From 67bda5d5928995f4a50b2281c5234a131000442e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Edward Stewart <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 21:16:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] updated tests

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
 swig/perl/t/00basic.t                       |  31 ++--
 swig/perl/t/01utf8.t                        |   2 +-
 swig/perl/t/AttributeList.t                 |  16 +-
 swig/perl/t/Attributes.t                    |   2 +-
 swig/perl/t/DOMConfig.t                     | 188 +++++++++++++++++---
 swig/perl/t/DOMDocument.t                   |  21 +--
 swig/perl/t/DOMElement.t                    |  14 +-
 swig/perl/t/DOMImplementation.t             | 102 +++++++++--
 swig/perl/t/{DOMBuilder.t => DOMLSParser.t} |  35 +++-
 swig/perl/t/DOMParser.t                     |  28 ++-
 swig/perl/t/DOMStringList.t                 |  71 +++++---
 swig/perl/t/DOMWriter.t                     |  73 --------
 swig/perl/t/Grammar.t                       |  65 +++++--
 swig/perl/t/SAX2Count.t                     |  29 ++-
 swig/perl/t/SAX2XMLReader.t                 |   3 +-
 swig/perl/t/SAXCount.t                      |  29 ++-
 swig/perl/t/SAXException.t                  |  38 ++--
 swig/perl/t/SAXParser.t                     |  14 +-
 swig/perl/t/                    |  42 ++++-
 swig/perl/t/URLInputSource.t                |  16 +-
 swig/perl/t/XMLUni.t                        |  17 +-
 swig/perl/t/actualCast.t                    |  17 +-
 22 files changed, 569 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)
 rename swig/perl/t/{DOMBuilder.t => DOMLSParser.t} (63%)
 delete mode 100644 swig/perl/t/DOMWriter.t

diff --git a/swig/perl/t/00basic.t b/swig/perl/t/00basic.t
index 45f26baa0..c31d814f6 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/00basic.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/00basic.t
@@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable
+# with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
+# 00basic.t'
+######################### Begin module loading
 # use blib;
-use XML::Xerces;
-use Cwd;
-use Test::More tests => 19;
+use Test::More tests => 20;
+BEGIN { use_ok(XML::Xerces::DOM) };
 use lib 't';
-use TestUtils qw(
+######################### Begin Test
   # NOTICE: We must now explicitly call XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()
   #   when the module is loaded. no longer does this.
@@ -25,12 +34,10 @@ $parser->setErrorHandler($ERROR_HANDLER);
 my $tmp = $parser->getErrorHandler();
-my $cwd = cwd();
-$cwd =~ s|/t/?$||;
-my $SAMPLE_DIR = "$cwd/samples";
-my $PERSONAL_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal.xml";
-my $PERSONAL_INVALID_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-invalid.xml";
-my $PERSONAL_NOT_WELL_FORMED_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-not-well-formed.xml";
+my $resolver = XML::Xerces::PerlEntityResolver->new();
+$tmp = $parser->getEntityResolver();
 $tmp = $parser->getValidationScheme();
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/01utf8.t b/swig/perl/t/01utf8.t
index bbd4ed2e8..5c968e628 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/01utf8.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/01utf8.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use utf8;
 use lib 't';
 use TestUtils qw($PERSONAL_NO_DOCTYPE);
-BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces") };
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
 use strict;
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/AttributeList.t b/swig/perl/t/AttributeList.t
index 75d7ca9ab..a219b0974 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/AttributeList.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/AttributeList.t
@@ -2,25 +2,17 @@
 # with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
 # AttributeList.t'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+######################### Begin module loading
-END {fail() unless $loaded;}
-use Carp;
-use blib;
-use XML::Xerces;
+#use blib;
 use Test::More tests => 11;
-use Config;
+BEGIN {use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX")};
 use lib 't';
 use TestUtils qw($PERSONAL_FILE_NAME);
-use vars qw($loaded);
 use strict;
-$loaded = 1;
-pass("module loaded");
-######################### End of black magic.
+######################### Begin test
   # NOTICE: We must now explicitly call XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()
   #   when the module is loaded. no longer does this.
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/Attributes.t b/swig/perl/t/Attributes.t
index 0e423ae77..56edd7ea2 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/Attributes.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/Attributes.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # use blib;
 use Test::More tests => 19;
-BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces") };
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
 use strict;
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMConfig.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMConfig.t
index 6b0cebbc5..b1485ab9d 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMConfig.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/DOMConfig.t
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 ######################### Begin module loading
-# use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 20;
+use blib;
+use Test::More tests => 106;
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ use strict;
 ######################### Begin Test
+  # NOTICE: We must now explicitly call XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()
+  #   when the module is loaded. no longer does this.
