diff --git a/doc/apidocs.xml b/doc/apidocs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97df5030f1940368c546f6eedbbe880b71c37404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/apidocs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="API Documentation">
+    <s2 title="API Docs for SAX and DOM">
+	    <p>&XercesCName; is packaged with the API documentation for SAX and DOM, the two 
+		most common programming interfaces for XML. The most common 
+		framework classes have also been documented.</p>
+	    <p>&XercesCName; DOM is an implementation of the 
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/level-one-core.html">Document Object 
+		Model (Core) Level 1</jump> as defined in the W3C Recommendation of 1 October, 1998. 
+		For a complete understanding of how the &XercesCName; APIs work, 
+		we recommend you to read the DOM Level 1 specification.</p>
+	    <p>&XercesCName; SAX is an implementation of the 
+		<jump href="http://www.megginson.com/SAX/index.html">SAX 1.0</jump> specification. 
+		You are encouraged to read this document for a better 
+		understanding of the SAX API in &XercesCName;.</p>
+	    <p><em><jump href="../apiDocs/index.html">Click here for the &XercesCName; API documentation.</jump></em></p>
+	    <note>The API documentation is automatically generated using 
+		<jump href="http://www.zib.de/Visual/software/doc++/index.html">DOC++</jump>.</note>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/build.xml b/doc/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fd4f393f29e840b691df4ce7d4f37e0569566af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="Building &XercesCName;">
+	<s2 title="Building on Windows NT/98">
+		&XercesCName; comes with Microsoft Visual C++ projects and workspaces to
+		help you build &XercesCName;. The following describes the steps you need
+		to build &XercesCName;.
+   		<s3 title="Building &XercesCName; library">
+	        <p>To build &XercesCName; from it source (using MSVC), you will 
+			need to open the workspace containing the project. If you are 
+			building your application, you may want to add the &XercesCName; 
+			project inside your applications's workspace.</p>
+			<p>The workspace containing the &XercesCName; project file and 
+			all other samples is:</p>
+			<p>Once you are inside MSVC, you need to build the project marked 
+			<em>XercesLib</em>.</p>
+			<p>If you want to include the &XercesCName; project separately, 
+			you need to	pick up:</p>
+			<p>You must make sure that you are linking your application with 
+			the &XercesCWindowsLib;.lib library and also make sure that 
+			the associated DLL is somewhere in your path.</p>
+			<note>If you are working on the AlphaWorks version which uses ICU, 
+			you must either have the environment variable ICU_DATA set, or 
+			keep the international converter files relative to the 
+			&XercesCProjectName; DLL (as it came with  the original binary 
+			drop) for the program to find it. For finding out where you can 
+			get ICU from and build it, look at the last section of this page.</note>
+		</s3>				
+    	<s3 title="Building samples">
+			<p>Inside the same workspace (xerces-all.dsw), you'll find several other
+			projects. These are for the samples. Select all the samples and right click
+			on the selection. Then choose "Build (selection only)" to build all the 
+			samples in one shot.</p>
+		</s3>				
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="Building on UNIX platforms">
+        <p>&XercesCName; uses 
+		<jump href="http://www.gnu.org">GNU</jump> tools like 
+		<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/autoconf.html">Autoconf</jump> and 
+		<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html">GNU Make</jump> to build the system. You must first make sure you 
+		have these tools installed on your system before proceeding. 
+		If you don not have required tools, ask your system administrator 
+		to get them for you. These tools are free under the GNU Public Licence 
+		and may be obtained from the 
+		<jump href="http://www.gnu.org">Free Software Foundation</jump>.</p>
+		<p><em>Do not jump into the build directly before reading this.</em></p>
+		<p>Spending some time reading the following instructions will save you a 
+		lot of wasted time and support-related e-mail communication. 
+		The &XercesCName; build instructions are a little different from 
+		normal product builds. Specifically, there are some wrapper-scripts 
+		that have been written to make life easier for you. You are free 
+		not to use these scripts and use 
+		<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/autoconf.html">Autoconf</jump> and
+		<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html">GNU Make</jump> 
+		directly, but we want to make sure you know what you are by-passing and 
+		what risks you are taking. So read the following instructions 
+		carefully before attempting to build it yourself.</p>
+		<p>Besides having all necessary build tools, you also need to know what
+		compilers we have tested &XercesCName; on. The following table lists the
+		relevant platforms and compilers.</p>
+	 	<table>
+	        <tr><td><em>Operating System</em></td><td><em>Compiler</em></td></tr>
+	        <tr><td>Redhat Linux 6.0</td><td>gcc</td></tr>
+	        <tr><td>AIX 4.1.4  and higher</td><td>xlC 3.1</td></tr>
+	        <tr><td>Solaris 2.6</td><td>CC version 4.2</td></tr>
+	        <tr><td>HP-UX B10.2</td><td>aCC and CC</td></tr>
+	        <tr><td>HP-UX B11</td><td>aCC and CC</td></tr>
+		</table>
+		<p>If you are not using any of these compilers, you are taking a calculated risk
+		by exploring new grounds. Your effort in making &XercesCName; work on this
+		new compiler is greatly appreciated and any problems you face can be addressed
+		on the &XercesCName; <jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">mailing list</jump>.
+		</p>
+		<p><em>Differences between the UNIX platforms:</em> The description below is 
+		generic, but as every programmer is aware, there are minor differences 
+		within the various UNIX	flavors the world has been bestowed with. 
+		The one difference that you need to watch out in the discussion below, 
+		pertains to the system environment variable for finding libraries. 
+		On <em>Linux and Solaris</em>, the environment variable name is called 
+		<code>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</code>, on <em>AIX</em> it is <code>LIBPATH</code>, 
+		while on <em>HP-UX</em> it is <code>SHLIB_PATH</code>. The following 
+		discussion assumes you are working on Linux, but it is with subtle 
+		understanding that you know	how to interpret it for the other UNIX flavors.</p>
+		<note>If you wish to build &XercesCName; with 
+		<jump href="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/project/">ICU</jump>, 
+		look at the <link anchor="icu">last section</link> of this page. 
+		It tells you where you can find ICU and how you	can build &XercesCName; 
+		to include the ICU internationalization library.</note>
+    	<s3 title="Setting build environment variables">
+			<p>Before doing the build, you must first set your environment variables
+			to pick-up the compiler and also specify where you extracted &XercesCName;
+			on your machine.
+			While the first one is probably set for you by the system administrator, just
+			make sure you can invoke the compiler. You may do so by typing the
+			compiler invocation command without any parameters (e.g. xlc_r, or g++, or cc)
+			and check if you get a proper response back.</p>
+			<p>Next set your &XercesCName; root path as follows:</p>
+<source>export XERCESCROOT=&lt;full path to &XercesCSrcInstallDir;&gt;</source>
+			<p>This should be the full path of the directory where you extracted &XercesCName;.</p>
+			</s3>
+    	<s3 title="Building &XercesCName; library">
+			<p>As mentioned earlier, you must be ready with the GNU tools like 
+			<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/autoconf.html">autoconf</jump> and 
+			<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html">gmake</jump> 
+			before you attempt the build.</p>
+			<p>The autoconf tool is	required on only one platform and produces 
+			a set of portable scripts (configure) that you can run on all 
+			other platforms without actually having the autoconf tool installed 
+			everywhere. In all probability the autoconf-generated script 
+			(called <code>configure</code>) is already in your <code>src</code> 
+			directory. If not, type:</p>
+<source>cd $XERCESCROOT/src
+			<p>This generates a shell-script called <code>configure</code>. It is tempting to run
+			this script directly as is normally the case, but wait a minute. If you are
+			using the default compilers like 
+			<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/gcc.html">gcc</jump> and 
+			<jump href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/gcc.html">g++</jump> you do not have a problem. But
+			if you are not on the standard GNU compilers, you need to export a few more
+			environment variables before you can invoke configure.</p>
+			<p>Rather than make you to figure out what strange environment 
+			variables you need to use, we have provided you with a wrapper 
+			script that does the job for you. All you need to tell the script 
+			is what your compiler is, and what options you are going to use 
+			inside your build, and the script does everything for you. Here 
+			is what the script takes as input:</p>
+runConfigure: Helper script to run "configure" for one of the 
+              supported platforms.
+Usage: runConfigure "options"
+       where options may be any of the following:
+       -p &lt;platform&gt; (accepts 'aix', 'linux', 'solaris', 
+	                        'hp-10', 'hp-11', 'irix', 'unixware')
+       -c &lt;C compiler name&gt; (e.g. gcc, cc, xlc)
+       -x &lt;C++ compiler name&gt; (e.g. g++, CC, xlC)
+       -d (specifies that you want to build debug version)
+       -m &lt;message loader&gt; can be 'inmem', 'icu', 'iconv'
+       -n &lt;net accessor&gt; can be 'fileonly', 'libwww'
+       -t &lt;transcoder&gt; can be 'icu' or 'native'
+       -r &lt;thread option&gt; can be 'pthread' or 'dce' (only used on HP-11)
+       -l &lt;extra linker options&gt;
+       -z &lt;extra compiler options&gt;
+       -h (to get help on the above commands)</source>
+			<note>&XercesCName; builds as a standalone library and also as a library
+			dependent on IBM's International Classes for Unicode (ICU). For simplicity,
+			the following discussion only targets standalone builds.</note>
+			<p>One of the common ways to build &XercesCName; is as follows:</p>
+<source>runConfigure -plinux -cgcc -xg++ -minmem -nfileonly -tnative</source>
+			<p>The response will be something like this:</p>
+<source>Platform: linux
+C Compiler: gcc
+C++ Compiler: g++
+Extra compile options: 
+Extra link options: 
+Message Loader: inmem
+Net Accessor: fileonly
+Transcoder: native
+Thread option: 
+Debug is OFF
+creating cache ./config.cache
+checking for gcc... gcc
+checking whether the C compiler (gcc -O -DXML_USE_NATIVE_TRANSCODER 
+         -DXML_USE_INMEM_MESSAGELOADER   ) works... yes
+checking whether the C compiler (gcc -O -DXML_USE_NATIVE_TRANSCODER 
+         -DXML_USE_INMEM_MESSAGELOADER   ) is a cross-compiler... no
+checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
+checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
+checking for c++... g++
+checking whether the C++ compiler (g++ -O -DXML_USE_NATIVE_TRANSCODER 
+                   -DXML_USE_INMEM_MESSAGELOADER   ) works... yes
+checking whether the C++ compiler (g++ -O -DXML_USE_NATIVE_TRANSCODER 
+         -DXML_USE_INMEM_MESSAGELOADER   ) is a cross-compiler... no
+checking whether we are using GNU C++... yes
+checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
+checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
+checking for autoconf... autoconf
+checking for floor in -lm... yes
+checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
+checking for ANSI C header files... yes
+checking for XMLByte... no
+checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
+updating cache ./config.cache
+creating ./config.status
+creating Makefile
+creating util/Makefile
+creating util/Transcoders/ICU/Makefile
+creating util/Transcoders/Iconv/Makefile
+creating util/Transcoders/Iconv400/Makefile
+creating util/Platforms/Makefile
+creating util/Compilers/Makefile
+creating util/MsgLoaders/InMemory/Makefile
+creating util/MsgLoaders/ICU/Makefile
+creating util/MsgLoaders/MsgCatalog/Makefile
+creating util/MsgLoaders/MsgFile/Makefile
+creating validators/DTD/Makefile
+creating framework/Makefile
+creating dom/Makefile
+creating parsers/Makefile
+creating internal/Makefile
+creating sax/Makefile
+creating ../obj/Makefile
+creating conf.h
+conf.h is unchanged
+In future, you may also directly type the following commands to 
+create the Makefiles.
+export USELIBWWW=0
+export CC=gcc
+export CXX=g++
+export LIBS= -lpthread 
+If the result of the above commands look OK to you, go to the directory
+$XERCESCROOT/src and type "gmake" to make the XERCES-C system.</source>
+			<p>So now you see what the wrapper script has actually been doing! It has 
+			invoked <code>configure</code>
+			to create the Makefiles in the individual sub-directories, but in addition
+			to that, it has set a few environment variables to correctly configure 
+			your compiler and compiler flags too.</p>
+			<p>Now that the Makefiles are all created, you are ready to do the actual build.</p>
+			<p>Is that it? Yes, that's all you need to build &XercesCName;.</p>
+		</s3>
+		<s3 title="Building samples">
+			<p>Similarly, you can build the samples by giving the same commands in the
+			<code>samples</code> directory.</p>
+<source>cd $XERCESCROOT/samples
+runConfigure -plinux -cgcc -xg++
+			<p>The samples get built in the <code>bin</code> directory. Before you run the
+			samples, you must make sure that your library path is set to pick up
+			libraries from <code>$XERCESCROOT/lib</code>. If not, type the following to
+			set your library path properly.</p>
+<source>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$XERCESCROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH</source>		
+			<p>You are now set to run the sample applications.</p>
+		</s3>
+   </s2>
+    <s2 title="Building &XercesCName; on Windows using Visual Age C++">
+		<p>A few unsupported projects are also packaged with &XercesCName;. Due to
+		origins of &XercesCName; inside IBM labs, we do have projects for IBM's
+		<jump href="http://www-4.ibm.com/software/ad/vacpp/">Visual Age C++ compiler</jump> on Windows. 
+		The following describes the steps you need to build &XercesCName; using 
+		Visual Age C++.</p>
+    	<s3 title="Building &XercesCName; library">
+			<p><em>Requirements:</em></p> 
+			<ul>
+				<li>VisualAge C++ Version 4.0 with Fixpak 1: 
+				<br/>Download the 
+				<jump href="http://www-4.ibm.com/software/ad/vacpp/service/csd.html">Fixpak</jump> 
+				from the IBM VisualAge C++ Corrective Services web page.</li> 
+			</ul>
+			<p>To include the ICU library:</p> 
+			<ul>
+                <li>ICU Build: 
+				<br/>You should have the 
+				<jump href="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/project/icuhtml/index.html">ICU Library</jump> 
+				in the same directory as the &XercesCName; library. For example if 
+				&XercesCName; is at the top level of the d drive, put the ICU 
+				library at the top level of d e.g. d:/xml4c, d:/icu.</li>
+			</ul>
+       		<p><em>Instructions:</em></p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>Change the directory to d:\xml4c\Projects\Win32</li> 
+				<li>If a d:\xml4c\Project\Win32\VACPP40 directory does not exist, create it.</li> 
+				<li>Copy the IBM VisualAge project file, <code>XML4C2X.icc</code>, 
+			   		to the VACPP40 directory.</li> 
+				<li>From the VisualAge main menu enter the project file name and path.</li> 
+				<li>When the build finishes the status bar displays this message: Last Compile
+	               completed Successfully with warnings on date.</li>
+			</ol>
+        	<note>These instructions assume that you install in drive d:\. 
