diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/Iconv400TransService.cpp b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/Iconv400TransService.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 130f82f8d7737816a2b215e0af50476c4b5c61f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/Iconv400TransService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,888 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * @01A D998714.1 V5R2M0    100301   Swan    :Fix error return flags
- * @02A           V5R2M0    200419   jrhansen : support lowercase function
- * @03A D93234.1  V1R1M0    102804   JRHansen :fix transcode overflow 
- * @04A D93234.3  V1R1M0    022505   JRHansen :fix transcode error check 
- * $Id$
- */
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Includes
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/TranscodingException.hpp>
-#include "Iconv400TransService.hpp"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <qlgcase.h>
-#include "iconv_cnv.hpp"
-#include "iconv_util.hpp"
-#include <qusec.h>
-#include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/Janitor.hpp>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Local functions
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  When XMLCh and ICU's UChar are not the same size, we have to do a temp
-//  conversion of all strings. These local helper methods make that easier.
-static UChar* convertToUChar( const   XMLCh* const toConvert
-                            , const unsigned int   srcLen = 0
-                            , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
-    const unsigned int actualLen = srcLen
-                                   ? srcLen : XMLString::stringLen(toConvert);
-    UChar* tmpBuf = (UChar*) manager->allocate
-    (
-        (srcLen + 1) * sizeof(UChar)
-    );//new UChar[srcLen + 1];
-    const XMLCh* srcPtr = toConvert;
-    UChar* outPtr = tmpBuf;
-    while (*srcPtr)
-        *outPtr++ = UChar(*srcPtr++);
-    *outPtr = 0;
-    return tmpBuf;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Local, const data
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static const XMLCh gMyServiceId[] =
-    chLatin_I, chLatin_C, chLatin_O, chLatin_V, chDigit_4, chDigit_0, chDigit_0, chNull
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  IconvTransService: Constructors and Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    memset((char*)&convertCtlblkUpper,'\0',sizeof(convertCtlblkUpper));
-    convertCtlblkUpper.Type_of_Request = 1;
-    convertCtlblkUpper.Case_Request = 0;   // upper case
-    convertCtlblkUpper.CCSID_of_Input_Data = 13488;
-    memset((char*)&convertCtlblkLower,'\0',sizeof(convertCtlblkLower));
-    convertCtlblkLower.Type_of_Request = 1;
-    convertCtlblkLower.Case_Request = 1;
-    convertCtlblkLower.CCSID_of_Input_Data = 13488;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Iconv400TransService: The virtual transcoding service API
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int Iconv400TransService::compareIString(const   XMLCh* const    comp1
-                                         , const XMLCh* const    comp2)
-    const XMLCh* psz1 = comp1;
-    const XMLCh* psz2 = comp2;
-    while (true)
-    {
-        if (toUnicodeUpper(*psz1) != toUnicodeUpper(*psz2))
-            return int(*psz1) - int(*psz2);
-        // If either has ended, then they both ended, so equal
-        if (!*psz1 || !*psz2)
-            break;
-        // Move upwards for the next round
-        psz1++;
-        psz2++;
-    }
-    return 0;
-int Iconv400TransService::compareNIString(const  XMLCh* const     comp1
-                                          , const XMLCh* const    comp2
-                                          , const XMLSize_t       maxChars)
-    const XMLCh* psz1 = comp1;
-    const XMLCh* psz2 = comp2;
-    unsigned int curCount = 0;
-    while (true)
-    {
-        // If an inequality, then return the difference
-        // If an inequality, then return difference
-        if (toUnicodeUpper(*psz1) != toUnicodeUpper(*psz2))
-            return int(*psz1) - int(*psz2);
-        // If either ended, then both ended, so equal
-        if (!*psz1 || !*psz2)
-            break;
-        // Move upwards to next chars
-        psz1++;
-        psz2++;
-        //
-        //  Bump the count of chars done. If it equals the count then we
-        //  are equal for the requested count, so break out and return
-        //  equal.
-        //
-        curCount++;
-        if (maxChars == curCount)
-            break;
-    }
-    return 0;
-const XMLCh* Iconv400TransService::getId() const
-    return gMyServiceId;
-XMLLCPTranscoder* Iconv400TransService::makeNewLCPTranscoder()
-    //
-    //  Try to create a default converter. If it fails, return a null pointer
-    //  which will basically cause the system to give up because we really can't
-    //  do anything without one.
-    //
-    UErrorCode uerr = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    UConverter* converter = ucnv_open(NULL, &uerr);
-    if (!converter)
-        return 0;
-    // That went ok, so create an Iconv LCP transcoder wrapper and return it
-    return new Iconv400LCPTranscoder(converter);
-bool Iconv400TransService::supportsSrcOfs() const
-    // This implementation supports source offset information
-    return true;
-void Iconv400TransService::upperCase(XMLCh* const toUpperCase)
-    XMLCh* outPtr = toUpperCase;
-    while (*outPtr)
-    {
-        *outPtr = toUnicodeUpper(*outPtr);
-        outPtr++;
-    }
-void Iconv400TransService::lowerCase(XMLCh* const toLowerCase)
-    XMLCh* outPtr = toLowerCase;
-    while (*outPtr)
-    {
-        *outPtr = toUnicodeLower(*outPtr);
-        outPtr++;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Iconv400TransService: The virtual transcoding service API
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-XMLCh Iconv400TransService::toUnicodeUpper(XMLCh comp1) const
-    XMLCh chRet;
-    struct {
-             int bytes_available;
-             int bytes_used;
-             char exception_id[7];
-             char reserved;
-             char exception_data[15];
-            } error_code;
-     error_code.bytes_available = sizeof(error_code);
-    long charlen =2;
-    QlgConvertCase((char*)&convertCtlblkUpper,
-                       (char*)&comp1,
-                       (char*)&chRet,
-                       (long*)&charlen,
-                       (char*)&error_code);
-    return chRet;
-XMLCh Iconv400TransService::toUnicodeLower(XMLCh comp1) const
-    XMLCh chRet;
-    struct {
-             int bytes_available;
-             int bytes_used;
-             char exception_id[7];
-             char reserved;
-             char exception_data[15];
-            } error_code;
-     error_code.bytes_available = sizeof(error_code);
-    long charlen =2;
-    QlgConvertCase((char*)&convertCtlblkLower,
-                       (char*)&comp1,
-                       (char*)&chRet,
-                       (long*)&charlen,
-                       (char*)&error_code);
-    return chRet;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Iconv400TransService: The protected virtual transcoding service API
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Iconv400TransService::makeNewXMLTranscoder(const   XMLCh* const         encodingName
-                                        ,       XMLTransService::Codes& resValue
-                                        , const XMLSize_t               blockSize
-                                        ,       MemoryManager* const    manager)
-    UErrorCode uerr = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    UConverter* converter = ucnv_openU(encodingName, &uerr);
-    if (!converter)
-    {
-        resValue = XMLTransService::UnsupportedEncoding;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return new (manager) Iconv400Transcoder(encodingName, converter, blockSize, manager);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  IconvTranscoder: Constructors and Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Iconv400Transcoder::Iconv400Transcoder( const XMLCh* const         encodingName
-                                      ,       UConverter* const    toAdopt
-                                      , const XMLSize_t            blockSize
-                                      ,       MemoryManager* const manager) :
-    XMLTranscoder(encodingName, blockSize, manager)
-    , fConverter(toAdopt)
-    , fFixed(false)
-    , fSrcOffsets(0)
-    // If there is a block size, then allocate our source offset array
-    if (blockSize)
-        fSrcOffsets = (long*) manager->allocate(blockSize * sizeof(long));//new long[blockSize];
-    // Remember if its a fixed size encoding
-    fFixed = (ucnv_getMaxCharSize(fConverter) == ucnv_getMinCharSize(fConverter));
-    getMemoryManager()->deallocate(fSrcOffsets);//delete [] fSrcOffsets;
-    // If there is a converter, ask Iconv400 to clean it up
-    if (fConverter)
-    {
-        // <TBD> Does this actually delete the structure???
-        ucnv_close(fConverter);
-        fConverter = 0;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Iconv400Transcoder: The virtual transcoder API
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int
-Iconv400Transcoder::transcodeFrom(const  XMLByte* const          srcData
-                            , const unsigned int            srcCount
-                            ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-                            , const unsigned int            maxChars
-                            ,       unsigned int&           bytesEaten
-                            ,       unsigned char* const    charSizes)
-    // If debugging, insure the block size is legal
-    // Set up pointers to the start and end of the source buffer
-    const XMLByte*  startSrc = srcData;
-    const XMLByte*  endSrc = srcData + srcCount;
-    //
-    //  And now do the target buffer. This works differently according to
-    //  whether XMLCh and UChar are the same size or not.
-    //
-    UChar* startTarget;
-    if (sizeof(XMLCh) == sizeof(UChar))
-        startTarget = (UChar*)toFill;
-     else
-        startTarget = (UChar*) getMemoryManager()->allocate
-        (
-            maxChars * sizeof(UChar)
-        );//new UChar[maxChars];
-    UChar* orgTarget = startTarget;
-    //
-    //  Transoode the buffer.  Buffer overflow errors are normal, occuring
-    //  when the raw input buffer holds more characters than will fit in
-    //  the Unicode output buffer.
