diff --git a/particle/cflm.py b/particle/cflm.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4640a0c2ebca58cf3e59937f984dbe5143a05ea2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/particle/cflm.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3 
-import geant4_pybind as g4b
-import sys
-import os
-G4AnalysisManager = g4b.G4RootAnalysisManager
-class cflmDetectorConstruction(g4b.G4VUserDetectorConstruction):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.fCheckOverlaps = True
-    def DefineMaterials(self):
-        nistManager = g4b.G4NistManager.Instance()
-        nistManager.FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Cu")
-        g4b.G4Material("Galactic", z=1, a=1.01*g4b.g/g4b.mole, density=g4b.universe_mean_density,
-                   state=g4b.kStateGas, temp=2.73*g4b.kelvin, pressure=3e-18*g4b.pascal)
-        print(g4b.G4Material.GetMaterialTable())
-    def DefineVolumes(self):
-        pipeRmin = 28*g4b.mm
-        pipeRmax = 30*g4b.mm
-        pipeDz = 100*g4b.mm
-        pipeSphi = 0*g4b.deg
-        pipeDphi = 180*g4b.deg
-        detectorSizeX = 50*g4b.mm
-        detectorSizeY = 0.5*g4b.mm
-        detectorSizeZ = 100*g4b.mm
-        worldSizeXY = 200 * g4b.mm
-        worldSizeZ = 200 * g4b.mm
-        defaultMaterial = g4b.G4Material.GetMaterial("Galactic")
-        pipeMaterial = g4b.G4Material.GetMaterial("G4_Cu")
-        if defaultMaterial == None or pipeMaterial == None:
-            msg = "Cannot retrieve materials already defined."
-            g4b.G4Exception("cflmDetectorConstruction::DefineVolumes()",
-                        "MyCode0001", g4b.FatalException, msg)
-        # World
-        worldS = g4b.G4Box("World",                                     # its name
-                       worldSizeXY/2, worldSizeXY/2, worldSizeZ/2)  # its size
-        worldLV = g4b.G4LogicalVolume(worldS,           # its solid
-                                  defaultMaterial,  # its material
-                                  "World")          # its name
-        worldPV = g4b.G4PVPlacement(None,                 # no rotation
-                                g4b.G4ThreeVector(),      # at (0,0,0)
-                                worldLV,              # its logical volume
-                                "World",              # its name
-                                None,                 # its mother  volume
-                                False,                # no boolean operation
-                                0,                    # copy number
-                                self.fCheckOverlaps)  # checking overlaps
-        # Pipe
-        pipeS = g4b.G4Tubs("Pipe",                                         # its name
-                          pipeRmin, pipeRmax, pipeDz/2,pipeSphi,pipeDphi)  # its size
-        pipeLV = g4b.G4LogicalVolume(pipeS,         # its solid
-                                     pipeMaterial,  # its material
-                                     "Pipe")            # its name
-        self.fpipePV = g4b.G4PVPlacement(None,                                  # no rotation
-                                         g4b.G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0),  # its position
-                                         pipeLV,                            # its logical volume
-                                         "Pipe",                                # its name
-                                         worldLV,                               # its mother  volume
-                                         False,                                 # no boolean operation
-                                         0,                                     # copy number
-                                         self.fCheckOverlaps)                   # checking overlaps
-        # detector
-        self.nist = g4b.G4NistManager.Instance()
-        silicon_carbide={
-                "material_1" : "Si",
-                "material_2" : "C",
-                "compound_name" :"SiC",
-                "density" : 3.2,
-                "natoms_1" : 50,
-                "natoms_2" : 50,
-                }
-        material_1 = self.nist.FindOrBuildElement(silicon_carbide['material_1'],False)
-        material_2 = self.nist.FindOrBuildElement(silicon_carbide['material_2'],False)
-        material_density = silicon_carbide['density']*g4b.g/g4b.cm3
-        detectorMaterial = g4b.G4Material(silicon_carbide['compound_name'],material_density,2) 
