diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Makefile b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d2f46390ff37164e59210810c18f9c164cc8060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
+# Copyright (c) 2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
+# reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+#    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+#    distribution.
+# 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
+#    if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
+#       "This product includes software developed by the
+#        Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
+#    Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
+#    if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
+# 4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
+#    not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+#    software without prior written permission. For written
+#    permission, please contact apache\@apache.org.
+# 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
+#    nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
+#    permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
+# ====================================================================
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation, and was
+# originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International
+# Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com .  For more information
+# on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
+# <http://www.apache.org/>.
+# REVISIT:  this should really be generalized to support platforms
+# other than Windows/MSVC++ and Linux/gcc.  However, the portability of 
+# wide character I/O is very non-portable; so this is a nontrivial 
+# prospect.  That's why this Makefile is provided only for gcc
+# at the moment.
+    Xlat.o \
+    Xlat_CppSrc.o \
+    Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.o \
+    Xlat_MsgCatalog.o \
+    Xlat_Win32RC.o
+GCC = yes
+GXX = yes
+LDFLAGS =    
+all:: ${APP_NAME}
+Xlat.o:: Xlat.cpp Xlat_ErrHandler.hpp Xlat_Formatter.hpp Xlat_Types.hpp
+	${CC} ${INCLUDES} ${CMP} -o Xlat.o Xlat.cpp 
+Xlat_CppSrc.o:: Xlat_CppSrc.cpp Xlat_CppSrc.hpp 
+	${CC} ${INCLUDES} ${CMP} -o Xlat_CppSrc.o Xlat_CppSrc.cpp 
+Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.o:: Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.hpp 
+	${CC} ${INCLUDES} ${CMP} -o Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.o Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp
+Xlat_MsgCatalog.o:: Xlat_MsgCatalog.cpp Xlat_MsgCatalog.hpp 
+	${CC} ${INCLUDES} ${CMP} -o Xlat_MsgCatalog.o Xlat_MsgCatalog.cpp
+Xlat_Win32RC.o:: Xlat_Win32RC.cpp Xlat_Win32RC.hpp
+	${CC} ${INCLUDES} ${CMP} -o Xlat_Win32RC.o Xlat_Win32RC.cpp
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp
index 1076185c6f5eeee36119aff7ff8a626f08faff47..53ea8c67c5b069b4d961192fe4de1f39875f9389 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.17  2003/04/14 08:41:00  gareth
+ * Xlat now works under linux - Big thanks to Neil Graham (I no longer have to find a windows box). Still slight problems working with glibc before 2.2.4 (If you mess up the parameters it seg faults due to handling of wprintf)
+ *
  * Revision 1.16  2002/12/12 23:40:39  peiyongz
  * normlize locale string.
@@ -141,7 +144,6 @@
 #include "Xlat.hpp"
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Static data
@@ -149,19 +151,23 @@
 //      This is the path, relative to the given input source root, to the
 //      input file. The given local suffix must also be added to it.
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static XMLCh* const     gRelativeInputPath  = L"src/xercesc/NLS/";
+XMLCh*      gRelativeInputPath = 0;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Global data
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const XMLCh* typePrefixes[MsgTypes_Count] =
-    L"W_"
-    , L"E_"
-    , L"F_"
+XMLCh* typePrefixes[MsgTypes_Count];
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  temporary variables/conversion utility functions
+//  We need different temps depending on treatment of wide characters
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef longChars
+    char* fTmpStr = 0;
+    wchar_t fTmpWStr[256];
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Local data
@@ -194,6 +200,25 @@ const XMLCh*    gSrcRoot = 0;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Local utility methods
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize the global "constants" (that really require use of the transcoder)
+void init_Globals(void) 
+    typePrefixes[0] = XMLString::transcode("W_");
+    typePrefixes[1] = XMLString::transcode("E_");
+    typePrefixes[2] = XMLString::transcode("F_");
+    gRelativeInputPath  = XMLString::transcode("src/xercesc/NLS/");
+// Release the global "constants" (that really require use of the transcoder)
+void release_Globals(void) 
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
+    {
+        XMLString::release(&typePrefixes[i]);
+    }
+    XMLString::release(&gRelativeInputPath);
 //  This method is called to parse the parameters. They must be in this
@@ -201,75 +226,100 @@ const XMLCh*    gSrcRoot = 0;
 //  /SrcRoot=xxx /OutPath=xxx /OutFmt=xxx /Locale=xxx
-static bool parseParms(const int argC, XMLCh** argV)
+//static bool parseParms(const int argC, XMLCh** argV)
+bool parseParms(const int argC, XMLCh** argV)
     if (argC < 5)
         return false;
     unsigned int curParm = 1;
-    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], L"/SrcRoot="))
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/SrcRoot=");
+    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr))
         gSrcRoot = &argV[curParm][9];
         wprintf(L"\nExpected /SrcRoot=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]);
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
         return false;
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
-    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], L"/OutPath="))
+    tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/OutPath=");
+    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr ))