-    //
-    UErrorCode  err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    ucnv_toUnicode
-    (
-        fConverter
-        , &startTarget
-        , startTarget + maxChars
-        , (const char**)&startSrc
-        , (const char*)endSrc
-        , (fFixed ? 0 : (int32_t*)fSrcOffsets)
-        , false
-        , &err
-    );
-    if ((err != U_ZERO_ERROR) && (err != U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR) &&
-	(err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR))   // @03c
-    {
-        if (orgTarget != (UChar*)toFill)
-            getMemoryManager()->deallocate(orgTarget);//delete [] orgTarget;
-        if (fFixed)
-        {
-            XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
-            XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)(*startTarget), tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
-            ThrowXMLwithMemMgr2
-            (
-                TranscodingException
-                , XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcCP
-                , tmpBuf
-                , getEncodingName()
-                , getMemoryManager()
-            );
-        }
-         else
-        {
-            ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(TranscodingException, XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcSeq, getMemoryManager());
-        }
-    }
-    // Calculate the bytes eaten and store in caller's param
-    bytesEaten = startSrc - srcData;
-    // And the characters decoded
-    const unsigned int charsDecoded = startTarget - orgTarget;
-    //
-    //  Translate the array of char offsets into an array of character
-    //  sizes, which is what the transcoder interface semantics requires.
-    //  If its fixed, then we can optimize it.
-    //
-    if (fFixed)
-    {
-        const unsigned char fillSize = (unsigned char)ucnv_getMaxCharSize(fConverter);
-        memset(charSizes, fillSize, maxChars);
-    }
-     else
-    {
-        //
-        //  We have to convert the series of offsets into a series of
-        //  sizes. If just one char was decoded, then its the total bytes
-        //  eaten. Otherwise, do a loop and subtract out each element from
-        //  its previous element.
-        //
-        if (charsDecoded == 1)
-        {
-            charSizes[0] = (unsigned char)bytesEaten;
-        }
-         else
-        {
-            //  ICU does not return an extra element to allow us to figure
-            //  out the last char size, so we have to compute it from the
-            //  total bytes used.
-            unsigned int index;
-            for (index = 0; index < charsDecoded - 1; index++)
-            {
-                charSizes[index] = (unsigned char)(fSrcOffsets[index + 1]
-                                                    - fSrcOffsets[index]);
-            }
-            if( charsDecoded > 0 ) {
-                charSizes[charsDecoded - 1] = (unsigned char)(bytesEaten
-                                              - fSrcOffsets[charsDecoded - 1]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //
-    //  If XMLCh and UChar are not the same size, then we need to copy over
-    //  the temp buffer to the new one.
-    //
-    if (sizeof(UChar) != sizeof(XMLCh))
-    {
-        XMLCh* outPtr = toFill;
-        startTarget = orgTarget;
-        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < charsDecoded; index++)
-            *outPtr++ = XMLCh(*startTarget++);
-        // And delete the temp buffer
-        getMemoryManager()->deallocate(orgTarget);//delete [] orgTarget;
-    }
-    // Return the chars we put into the target buffer
-    return charsDecoded;
-unsigned int
-Iconv400Transcoder::transcodeTo( const   XMLCh* const    srcData
-                            , const unsigned int    srcCount
-                            ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
-                            , const unsigned int    maxBytes
-                            ,       unsigned int&   charsEaten
-                            , const UnRepOpts       options)
-    //
-    //  Get a pointer to the buffer to transcode. If UChar and XMLCh are
-    //  the same size here, then use the original. Else, create a temp
-    //  one and put a janitor on it.
-    //
-    const UChar* srcPtr;
-    UChar* tmpBufPtr = 0;
-    if (sizeof(XMLCh) == sizeof(UChar))
-    {
-        srcPtr = (const UChar*)srcData;
-    }
-     else
-    {
-        tmpBufPtr = convertToUChar(srcData, srcCount, getMemoryManager());
-        srcPtr = tmpBufPtr;
-    }
-    ArrayJanitor<UChar> janTmpBuf(tmpBufPtr, getMemoryManager());
-    //
-    //  Set the appropriate callback so that it will either fail or use
-    //  the rep char. Remember the old one so we can put it back.
-    //
-    UErrorCode  err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    //
-    //  Ok, lets transcode as many chars as we we can in one shot. The
-    //  ICU API gives enough info not to have to do this one char by char.
-    //
-    XMLByte*        startTarget = toFill;
-    const UChar*    startSrc = srcPtr;
-    err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    ucnv_fromUnicode
-    (
-        fConverter
-        , (char**)&startTarget
-        , (char*)(startTarget + maxBytes)
-        , &startSrc
-        , srcPtr + srcCount
-        , 0
-        , false
-        , &err
-    );
-    if (err)   /*@01A*/
-    {
-        XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
-        XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*startSrc, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
-        ThrowXMLwithMemMgr2
-        (
-            TranscodingException
-            , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
-            , tmpBuf
-            , getEncodingName()
-            , getMemoryManager()
-        );
-    }
-    // Fill in the chars we ate from the input
-    charsEaten = startSrc - srcPtr;
-    // Return the chars we stored
-    return startTarget - toFill;
-bool Iconv400Transcoder::canTranscodeTo(const unsigned int toCheck)
-    //
-    //  If the passed value is really a surrogate embedded together, then
-    //  we need to break it out into its two chars. Else just one. While
-    //  we are ate it, convert them to UChar format if required.
-    //
-    UChar           srcBuf[2];
-    unsigned int    srcCount = 1;
-    if (toCheck & 0xFFFF0000)
-    {
-        srcBuf[0] = UChar((toCheck >> 10) + 0xD800);
-        srcBuf[1] = UChar(toCheck & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00;
-        srcCount++;
-    }
-     else
-    {
-        srcBuf[0] = UChar(toCheck);
-    }
-    // Set upa temp buffer to format into. Make it more than big enough
-    char            tmpBuf[64];
-    char*           startTarget = tmpBuf;
-    const UChar*    startSrc = srcBuf;
-    UErrorCode  err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    ucnv_fromUnicode
-    (
-        fConverter
-        , &startTarget
-        , startTarget + 64
-        , &startSrc
-        , srcBuf + srcCount
-        , 0
-        , false
-        , &err
-    );
-    return (err==U_ZERO_ERROR);  /*@01A*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  IconvLCPTranscoder: Constructors and Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Iconv400LCPTranscoder::Iconv400LCPTranscoder(UConverter* const toAdopt) :
-    fConverter(toAdopt)
-    // If there is a converter, ask Iconv to clean it up
-    if (fConverter)
-    {
-        // <TBD> Does this actually delete the structure???
-        ucnv_close(fConverter);
-        fConverter = 0;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Iconv400LCPTranscoder: Constructors and Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-XMLSize_t Iconv400LCPTranscoder::calcRequiredSize(const XMLCh* const srcText
-                                                     , MemoryManager* const manager)
-    if (!srcText)
-        return 0;
-    // Lock and attempt the calculation
-    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    int32_t targetCap;
-    {
-        XMLMutexLock lockConverter(&fMutex);
-        targetCap = ucnv_fromUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , 0
-            , 0
-            , srcText
-            , &err
-        );
-    }
-    if (err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
-        return 0;
-    return (XMLSize_t)targetCap;
-XMLSize_t Iconv400LCPTranscoder::calcRequiredSize(const char* const srcText
-                                                     , MemoryManager* const manager)
-    if (!srcText)
-        return 0;
-    int32_t targetCap;
-    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    {
-        XMLMutexLock lockConverter(&fMutex);
-        targetCap = ucnv_toUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , 0
-            , 0
-            , srcText
-            , strlen(srcText)
-            , &err
-        );
-    }
-    if (err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
-        return 0;
-    // Subtract one since it includes the terminator space
-    return (XMLSize_t)(targetCap - 1);
-char* Iconv400LCPTranscoder::transcode(const XMLCh* const toTranscode,
-                                       MemoryManager* const manager)
-    char* retBuf = 0;
-    // Check for a couple of special cases
-    if (!toTranscode)
-        return 0;
-    if (!*toTranscode)
-    {
-        retBuf = (char*) manager->allocate(sizeof(char));//new char[1];
-        retBuf[0] = 0;
-        return retBuf;
-    }
-    // Caculate a return buffer size not too big, but less likely to overflow
-    int32_t targetLen = (int32_t)(u_strlen(toTranscode) * 1.25);
-    // Allocate the return buffer
-    retBuf = (char*) manager->allocate((targetLen + 1) * sizeof(char));//new char[targetLen + 1];
-    // Lock now while we call the converter.
-    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    int32_t targetCap;
-    {
-        XMLMutexLock lockConverter(&fMutex);
-        //Convert the Unicode string to char*
-        targetCap = ucnv_fromUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , retBuf
-            , targetLen + 1
-            , toTranscode
-            , &err
-        );
-    }
-    // If targetLen is not enough then buffer overflow might occur
-    if (err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
-    {
-        // Reset the error, delete the old buffer, allocate a new one, and try again
-        err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-        manager->deallocate(retBuf);//delete [] retBuf;
-        retBuf = (char*) manager->allocate(targetCap * sizeof(char));//new char[targetCap];
-        // Lock again before we retry
-        XMLMutexLock lockConverter(&fMutex);
-        targetCap = ucnv_fromUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , retBuf
-            , targetCap
-            , toTranscode
-            , &err
-        );
-    }
-    if (U_FAILURE(err))
-    {
-        manager->deallocate(retBuf);//delete [] retBuf;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // Cap it off and return
-    retBuf[targetCap] = 0;
-    return retBuf;
-XMLCh* Iconv400LCPTranscoder::transcode(const char* const toTranscode,
-                                        MemoryManager* const manager)
-    // Watch for a few pyscho corner cases
-    if (!toTranscode)
-        return 0;
-    XMLCh* retVal = 0;
-    if (!*toTranscode)
-    {
-        retVal = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate(sizeof(XMLCh));//new XMLCh[1];
-        retVal[0] = 0;
-        return retVal;
-    }
-    //
-    //  Get the length of the string to transcode. The Unicode string will
-    //  almost always be no more chars than were in the source, so this is
-    //  the best guess as to the storage needed.
