diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/include/DataHelper/TrackerHitHelper.h b/Utilities/DataHelper/include/DataHelper/TrackerHitHelper.h
index c83fb7a46da4ad2e487bfbdded6d525c06f8cb55..60057adaf9afac84541b4a770bfa8a879658617a 100644
--- a/Utilities/DataHelper/include/DataHelper/TrackerHitHelper.h
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/include/DataHelper/TrackerHitHelper.h
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include <array>
 namespace CEPC{
-  std::array<float, 6> GetCovMatrix(edm4hep::TrackerHit& hit);
+  std::array<float, 6> GetCovMatrix(edm4hep::TrackerHit& hit, bool useSpacePointerBuilderMethod = false);
   float                GetResolutionRPhi(edm4hep::TrackerHit& hit);
   float                GetResolutionZ(edm4hep::TrackerHit& hit);
diff --git a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitHelper.cpp b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitHelper.cpp
index 1edfb733b1a01d44e0138ecff856d882db4499b1..58f5278d6e3beefcf7b2986e0a25c59713bb259e 100644
--- a/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitHelper.cpp
+++ b/Utilities/DataHelper/src/TrackerHitHelper.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include "CLHEP/Vector/Rotation.h"
 #include <bitset>
-std::array<float,6> CEPC::GetCovMatrix(edm4hep::TrackerHit& hit){
+std::array<float,6> CEPC::GetCovMatrix(edm4hep::TrackerHit& hit, bool useSpacePointBuilderMethod){
     int type = hit.getType();
@@ -23,51 +23,52 @@ std::array<float,6> CEPC::GetCovMatrix(edm4hep::TrackerHit& hit){
       float thetaV = hit.getCovMatrix(3);
       float phiV   = hit.getCovMatrix(4);
       float dV     = hit.getCovMatrix(5);
-#ifndef MethodUsedInSpacePointBuilder
-      TMatrixF diffs(2,3);
-      TMatrixF diffsT(3,2);
-      diffs(0,0) = sin(thetaU)*cos(phiU);
-      diffs(0,1) = sin(thetaU)*sin(phiU);
-      diffs(0,2) = cos(thetaU);
-      diffs(1,0) = sin(thetaV)*cos(phiV);
-      diffs(1,1) = sin(thetaV)*sin(phiV);
-      diffs(1,2) = cos(thetaV);
-      diffsT.Transpose(diffs);
-      TMatrixF covMatrixUV(2,2);
-      covMatrixUV(0,0) = dU*dU;
-      covMatrixUV(0,1) = 0;
-      covMatrixUV(1,0) = 0;
-      covMatrixUV(1,1) = dV*dV;
-      TMatrixF covMatrixXYZ(3,3);
-      covMatrixXYZ = diffsT*covMatrixUV*diffs;
-      cov[0] = covMatrixXYZ(0,0);
-      cov[1] = covMatrixXYZ(1,0);
-      cov[2] = covMatrixXYZ(1,1);
-      cov[3] = covMatrixXYZ(2,0);
-      cov[4] = covMatrixXYZ(2,1);
-      cov[5] = covMatrixXYZ(2,2);
-#else // Method used in SpacePointBuilder, results are almost same with above
-      CLHEP::Hep3Vector u_sensor(sin(thetaU)*cos(phiU), sin(thetaU)*sin(phiU), cos(thetaU));
-      CLHEP::Hep3Vector v_sensor(sin(thetaV)*cos(phiV), sin(thetaV)*sin(phiV), cos(thetaV));
-      CLHEP::Hep3Vector w_sensor = u_sensor.cross(v_sensor);
-      CLHEP::HepRotation rot_sensor(u_sensor, v_sensor, w_sensor);
-      CLHEP::HepMatrix rot_sensor_matrix;
-      rot_sensor_matrix = rot_sensor;
-      CLHEP::HepSymMatrix cov_plane(3,0);
-      cov_plane(1,1) = dU*dU;
-      cov_plane(2,2) = dV*dV;
-      CLHEP::HepSymMatrix cov_xyz= cov_plane.similarity(rot_sensor_matrix);
-      cov[0] = cov_xyz[0][0];
-      cov[1] = cov_xyz[1][0];
-      cov[2] = cov_xyz[1][1];
-      cov[3] = cov_xyz[2][0];
-      cov[4] = cov_xyz[2][1];
-      cov[5] = cov_xyz[2][2];
+      if(!useSpacePointBuilderMethod){
+	TMatrixF diffs(2,3);
+	TMatrixF diffsT(3,2);
+	diffs(0,0) = sin(thetaU)*cos(phiU);
+	diffs(0,1) = sin(thetaU)*sin(phiU);
+	diffs(0,2) = cos(thetaU);
+	diffs(1,0) = sin(thetaV)*cos(phiV);
+	diffs(1,1) = sin(thetaV)*sin(phiV);
+	diffs(1,2) = cos(thetaV);
+	diffsT.Transpose(diffs);
+	TMatrixF covMatrixUV(2,2);
+	covMatrixUV(0,0) = dU*dU;
+	covMatrixUV(0,1) = 0;
+	covMatrixUV(1,0) = 0;
+	covMatrixUV(1,1) = dV*dV;
+	TMatrixF covMatrixXYZ(3,3);
+	covMatrixXYZ = diffsT*covMatrixUV*diffs;
+	cov[0] = covMatrixXYZ(0,0);
+	cov[1] = covMatrixXYZ(1,0);
+	cov[2] = covMatrixXYZ(1,1);
+	cov[3] = covMatrixXYZ(2,0);
+	cov[4] = covMatrixXYZ(2,1);
+	cov[5] = covMatrixXYZ(2,2);
+      }
+      else{ // Method used in SpacePointBuilder, results are almost same with above
+	CLHEP::Hep3Vector u_sensor(sin(thetaU)*cos(phiU), sin(thetaU)*sin(phiU), cos(thetaU));
+	CLHEP::Hep3Vector v_sensor(sin(thetaV)*cos(phiV), sin(thetaV)*sin(phiV), cos(thetaV));
+	CLHEP::Hep3Vector w_sensor = u_sensor.cross(v_sensor);
+	CLHEP::HepRotation rot_sensor(u_sensor, v_sensor, w_sensor);
+	CLHEP::HepMatrix rot_sensor_matrix;
+	rot_sensor_matrix = rot_sensor;
+	CLHEP::HepSymMatrix cov_plane(3,0);
+	cov_plane(1,1) = dU*dU;
+	cov_plane(2,2) = dV*dV;
+	CLHEP::HepSymMatrix cov_xyz= cov_plane.similarity(rot_sensor_matrix);
+	cov[0] = cov_xyz[0][0];
+	cov[1] = cov_xyz[1][0];
+	cov[2] = cov_xyz[1][1];
+	cov[3] = cov_xyz[2][0];
+	cov[4] = cov_xyz[2][1];
+	cov[5] = cov_xyz[2][2];
+      }
       return cov;