-  # Install vertex smearing for this interaction
-  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionVertexSmear/Smear1");  
-  gen.OutputLevel = 4 #generator_output_level
-  gen.Mask = 1
-  gen.Offset = (-20*mm, -10*mm, -10*mm, 0*ns)
-  gen.Sigma = (12*mm, 8*mm, 8*mm, 0*ns)
-  gen.enableUI()
-  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
-  """
-  # Second particle file reader
-  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"LCIOInputAction/LCIO2");
-  gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/e2e2nn_gen_1343_2.stdhep"
-  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/bbnn_3TeV_01.stdhep"
-  gen.OutputLevel = 4 # generator_output_level
-  gen.Mask = 2
-  gen.MomentumScale = 0.1
-  gen.enableUI()
-  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
-  # Install vertex smearing for this interaction
-  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionVertexSmear/Smear2");
-  gen.OutputLevel = generator_output_level
-  gen.Mask = 2
-  gen.Offset = (20*mm, 10*mm, 10*mm, 0*ns)
-  gen.Sigma = (2*mm, 1*mm, 1*mm, 0*ns)
-  gen.enableUI()
-  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
-  """
-  #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   # Merge all existing interaction records
   gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionMerger/InteractionMerger")
@@ -175,16 +114,6 @@ def run():
-  """
-  rdr = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"LcioGeneratorAction/Reader")
-  rdr.zSpread = 0.0
-  rdr.lorentzAngle = 0.0
-  rdr.OutputLevel = DDG4.OutputLevel.INFO
-  rdr.Input = "LcioEventReader|test.data"
-  rdr.enableUI()
-  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(rdr)
-  """
   # Setup global filters fur use in sensntive detectors
   f1 = DDG4.Filter(kernel,'GeantinoRejectFilter/GeantinoRejector')
   f2 = DDG4.Filter(kernel,'ParticleRejectFilter/OpticalPhotonRejector')
diff --git a/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimuMarkus.py b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimuMarkus.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4642ca2be267c8d71108deef2f16a77989c2938a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimuMarkus.py
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+import os, time, DDG4
+from DDG4 import OutputLevel as Output
+from SystemOfUnits import *
+   DD4hep simulation example setup using the python configuration
+   @author  M.Frank
+   @version 1.0
+def run():
+  kernel = DDG4.Kernel()
+  lcdd = kernel.lcdd()
+  install_dir = os.environ['DD4hepINSTALL']
+  example_dir = install_dir+'/examples/DDG4/examples';
+  kernel.loadGeometry("file:"+install_dir+"/examples/CLICSiD/compact/compact.xml")
+  kernel.loadXML("file:"+example_dir+"/DDG4_field.xml")
+  DDG4.importConstants(lcdd)
+  simple = DDG4.Simple(kernel)
+  simple.printDetectors()
+  # Configure UI
+  simple.setupCshUI()
+  # Configure Run actions
+  run1 = DDG4.RunAction(kernel,'Geant4TestRunAction/RunInit')
+  run1.Property_int    = 12345
+  run1.Property_double = -5e15*keV
+  run1.Property_string = 'Startrun: Hello_2'
+  print run1.Property_string, run1.Property_double, run1.Property_int
+  run1.enableUI()
+  kernel.registerGlobalAction(run1)
+  kernel.runAction().adopt(run1)
+  # Configure Event actions
+  prt = DDG4.EventAction(kernel,'Geant4ParticlePrint/ParticlePrint')
+  prt.OutputLevel = Output.INFO
+  prt.OutputType  = 3 # Print both: table and tree
+  kernel.eventAction().adopt(prt)
+  # Configure I/O
+  evt_lcio = simple.setupLCIOOutput('LcioOutput','CLICSiD_'+time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M'))
+  evt_lcio.OutputLevel = Output.ERROR
+  evt_root = simple.setupROOTOutput('RootOutput','CLICSiD_'+time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M'))
+  generator_output_level = Output.INFO
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4GeneratorActionInit/GenerationInit")
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  """
+  Generation of isotrope tracks using the DDG4 partcle gun:
+  # Setup particle gun
+  gun = simple.setupGun('Gun','pi-',energy=10*GeV,isotrop=True,multiplicity=1)
+  gun.OutputLevel = 5 # generator_output_level
+  gun.Mask = 1
+  #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  """