+  #
+  #
 my $document = q[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
   <person Role="manager">
@@ -37,29 +43,165 @@ my $DOM = $impl->createLSParser($XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRON
 my $conf = $DOM->getDomConfig();
 isa_ok($conf, 'XML::Xerces::DOMConfiguration');
-my @param_names = ($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaType,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaLocation,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCanonicalForm,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCDATASections,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMComments,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMWRTDiscardDefaultContent,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMEntities,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMInfoset,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaceDeclarations,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNormalizeCharacters,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSplitCDATASections,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidate,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidateIfSchema,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace);
+my @other_param_names = ($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler,
+			 $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver,
+			 $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMResourceResolver,
+			 $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSecurityManager,
+			 $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesScannerName,
+			 $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaExternalSchemaLocation,
+			 $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaExternalNoNameSpaceSchemaLocation,
+			 $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesParserUseDocumentFromImplementation,
+			);
+my @false_bool_param_names = (
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSupportedMediatypesOnly,
+my @true_bool_param_names = (
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaceDeclarations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMWellFormed,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMInfoset,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCharsetOverridesXMLEncoding,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidate,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidateIfSchema,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMComments,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMEntities,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchema,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesUserAdoptsDOMDocument,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesLoadExternalDTD,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesContinueAfterFatalError,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesValidationErrorAsFatal,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesCacheGrammarFromParse,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesUseCachedGrammarInParse,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesCalculateSrcOfs,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesStandardUriConformant,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesDOMHasPSVIInfo,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesGenerateSyntheticAnnotations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesValidateAnnotations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesIdentityConstraintChecking,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesIgnoreCachedDTD,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesIgnoreAnnotations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesDisableDefaultEntityResolution,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSkipDTDValidation);
+my @todo_param_names = ($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaLocation,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaType,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMDisallowDoctype,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCanonicalForm,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMIgnoreUnknownCharacterDenormalization,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCDATASections,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCheckCharacterNormalization,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNormalizeCharacters,
+			$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSplitCDATASections,
+		       );
+my @bool_param_names = (@true_bool_param_names, @false_bool_param_names);
+my @ls_param_names = (@bool_param_names, @other_param_names, @todo_param_names);
 my @accepted_param_names = $conf->getParameterNames();
 ok(scalar @accepted_param_names, "got parameter name list");
-my %param_names = map {$_=>1} @param_names;
-foreach my $param_name (@param_names) {
-  ok(exists $param_names{$param_name}, "can set $param_name");
+my %accepted_param_names = map {$_=>1} @accepted_param_names;
+foreach my $param_name (@ls_param_names) {
+  ok(exists $accepted_param_names{$param_name}, "$param_name in param list");
+# test bool value
+foreach my $param_name (@true_bool_param_names) {
+  ok($conf->canSetParameter($param_name, 1),
+     "setting bool value: $param_name");
+foreach my $param_name (@false_bool_param_names) {
+  ok($conf->canSetParameter($param_name, 0),
+     "setting bool value: $param_name");
+TODO: {
+  local $TODO = "unimplemented params";
+  foreach my $param_name (@todo_param_names) {
+    ok($conf->canSetParameter($param_name, 0),
+       "todo param: $param_name");
+  }
+# test setting object values
+my $handler;
+$handler = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new();
+ok($conf->canSetParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, undef),
+   'can set error handler');
+eval {XML::Xercesc::DOMConfiguration_canSetParameter($conf, $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver, $handler)};
+   'can set with bad value causes exception');
+$handler = XML::Xerces::PerlEntityResolver->new();
+ok($conf->canSetParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver, undef),
+   'can set entity resolver');
+eval {$conf->setParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDGXMLScanner, $handler)};
+   'setParameter with bad value causes exception');
+isa_ok($@, "XML::Xerces::DOMException");
+$handler = XML::Xerces::PerlDOMErrorHandler->new();
+isa_ok($handler, "XML::Xerces::DOMErrorHandler",
+       'error handler to set');
+eval {$conf->setParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, $handler)};
+ok((not $@),
+   'setting error handler')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
+isa_ok($conf->getParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler), "XML::Xerces::DOMErrorHandler",
