diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp
index 26583889f9e98b30dfacdf79d2c6f9b7e7ac6ae7..1076185c6f5eeee36119aff7ff8a626f08faff47 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.16  2002/12/12 23:40:39  peiyongz
+ * normlize locale string.
+ *
  * Revision 1.15  2002/11/12 17:24:58  tng
  * DOM Message: add new domain for DOM Messages.
@@ -502,11 +505,33 @@ extern "C" int wmain(int argC, XMLCh** argV)
             const unsigned int count = msgSetList->getLength();
+            //
+            // Normalize locale string
+            //
+            // locale = ll[[_CC][_VARIANT]]
+            // where ll          is language code
+            //       CC          is country code
+            //       VARIANT     is variant code
+            //
+            XMLCh normalizedLocale[256];
+            normalizedLocale[0] = localeStr[0];
+            normalizedLocale[1] = localeStr[1];
+            normalizedLocale[2] = 0;
+            XMLString::lowerCase(normalizedLocale);
+            if (XMLString::stringLen(localeStr) > 2)
+            {
+                XMLString::catString(&(normalizedLocale[2]), &(localeStr[2]));
+                XMLString::upperCase(&(normalizedLocale[2]));
+            }
             //  Ok, its good enough to get started. So lets call the start output
             //  method on the formatter.
-            formatter->startOutput(localeStr, gOutPath);
+            formatter->startOutput(normalizedLocale, gOutPath);
             //  For each message domain element, we call start and end domain
diff --git a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp
index 847e0f34fcad001de9bf5e9ea369f70c261e37cb..8b589267280fbdc520c00cb5747b126e675474fa 100644
--- a/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp
+++ b/tools/NLS/Xlat/Xlat_ICUResourceBundle.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
  * $Id$
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.3  2002/12/12 23:40:38  peiyongz
+ * normlize locale string.
+ *
  * Revision 1.2  2002/11/05 21:15:16  peiyongz
  * generate correct <locale>.txt file
@@ -210,28 +213,9 @@ void ICUResBundFormatter::startOutput(const   XMLCh* const    locale
     const unsigned int bufSize = 4095;
     XMLCh tmpBuf[bufSize + 1];
-    //
-    // we got to comform to locale specs
-    // that is en_US
-    //
-    XMLCh tempLocale[bufSize+1];
-    XMLCh tempLan[64];
-    int lang_end = XMLString::indexOf(locale, chUnderscore);
-    if (lang_end != -1)
-    {
-        XMLString::subString(tempLan, locale, 0, lang_end);
-        tempLan[lang_end] = 0;
-        XMLString::lowerCase(tempLan);
-        XMLString::copyString(tempLocale, tempLan);
-        tempLocale[lang_end] = 0;
-        XMLString::catString(&(tempLocale[lang_end]), &(locale[lang_end]));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        XMLString::copyString(tempLocale, locale);
-    }
-    swprintf(tmpBuf, L"%s/%s.txt", outPath, tempLocale);
+    swprintf(tmpBuf, L"%s/%s.txt", outPath, locale);
     fOutFl = _wfopen(tmpBuf, L"wt");
     if (!fOutFl)
@@ -240,6 +224,6 @@ void ICUResBundFormatter::startOutput(const   XMLCh* const    locale
     // Set the message delimiter
-    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"%s { \n", tempLocale);
+    fwprintf(fOutFl, L"%s { \n", locale);