diff --git a/__main__.py b/__main__.py
index b6d98de9a639f47eec5912b79ce420b62e2aec42..66ccadf76742dc0c49302a9e9acdd5d54485cbc7 100755
--- a/__main__.py
+++ b/__main__.py
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', dest="subparser_name
 parser_asic = subparsers.add_parser('asic', help='ASIC design')
 parser_asic.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify ASIC design')
-parser_draw = subparsers.add_parser('current', help='calculate drift current')
-parser_draw.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify root files')
+parser_cce = subparsers.add_parser('cce', help='Charge Collection Efficiency')
+parser_cce.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify CCE experiment')
-parser_draw = subparsers.add_parser('draw', help='draw figures')
+parser_draw = subparsers.add_parser('current', help='calculate drift current')
 parser_draw.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify root files')
 parser_gsignal = subparsers.add_parser('elec', help='electronic readout')
@@ -43,23 +43,26 @@ parser_fpga.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify FPGA design')
 parser_gen_signal = subparsers.add_parser('gen_signal', help='generate signal')
 parser_gen_signal.add_argument('det_name', help='name of the detector')
+parser_gen_signal.add_argument('-l','--label', help='LABEL to identify signal generation method', default='signal')
 parser_gen_signal.add_argument('-vol', '--voltage', type=str, help='bias voltage')
 parser_gen_signal.add_argument('-abs', '--absorber', type=str, help='model of particle energy absorber')
 parser_gen_signal.add_argument('-amp', '--amplifier', type=str, help='amplifier')
 parser_gen_signal.add_argument('-s', '--scan', type=int, help='instance number for scan mode')
-parser_gsignal = subparsers.add_parser('particle', help='calculate particle')
-parser_gsignal.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify spaceres files')
-parser_root = subparsers.add_parser('root', help='root files conversion')
-parser_root.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify root files')
 parser_spaceres = subparsers.add_parser('spaceres', help='space resolution calculation')
 parser_spaceres.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify spaceres files')
 parser_spaceres = subparsers.add_parser('timeres', help='time resolution calculation')
 parser_spaceres.add_argument('det_name', help='name of the detector')
+parser_tct = subparsers.add_parser('tct', help='TCT simulation')
+parser_tct.add_argument('label', help='LABEL to identify TCT options')
+parser_tct.add_argument('det_name', help='name of the detector')
+parser_tct.add_argument('laser', help='name of the laser')
+parser_tct.add_argument('-vol', '--voltage', type=str, help='bias voltage')
+parser_tct.add_argument('-amp', '--amplifier', type=str, help='amplifier')
+parser_tct.add_argument('-s', '--scan', type=int, help='instance number for scan mode')
 args = parser.parse_args()
 if len(sys.argv) == 1:
@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
 kwargs = vars(args)
-submodules = ['asic', 'current', 'draw', 'elec', 'field', 'fpga', 'gen_signal', 'particle', 'root', 'spaceres', 'timeres']
+submodules = ['asic', 'cce', 'current', 'draw', 'elec', 'field', 'fpga', 'gen_signal', 'particle', 'spaceres', 'tct', 'timeres']
 submodule = kwargs['subparser_name']
 if submodule not in submodules:
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ if kwargs['batch'] == True:
 elif kwargs['shell'] == False: # not in shell
-        for package in ['ROOT', 'geant4_pybind', 'devsim']:
+        for package in ['ROOT', 'geant4_pybind', 'devsim', 'numpy', 'scipy']:
             # package dependency check
             import package
         submodule = importlib.import_module(submodule)
diff --git a/asic/regincr.py b/asic/regincr.py
index e9886bb606feab4bd2b3a0dcaa4b58756ff8a55d..06d2f8d3dfd1172ff5837c241ae63a4bd28484dc 100644
--- a/asic/regincr.py
+++ b/asic/regincr.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import pymtl3 as mtl
+from util.output import create_path
 class RegIncr( mtl.Component ):
   def construct( s ):
@@ -27,12 +28,6 @@ class RegIncr( mtl.Component ):
   def line_trace( s ):
     return f"{s.in_} ({s.reg_out}) {s.out}"
-def create_path(path):
-  import os
-  """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
-  if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
-    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) 
 def main():
   input_values = [ 0x01, 0x13, 0x25, 0x37, 0xff ]
   # Add three zero values to end of list of input values
diff --git a/asic/regincr2stage.py b/asic/regincr2stage.py
index 57b6c80949a651fc7b9730f883be60795c40b819..63af2fd35ac3f68120c8495c3ad24994f5640123 100644
--- a/asic/regincr2stage.py
+++ b/asic/regincr2stage.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import pymtl3 as mtl
 from .regincr import RegIncr
+from util.output import create_path
 class RegIncr2stage( mtl.Component ):
 # Constructor
@@ -29,12 +30,6 @@ class RegIncr2stage( mtl.Component ):
-def create_path(path):
-  import os
-  """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
-  if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
-    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) 
 def main():
   input_values = [ 0x01, 0x13, 0x25, 0x37, 0xff ]
diff --git a/cce/__init__.py b/cce/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da8e43679a20be8d1cceae96f3e8d2d07cfd885c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cce/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+def main(kwargs):
+    label = kwargs['label']
+    if label == 'HPK-Si-LGAD-CCE':
+        from cce import cce_alpha
+        cce_alpha.main()        
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elec/cce_alpha.py b/cce/cce_alpha.py
similarity index 100%
rename from elec/cce_alpha.py
rename to cce/cce_alpha.py
diff --git a/control/kei_2026_bias_control.py b/control/kei_2026_bias_control.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e829f045bbc82fec3fc7ea8d060c4d0f5b2f292b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/kei_2026_bias_control.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-import visa
-import time
-import warnings 
-class keithley2026:
-    def __init__(self):
-        instlist=visa.ResourceManager()
-        print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.kei026=instlist.open_resource("GPIB1::4::INSTR")
-        self.timedelay=1
-    def testIO(self):
-        message=self.kei026.ask('*IDN?')
-        print(message)
-    def set_voltage(self,vol):
-        if vol > 5.0:
-            warnings.warn("Warning High Voltage!!!!")
-        self.kei026.write("smua.source.limiti=5E-7")
-        self.kei026.write("smua.source.func=smua.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS")
-        vols=self.show_voltage()
-        self.sweep(vols,vol,0.1)
-        vols=self.show_voltage()
-        return vols
-    def show_voltage(self):
-        self.kei026.write("voltagea=smua.measure.v()")
-        voltage=self.kei026.ask("printnumber(voltagea)")
-        print("voltage [V]:  " + str(voltage))
-        return float(str(voltage))
-    def sweep(self, vols, vole, step):
-        if vols < vole:
-            self.sweep_forward(vols,vole,step)
-        else:
-            self.sweep_backward(vols,vole,step)    
-    def sweep_forward(self, vols, vole, step):
-        # Conveter from V to mV
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole),int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 # mV -> V
-            self.kei026.write("smua.source.levelv="+str(vol))
-            self.kei026.write("smua.source.limiti=5E-7")
-            self.show_voltage()
-            time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei026.write("smua.source.levelv="+str(vole))
-        self.show_voltage()
-    def sweep_backward(self, vols, vole, step):
-        # Conveter from V to mV
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole), -int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 # mV -> V
-            self.kei026.write("smua.source.levelv="+str(vol))
-            self.kei026.write("smua.source.limiti=5E-7")
-            self.show_voltage()
-            time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei026.write("smua.source.levelv="+str(vole))
-        self.show_voltage()
-    def display_current(self):
-        self.kei026.write("display.smua.measure.func=display.MEASURE_DCAMPS")
-        self.kei026.write("smua.measure.rangei=1E-6")
-        self.kei026.write("smua.measure.rel.enablei=1")
-        self.kei026.write("currenta=smua.measure.i()")
-        current=self.kei026.ask("printnumber(currenta)")
-        print("current [A]:  " + str(current))
-        time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei026.write("currenta=smua.measure.i()")
-        current=self.kei026.ask("printnumber(currenta)")
-        return float(str(current))
-    def output_on(self):
-        self.kei026.write("smua.source.output=smua.OUTPUT_ON")
-        print("On")
-    def output_off(self):
-        self.kei026.write("smua.source.output=smua.OUTPUT_OFF")
-        print("Off")
-if __name__=="__main__":
-    kei026=keithley2026()
-    kei026.output_on()
-    kei026.set_voltage(0.1)
-    current=kei026.display_current()
-    print(current)
-    #kei026.output_off()
diff --git a/control/kei_2400b_control.py b/control/kei_2400b_control.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2391685f775ae7a15a295a14e53df70147ecf589..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/kei_2400b_control.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-import visa
-import time
-import warnings
-class keithley2400B:
-    def __init__(self):
-        instlist=visa.ResourceManager()
-        print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.kei2400b=instlist.open_resource("GPIB0::24::INSTR")
-        self.timedelay=5
-    def testIO(self):
-        message=self.kei2400b.ask('*IDN?')
-        print(message)
-    def set_voltage(self,vol):
-        if vol > 105:
-            warnings.warn("Warning High Voltage!!!!")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":sense:current:protection 1.05E-4")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":source:function voltage")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":source:voltage:mode fixed")
-        vols=self.show_voltage()
-        self.sweep(vols,vol,1)
-        vols=self.show_voltage()
-        return vols
-    def show_voltage(self):
-        self.kei2400b.write(":source:voltage:mode fixed")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":form:elem voltage")
-        voltage=self.kei2400b.ask(":read?")
-        print("voltage [V]:  " + str(voltage))
-        return float(str(voltage))
-    def sweep(self, vols, vole, step):
-        if vols < vole:
-            self.sweep_forward(vols,vole,step)
-        else:
-            self.sweep_backward(vols,vole,step)
-    def sweep_forward(self, vols, vole, step):
-        # Conveter from V to mV
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole),int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 # mV -> V
-            self.kei2400b.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vol))
-            self.kei2400b.write(":sense:current:protection 1.05E-4")
-            self.show_voltage()
-            time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei2400b.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vole))
-        self.show_voltage()
-    def sweep_backward(self, vols, vole, step):
-        # Conveter from V to mV
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole), -int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 # mV -> V
-            self.kei2400b.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vol))
-            self.kei2400b.write(":sense:current:protection 1.05E-4")
-            self.show_voltage()
-            time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei2400b.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vole))
-        self.show_voltage()
-    def display_current(self):
-        self.kei2400b.write(":sense:function 'current'")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":sense:current:range 1.05E-4")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":display:enable on")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":display:digits 7")
-        self.kei2400b.write(":form:elem current")
-        current=self.kei2400b.ask(":read?")
-        print("instant current [A]:  " + str(current))
-        time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei2400b.write(":form:elem current")
-        current=self.kei2400b.ask(":read?")
-        print("long current [A]:  " + str(current))
-        return float(str(current))
-    def output_on(self):
-        self.kei2400b.write(":output on")
-        print("On")
-    def output_off(self):
-        self.kei2400b.write(":output off")
-        print("Off")
-if __name__=="__main__":
-    kei2400b=keithley2400b()
-    kei2400b.output_on()
-    kei2400b.set_voltage(1)
-    current=kei2400b.display_current()
-    print(current)
-    kei2400b.output_off()
diff --git a/control/kei_2400c_control.py b/control/kei_2400c_control.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 80d4b134bba39fbe733a2e0029e8664c3208f201..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/kei_2400c_control.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-import visa
-import time
-import warnings
-class keithley2400c:
-    def __init__(self):
-        instlist=visa.ResourceManager()
-        print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.kei2400c=instlist.open_resource("GPIB0::24::INSTR")
-        self.timedelay=1
-    def testIO(self):
-        message=self.kei2400c.ask('*IDN?')
-        print(message)
-    def set_voltage(self,vol):
-        if vol > 2.0:
-            warnings.warn("Warning High Voltage!!!!")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":sense:current:protection 1E-6")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":source:function voltage")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":source:voltage:mode fixed")
-        vols=self.show_voltage()
-        self.sweep(vols,vol,0.1)
-        vols=self.show_voltage()
-        return vols
-    def show_voltage(self):
-        self.kei2400c.write(":source:voltage:mode fixed")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":form:elem voltage")
-        voltage=self.kei2400c.ask(":read?")
-        print("voltage [V]:  " + str(voltage))
-        return float(str(voltage))
-    def sweep(self, vols, vole, step):
-        if vols < vole:
-            self.sweep_forward(vols,vole,step)
-        else:
-            self.sweep_backward(vols,vole,step)
-    def sweep_forward(self, vols, vole, step):
-        # Conveter from V to mV
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole),int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 # mV -> V
-            self.kei2400c.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vol))
-            self.kei2400c.write(":sense:current:protection 1E-6")
-            self.show_voltage()
-            time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei2400c.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vole))
-        self.show_voltage()
-    def sweep_backward(self, vols, vole, step):
-        # Conveter from V to mV
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole), -int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 # mV -> V
-            self.kei2400c.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vol))
-            self.kei2400c.write(":sense:current:protection 1E-6")
-            self.show_voltage()
-            time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei2400c.write(":source:voltage:level "+str(vole))
-        self.show_voltage()
-    def display_current(self):
-        self.kei2400c.write(":sense:function 'current'")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":sense:current:range 1E-6")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":display:enable on")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":display:digits 7")
-        self.kei2400c.write(":form:elem current")
-        current=self.kei2400c.ask(":read?")
-        print("current [A]:  " + str(current))
-        time.sleep(self.timedelay)
-        self.kei2400c.write(":form:elem current")
-        current=self.kei2400c.ask(":read?")
-        return float(str(current))
-    def output_on(self):
-        self.kei2400c.write(":output on")
-        print("On")
-    def output_off(self):
-        self.kei2400c.write(":output off")
-        print("Off")
-if __name__=="__main__":
-    kei2400c=keithley2400c()
-    kei2400c.output_on()
-    kei2400c.set_voltage(1)
-    current=kei2400c.display_current()
-    print(current)
-    kei2400c.output_off()
diff --git a/control/keithley2470ccontrol_hyj.py b/control/keithley2470ccontrol_hyj.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 05dff6b61f559144a0d12efe80836be3bfdd31ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/keithley2470ccontrol_hyj.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-import pyvisa as visa
-import time
-import warnings
-class Keithley2470:
-    def __init__(self, resource_name):
-        instlist = visa.ResourceManager()
-        print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.kei2470 = instlist.open_resource(resource_name)
-        self.kei2470.timeout = 25000
-        self.cmpl = '105E-6'
-    def testIO(self):
-        message = self.kei2470.query('*IDN?')
-        print(message)
-    def set_current_protection(self, current):
-        self.cmpl = str(current)
-        self.kei2470.write(":SENSe:CURRent:RANGe " + str(current))
-    def set_voltage_protection(self, vol):
-        self.kei2470.write(":SOURce:VOLTage:RANGe " + str(vol))
-    def set_voltage(self, vol, speed=0.2):
-        self.kei2470.write(":SENSe:CURRent:RANGe " + self.cmpl)
-        self.kei2470.write(":SOURce:FUNCtion VOLTage")
-        if(abs(vol)>=1):
-            if(vol>0):vols = vol - 1
-            else: vols = vol + 1
-        else: vols = self.show_voltage()
-        print("vols="+str(vols))
-        self.sweep(vols, vol, 0.25, speed)
-        vols = vol
-        return vols
-    def show_voltage(self):
-        self.kei2470.write(":SOURce:FUNCtion VOLTage")
-        self.kei2470.write(":DISPlay:READing:FORMat PREFix")
-        voltage = self.kei2470.query(":READ?")
-        print("voltage [V]:  " + str(voltage))
-        return float(str(voltage))
-    def sweep(self, vols, vole, step, speed):
-        if vols < vole:
-            self.sweep_forward(vols,vole,step,speed)
-        else:
-            self.sweep_backward(vols,vole,step,speed)
-    def sweep_forward(self, vols, vole, step,speed):
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000+1
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole),int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 
-            self.kei2470.write(":SOURce:VOLTage:LEVel "+str(vol))
-            time.sleep(0.1/speed)
-    def sweep_backward(self, vols, vole, step,speed):
-        mvols=vols*1000
-        mvole=vole*1000-1
-        mstep=step*1000
-        for mvol in range(int(mvols),int(mvole), -int(mstep)):
-            vol=mvol/1000 
-            self.kei2470.write(":SOURce:VOLTage:LEVel "+str(vol))
-            time.sleep(0.1/speed)
-    def display_current(self):
-        self.kei2470.write(":SENSe:FUNCtion 'CURRent'")
-        self.kei2470.write(":SENS:CURR:RANG:AUTO ON")
-        self.kei2470.write(":DISPlay:READing:FORMat PREFix")
-        current=self.kei2470.query(":READ?")
-        print("current [A]:  " + str(current))
-        return float(str(current))
-    def hit_compliance(self):
-        tripped=int(str(self.kei2470.query("SOUR:CURR:VLIM:TRIP?")))
-        if tripped:
-            print("Hit the compliance "+self.cmpl+"A.")
-        return tripped
-    def output_on(self):
-        self.kei2470.write(":OUTPut:STATe ON")
-        print("On")
-    def output_off(self):
-        self.kei2470.write(":OUTPut:STATe OFF")
-        print("Off")
-    def beep(self, freq=1046.50, duration=0.3):
-        self.kei2470.write(":SYSTem:BEEPer "+str(freq)+", "+str(duration))
-        time.sleep(duration)
-    def filter_on(self, count=20, mode="REPeat"):
-        self.kei2470.write(":SENSe:CURRent:AVERage:COUNt "+str(count))
-        self.kei2470.write(":SENSe:CURRent:AVERage:TCONtrol "+mode)
-        self.kei2470.write(":SENSe:CURRent:AVERage:STATe ON")
-    def filter_off(self):
-        self.kei2400c.write("[:SENSe[1]]:CURRent[:DC]:AVERage:STATe OFF")
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.kei2470.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    kei2470 = Keithley2470("USB0::0x05E6::0x2470::04554700::INSTR")
-    kei2470.testIO()
diff --git a/control/keye4980acontrol.py b/control/keye4980acontrol.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ac040eab10b9522f026d6eed5fe3959d791b0c12..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/keye4980acontrol.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import pyvisa as visa
-import time
-import warnings
-class keysighte4980a:
-    def __init__(self,resource_name):
-        instlist=visa.ResourceManager()
-        print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.lcr=instlist.open_resource(resource_name)
-        self.lcr.write(":function:impedance:type CPRP") 
-        self.lcr.write(":format:ascii:long on")
-        self.lcr.write(":aperture medium") 
-    def testIO(self):
-        message=self.lcr.query('*IDN?')
-        print(message)
-    def set_voltage_level(self, vol): 
-        self.lcr.write(":voltage:level "+str(vol))
-    def set_frequency(self, freq): 
-        self.lcr.write(":frequency "+freq)
-    def set_trigger_remote(self):
-        self.lcr.write("trigger:source bus")
-    def set_trigger_internal(self):
-        self.lcr.write("trigger:source internal")
-    def get_capacitance(self):
-        res=self.lcr.write("trigger:immediate")
-        res=self.lcr.query("fetch?")
-        reslist=res.split(",")
-        cap=reslist[0]
-        print("capacitance [F]: " + cap)
-        return float(cap)
-if __name__=="__main__":
-    lcr=keysighte4980a("USB0::0x2A8D::0x2F01::MY46516486::INSTR")
-    lcr.testIO()
-    lcr.set_trigger_internal()
diff --git a/control/mdo_3034_control.py b/control/mdo_3034_control.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0152585299c4540de52b070791cb870c24a4bd3a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/mdo_3034_control.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import pylab
-import re
-import time
-    import visa
-except ImportError as err:
-    print(err)
-    exit()
-class MDO3034C:
-    def __init__(self, resource_name):
-        instlist=visa.ResourceManager()
-        #print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.my_resource=instlist.open_resource(resource_name)
-    def write_command(self,command):
-        self.my_resource.write(command)
-        time.sleep(0.5)
-    def testIO(self):
-        #self.my_resource.write('*RST')
-        self.my_resource.write('*CLS')
-        #self.my_resource.query_delay = 10.0
-        message=self.my_resource.query('*IDN?')
-        time.sleep(1)
-        print("ocsilloscope information:" + message)
-    def readSet(self,ch,point_number):
-        self.my_resource.write(":DATA:SOU "+ ch)
-        self.my_resource.write(':DATA:START 1')
-        self.my_resource.write(':DATA:STOP ' + point_number)
-        self.my_resource.write(':WFMOutpre:ENCdg BINARY')
-        self.my_resource.write(":WFMOutpre:BYT_Nr 1")
-        self.my_resource.write(":HEADer 0")
-        self.my_resource.write(":WFMOutpre?")
-    def readOffset(self):
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:YMULT?')
-        ymult = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("ymult = " + repr(ymult) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:YZERO?')
-        yzero = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("yzero = " + repr(yzero) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:YOFF?')
-        yoff = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("yoff = " + repr(yoff) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:XINCR?')
-        xincr = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("xincr = " + repr(xincr) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:XZERO?')
-        xzero = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("xzero = " + repr(xzero) + '\n')
-        return ymult,yzero,yoff,xincr,xzero
-    def readWave(self):
-        ymult,yzero,yoff,xincr,xzero=self.readOffset()
-        self.my_resource.write('*CLS')
-        self.my_resource.write("CURVE?")
-        file = open('test.txt','w+')
-        ##########################################
-        # receive data format:
-        # #510000<data>\n        receive 10000 data
-        # #41000<data>\n         receive 1000 data
-        #########################################
-        data = np.frombuffer(self.my_resource.read_raw(),dtype=np.int8,count=int(POINT_NUMBER),offset=len(POINT_NUMBER) + 2)
-        np.savetxt('test.txt',data,fmt='%d',delimiter=',')
-        print(data.size)
-        Volts = (data - 0) * ymult  + yzero
-        Time = np.arange(0, data.size, 1)
-        Time = Time * xincr + xzero
-        return Time, Volts
-    def save_wave_data(self,time,voltage):
-        datadic = {'Time[ms]':time,'Voltage[mv]':voltage}
-        dataform  = pd.DataFrame(datadic,columns=['Time[ms]','Voltage[mv]'])
-        dataform.to_csv('dataform.csv')
-    def plotWave(self, Time, Volts):
-        pylab.plot(Time, Volts)
-        pylab.show()
-if __name__=="__main__":
-    POINT_NUMBER = '10000'
-    CHANNEL = 'CH1'
-    rm = visa.ResourceManager()
-    print(rm.list_resources())
-    list_sources = rm.list_resources()
-    for resource_name in list_sources:
-        match_result = re.match(r'TCPIP',resource_name)
-        if match_result:
-            tcpip_resource = resource_name
-            print("the TCPIP resource is:" + repr(tcpip_resource))
-            break
-        else:
-            print("no TCPIP resource,please check it!")
-            exit()
-    scope=MDO3034C(tcpip_resource)
-    scope.testIO()
-    scope.readSet(CHANNEL,POINT_NUMBER)
-    Time,Volts = scope.readWave()
-    scope.plotWave(Time, Volts)
-    print(max(Volts)-min(Volts))
diff --git a/control/scan_amp.py b/control/scan_amp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8428c9107dd9c95917906096aff506c88ebc0bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/scan_amp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import raser.control.kei_2026_bias_control as kei2026
-import raser.control.tek_tds5054b_control as tds5054b
-import visa
-import time
-import pylab
-import csv
-import numpy as np
-def csv_writer(data,path):
-    with open(path,"w") as csv_file:
-        writer=csv.writer(csv_file,lineterminator='\n')
-        writer.writerow(['Bias Voltage[V]','Measure Voltage [V]','Meaure Current [A]','Max Amp [mV]'])
-        for val in data:
-            writer.writerows([val])
-for iBias in range(iStart,iEnd,iStep):
-    biasSupply.output_on()
-    biasvol=iBias/1000
-    if biasvol>5:
-        break
-    vols.append(biasvol)
-    mvols.append(biasSupply.set_voltage(biasvol))
-    current.append(biasSupply.display_current())
-    Time,Volts = scope.readWave()
-    maxAmp.append(max(Volts)-min(Volts))
-print("Bias Vols: "+str(vols))
-print("Measure vols: "+str(mvols))
-print("Current: "+str(current))
-print("MaxAmp: "+str(maxAmp))
diff --git a/control/scan_cv_2470.py b/control/scan_cv_2470.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 26f29a6e5e39dbd8c4afdbb7282af857002028a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/scan_cv_2470.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-import keye4980acontrol  
-import keithley2470ccontrol_hyj as kei2470 
-import csv
-import numpy as np 
-import platform  
-import sys
-import warnings
-import time
-def csv_writer(data,path): 
-    with open(path,"w") as csv_file: 
-        writer=csv.writer(csv_file,lineterminator='\n') 
-        writer.writerow(['Bias Voltage[V]','Measured Voltage[V]','Measured Capacitance[pF]','Capacitance^{-2}[pF]^{-2}','Monitoring Current[A]'])
-        for val in data: 
-            writer.writerows([val])
-# prevent from running with python2
-if platform.python_version().startswith('2'): 
-   print('You are running with',platform.python_version(),'.')
-   print('Please run with python3.')
-   print('Exit.')
-   sys.exit()
-if positiveHV:
-    sign=1
-    sign=-1
-for iBias in range(iStart,iEnd,iStep):
-    biasvol=iBias/1000 
-    if biasvol>400:
-        warnings.warn("Warning! Exceed the maximum voltage of the bias adapter!")
-        break
-    vols.append(biasvol)
-    mvols.append(biasSupply.set_voltage(biasvol))
-    time.sleep(timedelay)
-    current.append(biasSupply.display_current())
-    tmp_ipcap = 0.
-    for i in range(5):
-        print("display_capacitance",i,":",lcr.get_capacitance()/1e-12)
-        tmp_ipcap += lcr.get_capacitance()/1e-12
-        time.sleep(0.2)
-    ipcap = tmp_ipcap/5.0
-    pcap.append(ipcap)
-    invpcap2.append(1.0/(ipcap*ipcap))
-    if biasSupply.hit_compliance():
-        break
-print("Bias Vols: "+str(vols))
-print("Measured vols: "+str(mvols))
-print("Capacitance: "+str(pcap))
-print("Current: "+str(current))
-print("Ramping up takes %3.0f s." % (time_top-time_start))
-print("Now ramping down...")
-print("Ramping up time:\t%3.0f s" % (time_top-time_start))
-print("Ramping down time:\t%3.0f s" % (time_end-time_top))
-print("Total time:\t\t%3.0f m %2.0f s" % ((time_end-time_start)//60, (time_end-time_start)%60))
diff --git a/control/scan_iv.py b/control/scan_iv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e15f5702bf21c1b6c20c92ffcac13d15d4ea5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/scan_iv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import raser.control.Kei2400c_control as kei2400
-import visa
-import time
-import pylab
-import csv
-import numpy as np
-def csv_writer(data,path):
-    with open(path,"w") as csv_file:
-        writer=csv.writer(csv_file,lineterminator='\n')
-        writer.writerow(['Bias Voltage[V]','Measure Voltage [V]','Meaure Current [A]'])
-        for val in data:
-            writer.writerows([val])
-for iBias in range(iStart,iEnd,iStep):
-    biasSupply.output_on()
-    biasvol=iBias/1000
-    if biasvol>2:
-        break
-    vols.append(biasvol)
-    mvols.append(biasSupply.set_voltage(biasvol))
-    current.append(biasSupply.display_current())
-print("Bias Vols: "+str(vols))
-print("Measure vols: "+str(mvols))
-print("Current: "+str(current))
diff --git a/control/scan_strip_iv.py b/control/scan_strip_iv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aec31aadb074ac391a60e0df397413b8937a4c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/scan_strip_iv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import raser.control.kei_2400b_control as kei2400
-import visa
-import time
-import pylab
-import csv
-import numpy as np
-def csv_writer(data,path):
-    with open(path,"w") as csv_file:
-        writer=csv.writer(csv_file,lineterminator='\n')
-        writer.writerow(['Bias Voltage[V]','Measure Voltage [V]','Meaure Current [A]'])
-        for val in data:
-            writer.writerows([val])
-for iBias in range(iStart,iEnd,iStep):
-    biasSupply.output_on()
-    biasvol=iBias/1000
-    if biasvol>105:
-        print("Much high")
-        break
-    vols.append(biasvol)
-    mvols.append(biasSupply.set_voltage(biasvol))
-    current.append(biasSupply.display_current())
-print("Bias Vols: "+str(vols))
-print("Measure vols: "+str(mvols))
-print("Current: "+str(current))
diff --git a/control/scaniv.py b/control/scaniv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 56412f9969f37d676049bcab47b9102aff91fab8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/scaniv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#import Kei2400CControl as kei2400
-import keithley2470ccontrol_hyj as kei2470
-# import visa
-import pyvisa as visa
-import time
-import pylab
-import csv
-import numpy as np
-import platform
-import sys
-def csv_writer(data,path):
-    with open(path,"w") as csv_file:
-        writer=csv.writer(csv_file,lineterminator='\n')
-        writer.writerow(['Bias Voltage[V]','Measured Voltage[V]','Measured Current[A]'])
-        for val in data:
-            writer.writerows([val])
-if platform.python_version().startswith('2'):
-   print('You are running with',platform.python_version(),'.')
-   print('Please run with python3.')
-   print('Exit.')
-   sys.exit()
-if positiveHV:
-    sign=1
-    sign=-1
-for iBias in range(iStart,iEnd,iStep):
-    biasSupply.output_on()
-    biasvol=iBias/1000 
-    vols.append(biasvol)
-    mvols.append(biasSupply.set_voltage(biasvol))
-    time.sleep(5.0) 
-    tmp_current = 0.
-    for i in range(2):
-        print("display_current",i,":",biasSupply.display_current())
-        tmp_current += biasSupply.display_current()
-        time.sleep(0.2)
-    my_current = tmp_current/3.0
-    current.append(my_current)
-    if biasSupply.hit_compliance():
-        break
-print("Bias Vols: "+str(vols))
-print("Measured vols: "+str(mvols))
-print("Current: "+str(current))
-print("Ramping up takes %3.0f s." % (time_top-time_start))
-print("Now ramping down...")