+      'getParameter');
+eval {$conf->setParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, undef)};
+ok((not $@),
+   'setting null error handler')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
+ok((not defined $conf->getParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler)),
+   'getting null error handler');
+$handler = XML::Xerces::PerlEntityResolver->new();
+isa_ok($handler, "XML::Xerces::XMLEntityResolver",
+       'handler to set');
+eval {$conf->setParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver, $handler)};
+ok((not $@),
+   'setting XMLEntityResolver')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
+isa_ok($conf->getParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver), "XML::Xerces::XMLEntityResolver",
+      'getParameter');
+eval {$conf->setParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver, undef)};
+ok((not $@),
+   'setting null XMLEntityResolver')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
+ok((not defined $conf->getParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver)),
+   'getting null XMLEntityResolver');
+eval {$conf->setParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMResourceResolver, $handler)};
+ok((not $@),
+   'setting DOMLSResourceResolver')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
+isa_ok($conf->getParameter($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMResourceResolver), "XML::Xerces::DOMLSResourceResolver");
+END {
+  # NOTICE: We must now explicitly call XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate()
+  #   when the module is unloaded. no longer does this for us
+  #
+  #
+  XML::Xerces::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
-my $handler = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new();
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMDocument.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMDocument.t
index 5d5d40643..d7ac34550 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMDocument.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/DOMDocument.t
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ my $isa = "XML::Xerces::DOMException";
   or diag($error);
-my $expect = "$XML::Xerces::DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR";
+my $expect = $XML::Xerces::DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR;
    && $error->getCode == $expect,
   "received correct error code")
@@ -105,23 +105,16 @@ ok((UNIVERSAL::isa($error,$isa)
   || diag("found code: $error->{code}, expected code: $expect");
 # check that an element can start with an underscore
-eval {
-  my $el = $doc1->createElement('_');
+$el = eval{$doc1->createElement('_')};
   "element can start with underscore");
 # check that an element can start with an colon
-eval {
-  my $el = $doc1->createElement(':');
+$el = eval {$doc1->createElement(':')};
-  "element cannot start with colon");
+  "element can start with colon");
 # check that getElementById() doesn't segfault on undef ID
-eval {
-  $doc1->getElementById(undef);
-  "calling getElementById with null string causes exception");
+$el = eval {$doc1->getElementById(undef)};
+ok((not defined $el),
+  "calling getElementById with undef returns undef");
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMElement.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMElement.t
index 6687fc222..d1e3179c9 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMElement.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/DOMElement.t
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ######################### Begin module loading
-use blib;
+# use blib;
 use Test::More tests => 23;
 BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::DOM") };
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ ok(($persons[0]->getAttribute('bar') eq $value),
 # try to set an Attribute, 'foo', to undef
-  "setAttribute - undef value fails");
+  "setAttribute - undef value succeeds");
 # try to set an Attribute, undef, to 'foo'
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ is($element->getAttributeNS($uri,'foo'), 'foo',
 # try to set an Attribute, 'foo', to undef
-  "setAttributeNS - undef value fails");
+  "setAttributeNS - undef value succeeds");
 # try to set an Attribute, undef, to 'foo'
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ ok($@,
 # try to set an Attribute, with uri == undef
-  "setAttributeNS - undef uri fails");
+  "setAttributeNS - undef uri succeeds");
 $uri = '';
 $document = <<XML;
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMImplementation.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMImplementation.t
index 0879784aa..79cebed87 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMImplementation.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/DOMImplementation.t
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 ######################### Begin module loading
-# use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use blib;
+use Test::More tests => 26;
 BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::DOM") };
 use lib 't';
@@ -22,32 +22,104 @@ XML::Xerces::XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
 my $domImpl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
 my $dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType('x', 'x', 'x')};
 XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+$dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType(undef, 'x', 'x')};
+   'exception with undef as qualified name');
+$dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType('x', undef, 'x')};
+   'no exception with undef as public id');
+$dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType('x', 'x', undef)};
+   'no exception with undef as system id');
+# test exceptions
+$dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType('!', 'x', 'x')};
+   'exception with invalid char in qualified name');
+  'invalid char exception code is returned');
+TODO: {
+  local $TODO = 'NAMESPACE_ERR not thrown';
+  $dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType('!malformed', 'x', 'x')};
+  is($@->getCode(),$XML::Xerces::DOMException::NAMESPACE_ERR,
+     'exception in qualified name');
+my $mode_synch = $XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS;
+   'mode synchronous');
+my $mode_asynch = $XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationLS::MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS;
+   'mode asynchronous');
+my $dtd_type = $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMDTDType;
+is($dtd_type, '',
+   'dtd type');
+my $schema_type = $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMXMLSchemaType;
+is($schema_type, '',
+   'schema type');
+TODO: {
+  local $TODO = 'asynchronous mode not supported';