         gOutPath = &argV[curParm][9];
         wprintf(L"\nExpected /OutPath=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]);
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
         return false;
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
-    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], L"/OutFmt="))
+    tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/OutFmt=");
+    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr ))
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
         const XMLCh* tmpFmt = &argV[curParm][8];
-        if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, L"ResBundle"))
+        tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("ResBundle");
+        XMLCh *tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode("Win32RC");
+        XMLCh *tmpXMLStr3 = XMLString::transcode("CppSrc");
+        XMLCh *tmpXMLStr4 = XMLString::transcode("MsgCat");
+        if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr ))
             gOutFormat = OutFormat_ResBundle;
-        else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, L"Win32RC"))
+        else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr2 ))
             gOutFormat = OutFormat_Win32RC;
-        else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, L"CppSrc"))
+        else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr3 ))
             gOutFormat = OutFormat_CppSrc;
-        else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, L"MsgCat"))
+        else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr4 ))
             gOutFormat = OutFormat_MsgCatalog;
             wprintf(L"\n'%s' is not a legal output format\n", tmpFmt);
+            XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+            XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
+            XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3);
+            XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr4);
             return false;
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3);
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr4);
         wprintf(L"\nExpected /OutFmt=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]);
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
         return false;
-    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], L"/Locale="))
+    tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/Locale=");
+    if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr ))
         gLocale = &argV[curParm][8];
         wprintf(L"\nExpected /Locale=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]);
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
         return false;
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
     return true;
-static void parseError(const XMLException& toCatch)
+//static void parseError(const XMLException& toCatch)
+void parseError(const XMLException& toCatch)
@@ -282,7 +332,8 @@ static void parseError(const XMLException& toCatch)
-static void parseError(const SAXParseException& toCatch)
+//static void parseError(const SAXParseException& toCatch)
+void parseError(const SAXParseException& toCatch)
@@ -296,7 +347,8 @@ static void parseError(const SAXParseException& toCatch)
-static void
+//static void
 enumMessages(   const   DOMElement*             srcElem
                 ,       XlatFormatter* const    toCall
                 ,       FILE* const             headerFl
@@ -307,10 +359,11 @@ enumMessages(   const   DOMElement*             srcElem
         , L"      , %s%-30s   = %d\n"
-        , typePrefixes[msgType]
-        , L"LowBounds"
+        , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[msgType]) 
+        , longChars("LowBounds")
         , count++
+    releasePrintableStr
     //  We just run through each of the child elements, each of which is
@@ -331,25 +384,33 @@ enumMessages(   const   DOMElement*             srcElem
         const DOMElement* curElem = (const DOMElement*)curNode;
         // Ok, this should be a Message node
-        if (XMLString::compareString(curElem->getTagName(), L"Message"))
+        XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Message");
+        if (XMLString::compareString(curElem->getTagName(), tmpXMLStr ))
             wprintf(L"Expected a Message node\n\n");
+            XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
             throw ErrReturn_SrcFmtError;
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
         //  Ok, lets pull out the id, text value, and message type. These are
         //  to be passed to the formatter. We have to translate the message
         //  type into one of the offical enum values.
-        const XMLCh* msgText = curElem->getAttribute(L"Text");
-        const XMLCh* msgId   = curElem->getAttribute(L"Id");
+        tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Text");
+        const XMLCh* msgText = curElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr );
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+        tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Id");
+        const XMLCh* msgId   = curElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr );
+        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
         //  Write out an entry to the target header file. These are enums, so
         //  we use the id as the enum name.
-        fwprintf(headerFl, L"      , %-32s   = %d\n", msgId, count);
+        fwprintf(headerFl, L"      , %-32s   = %d\n", xmlStrToPrintable(msgId), count);
+        releasePrintableStr
         // And tell the formatter about this one
@@ -372,10 +433,11 @@ enumMessages(   const   DOMElement*             srcElem
         , L"      , %s%-30s   = %d\n"
-        , typePrefixes[msgType]
-        , L"HighBounds"
+        , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[msgType])
+        , longChars("HighBounds")
         , count++
+    releasePrintableStr
@@ -389,8 +451,8 @@ enumMessages(   const   DOMElement*             srcElem
 //  file to get a DOM tree, then passes the DOM tree to the appropriate
 //  output method to output the info in a particular format.
-extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
+int Xlat_main(int argC, XMLCh** argV);
+int main (int argC, char** argV) {
@@ -401,6 +463,24 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
         wprintf(L"Parser init error.\n  ERROR: %s\n\n", toCatch.getMessage());
         return ErrReturn_ParserInit;
+    XMLCh** newArgV = new XMLCh*[argC];
+    for(int i=0;i<argC; i++) 
+    {
+        newArgV[i] = XMLString::transcode(argV[i]);
+    }
+    int toReturn = (Xlat_main(argC,newArgV));
+    for (int i=0; i<argC; i++) 
+    {
+        delete [] newArgV[i];
+    }
+    delete [] newArgV;
+    return toReturn;
+int Xlat_main(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
+    init_Globals();
     //  Lets check the parameters and save them away in globals for use by
@@ -417,21 +497,23 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
         DOMDocument* srcDoc;
         const unsigned int bufSize = 4095;
-        XMLCh tmpFileBuf[bufSize + 1];
+        XMLCh *tmpFileBuf = new XMLCh [bufSize + 1];
+        tmpFileBuf[0] = 0;
+        XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/XMLErrList_");
+        XMLCh *tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode(".Xml");
                 // Build the input file name
-                swprintf
-                (
-                    tmpFileBuf
-                    , L"%s%s%s/XMLErrList_%s.Xml"
-                    , gSrcRoot
-                    , gRelativeInputPath
-                    , gLocale
-                    , gLocale
-                );
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gSrcRoot);
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gRelativeInputPath);
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gLocale);
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, tmpXMLStr );
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gLocale);
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, tmpXMLStr2 );
+                XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+                XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
                 //  Ok, lets invoke the DOM parser on the input file and build
@@ -449,6 +531,7 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
+            XMLString::release(&tmpFileBuf);
             //  Use the output format parm to create the correct kind of output
@@ -483,7 +566,9 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
             //  all information.
             DOMElement* rootElem = srcDoc->getDocumentElement();
-            const XMLCh* localeStr = rootElem->getAttribute(L"Locale");
+            tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Locale");
+            const XMLCh* localeStr = rootElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr);
+            XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
             // Make sure that the locale matches what we were given
             if (XMLString::compareString(localeStr, gLocale))
@@ -497,7 +582,9 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
             //  the sets of (potentially separately) loadable messages. More
             //  importantly they all have their own error id space.
-            DOMNodeList* msgSetList = rootElem->getElementsByTagName(L"MsgDomain");
+            tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("MsgDomain");
+            DOMNodeList* msgSetList = rootElem->getElementsByTagName(tmpXMLStr);
+            XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
             //  Loop through them and look for the domains that we know are
@@ -551,7 +638,9 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                 //  Get some of  the attribute strings that we need, and transcode
                 //  couple that need to be in local format.
-                const XMLCh* domainStr = curElem->getAttribute(L"Domain");
+                tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Domain");
+                const XMLCh* domainStr = curElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr );
+                XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
                 //  Look at the domain and set up our application specific info
@@ -559,27 +648,27 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                 //  name of the header is and what the namespace is that they
                 //  codes will go into
-                const XMLCh* headerName = 0;
-                const XMLCh* errNameSpace = 0;
+                XMLCh* headerName = 0;
+                XMLCh* errNameSpace = 0;
                 if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain))
-                    headerName = L"XMLErrorCodes.hpp";
-                    errNameSpace = L"XMLErrs";
+                    headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLErrorCodes.hpp");
+                    errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLErrs");
                  else if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgValidityDomain))
-                    headerName = L"XMLValidityCodes.hpp";
-                    errNameSpace = L"XMLValid";
+                    headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLValidityCodes.hpp");
+                    errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLValid");
                  else if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain))
-                    headerName = L"XMLExceptMsgs.hpp";
-                    errNameSpace = L"XMLExcepts";
+                    headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLExceptMsgs.hpp");
+                    errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLExcepts");
                  else if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgXMLDOMMsgDomain))
-                    headerName = L"XMLDOMMsg.hpp";
-                    errNameSpace = L"XMLDOMMsg";
+                    headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLDOMMsg.hpp");
+                    errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLDOMMsg");
@@ -591,27 +680,32 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                 //  Lets try to create the header file that was indicated for
                 //  this domain.