-        detectorMaterial.AddElement(material_1,silicon_carbide['natoms_1']*g4b.perCent)
-        detectorMaterial.AddElement(material_2,silicon_carbide['natoms_2']*g4b.perCent)
-        detectorS = g4b.G4Box("Detector",                                         # its name
-                     detectorSizeX/2, detectorSizeY/2, detectorSizeZ/2)  # its size
-        detectorLV = g4b.G4LogicalVolume(detectorS,         # its solid
-                                detectorMaterial,  # its material
-                                "Detector")        # its name
-        self.fdetectorPV = g4b.G4PVPlacement(None,                                  # no rotation
-                                    g4b.G4ThreeVector(0, 30*g4b.mm, 0),  # its position
-                                    detectorLV,                                 # its logical volume
-                                    "Detector",                                 # its name
-                                    worldLV,                               # its mother volume
-                                    False,                                 # no boolean operation
-                                    0,                                     # copy number
-                                    self.fCheckOverlaps)                   # checking overlaps
-        worldLV.SetVisAttributes(g4b.G4VisAttributes.GetInvisible())
-        pipeVisAtt = g4b.G4VisAttributes(g4b.G4Colour(1, 1, 0))
-        detectorVisAtt = g4b.G4VisAttributes(g4b.G4Colour(1, 1, 1))
-        pipeLV.SetVisAttributes(pipeVisAtt)
-        detectorLV.SetVisAttributes(detectorVisAtt)
-        return worldPV
-    def Construct(self):
-        self.DefineMaterials()
-        return self.DefineVolumes()
-    def ConstructSDandField(self):
-        fieldValue = g4b.G4ThreeVector()
-        self.fMagFieldMessenger = g4b.G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger(fieldValue)
-        self.fMagFieldMessenger.SetVerboseLevel(1)
-class cflmPrimaryGeneratorAction(g4b.G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        nofParticles = 1
-        self.fParticleGun = g4b.G4ParticleGun(nofParticles)
-        particleDefinition = g4b.G4ParticleTable.GetParticleTable().FindParticle("e-")
-        self.fParticleGun.SetParticleDefinition(particleDefinition)
-        self.fParticleGun.SetParticleMomentumDirection(g4b.G4ThreeVector(0, 0.01, 1))
-        self.fParticleGun.SetParticleEnergy(24*g4b.GeV)
-    def GeneratePrimaries(self, anEvent):
-        self.fParticleGun.SetParticlePosition(g4b.G4ThreeVector(0, 26.9*g4b.mm, -100*g4b.mm))
-        self.fParticleGun.GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent)
-class cflmaEventAction(g4b.G4UserEventAction):
-    def BeginOfEventAction(self, event):
-        self.fEnergyPipe = 0
-        self.fEnergyDetector = 0
-        self.fTrackLPipe = 0
-        self.fTrackLDetector = 0
-    def EndOfEventAction(self, event):
-        analysisManager = g4b.G4AnalysisManager.Instance()
-        analysisManager.FillH1(0, self.fEnergyPipe)
-        analysisManager.FillH1(1, self.fEnergyDetector)
-        analysisManager.FillH1(2, self.fTrackLPipe)
-        analysisManager.FillH1(3, self.fTrackLDetector)
-        analysisManager.FillNtupleDColumn(0, self.fEnergyPipe)
-        analysisManager.FillNtupleDColumn(1, self.fEnergyDetector)
-        analysisManager.FillNtupleDColumn(2, self.fTrackLPipe)
-        analysisManager.FillNtupleDColumn(3, self.fTrackLDetector)
-        analysisManager.AddNtupleRow()
-        eventID = event.GetEventID()
-        printModulo = g4b.G4RunManager.GetRunManager().GetPrintProgress()
-        if printModulo > 0 and eventID % printModulo == 0:
-            print("---> End of event:", eventID)
-            print("Pipe: total energy:", g4b.G4BestUnit(self.fEnergyPipe, "Energy"), end="")
-            print("total track length:", g4b.G4BestUnit(self.fTrackLPipe, "Length"))
-            print("Detector: total energy:", g4b.G4BestUnit(self.fEnergyDetector, "Energy"), end="")
-            print("total track length:", g4b.G4BestUnit(self.fTrackLDetector, "Length"))
-    def AddPipe(self, de,  dl):
-        self.fEnergyPipe += de
-        self.fTrackLPipe += dl
-    def AddDetector(self, de, dl):
-        self.fEnergyDetector += de
-        self.fTrackLDetector += dl
-class cflmaSteppingAction(g4b.G4UserSteppingAction):