+  my $parser = eval {$domImpl->createLSParser($mode_asynch, $dtd_type)};
+  ok((not $@),
+     'asynch mode, dtd type');
+  $parser = eval {$domImpl->createLSParser($mode_asynch, $schema_type)};
+  ok((not $@),
+     'asynch mode, schema type');
+my $parser = eval {$domImpl->createLSParser($mode_synch, $dtd_type)};
+  if $@;
+ok((not $@),
+   'synch mode, dtd type');
+$parser = eval {$domImpl->createLSParser($mode_synch, $schema_type)};
+  if $@;
+ok((not $@),
+   'synch mode, schema type');
+my $writer = $domImpl->createLSSerializer();
+my $input = $domImpl->createLSInput();
+my $output = $domImpl->createLSOutput();
 my $doc = $domImpl->createDocument('myns', 'HISTORY', $dt);
 ok(keys %XML::Xerces::DOMDocument::OWNER == 0,
   "DOMDocument not owned after creation");
-$doc->getDocumentElement->setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:myns", 'myns');
+# test exceptions
+my $domImpl2 = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
+my $doc2 = eval{$domImpl2->createDocument('myns', 'BAR', $dt)};
+XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
-for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
-  my $record = $doc->createElement('RECORD');
-  $doc->getDocumentElement->appendChild($record);
-  $record->setAttribute('ID', '0');
-  $record->setAttribute('PRICE', '1.1');
-  $record->setAttribute('VOl', '10');
-my @elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('*');
-ok(scalar @elements == 11,
-  "Found all created elements")
-  or diag("Found only " . scalar @elements . " elements");
+my $doc3 = eval{$domImpl->createDocument('myns', '!', $dt)};
+   'exception with invalid char in qualified name');
+  'invalid char exception code is returned');
 END {
   # NOTICE: We must now explicitly call XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate()
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMBuilder.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMLSParser.t
similarity index 63%
rename from swig/perl/t/DOMBuilder.t
rename to swig/perl/t/DOMLSParser.t
index ba2147691..9b3433b89 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMBuilder.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/DOMLSParser.t
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
 ######################### Begin module loading
 # use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 12;
+use Test::More tests => 16;
 use lib 't';
-use TestUtils qw($PERSONAL_FILE_NAME);
 use vars qw($error);
 use strict;
@@ -70,3 +70,34 @@ isa_ok($doc,'XML::Xerces::DOMDocument');
 @persons = $doc->getElementsByTagName('person');
 is(scalar @persons, 6,'getting <person>s');
+my $grammar = $DOM->loadGrammar($PERSONAL_DTD_NAME,
+				$XML::Xerces::Grammar::DTDGrammarType,
+				my $to_cache = 1);
+isa_ok($grammar, "XML::Xerces::DTDGrammar",
+       'loadGrammar(path)');
+  my $sax_is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($PERSONAL_DTD_NAME);
+  $dom_is = XML::Xerces::Wrapper4InputSource->new($sax_is);
+$grammar = $DOM->loadGrammar($dom_is,
+			     $XML::Xerces::Grammar::DTDGrammarType,
+			     $to_cache = 1);
+isa_ok($grammar, "XML::Xerces::DTDGrammar",
+       'loadGrammar(is)');
+$grammar = $DOM->loadGrammar($PERSONAL_SCHEMA_NAME,
+				$XML::Xerces::Grammar::SchemaGrammarType,
+				my $to_cache = 1);
+isa_ok($grammar, "XML::Xerces::SchemaGrammar",
+       'loadGrammar(path)');
+  my $sax_is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($PERSONAL_SCHEMA_NAME);
+  $dom_is = XML::Xerces::Wrapper4InputSource->new($sax_is);
+$grammar = $DOM->loadGrammar($dom_is,
+			     $XML::Xerces::Grammar::SchemaGrammarType,
+			     $to_cache = 1);
+isa_ok($grammar, "XML::Xerces::SchemaGrammar",
+       'loadGrammar(is)');
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMParser.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMParser.t
index 78bc07350..b3c3b49fc 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMParser.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/DOMParser.t
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 ######################### Begin module loading
-# use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 11;
+use blib;
+use Test::More tests => 13;
 BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::DOM") };
 use lib 't';
@@ -38,7 +38,23 @@ $DOM->setValidationScheme ($XML::Xerces::AbstractDOMParser::Val_Always);
 eval{$DOM->parse(XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($document, 'foo'))};
 ok($@,'no dtd');
-$DOM = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new();
+# this is stupid!! We should be able to reset the parser
+# after a fatal error - FIXME
+TODO: {
+  local $TODO = "cannot reuse parser after fatal error";
+  $DOM = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new();
+  fail("reset parser");
+# ensure we can unset the error handler using undef
+$DOM->setValidationScheme ($XML::Xerces::AbstractDOMParser::Val_Always);
+ok((not $@),'unsetting error handler')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
+# no validation allows skipping the DTD
+$DOM->setValidationScheme ($XML::Xerces::AbstractDOMParser::Val_Never);
 eval{$DOM->parse(XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($document, 'foo'))};
@@ -123,8 +139,10 @@ eval {
   while ($DOM->parseNext($token)) {
-ok($::error,'fatal error in progressive parse')
-  or diag("Here's the error: $@");
+   'fatal error in progressive parse')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
 my $doc = $DOM->getDocument();
 my $root = $doc->getDocumentElement();
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMStringList.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMStringList.t
index cc0e221d4..ce555c0cb 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMStringList.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/DOMStringList.t
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ######################### Begin module loading
 # use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 20;
+use Test::More tests => 52;
@@ -18,23 +18,54 @@ my $DOM = $impl->createLSParser($XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRON
 my $conf = $DOM->getDomConfig();
 isa_ok($conf, 'XML::Xerces::DOMConfiguration');
-my @param_names = ($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaType,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaLocation,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCanonicalForm,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCDATASections,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMComments,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMWRTDiscardDefaultContent,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMEntities,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMInfoset,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaceDeclarations,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNormalizeCharacters,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSplitCDATASections,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidate,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidateIfSchema,
