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It is created and filled // in when the platform init calls our initTransService() method. // // gDisallow1 // gDisallowX // These area small set of encoding names that, for temporary reasons, // we disallow at this time. // // gDisallowList // gDisallowListSize // An array of the disallow strings, for easier searching below. // // gDisallowPre // All of the disallowed encodings start with 'IBM', so we have a prefix // we can check for and quickly decide if we need to search the list. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static RefHashTableOf<ENameMap>* gMappings = 0; static XMLCh gDisallow1[] = { chLatin_I, chLatin_B, chLatin_M, chDash, chDigit_0, chDigit_3 , chDigit_7, chNull }; static XMLCh gDisallow2[] = { chLatin_I, chLatin_B, chLatin_M, chDash, chDigit_3, chDigit_7, chNull }; static XMLCh gDisallow3[] = { chLatin_I, chLatin_B, chLatin_M, chDash, chDigit_0, chDigit_3 , chDigit_7, chDash, chLatin_S, chDigit_3, chDigit_9, chDigit_0, chNull }; static XMLCh gDisallow4[] = { chLatin_I, chLatin_B, chLatin_M, chDash, chDigit_3, chDigit_7, chDash , chLatin_S, chDigit_3, chDigit_9, chDigit_0, chNull }; static XMLCh gDisallow5[] = { chLatin_I, chLatin_B, chLatin_M, chDash, chDigit_1, chDigit_1 , chDigit_4, chDigit_0, chNull }; static XMLCh gDisallow6[] = { chLatin_I, chLatin_B, chLatin_M, chDash, chDigit_1, chDigit_1 , chDigit_4, chDigit_0, chDash, chLatin_S, chDigit_3 , chDigit_9, chDigit_0, chNull }; static const unsigned int gDisallowListSize = 6; static XMLCh* gDisallowList[gDisallowListSize] = { gDisallow1, gDisallow2, gDisallow3, gDisallow4, gDisallow5, gDisallow6 }; static XMLCh gDisallowPre[] = { chLatin_I, chLatin_B, chLatin_M, chNull }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMTransService: Constructors and destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLTransService::XMLTransService() { } XMLTransService::~XMLTransService() { delete gMappings; // The contents of the gMappings hash table are owned by gMappings = 0; // the it, and so will be deleted by gMapping's destructor. } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allow user specific encodings to be added to the mappings table. // Should be called after platform init // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMLTransService::addEncoding(const XMLCh* const encoding, ENameMap* const ownMapping) { if (gMappings) { gMappings->put((void *) encoding, ownMapping); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMTranscoder: Non-virtual API // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLTranscoder* XMLTransService::makeNewTranscoderFor( const char* const encodingName , XMLTransService::Codes& resValue , const unsigned int blockSize) { XMLCh* tmpName = XMLString::transcode(encodingName); ArrayJanitor<XMLCh> janName(tmpName); return makeNewTranscoderFor(tmpName, resValue, blockSize); } XMLTranscoder* XMLTransService::makeNewTranscoderFor( const XMLCh* const encodingName , XMLTransService::Codes& resValue , const unsigned int blockSize) { // // First try to find it in our list of mappings to intrinsically // supported encodings. We have to upper case the passed encoding // name because we use a hash table and we stored all our mappings // in all uppercase. // const unsigned int bufSize = 2048; XMLCh upBuf[bufSize + 1]; if (!XMLString::copyNString(upBuf, encodingName, bufSize)) { resValue = XMLTransService::InternalFailure; return 0; } XMLString::upperCase(upBuf); ENameMap* ourMapping = gMappings->get(upBuf); // If we found it, then call the factory method for it if (ourMapping) { XMLTranscoder* temp = ourMapping->makeNew(blockSize); resValue = temp ? XMLTransService::Ok : XMLTransService::InternalFailure; return temp; } // // For now, we have a little list of encodings that we disallow // explicitly. So lets check for them up front. They all start with // IBM, so we can do a quick check to see if we should even do // anything at all. // if (XMLString::startsWith(upBuf, gDisallowPre)) { for (unsigned int index = 0; index < gDisallowListSize; index++) { // If its one of our guys, then pretend we don't understand it if (!XMLString::compareString(upBuf, gDisallowList[index])) { resValue = XMLTransService::UnsupportedEncoding; return 0; } } } // // It wasn't an intrinsic and it wasn't disallowed, so pass it on // to the trans service to see if he can make anything of it. // XMLTranscoder* temp = makeNewXMLTranscoder(encodingName, resValue, blockSize); // if successful, set resValue to OK // if failed, the makeNewXMLTranscoder has already set the proper failing resValue if (temp) resValue = XMLTransService::Ok; return temp; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMTranscoder: Public Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLTranscoder::~XMLTranscoder() { delete [] fEncodingName; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMTranscoder: Hidden Constructors // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLTranscoder::XMLTranscoder(const XMLCh* const encodingName , const unsigned int blockSize) : fEncodingName(0) , fBlockSize(blockSize) { fEncodingName = XMLString::replicate(encodingName); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMTranscoder: Protected helpers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMLTranscoder::checkBlockSize(const unsigned int toCheck) { // if (toCheck > fBlockSize) // ThrowXML(TranscodingException, XMLExcepts::Trans_BadBlockSize); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMLCPTranscoder: Public Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLLCPTranscoder::XMLLCPTranscoder() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMTranscoder: Hidden Constructors // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLLCPTranscoder::~XMLLCPTranscoder() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XLMTranscoder: Hidden Init Method // // This is called by platform utils during startup. