diff --git a/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.dsp b/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.dsp
index 20d9f1276daafdded9ebe5d9c51ca2f4d3d651e2..f833a0d7f354c116061f392676633a0846f6ee31 100644
--- a/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.dsp
+++ b/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.dsp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
 # ADD BSC32 /nologo
 # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386
-# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib /nologo /base:"0x12000000" /version:1.2 /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 /out:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll" /implib:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release/xerces-c_1.lib"
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib /nologo /base:"0x12000000" /version:1.3 /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 /out:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll" /implib:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release/xerces-c_1.lib"
 # SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none /incremental:yes
 !ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "XercesLib - Win32 Debug"
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
 # ADD BSC32 /nologo
 # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib /nologo /base:"0x12000000" /version:1.2 /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug/xerces-c_1_2D.dll" /implib:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug/xerces-c_1D.lib" /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib /nologo /base:"0x12000000" /version:1.3 /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug/xerces-c_1_3D.dll" /implib:"..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug/xerces-c_1D.lib" /pdbtype:sept
 # SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none
diff --git a/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/xerces-com/xerces-com.dsp b/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/xerces-com/xerces-com.dsp
index a6bd9c069061d39deef3bf1b54b83112f06a778b..fba7b49be8097fef203426e87f404f0e713bf0c7 100644
--- a/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/xerces-com/xerces-com.dsp
+++ b/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/xerces-com/xerces-com.dsp
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ InputPath=.\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\xml4com\Debug\xerces-com.dll
 "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
-	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug\xerces-c_1_2D.dll "$(TargetDir)" 
-	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug\xerces-c_1_2D.dll "$(TargetDir)" 
+	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug\xerces-c_1_3D.dll "$(TargetDir)" 
+	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Debug\xerces-c_1_3D.dll "$(TargetDir)" 
 	regsvr32 /s /c "$(TargetPath)" 
 	echo regsvr32 exec. time > "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" 
@@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ InputPath=.\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\xml4com\ReleaseMinSize\xerces-com.dll
 BuildCmds= \
-	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
-	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
 	regsvr32 /s /c "$(TargetPath)" \
 	echo regsvr32 exec. time > "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" \
-"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_2.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_3.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
 "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ InputPath=.\..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\xml4com\ReleaseMinDependency\xerces-com.d
 BuildCmds= \
-	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
-	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
 	regsvr32 /s /c "$(TargetPath)" \
 	echo regsvr32 exec. time > "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" \
-"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_2.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_3.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
 "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ SOURCE="$(InputPath)"
 BuildCmds= \
 	if "%OS%"=="" goto NOTNT \
 	if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto NOTNT \
-	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
-	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
 	regsvr32 /s /c "$(TargetPath)" \
 	echo regsvr32 exec. time > "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" \
 	goto end \
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ BuildCmds= \
 	:end \
-"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_2.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_3.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
 "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ SOURCE="$(InputPath)"
 BuildCmds= \
 	if "%OS%"=="" goto NOTNT \
 	if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto NOTNT \
-	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
-	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_2.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	echo copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
+	copy ..\..\..\..\..\Build\Win32\VC6\Release\xerces-c_1_3.dll $(TargetDir) \
 	regsvr32 /s /c "$(TargetPath)" \
 	echo regsvr32 exec. time > "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" \
 	goto end \
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ BuildCmds= \
 	:end \
-"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_2.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+"$(TargetDir)\xerces-c_1_3.dll" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
 "$(OutDir)\regsvr32.trg" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
diff --git a/doc/Doxyfile b/doc/Doxyfile
index b9e90351739c3bc11f177bfec454e69bd960b648..d370b4d11f74e27fd5969abad293ab255646c528 100644