-                swprintf
-                (
-                    tmpFileBuf
-                    , L"%s%s"
-                    , gOutPath
-                    , headerName
-                );
-                FILE* outHeader = _wfopen(tmpFileBuf, L"wt+");
-                if (!outHeader)
+                tmpFileBuf = new XMLCh [bufSize + 1];
+                tmpFileBuf[0] = 0;
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gOutPath);
+                XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, headerName);
+                char *tmpFileBufCh = XMLString::transcode(tmpFileBuf);                
+                FILE* outHeader = fopen(tmpFileBufCh, "wt+");
+                XMLString::release(&tmpFileBufCh);
+                if ((!outHeader) || (fwide(outHeader, 1) < 0)) 
-                    wprintf(L"Could not open domain header file: %s\n\n", tmpFileBuf);
+                    wprintf(L"Could not open domain header file: %s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(tmpFileBuf));
+                    releasePrintableStr
+                    XMLString::release(&tmpFileBuf);
+                    XMLString::release(&headerName);
+                    XMLString::release(&errNameSpace);
                     throw ErrReturn_OutFileOpenFailed;
+                XMLString::release(&tmpFileBuf);                
                 //  Write out the opening of the class they are nested within, and
                 //  the header protection define.
-                //
+                //                
                 fwprintf(outHeader, L"// This file is generated, don't edit it!!\n\n");
-                fwprintf(outHeader, L"#if !defined(ERRHEADER_%s)\n", errNameSpace);
-                fwprintf(outHeader, L"#define ERRHEADER_%s\n\n", errNameSpace);
+                fwprintf(outHeader, L"#if !defined(ERRHEADER_%s)\n", xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) );
+                fwprintf(outHeader, L"#define ERRHEADER_%s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) );
+                releasePrintableStr
                 // If its not the exception domain, then we need a header included
                 if (XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain))
@@ -622,7 +716,8 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                 fwprintf(outHeader, L"XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN\n\n");
                 //  Now the message codes
-                fwprintf(outHeader, L"class %s\n{\npublic :\n    enum Codes\n    {\n", errNameSpace);
+                fwprintf(outHeader, L"class %s\n{\npublic :\n    enum Codes\n    {\n", xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) );
+                releasePrintableStr
                 // Tell the formatter that a new domain is starting
@@ -636,7 +731,7 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                 //  the 'no error' entry for that domain.
                 unsigned int count = 0;
-                fwprintf(outHeader, L"        %-32s   = %d\n", L"NoError", count++);
+                fwprintf(outHeader, L"        %-32s   = %d\n", longChars("NoError"), count++);
                 //  Loop through the children of this node, which should take us
@@ -660,17 +755,20 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                     const XMLCh* typeName = typeElem->getTagName();
                     MsgTypes type;
-                    if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, L"Warning"))
+                    tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Warning");
+                    XMLCh* tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode("Error");
+                    XMLCh* tmpXMLStr3 =XMLString::transcode("FatalError");
+                    if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, tmpXMLStr ))
                         type = MsgType_Warning;
                         typeGotten[0] = true;
-                     else if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, L"Error"))
+                     else if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, tmpXMLStr2 ))
                         type = MsgType_Error;
                         typeGotten[1] = true;
-                     else if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, L"FatalError"))
+                     else if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, tmpXMLStr3 ))
                         type = MsgType_FatalError;
                         typeGotten[2] = true;
@@ -678,8 +776,14 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                         wprintf(L"Expected a Warning, Error, or FatalError node\n\n");
+                        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+                        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
+                        XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3);
                         throw ErrReturn_SrcFmtError;
+                    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+                    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
+                    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3);
                     // Call the start message type event
@@ -713,18 +817,20 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                             , L"      , %s%-30s   = %d\n"
-                            , typePrefixes[subIndex]
-                            , L"LowBounds"
+                            , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[subIndex]) 
+                            , longChars("LowBounds")
                             , count++
+                        releasePrintableStr
                             , L"      , %s%-30s   = %d\n"
-                            , typePrefixes[subIndex]
-                            , L"HighBounds"
+                            , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[subIndex]) 
+                            , longChars("HighBounds")
                             , count++
+                        releasePrintableStr
@@ -748,8 +854,9 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                           L"    {\n"
                           L"        return ((toCheck >= F_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= F_HighBounds));\n"
                           L"    }\n\n"
-                        , errNameSpace
+                        , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) 
+                    releasePrintableStr
