diff --git a/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/CMakeLists.txt b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b35957aebdcf428770521dd13169739ae081115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+gaudi_subdir(G2CDArbor v0r0)
+find_package(DD4hep COMPONENTS DDG4 REQUIRED)
+find_package(EDM4HEP REQUIRED)
+find_package(GEAR REQUIRED)
+find_package(GSL REQUIRED ) 
+find_package(LCIO REQUIRED ) 
+find_package(podio REQUIRED ) 
+find_package(K4FWCore REQUIRED)
+    Service/GearSvc
+    Detector/DetInterface
+set(G2CDArbor_srcs src/*.cpp)
+# Modules
+gaudi_add_module(G2CDArbor ${G2CDArbor_srcs}
+    EDM4HEP::edm4hep EDM4HEP::edm4hepDict
diff --git a/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/G2CDArborAlg.cpp b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/G2CDArborAlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e36e5ac7e44011caa8b3bdd5db6621ba783d3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/G2CDArborAlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+#include "G2CDArborAlg.h"
+#include "edm4hep/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "edm4hep/CalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "edm4hep/Vector3f.h"
+#include "cellIDDecoder.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
+#include "DD4hep/IDDescriptor.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Plugins.h"
+// #include <EVENT/LCCollection.h>
+// #include <EVENT/MCParticle.h>
+// #include <EVENT/SimCalorimeterHit.h>
+// #include <EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h>
+// #include <EVENT/LCFloatVec.h>
+// #include <EVENT/LCParameters.h>
+// #include <IMPL/CalorimeterHitImpl.h>
+// #include <IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h>
+// #include <IMPL/LCFlagImpl.h>
+// #include <IMPL/LCRelationImpl.h>
+// #include "UTIL/CellIDDecoder.h"
+// #include "DetectorPos.hh"
+#include <values.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TTree.h>
+#include <Rtypes.h>
+#include <TMath.h>
+#include <TF1.h>
+#include <TMath.h>
+#include <TRandom.h>
+#include <TVector3.h>
+using namespace std;
+// using namespace lcio ;
+// using namespace marlin ;
+// const double pi = acos(-1.0);
+struct DigiHit {
+     int   digihitCellID0; 
+     int   digihitCellID1;
+     float digihitCharge; 
+     float digihitEnergyDepo; 
+     int   digihitNum1mmCell; 
+     float PosX;
+     float PosY;
+     float PosZ; 
+     float LeadChargeDepo; 
+     float ChargeShare; 
+     edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit * LeadSimCaloHit; 
+} ;
+//std::map <int, std::pair<float, float> >WeightVector;
+float ChanceOfKink = 0.1;
+float KinkHitChargeBoost = 2.2; 
+// G2CDArborAlg aG2CDArborAlg ;
+G2CDArborAlg::G2CDArborAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
+     : GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc), m_dd4hep_geo(nullptr), m_decoder(nullptr),
+          _output(0), m_pi(acos(-1.0)), _eventNr(0)
+//     m_pi = acos(-1.0);
+     // _description = "Gaseous Calorimeter Digitizer: take 1mm Simulated Hits as input";
+     // std::vector<std::string> ecalCollections;
+     // ecalCollections.push_back(std::string("EcalBarrelSiliconCollection"));
+     // ecalCollections.push_back(std::string("EcalEndcapSiliconCollection"));
+     // ecalCollections.push_back(std::string("EcalEndcapRingCollection"));
+     // registerInputCollections( LCIO::SIMCALORIMETERHIT,
+     // 			       "ECALCollections" ,
+     // 			       "Input ECAL Hits Collection Names" ,
+     // 			       _ecalCollections ,
+     // 			       ecalCollections);
+     // std::vector<std::string> outputEcalCollections;
+     // outputEcalCollections.push_back(std::string("ECALBarrel"));
+     // outputEcalCollections.push_back(std::string("ECALEndcap"));
+     // outputEcalCollections.push_back(std::string("ECALOther"));
+     // registerProcessorParameter("DigiECALCollection" ,
+     // 				"Name of Digitized ECAL Hit Collections" ,
+     // 				_outputEcalCollections,
+     // 				outputEcalCollections);
+     // std::vector<std::string> EcalPreShowerCollections;
+     // EcalPreShowerCollections.push_back("EcalBarrelSiliconPreShowerCollection");
+     // EcalPreShowerCollections.push_back("EcalEndcapRingPreShowerCollection");
+     // EcalPreShowerCollections.push_back("EcalEndcapSiliconPreShowerCollection");
+     // registerInputCollections( LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT,      //adding a flag to Calo /SimCalo
+     // 			       "HcalHitCollections" ,
+     // 			       "Hit Collection Names" ,
+     // 			       _EcalPreShowerCollections ,
+     // 			       EcalPreShowerCollections);
+     // std::vector<float> calibrEcal;
+     // calibrEcal.push_back(40.91);
+     // calibrEcal.push_back(81.81);
+     // registerProcessorParameter("CalibrECAL" ,
+     // 				"Calibration coefficients for ECAL" ,
+     // 				_calibCoeffEcal,
+     // 				calibrEcal);
+     // registerProcessorParameter("NumThinEcalLayer" ,
+     // 				"Num of thiner Ecal layers" ,
+     // 				_NEcalThinLayer,
+     // 				20);
+     // registerProcessorParameter("ECALThreshold" ,
+     // 				"Threshold for ECAL Hits in GeV" ,
+     // 				_thresholdEcal,
+     // 				(float)5.0e-5);
+     // registerProcessorParameter("HCALThreshold" ,
+     // 				"Threshold for HCAL Hits in GeV" ,
+     // 				_thresholdHcal,
+     // 				(float)0.11);
+     // std::vector<std::string> hcalCollections;
+     // hcalCollections.push_back(std::string("HcalBarrelRegCollection"));
+     // hcalCollections.push_back(std::string("HcalEndcapsCollection"));
+     // hcalCollections.push_back(std::string("HcalEndcapRingsCollection"));
+     // registerInputCollections( LCIO::SIMCALORIMETERHIT,
+     // 			       "HCALCollections" ,
+     // 			       "HCAL Collection Names" ,
+     // 			       _hcalCollections ,
+     // 			       hcalCollections);
+     // std::vector<std::string> outputHcalCollections;
+     // outputHcalCollections.push_back(std::string("HCALBarrel"));
+     // outputHcalCollections.push_back(std::string("HCALEndcap"));
+     // outputHcalCollections.push_back(std::string("HCALOther"));
+     // registerProcessorParameter("DigiHCALCollection" ,
+     // 				"Name of Digitized HCAL Hit Collections" ,
+     // 				_outputHcalCollections,
+     // 				outputHcalCollections);
+     // std::vector<std::string> caloTruthLinkCollection;
+     // registerProcessorParameter("caloTruthLinkCollection",
+     // 				"caloTruthLinkCollection",
+     // 				_caloTruthLinkCollection,
+     // 				caloTruthLinkCollection);
+     // std::vector<float> ChargeSpatialDistri; 
+     // ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     // ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.2);
+     // ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.4);
+     // ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.2);
+     // ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     // registerProcessorParameter("ChargeSpatialDistribution" ,
+     // 				"Spactial Distribution of MIP charge X*Y;" ,
+     // 				_ChargeSpatialDistri,
+     // 				ChargeSpatialDistri);
+     // std::vector<float> ShowerPositionShiftID; 
