diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v01/Ecal_Crystal_Barrel_v01_01.xml b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v01/Ecal_Crystal_Barrel_v01_01.xml
index 6d3b3a7fd640577efeb8d5b56930e0ea551d06a7..74451cb039ea2fdd4784150e5df84d0670e40cec 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v01/Ecal_Crystal_Barrel_v01_01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/compact/CRD_common_v01/Ecal_Crystal_Barrel_v01_01.xml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-      <id>system:4,layer:6,block:8,bar:10</id>
+      <id>system:5,module:3,stave:4,dlayer:5,part:3,slayer:32:2,bar:6</id>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Calorimeter/CRDEcal_v01.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Calorimeter/CRDEcal_v01.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..254fc6b9b18cca179b805a04e93465702dd144d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Calorimeter/CRDEcal_v01.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+//  Detector description for CEPC Reference Detector ECal Barrel.
+//  Author: Fangyi Guo    email: guofangyi@ihep.ac.cn
+//  Ecal cosists of long crystal bar 1cm*1cm*~40cm 
+//  8 parts cover 2pi phi range. Inner radius, height, z-length can change from xml.
+//  In each part, crystal bar crosses in odd-even layer. 
+//  v0r0: nothing but BGO crystal
+//  v01: use double-layer as basic block, for cross-location in reconstruction. 
+//		layout: 8 module 
+//						->14 double-layer(dlayer) in R-direction 
+//						->10 part along Z-direction
+//						->4 block along phi-direction   (4*10*14 blocks in each module).
+//						->2 sub-layer (bars in 0 sub-layer along phi direction, in 1 sub-layer along z direction).
+//						->N bar. 
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "XML/Layering.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "DDSegmentation/Segmentation.h"
+#define MYDEBUG(x) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << x << std::endl;
+#define MYDEBUGVAL(x) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << #x << ": " << x << std::endl;
+using dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData;
+using namespace dd4hep;
+using namespace std;
+static dd4hep::Ref_t create_detector(dd4hep::Detector& theDetector,
+                                     xml_h e,
+                                     dd4hep::SensitiveDetector sens) {
+  xml_det_t x_det = e;
+  std::string det_name = x_det.nameStr();
+  std::string det_type = x_det.typeStr();
+  MYDEBUGVAL(det_name);
+  MYDEBUGVAL(det_type);
+  int detid = x_det.id();
+  //Global geometry
+  double R0 = theDetector.constant<double>("ecalbarrel_inner_radius");
+  double h0 = theDetector.constant<double>("ecalbarrel_thickness");
+  double Z0 = theDetector.constant<double>("ecalbarrel_zlength");
+  double barx = theDetector.constant<double>("bar_x");   //Crystal size in R direction. 
+  double bary = theDetector.constant<double>("bar_y");   //Crystal size in z/phi direction (z for odd layer, phi for even layer).
+  double dim_x1 = R0*tan(22.5*degree) + sqrt(2)*h0/2.;
+  double dim_x2 = dim_x1 - h0;
+  double dim_y = Z0/2.;
+  double dim_z = h0/2.;		                 
+  double dx = dim_x1 - R0*tan(22.5*degree);  //transport distance in x-axis
+  double r0 = R0+h0/2.;                      //rotation radius 
+  //Crystal bar size
+  int Nlayers = (int)h0/(2*barx);         //14 double-layers. 
+  int Nblock_z   = 11;                    //block number in z direction
+  int Nblock_phi = 4;                     //block number in phi direction
+  double barz_s0;                         //Crystal bar lenghth in sub-layer 0(phi direction). Depends on layer number. 
+  double barz_s1 = Z0/Nblock_z;           //Crystal bar lenghth in sub-layer 1(z direction, 46cm).
+  int Nbar_phi;                           //Crystal bar number in each block, in phi direction.
+  int Nbar_z = (int)barz_s1/bary;         //Crystal bar number in each block, in z direction.
+  //Define detector and motherVolume(world)
+  dd4hep::DetElement ECAL(det_name, detid);
+  dd4hep::Volume motherVol = theDetector.pickMotherVolume(ECAL);
+  // Create a Tube-like envelope representing the whole detector volume
+  dd4hep::PolyhedraRegular envelope(8, 22.5*degree, R0, (R0+h0), Z0);
+  dd4hep::Material	air(theDetector.material("Air"));
+  dd4hep::Volume	   envelopeVol(det_name, envelope, air);
+  dd4hep::PlacedVolume	envelopePlv = motherVol.placeVolume(envelopeVol, Position(0,0,0));
+  envelopePlv.addPhysVolID("system",x_det.id());
+  envelopeVol.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "InvisibleWithChildren" );
+  ECAL.setPlacement(envelopePlv);
+  //Define specific material and volumen for detElement
+  dd4hep::Material mat_BGO(theDetector.material("G4_BGO"));
+  dd4hep::Trapezoid trap(dim_x1, dim_x2, dim_y, dim_y, dim_z);
+  dd4hep::Volume det_vol("trap_vol", trap, mat_BGO);
+  det_vol.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "InvisibleWithChildren");
+  dd4hep::Trapezoid subtrap(dim_x1, dim_x2, dim_y/Nblock_z, dim_y/Nblock_z, dim_z);
+  dd4hep::Volume det_stave("stave_vol", subtrap, mat_BGO);
+  det_stave.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "InvisibleWithChildren");  
+  //Loop to place crystalls in one part
+  //Outer loop: layer (odd layer). 
