From 382703bee570dfb7ea528b60b3de66cb4fb33fa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mingrui Zhao <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:38:30 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] remove *.bak

 .../src/Tools/    | 122 -----------
 .../KiTrack/src/Tools/   | 190 ------------------
 2 files changed, 312 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/
 delete mode 100644 Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/

diff --git a/Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/ b/Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff3a242..00000000
--- a/Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#include "Tools/KiTrackMarlinCEDTools.h"
-#include <cmath>
-#include <CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h>
-#include "MarlinCED.h"
-void KiTrackMarlin::drawAutomatonSegments( const Automaton& automaton ){
-   std::vector< const Segment* > segments = automaton.getSegments();
-   for( unsigned i=0 ; i < segments.size(); i++ ){
-      const Segment* segment = segments[i];
-      std::vector < IHit* > hits = segment->getHits();         
-      if ( hits.size() == 1){ //exactly one hit, so draw a point
-         IHit* a = hits[0];
-         ced_hit( a->getX() ,a->getY() , a->getZ() , 0 , 3 ,0xff0000 );
-      }
-      else{ //more than one point or no points
-         for( unsigned j=1 ; j< hits.size() ; j++ ){ // over all hits in the segment (as we connect it with the previous we start with hit 1)
-            IHit* a = hits[j];
-            IHit* b = hits[j-1];
-            unsigned int color=0;
-            unsigned int red=0;
-            unsigned int blue=0;
-            unsigned int green=0;
-            float p =  sqrt ((float)  segment->getInnerState() / (float) ( 7 ));
-            green = unsigned( ceil ( (1.-p) * 255 ) );
-            red = unsigned( floor( 255*p ) );
-            blue = unsigned( ceil ( (1.-p) * 255 ) );
-            color = red * 256*256 + green * 256 + blue;
-            ced_line_ID( a->getX() ,a->getY() , a->getZ() , b->getX() ,b->getY() , b->getZ() , 2 , segment->getInnerState()+2 , color, 0);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-void KiTrackMarlin::drawTrack( ITrack* track, int color ){
-   std::vector < IHit* > hits = track->getHits();     
-   for( unsigned j=1 ; j< hits.size() ; j++ ){ // over all hits in the segment (as we connect it with the previous we start with hit 1)
-      IHit* a = hits[j];
-      IHit* b = hits[j-1];
-      ced_line_ID( a->getX() ,a->getY() , a->getZ() , b->getX() ,b->getY() , b->getZ() , 2 , 5 , color, 0);
-   }
-void KiTrackMarlin::drawTrackRandColor( ITrack* track ){
-   int red = 0;
-   int green = 0;
-   int blue = 0;
-   int dist = 0;
-   int distmin = 60;
-   while( dist < distmin ){
-      red = CLHEP::RandFlat::shootInt(256);
-      green = CLHEP::RandFlat::shootInt(256);
-      blue = CLHEP::RandFlat::shootInt(256);
-      dist = std::abs( red - green );
-      if( std::abs( green - blue ) > dist ) dist = std::abs( green - blue );
-      if( std::abs( red - blue ) > dist ) dist = std::abs( red - blue );
-   }
-   int color = red * 256*256 + green * 256 + blue;
-   drawTrack( track, color );
diff --git a/Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/ b/Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3da4ca1b..00000000
--- a/Utilities/KiTrack/src/Tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#include "Tools/VXDHelixFitter.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "edm4hep/TrackerHit.h"
-#include "UTIL/ILDConf.h"
-#include "UTIL/LCTrackerConf.h"
-//#include "marlin/VerbosityLevels.h"
-#include "TrackSystemSvc/HelixFit.h"
-#include "Tools/KiTrackMarlinTools.h"
-VXDHelixFitter::VXDHelixFitter( std::vector< ConstTrackerHit > trackerHits ){
-   _trackerHits = trackerHits;
-   fit();
-VXDHelixFitter::VXDHelixFitter( Track* track ){
-   _trackerHits = track->getTrackerHits();
-   fit();
-void VXDHelixFitter::fit(){
-  std::vector< ConstTrackerHit > trackerHits2D ;
-  for (unsigned ihit=0; ihit <_trackerHits.size(); ++ihit) {
-    // check if this a space point or 2D hit 
-    if(UTIL::BitSet32( _trackerHits[ihit]->getType() )[ UTIL::ILDTrkHitTypeBit::ONE_DIMENSIONAL ] == false ){
-      // then add to the list 
-      trackerHits2D.push_back(_trackerHits[ihit]);
-    }
-  }
-   std::sort( trackerHits2D.begin(), trackerHits2D.end(), KiTrackMarlin::compare_TrackerHit_R );
-   int nHits = trackerHits2D.size();
-   int iopt = 2;
-   float chi2RPhi;
-   float chi2Z;
-   // DEBUG
-   //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << " no of hits fitted " << nHits << std::endl ; 
-   if( nHits < 3 ){
-      std::stringstream s;
-      s << "VXDHelixFitter::fit(): Cannot fit less with less than 3 hits. Number of hits =  " << nHits << "\n";
-      throw VXDHelixFitterException( s.str() );
-   }
-   double* xh  = new double[nHits];
-   double* yh  = new double[nHits];
-   float*  zh  = new float[nHits];
-   double* wrh = new double[nHits];
-   float*  wzh = new float[nHits];
-   float*  rh  = new float[nHits];
-   float*  ph  = new float[nHits];
-   float par[5];
-   float epar[15];
-   for( int i=0; i<nHits; i++ ){
-     ConstTrackerHit hit = trackerHits2D[i];
-     xh[i] = hit.getPosition()[0];
-     yh[i] = hit.getPosition()[1];
-     zh[i] = float(hit.getPosition()[2]);
-     //wrh[i] = double(1.0/(hit->getResolutionRPhi()*hit->getResolutionRPhi()));
-     //wzh[i] = 1.0/(hit->getResolutionZ()*hit->getResolutionZ());
-     //wrh[i] = double(1.0/(sqrt((hit->getCovMatrix()[0]*hit->getCovMatrix()[0]) + (hit->getCovMatrix()[2]*hit->getCovMatrix()[2]))));
-     //wzh[i] = 1.0/(hit->getCovMatrix()[5]);
-     rh[i] = float(sqrt(xh[i]*xh[i]+yh[i]*yh[i]));
-     ph[i] = atan2(yh[i],xh[i]);
-     if (ph[i] < 0.) 
