#include "Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool.h" #include "G4Event.hh" #include "G4THitsCollection.hh" #include "G4EventManager.hh" #include "G4TrackingManager.hh" #include "G4SteppingManager.hh" #include "DD4hep/Detector.h" #include "DD4hep/Plugins.h" #include "DDG4/Geant4Converter.h" #include "DDG4/Geant4Mapping.h" #include "DDG4/Geant4HitCollection.h" #include "DDG4/Geant4Data.h" #include "DDG4/Geant4Hits.h" DECLARE_COMPONENT(Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool) void Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run*) { G4cout << "Begin Run of detector simultion..." << G4endl; } void Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run*) { G4cout << "End Run of detector simultion..." << G4endl; } void Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event* anEvent) { msg() << "Event " << anEvent->GetEventID() << endmsg; // reset m_track2primary.clear(); } void Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event* anEvent) { auto mcCol = m_mcParCol.get(); msg() << "mcCol size: " << mcCol->size() << endmsg; // save all data // create collections. auto trackercols = m_trackerCol.createAndPut(); auto calorimetercols = m_calorimeterCol.createAndPut(); auto calocontribcols = m_caloContribCol.createAndPut(); auto vxdcols = m_VXDCol.createAndPut(); auto ftdcols = m_FTDCol.createAndPut(); auto sitcols = m_SITCol.createAndPut(); auto tpccols = m_TPCCol.createAndPut(); auto setcols = m_SETCol.createAndPut(); auto ecalbarrelcol = m_EcalBarrelCol.createAndPut(); auto ecalbarrelcontribcols = m_EcalBarrelContributionCol.createAndPut(); auto ecalendcapscol = m_EcalEndcapsCol.createAndPut(); auto ecalendcapscontribcols = m_EcalEndcapsContributionCol.createAndPut(); auto ecalendcapringcol = m_EcalEndcapRingCol.createAndPut(); auto ecalendcapringcontribcol = m_EcalEndcapRingContributionCol.createAndPut(); auto driftchamberhitscol = m_DriftChamberHitsCol.createAndPut(); // readout defined in DD4hep auto lcdd = &(dd4hep::Detector::getInstance()); auto allReadouts = lcdd->readouts(); for (auto& readout : allReadouts) { info() << "Readout " << readout.first << endmsg; } // retrieve the hit collections G4HCofThisEvent* collections = anEvent->GetHCofThisEvent(); if (!collections) { warning() << "No collections found. " << endmsg; return; } int Ncol = collections->GetNumberOfCollections(); for (int icol = 0; icol < Ncol; ++icol) { G4VHitsCollection* collect = collections->GetHC(icol); if (!collect) { warning() << "Collection iCol " << icol << " is missing" << endmsg; continue; } size_t nhits = collect->GetSize(); info() << "Collection " << collect->GetName() << " #" << icol << " has " << nhits << " hits." << endmsg; if (nhits==0) { // just skip this collection. continue; } edm4hep::SimTrackerHitCollection* tracker_col_ptr = nullptr; edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitCollection* calo_col_ptr = nullptr; edm4hep::CaloHitContributionCollection* calo_contrib_col_ptr = nullptr; // the mapping between hit collection and the data handler if (collect->GetName() == "VXDCollection") { tracker_col_ptr = vxdcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "FTDCollection") { tracker_col_ptr = ftdcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "SITCollection") { tracker_col_ptr = sitcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "TPCCollection") { tracker_col_ptr = tpccols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "SETCollection") { tracker_col_ptr = setcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "SETCollection") { tracker_col_ptr = setcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "CaloHitsCollection") { calo_col_ptr = calorimetercols; calo_contrib_col_ptr = calocontribcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "EcalBarrelCollection") { calo_col_ptr = ecalbarrelcol; calo_contrib_col_ptr = ecalbarrelcontribcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "EcalEndcapsCollection") { calo_col_ptr = ecalendcapscol; calo_contrib_col_ptr = ecalendcapscontribcols; } else if (collect->GetName() == "EcalEndcapRingCollection") { calo_col_ptr = ecalendcapringcol; calo_contrib_col_ptr = ecalendcapringcontribcol; } else if (collect->GetName() == "DriftChamberHitsCollection") { tracker_col_ptr = driftchamberhitscol; } else { warning() << "Unknown collection name: " << collect->GetName() << ". Please register in Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool. " << endmsg; continue; } // There are different types (new and old) dd4hep::sim::Geant4HitCollection* coll = dynamic_cast<dd4hep::sim::Geant4HitCollection*>(collect); if (coll) { info() << " cast to dd4hep::sim::Geant4HitCollection. " << endmsg; for(size_t i=0; i<nhits; ++i) { dd4hep::sim::Geant4HitData* h = coll->hit(i); dd4hep::sim::Geant4Tracker::Hit* trk_hit = dynamic_cast<dd4hep::sim::Geant4Tracker::Hit*>(h); if ( 0 != trk_hit ) { dd4hep::sim::Geant4HitData::Contribution& t = trk_hit->truth; int trackID = t.trackID; // t.trackID = m_truth->particleID(trackID); } // Geant4Calorimeter::Hit* cal_hit = dynamic_cast<Geant4Calorimeter::Hit*>(h); // if ( 0 != cal_hit ) { // Geant4HitData::Contributions& c = cal_hit->truth; // for(Geant4HitData::Contributions::iterator j=c.begin(); j!=c.end(); ++j) { // Geant4HitData::Contribution& t = *j; // int trackID = t.trackID; // // t.trackID = m_truth->particleID(trackID); // } // } } continue; } typedef G4THitsCollection<dd4hep::sim::Geant4Hit> HitCollection; HitCollection* coll2 = dynamic_cast<HitCollection*>(collect); if (coll2) { info() << " cast to G4THitsCollection<dd4hep::sim::Geant4Hit>. " << endmsg; int n_trk_hit = 0; int n_cal_hit = 0; for(size_t i=0; i<nhits; ++i) { dd4hep::sim::Geant4Hit* h = dynamic_cast<dd4hep::sim::Geant4Hit*>(coll2->GetHit(i)); if (!h) { warning() << "Failed to cast to dd4hep::sim::Geant4Hit. " << endmsg; continue; } dd4hep::sim::Geant4TrackerHit* trk_hit = dynamic_cast<dd4hep::sim::Geant4TrackerHit*>(h); if (trk_hit && tracker_col_ptr) { ++n_trk_hit; // auto edm_trk_hit = trackercols->create(); auto edm_trk_hit = tracker_col_ptr->create(); edm_trk_hit.setCellID(trk_hit->cellID); edm_trk_hit.setEDep(trk_hit->energyDeposit/CLHEP::GeV); edm_trk_hit.setTime(trk_hit->truth.time/CLHEP::ns); edm_trk_hit.setPathLength(trk_hit->length/CLHEP::mm); // lc_hit->setMCParticle(lc_mcp); double pos[3] = {trk_hit->position.x()/CLHEP::mm, trk_hit->position.y()/CLHEP::mm, trk_hit->position.z()/CLHEP::mm}; edm_trk_hit.setPosition(edm4hep::Vector3d(pos)); float mom[3] = {trk_hit->momentum.x()/CLHEP::GeV, trk_hit->momentum.y()/CLHEP::GeV, trk_hit->momentum.z()/CLHEP::GeV}; edm_trk_hit.setMomentum(edm4hep::Vector3f(mom)); // get the truth or contribution auto& truth = trk_hit->truth; int trackID = truth.trackID; int pritrkid = m_track2primary[trackID]; if (pritrkid <= 0) { error() << "Failed to find the primary track for trackID #" << trackID << endmsg; pritrkid = 1; } edm_trk_hit.setMCParticle(mcCol->at(pritrkid-1)); } dd4hep::sim::Geant4CalorimeterHit* cal_hit = dynamic_cast<dd4hep::sim::Geant4CalorimeterHit*>(h); if (cal_hit && calo_col_ptr) { ++n_cal_hit; auto edm_calo_hit = calo_col_ptr->create(); edm_calo_hit.setCellID(cal_hit->cellID); edm_calo_hit.setEnergy(cal_hit->energyDeposit/CLHEP::GeV); float pos[3] = {cal_hit->position.x()/CLHEP::mm, cal_hit->position.y()/CLHEP::mm, cal_hit->position.z()/CLHEP::mm}; edm_calo_hit.setPosition(edm4hep::Vector3f(pos)); // contribution typedef dd4hep::sim::Geant4CalorimeterHit::Contributions Contributions; typedef dd4hep::sim::Geant4CalorimeterHit::Contribution Contribution; for (Contributions::const_iterator j = cal_hit->truth.begin(); j != cal_hit->truth.end(); ++j) { const Contribution& c = *j; // The legacy Hit object does not contains positions of contributions. // float contrib_pos[] = {float(c.x/mm), float(c.y/mm), float(c.z/mm)}; auto