[pycodestyle] max-line-length = 120 ignore = E111, E114 #continuation line with same indent as next logical line E125 [pep8] indent_size=2 [flake8] exclude = .git,__pycache__,old,build,dist ignore = # indentation is not a multiple of 4 E111 # indentation is not a multiple of 4 (comment) E114 # closing bracket does not match visual indentation E124 # continuation line with same indent as next logical line E125 # continuation line over-indented for visual indent E127 max-line-length=120 hang_closing=true [yapf] based_on_style = pep8 DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS=false COALESCE_BRACKETS=false COLUMN_LIMIT=120 EACH_DICT_ENTRY_ON_SEPARATE_LINE=true INDENT_WIDTH=2 SPACES_BEFORE_COMMENT=1 SPACES_AROUND_DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN=true SPLIT_ARGUMENTS_WHEN_COMMA_TERMINATED=true SPLIT_BEFORE_EXPRESSION_AFTER_OPENING_PAREN=false SPLIT_BEFORE_FIRST_ARGUMENT=false SPLIT_PENALTY_AFTER_OPENING_BRACKET=1000000 BLANK_LINE_BEFORE_NESTED_CLASS_OR_DEF=false