-		   $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace);
+my @ls_param_names = (
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMResourceResolver,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesEntityResolver,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaExternalSchemaLocation,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaExternalNoNameSpaceSchemaLocation,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSecurityManager,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesScannerName,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesParserUseDocumentFromImplementation,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCharsetOverridesXMLEncoding,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMDisallowDoctype,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMIgnoreUnknownCharacterDenormalization,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSupportedMediatypesOnly,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidate,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidateIfSchema,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMWellFormed,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCanonicalForm,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCDATASections,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMCheckCharacterNormalization,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMComments,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMEntities,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaceDeclarations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNormalizeCharacters,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaLocation,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSchemaType,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMSplitCDATASections,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMInfoset,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchema,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesUserAdoptsDOMDocument,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesLoadExternalDTD,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesContinueAfterFatalError,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesValidationErrorAsFatal,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesCacheGrammarFromParse,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesUseCachedGrammarInParse,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesCalculateSrcOfs,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesStandardUriConformant,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesDOMHasPSVIInfo,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesGenerateSyntheticAnnotations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesValidateAnnotations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesIdentityConstraintChecking,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesIgnoreCachedDTD,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesIgnoreAnnotations,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesDisableDefaultEntityResolution,
+		      $XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSkipDTDValidation);
 my @accepted_param_names = $conf->getParameterNames();
 ok(scalar @accepted_param_names, "StringList to_list()");
@@ -46,8 +77,8 @@ is($accepted_params_list->getLength(), scalar @accepted_param_names,
    'StringList length equal overload list length')
   or diag("Found items: " . join(':', @accepted_param_names));
-my %param_names = map {$_=>1} @param_names;
-foreach my $param_name (@param_names) {
+my %param_names = map {$_=>1} @ls_param_names;
+foreach my $param_name (@ls_param_names) {
      "can set $param_name");
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/DOMWriter.t b/swig/perl/t/DOMWriter.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7625012..000000000
--- a/swig/perl/t/DOMWriter.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable
-# with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
-# DOMWriter.t'
-######################### Begin module loading
-# use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 6;
-BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::DOM") };
-use strict;
-######################### Begin Test
-# Create a couple of identical test documents
-my $document = q[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><contributors>
-	<person Role="manager">
-		<name>Mike Pogue</name>
-		<email></email>
-	</person>
-	<person Role="developer">
-		<name>Tom Watson</name>
-		<email></email>
-	</person>
-	<person Role="tech writer">
-		<name>Susan Hardenbrook</name>
-		<email></email>
-	</person>
-my $dom = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new();
-my $handler = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new();
-XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
-my $doc = $dom->getDocument();
-my $impl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
-my $writer = $impl->createLSSerializer();
-my $output = $writer->writeToString($doc);
-# change the encoding string
-$output =~ s/UTF-16/UTF-8/;
-ok($output, "output written");
-is($output, $document, "got expected document")
-  or diag("Found: $output");
-my $file = 'foo.xml';
-my $rc = eval {$writer->writeToURI($doc, $file)};
-XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
-   'writeToURI');
-SKIP: {
-  skip "Couldn't open $file for reading", 2, unless open(TEST, $file);
-# slurp the whole file in
-  local $/;
-  $output = <TEST>;
-  # change the encoding string
-  $output =~ s/UTF-16/UTF-8/;
-  ok($output, "output written");
-  is($output, $document, "got expected document")
-    or diag("Found: $output");
-  unlink($file);
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/Grammar.t b/swig/perl/t/Grammar.t
index 37446441a..3d1c00ebf 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/Grammar.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/Grammar.t
@@ -2,27 +2,64 @@
 # with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
 # Grammar.t'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+######################### Begin module loading
-END {fail() unless $loaded;}
-use Carp;
 # use blib;
-use XML::Xerces;
-use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Test::More tests => 13;
+BEGIN { use_ok(XML::Xerces::DOM) };
 use lib 't';
-use TestUtils qw($DOM $PERSONAL_FILE_NAME);
-use vars qw($loaded);
-use strict;
-$loaded = 1;
-pass("module loaded");
+use strict;
-######################### End of black magic.
