From 64c3f436dc5c25f84b7cb84110de703b205fa403 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zhaosen <>
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2024 19:16:48 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] half of gen_signal

 current/        |   2 +-
 current/              |   2 +-
 field/         |   1 +
 field/         | 131 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 field/       |  15 ++--
 field/       |  12 ++--
 gen_signal/       |   3 +-
 gen_signal/ |  14 ++--
 particle/      |  12 ++--
 9 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/current/ b/current/
index 6f947e6..c6948a2 100644
--- a/current/
+++ b/current/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from particle.carrier_list import CarrierListFromG4P, StripCarrierListFromG4P
 from util.math import Vector, signal_convolution
 from util.output import create_path
-t_bin = 50e-12
+t_bin = 100e-12
 t_end = 10e-9
 t_start = 0
 delta_t = 10e-12
diff --git a/current/ b/current/
index 5845768..49ac8f7 100644
--- a/current/
+++ b/current/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Material:
             self.hole_mass = 0.386*m_e
             self.electron_mass = 0.26*m_e
             self.avalanche_model = "vanOverstraeten"
-            self.mobility_model = 'Reggiani'
+            self.mobility_model = 'Selberherr'
         if self.mat_name == "SiC":
             # 4H-SiC, use the longitudinal effective mass
diff --git a/field/ b/field/
index 56276a5..b684f01 100644
--- a/field/
+++ b/field/
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class Detector:
         self.absorber = self.device_dict['absorber']
         self.amplifier = self.device_dict['amplifier']
+        self.read_out_contact = self.device_dict["read_out_contact"]
         if "lgad3D" in self.det_model:
             self.avalanche_bond = self.device_dict['avalanche_bond']
diff --git a/field/ b/field/
index 679b6f1..f3f25d6 100644
--- a/field/
+++ b/field/
@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@
 @Author  :   Henry Stone 
 @Version :   1.0
+@File    :
+@Time    :   2024/09/30
+@Author  :   Sen Zhao
+@Version :   2.0
 import pickle
 import ROOT
 import numpy as np
@@ -16,23 +21,24 @@ from util.math import *
 diff_res = 1e-5 # difference resolution in cm
 class DevsimField:
-    def __init__(self, device_name, dimension, voltage, read_ele_num, l_z):
+    def __init__(self, device_name, dimension, voltage, contact,read_ele_num): = device_name
         self.voltage = voltage # float
         self.dimension = dimension
         self.read_ele_num = int(read_ele_num) 
-        self.l_z = l_z # used for planar weighting field TODO: auto weighting field
-        DopingFile = "./output/field/{}/NetDoping_0.0V.pkl".format(
+        DopingFile = "./output/field/{}/NetDoping_0V.pkl".format(
         PotentialFile = "./output/field/{}/Potential_{}V.pkl".format(, self.voltage)
         TrappingRate_pFile = "./output/field/{}/TrappingRate_p_{}V.pkl".format(, self.voltage)
         TrappingRate_nFile = "./output/field/{}/TrappingRate_n_{}V.pkl".format(, self.voltage)
+        Weighting_Potential = "./output/field/{}/weightingfield/{}/Potential_{}V.pkl".format(,contact, 1)
         self.set_doping(DopingFile) #self.Doping
         self.set_potential(PotentialFile) #self.Potential, self.x_efield, self.y_efield, self.z_efield
         self.set_trap_p(TrappingRate_pFile) # self.TrappingRate_p
         self.set_trap_n(TrappingRate_nFile) # self.TrappingRate_n
-        self.set_w_p() #self.weighting_potential[]
+        self.set_w_p(Weighting_Potential) #self.weighting_potential[]
     def set_doping(self, DopingFile):
@@ -78,18 +84,30 @@ class DevsimField:
         self.Potential = PotentialUniform
-    def set_w_p(self):
-        self.WeightingPotentials = [] #length = ele_num
-        if self.read_ele_num == 1:
-            print("Linear weighting potential loaded")
-            pass
-        elif self.read_ele_num >= 2:  
-            for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
-                self.WeightingPotentials.append(strip_w_p(i))
-                print("Weighting potential loaded for {}, strip {}".format(, i+1))
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(self.read_ele_num)
+    def set_w_p(self,Weighting_PotentialFile):
+        try:
+            with open(Weighting_PotentialFile,'rb') as file:
+                Weighting_PotentialNotUniform=pickle.load(file)