--- a/doc/Doxyfile
+++ b/doc/Doxyfile
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME         = Xerces-C
 # This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or 
 # if some version control system is used.
-PROJECT_NUMBER       = v1.2.0
+PROJECT_NUMBER       = v1.3.0
 # The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) 
 # base path where the generated documentation will be put. 
diff --git a/doc/buildc.xml b/doc/buildc.xml
index f452c578f435ce8ebcb40e3d72e584538ce930b5..05ea6c3f980c20fff9e6b3f670e9de89d8fda01f 100644
--- a/doc/buildc.xml
+++ b/doc/buildc.xml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     <li><link anchor="BuildUsingLibWWW">How can I generate Xerces-C binaries which includes the
                sample NetAccessor implementation using Libwww?</link></li>
     <li><link anchor="BuildSingleThreadedLibrary">How do I build a single threaded library on
-    		Unix platforms?</link></li>
+            Unix platforms?</link></li>
     <li><link anchor="LookForHelp">Where can I look for more help?</link></li>
@@ -369,88 +369,88 @@ gmake</source>
              <p>There are two ways to build &XercesCName;. The "From Existing" method only
-	              requires VAC++. The "From Scratch" method requires both Object Rexx and VAC++
-	              installed.</p>
+                  requires VAC++. The "From Scratch" method requires both Object Rexx and VAC++
+                  installed.</p>
-	      <s3 title="The &quot;From Existing&quot; Method">
-		  <ol>
-		    <li>In the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory,
-		    find and edit the VAC++ configuration file <code>project_options.icc</code>.</li>
+          <s3 title="The &quot;From Existing&quot; Method">
+          <ol>
+            <li>In the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory,
+            find and edit the VAC++ configuration file <code>project_options.icc</code>.</li>
-		    <li>Change the directory on the first line <code>'BASE_DIR = "..."'</code>
-		    to match the base directory of the Xerces-C sources on your system.
-		    Note that the directory path must use double backslashes <code>"\\"</code>!</li>
+            <li>Change the directory on the first line <code>'BASE_DIR = "..."'</code>
+            to match the base directory of the Xerces-C sources on your system.
+            Note that the directory path must use double backslashes <code>"\\"</code>!</li>
-		    <li>Save <code>project_options.icc</code></li>
+            <li>Save <code>project_options.icc</code></li>
-		    <li>Start the Command Line in the VAC++ folder.</li>
+            <li>Start the Command Line in the VAC++ folder.</li>
-		    <li>Navigate to the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory.</li>
+            <li>Navigate to the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory.</li>
-		    <li>Run <code>build.cmd</code>. This does a migration build.</li>
+            <li>Run <code>build.cmd</code>. This does a migration build.</li>
-		    <li>When <code>build.cmd</code> finishes, review the file <code>compiler.errors</code>.
-		    This file should contain only informational messages, almost all complaining
-		    about constant values in comparisons.</li>
+            <li>When <code>build.cmd</code> finishes, review the file <code>compiler.errors</code>.
+            This file should contain only informational messages, almost all complaining
+            about constant values in comparisons.</li>
-		    <li>You should now have a <code>xerces-c.dll</code> and <code>xerces-c.lib</code>.
-		    The library file is an import library for the DLL.</li>
-		  </ol>
-	      </s3>
+            <li>You should now have a <code>xerces-c.dll</code> and <code>xerces-c.lib</code>.
+            The library file is an import library for the DLL.</li>
+          </ol>
+          </s3>
-	      <s3 title="The &quot;From Scratch&quot; Method">
-		  <ol>
-		    <li>If you are not currently running <code>Object Rexx</code>,
-		    run the <code>SWITCHRX</code> command from a command line,
-		    answer <code>"yes"</code> to switching to <code>Object Rexx</code>, and follow the
-		    instructions to reboot. You can switch back to <code>"Classic Rexx"</code> by running
-		    <code>SWITCHRX</code> again. But you probably won't need to switch back since
-		    <code>Object Rexx</code> runs almost 100% of Classic Rexx programs.</li>
+          <s3 title="The &quot;From Scratch&quot; Method">
+          <ol>
+            <li>If you are not currently running <code>Object Rexx</code>,
+            run the <code>SWITCHRX</code> command from a command line,
+            answer <code>"yes"</code> to switching to <code>Object Rexx</code>, and follow the
+            instructions to reboot. You can switch back to <code>"Classic Rexx"</code> by running
+            <code>SWITCHRX</code> again. But you probably won't need to switch back since
+            <code>Object Rexx</code> runs almost 100% of Classic Rexx programs.</li>
-		    <li>In the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory,
-		    run <code>genICC.cmd</code>. This builds the VAC++ configuration files for
-		    the sources you have on your system.</li>
+            <li>In the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory,
+            run <code>genICC.cmd</code>. This builds the VAC++ configuration files for
+            the sources you have on your system.</li>
-		    <li>Check the generated <code>ICC</code> files to ensure that they didn't pick up some
-		    non-OS/2 platform stuff. This happens when new platform-specific directories
-		    are added to Xerces. If they did pick up new non-OS/2 stuff, either edit it out
-		    of the <code>ICC</code> file or add them to the "ignore" array in <code>genICC.cmd</code> and
-		    re-run <code>genICC</code>.</li>
+            <li>Check the generated <code>ICC</code> files to ensure that they didn't pick up some
+            non-OS/2 platform stuff. This happens when new platform-specific directories
+            are added to Xerces. If they did pick up new non-OS/2 stuff, either edit it out
+            of the <code>ICC</code> file or add them to the "ignore" array in <code>genICC.cmd</code> and
+            re-run <code>genICC</code>.</li>
-		    <li>Start the Command Line in the VAC++ folder.</li>
+            <li>Start the Command Line in the VAC++ folder.</li>
-		    <li>Navigate to the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory.</li>
+            <li>Navigate to the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code> directory.</li>
-		    <li>Run <code>build.cmd</code> This does a migration build.</li>
+            <li>Run <code>build.cmd</code> This does a migration build.</li>
-		    <li>When <code>build.cmd</code> finishes, review the file <code>compiler.errors</code>.
