#[[ Find all the dependencies here, so in each package user don't need to find the packages again. - CLHEP - DD4hep - EDM4hep - Gaudi - Geant4 - GEAR - GSL - HepMC - k4FWCore - LCContent - LCIO - PandoraSDK - podio - ROOT #]] find_package(CLHEP REQUIRED;CONFIG) find_package(DD4hep COMPONENTS DDCore DDG4 DDParsers DDRec REQUIRED) find_package(EDM4HEP REQUIRED) find_package(Geant4 REQUIRED ui_all vis_all) find_package(GEAR REQUIRED) find_package(GSL REQUIRED) find_package(HepMC) find_package(k4FWCore REQUIRED) find_package(LCContent REQUIRED) find_package(LCIO REQUIRED) find_package(PandoraSDK REQUIRED) find_package(podio REQUIRED) find_package(ROOT COMPONENTS EG Graf Graf3d Gpad MathCore Net RIO Tree TreePlayer REQUIRED) find_package(GenFit)