+			Replace d with the appropriate drive letter.</note> 
+		</s3>				
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="Building on OS/2 using Visual Age C++">
+			<p>OS/2 is a favourite IBM PC platforms. The only 
+			option in this platform is to use 
+			<jump href="http://www-4.ibm.com/software/ad/vacpp/">Visual Age C++ compiler</jump>. 
+			Here are the steps you need to build &XercesCName; using 
+			Visual Age C++ on OS/2.</p>
+    		<s3 title="Building &XercesCName; library">
+				<p><em>Requirements:</em></p> 
+				<ul>
+					<li>VisualAge C++ Version 4.0 with Fixpak 1: 
+					<br/>Download the 
+					<jump href="http://www-4.ibm.com/software/ad/vacpp/service/csd.html">Fixpak</jump> 
+					from the IBM VisualAge C++ Corrective Services web page.</li> 
+				</ul>
+				<p>To include the ICU library:</p> 
+				<ul>
+	                <li>ICU Build: 
+					<br/>You should have the 
+					<jump href="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/project/icuhtml/index.html">ICU Library</jump> 
+					in the same directory as the &XercesCName; library. For example if 
+					&XercesCName; is at the top level of the d drive, put the ICU 
+					library at the top level of d e.g. d:/xml4c, d:/icu.</li>
+				</ul>
+		        <p><em>Instructions</em></p>
+				<ol>
+		           <li>Change directory to d:\xml4c\Projects\OS2</li> 
+		           <li>If a d:\xml4c\Project\OS2\VACPP40 directory does not exist, create it.</li> 
+		           <li>Copy the IBM VisualAge project file, XML4C2X.icc, to the VACPP40 directory.</li> 
+		           <li>From the VisualAge main menu enter the project file name and path.</li> 
+		           <li>When the build finishes the status bar displays this message: Last Compile
+		               completed Successfully with warnings on date.</li>
+				</ol>
+		        <note>These instructions assume that you install in drive d:\. Replace d with the
+		              appropriate drive letter.</note> 
+			</s3>				
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="Building on Macintosh using CodeWarrior">
+   		<s3 title="Building &XercesCName; library">
+			<p>The directions in this file cover installing and building 
+			&XercesCName; and ICU under the MacOS  using CodeWarrior.</p>
+	        <ol>
+				<li><em>Create a folder:</em>
+					<br/>for the &XercesCName; and ICU distributions, 
+					the "src drop" folder </li>
+				<li><em>Download and uncompress:</em>
+					<br/>the ICU and &XercesCName; source distribution
+					<br/>the ICU and &XercesCName; binary distributions, 
+					for the documentation included </li>
+				<li><em>Move the new folders:</em>
+					<br/>move the newly created &XercesCName; and icu124 
+					folders to the "src drop" folder.</li>
+				<li><em>Drag and drop:</em>
+					<br/>the &XercesCName; folder into the "rename file" application located in
+		            the same folder as this readme.  
+					<br/>This is a MacPerl script that renames files that have
+		            names too long to fit in a HFS/HFS+ filesystem.  
+					It also searches through all of the source code and changes 
+					the #include statements to refer to the new file names.</li>
+				<li><em>Move the MacOS folder:</em>
+					<br/>from the in the Projects folder to "src drop:&XercesCName;:Projects".</li>
+				<li><em>Open and build &XercesCName;:</em>
+					<br/>open the CodeWarrior project file 
+					"src drop:&XercesCName;:Projects:MacOS:&XercesCName;:&XercesCName;" 
+					and build the &XercesCName; library.</li>
+				<li><em>Open and build ICU:</em>
+					<br/>open the CodeWarrior project file 
+					"src drop:&XercesCName;:Projects:MacOS:icu:icu" 
+					and build the ICU library.</li>
+				<li><em>Binary distribution:</em>
+				<br/>If you wish, you can create projects for and build the rest of the tools and test
+	            suites.  They are not needed if you just want to use &XercesCName;. I suggest that you
+	            use the binary data files distributed with the binary distribution of ICU instead of
+	            creating your own from the text data files in the ICE source distribution.</li>
+			</ol>
+			<p>There are some things to be aware of when creating your own 
+			projects using &XercesCName;.</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>You will need to link against both the ICU and &XercesCName; libraries.</li>
+				<li>The options "Always search user paths" and "Interpret DOS and Unix Paths" are
+           			very useful.  Some of the code won't compile without them set.</li>
+				<li>Most of the tools and test code will require slight modification to compile and run
+		            correctly (typecasts, command line parameters, etc), but it is possible to get
+		            them working correctly.</li>
+				<li>You will most likely have to set up the Access Paths.  The access paths in the
+            		&XercesCName; projects should serve as a good example.</li>
+			</ol>
+			<note>These instructions were originally contributed by 
+			<jump href="mailto:jbellardo@alumni.calpoly.edu">J. Bellardo</jump>. 
+			&XercesCName; has undergone many changes since these instructions 
+			were written. So, these instructions are not upto date. 
+			But it will give you a jump start if you are struggling to get it 
+			to work for the first time. We will be glad	to get your changes. 
+			Please respond to <jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">
+			&XercesCEmailAddress;</jump> with your comments and corrections.</note> 
+		</s3>				
+    </s2>
+	<s2 title="How to Build ICU">
+		<p>As mentioned earlier, &XercesCName; may be built in stand-alone mode using
+		native encoding support and also using ICU where you get support for 100's 
+		of encodings. ICU stands for International Classes for Unicode and is an
+		open source distribution from IBM. You can get 
+		<jump href="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/project/">ICU libraries</jump> from 
+		<jump href="http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks">IBM's developerWorks site</jump>
+		or go to the ICU 			
+		<jump href="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/project/download/index.html">download page</jump> 
+		directly.</p>
+		<s3 title="Buiding ICU for &XercesCName;">
+			<p>You can find generic instructions to build ICU in the ICU documentation.
+			What we describe below are the minimal steps needed to build ICU for &XercesCName;.
+			Not all ICU components need to be built to make it work with &XercesCName;.</p>
+			<note><em>Important:</em> Please remember that <em>ICU and 
+			&XercesCName; must be built with the same compiler</em>, 
+			preferably with the same version. You cannot for example,
+			build ICU with a threaded version of the xlC compiler and 
+			build &XercesCName; with a non-threaded one.</note>
+		</s3>
+		<s3 title="Building ICU on Windows">
+			<p>To build ICU from its source, invoke the project 
+			<code>\icu\source\allinone\allinone.dsw</code>
+		    and build the sub-project labeled <code>common</code>. 
+			You may also want to build <code>tools/makeconv</code> to make 
+			the converter tool. All others are not required for the &XercesCName;
+		    build to proceed.</p>
+		    <p>To build &XercesCName; from it source, you will need to 
+			include a project file in your workspace to program your 
+			application. Otherwise, you can use the provided workspace and add
+		    your application to it as a separate project.</p>
+		    <p>In the first case the project file is:
+		    <code>xml4c2\Projects\Win32\VC6\IXXML4C2\IXXML4C2\IXXML4C2.dsp</code></p>
+		    <p>In the second case the workspace is:
+		    <code>xml4c2\Projects\Win32\VC6\IXXML4C2\IXXML4C2.dsw</code></p> 
+		    <p>You must make sure that you are linking your application 
+			with the &XercesCWindowsLib;.lib library and also make sure 
+			that the associated DLL is somewhere in your path. Note
+		    that you must either have the environment variable 
+			<code>ICU_DATA</code> set, or keep the international converter 
+			files relative to the &XercesCProjectName; DLL (as it came with
+		    the original binary drop) for the program to find it.</p>								
+		</s3>
+		<anchor name="icu"/>
+		<s3 title="Building ICU on UNIX platforms">
+			<p>To build ICU on all UNIX platforms you at least need the 
+			<code>autoconf</code> tool and GNU's <code>gmake</code> utility.</p>
+			<p>First make sure that you have defined the following 
+			environment variables:</p>
+<source>export ICUROOT = &lt;icu_installdir&gt;
+export ICU_DATA = &lt;icu_installdir&gt;/data/</source>
+			<p>Next, go to the directory, the following commands will create 
+			a shell script called 'configure': </p>
+<source>cd $ICUROOT
+cd source 
+			<p>Commands for specific UNIX platforms are different and are 
+			described separately below.</p>
+			<p>You will get a more detailed description of the use of 
+			configure in the ICU documentation. The differences lie in the 
+			arguments passed to the configure script, which is a 
+			platform-independent generated shell-script (through 
+			<code>autoconf</code>) and is used to generate platform-specific 
+			<code>Makefiles</code> from generic <code>Makefile.in</code> files.</p>
+			<p><em>For AIX:</em></p>
+			<p>Type the following:</p>
+<source>env CC="xlc_r -L/usr/lpp/xlC/lib" CXX="xlC_r -L/usr/lpp/xlC/lib" 
+    C_FLAGS="-w -O" CXX_FLAGS="-w -O"
+configure --prefix=$ICUROOT
+cd common
+gmake install
+cd ../tools/makeconv
+			<p><em>For Solaris and Linux:</em></p>
+<source>env CC="cc" CXX="CC" C_FLAGS="-w -O" CXX_FLAGS="-w -O" 
+    ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT</source>
+			<p><em>For HP-UX with the aCC compiler:</em></p>
+<source>env CC="cc" CXX="aCC" C_FLAGS="+DAportable -w -O" 
+    CXX_FLAGS="+DAportable -w -O" ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT</source>
+			<p><em>For HP-UX with the CC compiler:</em></p>
+<source>env CC="cc" CXX="CC" C_FLAGS="+DAportable -w -O" 
+    CXX_FLAGS="+eh +DAportable -w -O" ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT</source>
+		</s3>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Where to look for more help">
+		<p>If you read this page, followed the instructions, and
+		still cannot resolve your problem(s). You can find out if others have
+		sovled this same problem before you, by checking the 
+		<jump href="http://xml-archive.webweaving.org/xml-archive-xerces/">
+		&XercesCProjectName; mailing list archives</jump>.</p>
+		<p>If all else fails, you ask for help by joining the 
+		<jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">&XercesCName;	mailing list</jump>.</p> 
+	</s2>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/caveats.xml b/doc/caveats.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..366cfb9e8fb4253584115358c799cf168c1d75d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/caveats.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="Caveats and Limitations">
+	<s2 title="Miscellaneous">
+	    <ul>
+	        <li>SAXPrint does not output the &lt;?XML ... ?&gt; prologue 
+				line (this means that it cannot process its own 
+				output). This is because the SAX API doesn't provide 
+				a callback handler for the prologue.</li>
+	        <li>Only URL's of the form 'file://' are currently supported. 
+				Others will be supported in future versions (we're adding 
+				code to call libwww for this support).</li>
+	    </ul>
+	</s2>
diff --git a/doc/createdoc.xml b/doc/createdoc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b1e4d4c636b6d34e7a2362ddaa7e956196a5365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/createdoc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 10">
+    <s2 title="CreateDOMDocument">
+        <p> CreateDOMDocument, illustrates how you can create a DOM tree in 
+            memory from scratch. It then reports the elements in the tree that
+            was just created.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+	        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+	        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+	        build the project marked DOMCount.</p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd CreateDOMDocument
+	        <p>This will create the object files in the current directory and the executable named
+	        CreateDOMDocument in ' &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
+	        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running CreateDOMDocument">
+          <p>The CreateDOMDocument sample illustrates how you can create a DOM tree
+             in memory from scratch. To run CreateDOMDocument, enter the following</p>
+          <p>Here is a sample output from CreateDOMDocument</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+The tree just created contains: 4 elements.</source>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>  
diff --git a/doc/domcount.xml b/doc/domcount.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21e8189a126b88888baf3f62ec90af2ff5b8cf7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/domcount.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 3">
+    <s2 title="DOMCount">
+        <p>DOMCount uses the provided DOM API to parse an XML file, 
+		constructs the DOM tree and walks through the tree counting 
+		the elements (using just one API call).</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+	        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+	        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+	        build the project marked DOMCount.</p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd DOMCount
+        <p>This will create the object files in the current directory 
+		and the executable named DOMCount in ' &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' 
+		directory.</p>
+        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running DOMCount">
+          <p>The DOMCount sample parses an XML file and prints out a count of the number of
+          elements in the file. To run DOMCount, enter the following </p>
+<source>DOMCount &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>To use the validating parser, use </p>
+<source>DOMCount -v &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>Here is a sample output from DOMCount</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+DOMCount -v personal.xml
+personal.xml: 20 ms (37 elems)</source>
+          <p>The output of both versions should be same.</p>
+          <note>The time reported by the system may be different, depending on your
+          processor type.</note>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/domprint.xml b/doc/domprint.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8a85898eb9fe2c147fc62d01b92510840d8624b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/domprint.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 4">
+    <s2 title="DOMPrint">
+        <p>DOMPrint parses an XML file, constructs the DOM tree, and walks 
+		through the tree printing each element. It thus dumps the XML back 
+		(output same as SAXPrint).</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+        build the project marked DOMPrint.