@@ -758,8 +865,9 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                           L"    {\n"
                           L"        return ((toCheck >= W_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= W_HighBounds));\n"
                           L"    }\n\n"
-                        , errNameSpace
+                        , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) 
+                    releasePrintableStr
@@ -768,8 +876,9 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                           L"    {\n"
                           L"        return ((toCheck >= E_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= E_HighBounds));\n"
                           L"    }\n\n"
-                        , errNameSpace
+                        , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) 
+                    releasePrintableStr
@@ -784,8 +893,9 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                           L"            return XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Error;\n"
                           L"       return XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes_Unknown;\n"
                           L"    }\n"
-                        , errNameSpace
+                        , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace)
+                    releasePrintableStr
@@ -794,6 +904,8 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
                 fwprintf(outHeader, L"XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END\n\n");
                 fwprintf(outHeader, L"#endif\n\n");
+                XMLString::release(&headerName);
+                XMLString::release(&errNameSpace);
             // Ok, we are done so call the end output method
@@ -806,7 +918,8 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
         catch(const ErrReturns retVal)
             // And call the termination method
-            delete srcDoc;
+            if(srcDoc)
+                delete srcDoc;
             return retVal;
@@ -815,6 +928,7 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
     // And call the termination method
+    release_Globals();
     // Went ok, so return success
@@ -844,3 +958,13 @@ void XlatErrHandler::fatalError(const SAXParseException& toCatch)
 void XlatErrHandler::resetErrors()
+// if longChars is a macro, don't bother
+#ifndef longChars
+    wchar_t* longChars(const char *str) 
+    {
+        mbstowcs(fTmpWStr, str, 255);
+        return (fTmpWStr);
+    }
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.hpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.hpp
index 761c42b0f76c16fb3f62426f9ab9ecffdf4bdb24..b9433abe0c88202172ac047fcd8d336a1977d3b7 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.hpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.hpp
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.9  2003/04/14 08:41:00  gareth
+ * Xlat now works under linux - Big thanks to Neil Graham (I no longer have to find a windows box). Still slight problems working with glibc before 2.2.4 (If you mess up the parameters it seg faults due to handling of wprintf)
+ *
  * Revision 1.8  2002/11/05 22:10:06  tng
  * Explicit code using namespace in application.
@@ -106,6 +109,8 @@ enum MsgTypes
 //  Includes
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #include <stdio.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
 #include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
@@ -127,4 +132,27 @@ XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Some const global data
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-extern const XMLCh* typePrefixes[MsgTypes_Count];
+extern XMLCh* typePrefixes[MsgTypes_Count];
+// this ugly hack is needed because cygwin/linux and Windows (MSVC++) 
+// have irreconcileable differences about what to do with chars, wchar_t and XMLCh
+// in wfprintf.  Windows thinks that XMLCh * is fine here whereas 
+// char * is not; gcc will allow XMLCh to be cast to wchar_t but happily
+// prints out gobbledygook in this case; it only seems happy when 
+// the native transcoder is used to convert the XMLCh to a char *
+#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+    extern char *fTmpStr;
+    #define xmlStrToPrintable(xmlStr) \
+        (fTmpStr = XMLString::transcode(xmlStr))
+    #define releasePrintableStr \
+        XMLString::release(&fTmpStr);
+    #define longChars(str) str
+#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__WINDOWS__)
+    extern wchar_t *longChars(const char *str);
+    #define xmlStrToPrintable(xmlStr) xmlStr
+    #define releasePrintableStr 
+    #error Code requires port to host OS!
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.cpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.cpp
index dd87733f1664a1b01d67fedc14074baff5b00b91..6ad44fab21a2fd70689c120f40fa4ab72ea13a37 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.cpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.9  2003/04/14 08:41:00  gareth
+ * Xlat now works under linux - Big thanks to Neil Graham (I no longer have to find a windows box). Still slight problems working with glibc before 2.2.4 (If you mess up the parameters it seg faults due to handling of wprintf)
+ *
  * Revision 1.8  2002/12/12 19:30:48  peiyongz
  * Message file name changed.
@@ -106,7 +109,8 @@ void CppSrcFormatter::endDomain(const   XMLCh* const    domainName
     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\n};\n");
     // Output the const size value
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"const unsigned int %s%s = %d;\n\n", fCurDomainName, L"Size", msgCount);
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"const unsigned int %s%s = %d;\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(fCurDomainName), longChars("Size"), msgCount);
+    releasePrintableStr
@@ -122,14 +126,14 @@ void CppSrcFormatter::endMsgType(const MsgTypes type)
         fwprintf(fOutFl, L"  , { ");
-    const XMLCh* rawData = typePrefixes[type];
+    XMLCh* rawData = typePrefixes[type];
     while (*rawData)
         fwprintf(fOutFl, L"0x%04lX,", *rawData++);
-    rawData = L"End";
+    XMLCh* tmpXMLStr = rawData = XMLString::transcode("End");
     while (*rawData)
         fwprintf(fOutFl, L"0x%04lX,", *rawData++);
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"0x00 }\n");
@@ -188,21 +192,22 @@ void CppSrcFormatter::startDomain(  const   XMLCh* const    domainName
     //  We have a different array name for each domain, so store that for
     //  later use and for use below.