-    //
-    const int32_t srcLen = (int32_t)strlen(toTranscode);
-    // Allocate unicode string of equivalent length in unicode bytes
-    retVal = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate((srcLen + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh));//new XMLCh[srcLen+1];
-    // Now lock while we do these calculations
-    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    {
-        XMLMutexLock lockConverter(&fMutex);
-        //
-        //  Here we don't know what the target length will be so use 0 and
-        //  expect an U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR in which case it'd get resolved
-        //  by the correct capacity value.
-        //
-        int32_t targetCap;
-        targetCap = ucnv_toUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , retVal
-            , srcLen+1
-            , toTranscode
-            , srcLen
-            , &err
-        );
-        if (err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)  // @04c
-	{
-        err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-        manager->deallocate(retVal);  //@04a
-        retVal = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate(targetCap * sizeof(XMLCh));//new XMLCh[targetCap];
-        ucnv_toUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , retVal
-            , targetCap
-            , toTranscode
-            , srcLen
-            , &err
-           );
-	 }
-   }
-    if (U_FAILURE(err))
-    {
-        // Clean up if we got anything allocated
-        manager->deallocate(retVal);//delete [] retVal;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return retVal;
-bool Iconv400LCPTranscoder::transcode(const  char* const     toTranscode
-                                ,       XMLCh* const    toFill
-                                , const XMLSize_t       maxChars
-                                , MemoryManager* const  manager)
-    // Check for a couple of psycho corner cases
-    if (!toTranscode || !maxChars)
-    {
-        toFill[0] = 0;
-        return true;
-    }
-    if (!*toTranscode)
-    {
-        toFill[0] = 0;
-        return true;
-    }
-    // Lock and do the transcode operation
-    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    const int32_t srcLen = (int32_t)strlen(toTranscode);
-    {
-        XMLMutexLock lockConverter(&fMutex);
-        ucnv_toUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , toFill
-            , maxChars + 1
-            , toTranscode
-            , srcLen
-            , &err
-        );
-    }
-    if (U_FAILURE(err))
-        return false;
-    return true;
-bool Iconv400LCPTranscoder::transcode(   const   XMLCh* const    toTranscode
-                                    ,       char* const     toFill
-                                    , const XMLSize_t       maxChars
-                                    , MemoryManager* const  manager)
-    // Watch for a few psycho corner cases
-    if (!toTranscode || !maxChars)
-    {
-        toFill[0] = 0;
-        return true;
-    }
-    if (!*toTranscode)
-    {
-        toFill[0] = 0;
-        return true;
-    }
-    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-    int32_t targetCap;
-    {
-        XMLMutexLock lockConverter(&fMutex);
-        targetCap = ucnv_fromUChars
-        (
-            fConverter
-            , toFill
-            , maxChars + 1
-            , toTranscode
-            , &err
-        );
-    }
-    if (U_FAILURE(err))
-        return false;
-    toFill[targetCap] = 0;
-    return true;
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/Iconv400TransService.hpp b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/Iconv400TransService.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a8737d0f869fb8734882a5791b8ca8ed546654da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/Iconv400TransService.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-#if (__OS400_TGTVRM__>=510)                               /* @01a */
-    #pragma datamodel(P128)                               /* @01a */
-#endif                                                    /* @01a */
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * @02A           V5R2M0    200419   jrhansen : support lowercase function
- * $Id$
- */
-#include <xercesc/util/Mutexes.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/TransService.hpp>
-#include <qlg.h>
-struct UConverter;
-class XMLUTIL_EXPORT Iconv400TransService : public XMLTransService
-public :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Public, static methods
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Constructors and Destructor
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Iconv400TransService();
-    ~Iconv400TransService();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Implementation of the virtual transcoding service API
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual int compareIString
-    (
-        const   XMLCh* const    comp1
-        , const XMLCh* const    comp2
-    );
-    virtual int compareNIString
-    (
-        const   XMLCh* const    comp1
-        , const XMLCh* const    comp2
-        , const XMLSize_t       maxChars
-    );
-    virtual const XMLCh* getId() const;
-    virtual XMLLCPTranscoder* makeNewLCPTranscoder();
-    virtual bool supportsSrcOfs() const;
-    virtual void upperCase(XMLCh* const toUpperCase);
-    virtual void lowerCase(XMLCh* const toLowerCase);
-protected :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Protected virtual methods
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual XMLTranscoder* makeNewXMLTranscoder
-    (
-        const   XMLCh* const            encodingName
-        ,       XMLTransService::Codes& resValue
-        , const XMLSize_t               blockSize
-        ,       MemoryManager* const    manager
-    );
-private :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Iconv400TransService(const Iconv400TransService&);
-    Iconv400TransService& operator=(const Iconv400TransService&);
-    XMLCh toUnicodeUpper(XMLCh toupper) const;
-    XMLCh toUnicodeLower(XMLCh tolower) const;
-    Qlg_CCSID_ReqCtlBlk_T convertCtlblkUpper;
-    Qlg_CCSID_ReqCtlBlk_T convertCtlblkLower;
-class XMLUTIL_EXPORT Iconv400Transcoder : public XMLTranscoder
-public :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Constructors and Destructor
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Iconv400Transcoder
-    (
-        const   XMLCh* const      encodingName
-        ,       UConverter* const toAdopt
-        , const XMLSize_t         blockSize
-        , MemoryManager* const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
-    );
-    ~Iconv400Transcoder();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Implementation of the virtual transcoder interface
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual unsigned int transcodeFrom
-    (
-        const   XMLByte* const          srcData
-        , const unsigned int            srcCount
-        ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
-        , const unsigned int            maxChars
-        ,       unsigned int&           bytesEaten
-        ,       unsigned char* const    charSizes
-    );
-    virtual unsigned int transcodeTo
-    (
-        const   XMLCh* const	srcData
-        , const unsigned int	srcCount
-        ,       XMLByte* const	toFill
-        , const unsigned int	maxBytes
-        ,       unsigned int&	charsEaten
-        , const UnRepOpts	options
-    );
-    virtual bool canTranscodeTo
-    (
-        const   unsigned int	toCheck
-    );
-private :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Iconv400Transcoder();
-    Iconv400Transcoder(const Iconv400Transcoder&);
-    Iconv400Transcoder& operator=(const Iconv400Transcoder&);
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Private data members
-    //
-    //  fConverter
-    //      This is a pointer to the Iconv400 converter that this transcoder
-    //      uses.
-    //
-    //  fFixed
-    //      This is set to true if the encoding is a fixed size one. This
-    //      can be used to optimize some operations.
-    //
-    //  fSrcOffsets
-    //      This is an array of longs, which are allocated to the size of
-    //      the trancoding block (if any) indicated in the ctor. It is used
-    //      to get the character offsets from Iconv400, which are then translated
-    //      into an array of char sizes for return.
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    UConverter*     fConverter;
-    bool            fFixed;
-    long*           fSrcOffsets;
-class XMLUTIL_EXPORT Iconv400LCPTranscoder : public XMLLCPTranscoder
-public :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Constructors and Destructor
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Iconv400LCPTranscoder(UConverter* const toAdopt);
-    ~Iconv400LCPTranscoder();
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Implementation of the virtual transcoder interface
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual char* transcode(const XMLCh* const toTranscode,
-                            MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
-    virtual XMLCh* transcode(const char* const toTranscode,
-                             MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  DEPRECATED old transcode interface
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    virtual XMLSize_t calcRequiredSize(const char* const srcText
-        , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
-    virtual XMLSize_t calcRequiredSize(const XMLCh* const srcText
-        , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);
-    virtual bool transcode
-    (
-        const   char* const     toTranscode
-        ,       XMLCh* const    toFill
-        , const XMLSize_t       maxChars
-        , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
-    );
-    virtual bool transcode
-    (
-        const   XMLCh* const    toTranscode
-        ,       char* const     toFill
-        , const XMLSize_t       maxChars
-        , MemoryManager* const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
-    );
-private :
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Iconv400LCPTranscoder();
-    Iconv400LCPTranscoder(const Iconv400LCPTranscoder&);
-    Iconv400LCPTranscoder& operator=(const Iconv400LCPTranscoder&);
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //  Private data members
-    //
-    //  fConverter
-    //      This is a pointer to the Iconv converter that this transcoder
-    //      uses.
-    //
-    //  fMutex
-    //      We have to synchronize threaded calls to the converter.