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMLTransService::initTransService() { // // Create our hash table that we will fill with mappings. The default // is to adopt the elements, which is fine with us. // gMappings = new RefHashTableOf<ENameMap>(103); // // Add in the magical mapping for the native XMLCh transcoder. This // is used for internal entities. // gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgXMLChEncodingString, new ENameMapFor<XMLChTranscoder>(XMLUni::fgXMLChEncodingString)); // // Add in our mappings for ASCII. // gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString, new ENameMapFor<XMLASCIITranscoder>(XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString2, new ENameMapFor<XMLASCIITranscoder>(XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString2)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString3, new ENameMapFor<XMLASCIITranscoder>(XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString3)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString4, new ENameMapFor<XMLASCIITranscoder>(XMLUni::fgUSASCIIEncodingString4)); // // Add in our mappings for UTF-8 // gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgUTF8EncodingString, new ENameMapFor<XMLUTF8Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgUTF8EncodingString)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgUTF8EncodingString2, new ENameMapFor<XMLUTF8Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgUTF8EncodingString2)); // // Add in our mappings for Latin1 // gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString2, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString2)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString3, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString3)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString4, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString4)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString5, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString5)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString6, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString6)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString7, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString7)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString8, new ENameMapFor<XML88591Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgISO88591EncodingString8)); // // Add in our mappings for UTF-16 and UCS-4, little endian // bool swapped = false; #if defined(ENDIANMODE_BIG) swapped = true; #endif gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16LEncodingString, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16LEncodingString , swapped ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16LEncodingString2, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16LEncodingString2 , swapped ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUCS4LEncodingString, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUCS4Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUCS4LEncodingString , swapped ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUCS4LEncodingString2, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUCS4Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUCS4LEncodingString2 , swapped ) ); // // Add in our mappings for UTF-16 and UCS-4, big endian // swapped = false; #if defined(ENDIANMODE_LITTLE) swapped = true; #endif gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16BEncodingString, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16BEncodingString , swapped ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16BEncodingString2, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16BEncodingString2 , swapped ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUCS4BEncodingString, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUCS4Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUCS4BEncodingString , swapped ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUCS4BEncodingString2, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUCS4Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUCS4BEncodingString2 , swapped ) ); // // Add in our mappings for UTF-16 and UCS-4 which does not indicate endian // assumes the same endian encoding as the OS // gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString , false ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString2, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString2 , false ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString3, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString3 , false ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString4, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUTF16Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUTF16EncodingString4 , false ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUCS4EncodingString, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUCS4Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUCS4EncodingString , false ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUCS4EncodingString2, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUCS4Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUCS4EncodingString2 , false ) ); gMappings->put ( (void*)XMLUni::fgUCS4EncodingString3, new EEndianNameMapFor<XMLUCS4Transcoder> ( XMLUni::fgUCS4EncodingString3 , false ) ); // // Add in our mappings for IBM037, and the one alias we support for // it, which is EBCDIC-CP-US. // gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgIBM037EncodingString, new ENameMapFor<XMLEBCDICTranscoder>(XMLUni::fgIBM037EncodingString)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgIBM037EncodingString2, new ENameMapFor<XMLEBCDICTranscoder>(XMLUni::fgIBM037EncodingString2)); // // Add in our mappings for IBM037 with Euro update, i.e. IBM1140. It // has alias IBM01140, the one suggested by IANA // gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgIBM1140EncodingString, new ENameMapFor<XMLIBM1140Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgIBM1140EncodingString)); gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgIBM1140EncodingString2, new ENameMapFor<XMLIBM1140Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgIBM1140EncodingString2)); // // Add in our mappings for Windows-1252. We don't have any aliases for // this one, so there is just one mapping. // gMappings->put((void*)XMLUni::fgWin1252EncodingString, new ENameMapFor<XMLWin1252Transcoder>(XMLUni::fgWin1252EncodingString)); }