-		    This file should contain only informational messages, almost all complaining about constant
-		    values in comparisons.</li>
+            <li>When <code>build.cmd</code> finishes, review the file <code>compiler.errors</code>.
+            This file should contain only informational messages, almost all complaining about constant
+            values in comparisons.</li>
-		    <li>You should now have a <code>xerces-c.dll</code> and <code>xerces-c.lib</code>.
-		    The library file is an import library for the DLL.)</li>
+            <li>You should now have a <code>xerces-c.dll</code> and <code>xerces-c.lib</code>.
+            The library file is an import library for the DLL.)</li>
-		  </ol>
-	      </s3>
+          </ol>
+          </s3>
-	     <s3 title="Packaging the Binaries">
+         <s3 title="Packaging the Binaries">
-		  <p>There is an <code>Object Rexx</code> program that will package the binaries and headers.
-		  (See step 1 of the "From scratch" method on how to switch to <code>Object Rexx</code>.) The
-		  <code>packageBinaries.cmd</code> file is in the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code>
-		  directory. Run <code>packageBinaries</code>, giving the source and target directories
-		  like this:</p>
+          <p>There is an <code>Object Rexx</code> program that will package the binaries and headers.
+          (See step 1 of the "From scratch" method on how to switch to <code>Object Rexx</code>.) The
+          <code>packageBinaries.cmd</code> file is in the <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;\Projects\OS2\VACPP40</code>
+          directory. Run <code>packageBinaries</code>, giving the source and target directories
+          like this:</p>
-		  <source>packageBinaries -s D:\Your\Xerces\Source -o D:\xerces_1_2_0</source>
+          <source>packageBinaries -s D:\Your\Xerces\Source -o D:\xerces_1_3_0</source>
-		  <p>(Match the source directory to your system; the target directory can be
-		  anything you want.)</p>
+          <p>(Match the source directory to your system; the target directory can be
+          anything you want.)</p>
-		  <note>If you don't want to use the <code>Object Rexx</code> program, you'll need to
-		  manually  copy the "*.hpp" and "*.c" files to an include directory.
-		  (Be sure to maintain the same directory structure that you find under
-		  <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;</code>.)</note>
-	</s3>
+          <note>If you don't want to use the <code>Object Rexx</code> program, you'll need to
+          manually  copy the "*.hpp" and "*.c" files to an include directory.
+          (Be sure to maintain the same directory structure that you find under
+          <code>&XercesCSrcInstallDir;</code>.)</note>
+    </s3>
     <anchor name="BuildAS400"/>
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ following line near the bottom: <code>s%@DEFS@%$DEFS%g</code>.