-    def __init__(self, detectorConstruction, eventAction):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.fDetConstruction = detectorConstruction
-        self.fEventAction = eventAction
-    def UserSteppingAction(self, step):
-        volume = step.GetPreStepPoint().GetTouchable().GetVolume()
-        edep = step.GetTotalEnergyDeposit()
-        stepLength = 0
-        if step.GetTrack().GetDefinition().GetPDGCharge() != 0:
-            stepLength = step.GetStepLength()
-        if volume == self.fDetConstruction.fpipePV:
-            self.fEventAction.AddPipe(edep, stepLength)
-        if volume == self.fDetConstruction.fdetectorPV:
-            self.fEventAction.AddDetector(edep, stepLength)
-class cflmRunAction(g4b.G4UserRunAction):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        g4b.G4RunManager.GetRunManager().SetPrintProgress(1)
-        analysisManager = g4b.G4AnalysisManager.Instance()
-        print("Using", analysisManager.GetType())
-        analysisManager.SetVerboseLevel(1)
-        analysisManager.SetNtupleMerging(True)
-        analysisManager.CreateH1("Epipe", "Energy deposition in pipe", 100, 0, 1000*g4b.MeV)
-        analysisManager.CreateH1("Edetector", "Energy deposition in detector", 100, 0, 100*g4b.MeV)
-        analysisManager.CreateNtuple("cflm", "Edep")
-        analysisManager.CreateNtupleDColumn("Epipe")
-        analysisManager.CreateNtupleDColumn("Edetector")
-        analysisManager.FinishNtuple()
-    def BeginOfRunAction(self, run):
-        analysisManager = g4b.G4AnalysisManager.Instance()
-        try:
-            os.mkdir('output/cflm')
-        except:
-            print('path already exist')
-        fileName = "output/cflm/energy_deposition.root"
-        analysisManager.OpenFile(fileName)
-    def EndOfRunAction(self, run):
-        analysisManager = g4b.G4AnalysisManager.Instance()
-        if analysisManager.GetH1(1) != None:
-            print("\n ----> print histograms statistic ", end="")
-            if self.IsMaster():
-                print("for the entire run \n")
-            else:
-                print("for the local thread \n")
-            print(" EPipe : mean =", g4b.G4BestUnit(analysisManager.GetH1(0).mean(), "Energy"), end="")
-            print(" rms =", g4b.G4BestUnit(analysisManager.GetH1(0).rms(),  "Energy"))
-            print(" EDetector : mean =", g4b.G4BestUnit(analysisManager.GetH1(1).mean(), "Energy"), end="")
-            print(" rms =", g4b.G4BestUnit(analysisManager.GetH1(1).rms(),  "Energy"))
-        # save histograms & ntuple
-        analysisManager.Write()
-class cflmaActionInitialization(g4b.G4VUserActionInitialization):
-    def __init__(self, detConstruction):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.fDetConstruction = detConstruction
-    def BuildForMaster(self):
-        self.SetUserAction(cflmRunAction())
-    def Build(self):
-        self.SetUserAction(cflmPrimaryGeneratorAction())
-        self.SetUserAction(cflmRunAction())
-        eventAction = cflmaEventAction()
-        self.SetUserAction(eventAction)
-        self.SetUserAction(cflmaSteppingAction(self.fDetConstruction, eventAction))
-def main():
-    runManager = g4b.G4RunManagerFactory.CreateRunManager(g4b.G4RunManagerType.Serial)
-    detConstruction = cflmDetectorConstruction()
-    runManager.SetUserInitialization(detConstruction)
-    physicsList = g4b.FTFP_BERT()
-    runManager.SetUserInitialization(physicsList)
-    actionInitialization = cflmaActionInitialization(detConstruction)
-    runManager.SetUserInitialization(actionInitialization)
-    visManager = g4b.G4VisExecutive()
-    visManager.Initialize()
-    UImanager = g4b.G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute param_file/g4macro/init_vis.mac")
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand('/run/initialize')
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand('/tracking/verbose 2')
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand('/run/beamOn 1')
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand('/vis/ogl/set/printMode vectored')
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand('/vis/ogl/set/printSize 2000 2000')
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand('/vis/ogl/set/printFilename output/cflm/image.pdf')
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand('/vis/ogl/export')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/particle/g4simulation.py b/particle/g4simulation.py