+        </p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd DOMPrint
+        <p>
+        This will create the object files in the current directory and the executable named
+        DOMPrint in '&XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
+        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running DOMPrint">
+          <p>The DOMPrint sample parses an XML file, using either a validating 
+		  or non-validating DOM parser configuration, builds a DOM tree, 
+		  and then walks the tree and outputs the contents of the nodes 
+		  in a 'canonical' format. To run DOMPrint, enter the following:</p>
+<source>DOMPrint [-v] &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>The -v option is used when you wish to use a validating parser. Here is a
+                   sample output for DOMPrint when the validating parser is used: </p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+DOMPrint -v personal.xml</source>
+          <p>Here is a sample output from DOMPrint</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+DOMPrint -v personal.xml
+&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8?&gt;
+&lt;!-- Revision: 63 1.7 samples/data/personal.xml --&gt;
+&lt;person id="Big.Boss"&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Boss&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Big&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;email&gt;chief@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+  &lt;link subordinates="one.worker two.worker three.worker 
+                         four.worker five.worker"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+&lt;person id="one.worker"&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&lt;family>Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;One&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;email&gt;one@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+  &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+&lt;person id="two.worker"&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Two&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;email&gt;two@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+  &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+&lt;person id="three.worker"&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&lt;family>Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Three&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;email&gt;three@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+  &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+&lt;person id="four.worker"&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Four&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;email&gt;four@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+  &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+&lt;person id="five.worker"&gt;
+  &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Five&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+  &lt;email&gt;five@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+  &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+          <p>Note that DOMPrint does not reproduce the original XML file. Also DOMPrint and
+           SAXPrint produce different results because of the way the two APIs store data
+           and capture events.</p>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/entities.ent b/doc/entities.ent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e19c0a1e627ee9a7384ff55836082047bd20c85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/entities.ent
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml encoding="US-ASCII"?>
+<!ENTITY XercesCFullName      "Xerces C++ Parser">            <!-- fullproductname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCName          "Xerces-C">                     <!-- productname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCVersion       "1.0.1">                        <!-- versionnumber -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCProjectName   "Xerces">                       <!-- projectname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCInstallDir    "xerces-c-1_0_1">               <!-- installdirname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCSrcInstallDir "xerces-c-src-1_0_1">           <!-- sourcedirectory -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCWindowsLib    "xerces-c_1_0">                 <!-- windowslibname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCUnixLib       "libxerces-c1_0">               <!-- unixlibname -->
+<!ENTITY XercesCEmailAddress  "xerces-dev@xml.apache.org ">   <!-- emailaddress -->
diff --git a/doc/enumval.xml b/doc/enumval.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3161cc09eb4786f39d977a6026ad0a5d8bcfb888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/enumval.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 9">
+    <s2 title="EnumVal">
+        <p>EnumVal shows how to enumerate the markup decls in a DTD Validator.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+	        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+	        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+	        build the project marked EnumVal.</p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd EnumVal
+        <p>This will create the object files in the current directory and the executable named
+        EnumVal in ' &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
+        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running EnumVal">
+          <p>This program parses a file, then shows how to enumerate the contents of the validator pools.
+          To run EnumVal, enter the following </p>
+<source>EnumVal &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>Here is a sample output from EnumVal</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+EnumVal personal.xml
+  Name: personnel
+  Content Model: (person)+
+  Name: person
+  Content Model: (name,email*,url*,link?)
+  Attributes:
+    Name:id, Type: ID
+  Name: name
+  Content Model: (#PCDATA|family|given)*
+  Name: email
+  Content Model: (#PCDATA)*
+  Name: url
+  Content Model: EMPTY
+  Attributes:
+    Name:href, Type: CDATA
+  Name: link
+  Content Model: EMPTY
+  Attributes:
+    Name:subordinates, Type: IDREF(S)
+    Name:manager, Type: IDREF(S)
+  Name: family
+  Content Model: (#PCDATA)*
+  Name: given
+  Content Model: (#PCDATA)*</source>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/faq-distrib.xml b/doc/faq-distrib.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2437a14286915bed4f5e82e1820fd5c51d475bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/faq-distrib.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE faqs SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/faqs.dtd">
+<faqs title="Distributing &XercesCName;">
+	<faq title="Which DLL's do I need to distribute with my application?">
+		<q>Which DLL's do I need to distribute with my application?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>There are currently two configurations in which Xerces-C binaries
+			are published. One is from the Apache site, while the other is
+			from the IBM Alphaworks Site.</p>
+			<p>The <jump href="http://xml.apache.org/dist">Apache download
+			site</jump> binary drops only contain support for ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16
+			and UCS4 encodings. The parser intrinsically supports transcoding
+			input files in these encodings to Unicode (all internal processing in
+			the parser happens in Unicode).  If you are using these Xerces-C
+			binaries in your application, then you only need to distribute
+			<em>one</em> file:<br></br>
+			&XercesCWindowsLib;.dll for Windows NT/95/98, or<br/>
+			&XercesCUnixLib;.a for AIX, or<br/>
+			&XercesCUnixLib;.so for Solaris/Linux, or<br/>
+			&XercesCUnixLib;.sl for HP-UX.</p>
+			<p>However, if your application needs to support more international
+			encodings, other than the one's mentioned above, then you may use the
+			XML4C binaries published by IBM at their 
+			<jump href="http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xml4c">AlphaWorks</jump>
+			site.  XML4C binaries use and include 
+			<jump href="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/index.html">IBM
+			Classes for Unicode</jump> (ICU) (also an open source project but under 
+			<jump href="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/license10.html">IBM
+			Public License</jump>) for transcoding and as a result can parse input
+			files in over 100 different encodings. If you are using XML4C binaries
+			in your application, then in <em>addition</em> to the &XercesCName; library
+			file mentioned above, you also need to ship:</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li><em>ICU shared library file</em>:<br></br>
+					icuuc.dll for Windows NT/95/98, or<br></br>
+					libicu-uc.a for AIX, or<br></br>
+					libicu-uc.so for Solaris/Linux, or<br></br>
+					libicu-uc.sl for HP-UX.</li>
+				<li><em>ICU converter files</em>: *.cnv.<br></br>
+					These are platform specific binary files which contain the tables used
+					to transcode characters from the respective encoding to Unicode. These
+					files may be found in the 'lib/icu/data' directory of the XML4C binary
+					archives.</li>
+			</ol>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="How do I package the sources to create a binary drop?">
+		<q>How do I package the sources to create a binary drop?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>You have to first compile the sources inside your IDE to
+			create the required DLLs and EXEs. Then you need to copy
+			over the binaries to another directory for the binary
+			drop. A perl script has been provided to give you a jump
+			start. You need to install perl on your machine for the script to work.
+			The file may not work if you have changed your
+			source tree. You have to modify the script to suit
+			your current state of the source tree. To invoke the
+			script, go to the \&lt;&XercesCProjectName;&gt;\scripts directory, and type:</p>
+<source>perl packageBinaries.pl</source>
+			<p>You will get a message that looks like: </p>
+<source>Usage is: packageBinaries &lt;options&gt;
+options are:  -s &lt;source_directory&gt;
+              -o &lt;target_directory&gt;
+              -c &lt;C compiler name&gt; (e.g. gcc or xlc)
+              -x &lt;C++ compiler name&gt; (e.g. g++ or xlC)
+              -m &lt;message loader&gt; can be 'inmem', 'icu' or 'iconv'
+              -n &lt;net accessor&gt; can be 'fileonly' or 'libwww'
+              -t &lt;transcoder&gt; can be 'icu' or 'native'
+              -r &lt;thread option&gt; can be 'pthread' or 'dce' (only used on HP-11)
+              -h to get help on these commands
+Example: perl packageBinaries.pl -s$HOME/xerces-c_1_0_0 
+                                 -o$HOME/xerces-c_1_0_0 
+								 -cgcc -xg++ -minmem 
+								 -nfileonly -tnative</source>
+			<p>Make sure that your compiler can be invoked from the command line and
+			follow the instructions to produce a binary drop.</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="When will a port to my platform be available?">
+		<q>When will a port to my platform be available?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>Ports to other platforms are planned, but dates are not
+			fixed yet. In the meantime, look below to see a
+			description of the steps you need to follow to port it to
+			another platform.</p>
+			<p>We strongly encourage you to submit the changes that were
+			required to make it work on another platform. We will
+			incorporate these changes in the source code base and make
+			them available in the future releases.</p>
+			<p>All such changes may be sent to: &lt;
+			<jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">&XercesCEmailAddress;</jump>&gt;.</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="How can I port &XercesCProjectName; to my favourite platform?">
+		<q>How can I port &XercesCProjectName; to my favourite platform?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>All platform dependent code in &XercesCProjectName; has been isolated to
+			a couple of files, which should ease the porting effort.
+			Here are the basic steps that should be followed to port
+			&XercesCProjectName;.</p>
+			<ol>
+				<li>The directory 'src/util/Platforms' contains the
+					platform sensitive files while 'src/util/Compilers' contains all
+					development environment sensitive files. Each
+					operating system has a file of its own and each
+					development environment has another one of its own too.
+					<br/>As an example, the Win32 platform as a Win32Defs.hpp file
+					and the Visual C++ environment has a <code>VCPPDefs.hpp</code> file.
+					These files set up certain define tokens, typedefs,
+					constants, etc... that will drive the rest of the code to
+					do the right thing for that platform and development
+					environment. AIX/CSet have their own <code>AIXDefs.hpp</code> and
+					<code>CSetDefs.hpp</code> files, and so on. You should create new
+					versions of these files for your platform and environment
+					and follow the comments in them to set up your own.
+					Probably the comments in the Win32 and Visual C++ will be
+					the best to follow, since that is where the main
+					development is done.</li>
+				<li>Next, edit the file XML4CDefs.hpp , which is where all
+					of the fundamental stuff comes into the system. You will
+					see conditional sections in there where the above
+					per-platform and per-environment headers are brought in.
+					Add the new ones for your platform under the appropriate
+					conditionals.</li>
+				<li>Now edit 'AutoSense.hpp'. Here we set canonical &XercesCProjectName;
+					internal #define tokens which indicate the platform and
+					compiler. These definitions are based on known platform
+					and compiler defines.
+					<br/>
+					AutoSense.hpp is included in XML4CDefs.hpp and the
+					canonical platform and compiler settings thus defined will
+					make the particular platform and compiler headers to be
+					the included at compilation.
+					<br/>
+					It might be a little tricky to decipher this file so be
+					careful. If you are using say another compiler on Win32,
+					probably it will use similar tokens so that the platform
+					will get picked up already using what is already there.</li>
+				<li>Once this is done, you will then need to implement a
+					version of the 'platform utilities' for your platform.
+					Each operating system has a file which implements some
+					methods of the XMLPlatformUtils class, specific to that
+					operating system. These are not terribly complex, so it
+					should not be a lot of work. The Win32 verions is called
+					Win32PlatformUtils.cpp, the AIX version is
+					AIXPlatformUtils.cpp and so on. Create one for your
+					platform, with the correct name, and empty out all of the
+					implementation so that just the empty shells of the
+					methods are there (with dummy returns where needed to make
+					the compiler happy.) Once you've done that, you can start
+					to get it to build without any real implementation.</li>
+				<li>Once you have the system building, then start
+					implementing your own platform utilties methods. Follow
+					the comments in the Win32 version as to what they do, the
+					comments will be improved in subsequent versions, but they
+					should be fairly obvious now. Once you have these
+					implementations done, you should be able to start
+					debugging the system using the demo programs.</li>
+			</ol>
+			<p>That is the work required in a nutshell!</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="What application did you used to create the documentation?">
+		<q>What application did you used to create the documentation?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>We have used an internal XML based application to create the
+			documentation. The documentation files are all written in XML and the
+			application, internally codenamed StyleBook, makes use of XSL to transform
+			it into an HTML document that you are seeing right now.
+			It is currently available on the 
+			<jump href="http://xml.apache.org/">Apache</jump> open source website as 
+			<jump href="http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/index.html">Cocoon</jump>.</p>
+			<p>The API documentation is created using 
+			<jump href="http://www.zib.de/Visual/software/doc++/index.html">DOC++</jump>.</p>	
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="Source code for the C++ Builder TreeViewer?">
+		<q>Can I get the source code for the C++ Builder TreeViewer application?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>In view of the numerous requests that we have received for
+			the TreeViewer sample application (written using C++
+			Builder), we have decided to make it available as an
+			independent download from the IBM
+			<jump href="http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com">AlphaWorks</jump> portal. Please
+			note, this is provided on a "as-is, no support" basis.</p>
+			<p>TreeViewer parses the XML file, using &XercesCProjectName;,
+			and displays the data as a tree.</p>
+			<p>We welcome your additional feedback at: &lt;
+			<jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">&XercesCEmailAddress;</jump>&gt;</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="Can I use &XercesCProjectName; in my product?">
+		<q>Can I use &XercesCProjectName; in my product?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>Yes! Read the license agreement first and contact us at
+			&lt;<jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">&XercesCEmailAddress;</jump>&gt; 
+			if you need assistance.</p>
+		</a>
diff --git a/doc/faq-migrate.xml b/doc/faq-migrate.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71476ec08c2c81da0dbee234d0bb9b07f575c6b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/faq-migrate.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE faqs SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/faqs.dtd">
+<faqs title="Migrating to Xerces-C">
+	<faq title="Migrating from xml4c">
+		<q>tba</q>
+		<a><p>tba</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="Migrating from X">
+		<q>tba</q>
+		<a><p>tba</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
diff --git a/doc/faq-other.xml b/doc/faq-other.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d55dce9a00ef09e6a80256c766007a12e930c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/faq-other.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE faqs SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/faqs.dtd">
+<faqs title="Other &XercesCName; Questions">
+	<faq title="I can't use C++. Do you have a Java version?">
+		<q>I can't use C++. Do you have a Java version?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>Yes. The &XercesCProjectName; family of products also has a Java version.</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="I found a bug - what do I do?">
+		<q>I found a bug - what do I do?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>Send the bug report to &lt;<jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">
+			&XercesCEmailAddress;</jump>&gt; with the version number,
+			the exact OS release number, the compiler version number, and a
+			copy of the XML document that generates the error. The more
+			information you can provide, the faster we can get a fix into the
+			build!</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
+	<faq title="I have a question not covered -- who
+	do I contact?">
+		<q>I have a question not covered here, or in the documentation -- who do I contact?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>First post your question on the 
+			<jump href="http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/aw.nsf/discussion?ReadForm&amp;/forum/xml4c.nsf/discussion?createdocument">XML4C
+			discussion group on Alphaworks</jump>, and someone from the 
+			&XercesCProjectName; development team will answer that question. The list is 
+			monitored very closely and the response is usually within 24 hours. 