     <anchor name="BuildMac"/>
     <s2 title="Building on Macintosh using CodeWarrior">
-    	<s3 title="Building &XercesCName; library">
+        <s3 title="Building &XercesCName; library">
             <p>The directions in this file cover installing and building
             &XercesCName; and ICU under the MacOS  using CodeWarrior.</p>
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ gmake install</source>
         <p>Extract Xerces-C source files from the .zip archive using WinZip, say
         in the root directory. It should create a directory like
-        '<code>\xerces-c-src_1_2_0</code>'.</p>
+        '<code>\xerces-c-src_1_3_0</code>'.</p>
         <p>Extract the ICU files, using WinZip, in root directory of the disk
         where you have installed Xerces-C, sources. After extraction, there
@@ -898,10 +898,10 @@ gmake install</source>
         '<code>VCVARS32.BAT</code>' or a similar file. Next at the prompt
-        <source>    set XERCESCROOT=\xerces-c-src_1_2_0
+        <source>    set XERCESCROOT=\xerces-c-src_1_3_0
 set ICUROOT=\icu
-cd \xerces-c-src_1_2_0\scripts
-perl packageBinaries.pl -s \xerces-c-src_1_2_0 -o \temp\xerces-c-1_2_0-win32 -t icu</source>
+cd \xerces-c-src_1_3_0\scripts
+perl packageBinaries.pl -s \xerces-c-src_1_3_0 -o \temp\xerces-c-1_3_0-win32 -t icu</source>
         <p>If everything is setup right and works right, then you should see a
         binary drop created in the target directory specified above. This script
@@ -922,53 +922,53 @@ perl packageBinaries.pl -s \xerces-c-src_1_2_0 -o \temp\xerces-c-1_2_0-win32 -t
         library that you can use along with the standard &XercesCName; for writing
         VB templates or for use with IE 5.0 using JavaScript.</p>
-		<s3 title="Setting up your machine for COM">
-		<p>To build the COM project you will need to install the MS PlatformSDK.
-		Some of the header files we use don't come with Visual C++ 6.0. You may
-		download it from Microsoft's Website at <jump href="http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/setuplauncher.htm">http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/setuplauncher.htm</jump>
-		or directly FTP it from <jump href="ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/PlatformSDK/April2000/Msi/WinNT/x86/InstMsi.exe">ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/PlatformSDK/April2000/Msi/WinNT/x86/InstMsi.exe</jump>.</p>
-		<p>The installation is huge, but you don't need most of it. So you
-		may do a <em>custom install</em> by just selecting "Build Environment" and
-		choosing the required components. First select the top level Platform SDK.
-		Then click the down arrow and make all of the components unavailable. Next open the
-		"Build Environment" branch and select only the following items:</p>
-		<ul>
-		<li>Win32 API</li>
-		<li>Component Services</li>
-		<li>Web Services - Internet Explorer</li>
-		</ul>
-		<p><em>Important:</em> When the installation is complete you need to update VC6's
-		include path to include <code>..\platformsdk\include\atl30</code>. You do this by
-		choosing "Tools -> Options -> Directories". This path
-		should be placed <ref>second</ref> after the normal PlatformSDK include.
-		You change the order of the paths by clicking the up and down arrows.</p>
-		<note>The order in which the directories appear on your path is important. Your
-		first include path should be <code>..\platformsdk\include</code>. The second one
-		should be <code>..\platformsdk\include\atl30</code>.</note>
-		</s3>
-		<s3 title="Building COM module for &XercesCName;">
-		<p>Once you have set up your machine, build &XercesCName; COM module
-		by choosing the project named 'xml4com' inside the workspace. Then select your
-		build mode to be <em>xml4com - Win32 Release MinDependency</em>. Finally build the
-		project. This will produce a DLL named <code>xerces-com.dll</code> which needs
-		to be present in your path (on local machine) before you can use it.</p>
-		</s3>
-		<s3 title="Testing the COM module">
-		<p>There are some sample test programs in the <code>test/COMTest</code>
-		directory which show examples of navigating and searching an XML tree
-		using DOM. You need to browse the HTML files in this directory using
-		IE 5.0. Make sure that your build has worked properly, specially the
-		registration of the ActiveX controls that happens in the final step.</p>
-		<p>You may also want to check out the NIST DOM test suite at
-		<jump href="http://xw2k.sdct.itl.nist.gov/BRADY/DOM/">http://xw2k.sdct.itl.nist.gov/BRADY/DOM/</jump>.
-		You will have to modify the documents in the NIST suite to load the
-		Xerces COM object instead of the MSIE COM object.</p>
-		</s3>
+        <s3 title="Setting up your machine for COM">
+        <p>To build the COM project you will need to install the MS PlatformSDK.
+        Some of the header files we use don't come with Visual C++ 6.0. You may
+        download it from Microsoft's Website at <jump href="http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/setuplauncher.htm">http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/setuplauncher.htm</jump>
+        or directly FTP it from <jump href="ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/PlatformSDK/April2000/Msi/WinNT/x86/InstMsi.exe">ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/PlatformSDK/April2000/Msi/WinNT/x86/InstMsi.exe</jump>.</p>
+        <p>The installation is huge, but you don't need most of it. So you
+        may do a <em>custom install</em> by just selecting "Build Environment" and
+        choosing the required components. First select the top level Platform SDK.