-biasSupply.sweep(HVrange*sign*1e-3,0,1 ,5)
-print("Ramping up time:\t%3.0f s" % (time_top-time_start))
-print("Ramping down time:\t%3.0f s" % (time_end-time_top))
-print("Total time:\t\t%3.0f m %2.0f s" % ((time_end-time_start)//60, (time_end-time_start)%60))
diff --git a/control/tek_tds5054b_control.py b/control/tek_tds5054b_control.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a5eba0f718439c2974e325a8cf4eb6a73a0dd6f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/control/tek_tds5054b_control.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import visa
-import numpy as np
-from struct import unpack
-import pylab
-class TDS5054B:
-    def __init__(self):
-        instlist=visa.ResourceManager()
-        print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.scope=instlist.open_resource("GPIB0::1::INSTR")
-    def testIO(self):
-        message=self.scope.ask('*IDN?')
-        print(message)
-    def readSet(self,ch):
-        self.scope.write("DATA:SOU "+str(ch))
-        self.scope.write('DATA:WIDTH 1')
-        self.scope.write('DATA:ENC RPB')
-    def readOffset(self):
-        ymult = float(self.scope.ask('WFMPRE:YMULT?'))
-        yzero = float(self.scope.ask('WFMPRE:YZERO?'))
-        yoff = float(self.scope.ask('WFMPRE:YOFF?'))
-        xincr = float(self.scope.ask('WFMPRE:XINCR?'))
-        return ymult,yzero,yoff,xincr
-    def readWave(self):
-        ymult,yzero,yoff,xincr=self.readOffset()
-        self.scope.write("CURVE?")
-        data=self.scope.read_raw()
-        headerlen=2+int(data[1])
-        header=data[:headerlen]
-        ADC_wave=data[headerlen:-1]
-        ADC_wave = np.array(unpack('%sB' % len(ADC_wave),ADC_wave))
-        Volts = (ADC_wave - yoff) * ymult  + yzero
-        Time = np.arange(0, xincr * len(Volts), xincr)
-        Time=Time*1e9 #ns
-        Volts=Volts*1e3 #mV
-        return Time, Volts
-    def plotWave(self, Time, Volts):
-        pylab.plot(Time, Volts)
-        pylab.show()
-if __name__=="__main__":
-    scope=TDS5054B()
-    scope.testIO()
-    scope.readSet(3)
-    Time,Volts = scope.readWave()
-    scope.plotWave(Time, Volts)
-    print(max(Volts)-min(Volts))
diff --git a/current/__init__.py b/current/__init__.py
index 4083f50b4fff786f3ccd0331d799292fbc935ceb..cbb8fa04cdc8f5d6efc9bd31715b16719350510b 100644
--- a/current/__init__.py
+++ b/current/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from . import *
 def main(kwargs):
     label = kwargs['label']
diff --git a/current/cal_current.py b/current/cal_current.py
index 5f5865dfe0531686a17d6789424b9d6ec8d0a46d..b9b6c88cd5ff0be24612bdc5a43084e375817d92 100644
--- a/current/cal_current.py
+++ b/current/cal_current.py
@@ -1,22 +1,28 @@
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-Description:  Simulate e-h pairs drifting and calculate induced current
+    Simulate e-h pairs drifting and calculate induced current
 @Date       : 2021/09/02 14:01:46
 @Author     : Yuhang Tan, Chenxi Fu
 @version    : 2.0
 import random
-import numpy as np
 import math
+import os
+import numpy as np
 import ROOT
 from .model import Material
-from .model import Vector
+from util.math import Vector, signal_convolution
+from util.output import create_path
 t_bin = 50e-12
 t_end = 10e-9
 t_start = 0
 delta_t = 10e-12
-pixel = 25 #um
 min_intensity = 1 # V/cm
 class Carrier:
@@ -48,13 +54,9 @@ class Carrier:
         self.z = z_init
         self.t = t_init
         self.t_end = t_end
-        self.pixel = pixel
         self.path = [[x_init, y_init, z_init, t_init]]
         self.signal = [[] for j in range(int(read_ele_num))]
         self.end_condition = 0
-        self.diffuse_end_condition = 0
-        self.row=0
-        self.column=0
         self.cal_mobility = Material(material).cal_mobility
         self.charge = charge
@@ -72,9 +74,7 @@ class Carrier:
         e_field = my_f.get_e_field(self.x,self.y,self.z)
         intensity = Vector(e_field[0],e_field[1],e_field[2]).get_length()
         mobility = Material(my_d.material)
-        #mu = mobility.cal_mobility(my_d.temperature, my_d.doping_function(self.z+delta_z), self.charge, average_intensity)
-        mu = mobility.cal_mobility(my_d.temperature, 1e12, self.charge, intensity)
-        # TODO: rebuild the doping function or admit this as an approximation
+        mu = mobility.cal_mobility(my_d.temperature, my_f.get_doping(self.x, self.y, self.z), self.charge, intensity)
         velocity_vector = [e_field[0]*mu, e_field[1]*mu, e_field[2]*mu] # cm/s
         if(intensity > min_intensity):
@@ -156,80 +156,6 @@ class Carrier:
         elif (self.t > t_end):
             self.end_condition = "time out"
         return self.end_condition
-    def diffuse_single_step(self,my_d,my_f):
-        delta_t=t_bin
-        #e_field = my_f.get_e_field(self.x,self.y,self.z)
-        intensity = 0
-        kboltz=8.617385e-5 #eV/K
-        mobility = Material(my_d.material)
-        mu = mobility.cal_mobility(my_d.temperature, my_d.doping_function(self.z), self.charge, intensity)
-        diffusion = (2.0*kboltz*mu*my_d.temperature*delta_t)**0.5
-        #diffusion = 0.0
-        dif_x=random.gauss(0.0,diffusion)*1e4
-        dif_y=random.gauss(0.0,diffusion)*1e4
-        dif_z=0
-        if((self.x+dif_x)>=my_d.l_x): 
-            self.x = my_d.l_x
-        elif((self.x+dif_x)<0):
-            self.x = 0
-        else:
-            self.x = self.x+dif_x
-        # y axis
-        if((self.y+dif_y)>=my_d.l_y): 
-            self.y = my_d.l_y
-        elif((self.y+dif_y)<0):
-            self.y = 0
-        else:
-            self.y = self.y+dif_y
-        # z axis
-        if((self.z+dif_z)>=my_d.l_z): 
-            self.z = my_d.l_z
-        elif((self.z+dif_z)<0):
-            self.z = 0
-        else:
-            self.z = self.z+dif_z
-        #time
-        self.t = self.t+delta_t
-        #record
-        self.path.append([self.x,self.y,self.z,self.t])
-    def diffuse_end(self,my_f):
-        if (self.z<=0):
-        #    self.end_condition = "out of bound"
-            self.diffuse_end_condition = "collect"
-        return self.diffuse_end_condition
-    def diffuse_not_in_sensor(self,my_d):
-        if (self.x<=0) or (self.x>=my_d.l_x)\
-            or (self.y<=0) or (self.y>=my_d.l_y)\
-            or (self.z>=my_d.l_z):
-            self.diffuse_end_condition = "out of bound"
-        mod_x = self.x % self.pixel
-        mod_y = self.y % self.pixel
-        if ((mod_x> 7.5) & (mod_x<17.5)) & ((mod_y> 7.5) & (mod_y<17.5)) \
-           & (self.t <= self.t_end):
-            self.diffuse_end_condition = "collect"
-        return self.diffuse_end_condition
-        '''
-        if (self.z<= 0) or (self.t >= self.t_end):
-            self.diffuse_end_condition = "collect"
-        #print("diffuse end")
-        return self.diffuse_end_condition
-        '''
-    def pixel_position(self,my_f,my_d):
-        if self.diffuse_end_condition == "collect":
-            self.row = self.x // self.pixel
-            self.column = self.y // self.pixel
-        else:
-            self.row = -1
-            self.column = -1
-        return  self.row,self.column,abs(self.charge)
 class CalCurrent:
@@ -250,8 +176,11 @@ class CalCurrent:
     def __init__(self, my_d, my_f, ionized_pairs, track_position):
+        self.read_ele_num = my_f.read_ele_num
         self.electrons = []
         self.holes = []
         for i in range(len(track_position)):
             electron = Carrier(track_position[i][0],\
@@ -259,14 +188,14 @@ class CalCurrent:
-                               my_f.read_ele_num)
+                               self.read_ele_num)
             hole = Carrier(track_position[i][0],\
-                           my_f.read_ele_num)
+                           self.read_ele_num)
             if not electron.not_in_sensor(my_d):
@@ -278,18 +207,18 @@ class CalCurrent:
         self.t_start = t_start
         self.n_bin = int((self.t_end-self.t_start)/self.t_bin)
-        self.current_define(my_f.read_ele_num)
-        for i in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
+        self.current_define(self.read_ele_num)
+        for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
-        self.get_current(my_d,my_f.read_ele_num)
+        self.get_current(my_d,self.read_ele_num)
         if "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
             self.gain_current = CalCurrentGain(my_d, my_f, self)
-            for i in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
+            for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
-            self.get_current_gain(my_f.read_ele_num)
+            self.get_current_gain(self.read_ele_num)
     def drifting_loop(self, my_d, my_f):
         for electron in self.electrons:
@@ -386,6 +315,7 @@ class CalCurrent:
 class CalCurrentGain(CalCurrent):
     '''Calculation of gain carriers and gain current, simplified version'''
     def __init__(self, my_d, my_f, my_current):
+        self.read_ele_num = my_current.read_ele_num
         self.electrons = [] # gain carriers
         self.holes = []
         cal_coefficient = Material(my_d.material).cal_coefficient
@@ -400,7 +330,7 @@ class CalCurrentGain(CalCurrent):
-                                              my_f.read_ele_num))
+                                              self.read_ele_num))
@@ -408,7 +338,7 @@ class CalCurrentGain(CalCurrent):
-                                          my_f.read_ele_num))
+                                          self.read_ele_num))
         else : # n layer at d=0, electrons multiplicated into holes
             for electron in my_current.electrons:
@@ -418,7 +348,7 @@ class CalCurrentGain(CalCurrent):
-                                          my_f.read_ele_num))
+                                          self.read_ele_num))
@@ -426,7 +356,7 @@ class CalCurrentGain(CalCurrent):
-                                                my_f.read_ele_num))
+                                                self.read_ele_num))
         self.drifting_loop(my_d, my_f)
@@ -435,11 +365,11 @@ class CalCurrentGain(CalCurrent):
         self.t_start = t_start
         self.n_bin = int((self.t_end-self.t_start)/self.t_bin)
-        self.current_define(my_f.read_ele_num)
-        for i in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
+        self.current_define(self.read_ele_num)
+        for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
-        self.get_current(my_d,my_f.read_ele_num)
+        self.get_current(my_d,self.read_ele_num)
     def gain_rate(self, my_d, my_f, cal_coefficient):
@@ -546,114 +476,22 @@ class CalCurrentGain(CalCurrent):
 class CalCurrentG4P(CalCurrent):
     def __init__(self, my_d, my_f, my_g4p, batch):
         G4P_carrier_list = CarrierListFromG4P(my_d.material, my_g4p, batch)
-        self.read_ele_num = my_f.read_ele_num
         super().__init__(my_d, my_f, G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs, G4P_carrier_list.track_position)
 class CalCurrentStrip(CalCurrent):
     def __init__(self, my_d, my_f, my_g4p, batch):
         G4P_carrier_list = StripCarrierListFromG4P(my_d.material, my_g4p, batch)
-        self.read_ele_num = my_f.read_ele_num
         super().__init__(my_d, my_f, G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs, G4P_carrier_list.track_position)
-class CalCurrentPixel:
-    """Calculation of diffusion electrons in pixel detector"""
-    def __init__(self, my_d, my_f, my_g4p):
-        batch = len(my_g4p.localposition)
-        layer = len(my_d.lt_z)
-        G4P_carrier_list = PixelCarrierListFromG4P(my_d, my_g4p)                 
-        self.collected_charge=[] #temp paras don't save as self.
-        self.sum_signal = []
-        self.event = []        
-        for k in range(batch):
-            l_dict = {}
-            signal_charge = []
-            for j in range(layer):
-                self.electrons = []
-                self.charge,self.collected_charge = [],[]#same like before
-                self.row,self.column=[],[]
-                Hit = {'index':[],'charge':[]} 
-                #print(len(G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs[k][j]))
-                print("%f pairs of carriers are generated from G4 in event_ %d layer %d" %(sum(G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs[k][j]),k,j))
-                #print(G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j])
-                for i in range(len(G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j])):
-                    electron = Carrier(G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j][i][0],\
-                                       G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j][i][1],\
-                                       G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j][i][2],\
-                                       0,\
-                                       -1*G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs[k][j][i],\
-                                       my_d.material,\
-                                       1)
-                    if not electron.not_in_sensor(my_d):
-                        self.electrons.append(electron)
-                self.diffuse_loop(my_d,my_f)
-                Xbins=int(my_d.l_x // electron.pixel)
-                Ybins=int(my_d.l_y // electron.pixel)
-                Xup=my_d.l_x // electron.pixel
-                Yup=my_d.l_y // electron.pixel
-                test_charge = ROOT.TH2F("charge", "charge",Xbins, 0, Xup, Ybins, 0, Yup)
-                for i in range(len(self.row)):
-                    #test_charge.SetBinContent(int(self.row[i]),int(self.column[i]),self.charge[i])
-                    test_charge.Fill(self.row[i],self.column[i],self.charge[i])
-                sum_fired = ROOT.TH2F("charge", "Pixel Detector charge",Xbins, 0, Xup, Ybins, 0, Yup)
-                sum_fired.Add(test_charge)
-                self.sum_charge = ROOT.TH2F("charge", "Pixel Detector charge",Xbins, 0, Xup, Ybins, 0, Yup)
-                self.sum_charge.Add(test_charge)
-                test_charge.Reset
-                collected_charge=self.pixel_charge(my_d,Xbins,Ybins)
-                signal_charge.append(collected_charge)
-                Hit["index"],Hit["charge"] = self.pixel_fired(sum_fired,Xbins,Ybins)
-                l_dict[j] = Hit
-                print("%f electrons are collected in event_ %d,layer %d" %(sum(self.charge),k,j))
-            self.sum_signal.append(signal_charge)
-            self.event.append(l_dict)
-            #print(signal_charge)
-            del signal_charge
-        #print(self.sum_signal)
-        #print(self.event)
-    def diffuse_loop(self, my_d, my_f):
-        for electron in self.electrons:
-            while not electron.diffuse_not_in_sensor(my_d):
-                electron.diffuse_single_step(my_d, my_f)
-                electron.diffuse_end(my_f)
-            x,y,charge_quantity = electron.pixel_position(my_f,my_d)
-            if (x != -1)&(y != -1): 
-                self.row.append(x)
-                self.column.append(y)
-                self.charge.append(charge_quantity)
-    def pixel_charge(self,my_d,Xbins,Ybins):
-        for x in range(Xbins):
-            for y in range(Ybins):
-                charge =self.sum_charge.GetBinContent(x,y)
-                if (charge>0.2):
-                    self.collected_charge.append([x,y,charge])        
-        return self.collected_charge
-    def pixel_fired(self,tot,Xbins,Ybins):
-        Hit = {'index':[],'charge':[]} 
-        for x in range(Xbins):
-            for y in range(Ybins):
-                charge =tot.GetBinContent(x,y)
-                if (charge>0.2):
-                    Hit["index"].append([x,y])
-                    Hit["charge"].append(charge)       
-        return Hit["index"],Hit["charge"]
 class CalCurrentLaser(CalCurrent):
     def __init__(self, my_d, my_f, my_l):
         super().__init__(my_d, my_f, my_l.ionized_pairs, my_l.track_position)
-        self.read_ele_num = my_f.read_ele_num
         for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
@@ -675,11 +513,11 @@ class CalCurrentLaser(CalCurrent):
-            self.signalConvolution(self.positive_cu[i],my_l.timePulse,convolved_positive_cu)
-            self.signalConvolution(self.negative_cu[i],my_l.timePulse,convolved_negative_cu)
-            self.signalConvolution(self.gain_positive_cu[i],my_l.timePulse,convolved_gain_positive_cu)
-            self.signalConvolution(self.gain_negative_cu[i],my_l.timePulse,convolved_gain_negative_cu)
-            self.signalConvolution(self.sum_cu[i],my_l.timePulse,convolved_sum_cu)
+            signal_convolution(self.positive_cu[i],convolved_positive_cu,[my_l.timePulse])
+            signal_convolution(self.negative_cu[i],convolved_negative_cu,[my_l.timePulse])
+            signal_convolution(self.gain_positive_cu[i],convolved_gain_positive_cu,[my_l.timePulse])
+            signal_convolution(self.gain_negative_cu[i],convolved_gain_negative_cu,[my_l.timePulse])
+            signal_convolution(self.sum_cu[i],convolved_sum_cu,[my_l.timePulse])
             self.positive_cu[i] = convolved_positive_cu
             self.negative_cu[i] = convolved_negative_cu
@@ -687,13 +525,6 @@ class CalCurrentLaser(CalCurrent):
             self.gain_negative_cu[i] = convolved_gain_negative_cu
             self.sum_cu[i] = convolved_sum_cu
-    def signalConvolution(self,cu,timePulse,convolved_cu):
-        for i in range(self.n_bin):
-            pulse_responce = cu.GetBinContent(i)
-            for j in range(-i,self.n_bin-i): 
-                time_pulse = timePulse(j*self.t_bin)
-                convolved_cu.Fill((i+j)*self.t_bin - 1e-14, pulse_responce*time_pulse*self.t_bin)
-                #resolve float error
 class CarrierListFromG4P:
     def __init__(self, material, my_g4p, batch):
@@ -742,65 +573,6 @@ class CarrierListFromG4P:
         self.tracks_t_energy_deposition = my_g4p.edep_devices[j] #为什么不使用?
         self.ionized_pairs = [step*1e6/self.energy_loss for step in self.tracks_step]
-class PixelCarrierListFromG4P:
-    def __init__(self, my_d,my_g4p):
-        """
-        Description:
-            Events position and energy depositon
-        Parameters:
-            material : string
-                deciding the energy loss of MIP
-            my_g4p : Particles
-            batch : int
-                batch = 0: Single event, select particle with long enough track
-                batch != 0: Multi event, assign particle with batch number
-        Modify:
-            2022/10/25
-        """
-        batch = len(my_g4p.localposition)
-        layer = len(my_d.lt_z)
-        material = my_d.material
-        self.pixelsize_x = my_d.p_x
-        self.pixelsize_y = my_d.p_y
-        self.pixelsize_z = my_d.p_z
-        if (material == "SiC"):
-            self.energy_loss = 8.4 #ev
-        elif (material == "Si"):
-            self.energy_loss = 3.6 #ev
-        self.track_position, self.ionized_pairs= [],[]
-        self.layer= layer
-        for j in range(batch):
-            self.single_event(my_g4p,j)
-    def single_event(self,my_g4p,j):
-        s_track_position,s_energy= [],[]
-        for i in range(self.layer):
-            position = []
-            energy = []
-            name = "Layer_"+str(i)
-            #print(name)
-            for k in range(len(my_g4p.devicenames[j])):
-                px,py,pz = self.split_name(my_g4p.devicenames[j][k])
-                if name in my_g4p.devicenames[j][k]:
-                    tp = [0 for i in range(3)]
-                    tp[0] = my_g4p.localposition[j][k][0]+(px-0.5)*self.pixelsize_x
-                    tp[1] = my_g4p.localposition[j][k][1]+(py-0.5)*self.pixelsize_y
-                    tp[2] = my_g4p.localposition[j][k][2]+self.pixelsize_z/2
-                    position.append(tp) 
-                    energy.append(my_g4p.energy_steps[j][k])
-            s_track_position.append(position)
-            pairs = [step*1e6/self.energy_loss for step in energy]
-            s_energy.append(pairs)
-            del position,energy
-        self.track_position.append(s_track_position)
-        self.ionized_pairs.append(s_energy)
-    def split_name(self,volume_name):
-        parts = volume_name.split('_')
-        return int(parts[1]),int(parts[2]),int(parts[4])
 class StripCarrierListFromG4P:
     def __init__(self, material, my_g4p, batch):
@@ -839,26 +611,3 @@ class StripCarrierListFromG4P:
         self.tracks_step = my_g4p.energy_steps[j]
         self.tracks_t_energy_deposition = my_g4p.edep_devices[j] #为什么不使用?
         self.ionized_pairs = [step*1e6/self.energy_loss for step in self.tracks_step]
-# TODO: change this to a method of CalCurrent
-def save_current(my_d,my_l,my_current,my_f,key):
-    if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
-        path = os.path.join('output', 'pintct', my_d.det_name, )
-    elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
-        path = os.path.join('output', 'lgadtct', my_d.det_name, )
-    create_path(path) 
-    L = eval("my_l.{}".format(key))
-    #L is defined by different keys
-    time = array('d', [999.])
-    current = array('d', [999.])
-    fout = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(path, "sim-TCT-current") + str(L) + ".root", "RECREATE")
-    t_out = ROOT.TTree("tree", "signal")
-    t_out.Branch("time", time, "time/D")
-    for i in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
-        t_out.Branch("current"+str(i), current, "current"+str(i)+"/D")
-        for j in range(my_current.n_bin):
-            current[0]=my_current.sum_cu[i].GetBinContent(j)
-            time[0]=j*my_current.t_bin
-            t_out.Fill()
-        t_out.Write()
-        fout.Close()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/current/cal_current_diffuse.py b/current/cal_current_diffuse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a6368c2ca31d97c6c422fc888d29f08669821c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/current/cal_current_diffuse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+    Simulate e-h pairs diffusing and calculate induced current in MAPS
+@Date       : 2021/09/02 14:01:46
+@Author     : Yuhang Tan, Haobo Wang
+@version    : 2.0
+import random
+import math
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import ROOT
+from .model import Material
+from util.math import Vector
+t_bin = 50e-12
+t_end = 10e-9
+t_start = 0
+delta_t = 10e-12
+pixel = 25 #um
+min_intensity = 1 # V/cm
+class Carrier:
+    """
+    Description:
+        Definition of carriers and the record of their movement
+    Parameters:
+        x_init, y_init, z_init, t_init : float
+            initial space and time coordinates in um and s
+        charge : float
+            a set of drifting carriers, absolute value for number, sign for charge
+    Attributes:
+        x, y, z, t : float
+            space and time coordinates in um and s
+        path : float[]
+            recording the carrier path in [x, y, z, t]
+        charge : float
+            a set of drifting carriers, absolute value for number, sign for charge
+        signal : float[]
+            the generated signal current on the reading electrode
+        end_condition : 0/string
+            tag of how the carrier ended drifting
+    Modify:
+        2022/10/28
+    """
+    def __init__(self, x_init, y_init, z_init, t_init, charge, read_ele_num):
+        self.x = x_init
+        self.y = y_init
+        self.z = z_init
+        self.t = t_init
+        self.t_end = t_end
+        self.pixel = pixel
+        self.path = [[x_init, y_init, z_init, t_init]]
+        self.signal = [[] for j in range(int(read_ele_num))]
+        self.diffuse_end_condition = 0
+        self.row=0
+        self.column=0
+        self.charge = charge       
+    def diffuse_single_step(self,my_d,my_f):
+        delta_t=t_bin
+        #e_field = my_f.get_e_field(self.x,self.y,self.z)
+        intensity = 0
+        kboltz=8.617385e-5 #eV/K
+        mobility = Material(my_d.material)
+        mu = mobility.cal_mobility(my_d.temperature, my_f.get_doping(self.x, self.y, self.z), self.charge, intensity)
+        diffusion = (2.0*kboltz*mu*my_d.temperature*delta_t)**0.5
+        #diffusion = 0.0
+        dif_x=random.gauss(0.0,diffusion)*1e4
+        dif_y=random.gauss(0.0,diffusion)*1e4
+        dif_z=0
+        if((self.x+dif_x)>=my_d.l_x): 
+            self.x = my_d.l_x
+        elif((self.x+dif_x)<0):
+            self.x = 0
+        else:
+            self.x = self.x+dif_x
+        # y axis
+        if((self.y+dif_y)>=my_d.l_y): 
+            self.y = my_d.l_y
+        elif((self.y+dif_y)<0):
+            self.y = 0
+        else:
+            self.y = self.y+dif_y
+        # z axis
+        if((self.z+dif_z)>=my_d.l_z): 
+            self.z = my_d.l_z
+        elif((self.z+dif_z)<0):
+            self.z = 0
+        else:
+            self.z = self.z+dif_z
+        #time
+        self.t = self.t+delta_t
+        #record
+        self.path.append([self.x,self.y,self.z,self.t])
+    def diffuse_end(self,my_f):
+        if (self.z<=0):
+        #    self.end_condition = "out of bound"
+            self.diffuse_end_condition = "collect"
+        return self.diffuse_end_condition
+    def diffuse_not_in_sensor(self,my_d):
+        if (self.x<=0) or (self.x>=my_d.l_x)\
+            or (self.y<=0) or (self.y>=my_d.l_y)\
+            or (self.z>=my_d.l_z):
+            self.diffuse_end_condition = "out of bound"
+        mod_x = self.x % self.pixel
+        mod_y = self.y % self.pixel
+        if ((mod_x> 7.5) & (mod_x<17.5)) & ((mod_y> 7.5) & (mod_y<17.5)) \
+           & (self.t <= self.t_end):
+            self.diffuse_end_condition = "collect"
+        return self.diffuse_end_condition
+        '''
+        if (self.z<= 0) or (self.t >= self.t_end):
+            self.diffuse_end_condition = "collect"
+        #print("diffuse end")
+        return self.diffuse_end_condition
+        '''
+    def pixel_position(self,my_f,my_d):
+        if self.diffuse_end_condition == "collect":
+            self.row = self.x // self.pixel
+            self.column = self.y // self.pixel
+        else:
+            self.row = -1
+            self.column = -1
+        return  self.row,self.column,abs(self.charge)
+class CalCurrentPixel:
+    """Calculation of diffusion electrons in pixel detector"""
+    def __init__(self, my_d, my_f, my_g4p):
+        batch = len(my_g4p.localposition)
+        layer = len(my_d.lt_z)
+        G4P_carrier_list = PixelCarrierListFromG4P(my_d, my_g4p)                 
+        self.collected_charge=[] #temp paras don't save as self.