+			If you need to ask a special question privately, send email to 
+			&lt;<jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">&XercesCEmailAddress;</jump>&gt; 
+			and give us as much information as you can. We will get back to 
+			you as soon as possible.</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>
diff --git a/doc/faq-parse.xml b/doc/faq-parse.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8feedc0cb3ab5e5093a32ef321e6e3a6d601a073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/faq-parse.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE faqs SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/faqs.dtd">
+<faqs title="Parsing with &XercesCName;">
+    <faq title="Why does my application crash on AIX when I run it under a
+         multi-threaded environment?">
+      <q>Why does my application crash on AIX when I run it under a
+        multi-threaded environment?</q>
+      <a>
+        <p>AIX maintains two kinds of libraries on the system,
+          thread-safe and non-thread safe. Multi-threaded libraries on
+          AIX follow a different naming convention, Usually the
+          multi-threaded library names are followed with "_r". For
+          example, libc.a is single threaded whereas libc_r.a is
+          multi-threaded.</p>
+        <p>To make your multi-threaded application run on AIX, you
+          MUST ensure that you do not have a 'system library path' in
+          your LIBPATH environment variable when you run the
+          application. The appropriate libraries (threaded or
+          non-threaded) are automatically picked up at runtime. An
+          application usually crashes when you build your application
+          for multi-threaded operation but don't point to the
+          thread-safe version of the system libraries. For example,
+          LIBPATH can be simply set as:</p>
+        <p>Where &lt;&XercesCProjectName;&gt; points to the directory where
+          &XercesCProjectName; application resides.</p>
+        <p>If for any reason, unrelated to &XercesCProjectName;, you need to
+          keep a 'system library path' in your LIBPATH environment
+          variable, you must make sure that you have placed the
+          thread-safe path before you specify the normal system
+          path. For example, you must place <ref>/lib/threads</ref> before
+          <ref>/lib</ref> in your LIBPATH variable. That is to say your
+          LIBPATH may look like this:</p>
+<source>export LIBPATH=$HOME/&lt;&XercesCProjectName;&gt;/lib:/usr/lib/threads:/usr/lib</source>
+        <p>Where /usr/lib is where your system libraries are.</p>
+      </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="What compilers are being used on the supported platforms?">
+    <q>What compilers are being used on the supported platforms?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>&XercesCProjectName; has been built on the following platforms with these
+        compilers</p>
+      <table>
+        <tr><td><em>Operating System</em></td><td><em>Compiler</em></td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Windows NT SP5/98</td><td>MSVC 6.0</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Redhat Linux 6.0</td><td>gcc</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>AIX 4.1.4  and higher</td><td>xlC 3.1</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Solaris 2.6</td><td>CC version 4.2</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>HP-UX B10.2</td><td>aCC and CC</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>HP-UX B11</td><td>aCC and CC</td></tr>
+      </table>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="I cannot run my sample applications. What is wrong?">
+    <q>I cannot run my sample applications. What is wrong?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>There are two major installation issues which must be dealt
+        with in order to use &XercesCProjectName; from your applications. The
+        DLL or shared library must be locatable via the system's
+        environment. And, the converter files used by &XercesCProjectName; for
+        its transcoding must be locatable.
+      </p>
+      <p>On UNIX platforms you need to ensure that your library search
+        environment variable includes the directory which has the
+        &XercesCProjectName; shared library (On AIX, this is LIBPATH, on
+        Solaris and Linux it is LD_LIBRARY_PATH while on HP-UX it is
+        SHLIB_PATH). Thus, if you installed your binaries under
+        <code>$HOME/fastxmlparser</code>, you need to point your
+        library path to that directory.
+      </p>
+<source>export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:$HOME/fastxmlparser/lib # (AIX)
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/fastxmlparser/lib # (Solaris, Linux)
+export SHLIB_PATH=$SHLIB_PATH:$HOME/fastxmlparser/lib # (HP-UX)</source>
+      <p>On Win32, you would ensure that the &XercesCProjectName; DLLs are in
+        the PATH environment.</p>
+      <p>For the transcoding files <code>(*.cnv)</code>, the
+        easiest mechanism (which is used in the binary release) is to
+        place them relative to the shared library or DLL. The
+        transcoding converter files should be in the
+        <code>icu/data</code> directory relative to the shared library
+        or DLL. This will allow them to be located automatically.</p>
+      <p>However, if you redistribute &XercesCProjectName; within some other
+        product, and cannot maintain this relationship, or if your
+        build scenario does not allow you to maintain this
+        relationship during debugging for instance, you can use the
+        ICU_DATA environment variable to point to these converter
+        files (make sure the variable ends with a backslash '\' on Windows platforms).
+    This variable may be set system wide, within a
+        particular command window, or just within the client
+        application or higher level libraries, as is deemed
+        necessary. It must be set before the XML system is initialized
+        (see below.)
+      </p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="I just built my own application using the &XercesCProjectName; parser. Why does it
+       crash?">
+    <q>I just built my own application using the &XercesCProjectName; parser. Why does it
+      crash?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>In order to work with the &XercesCProjectName; parser, you have to
+        first initialize the XML subsystem. The most common mistake is
+        to forget this initialization. Before you make any calls to
+        &XercesCProjectName; APIs, you must call</p>
+try {
+   XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
+catch (const XMLException&amp; toCatch) {
+   // Do your failure processing here
+      <p>This initializes the &XercesCProjectName; system and sets its
+        internal variables.  Note that you must the include
+        <code>util/PlatformUtils.hpp</code> file for this to work.</p>
+      <p>The second common problem is the absence of the transcoding
+        converter files <code>(*.cnv)</code>. This problem has a
+        simple fix, if you understand how the transcoding converter
+        files are searched.</p>
+      <p>&XercesCProjectName; first looks for the environment variable
+        ICU_DATA. If it finds this variable in your environment
+        settings, then it assumes that the transcoding converter files
+        are kept in that directory.  Thus, for example, if you had set
+        your environment variable to (say):</p>
+<source>set ICU_DATA=d:\my&XercesCProjectName;\icu\data\</source>
+      <p>The transcoding converter files (all files having extension
+        .cnv and convrtrs.txt) will be searched under
+        <code>d:\my&XercesCProjectName;\icu\data</code></p>
+      <p>If you have not set your environment variable, then the
+        search for the transcoding converters is done relative to the
+        location of the shared library &XercesCWindowsLib;.dll (or
+        &XercesCUnixLib;.a on AIX and &XercesCUnixLib;.so on Solaris and
+        Linux, &XercesCUnixLib;.sl on HP-UX). Thus if your shared library
+        is in <code>d:\fastxmlparser\lib</code>, then your transcoding
+        converter files should be in
+        <code>d:\fastxmlparser\lib\icu\data.</code></p>
+      <p>Before you run your application, make sure that you have
+        covered the two possibilities mentioned above.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="Is &XercesCProjectName; thread-safe?">
+    <q>Is &XercesCProjectName; thread-safe?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>This is not a question that has a simple yes/no answer. Here are
+        the rules for using &XercesCProjectName; in a multi-threaded environment:</p>
+      <p>Within an address space, an instance of the parser may be used
+        without restriction from a single thread, or an instance of the
+        parser can be accessed from multiple threads, provided the
+        application guarantees that only one thread has entered a method
+        of the parser at any one time.</p>
+      <p>When two or more parser instances exist in a process, the
+        instances can be used concurrently, and without external
+        synchronization.  That is, in an application containing two
+        parsers and two threads, one pareser can be running within the
+        first thread concurrently with the second parser running
+        within the second thread.</p>
+      <p>The same rules apply to &XercesCProjectName; DOM documents -
+        multiple document instances may be concurrently accessed from
+        different threads, but any given document instance can only be
+        accessed by one thread at a time.</p>
+      <p>DOMStrings allow multiple concurrent readers.  All DOMString
+        const methods are thread safe, and can be concurrently entered
+        by multiple threads.  Non-const DOMString methods, such as
+        appendData(), are not thread safe and the application must
+        guarantee that no other methods (including const methods) are
+        executed concurrently with them.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+	<faq title="Why does my multi-threaded application crash on Solaris?">
+		<q>Why does my multi-threaded application crash on Solaris?</q>
+		<a>
+			<p>The problem appears because the throw call on Solaris 2.6 
+			is not multi-thread safe. Sun Microsystems provides a patch to 
+			solve this problem. To get the latest patch for solving this 
+			problem, go to <jump href="http://sunsolve.sun.com">SunSolve.sun.com</jump> 
+			and get the appropriate patch for your operating system. 
+			For Intel machines running Solaris, you need to get Patch ID 104678. 
+			For SPARC machines you need to get Patch ID #105591.</p>
+		</a>
+	</faq>	
+	<faq title="How do I find out what version of &XercesCProjectName; I am using?">
+		<q>How do I find out what version of &XercesCProjectName; I am using?</q>
+		<a>
+      <p>The version string for &XercesCProjectName; happens to be in one of
+        the source files. Look inside the file
+        <code>src/util/XML4CDefs.hpp</code> and find out what the
+        static variable <code>gXML4CFullVersionStr</code> is defined
+        to be. (It is usually of type 3.0.0 or something
+        similar). This is the version of XML you are using.</p>
+      <p>If you don't have the source code, you have to find the version
+        information from the shared library name. On Windows NT/95/98
+        right click on the DLL name &XercesCWindowsLib;.dll in the bin directory
+        and look up properties. The version information may be found on
+        the Version tab.</p>
+      <p>On AIX, just look for the library name &XercesCUnixLib;.a (or
+        &XercesCUnixLib;.so on Solaris/Linux and &XercesCUnixLib;.sl on
+        HP-UX).  The version number is coded in the name of the
+        library.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="How do I uninstall &XercesCProjectName;?">
+    <q>How do I uninstall &XercesCProjectName;?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>&XercesCProjectName; only installs itself in a single directory and
+        does not set any registry entries. Thus, to un-install, you
+        only need to remove the directory where you installed it, and
+        all &XercesCProjectName; related files will be removed.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="How do I add an additional transcoding file in the existing set?">
+    <q>How do I add an additional transcoding file in the existing set?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>Transcoding files shipped with binary drops of &XercesCProjectName;
+        exist in the <code>bin/icu/data</code> directory on Win32 and
+        in the <code>lib/icu/data</code> directory under various
+        unix's.  All transcoding files have the extension .cnv and are
+        platform specific binary files. The ICU drop provides the
+        utility 'makeconv' to generate these binary files. To add an
+        additional transcoding file, you need to first define your new
+        code-set in ASCII format (which has the extension .ucm). The
+        coding format for an encoding may be obtained from one of the
+        existing files in icu/data (in the source drop). After you
+        create the .ucm file for your new language, you need to
+        convert it to a binary form using makeconv.</p>
+      <p>Thus, if your new code-set is defined in file
+        mynewcodeset.ucm , you would type:</p>
+<source>makeconv mynewcodeset.ucm</source>
+      <p>...to create the binary transcoding file mynewcodeset.cnv. Make
+        sure that this .cnv file is packaged in the same place as the
+        others, i.e. in a directory <code>icu/data</code> relative to
+        where your shared library is.</p>
+      <p>You can also add aliases for this encoding in the file
+        'convrtrs.txt', also present in the same directory as the
+        converter files.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="How are entity reference nodes handled in DOM?">
+    <q>How are entity reference nodes handled in DOM?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>If you are using the native DOM classes, the function
+        <code>setExpandEntityReferences</code> controls how entities appear in the
+        DOM tree. When setExpandEntityReferences is set to false (the
+        default), an occurance of an entity reference in the XML
+        document will be represented by a subtree with an
+        EntityReference node at the root whose children represent the
+        entity expansion. Entity expansion will be a DOM tree
+        representing the structure of the entity expansion, not a text
+        node containing the entity expansion as text.</p>
+      <p>If setExpandEntityReferences is true, an entity reference in the
+        XML document is represented by only the nodes that represent the
+        entity expansion. The DOM tree will not contain any
+        entityReference nodes.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="What kinds of URLs are currently supported in &XercesCProjectName;?">
+    <q>What kinds of URLs are currently supported in &XercesCProjectName;?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>We now have a spec. compliant, but limited, implementation of
+        the class URL.</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>The only protocol currently supported is the "file://"
+          which is used to refer to files locally.</li>
+        <li>Only the 'localhost' string is supported in the host
+          placeholder in the URL syntax.</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>This should work for command line arguments to samples as well as
+        any usage in the XML file when referring to an external file.</p>
+      <p>Examples of what this implementation will allow you to do are:</p>
+<source>e:\&gt;domcount file:///e:/&XercesCProjectName;/build/win32/vc6/debug/abc.xml
+e:\&gt;domcount file::///&XercesCProjectName;/build/win32/vc6/debug/abc.xml
+e:\&gt;domcount file::///d:/abc.xml
+e:\>domcount file:://localhost/d:/abc.xml</source>
+      <p>Example of what you cannot do is:</p>
+      <p>Refer to files using the 'file://' syntax and giving a
+        relative path to the file.</p>
+      <p>This implies that if you are using the 'file://' syntax to
+        refer to external files, you have to give the complete path to
+        files even in the current directory.</p>
+      <p>You always have the option of not using the 'file://' syntax
+        and referring to files by just giving the filename or a
+        relative path to it as in:</p>
+<source>domcount abc.xml</source>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="Can I use &XercesCProjectName; to parse HTML?">
+    <q>Can I use &XercesCProjectName; to parse HTML?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>Yes, if it follows the XML spec rules. Most HTML, however,
+        does not follow the XML rules, and will therefore generate XML
+        well-formedness errors.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="I keep getting an error: &quot;invalid UTF-8 character&quot;. What's wrong?">
+    <q>I keep getting an error: "invalid UTF-8 character". What's wrong?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>There are many Unicode characters that are not allowed in
