diff --git a/elec/ABCStar_fe_get_fig.py b/elec/ABCStar_fe_get_fig.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc634321bbdc4b3991e23cdf5f7872fffbad0a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elec/ABCStar_fe_get_fig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
+import ROOT
+import numpy
+def read_file(file_path,file_name):
+    with open(file_path + file_name) as f:
+        lines = f.readlines()
+        time,volt = [],[]
+        for line in lines:
+            time.append(float(line.split()[0])*1e9)
+            volt.append(float(line.split()[1]))
+    time = numpy.array(time,dtype='float64')
+    volt = numpy.array(volt,dtype='float64')
+    return time,volt
+def main():
+    file_path = 'output/elec/'
+    #file_name = 'drs4_analog.raw'
+    file_name = 'ABCStar_fe.raw'
+    com_name=file_name.split('.')[0]
+    fig_name=file_path + com_name + '.pdf'
+    time,volt = [],[]
+    time,volt = read_file(file_path,file_name)
+    length = len(time)
+    ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch()    
+    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c','c',700,600)
+    f1 = ROOT.TGraph(length,time,volt)
+    f1.SetTitle(' ')
+    f1.SetLineColor(2)
+    f1.SetLineWidth(2)
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time [ns]')
+    # f1.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,5)
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,30)
+    f1.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.8)
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Voltage [V]')
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetLimits(0,-1)
+    f1.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.93)
+    c.cd()
+    f1.Draw('AL')
+    c.SaveAs(fig_name)
+    print("figure  has been saved in " , fig_name)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/elec/__init__.py b/elec/__init__.py
index ff614828169ae4811e54fd79675cde78f013890c..3d9a1d6550ec630d49e63fd2fffe7f561c9af2f1 100644
--- a/elec/__init__.py
+++ b/elec/__init__.py
@@ -5,12 +5,18 @@ def main(kwargs):
     if label == 'ngspice_t1':
         import subprocess
         subprocess.run(['ngspice -b output/elec/T1_tmp.cir'], shell=True)
+    elif label == 'ngspice_ABCStar_fe':
+        import subprocess
+        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b param_file/circuit/ABCStar_fe.cir'], shell=True)
     elif label == 'drs4_get_analog':
         import subprocess
         subprocess.run(['ngspice -b param_file/circuit/drs4_analog.cir'], shell=True)
     elif label == 'drs4_get_fig':
         from . import drs4_get_fig
+    elif label == 'ABCStar_fe_get_fig':
+        from . import ABCStar_fe_get_fig
+        ABCStar_fe_get_fig.main()
         from . import readout
diff --git a/elec/readout.py b/elec/readout.py
index fe079a6b1f603231e3531ee8b1a3c0862f027724..a87d1dc8c15cc3edb65e06ecaabdc4165f0c34bf 100644
--- a/elec/readout.py
+++ b/elec/readout.py
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@ class Amplifier:
             self.pulse_responce_list = [pulse_responce_BB]
             self.scale = scale_BB
-        elif self.amplifier_parameters['ele_name'] == 'ABCStar':
-            """ ABCStar parameter initialization"""
+        elif self.amplifier_parameters['ele_name'] == 'ABCStar_fe':
+            """ ABCStar_fe parameter initialization"""
-            def pulse_responce_ABCStar_input(t):
+            def pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_input(t):
                 if t < 0:
                     return 0
                 input_res = self.amplifier_parameters['input_res']
                 return 1/(1e-12*CDet) * math.exp(-t/(1e-12*CDet*input_res))
-            def pulse_responce_ABCStar_RCfeedback(t):
+            def pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_RCfeedback(t):
                 if t < 0:
                     return 0
                 input_res = self.amplifier_parameters['input_res']
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ class Amplifier:
                 tau_f = 1e-12 * Cf * Rf
                 return 1/tau_amp * math.exp(-t/tau_f)
-            def scale_ABCStar(output_Q_max, input_Q_tot):
-                """ ABCStar scale function"""
+            def scale_ABCStar_fe(output_Q_max, input_Q_tot):
+                """ ABCStar_fe scale function"""
                 return 1000.0 # V to mV
-            self.pulse_responce_list = [pulse_responce_ABCStar_input, pulse_responce_ABCStar_RCfeedback]
-            self.scale = scale_ABCStar
+            self.pulse_responce_list = [pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_input, pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_RCfeedback]
+            self.scale = scale_ABCStar_fe
     def fill_amplifier_output(self, currents: list[ROOT.TH1F]):