+        self.sum_signal = []
+        self.event = []        
+        for k in range(batch):
+            l_dict = {}
+            signal_charge = []
+            for j in range(layer):
+                self.electrons = []
+                self.charge,self.collected_charge = [],[]#same like before
+                self.row,self.column=[],[]
+                Hit = {'index':[],'charge':[]} 
+                #print(len(G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs[k][j]))
+                print("%f pairs of carriers are generated from G4 in event_ %d layer %d" %(sum(G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs[k][j]),k,j))
+                #print(G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j])
+                for i in range(len(G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j])):
+                    electron = Carrier(G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j][i][0],\
+                                       G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j][i][1],\
+                                       G4P_carrier_list.track_position[k][j][i][2],\
+                                       0,\
+                                       -1*G4P_carrier_list.ionized_pairs[k][j][i],\
+                                       1)
+                    if not electron.diffuse_not_in_sensor(my_d):
+                        self.electrons.append(electron)
+                self.diffuse_loop(my_d,my_f)
+                Xbins=int(my_d.l_x // electron.pixel)
+                Ybins=int(my_d.l_y // electron.pixel)
+                Xup=my_d.l_x // electron.pixel
+                Yup=my_d.l_y // electron.pixel
+                test_charge = ROOT.TH2F("charge", "charge",Xbins, 0, Xup, Ybins, 0, Yup)
+                for i in range(len(self.row)):
+                    #test_charge.SetBinContent(int(self.row[i]),int(self.column[i]),self.charge[i])
+                    test_charge.Fill(self.row[i],self.column[i],self.charge[i])
+                sum_fired = ROOT.TH2F("charge", "Pixel Detector charge",Xbins, 0, Xup, Ybins, 0, Yup)
+                sum_fired.Add(test_charge)
+                self.sum_charge = ROOT.TH2F("charge", "Pixel Detector charge",Xbins, 0, Xup, Ybins, 0, Yup)
+                self.sum_charge.Add(test_charge)
+                test_charge.Reset
+                collected_charge=self.pixel_charge(my_d,Xbins,Ybins)
+                signal_charge.append(collected_charge)
+                Hit["index"],Hit["charge"] = self.pixel_fired(sum_fired,Xbins,Ybins)
+                l_dict[j] = Hit
+                print("%f electrons are collected in event_ %d,layer %d" %(sum(self.charge),k,j))
+            self.sum_signal.append(signal_charge)
+            self.event.append(l_dict)
+            #print(signal_charge)
+            del signal_charge
+        #print(self.sum_signal)
+        #print(self.event)
+    def diffuse_loop(self, my_d, my_f):
+        for electron in self.electrons:
+            while not electron.diffuse_not_in_sensor(my_d):
+                electron.diffuse_single_step(my_d, my_f)
+                electron.diffuse_end(my_f)
+            x,y,charge_quantity = electron.pixel_position(my_f,my_d)
+            if (x != -1)&(y != -1): 
+                self.row.append(x)
+                self.column.append(y)
+                self.charge.append(charge_quantity)
+    def pixel_charge(self,my_d,Xbins,Ybins):
+        for x in range(Xbins):
+            for y in range(Ybins):
+                charge =self.sum_charge.GetBinContent(x,y)
+                if (charge>0.2):
+                    self.collected_charge.append([x,y,charge])        
+        return self.collected_charge
+    def pixel_fired(self,tot,Xbins,Ybins):
+        Hit = {'index':[],'charge':[]} 
+        for x in range(Xbins):
+            for y in range(Ybins):
+                charge =tot.GetBinContent(x,y)
+                if (charge>0.2):
+                    Hit["index"].append([x,y])
+                    Hit["charge"].append(charge)       
+        return Hit["index"],Hit["charge"]
+class PixelCarrierListFromG4P:
+    def __init__(self, my_d,my_g4p):
+        """
+        Description:
+            Events position and energy depositon
+        Parameters:
+            material : string
+                deciding the energy loss of MIP
+            my_g4p : Particles
+            batch : int
+                batch = 0: Single event, select particle with long enough track
+                batch != 0: Multi event, assign particle with batch number
+        Modify:
+            2022/10/25
+        """
+        batch = len(my_g4p.localposition)
+        layer = len(my_d.lt_z)
+        material = my_d.material
+        self.pixelsize_x = my_d.p_x
+        self.pixelsize_y = my_d.p_y
+        self.pixelsize_z = my_d.p_z
+        if (material == "SiC"):
+            self.energy_loss = 8.4 #ev
+        elif (material == "Si"):
+            self.energy_loss = 3.6 #ev
+        self.track_position, self.ionized_pairs= [],[]
+        self.layer= layer
+        for j in range(batch):
+            self.single_event(my_g4p,j)
+    def single_event(self,my_g4p,j):
+        s_track_position,s_energy= [],[]
+        for i in range(self.layer):
+            position = []
+            energy = []
+            name = "Layer_"+str(i)
+            #print(name)
+            for k in range(len(my_g4p.devicenames[j])):
+                px,py,pz = self.split_name(my_g4p.devicenames[j][k])
+                if name in my_g4p.devicenames[j][k]:
+                    tp = [0 for i in range(3)]
+                    tp[0] = my_g4p.localposition[j][k][0]+(px-0.5)*self.pixelsize_x
+                    tp[1] = my_g4p.localposition[j][k][1]+(py-0.5)*self.pixelsize_y
+                    tp[2] = my_g4p.localposition[j][k][2]+self.pixelsize_z/2
+                    position.append(tp) 
+                    energy.append(my_g4p.energy_steps[j][k])
+            s_track_position.append(position)
+            pairs = [step*1e6/self.energy_loss for step in energy]
+            s_energy.append(pairs)
+            del position,energy
+        self.track_position.append(s_track_position)
+        self.ionized_pairs.append(s_energy)
+    def split_name(self,volume_name):
+        parts = volume_name.split('_')
+        return int(parts[1]),int(parts[2]),int(parts[4])
diff --git a/current/model.py b/current/model.py
index d14752479af598f3ba22813012a9da0dcf5412cc..4e484b1d28032bef95afb0a54ba7fc17bfb994cb 100644
--- a/current/model.py
+++ b/current/model.py
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class Material:
         plt.title("Mobility Model")
         plt.grid(True,ls = '--',which="both")
-        fig.savefig("./output/model/"+self.mat_name+"Mobility"+self.mobility_model+".png")
+        fig.savefig("./output/current/model/"+self.mat_name+"Mobility"+self.mobility_model+".png")
     def cal_coefficient(self, electric_field, charges, temperature):
         """ Define Avalanche Model """
@@ -330,38 +330,6 @@ class Material:
         return coefficient
-class Vector:
-    def __init__(self,a1,a2,a3):
-        self.components = [a1,a2,a3]
-    def cross(self,Vector_b):
-        """ Get vector cross product of self and another Vector"""
-        o1 = self.components[1]*Vector_b.components[2]-self.components[2]*Vector_b.components[1]
-        o2 = self.components[2]*Vector_b.components[0]-self.components[0]*Vector_b.components[2]
-        o3 = self.components[0]*Vector_b.components[1]-self.components[1]*Vector_b.components[0]
-        return Vector(o1,o2,o3)
-    def get_length(self):
-        " Return length of self"
-        return math.sqrt(self.components[0]*self.components[0]+self.components[1]*self.components[1]+self.components[2]*self.components[2])
-    def add(self,Vector_b):
-        " Return the sum of two Vectors. eg: [1,2,3]+[1,2,3] = [2,4,6]"
-        o1 = self.components[0]+Vector_b.components[0]
-        o2 = self.components[1]+Vector_b.components[1]
-        o3 = self.components[2]+Vector_b.components[2]
-        return Vector(o1,o2,o3)
-    def sub(self,Vector_b):
-        " Return the subtraction of two Vectors. eg: [1,2,3]-[1,2,3] = [0,0,0]"
-        o1 = self.components[0]-Vector_b.components[0]
-        o2 = self.components[1]-Vector_b.components[1]
-        o3 = self.components[2]-Vector_b.components[2]
-        return Vector(o1,o2,o3)
-    def mul(self,k):
-        " Return Vector multiplied by number. eg: 2 * [1,2,3] = [2,4,6]"
-        return Vector(self.components[0]*k,self.components[1]*k,self.components[2]*k)
 def main():
     if not (os.path.exists("./output/model")):
diff --git a/draw/__init__.py b/draw/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d912c04af8f1cd7e0be6f7dfd6ecfaeaef12c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import ROOT
-from . import iv
-from . import cv
-from . import compare_iv
-from . import compare_cv
-from . import draw_iv_cv_paper9
-from . import alpha_ana_SICAR
-from . import data_convolution
-def main(kwargs):
-    label = kwargs['label']
-    if label == 'sicar1.1.8':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/w/wangkeqi/raser/output/fig'
-        draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label)
-    elif label == 'compare_sicar1.1.8_iv':
-        iv.main(label)
-    elif label == 'compare_sicar1.1.8_cv':
-        cv.main(label)
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/w/wangkeqi/raser/output/fig'
-        draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label)
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-2':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/w/wangkeqi/raser/output/fig'
-        draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label)  
-    elif label == 'itk_md8_data_v1':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/itkmd8/itkmd8data'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/raser/output/fig'
-        draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label,xtitle_iv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_iv="Current [nA]",
-                xtitle_cv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_cv="Capacitance [pF]",
-                    xlowerlimit_iv=0,xupperlimit_iv=700,ylowerlimit_iv=1e-11,yupperlimit_iv=1e-5,ylogscale_iv=0,
-                    xlowerlimit_cv=0,xupperlimit_cv=400,ylowerlimit_cv=0,yupperlimit_cv=1e2,ylogscale_cv=0)  
-    elif label == 'itk_md8_sim_v1':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/itkmd8/itkmd8sim'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/raser/output/fig'
-        draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label,xtitle_iv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_iv="Current [nA]",
-                xtitle_cv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_cv="Capacitance [pF]",
-                    xlowerlimit_iv=0,xupperlimit_iv=700,ylowerlimit_iv=1e-11,yupperlimit_iv=1e-5,ylogscale_iv=0,
-                    xlowerlimit_cv=0,xupperlimit_cv=400,ylowerlimit_cv=0,yupperlimit_cv=1e2,ylogscale_cv=0)  
-    elif label == 'itk_md8_compare_dataandsim_v1':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/itkmd8/comparison'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/raser/output/fig'
-        cv.main(label)
-        iv.main(label)
-    elif label == 'itk_atlas18_sim_v1':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/atlas18/sim'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/raser/output/fig'
-        draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label,xtitle_iv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_iv="Current [A]",
-            xtitle_cv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_cv="Capacitance [pF]",
-                xlowerlimit_iv=0,xupperlimit_iv=700,ylowerlimit_iv=1e-11,yupperlimit_iv=1e-5,ylogscale_iv=0,
-                xlowerlimit_cv=0,xupperlimit_cv=400,ylowerlimit_cv=0,yupperlimit_cv=1e2,ylogscale_cv=0)
-    elif label == 'itk_atlas18_data_v1':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/atlas18/data'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/raser/output/fig'
-        draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label,xtitle_iv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_iv="Current [nA]",
-                xtitle_cv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_cv="Capacitance [pF]",
-                    xlowerlimit_iv=0,xupperlimit_iv=700,ylowerlimit_iv=1e-11,yupperlimit_iv=1e-5,ylogscale_iv=0,
-                    xlowerlimit_cv=0,xupperlimit_cv=400,ylowerlimit_cv=0,yupperlimit_cv=1e2,ylogscale_cv=0) 
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1,sicar1.1.8-2_iv':
-        iv.main(label)  
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1,sicar1.1.8-2_cv':
-        cv.main(label) 
-    elif label == "compare_nju_iv":
-        path1="/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/njupin_iv/nju_pin_iv.root"
-        path2="./output/2Dresult/simNJUPIN/simIV800.0to800.0.root"
-        compare_iv.main(label,path1,path2)
-    elif label == "compare_nju_cv":
-        path1="/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/njupin_cv/4H-SiC-PIN-cv.root"
-        path2="./output/2Dresult/simNJUPIN/simCV500.0to500.0.root"
-        compare_cv.main(label,path1,path2)
-    elif label == "compare_sim_sicar1.1.8_cv":
-        path1="/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/sicar1.1.8-11_cv.root"
-        path2="./output/2Dresult/simsicar1.1.6/simCV500.0to500.0.root"
-        compare_cv.main(label,path1,path2)
-    elif label == "compare_sicar_cv_1d":
-        path1="/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/iv_cv/sicar1.1.8-8_cv.root"
-        path2="./output/field/SICAR-1.1.8/simCV-500.0to0.0.root"
-        compare_cv.main(label,path1,path2)
-    elif label == "compare_sim_sicar1.1.8_iv":
-        path1="/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/sicar1.1.8-11_iv.root"
-        path2="./output/2Dresult/simsicar1.1.6/simIV650.0to650.0.root"
-        compare_iv.main(label,path1,path2)
-    elif label =="p9": 
-        csv_folder="/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/samples"
-        for file in os.listdir(csv_folder):
-            if file.endswith(".csv"):
-                csv_filename = os.path.join(csv_folder, file)
-                root_filename = file.replace(".csv", ".root")
-                root_fullpath = os.path.join(csv_folder, root_filename)
-                draw_iv_cv_paper9.create_root_file(csv_filename, root_fullpath)
-        draw_iv_cv_paper9.main()
-        alpha_ana_SICAR.main()
-        data_convolution.landau_mirror()
-        data_convolution.energy_sim()
-    else: 
-        raise NameError(label)
-def draw_figure(input_dir, output_dir, label,xtitle_iv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_iv="Current [A]",
-                xtitle_cv="Reverse Bias Voltage [V]",ytitle_cv="Capacitance [pF]",
-                    xlowerlimit_iv=0,xupperlimit_iv=510,ylowerlimit_iv=1e-11,yupperlimit_iv=1e-5,ylogscale_iv=0,
-                    xlowerlimit_cv=0,xupperlimit_cv=399.99,ylowerlimit_cv=0,yupperlimit_cv=1e2,ylogscale_cv=0):
-    com_name = []
-    for file in os.listdir(input_dir):
-        if file.endswith('.root'):
-            com_name.append(file)
-    for name in com_name:
-        if label == 'sicar1.1.8' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8'):
-            continue
-        elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-1_'):
-            continue
-        elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-2' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-2_'):
-            continue
-        name = name.split('.root')[0]
-        input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, name + '.root')
-        output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, name + '.root')
-        pdf_file = os.path.join(output_dir, name + '.pdf')
-        png_file = os.path.join(output_dir, name + '.png')
-        if name.endswith('iv'):  
-            file = ROOT.TFile(input_file, "READ")
-            tree = file.Get("myTree")
-            graph = ROOT.TGraph()
-            for i, event in enumerate(tree):
-                if label in ['itk_md8_data','itk_atlas18_data']:
-                    x = event.Voltage_V
-                    x = abs(x)
-                    y = event.Current_nA
-                    y = abs(y)*1e-9
-                elif label == 'itk_atlas18_sim':
-                    x = event.Voltage
-                    x = abs(x)
-                    y = event.Current
-                    y = abs(y)*1e-9
-                else:
-                    x = event.Value
-                    x = abs(x)
-                    y = event.Reading
-                    y = abs(y)
-                graph.SetPoint(i, x, y)
-            draw_with_options(graph,name,output_file,pdf_file,png_file,xtitle_iv,ytitle_iv,
-                              xlowerlimit_iv,xupperlimit_iv,ylowerlimit_iv,yupperlimit_iv,ylogscale_iv)
-            #problem: unable to change y limits
-        if name.endswith('cv'):  
-            file = ROOT.TFile(input_file, "READ")
-            tree = file.Get("myTree")
-            graph = ROOT.TGraph()
-            for i, event in enumerate(tree):
-                x = event.Voltage
-                x = abs(x)
-                y = event.Capacitance
-                y = abs(y)
-                graph.SetPoint(i, x, y)
-            draw_with_options(graph,name,output_file,pdf_file,png_file,xtitle_cv,ytitle_cv,
-                              xlowerlimit_cv,xupperlimit_cv,ylowerlimit_cv,yupperlimit_cv,ylogscale_cv)
-def draw_with_options(graph,name,output_file,pdf_file,png_file,xtitle,ytitle,
-                      xlowerlimit,xupperlimit,ylowerlimit,yupperlimit,ylogscale):
-            graph.SetNameTitle("")
-            graph.SetLineWidth(1)
-            graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack)
-            graph.SetMarkerStyle(24)
-            graph.SetMarkerSize(1)
-            graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle)
-            graph.GetXaxis().SetLimits(xlowerlimit,xupperlimit)
-            graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()
-            graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
-            graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-            graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-            graph.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505)
-            graph.GetYaxis().SetLimits(ylowerlimit,yupperlimit)
-            graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle)
-            graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
-            graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8)
-            graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-            graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-            graph.Draw("AP")
-            c = ROOT.TCanvas("c","c",500,500)
-            c.SetLeftMargin(0.22)
-            c.SetBottomMargin(0.16)
-            legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.27,0.67,0.62,0.80)
-            c.SetGrid()
-            c.SetFrameLineWidth(5)
-            legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
-            legend.AddEntry(graph,name.split('_')[0])
-            c.cd()
-            c.SetLogy(ylogscale)
-            graph.Draw()
-            legend.Draw()
-            c.SaveAs(output_file)
-            c.SaveAs(pdf_file)
-            c.SaveAs(png_file)
-            del c
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/draw/alpha_ana_SICAR.py b/draw/alpha_ana_SICAR.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a37f5d0a31584219ccef8aa7b967d4793496c836..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/alpha_ana_SICAR.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-import ROOT
-import os
-import numpy
-import sys
-import math
-def read_file(file_path,wave_name):
-    with open(file_path + '/' + wave_name, 'r') as f:
-        lines = f.readlines()
-        points = lines[1:]
-        time, volt = [],[]
-        for point in points:
-            try:
-                time.append(float(point.strip('\n').strip().split(',')[3])*1e9)
-                volt.append(float(point.strip('\n').strip().split(',')[4])*1e3)
-            except Exception as e:
-                pass
-    return time,volt
-def get_max(time_list,volt_list):
-    volt_max = 0.
-    time_max = 0.
-    index_max = 0
-    for i in range(len(volt_list)):
-        if(volt_list[i]>volt_max):
-            time_max = time_list[i]
-            volt_max = volt_list[i]
-            index_max = i
-    return time_max,volt_max,index_max
-def get_baseline(time_list,volt_list,time_win):
-    time_start = time_list[0]
-    time_end = time_start + time_win
-    count = 0.
-    total = 0.
-    for i in range(len(time_list)):
-        if(time_list[i] < time_end):
-            total += volt_list[i] 
-            count += 1.
-    baseline = total/count
-    return baseline
-def get_charge(time_list,volt_list,baseline):
-    volt_cut_baseline_list = []
-    for i in range(len(volt_list)):
-        volt_cut_baseline_list.append(volt_list[i]-baseline)
-    time_max,volt_max,index_max = get_max(time_list,volt_cut_baseline_list)
-    time_bin = time_list[1]-time_list[0]
-    tmp_integrate = 0.
-    tmp_index = index_max
-    while True:
-        if(volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]<0.): break
-        tmp_integrate += volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]*time_bin
-        tmp_index -= 1
-    tmp_index = index_max+1
-    while True:
-        if(volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]<0.): break
-        tmp_integrate += volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]*time_bin
-        tmp_index += 1
-    charge = tmp_integrate*(1e-12)/50/100*(1e15)
-    return charge
-def main():
-    path = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/CCE_1.1.8-8-2/'
-    for file in ["100V","150V","200V","250V","300V","350V"]:
-        input_name = file
-        path = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/CCE_1.1.8-8-2/' + input_name #文件路径
-        waves = os.listdir(path)
-        time,volt = [],[]
-        window = 1
-        c = ROOT.TCanvas('c','c',600,500)
-        c.SetLeftMargin(0.16)
-        c.SetBottomMargin(0.14)
-        # c = ROOT.TCanvas('c','c',1500,600)
-        # c.Divide(2,1)
-        charge_graph = ROOT.TH1F('charge','charge',50,150,350) #bin,最小值,最大值
-        # volt_graph = ROOT.TH1F('volt',"volt",50,800,1800)
-        charge_graph.SetStats(0)  # 关闭统计框架
-        # volt_graph.SetStats(0)    # 关闭统计框架
-        for wave in waves:
-            print(wave)
-            time,volt = read_file(path,wave)
-            time_max,volt_max,index_max = get_max(time,volt)
-            baseline = get_baseline(time,volt,window)
-            try:
-                charge = get_charge(time,volt,baseline)
-            except:
-                print('error')
-            if charge > 30 and charge < 330:
-                charge_graph.Fill(charge)
-                # volt_graph.Fill(volt_max)
-            charge_graph.SetTitle(' ')
-            charge_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Charge (fC)")
-            charge_graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()
-            charge_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2)
-            charge_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-            charge_graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-            # charge_graph.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505)
-            charge_graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
-            charge_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6)
-            charge_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-            charge_graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-            # ROOT.TGaxis.SetMaxDigits(3)
-            # charge_graph.GetYaxis().SetMaxDigits(3)
-            # charge_graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(79, 104.99)
-            # volt_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Voltage [mV]')
-            # c.cd(1)
-            c.cd()
-            charge_graph.Draw()
-            gaussian = ROOT.TF1("gaussian", "gaus", 150, 350)
-            charge_graph.Fit(gaussian, "R")
-            #gaussian.Draw("same")
-            mean = gaussian.GetParameter(1)
-            sigma = gaussian.GetParameter(2)
-            # 添加朗道分布
-            landau = ROOT.TF1("landau", "landau", 150, 350)  # 创建朗道分布函数
-            charge_graph.Fit(landau,"R")
-            #landau.Draw("same")
-            landau_mean = landau.GetParameter(0)
-            landau_sigma = landau.GetParameter(1)
-            convolution = ROOT.TF1("convolution", "landau*gaus", 150, 350)  # 创建卷积函数
-            convolution.SetParameters(landau_mean, landau_sigma, mean, sigma)  # 设置初始参数
-            charge_graph.Fit(convolution, "R")  # 进行卷积拟合
-            x_max = convolution.GetMaximumX()
-            #convolution.GetParameter()
-            convolution.Draw("same")
-            latex = ROOT.TLatex()
-            latex.SetTextSize(0.04)
-            latex.SetTextAlign(13)
-            latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, "x_max = %.2f" % x_max )
-            # latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.75, "Sigma = %.2f" % sigma)
-            # c.cd(2)
-            # volt_graph.Draw()
-            c.SaveAs('/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/CCE_1.1.8-8-2/fig_sen/'+ input_name + '_distribution_cut.png')
-            c.SaveAs('/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/CCE_1.1.8-8-2/fig_sen/'+ input_name + '_distribution_cut.pdf')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/draw/compare_cv.py b/draw/compare_cv.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 70ad438b678792165ff2cc237adaa1f2d2aa8e0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/compare_cv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import ROOT
-import os
-def compare_cv(label,path1,path2):    
-    folder_path="./output/draw"
-    if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
-        os.makedirs(folder_path)
-    file1 = ROOT.TFile(path1)
-    tree1 = file1.Get("myTree")
-    # 创建第一个图形
-    canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas", "Canvas", 1600, 1200)
-    # 创建一个TGraph对象来存储第一个ROOT文件中的数据
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(tree1.GetEntries())
-    # 从树中获取变量数据并添加到TGraph对象中
-    for i, event in enumerate(tree1):
-        graph1.SetPoint(i, event.Voltage, event.Capacitance)
-    # 设置第一个数据点的标记样式和颜色
-    graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20)
-    graph1.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue)
-    graph1.SetMarkerSize(0.5)
-    graph1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Voltage/v")
-    graph1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("CAP/pF")
-    # 打开第二个ROOT文件
-    file2 = ROOT.TFile(path2)
-    tree2 = file2.Get("SicarTestCV")
-    # 创建一个TGraph对象来存储第二个ROOT文件中的数据
-    graph2 = ROOT.TGraph(tree2.GetEntries())
-    # 从树中获取变量数据并添加到TGraph对象中
-    for i, event in enumerate(tree2):
-        graph2.SetPoint(i, event.voltage, event.CAP)
-    # 设置第二个数据点的标记样式和颜色
-    graph2.SetMarkerStyle(21)
-    graph2.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed)
-    graph2.SetMarkerSize(0.5)
-    graph2.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Voltage/v")
-    graph2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("CAP/pF")
-    canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas", "Canvas", 1600, 1200)
-    graph1.SetTitle("{}_SimulateVSexperiment".format(label))
-    graph1.Draw("AP")
-    graph2.Draw("P")
-    # 创建图例
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph1, "experiment", "p")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph2, "simulate", "p")
-    legend.Draw()
-    # 显示图形
-    canvas.Update()
-    canvas.SaveAs("./output/draw/compare_{}_ex.root".format(label))
-def main(label,path1,path2):
-    compare_cv(label,path1,path2)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main(label,path1,path2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/draw/compare_iv.py b/draw/compare_iv.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b75d2c52121c5434398514a24c2aa5321a689f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/compare_iv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import ROOT
-import os
-def compare_iv(label,path1,path2):    
-    folder_path="./output/draw"
-    if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
-        os.makedirs(folder_path)
-    file1 = ROOT.TFile(path1)
-    tree1 = file1.Get("myTree")
-    # 创建一个TGraph对象来存储第一个ROOT文件中的数据
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(tree1.GetEntries())
-    # 从树中获取变量数据并添加到TGraph对象中
-    for i, event in enumerate(tree1):
-        graph1.SetPoint(i, abs(event.Value), abs(event.Reading))
-    # 设置第一个数据点的标记样式和颜色
-    graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20)
-    graph1.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue)
-    graph1.SetMarkerSize(0.5)
-    graph1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Voltage/v")
-    graph1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Current/A")
-    # 打开第二个ROOT文件
-    file2 = ROOT.TFile(path2)
-    tree2 = file2.Get("SicarTestIV")
-    # 创建一个TGraph对象来存储第二个ROOT文件中的数据
-    graph2 = ROOT.TGraph(tree2.GetEntries())
-    # 从树中获取变量数据并添加到TGraph对象中
-    for i, event in enumerate(tree2):
-        graph2.SetPoint(i, event.voltage, event.Current)
-    # 设置第二个数据点的标记样式和颜色
-    graph2.SetMarkerStyle(21)
-    graph2.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed)
-    graph2.SetMarkerSize(0.5)
-    graph2.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Voltage/v")
-    graph2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Current/A")
-    canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas", "Canvas", 800, 600)
-    graph1.SetTitle("{}_SimulateVSexperiment".format(label))
-    graph1.Draw("AP")
-    graph2.Draw("P")
-    # 创建图例
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph1, "experiment", "p")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph2, "simulate", "p")
-    legend.Draw()
-    # 显示图形
-    canvas.Update()
-    canvas.SaveAs("./output/draw/compare_{}_ex.root".format(label))
-def main(label,path1,path2):
-    compare_iv(label,path1,path2)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main(label,path1,path2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/draw/cv.py b/draw/cv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 39e891aaae89d928a3832fde76d0c6604382d37c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/cv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import ROOT
-def draw_cv(input_dir, output_dir, label):
-    com_name = []
-    legend_name = []
-    for file in os.listdir(input_dir):
-        if file.endswith('.root'):
-            com_name.append(file)
-    c_c = ROOT.TCanvas("c_c", "c_c", 800, 800)
-    c_c.SetLeftMargin(0.22)
-    c_c.SetBottomMargin(0.16)
-    c_c.SetGrid()
-    c_c.SetFrameLineWidth(5)
-    c_c.SetLogy()
-    multigraphs_c = ROOT.TMultiGraph()
-    for i in range(len(com_name)):
-        name = com_name[i]
-        if label == 'sicar1.1.8_cv' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8'):
-            continue
-        elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1,sicar1.1.8-2_cv' and not (name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-1_')) and not (name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-2_')):
-            continue
-        name = name.split('.root')[0]
-        input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, name + '.root')
-        if name.endswith('cv'):
-            file = ROOT.TFile(input_file, "READ")
-            tree = file.Get("myTree")
-            graph = ROOT.TGraph()
-            legend_name.append(name.split('_')[0])
-            for i, event in enumerate(tree):
-                x = event.Voltage
-                x = abs(x)
-                y = event.Capacitance
-                y = abs(y)
-                graph.SetPoint(i, x, y)
-            graph.SetNameTitle("")
-            graph.SetMarkerColor(0+i)
-            graph.SetMarkerStyle(24)
-            graph.SetMarkerSize(1)
-            multigraphs_c.Add(graph)
-    multigraphs_c.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,399.99)
-    multigraphs_c.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Reverse Bias Voltage [V]")
-    multigraphs_c.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()
-    multigraphs_c.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
-    multigraphs_c.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_c.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_c.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505)
-    multigraphs_c.GetYaxis().SetLimits(4,5e2)
-    multigraphs_c.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(4, 5e2)
-    multigraphs_c.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Capacitance [pF]")
-    multigraphs_c.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
-    multigraphs_c.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8)
-    multigraphs_c.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_c.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_c.Draw("AP")
-    max_i = len(legend_name) - 1
-    legend_c = ROOT.TLegend(0.52,0.82-0.05*float(max_i),0.87,0.85)
-    legend_c.SetTextSize(0.04)
-    for i, graph in enumerate(multigraphs_c):
-        legend_c.AddEntry(graph, legend_name[i])
-    legend_c.Draw()
-    file_name_c = label + ".root"
-    c_c.SaveAs(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name_c))
-    file_name_c = label + ".pdf"
-    c_c.SaveAs(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name_c))
-    file_name_c = label + ".png"
-    c_c.SaveAs(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name_c))
-def main(label):
-    if label=='itk_md8_compare_dataandsim':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/itkmd8/comparison'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/raser/output/fig'
-    else:
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/w/wangkeqi/raser/output/fig'
-    draw_cv(input_dir, output_dir, label)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/draw/data_convolution.py b/draw/data_convolution.py
deleted file mode 100644
index be207ece6f4a4f05bcfcc315d624368c8bd91d16..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/data_convolution.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-import ROOT
-import os
-import math
-import array
-import time as tm
-import pandas
-def read_file(file_path,wave_name):
-    with open(file_path + '/' + wave_name, 'r') as f:
-        lines = f.readlines()
-        points = lines[1:]
-        time, volt = [],[]
-        for point in points:
-            try:
-                time.append(float(point.strip('\n').strip().split(',')[3])*1e9)
-                volt.append(float(point.strip('\n').strip().split(',')[4])*1e3)
-            except Exception as e:
-                pass
-    return time,volt
-def get_max(time_list,volt_list):
-    volt_max = 0.
-    time_max = 0.
-    index_max = 0
-    for i in range(len(volt_list)):
-        if(volt_list[i]>volt_max):
-            time_max = time_list[i]
-            volt_max = volt_list[i]
-            index_max = i
-    return time_max,volt_max,index_max
-def get_baseline(time_list,volt_list,time_win):
-    time_start = time_list[0]
-    time_end = time_start + time_win
-    count = 0.
-    total = 0.
-    for i in range(len(time_list)):
-        if(time_list[i] < time_end):
-            total += volt_list[i] 
-            count += 1.
-    baseline = total/count
-    return baseline
-def get_charge(time_list,volt_list,baseline):
-    volt_cut_baseline_list = []
-    for i in range(len(volt_list)):
-        volt_cut_baseline_list.append(volt_list[i]-baseline)
-    time_max,volt_max,index_max = get_max(time_list,volt_cut_baseline_list)
-    time_bin = time_list[1]-time_list[0]
-    tmp_integrate = 0.
-    tmp_index = index_max
-    while True:
-        if(volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]<0.): break
-        tmp_integrate += volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]*time_bin
-        tmp_index -= 1
-    tmp_index = index_max+1
-    while True:
-        if(volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]<0.): break
-        tmp_integrate += volt_cut_baseline_list[tmp_index]*time_bin
-        tmp_index += 1
-    charge = tmp_integrate*(1e-12)/50/100*(1e15)
-    return charge
-def energy_sim():
-    c=ROOT.TCanvas("c","c",700,500)
-    charge_graph_file=ROOT.TFile.Open("./output/SiC_LGAD/energy_deposition_final.root")
-    charge_graph=charge_graph_file.Get("Edetector")
-    # 定义新的直方图
-    new_hist = ROOT.TH1F("new_histogram", "New Histogram", 200, 4.1, 4.6)
-    new_hist.SetStats(0) 
-    # 重新填充数据到新的直方图
-    for i in range(charge_graph.GetNbinsX()):
-        bin_content = charge_graph.GetBinContent(i)
-        bin_center = charge_graph.GetBinCenter(i)
-        new_hist.Fill(bin_center, bin_content)
-    # 将新的直方图保存到文件
-    new_file = ROOT.TFile("new_output.root", "RECREATE")
-    new_hist.Write()
-    new_file.Close()
-    npars=3
-    f2 = ROOT.TF1("f2", "[2]*TMath::Landau(2*[0]-x, [0], [1])", 4.1, 4.6,npars)
-    #f2 = ROOT.TF1("f2", "[2]*TMath::Gaus(x, [0], [1])", 0, 2.5,npars)
-    f2.SetParLimits(0,4.,5)
-    f2.SetParLimits(1,0,1)
-    f2.SetParLimits(2,70.,1000)
-    f2.SetParameters(4.4,0.1,70)
-    #h=ROOT.TH1F("h","data",75,150,350)
-    weight_factor = 1  # 假设增加2倍的权重
-    data_file = open("data_points.txt", "w")
-    for i in range(new_hist.GetNbinsX()):
-        bin_content = new_hist.GetBinContent(i)
-        bin_error = new_hist.GetBinError(i)
-        #if bin_content < 80:  # 举例:假设高于某个阈值的数据点增加权重
-        new_hist.SetBinContent(i, bin_content)
-        data_file.write(f"{new_hist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i)} {bin_content}\n")
-        new_hist.SetBinError(i,0)
-    data_file.close()
-    # 进行拟合
-    new_hist.Fit(f2,"W") 
-    f2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue)
-    num_points = 1000  # 设置需要计算的点的数量
-    fit_points = []
-    for i in range(num_points):
-        x = 4 + i * (5 - 4) / num_points  # 在x范围内均匀选取点
-        y = f2.Eval(x)  # 计算拟合曲线上的点
-        fit_points.append((x, y))
-    # 将拟合曲线上的点写入txt文件
-    output_file = open("fit_curve.txt", "w")
-    for point in fit_points:
-        output_file.write(f"{point[0]} {point[1]}\n")
-    output_file.close()
-    new_hist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack)
-    new_hist.SetMarkerStyle(20)  # 设置点的样式为实心圆
-    new_hist.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack)  # 设置点的颜色为黑色
-    new_hist.SetMinimum(0)  # 设置y轴最小值
-    new_hist.SetMaximum(90) 
-    new_hist.SetLabelFont(43, "XYZ")
-    new_hist.SetTitleFont(43, "XYZ")
-    new_hist.SetLabelSize(20, "XYZ")
-    new_hist.SetTitleSize(20, "XYZ")
-    new_hist.SetLabelSize(0.04, "X")  # 设置X轴标签的长度为2.6
-    new_hist.SetLabelSize(0.04, "Y")  # 设置Y轴标签的长度为2.6
-    new_hist.Draw("P")
-    #f2.Draw("same")
-    latex = ROOT.TLatex()
-    latex.SetTextSize(0.04)
-    latex.SetTextAlign(13)
-    latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, "MPV= %.2f" % (f2.GetParameter(0)))
-    #latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.6, "sigma= %.2f" % (f2.GetParameter(1)))
-    c.SaveAs("./output/SiC_LGAD/fit_alpha.svg")
-    c.SaveAs("./output/SiC_LGAD/fit_alpha.root")
-def landau_mirror():
-    charge_con=[]
-    charge_err=[]
-    path = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/CCE_1.1.8-8-2/'
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c','c',1500,1200)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.16)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.14)
-    #c.Divide(3, 2) 
-    for i, file in enumerate(["100v","150v","200v","250v","300v","350v"]):
-        input_name = file
-        path = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/alpha/' + input_name #文件路径
-        waves = os.listdir(path)
-        time,volt = [],[]
-        window = 1
-        c.cd(i+1)
-        charge = ROOT.RooRealVar("charge", "charge", 30, 200)
-        charge_graph = ROOT.TH1F('charge','charge',120,30.,200) #bin,最小值,最大值
-        # volt_graph = ROOT.TH1F('volt',"volt",50,800,1800)
-        xaxis = charge_graph.GetXaxis()
-        yaxis = charge_graph.GetYaxis()
-        # 设置横轴和纵轴标签
-        xaxis.SetTitle("Charge (fC)")
-        xaxis.CenterTitle()  # 将标签居中
-        xaxis.SetTitleSize(0.04)  # 设置标签的大小
-        yaxis.SetTitle("Counts (a.u.)")