-       ph[i] = 2.*M_PI + ph[i]; 
-     // Just to debug the resolutions
-     //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << " hit's radius " << rh[i] << " R-phi uncertainty " << wrh[i] << " Z uncertainty " << wzh[i] << " Cov[0] " << hit->getCovMatrix()[0] << " Cov[2] " << hit->getCovMatrix()[2] << " Cov[5] " << hit->getCovMatrix()[5] << std::endl ;
-     // check for composite spacepoints
-     if( BitSet32( hit->getType() )[ UTIL::ILDTrkHitTypeBit::COMPOSITE_SPACEPOINT ] ){
-       //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << " COMPOSITE SPACEPOINT radius: " <<  rh[i] << std::endl ;
-       float sigX = hit->getCovMatrix()[0];
-       float sigY = hit->getCovMatrix()[2];
-       wrh[i] = 1/sqrt( sigX*sigX + sigY*sigY );
-       wzh[i] = 1.0/(hit->getCovMatrix()[5]);
-       //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << " SPACEPOINT:: hit's radius " << rh[i] << " R-phi uncertainty " << wrh[i] << " Z uncertainty " << wzh[i] << " res RPhi " << sqrt( sigX*sigX + sigY*sigY ) << " res Z " << (hit->getCovMatrix()[5]) << std::endl ;         
-     }
-     else if  (  BitSet32( hit->getType() )[ UTIL::ILDTrkHitTypeBit::ONE_DIMENSIONAL ] ) {
-       // YV: FIXME: very crude hack, hard coded the SIT strip digital resolution in V 
-       //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << " 1D hit radius: " <<  rh[i] << std::endl ;
-       //TrackerHitPlane* hitPlane = dynamic_cast<TrackerHitPlane*>( hit );
-       //wrh[i] = double(1.0/( hitPlane->getdU()*hitPlane->getdU()  ));
-       wrh[i] = double(1.0/( hit->getCovMatrix(2)*hit->getCovMatrix(2) ));
-       double resZ = 92.0  / std::sqrt( 12. ) ;
-       //double resZ = 0.003 ;
-       wzh[i] = 1.0/( resZ * resZ ); 
-       //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << " 1Dimensional TRACKERHITPLANE:: hit's radius " << rh[i] << " R-phi uncertainty " << wrh[i] << " Z uncertainty " << wzh[i] << " dU " << hitPlane->getdU() << " dV " << resZ  << " 1/du^2 "<< (1/(hitPlane->getdU()*hitPlane->getdU())) <<  " 1/dv^2 "<< wzh[i] << std::endl ;
-     }
-     else {
-       //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << " 2D hit radius: " <<  rh[i]  << std::endl ; 
-       //TrackerHitPlane* hitPlane = dynamic_cast<TrackerHitPlane*>( hit );
-       //wrh[i] = double(1.0/( hitPlane->getdU()*hitPlane->getdU()  ));
-       //wzh[i] = wrh[i]; // pixel VXD 
-       wrh[i] = double(1.0/( hit->getCovMatrix(2)*hit->getCovMatrix(2) ));
-       wzh[i] = double(1.0/( hit->getCovMatrix(5)*hit->getCovMatrix(5) ));
-       //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << "2D pixel TRACKERHITPLANE:: hit's radius " << rh[i] << " R-phi uncertainty " << wrh[i] << " Z uncertainty " << wzh[i] << " dU " << hitPlane->getdU() << " dV " << hitPlane->getdV()  << " 1/du^2 "<< (1/(hitPlane->getdU()*hitPlane->getdU())) <<  " 1/dv^2 "<< (1/(hitPlane->getdV()*hitPlane->getdV())) << std::endl ;
-     }     
-   }
-   MarlinTrk::HelixFit helixFitter;
-   helixFitter.fastHelixFit(nHits, xh, yh, rh, ph, wrh, zh, wzh,iopt, par, epar, chi2RPhi, chi2Z);
-   par[3] = par[3]*par[0]/fabs(par[0]);
-   _omega = par[0];
-   _tanLambda = par[1];
-   _phi0 = par[2];
-   _d0 = par[3];
-   _z0 = par[4];
-   float chi2 = chi2RPhi+chi2Z;
-   int Ndf = 2*nHits-5;
-   delete[] xh;
-   delete[] yh;
-   delete[] zh;
-   delete[] wrh;
-   delete[] wzh;
-   delete[] rh;
-   delete[] ph;
-   xh  = NULL; 
-   yh  = NULL; 
-   zh  = NULL; 
-   wrh = NULL; 
-   wzh = NULL; 
-   rh = NULL; 
-   ph = NULL; 
-   //streamlog_out(DEBUG4) << "chi2 rphi = " << chi2RPhi << ", chi2 Z = " << chi2Z << ", Ndf = " << Ndf << "\n";
-   _chi2 = chi2;
-   _Ndf = Ndf;
-   return;