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    UConverter*     fConverter;
-    XMLMutex        fMutex;
-#if (__OS400_TGTVRM__>=510)                                /* @01a */  
-     #pragma datamodel(pop)                                /* @01a */ 
-#endif                                                     /* @01a */
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_cnv.cpp b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_cnv.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cf4eeb546b07f686a4b6c4f1f5f044e842043a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_cnv.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <iconv_util.hpp>
-#include <iconv_cnv.hpp>
-#include <qmhrtvm.h>
-#include <qusec.h>
-#include <xercesc/util/Platforms/OS400/OS400PlatformUtils.hpp>
-#include <iconv.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#define CHUNK_SIZE 5*1024
-void Convert_toUnicode(UConverter *,
-				     UChar **,
-				     const UChar *,
-				     const char **,
-				     const char *,
-				     int32_t* offsets,
-				     int,
-				     UErrorCode *);
-void Convert_fromUnicode(UConverter *,
-				       char **,
-				       const char *,
-				       const UChar **,
-				       const UChar *,
-				       int32_t* offsets,
-				       int,
-				       UErrorCode *);
-UChar getNextUChar(UConverter* converter,
-					       const char** source,
-					       const char* sourceLimit,
-					       UErrorCode* err);
-void T_UConverter_fromCodepageToCodepage (UConverter * outConverter,
-						 UConverter * inConverter,
-						 char **target,
-						 const char *targetLimit,
-						 const char **source,
-						 const char *sourceLimit,
-						 int32_t* offsets,
-						 int flush,
-						 UErrorCode * err);
-void Converter_fromUnicode(UConverter * _this,
-				 char **target,
-				 const char *targetLimit,
-				 const UChar ** source,
-				 const UChar * sourceLimit,
-				 int32_t *offsets,
-				 int flush,
-				 UErrorCode * err);
-/*Calls through createConverter */
-UConverter* ucnv_open (const char *name,
-		       UErrorCode * err)
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    return NULL;
-  /*In case "name" is NULL we want to open the default converter */
-  if (name != NULL)
-    return createConverter (name, err);
-  else
-    return createConverter (iconv_getDefaultCodepage(), err);
-/*Extracts the UChar* to a char* and calls through createConverter */
-UConverter*  ucnv_openU (const UChar * name,
-			 UErrorCode * err)
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    return NULL;
-  if (name == NULL)
-    return ucnv_open (NULL, err);
-  if (u_strlen (name) > MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH)
-    {
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  return ucnv_open (u_austrcpy (asciiName, name), err);
-/*Decreases the reference counter in the shared immutable section of the object
- *and frees the mutable part*/
-void ucnv_close (UConverter * converter)
-/* for iconv we will close the handles and free the converter storage*/
-  iconv_close(converter->sharedData->toiconv_handle);
-  iconv_close(converter->sharedData->fromiconv_handle);
-  if (converter == NULL)
-    return;
-  free (converter);
-  return;
-/* currently required for iconv suuport */
-/* XMLReader calls this and uses fact that it is different than min
-to go thru a calculation otherwise if max and min same then there is
-a calculation speed up - we will keep the two routines but have them
-return different sizes - later will ifdef XMLreader for ICONV to remove the calls*/
- int8_t  ucnv_getMaxCharSize (const UConverter * converter)
-  return (4); /* dummy returns just need to be different in XMLParser - need something else for ICU replacement */
-/* currently required for iconv support */
-/* see note for ucnv_getMaxCharSize */
-int8_t  ucnv_getMinCharSize (const UConverter * converter)
-  return (1);
-void   ucnv_fromUnicode (UConverter * _this,
-			 char **target,
-			 const char *targetLimit,
-			 const UChar ** source,
-			 const UChar * sourceLimit,
-			 int32_t* offsets,
-			 int flush,
-			 UErrorCode * err)
-  /*
-   * Check parameters in for all conversions
-   */
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))   return;
-  if ((_this == NULL) || ((char *) targetLimit < *target) || (sourceLimit < *source))
-    {
-      return;
-    }
-  /*calls the specific conversion routines */
-  Converter_fromUnicode(_this,target,targetLimit,source,sourceLimit,
-					   offsets,flush,err);
-  return;
-void   ucnv_toUnicode (UConverter * _this,
-		       UChar ** target,
-		       const UChar * targetLimit,
-		       const char **source,
-		       const char *sourceLimit,
-		       int32_t* offsets,
-		       int flush,
-		       UErrorCode * err)
-  /*
-   * Check parameters in for all conversions
-   */
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))   return;
-  if ((_this == NULL) || ((UChar *) targetLimit < *target) || (sourceLimit < *source))
-    {
-      return;
-    }
-  /*calls the specific conversion routines */
-  Convert_toUnicode(_this,target,targetLimit,source,sourceLimit,
-					  offsets,flush,err);
-  return;
-int32_t   ucnv_fromUChars (const UConverter * converter,
-			   char *target,
-			   int32_t targetSize,
-			   const UChar * source,
-			   UErrorCode * err)
-  const UChar *mySource = source;
-  const UChar *mySource_limit;
-  int32_t mySourceLength = 0;
-  UConverter myConverter;
-  char *myTarget = target;
-  int32_t targetCapacity = 0;
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    return 0;
-  if ((converter == NULL) || (targetSize < 0))
-    {
-      return 0;
-    }
-  /*makes a local copy of the UConverter */
-  myConverter = *converter;
-  /*if the source is empty we return immediately */
-  mySourceLength = u_strlen (source);
-  if (mySourceLength == 0)
-    {
-      /*for consistency we still need to
-       *store 0 in the targetCapacity
-       *if the user requires it
-       */
-      return 0;
-    }
-  mySource_limit = mySource + mySourceLength;
-  if (targetSize > 0)
-    {
-      ucnv_fromUnicode (&myConverter,
-			&myTarget,
-			target + targetSize,
-			&mySource,
-			mySource_limit,
-			NULL,
-			TRUE,
-			err);
-      targetCapacity = myTarget - target;
-    }
-  /*Updates targetCapacity to contain the number of bytes written to target */
-  if (targetSize == 0)
-    {
-    }
-  /* If the output buffer is exhausted, we need to stop writing
-   * to it but continue the conversion in order to store in targetSize
-   * the number of bytes that was required*/
-    {
-      char target2[CHUNK_SIZE];
-      char *target2_alias = target2;
-      const char *target2_limit = target2 + CHUNK_SIZE;
-      /*We use a stack allocated buffer around which we loop
-       *(in case the output is greater than CHUNK_SIZE)
-       */
-      while (*err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
-	{
-	  *err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-	  target2_alias = target2;
-	  ucnv_fromUnicode (&myConverter,
-			    &target2_alias,
-			    target2_limit,
-			    &mySource,
-			    mySource_limit,
-			    NULL,
-			    TRUE,
-			    err);
-	  /*updates the output parameter to contain the number of char required */
-	  targetCapacity += (target2_alias - target2) + 1;
-	}
-      /*We will set the erro code to BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR only if
-       *nothing graver happened in the previous loop*/
-      (targetCapacity)--;
-      if (U_SUCCESS (*err))
-    }
-  return targetCapacity;
-int32_t ucnv_toUChars (const UConverter * converter,
-		       UChar * target,
-		       int32_t targetSize,
-		       const char *source,
-		       int32_t sourceSize,
-		       UErrorCode * err)
-  const char *mySource = source;
-  const char *mySource_limit = source + sourceSize;
-  UConverter myConverter;
-  UChar *myTarget = target;
-  int32_t targetCapacity;
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    return 0;
-  if ((converter == NULL) || (targetSize < 0) || (sourceSize < 0))
-    {
-      return 0;
-    }
-  /*Means there is no work to be done */
-  if (sourceSize == 0)
-    {
-      /*for consistency we still need to
-       *store 0 in the targetCapacity
-       *if the user requires it
-       */
-      if (targetSize >= 1)
-	{
-	  target[0] = 0x0000;
-	  return 1;
-	}
-      else
-	return 0;
-    }
-  /*makes a local copy of the UConverter */
-  myConverter = *converter;
-  /*Not in pure pre-flight mode */
-  if (targetSize > 0)
-    {
-     /*  Changed from (targetSize * 2) to (targetSize) */
-      ucnv_toUnicode (&myConverter,
-		      &myTarget,
-		      target + (targetSize-1),	  /*Save a spot for the Null terminator */
-		      &mySource,
-		      mySource_limit,
-		      NULL,
-		      TRUE,
-		      err);
-      /*Null terminates the string */
-      *(myTarget) = 0x0000;
-    }
-  /*Rigs targetCapacity to have at least one cell for zero termination */
-  /*Updates targetCapacity to contain the number of bytes written to target */
-  targetCapacity = 1;
-  targetCapacity += myTarget - target;
-  if (targetSize == 0)
-    {
-    }
-  /* If the output buffer is exhausted, we need to stop writing
-   * to it but if the input buffer is not exhausted,
-   * we need to continue the conversion in order to store in targetSize
-   * the number of bytes that was required
-   */
-    {
-      UChar target2[CHUNK_SIZE];
-      UChar *target2_alias = target2;
-      const UChar *target2_limit = target2 + CHUNK_SIZE;
-      /*We use a stack allocated buffer around which we loop
-         (in case the output is greater than CHUNK_SIZE) */
-      while (*err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
-	{
-	  *err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-	  target2_alias = target2;
-	  ucnv_toUnicode (&myConverter,
-			  &target2_alias,
-			  target2_limit,
-			  &mySource,
-			  mySource_limit,
-			  NULL,
-			  TRUE,
-			  err);
-	  /*updates the output parameter to contain the number of char required */
-	  targetCapacity += target2_alias - target2 + 1;
-	}
-      (targetCapacity)--;	/*adjust for last one */
-      if (U_SUCCESS (*err))
-    }
-  return targetCapacity;
-UChar ucnv_getNextUChar (UConverter * converter,
-			 const char **source,
-			 const char *sourceLimit,
-			 UErrorCode * err)
-  /*calls the specific conversion routines */
-  /*as dictated in a code review, avoids a switch statement */
-  return getNextUChar(converter,source,sourceLimit,err);
-* Will convert a sequence of bytes from one codepage to another.