-        yaxis.CenterTitle()  # 将标签居中
-        yaxis.SetTitleSize(0.04)  # 设置标签的大小
-        charge_graph.SetStats(0)  # 关闭统计框架S
-        output_file_2 = open("charge_histogram.{}txt".format(input_name), "w")
-        for wave in waves:
-            #print(wave)
-            time,volt = read_file(path,wave)
-            time_max,volt_max,index_max = get_max(time,volt)
-            baseline = get_baseline(time,volt,window)
-            try:
-                charge = get_charge(time,volt,baseline)
-            except:
-                print('error')
-            if charge > 30 and charge < 330:
-                charge_graph.Fill(charge)
-                output_file_2.write(f"{charge}\n")
-            charge_var = ROOT.RooRealVar("charge_var", "charge_var", charge)
-            data = ROOT.RooDataHist("charge_graph", "charge_graph", ROOT.RooArgList( charge_var), ROOT.RooFit.Import(charge_graph))
-        output_file_2.close()
-        output_file_2 = open("charge_histogram.{}txt".format(input_name), "w")
-        npars=6
-        #f2=ROOT.TF1("f2","0.5*[0]*[1]/TMath::Pi() /TMath::Max( 1.e-10,(x-[2])*(x-[2])+ .25*[1]*[1]")
-        f2 = ROOT.TF1("f2", "[2]*TMath::Landau(2*[0]-x, [0], [1])+[5]*TMath::Gaus(x,[3],[4])", 30, 200,npars)
-        f2.SetParLimits(0,150.,155)
-        f2.SetParLimits(1,0.,10)
-        f2.SetParLimits(2,0.,1000)
-        f2.SetParLimits(3,150.,155)
-        f2.SetParLimits(4,0.,10)
-        f2.SetParLimits(5,0.,1000)
-        f2.SetParameters(150,2,0,150,2,0)
-        charge_graph.Fit(f2,"w")
-        # 计算拟合曲线上的点
-        num_points = 1000  # 设置需要计算的点的数量
-        fit_points = []
-        for i in range(num_points):
-            x = 30 + i * (200 - 30) / num_points  # 在x范围内均匀选取点
-            y = f2.Eval(x)  # 计算拟合曲线上的点
-            fit_points.append((x, y))
-        # 将拟合曲线上的点写入txt文件
-        output_file = open("fit_curve_points{}.txt".format(input_name), "w")
-        for point in fit_points:
-            output_file.write(f"{point[0]} {point[1]}\n")
-        output_file.close()
-        f2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue)
-        charge_graph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack)
-        charge_graph.SetMarkerStyle(20)  # 设置点的样式为实心圆
-        charge_graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack)  # 设置点的颜色为黑色
-        charge_graph.SetMinimum(0)  # 设置y轴最小值
-        charge_graph.SetMaximum(70) 
-        graph = ROOT.TGraph()
-        graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42)  # 设置x轴标题的字体
-        graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04)  # 设置x轴标题的字号
-        graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42)  # 设置y轴标题的字体
-        graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04)
-        graph.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(1010)  # 设置x轴主刻度和次刻度的分割数
-        graph.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(1001)  # 设置y轴主刻度和次刻度的分割数  # 设置y轴标题的字号
-        graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'Charge (fC)' )
-        graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Counts (a.u.)' )
-        graph.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.04)  # 设置x轴刻度长度
-        graph.GetYaxis().SetTickLength(0.04)  # 设置y轴刻度长度
-        graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()  # 将x轴标题居中
-        graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()  # 将y轴标题居中
-        charge_graph.Draw("E")
-        #f2.Draw("same")
-        latex = ROOT.TLatex()
-        latex.SetTextSize(0.04)
-        latex.SetTextAlign(13)
-        latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, "MPV= %.2f" % (f2.GetParameter(0)))
-        latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.7, "SL= %.2f" % (f2.GetParameter(1)))
-        #latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.4,"Charge=%.4f"%(integral_value))
-        charge_con.append(f2.GetParameter(0))
-        charge_err.append(f2.GetParameter(1))
-        c.Update()
-        c.SaveAs("fit_alpha" + input_name + ".png")
-    canvas=ROOT.TCanvas("canvas","canvas",1500,1200)
-    print(charge_con)
-    graph=ROOT.TGraphErrors()
-    for i,n in enumerate([100,150,200,250,300,350]):
-        graph.SetPointError(i,0,charge_err[i])
-        graph.SetPoint(i,n,charge_con[i])
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    graph.SetMarkerStyle(20)  # 设置点的样式为实心圆
-    graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack)  # 设置点的颜色为黑色
-    graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42)  # 设置x轴标题的字体
-    graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04)  # 设置x轴标题的字号
-    graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42)  # 设置y轴标题的字体
-    graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04)  # 设置y轴标题的字号
-    graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Charge (fC)' )
-    graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'Reverse Bias Voltage (V)' )
-    graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()  # 将x轴标题居中
-    graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()  # 将y轴标题居中
-    graph.Draw("AP")
-    data=pandas.read_csv("./raser/draw/fit.csv")
-    x = abs(data['X'].values)
-    y = abs(data['Y'].values)
-    fit_graph=ROOT.TGraph()
-    for i ,n in enumerate(x):
-        fit_graph.SetPoint(i,n,y[i])
-    #fit_graph.SetLineStyle(2)
-    fit_graph.SetMarkerStyle(20)  # 设置点的样式为实心圆
-    fit_graph.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed)  # 设置点的颜色为黑色
-    fit_graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(42)  # 设置x轴标题的字体
-    fit_graph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04)  # 设置x轴标题的字号
-    fit_graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(42)  # 设置y轴标题的字体
-    fit_graph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04)  # 设置y轴标题的字号
-    fit_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Charge (fC)' )
-    fit_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'Reverse Bias Voltage (V)' )
-    fit_graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()  # 将x轴标题居中
-    fit_graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() 
-    fit_graph.Draw("AP")
-    mg.Add(graph)
-    mg.Add(fit_graph)
-    mg.Draw("AP")
-    canvas.SaveAs("charge_alpha.root")
-    canvas.SaveAs("charge_alpha.png")
diff --git a/draw/draw_iv_cv_paper4.py b/draw/draw_iv_cv_paper4.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d1754d4a9250d1fb3e7ab27dc09c5d6b724121aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/draw_iv_cv_paper4.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import numpy as np
-import ROOT
-def draw_double_iv(path1, path2, start):
-    data1=np.loadtxt(path1, skiprows=start-1, comments="END")
-    v1=-data1.T[0]
-    i1=-data1.T[1]
-    data2=np.loadtxt(path2, skiprows=start-1, comments="END")
-    v2=-data2.T[0]
-    i2=-data2.T[1]
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', '', 800, 600)
-    c.SetFillColor(0)
-    c.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetLogy()
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    n1=len(v1)
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(n1,v1,i1)
-    n2=len(v2)
-    graph2 = ROOT.TGraph(n2,v2,i2)
-    graph1.SetLineColor(4)
-    graph2.SetLineColor(6)
-    graph1.SetMarkerColor(4)
-    graph2.SetMarkerColor(6)
-    graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20)
-    graph2.SetMarkerStyle(22)
-    mg.Add(graph1)
-    mg.Add(graph2)
-    mg.Draw('apl')
-    mg.SetMinimum(7e-10)
-    mg.SetMaximum(1.5e-4)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Current [A]')
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Reverse Bias Voltage [V]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 0.75)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph1, "p-i-n", "pl")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph2, "LGAD", "pl")
-    legend.SetTextSize(27)
-    legend.SetTextFont(43)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    legend.SetFillColor(0)
-    legend.Draw()
-    c.SaveAs("output/iv_comparison.pdf")
-def draw_double_cv(path1, path2, start):
-    data1=np.loadtxt(path1, skiprows=start-1, comments="END")
-    v1=-data1.T[0]
-    c1=data1.T[1]
-    data2=np.loadtxt(path2, skiprows=start-1, comments="END")
-    v2=-data2.T[0]
-    c2=data2.T[1]
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', '', 800, 600)
-    c.SetFillColor(0)
-    c.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    n1=len(v1)
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(n1,v1,c1**(-2))
-    n2=len(v2)
-    graph2 = ROOT.TGraph(n2,v2,c2**(-2))
-    graph1.SetLineColor(4)
-    graph2.SetLineColor(6)
-    graph1.SetMarkerColor(4)
-    graph2.SetMarkerColor(6)
-    graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20)
-    graph2.SetMarkerStyle(22)
-    mg.Add(graph1)
-    mg.Add(graph2)
-    mg.Draw('apl')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Capacitance^{-2} [F^{-2}]')
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Reverse Bias Voltage [V]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.2, 0.8, 0.35)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph1, "p-i-n", "pl")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph2, "LGAD", "pl")
-    legend.SetTextSize(27)
-    legend.SetTextFont(43)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    legend.SetFillColor(0)
-    legend.Draw()
-    c.SaveAs("output/cv_comparison.pdf")
-pin_iv = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/f/fuchenxi/disk/1/hpk_ivcv/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5PINNM-01/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5PINNM-01_2019-09-03_1.iv'
-pin_cv = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/f/fuchenxi/disk/1/hpk_ivcv/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5PINNM-01/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5PINNM-01_2019-09-03_1.cv'
-lgad_iv = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/f/fuchenxi/disk/1/hpk_ivcv/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5-01/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5-01_2019-08-26_1.iv'
-lgad_cv = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/f/fuchenxi/disk/1/hpk_ivcv/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5-01/HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5-01_2019-08-28_1.cv'
-iv_start = 66
-cv_start = 71
-draw_double_iv(pin_iv, lgad_iv, iv_start)
-draw_double_cv(pin_cv, lgad_cv, cv_start)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/draw/draw_iv_cv_paper9.py b/draw/draw_iv_cv_paper9.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b3865f302e0959b60fcdb6777b254df93fab53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/draw_iv_cv_paper9.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import ROOT
-import csv
-import os
-from array import array
-import numpy as np
-from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
-# 读取CSV文件
-def read_csv(csv_filename):
-    data = []
-    with open(csv_filename, 'r') as csvfile:
-        csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
-        next(csvreader)  # 跳过表头
-        for row in csvreader:
-            if csv_filename.endswith("cv.csv"):
-                if row:  # 检查是否存在数据
-                    x_value = float(row[0]) if row[0] else 0.0
-                    y_value = float(row[2]) if row[2] else 0.0
-                    data.append((x_value, y_value))
-            elif csv_filename.endswith("iv.csv"):
-                if row:  # 检查是否存在数据
-                    x_value = float(row[0]) if row[0] else 0.0
-                    y_value = float(row[1]) if row[1] else 0.0
-                    data.append((x_value, y_value))
-            elif csv_filename.endswith("other.csv"):
-                if row:  # 检查是否存在数据
-                    x_value = float(row[0]) if row[0] else 0.0
-                    y_value = float(row[1]) if row[1] else 0.0
-                    data.append((x_value, y_value))
-    return data
-# 创建ROOT文件并存储数据
-def create_root_file(csv_filename, root_filename):
-    data = read_csv(csv_filename)
-    # 创建ROOT文件
-    root_file = ROOT.TFile(root_filename, "RECREATE")
-    # 创建TTree对象
-    tree = ROOT.TTree("data_tree", "Data from CSV")
-    x = ROOT.std.vector('double')()
-    y = ROOT.std.vector('double')()
-    tree.Branch("x", x)
-    tree.Branch("y", y)
-    for i, (x_val, y_val) in enumerate(data):
-        x.push_back(x_val)
-        y.push_back(y_val)
-        tree.Fill()
-    # 将TTree对象写入ROOT文件
-    tree.Write()
-    root_file.Close()
-def draw_iv_p9():
-    # 创建一个Canvas
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', '', 800, 600)
-    c.SetFillColor(0)
-    c.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetLogy()
-    # 遍历文件夹
-    folder_path = "/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/samples/"  # 文件夹路径
-    colors = [ROOT.kGreen, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kTeal, ROOT.kYellow, ROOT.kMagenta]  # 定义不同的颜色
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.2, 0.8, 0.4) 
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)  # 设置图例的边框大小为0,即没有边框    
-    for i,file_name in enumerate(os.listdir(folder_path)):
-        if file_name.endswith("iv.root"):  # 如果文件名以"iv.root"结尾
-            file_number = int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, file_name)))
-            color_index = file_number - 1 
-            root_file = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(folder_path, file_name))
-            tree = root_file.Get("data_tree")  # 获取Tree名称
-            n_entries = tree.GetEntries()
-            x_data = array('d', [0]*n_entries)  # 创建一个数组来存储x值
-            y_data = array('d', [0]*n_entries) 
-            ex_data = array('d',[0]*n_entries)  # 创建一个数组来存储x误差
-            ey_data = array('d',[0]*n_entries)  # 创建一个数组来存储y误差 # 创建一个数组来存储y值
-            for n in range(n_entries):
-                tree.GetEntry(n)
-                for i, x in enumerate(tree.x):
-                    if 0 <= abs(x) <= 400:  # 仅添加 0 到 400 之间的 x 值及对应的 y 值
-                        x_data.append(abs(x))
-                        ex_data.append(0)
-                        y_data.append(abs(tree.y[i]/(3.14*0.05*0.05)))
-                        ey_data.append(0)
-            #print(x_data,y_data)
-            #graph = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(x_data), array('d', x_data), array('d', y_data),ex_data,ey_data)  # 创建TGraph对象
-            graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x_data), array('d', x_data), array('d', y_data))  # 创建TGraph对象
-            graph.SetMarkerStyle(20)  # 设置标记形状
-            graph.SetMarkerSize(0.5)
-            graph.SetMarkerColor(colors[color_index])
-            mg.Add(graph)  # 添加到TMultiGraph中
-            legend.AddEntry(graph, file_name.split("_iv")[0], "p")
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Current Density [A/cm^2]')
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Reverse Bias Voltage [V]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True)  
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().CenterTitle(True)  
-    mg.SetMinimum(1e-11)  
-    mg.SetMaximum(1e-2)  
-    mg.Draw('AP')
-    legend.Draw()  
-    #c.Update()
-    c.SaveAs("/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/samples/output/iv_comparison.root")
-    c.SaveAs("/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/samples/output/iv_comparison.pdf")
-    #c.SaveAs("./iv_comparison.root")
-    #c.SaveAs("./iv_comparison.pdf")
-def draw_cv_p9():
-    # 创建一个Canvas
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', '', 1200, 600)  # 调整画布大小以容纳两个子图
-    #c.Divide(2, 1)  # 将画布分割成两列
-    c.SetFillColor(0)
-    c.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetLogy()
-    #c.cd(1)
-    # 遍历文件夹
-    folder_path = "/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/samples"  # 文件夹路径
-    mg = ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg", "")
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)  # 设置图例的边框大小为0,即没有边框    
-    colors = [ROOT.kGreen, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kPink, ROOT.kCyan, ROOT.kOrange]  # 定义不同的颜色
-    for i, file_name in enumerate(os.listdir(folder_path)):
-        if file_name.endswith("cv.root"):  # 如果文件名以"cv.root"结尾
-            file_number = int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, file_name)))
-            color_index = file_number - 1 
-            root_file = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(folder_path, file_name))
-            tree = root_file.Get("data_tree")  # 获取Tree名称
-            n_entries = tree.GetEntries()
-            x_data = array('d', [0] * n_entries)  # 创建一个数组来存储x值
-            y_data = array('d', [0] * n_entries)
-            ex_data = array('d', [0] * n_entries)  # 创建一个数组来存储x误差
-            ey_data = array('d', [0] * n_entries)  # 创建一个数组来存储y误差 # 创建一个数组来存储y值
-            for n in range(n_entries):
-                tree.GetEntry(n)
-                for i, x in enumerate(tree.x):
-                    if 0 <= abs(x) <= 400:  # 仅添加 0 到 400 之间的 x 值及对应的 y 值
-                        x_data.append(abs(x))
-                        ex_data.append(0)
-                        y_data.append(abs(tree.y[i]))
-                        ey_data.append(0)
-            graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x_data), array('d', x_data), array('d', y_data))  # 创建TGraphErrors对象
-            graph.SetMarkerStyle(20)
-            graph.SetMarkerColor(colors[color_index])  # 设置标记颜色,使用取余运算重复使用颜色
-            #graph.SetLineColor(colors[i % len(colors)]) 
-            graph.SetMarkerSize(0.5)
-            mg.Add(graph)  # 添加到TMultiGraph中
-            legend.AddEntry(graph, file_name.split("_cv")[0], "p")
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Capacitance [pF]')
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Reverse Bias Voltage [V]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True)  
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().CenterTitle(True)  
-    mg.SetMinimum(1e0)
-    mg.SetMaximum(1e3)
-    mg.Draw('P')
-    legend.Draw("same")  
-    """
-    c.cd(2)
-    fig2_files="/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/simulation_cv"
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    legend=ROOT.TLegend(0.6,0.6,0.8,0.8)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    for file_name in os.listdir(fig2_files):
-        if file_name.endswith("cv_other.root"):  
-            root_file = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(folder_path, file_name))
-            tree=root_file.Get("data_tree")
-            n_entries=tree.GetEntries()
-            x_data = array('d', [0] * n_entries)  # 创建一个数组来存储x值
-            y_data = array('d', [0] * n_entries)
-            for n in range(n_entries):
-                tree.GetEntry(n)
-                for i,x in enumerate(tree.x):
-                    if 0<x<=400:
-                        x_data.append(abs(x))
-                        y_data.append(abs(tree.y[i]))
-            print(x_data)
-            graph=ROOT.TGraph(len(x_data),array("d",x_data),array("d",y_data))
-            graph.SetMarkerStyle(20)
-            graph.SetMarkerSize(0.5)
-            mg.Add(graph)  # 添加到TMultiGraph中
-            legend.AddEntry(graph, file_name.split("_cv_other")[0], "p")
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Capacitance [pF]')
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Reverse Bias Voltage [V]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True)  
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().CenterTitle(True)  
-    mg.SetMinimum(1e0)
-    mg.SetMaximum(1e3)
-    mg.Draw('P')
-    legend.Draw("same")  
-    c.Update()"""
-    c.SaveAs("/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/samples/output/cv_comparison.root")
-    c.SaveAs("/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/samples/output/cv_comparison.pdf")
-def main():
-    draw_cv_p9()
-    draw_iv_p9()
-    #test()
-    #print("fix cv")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/draw/field_comparison.py b/draw/field_comparison.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7ca63459a939aade1da083fbab4683c6d501b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/field_comparison.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-@Description: compare the difference of the electric field of p-i-n and LGAD
-@Date       : 2023/02/14 17:00:00
-@Author     : Chenxi Fu
-@version    : 1.0
-Usage : 
-source ./run raser
-raser 'python/paper4/field_comparison.py'
-# TODO: Need to be rewritten or deleted!
-import sys
-import os
-import raser
-import time
-import ROOT
-import math
-def draw_fields(my_pin_field,my_lgad_field,path):
-    c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "canvas",1200, 1000)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit()
-    c1.SetLeftMargin(0.18)
-    c1.SetBottomMargin(0.14)
-    n = 2000
-    lgad_field_histo = ROOT.TH1F("","",n,0,50)
-    lgad_field_histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z[\mu m]") 
-    lgad_field_histo.GetYaxis().SetTitle("E[V/\mu m]") 
-    pin_field_histo = ROOT.TH1F("","",n,0,50)
-    pin_field_histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z[\mu m]") 
-    pin_field_histo.GetYaxis().SetTitle("E[V/\mu m]") 
-    for i in range(n):
-        z = (i+1)*50/n
-        le = my_lgad_field.get_e_field(650,650,z-0.01)[2]
-        lgad_field_histo.SetBinContent(i+1,le)
-        pe = my_pin_field.get_e_field(650,650,z-0.01)[2]
-        pin_field_histo.SetBinContent(i+1,pe)
-    lgad_field_histo.SetTitle("")
-    lgad_field_histo.SetLineColor(6)
-    lgad_field_histo.SetMarkerColor(6)
-    lgad_field_histo.SetMarkerStyle(20)
-    lgad_field_histo.Draw("HIST")
-    lgad_field_histo.Draw("SAME P")
-    pin_field_histo.SetLineColor(4)
-    pin_field_histo.SetMarkerColor(4)
-    pin_field_histo.SetMarkerStyle(22)
-    pin_field_histo.Draw("SAME HIST")
-    pin_field_histo.Draw("SAME P")
-    lgad_field_histo.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    lgad_field_histo.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    lgad_field_histo.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    lgad_field_histo.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8)
-    legend.AddEntry(pin_field_histo, "p-i-n", "pl")
-    legend.AddEntry(lgad_field_histo, "LGAD", "pl")
-    legend.SetTextSize(0.05)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    legend.Draw("same")
-    c1.SaveAs(path+"field_comparison"+".pdf")
-    c1.SaveAs(path+"field_comparison"+".root")
-def draw_sigma(field,path):
-    n = 100
-    E = ROOT.TH1F("","",n,0,50)
-    E.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z[\mu m]") 
-    E.GetYaxis().SetTitle("E[V/\mu m]") 
-    S = ROOT.TH1F("","",n,0,50) 
-    S.GetXaxis().SetTitle("z[\mu m]") 
-    S.GetYaxis().SetTitle("\sigma^{-2}[\mu m^{-2}]")  
-    e_2 = field.get_e_field(650,650,2)[2]
-    for i in range(n):
-        z = (i+1)*50/n
-        e = field.get_e_field(650,650,z-0.01)[2]
-        if z<2:
-            s=0
-        else:
-            s = 1/(450 + 49 + 2.8*(1+2*math.log(e_2/e))**2) # temporal_FWHM^2 v^2 + sigma_0^2 + (k_{B}Tε/q^2N_{eff})(1+2ln(E_2/E)^2)
-        E.SetBinContent(i+1,e)
-        S.SetBinContent(i+1,s)
-    c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "canvas",1000, 1000)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit()
-    c1.SetLeftMargin(0.18)
-    c1.SetRightMargin(0.2)
-    c1.SetBottomMargin(0.14)
-    c1.SetRightMargin(0.12)
-    E.Draw("COLZ")
-    E.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    E.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    E.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    E.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    E.SetLineWidth(2)
-    E.SetTitle("")
-    c1.SaveAs(path+"Field.pdf")
-    c1.SaveAs(path+"Field.root")
-    del c1
-    c2 = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "canvas",1000, 1000)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit()
-    c2.SetLeftMargin(0.18)
-    c2.SetRightMargin(0.2)
-    c2.SetBottomMargin(0.14)
-    c2.SetRightMargin(0.12)
-    S.Draw("COLZ")
-    S.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    S.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    S.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    S.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    S.SetLineWidth(2)
-    S.SetTitle("")
-    c2.SaveAs(path+"Sigma.pdf")
-    c2.SaveAs(path+"Sigma.root")
-    del c2
-def main():
-    path = "output/lgadtct/HPK-Si-LGAD/"
-    if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
-        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) 
-    pin_paras = ["det_name=HPK-Si-PIN","parfile=paras/setting.json"]
-    pin_set = raser.Setting(pin_paras)
-    my_pin = raser.R3dDetector(pin_set)
-    my_pin_field = raser.FenicsCal(my_pin,pin_set.fenics)
-    lgad_paras = ["det_name=HPK-Si-LGAD","parfile=paras/setting.json"]
-    lgad_set = raser.Setting(lgad_paras)
-    my_lgad = raser.R3dDetector(lgad_set)
-    my_lgad_field = raser.FenicsCal(my_lgad,lgad_set.fenics)
-    draw_fields(my_pin_field,my_lgad_field,path)
-    draw_sigma(my_lgad_field,path)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/draw/iv.py b/draw/iv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fb5783884afd319be7f41498d05bf806f15b9d68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/draw/iv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import ROOT
-def draw_iv(input_dir, output_dir, label):
-    com_name = []
-    legend_name = []
-    for file in os.listdir(input_dir):
-        if file.endswith('.root'):
-            com_name.append(file)
-    c_i = ROOT.TCanvas("c_i", "c_i", 800, 800)
-    c_i.SetLeftMargin(0.22)
-    c_i.SetBottomMargin(0.16)
-    c_i.SetGrid()
-    c_i.SetFrameLineWidth(5)
-    multigraphs_i = ROOT.TMultiGraph()
-    for i in range(len(com_name)):
-        name = com_name[i]
-        if label == 'sicar1.1.8' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8'):
-            continue
-        elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1,sicar1.1.8-2_iv' and not (name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-1_')) and not (name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-2_')):
-            continue
-        name = name.split('.root')[0]
-        input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, name + '.root')
-        if name.endswith('iv'):
-            file = ROOT.TFile(input_file, "READ")
-            tree = file.Get("myTree")
-            graph1 = ROOT.TGraph()
-            legend_name.append(name.split('_')[0])   
-            for i, event in enumerate(tree):
-                x = event.Value
-                x = abs(x)
-                y = event.Reading
-                y = abs(y)
-                graph1.SetPoint(i, x, y)
-            graph1.SetNameTitle("")
-            graph1.SetMarkerColor(0+i)
-            graph1.SetMarkerStyle(24)
-            graph1.SetMarkerSize(1)
-            multigraphs_i.Add(graph1)
-    multigraphs_i.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Reverse Bias Voltage [V]")
-    multigraphs_i.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,510)
-    multigraphs_i.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()
-    multigraphs_i.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
-    multigraphs_i.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_i.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_i.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505)
-    multigraphs_i.GetYaxis().SetLimits(1e-11,1e-5)
-    multigraphs_i.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Current [A]")
-    multigraphs_i.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
-    multigraphs_i.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8)
-    multigraphs_i.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_i.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    multigraphs_i.Draw("AP")
-    max_i = len(legend_name) - 1
-    legend_i = ROOT.TLegend(0.52,0.82-0.05*float(max_i),0.87,0.85)
-    legend_i.SetTextSize(0.04)
-    for i, graph1 in enumerate(multigraphs_i):
-        legend_i.AddEntry(graph1, legend_name[i])
-    legend_i.Draw()
-    file_name_i = label + "_iv.root"
-    c_i.SaveAs(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name_i))
-    file_name_i = label + "_iv.pdf"
-    c_i.SaveAs(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name_i))
-    file_name_i = label + "_iv.png"
-    c_i.SaveAs(os.path.join(output_dir, file_name_i))
-def main(label):
-    if label=='itk_md8_compare_dataandsim':
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/itkmd8/comparison'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/raser/output/fig'
-    else:
-        input_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/w/wangkeqi/raser/output/fig'
-    draw_iv(input_dir, output_dir, label)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/elec/ABCStar_fe_get_fig.py b/elec/ABCStar_fe_get_fig.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc634321bbdc4b3991e23cdf5f7872fffbad0a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elec/ABCStar_fe_get_fig.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
+import ROOT
+import numpy
+def read_file(file_path,file_name):
+    with open(file_path + file_name) as f:
+        lines = f.readlines()
+        time,volt = [],[]
+        for line in lines:
+            time.append(float(line.split()[0])*1e9)
+            volt.append(float(line.split()[1]))
+    time = numpy.array(time,dtype='float64')
+    volt = numpy.array(volt,dtype='float64')
+    return time,volt
+def main():
+    file_path = 'output/elec/'
+    #file_name = 'drs4_analog.raw'
+    file_name = 'ABCStar_fe.raw'
+    com_name=file_name.split('.')[0]
+    fig_name=file_path + com_name + '.pdf'
+    time,volt = [],[]
+    time,volt = read_file(file_path,file_name)
+    length = len(time)
+    ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch()    
+    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c','c',700,600)
+    f1 = ROOT.TGraph(length,time,volt)
+    f1.SetTitle(' ')
+    f1.SetLineColor(2)
+    f1.SetLineWidth(2)
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time [ns]')
+    # f1.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,5)
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,30)
+    f1.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+    f1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.8)
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Voltage [V]')
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetLimits(0,-1)
+    f1.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+    f1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.93)
+    c.cd()
+    f1.Draw('AL')
+    c.SaveAs(fig_name)
+    print("figure  has been saved in " , fig_name)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/elec/__init__.py b/elec/__init__.py
index d739f8f0f1e7023f5f18d988e16eb4003da1ad22..3d9a1d6550ec630d49e63fd2fffe7f561c9af2f1 100644
--- a/elec/__init__.py
+++ b/elec/__init__.py
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
-from . import *
 def main(kwargs):
     label = kwargs['label']
-    if label == 'foo':
-        foo.main()
     if label == 'ngspice_t1':
         import subprocess
-        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b -r t1.raw output/T1_tmp.cir'], shell=True)
-    if label == 'drs4_get_analog':
+        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b output/elec/T1_tmp.cir'], shell=True)
+    elif label == 'ngspice_ABCStar_fe':
+        import subprocess
+        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b param_file/circuit/ABCStar_fe.cir'], shell=True)
+    elif label == 'drs4_get_analog':
         import subprocess
-        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b -r drs4_analog.raw paras/circuitdrs4_analog.cir'], shell=True)
-    if label == 'drs4_get_fig':
+        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b param_file/circuit/drs4_analog.cir'], shell=True)
+    elif label == 'drs4_get_fig':
         from . import drs4_get_fig
-    if label == 'HPK-Si-LGAD-CCE':
-        from . import cce_alpha
-        cce_alpha.main()        
+    elif label == 'ABCStar_fe_get_fig':
+        from . import ABCStar_fe_get_fig
+        ABCStar_fe_get_fig.main()
-        raise NameError(label)
\ No newline at end of file
+        from . import readout
+        readout.main(label)
diff --git a/elec/draw_t1.py b/elec/draw_t1.py
index aee027e00140f549bd155840d3305c2c7c42ab0c..f8fc36421a0e9ff28f60453014e1bc291cbd93d0 100644
--- a/elec/draw_t1.py
+++ b/elec/draw_t1.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
 import time
 import os
 from array import array
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ def T1():
     now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M%S")
-    path = os.path.join("output/fig", str(now))
+    path = os.path.join("output/elec/t1", str(now))
-    c.SaveAs(os.path.join('output/fig', str(now), 't1.pdf'))
+    c.SaveAs(os.path.join('output/elec/t1', str(now), 't1.pdf'))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elec/drs4_get_fig.py b/elec/drs4_get_fig.py
index 3597377d618e4f64f02cbce4b5e8a7baea7307da..a27c8917101fd1de35daaeaf8308a2a1d08b5765 100755
--- a/elec/drs4_get_fig.py
+++ b/elec/drs4_get_fig.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
 import ROOT
 import numpy
 def read_file(file_path,file_name):
-    with open(file_path + '/' + file_name) as f:
+    with open(file_path + file_name) as f:
         lines = f.readlines()
         time,volt = [],[]
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def read_file(file_path,file_name):
     return time,volt
 def main():
-    file_path = 'fig/'
+    file_path = 'output/elec/'
     file_name = 'drs4_analog.raw'
     fig_name=file_path + com_name + '.pdf'
diff --git a/elec/ele_readout.py b/elec/ele_readout.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b43712752bd3103939cd6a44b301a04e79fb9f8f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/elec/ele_readout.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-    Simulate induced current through BB or CSA amplifier 
-@Date       : 2021/09/02 14:11:57
-@Author     : tanyuhang
-@version    : 1.0
-import math
-import ROOT
-import json
-# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
-# CSA and BB amplifier simulation
-class Amplifier:
-    def __init__(self,my_current,amplifier,mintstep="50e-12"):
-        """
-        Description:
-            Get current after CSA and BB amplifier
-        Parameters:
-        ---------
-        CSA_par : dic
-            All input paramters of CSA in CSA_par
-        BB_par : dic
-            All input paramters of BB in CSA_par
-        mintstep : float
-            The readout time step (bin width)        
-        @Modify:
-        ---------
-            2021/09/09
-        """
-        self.ele = []
-        ele_json = "./setting/electronics/" + amplifier + ".json"
-        with open(ele_json) as f:
-            ampl_par = json.load(f)
-        self.ele_name = ampl_par['ele_name']
-        self.read_ele_num = my_current.read_ele_num
-        self.ampli_define(ampl_par)
-        self.sampling_charge(my_current,mintstep)
-        self.ampl_sim()
-    def ampli_define(self,ampl_par):
-        """
-        Description:
-            The parameters of CSA and BB amplifier.
