diff --git a/Reconstruction/Digitisers/CMakeLists.txt b/Reconstruction/Digitisers/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b025fbcb4e2423afe6e98b1137e0086fa1b53808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Reconstruction/Digitisers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+gaudi_subdir(Digitisers v0r0)
+find_package(CLHEP REQUIRED)
+find_package(GEAR REQUIRED)
+find_package(GSL REQUIRED ) 
+find_package(LCIO REQUIRED ) 
+    Service/GearSvc
+    Service/EventSeeder
+    src/*.cpp
+# Modules
+gaudi_add_module(Digitisers ${Digitisers_srcs}
+    LINK_LIBRARIES GaudiKernel FWCore CLHEP $ENV{GEAR}/lib/libgearsurf.so ${GSL_LIBRARIES} $ENV{PLCIO}/lib/libplcio.so ${LCIO_LIBRARIES}
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Digitisers/src/PlanarDigiAlg.cpp b/Reconstruction/Digitisers/src/PlanarDigiAlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..203fec53b1e5c9da461da41df7718ee15d8ae3fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Reconstruction/Digitisers/src/PlanarDigiAlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+#include "PlanarDigiAlg.h"
+#include "GearSvc/IGearSvc.h"
+#include "EventSeeder/IEventSeeder.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleConst.h"
+#include <EVENT/LCCollection.h>
+#include <EVENT/SimTrackerHit.h>
+#include <EVENT/MCParticle.h>
+#include <IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h>
+#include <IMPL/LCRelationImpl.h>
+#include <IMPL/TrackerHitPlaneImpl.h>
+#include "UTIL/CellIDEncoder.h"
+#include <UTIL/Operators.h>
+#include "UTIL/ILDConf.h"
+// STUFF needed for GEAR
+#include <gear/GEAR.h>
+#include "gear/gearsurf/MeasurementSurfaceStore.h"
+#include "gear/gearsurf/MeasurementSurface.h"
+#include "gear/gearsurf/ICoordinateSystem.h"
+#include "gear/gearsurf/CartesianCoordinateSystem.h"
+#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
+#include "CLHEP/Vector/TwoVector.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+PlanarDigiAlg::PlanarDigiAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
+  : GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc),
+    _nEvt(0)
+  //_description = "PlanarDigiAlg creates TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits, smearing them according to the input parameters." ;
+  // Input collections
+  declareProperty("HeaderCol", _headerCol);
+  declareProperty("SimTrackHitCollection", _inColHdl, "Handle of the Input SimTrackerHit collection");
+  // Output collections
+  declareProperty("TrackerHitCollection", _outColHdl, "Handle of the TrackerHit output collection");
+  declareProperty("SimTrkHitRelCollection", _outRelColHdl, "Handle of TrackerHit SimTrackHit relation collection");
+StatusCode PlanarDigiAlg::initialize()
+  if( _resU.size() !=  _resV.size() ) {
+    fatal() << "Inconsistent number of resolutions given for U and V coordinate: " 
+      << "ResolutionU  :" <<   _resU.size() << " != ResolutionV : " <<  _resV.size()
+      << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  // get the GEAR manager
+  auto _gear = service<IGearSvc>("GearSvc");
+  if ( !_gear ) {
+    error() << "Failed to find GearSvc ..." << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  _GEAR = _gear->getGearMgr();
+  // initialize gsl random generator
+  _rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlxs2);
+  _SEEDER = service<IEventSeeder>("EventSeeder");
+  _SEEDER->registerAlg(this);
+  // zoujh: TODO - is this necessary? ...
+  //FIXME:SJA: if we want the surface store to be filled we need to create an instance of MarlinTrk implemented with KalTest/KalDet
+  //TODO:MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* trksystem =  MarlinTrk::Factory::createMarlinTrkSystem( "KalTest" , marlin::Global::GEAR , "" ) ;
+  //TODO:if( trksystem == 0 ) {
+  //TODO:  throw EVENT::Exception( std::string("  Cannot initialize MarlinTrkSystem of Type: ") + std::string("KalTest" )  ) ;
+  //TODO:}
+  //TODO:trksystem->init() ;
+  //FIXME:SJA gear surface store has now been filled so we can dispose of the MarlinTrkSystem
+  //TODO:delete trksystem;
+  return GaudiAlgorithm::initialize();
+StatusCode PlanarDigiAlg::execute()
+  auto header = _headerCol.get()->at(0);
+  int evtNo = header.getEventNumber();
+  int runNo = header.getRunNumber();
+  debug() << "Processing Run[" << runNo << "]::Event[" << evtNo << "]" << endmsg;
+  unsigned int thisSeed = _SEEDER->getSeed(this, evtNo, runNo);
+  gsl_rng_set( _rng, thisSeed ) ;   
+  debug() << "seed set to " << thisSeed << endmsg;
+  auto STHcol = _inColHdl.get();
+  if ( STHcol == nullptr ) {
+    debug() << "Collection " << _inColHdl.fullKey() << " is unavailable in event " << _nEvt << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;  // or FAILURE ?