+    XMLString::release(&fCurDomainName);
     if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, domainName))
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLErrArray";
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLErrArray");
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgExceptDomain, domainName))
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLExceptArray";
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLExceptArray");
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgValidityDomain, domainName))
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLValidityArray";
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLValidityArray");
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgXMLDOMMsgDomain, domainName))
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLDOMMsgArray";
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLDOMMsgArray");
@@ -214,7 +219,8 @@ void CppSrcFormatter::startDomain(  const   XMLCh* const    domainName
     //  Output the leading part of the array declaration. Its just an
     //  array of pointers to Unicode chars.
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"const XMLCh %s[][128] = \n{\n", fCurDomainName);
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"const XMLCh %s[][128] = \n{\n", xmlStrToPrintable(fCurDomainName));
+    releasePrintableStr
     // Reset the first message trigger
     fFirst = true;
@@ -233,13 +239,14 @@ void CppSrcFormatter::startMsgType(const MsgTypes type)
         fwprintf(fOutFl, L"  , { ");
-    const XMLCh* rawData = typePrefixes[type];
+    XMLCh* rawData = typePrefixes[type];
     while (*rawData)
         fwprintf(fOutFl, L"0x%04lX,", *rawData++);
-    rawData = L"Start";
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = rawData = XMLString::transcode("Start");
     while (*rawData)
         fwprintf(fOutFl, L"0x%04lX,", *rawData++);
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"0x00 }\n");
@@ -259,10 +266,20 @@ void CppSrcFormatter::startOutput(  const   XMLCh* const    locale
     const unsigned int bufSize = 4095;
     XMLCh tmpBuf[bufSize + 1];
+    tmpBuf[0] = 0;
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("XercesMessages_");
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode(".hpp");
-    swprintf(tmpBuf, L"%s/%s_%s.hpp", outPath, L"XercesMessages", locale);
-    fOutFl = _wfopen(tmpBuf, L"wt");
-    if (!fOutFl)
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, outPath); 
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr );
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, locale);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr2 );
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
+    char *tmpStr = XMLString::transcode(tmpBuf);
+    fOutFl = fopen(tmpStr, "wt");
+    XMLString::release(&tmpStr);
+    if ((!fOutFl) || (fwide(fOutFl, 1) <  0))
         wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", tmpBuf);
         throw ErrReturn_OutFileOpenFailed;
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.hpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.hpp
index ad27df19e89d1af889ad8c5ffc5463493934f30f..3fa9faff56eacbd7526991f0158315cdf7d97741 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.hpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_CppSrc.hpp
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.5  2003/04/14 08:41:00  gareth
+ * Xlat now works under linux - Big thanks to Neil Graham (I no longer have to find a windows box). Still slight problems working with glibc before 2.2.4 (If you mess up the parameters it seg faults due to handling of wprintf)
+ *
  * Revision 1.4  2000/03/02 19:55:53  roddey
  * This checkin includes many changes done while waiting for the
  * 1.1.0 code to be finished. I can't list them all here, but a list is
@@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ public :
     virtual ~CppSrcFormatter()
+    	XMLString::release(&fCurDomainName);
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp
index 74337541dd74a4d88a5d17ad2cac75d0ea2107ff..6c7166baee3e4b32054b91b99202e86491e0518e 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
  * $Id$
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.5  2003/04/14 08:41:00  gareth
+ * Xlat now works under linux - Big thanks to Neil Graham (I no longer have to find a windows box). Still slight problems working with glibc before 2.2.4 (If you mess up the parameters it seg faults due to handling of wprintf)
+ *
  * Revision 1.4  2002/12/17 17:39:09  tng
  * Xlat: generate icu message file with array format as default.
@@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ ICUResBundFormatter::ICUResBundFormatter()
+	delete fTranscoder;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -117,7 +121,8 @@ void ICUResBundFormatter::endDomain(const   XMLCh*        const    domainName
 void ICUResBundFormatter::endMsgType(const MsgTypes type)
-     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t\"%S End \" ,\n", typePrefixes[type]);
+     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t\"%s End \" ,\n", xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[type]) );
+     releasePrintableStr
@@ -142,8 +147,6 @@ ICUResBundFormatter::nextMessage(const  XMLCh* const            msgText
     //  bother checking, just do it simple and stupid.