+        Then click the down arrow and make all of the components unavailable. Next open the
+        "Build Environment" branch and select only the following items:</p>
+        <ul>
+        <li>Win32 API</li>
+        <li>Component Services</li>
+        <li>Web Services - Internet Explorer</li>
+        </ul>
+        <p><em>Important:</em> When the installation is complete you need to update VC6's
+        include path to include <code>..\platformsdk\include\atl30</code>. You do this by
+        choosing "Tools -> Options -> Directories". This path
+        should be placed <ref>second</ref> after the normal PlatformSDK include.
+        You change the order of the paths by clicking the up and down arrows.</p>
+        <note>The order in which the directories appear on your path is important. Your
+        first include path should be <code>..\platformsdk\include</code>. The second one
+        should be <code>..\platformsdk\include\atl30</code>.</note>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building COM module for &XercesCName;">
+        <p>Once you have set up your machine, build &XercesCName; COM module
+        by choosing the project named 'xml4com' inside the workspace. Then select your
+        build mode to be <em>xml4com - Win32 Release MinDependency</em>. Finally build the
+        project. This will produce a DLL named <code>xerces-com.dll</code> which needs
+        to be present in your path (on local machine) before you can use it.</p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Testing the COM module">
+        <p>There are some sample test programs in the <code>test/COMTest</code>
+        directory which show examples of navigating and searching an XML tree
+        using DOM. You need to browse the HTML files in this directory using
+        IE 5.0. Make sure that your build has worked properly, specially the
+        registration of the ActiveX controls that happens in the final step.</p>
+        <p>You may also want to check out the NIST DOM test suite at
+        <jump href="http://xw2k.sdct.itl.nist.gov/BRADY/DOM/">http://xw2k.sdct.itl.nist.gov/BRADY/DOM/</jump>.
+        You will have to modify the documents in the NIST suite to load the
+        Xerces COM object instead of the MSIE COM object.</p>
+        </s3>
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ perl packageBinaries.pl -s \xerces-c-src_1_2_0 -o \temp\xerces-c-1_2_0-win32 -t
          <p>For Aix - </p>
          <li>Replace <code>xlc_r</code> and <code>xlC_r</code> libraries with
-         	<code>xlc</code> and <code>xlC</code> respectively</li>
+            <code>xlc</code> and <code>xlC</code> respectively</li>
          <li>Replace <code>makeC++SharedLib_r</code> with <code>makeC++SharedLib</code></li>
          <li>Remove the flag <code>-D_THREAD_SAFE</code></li>
          <li>Remove inclusion of any threaded library directories from the <code>LIBPATH</code></li>
@@ -1256,29 +1256,29 @@ perl packageBinaries.pl -s \xerces-c-src_1_2_0 -o \temp\xerces-c-1_2_0-win32 -t
         <p>For Solaris -</p>
           <li>Add <code>-DAPP_NO_THREADS</code> to define the variable under SOLARIS
-          	specific options in <code>Makefile.incl</code></li>
+            specific options in <code>Makefile.incl</code></li>
           <li>Remove compiler switch <code>-mt</code></li>
           <li>Remove <code>-D_REENTRANT</code> flag from the 'compile' options</li>
-	  <li>Remove inclusion of <code>-lpthread</code></li>
-	</ul>
+      <li>Remove inclusion of <code>-lpthread</code></li>
+    </ul>
-	<p>For Linux -</p>
+    <p>For Linux -</p>
          <li>Add <code>-DAPP_NO_THREADS</code> to define the variable under LINUX
-        	specific options in <code>Makefile.incl</code></li>
-	 <li>Remove <code>-D_REENTRANT</code> flag from the 'compile' options</li>
-	 <li>Remove inclusion of <code>-lpthread</code></li>
-	</ul>
+            specific options in <code>Makefile.incl</code></li>
+     <li>Remove <code>-D_REENTRANT</code> flag from the 'compile' options</li>
+     <li>Remove inclusion of <code>-lpthread</code></li>
+    </ul>
-	<p>For HPUX -</p>
+    <p>For HPUX -</p>
          <li>Add <code>-DAPP_NO_THREADS</code> to define the variable under HP
-        	specific options in <code>Makefile.incl</code></li>
-	 <li>Remove inclusion of <code>-lpthread</code> and <code>-lcma</code></li>
-	 <li>Remove threading defines like <code>-D_PTHREADS_DRAFT4 ,