+######################### Begin Test
 # test that we can fetch the grammar
-my $grammar = $DOM->getValidator->getGrammar->getGrammarType();
-ok($grammar == $XML::Xerces::Grammar::DTDGrammarType);
+my $grammar = $DOM->getValidator->getGrammar();
+isa_ok($grammar, "XML::Xerces::DTDGrammar",
+       'DTD grammar');
+is($grammar->getGrammarType, $XML::Xerces::Grammar::DTDGrammarType,
+   'getGrammarType - DTD');
+   'grammar validated');
+my $desc = $grammar->getGrammarDescription();
+isa_ok($desc, "XML::Xerces::XMLGrammarDescription",
+       'grammar description');
+isa_ok($desc, "XML::Xerces::XMLDTDDescription",
+       'grammar description');
+$grammar = $DOM->getValidator->getGrammar();
+isa_ok($grammar, "XML::Xerces::SchemaGrammar",
+       'schema grammar');
+is($grammar->getGrammarType, $XML::Xerces::Grammar::SchemaGrammarType,
+   'getGrammarType - Schema');
+   'grammar validated');
+my $impl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
+my $DOM = $impl->createLSParser($XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS,'');
+$grammar = $DOM->loadGrammar("$SAMPLE_DIR/SecondSchema.xsd",
+			     $XML::Xerces::Grammar::SchemaGrammarType,
+			     my $to_cache = 0);
+is($grammar->getTargetNamespace, 'http://www.secondSchema',
+   'target namespace');
+ok((not $grammar->getValidated()),
+   'grammar loaded, not validated');
+$desc = $grammar->getGrammarDescription();
+isa_ok($desc, "XML::Xerces::XMLGrammarDescription",
+       'getGrammarDescription');
+isa_ok($desc, "XML::Xerces::XMLSchemaDescription",
+       'getGrammarDescription');
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/SAX2Count.t b/swig/perl/t/SAX2Count.t
index b5f448ec1..814c333be 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/SAX2Count.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/SAX2Count.t
@@ -1,35 +1,32 @@
 # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable
 # with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
-# SAX2Count.t
+# SAX2Count.t`
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+######################### Begin module loading
-END {fail() unless $loaded;}
-use Carp;
 # use blib;
-use XML::Xerces;
 use Test::More tests => 5;
-use Config;
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
 use lib 't';
-use vars qw($loaded $file);
 use strict;
+use Config;
-$loaded = 1;
-pass("module loaded");
-######################### End of black magic.
