diff --git a/current/cal_current.py b/current/cal_current.py
index 61ca845002c570eb1a9368cd48ab78b6bc64dd34..1503432331e8fe659b037172fd010875729b8954 100644
--- a/current/cal_current.py
+++ b/current/cal_current.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import numpy as np
 import ROOT
 from .model import Material
-from particle.carrier_list import CarrierListFromG4P, StripCarrierListFromG4P
+from particle.carrier_list import CarrierListFromG4P
 from util.math import Vector, signal_convolution
 from util.output import create_path
diff --git a/particle/carrier_list.py b/particle/carrier_list.py
index 27f430c845b13f6cde1960a53db17aff7bed295b..ecbfc632cc02f01e61576249c792040b6a8a6382 100644
--- a/particle/carrier_list.py
+++ b/particle/carrier_list.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class CarrierListFromG4P:
                 raise ValueError
         elif batch == 0 and my_g4p.geant4_model == "Si_strip":
+            # P13 cut condition
             h1 = ROOT.TH1F("Edep_device", "Energy deposition in Detector", 100, 0, max(my_g4p.edep_devices)*1.1)
             for i in range (len(my_g4p.edep_devices)):
@@ -67,27 +68,4 @@ class CarrierListFromG4P:
         self.tracks_step = my_g4p.energy_steps[j]
         self.tracks_t_energy_deposition = my_g4p.edep_devices[j] #涓轰粈涔堜笉浣跨敤锛�
         self.ionized_pairs = [step*1e6/self.energy_loss for step in self.tracks_step]
-class StripCarrierListFromG4P:
-    # P13 cut condition
-    def __init__(self, material, my_g4p, batch):
-        if (material == "SiC"):
-            self.energy_loss = 8.4 #ev
-        elif (material == "Si"):
-            self.energy_loss = 3.6 #ev
-            if batch == 0:
-                print("=========RASER info ===========\nGeant4:the sensor didn't have particles hitted\n==========================")
-                raise ValueError
-        else:
-            self.batch_def(my_g4p,batch)
-    def batch_def(self,my_g4p,j):
-        self.beam_number = j
-        self.track_position = [[single_step[0],single_step[1],single_step[2],1e-9] for single_step in my_g4p.p_steps_current[j]]
-        self.tracks_step = my_g4p.energy_steps[j]
-        self.tracks_t_energy_deposition = my_g4p.edep_devices[j] #涓轰粈涔堜笉浣跨敤锛�
-        self.ionized_pairs = [step*1e6/self.energy_loss for step in self.tracks_step]
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