+     // ShowerPositionShiftID.push_back(0);
+     // ShowerPositionShiftID.push_back(0);
+     // ShowerPositionShiftID.push_back(0);
+     // registerProcessorParameter("PositionShiftID" ,
+     // 				"Global Position Shift For Overlay" ,
+     // 				_ShowerPositionShiftID,
+     // 				ShowerPositionShiftID);
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "DigiCellSize" ,
+     // 				 "Size of Digitized Cell (in mm)" ,
+     // 				 _DigiCellSize ,
+     // 				 10);
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "ShiftInX" ,
+     // 				 "Shift Distance in X directoin (in mm) NP only" ,
+     // 				 _ShiftInX ,
+     // 				 float(0.0));
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "UsingDefaultDetector",
+     // 				 "Flag Parameter Setting (0 ~ self definition, 1 ~ MircoMegas, 2 ~ GRPC_PS, 3 ~ GRPC_SPS)",
+     // 				 _UsingDefaultDetector ,
+     // 				 0);
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "PolyaParaA" ,
+     // 				 "Polya: x^A*exp(-b*x) + c" ,
+     // 				 _PolyaParaA ,
+     // 				 float(0.7));
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "PolyaParaB" ,
+     // 				 "Polya: x^a*exp(-B*x) + c" ,
+     // 				 _PolyaParaB ,
+     // 				 float(0.045));
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "PolyaParaC" ,
+     // 				 "Polya: x^a*exp(-b*x) + C" ,
+     // 				 _PolyaParaC,
+     // 				 float(0.03) );	
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "ChanceOfKink" ,
+     // 				 "Chance of one boundary hit to create a multiple hit with boosted charge" ,
+     // 				 _ChanceOfKink,
+     // 				 float(0.0) );
+     // registerProcessorParameter( "KinkHitChargeBoost" ,
+     // 				 "Scale factor of Charge on boosted multiple hits" ,
+     // 				 _KinkHitChargeBoost,
+     // 				 float(1.0) );
+StatusCode G2CDArborAlg::initialize() {
+     m_geosvc = service<IGeoSvc>("GeoSvc");
+     if (!m_geosvc) {
+       error() << "Failed to find GeoSvc." << endmsg;
+       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+     }
+     m_dd4hep_geo = m_geosvc->lcdd();
+     if (!m_dd4hep_geo) {
+       error() << "failed to retrieve dd4hep_geo: " << m_dd4hep_geo << endmsg;
+       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+     }
+     // get the DD4hep readout
+     const std::string name_readout = "EcalBarrelCollection";
+     m_decoder = m_geosvc->getDecoder(name_readout);
+     if (!m_decoder) {
+       error() << "Failed to get the decoder. " << endmsg;
+       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+     }
+     m_encoder_str = "M:3,S-1:3,I:9,J:9,K-1:6";
+     // printParameters();
+     // WeightVector.clear();
+     for (auto& ecal : m_ecalColNames) {
+	  _ecalCollections.push_back( new SimCaloType(ecal, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this) );
+     }
+     for (auto& ecalPreShower : m_ecalPreShowerColNames) {
+	  _EcalPreShowerCollections.push_back( new SimCaloType(ecalPreShower, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this) );
+     }
+     for (auto& hcal : m_hcalColNames) {
+	  _hcalCollections.push_back( new SimCaloType(hcal, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this) );
+     }
+     for (auto& ecalDigi : m_ecalOutputColNames) {
+	  _outputEcalCollections.push_back( new CaloHitType(ecalDigi, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this) );
+     }
+     for (auto& hcalDigi : m_hcalOutputColNames) {
+	  _outputHcalCollections.push_back( new CaloHitType(hcalDigi, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this) );
+     }
+     // for (auto& caloLink : m_caloTruthLinkColName) {
+     // 	  _caloTruthLinkCollection.push_back( new McRecoCaloAssoType(caloLink, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this) );
+     // }
+     for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_ChargeSpatialDistri.size(); i++){
+	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(m_ChargeSpatialDistri[i]);
+     }
+     if( _outputHcalCollections.size() < _hcalCollections.size() )
+     {
+     	  cout<<"WARNING! Output Collections Array Smaller than Input"<<endl;
+     	  exit(1);
+     }
+     else if( _ChargeSpatialDistri.size() % 2 == 0 )
+     {
+     	  cout<<"WARNING! Better Organize Charge Spatial distribution array in odd integer length"<<endl;
+	  cout << "_ChargeSpatialDistri.size = " << _ChargeSpatialDistri.size() << endl;
+     	  exit(2);
+     }
+     if(_UsingDefaultDetector < 0 || _UsingDefaultDetector > 4)
+     {
+     	  cout<<"Parameter Flag Wrong. Need to be 0 (selfdefine), 1 (MircoMegas), 2 (GRPC_PS) or 3 (GRPC_SPS)"<<endl;
+     	  exit(0);
+     }
+     else if(_UsingDefaultDetector == 1)		//MircoMegas Small Chamber, 2008 PS TB
+     {
+     	  _PolyaParaA = 0.7;
+     	  _PolyaParaB = 0.045;
+     	  _PolyaParaC = 0.03;
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.clear();
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(8.0);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  ChanceOfKink = 0.095;
+     	  KinkHitChargeBoost = 2.2;
+     }
+     else if(_UsingDefaultDetector == 2)		//GRPC Cubic Meter, 2011 PS TB
+     {
+     	  _PolyaParaA = 4.0;
+     	  _PolyaParaB = 4.5;
+     	  _PolyaParaC = 0.0;
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.clear();
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  ChanceOfKink = 0.0;
+     	  KinkHitChargeBoost = 1.0;
+     }
+     else if(_UsingDefaultDetector == 3)		//GRPC Bubic Meter, 2012 May SPS TB
+     {
+     	  _PolyaParaA = 1.1;
+     	  _PolyaParaB = 1.0;
+     	  _PolyaParaC = 0.0;
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.clear();
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.2);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.3);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.6);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.6);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.6);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.3);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.2);
+     	  _ChargeSpatialDistri.push_back(0.1);
+     	  ChanceOfKink = 0.0;
+     	  KinkHitChargeBoost = 1.0;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+     	  ChanceOfKink = _ChanceOfKink;
+     	  KinkHitChargeBoost = _KinkHitChargeBoost; 
+     }
+     float PolyaDomain = 100;
+     if(_PolyaParaB )
+     {
+     	  PolyaDomain = 20*_PolyaParaA/_PolyaParaB;
+     }
+     _QPolya = new TF1("QPolya", "x^[0]*exp(-1*x*[1]) + [2]", 0, PolyaDomain);
+     _QPolya->SetParameters(_PolyaParaA, _PolyaParaB, _PolyaParaC);
+     cout<<"Parameters After Para Review: "<<ChanceOfKink<<", "<<KinkHitChargeBoost <<", "<<_DigiCellSize<<endl;
+     // printParameters();
+     int SizeCSD = _ChargeSpatialDistri.size();
+     int CoverAreaLength = int((SizeCSD - 1)/2);
+     if(CoverAreaLength > _DigiCellSize - 1)
+     {
+     	  cout<<"WARNING! CoverAreaLength is too large comparing to the Digitized Cell Size: to have maximally 4 multiple hit, CoverAreaLength must <= _DigiCellSize - 1"<<endl;
+     	  exit(0);
+     }
+     int tmpIndex = 0;
+     float NormalWeightFactor = 0;
+     float NormalWeight[SizeCSD];
+     int IndexA = 0; 
+     int IndexB = 0;		//Used to denote charge distributions...