+        your XML document, according to the XML spec. Typical
+        disallowed characters are control characters, even if you
+        escape them using the Character Reference form: See the XML
+        spec, sections 2.2 and 4.1 for details. If the parser is
+        generating this error, it is very likely that there's a
+        character in there that you can't see.  You can generally use
+        a UNIX command like "od -hc" to find it.</p>
+      <p>Another reason for this error is that your file is in some
+        non UTF/ASCII encoding but you gave no encoding="" string in
+        your file to tell the parser what its real encoding is.</p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
+  <faq title="What encodings are supported by &XercesCProjectName;?">
+    <q>What encodings are supported by &XercesCProjectName;?</q>
+    <a>
+      <p>&XercesCProjectName; uses a subset of IBM's International Classes for 
+	  Unicode (ICU) for encoding &amp; Unicode support. &XercesCFullName; is 
+	  Unicode 3.0 compliant. Please note that <em>these encodings are supported 
+	  only if you build &XercesCName; with ICU library</em>, not as a 
+	  standalone library using native encoding support.</p>
+      <p>Besides ASCII, the following encodings are currrently supported:</p>
+      <table>
+        <tr><td><em>Common Name</em></td><td><em>Use this MIME/IANA name in XML</em></td></tr>
+        <tr><td>8 bit Unicode</td><td>UTF-8</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin 1</td><td>ISO-8859-1</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin 2</td><td>ISO-8859-2</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin 3</td><td>ISO-8859-3</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin 4</td><td>ISO-8859-4</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin Cyrillic</td><td>ISO-8859-5</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin Arabic</td><td>ISO-8859-6</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin Greek</td><td>ISO-8859-7</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin Hebrew</td><td>ISO-8859-8</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>ISO Latin 5</td><td>ISO-8859-9</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: US</td><td>ebcdic-cp-us</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Canada</td><td>ebcdic-cp-ca</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Netherlands</td><td>ebcdic-cp-nl</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Denmark</td><td>ebcdic-cp-dk</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Norway</td><td>ebcdic-cp-no</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Finland</td><td>ebcdic-cp-fi</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Sweden</td><td>ebcdic-cp-se</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Italy</td><td>ebcdic-cp-it</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Spain, Latin America</td><td>ebcdic-cp-es</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Great Britain</td><td>ebcdic-cp-gb</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: France</td><td>ebcdic-cp-fr</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Arabic</td><td>ebcdic-cp-ar1</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Hebrew</td><td>ebcdic-cp-he</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Switzerland</td><td>ebcdic-cp-ch</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Roece</td><td>ebcdic-cp-roece</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Yogoslavia</td><td>ebcdic-cp-yu</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Iceland</td><td>ebcdic-cp-is</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>EBCDIC: Urdu</td><td>ebcdic-cp-ar2</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Chinese for PRC, mixed 1/2 byte</td><td>gb2312</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Extended UNIX code, packed for Japanese</td><td>euc-jp</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Japanese: iso-2022-jp</td><td>iso-2022-jp</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Japanese: Shift JIS</td><td>Shift_JIS</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Chinese: Big5</td><td>Big5</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Extended UNIX code, packed for Korean</td><td>euc-kr</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Korean: iso-2022-kr</td><td>iso-2022-kr</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>Cyrillic</td><td>koi8-r</td></tr>
+      </table>
+	<!-- <ul>
+        <li>UTF-8</li>
+        <li>UTF-16 Big Endian, UTF-16 Little Endian</li>
+        <li>IBM-1208</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1)</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2) [Bosnian, Croatian, Czech,
+          Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian (in Latin
+          transcription), Serbocroation, Slovak, Slovenian, Upper
+          Sorbian and Lower Sorbian]</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3) [Maltese, Esperanto]</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin-4 (ISO-8859-4)</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin Arabic (ISO-8859-6) [Arabic]</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin Greek (ISO-8859-7)</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin Hebrew (ISO-8859-8) [Hebrew]</li>
+        <li>ISO Latin-5 (ISO-8859-9) [Turkish]</li>
+        <li>Extended Unix Code, packed for Japanese (euc-jp, eucjis)</li>
+        <li>Japanese Shift JIS (shift-jis)</li>
+        <li>Chinese (big5)</li>
+        <li>Extended Unix Code, packed for Korean (euc-kr)</li>
+        <li>Russian Unix, Cyrillic (koi8-r)</li>
+        <li>Windows Thai (cp874)</li>
+        <li>Latin 1 Windows (cp1252)</li>
+        <li>cp858</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC encodings:</li></ul><ul>
+        <li>EBCDIC US (ebcdic-cp-us)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Canada (ebcdic-cp-ca)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Netherland (ebcdic-cp-nl)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Denmark (ebcdic-cp-dk)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Norway (ebcdic-cp-no)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Finland (ebcdic-cp-fi)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Sweden (ebcdic-cp-se)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Italy (ebcdic-cp-it)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Spain &amp; Latin America (ebcdic-cp-es)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Great Britain (ebcdic-cp-gb)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC France (ebcdic-cp-fr)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Hebrew (ebcdic-cp-he)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Switzerland (ebcdic-cp-ch)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Roece (ebcdic-cp-roece)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Yugoslavia (ebcdic-cp-yu)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Iceland (ebcdic-cp-is)</li>
+        <li>EBCDIC Urdu (ebcdic-cp-ar2)</li>
+        <li>Latin 0 EBCDIC</li></ul>
+      <p>Additional encodings to be available later:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>EBCDIC Arabic (ebcdic-cp-ar1)</li>
+        <li>Chinese for PRC (mixed 1/2 byte) (gb2312)</li>
+        <li>Japanese ISO-2022-JP (iso-2022-jp)</li>
+        <li>Cyrllic (koi8-r)</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>The ICU uses IBM's UPMAP format as source files for data-based
+        conversion. All codepages represented in that format are supported
+        (i.e: SBCS, DBCS, MBCS and EBCDIC_STATEFUL), with the exception of
+        codepages with a maximum character length strictly greater than
+        two bytes (e.g. this excludes 1350 and 964).</p>
+      <p>The following is a non-exhaustive list of codepages that are
+        supported by the international library packaged with the product.</p>
+  <p>
+    ibm-1004,
+    ibm-1006,
+    ibm-1008,
+    ibm-1038,
+    ibm-1041,
+    ibm-1043,
+    ibm-1047,
+    ibm-1051,
+    ibm-1088,
+    ibm-1089,
+    ibm-1098,
+    ibm-1112,
+    ibm-1114,
+    ibm-1115,
+    ibm-1116,
+    ibm-1117,
+    ibm-1118,
+    ibm-1119,
+    ibm-1123,
+    ibm-1140,
+    ibm-1141,
+    ibm-1142,
+    ibm-1143,
+    ibm-1144,
+    ibm-1145,
+    ibm-1146,
+    ibm-1147,
+    ibm-1148,
+    ibm-1149,
+    ibm-1153,
+    ibm-1154,
+    ibm-1155,
+    ibm-1156,
+    ibm-1157,
+    ibm-1158,
+    ibm-1159,
+    ibm-1160,
+    ibm-1164,
+    ibm-1250,
+    ibm-1251,
+    ibm-1252,
+    ibm-1253,
+    ibm-1254,
+    ibm-1255,
+    ibm-1256,
+    ibm-1257,
+    ibm-1258,
+    ibm-12712,
+    ibm-1275,
+    ibm-1276,
+    ibm-1277,
+    ibm-1280,
+    ibm-1281,
+    ibm-1282,
+    ibm-1283,
+    ibm-1361,
+    ibm-1362,
+    ibm-1363,
+    ibm-1364,
+    ibm-1370,
+    ibm-1371,
+    ibm-1383,
+    ibm-1386,
+    ibm-1390,
+    ibm-1399,
+    ibm-16684,
+    ibm-16804,
+    ibm-17248,
+    ibm-21427,
+    ibm-273,
+    ibm-277,
+    ibm-278,
+    ibm-280,
+    ibm-284,
+    ibm-285,
+    ibm-290,
+    ibm-297,
+    ibm-37,
+    ibm-420,
+    ibm-424,
+    ibm-437,
+    ibm-4899,
+    ibm-4909,
+    ibm-4930,
+    ibm-4971,
+    ibm-500,
+    ibm-5104,
+    ibm-5123,
+    ibm-5210,
+    ibm-5346,
+    ibm-5347,
+    ibm-5349,
+    ibm-5350,
+    ibm-5351,
+    ibm-5352,
+    ibm-5353,
+    ibm-5354,
+    ibm-803,
+    ibm-808,
+    ibm-813,
+    ibm-833,
+    ibm-834,
+    ibm-835,
+    ibm-837,
+    ibm-848,
+    ibm-8482,
+    ibm-849,
+    ibm-850,
+    ibm-852,
+    ibm-855,
+    ibm-856,
+    ibm-857,
+    ibm-858,
+    ibm-859,
+    ibm-860,
+    ibm-861,
+    ibm-862,
+    ibm-863,
+    ibm-864,
+    ibm-865,
+    ibm-866,
+    ibm-867,
+    ibm-868,
+    ibm-869,
+    ibm-871,
+    ibm-872,
+    ibm-874,
+    ibm-878,
+    ibm-891,
+    ibm-897,
+    ibm-901,
+    ibm-902,
+    ibm-9027,
+    ibm-903,
+    ibm-904,
+    ibm-9044,
+    ibm-9049,
+    ibm-9061,
+    ibm-907,
+    ibm-909,
+    ibm-910,
+    ibm-912,
+    ibm-913,
+    ibm-914,
+    ibm-915,
+    ibm-916,
+    ibm-920,
+    ibm-921,
+    ibm-922,
+    ibm-923,
+    ibm-9238,
+    ibm-924,
+    ibm-930,
+    ibm-933,
+    ibm-935,
+    ibm-937,
+    ibm-939,
+    ibm-941,
+    ibm-942,
+    ibm-943,
+    ibm-944,
+    ibm-946,
+    ibm-947,
+    ibm-948,
+    ibm-949,
+    ibm-950,
+    ibm-953,
+    ibm-955,
+    ibm-961,
+    ibm-964,
+    and ibm-970
+  </p>
+	-->
diff --git a/doc/feedback.xml b/doc/feedback.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91b975d717d004e7db37ebb0ea9a20954aaf18fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/feedback.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="Feedback Procedures">
+    <s2 title="Questions or Comments">
+        <p>For all questions or comments, write to the <jump href="mailto:&XercesCEmailAddress;">&XercesCProjectName; mailing list.</jump></p>
+        <p>If you are submitting a bug (and bug reports are definitely appreciated!),
+            please provide the following information:</p>
+        <ul>
+            <li>Version number of &XercesCName; (&XercesCVersion;?) </li>
+            <li>Which OS platform/version you are using (NT4+SP4? Win98? Redhat Linux 6.0? Solaris2.6? AIX 4.3? HP-UX10? HP-UX11?) </li>
+            <li>Which compiler/version you are using (MSVC6? gcc? cc? aCC?) </li>
+            <li>Sample XML file that causes the bug</li>
+            <li>Sample Schema file (if required to recreate the bug)</li>
+            <li>Sample DTD file (if required to recreate the bug)</li>
+        </ul>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="Acknowledgements">
+	    <p>Ever since this source code base was initially created, many 
+		people have helped to port the code to different platforms and provide
+	    constructive feedback to fix bugs and enhance features.</p>
+	    <p>Listed below are some names (in alphabetical order) of people 
+		to whom we would like to give special thanks. </p>
+	    <ul>
+	        <li>Anupam Bagchi</li>
+	        <li>John Bellardo</li>
+	        <li>Arundhati Bhowmick</li>
+	        <li>Paul Ferguson</li>
+	        <li>Pierpaolo Fumagalli</li>
+			<li>Susan Hardenbrook</li>
+	        <li>Andy Heninger</li>
+	        <li>Rahul Jain</li>
+	        <li>Andy Levine</li>
+	        <li>Michael Ottati</li>
+	        <li>Mike Pogue</li>
+	        <li>Dean Roddey</li>
+	        <li>Steven Rosenthal</li>
+	        <li>Gereon Steffens</li>
+	        <li>Tom Watson</li>
+	        <li>Roger Webster</li>
+	    </ul>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/install.xml b/doc/install.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2cd7ac90e8328860b91432ace5edd4cfe9024218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/install.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="Installation">
+    <s2 title="Window NT/98">
+        <p>Install the binary &XercesCName; release by using <code>unzip</code> 
+		on the <ref>file</ref>-win32.zip archive in the Windows environment. You can 
+		use WinZip, or any other UnZip utility.</p>
+<source>unzip &XercesCInstallDir;-win32.zip</source>
+        <p>This creates a &apos;&XercesCInstallDir;-win32&apos; sub-directory 
+		containing the &XercesCName; distribution. </p>
+        <p>You need to add the &apos;&XercesCInstallDir;-win32\bin&apos; 
+		directory to your path: </p>
+        <p>To do this under Windows NT, go to the start menu, click the 
+		settings menu and select control panel. When the control panel opens, 
+		double click on System and select the &apos;Environment&apos; tab. 
+		Locate the PATH variable under system variables
+        and add &lt;full_path_to_&XercesCInstallDir;>\bin to the PATH variable.  
+		To do this under Windows 95/98 add this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:</p>
+<source>SET PATH=&lt;full_path_to_&XercesCInstallDir;>\bin;%PATH%</source> 
+		<p>or run the <code>SET PATH</code> command in your shell window.</p>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="UNIX">
+        <p>Binary installation of this release is to extract the files from the 
+		compressed .tar archive (using 'tar').</p>
+<source>cd $HOME
+gunzip &XercesCInstallDir;-linux.tar.gz
+tar -xvf &XercesCInstallDir;-linux.tar</source>
+        <p>This will create an '&XercesCInstallDir;-linux' sub-directory 
+		(in the home directory)
+        which contains the &XercesCName; distribution. You will need to add the
+        &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin directory to your PATH environment variable:</p>
+        <p>For Bourne Shell, K Shell or Bash, type: </p>
+<source>export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/&XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin"</source>
+		<p>For C Shell, type:</p>
+<source>setenv PATH "$PATH:$HOME/&XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin"</source>
+        <p>If you wish to make this setting permanent, you need to change 
+		your profile by changing your setup files which can be either .profile or .kshrc.</p>
+        <p>In addition, you will also need to set the environment variables XERCESCROOT,
+        ICUROOT and the library search path. (LIBPATH on AIX, LD_LIBRARY_PATH on
+        Solaris and Linux, SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX).</p>
+        <note>XERCESCROOT and ICUROOT are needed only if you intend to
+        recompile the samples or build your own applications. The library path is
+        necessary to link the shared libraries at runtime.</note>
+        <p>For Bourne Shell, K Shell or Bash, type:</p>
+<source>export XERCESCROOT=&lt;wherever you installed &XercesCName;>
+export ICUROOT=&lt;wherever you installed ICU>
+export SHLIB_PATH=$XERCESCROOT/lib:$SHLIB_PATH (on HP-UX)</source>
+    	<p>For C Shell, type:</p>
+<source>setenv XERCESCROOT "&lt;wherever you installed &XercesCName;>"
+setenv ICUROOT "&lt;wherever you installed ICU>"
+setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$XERCESCROOT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" (on Solaris, Linux)
+setenv SHLIB_PATH "$XERCESCROOT/lib:$SHLIB_PATH" (on HP-UX)</source>
+        <note>If you need to build the samples after installation,
+        make sure you read and follow the build instructions given in the 
+		<jump href="faqs.html">FAQ</jump>.</note>
+   </s2>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/memparse.xml b/doc/memparse.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60acd1174d10a745fd440a02a34c812b30891b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/memparse.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 5">
+    <s2 title="MemParse">
+        <p>MemParse uses the Validating SAX Parser to parse a memory buffer containing
+                  XML statements, and reports the number of elements and attributes found.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+        build the project marked MemParse.
+        </p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd MemParse
+        <p>
+        This will create the object files in the current directory and the executable named
+        MemParse in ' &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
+        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running MemParse">
+          <p>This program uses the SAX Parser to parse a memory buffer
+             containing XML statements, and reports the number of elements and attributes
+             found. </p>
+<source>MemParse [-v]</source>
+          <p>The -v option is used to invoke the Validating SAX Parser instead.