+  """
+  Generation of isotrope tracks of a given multiplicity with overlay:
+  # First particle generator: pi+
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4IsotropeGenerator/IsotropPi+");
+  gen.Particle = 'pi+'
+  gen.Energy = 100 * GeV
+  gen.Multiplicity = 2
+  gen.Mask = 1
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  # Install vertex smearing for this interaction
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionVertexSmear/SmearPi+");
+  gen.Mask = 1
+  gen.Offset = (20*mm, 10*mm, 10*mm, 0*ns)
+  gen.Sigma = (4*mm, 1*mm, 1*mm, 0*ns)
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  # Second particle generator: e-
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4IsotropeGenerator/IsotropE-");
+  gen.Particle = 'e-'
+  gen.Energy = 25 * GeV
+  gen.Multiplicity = 3
+  gen.Mask = 2
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  # Install vertex smearing for this interaction
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionVertexSmear/SmearE-");
+  gen.Mask = 2
+  gen.Offset = (-20*mm, -10*mm, -10*mm, 0*ns)
+  gen.Sigma = (12*mm, 8*mm, 8*mm, 0*ns)
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  """
+  """
+  Generation of primary particles from LCIO input files
+  """
+  # First particle file reader
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"LCIOInputAction/LCIO1");
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/e2e2nn_gen_1343_1.stdhep"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/qq_gen_128_999.stdhep"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/smuonLR_PointK_3TeV_BS_noBkg_run0001.stdhep"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/bbbb_3TeV.stdhep"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOFileReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/mcparticles_pi-_5GeV.slcio"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOFileReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/mcparticles_mu-_5GeV.slcio"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOFileReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/bbbb_3TeV.slcio"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/FCC-eh.stdhep"
+  gen.Input = "Geant4EventReaderHepMC|/home/frankm/SW/data/data.hepmc.txt"
+  gen.Input = "Geant4EventReaderHepMC|/home/frankm/SW/data/sherpa-2.1.1_zjets.hepmc2g"
+  gen.OutputLevel = 4 # generator_output_level
+  gen.MomentumScale = 1.0
+  gen.Mask = 1
+  gen.enableUI()
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  # Install vertex smearing for this interaction
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionVertexSmear/Smear1");  
+  gen.OutputLevel = 4 #generator_output_level
+  gen.Mask = 1
+  gen.Offset = (-20*mm, -10*mm, -10*mm, 0*ns)
+  gen.Sigma = (12*mm, 8*mm, 8*mm, 0*ns)
+  gen.enableUI()
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  """
+  # Second particle file reader
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"LCIOInputAction/LCIO2");
+  gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/e2e2nn_gen_1343_2.stdhep"
+  #gen.Input = "LCIOStdHepReader|/home/frankm/SW/data/bbnn_3TeV_01.stdhep"
+  gen.OutputLevel = 4 # generator_output_level
+  gen.Mask = 2
+  gen.MomentumScale = 0.1
+  gen.enableUI()
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  # Install vertex smearing for this interaction
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionVertexSmear/Smear2");
+  gen.OutputLevel = generator_output_level
+  gen.Mask = 2
+  gen.Offset = (20*mm, 10*mm, 10*mm, 0*ns)
+  gen.Sigma = (2*mm, 1*mm, 1*mm, 0*ns)
+  gen.enableUI()
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  """
+  #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  # Merge all existing interaction records
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4InteractionMerger/InteractionMerger")
+  gen.OutputLevel = 4 #generator_output_level
+  gen.enableUI()
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  # Finally generate Geant4 primaries
+  gen = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4PrimaryHandler/PrimaryHandler")
+  gen.OutputLevel = 4 #generator_output_level
+  gen.enableUI()
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(gen)
+  # And handle the simulation particles.