edm_calo_contrib = calo_contrib_col_ptr->create(); edm_calo_contrib.setPDG(c.pdgID); edm_calo_contrib.setEnergy(c.deposit/CLHEP::GeV); edm_calo_contrib.setTime(c.time/CLHEP::ns); edm_calo_contrib.setStepPosition(edm4hep::Vector3f(pos)); // from the track id, get the primary track int pritrkid = m_track2primary[c.trackID]; if (pritrkid<=0) { error() << "Failed to find the primary track for trackID #" << c.trackID << endmsg; pritrkid = 1; } edm_calo_contrib.setParticle(mcCol->at(pritrkid-1)); // todo edm_calo_hit.addToContributions(edm_calo_contrib); } } } info() << n_trk_hit << " hits cast to dd4hep::sim::Geant4TrackerHit. " << endmsg; info() << n_cal_hit << " hits cast to dd4hep::sim::Geant4CalorimeterHit. " << endmsg; continue; } warning() << "Failed to convert to collection " << collect->GetName() << endmsg; } } void Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* track) { int curtrkid = track->GetTrackID(); int curparid = track->GetParentID(); int pritrkid = curparid; // try to find the primary track id from the parent track id. if (curparid) { auto it = m_track2primary.find(curparid); if (it == m_track2primary.end()) { error() << "Failed to find primary track for track id " << curparid << endmsg; } else { pritrkid = it->second; } } else { // curparid is 0, it is primary pritrkid = curtrkid; } m_track2primary[curtrkid] = pritrkid; } void Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track* track) { int curtrkid = track->GetTrackID(); // starts from 1 int curparid = track->GetParentID(); if (curparid == 0) { // select the primary tracks (parentID == 0) auto mcCol = m_mcParCol.get(); if (curtrkid-1>=mcCol->size()) { error() << "out of range: curtrkid is " << curtrkid << " while the MCParticle size is " << mcCol->size() << endmsg; return; } auto primary_particle = mcCol->at(curtrkid-1); const G4ThreeVector& stop_pos = track->GetPosition(); edm4hep::Vector3d endpoint(stop_pos.x()/CLHEP::mm, stop_pos.y()/CLHEP::mm, stop_pos.z()/CLHEP::mm); primary_particle.setEndpoint(endpoint); const G4ThreeVector& stop_mom = track->GetMomentum(); edm4hep::Vector3f mom_endpoint(stop_mom.x()/CLHEP::GeV, stop_mom.y()/CLHEP::GeV, stop_mom.z()/CLHEP::GeV); primary_particle.setMomentumAtEndpoint(mom_endpoint); // =================================================================== // Update the flags of the primary particles // =================================================================== // processes static G4VProcess* proc_decay = nullptr; if (!proc_decay) { G4ProcessManager* pm = track->GetDefinition()->GetProcessManager(); G4int nprocesses = pm->GetProcessListLength(); G4ProcessVector* pv = pm->GetProcessList(); for(G4int i=0; i<nprocesses; ++i){ if((*pv)[i]->GetProcessName()=="Decay"){ proc_decay = (*pv)[i]; } } } // flags bool is_decay = false; G4TrackingManager* tm = G4EventManager::GetEventManager() -> GetTrackingManager(); G4TrackVector* secondaries = tm->GimmeSecondaries(); if(secondaries) { size_t nSeco = secondaries->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nSeco; ++i) { G4Track* sectrk = (*secondaries)[i]; G4ParticleDefinition* secparticle = sectrk->GetDefinition(); const G4VProcess* creatorProcess = sectrk->GetCreatorProcess(); // select the necessary processes if (creatorProcess==proc_decay) { info() << "Creator Process is Decay for secondary particle: " << " idx: " << i << " particle: " << secparticle->GetParticleName() << " pdg: " << secparticle->GetPDGEncoding() << endmsg; is_decay = true; } } } // now update if (is_decay) { primary_particle.setDecayedInTracker(is_decay); primary_particle.setDecayedInCalorimeter(is_decay); } } else { // TODO: select other interested tracks } } void Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step*) { } StatusCode Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::initialize() { StatusCode sc; return sc; } StatusCode Edm4hepWriterAnaElemTool::finalize() { StatusCode sc; return sc; }