+     float WeightA = 0; 
+     float WeightB = 0; 
+     for( int i0 = 0; i0 < SizeCSD; i0++ )
+     {
+     	  NormalWeightFactor += _ChargeSpatialDistri[i0];
+     }
+     for( int i1 = 0; i1 < SizeCSD; i1++ )
+     {
+     	  NormalWeight[i1] = _ChargeSpatialDistri[i1]/NormalWeightFactor;
+     }
+     int SignX(0);
+     int SignY(0);
+     pair<float, float> WMatrix;		//if Vec(A) != Vec(B)
+     for(int i2 = 0; i2 < _DigiCellSize; i2++)
+     {
+     	  for(int j2 = 0; j2 < _DigiCellSize; j2++)
+     	  {
+     	       tmpIndex = _DigiCellSize*i2 + j2;
+     	       IndexA = 0;
+     	       IndexB = 0;
+     	       WeightA = 0;
+     	       WeightB = 0;
+     	       if( i2 < CoverAreaLength ) 
+     	       {
+     		    IndexA = CoverAreaLength - i2;
+     		    SignX = -1; 
+     	       }
+     	       else if( i2 > _DigiCellSize - CoverAreaLength - 1)
+     	       {
+     		    IndexA = CoverAreaLength + i2 - _DigiCellSize + 1;
+     		    SignX = 1; 
+     	       }
+     	       if( j2 < CoverAreaLength ) 
+     	       {
+     		    IndexB = CoverAreaLength - j2;
+     		    SignY = -1; 
+     	       }
+     	       else if( j2 > _DigiCellSize - CoverAreaLength - 1)
+     	       {
+     		    IndexB = CoverAreaLength + j2 - _DigiCellSize + 1;
+     		    SignY = 1; 
+     	       }
+     	       for(int i3 = 0; i3 < CoverAreaLength; i3 ++)        
+     	       {
+     		    if(i3 < IndexA) WeightA += NormalWeight[i3];
+     		    if(i3 < IndexB) WeightB += NormalWeight[i3];
+     	       }
+     	       WMatrix.first = SignX*WeightA; 
+     	       WMatrix.second = SignY*WeightB; 
+     	       WeightVector[tmpIndex] = WMatrix;	
+     	       cout<<WMatrix.first<<"/"<<WMatrix.second<<", ";
+     	  }
+     	  cout<<endl;
+     }
+     return GaudiAlgorithm::initialize();
+StatusCode G2CDArborAlg::execute()
+     // auto headers = m_headerCol.get();
+     // auto header = headers->at(0);
+     // _eventNr = header.getEventNumber();    //to be solved
+     // _eventNr = evtP->getEventNumber();
+     if(_eventNr % m_reportEvery == 0) cout<<"eventNr: "<<_eventNr<<endl;
+     _eventNr++;
+     float HitEn = 0;
+     float DigiHitEn = 0; 
+     int LayerNum = 0;
+     // TVector3 HitPos;   //to be solved
+     int tmpM, tmpS, tmpI, tmpJ, tmpK;
+     int CurrI = 0; 
+     int CurrJ = 0; 
+     int DHIndexI = 0;
+     int DHIndexJ = 0; 
+     float DHChargeWeight = 0;
+     int DHCellID0 = 0; 
+     float RndCharge = 0;
+     int SingleMCPPID = 0; 
+     //float SingleMCPPEn = 0; 
+     float RefPosX = 0;
+     float RefPosY = 0;
+     float RefPosZ = 0;
+     float DeltaPosI = 0;
+     float DeltaPosJ = 0;
+     std::vector<float> CurrWeightVec;			
+     float WeiI = 0; 
+     float WeiJ = 0;
+     int DeltaI = 0;
+     int DeltaJ = 0; 
+     int MapI = 0; 
+     int MapJ = 0; 
+     int MapIndex = 0; 
+     float FHitPos[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+     float currTime = 0;
+     float HitStepEn = 0;
+     float EmaxStep = 0;
+     // LCCollectionVec *relcol = new LCCollectionVec(LCIO::LCRELATION);
+     // LCFlagImpl linkflag; 
+     // linkflag.setBit(LCIO::CHBIT_LONG);
+     // relcol->setFlag(linkflag.getFlag());	
+     edm4hep::MCRecoCaloAssociationCollection* relcol = _caloTruthLinkCollection.createAndPut();
+     // LCCollection * MCPCol = evtP->getCollection("MCParticle");
+     // for ( int s0(0); s0 < MCPCol->getNumberOfElements(); s0++)
+     // {
+     // 	    MCParticle * a_MCP = dynamic_cast<MCParticle*> (MCPCol->getElementAt(s0));
+     // 	    if( a_MCP->getParents().size() == 0 )
+     // 	    {
+     // 		 SingleMCPPID = a_MCP->getPDG();
+     // 		 //SingleMCPPEn = a_MCP->getEnergy();
+     // 		 break; 
+     // 	    }
+     // }
+     // LCFlagImpl flag;
+     // flag.setBit(LCIO::CHBIT_LONG);                  //To set position & ID1
+     // flag.setBit(LCIO::CHBIT_ID1);
+     // flag.setBit(LCIO::RCHBIT_ENERGY_ERROR); //In order to use an additional FLOAT
+     // flag.setBit(LCIO::RCHBIT_TIME);
+     double totalEnergy = 0.;
+     for (unsigned int k0 = 0; k0 < _ecalCollections.size(); ++k0)
+     {
+     	  //   // try{
+	  // LCCollection *Ecalcol = evtP->getCollection( _ecalCollections[k0].c_str() ) ;
+	  // CellIDDecoder<SimCalorimeterHit> idDecoder( Ecalcol );
+	  // int NumEcalhit = Ecalcol->getNumberOfElements();
+	  // LCCollectionVec *ecalcol = new LCCollectionVec(LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT);
+	  // ecalcol->setFlag(flag.getFlag());
+	  // string EcalinitString = Ecalcol->getParameters().getStringVal(LCIO::CellIDEncoding);
+	  // ecalcol->parameters().setValue(LCIO::CellIDEncoding, EcalinitString);	
+	  // for(int k1 = 0; k1 < NumEcalhit; k1++)
+	  // {	
+	  edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection* ecalcol = _outputEcalCollections[k0]->createAndPut();
+	  auto Ecalcol = _ecalCollections[k0]->get();
+	  for (auto SimEcalhit: *Ecalcol){
+		   auto cellid = SimEcalhit.getCellID();
+	       // SimCalorimeterHit * SimEcalhit = dynamic_cast<SimCalorimeterHit*>( Ecalcol->getElementAt( k1 ) ) ;
+	       // HitEn = SimEcalhit->getEnergy();
+	       // LayerNum = idDecoder(SimEcalhit)["K-1"];
+	       // edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit aa(SimEcalhit.getCellID(), SimEcalhit.getEnergy(), SimEcalhit.getPosition());
+	       ID_UTIL::CellIDDecoder<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit> cellIdDecoder(m_encoder_str);
+	       const std::string layerCodingString(m_encoder_str);