-	char* outData = fTranscoder->transcode(msgText);
 	//  array_name {
 	//               "xxx" ,
@@ -158,14 +161,15 @@ ICUResBundFormatter::nextMessage(const  XMLCh* const            msgText
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t %3d { \"%S \" } \n", curId, outData);
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t %3d { \"%s \" } \n", curId, xmlStrToPrintable(msgText));
+    releasePrintableStr
 	// need to print leading 0 if less than 100, not tested yet
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t\"%S \" ,\n", outData);
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t\"%s \" ,\n", xmlStrToPrintable(msgText));
+    releasePrintableStr
 	// need a space between the last character and the closing "
-    delete [] outData;
@@ -178,7 +182,6 @@ void ICUResBundFormatter::startDomain(const   XMLCh* const    domainName
     //           domainName {
 	int index = XMLString::lastIndexOf(domainName, chForwardSlash);
-	char *tmpDomainName = fTranscoder->transcode(&(domainName[index+1]));
     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\n\t // a table \n");
@@ -186,9 +189,8 @@ void ICUResBundFormatter::startDomain(const   XMLCh* const    domainName
     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\n\t // an array \n");
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t%S { \n" , tmpDomainName);
-	delete [] tmpDomainName;
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t%s { \n" , xmlStrToPrintable(&(domainName[index+1])));
+    releasePrintableStr
@@ -196,7 +198,8 @@ void ICUResBundFormatter::startDomain(const   XMLCh* const    domainName
 void ICUResBundFormatter::startMsgType(const MsgTypes type)
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t\"%S Start \" , \n", typePrefixes[type]);
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"\t\t\"%s Start \" , \n", xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[type]) );
+    releasePrintableStr
@@ -215,18 +218,27 @@ void ICUResBundFormatter::startOutput(const   XMLCh* const    locale
     const unsigned int bufSize = 4095;
     XMLCh tmpBuf[bufSize + 1];
-    swprintf(tmpBuf, L"%s/%s.txt", outPath, locale);
-    fOutFl = _wfopen(tmpBuf, L"wt");
-    if (!fOutFl)
-    {
-        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", tmpBuf);
+    tmpBuf[0] = 0;
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode(".txt");
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, outPath);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, locale);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr );
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+    char *tmpStr = XMLString::transcode(tmpBuf);
+    fOutFl = fopen(tmpStr, "wt");
+    XMLString::release(&tmpStr);
+    if ((!fOutFl) || (fwide(fOutFl, 1) < 0))
+    {        
+        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(tmpBuf) );        
+        releasePrintableStr
         throw ErrReturn_OutFileOpenFailed;
     // Set the message delimiter
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"%s { \n", locale);
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"%s { \n", xmlStrToPrintable(locale) );
+    releasePrintableStr
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_MsgCatalog.cpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_MsgCatalog.cpp
index f25802720a909223f94efa26fb3485da113f69c1..a6bbff92abe61050e9b325ec5993e9915bcd9ec8 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_MsgCatalog.cpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_MsgCatalog.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.9  2003/04/14 08:41:00  gareth
+ * Xlat now works under linux - Big thanks to Neil Graham (I no longer have to find a windows box). Still slight problems working with glibc before 2.2.4 (If you mess up the parameters it seg faults due to handling of wprintf)
+ *
  * Revision 1.8  2002/12/12 19:30:48  peiyongz
  * Message file name changed.
@@ -122,6 +125,7 @@ MsgCatFormatter::MsgCatFormatter() :
+	delete fTranscoder;
@@ -165,13 +169,12 @@ MsgCatFormatter::nextMessage(const  XMLCh* const            msgText
     //  If the text is just US-ASCII, this won't have any effect, but don't
     //  bother checking, just do it simple and stupid.
-    char* outData = fTranscoder->transcode(msgText);
     // on hp, it is required that message line shall start with number
     //        w/o leading space.
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"%d  %S\n", curId, outData);
-    delete [] outData;
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"%d  %s\n", curId, xmlStrToPrintable(msgText));
+    releasePrintableStr
@@ -179,7 +182,8 @@ void MsgCatFormatter::startDomain(  const   XMLCh* const    domainName
                                     , const XMLCh* const    nameSpace)
     // Output a constant to the header file
-    fwprintf(fOutHpp, L"const unsigned int CatId_%s = %d;\n", nameSpace, fSeqId);
+    fwprintf(fOutHpp, L"const unsigned int CatId_%s = %d;\n", xmlStrToPrintable(nameSpace), fSeqId);
+    releasePrintableStr
     //  Output the leading part of the array declaration. Its just an
@@ -210,13 +214,25 @@ void MsgCatFormatter::startOutput(  const   XMLCh* const    locale
     //  where xxx is the locale suffix passed in.