+                print("Weighting_Potential file loaded for {}".format(
+                if Weighting_PotentialNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] < self.dimension:
+                    print("Weighting_Potential dimension not match")
+                    return
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            print("Weighting_Potential file not found, please run field simulation first")
+            print("or manually set the Weighting_Potential file")
+            return
+        if Weighting_PotentialNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 1:
+            weighting_PotentialUniform = get_common_interpolate_1d(Weighting_PotentialNotUniform)
+        elif Weighting_PotentialNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 2:
+            weighting_PotentialUniform = get_common_interpolate_2d(Weighting_PotentialNotUniform)
+        elif Weighting_PotentialNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 3:
+            weighting_PotentialUniform = get_common_interpolate_3d(Weighting_PotentialNotUniform)
+        self.weighting_Potential = weighting_PotentialUniform
     def set_trap_p(self, TrappingRate_pFile):
             with open(TrappingRate_pFile,'rb') as file:
@@ -134,6 +152,7 @@ class DevsimField:
         self.TrappingRate_n = TrappingRate_nUniform
     # DEVSIM dimension order: x, y, z
     # RASER dimension order: z, x, y
@@ -203,7 +222,23 @@ class DevsimField:
                         E_x = - ((self.Potential(z, x) - self.Potential(z, x-diff_res))) / diff_res
                     except ValueError:
                         raise ValueError("Point {} might be out of bound x".format(x))
-            return (E_x, 0, E_z)
+            try:
+                E_y = - ((self.Potential(z, x+diff_res/2) - self.Potential(z, x-diff_res/2))) / diff_res
+            except ValueError:
+                try:
+                    E_y = - ((self.Potential(z, x+diff_res) - self.Potential(z, x))) / diff_res
+                except ValueError:
+                    try:
+                        E_y = - ((self.Potential(z, x) - self.Potential(z, x-diff_res))) / diff_res
+                    except ValueError:
+                        raise ValueError("Point {} might be out of bound x".format(y))
+            try:
+                return (E_x, 0, E_z)
+            except AttributeError:
+                try:
+                    return (E_x,E_y,0)
+                except AttributeError:
+                    return (0,E_y,E_z)
         elif self.dimension == 3:
@@ -238,15 +273,15 @@ class DevsimField:
                         raise ValueError("Point {} might be out of bound y".format(y))
             return (E_x, E_y, E_z)
-    def get_w_p(self, x, y, z, i):
-        '''
-            input: position in um
-            output: weighting potential in 1
-        '''
-        if self.read_ele_num == 1:
-            return linear_w_p(z, self.l_z)
-        elif self.read_ele_num > 1:
-            return self.WeightingPotentials[i].Interpolate(z, x)
+    def get_w_p(self, x, y, z,i): # used in cal current
+        x, y, z = x/1e4, y/1e4, z/1e4 # um to cm
+        if self.dimension == 1:
+            return self.weighting_Potential(z)
+        elif self.dimension == 2:
+            return self.weighting_Potential(z, x)
+        elif self.dimension == 3:
+            return self.weighting_Potential(z, x, y)
     def get_trap_e(self, x, y, z):
@@ -256,8 +291,10 @@ class DevsimField:
         x, y, z = x/1e4, y/1e4, z/1e4 # um to cm
         if self.dimension == 1:
             return self.TrappingRate_n(z)
         elif self.dimension == 2:
             return self.TrappingRate_n(z, x)
         elif self.dimension == 3:
             return self.TrappingRate_n(z, x, y)
@@ -275,46 +312,6 @@ class DevsimField:
             return self.TrappingRate_p(z, x, y)
-def linear_w_p(z, l_z):
-    if z >= l_z:
-        w_potential = 0
-    elif z >= 1:
-        w_potential = 1 - (1/(l_z-1)) * (z-1)
-    else:
-        w_potential = 1
-    return w_potential
-def strip_w_p(ele_number):
-    nx = 51  
-    ny = 321  
-    xmin, xmax = 0.0, 50.0  
-    ymin, ymax = 0.0, 320.0 
-    dx = (xmax - xmin) / (nx - 1)  
-    dy = (ymax - ymin) / (ny - 1) 
-    u = np.zeros((ny, nx))
-    u[ele_number*75:(ele_number*75+20), 0] = 1.0  
-    u[:, -1] = 0.0  
-    max_iter = 100000  
-    tolerance = 1e-6  