+	       const std::string layerCoding(this->GetLayerCoding(layerCodingString));
+	       if(m_readLCIO) LayerNum = m_decoder->get(cellid, "layer");
+	       else LayerNum = cellIdDecoder(&SimEcalhit)[layerCoding.c_str()];
+	       // cout << "LayerNum = " << LayerNum << endl;
+	       HitEn = SimEcalhit.getEnergy();
+	       unsigned long long cellID = SimEcalhit.getCellID();
+	       currTime = 0;
+	       EmaxStep = 0;
+	       HitStepEn = 0;
+	       // for(int k=0; k<SimEcalhit->getNMCContributions(); k++)
+	       // {
+	       for(int k=0; k<SimEcalhit.contributions_size(); k++){
+		    edm4hep::ConstCaloHitContribution hitContribution = SimEcalhit.getContributions(k);
+	  	    // HitStepEn = SimEcalhit->getEnergyCont(k);
+		    HitStepEn = hitContribution.getEnergy();
+	  	    if(HitStepEn > EmaxStep)
+	  	    {
+	  		 EmaxStep = HitStepEn;
+	  		 // currTime = SimEcalhit->getTimeCont(k);
+			 currTime = hitContribution.getTime();
+	  	    }
+	       }
+	       // _calibCoeffEcal[0] = 48.16;
+	       // _calibCoeffEcal[1] = 96.32;
+	       if(LayerNum < _NEcalThinLayer)
+	  	    DigiHitEn = HitEn * _calibCoeffEcal[0];
+	       else 	
+	  	    DigiHitEn = HitEn * _calibCoeffEcal[1];
+	       totalEnergy += DigiHitEn;
+	       if(HitEn > _thresholdEcal)
+	       {
+	  	    // CalorimeterHitImpl * DigiEcalhit = new CalorimeterHitImpl();
+	  	    // FHitPos[0] = SimEcalhit->getPosition()[0] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[0]*10.0;
+	  	    // FHitPos[1] = SimEcalhit->getPosition()[1] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[1]*10.0;
+	  	    // FHitPos[2] = SimEcalhit->getPosition()[2] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[2]*10.0;
+		    edm4hep::Vector3f hitPos = SimEcalhit.getPosition();
+	  	    FHitPos[0] = hitPos.x + _ShowerPositionShiftID[0]*10.0;
+	  	    FHitPos[1] = hitPos.y + _ShowerPositionShiftID[1]*10.0;
+	  	    FHitPos[2] = hitPos.z + _ShowerPositionShiftID[2]*10.0;
+		    edm4hep::Vector3f FHitPosition(FHitPos[0], FHitPos[1], FHitPos[2]);
+	  	    // DigiEcalhit->setTime(currTime);
+	  	    // DigiEcalhit->setPosition( FHitPos );
+	  	    // DigiEcalhit->setCellID0(SimEcalhit->getCellID0());
+	  	    // DigiEcalhit->setCellID1(SimEcalhit->getCellID1());
+	  	    // DigiEcalhit->setEnergy(DigiHitEn);
+	  	    // ecalcol->addElement(DigiEcalhit);
+		    auto DigiEcalhit = ecalcol->create();
+		    DigiEcalhit.setTime(currTime);
+		    DigiEcalhit.setPosition(FHitPosition);
+		    DigiEcalhit.setCellID(cellID);
+		    DigiEcalhit.setEnergy(DigiHitEn);
+	  	    // LCRelationImpl *rel = new LCRelationImpl(DigiEcalhit, SimEcalhit, 1.0);    //only keep the leading contribution
+	  	    // relcol->addElement(rel);
+		    auto rel = relcol->create();
+		    rel.setRec(DigiEcalhit);
+		    rel.setSim(SimEcalhit);
+		    rel.setWeight(1.0);
+	       }
+	  }
+	  // evtP->addCollection(ecalcol,_outputEcalCollections[k0].c_str());
+     	  //   // }catch(lcio::DataNotAvailableException zero) { }
+     }
+     // cout << "total energy after digiAlg: " << totalEnergy << endl;
+     auto mcPart = r_mcParticle.get();
+     // cout << "size of MCParticle: " << mcPart->size() << endl;
+     for(auto particle: *mcPart){
+	  double en = particle.getEnergy();
+	  // cout << "McParticle energy: " << en << "   " << particle.parents_size() << endl;
+     }
+     // string k = evtP->getDetectorName();
+     // if(k=="CEPC_v1" || k=="CEPC_v4" || k=="ild_o2_v05")	// 1cm cell simulation...
+     // 	    //if(k=="CEPC_v1"  || k=="ild_o2_v05")	// 1cm cell simulation...
+     // {
+     // 	  cout<<"Detector Tpype: "<<k<<endl; 
+     for (unsigned int k3 = 0; k3 < _hcalCollections.size(); ++k3)
+     {
+     	  // // try{
+     	  // LCCollection *Hcalcol = evtP->getCollection( _hcalCollections[k3].c_str() ) ;
+     	  // int NumHcalhit = Hcalcol->getNumberOfElements();
+     	  // LCCollectionVec *hcalcol = new LCCollectionVec(LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT);
+     	  // hcalcol->setFlag(flag.getFlag());
+     	  // string HcalinitString = Hcalcol->getParameters().getStringVal(LCIO::CellIDEncoding);
+     	  // hcalcol->parameters().setValue(LCIO::CellIDEncoding, HcalinitString);
+     	  // for(int k4 = 0; k4 < NumHcalhit; k4++)
+     	  // {
+     	  edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection* hcalcol = _outputHcalCollections[k3]->createAndPut();
+     	  auto Hcalcol = _hcalCollections[k3]->get();
+     	  for(auto SimHcalhit: *Hcalcol){
+     	  //      SimCalorimeterHit * SimHcalhit = dynamic_cast<SimCalorimeterHit*>( Hcalcol->getElementAt( k4 ) ) ;
+     	       cout<<"hcal"<<endl;
+     	       currTime = 0;
+     	       EmaxStep = 0;
+     	       HitStepEn = 0;
+     	  //      for(int k=0; k<SimHcalhit->getNMCContributions(); k++)
+     	  //      {
+     	       for(int k=0; k<SimHcalhit.contributions_size(); k++){
+     		    edm4hep::ConstCaloHitContribution hitContribution = SimHcalhit.getContributions(k);
+     	  	    // HitStepEn = SimHcalhit->getEnergyCont(k);
+     		    HitStepEn = hitContribution.getEnergy();
+     	  	    if(HitStepEn > EmaxStep)
+     	  	    {
+     	  		 EmaxStep = HitStepEn;
+     	  		 // currTime = SimHcalhit->getTimeCont(k);
+     			 currTime = hitContribution.getTime();
+     	  	    }
+     	       }
+     	       // if(SimHcalhit->getEnergy() > 0)	//some threshold can be added.
+     	       if(SimHcalhit.getEnergy() > 0)	//some threshold can be added.