+          When invoked with a validating parser: </p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+MemParse -v</source>
+          <p>The output is the following:</p>
+<source>Finished parsing the memory buffer containing the following XML statements:
+&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='ascii'?&gt;
+&lt;!DOCTYPE company [
+&lt;!ELEMENT company     (product,category,developedAt)&gt;
+&lt;!ELEMENT product     (#PCDATA)&gt;
+&lt;!ELEMENT category    (#PCDATA)&gt;
+&lt;!ATTLIST category idea CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
+&lt;!ELEMENT developedAt (#PCDATA)&gt;
+  &lt;product&gt;&XercesCName;&lt;/product&gt;
+  &lt;category idea='great'&gt;XML Parsing Tools&lt;/category&gt;
+  &lt;developedAt&gt;
+    IBM Center for Java Technology, Silicon Valley, Cupertino, CA
+  &lt;/developedAt&gt;
+Parsing took 0 ms (4 elements, 1 attributes, 16 spaces, 95 characters).</source>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/migration.xml b/doc/migration.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2b4b04f2fb2a865051a878a5c2f66720a0c7f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/migration.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="Migrating from V2 to V3">
+	<p>This document is a discussion of the technical differences between
+	the 2.x code base and the new code base. </p>
+	<s2 title="General Improvements">
+		<p>The new version is improved in many ways. Some general improvements 
+		are significantly better conformance to the XML spec, cleaner 
+		internal architecture, many bug fixes, and better speed.</p>
+		<s3 title="Compliance">
+			<p>Except for a couple of the very obscure (mostly related to 
+			the 'standalone' mode), this version should be quite compliant. 
+			We have more than a thousand tests, some collected from various 
+			public sources and some IBM generated, which are used to do 
+			regression testing. The C++ parser is now passing all but a 
+			handful of them.</p>
+		</s3>
+		<s3 title="Bug Fixes">
+			<p>This version has many bug fixes with regard to Version 2. 
+			Some of these were reported by users and some were brought up by 
+			way of the conformance testing.</p>
+		</s3>
+		<s3 title="Speed">
+			<p>Much work was done to speed up this version. Some of the 
+			new features, such as namespaces, and conformance checks ended 
+			up eating up some of these gains, but overall the new version 
+			is significantly faster than previous versions, even while doing 
+			more.</p>
+		</s3>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="The Samples">
+		<p>The sample programs no longer use any of the unsupported util/xxx
+		classes. They only existed to
+		allow us to write portable samples. But, since we feel that the wide
+		character APIs are supported on a lot of platforms these days, it was
+		decided to go ahead and just write the samples in terms of these.
+		If your system does not support these APIs, you will not be able
+		to build and run the samples. On some platforms, these APIs might
+		perhaps be optional packages or require runtime updates or some such action.</p>
+		<p>More samples have been added as well. These show off some of the
+		new functionality introduced in the V3 code base. And the existing
+		ones have been tighted up a bit as well.</p>
+		<p>The new samples are:</p>
+		<ol>
+		   <li>PParse - Demonstrates 'progressive parse', (see below)</li>
+		   <li>StdInParse - Demonstrates use of the standard in input source</li>
+		   <li>EnumVal - Shows how to enumerate the markup decls in a DTD Validator</li>
+		</ol>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Parser Classes">
+		<p>In the 2.x code base, there were the following parser classes
+		(in the src/parsers/ source directory): NonValidatingSAXParser,
+		ValidatingSAXParser, NonValidatingDOMParser, ValidatingDOMParser.
+		The non-validating ones were the base classes and the validating
+		ones just derived from them and turned on the validation.
+		This was deemed a little bit overblown, considering the tiny
+		amount of code required to turn on validation and the fact
+		that it makes people use a pointer to the parser in most cases
+		(if they needed to support either validating or non-validating versions.)</p>
+		<p>The new code base just has SAXParer and DOMParser classes. These
+		are capable of handling both validating and non-validating modes,
+		according to the state of a flag that you can set on them. For
+		instance, here is a code snippet that shows this in action.</p>
+<source>void ParseThis(const  XMLCh* const fileToParse,
+               const bool validate)
+  //
+  // Create a SAXParser. It can now just be
+  // created by value on the stack if we want
+  // to parse something within this scope.
+  //
+  SAXParser myParser;
+  // Tell it whether to validate or not
+  myParser.setDoValidation(validate);
+  // Parse and catch exceptions...
+  try
+  {
+    myParser.parse(fileToParse);
+  }
+    ...
+		<p>We feel that this is a simpler architecture, and that it makes things
+		easier for you. In the above example, for instance, the parser will be
+		cleaned up for you automatically upon exit since you don't have to
+		allocate it anymore.</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="DOM Level 2 support">
+		<p>Experimental early support for some parts of the DOM level
+		2 specification have been added. These address some of the
+		shortcomings in our DOM implementation,
+		such as a simple, standard mechanism for tree traversal.</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Progressive Parsing">
+		<p>The new parser classes support, in addition to the <ref>parse()</ref>
+		method, two new parsing methods, <ref>parseFirst()</ref> and <ref>parseNext()</ref>.
+		These are designed to support 'progressive parsing', so that
+		you don't have to depend upon throwing an exception to
+		terminate the parsing operation. Calling parseFirst() will
+		cause the DTD (or in the future, Schema) to be parsed (both
+		internal and external subsets) and any pre-content, i.e. everything
+		up to but not including the root element. Subsequent calls to
+		parseNext() will cause one more pieces of markup to be parsed,
+		and spit out from the core scanning code to the parser (and
+		hence either on to you if using SAX or into the DOM tree if
+		using DOM.) You can quit the parse any time by just not
+		calling parseNext() anymore and breaking out of the loop. When
+		you call parseNext() and the end of the root element is the
+		next piece of markup, the parser will continue on to the
+		end of the file and return false, to let you know that the
+		parse is done. So a typical progressive parse loop will look
+		like this:</p>
+<source>// Create a progressive scan token
+XMLPScanToken token;
+if (!parser.parseFirst(xmlFile, token))
+  cerr &lt;&lt; "scanFirst() failed\n" &lt;&lt; endl;
+  return 1;
+// We started ok, so lets call scanNext()
+// until we find what we want or hit the end.
+bool gotMore = true;
+while (gotMore &amp;&amp; !handler.getDone())
+  gotMore = parser.parseNext(token);</source>
+		<p>In this case, our event handler object (named 'handler' surprisingly
+		enough) is watching form some criteria and will return a
+		status from its getDone() method. Since the handler sees
+		the SAX events coming out of the SAXParser, it can tell
+		when it finds what it wants. So we loop until we get no
+		more data or our handler indicates that it saw what it wanted to see.</p>
+		<note>In the case of the normal parse() call, the end of the parse
+		is unambiguous and the parser will flush any open entities on exit
+		(closing files, sockets, memory buffers, etc...) that were open
+		when the exit completed. In the progressive parse scenario, it cannot
+		know when you are done unless you parse to the end. So, to insure
+		that all entites are closed, you should typically destroy the parser.
+		If you are going to reuse the parser again and again, each reuse will
+		implicitly flush any previous content, but any opened entities will
+		remain opened until you do one of these things.</note>
+		<p>Also note that you must create a scan token and pass it back
+		in on each call. This insures that things don't get done out of
+		sequence. When you call parseFirst() or parse(), any previous scan
+		tokens are invalidated and will cause an error if used again. This
+		prevents incorrect mixed use of the two different parsing
+		schemes or incorrect calls to parseNext().</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Namespace support">
+		<p>The C++ parser now supports namespaces. With current
+		XML interfaces (SAX/DOM) this doesn't mean very much because
+		these APIs are incapable of passing on the namespace information.
+		However, if you are using our internal APIs to write your own
+		parsers, you can make use of this new information. Since the
+		internal event APIs must be able to now support both namespace
+		and non-namespace information, they have more parameters. These
+		allow namespace information to be passed along.</p>
+		<p>Most of the samples now have a new command line parameter to
+		turn on namespace support. You turn on namespaces like this:</p>
+<source>SAXParser myParser;
+// Tell it whether to do namespacse
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Moved Classes to src/framework">
+		<p>Some of the classes previously in the src/internal/
+		directory have been moved to their more correct location
+		in the src/framework/ directory. These are classes used by
+		the outside world and should have been framework classes
+		to begin with. Also, to avoid name classes in the absense
+		of C++ namespace support, some of these classes have been
+		renamed to make them more XML specific and less likely to
+		clash. More classes might end up being moved to framework
+		as well.</p>
+		<p>So you might have to change a few include statements to
+		find these classes in their new locations. And you might
+		have to rename some of the names of the classes, if you
+		used any of the ones whose names were changed.</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Loadable Message Text">
+		<p>The system now supoprts loadable message text, instead of
+		having it hard coded into the program. The current drop
+		still just supports English, but it can now support other
+		languages. Anyone interested in contributing any translations
+		should contact us. This would be an extremely useful service.</p>
+		<p>In order to support the local message loading services, we
+		have created a pretty flexible framework for supporting
+		loadable text. Firstly, there is now an XML file, in the
+		src/NLS/ directory, which contains all of the error messages.
+		There is a simple program, in the Tools/NLSXlat/ directory,
+		which can spit out that text in various formats. It currently
+		supports a simple 'in memory' format (i.e. an array of strings),
+		the Win32 resource format, and the message catalog format.
+		The 'in memory' format is intended for very simple installations
+		or for use when porting to a new platform (since you can use
+		it until you can get your own local message loading support done.)</p>
+		<p>In the src/util/ directory, there is now an XMLMsgLoader class.
+		This is an abstraction from which any number of message loading
+		services can be derived. Your platform driver file can create
+		whichever type of message loader it wants to use on that platform.
+		We currently have versions for the in memory format, the Win32
+		resource format, and the message catalog format. An ICU one is
+		present but not implemented yet. Some of the platforms can
+		support multiple message loaders, in which case a #define token
+		is used to control which one is used. You can set this in your
+		build projects to control the message loader type used.</p>
+		<p>
+		This is also a good place to mention that the Java and C++
+		messages are now the <em>same</em>, since both are being taken
+		from the same XML message file.</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Pluggable Validators">
+		<p>In a preliminary move to support Schemas, and to make them
+		first class citizens just like DTDs, the system has been
+		reworked internally to make validators completely pluggable.
+		So now the DTD validator code is under the src/validators/DTD/
+		directory, with a future Schema validator probably going into
+		the src/validators. The core scanner architecture now works
+		completely in terms of the framework/XMLValidator abstract
+		interface and knows almost nothing about DTDs or Schemas. For
+		now, if you don't pass in a validator to the parsers, they
+		will just create a DTDValidator. This means that, theoretically,
+		you could write your own validator. But we would not encourage
+		this for a while, until the semantics of the XMLValidator
+		interface are completely worked out and proven to handle
+		DTD and Schema cleanly.</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Pluggable Transcoders">
+		<p>Another abstract framework added in the src/util/ directory
+		is to support pluggable transcoding services. The XMLTransService
+		class is an abtract API that can be derived from, to support
+		any desired transcoding service. XMLTranscoder is the
+		abstract API for a particular instance of a transcoder
+		for a particular encoding. The platform driver file decides
+		what specific type of transcoder to use, which allows each
+		platform to use its native transcoding services, or the ICU
+		service if desired.</p>
+		<p>Implementations are provided for Win32 native services, ICU
+		services, and the <ref>iconv</ref> services available on many Unix
+		platforms. The Win32 version only provides native code page
+		services, so it can only handle XML code in the intrinsic
+		encodings (UTF-8, ASCII, UTF-16, UCS-4.) The ICU version provides
+		all of the encodings that ICU supports. The <ref>iconv</ref> version will
+		support the encodings supported by the local system. You can use
+		transcoders we provide or create your own if you feel ours are
+		insufficient in some way, or if your platform requires an implementation
+		that we do not provide.</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Util directory Reorganization">
+		<p>The src/util directory was becoming somewhat of a dumping
+		ground of platform and compiler stuff. So we reworked that
+		directory to better spread things out. The new scheme is:
+		</p>
+	  	<s3 title="util - The platform independent utility stuff">
+		  	<ul>
+				<li>MsgLoaders - Holds the msg loader implementations</li>
+				<ol>
+					<li>ICU</li>
+					<li>InMemory</li>
+			        <li>MsgCatalog</li>
+			        <li>Win32</li>
+				</ol>
+				<li>Compilers - All the compiler specific files</li>
+				<li>Transcoders - Holds the transcoder implementations</li>
+			    <ol>
+					<li>Iconv</li>
+			        <li>ICU</li>
+			        <li>Win32</li>
+			    </ol>
+				<li>Platforms</li>
+			    <ol>
+					<li>AIX</li>
+			        <li>HP-UX</li>
+			        <li>Linux</li>
+			        <li>Solaris</li>
+			        <li>....</li>
+			        <li>Win32</li>
+			    </ol>
+		    </ul>
+	    </s3>
+		<p>This organization makes things much easier to understand.
+		And it makes it easier to find which files you need and
+		which are optional. Note that only per-platform files have
+		any hard coded references to specific message loaders or
+		transcoders. So if you don't include the ICU implementations
+		of these services, you don't need to link in ICU or use
+		any ICU headers. The rest of the system works only in
+		terms of the abstraction APIs.</p>
+	</s2>
diff --git a/doc/pparse.xml b/doc/pparse.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..729ca0ef916b0dd6679481b5c5e3c13a9c8b257e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pparse.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 7">
+    <s2 title="PParse">
+        <p>PParse demonstrates progressive parsing.</p>
+        <p>In this example, the programmer doesn't have to depend upon throwing
+            an exception to terminate the parsing operation. Calling parseFirst() will
+            cause the DTD to be parsed (both internal and external subsets) and any
+            pre-content, i.e. everything up to but not including the root element.
+            Subsequent calls to parseNext() will cause one more piece of markup to
+            be parsed, and spit out from the core scanning code to the parser. You
+            can quit the parse any time by just not calling parseNext() anymore
+            and breaking out of the loop. When you call parseNext() and the end
+            of the root element is the next piece of markup, the parser will
+            continue on to the end of the file and return false, to let you 
+			know that the parse is done.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+	        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+	        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+	        build the project marked PParse.</p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd PParse
+	        <p>This will create the object files in the current directory 
+			and the executable named PParse in ' &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' 
+			directory.</p>
+	        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running PParse">
+        	<p>The program looks for the first 16 elements of the XML file, 
+			and reports if successful.</p>
+<source>PParse [-v] &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          	<p>The output is the following:</p>
+<source>Got the required 16 elements.</source>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/program.xml b/doc/program.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..248273613c44abb0c2db2a1b53d944bfd63d7141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/program.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="Programming Guide">
+  <s2 title="SAX Programming Guide">
+    <s3 title="Constructing a parser">
+      <p>In order to use &XercesCName; to parse XML files, you will
+        need to create an instance of the SAXParser class. The example
+        below shows the code you need in order to create an instance
+        of SAXParser. The DocumentHandler and ErrorHandler instances
+        required by the SAX API are provided using the HandlerBase
+        class supplied with &XercesCName;.</p>
+      <source><![CDATA[
+int main (int argc, char* args[]) {
+    try {
+        XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
+    }
+    catch (const XMLException&amp; toCatch) {
+        cout << "Error during initialization! :\n"
+             << toCatch.getMessage() << "\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+    char* xmlFile = "x1.xml";
+    SAXParser* parser = new SAXParser();
+    parser->setDoValidation(true);    // optional.
