********************************************************************************** *** The files in this distribution are: README : Brief instructions. LICENSE : License conditions. VERSION : File containing the version of the distribution. CHANGELOG : Release notes. INSTALL : Build and installation instructions. FILES : This file. examples/ : Small standalone examples for reading and writing MCPL files, either from standalone C applications or through Geant4 simulations in C++. Also contains a small sample MCPL file. CMakeLists.txt : Configuration file for optionally building and installing via CMake (cf. the INSTALL file for instructions). src/mcpl/ : Implementation of MCPL itself in C, along with the mcpltool command line application. The file mcpl.h is the public interface of MCPL and mcpl.c is the implementation. src/geant4/ : MCPL hooks for Geant4 in C++, in the form of two classes implementing respectively a G4VSensitiveDetector and a G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction. src/mcnpssw/ : MCPL hooks for MCNP in C, in the form of a few .h/.c file pairs and two command line applications which can be used to convert between the MCPL format and the SSW files used by MCNP. src/mcstas/ : No actual code is here, just a small reminder of how the MCPL plugin shipped with McStas can be used. src/mcxtrace/ : No actual code is here, just a small reminder of how the MCPL plugin shipped with McXtrace can be used. src_fat/ : Various "fat" versions of files from the above directories under src/, for convenience. These files are automatically generated and also contain code under the zlib license (see src_fat/LICENSE.zlib). src_fat/LICENSE.zlib: License conditions for zlib (http://zlib.net) code, which is embedded in files under the src_fat/ directory. src_fat/mcpl.c : Replacement for src/mcpl/mcpl.c which includes zlib sources internally (thus making transparent compression available even when zlib is not available to the build system). src_fat/*_app.c : Single-file versions of the command-line applications mcpltool, mcpl2ssw and ssw2mcpl. These can be compiled without the need for any external headers or libraries (except math-lib: -lm), and includes both MCPL, zlib and mcnpssw sources internally as needed. src_fat/Makefile : Simple makefile for building the "fat" command-line applications (cf. the INSTALL file for instructions).