index c9f2a2c2ac813bf9408cf7c0743f030f550b82c3..5a1475ea30ac9588ff8efa92b9455c0c3322798f 100644
--- a/particle/g4simulation.py
+++ b/particle/g4simulation.py
@@ -379,55 +379,24 @@ class MyDetectorConstruction(g4b.G4VUserDetectorConstruction):
     def create_elemental(self,object): 
         name = object['name']
-        print(name)
-        if name == 'pipe':
-            material_type = self.nist.FindOrBuildMaterial(object['material'],
-                                                        False)
-            self.rotation = g4b.G4RotationMatrix()
-            self.rotation.rotateX(3*math.pi/2)
-            translation = g4b.G4ThreeVector(object['position_x']*g4b.um, object['position_y']*g4b.um, object['position_z']*g4b.um)
-            visual = g4b.G4VisAttributes(g4b.G4Color(object['colour'][0],object['colour'][1],object['colour'][2]))
-            mother = self.physical['world']
-            Rmin = object['Rmin']*g4b.um
-            Rmax = object['Rmax']*g4b.um
-            Pipe_Z = object['Pipe_Z']*g4b.um
-            PipeSphi = object['PipeSphi']*g4b.deg
-            PipeDphi = object['PipeDphi']*g4b.deg
-            self.solid[name] = g4b.G4Tubs("Pipe",                                        
-                                           Rmin, Rmax, Pipe_Z/2,PipeSphi,PipeDphi)
-            self.logical[name] = g4b.G4LogicalVolume(self.solid[name], 
-                                                    material_type, 
-                                                    name)
-            self.physical[name] = g4b.G4PVPlacement(self.rotation,translation,                                                
-                                                    name,self.logical[name],
-                                                    mother, False, 
-                                                    0,self.checkOverlaps)
-            self.logical[name].SetVisAttributes(visual)  
-        else:    
-            material_type = self.nist.FindOrBuildMaterial(object['material'],
-                                                        False)
-            translation = g4b.G4ThreeVector(object['position_x']*g4b.um, object['position_y']*g4b.um, object['position_z']*g4b.um)
-            visual = g4b.G4VisAttributes(g4b.G4Color(object['colour'][0],object['colour'][1],object['colour'][2]))
-            mother = self.physical['world']
-            sidex = object['side_x']*g4b.um
-            sidey = object['side_y']*g4b.um
-            sidez = object['side_z']*g4b.um
-            self.solid[name] = g4b.G4Box(name, sidex/2., sidey/2., sidez/2.)
-            self.logical[name] = g4b.G4LogicalVolume(self.solid[name], 
-                                                    material_type, 
-                                                    name)
-            self.physical[name] = g4b.G4PVPlacement(None,translation,                                                
-                                                    name,self.logical[name],
-                                                    mother, False, 
-                                                    0,self.checkOverlaps)
-            self.logical[name].SetVisAttributes(visual)     
+        material_type = self.nist.FindOrBuildMaterial(object['material'],
+                                                    False)
+        translation = g4b.G4ThreeVector(object['position_x']*g4b.um, object['position_y']*g4b.um, object['position_z']*g4b.um)
+        visual = g4b.G4VisAttributes(g4b.G4Color(object['colour'][0],object['colour'][1],object['colour'][2]))
+        mother = self.physical['world']
+        sidex = object['side_x']*g4b.um
+        sidey = object['side_y']*g4b.um
+        sidez = object['side_z']*g4b.um
+        self.solid[name] = g4b.G4Box(name, sidex/2., sidey/2., sidez/2.)
+        self.logical[name] = g4b.G4LogicalVolume(self.solid[name], 
+                                                material_type, 
+                                                name)
+        self.physical[name] = g4b.G4PVPlacement(None,translation,                                                
+                                                name,self.logical[name],
+                                                mother, False, 
+                                                0,self.checkOverlaps)
+        self.logical[name].SetVisAttributes(visual)     
     def create_binary_compounds(self,object):
         name = object['name']