+    DocumentHandler* docHandler = new HandlerBase();
+    ErrorHandler* errHandler = (ErrorHandler*) docHandler;
+    parser->setDocumentHandler(docHandler);
+    parser->setErrorHandler(errHandler);
+    try {
+        parser->parse(xmlFile);
+    }
+    catch (const XMLException& toCatch) {
+        cout << "\nFile not found: '" << xmlFile << "'\n"
+             << "Exception message is: \n"
+             << toCatch.getMessage() << "\n" ;
+        return -1;
+    }
+        ]]></source>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="Using the SAX API">
+      <p>The SAX API for XML parsers was originally developed for
+        Java.  Please be aware that there is no standard SAX API for
+        C++, and that use of the &XercesCName; SAX API does not
+        guarantee client code compatibility with other C++ XML
+        parsers.</p>
+      <p>The SAX API presents a callback based API to the parser. An
+        application that uses SAX provides an instance of a handler
+        class to the parser. When the parser detects XML constructs,
+        it calls the methods of the handler class, passing them
+        information about the construct that was detected. The most
+        commonly used handler classes are DocumentHandler which is
+        called when XML constructs are recognized, and ErrorHandler
+        which is called when an error occurs. The header files for the
+        various SAX handler classes are in
+        '&lt;&XercesCInstallDir;>/include/sax'</p>
+      <p>As a convenience, &XercesCName; provides the class
+        HandlerBase, which is a single class which is publicly derived
+        from all the Handler classes. HandlerBase's default
+        implementation of the handler callback methods is to do
+        nothing. A convenient way to get started with &XercesCName; is
+        to derive your own handler class from HandlerBase and override
+        just those methods in HandlerBase which you are interested in
+        customizing. This simple example shows how to create a handler
+        which will print element names, and print fatal error
+        messages. The source code for the sample applications show
+        additional examples of how to write handler classes.</p>
+      <p>This is the header file MySAXHandler.hpp:</p>
+      <source><![CDATA[
+#include <sax/HandlerBase.hpp>
+class MySAXHandler : public HandlerBase {
+    void startElement(const XMLCh* const, AttributeList&);
+    void fatalError(const SAXParseException&);
+        ]]></source>
+      <p>This is the implementation file MySAXHandler.cpp:</p>
+      <source><![CDATA[
+#include "MySAXHandler.hpp"
+#include <iostream.h>
+MySAXHandler::startElement(const XMLCh* const name,
+                           AttributeList&amp; attributes)
+    // transcode() is an user application defined function which
+    // converts unicode strings to usual 'char *'. Look at
+    // the sample program SAXCount for an example implementation.
+    cout << "I saw element: " << transcode(name) << endl;
+MySAXHandler::fatalError(const SAXParseException& exception)
+    cout << "Fatal Error: " << transcode(exception.getMessage())
+         << " at line: " << exception.getLineNumber()
+         << endl;
+        ]]></source>
+      <p>The XMLCh and AttributeList types are supplied by
+        &XercesCName; and are documented in the include
+        files. Examples of their usage appear in the source code to
+        the sample applications.</p>
+    </s3>
+  </s2>
+  <s2 title="DOM Programming Guide">
+    <s3 title="Java and C++ DOM comparisons">
+      <p>The C++ DOM API is very similar in design and use, to the
+        Java DOM API bindings. As a consequence, conversion of
+        existing Java code that makes use of the DOM to C++ is a
+        straight forward process.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        This section outlines the differences between Java and C++ bindings.
+      </p>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="Accessing the API from application code">
+// C++
+#include <dom/DOM.hpp>]]></source>
+// Java
+import org.w3c.dom.*]]></source>
+      <p>The header file &lt;dom/DOM.hpp&gt; includes all the
+        individual headers for the DOM API classes. </p>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="Class Names">
+      <p>The C++ class names are prefixed with "DOM_". The intent is
+        to prevent conflicts between DOM class names and other names
+        that may already be in use by an application or other
+        libraries that a DOM based application must link with.</p>
+        <p>The use of C++ namespaces would also have solved this
+        conflict problem, but for the fact that many compilers do not
+        yet support them.</p>
+DOM_Document   myDocument;   // C++
+DOM_Node       aNode;
+DOM_Text       someText;]]></source>
+Document       myDocument;   // Java
+Node           aNode;
+Text           someText;]]></source>
+      <p>If you wish to use the Java class names in C++, then you need
+        to typedef them in C++. This is not advisable for the general
+        case - conflicts really do occur - but can be very useful when
+        converting a body of existing Java code to C++.</p>
+typedef DOM_Document  Document;
+typedef DOM_Node      Node;
+Document   myDocument;        // Now C++ usage is
+                              // indistinguishable from Java
+Node       aNode;]]></source>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="Objects and Memory Management">
+      <p>The C++ DOM implementation uses automatic memory management,
+        implemented using reference counting.  As a result, the C++
+        code for most DOM operations is very similar to the equivalent
+        Java code, right down to the use of factory methods in the DOM
+        document class for nearly all object creation, and the lack of
+        any explicit object deletion.</p>
+      <p>Consider the following code snippets </p>
+// This is C++
+DOM_Node       aNode;
+aNode = someDocument.createElement("ElementName");
+DOM_Node docRootNode = someDoc.getDocumentElement();
+// This is Java
+Node       aNode;
+aNode = someDocument.createElement("ElementName");
+Node docRootNode = someDoc.getDocumentElement();
+      <p>The Java and the C++ are identical on the surface, except for
+        the class names, and this similarity remains true for most DOM
+        code. </p>
+      <p>However, Java and C++ handle objects in somewhat different
+        ways, making it important to understand a little bit of what
+        is going on beneath the surface.</p>
+      <p>In Java, the variable <code>aNode</code> is an object reference ,
+        essentially a pointer. It is initially == null, and references
+        an object only after the assignment statement in the second
+        line of the code.</p>
+      <p>In C++ the variable <code>aNode</code> is, from the C++ language's
+        perspective, an actual live object. It is constructed when the
+        first line of the code executes, and DOM_Node::operator = ()
+        executes at the second line. The C++ class DOM_Node
+        essentially a form of a smart-pointer; it implements much of
+        the behavior of a Java Object Reference variable, and
+        delegates the DOM behaviors to an implementation class that
+        lives behind the scenes. </p>
+      <p>Key points to remember when using the C++ DOM classes:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>Create them as local variables, or as member variables of
+        some other class. Never "new" a DOM object into the heap or
+        make an ordinary C pointer variable to one, as this will
+        greatly confuse the automatic memory management. </li>
+        <li>The "real" DOM objects - nodes, attributes, CData
+        sections, whatever, do live on the heap, are created with the
+        create... methods on class DOM_Document. DOM_Node and the
+        other DOM classes serve as reference variables to the
+        underlying heap objects.</li>
+        <li>The visible DOM classes may be freely copied (assigned),
+        passed as parameters to functions, or returned by value from
+        functions.</li>
+        <li>Memory management of the underlying DOM heap objects is
+        automatic, implemented by means of reference counting. So long
+        as some part of a document can be reached, directly or
+        indirectly, via reference variables that are still alive in
+        the application program, the corresponding document data will
+        stay alive in the heap. When all possible paths of access have
+        been closed off (all of the application's DOM objects have
+        gone out of scope) the heap data itself will be automatically
+        deleted. </li>
+        <li>There are restrictions on the ability to subclass the DOM
+        classes. </li>
+      </ul>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="DOMString">
+      <p>Class DOMString provides the mechanism for passing string
+        data to and from the DOM API. DOMString is not intended to be
+        a completely general string class, but rather to meet the
+        specific needs of the DOM API.</p>
+      <p>The design derives from two primary sources: from the DOM's
+        CharacterData interface and from class java.lang.string</p>
+      <p>Main features are:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>Unicode, with fixed sized 16 bit storage elements.</li>
+        <li>Automatic memory management, using reference counting.</li>
+        <li>DOMStrings are mutable - characters can be inserted,
+        deleted or appended.</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p></p>
+      <p>When a string is passed into a method of the DOM, when
+        setting the value of a Node, for example, the string is cloned
+        so that any subsequent alteration or reuse of the string by
+        the application will not alter the document contents.
+        Similarly, when strings from the document are returned to an
+        application via the DOM API, the string is cloned so that the
+        document can not be inadvertently altered by subsequent edits
+        to the string.</p>
+      <note>The ICU classes are a more general solution to UNICODE
+        character handling for C++ applications.  ICU is an Open
+        Source Unicode library, available at the <jump
+        href="http://www.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/index.html">IBM
+        DeveloperWorks website</jump>.</note>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="Equality Testing">
+      <p>The DOMString equality operators (and all of the rest of the
+        DOM class conventions) are modeled after the Java
+        equivalents. The equals() method compares the content of the
+        string, while the == operator checks whether the string
+        reference variables (the application program variables) refer
+        to the same underlying string in memory. This is also true of
+        DOM_Node, DOM_Element, etc., in that operator == tells whether
+        the variables in the application are referring to the same
+        actual node or not. It's all very Java-like </p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>bool operator == () is true if the DOMString variables
+        refer to the same underlying storage. </li>
+        <li>bool equals() is true if the strings contain the same
+        characters. </li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>Here is an example of how the equality operators work: </p>
+      <source><![CDATA[
+DOMString a = "Hello";
+DOMString b = a;
+DOMString c = a.clone();
+if (b == a)           //  This is true
+if (a == c)           //  This is false
+if (a.equals(c))       //  This is true
+b = b + " World";
+if (b == a)           // Still true, and the string's
+                      //    value is "Hello World"
+if (a.equals(c))      // false.  a is "Hello World";
+                      //    c is still "Hello".
+        ]]></source>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="Downcasting">
+      <p>Application code sometimes must cast an object reference from
+        DOM_Node to one of the classes deriving from DOM_Node,
+        DOM_Element, for example.  The syntax for doing this in C++ is
+        different from that in Java.</p>
+// This is C++
+DOM_Node       aNode = someFunctionReturningNode();
+DOM_Element    el = (Element &) aNode;]]></source>
+// This is Java
+Node       aNode = someFunctionReturningNode();
+Element    el = (Element) aNode;]]></source>
+      <p>The C++ cast is not type-safe; the Java cast is checked for
+        compatible types at runtime.  If necessary, a type-check can
+        be made in C++ using the node type information: </p>
+// This is C++
+DOM_Node       aNode = someFunctionReturningNode();
+DOM_Element    el;    // by default, el will == null.
+if (anode.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
+   el = (Element &) aNode;
+   // aNode does not refer to an element.
+   // Do something to recover here.]]></source>
+    </s3>
+    <s3 title="Subclassing">
+      <p>The C++ DOM classes, DOM_Node, DOM_Attr, DOM_Document, etc.,
+        are not designed to be subclassed by an application
+        program. </p>
+      <p>As an alternative, the DOM_Node class provides a User Data
+        field for use by applications as a hook for extending nodes by
+        referencing additional data or objects.  See the API
+        description for DOM_Node for details.</p>
+    </s3>
+  </s2>
diff --git a/doc/readme.xml b/doc/readme.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d84c3e6df0c8b827f00d75e8cf6e49f70ede65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/readme.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCFullName;">
+    <s2 title="&XercesCName;++ Version &XercesCVersion;">
+		<p>&XercesCName; is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++.
+		&XercesCName; makes it easy to give your application the ability to read and write 
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/XML/">XML</jump> data. 
+		A shared library is	provided for parsing, generating, manipulating, and validating XML
+		documents. &XercesCName; is faithful to the 
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210">XML 1.0</jump> recommendation
+		and associated standards (
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/level-one-core.html">DOM 1.0</jump>, 
+		<jump href="http://www.megginson.com/SAX/index.html">SAX 1.0</jump>, 
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/">Namespaces</jump>). It also provides
+		early implementations of 
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/CR-DOM-Level-2-19991210/">DOM Level 2 version 1.0</jump> 
+		and soon it will support
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Schemas.html">XMLSchema</jump>, both the 
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/structures.html">Structures</jump> and the 
+		<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/datatypes.html">Datatypes</jump>. 
+		The parser provides high performance, modularity, and scalability.
+		Source code, samples and API documentation are provided with the parser. For
+		portability, care has been taken to make minimal use of templates,
+		no RTTI, no C++ namespaces, limited use of exceptions and minimal
+		use of #ifdefs.</p>
+		<p>&XercesCName; is fully compliant with 
+		<jump href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/standard/versions/Unicode3.0.html">Unicode 3.0</jump> 
+		specification, making it the first Unicode 3.0 compliant application.</p>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Applications of the &XercesCProjectName; Parser">
+		<p>&XercesCProjectName; has rich generating and validating capabilities. The parser is used for:</p>
+		<ul>
+		    <li>Building XML-savvy Web servers</li>
+		    <li>Building next generation of vertical applications that use XML as
+		      their data format</li>
+		    <li>On-the-fly validation for creating XML editors</li>
+		    <li>Ensuring the integrity of e-business data expressed in XML</li>
+		    <li>Building truly internationalized XML applications</li>
+		</ul>
+	</s2>
+	<s2 title="Features">
+		<ul>
+			<li>Conforms to <jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210">XML Spec 1.0</jump></li>
+			<li>Tracking of latest 
+			<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/level-one-core.html">DOM (Level 1.0)</jump>, 
+			<jump href="http://www.megginson.com/SAX/index.html">SAX</jump> and 
+			<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/">Namespace</jump> specifications.</li>
+			<li>Experimental 
+			<jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/CR-DOM-Level-2-19991210/">DOM Level 2.0</jump> implementation</li>
+			<li>Source code, samples, and documentation is provided.</li>
+			<li>Programmatic generation and validation of XML</li>
+			<li>Pluggable catalogs, validators and encodings</li>
+			<li>High performance</li>
+			<li>Customizable error handling</li>
+		</ul>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="Platforms with Binaries">
+	    <ul>
+	        <li>Win32 (MSVC 6.0 compiler)</li>
+	        <li>Linux (RedHat 6.0)</li>
+	        <li>Solaris 2.6</li>
+	        <li>AIX 4.1.5 and higher</li>
+	        <li>HP-UX 10.2 (aCC and CC)</li>
+	        <li>HP-UX 11 (aCC and CC)</li>
+	    </ul>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="Platforms Coming Soon">
+	    <ul>
+	        <li>FreeBSD</li>
+	        <li>SGI IRIX</li>
+	        <li>Unixware</li>
+	        <li>OS/390</li>
+	        <li>OS/2</li>
+	        <li>AS/400</li>
+	        <li>and more!</li>
+	    </ul>
+    </s2>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/redirect.xml b/doc/redirect.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a00d5becfb2af430ffb66a748a99ece06ade313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/redirect.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 6">
+    <s2 title="Redirect">
+        <p>Redirect uses the SAX EntityResolver handler to redirect the 
+		input stream for external entities. It installs an entity 
+		resolver, traps the call to the external DTD file and redirects 
+		it to another specific file which contains the actual DTD.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+        build the project marked Redirect.