-* @param toConverterName: The name of the converter that will be used to encode the output buffer
-* @param fromConverterName: The name of the converter that will be used to decode the input buffer
-* @param target: Pointer to the output buffer* written
-* @param targetLength: on input contains the capacity of target, on output the number of bytes copied to target
-* @param source: Pointer to the input buffer
-* @param sourceLength: on input contains the capacity of source, on output the number of bytes processed in "source"
-* @param internal: used internally to store store state data across calls
-* @param err: fills in an error status
-T_UConverter_fromCodepageToCodepage (UConverter * outConverter,
-				     UConverter * inConverter,
-				     char **target,
-				     const char *targetLimit,
-				     const char **source,
-				     const char *sourceLimit,
-				     int32_t* offsets,
-				     int flush,
-				     UErrorCode * err)
-  UChar out_chunk[CHUNK_SIZE];
-  const UChar *out_chunk_limit = out_chunk + CHUNK_SIZE;
-  UChar *out_chunk_alias;
-  UChar const *out_chunk_alias2;
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))    return;
-  /*loops until the input buffer is completely consumed
-   *or if an error has be encountered
-   *first we convert from inConverter codepage to Unicode
-   *then from Unicode to outConverter codepage
-   */
-  while ((*source != sourceLimit) && U_SUCCESS (*err))
-    {
-      out_chunk_alias = out_chunk;
-      ucnv_toUnicode (inConverter,
-		      &out_chunk_alias,
-		      out_chunk_limit,
-		      source,
-		      sourceLimit,
-		      NULL,
-		      flush,
-		      err);
-      /*BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR means that the output "CHUNK" is full
-       *we will require at least another loop (it's a recoverable error)
-       */
-      if (U_SUCCESS (*err) || (*err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR))
-	{
-	  *err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-	  out_chunk_alias2 = out_chunk;
-	  while ((out_chunk_alias2 != out_chunk_alias) && U_SUCCESS (*err))
-	    {
-	      ucnv_fromUnicode (outConverter,
-				target,
-				targetLimit,
-				&out_chunk_alias2,
-				out_chunk_alias,
-				NULL,
-				TRUE,
-				err);
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	break;
-    }
-  return;
-int32_t  ucnv_convert(const char *toConverterName,
-		      const char *fromConverterName,
-		      char *target,
-		      int32_t targetSize,
-		      const char *source,
-		      int32_t sourceSize,
-		      UErrorCode * err)
-  const char *mySource = source;
-  const char *mySource_limit = source + sourceSize;
-  int32_t mySourceLength = 0;
-  UConverter *inConverter;
-  UConverter *outConverter;
-  char *myTarget = target;
-  int32_t targetCapacity = 0;
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    return 0;
-  if ((targetSize < 0) || (sourceSize < 0))
-    {
-      return 0;
-    }
-  /*if there is no input data, we're done */
-  if (sourceSize == 0)
-    {
-      /*in case the caller passed an output ptr
-       *we update it
-       */
-      return 0;
-    }
-  /*create the converters */
-  inConverter = ucnv_open (fromConverterName, err);
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err)) return 0;
-  outConverter = ucnv_open (toConverterName, err);
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    {
-      ucnv_close (inConverter);
-      return 0;
-    }
-  if (targetSize > 0)
-    {
-      T_UConverter_fromCodepageToCodepage (outConverter,
-					   inConverter,
-					   &myTarget,
-					   target + targetSize,
-					   &mySource,
-					   mySource_limit,
-					   NULL,
-					   TRUE,
-					   err);
-    }
-  /*Updates targetCapacity to contain the number of bytes written to target */
-  targetCapacity = myTarget - target;
-  if (targetSize == 0)
-    {
-    }
-  /* If the output buffer is exhausted, we need to stop writing
-   * to it but continue the conversion in order to store in targetSize
-   * the number of bytes that was required*/
-    {
-      char target2[CHUNK_SIZE];
-      char *target2_alias = target2;
-      const char *target2_limit = target2 + CHUNK_SIZE;
-      /*We use a stack allocated buffer around which we loop
-       *(in case the output is greater than CHUNK_SIZE)
-       */
-      while (*err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR)
-	{
-	  *err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-	  target2_alias = target2;
-	  T_UConverter_fromCodepageToCodepage (outConverter,
-					       inConverter,
-					       &target2_alias,
-					       target2_limit,
-					       &mySource,
-					       mySource_limit,
-					       NULL,
-					       TRUE,
-					       err);
-	  /*updates the output parameter to contain the number of char required */
-	  targetCapacity += (target2_alias - target2) + 1;
-	}
-      /*We will set the erro code to BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR only if
-       *nothing graver happened in the previous loop*/
-      (targetCapacity)--;
-      if (U_SUCCESS (*err))
-    }
-  ucnv_close (inConverter);
-  ucnv_close (outConverter);
-  return targetCapacity;
-void Converter_fromUnicode(UConverter * _this,
-				 char **target,
-				 const char *targetLimit,
-				 const UChar ** source,
-				 const UChar * sourceLimit,
-				 int32_t *offsets,
-				 int flush,
-				 UErrorCode * err)
-  int chardone;
-  const UChar *mySource = *source;
-  unsigned char *myTarget = (unsigned char *) *target;
-  int32_t targetLength = targetLimit - (char *) myTarget;
-  int32_t sourceLength = (sourceLimit - mySource) * 2;
-  unsigned char targetChar = 0x00;
-  /* pick up the iconv handle and perform the conversion */
-  errno = 0;
-  chardone =iconv(_this->sharedData->fromiconv_handle,(char**)source,  (size_t*) &sourceLength,target,(size_t *)&targetLength);
-  if (errno!=0)
-    if (errno == E2BIG)
-      {
-          return;
-      }
-    else
-      if ((errno ==EBADDATA)|| (errno ==ECONVERT))
-       {
-        char errno_id[7];
-        send_message(NULL,ICONV_CONVERT_PROBLEM,'d');
-        convert_errno(errno_id,errno);
-        send_message(NULL,errno_id,'d');
-        *err = U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND;
-	return;
-	}
-  return;
-       }
-void Convert_toUnicode(UConverter * _this,
-				  UChar ** target,
-				  const UChar * targetLimit,
-				  const char **source,
-				  const char *sourceLimit,
-				  int32_t *offsets,
-				  int flush,
-				  UErrorCode * err)
-  char *mySource = (char *) *source;
-  UChar *myTarget = *target;
-  int32_t targetLength = (targetLimit - myTarget)*2;  /* multiply by 2 */
-  int32_t sourceLength = (sourceLimit - (char *) mySource);
-  int chardone;
-  /* pick up the iconv handle */
-  errno = 0;
-  chardone =iconv(_this->sharedData->toiconv_handle,(char**)source,  (size_t*) &sourceLength,(char **)target,(size_t *)&targetLength);
-  if (errno!=0)
-  {
-    if (errno == E2BIG)
-      {
-          return;
-      }
-    else
-      if ((errno ==EBADDATA)|| (errno ==ECONVERT))
-       {
-        char errno_id[7];
-        send_message(NULL,ICONV_CONVERT_PROBLEM,'d');
-        convert_errno(errno_id,errno);
-        send_message(NULL,errno_id,'d');
-        *err = U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND;
-        return;
-	}
-  return;
-UChar getNextUChar(UConverter* converter,
-					       const char** source,
-					       const char* sourceLimit,
-					       UErrorCode* err)
-  UChar myUChar;
-  UChar* myUCharptr;
-  size_t numberibytes=sizeof(UChar);
-  size_t numberobytes=sizeof(UChar);
-  int chardone;
-  if ((*source)+1 > sourceLimit)
-    {
-      return 0xFFFD;
-    }
-  /*pick up the iconv handle */
-  /* convert the requested character - need to cache characters 6 will do - XMLReader is using this function to get header to process*/
-  myUCharptr  = &myUChar;
- chardone =iconv(converter->sharedData->toiconv_handle,(char**)source,  (size_t*) &numberibytes,(char **)&myUCharptr,(size_t *)&numberobytes);
-  if (myUChar != 0xFFFD) return myUChar;
-  else
-    {
-      UChar* myUCharPtr = &myUChar;
-      const char* sourceFinal = *source;
-      *err = U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND;
-      /*makes the internal caching transparent to the user*/
-      if (*err == U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR) *err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-      return myUChar;
-    }
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_cnv.hpp b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_cnv.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f93979ad0f0bbf3922faf428f3bc0a88bf2c6b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_cnv.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-#if (__OS400_TGTVRM__>=510)                               /* @01a */
-    #pragma datamodel(P128)                               /* @01a */
-#endif                                                    /* @01a */
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-#include "utypes.h"
- * Creates a UConverter object with the names specified as a C string.
- * The actual name will be resolved with the alias file.
- * if <TT>NULL</TT> is passed for the converter name, it will create one with the
- * getDefaultName return value.
- * @param converterName : name of the uconv table
- * @param err outgoing error status <TT>MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, TABLE_NOT_FOUND</TT>
- * @return the created Unicode converter object, or <TT>NULL</TT> if an error occured
- * @see ucnv_openU
- * @see ucnv_openCCSID
- * @see ucnv_close
- */
-UConverter* U_EXPORT2 ucnv_open   (const char *converterName,
-				   UErrorCode * err);
- * Creates a Unicode converter with the names specified as unicode string. The name should be limited to
- * the ASCII-7 alphanumerics range. The actual name will be resolved with the alias file.