     const unsigned int bufSize = 4095;
-    XMLCh tmpBuf[bufSize + 1];
+    XMLCh *tmpBuf = new XMLCh[bufSize + 1];
+    tmpBuf[0] = 0;
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("XercesMessages_");
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode(".msg");
-    swprintf(tmpBuf, L"%s/%s_%s.Msg", outPath, L"XercesMessages", locale);
-    fOutFl = _wfopen(tmpBuf, L"wt");
-    if (!fOutFl)
-    {
-        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", tmpBuf);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, outPath);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr );
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, locale);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr2 );
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
+    char *tmpStr = XMLString::transcode(tmpBuf);
+    fOutFl = fopen(tmpStr, "wt");
+    XMLString::release(&tmpStr);
+    if ((!fOutFl) ||(fwide(fOutFl, 1) < 0))
+    {        
+        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(tmpBuf) );        
+        releasePrintableStr
+        XMLString::release(&tmpBuf);
         throw ErrReturn_OutFileOpenFailed;
@@ -224,11 +240,21 @@ void MsgCatFormatter::startOutput(  const   XMLCh* const    locale
     fwprintf(fOutFl, L"$quote \"\n");
-    swprintf(tmpBuf, L"%s/%s.hpp", outPath, L"XMLMsgCat_Ids");
-    fOutHpp = _wfopen(tmpBuf, L"wt");
-    if (!fOutHpp)
-    {
-        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", tmpBuf);
+    XMLString::release(&tmpBuf);
+    tmpBuf = new XMLCh[bufSize + 1];
+    tmpBuf[0] = 0;
+    tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("XMLMsgCat_Ids.hpp");
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, outPath);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr );
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+    tmpStr = XMLString::transcode(tmpBuf);
+    fOutHpp = fopen(tmpStr, "wt");
+    XMLString::release(&tmpStr);
+    if ((!fOutHpp) || (fwide(fOutHpp,1) < 0))
+    {        
+        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(tmpBuf) );        
+        releasePrintableStr
+        XMLString::release(&tmpBuf);
         throw ErrReturn_OutFileOpenFailed;
@@ -245,4 +271,5 @@ void MsgCatFormatter::startOutput(  const   XMLCh* const    locale
     // Reset the sequence id
     fSeqId = 1;
+    XMLString::release(&tmpBuf);
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_Win32RC.cpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_Win32RC.cpp
index 6c4c8d6dc2827e1a26e858fe03fcd8ff61b62d60..0079d0c77a324bc7a53e37beab4fc08a3428d4af 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_Win32RC.cpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_Win32RC.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.6  2003/04/14 08:41:00  gareth
+ * Xlat now works under linux - Big thanks to Neil Graham (I no longer have to find a windows box). Still slight problems working with glibc before 2.2.4 (If you mess up the parameters it seg faults due to handling of wprintf)
+ *
  * Revision 1.5  2002/11/12 17:24:58  tng
  * DOM Message: add new domain for DOM Messages.
@@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ Win32RCFormatter::Win32RCFormatter() :
+	XMLString::release(&fCurDomainName);
@@ -155,24 +159,25 @@ void Win32RCFormatter::startDomain( const   XMLCh* const    domainName
     //  We have a different array name for each domain, so store that for
     //  later use and for use below.
+    XMLString::release(&fCurDomainName);    
     if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain, domainName))
-    {
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLErrArray";
+    {    	
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLErrArray");
         fMsgOffset = 0;
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgExceptDomain, domainName))
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLExceptArray";
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLExceptArray");
         fMsgOffset = 0x2000;
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgValidityDomain, domainName))
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLValidityArray";
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLValidityArray");
         fMsgOffset = 0x4000;
      else if (!XMLString::compareString(XMLUni::fgXMLDOMMsgDomain, domainName))
-        fCurDomainName = L"gXMLDOMMsgArray";
+        fCurDomainName = XMLString::transcode("gXMLDOMMsgArray");
         fMsgOffset = 0x6000;
@@ -213,12 +218,25 @@ void Win32RCFormatter::startOutput(  const  XMLCh* const locale
     const unsigned int bufSize = 4095;
     XMLCh tmpBuf[bufSize + 1];
-    swprintf(tmpBuf, L"%s/%s_%s.RC", outPath, L"CppErrMsgs", locale);
-    fOutFl = _wfopen(tmpBuf, L"wt");
-    if (!fOutFl)
+    // make sure the append will work
+    tmpBuf[0] = 0;
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("CppErrMsgs_");
+    XMLCh *tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode(".RC");
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, outPath);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr );
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, locale);
+    XMLString::catString(tmpBuf, tmpXMLStr2 );
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
+    XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
+    char *tmpStr = XMLString::transcode(tmpBuf);    
+    fOutFl = fopen(tmpStr, "wt");
+    XMLString::release(&tmpStr);
+    if ((!fOutFl) || (fwide(fOutFl,1) < 0))
-        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", tmpBuf);
+        wprintf(L"Could not open the output file: %s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(tmpBuf) );
+        releasePrintableStr
         throw ErrReturn_OutFileOpenFailed;