-            Details introduction can be got in setting module.
-        @Modify:
-        ---------
-            2021/09/09
-        """
-        if ampl_par['ele_name'] == 'CSA':
-            self.t_rise    = ampl_par['t_rise']
-            self.t_fall    = ampl_par['t_fall']
-            self.trans_imp = ampl_par['trans_imp']
-            self.CDet      = ampl_par['CDet']
-            self.BBW       = ampl_par['BBW']
-            self.BBGain    = ampl_par['BBGain']
-            self.BB_imp    = ampl_par['BB_imp']
-            self.OscBW     = ampl_par['OscBW'] 
-            tau_BB_RC = 1.0e-12*self.BB_imp*self.CDet     #BB RC
-            tau_BB_BW = 0.35/(1.0e9*self.BBW)/2.2    #BB Tau
-            self.tau_BBA = math.sqrt(pow(tau_BB_RC,2)+pow(tau_BB_BW,2))
-        elif ampl_par['ele_name'] == 'BB':
-            self.t_rise    = ampl_par['t_rise']
-            self.t_fall    = ampl_par['t_fall']
-            self.CDet      = ampl_par['CDet']
-            self.BBW       = ampl_par['BBW']
-            self.BBGain    = ampl_par['BBGain']
-            self.BB_imp    = ampl_par['BB_imp']
-            self.OscBW     = ampl_par['OscBW'] 
-            ##BB simualtion parameter
-            tau_C50 = 1.0e-12*50.*self.CDet          #Oscil. RC
-            tau_BW = 0.35/(1.0e9*self.OscBW)/2.2      #Oscil. RC
-            tau_BB_RC = 1.0e-12*self.BB_imp*self.CDet     #BB RC
-            tau_BB_BW = 0.35/(1.0e9*self.BBW)/2.2    #BB Tau
-            self.tau_scope = math.sqrt(pow(tau_C50,2)+pow(tau_BW,2))
-            self.tau_BBA = math.sqrt(pow(tau_BB_RC,2)+pow(tau_BB_BW,2))
-    def sampling_charge(self,my_current,mintstep):
-        """ Transform current to charge 
-        with changing bin width to oscilloscope bin width
-        """
-        self.max_num=[]
-        self.itot=[]
-        for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
-            self.max_num.append(my_current.sum_cu[i].GetNbinsX())
-            self.itot.append([0.0]*self.max_num[i])
-        self.max_hist_num = my_current.n_bin
-        self.undersampling = int(float(mintstep)/my_current.t_bin)
-        self.time_unit = my_current.t_bin*self.undersampling
-        self.CDet_j = 0     # CSA readout mode
-        self.qtot = [0.0]*self.read_ele_num
-        # self.qtot = [0.0]
-        # get total charge
-        for k in range(self.read_ele_num):
-            i=0
-            for j in range(0,self.max_hist_num,self.undersampling):
-                self.itot[k][i] = my_current.sum_cu[k].GetBinContent(j)
-                self.qtot[k] = self.qtot[k] + self.itot[k][i]*self.time_unit
-                i+=1
-        max_hist_num = int(self.max_hist_num/self.undersampling)
-        IintTime = max(2.0*(self.t_rise+self.t_fall)*1e-9/self.time_unit,
-                       3.0*self.tau_BBA/self.time_unit)
-        self.IMaxSh = int(max_hist_num + IintTime)
-    def ampl_sim(self):
-        """
-        Description:
-            CSA and BB amplifier Simulation         
-        Parameters:
-        ---------
-        arg1 : int
-        @Modify:
-        ---------
-            2021/09/09
-        """
-        IMaxSh = self.IMaxSh
-        preamp_Q = [] 
-        for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
-            preamp_Q.append([0.0]*IMaxSh)
-        step=1
-        for k in range(self.read_ele_num):
-            for i in range(IMaxSh-step):
-                if(i>0 and i <self.max_hist_num-step):
-                    preamp_Q[k][i] = 0.0
-                    for il in range(i,i+step):
-                        preamp_Q[k][i] += self.itot[k][il]*self.time_unit
-                elif (i != 0):
-                    preamp_Q[k][i]=0.0
-        if self.ele_name == 'CSA':
-            for k in range(self.read_ele_num):
-                self.CSA_p_init()
-                for i in range(IMaxSh-step):
-                    if i >= step:
-                        dif_shaper_Q = preamp_Q[k][i]
-                    else:
-                        dif_shaper_Q = 0
-                    for j in range(IMaxSh-i):
-                        self.fill_CSA_out(i,j,dif_shaper_Q)
-                    self.max_CSA(i)
-                self.fill_CSA_th1f(k)
-        elif self.ele_name == 'BB':
-            for k in range(self.read_ele_num):
-                self.BB_p_init()
-                for i in range(IMaxSh-step):
-                    if i >= step:
-                        dif_shaper_Q = preamp_Q[k][i]
-                    else:
-                        dif_shaper_Q = 0
-                    for j in range(IMaxSh-i):
-                        self.fill_BB_out(i,j,dif_shaper_Q)
-                self.fill_BB_th1f(k)
-    def CSA_p_init(self):
-        """ CSA parameter initialization"""
-        t_rise = self.t_rise
-        t_fall = self.t_fall
-        self.tau_rise = t_rise/2.2*1e-9
-        self.tau_fall = t_fall/2.2*1e-9
-        if (self.tau_rise == self.tau_fall):
-            self.tau_rise *= 0.9
-        self.sh_max = 0.0  
-        self.shaper_out_Q = [0.0]*self.IMaxSh
-        self.shaper_out_V = [0.0]*self.IMaxSh
-    def BB_p_init(self):
-        """ BB parameter initialization"""
-        self.Vout_scope = [0.0]*self.IMaxSh
-        self.Iout_BB_RC = [0.0]*self.IMaxSh
-        self.Iout_C50 = [0.0]*self.IMaxSh   
-        self.BBGraph = [0.0]*self.IMaxSh
-    def fill_CSA_out(self,i,j,dif_shaper_Q):
-        """ Fill CSA out variable"""     
-        self.shaper_out_Q[i+j] += self.tau_fall/(self.tau_fall+self.tau_rise) \
-                                  * dif_shaper_Q*(math.exp(-j*self.time_unit
-                                  / self.tau_fall)-math.exp(
-                                  - j*self.time_unit/self.tau_rise))
-    def fill_BB_out(self,i,j,dif_shaper_Q):
-        """ Fill BB out variable"""   
-        self.Iout_C50[i+j] += (dif_shaper_Q)/self.tau_scope \
-                                * math.exp(-j*self.time_unit/self.tau_scope)
-        self.Iout_BB_RC[i+j] += (dif_shaper_Q)/self.tau_BBA \
-                                * math.exp(-j*self.time_unit/self.tau_BBA)
-        self.BBGraph[i+j] = 1e3 * self.BBGain * self.Iout_BB_RC[i+j]
-        R_in = 50 # the input impedance of the amplifier
-        self.Vout_scope[i+j] = R_in * self.Iout_C50[i+j]
-#        if (abs(self.BBGraph[i+j]) > 800):
-#            self.BBGraph[i+j] = 800*self.BBGraph[i+j]/abs(self.BBGraph[i+j])
-    def max_CSA(self,i):
-        """ Get max out value of CSA"""               
-        if (abs(self.shaper_out_Q[i]) > abs(self.sh_max)):
-            self.sh_max = self.shaper_out_Q[i]
-    def fill_CSA_th1f(self,k):
-        """ Change charge to amplitude [mV]
-            and save in the th1f
-        """
-        Ci = 3.5e-11  #fF
-        Qfrac = 1.0/(1.0+self.CDet*1e-12/Ci)
-        self.ele.append(ROOT.TH1F("electronics"+str(k+1), "electronics",
-                                self.IMaxSh, 0, self.IMaxSh*self.time_unit))
-        for i in range(self.IMaxSh):
-            if self.sh_max == 0.0:
-                self.shaper_out_V[i] = 0.0
-            elif self.CDet_j == 0:
-                self.shaper_out_V[i] = self.shaper_out_Q[i]*self.trans_imp\
-                                      * 1e15*self.qtot[k]*Qfrac/self.sh_max     
-                # self.shaper_out_V[i] = self.shaper_out_Q[i]*self.trans_imp/(self.CDet*1e-12) #C_D=3.7pF
-            elif self.CDet_j ==1:
-                self.shaper_out_V[i] = self.shaper_out_Q[i]*self.trans_imp\
-                                       * 1e15*self.qtot[k]/self.sh_max
-            self.ele[k].SetBinContent(i,self.shaper_out_V[i])
-        #Print the max current time of CSA
-        min_CSA_height, max_CSA_height = min(self.shaper_out_V), max(self.shaper_out_V)
-        if abs(min_CSA_height) < abs(max_CSA_height):
-            time_t = self.shaper_out_V.index(max_CSA_height)
-        else:
-            time_t = self.shaper_out_V.index(min_CSA_height)
-        print("CSA peak time={:.2e}".format(time_t*self.time_unit))
-    def fill_BB_th1f(self,k):
-        """ Change charge to amplitude [V]
-            and save in the th1f
-        """
-        self.ele.append(ROOT.TH1F("electronics BB"+str(k+1),"electronics BB",
-                                self.IMaxSh,0,self.IMaxSh*self.time_unit))
-        for i in range(len(self.Vout_scope)+1):
-            if i == 0:
-                self.ele[k].SetBinContent(i,0)
-            else:
-                self.ele[k].SetBinContent(i,self.Vout_scope[i-1])
-        # Print the max current time of BB
-        min_BB_height, max_BB_height = min(self.Vout_scope), max(self.Vout_scope)
-        if abs(min_BB_height) < abs(max_BB_height):
-            time_t = self.Vout_scope.index(max_BB_height)
-            self.max_BB_height = abs(max_BB_height)
-        else:
-            time_t = self.Vout_scope.index(min_BB_height)
-            self.max_BB_height = abs(min_BB_height)
-        print("BB peak time={:.2e}".format(time_t*self.time_unit))
-    def __del__(self):
-        pass
diff --git a/elec/ngspice.py b/elec/ngspice.py
index cf323767f061060bfb2587208d49fc193c46f4bb..815c18451e3891a830708eaabfb713548a536c2a 100644
--- a/elec/ngspice.py
+++ b/elec/ngspice.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 def ngspice(input_c, input_p):
-    with open('./paras/circuitT1.cir', 'r') as f:
+    with open('./param_file/circuit/T1.cir', 'r') as f:
         lines = f.readlines()
         lines[113] = 'I1 2 0 PWL('+str(input_c)+') \n'
         lines[140] = 'tran 0.1p ' + str((input_p[len(input_p) - 2])) + '\n'
         lines[141] = 'wrdata output/t1.raw v(out)\n'
-    with open('./output/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
+    with open('./output/elec/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elec/ngspice_get_fig.py b/elec/ngspice_get_fig.py
index 86fbd535e4cf5ff5e9fab5b70a4ab440f036510d..9026dbc327b6e7c9337ffa88931d90c224dde08c 100644
--- a/elec/ngspice_get_fig.py
+++ b/elec/ngspice_get_fig.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import ROOT
 import sys
 import numpy
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
 def read_file(file_path,file_name):
     with open(file_path + '/' + file_name) as f:
         lines = f.readlines()
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def read_file(file_path,file_name):
     return time,volt
 def main():
-    file_path = 'output/fig/'
+    file_path = 'output/elec/ngspice_fig'
     file_name = sys.argv[1]
     fig_name=file_path + com_name + '.pdf'
diff --git a/elec/ngspice_set_input.py b/elec/ngspice_set_input.py
index 4524df24cf519162f35cf1dadb4ec85fcd52bbf6..15ffceb868059ee67d10f401935fc107c59a13bc 100644
--- a/elec/ngspice_set_input.py
+++ b/elec/ngspice_set_input.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import os
 import ROOT
 from array import array
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
 def set_input(my_current,my_l,my_d,key):
     if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
         path = os.path.join('output', 'pintct', my_d.det_name, )
diff --git a/elec/noise_histogram.py b/elec/noise_histogram.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f400e6e06dcc094b9338312a53dc125805a6db8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/elec/noise_histogram.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy as np
-csv_files = []
-def read_csv_file(folder_path):
-    for csv_file in os.listdir(folder_path):
-        if csv_file.endswith('.csv'):
-            csv_files.append(os.path.join(folder_path, csv_file))
-    return csv_files
-folder_path = 'C:\\Users\\86188\\Desktop\\20230808\\noise_diya_ucsc'
-csv_files = read_csv_file(folder_path)
-def read_csv(csv_file):
-    time, voltage = [], []
-    with open(csv_file, 'r') as file:
-        lines = file.readlines()
-        for line in lines[6:]:
-            time.append(float(line.split(',')[3]) * 1e9)
-            voltage.append(float(line.split(',')[4]) * 1e3)
-    return time, voltage
-voltage_list = []
-for csv_file in csv_files:
-    time, voltage = read_csv(csv_file)
-    voltage_list.extend(voltage)  # 将每个csv文件的电压值添加到列表中
-# 计算直方图
-hist, bins = np.histogram(voltage_list, bins=70)
-# 计算均值和标准差
-mean = np.mean(voltage_list)
-stddev = np.std(voltage_list)
-# 绘制直方图
-plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
-plt.hist(voltage_list, bins=50, alpha=1, density=True, label='Voltage Distribution')
-# 显示均值和标准差
-plt.text(0.7, 0.9, f'Mean: {mean:.2f} mV', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
-plt.text(0.7, 0.85, f'Standard Deviation: {stddev:.2f} mV', transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
-plt.title(' noise voltage distribution')
-save_dir = 'C:\\Users\\86188\\Desktop\\20230808\\noise_diya_ucsc'
-file_name = 'noise.pdf'
-save_file = os.path.join(save_dir,file_name)
diff --git a/elec/readout.py b/elec/readout.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a87d1dc8c15cc3edb65e06ecaabdc4165f0c34bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elec/readout.py
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+    Simulate induced current through BB or CSA amplifier 
+@Date       : 2024/09/22 15:24:33
+@Author     : tanyuhang, Chenxi Fu
+@version    : 2.0
+import math
+import json
+import ROOT
+from util.math import signal_convolution
+from util.output import output
+class Amplifier:
+    """Get current after amplifier with convolution, for each reading electrode
+    Parameters
+    ---------
+    currents : list[ROOT.TH1F]
+        The ROOT.TH1F objects of induced current with time information
+    amplifier_name : str
+        The name of the amplifier
+    CDet : None | float
+        The capacitance of the detector
+    Attributes
+    ---------
+    amplified_current : list[ROOT.TH1F]
+        The list of induced current after amplifier
+    Methods
+    ---------
+    amplifier_define
+        Define parameters and the responce function of amplifier
+    fill_amplifier_output
+        Get the induced current after amplifier
+    set_scope_output
+        Get the scope output after amplifier
+    Last Modified
+    ---------
+        2024/09/14
+    """
+    def __init__(self, currents: list[ROOT.TH1F], amplifier_name: str, CDet = None):
+        self.amplified_current = []
+        ele_json = "./setting/electronics/" + amplifier_name + ".json"
+        with open(ele_json) as f:
+            self.amplifier_parameters = json.load(f)
+        self.amplified_current_name = self.amplifier_parameters['ele_name']
+        self.read_ele_num = len(currents)
+        self.amplifier_define(CDet)
+        self.fill_amplifier_output(currents)
+        self.set_scope_output(currents)
+    def amplifier_define(self, CDet):
+        """
+        Description:
+            The parameters, pulse responce function and scope scaling of the amplifier.
+            Details introduction can be got in setting module.
+        @Modify:
+        ---------
+            2021/09/09
+        """
+        if CDet is None:
+            CDet = self.amplifier_parameters['CDet']
+        if self.amplifier_parameters['ele_name'] == 'CSA':
+            """ CSA parameter initialization"""
+            mode = 0
+            def pulse_responce_CSA(t):
+                if t < 0: # step function
+                    return 0
+                t_rise   = self.amplifier_parameters['t_rise']
+                t_fall   = self.amplifier_parameters['t_fall']
+                tau_rise = t_rise/2.2*1e-9
+                tau_fall = t_fall/2.2*1e-9
+                if (tau_rise == tau_fall):
+                    tau_rise *= 0.9
+                return tau_fall/(tau_fall+tau_rise) * (math.exp(-t/tau_fall)-math.exp(-t/tau_rise))
+            def scale_CSA(output_Q_max, input_Q_tot):
+                """ CSA scale function"""
+                trans_imp = self.amplifier_parameters['trans_imp']
+                Ci = 3.5e-11  #fF
+                Qfrac = 1.0/(1.0+self.CDet*1e-12/Ci)
+                if output_Q_max == 0.0:
+                    return 0.0
+                if mode == 0:
+                    scale = trans_imp * 1e15 * input_Q_tot * Qfrac / output_Q_max     
+                    # scale = trans_imp/(self.CDet*1e-12) #C_D=3.7pF   
+                elif mode == 1:
+                    scale = trans_imp * 1e15 * input_Q_tot / output_Q_max
+                return scale
+            self.pulse_responce_list = [pulse_responce_CSA]
+            self.scale = scale_CSA
+        elif self.amplifier_parameters['ele_name'] == 'BB':
+            """ BB parameter initialization"""
+            mode = "scope"
+            def pulse_responce_BB(t):
+                if t < 0: # step function
+                    return 0
+                BB_bandwidth = self.amplifier_parameters['BB_bandwidth']
+                BB_imp       = self.amplifier_parameters['BB_imp']
+                OscBW        = self.amplifier_parameters['OscBW']   
+                if mode == "scope":
+                    tau_C50 = 1.0e-12 * 50. * CDet          #Oscil. RC
+                    tau_BW = 0.35 / (1.0e9*OscBW) / 2.2      #Oscil. RC
+                    tau_scope = math.sqrt(pow(tau_C50,2)+pow(tau_BW,2))
+                    return 1/tau_scope * math.exp(-t/tau_scope)
+                elif mode == "RC":
+                    tau_BB_RC = 1.0e-12 * BB_imp * CDet     #BB RC
+                    tau_BB_BW = 0.35 / (1.0e9*BB_bandwidth) / 2.2    #BB Tau, Rf*Cf?
+                    tau_BBA = math.sqrt(pow(tau_BB_RC,2)+pow(tau_BB_BW,2))
+                    return 1/tau_BBA * math.exp(-t/tau_BBA)
+                else:
+                    raise NameError(mode,"mode is not defined")
+            def scale_BB(output_Q_max, input_Q_tot):
+                """ BB scale function"""
+                if mode == "scope":
+                    R_in = 50
+                    return R_in
+                elif mode == "RC":
+                    BB_Gain = self.amplifier_parameters['BB_Gain'] # kOhm ?