- * if <TT>NULL</TT> is passed for the converter name, it will create one with the
- * getDefaultName return value.
- * @param converterName : name of the uconv table in a zero terminated Unicode string
- * @param err outgoing error status <TT>MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, TABLE_NOT_FOUND</TT>
- * @return the created Unicode converter object, or <TT>NULL</TT> if an error occured
- * @see ucnv_open
- * @see ucnv_openCCSID
- * @see ucnv_close
- */
-U_CAPI UConverter* U_EXPORT2 ucnv_openU (const UChar * name,
-				       UErrorCode * err);
- * Creates a UConverter object using a CCSID number.
- * @param codepage : codepage # of the uconv table
- * @param platform : codepage's platform (now only <TT>IBM</TT> supported)
- * @param err error status <TT>MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, TABLE_NOT_FOUND</TT>
- * @return the created Unicode converter object, or <TT>NULL</TT> if and error occured
- * @see ucnv_open
- * @see ucnv_openU
- * @see ucnv_close
- */
-U_CAPI void  U_EXPORT2 ucnv_close (UConverter * converter);
- * Returns the maximum length of bytes used by a character. This varies between 1 and 4
- * @param converter the Unicode converter
- * @return the maximum number of bytes allowed by this particular converter
- * @see ucnv_getMinCharSize
- */
-U_CAPI int8_t U_EXPORT2
-    ucnv_getMaxCharSize (const UConverter * converter);
- * Returns the minimum byte length for characters in this codepage. This is either
- * 1 or 2 for all supported codepages.
- * @param converter the Unicode converter
- * @return the minimum number of bytes allowed by this particular converter
- * @see ucnv_getMaxCharSize
- */
-U_CAPI int8_t U_EXPORT2
-    ucnv_getMinCharSize (const UConverter * converter);
- * Transcodes an array of unicode characters to an array of codepage characters.
- * The source pointer is an I/O parameter, it starts out pointing where the function is
- * to begin transcoding, and ends up pointing after the first sequence of the bytes
- * that it encounters that are semantically invalid.
- * if ucnv_setToUCallBack is called with an action other than <TT>STOP</TT>
- * before a call is made to this API, <TT>consumed</TT> and <TT>source</TT> should point to the same place
- * (unless <TT>target</TT> ends with an imcomplete sequence of bytes and <TT>flush</TT> is <TT>FALSE</TT>).
- * the <TT>target</TT> buffer buffer needs to be a least the size of the maximum # of bytes per characters
- * allowed by the target codepage.
- * @param converter the Unicode converter
- * @param converter the Unicode converter
- * @param target : I/O parameter. Input : Points to the beginning of the buffer to copy
- *  codepage characters to. Output : points to after the last codepage character copied
- *  to <TT>target</TT>.
- * @param targetLimit the pointer to the end of the <TT>target</TT> array
- * @param source the source Unicode character array
- * @param sourceLimit the pointer to the end of the source array
- * @param offsets if NULL is passed, nothing will happen to it, otherwise it needs to have the same number
- * of allocated cells as <TT>target</TT>. Will fill in offsets from target to source pointer
- * e.g: <TT>offsets[3]</TT> is equal to 6, it means that the <TT>target[3]</TT> was a result of transcoding <TT>source[6]</TT>
- * For output data carried across calls -1 will be placed for offsets.
- * @param flush <TT>TRUE</TT> if the buffer is the last buffer of the conversion interation
- * and the conversion will finish with this call, FALSE otherwise.
- * @param err the error status.  <TT>ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> will be returned if the
- * converter is <TT>NULL</TT>.
- * @see ucnv_fromUChars
- * @see ucnv_convert
- * @see ucnv_getMinCharSize
- * @see ucnv_setToUCallBack
- */
-  void U_EXPORT2 ucnv_fromUnicode (UConverter * converter,
-			 char **target,
-			 const char *targetLimit,
-			 const UChar ** source,
-			 const UChar * sourceLimit,
-			 int32_t* offsets,
-			 int flush,
-			 UErrorCode * err);
- * Converts an array of codepage characters into an array of unicode characters.
- * The source pointer is an I/O parameter, it starts out pointing at the place
- * to begin translating, and ends up pointing after the first sequence of the bytes
- * that it encounters that are semantically invalid.
- * if ucnv_setFromUCallBack is called with an action other than STOP
- * before a call is made to this API, consumed and source should point to the same place
- * (unless target ends with an imcomplete sequence of bytes and flush is FALSE).
- * @param converter the Unicode converter
- * @param target : I/O parameter. Input : Points to the beginning of the buffer to copy
- *  Unicode characters to. Output : points to after the last UChar copied to target.
- * @param targetLimit the pointer to the end of the target array
- * @param source the source codepage character array
- * @param sourceLimit the pointer to the end of the source array
- * @param offsets if NULL is passed, nothing will happen to it, otherwise it needs to have the same number
- * of allocated cells as <TT>target</TT>. Will fill in offsets from target to source pointer
- * e.g: <TT>offsets[3]</TT> is equal to 6, it means that the <TT>target[3]</TT> was a result of transcoding <TT>source[6]</TT>
- * For output data carried across calls -1 will be placed for offsets.
- * @param flush TRUE if the buffer is the last buffer and the conversion will finish
- * in this call, FALSE otherwise.
- * @param err the error code status  <TT>ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> will be returned if the
- * converter is <TT>NULL</TT>, or if <TT>targetLimit</TT> and <TT>sourceLimit</TT> are misaligned.
- * @see ucnv_toUChars
- * @see ucnv_getNextUChar
- * @see ucnv_convert
- * @see ucnv_setFromUCallBack
- */
-  void U_EXPORT2 ucnv_toUnicode (UConverter * converter,
-		       UChar ** target,
-		       const UChar * targetLimit,
-		       const char **source,
-		       const char *sourceLimit,
-		       int32_t* offsets,
-		       int flush,
-		       UErrorCode * err);
- * Transcodes the source Unicode string to the target string in a codepage encoding
- * with the specified Unicode converter.  For example, if a Unicode to/from JIS
- * converter is specified, the source string in Unicode will be transcoded to JIS
- * encoding.  The result will be stored in JIS encoding.
- * if any problems during conversion are encountered it will SUBSTITUTE with the default (initial)
- * substitute characters.
- * This function is a more convenient but less efficient version of \Ref{ucnv_fromUnicode}.
- * @param converter the Unicode converter
- * @param source the <TT>source</TT> Unicode string (zero Terminated)
- * @param target the <TT>target</TT> string in codepage encoding (<STRONG>not zero-terminated</STRONG> because some
- * codepage do not use '\0' as a string terminator
- * @param targetCapacity Input the number of bytes available in the <TT>target</TT> buffer
- * @param err the error status code.
- * <TT>INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR</TT> will be returned if the
- * the # of bytes provided are not enough for transcoding.
- * <TT>ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> is returned if the converter is <TT>NULL</TT> or the source or target string is empty.
- * <TT>BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</TT> when <TT>targetSize</TT> turns out to be bigger than <TT>targetCapacity</TT>
- * @return number of bytes needed in target, regardless of <TT>targetCapacity</TT>
- * @see ucnv_fromUnicode
- * @see ucnv_convert
- */
-  int32_t U_EXPORT2 ucnv_fromUChars (const UConverter * converter,
-			   char *target,
-			   int32_t targetCapacity,
-			   const UChar * source,
-			   UErrorCode * err);
- * Transcode the source string in codepage encoding to the target string in
- * Unicode encoding.  For example, if a Unicode to/from JIS
- * converter is specified, the source string in JIS encoding will be transcoded
- * to Unicode and placed into a provided target buffer.
- * if any problems during conversion are encountered it will SUBSTITUTE with the Unicode REPLACEMENT char
- * We recomment, the size of the target buffer needs to be at least as long as the maximum # of bytes per char
- * in this character set.
- * A zero-terminator will be placed at the end of the target buffer
- * This function is a more convenient but less efficient version of \Ref{ucnv_toUnicode}.
- * @param converter the Unicode converter
- * @param source the source string in codepage encoding
- * @param target the target string in Unicode encoding
- * @param targetCapacity capacity of the target buffer
- * @param sourceSize : Number of bytes in <TT>source</TT> to be transcoded
- * @param err the error status code
- * <TT>MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR</TT> will be returned if the
- * the internal process buffer cannot be allocated for transcoding.
- * <TT>ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR</TT> is returned if the converter is <TT>NULL</TT> or
- * if the source or target string is empty.
- * <TT>BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR</TT> when the input buffer is prematurely exhausted and targetSize non-<TT>NULL</TT>.
- * @return the number of UChar needed in target (including the zero terminator)
- * @see ucnv_getNextUChar
- * @see ucnv_toUnicode
- * @see ucnv_convert
- */
-  int32_t U_EXPORT2 ucnv_toUChars (const UConverter * converter,
-			 UChar * target,
-			 int32_t targetCapacity,
-			 const char *source,
-			 int32_t sourceSize,
-			 UErrorCode * err);
- * Will convert a codepage buffer one character at a time.
- * This function was written to be efficient when transcoding small amounts of data at a time.
- * In that case it will be more efficient than \Ref{ucnv_toUnicode}.
- * When converting large buffers use \Ref{ucnv_toUnicode}.
- *@param converter an open UConverter
- *@param source the address of a pointer to the codepage buffer, will be updated to point after
- *the bytes consumed in the conversion call.