+  }
+  // **
+  // ** STHcol != 0
+  // **
+  unsigned nCreatedHits=0;
+  unsigned nDismissedHits=0;
+  auto trkhitVec = _outColHdl.createAndPut();
+  auto relCol = _outRelColHdl.createAndPut();
+  //CellIDEncoder<TrackerHitPlaneImpl> cellid_encoder( lcio::ILDCellID0::encoder_string , trkhitVec ) ;
+  int nSimHits = STHcol->size()  ;
+  int det_id = 0 ;
+  UTIL::BitField64 encoder( lcio::ILDCellID0::encoder_string ) ;
+  if ( nSimHits>0 ) {
+    auto SimTHit = STHcol->at( 0 ) ;
+    encoder.setValue(SimTHit.getCellID0()) ;
+    det_id  = encoder[lcio::ILDCellID0::subdet] ;
+  }
+  if     ( det_id == lcio::ILDDetID::VXD ){}
+  else if( det_id == lcio::ILDDetID::SIT ){}
+  else if( det_id == lcio::ILDDetID::SET ){}
+  else if( det_id == lcio::ILDDetID::FTD ){}
+  else {
+    fatal() << "unsupported detector ID = " << det_id
+            << ": file " << __FILE__ << " line " << __LINE__
+            << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  //smearing
+  debug() << " processing collection " << _inColHdl.fullKey()
+          << " with " <<  nSimHits  << " hits ... " << endmsg ;
+  int i = 0;
+  for( auto SimTHit : *STHcol ) {
+    const int celId = SimTHit->getCellID0() ;
+    encoder.setValue(celId) ;
+    int side   = encoder[lcio::ILDCellID0::side];
+    int layer  = encoder[lcio::ILDCellID0::layer];
+    int module = encoder[lcio::ILDCellID0::module];
+    int sensor = encoder[lcio::ILDCellID0::sensor];
+    debug() << "Hit = "<< i << " has celId " << celId << endmsg;
+    debug() << "side = " << side << endmsg;
+    debug() << "layerNumber = " <<  layer << endmsg;
+    debug() << "moduleNumber = " << module << endmsg;
+    debug() << "sensorNumber = " << sensor << endmsg;
+    //      //************************************************************
+    //      // Quick check if the MCParticle is in the list of MCParticles
+    //      //************************************************************
+    //
+    //      if ( ! SimTHit->getMCParticle().isAvailable() ) {
+    //        error() << " SimHit " << SimTHit << " Created by zero MCParticle which is not in the list of MCParticles: "
+    //                << endmsg;
+    //        continue;
+    //      }
+    //
+    //      //************************************************************
+    //      // Quick check if the MCParticle is of zero charge
+    //      //************************************************************
+    //
+    //      if( abs( SimTHit->getMCParticle().getCharge()) < 0.01  ){
+    //        error() << " SimHit Created by zero charge particle: "
+    //                << " Charge =  " << SimTHit->getMCParticle().getCharge()
+    //                << " EDep =  " << SimTHit->getEDep()
+    //                << " x =  " << SimTHit->getPosition()[0]
+    //                << " PDG =  " << SimTHit->getMCParticle().getPDG()
+    //                << " ID =  " << SimTHit->getMCParticle().id()
+    //                << endmsg;
+    //        continue;
+    //      }
+    float resU = ( _resU.size() > 1 ?   _resU.value().at(  layer )     : _resU.value().at(0)   )  ;
+    float resV = ( _resV.size() > 1 ?   _resV.value().at(  layer )     : _resV.value().at(0)   )  ; 
+    debug() << " --- will smear hit with resU = " << resU << " and resV = " << resV << endmsg;
+    auto& pos =  SimTHit->getPosition() ;  
+    double smearedPos[3];
+    // GearSurfaces::MeasurementSurface* ms = _GEAR->getMeasurementSurfaceStore().GetMeasurementSurface( SimTHit->getCellID0() );
+    gear::MeasurementSurface const* ms = _GEAR->getMeasurementSurfaceStore().GetMeasurementSurface( encoder.lowWord() );;
+    CLHEP::Hep3Vector globalPoint(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+    CLHEP::Hep3Vector localPoint = ms->getCoordinateSystem()->getLocalPoint(globalPoint);
+    CLHEP::Hep3Vector localPointSmeared = localPoint;
+    debug() << "Position of hit before smearing global: ( "<<pos[0]<<" "<<pos[1]<<" "<<pos[2]<< " ) "