-	 	-DXML_USE_DCE</code></li>
-	</ul>
+            specific options in <code>Makefile.incl</code></li>
+     <li>Remove inclusion of <code>-lpthread</code> and <code>-lcma</code></li>
+     <li>Remove threading defines like <code>-D_PTHREADS_DRAFT4 ,
+        -DXML_USE_DCE</code></li>
+    </ul>
diff --git a/doc/dtd/entities.ent b/doc/dtd/entities.ent
index d0bc673f563f66451cedbba215cb14b9f6863db8..8456869462611f5e239c3490f13f0f2fbcf75192 100644
--- a/doc/dtd/entities.ent
+++ b/doc/dtd/entities.ent
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 <!ENTITY XercesCFullName      "Xerces C++ Parser">            <!-- fullproductname -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCName          "Xerces-C">                     <!-- productname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCVersion       "1.2.0">                        <!-- versionnumber -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCVersion       "1.3.0">                        <!-- versionnumber -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCProjectName   "Xerces">                       <!-- projectname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCInstallDir    "xerces-c-1_2_0">               <!-- installdirname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCSrcInstallDir "xerces-c-src-1_2_0">           <!-- sourcedirectory -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCInstallDir    "xerces-c-1_3_0">               <!-- installdirname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCSrcInstallDir "xerces-c-src-1_3_0">           <!-- sourcedirectory -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCWindowsLib    "xerces-c_1">                   <!-- windowslibname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCUnixLib       "libxerces-c1_2">               <!-- unixlibname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCUnixLib       "libxerces-c1_3">               <!-- unixlibname -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCEmailAddress  "xerces-c-dev@xml.apache.org "> <!-- emailaddress -->
 <!ENTITY XercesDistDir        "xml.apache.org/dist/xerces-c"> <!-- download directory -->
diff --git a/doc/entities.ent b/doc/entities.ent
index d0bc673f563f66451cedbba215cb14b9f6863db8..8456869462611f5e239c3490f13f0f2fbcf75192 100644
--- a/doc/entities.ent
+++ b/doc/entities.ent
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 <!ENTITY XercesCFullName      "Xerces C++ Parser">            <!-- fullproductname -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCName          "Xerces-C">                     <!-- productname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCVersion       "1.2.0">                        <!-- versionnumber -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCVersion       "1.3.0">                        <!-- versionnumber -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCProjectName   "Xerces">                       <!-- projectname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCInstallDir    "xerces-c-1_2_0">               <!-- installdirname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCSrcInstallDir "xerces-c-src-1_2_0">           <!-- sourcedirectory -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCInstallDir    "xerces-c-1_3_0">               <!-- installdirname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCSrcInstallDir "xerces-c-src-1_3_0">           <!-- sourcedirectory -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCWindowsLib    "xerces-c_1">                   <!-- windowslibname -->
-<!ENTITY XercesCUnixLib       "libxerces-c1_2">               <!-- unixlibname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCUnixLib       "libxerces-c1_3">               <!-- unixlibname -->
 <!ENTITY XercesCEmailAddress  "xerces-c-dev@xml.apache.org "> <!-- emailaddress -->
 <!ENTITY XercesDistDir        "xml.apache.org/dist/xerces-c"> <!-- download directory -->
diff --git a/doc/releases.xml b/doc/releases.xml
index de9a64fbc1c42c1c795aeb260777c529360de14d..03383774f6080dd061999cc83b8cf0e77869898c 100644
--- a/doc/releases.xml
+++ b/doc/releases.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <s1 title="Releases">
-<s2 title="Xerces-C Version 1.2.0: June 19, 2000">
+<s2 title="Xerces-C Version 1.3.0: August 25, 2000">
         <li>SAX: Allow any PI occurring before the root element to be reported