- *@param points to the end of the input buffer
- *@param err fills in error status (see ucnv_toUnicode)
- *@return a UChar resulting from the partial conversion of source
- *@see ucnv_toUnicode
- *@see ucnv_toUChars
- *@see ucnv_convert
- */
-  UChar U_EXPORT2 ucnv_getNextUChar (UConverter * converter,
-			   const char **source,
-			   const char *sourceLimit,
-			   UErrorCode * err);
-* Will convert a sequence of bytes from one codepage to another.
-* This is <STRONG>NOT AN EFFICIENT</STRONG> way to transcode.
-* use \Ref{ucnv_toUnicode} and \Ref{ucnv_fromUnicode} for efficiency
-* @param toConverterName: The name of the converter that will be used to encode the output buffer
-* @param fromConverterName: The name of the converter that will be used to decode the input buffer
-* @param target: Pointer to the output buffer to write to
-* @param targetCapacity: on input contains the capacity of target
-* @param source: Pointer to the input buffer
-* @param sourceLength: on input contains the capacity of source
-* @param err: fills in an error status
-* @return  will be filled in with the number of bytes needed in target
-* @see ucnv_fromUnicode
-* @see ucnv_toUnicode
-* @see ucnv_fromUChars
-* @see ucnv_toUChars
-* @see ucnv_getNextUChar
-  int32_t U_EXPORT2 ucnv_convert (const char *toConverterName,
-			const char *fromConverterName,
-			char *target,
-			int32_t targetCapacity,
-			const char *source,
-			int32_t sourceLength,
-			UErrorCode * err);
-#if (__OS400_TGTVRM__>=510)                                /* @01a */  
-     #pragma datamodel(pop)                                /* @01a */ 
-#endif                                                     /* @01a */
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_util.cpp b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_util.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f5c4e8866280a0f9b4a3aee4897bf5b2ea2237ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_util.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
-#include <iconv.h>
-#include <xercesc/util/Platforms/OS400/OS400PlatformUtils.hpp>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <iconv_util.hpp>
-#include <iconv_cnv.hpp>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <qlgusr.h>   // @15a
-#define MAX_STRLEN 0x00FFFFF
-static UConverter* _defaultConverter = NULL;
-static UErrorCode gErr = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-#include "utypes.h"
-// void   shareConverterData (UConverterSharedData * data,char *InDescriptor) ;
-// UConverterSharedData *getSharedConverterData(char *Descriptor);
-#define defaultConverter (_defaultConverter==NULL)?_defaultConverter=ucnv_open(NULL, &gErr):_defaultConverter
-/* Cleans up the default converter if it has been allocated.
-   This is a little messy, but I know the code well enough to
-   do anything neater.
- */
-void cleanupDefaultConverter()
-	if (_defaultConverter != NULL) {
-		ucnv_close(_defaultConverter);
-		_defaultConverter = NULL;
-	}
-static char DEFAULT_CONVERTER_NAME[60] = "";
-const char* iconv_getDefaultCodepage()
-  strcpy(DEFAULT_CONVERTER_NAME, "ibm037");
-/* placeholder function to be deleted in 3_0 */
-/* used by String.c */
-u_strlen(const UChar *s)
-  int32_t  i = 0;
-  while(*s++)
-    i++;
-  return  i;
-/* note sure if needed -  think that this is needed in cnv.c */
-char* u_austrcpy(char *s1,
-         const UChar *ucs2 )
-  char * anchor = s1;     /* save the start of result string */
-  UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-  int32_t len;
-  len = ucnv_fromUChars(defaultConverter,
-                s1,
-                MAX_STRLEN,
-                ucs2,
-                &err);
-  s1[len] = '\0';
-  return s1;
-/*Logic determines if the converter is Algorithmic AND/OR cached
- *depending on that:
- * -we either go to get data from disk and cache it (Data=TRUE, Cached=False)
- * -Get it from a Hashphkramtable (Data=X, Cached=TRUE)
- * -Call dataConverter initializer (Data=TRUE, Cached=TRUE)
- * -Call AlgorithmicConverter initializer (Data=FALSE, Cached=TRUE)
- */
-// int QlgCvtTextDescToDesc(int,int,char *,int,char *,int,int);  @14d
-UConverter *
-  createConverter (const char *converterName, UErrorCode * err)
-  char uppercased_converterName[MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH];
-  UConverter *myUConverter = NULL;
-  UConverterSharedData *mySharedConverterData = NULL;
-  /* following parameters are passed to the convert text decscriptor
-     to descriptor          */
-  int  InType;
-  int  OutType=1;
-  char *InDescriptor;
-  int  InDescSize;
-  char OutDescriptor[CHARCCSIDSIZE]; /* 5 = size of a CCSID id on AS/400*/
-  int  OutDescSize;
-  int  JobCCSID=0;
-  char *inchar, *outchar; /* input and output conversion pointers*/
-  int tempchar;
-  if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    return NULL;
-/* assume name is in EBCDIC. The convetername is assumed to be
-/* either upper/lower case ebcdic  and the text converter requires
-/* upper case - Since we do not know we will convert to upper case
-** just in case
-inchar = (char*)converterName;
-outchar = &uppercased_converterName[0];
-while (*inchar) /*except for null terminator uppercase inputs*/
-   tempchar = (int)(*inchar);
-   *outchar=(char)toupper(tempchar);
-   inchar ++;
-   outchar ++;
-  if (outchar -&uppercased_converterName[0]<=MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH)
-    *outchar = '\0'; /* replace the terminator                 */
-  if(!strcmp(uppercased_converterName, "IBM-37"))  /* We special-case this one */
-  {
-      memcpy(uppercased_converterName, "IBM-037", 7);
-      memset(uppercased_converterName + 7, '\0',1);
-  }
-/* convert name to AS/400 CCSID
-** if CCSID is returned then we can complete building the converter
-** otherwise we will return the same error as ICU converters
- InType = 11; /*set for IANA initially */
- if (QlgCvtTextDescToDesc(InType, OutType,(char *)uppercased_converterName,                          strlen(uppercased_converterName),&OutDescriptor[0],sizeof(OutDescriptor),JobCCSID)<0)
-    {
-     InType = 3; /* change to AIX 4.1 if we fail above */
-     if (QlgCvtTextDescToDesc(InType, OutType,(char *)uppercased_converterName,                          strlen(uppercased_converterName),&OutDescriptor[0],sizeof(OutDescriptor),JobCCSID)<0)
-     {
-      *err = U_INVALID_TABLE_FILE;
-      send_message((char *)converterName,ICONV_CCSID_PROBLEM,'d');
-      return NULL;
-     }
-    }
-/* create a new converter                                        */
- myUConverter = createNewConverter(&OutDescriptor[0], err);
- if (U_FAILURE (*err) || (myUConverter == NULL))
-   {
-     return NULL;
-   }
- return myUConverter;
-UConverter* createNewConverter(const char *name, UErrorCode *err)
-  char temp[33];
-  int32_t i = 0;
-  const int8_t *myByteArray = NULL;
-  const uint16_t *myIndexArray = NULL;
-  int32_t myValuesCount = 0;
-  int32_t myIndexCount = 0;
-  UConverter *myConverter = NULL;
-  int32_t myCheck;
-  int8_t errorLevel = 0;
-  char UNICODE_CCSID_ID_O[33]="IBMCCSID134880000000";
-  char UNICODE_CCSID_ID_I[33]="IBMCCSID13488";
-  char my_CCSID_ID[33]="\0";
-  char CONVERT_ID_START[9] ="IBMCCSID"; /* include null terminator for strcat */
-  char DEFAULTS[9] = "00000000";
- if (U_FAILURE (*err))
-    return NULL;
-/* create the base shell for the converter */
-  myConverter = (UConverter *) malloc (sizeof (UConverter));
-  if (myConverter == NULL)
-    {
-      return NULL;
-    }
-/* create the "shared area' and link into the shell */
-  myConverter->sharedData =
-    (UConverterSharedData *) malloc (sizeof (UConverterSharedData));
-  if (myConverter->sharedData == NULL)
-    {
-      free (myConverter);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  memset(my_CCSID_ID, '\0', 33);  /* sizeof(my_CCSID_ID)); */
-  memcpy(my_CCSID_ID,&CONVERT_ID_START[0],strlen(CONVERT_ID_START)+1);
-  memcpy(&my_CCSID_ID[8],&name[0],5);
-  memcpy(&my_CCSID_ID[13],&DEFAULTS[0],7);
-  memset(temp, '\0', 33);
-  memcpy(temp, my_CCSID_ID, 13);
-  myConverter->sharedData->toiconv_handle = iconv_open(UNICODE_CCSID_ID_I,my_CCSID_ID);
-/*  memset(&my_CCSID_ID[13],'0',19);  clear out the non necessary data to reverse */
-  my_CCSID_ID[13] = '\0';
-  myConverter->sharedData->fromiconv_handle = iconv_open(temp,UNICODE_CCSID_ID_O);
-  if ((myConverter->sharedData->toiconv_handle.return_value ==-1) ||(myConverter->sharedData->fromiconv_handle.return_value==-1))
-      {
-	/*If it isn't any of the above, the file is invalid */
-	free (myConverter->sharedData);
-	free (myConverter);
-      }
-  return myConverter;
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_util.hpp b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_util.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c25f53dd2aba47262f028c6c8e5192556096a1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/iconv_util.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#if (__OS400_TGTVRM__>=510)                               /* @01a */
-    #pragma datamodel(P128)                               /* @01a */
-#endif                                                    /* @01a */
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-#include "utypes.h"
-#include <iconv.h>
-const char* iconv_getDefaultCodepage(void);
-// extern "C" int QlgCvtTextDescToDesc (int, int, char *, int, char*, int, int);
-#define MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN 4
-typedef enum {UNKNOWN = -1, IBM = 0}
-typedef enum
-  SBCS = 0,
-  DBCS = 1,
-  MBCS = 2,