+     	       {
+     	  	    // CalorimeterHitImpl * DigiHcalhit = new CalorimeterHitImpl();
+     	  	    // FHitPos[0] = SimHcalhit->getPosition()[0] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[0]*10.0;
+     	  	    // FHitPos[1] = SimHcalhit->getPosition()[1] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[1]*10.0;
+     	  	    // FHitPos[2] = SimHcalhit->getPosition()[2] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[2]*10.0;
+     		    edm4hep::Vector3f hitPos = SimHcalhit.getPosition();
+     		    FHitPos[0] = hitPos.x + _ShowerPositionShiftID[0]*10.0;
+     		    FHitPos[1] = hitPos.y + _ShowerPositionShiftID[1]*10.0;
+     		    FHitPos[2] = hitPos.z + _ShowerPositionShiftID[2]*10.0;
+     		    edm4hep::Vector3f FHitPosition(FHitPos[0], FHitPos[1], FHitPos[2]);
+     	  	    // DigiHcalhit->setTime(currTime);
+     	  	    // DigiHcalhit->setPosition( FHitPos );
+     	  	    // DigiHcalhit->setCellID0(SimHcalhit->getCellID0());
+     	  	    // DigiHcalhit->setCellID1(SimHcalhit->getCellID1());
+     	  	    // //DigiHcalhit->setEnergy(DHCALCalibrationConstant);
+     	  	    // DigiHcalhit->setEnergy(_thresholdHcal);
+     	  	    // hcalcol->addElement(DigiHcalhit);
+     		    auto DigiHcalhit = hcalcol->create();
+     	  	    DigiHcalhit.setTime(currTime);
+     	  	    DigiHcalhit.setPosition(FHitPosition);
+     	  	    DigiHcalhit.setCellID(SimHcalhit.getCellID());
+     	  	    DigiHcalhit.setEnergy(_thresholdHcal);
+     		    // LCRelationImpl *rel = new LCRelationImpl(DigiHcalhit, SimHcalhit, 1.0);    //only keep the leading contribution
+     	  	    // relcol->addElement(rel);
+     		    auto rel = relcol->create();
+     		    rel.setRec(DigiHcalhit);
+     		    rel.setSim(SimHcalhit);
+     		    rel.setWeight(1.0);
+     	       }
+     	  }
+     	  // evtP->addCollection(hcalcol,_outputHcalCollections[k3].c_str());
+     	  // }catch(lcio::DataNotAvailableException zero) { }
+     }
+     // 	    LCCollectionVec *ecalPScol = new LCCollectionVec(LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT);
+     // 	    ecalPScol->setFlag(flag.getFlag());
+     // 	    string EcalPSinitString = "M:3,S-1:3,I:9,J:9,K-1:6";
+     // 	    ecalPScol->parameters().setValue(LCIO::CellIDEncoding, EcalPSinitString);
+     // 	    //  parameter CellIDEncoding [string]: M:3,S-1:3,I:9,J:9,K-1:6, 
+     // 	    for(unsigned int s0 = 0; s0 < _EcalPreShowerCollections.size(); s0++)   //I think should digitize and give a very small energy; even a new collection called PS Hits
+     // 	    {
+     // 		 try
+     // 		 {
+     // 		      LCCollection * PSHitColl = evtP ->getCollection(_EcalPreShowerCollections[s0].c_str());
+     // 		      int NHitsCurrCol = PSHitColl->getNumberOfElements();
+     // 		      for(int s1 = 0; s1 < NHitsCurrCol; s1++)
+     // 		      {
+     // 			   SimCalorimeterHit * a_hit = dynamic_cast<SimCalorimeterHit*>(PSHitColl->getElementAt(s1));
+     // 			   currTime = 0;
+     // 			   EmaxStep = 0;
+     // 			   HitStepEn = 0;
+     // 			   for(int k=0; k<a_hit->getNMCContributions(); k++)
+     // 			   {
+     // 				HitStepEn = a_hit->getEnergyCont(k);
+     // 				if(HitStepEn > EmaxStep)
+     // 				{
+     // 				     EmaxStep = HitStepEn;
+     // 				     currTime = a_hit->getTimeCont(k);
+     // 				}
+     // 			   }                                                               
+     // 			   CalorimeterHitImpl * PShit = new CalorimeterHitImpl();
+     // 			   FHitPos[0] = a_hit->getPosition()[0] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[0]*10.0;
+     // 			   FHitPos[1] = a_hit->getPosition()[1] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[1]*10.0;
+     // 			   FHitPos[2] = a_hit->getPosition()[2] + _ShowerPositionShiftID[2]*10.0;
+     // 			   PShit->setTime(currTime);
+     // 			   PShit->setPosition( FHitPos );
+     // 			   PShit->setCellID0(a_hit->getCellID0());
+     // 			   PShit->setCellID1(a_hit->getCellID1());
+     // 			   PShit->setEnergy(a_hit->getEnergy());
+     // 			   ecalPScol->addElement(PShit);
+     // 			   LCRelationImpl *rel = new LCRelationImpl(PShit, a_hit, 1.0);
+     // 			   relcol->addElement(rel);
+     // 		      }
+     // 		 }catch(lcio::DataNotAvailableException zero){}
+     // 	    }
+     // 	    //evtP->addCollection(ecalPScol, "ECALPSHitCollection");
+     // }
+     // else
+     // {
+     // 	    for (unsigned int i(0); i < _hcalCollections.size(); ++i) 
+     // 	    {		//strictly follow barrel, endcap, ring order
+     // 		 std::map <int, DigiHit> IDtoDigiHit; 
+     // 		 IDtoDigiHit.clear();
+     // 		 std::map <int, TVector3> IDtoPos; 
+     // 		 IDtoPos.clear();
+     // 		 std::map <int, float> IDtoTime;
+     // 		 IDtoTime.clear();
+     // 		 try{
+     // 		      LCCollection * col = evtP->getCollection( _hcalCollections[i].c_str() ) ;
+     // 		      int numOrihits = col->getNumberOfElements();
+     // 		      CellIDDecoder<SimCalorimeterHit> idDecoder(col);
+     // 		      LCCollectionVec *hcalcol = new LCCollectionVec(LCIO::CALORIMETERHIT);
+     // 		      string initString = "M:3,S-1:3,I:9,J:9,K-1:6";		//Need to verify
+     // 		      hcalcol->parameters().setValue(LCIO::CellIDEncoding, initString);
+     // 		      hcalcol->setFlag(flag.getFlag());
+     // 		      for (int j(0); j < numOrihits; ++j) {
+     // 			   SimCalorimeterHit * hit = dynamic_cast<SimCalorimeterHit*>( col->getElementAt( j ) ) ;
+     // 			   HitEn = hit->getEnergy();
+     // 			   currTime = 0;
+     // 			   EmaxStep = 0;
+     // 			   HitStepEn = 0;
+     // 			   for(int k=0; k<hit->getNMCContributions(); k++)
+     // 			   {
+     // 				HitStepEn = hit->getEnergyCont(k);
+     // 				if(HitStepEn > EmaxStep)
+     // 				{
+     // 				     EmaxStep = HitStepEn;
+     // 				     currTime = hit->getTimeCont(k);
+     // 				}
+     // 			   }
+     // 			   tmpM = idDecoder(hit)["M"];
+     // 			   tmpS = idDecoder(hit)["S-1"];
+     // 			   tmpI = idDecoder(hit)["I"];
+     // 			   tmpJ = idDecoder(hit)["J"];
+     // 			   tmpK = idDecoder(hit)["K-1"];
+     // 			   RefPosX = hit->getPosition()[0];
+     // 			   RefPosY = hit->getPosition()[1];
+     // 			   RefPosZ = hit->getPosition()[2];
+     // 			   CurrI = tmpI/_DigiCellSize; 
+     // 			   CurrJ = tmpJ/_DigiCellSize;
+     // 			   MapI = tmpI % _DigiCellSize;
+     // 			   MapJ = tmpJ % _DigiCellSize;