+  dd4hep::Volume bar_s1("bar_s1", dd4hep::Box(bary/2, barz_s1/2, barx/2), mat_BGO);
+  bar_s1.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VisibleRed");
+  bar_s1.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+  dd4hep::DetElement stavedet(ECAL, "trap",detid);
+  for(int ilayer=1; ilayer<=Nlayers; ilayer++){
+    double lx = dim_x1 - ilayer*2*barx;
+    barz_s0 = floor(2*lx/Nblock_phi);
+    Nbar_phi = (int)barz_s0/bary;
+    dd4hep::Volume bar_s0("bar_s0", dd4hep::Box(barz_s0/2, bary/2, barx/2), mat_BGO);
+    bar_s0.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VisibleGreen");
+    bar_s0.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+    for(int iphi=1; iphi<=Nblock_phi; iphi++){
+    	  dd4hep::Volume block("block", dd4hep::Box(barz_s0/2, barz_s1/2, barx), mat_BGO);
+    	  block.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VisibleGreen");
+    	  //std::string blockname = "Block_"+std::to_string(ilayer)+"_"+std::to_string(iphi)+"_"+std::to_string(iz);
+    	  std::string blockname = "Block_"+std::to_string(ilayer)+"_"+std::to_string(iphi);
+    	  dd4hep::DetElement sd(stavedet, blockname, detid);
+        //sub-layer 0: bars along phi. length=barz_s0. Bar num=Nbar_z
+/*      for(int ibar0=1;ibar0<=Nbar_z;ibar0++){
+    	    dd4hep::PlacedVolume plv_bar0 = block.placeVolume(bar_s0, Position(0,(2*ibar0-1)*bary/2-barz_s1/2, -barx/2));
+    	    plv_bar0.addPhysVolID("slayer",0).addPhysVolID("bar",ibar0);
+    	    std::string barname0 = "CrystalBar_s0_"+std::to_string(ibar0);	
+    	    dd4hep::DetElement bardet0(sd, barname0, detid);
+    	    bardet0.setPlacement(plv_bar0);
+    	  }
+    	  //sub-layer1 
+    	  for(int ibar1=1;ibar1<=Nbar_phi;ibar1++){
+    	    dd4hep::PlacedVolume plv_bar1 = block.placeVolume(bar_s1, Position((2*ibar1-1)*bary/2-barz_s0/2, 0, barx/2));
+    	  	 plv_bar1.addPhysVolID("slayer",1).addPhysVolID("bar",ibar1);
+    	  	 std::string barname1 = "CrystalBar_s1_"+std::to_string(ibar1);
+    	  	 dd4hep::DetElement bardet1(sd, barname1, detid);
+    	  	 bardet1.setPlacement(plv_bar1);
+    	  }
+    	  //dd4hep::PlacedVolume plv = det_vol.placeVolume(block, Position(lx-(2*iphi-1)*barz_s0/2, (2*iz-1)*barz_s1/2-dim_y, (2*ilayer-1)*bary-dim_z));
+    	  dd4hep::PlacedVolume plv = det_stave.placeVolume(block, Position(lx-(2*iphi-1)*barz_s0/2, 0, (2*ilayer-1)*bary-dim_z));
+    	  plv.addPhysVolID("dlayer", ilayer).addPhysVolID("part", iphi);
+    	  sd.setPlacement(plv);
+      }
+    }
+  for(int iz=1; iz<=Nblock_z; iz++){
+    dd4hep::PlacedVolume plv = det_vol.placeVolume(det_stave, Position(0, (2*iz-1)*barz_s1/2-dim_y, 0) );
+    plv.addPhysVolID("stave", iz);
+    DetElement sd(stavedet, _toString(iz,"stave%3d"), detid);
+    sd.setPlacement(plv);    
+  }
+  for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
+    double rotAngle = 45*i*degree;
+    double posx = -r0*sin(rotAngle) - dx*cos(rotAngle);
+  	 double posy = r0*cos(rotAngle) - dx*sin(rotAngle);
+  	 dd4hep::Transform3D transform(dd4hep::RotationZ(rotAngle)*dd4hep::RotationX(-90*degree),  dd4hep::Position(posx, posy, 0.));
+  	 dd4hep::PlacedVolume plv = envelopeVol.placeVolume(det_vol, transform);
+  	 plv.addPhysVolID("module", i);
+  	 DetElement sd(ECAL, _toString(i,"trap%3d"), detid);
+  	 sd.setPlacement(plv);
+  }
+  sens.setType("calorimeter");
+  MYDEBUG("create_detector DONE. ");
+  return ECAL;
+DECLARE_DETELEMENT(CRDEcalBarrel_v01, create_detector)