-    for iteration in range(max_iter):
-        u_old = u.copy()
-        for i in range(1, ny - 1):
-            for j in range(1, nx - 1):
-                u[i, j] = (u[i+1, j] + u[i-1, j] + u[i, j+1] + u[i, j-1]) / 4
-        diff = np.abs(u - u_old).max()
-        if diff < tolerance:
-            break
-    x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
-    y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny)
-    w_potential=ROOT.TGraph2D()
-    for i in range(len(y)):
-        for j in range(len(x)):
-            w_potential.SetPoint(int(i*len(x)+j),x[j]*6,y[i],u[i][j])
-    return w_potential
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     testField = DevsimField("ITk-Si-strip", 2, -500.0, 4)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/field/ b/field/
index ed547d4..340372c 100644
--- a/field/
+++ b/field/
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ def milestone_save_2D(device, region, v, path):
     Potential = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="Potential")) # get the potential data
     TrappingRate_n = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="TrappingRate_n"))
     TrappingRate_p = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="TrappingRate_p"))
+    NetDoping= np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="NetDoping"))
     devsim.element_from_edge_model(edge_model="ElectricField",   device=device, region=region)
     devsim.edge_average_model(device=device, region=region, node_model="x", edge_model="xmid")
@@ -70,8 +71,8 @@ def milestone_save_2D(device, region, v, path):
     metadata['dimension'] = 2
     names = ['Potential', 'TrappingRate_p', 'TrappingRate_n']
-    # if v == 0:
-    #     names.append('NetDoping')
+    if v == 0:
+        names.append('NetDoping')
     for name in names: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
         with open(os.path.join(path, "{}_{}V.pkl".format(name,v)),'wb') as file:
@@ -105,9 +106,9 @@ def milestone_save_wf_2D(device, region, v, path,contact):
     metadata = {}
     metadata['voltage'] = v
     metadata['dimension'] = 2
+    save_wf_path = os.path.join(path,contact)
     for name in ['Potential']: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
-        with open(os.path.join(path, "{}_{}_{}V.pkl".format(name,v,contact)),'wb') as file:
+        with open(os.path.join(save_wf_path, "{}_{}V.pkl".format(name,v)),'wb') as file:
             data = {}
             data['values'] = eval(name) # refer to the object with given name
             merged_list = [x, y]
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ def milestone_save_3D(device, region, v, path):
     Potential = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="Potential")) # get the potential data
     TrappingRate_n = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="TrappingRate_n"))
     TrappingRate_p = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="TrappingRate_p"))
+    NetDoping= np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="NetDoping"))
     devsim.element_from_edge_model(edge_model="ElectricField",   device=device, region=region)
     devsim.edge_average_model(device=device, region=region, node_model="x", edge_model="xmid")
     devsim.edge_average_model(device=device, region=region, node_model="y", edge_model="ymid")
@@ -143,8 +144,8 @@ def milestone_save_3D(device, region, v, path):
     metadata['dimension'] = 2
     names = ['Potential', 'TrappingRate_p', 'TrappingRate_n']
-    # if v == 0:
-    #     names.append('NetDoping')
+    if v == 0:
+         names.append('NetDoping')
     for name in names: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
         with open(os.path.join(path, "{}_{}V.pkl".format(name,v)),'wb') as file:
diff --git a/field/ b/field/
index 3bea26c..99d275b 100644
--- a/field/
+++ b/field/
@@ -195,7 +195,9 @@ def main (kwargs):
         print("=======RASER info========\nBegin simulation WeightingField\n======================")
         for contact in circuit_contacts:
-            folder_path = os.path.join(path,"/weghtingfield/{}_{}_device".format(contact,v_current))
+            print(path)
+            folder_path = os.path.join(path, "weightingfield")
+            print(folder_path)
             if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
@@ -205,10 +207,10 @@ def main (kwargs):
                            value=0.0, acreal=paras['acreal'], acimag=paras['acimag'])