+######################### Begin Test
 my $perl = $Config{startperl};
 $perl =~ s/^\#!//;
 my @output = split(/\n/,`$perl -Mblib $SAMPLE_DIR/ $PERSONAL_FILE_NAME 2>/dev/null`);
 $output[1] =~ /\s(\d+)/;
-ok($1 == 37);
+is($1, 37,
+   'elems');
 $output[2] =~ /\b(\d+)\b/;
-ok($1 == 12);
+is($1, 12,
+  'attrs');
 $output[3] =~ /\b(\d+)\b/;
-ok($1 == 134);
+is($1, 134,
+   'whitespace');
 $output[4] =~ /\b(\d+)\b/;
-ok($1 == 134);
+is($1, 134,
+   'characters');
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/SAX2XMLReader.t b/swig/perl/t/SAX2XMLReader.t
index 76a24d054..21ab4e203 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/SAX2XMLReader.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/SAX2XMLReader.t
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@
 # use blib;
 use Test::More tests => 26;
-BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces") };
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
-use Carp;
 use lib 't';
 use vars qw($error);
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/SAXCount.t b/swig/perl/t/SAXCount.t
index 7af97a6be..886c36740 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/SAXCount.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/SAXCount.t
@@ -1,35 +1,32 @@
 # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable
 # with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
-# SAXCount.t
+# SAXCount.t`
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+######################### Begin module loading
-END {fail() unless $loaded;}
-use Carp;
 # use blib;
-use XML::Xerces;
 use Test::More tests => 5;
-use Config;
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
 use lib 't';
-use vars qw($loaded $file);
 use strict;
+use Config;
-$loaded = 1;
-pass("module loaded");
-######################### End of black magic.
+######################### Begin Test
 my $perl = $Config{startperl};
 $perl =~ s/^\#!//;
 my @output = split(/\n/,`$perl -Mblib $SAMPLE_DIR/ $PERSONAL_FILE_NAME 2>/dev/null`);
 $output[1] =~ /\s(\d+)/;
-ok($1 == 37);
+is($1, 37,
+   'elems');
 $output[2] =~ /\b(\d+)\b/;
-ok($1 == 12);
+is($1, 12,
+  'attrs');
 $output[3] =~ /\b(\d+)\b/;
-ok($1 == 134);
+is($1, 134,
+   'whitespace');
 $output[4] =~ /\b(\d+)\b/;
-ok($1 == 134);
+is($1, 134,
+   'characters');
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/SAXException.t b/swig/perl/t/SAXException.t
index ce02de3d9..4208f08d4 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/SAXException.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/SAXException.t
@@ -6,14 +6,12 @@
 # use blib;
 use Test::More tests => 17;
-BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces") };
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
 use lib 't';
-# use TestUtils qw($PERSONAL_FILE_NAME);
+use TestUtils qw($PERSONAL_FILE_NAME);
 use strict;
-my $PERSONAL_FILE_NAME = 'samples/personal.xml';
 ######################### Begin Test
 # test that we get an SAXNotRecognizedException
@@ -30,18 +28,26 @@ SKIP: {
   skip "setFeature didn't raise an exception", 2, if not $error;
-  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException');
+  my $skip = 0;
+  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException')
+    or $skip = 1;
+  skip "bad exception: $error", 1, if $skip;
+SKIP: {
   eval {$parser->getFeature($feature)};
   $error = $@;
   ok($error,"getFeature: $feature");
   skip "setFeature didn't raise an exception", 2, if not $error;
-  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException');
+  my $skip = 0;
+  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException')
+    or $skip = 1;
+  skip "bad exception: $error", 1, if $skip;
@@ -52,7 +58,11 @@ SKIP: {
   skip "setFeature didn't raise an exception", 2, if not $@;
-  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException');
+  my $skip = 0;
+  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException')
+    or $skip = 1;
+  skip "bad exception: $error", 1, if $skip;
@@ -63,7 +73,11 @@ SKIP: {
   skip "setFeature didn't raise an exception", 2, if not $error;
-  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException');
+  my $skip = 0;
+  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotRecognizedException')
+    or $skip = 1;
+  skip "bad exception: $error", 1, if $skip;
@@ -98,6 +112,10 @@ SKIP: {
   skip "modifying a feature during a parse didn't raise a not supported exception", 2,
     if not $error;
-  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotSupportedException');
+  my $skip = 0;
+  isa_ok($error,'XML::Xerces::SAXNotSupportedException')
+    or $skip = 1;
+  skip "bad exception: $error", 1, if $skip;
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/SAXParser.t b/swig/perl/t/SAXParser.t
index 16e5be545..d76ab4d58 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/SAXParser.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/SAXParser.t
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 ######################### Begin module loading
 # use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 12;
-BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces") };
+use Test::More tests => 13;
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
 use lib 't';
 use TestUtils qw($PERSONAL_FILE_NAME);
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ while ($SAX->parseNext($token)) {