+  part = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"Geant4ParticleHandler/ParticleHandler")
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(part)
+  #part.SaveProcesses = ['conv','Decay']
+  part.SaveProcesses = ['Decay']
+  part.MinimalKineticEnergy = 100*MeV
+  part.OutputLevel = 5 # generator_output_level
+  part.enableUI()
+  user = DDG4.Action(kernel,"Geant4TCUserParticleHandler/UserParticleHandler")
+  user.TrackingVolume_Zmax = DDG4.EcalEndcap_zmin
+  user.TrackingVolume_Rmax = DDG4.EcalBarrel_rmin
+  user.enableUI()
+  part.adopt(user)
+  """
+  rdr = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel,"LcioGeneratorAction/Reader")
+  rdr.zSpread = 0.0
+  rdr.lorentzAngle = 0.0
+  rdr.OutputLevel = DDG4.OutputLevel.INFO
+  rdr.Input = "LcioEventReader|test.data"
+  rdr.enableUI()
+  kernel.generatorAction().adopt(rdr)
+  """
+  # Setup global filters fur use in sensntive detectors
+  f1 = DDG4.Filter(kernel,'GeantinoRejectFilter/GeantinoRejector')
+  f2 = DDG4.Filter(kernel,'ParticleRejectFilter/OpticalPhotonRejector')
+  f2.particle = 'opticalphoton'
+  f3 = DDG4.Filter(kernel,'ParticleSelectFilter/OpticalPhotonSelector') 
+  f3.particle = 'opticalphoton'
+  f4 = DDG4.Filter(kernel,'EnergyDepositMinimumCut')
+  f4.Cut = 10*MeV
+  f4.enableUI()
+  kernel.registerGlobalFilter(f1)
+  kernel.registerGlobalFilter(f2)
+  kernel.registerGlobalFilter(f3)
+  kernel.registerGlobalFilter(f4)
+  # First the tracking detectors
+  seq,act = simple.setupTracker('SiVertexBarrel')
+  seq.adopt(f1)
+  #seq.adopt(f4)
+  act.adopt(f1)
+  seq,act = simple.setupTracker('SiVertexEndcap')
+  seq.adopt(f1)
+  #seq.adopt(f4)
+  seq,act = simple.setupTracker('SiTrackerBarrel')
+  seq,act = simple.setupTracker('SiTrackerEndcap')
+  seq,act = simple.setupTracker('SiTrackerForward')
+  # Now the calorimeters
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('EcalBarrel')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('EcalEndcap')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('HcalBarrel')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('HcalEndcap')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('HcalPlug')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('MuonBarrel')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('MuonEndcap')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('LumiCal')
+  seq,act = simple.setupCalorimeter('BeamCal')
+  # Now build the physics list:
+  phys = simple.setupPhysics('QGSP_BERT')
+  ph = DDG4.PhysicsList(kernel,'Geant4PhysicsList/Myphysics')
+  ph.addParticleConstructor('G4BosonConstructor')
+  ph.addParticleConstructor('G4LeptonConstructor')
+  ph.addParticleProcess('e[+-]','G4eMultipleScattering',-1,1,1)
+  ph.addPhysicsConstructor('G4OpticalPhysics')
+  ph.enableUI()
+  phys.adopt(ph)
+  phys.dump()
+  kernel.configure()
+  kernel.initialize()
+  #DDG4.setPrintLevel(Output.DEBUG)
+  kernel.run()
+  kernel.terminate()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  run()
diff --git a/DDG4/examples/CLICSidXML.C b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidXML.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9bce6c5ad3aa7c5c46e288ab04323a520e059e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DDG4/examples/CLICSidXML.C
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// $Id: Geant4Data.h 513 2013-04-05 14:31:53Z gaede $
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation
+//  Run Geant4 using DDG4 from root prompt with test objects for
+//  Run/Event/Sensitive actions.
+//  The Geant4 setup is programmed in the xml files to be parsed. Only
+//  the commands to parse these xml files is executed by root.