+                    return BB_Gain * 1e3
+            self.pulse_responce_list = [pulse_responce_BB]
+            self.scale = scale_BB
+        elif self.amplifier_parameters['ele_name'] == 'ABCStar_fe':
+            """ ABCStar_fe parameter initialization"""
+            def pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_input(t):
+                if t < 0:
+                    return 0
+                input_res = self.amplifier_parameters['input_res']
+                return 1/(1e-12*CDet) * math.exp(-t/(1e-12*CDet*input_res))
+            def pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_RCfeedback(t):
+                if t < 0:
+                    return 0
+                input_res = self.amplifier_parameters['input_res']
+                Cf = self.amplifier_parameters['Cf']
+                Rf = self.amplifier_parameters['Rf']
+                tau_amp = 1e-12 * Cf * input_res
+                tau_f = 1e-12 * Cf * Rf
+                return 1/tau_amp * math.exp(-t/tau_f)
+            def scale_ABCStar_fe(output_Q_max, input_Q_tot):
+                """ ABCStar_fe scale function"""
+                return 1000.0 # V to mV
+            self.pulse_responce_list = [pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_input, pulse_responce_ABCStar_fe_RCfeedback]
+            self.scale = scale_ABCStar_fe
+    def fill_amplifier_output(self, currents: list[ROOT.TH1F]):
+        for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
+            cu = currents[i]
+            self.amplified_current.append(ROOT.TH1F("electronics %s"%(self.amplified_current_name)+str(i+1), "electronics %s"%(self.amplified_current_name),
+                                cu.GetNbinsX(),cu.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),cu.GetXaxis().GetXmax()))
+            self.amplified_current[i].Reset()
+            signal_convolution(cu, self.amplified_current[i], self.pulse_responce_list)
+    def set_scope_output(self, currents: list[ROOT.TH1F]):
+        for i in range(self.read_ele_num):
+            cu = currents[i]
+            input_Q_tot = cu.Integral()
+            output_Q_max = self.amplified_current[i].GetMaximum()
+            self.amplified_current[i].Scale(self.scale(output_Q_max, input_Q_tot))
+def main(label):
+    '''main function for readout.py to test the output of the given amplifier'''
+    my_th1f = ROOT.TH1F("my_th1f", "my_th1f", 600, 0, 30e-9)
+    # input signal: square pulse
+    for i in range(21, 41):
+        my_th1f.SetBinContent(i, 2e-6) # A
+    ele = Amplifier([my_th1f], label)
+    c=ROOT.TCanvas("c","canvas1",1000,1000)
+    my_th1f.Draw("HIST")
+    origin_max = my_th1f.GetMaximum()
+    amp_max = ele.amplified_current[0].GetMaximum()
+    print("amp_max =",amp_max,'mV')
+    ratio = origin_max/amp_max
+    ele.amplified_current[0].Scale(ratio)
+    ele.amplified_current[0].Draw("SAME HIST")
+    path = output(__file__, label)
+    c.SaveAs(path+'/'+label+'_test.pdf')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import sys
+    main(sys.argv[1])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/elec/t1_create.py b/elec/t1_create.py
index 70df9e24cbd56f7fadb3adaf7d58419232083b9c..69410b8c83b4f2f3eab91ca2a8f08b961dceb167 100644
--- a/elec/t1_create.py
+++ b/elec/t1_create.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# TODO: Need to be TOTALLY rewritten
 import ROOT
 import os
 import numpy as np
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ if number>=1:
-        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/paras/circuitT1.cir', 'r') as f:
+        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/param_file/circuit/T1.cir', 'r') as f:
             lines = f.readlines()
             lines[113] = 'I1 2 0 PWL('+str(input_p)+') \n'
             lines[140] = 'tran 0.1p ' + str((input_c[len(input_c) - 2])) + '\n'
             lines[141] = 'wrdata output/'+str(L)+'t1.txt v(out)\n'
-        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/output/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
+        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/output/elec/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
-        os.system("ngspice -b -r t1.txt output/T1_tmp.cir")
+        os.system("ngspice -b -r t1.txt output/elec/T1_tmp.cir")
@@ -142,17 +142,17 @@ else:
-        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/paras/circuitT1.cir', 'r') as f:
+        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/param_file/circuit/T1.cir', 'r') as f:
             lines = f.readlines()
             lines[113] = 'I1 2 0 PWL('+str(input_p)+') \n'
             lines[140] = 'tran 0.1p ' + str((input_c[len(input_c) - 2])) + '\n'
             lines[141] = 'wrdata output/'+str(L)+'t1.txt v(out)\n'
-        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/output/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
+        with open('/scratchfs/atlas/xingchenli/raser/output/elec/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
-        os.system("ngspice -b -r t1.txt output/T1_tmp.cir")
+        os.system("ngspice -b -r t1.txt output/elec/T1_tmp.cir")
diff --git a/field/__init__.py b/field/__init__.py
index 469b36e2248e12632dca06ff374e3bdfceb6c1b2..2e68a4572ccbd3546bbb6b2bf1216151b44bdaa4 100755
--- a/field/__init__.py
+++ b/field/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
 import logging
-import devsim
-from . import gen_devsim_db
-from . import devsim_solve
-from . import test4hsic
 def main(kwargs):
     label = kwargs['label']
     verbose = kwargs['verbose'] 
@@ -16,10 +13,14 @@ def main(kwargs):
     logging.debug('This is DEBUG messaage')
     if label == 'gen_devsim_db':
+        from . import gen_devsim_db
     elif label == "3d_plugin_field":
+        from . import test4hsic
     elif label == "3d_ringcontact_Elefield":
+        from . import test4hsic
+        from . import devsim_solve
diff --git a/field/build_device.py b/field/build_device.py
index 82526b5b14fd7f0b5e685e61a4673696f252a32e..9bb4dffa6194b95626aea4caeae47aacf4582de5 100644
--- a/field/build_device.py
+++ b/field/build_device.py
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-import devsim
-from . import model_create
-from util.output import output
 import json
 import os
+import devsim
 import matplotlib.pyplot
+import numpy as np
+from . import model_create
+from util.output import output
+from util.math import *
 class Detector:
@@ -65,8 +67,10 @@ class Detector:
         if "strip" in self.det_name or "Strip" in self.det_name: 
             # TODO: change this into model
             self.read_ele_num = self.device_dict['read_ele_num']
+        else:
+            self.read_ele_num = 1
-        if "pixeldetector" in self.det_model:
+        if "pixel" in self.det_model:
             self.p_x = self.device_dict['px']
             self.p_y = self.device_dict['py']
             self.p_z = self.device_dict['pz']
@@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ class Detector:
                 devsim.add_2d_interface(mesh=mesh_name, **interface)
         devsim.create_device(mesh=mesh_name, device=mesh_name)
-        devsim.write_devices(file="test", type="tecplot")
+        devsim.write_devices(file="output/field/test", type="tecplot")
     def createGmshMesh(self):
         mesh_name = self.device
@@ -148,13 +152,13 @@ class Detector:
         elif self.control_dict["ac-weightfield"] == False:
         if 'Acceptors_ir' in self.device_dict['doping']:
-          model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Acceptors",    self.device_dict['doping']['Acceptors']+"+"+self.device_dict['doping']['Acceptors_ir'])
+            model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Acceptors",    self.device_dict['doping']['Acceptors']+"+"+self.device_dict['doping']['Acceptors_ir'])
-          model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Acceptors", self.device_dict['doping']['Acceptors'])
+            model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Acceptors", self.device_dict['doping']['Acceptors'])
         if 'Donors_ir' in self.device_dict['doping']:
-          model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Donors",    self.device_dict['doping']['Donors']+"+"+self.device_dict['doping']['Donors_ir'])
+            model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Donors",    self.device_dict['doping']['Donors']+"+"+self.device_dict['doping']['Donors_ir'])
-          model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Donors",    self.device_dict['doping']['Donors'])
+            model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "Donors",    self.device_dict['doping']['Donors'])
         model_create.CreateNodeModel(self.device, self.region, "NetDoping", "Donors-Acceptors")
         devsim.edge_from_node_model(device=self.device, region=self.region, node_model="Acceptors")
         devsim.edge_from_node_model(device=self.device, region=self.region, node_model="NetDoping")
diff --git a/field/devsim_field.py b/field/devsim_field.py
index 80daf40f36709ec7950dc6a6b7f7f5612cc1e189..679b6f12a813e236009dc670bbbeea1e0d4e0b9c 100644
--- a/field/devsim_field.py
+++ b/field/devsim_field.py
@@ -10,16 +10,10 @@
 import pickle
 import ROOT
 import numpy as np
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as p1d
-from scipy.interpolate import interp2d as p2d
-from scipy.interpolate import griddata
-from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator as LNDI
-diff_res = 1e-5 # difference resolution in cm
+from util.math import *
-x_bin = 1000
-y_bin = 1000
-z_bin = 1000
+diff_res = 1e-5 # difference resolution in cm
 class DevsimField:
     def __init__(self, device_name, dimension, voltage, read_ele_num, l_z):
@@ -29,15 +23,39 @@ class DevsimField:
         self.read_ele_num = int(read_ele_num) 
         self.l_z = l_z # used for planar weighting field TODO: auto weighting field
+        DopingFile = "./output/field/{}/NetDoping_0.0V.pkl".format(self.name)
         PotentialFile = "./output/field/{}/Potential_{}V.pkl".format(self.name, self.voltage)
         TrappingRate_pFile = "./output/field/{}/TrappingRate_p_{}V.pkl".format(self.name, self.voltage)
         TrappingRate_nFile = "./output/field/{}/TrappingRate_n_{}V.pkl".format(self.name, self.voltage)
-        self.set_potential(PotentialFile) #self.potential, self.x_efield, self.y_efield, self.z_efield
+        self.set_doping(DopingFile) #self.Doping
+        self.set_potential(PotentialFile) #self.Potential, self.x_efield, self.y_efield, self.z_efield
         self.set_trap_p(TrappingRate_pFile) # self.TrappingRate_p
         self.set_trap_n(TrappingRate_nFile) # self.TrappingRate_n
         self.set_w_p() #self.weighting_potential[]
+    def set_doping(self, DopingFile):
+        try:
+            with open(DopingFile,'rb') as file:
+                DopingNotUniform=pickle.load(file)
+                print("Doping file loaded for {}".format(self.name))
+                if DopingNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] < self.dimension:
+                    print("Doping dimension not match")
+                    return
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            print("Doping file not found, please run field simulation first")
+            print("or manually set the doping file")
+            return
+        if DopingNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 1:
+            DopingUniform = get_common_interpolate_1d(DopingNotUniform)
+        elif DopingNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 2:
+            DopingUniform = get_common_interpolate_2d(DopingNotUniform)
+        elif DopingNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 3:
+            DopingUniform = get_common_interpolate_3d(DopingNotUniform)
+        self.Doping = DopingUniform
     def set_potential(self, PotentialFile):
             with open(PotentialFile,'rb') as file:
@@ -54,9 +72,9 @@ class DevsimField:
         if PotentialNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 1:
             PotentialUniform = get_common_interpolate_1d(PotentialNotUniform)
         elif PotentialNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 2:
-            PotentialUniform =get_common_interpolate_2d(PotentialNotUniform)
+            PotentialUniform = get_common_interpolate_2d(PotentialNotUniform)
         elif PotentialNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 3:
-            PotentialUniform =get_common_interpolate_3d(PotentialNotUniform)
+            PotentialUniform = get_common_interpolate_3d(PotentialNotUniform)
         self.Potential = PotentialUniform
@@ -88,9 +106,9 @@ class DevsimField:
         if TrappingRate_pNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 1:
             TrappingRate_pUniform = get_common_interpolate_1d(TrappingRate_pNotUniform)
         elif TrappingRate_pNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 2:
-            TrappingRate_pUniform =get_common_interpolate_2d(TrappingRate_pNotUniform)
+            TrappingRate_pUniform = get_common_interpolate_2d(TrappingRate_pNotUniform)
         elif TrappingRate_pNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 3:
-            TrappingRate_pUniform =get_common_interpolate_3d(TrappingRate_pNotUniform)
+            TrappingRate_pUniform = get_common_interpolate_3d(TrappingRate_pNotUniform)
         self.TrappingRate_p = TrappingRate_pUniform
@@ -110,14 +128,27 @@ class DevsimField:
         if TrappingRate_nNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 1:
             TrappingRate_nUniform = get_common_interpolate_1d(TrappingRate_nNotUniform)
         elif TrappingRate_nNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 2:
-            TrappingRate_nUniform =get_common_interpolate_2d(TrappingRate_nNotUniform)
+            TrappingRate_nUniform = get_common_interpolate_2d(TrappingRate_nNotUniform)
         elif TrappingRate_nNotUniform['metadata']['dimension'] == 3:
-            TrappingRate_nUniform =get_common_interpolate_3d(TrappingRate_nNotUniform)
+            TrappingRate_nUniform = get_common_interpolate_3d(TrappingRate_nNotUniform)
         self.TrappingRate_n = TrappingRate_nUniform
     # DEVSIM dimension order: x, y, z
     # RASER dimension order: z, x, y
+    def get_doping(self, x, y, z):
+        '''
+            input: position in um
+            output: doping in cm^-3
+        '''
+        x, y, z = x/1e4, y/1e4, z/1e4 # um to cm
+        if self.dimension == 1:
+            return self.Doping(z)
+        elif self.dimension == 2:
+            return self.Doping(z, x)
+        elif self.dimension == 3:
+            return self.Doping(z, x, y)
     def get_potential(self, x, y, z):
@@ -243,45 +274,6 @@ class DevsimField:
         elif self.dimension == 3:
             return self.TrappingRate_p(z, x, y)
-def get_common_interpolate_1d(data):
-    values = data['values']
-    points = data['points']
-    f = p1d(points, values)
-    return f
-def get_common_interpolate_2d(data):
-    values = data['values']
-    points_x = []
-    points_y = []
-    for point in data['points']:
-        points_x.append(point[0])
-        points_y.append(point[1])
-    new_x = np.linspace(min(points_x), max(points_x), x_bin)
-    new_y = np.linspace(min(points_y), max(points_y), y_bin)
-    new_points = np.array(np.meshgrid(new_x, new_y)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
-    new_values = griddata((points_x, points_y), values, new_points, method='linear')
-    f = p2d(new_x, new_y, new_values)
-    return f
-def get_common_interpolate_3d(data):
-    values = data['values']
-    points_x = []
-    points_y = []
-    points_z = []
-    for point in data['points']:
-        points_x.append(point[0])
-        points_y.append(point[1])
-        points_z.append(point[2])
-    new_x = np.linspace(min(points_x), max(points_x), x_bin)
-    new_y = np.linspace(min(points_y), max(points_y), y_bin)
-    new_z = np.linspace(min(points_z), max(points_z), z_bin)
-    new_points = np.array(np.meshgrid(new_x, new_y, new_z)).T.reshape(-1, 3)
-    new_values = griddata((points_x, points_y, points_z), values, new_points, method='linear')
-    lndi = LNDI(new_points, new_values)
-    def f(x, y, z):
-        point = [x, y, z]
-        return lndi(point)
-    return f
 def linear_w_p(z, l_z):
     if z >= l_z:
diff --git a/field/devsim_solve.py b/field/devsim_solve.py
index 2bad8bd7350cca615a2b4de38e236b89466294be..bc648a6b23fbb576623b58d3aa05333a1ba52773 100644
--- a/field/devsim_solve.py
+++ b/field/devsim_solve.py
@@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ def main(kwargs):
         hole_current    = devsim.get_contact_current(device=device, contact=circuit_contacts, equation="HoleContinuityEquation")
         total_current   = electron_current + hole_current
-        if(abs(total_current/area_factor)>105e-6): break
+        if(abs(total_current/area_factor)>105e-6): 
+            print("current is too large !")
+            # break
@@ -291,7 +293,11 @@ def milestone_save_1D(device, region, v, path):
     metadata['voltage'] = v
     metadata['dimension'] = 1
-    for name in ['Potential', 'TrappingRate_p', 'TrappingRate_n']: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
+    names = ['Potential', 'TrappingRate_p', 'TrappingRate_n']
+    if v == 0:
+        names.append('NetDoping')
+    for name in names: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
         with open(os.path.join(path, "{}_{}V.pkl".format(name,v)),'wb') as file:
             data = {}
             data['values'] = eval(name) # refer to the object with given name
@@ -325,7 +331,11 @@ def milestone_save_2D(device, region, v, path):
     metadata['voltage'] = v
     metadata['dimension'] = 2
-    for name in ['Potential', 'TrappingRate_p', 'TrappingRate_n']: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
+    names = ['Potential', 'TrappingRate_p', 'TrappingRate_n']
+    if v == 0:
+        names.append('NetDoping')
+    for name in names: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
         with open(os.path.join(path, "{}_{}V.pkl".format(name,v)),'wb') as file:
             data = {}
             data['values'] = eval(name) # refer to the object with given name
@@ -336,7 +346,6 @@ def milestone_save_2D(device, region, v, path):
             pickle.dump(data, file)
 def milestone_save_wf_2D(device, region, v, path,contact):
     x = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="x")) # get x-node values
     y = np.array(devsim.get_node_model_values(device=device, region=region, name="y")) # get y-node values
@@ -352,7 +361,6 @@ def milestone_save_wf_2D(device, region, v, path,contact):
     draw2D(x,y,Potential,"Potential",v, path)
     draw2D(x_mid,y_mid,ElectricField,"ElectricField",v, path)
     dd = os.path.join(path, str(v),str(contact)+'V.dd')
     devsim.write_devices(file=dd, type="tecplot")
@@ -380,7 +388,11 @@ def milestone_save_3D(device, region, v, path):
     metadata['voltage'] = v
     metadata['dimension'] = 3
-    for name in ['Potential']: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
+    names = ['Potential', 'TrappingRate_p', 'TrappingRate_n']
+    if v == 0:
+        names.append('NetDoping')
+    for name in names: # scalar field on mesh point (instead of on edge)
         with open(os.path.join(path, "{}_{}V.pkl".format(name,v)),'wb') as file:
             data = {}
             data['values'] = eval(name) # refer to the object with given name
diff --git a/field/test4hsic.py b/field/test4hsic.py
index 334f453b58b6546c5f87672ab18c5d043d7f8f15..0f3399c0fb027de5d5afa64c40d7b6e52fe4bb08 100755
--- a/field/test4hsic.py
+++ b/field/test4hsic.py
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
 def main(simname):
     if '3d' in simname:
-        with open('./output/{}/x_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
+        with open('./output/field/{}/x_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
             x = pickle.load(file)
-        with open('./output/{}/y_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
+        with open('./output/field/{}/y_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
             y = pickle.load(file)
-        with open('./output/{}/z_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
+        with open('./output/field/{}/z_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
             z = pickle.load(file)
-        with open('./output/{}/potential_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
+        with open('./output/field/{}/potential_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
             potential = pickle.load(file)
         # 定义插值网格
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def main(simname):
         ax_potential_xz.set_title('Potential XZ Plane')
-        plt.savefig('./output/{}/Potential_XZ_Plane.png'.format(simname))
+        plt.savefig('./output/field/{}/Potential_XZ_Plane.png'.format(simname))
         # 绘制电势的yz平面截面图
         fig_potential_yz = plt.figure()
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def main(simname):
         ax_potential_yz.set_title('Potential YZ Plane')
-        plt.savefig('./output/{}/Potential_YZ_Plane.png'.format(simname))
+        plt.savefig('./output/field/{}/Potential_YZ_Plane.png'.format(simname))
         # 绘制电势的xy平面截面图
         fig_xy_planes = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
         for i in range(0, nPoints, 5):
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def main(simname):
         ax_total_field_xy.set_title('Total Field XY Plane')
-        plt.savefig('./output/{}/Total_Field_XY_Plane.png'.format(simname))
+        plt.savefig('./output/field/{}/Total_Field_XY_Plane.png'.format(simname))
         #Plot total field YZ plane
         fig_total_field_yz = plt.figure()
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def main(simname):
         ax_total_field_yz.set_title('Total Field YZ Plane')
-        plt.savefig('./output/{}/Total_Field_YZ_Plane.png'.format(simname))
+        plt.savefig('./output/field/{}/Total_Field_YZ_Plane.png'.format(simname))
         #Plot 20 dianchang XY planes
         fig_xy = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
@@ -94,17 +94,17 @@ def main(simname):
             ax_xy.set_title('XY Plane {}'.format(i+1))
-        plt.savefig('./output/{}/Total_Field_XY_Planes.png'.format(simname))
+        plt.savefig('./output/field/{}/Total_Field_XY_Planes.png'.format(simname))
         # 从pickle文件中加载x、y和电势数据
-        with open('./output/{}/x_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
+        with open('./output/field/{}/x_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
             x = pickle.load(file)
-        with open('./output/{}/y_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
+        with open('./output/field/{}/y_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
             y = pickle.load(file)
-        with open('./output/{}/potential_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
+        with open('./output/field/{}/potential_500.0.pkl'.format(simname), 'rb') as file:
             potential = pickle.load(file)
         # 定义插值网格
@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ def main(simname):
                 hTotalField.SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, total_field[i, j])
         # 保存总场强为ROOT对象
-        output_file = ROOT.TFile('./output/{}/Total_Field_2D.root'.format(simname), 'recreate')
+        output_file = ROOT.TFile('./output/field/{}/Total_Field_2D.root'.format(simname), 'recreate')
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main(simname)               
\ No newline at end of file
+    main("2dfield_4HSiC")               
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gen_signal/__init__.py b/gen_signal/__init__.py
index 3ba98384db5d63b6b9bb2619818de61456c63785..af5d0aaf5ee383f6caf43689c730d8d7bd415560 100644
--- a/gen_signal/__init__.py
+++ b/gen_signal/__init__.py
@@ -1,205 +1,8 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-@Description: The main program of Raser induced current simulation      
-@Date       : 2024/02/20 18:12:26
-@Author     : tanyuhang, Chenxi Fu
-@version    : 2.0
-import sys
-import os
-import array
-import time
-import subprocess
-import ROOT
-from field import build_device as bdv
-from particle import g4simulation as g4s
-from field import devsim_field as devfield
-from current import cal_current as ccrt
-from elec import ele_readout as rdout
-from elec import ngspice_set_input as ngsip
-from elec import ngspice as ng
-from . import draw_save
-from util.output import output
-import json
-import random
 def main(kwargs):
-    """
-    Description:
-        The main program of Raser induced current simulation      
-    Parameters:
-    ---------
-    dset : class
-        Parameters of simulation
-    Function or class:
-        Detector -- Define the basic parameters and mesh structure of the detector
-        DevsimCal -- Get the electric field and weighting potential 
-        Particles -- Electron and hole paris distibution
-        CalCurrent -- Drift of e-h pais and induced current
-        Amplifier -- Readout electronics simulation
-        draw_plots -- Draw electric field, drift path and energy deposition        
-    Modify:
-    ---------
-        2021/09/02
-    """
-    start = time.time()
-    det_name = kwargs['det_name']
-    my_d = bdv.Detector(det_name)
-    if kwargs['voltage'] != None:
-        voltage = float(kwargs['voltage'])
-    else:
-        voltage = float(my_d.voltage)
-    if kwargs['absorber'] != None:
-        absorber = kwargs['absorber']
-    else:
-        absorber = my_d.absorber
-    if kwargs['amplifier'] != None:
-        amplifier = kwargs['amplifier']
-    else:
-        amplifier = my_d.amplifier
-    if "strip" in det_name:
-        my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, my_d.read_ele_num, my_d.l_z)
-    else: 
-        my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, 1, my_d.l_z)
-    if kwargs['scan'] != None:
-        geant4_json = "./setting/absorber/" + absorber + ".json"
-        with open(geant4_json) as f:
-            g4_dic = json.load(f)
-        total_events = int(g4_dic['total_events'])
-        for i in range(kwargs['scan']):
-            # TODO: change this into multithread
-            instance_number = i
-            g4_seed = instance_number * total_events
-            my_g4p = g4s.Particles(my_d, absorber, g4_seed)
-            batch_loop(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, amplifier, g4_seed, total_events, instance_number)
-            del my_g4p
-        return
-    else:  
-        g4_seed = random.randint(0,1e7)
-        my_g4p = g4s.Particles(my_d, absorber, g4_seed)
-    if "strip" in det_name:
-        my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentStrip(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, 0)
-    else: 
-        my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentG4P(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, 0)
-    if 'ngspice' in amplifier:
-        save_current(my_d, my_current,my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, 1, my_d.l_z), key=None)
-        input_p=ngsip.set_input(my_current, my_d, key=None)
-        input_c=','.join(input_p)
-        ng.ngspice_t0(input_c, input_p)
-        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b -r t0.raw output/T0_tmp.cir'], shell=True)
-        ng.plot_waveform()
-    else:
-        ele_current = rdout.Amplifier(my_current, amplifier)
-        draw_save.draw_plots(my_d,ele_current,my_f,my_g4p,my_current)
-    del my_f
-    end = time.time()
-    print("total_time:%s"%(end-start))
+    label = kwargs['label']
-def batch_loop(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, amplifier, g4_seed, total_events, instance_number):
-    """
-    Description:
-        Batch run some events to get time resolution
-    Parameters:
-    ---------
-    start_n : int
-        Start number of the event
-    end_n : int
-        end number of the event 
-    detection_efficiency: float
-        The ration of hit particles/total_particles           
-    @Returns:
-    ---------
-        None
-    @Modify:
-    ---------
-        2021/09/07
-    """
-    path = output(__file__, my_d.det_name, 'batch')
-    if "plugin" in my_d.det_model:
-        draw_save.draw_ele_field(my_d,my_f,"xy",my_d.det_model,my_d.l_z*0.5,path)
+    if label == 'signal':
+        from . import gen_signal_main
+        gen_signal_main.main(kwargs)
-        draw_save.draw_ele_field_1D(my_d,my_f,path)
-        draw_save.draw_ele_field(my_d,my_f,"xz",my_d.det_model,my_d.l_y*0.5,path)
-    start_n = instance_number * total_events
-    end_n = (instance_number + 1) * total_events
-    effective_number = 0
-    for event in range(start_n,end_n):
-        print("run events number:%s"%(event))
-        if len(my_g4p.p_steps[event-start_n]) > 5:
-            effective_number += 1
-            my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentG4P(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, event-start_n)
-            ele_current = rdout.Amplifier(my_current, amplifier)
-            draw_save.save_signal_time_resolution(my_d,event,ele_current,my_g4p,start_n,my_f)
-            del ele_current
-    detection_efficiency =  effective_number/(end_n-start_n) 
-    print("detection_efficiency=%s"%detection_efficiency)
-def save_current(my_d,my_current,my_f,key):
-    if key!=None:
-        if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
-            path = os.path.join('output', 'pintct', my_d.det_name, )
-        elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
-            path = os.path.join('output', 'lgadtct', my_d.det_name, )
-        if os.path.exists(path):
-            os.mkdir(path)
-        L = eval("my_l.{}".format(key))
-        #L is defined by different keys
-    elif key==None:
-        if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
-            path = os.path.join('output', 'PIN', my_d.det_name, )
-        elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
-            path = os.path.join('output', 'LGAD', my_d.det_name, )
-        if not os.path.exists(path):
-            os.makedirs(path)
-        #L is defined by different keys
-    time = array.array('d', [999.])
-    current = array.array('d', [999.])
-    fout = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(path, "sim-current")  + ".root", "RECREATE")
-    t_out = ROOT.TTree("tree", "signal")
-    t_out.Branch("time", time, "time/D")
-    for i in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
-        t_out.Branch("current"+str(i), current, "current"+str(i)+"/D")
-        for j in range(my_current.n_bin):
-            current[0]=my_current.sum_cu[i].GetBinContent(j)
-            time[0]=j*my_current.t_bin
-            t_out.Fill()
-        t_out.Write()
-        fout.Close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    args = sys.argv[1:]
-    kwargs = {}
-    for arg in args:
-        key, value = arg.split('=')
-        kwargs[key] = value
-    main(kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
+        raise NameError
diff --git a/gen_signal/draw_save.py b/gen_signal/draw_save.py
index 66ef9f50f9ec5c41c2eee3df53f1d019d8194158..ad2132000cb30db544a287a35eddd489b062d949 100644
--- a/gen_signal/draw_save.py
+++ b/gen_signal/draw_save.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import time
 from util.output import output
-def draw_plots(my_d,ele_current,my_f,my_g4p,my_current,my_l=None):
+def draw_plots(my_d,ele_current,my_f,my_g4p,my_current,my_l=None,laser_path=None):
         Draw electric field ,drift path and energy deposition
@@ -27,15 +27,18 @@ def draw_plots(my_d,ele_current,my_f,my_g4p,my_current,my_l=None):
     now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M%S")
-    path = output(__file__, my_d.det_name, now)
+    if laser_path != None:
+        path = laser_path
+    else:
+        path = output(__file__, my_d.det_name, now)
     if "plugin" in my_d.det_model:
-    for i in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
-        draw_current(my_d, my_current,ele_current.ele,i,ele_current.ele_name,path) # Draw current
+    for i in range(my_current.read_ele_num):
+        draw_current(my_d, my_current,ele_current.amplified_current,i,ele_current.amplified_current_name,path) # Draw current
     #energy_deposition(my_g4p)   # Draw Geant4 depostion distribution
     if my_l != None:
@@ -70,9 +73,9 @@ def save_signal_csv(ele_current,my_g4p,number,start_n,k,output_path="none"):
     output_file = output_path + "/t_" +str(number)+charge+e_dep+"events.csv"
     f1 = open(output_file,"w")
     f1.write("time[ns], Amplitude [mV] \n")
-    for i in range(ele_current.ele[k].GetNbinsX()):
+    for i in range(ele_current.amplified_current[k].GetNbinsX()):
         f1.write("%s,%s \n"%(i*ele_current.time_unit,
-                                ele_current.ele[k][i]))
+                                ele_current.amplified_current[k][i]))
@@ -545,8 +548,8 @@ def energy_deposition(my_g4v):
     now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
-    c1.SaveAs("output/fig/dep_SiC"+"_"+now+"_energy.pdf")
-    c1.SaveAs("output/fig/dep_SiC"+"_"+now+"_energy.root")
+    c1.SaveAs("output/particle/dep_SiC"+"_"+now+"_energy.pdf")
+    c1.SaveAs("output/particle/dep_SiC"+"_"+now+"_energy.root")
 def create_path(path):
     """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
@@ -676,7 +679,7 @@ def get1_beam_number(my_g4p):
 def cce(my_d,my_f,my_current, path):
-    for i in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
+    for i in range(my_current.read_ele_num):
         for j in range(my_current.n_bin):
diff --git a/gen_signal/gen_signal_main.py b/gen_signal/gen_signal_main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12a19313cc15e1d89b4b3e5e8400afb48e82c650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen_signal/gen_signal_main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+@Description: The main program of Raser induced current simulation      
+@Date       : 2024/02/20 18:12:26
+@Author     : tanyuhang, Chenxi Fu
+@version    : 2.0
+import sys
+import os
+import array
+import time
+import subprocess
+import ROOT
+from field import build_device as bdv
+from particle import g4simulation as g4s
+from field import devsim_field as devfield
+from current import cal_current as ccrt
+from elec import readout as rdo
+from elec import ngspice_set_input as ngsip
+from elec import ngspice as ng
+from . import draw_save
+from util.output import output
+import json
+import random
+def main(kwargs):
+    """
+    Description:
+        The main program of Raser induced current simulation      
+    Parameters:
+    ---------
+    dset : class
+        Parameters of simulation
+    Function or class:
+        Detector -- Define the basic parameters and mesh structure of the detector
+        DevsimCal -- Get the electric field and weighting potential 
+        Particles -- Electron and hole paris distibution
+        CalCurrent -- Drift of e-h pais and induced current
+        Amplifier -- Readout electronics simulation
+        draw_plots -- Draw electric field, drift path and energy deposition        
+    Modify:
+    ---------
+        2021/09/02
+    """
+    start = time.time()
+    det_name = kwargs['det_name']
+    my_d = bdv.Detector(det_name)
+    if kwargs['voltage'] != None:
+        voltage = float(kwargs['voltage'])
+    else:
+        voltage = float(my_d.voltage)
+    if kwargs['absorber'] != None:
+        absorber = kwargs['absorber']
+    else:
+        absorber = my_d.absorber
+    if kwargs['amplifier'] != None:
+        amplifier = kwargs['amplifier']
+    else:
+        amplifier = my_d.amplifier
+    my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, my_d.read_ele_num, my_d.l_z)
+    if kwargs['scan'] != None:
+        geant4_json = "./setting/absorber/" + absorber + ".json"
+        with open(geant4_json) as f:
+            g4_dic = json.load(f)
+        total_events = int(g4_dic['total_events'])
+        for i in range(kwargs['scan']):
+            # TODO: change this into multithread
+            instance_number = i
+            g4_seed = instance_number * total_events
+            my_g4p = g4s.Particles(my_d, absorber, g4_seed)
+            batch_loop(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, amplifier, g4_seed, total_events, instance_number)
+            del my_g4p
+        return
+    else:  
+        g4_seed = random.randint(0,1e7)
+        my_g4p = g4s.Particles(my_d, absorber, g4_seed)
+    if "strip" in det_name:
+        my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentStrip(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, 0)
+    else: 
+        my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentG4P(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, 0)
+    if 'ngspice' in amplifier:
+        save_current(my_d, my_current, my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, 1, my_d.l_z), key=None)
+        input_p=ngsip.set_input(my_current, my_d, key=None)
+        input_c=','.join(input_p)
+        ng.ngspice_t0(input_c, input_p)
+        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b -r t0.raw output/T0_tmp.cir'], shell=True)
+        ng.plot_waveform()
+    else:
+        ele_current = rdo.Amplifier(my_current.sum_cu, amplifier)
+        draw_save.draw_plots(my_d,ele_current,my_f,my_g4p,my_current)
+    del my_f
+    end = time.time()
+    print("total_time:%s"%(end-start))
+def batch_loop(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, amplifier, g4_seed, total_events, instance_number):
+    """
+    Description:
+        Batch run some events to get time resolution
+    Parameters:
+    ---------
+    start_n : int
+        Start number of the event
+    end_n : int
+        end number of the event 
+    detection_efficiency: float
+        The ration of hit particles/total_particles           
+    @Returns:
+    ---------
+        None
+    @Modify:
+    ---------
+        2021/09/07
+    """
+    path = output(__file__, my_d.det_name, 'batch')
+    if "plugin" in my_d.det_model:
+        draw_save.draw_ele_field(my_d,my_f,"xy",my_d.det_model,my_d.l_z*0.5,path)
+    else:
+        draw_save.draw_ele_field_1D(my_d,my_f,path)
+        draw_save.draw_ele_field(my_d,my_f,"xz",my_d.det_model,my_d.l_y*0.5,path)
+    start_n = instance_number * total_events
+    end_n = (instance_number + 1) * total_events
+    effective_number = 0
+    for event in range(start_n,end_n):
+        print("run events number:%s"%(event))
+        if len(my_g4p.p_steps[event-start_n]) > 5:
+            effective_number += 1
+            my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentG4P(my_d, my_f, my_g4p, event-start_n)
+            ele_current = rdo.Amplifier(my_current.sum_cu, amplifier)
+            draw_save.save_signal_time_resolution(my_d,event,ele_current,my_g4p,start_n,my_f)
+            del ele_current
+    detection_efficiency =  effective_number/(end_n-start_n) 
+    print("detection_efficiency=%s"%detection_efficiency)
+# TODO: change this to a method of CalCurrent
+def save_current(my_d,my_current,my_f,key):
+    if key!=None:
+        if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
+            path = os.path.join('output', 'pintct', my_d.det_name, )
+        elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
+            path = os.path.join('output', 'lgadtct', my_d.det_name, )
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            os.mkdir(path)
+        L = eval("my_l.{}".format(key))
+        #L is defined by different keys
+    elif key==None:
+        if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
+            path = os.path.join('output', 'PIN', my_d.det_name, )
+        elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
+            path = os.path.join('output', 'LGAD', my_d.det_name, )
+        if not os.path.exists(path):
+            os.makedirs(path)
+        #L is defined by different keys
+    time = array.array('d', [999.])
+    current = array.array('d', [999.])