+            << "local: ( " << localPoint.x() << " " << localPoint.y() << " " << localPoint.z() << " )" << endmsg;
+    // A small check, if the hit is in the boundaries:
+    if ( !ms->isLocalInBoundary( localPoint ) ){
+      error() << "Hit local: ( " << localPoint.x() << " " << localPoint.y() << " " << localPoint.z() << " )"
+              << " is not within boundaries. Hit is skipped." << endmsg;
+      nDismissedHits++;
+      continue;
+    }
+    unsigned  tries = 0;              
+    bool accept_hit = false;
+    // Now try to smear the hit and make sure it is still on the surface
+    while( tries < 100 ) {
+      if (tries > 0) {
+        debug() << "retry smearing for side" << side << " layer"<< layer<< " module" << module
+                << " sensor" << sensor << " : retries " << tries << endmsg;
+      }
+      localPointSmeared.setX( localPoint.x() + gsl_ran_gaussian(_rng, resU) );
+      localPointSmeared.setY( localPoint.y() + gsl_ran_gaussian(_rng, resV) );
+      //check if hit is in boundaries
+      if ( ms->isLocalInBoundary( localPointSmeared ) ) {
+        accept_hit = true;
+        break;
+      }
+      tries++;
+    }
+    if( accept_hit == false ) {
+      debug() << "hit could not be smeared within ladder after 100 tries: hit dropped"  << endmsg;
+      continue; 
+    }
+    // for 1D strip measurements: set v to 0! Only the measurement in u counts!
+    if( _isStrip ) localPointSmeared[1] = 0. ;
+    // convert back to global position for TrackerHitPlaneImpl
+    CLHEP::Hep3Vector globalPointSmeared = ms->getCoordinateSystem()->getGlobalPoint(localPointSmeared);
+    debug() <<"Position of hit after smearing global: ( "  
+            << globalPointSmeared.x() <<" "<< globalPointSmeared.y() <<" "<< globalPointSmeared.z() << " ) "
+            << "local: ( "
+            << localPointSmeared.x() << " " << localPointSmeared.y() << " " << localPointSmeared.z() << " )"
+            << endmsg;
+    smearedPos[0] = globalPointSmeared.x();
+    smearedPos[1] = globalPointSmeared.y();
+    smearedPos[2] = globalPointSmeared.z();
+    //make the TrackerHitPlaneImpl
+    auto trkHit = trkhitVec->create();
+    trkHit->setCellID0( encoder.lowWord() );
+    trkHit->setPosition( smearedPos ) ;
+    gear::CartesianCoordinateSystem* cartesian = dynamic_cast< gear::CartesianCoordinateSystem* >( ms->getCoordinateSystem() ); 
+    CLHEP::Hep3Vector uVec = cartesian->getLocalXAxis();
+    CLHEP::Hep3Vector vVec = cartesian->getLocalYAxis();
+    float u_direction[2] ;
+    u_direction[0] = uVec.theta();
+    u_direction[1] = uVec.phi();
+    float v_direction[2] ;
+    v_direction[0] = vVec.theta();
+    v_direction[1] = vVec.phi();
+    debug() << " U[0] = "<< u_direction[0] << " U[1] = "<< u_direction[1]
+            << " V[0] = "<< v_direction[0] << " V[1] = "<< v_direction[1]
+            << endmsg ;
+    /* zoujh: TODO - generate TrackerHitPlane with podio
+    trkHit->setU( u_direction ) ;
+    trkHit->setV( v_direction ) ;
+    trkHit->setdU( resU ) ;
+    if( _isStrip ) trkHit->setdV( 0 ); // no error in v direction for strip hits as there is no meesurement information in v direction
+    else trkHit->setdV( resV ) ;
+    */
+    if( _isStrip ){
+      trkHit->setType( UTIL::set_bit( trkHit->getType() , UTIL::ILDTrkHitTypeBit::ONE_DIMENSIONAL ) ) ;
+    }
+    trkHit->setEDep( SimTHit->getEDep() );
+    // make the relation
+    auto rel = relCol->create();
+    float weight = 1.0;
+    debug() <<" Set relation between "
+            << " sim hit " << SimTHit 
+            << " to tracker hit " << trkHit
+            << " with a weight of " << weight 
+            << endmsg;
+    rel.setFrom( trkHit->getObjectID() );
+    rel.setTo( SimTHit->getObjectID() );
+    rel.setWeight( weight );
+    nCreatedHits++;
+    debug() << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endmsg;
+    ++i;
+  }
+  debug() << "Created " << nCreatedHits << " hits, "
+          << nDismissedHits << " hits got dismissed for being out of boundary"
+          << endmsg;