-  LATIN_1 = 3,
-  UTF8 = 4,
-  UTF16_BigEndian = 5,
-  UTF16_LittleEndian = 6,
-  ISO_2022 = 8,
-  JIS = 9,
-  EUC = 10,
-  GB = 11
-u_strlen(const UChar *s);
-/* note sure if needed -  think that this is needed in cnv.c */
-char* u_austrcpy(char *s1,
-         const UChar *ucs2 );
-/*Defines the struct of a UConverterSharedData the immutable, shared part of
- *UConverter
- */
-typedef struct
-  {
-    uint32_t referenceCounter;	/*used to count number of clients */
-    char name[MAX_CONVERTER_NAME_LENGTH];	/*internal name of the converter */
-    UCNV_PLATFORM platform;	/*platform of the converter (only IBM now */
-    int32_t codepage;		/*codepage # (now IBM-$codepage) */
-    UCNV_TYPE conversionType;	/*conversion type */
-    int8_t minBytesPerChar;	/*Minimum # bytes per char in this codepage */
-    int8_t maxBytesPerChar;	/*Maximum # bytes per char in this codepage */
-    struct
-      {				/*initial values of some members of the mutable part of object */
-	int8_t subCharLen;
-	unsigned char subChar[MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN];
-      } defaultConverterValues ;
-    iconv_t toiconv_handle ;     /* handle to convert to unicode*/
-    iconv_t fromiconv_handle;   /* handle to convert from unicode*/
-  }
-/*Defines a UConverter, the lightweight mutable part the user sees */
-struct UConverter
-  {
-    int8_t pad;
-    int32_t mode;
-    int8_t subCharLen;		/*length of the codepage specific character sequence */
-    unsigned char subChar[MAX_SUBCHAR_LEN];	/*codepage specific character sequence */
-    UConverterSharedData *sharedData;	/*Pointer to the shared immutable part of the
-					 *converter object
-					 */
-  };
-typedef struct UConverter UConverter;
-UConverter* createNewConverter(const char *name, UErrorCode *err);
-/*Initializes the mutable lightweight portion of the object
- *By copying data from UConverter->sharedData->defaultConverter
- */
-static void   initializeDataConverter (UConverter * myUConverter);
-UConverter *createConverter (const char *converterName, UErrorCode * err);
-#if (__OS400_TGTVRM__>=510)                                /* @01a */  
-     #pragma datamodel(pop)                                /* @01a */ 
-#endif                                                     /* @01a */
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/pos400.h b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/pos400.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b6ee7b626029d4dc6390d915e8acd10406fde51..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/pos400.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-/* Define the platform we're on. */
-#ifndef OS400
-#define OS400
-/* Define whether inttypes.h is available */
-#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 0
-/* Determines whether specific types are available */
-#define HAVE_INT8_T 0
-#define HAVE_UINT8_T 0
-#define HAVE_INT16_T 0
-#define HAVE_UINT16_T 0
-#define HAVE_INT32_T 0
-#define HAVE_UINT32_T 0
-#define HAVE_BOOL_T 0
-/* Determines the endianness of the platform */
-#define U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-/* Generic data types                                                        */
-/* If your platform does not have the <inttypes.h> header, you may
-   need to edit the typedefs below. */
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#if ! HAVE_INT8_T
-typedef signed char int8_t;
-#if ! HAVE_UINT8_T
-typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
-#if ! HAVE_INT16_T
-typedef signed short int16_t;
-#if ! HAVE_UINT16_T
-typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
-#if ! HAVE_INT32_T
-typedef signed long int32_t;
-#if ! HAVE_UINT32_T
-typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
-#include <limits.h>
-#define T_INT32_MAX (LONG_MAX)
-/* Symbol import-export control                                              */
-#define U_EXPORT
-#define U_EXPORT2
-#define U_IMPORT
diff --git a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/utypes.h b/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/utypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 04d16f46fd090c618db03e1921b31d87a878e6d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv400/utypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * $Id$
- */
-#ifndef UTYPES_H
-#define UTYPES_H
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Include platform-dependent definitions                                    */
-/* which are contained in the platform-specific file platform.h              */
-#include "pos400.h"
-/* XP_CPLUSPLUS is a cross-platform symbol which should be defined when
-   using C++.  It should not be defined when compiling under C. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#   ifndef XP_CPLUSPLUS
-#       define XP_CPLUSPLUS
-#   endif
-#   undef XP_CPLUSPLUS
-/* Boolean data type                                                         */
-#if ! HAVE_BOOL_T
-typedef int8_t bool_t;
-#ifndef TRUE
-#   define TRUE  1
-#ifndef FALSE
-#   define FALSE 0
-/* Unicode string offset                                                     */
-typedef int32_t UTextOffset;
-/* Unicode character                                                         */
-typedef uint16_t UChar;
-/* For C wrappers, we use the symbol U_CAPI.                                 */
-/* This works properly if the includer is C or C++.                          */
-/* Functions are declared   U_CAPI return-type U_EXPORT2 function-name() ... */
-#   define U_CFUNC extern "C"
-#   define U_CDECL_BEGIN extern "C" {
-#   define U_CDECL_END   }
-#   define U_CFUNC
-#   define U_CDECL_BEGIN
-#   define U_CDECL_END
-/* Define NULL pointer value  if it isn't already defined */
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL    0
-#define NULL    ((void *)0)
-/* Maximum value of a (void*) - use to indicate the limit of
-   an 'infinite' buffer.  */
-#define U_MAX_PTR ((void*)-1)
-/* UErrorCode                                                                */
-/** Error code to replace exception handling */
-#ifdef __OS400__
-enum UErrorCode1 {
-enum UErrorCode {
-    U_ERROR_INFO_START        = -128,     /* Start of information results (semantically successful) */
-    U_USING_FALLBACK_ERROR    = -128,
-    U_USING_DEFAULT_ERROR     = -127,
-    U_ZERO_ERROR              =  0,       /* success */
-    U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR  =  1,       /* Start of codes indicating failure */
-    U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR       =  4,
-    U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR  =  5,       /* Indicates a bug in the library code */
-    U_MESSAGE_PARSE_ERROR     =  6,
-    U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR =  7,       /* Memory allocation error */
-    U_PARSE_ERROR             =  9,       /* Equivalent to Java ParseException */
-    U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND      = 10,       /* In the Character conversion routines: Invalid character or sequence was encountered*/
-    U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND    = 11,       /* In the Character conversion routines: More bytes are required to complete the conversion successfully*/
-    U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND      = 12,       /* In codeset conversion: a sequence that does NOT belong in the codepage has been encountered*/
-    U_INVALID_TABLE_FORMAT    = 13,       /* Conversion table file found, but corrupted*/
-    U_INVALID_TABLE_FILE      = 14,       /* Conversion table file not found*/
-    U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR   = 15,       /* A result would not fit in the supplied buffer */
-    U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR       = 16,       /* Requested operation not supported in current context */
-#ifdef __OS400__
-typedef int UErrorCode;
-#define U_SUCCESS(x) ((x)<=U_ZERO_ERROR)
-#define U_FAILURE(x) ((x)>U_ZERO_ERROR)
-typedef enum UErrorCode UErrorCode;
-/* Use the following to determine if an UErrorCode represents */
-/* operational success or failure. */
-#ifndef __OS400__
-inline bool_t U_SUCCESS(UErrorCode code) { return (bool_t)(code<=U_ZERO_ERROR); }
-inline bool_t U_FAILURE(UErrorCode code) { return (bool_t)(code>U_ZERO_ERROR); }
-#define U_SUCCESS(x) ((x)<=U_ZERO_ERROR)
-#define U_FAILURE(x) ((x)>U_ZERO_ERROR)
-/* Casting function for int32_t (backward compatibility version, here until
-   T_INT32 is replaced) */
-#define T_INT32(i) ((int32_t)i)
-/* Debugging                                                                 */
-/* remove this */
-/* This function is useful for debugging; it returns the text name */
-/* of an UErrorCode result.  This is not the most efficient way of */
-/* doing this but it's just for Debug builds anyway. */
-/* Do not use these arrays directly: they will move to a .c file! */
-static const char *
-static const char *
-    "U_ZERO_ERROR",
-inline const char *
-errorName(UErrorCode code)
-    if(code>=0 && code<U_ERROR_LIMIT) {
-        return _uErrorName[code];
-    } else if(code>=U_ERROR_INFO_START && code<U_ERROR_INFO_LIMIT) {
-        return _uErrorInfoName[code-U_ERROR_INFO_START];
-    } else {
-        return "[BOGUS UErrorCode]";
-    }
-#   define errorName(code) \
-        ((code)>=0 && (code)<U_ERROR_LIMIT) ? \
-            _uErrorName[code] : \
-            ((code)>=U_ERROR_INFO_START && (code)<U_ERROR_INFO_LIMIT) ? \
-                _uErrorInfoName[code-U_ERROR_INFO_START] : \
-                "[BOGUS UErrorCode]"
-#endif /* _UTYPES */