from dictwrapper.dictwrapper import DictWrapper # from import Storage # To be used later from schema import Schema, Or, Optional, Use, And, Schema, SchemaError from import NestedSchema class ParsCfgHasProperFormat(object): def validate(self, data: dict) -> dict: format = data['format'] if isinstance(format, str): nelements = 1 else: nelements = len(format) dtin = DictWrapper(data) for key, subdata in dtin['variables'].walkitems(): if isinstance(subdata, tuple): if len(subdata)==nelements: continue else: if nelements==1: continue key = ".".join(str(k) for k in key) raise SchemaError(f'Key "{key}" has value "{subdata}"" inconsistent with format "{format}"') return data IsNumber = Or(float, int, error='Invalid number "{}", expect int of float') IsNumberOrTuple = Or(IsNumber, (IsNumber,), error='Invalid number/tuple {}') IsLabel = Or({ 'text': str, Optional('latex'): str, Optional('graph'): str, Optional('mark'): str, Optional('name'): str }, And(str, Use(lambda s: {'text': s}), error='Invalid string: {}') ) IsValuesDict = NestedSchema(IsNumberOrTuple) IsLabelsDict = NestedSchema(IsLabel, processdicts=True) def IsFormatOk(format): if not isinstance(format, tuple): return format=='value' if len(format)==1: f1,=format return f1=='value' else: if len(format)==2: f1, f3 = format elif len(format)==3: f1, f2, f3 = format if f2 not in ('value', 'central') or f1==f2: return False else: return False if f3 not in ('sigma_absolute', 'sigma_relative', 'sigma_percent'): return False return f1 in ('value', 'central') IsFormat = Schema(IsFormatOk, error='Invalid variable format "{}".') IsVarsCfgDict = Schema({ 'variables': IsValuesDict, 'labels': IsLabelsDict, 'format': IsFormat }) IsProperVarsCfg = And(IsVarsCfgDict, ParsCfgHasProperFormat()) def process_var_fixed1(vcfg, _, __): return {'central': vcfg, 'value': vcfg, 'sigma': None} def process_var_fixed2(vcfg, format, hascentral) -> dict: ret = dict(zip(format, vcfg)) if hascentral: ret.setdefault('value', ret['central']) else: ret.setdefault('central', ret['value']) ret['sigma'] = None return ret def process_var_absolute(vcfg, format, hascentral) -> dict: ret = process_var_fixed2(vcfg, format, hascentral) ret['sigma'] = ret['sigma_absolute'] return ret def process_var_relative(vcfg, format, hascentral) -> dict: ret = process_var_fixed2(vcfg, format, hascentral) ret['sigma'] = ret['sigma_relative']*ret['central'] return ret def process_var_percent(vcfg, format, hascentral) -> dict: ret = process_var_fixed2(vcfg, format, hascentral) ret['sigma'] = 0.01*ret['sigma_percent']*ret['central'] return ret def get_format_processor(format): if isinstance(format, str): return process_var_fixed1 errfmt = format[-1] if not errfmt.startswith('sigma'): return process_var_fixed2 if errfmt.endswith('_absolute'): return process_var_absolute elif errfmt.endswith('_relative'): return process_var_relative else: return process_var_percent def iterate_varcfgs(cfg: DictWrapper): variablescfg = cfg['variables'] labelscfg = cfg['labels'] format = cfg['format'] hascentral = 'central' in format process = get_format_processor(format) for key, varcfg in variablescfg.walkitems(): varcfg = process(varcfg, format, hascentral) try: varcfg['label'] = labelscfg[key] except KeyError: varcfg['label'] = {} yield key, varcfg from dagflow.variable import Parameters def load_variables(acfg): cfg = IsProperVarsCfg.validate(acfg) cfg = DictWrapper(cfg) ret = DictWrapper({}, sep='.') print('go') for key, varcfg in iterate_varcfgs(cfg): skey = '.'.join(key) label = varcfg['label'] label['key'] = skey label.setdefault('text', skey) print(skey, varcfg) ret[key] = Parameters.from_numbers(**varcfg) return ret