+    fout = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(path, "sim-current")  + ".root", "RECREATE")
+    t_out = ROOT.TTree("tree", "signal")
+    t_out.Branch("time", time, "time/D")
+    for i in range(my_current.read_ele_num):
+        t_out.Branch("current"+str(i), current, "current"+str(i)+"/D")
+        for j in range(my_current.n_bin):
+            current[0]=my_current.sum_cu[i].GetBinContent(j)
+            time[0]=j*my_current.t_bin
+            t_out.Fill()
+        t_out.Write()
+        fout.Close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    args = sys.argv[1:]
+    kwargs = {}
+    for arg in args:
+        key, value = arg.split('=')
+        kwargs[key] = value
+    main(kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/motor/GUI/Limits.ui b/motor/GUI/Limits.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index dad80ce20d1f92e99d2727acf77d49666eb8b384..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/GUI/Limits.ui
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--- a/motor/GUI/XYZWidget.ui
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-      <property name="text">
-       <string>Frequency</string>
-      </property>
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-       <string>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot; font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Capture Mode:&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
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diff --git a/motor/GUI/YWidget.ui b/motor/GUI/YWidget.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 44111526a92e9ab17218f4c99ab89952de41f547..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/GUI/YWidget.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
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-      <string>Current Position:</string>
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-   </item>
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-         <double>299.000000000000000</double>
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-         <string>um</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
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-      <item row="4" column="0" colspan="2">
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-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Y- Jog</string>
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-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>0</width>
-       <height>40</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Y+ Jog</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/motor/GUI/ZWidget.ui b/motor/GUI/ZWidget.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd59da4691502f9c4246904e65e1c3cafe3cf70..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/GUI/ZWidget.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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- <class>Form</class>
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-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
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-    <width>298</width>
-    <height>266</height>
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-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle">
-   <string>Form</string>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
-   <item row="3" column="2">
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="Home">
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>0</width>
-       <height>30</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Home</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="2" column="1" rowspan="5">
-    <widget class="QScrollBar" name="Scroll">
-     <property name="maximum">
-      <number>300</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="orientation">
-      <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="invertedAppearance">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-     <property name="invertedControls">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
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-   </item>
-   <item row="5" column="3">
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="Limits">
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>0</width>
-       <height>40</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Limits</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="2" column="3">
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="CurPos">
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Current Position:</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="2" column="2">
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="StatusLabel">
-     <property name="text">
-      <string/>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="6" column="2">
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="JogMinus">
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>0</width>
-       <height>40</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Z- Jog</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="6" column="3">
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="Stop">
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>0</width>
-       <height>40</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Stop</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="5" column="2">
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="JogPlus">
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>0</width>
-       <height>40</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Z+ Jog</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="3" column="3">
-    <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="CurrentPos"/>
-   </item>
-   <item row="4" column="2">
-    <widget class="QGroupBox" name="RelativeMove">
-     <property name="title">
-      <string>Relative Move</string>
-     </property>
-     <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
-      <item row="1" column="0">
-       <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="RelativePos">
-        <property name="minimumSize">
-         <size>
-          <width>50</width>
-          <height>0</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-        <property name="decimals">
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="minimum">
-         <double>-300.000000000000000</double>
-        </property>
-        <property name="maximum">
-         <double>300.000000000000000</double>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item row="1" column="1">
-       <widget class="QLabel" name="mm">
-        <property name="text">
-         <string>um</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item row="3" column="0" colspan="2">
-       <widget class="QPushButton" name="MoveRE">
-        <property name="minimumSize">
-         <size>
-          <width>0</width>
-          <height>30</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-        <property name="text">
-         <string>Move</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="4" column="3">
-    <widget class="QGroupBox" name="AbsoluteMove">
-     <property name="title">
-      <string>Absolut Move</string>
-     </property>
-     <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_3">
-      <item row="3" column="0">
-       <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="DesirePos">
-        <property name="minimumSize">
-         <size>
-          <width>50</width>
-          <height>0</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-        <property name="sizeIncrement">
-         <size>
-          <width>0</width>
-          <height>0</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-        <property name="decimals">
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="maximum">
-         <double>300.000000000000000</double>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item row="3" column="1">
-       <widget class="QLabel" name="mm_2">
-        <property name="text">
-         <string>um</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item row="4" column="0" colspan="2">
-       <widget class="QPushButton" name="MoveAB">
-        <property name="minimumSize">
-         <size>
-          <width>0</width>
-          <height>30</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-        <property name="text">
-         <string>Move</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/motor/det_lab_stage.py b/motor/det_lab_stage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f05772be7320c2dad886d2d2fac9d79567af37..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/det_lab_stage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Reference:
-# Luis Ardila 	leardilap@unal.edu.co 	22/03/15
-import sys
-from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, uic, QtWidgets
-tctEnable = True
-if tctEnable:
-    import pymotor
-testPass = False
-class Axis(QtWidgets.QWidget):
-    def __init__(self, parent, Title, Device, uiFile):
-        super(Axis, self).__init__(parent)
-        self.ui = uic.loadUi(uiFile)
-        #Declaring Device
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.axis = pymotor.Motor(Device)
-        #Jogging Plus
-        self.ui.JogPlus.pressed.connect(self.JogPlus)
-        self.ui.JogPlus.released.connect(self.Stop)
-        #Jogging Minus
-        self.ui.JogMinus.pressed.connect(self.JogMinus)
-        self.ui.JogMinus.released.connect(self.Stop)
-        #Home
-        self.ui.Home.clicked.connect(self.Home)
-        #Move
-        self.ui.MoveAB.clicked.connect(self.MoveAB)
-        self.ui.MoveRE.clicked.connect(self.MoveRE)
-        ##Stop
-        self.ui.Stop.clicked.connect(self.Stop)
-        ##Limits
-        self.ui.Limits.clicked.connect(self.Limits)
-        #Scroll
-        self.ui.Scroll.valueChanged[int].connect(self.UpdateDesiredPosScroll)
-        #Updating State - Position
-        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-        self.timer.start(100)
-        self.timer.timeout.connect(self.UpdateState)
-        self.timer.timeout.connect(self.CurrentPosition)
-        #####################
-        # Initializing Widget
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-        self.ui.setWindowTitle(Title)
-        # Var
-        self.currentPos = 0
-        self.Title = Title
-        self.lenght = self.ui.DesirePos.maximum()
-    def JogPlus(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.axis.moveforward()
-        else:
-            self.ui.StatusLabel.setText("JogPlus")
-    def JogMinus(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.axis.movebackward()
-        else:
-            self.ui.StatusLabel.setText("JogMinus")
-    def Home(self):
-        ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Homming",
-                "Please Check the setup!\n\nAre you sure you really want\nto Home the motor?",
-                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Escape)
-        if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes:
-            if tctEnable:
-                self.axis.home()
-            else:
-                self.ui.StatusLabel.setText("Home")
-    def Stop(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.axis.stop()
-        else:
-            self.ui.StatusLabel.setText("")
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-    def Limits(self):
-        self.Limits = Limits(self)
-    def MoveAB(self):
-        pos = self.ui.DesirePos.value()
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.axis.move(pos)
-            self.ui.CurrentPos.display(self.currentPos)
-        else:
-            self.ui.StatusLabel.setText(str(pos))
-            self.currentPos = self.ui.DesirePos.value()
-            self.ui.CurrentPos.display(self.currentPos)
-        self.ui.Scroll.setValue(pos)
-    def MoveRE(self):
-        movement = self.ui.RelativePos.value()
-        UpperLimit = self.ui.DesirePos.maximum()
-        LowerLimit = self.ui.DesirePos.minimum()
-        if self.currentPos + movement > UpperLimit:
-            movement = UpperLimit - self.currentPos
-        elif self.currentPos + movement < LowerLimit:
-            movement = LowerLimit - self.currentPos
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.axis.forward(movement)
-        else:
-            self.ui.StatusLabel.setText(str(movement))
-            self.currentPos = self.currentPos + movement
-            self.ui.CurrentPos.display(self.currentPos)
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-    def UpdateDesiredPosScroll(self):
-        pos = self.ui.Scroll.value()
-        self.ui.DesirePos.setValue(pos)
-    def UpdateDesiredPos(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            pos = self.axis.get_status_position()
-            self.ui.DesirePos.setValue(pos)
-            self.ui.Scroll.setValue(pos)
-    def CurrentPosition(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.currentPos = self.axis.get_status_position()
-            self.ui.CurrentPos.display(self.currentPos)
-    def UpdateState(self):
-        if tctEnable and testPass:
-            state = self.axis.state()
-            self.ui.StatusLabel.setText(str(state))
-    def run(self):
-        self.ui.show()
-class Limits(QtWidgets.QDialog):
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
-        # Declaring GUI
-        self.ui = uic.loadUi('GUI/Limits.ui')
-        self.ui.show()
-        self.ui.ButtonBox.accepted.connect(lambda: self.Accepted)
-        self.ui.UpperLimit.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.UpdateUpperLimit)
-        self.ui.LowerLimit.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.UpdateLowerLimit)
-        self.ui.setWindowTitle(str(parent.Title + " Limits"))
-        self.ui.UpperLimit.setMaximum(parent.lenght*2)
-        self.ui.LowerLimit.setMaximum(parent.lenght*2)
-        self.ui.UpperLimit.setMinimum(-parent.lenght*2)
-        self.ui.LowerLimit.setMinimum(-parent.lenght*2)
-        self.ui.UpperLimit.setValue(parent.ui.DesirePos.maximum())
-        self.ui.LowerLimit.setValue(parent.ui.DesirePos.minimum())
-    def UpdateUpperLimit(self, parent):
-        self.UpperLimit = self.ui.UpperLimit.value()
-        self.LowerLimit = self.ui.LowerLimit.value()
-        if self.UpperLimit - self.LowerLimit > parent.lenght:
-            self.ui.LowerLimit.setValue(self.UpperLimit - parent.lenght)
-        elif self.UpperLimit <= self.LowerLimit:
-            self.ui.LowerLimit.setValue(self.UpperLimit - 1)
-    def UpdateLowerLimit(self, parent):
-        self.UpperLimit = self.ui.UpperLimit.value()
-        self.LowerLimit = self.ui.LowerLimit.value()
-        if self.LowerLimit + parent.lenght < self.UpperLimit:
-            self.ui.UpperLimit.setValue(self.LowerLimit + parent.lenght)
-        elif self.LowerLimit >= self.UpperLimit:
-            self.ui.UpperLimit.setValue(self.LowerLimit + 1)
-    def Accepted(self, parent):
-        parent.ui.DesirePos.setMaximum(self.ui.UpperLimit.value())
-        parent.ui.DesirePos.setMinimum(self.ui.LowerLimit.value())
-        parent.ui.Scroll.setMaximum(self.ui.UpperLimit.value())
-        parent.ui.Scroll.setMinimum(self.ui.LowerLimit.value())
-class MainWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent)
-        self.stack = QtWidgets.QStackedWidget()
-        layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
-        layout.addWidget(self.stack)
-        ##############################################################
-        # DETECTOR
-        # X Detector
-        XD_Title = "X Detector"
-        XD_Device = "testxdet"
-        #XD_Device = "xi-com:///dev/tty.usbmodem00000D81"
-        XD_uiFile = "GUI/XWidget.ui"
-        self.XDetector = Axis(self, XD_Title, XD_Device, XD_uiFile)
-        ## Y Detector
-        #YD_Title = "Y Detector"
-        #YD_Device = "testydet"
-        #YD_uiFile = "GUI/YWidget.ui"
-        #self.YDetector = Axis(self, YD_Title, YD_Device, YD_uiFile)
-        ## Z Detector
-        #ZD_Title = "Z Detector"
-        #ZD_Device = "testzdet"
-        #ZD_uiFile = "GUI/ZWidget.ui"
-        #self.ZDetector = Axis(self, ZD_Title, ZD_Device, ZD_uiFile)
-        ################################################################
-        # MAIN WINDOW
-        self.stack.addWidget(self.XDetector)
-        #self.stack.addWidget(self.YDetector)
-        #self.stack.addWidget(self.ZDetector)
-        self.XDetector.run()
-        #self.YDetector.run()
-        #self.ZDetector.run()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
-    win = MainWidget()
-    sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/motor/mdo_3034_control.py b/motor/mdo_3034_control.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4edb4aaa36c32223e5e69b54ce20310ab922d30a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/mdo_3034_control.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import pylab
-import re
-import time
-    import visa
-except ImportError as err:
-    print(err)
-    exit()
-class MDO3034C:
-    def __init__(self, resource_name):
-        instlist=visa.ResourceManager()
-        #print(instlist.list_resources())
-        self.my_resource=instlist.open_resource(resource_name)
-    def write_command(self,command):
-        self.my_resource.write(command)
-        time.sleep(0.5)
-    def testIO(self):
-        #self.my_resource.write('*RST')
-        self.my_resource.write('*CLS')
-        #self.my_resource.query_delay = 10.0
-        message=self.my_resource.query('*IDN?')
-        time.sleep(1)
-        #print("ocsilloscope information:" + message)
-        return message
-    def readSet(self,ch,point_number):
-        self.my_resource.write(":DATA:SOU "+ ch)
-        self.my_resource.write(':DATA:START 1')
-        self.my_resource.write(':DATA:STOP ' + point_number)
-        self.my_resource.write(':WFMOutpre:ENCdg BINARY')
-        self.my_resource.write(":WFMOutpre:BYT_Nr 1")
-        self.my_resource.write(":HEADer 0")
-        self.my_resource.write(":WFMOutpre?")
-    def readOffset(self):
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:YMULT?')
-        ymult = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("ymult = " + repr(ymult) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:YZERO?')
-        yzero = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("yzero = " + repr(yzero) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:YOFF?')
-        yoff = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("yoff = " + repr(yoff) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:XINCR?')
-        xincr = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("xincr = " + repr(xincr) + '\n')
-        self.write_command('WFMPRE:XZERO?')
-        xzero = float(self.my_resource.read_raw())
-        print("xzero = " + repr(xzero) + '\n')
-        return ymult,yzero,yoff,xincr,xzero
-    def readWave(self,ymult,yzero,yoff,xincr,xzero,point_num):
-        #ymult,yzero,yoff,xincr,xzero=self.readOffset()
-        self.my_resource.write('*CLS')
-        self.my_resource.write("CURVE?")
-        #file = open('test.txt','w+')
-        ##########################################
-        # receive data format:
-        # #510000<data>\n        receive 10000 data
-        # #41000<data>\n         receive 1000 data
-        #########################################
-        data = np.frombuffer(self.my_resource.read_raw(),dtype=np.int8,count=int(point_num),offset=len(str(point_num)) + 2)
-        #np.savetxt('test.txt',data,fmt='%d',delimiter=',')
-        print(data.size)
-        Volts = (data - yoff) * ymult  + yzero
-        Time = np.arange(0, data.size, 1)
-        Time = Time * xincr + xzero
-        return Time, Volts
-    def save_wave_data(self,time,voltage,filenames='./data.csv'):
-        datadic = {'Time[ms]':time,'Voltage[mv]':voltage}
-        dataform  = pd.DataFrame(datadic,columns=['Time[ms]','Voltage[mv]'])
-        dataform.to_csv(filenames,mode='a+',index=False)
-    def plotWave(self, Time, Volts):
-        pylab.plot(Time, Volts)
-        pylab.show()
-def ReadInterface():
-    rm = visa.ResourceManager()
-    print(rm.list_resources())
-    list_sources = rm.list_resources()
-    return list_sources
diff --git a/motor/pymotor.py b/motor/pymotor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bb4fc5c4a9771341a74bc5d091bc0b01a96234b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/pymotor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-import ctypes
-from ctypes import *
-import time
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-import platform
-#from VitualDevice import *
-import tempfile
-cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-ximc_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, "..", "ximc")
-ximc_package_dir = os.path.join(ximc_dir, "crossplatform", "wrappers", "python")
-sys.path.append(ximc_package_dir)  # add ximc.py wrapper to python path
-if platform.system()  == "Windows":
-    print("windows#################")
-    if platform.architecture() == ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') :
-        libdir = os.path.join(ximc_dir, "win64")
-        #print(platform.architecture())
-    else:
-        libdir = os.path.join(ximc_dir,"win32")
-        #print(platform.architecture())
-    #print(libdir)
-os.environ["Path"] = libdir + ";" + os.environ["Path"]  # add dll
-if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
-    try:
-        from pyximc import *
-    except ImportError as err:
-        print ("Can't import pyximc module.\
-               The most probable reason is that \
-               you haven't copied pyximc.py to the working directory.\
-               See developers' documentation for details.")
-        exit()
-    except OSError as err:
-        print ("Can't load libximc library.\
-               Please add all shared libraries to the appropriate places \
-               (next to pyximc.py on Windows). \
-               It is decribed in detailes in developers' documentation.")
-        exit()
-# variable 'lib' points to a loaded library
-# note that ximc uses stdcall on win
-print("Library loaded")
-sbuf = create_string_buffer(64)
-print("Library version: " + sbuf.raw.decode())
-DEBUG = False
-def log(s):
-    if DEBUG:
-        print(s)
-def enum_device():
-    devenum = lib.enumerate_devices(EnumerateFlags.ENUMERATE_PROBE, None)
-    print("Device enum handle: " + repr(devenum))
-    print("Device enum handle type: " + repr(type(devenum)))
-    dev_count = lib.get_device_count(devenum)
-    print("Device count: " + repr(dev_count))
-    controller_name = controller_name_t()
-    enum_name = ['','','']
-    friend_name = ['', '', '']
-    for dev_ind in range(0, dev_count):
-        enum_name[dev_ind] = lib.get_device_name(devenum, dev_ind)
-        result = lib.get_enumerate_device_controller_name(devenum, dev_ind,
-                                                                   byref(controller_name))
-        if result == Result.Ok:
-            friend_name[dev_ind] = controller_name.ControllerName
-            print("Enumerated device #{} name (port name): ".format(dev_ind) \
-                    + repr(enum_name[dev_ind]) \
-                    + ". Friendly name: " \
-                    + repr(controller_name.ControllerName) \
-                    + ".")
-    return enum_name, dev_count, friend_name
-class Motor():
-    def __init__(self, device_name = None):
-        self.lib = lib
-        self.device_id = self.open_device(device_name)
-    def set_speed(self,step,speed):
-        log("\nset speed\n")
-        speed_settings = move_settings_t()
-        speed_settings.Speed = speed
-        speed_settings.uSpeed = step
-        speed_settings.Accel = 1000
-        speed_settings.Decel = 2000
-        speed_settings.AntiplaySpeed = 50
-        speed_settings.uAntiplaySpeed = 0
-        result = self.lib.set_move_settings(self.device_id,byref(speed_settings))
-        print("move settings Result:" + repr(result))
-        move_settings = move_settings_t()
-        result = self.lib.get_move_settings(self.device_id,byref(move_settings))
-        if result == 0:
-            print("move settings:",move_settings.Speed,move_settings.uSpeed,move_settings.Accel,move_settings.Decel)
-    def home(self):
-        log("\nMoving home")
-        result = self.lib.command_homezero(self.device_id)
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def zero(self):
-        log("\nzero the position")
-        result = self.lib.command_zero(self.device_id)
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def forward(self, distance):      # move forward Deltaposition
-        log("\nShifting")
-        log(distance)
-        dis = ctypes.c_int()
-        dis.value = int(distance)
-        move_settings = move_settings_t()
-        result = self.lib.get_move_settings(self.device_id,byref(move_settings))
-        if result == 0:
-            print("move settings:",move_settings.Speed,move_settings.uSpeed,move_settings.Accel,move_settings.Decel,move_settings.AntiplaySpeed,move_settings.uAntiplaySpeed)
-        result = self.lib.command_movr(self.device_id, dis, 0)
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def backward(self, distance):    # move backward Deltaposition
-        log("\nShifting")
-        shift = ctypes.c_int()
-        shift.value = 0 - int(distance) # in oppsite direction
-        result = self.lib.command_movr(self.device_id, shift, 0)
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def moveforward(self):       
-        log("\nMoving forward")
-        result = self.lib.command_right(self.device_id)
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def movebackward(self):
-        log("\nMoving backward")
-        result = self.lib.command_left(self.device_id)
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def move(self, position):        # move to the Setposition
-        log("\nMoving position")
-        pos = ctypes.c_int()
-        pos.value = int(position)
-        result = self.lib.command_move(self.device_id, pos, 0)
-        print("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def stop(self):
-        log("\nStopping")
-        result = self.lib.command_stop(self.device_id)
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-    def get_position(self):
-        print("\nRead position")
-        pos = get_position_t()
-        result = self.lib.get_position(self.device_id, byref(pos))
-        print("Result: " + repr(result))
-        if result == Result.Ok:
-            print("Position: " + repr(pos.Position))
-            return pos.Position
-    def set_position(self, position):
-        print("\nSet position")
-        pos = set_position_t()
-        pos.Position = position
-        result = self.lib.set_position(self.device_id, byref(pos))
-        print("Result: " + repr(result))
-        if result == Result.Ok:
-            print("Setting Position Done")
-    def get_status_position(self):
-        log("\nGet status")
-        status = status_t()
-        result = self.lib.get_status(self.device_id, byref(status))
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-        if result == Result.Ok:
-            log("Status.CurPosition: " + repr(status.CurPosition))
-        return status.CurPosition
-    def get_status(self):
-        log("\nGet status")
-        status = status_t()
-        result = self.lib.get_status(self.device_id, byref(status))
-        log("Result: " + repr(result))
-        if result == Result.Ok:
-            log("Status.CurPosition: " + repr(status.CurPosition))
-    def get_name(self,devenum,dev_index):
-        return self.lib.get_device_name(devenum,dev_index)
-    def open_device(self, open_name):
-        device_id = ctypes.c_int()
-        print("\nOpen device " + repr(open_name))
-        device_id = self.lib.open_device(open_name)
-        print("\ndevice id:" + repr(device_id))
-        return device_id
-    def close_device(self):
-        result = self.lib.close_device(byref(cast(self.device_id, POINTER(c_int))))
-        if result == Result.Ok:
-            print("Close device " + repr(self.device_id))
diff --git a/motor/stage.py b/motor/stage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6c59b9119f14d611f45db6176f71d1f8432eaf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/stage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-import time
-import pymotor
-tctEnable = True
-class Stage():
-    def __init__(self,device):
-        self.Xaxis = device[0]
-        self.Yaxis = device[1]
-        self.Zaxis = device[2]
-        self.flag = 1
-    def SetSpeed(self,step,speed):
-        self.Xaxis.set_speed(step[0],speed[0])
-        self.Yaxis.set_speed(step[1],speed[1])
-        self.Zaxis.set_speed(step[2],speed[2])
-    def Home(self,motor):
-        if tctEnable:
-            motor.home()
-    def Zero(self,motor):
-        if tctEnable:
-            motor.zero()
-    def Stop(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.Xaxis.stop()
-            self.Yaxis.stop()
-            self.Zaxis.stop()
-    '''
-    def Limits(self):
-        self.Limits = Limits(self)
-    '''
-    def MoveAB(self,pos_X,pos_Y,pos_Z):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.Xaxis.move(pos_X)
-            self.Yaxis.move(pos_Y)
-            self.Zaxis.move(pos_Z)
-            #waiting for motor moving to (pos_X,pos_Y,pos_Z)
-            while True:
-                position_flag = (self.Xaxis.get_status_position() == pos_X) and (self.Yaxis.get_status_position() == pos_Y) and (self.Zaxis.get_status_position() == pos_Z)
-                if position_flag:
-                    break
-    def MoveRE(self,motor,movement):
-        UpperLimit = 100000     
-        LowerLimit = -100000    
-        currentPos = motor.get_status_position()
-        movePos = currentPos + movement
-        if currentPos + movement > UpperLimit:
-            movement = UpperLimit - currentPos
-        elif currentPos + movement < LowerLimit:
-            movement = LowerLimit - currentPos
-        if tctEnable:
-            motor.forward(movement)
-            #wait for accomplishing move
-            while True:
-                move_flag = movePos == motor.get_status_position()
-                if move_flag:
-                    break
-    def Scan(self,pos_o,dp,Np):
-        self.x0 = pos_o[0] 
-        self.y0 = pos_o[1]
-        self.z0 = pos_o[2]
-        self.dx = dp[0]
-        self.dy = dp[1]
-        self.dz = dp[2]
-        self.Nx = Np[0]
-        self.Ny = Np[1]
-        self.Nz = Np[2]
-        self.scan_signal = False
-        #preprocess the situation when Nx = 0 or Ny = 0 or Nz = 0
-        if self.Nx == 0:
-            self.dx = 0
-            self.Nx = 1
-        if self.Ny == 0:
-            self.dy = 0
-            self.Ny = 1
-        if self.Nz == 0:
-            self.dz = 0
-            self.Nz = 1
-        if self.flag == 1:
-            self.MoveAB(self.x0,self.y0,self.z0)
-            # scan step by step
-            self.flag1 = self.flag2 = -1
-            for self.i in range(0, self.Nz):
-                if self.flag == 0:
-                    break
-                self.MoveRE(self.Zaxis, self.dz)
-                if self.dz != 0:
-                    self.scan_signal = True
-                self.flag1 = self.flag1 * (-1)
-                for self.j in range(0, self.Nx):
-                    if self.flag == 0:
-                        break
-                    self.MoveRE(self.Xaxis, self.flag1 * self.dx)
-                    if self.dx != 0:
-                        self.scan_signal = True
-                    print(self.Xaxis.get_status_position(),self.Yaxis.get_status_position(),self.Zaxis.get_status_position())
-                    self.flag2 = self.flag2 * (-1)
-                    for self.k in range(0, self.Ny):
-                        if self.flag == 0:
-                            break
-                        self.MoveRE(self.Yaxis, self.flag2 * self.dy)
-                        if self.dy != 0:
-                            self.scan_signal = True
-                        #time.sleep(1)
-                        print(self.Xaxis.get_status_position(),self.Yaxis.get_status_position(),self.Zaxis.get_status_position())
-                        #print(self.ui.CurrentPosX_2.value(),self.ui.CurrentPosY_2.value(),self.ui.CurrentPosZ_2.value())
-                        #self.timer.timeout.connect(self.UpdateDesiredPos)
-                        #self.timer.start(100)
-                        #self.UpdateDesiredPos() 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/motor/tct_control.py b/motor/tct_control.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a1593240bc4781dba519e6eee16e57572d926038..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/tct_control.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-#Luis Ardila 	leardilap@unal.edu.co 	22/03/15
-#Liejian Chen   
-import sys,time
-import numpy
-from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, uic, QtWidgets
-tctEnable = True
-if tctEnable:
-    import pymotor
-    import thread
-    import raser.motor.mdo_3034_control as mdo_3034_control
-    import raser.motor.vitual_device as vitual_dev
-testpass = False
-每个采集点只需要采集1次数据:python TCTControl.py
-每个采集点需要采集50次数据:python TCTControl.py 50
-if len(sys.argv)==2:
-    count_2=int(sys.argv[1])
-    count_2=1
-class MainWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
-    SignalCapture = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    SignalScanContinue = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent)
-        ################################################
-        #initialize the device information,search usable device
-        self.EmumDevice()
-        self.uiFile = "GUI/XYZWidget.ui"
-        self.ui = uic.loadUi(self.uiFile)
-        self.Title = "TCT Control"
-        ##############################################################
-        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-        self.timer.start(500)
-        self.SetMotor()
-        self.SpeedMode()
-        self.ui.Interface.addItems(mdo_3034_control.ReadInterface())
-        #Move
-        self.ui.MoveButton.clicked.connect(lambda:self.ClickMove(int(self.ui.SetPosX.text()), int(self.ui.SetPosY.text()), int(self.ui.SetPosZ.text())))
-        #Step move X
-        self.ui.XPlus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveStep("X",1,self.ui.StepMoveX.value()))
-        self.ui.XMinus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveStep("X",-1,self.ui.StepMoveX.value()))
-        #Step move Y
-        self.ui.YPlus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveStep("Y",1,self.ui.StepMoveY.value()))
-        self.ui.YMinus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveStep("Y",-1,self.ui.StepMoveY.value()))
-        #Step move Z
-        self.ui.ZPlus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveStep("Z",1,self.ui.StepMoveZ.value()))
-        self.ui.ZMinus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveStep("Z",-1,self.ui.StepMoveZ.value()))
-        #Home
-        self.ui.ResetPosX.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Home("X"))
-        self.ui.ResetPosY.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Home("Y"))
-        self.ui.ResetPosZ.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Home("Z"))
-        #Zero
-        self.ui.zeroX.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Zero("X"))
-        self.ui.zeroY.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Zero("Y"))
-        self.ui.zeroZ.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Zero("Z"))
-        #scan
-        self.ui.ScanBut.clicked.connect(self.Scan)
-        self.SignalScanContinue.connect(self.ScanContinue)
-        #Stop
-        self.ui.StopBut.clicked.connect(self.Stop)
-        self.ui.ScanStop.clicked.connect(self.ScanStop)
-        #set motor
-        self.ui.SetMotor.clicked.connect(self.SetMotor)
-        #set speed
-        self.ui.default_speed.toggled.connect(self.SpeedMode)
-        self.ui.setting_speed.toggled.connect(self.SpeedMode)
-        self.ui.Set_Speed.clicked.connect(lambda:self.SetSpeed(False))
-        #set folder
-        self.ui.FolderSet.clicked.connect(self.SetFolder)
-        #capture data
-        self.ui.CaptureBut.clicked.connect(self.SaveData)
-        self.SignalCapture.connect(lambda:self.CaptureMode(True))
-        #capture pause
-        self.ui.CapturePause.clicked.connect(self.CapturePause)
-        #Capture ready
-        self.ui.ReadyBut.clicked.connect(self.Ready)
-         # Var
-        self.currentPosX = 0
-        self.currentPosY = 0
-        self.currentPosZ = 0
-        #####################
-        # Initializing Widget
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-        self.ui.setWindowTitle(self.Title)
-        self.timer.timeout.connect(self.UpdateDesiredPos)
-        self.ui.show()
-    def ClickMove(self,px,py,pz):
-        self.new_thread = thread.ControlThread(self.setdevice)
-        self.new_thread.operation_num = 3
-        self.new_thread.px = px
-        self.new_thread.py = py
-        self.new_thread.pz = pz
-        self.new_thread.start()
-    def MoveStep(self,motor,direction,steps):
-        self.new_thread = thread.ControlThread(self.setdevice)
-        self.new_thread.operation_num = 4
-        self.new_thread.mv = direction*steps
-        if motor == "X":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Xaxis
-        elif motor == "Y":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Yaxis
-        elif motor == "Z":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Zaxis
-        else:
-            print("\n\n\nError!!!!!!!\n\n\n")
-        self.new_thread.start()
-    def Home(self,motor):
-        self.new_thread = thread.ControlThread(self.setdevice)
-        self.new_thread.operation_num = 1
-        if motor == "X":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Xaxis
-        elif motor == "Y":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Yaxis
-        elif motor == "Z":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Zaxis
-        else:
-            print("\n\n\nError!!!!!!!\n\n\n")
-        self.new_thread.start()
-    def Zero(self,motor):
-        self.new_thread = thread.ControlThread(self.setdevice)
-        self.new_thread.operation_num = 5
-        if motor == "X":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Xaxis
-        elif motor == "Y":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Yaxis
-        elif motor == "Z":
-            self.new_thread.motor = self.new_thread.laser_stage.Zaxis
-        else:
-            print("\n\n\nError!!!!!!!\n\n\n")
-        self.new_thread.start()
-    def Scan(self):
-        self.scan_thread = thread.ScanThread(self.setdevice)
-        self.scan_thread.flag = True
-        self.scan_thread.pos_o = [self.ui.x0.value(),self.ui.y0.value(),self.ui.z0.value()]
-        self.scan_thread.dp = [self.ui.dx.value(),self.ui.dy.value(),self.ui.dz.value()]
-        self.scan_thread.Np = [self.ui.Nx.value(),self.ui.Ny.value(),self.ui.Nz.value()]
-        self.scan_thread.start()
-        print(111)
-    def ScanContinue(self):
-        self.scan_thread.continue_flag = True
-    def SetMotor(self):
-        self.setdevice = numpy.empty(3,dtype=object)
-        self.setdevice[0] = self.device[self.ui.X_Motor_Num.value()-1]
-        self.setdevice[1] = self.device[self.ui.Y_Motor_Num.value()-1]
-        self.setdevice[2] = self.device[self.ui.Z_Motor_Num.value()-1]
-        print(self.setdevice)
-    def SetSpeed(self,default):
-        self.steps = numpy.empty(3,dtype=int)
-        self.speed = numpy.empty(3,dtype=int)
-        if default:
-            self.steps = [0,0,0]
-            self.speed = [1000,1000,1000]
-        else:
-            self.steps[0] = self.ui.Step_X.value()
-            self.steps[1] = self.ui.Step_Y.value()
-            self.steps[2] = self.ui.Step_Z.value()
-            self.speed[0] = self.ui.Speed_X.value()
-            self.speed[1] = self.ui.Speed_Y.value()
-            self.speed[2] = self.ui.Speed_Z.value()
-        self.new_thread = thread.ControlThread(self.setdevice)
-        self.new_thread.operation_num = 6
-        self.new_thread.step = self.steps
-        self.new_thread.speed = self.speed
-        self.new_thread.start()
-        self.new_thread.wait()
-    def SpeedMode(self):
-        if self.ui.setting_speed.isChecked():
-            self.ui.Set_Speed.setEnabled(True)
-        if self.ui.default_speed.isChecked():
-            self.ui.Set_Speed.setEnabled(False)
-            self.SetSpeed(True)
-    def Stop(self):
-        self.new_thread = thread.ControlThread(self.setdevice)
-        self.new_thread.operation_num = 2
-        self.new_thread.start()
-    def ScanStop(self):
-        self.scan_thread.flag = False
-    def EmumDevice(self):
-        pymotor.enum_device()
-        print('\nemum complete!\n')
-        self.device_name ,self.dev_count, self.friend_name = pymotor.enum_device()
-        self.device = numpy.empty(5,dtype=object)
-        if self.dev_count == 0:
-            print("\nNo finding of device.")