+  _nEvt ++ ;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode PlanarDigiAlg::finalize()
+  info() << "Processed " << _nEvt << " events " << endmsg;
+  return GaudiAlgorithm::finalize();
diff --git a/Reconstruction/Digitisers/src/PlanarDigiAlg.h b/Reconstruction/Digitisers/src/PlanarDigiAlg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30386b64b84d2a8b09acc7b78299afceb11951cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Reconstruction/Digitisers/src/PlanarDigiAlg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include "FWCore/DataHandle.h"
+#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
+#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
+#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+#include "plcio/SimTrackerHitCollection.h"
+#include "plcio/TrackerHitCollection.h"
+#include "plcio/LCRelationCollection.h"
+/** ======= PlanarDigiProcessor / PlanarDigiAlg ========== <br>
+ * Creates TrackerHits from SimTrackerHits, smearing them according to the input parameters. 
+ * The SimTrackerHits should come from a planar detector like VXD, SIT, SET or FTD.
+ * 
+ * WARNING: this processor depends on correctly set CellID0s and is NOT backwards compatible to 
+ * SimTrackerHit output with wrong CellID0s!!!
+ * 
+ * The positions of "digitized" TrackerHits are obtained by gaussian smearing positions
+ * of SimTrackerHits in u and v direction. 
+ * <h4>Input collections and prerequisites</h4> 
+ * Processor requires a collection of SimTrackerHits <br>
+ * <h4>Output</h4>
+ * Processor produces collection of smeared TrackerHits<br>
+ * @param SimTrackHitCollectionName The name of input collection of SimTrackerHits <br>
+ * (default name VXDCollection) <br>
+ * @param TrackerHitCollectionName The name of output collection of smeared TrackerHits <br>
+ * (default name VTXTrackerHits) <br>
+ * @param SimTrkHitRelCollection The name of the TrackerHit SimTrackerHit relation collection <br>
+ * (default name VTXTrackerHitRelations) <br>
+ * @param ResolutionU resolution in direction of u (in mm) <br>
+ * (default value 0.004) <br>
+ * @param ResolutionV Resolution in direction of v (in mm) <br>
+ * (default value 0.004) <br>
+ * @param IsStrip whether the hits are 1 dimensional strip measurements <br>
+ * (default value false)<br>
+ * <br>
+ * 
+ */
+namespace gear { class GearMgr; }
+class IEventSeeder;
+class PlanarDigiAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm
+  friend class AlgFactory<PlanarDigiAlg>;
+  PlanarDigiAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
+  /** Called at the begin of the job before anything is read.
+   * Use to initialize the processor, e.g. book histograms.
+   */
+  virtual StatusCode initialize() ;
+  /** Called for every event - the working horse.
+   */
+  virtual StatusCode execute() ; 
+  /** Called after data processing for clean up.
+   */
+  virtual StatusCode finalize() ;
+  typedef std::vector<float> FloatVec;
+  int _nEvt ;
+  gear::GearMgr* _GEAR;
+  IEventSeeder * _SEEDER;
+  gsl_rng* _rng ;
+  // resolution in direction of u - either one per layer or one for all layers
+  Gaudi::Property<FloatVec> _resU{ this, "ResolutionU", {0.0040} };
+  // resolution in direction of v - either one per layer or one for all layers
+  Gaudi::Property<FloatVec> _resV{ this, "ResolutionV", {0.0040} };
+  // whether hits are 1D strip hits
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> _isStrip{ this, "IsStrip", false };
+  // Input collections
+  DataHandle<plcio::EventHeaderCollection> _headerCol{"EventHeaderCol", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+  DataHandle<plcio::SimTrackerHitCollection> _inColHdl{"VXDCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+  // Output collections
+  DataHandle<plcio::TrackerHitCollection> _outColHdl{"VXDTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this};
+  DataHandle<plcio::LCRelationCollection> _outRelColHdl{"VTXTrackerHitRelations", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};