stages: - build - documentation - deployment mac11-clang12: stage: build tags: - mac script: - source /cvmfs/ - export CXX=clang++ - export CC=clang - export FC="" - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -GNinja -DDD4HEP_USE_GEANT4=ON -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DDD4HEP_USE_LCIO=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 .. - ninja - ninja install - . ../bin/ - ctest --output-on-failure -j4 -T Test --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1024000 - cd ../examples/ - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -GNinja -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 .. - ninja - ninja install - ctest --output-on-failure -E t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Eightpoint_Reflect_DetElement -T Test --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1024000 after_script: - xsltproc .github/utils/ctest2junit.xsl build/Testing/*/Test.xml > junit.xml - xsltproc .github/utils/ctest2junit.xsl examples/build/Testing/*/Test.xml > junit_examples.xml artifacts: reports: junit: junit*.xml mac11-clang12-XERCESC: stage: build tags: - mac script: - source /cvmfs/ - export CXX=clang++ - export CC=clang - export FC="" - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -GNinja -DDD4HEP_USE_GEANT4=ON -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DDD4HEP_USE_LCIO=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -DDD4HEP_USE_XERCESC=ON .. - ninja - ninja install - . ../bin/ - ctest --output-on-failure -j4 -T Test --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1024000 - cd ../examples/ - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -GNinja -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON -DDD4HEP_USE_XERCESC=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 .. - ninja - ninja install - ctest --output-on-failure -E t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Eightpoint_Reflect_DetElement -T Test --no-compress-output --test-output-size-failed 1024000 after_script: - xsltproc .github/utils/ctest2junit.xsl build/Testing/*/Test.xml > junit_XERCES.xml - xsltproc .github/utils/ctest2junit.xsl examples/build/Testing/*/Test.xml > junit_examples_XERCES.xml artifacts: reports: junit: junit*.xml Python: stage: build tags: - docker image: script: - source /cvmfs/ - echo "RUNNING FLAKE8 CHECK" - find . -name "*.py" -and -not -name '' -exec flake8 {} + ############################# # Documentation Compilation # ############################# # Compile Doxygen reference doxygen: stage: documentation needs: [] tags: - docker image: script: - source /cvmfs/ - mkdir -p public - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -DBUILD_DOCS_ONLY=ON .. - make reference - mv reference/html ../public/reference artifacts: paths: - public expire_in: 3 hour # Compile LaTeX user manual: usermanuals: stage: documentation needs: [] tags: - docker image: script: - yum install -y ghostscript poppler-utils perl - source /cvmfs/ - export PATH=/cvmfs/$PATH - export max_print_line=200 - mkdir -p public/usermanuals - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -DBUILD_DOCS_ONLY=ON .. - make pdf - make html - mv DD4hepManual ../public/usermanuals/. - mv DDAlignManual ../public/usermanuals/. - mv DDCondManual ../public/usermanuals/. - mv DDEveManual ../public/usermanuals/. - mv DDG4Manual ../public/usermanuals/. - mv DDRecManual ../public/usermanuals/. artifacts: paths: - public expire_in: 3 hour ############################ # Documentation Deployment # ############################ # Automatically deploy documentation to the website # Deployment job only executed for new tag pushs, not for every commit. deploy-documentation: variables: EOS_PATH: "/eos/project/d/dd4hep/www/" only: - tags@CLICdp/DetectorSoftware/DD4hep - master@CLICdp/DetectorSoftware/DD4hep stage: deployment tags: - docker needs: ["usermanuals", "doxygen"] # Docker image with tools to deploy to EOS image: script: - deploy-eos # do not run any globally defined before_script or after_script for this step before_script: [] after_script: []