diff --git a/scripts/packageBinaries.pl b/scripts/packageBinaries.pl
index d9bfbc0ab2b51e8d5db3728c8b8f6bc6bccd54c0..13789131cd72a962943e31d4e1f8d1d85cb7a7a4 100644
--- a/scripts/packageBinaries.pl
+++ b/scripts/packageBinaries.pl
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ if (!length($XERCESCROOT) || !length($targetdir) || (length($opt_h) > 0) ) {
     print ("    -r <thread option> can be 'pthread' \(default\)or 'dce' (only used on HP-11)\n");
     print ("    -h to get help on these commands\n\n");
     print ("Example: Under unix's\n");
-    print ("    perl packageBinaries.pl -s \$HOME/xerces-c-src_1_2_0");
-    print (" -o \$HOME/xerces-c_1_2_0-linux -c gcc -x g++ -m inmem -n fileonly -t native\n\n");
+    print ("    perl packageBinaries.pl -s \$HOME/xerces-c-src_1_3_0");
+    print (" -o \$HOME/xerces-c_1_3_0-linux -c gcc -x g++ -m inmem -n fileonly -t native\n\n");
     print ("Example: Under Windows\n");
-    print ("    perl packageBinaries.pl -s \\xerces-c-src_1_2_0");
-    print (" -o\\xerces-c_1_2_0-win32 [-n fileonly] [-t icu]\n\n");
+    print ("    perl packageBinaries.pl -s \\xerces-c-src_1_3_0");
+    print (" -o\\xerces-c_1_3_0-win32 [-n fileonly] [-t icu]\n\n");
     print ("Note:\n");
     print ("    Under Windows, by default the XercesLib project files is\n");
     print ("    configured to use Win32 resource file based message loader,\n");
diff --git a/src/util/Platforms/Win32/Version.rc b/src/util/Platforms/Win32/Version.rc
index bbf1021cb4b21ab7ba45c62192605a121e96de45..0d7753e1ce2fb3f751809662fbd099f7cd1789d0 100644
--- a/src/util/Platforms/Win32/Version.rc
+++ b/src/util/Platforms/Win32/Version.rc
 #ifdef _DEBUG
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ BEGIN
             VALUE "Comments", "Dynamic linked library for Xerces-C\0"
             VALUE "CompanyName", "Apache Software Foundation\0"
-            VALUE "FileDescription", "Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.2.0\0"
-            VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 2, 0\0"
-            VALUE "InternalName", "xerces-c_1_2_0.dll\0"
+            VALUE "FileDescription", "Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.3.0\0"
+            VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 3, 0\0"
+            VALUE "InternalName", "xerces-c_1_3_0.dll\0"
             VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © Apache Software Foundation 2000 subject to licensing terms\0"
             VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0"
-            VALUE "OriginalFilename", "xerces-c_1_2.dll\0"
+            VALUE "OriginalFilename", "xerces-c_1_3.dll\0"
             VALUE "PrivateBuild", "\0"
-            VALUE "ProductName", "Xerces-C Version 1.2.0\0"
-            VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 2, 0\0"
+            VALUE "ProductName", "Xerces-C Version 1.3.0\0"
+            VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 3, 0\0"
             VALUE "SpecialBuild", "\0"
@@ -74,19 +74,19 @@ END
     "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n"
diff --git a/src/util/XercesDefs.hpp b/src/util/XercesDefs.hpp
index 3670353b5fd2bb6a3f343b6fb9991749a4088670..ff2908c000e9a2b1d1150a9455488fd510816972 100644
--- a/src/util/XercesDefs.hpp
+++ b/src/util/XercesDefs.hpp
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.7  2000/08/18 21:29:14  andyh
+ * Change version to 1.3 in preparation for upcoming Xerces 1.3
+ * and XML4C 3.3 stable releases
+ *
  * Revision 1.6  2000/08/07 20:31:34  jpolast
  * include SAX2_EXPORT module
@@ -134,9 +138,9 @@
 //  These are updated for every build. They must be at the top because they
 //  can be used by various per-compiler headers below.
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define Xerces_DLLVersionStr "1_2"
-static const char* const    gXercesVersionStr = "1_2";
-static const char* const    gXercesFullVersionStr = "1_2_0";
+#define Xerces_DLLVersionStr "1_3"
+static const char* const    gXercesVersionStr = "1_3";
+static const char* const    gXercesFullVersionStr = "1_3_0";
 static const unsigned int   gXercesMajVersion = 1;
 static const unsigned int   gXercesMinVersion = 2;
 static const unsigned int   gXercesRevision   = 0;
diff --git a/version.incl b/version.incl
index ab09a82442aad0edab091dbe46b4bad55e63ebb6..27cabc222960342999d6b5517908d8edce29f1e1 100644
--- a/version.incl
+++ b/version.incl
@@ -56,4 +56,4 @@
 # $Id$