+     // 			   MapIndex = MapI * _DigiCellSize + MapJ; 
+     // 			   WeiI = WeightVector[MapIndex].first; 
+     // 			   WeiJ = WeightVector[MapIndex].second;
+     // 			   DeltaPosI = (float(_DigiCellSize) - 1.0)/2 - MapI;
+     // 			   DeltaPosJ = (float(_DigiCellSize) - 1.0)/2 - MapJ;
+     // 			   // cout<<"DeltaI "<<DeltaPosI<<", "<<DeltaPosJ<<endl;
+     // 			   DeltaI = 0; 
+     // 			   DeltaJ = 0; 
+     // 			   if(fabs(WeiI) > 1E-9) 
+     // 			   {	
+     // 				DeltaI = ((WeiI > 0) ? 1: -1);
+     // 			   }
+     // 			   if(fabs(WeiJ) > 1E-9)
+     // 			   {
+     // 				DeltaJ = ((WeiJ > 0) ? 1: -1);
+     // 			   }
+     // 			   // cout<<"Weight... "<<WeiI<<"\t"<<DeltaI<<"\t"<<WeiJ<<"\t"<<DeltaJ<<endl;
+     // 			   RndCharge = _QPolya->GetRandom();
+     // 			   CurrWeightVec.clear();
+     // 			   CurrWeightVec.push_back((1 - fabs(WeiI))*(1 - fabs(WeiJ)));
+     // 			   if(DeltaI && !DeltaJ)
+     // 			   {
+     // 				CurrWeightVec.push_back(fabs(WeiI));
+     // 			   }
+     // 			   else if(DeltaJ && !DeltaI)
+     // 			   {
+     // 				CurrWeightVec.push_back(fabs(WeiJ));
+     // 			   }
+     // 			   else if(DeltaI && DeltaJ)
+     // 			   {
+     // 				CurrWeightVec.push_back(fabs(WeiI) * (1 - fabs(WeiJ)));
+     // 				CurrWeightVec.push_back(fabs(WeiJ) * (1 - fabs(WeiI)));
+     // 				CurrWeightVec.push_back(fabs(WeiJ*WeiI));
+     // 			   }
+     // 			   for(int i0 = 0; i0 < int(CurrWeightVec.size()); i0++)
+     // 			   {
+     // 				if(i0 == 0)
+     // 				{
+     // 				     DHIndexI = CurrI;
+     // 				     DHIndexJ = CurrJ;
+     // 				}
+     // 				else if(i0 == 1)
+     // 				{
+     // 				     if(DeltaI)
+     // 				     {
+     // 					  DHIndexI = CurrI + DeltaI;
+     // 					  DHIndexJ = CurrJ; 
+     // 				     }
+     // 				     if(DeltaJ)
+     // 				     {
+     // 					  DHIndexI = CurrI;
+     // 					  DHIndexJ = CurrJ + DeltaJ;
+     // 				     }
+     // 				}
+     // 				else if(i0 == 2)
+     // 				{
+     // 				     DHIndexI = CurrI + DeltaI;
+     // 				     DHIndexJ = CurrJ;
+     // 				}
+     // 				else if(i0 == 3)
+     // 				{
+     // 				     DHIndexI = CurrI + DeltaI;
+     // 				     DHIndexJ = CurrJ + DeltaJ;
+     // 				}
+     // 				DHChargeWeight = CurrWeightVec[i0];
+     // 				DHCellID0 = (i<<30) + (tmpK<<24) + (DHIndexJ<<15) + (DHIndexI<<6) + (tmpS << 3) + tmpM;
+     // 				if( IDtoDigiHit.find(DHCellID0) == IDtoDigiHit.end() && IDtoPos.find(DHCellID0) == IDtoPos.end() )
+     // 				{
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].digihitCellID0 = DHCellID0;
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].digihitCharge = RndCharge * DHChargeWeight;
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].digihitEnergyDepo = HitEn * DHChargeWeight;	//Assumption...
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].digihitNum1mmCell = 1;
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].LeadChargeDepo = RndCharge * DHChargeWeight;
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].LeadSimCaloHit = hit;
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].ChargeShare = DHChargeWeight;
+     // 				     if(i == 0)	//Barrel
+     // 				     {
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosX = RefPosX + (DeltaPosI + int(DHIndexI - CurrI)*_DigiCellSize) * cos(tmpS*pi/4.0) + _ShowerPositionShiftID[0]*_DigiCellSize; //(mm in unit)
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosY = RefPosY + (DeltaPosI + int(DHIndexI - CurrI)*_DigiCellSize)* sin(tmpS*pi/4.0) + _ShowerPositionShiftID[1]*_DigiCellSize;
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosZ = RefPosZ + DeltaPosJ + int(DHIndexJ - CurrJ)*_DigiCellSize + _ShowerPositionShiftID[2]*_DigiCellSize;	//Rotation is needed, based on S; 
+     // 				     }
+     // 				     else	//endcap or ring;  
+     // 				     {
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosX = RefPosX + DeltaPosI + (DHIndexI - CurrI)*_DigiCellSize + _ShowerPositionShiftID[0]*_DigiCellSize; //(mm in unit)
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosY = RefPosY + DeltaPosJ + (DHIndexJ - CurrJ)*_DigiCellSize + _ShowerPositionShiftID[1]*_DigiCellSize;
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosZ = RefPosZ;
+     // 				     }
+     // 				     HitPos.SetXYZ(IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosX, IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosY, IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosZ);
+     // 				     IDtoPos[DHCellID0] = HitPos;
+     // 				     IDtoTime[DHCellID0] = currTime;	
+     // 				}
+     // 				else
+     // 				{
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].digihitCharge += RndCharge * DHChargeWeight;
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].digihitEnergyDepo += HitEn * DHChargeWeight;
+     // 				     IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].digihitNum1mmCell ++;
+     // 				     if(RndCharge * DHChargeWeight > IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].LeadChargeDepo)
+     // 				     {
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].LeadChargeDepo = RndCharge * DHChargeWeight;
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].LeadSimCaloHit = hit; 
+     // 					  IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].ChargeShare = DHChargeWeight;
+     // 				     }
+     // 				     if(IDtoDigiHit[DHCellID0].PosX != IDtoPos[DHCellID0].X() )
+     // 					  cout<<"Position Changed.........."<<endl;
+     // 				}
+     // 				//cout<<"Com "<<IDtoPos.size()<<"\t"<<IDtoDigiHit.size()<<endl;
+     // 			   }
+     // 		      }
+     // 		      float DigiHitPos[3];
+     // 		      for(std::map <int, DigiHit>::iterator ff = IDtoDigiHit.begin(); ff!=IDtoDigiHit.end(); ff++)
+     // 		      {
+     // 			   CalorimeterHitImpl * calhit = new CalorimeterHitImpl();
+     // 			   LCRelationImpl *rel = new LCRelationImpl(calhit, ff->second.LeadSimCaloHit, ff->second.ChargeShare);	//only keep the leading contribution
+     // 			   relcol->addElement(rel);
+     // 			   calhit->setCellID0( ff->first );	//Assume 100% efficiency
+     // 			   //calhit->setEnergy( DHCALCalibrationConstant );		//Charge
+     // 			   calhit->setEnergy( _thresholdHcal );		//Charge
+     // 			   calhit->setCellID1(SingleMCPPID);	//Use ID1 & Energy Error to denote the MCP info...