   # do nothing
 pass('successful progressive parse');
-ok($DOCUMENT_HANDLER->{elements} == 37, 'element count after progressive parse');
+ok($DOCUMENT_HANDLER->{elements} == 37,
+   'element count after progressive parse');
 # reset the counts
@@ -175,8 +176,13 @@ ok($::error,'fatal error in progressive parse')
 # reset the state for a new parse
 $::error = '';
+eval {$SAX->parse(XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($document))};
+ok((not $@),'unset error handler')
+  or XML::Xerces::error($@);
 eval {$SAX->parse($PERSONAL_FILE_NAME)};
 ok((not $@),'successful parse after fatal error');
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/ b/swig/perl/t/
index fe4e74919..3ea6df40b 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/
+++ b/swig/perl/t/
@@ -14,12 +14,19 @@ use vars qw($VERSION
 use Carp;
 use Cwd;
@@ -32,12 +39,19 @@ require Exporter;
@@ -56,20 +70,30 @@ BEGIN {
-  $DOM = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new();
+$DOM = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new();
-  my $ERROR_HANDLER = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new();
-  $DOM->setErrorHandler($ERROR_HANDLER);
+my $ERROR_HANDLER = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new();
+my $cwd = cwd();
+$cwd =~ s|/t/?$||;
+$SAMPLE_DIR = "$cwd/samples";
+$PERSONAL_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal.xml";
+$PERSONAL_NO_DOCTYPE_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-no-doctype.xml";
+$PERSONAL_NO_XMLDECL_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-no-xmldecl.xml";
+$PERSONAL_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal.xml";
+$PERSONAL_INVALID_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-invalid.xml";
+$PERSONAL_NOT_WELL_FORMED_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-not-well-formed.xml";
-  my $cwd = cwd();
-  $cwd =~ s|/t/?$||;
-  $SAMPLE_DIR = "$cwd/samples";
-  $PERSONAL_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal.xml";
-  $PERSONAL_NO_DOCTYPE_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-no-doctype.xml";
-  $PERSONAL_NO_XMLDECL_FILE_NAME = "$SAMPLE_DIR/personal-no-xmldecl.xml";
   $PERSONAL_DTD_NAME =~ s/\.xml/\.dtd/;
+  $PERSONAL_SCHEMA_NAME =~ s/\.xml/\.xsd/;
   $PERSONAL_SCHEMA_FILE_NAME =~ s/\.xml/-schema.xml/;
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/URLInputSource.t b/swig/perl/t/URLInputSource.t
index 8de5ac55d..242d7bb40 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/URLInputSource.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/URLInputSource.t
@@ -2,22 +2,16 @@
 # with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
 # URLInputSource.t'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+######################### Begin module loading
-END {fail() unless $loaded;}
-use Carp;
 # use blib;
-use XML::Xerces;
-use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Test::More tests => 9;
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces") };
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::IO") };
-use vars qw($loaded $error);
 use strict;
-$loaded = 1;
-pass("module loaded");
-######################### End of black magic.
+######################### Begin Test
 # Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
 # (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/XMLUni.t b/swig/perl/t/XMLUni.t
index deb7fd5bf..f573a7303 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/XMLUni.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/XMLUni.t
@@ -4,15 +4,26 @@
 # use blib;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
 BEGIN {use_ok("XML::Xerces::DOM")};
+BEGIN {use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX")};
 use strict;
 # once the unicode constants were not being properly exported
 # these tests guard against that happening again
-is($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgPCDATAString, '#PCDATA', 'XMLUni constants exported');
-is($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgPubIDString, 'PUBLIC', 'XMLUni constants exported');
+is($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgPCDATAString, '#PCDATA',
+   'XMLUni constants exported');
+is($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgPubIDString, 'PUBLIC',
+   'XMLUni constants exported');
+TODO: {
+  local $TODO = 'SWIG is exporting all class variables into top-level namespace';
+  ok((not defined $XML::Xerces::XMLUni_fgPCDATAString),
+     'XMLUni constants not in XML::Xerces namespace');
+  ok((not defined $XML::Xerces::XMLUni_fgPubIDString),
+     'XMLUni constants not in XML::Xerces namespace');
 eval {
   my $parser = XML::Xerces::XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader();
diff --git a/swig/perl/t/actualCast.t b/swig/perl/t/actualCast.t
index bd3263275..c14fe521c 100644
--- a/swig/perl/t/actualCast.t
+++ b/swig/perl/t/actualCast.t
@@ -2,28 +2,17 @@
 # with `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl
 # actualCast.t'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+######################### Begin module loading
-END {fail() unless $loaded;}
-use Carp;
 # use blib;
-use XML::Xerces;
 use Test::More tests => 9;
+BEGIN { use_ok("XML::Xerces::SAX") };
 use lib 't';
-use vars qw($loaded);
 use strict;
-$loaded = 1;
-pass("module loaded");
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
+######################### Begin Test