+//  Usage:
+//  $> root.exe
+//  root[0] .x <installation-directory>/examples/DDG4/examples/initAClick.C
+//  root[1] .L <installation-directory>/examples/DDG4/examples/CLICSidXML.C+
+//  root[2] CLICSidAClick()
+//  Author     : M.Frank
+#include "DDG4/Geant4Config.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace DD4hep::Simulation::Setup;
+void setupG4_XML()  {
+  std::string prefix = "file:../DD4hep.trunk";
+  Kernel& kernel = Kernel::instance(Kernel::LCDD::getInstance());
+  kernel.loadGeometry((prefix+"/DDExamples/CLICSiD/compact/compact.xml").c_str());
+  kernel.loadXML((prefix+"/DDG4/examples/DDG4_field.xml").c_str());
+  kernel.loadXML((prefix+"/DDG4/examples/sequences.xml").c_str());
+  kernel.loadXML((prefix+"/DDG4/examples/physics.xml").c_str());
+  kernel.property("UI") = "UI";
+  kernel.configure();
+  kernel.initialize();
+  kernel.run();
+  std::cout << "Successfully executed application .... " << std::endl;
+  kernel.terminate();
+#if defined(G__DICTIONARY) || defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) // Cint script
+int CLICSidXML()
+int main(int, char**)                              // Main program if linked standalone
+  setupG4_XML();
+  return 1;
diff --git a/DDG4/examples/README.txt b/DDG4/examples/README.txt
index 09d38c9748d9843bceff0a05a1b2e208b5ec595b..bc39d5cfb9b908bb7cfe8c4d3c68336f4c32d7f7 100644
--- a/DDG4/examples/README.txt
+++ b/DDG4/examples/README.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,52 @@
 DDG4 setup
+Please note:
+examples, which are regularly checked and should work
+-- CLICSidAClick.C
+-- CLICSidSimu.py
-Starting Geant4 as ROTO AClick
+Other AClick and python files are for temporary tests and are not supposed 
+to work 'out of the box'.
+Starting Geant4 CLICSiD example as ROOT AClick
 - First adapt the initAClick script to fit your include/library pathes
 - load the script in root: .x initAClick.C
 - Then start the configuration in compiled mode in ROOT
-  .L exampleAClick.C+
-  or
-  .L xmlAClick.C+
+  .L CLICSidAClick.C+
+- See also instructions in CLICSidAClick.C
+Other AClick files are for temporary tests and are not supposed 
+to work under all circumstances.
+Once you get the Geant4 interactive prompt, enter:
+/run/beamOn 1
+1 = number of events to be simulated.
+Starting Geant4 CLICSiD example from XML
+- First adapt the initAClick script to fit your include/library pathes
+- load the script in root: .x initAClick.C
+- Then start the configuration in compiled mode in ROOT
+- See also instructions in CLICSidXML.C
+Once you get the Geant4 interactive prompt, enter:
+/run/beamOn 1
+1 = number of events to be simulated.
+If you do not want to run from the ROOT prompt, you could
+also compile and link this script to a standalone main program.
+Starting Geant4 CLICSiD example from python
+$> python <installation-directory>/examples/DDG4/examples/CLICSidSimu.py
-Note: these are examples only and do not necessarily produce
-meaningful results.
+Once you get the Geant4 interactive prompt, enter:
+/run/beamOn 1
+1 = number of events to be simulated.
diff --git a/DDG4/examples/physics.xml b/DDG4/examples/physics.xml
index 3c9a206183e0c43db4e46ec5b5c41c4c9466e641..d869f19116bebc07978eb2feeaf1aaf6702b4a81 100644
--- a/DDG4/examples/physics.xml
+++ b/DDG4/examples/physics.xml
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
   <!-- Definition of the physics list.