-            loop.loop_solver(circuit_contact=contact,v_current=v_current,area_factor=paras["area_factor"],path=path,device=device,region=region)
-            if(paras['milestone_mode']==True and v_current%paras['milestone_step']==0.0):
-                save_milestone.save_milestone(device=device, region=region, v=v_current, path=path,dimension=default_dimension,contact=contact,is_wf=is_wf)
-                devsim.write_devices(file=os.path.join(folder_path,"weightingfield.dat"), type="tecplot")
+            loop.loop_solver(circuit_contact=contact,v_current=v_current,area_factor=paras["area_factor"],path=folder_path,device=device,region=region)
+            save_milestone.save_milestone(device=device, region=region, v=v_current, path=folder_path,dimension=default_dimension,contact=contact,is_wf=is_wf)
+            devsim.write_devices(file=os.path.join(folder_path,"weightingfield.dat"), type="tecplot")
     elif is_wf == False:
         v_current = 0
diff --git a/gen_signal/ b/gen_signal/
index 06b38d5..e7e97a4 100644
--- a/gen_signal/
+++ b/gen_signal/
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ def draw_current(my_d, my_current, ele_current, read_ele_num, model, path, tag="
     if ele_current[read_ele_num].GetMinimum() < 0:
         rightmax = 1.1*ele_current[read_ele_num].GetMinimum()
         rightmax = 1.1*ele_current[read_ele_num].GetMaximum()
     if rightmax == 0:
@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ def cce(my_d,my_f,my_current, path):
         for j in range(my_current.n_bin):
-    print(charge)
+    print("===========RASER info================\nCollected Charge is {} C\n==============Result==============".format(list(charge)))
diff --git a/gen_signal/ b/gen_signal/
index b015b18..aaab285 100644
--- a/gen_signal/
+++ b/gen_signal/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from elec import readout as rdo
 from elec import ngspice_set_input as ngsip
 from elec import ngspice as ng
 from elec.set_pwl_input import set_pwl_input as pwlin
+import geant4_pybind as g4b
 from .draw_save import energy_deposition, draw_drift_path, draw_current, cce
 from util.output import output
@@ -50,12 +51,11 @@ def main(kwargs):
     start = time.time()
     det_name = kwargs['det_name']
-    my_d = bdv.Detector(det_name)
+    my_d = bdv.Detector(det_name,devsim_solve_paras = None)
     if kwargs['voltage'] != None:
-        voltage = float(kwargs['voltage'])
+        voltage = str(kwargs['voltage'])
-        voltage = float(my_d.voltage)
+        voltage = str(my_d.voltage)
     if kwargs['absorber'] != None:
         absorber = kwargs['absorber']
@@ -67,12 +67,14 @@ def main(kwargs):
         amplifier = my_d.amplifier
-    my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, my_d.read_ele_num, my_d.l_z)
+    contact = my_d.read_out_contact
+    my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage,contact, my_d.read_ele_num)
     g4_seed = random.randint(0,1e7)
     my_g4p = g4t.Particles(my_d, absorber, g4_seed)
-    if "strip" in det_name:
+    if "strip——" in det_name:
         my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentStrip(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, 0)
         my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentG4P(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, 0)
diff --git a/particle/ b/particle/
index 783ccc3..e6e30a4 100644
--- a/particle/
+++ b/particle/
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ class CarrierListFromG4P:
             if particle_number > 0:
-            if batch == 0:
-                print("the sensor didn't have particles hitted")
-                raise ValueError
-        else:
-            self.batch_def(my_g4p,batch)
+                if batch == 0:
+                    print("=========RASER info ===========\nGeant4:the sensor didn't have particles hitted\n==========================")
+                    raise ValueError
+            else:
+                self.batch_def(my_g4p,batch)
     def batch_def(self,my_g4p,j):
         self.beam_number = j
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class StripCarrierListFromG4P:
             if batch == 0:
-                print("the sensor didn't have particles hitted")
+                print("=========RASER info ===========\nGeant4:the sensor didn't have particles hitted\n==========================")
                 raise ValueError