#include "G4PrimaryCnvTool.h" #include "G4Event.hh" #include "G4ParticleTable.hh" #include "G4IonTable.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" DECLARE_COMPONENT(G4PrimaryCnvTool) bool G4PrimaryCnvTool::mutate(G4Event* anEvent) { auto mcCol = m_mcParCol.get(); info() << "Start a new event: " << endmsg; for ( auto p : *mcCol ) { info() << p.getObjectID().index << " : ["; for ( auto it = p.daughters_begin(), end = p.daughters_end(); it != end; ++it ) { info() << " " << it->getObjectID().index; } info() << " ]; " << endmsg; // only the GeneratorStatus == 1 is used. if (p.getGeneratorStatus() != 1) { continue; } // vertex const edm4hep::Vector3d& vertex = p.getVertex(); double t = p.getTime()*CLHEP::ns; G4PrimaryVertex* g4vtx = new G4PrimaryVertex(vertex.x*CLHEP::mm, vertex.y*CLHEP::mm, vertex.z*CLHEP::mm, t); info() << "Geant4 Primary Vertex: (" << vertex.x*CLHEP::mm << "," << vertex.y*CLHEP::mm << "," << vertex.z*CLHEP::mm << ")" << endmsg; // pdg/particle int pdgcode = p.getPDG(); G4ParticleTable* particletbl = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable(); G4ParticleDefinition* particle_def = nullptr; // handle the several exceptions if (pdgcode == 0 && p.getCharge() == 0) { // this is geantino particle_def = particletbl->FindParticle("geantino"); } else if (pdgcode == 0 && p.getCharge() == 1) { // this is chargedgeantino particle_def = particletbl->FindParticle("chargedgeantino"); } else { particle_def = particletbl->FindParticle(pdgcode); } // momentum const edm4hep::Vector3f& momentum = p.getMomentum(); G4PrimaryParticle* g4prim = new G4PrimaryParticle(particle_def, momentum.x*CLHEP::GeV, momentum.y*CLHEP::GeV, momentum.z*CLHEP::GeV); // modify the mass of the chargedgeantino if (pdgcode == 0 && p.getCharge() == 1) { info() << "The mass of G4ChargedGeantino is " << m_chargedgeantino_mass.value() << endmsg; g4prim->SetMass(m_chargedgeantino_mass.value()); } g4vtx->SetPrimary(g4prim); anEvent->AddPrimaryVertex(g4vtx); } return true; }