+     // 			   calhit->setEnergyError(ff->second.digihitCharge); // (SingleMCPPEn);
+     // 			   /*
+     // 			     DigiHitPos[0] = ff->second.PosX; 
+     // 			     DigiHitPos[1] = ff->second.PosY;
+     // 			     DigiHitPos[2] = ff->second.PosZ;
+     // 			   */
+     // 			   DigiHitPos[0] = IDtoPos[ff->first].X();
+     // 			   DigiHitPos[1] = IDtoPos[ff->first].Y();
+     // 			   DigiHitPos[2] = IDtoPos[ff->first].Z();
+     // 			   calhit->setTime(IDtoTime[ff->first]);
+     // 			   calhit->setPosition(DigiHitPos);		
+     // 			   hcalcol->addElement(calhit);
+     // 		      }
+     // 		      evtP->addCollection(hcalcol,_outputHcalCollections[i].c_str());
+     // 		      IDtoDigiHit.clear();
+     // 		 }
+     // 		 catch (lcio::DataNotAvailableException zero) { }
+     // 	    }
+     // }
+     // evtP->addCollection(relcol, _caloTruthLinkCollection[0].c_str());
+     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode G2CDArborAlg::finalize()
+     std::cout<<"General Gas Digitizer FINISHED"<<std::endl;
+     for ( auto ecal : _ecalCollections ) {
+          delete ecal;
+     }
+     for ( auto ecalPreShower : _EcalPreShowerCollections ) {
+          delete ecalPreShower;
+     }
+     for ( auto hcal : _hcalCollections ) {
+          delete hcal;
+     }
+     for ( auto ecalDigi : _outputEcalCollections ) {
+          delete ecalDigi;
+     }
+     for ( auto hcalDigi : _outputHcalCollections ) {
+          delete hcalDigi;
+     }
+     // for ( auto caloLink : _caloTruthLinkCollection ) {
+     //      delete caloLink;
+     // }
+     return GaudiAlgorithm::finalize();
+std::string G2CDArborAlg::GetLayerCoding(const std::string &encodingString) const
+     if (encodingString.find("layer") != std::string::npos)
+	  return std::string("layer");
+     if (encodingString.find("K-1") != std::string::npos)
+	  return std::string("K-1");
+     if (encodingString.find("K") != std::string::npos)
+	  return std::string("K");
+     return std::string("unknown_layer_encoding");
diff --git a/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/G2CDArborAlg.h b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/G2CDArborAlg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9608419dcc74fddebe98d75d7c7d72f20044bba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/G2CDArborAlg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#include "FWCore/DataHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/Property.h"
+#include "edm4hep/EventHeader.h"
+#include "edm4hep/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+#include "edm4hep/SimCalorimeterHitConst.h"
+#include "edm4hep/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "edm4hep/CalorimeterHit.h"
+#include "edm4hep/CalorimeterHitCollection.h"
+#include "edm4hep/SimCalorimeterHitCollection.h"
+#include "edm4hep/MCRecoCaloAssociationCollection.h"
+#include "edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h"
+#include <DDRec/DetectorData.h>
+#include <DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h>
+#include "DetInterface/IGeoSvc.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <TObject.h>
+#include <TNtuple.h>
+#include <TTree.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include <TF1.h>
+#include <TH1F.h>
+class TTree;
+class G2CDArborAlg  : public GaudiAlgorithm
+     /* Processor*  newProcessor() { return new G2CDArborAlg ; } */
+     G2CDArborAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
+     /* G2CDArborAlg(); */
+     /* ~G2CDArborAlg() {}; */
+     /** Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.    
+      * Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.
+      */
+     virtual StatusCode initialize() ;
+     /** Called for every event - the working horse.
+      */
+     virtual StatusCode execute() ;
+     /** Called after data processing for clean up.
+      */
+     virtual StatusCode finalize() ;
+     std::string GetLayerCoding(const std::string &encodingString) const;
+     /* DataHandle<edm4hep::EventHeaderCollection> m_headerCol{"EventHeaderCol", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this}; */
+     // Input collections
+     DataHandle<edm4hep::MCParticleCollection> r_mcParticle{"MCParticle", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+     typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitCollection>  SimCaloType;
+     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_ecalColNames{this, "ECALCollections", {"EcalBarrelSiliconCollection", "EcalEndcapSiliconCollection", "EcalEndcapRingCollection"}, "Input ECAL Hits Collection Names"};
+     std::vector<SimCaloType*> _ecalCollections;
+     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_ecalPreShowerColNames{this, "HcalHitCollections", {"EcalBarrelSiliconPreShowerCollection", "EcalEndcapRingPreShowerCollection", "EcalEndcapSiliconPreShowerCollection"}, "Hit Collection Names"};
+     std::vector<SimCaloType*> _EcalPreShowerCollections;
+     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_hcalColNames{this, "HCALCollections", {"HcalBarrelRegCollection", "HcalEndcapsCollection", "HcalEndcapRingsCollection"}, "HCAL Collection Names"};
+     std::vector<SimCaloType*> _hcalCollections;
+     // Output collections
+     typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection>  CaloHitType;
+     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_ecalOutputColNames{this, "DigiECALCollection", {"ECALBarrel", "ECALEndcap", "ECALOther"}, "Name of Digitized ECAL Hit Collections"};
+     std::vector<CaloHitType*> _outputEcalCollections;
+     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_hcalOutputColNames{this, "DigiHCALCollection", {"HCALBarrel", "HCALEndcap", "HCALOther"}, "Name of Digitized HCAL Hit Collections"};
+     std::vector<CaloHitType*> _outputHcalCollections;
+     /* typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::MCRecoCaloAssociationCollection>  McRecoCaloAssoType; */
+     /* Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_caloTruthLinkColName{this, "caloTruthLinkCollection", {}, "caloTruthLinkCollection"}; */
+     /* std::vector<McRecoCaloAssoType*> _caloTruthLinkCollection; */
+     DataHandle<edm4hep::MCRecoCaloAssociationCollection> _caloTruthLinkCollection{"MCRecoCaloAssociationCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this};
+     mutable Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_ChargeSpatialDistri{this, "ChargeSpatialDistribution", {0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1}, "Spactial Distribution of MIP charge X*Y;"};
+     mutable Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> _calibCoeffEcal{this, "CalibrECAL", {40.91, 81.81}, "Calibration coefficients for ECAL"};
+     mutable Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> _ShowerPositionShiftID{this, "PositionShiftID", {0, 0, 0}, "Global Position Shift For Overlay"}; //should be of the form deltaI, J, K */
+     Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_readLCIO{this, "ReadLCIO", false, "Read sim file with LCIO"};
+     Gaudi::Property<int>    m_reportEvery{this, "EventReportEvery", 100, "Event ID report every"};