-  --
-  --   Ordering values:
-  --   	ordInActive = -1,	// ordering parameter to indicate InActive DoIt
-  --   	ordDefault = 1000,	// default ordering parameter
-  --   	ordLast    = 9999 	// ordering parameter to indicate the last DoIt
+       Ordering values:
+     	ordInActive = -1,	// ordering parameter to indicate InActive DoIt
+       	ordDefault = 1000,	// default ordering parameter
+       	ordLast    = 9999 	// ordering parameter to indicate the last DoIt
diff --git a/DDG4/examples/sequences.xml b/DDG4/examples/sequences.xml
index 4d344897d83f8407617f93713828d1fa5fd3f8ad..9b455edcef3e9e667063bb60a9767800fbf76841 100644
--- a/DDG4/examples/sequences.xml
+++ b/DDG4/examples/sequences.xml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     <action name="Geant4UIManager/UI">
       <properties HaveVIS="0"
-		  SetupUI="run.mac"
+		  SetupUI=""
@@ -112,12 +112,14 @@
       <action name="UserEvent_2"/>
-      <action name="Geant4Output2ROOT/RootOutput">
-	<properties Control="true" Output="simple.root"/>
-      </action>
       <action name="Geant4Output2LCIO/LCIOOutput">
 	<properties Control="true" Output="simple_lcio"/>
+      <action name="Geant4Output2ROOT/RootOutput">
+	<properties Control="true" Output="simple.root"/>
+      </action>
     <sequence name="Geant4GeneratorActionSequence/GeneratorAction">
       <action name="Geant4ParticleGun/Gun">
diff --git a/DDG4/examples/xmlAClick.C b/DDG4/examples/xmlAClick.C
index 1096deeeb566abc4627d41e53d84fdfe02a8d4e6..8fd6e188cbe36914a7f24458c6f92164ee39cc3e 100644
--- a/DDG4/examples/xmlAClick.C
+++ b/DDG4/examples/xmlAClick.C
@@ -1,48 +1,44 @@
+// $Id: Geant4Data.h 513 2013-04-05 14:31:53Z gaede $
+//  AIDA Detector description implementation
+//  Run Geant4 using DDG4 from root prompt with test objects for
+//  Run/Event/Sensitive actions.
+//  The Geant4 setup is programmed in the xml files to be parsed. Only
+//  the commands to parse these xml files is executed by root.
+//  Usage:
+//  $> root.exe
+//  root[0] .x <installation-directory>/examples/DDG4/examples/initAClick.C
+//  root[1] .L <installation-directory>/examples/DDG4/examples/CLICSidAClick.C+
+//  root[2] CLICSidAClick()
+//  Author     : M.Frank
 #include "DDG4/Geant4Config.h"
-#if 0
-#include "DDG4/Geant4Handle.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4Particle.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4Kernel.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4PhysicsList.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4GeneratorAction.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4RunAction.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4EventAction.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4TrackingAction.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4SteppingAction.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4StackingAction.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4ActionPhase.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4SensDetAction.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4ParticleHandler.h"
-#include "DDG4/Geant4UserParticleHandler.h"
-#include "DDG4/ComponentUtils.h"
-#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
 #include <iostream>
-using namespace DD4hep;
-using namespace DD4hep::Simulation;
 using namespace DD4hep::Simulation::Setup;
 void setupG4_XML()  {
   std::string prefix = "file:../DD4hep.trunk";
-  Geant4Kernel& kernel = Kernel::instance(Geometry::LCDD::getInstance());
+  Kernel& kernel = Kernel::instance(Kernel::LCDD::getInstance());
+  kernel.property("UI") = "UI";
   std::cout << "Successfully executed application .... " << std::endl;
-#if 0
 void xmlAClick()  {
diff --git a/DDG4/src/Geant4Particle.cpp b/DDG4/src/Geant4Particle.cpp
index 656b95710cdf2d97eec4a71a4581e0a921f9cd61..e9f58bcb5edc228641e1c23c64a5bbf5fd9e34fe 100644
--- a/DDG4/src/Geant4Particle.cpp
+++ b/DDG4/src/Geant4Particle.cpp
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ void Geant4ParticleMap::adopt(ParticleMap& pm, TrackEquivalents& equiv)    {
   equivalentTracks = equiv;
-  //dumpMap(this);
+  //dump();
 /// Access the equivalent track id (shortcut to the usage of TrackEquivalents)
@@ -400,5 +400,6 @@ int Geant4ParticleMap::particleID(int g4_id, bool) const   {
   if ( iequiv != equivalentTracks.end() ) return (*iequiv).second;
   printout(ERROR,"Geant4ParticleMap","+++ No Equivalent particle for track:%d."
 	   " Monte Carlo truth record looks broken!",g4_id);
+  dump();
   return -1;