+        </p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd Redirect
+        <p>
+        This will create the object files in the current directory and the executable named
+        Redirect in '&XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
+        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running Redirect">
+          <p>This program illustrates how a XML application can use the SAX EntityResolver
+                   handler to redirect the input stream for external entities. It installs an entity
+                   resolver, traps the call to the external DTD file and redirects it to another specific
+                   file which contains the actual DTD.</p>
+                    <p>The program then counts and reports the number of elements and attributes in
+                   the given XML file.</p>
+<source>Redirect [-v] &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>The -v option is used to invoke the Validating SAX Parser instead.</p>
+                   <p>When invoked as follows:</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+Redirect -v personal.xml</source>
+          <p>The output is the following:</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+Redirect -v personal.xml
+personal.xml: 30 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars)</source>
+          <p>External files required to run this sample are 'personal.xml', 'personal.dtd' and
+             'redirect.dtd', which are all present in the 'samples/data' directory. Make sure
+             that you run redirect in the samples/data directory.</p>
+             <p>The 'resolveEntity' callback in this sample looks for an external entity with
+             system id as 'personal.dtd'. When it is asked to resolve this particular external
+             entity, it creates and returns a new InputSource for the file 'redirect.dtd'.</p>
+             <p>A real-world XML application can similarly do application specific processing
+             when encountering external entities. For example, an application might want to
+             redirect all references to entities outside of its domain to local cached copies.</p>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/releases.xml b/doc/releases.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bdd7aaed81ad8640ffdd147d9c58bd9cf13ef9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/releases.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="Releases">
+<s2 title="&XercesCFullName; Version 1.1.0: January 28, 2000">
+        <ul>
+        <li>Simplified platform support (removed need to support local standard output streams or to find the location of the parser DLL/SharedLib.)</li>
+				<li>Added support for the NetAccessor plug in abstraction, which allows the parser to support HTTP/FTP based data sources</li>
+				<li>Added EBCDIC-US and ISO-8859-1 as intrinsic encodings</li>
+				<li>Added more DOM Level II features</li>
+				<li>Support for ICU 1.4, which makes &XercesCName; Unicode 3.0 compliant when using ICU</li>
+				<li>New samples and tests (DOM test, programmatic DOM sample, thread test)</li>
+				<li>Added support for multiply nested entities using relative paths or URLs</li>
+				<li>Significant internal architecture improvements in the handling of encodings and transcoding services.</li>
+        </ul>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="&XercesCFullName; Version 1.0.1: December 15, 1999">
+        <ul>
+            <li>Port to Solaris.</li>
+            <li>Improved error recovery and clarified error messages.</li>
+            <li>Added DOMTest program.</li>
+        </ul>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="&XercesCFullName; Version 1.0.0: December 7, 1999">
+        <ul>
+            <li>Released &XercesCName; after incorporating ICU as a value-added plug-in.</li>
+            <li>Has bug fixes, better conformance, better speed and cleaner internal internal architecture</li>
+            <li>Three additional samples added: PParse, StdInParse and EnumVal</li>
+            <li>Experimental DOM Level 2 support</li>
+            <li>Support for namespaces</li>
+            <li>Loadable message text enabling future translations to be easily plugged-in</li>
+            <li>Pluggable validators</li>
+            <li>Pluggable transcoders</li>
+            <li>Reorganized the util directory to better manage different platforms and compilers</li>
+        </ul>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="&XercesCFullName; November 5, 1999">
+        <ul>
+            <li>Created initial code base derived from IBM's XML4C Version 2.0</li>
+            <li>Modified documentation to reflect new name (Xerces-C)</li>
+        </ul>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/samples.xml b/doc/samples.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..220b76f1f841bc3affd5e34de43b3b19048e6ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/samples.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Samples">
+    <s2 title="Building the Samples">
+    <p>&XercesCName; comes packaged with nine sample applications that
+    demonstrate salient features of the parser using simple
+    applications written on top of the SAX and DOM APIs provided by
+    the parser.</p>
+    <p>Once you have set up your PATH variable, you can run the
+    samples by opening a command window (or your shell prompt for
+    UNIX environments). Sample XML data files are provided in the
+    samples/data directory.</p>
+    <p>The installation process for the samples is same on all UNIX
+    platforms.
+    Note that <em>runConfigure</em> is just a helper script and you are free to
+    use <em>./configure</em> with the correct parameters to make it work
+    on any platform-compiler combination of your choice. The script needs the following parameters:
+    </p>
+<source>Usage: runConfigure "options"
+       where options may be any of the following:
+       -p &lt;platform&gt; (accepts 'aix', 'linux', 'solaris', 'hp-10', 'hp-11')
+       -c &lt;C compiler name&gt; (e.g. gcc, xlc_r, cc or aCC)
+       -x &lt;C++ compiler name&gt; (e.g. g++, xlC_r, CC or aCC)
+       -d (specifies that you want to build debug version)
+       -h (get help on the above commands)</source>
+    <note><em>NOTE:</em>The code samples in this section assume that you are are working on the Linux binary drop.
+    If you are using some other UNIX flavor, please replace '-linux' with the appropriate
+    platform name in the code samples.</note>
+    </s2>
+    <s2 title="Running the Samples">
+    <p>The sample applications are dependent on the &XercesCName; shared library
+		(and could also depend on the ICU library if you built &XercesCName; with ICU).
+		Therefore, on Windows platforms you must make sure that your <code>PATH</code> 
+		environment variable is set properly to pick up these shared libraries at
+		runtime.</p>
+		<p>On UNIX platforms you must ensure that <ref>LIBPATH</ref>
+		environment variable is set properly to pick up the shared libraries at 
+		runtime. (UNIX gurus will understand here that <ref>LIBPATH</ref> actually 
+		translates to <em>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</em> on Solaris and Linux, <em>SHLIB_PATH</em> on HP-UX
+		and stays as <em>LIBPATH</em> on AIX).</p>
+		<p>To set you LIBPATH (on AIX for example), you would type:</p>
+<source>export LIBPATH=&XercesCInstallDir;/lib:$LIBPATH</source>
+		<p>&#160;</p>
+		<s3 title="&XercesCName; Samples">
+			<ul>
+				<li><link idref="saxcount">SAXCount</link>
+					<br/>SAXCount counts the elements, attributes, spaces and 
+					characters in an XML file.</li>
+				<li><link idref="saxprint">SAXPrint</link>
+					<br/>SAXPrint parses an XML file and prints it out.</li>
+				<li><link idref="domcount">DOMCount</link>
+					<br/>DOMCount counts the elements in a XML file.</li>
+				<li><link idref="domprint">DOMPrint</link>
+					<br/>DOMPrint parses an XML file and prints it out.</li>
+				<li><link idref="memparse">MemParse</link>
+					<br/>MemParse parses XML in a memory buffer, outputing the number of elements and attributes.</li>
+				<li><link idref="redirect">Redirect</link>
+					<br/>Redirect redirects the input stream for external entities.</li>
+				<li><link idref="pparse">PParse</link>
+					<br/>PParse demonstrates progressive parsing.</li>
+				<li><link idref="stdinparse">StdInParse</link>
+					<br/>StdInParse demonstrates streaming XML data from standard input.</li>
+				<li><link idref="enumval">EnumVal</link>
+					<br/>EnumVal shows how to enumerate the markup decls in a DTD Validator.</li>
+				<li><link idref="createdoc">CreateDOMDocument</link>
+					<br/>CreateDOMDocument creates a DOM tree in memory from scratch.</li>
+			</ul>
+		</s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/saxcount.xml b/doc/saxcount.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cea6d43a61ad511a506a9a0d087ae32f1db51caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/saxcount.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 1">
+    <s2 title="SAXCount">
+        <p>SAXCount is the simplest application that counts the elements and characters of
+        a given XML file using the (event based) SAX API.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+	        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+	        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+	        build the project marked SAXCount.</p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd SAXCount
+	        <p>This will create the object files in the current directory 
+			and the executable named
+	        SAXCount in '&XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
+	        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running SAXCount">
+          <p>The SAXCount sample parses an XML file and prints out a count of the number of
+          elements in the file. To run SAXCount, enter the following </p>
+<source>SAXCount &lt;XML File&gt;</source>
+          <p>To use the validating parser, use </p>
+<source>SAXCount -v &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>Here is a sample output from SAXCount</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+SAXCount -v personal.xml
+personal.xml: 60 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars)</source>
+          <p>Running SAXCount with the validating parser gives a different result because
+          ignorable white-space is counted separately from regular characters.</p>
+<source>SAXCount personal.xml
+personal.xml: 10 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars)</source>
+          <p>Note that the sum of spaces and chracters in both versions is the same.</p>
+          <note>The time reported by the program may be different depending on your
+          machine processor.</note>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/saxprint.xml b/doc/saxprint.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ddef3d50784122e2c829c59f3c70146fa7a68d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/saxprint.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 2">
+    <s2 title="SAXPrint">
+        <p>SAXPrint uses the SAX APIs to parse an XML file and print it back. 
+		Notice that the output of this file is not exactly the same as 
+		the input (in terms of whitespaces), but the output has the same 
+		information content as the input.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+	        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+	        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+	        build the project marked SAXPrint.
+	        </p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd SAXPrint
+        <p>This will create the object files in the current directory and 
+		the executable named SAXPrint in '&XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' 
+		directory.</p>
+        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+<source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running SAXPrint">
+          <p>The SAXPrint sample parses an XML file and prints out a count of the number of
+          elements in the file. To run SAXPrint, enter the following </p>
+<source>SAXPrint &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>To use the validating parser, use </p>
+<source>SAXPrint -v &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>Here is a sample output from SAXPrint</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+SAXPrint -v personal.xml
+  &lt;person id="Big.Boss"&gt;
+    &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Boss&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Big&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+    &lt;email&gt;chief@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+    &lt;link subordinates="one.worker two.worker three.worker 
+	                       four.worker five.worker"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+  &lt;/person&gt;
+  &lt;person id="one.worker"&gt;
+    &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;One&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+    &lt;email&gt;one@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+    &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+  &lt;/person&gt;
+  &lt;person id="two.worker"&gt;
+    &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Two&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+    &lt;email&gt;two@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+    &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+  &lt;/person&gt;
+  &lt;person id="three.worker"&gt;
+    &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Three&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+    &lt;email&gt;three@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+    &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+  &lt;/person&gt;
+  &lt;person id="four.worker"&gt;
+    &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Four&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+    &lt;email&gt;four@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+    &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+  &lt;/person&gt;
+  &lt;person id="five.worker"&gt;
+    &lt;name&gt;&lt;family&gt;Worker&lt;/family&gt; &lt;given&gt;Five&lt;/given&gt;&lt;/name&gt;
+    &lt;email&gt;five@foo.com&lt;/email&gt;
+    &lt;link manager="Big.Boss"&gt;&lt;/link&gt;
+  &lt;/person&gt;
+          <note>SAXPrint does not reproduce the original XML file. 
+		  Also SAXPrint and DOMPrint produce different results because of 
+		  the way the two APIs store data and capture events.</note>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/stdinparse.xml b/doc/stdinparse.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..660ce85cc83b9f09e17f79a484ba0822fe46eee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/stdinparse.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
+<s1 title="&XercesCName; Sample 8">
+    <s2 title="StdInParse">
+        <p>StdInParse demonstrates streaming XML data from standard input.</p>
+        <s3 title="Building on Windows">
+	        <p>Load the &XercesCInstallDir;-win32\samples\Projects\Win32\VC6\samples.dsw
+	        Microsoft Visual C++ workspace inside your MSVC IDE. Then
+	        build the project marked StdInParse.</p>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Building on UNIX">
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples
+./runConfigure -p&lt;platform&gt; -c&lt;C_compiler&gt; -x&lt;C++_compiler&gt;
+cd StdInParse
+        <p>This will create the object files in the current directory 
+			and the executable named
+	        StdInParse in ' &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/bin' directory.</p>
+	        <p>To delete all the generated object files and executables, type</p>
+ <source>gmake clean</source>
+        </s3>
+        <s3 title="Running StdInParse">
+          <p>The StdInParse sample parses an XML file and prints out a 
+		  count of the number of
+          elements in the file. To run StdInParse, enter the following: </p>
+<source>StdInParse &lt; &lt;XML file&gt;</source>
+          <p>Here is a sample output from StdInParse</p>
+<source>cd &XercesCInstallDir;-linux/samples/data
+StdInParse &lt; personal.xml
+personal.xml: 60 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars)</source>
+          <note>The time reported by the program may be different depending on your
+          machine processor.</note>
+        </s3>
+    </s2>
diff --git a/doc/xerces-c_book.xml b/doc/xerces-c_book.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a50258e07947a6b4ffe9e511d93939bacbf85072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/xerces-c_book.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/book.dtd">
+<book title="Xerces-C documentation" copyright="2000 The Apache Software Foundation">
+  <external href="../index.html"  label="Home"/>
+  <separator/>
+  <document id="index"       label="Readme"       source="readme.xml"     />
+  <document id="install"     label="Installation" source="install.xml"    />
+  <document id="build"       label="Build"        source="build.xml"      />
+  <separator/>
+  <document id="api"         label="API Docs"     source="apidocs.xml"    />
+  <document id="samples"     label="Samples"      source="samples.xml"    />
+  			<hidden id="saxcount"	source="saxcount.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="saxprint"	source="saxprint.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="domcount"	source="domcount.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="domprint"	source="domprint.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="memparse"	source="memparse.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="redirect"	source="redirect.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="pparse"		source="pparse.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="stdinparse"	source="stdinparse.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="enumval"	source="enumval.xml"/>
+  			<hidden id="createdoc"	source="createdoc.xml"/>
+  <document id="program"     label="Programming"  source="program.xml"    />
+  <group    id="faqs"        label="FAQs">
+    <entry  id="faq-distrib"                      source="faq-distrib.xml"/>
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