+     Gaudi::Property<int>    _NEcalThinLayer{this, "NumThinEcalLayer", 20, "Num of thiner Ecal layers"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _thresholdEcal{this, "ECALThreshold", (float)5.0e-5, "Threshold for ECAL Hits in GeV"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _thresholdHcal{this, "HCALThreshold", (float)0.11, "Threshold for HCAL Hits in GeV"};
+     Gaudi::Property<int>    _DigiCellSize{this, "DigiCellSize", 10, "Size of Digitized Cell (in mm)"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _ShiftInX{this, "ShiftInX", (float)0.0, "Shift Distance in X directoin (in mm) NP only"};
+     Gaudi::Property<int>    _UsingDefaultDetector{this, "UsingDefaultDetector", 0, "Flag Parameter Setting (0 ~ self definition, 1 ~ MircoMegas, 2 ~ GRPC_PS, 3 ~ GRPC_SPS)"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _PolyaParaA{this, "PolyaParaA", 0.7, "Polya: x^A*exp(-b*x) + c"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _PolyaParaB{this, "PolyaParaB", 0.045, "Polya: x^a*exp(-B*x) + c"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _PolyaParaC{this, "PolyaParaC", 0.03, "Polya: x^a*exp(-b*x) + C"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _ChanceOfKink{this, "ChanceOfKink", 0.0, "Chance of one boundary hit to create a multiple hit with boosted charge"};
+     Gaudi::Property<float>  _KinkHitChargeBoost{this, "KinkHitChargeBoost", 1.0, "Scale factor of Charge on boosted multiple hits"};
+     /* std::string _treeFileName; */
+     /* std::string _treeName; */
+     /* std::string _colName; */
+     /* std::vector<std::string> _caloTruthLinkCollection; */
+     /* std::vector<std::string> _hcalCollections; */
+     /* std::vector<std::string> _outputHcalCollections; */
+     /* std::vector<std::string> _ecalCollections; */
+     /* std::vector<std::string> _outputEcalCollections; */
+     /* std::vector<std::string> _EcalPreShowerCollections; */
+     std::vector<float> _ChargeSpatialDistri;
+     /* std::vector<float> _calibCoeffEcal; */
+     /* std::vector<float> _ShowerPositionShiftID; //should be of the form deltaI, J, K */
+     std::map <int, std::pair<float, float> >WeightVector;
+     const double m_pi;
+     /* float _thresholdEcal; */
+     /* float _thresholdHcal; */
+     /* int _NEcalThinLayer;  */
+     int _overwrite;
+     /* int _DigiCellSize;  */
+     /* int _UsingDefaultDetector;  */
+     /* float _PolyaParaA, _PolyaParaB, _PolyaParaC;  */
+     /* float _ChanceOfKink, _KinkHitChargeBoost;  */
+     TTree *_outputTree;
+     TH1F *_NH1stLayer, *_NH8thLayer; 
+     TF1 * _QPolya; 
+     int _Num;
+     int _eventNr; 
+     int _M, _S, _I, _J, _K, _Seg;
+     float _PosX, _PosY, _PosZ; 
+     /* float _EDepo, _Charge, _ShiftInX;  */
+     int _NHit1mm, _NHit1mmCenter, _NHit1mmCorner, _NHit1mmSide;
+     int _TotalNHit1mm, _TotalNHit, _TotalMultiHit; 
+     int _N1, _N2, _N3; 
+     std::string _fileName;
+     std::ostream *_output;
+     std::string m_encoder_str;
+     SmartIF<IGeoSvc> m_geosvc;
+     dd4hep::Detector* m_dd4hep_geo;
+     dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder* m_decoder;
diff --git a/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/cellIDDecoder.h b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/cellIDDecoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6503f352d754fdac3279dab087abd6a359994145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Digitisers/G2CDArbor/src/cellIDDecoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#ifndef cellIDDecoder_h
+#define cellIDDecoder_h 1
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "UTIL/BitField64.h"
+#include "lcio.h"
+#include <string>
+// fixes problem in gcc 4.0.3
+#include "EVENT/LCParameters.h"
+//##################### changed for EMD4HEP ########
+namespace ID_UTIL{
+  /** Convenient class for decoding cellIDs from collection parameter LCIO::CellIDEncoding.
+   *  See UTIL::BitField64 for a description of the encoding string. 
+   * 
+   *  @see BitField64
+   *  @version $Id: CellIDDecoder.h,v 2011-03-04 14:09:07 engels Exp $
+   */
+  template <class T> 
+  class CellIDDecoder {
+  public:  
+    CellIDDecoder() = default ;
+    CellIDDecoder(const CellIDDecoder& ) = delete ;
+    CellIDDecoder& operator=(const CellIDDecoder& ) = delete ;
+    /** Constructor takes encoding string as argument.
+     */
+  CellIDDecoder( const std::string& encoder_str ) : _oldHit(0) {
+      if( encoder_str.length() == 0 ){
+      	throw( lcio::Exception( "CellIDDecoder : string of length zero provided as encoder string" ) ) ;
+      }
+      _b = new UTIL::BitField64( encoder_str ) ; 
+    }
+    /** Constructor reads encoding string from collection parameter LCIO::CellIDEncoding.
+     */
+    CellIDDecoder( const EVENT::LCCollection* col ) : _oldHit(0) {
+      std::string initString("") ; 
+      if( col !=0 ) 
+	initString = col->getParameters().getStringVal(  lcio::LCIO::CellIDEncoding ) ;
+      if( initString.size() == 0 ) {
+	initString = _defaultEncoding ;
+	std::cout << "    ----------------------------------------- " << std::endl  
+		  << "       WARNING: CellIDDecoder - no CellIDEncoding parameter in collection ! " 
+		  << std::endl 
+		  << "         -> using default : \"" << initString << "\"" 
+		  << std::endl 
+		  << "    ------------------------------------------ "  
+		  << std::endl ;
+      }
+      _b = new UTIL::BitField64(  initString ) ; 
+    }
+    ~CellIDDecoder(){ 
+      delete _b ;
+    } 
+    /** Provides access to the bit fields, e.g. <br>
+     *   int layer =  myCellIDEncoding( hit )[ "layer" ] ;
+     * 
+     */
+    inline const UTIL::BitField64 & operator()( const T* hit ){  
+      if( hit != _oldHit && hit ) {
+	auto id = hit->getCellID();
+        unsigned int id0 = id&0xFFFFFFFF;
+        unsigned int id1 = id>>32;
+	//lcio::long64 val = lcio::long64( hit->getCellID0() & 0xffffffff ) | ( lcio::long64( hit->getCellID1() ) << 32      ) ;
+	lcio::long64 val = lcio::long64( id0 & 0xffffffff ) | ( lcio::long64( id1 ) << 32      ) ;
+	_b->setValue( val ) ;
+	_oldHit = hit ;
+      }
+      return  *_b ;
+    }
+    /** This can be used to set the default encoding that is used if no
+     *  CellIDEncoding parameter is set in the collection, e.g. in older lcio files.
+     */ 
+    static void setDefaultEncoding(const std::string& defaultEncoding ) {
+      _defaultEncoding = std::string( defaultEncoding ) ;
+    }
+  protected:
+    UTIL::BitField64* _b{} ;
+    const T* _oldHit{NULL} ;
+    static std::string _defaultEncoding;
+  } ; 
+  template <class T>
+  std::string CellIDDecoder<T>::_defaultEncoding
+  = std::string("byte0:8,byte1:8,byte2:8,byte3:8,byte4:8,byte5:8,byte6:8,byte7:8") ;
+} // namespace
diff --git a/Examples/options/edm4hep_read.py b/Examples/options/edm4hep_read.py
index fa8edc535d3e94e8e4b28105279fdcddb8e6f339..f401e38bad1abba484770f8c6c518d4cb74c41d1 100644
--- a/Examples/options/edm4hep_read.py
+++ b/Examples/options/edm4hep_read.py
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from Configurables import K4DataSvc
-dsvc = K4DataSvc("EventDataSvc", input="test.root")
+dsvc = K4DataSvc("EventDataSvc",
+                 # input="test.root"
+                 input="test-detsim10.root"
 from Configurables import PodioInput
 podioinput = PodioInput("PodioReader", collections=[