-            print("\nUse the vitual device:\n")
-            self.device_name = ["testxmotor","testymotor","testzmotor"]
-            self.i = 0
-            for self.str_device in self.device_name:
-                print('str_device:'+self.str_device)
-                self.device[self.i] = vitual_dev.VitualDevice(self.device_name[self.i])
-                print('device[]' + str(self.device[self.i]))
-                #self.testmotor = pymotor.Motor(vitual_dev.VitualDevice(self.str_device).open_name)
-                #self.testmotor.move(10)
-                self.i = self.i + 1
-        else:
-            for self.dev_ind in range(0,self.dev_count):
-                if 'Axis 1' in repr(self.friend_name[self.dev_ind]): self.device[0] =pymotor.Motor(self.device_name[self.dev_ind])
-                if 'Axis 2' in repr(self.friend_name[self.dev_ind]): self.device[1] =pymotor.Motor(self.device_name[self.dev_ind])
-                if 'Axis 3' in repr(self.friend_name[self.dev_ind]): self.device[2] =pymotor.Motor(self.device_name[self.dev_ind])
-        print(self.device) 
-    def CurrentPosition(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.currentPosX = self.setdevice[0].get_status_position()
-            self.currentPosY = self.setdevice[1].get_status_position()
-            self.currentPosZ = self.setdevice[2].get_status_position()
-    def UpdateDesiredPos(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.CurrentPosition()
-            self.ui.CurrentPosX.display(self.currentPosX)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosX_2.display(self.currentPosX)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosY.display(self.currentPosY)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosY_2.display(self.currentPosY)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosZ.display(self.currentPosZ)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosZ_2.display(self.currentPosZ)
-            #self.timer.start(500)
-    def SetFolder(self):
-        dlg = QtWidgets.QFileDialog()
-        dlg.setFileMode(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Directory)
-        dlg.setFilter(QtCore.QDir.Files)
-        if dlg.exec_():
-            filenames = dlg.selectedFiles()
-            print(repr(filenames))
-            self.ui.FolderText.setText(filenames[0])
-    def SaveData(self):
-        if self.ui.Frequency_mode.isChecked() == True:
-            self.CaptureMode(False)
-        if self.ui.step_mode.isChecked() == True:
-            self.Scan()
-            self.scan_thread.CaptureSignal.connect(self.StepCapture)
-    def StepCapture(self):
-        print("capture\n")
-        self.scan_thread.continue_flag = False             #let scan thread wait
-        self.SignalCapture.emit()
-    def CaptureMode(self,mode):
-        for i in range(0,count_2):
-            self.capture_thread = thread.DataCapture()
-            self.capture_thread.flag = True
-            self.capture_thread.stepmode_flag = mode
-            self.capture_thread.resource = self.ui.Interface.currentText()
-            self.capture_thread.folder = self.ui.FolderText.text()
-            self.capture_thread.device = self.setdevice
-            self.capture_thread.frequency = self.ui.Frequency.value()
-            self.capture_thread.point_num = self.ui.Points.value()
-            self.capture_thread.ymult = float(self.ui.ymult.text())
-            self.capture_thread.yzero = float(self.ui.yzero.text())
-            self.capture_thread.yoff = float(self.ui.yoff.text())
-            self.capture_thread.xincr = float(self.ui.xincr.text())
-            self.capture_thread.xzero = float(self.ui.xzero.text())
-            self.capture_thread.scope = self.scope
-            self.capture_thread.info = self.oscilloscope_info
-            self.capture_thread.start()
-            self.capture_thread.scan_signal.connect(self.SignalScanContinue.emit)
-            print(i)
-            time.sleep(0.2)
-        #self.capture_thread.wait()
-    def CapturePause(self):
-        self.capture_thread.flag = False
-        self.ScanStop()
-        #self.scope.close_resource()
-    def Ready(self):
-        self.readythread = thread.ReadyThread()
-        self.readythread.resource_name = self.ui.Interface.currentText()
-        self.readythread.channel = self.ui.Channel.value()
-        self.readythread.point_number = self.ui.Points.value()
-        self.readythread.start()
-        self.readythread.sinOut.connect(self.DisplayReadyInfo)
-    def DisplayReadyInfo(self,dis_message):
-        if dis_message == "offset":
-            self.ui.InfoText.append(self.readythread.message)
-            self.ui.ymult.setText(str(self.readythread.ymult))
-            self.ui.yzero.setText(str(self.readythread.yzero))
-            self.ui.yoff.setText(str(self.readythread.yoff))
-            self.ui.xincr.setText(str(self.readythread.xincr))
-            self.ui.xzero.setText(str(self.readythread.xzero))
-        elif dis_message == "open":
-            self.scope = self.readythread.scope
-            self.oscilloscope_info = self.readythread.message
-            self.ui.InfoText.append(self.readythread.message)
-        else:
-            self.ui.InfoText.append(self.readythread.message)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
-    win = MainWidget()
-    sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/motor/test_combine.py b/motor/test_combine.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 03745a28c73b43327365d6aca0942fcf28377864..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/test_combine.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-#Luis Ardila 	leardilap@unal.edu.co 	22/03/15
-#Liejian Chen   
-import sys,time
-import numpy
-from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, uic, QtWidgets
-tctEnable = True
-if tctEnable:
-    import pymotor
-    import raser.motor.vitual_device as vitual_dev
-testpass = False
-class MainWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent)
-        ################################################
-        #initialize the device information,search usable device
-        self.InitEmum()
-        self.uiFile = "GUI/XYZWidget.ui"
-        self.ui = uic.loadUi(self.uiFile)
-        self.Title = "XYZ Motor"
-        ##############################################################
-        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-        #Declaring Device
-        self.SetMotor()
-        #Move
-        self.ui.MoveButton.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveAB(int(self.ui.SetPosX.text()), int(self.ui.SetPosY.text()), int(self.ui.SetPosZ.text())))
-        #Step move X
-        self.ui.XPlus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveRE(self.Xaxis,self.ui.StepMoveX.value()))
-        self.ui.XMinus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveRE(self.Xaxis,-self.ui.StepMoveX.value()))
-        #Step move Y
-        self.ui.YPlus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveRE(self.Yaxis,self.ui.StepMoveY.value()))
-        self.ui.YMinus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveRE(self.Yaxis,-self.ui.StepMoveY.value()))
-        #Step move Z
-        self.ui.ZPlus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveRE(self.Zaxis,self.ui.StepMoveZ.value()))
-        self.ui.ZMinus.clicked.connect(lambda:self.MoveRE(self.Zaxis,-self.ui.StepMoveZ.value()))
-        #Home
-        self.ui.ResetPosX.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Home(self.Xaxis))
-        self.ui.ResetPosY.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Home(self.Yaxis))
-        self.ui.ResetPosZ.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Home(self.Zaxis))
-        #scan
-        self.ui.ScanBut.clicked.connect(lambda:self.Scan(self.Xaxis,self.Yaxis,self.Zaxis))
-        #set motor
-        self.ui.SetMotor.clicked.connect(self.SetMotor)
-         # Var
-        self.currentPosX = 0
-        self.currentPosY = 0
-        self.currentPosZ = 0
-        #####################
-        # Initializing Widget
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-        self.ui.setWindowTitle(self.Title)
-        self.ui.show()
-    def InitEmum(self):
-        pymotor.enum_device()
-        print('\nemum complete!\n')
-        self.devenum ,self.dev_count = pymotor.enum_device()
-        self.device = numpy.empty(5,dtype=object)
-        if self.dev_count == 0:
-            print("\nNo finding of device.")
-            print("\nUse the vitual device:\n")
-            self.device_name = ["testxmotor","testymotor","testzmotor"]
-            self.i = 0
-            for self.str_device in self.device_name:
-                print('str_device:'+self.str_device)
-                self.device[self.i] = vitual_dev.VitualDevice(self.device_name[self.i])
-                print('device[]' + str(self.device[self.i]))
-                self.i = self.i + 1
-        else:
-            for self.dev_ind in range(0,self.dev_count):
-                self.device[self.dev_count] =pymotor.Motor(pymotor.Motor.get_name(self,self.devenum,self.dev_ind))
-    def Home(self,motor):
-        ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Homming",
-                "Please Check the setup!\n\nAre you sure you really want\nto Home the motor?",
-                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Escape)
-        if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes:
-            if tctEnable:
-                motor.home()
-            else:
-                self.ui.StatusLabel.setText("Home")
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-    def Stop(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.Xaxis.stop()
-        else:
-            self.ui.StatusLabel.setText("")
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-    '''
-    def Limits(self):
-        self.Limits = Limits(self)
-    '''
-    def MoveAB(self,pos_X,pos_Y,pos_Z):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.Xaxis.move(pos_X)
-            self.Yaxis.move(pos_Y)
-            self.Zaxis.move(pos_Z)
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-    def MoveRE(self,motor,movement):
-        UpperLimit = 100     
-        LowerLimit = -100    
-        currentPos = motor.get_status_position()
-        if currentPos + movement > UpperLimit:
-            movement = UpperLimit - currentPos
-        elif currentPos + movement < LowerLimit:
-            movement = LowerLimit - currentPos
-        if tctEnable:
-            motor.forward(movement)
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        self.UpdateDesiredPos()
-    def Scan(self,motor1,motor2,motor3):
-        self.x0 = self.ui.x0.value() 
-        self.y0 = self.ui.y0.value()
-        self.z0 = self.ui.z0.value()
-        self.dx = self.ui.dx.value()
-        self.dy = self.ui.dy.value()
-        self.dz = self.ui.dz.value()
-        self.Nx = self.ui.Nx.value()
-        self.Ny = self.ui.Ny.value()
-        self.Nz = self.ui.Nz.value()
-        self.MoveAB(self.x0,self.y0,self.z0)
-        #delay 1 second for motor moving to (x0,y0.z0)
-        time.sleep(2)
-        for self.PZ in range(self.z0, self.z0 + ((self.Nz + 1) * self.dz) , self.dz):
-            for self.PX in range(self.x0, self.x0 + ((self.Nx + 1) * self.dx) , self.dx):
-                for self.PY in range(self.y0, self.y0 + ((self.Ny + 1) * self.dy) , self.dy):
-                    self.MoveAB(self.PX, self.PY, self.PZ)
-                    print(self.Xaxis.get_status_position(),self.Yaxis.get_status_position(),self.Zaxis.get_status_position())
-                    self.timer.timeout.connect(self.UpdateDesiredPos)
-                    self.timer.start(100)
-                    #time.sleep(0.1)
-    def SetMotor(self):
-        self.Xaxis = self.device[self.ui.X_Motor_Num.value()-1]
-        self.Yaxis = self.device[self.ui.Y_Motor_Num.value()-1]
-        self.Zaxis = self.device[self.ui.Z_Motor_Num.value()-1]
-    def CurrentPosition(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.currentPosX = self.Xaxis.get_status_position()
-            self.currentPosY = self.Yaxis.get_status_position()
-            self.currentPosZ = self.Zaxis.get_status_position()
-    def UpdateDesiredPos(self):
-        if tctEnable:
-            self.CurrentPosition()
-            self.ui.CurrentPosX.display(self.currentPosX)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosX_2.display(self.currentPosX)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosY.display(self.currentPosY)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosY_2.display(self.currentPosY)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosZ.display(self.currentPosZ)
-            self.ui.CurrentPosZ_2.display(self.currentPosZ)
-            self.timer.start(100)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
-    win = MainWidget()
-    sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/motor/thread.py b/motor/thread.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 043a15fb93719cd04680fa125a4b5453588e8750..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/thread.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-import pymotor,stage,raser.motor.vitual_device as vitual_device
-import raser.motor.mdo_3034_control as MD
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-import numpy as np
-from PyQt5 import QtCore
-class ControlThread(QtCore.QThread):
-    def __init__(self,device):
-        super(ControlThread,self).__init__()
-        self.laser_stage = stage.Stage(device)
-        #control message initial
-        self.operation_num = 0
-        self.motor = self.laser_stage.Xaxis
-        self.px = 0
-        self.py = 0
-        self.pz = 0
-        self.mv = 0
-        self.po = [0,0,0]
-        self.dp = [1,1,1]
-        self.Np = [0,0,0]
-        self.step = [8,8,8]
-        self.speed = [0,0,0]
-    #############################
-    # 1.home 
-    # 2.stop
-    # 3.move set position
-    # 4.move step
-    # 5.zero
-    # 6.set speed
-    ############################
-    def run(self):
-        if self.operation_num == 1:
-            self.laser_stage.Home(self.motor)
-        elif self.operation_num == 2:
-            self.laser_stage.Stop()
-        elif self.operation_num == 3:
-            self.laser_stage.MoveAB(self.px,self.py,self.pz)
-        elif self.operation_num == 4:
-            self.laser_stage.MoveRE(self.motor,self.mv)
-        elif self.operation_num == 5:
-            self.laser_stage.Zero(self.motor)
-        elif self.operation_num == 6:
-            self.laser_stage.SetSpeed(self.step,self.speed)
-        else:
-            time.sleep(1)
-class DataCapture(QtCore.QThread):
-    stop_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
-    scan_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(DataCapture,self).__init__()
-        self.resource = 'ASRL1::INSTR'
-        self.folder = './'
-        self.device = []
-        self.frequency = 10
-        self.point_num = 10000
-        self.ymult = 0
-        self.yoff = 0
-        self.yzero = 0
-        self.xincr = 0
-        self.xzero = 0
-        self.stepmode_flag = True
-        self.flag = True
-        self.scope = None
-        self.info = ''
-    def capture(self):
-        filename = self.folder + '/TCT' + datetime.now().isoformat().replace(':','') + '.csv'
-        self.pos = [self.device[0].get_status_position(),self.device[1].get_status_position(),self.device[2].get_status_position()]
-        time,voltage = self.scope.readWave(self.ymult,self.yzero,self.yoff,self.xincr,self.xzero,self.point_num)
-        myfile = open(filename,'w+')
-        myfile.write('oscilloscope,' + self.info + '\n')
-        myfile.write(',' + 'x' + ',' + str(self.pos[0]) + '\n')
-        myfile.write(',' + 'y' + ',' + str(self.pos[1]) + '\n')
-        myfile.write(',' + 'z' + ',' + str(self.pos[2]) + '\n')
-        self.scope.save_wave_data(time,voltage,myfile)
-        print("capture done!")
-        myfile.close()
-        if self.flag == False:
-            self.stop_signal.emit('stop')
-            #print("pause##########")
-            #self.timer.stop()
-            #self.finished()
-        self.scan_signal.emit()          #emit scan continue signal
-    def run(self):
-        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
-        if self.stepmode_flag:
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-            self.capture()
-        else:
-            self.timer.start(int(1000/self.frequency))
-            self.info = self.scope.testIO()
-            self.timer.timeout.connect(self.capture)
-            self.stop_signal.connect(self.timer.stop)
-            self.exec()
-class ReadyThread(QtCore.QThread):
-    sinOut = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(ReadyThread,self).__init__()
-        self.resource_name = ''
-        self.channel = 1
-        self.point_number = 10000
-        self.message = 'Nothing has done!'
-    def run(self):
-        self.scope = MD.MDO3034C(self.resource_name)
-        msg = self.scope.testIO()
-        self.message = "ocsilloscope information:" + msg
-        self.sinOut.emit('open')
-        self.scope.readSet('ch' + str(self.channel),str(self.point_number))
-        self.message = "read set complete!"
-        self.sinOut.emit('readset')
-        self.ymult,self.yzero,self.yoff,self.xincr,self.xzero = self.scope.readOffset()
-        self.message = "read offset complete!"
-        self.sinOut.emit('offset')
-class ScanThread(QtCore.QThread):
-    CaptureSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
-    def __init__(self,device):
-        super(ScanThread,self).__init__()
-        self.laser_stage = stage.Stage(device)
-        self.pos_o = [0,0,0]
-        self.dp = [1,1,1]
-        self.Np = [0,0,0]
-        self.flag = False                #stop flag
-        self.continue_flag = True
-    def scan(self):
-        self.x0 = self.pos_o[0] 
-        self.y0 = self.pos_o[1]
-        self.z0 = self.pos_o[2]
-        self.dx = self.dp[0]
-        self.dy = self.dp[1]
-        self.dz = self.dp[2]
-        self.Nx = self.Np[0]
-        self.Ny = self.Np[1]
-        self.Nz = self.Np[2]
-        #preprocess the situation when Nx = 0 or Ny = 0 or Nz = 0
-        if self.Nx == 0:
-            self.dx = 0
-            self.Nx = 1
-        if self.Ny == 0:
-            self.dy = 0
-            self.Ny = 1
-        if self.Nz == 0:
-            self.dz = 0
-            self.Nz = 1
-        if self.flag:
-            self.laser_stage.MoveAB(self.x0,self.y0,self.z0)
-            print("move ab\n")
-            # scan step by step
-            self.flag1 = self.flag2 = -1
-            for self.i in range(0, self.Nz):
-                if self.flag == False:
-                    print("break\n")
-                    break
-                if self.dy == 0: self.laser_stage.MoveAB(self.x0, self.laser_stage.Yaxis.get_status_position(), self.laser_stage.Zaxis.get_status_position())
-                if self.dx == 0: self.laser_stage.MoveAB(self.laser_stage.Xaxis.get_status_position(), self.y0, self.laser_stage.Zaxis.get_status_position())
-                self.laser_stage.MoveRE(self.laser_stage.Zaxis, self.dz)
-                if self.dz != 0:
-                    self.CaptureSignal.emit('capture')      #one step move complete,emit capture signal
-                    time.sleep(0.1)
-                    while True:
-                        if self.continue_flag:
-                            break
-                self.flag1 = self.flag1 * (-1)
-                for self.j in range(0, self.Nx):
-                    if self.flag == False:
-                        print("break\n")
-                        break
-                    if self.dz == 0: self.laser_stage.MoveAB(self.laser_stage.Xaxis.get_status_position(), self.y0, self.laser_stage.Zaxis.get_status_position()) # x-y scan
-                    self.laser_stage.MoveRE(self.laser_stage.Xaxis, self.dx)
-                    if self.dx != 0:
-                        self.CaptureSignal.emit('capture')
-                        time.sleep(0.1)
-                        while True:
-                            if self.continue_flag:
-                                break
-                    print(self.laser_stage.Xaxis.get_status_position(),self.laser_stage.Yaxis.get_status_position(),self.laser_stage.Zaxis.get_status_position())
-                    self.flag2 = self.flag2 * (-1)
-                    for self.k in range(0, self.Ny):
-                        if self.flag == False:
-                            print("break\n")
-                            break
-                        self.laser_stage.MoveRE(self.laser_stage.Yaxis, self.dy)
-                        if self.dy != 0:
-                            self.CaptureSignal.emit('capture')
-                            time.sleep(0.1)
-                            while True:
-                                if self.continue_flag:
-                                    break
-                        print(self.laser_stage.Xaxis.get_status_position(),self.laser_stage.Yaxis.get_status_position(),self.laser_stage.Zaxis.get_status_position())  
-    def run(self):
-        self.scan()
diff --git a/motor/vitual_device.py b/motor/vitual_device.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d72422fd97b2378c9eacc6de1639ff11f56d3bc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/motor/vitual_device.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#this file is used to make a vitual device
-import pymotor
-import sys
-import os
-import re 
-import tempfile
-import urllib.parse
-class VitualDevice(pymotor.Motor):
-    def __init__(self,device_name):
-        if sys.version_info < (3,0):
-            print("Using virtual device needs python3!")
-            exit(1)
-        # use URI for virtual device when there is new urllib python3 API
-        tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/" + str(device_name)+ ".bin"
-        print("\ntempdir: " + tempdir)
-        # "\" <-> "/"
-        if os.altsep:
-            tempdir = tempdir.replace(os.sep, os.altsep)
-        uri = urllib.parse.urlunparse(urllib.parse.ParseResult \
-                                (scheme="file",netloc=None, path=tempdir,\
-                                params=None, query=None, fragment=None))
-        # converter address to b
-        self.open_name = re.sub(r'^file', 'xi-emu', uri).encode()
-        super(VitualDevice,self).__init__(self.open_name)
diff --git a/particle/__init__.py b/particle/__init__.py
index 6dfde866ecc0968ecbbc9fce0b9aba666228863a..49f24a520178ca201f7c2fc9bac62fbb706fbbed 100644
--- a/particle/__init__.py
+++ b/particle/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from . import *
 def main(kwargs):
     label = kwargs['label']
     if label == 'temperature':
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def main(kwargs):
     elif label == "test":
         from . import g4_sic_energy_deposition
-        command="./paras/g4macro/gui.mac"
+        command="./param_file/g4macro/gui.mac"
         raise NameError(label)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/particle/cflm.py b/particle/cflm.py
index 5fa9f2d6588cb67eae8ef882d2b4420062d6dff5..4640a0c2ebca58cf3e59937f984dbe5143a05ea2 100755
--- a/particle/cflm.py
+++ b/particle/cflm.py
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ def main():
     UImanager = g4b.G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute paras/g4macro/init_vis.mac")
+    UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute param_file/g4macro/init_vis.mac")
     UImanager.ApplyCommand('/tracking/verbose 2')
diff --git a/particle/g4_sic_energy_deposition.py b/particle/g4_sic_energy_deposition.py
index 9d790de73ffe37cd027bd08de256ddd96b78470b..64f660d5d36ba3fdacbe746bdd7d8fcf114d7887 100755
--- a/particle/g4_sic_energy_deposition.py
+++ b/particle/g4_sic_energy_deposition.py
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ def main():
     UImanager = g4b.G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute paras/g4macro/init_vis.mac")#初始化可视化配置
+    UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute param_file/g4macro/init_vis.mac")#初始化可视化配置
     UImanager.ApplyCommand("/gun/particle ion")
diff --git a/particle/g4si_itk.py b/particle/g4si_itk.py
index 350c6b6837977c2a194ff60bfec73ca2cb2ac2ae..c68e5207bfb25b7e021980aacb830d6ffd01c272 100644
--- a/particle/g4si_itk.py
+++ b/particle/g4si_itk.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class SiITk:
             visManager = g4b.G4VisExecutive()
             UImanager = g4b.G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
-            UImanager.ApplyCommand('/control/execute paras/g4macro/init_vis.mac')
+            UImanager.ApplyCommand('/control/execute param_file/g4macro/init_vis.mac')
             UImanager = g4b.G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
diff --git a/particle/g4simulation.py b/particle/g4simulation.py
index 71e303d0a8b12c7a3f53f0a0dd9fa0ad668e2077..42396202909a4bd35b622b86d26c9f9e9a03e725 100644
--- a/particle/g4simulation.py
+++ b/particle/g4simulation.py
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import random
 import json
+verbose = 0
 # Geant4 main process
 class Particles:
     #model name for other class to use
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ class Particles:
     #use in pixel_detector
     _randx = None
     _randy = None
-    def __init__(self, my_d, absorber, g4_seed):
+    def __init__(self, my_d, absorber, g4_seed = random.randint(0, 1e7)):
             Geant4 main process
@@ -70,7 +72,6 @@ class Particles:
         # set physics list
         physics_list =  g4b.FTFP_BERT()
-        physics_list.SetVerboseLevel(1)
         # define global parameter
@@ -88,9 +89,12 @@ class Particles:
             visManager = g4b.G4VisExecutive()
             UImanager = g4b.G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
-            UImanager.ApplyCommand('/control/execute paras/g4macro/init_vis.mac')
+            UImanager.ApplyCommand('/control/execute param_file/g4macro/init_vis.mac')
             UImanager = g4b.G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
+            # reduce verbose from physics list
+            UImanager.ApplyCommand('/process/em/verbose %d'%(verbose))
+            UImanager.ApplyCommand('/process/had/verbose %d'%(verbose))
diff --git a/root/__init__.py b/root/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 804037ae655831d228d6eaee957658bb5ea34668..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/root/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import ROOT
-import csv
-def convert_csv_to_root(input_dir, output_dir, label):
-    com_name = []
-    for file in os.listdir(input_dir):
-        if file.endswith('.csv'):
-            com_name.append(file)
-    for name in com_name:
-        if label == 'sicar1.1.8' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8'):
-            continue
-        elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-1_'):
-            continue
-        elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-2' and not name.startswith('sicar1.1.8-2_'):
-            continue
-        name = name.split('.csv')[0]
-        input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, name + '.csv')
-        output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, name + '.root')
-        if name.endswith('iv'):
-            if label=="itk_atlas18_data_v1":
-                df = ROOT.RDF.MakeCsvDataFrame(input_file, True, '\t')
-            elif label =="njupin_iv_v1":
-                df = ROOT.RDF.MakeCsvDataFrame(input_file, True, ',')
-            else:
-                df = ROOT.RDF.MakeCsvDataFrame(input_file, True, ',')
-            if label in ["itk_md8_data_v1","itk_atlas18_data_v1"]:
-                df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Voltage_V", "Current_nA"})
-            elif label in ['itk_atlas18_sim_v1','itk_md8_sim_v1']:
-                df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Voltage", "Current"})
-            elif label =="njupin_iv_v1":
-                df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Current","Voltage"})
-            else:
-                df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Value","Reading"})
-        if name.endswith('cv'):
-            df = ROOT.RDF.MakeCsvDataFrame(input_file, True, ',')
-            if label=="itk_md8_sim_v1":
-                df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Voltage", "Capacitance"})
-            elif label =="njupin_cv_v1":
-                df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Voltage", "Capacitance"})
-            else:
-                df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Voltage", "Capacitance", "Capacitance^-2"})
-        if name.endswith('Wfm'):
-            df = ROOT.RDF.MakeCsvDataFrame(input_file, True, ',')
-            df.Snapshot("myTree", output_file, {"Time", "Volt"})
-        sys.stdout.write('Saved as {}\n'.format(output_file))
-def main(kwargs):
-    label = kwargs['label']
-    if label == 'sicar1.1.8':
-        input_dir = '/scratchfs/bes/wangkeqi/wangkeqi/data/SICAR1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/iv_cv'
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-1':
-        input_dir = '/scratchfs/bes/wangkeqi/wangkeqi/data/SICAR1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/iv_cv'
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8-2':
-        input_dir = '/scratchfs/bes/wangkeqi/wangkeqi/data/SICAR1.1.8'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/iv_cv'
-    elif label == 'itk_md8_data_v1':
-        input_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/sensorsimanddata/itkmd8/itkmd8data'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/itkmd8/itkmd8data'
-    elif label == 'itk_md8_sim_v1':
-        input_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/sensorsimanddata/itkmd8/itkmd8sim'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/itkmd8/itkmd8sim'
-    elif label == 'itk_atlas18_sim_v1':
-        input_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/sensorsimanddata/itkatlas18/sim'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/atlas18/sim'
-    elif label == 'itk_atlas18_data_v1':
-        input_dir = '/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/l/lizhan/disk/scrathfs/sensorsimanddata/itkatlas18/data'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/lizhan/atlas18/data'
-    elif label == 'njupin_iv_v1':
-        input_dir = "/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/s/senzhao/njupin"
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/njupin_iv'
-    elif label == 'njupin_cv_v1':
-        input_dir = "/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/s/senzhao/njupin/cv"
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/zhaosen/njupin_cv'
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8_alpha_v1':
-        input_dir = '/scratchfs/bes/wangkeqi/wangkeqi/data/SICAR1.1.8/CCE_1.1.8-8-1/400v'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/alpha/1/400V'
-    elif label == 'sicar1.1.8_beta':
-        input_dir = '/scratchfs/bes/wangkeqi/wangkeqi/data/SICAR1.1.8/time_1.1.8-8/20231116/si/beta_'
-        output_dir = '/publicfs/atlas/atlasnew/silicondet/itk/raser/wangkeqi/sicar1.1.8/beta'
-    else:
-        raise NameError(label)
-    convert_csv_to_root(input_dir, output_dir, label)
diff --git a/spaceres/__init__.py b/spaceres/__init__.py
index f58754258c1fe3c32a8ccf15852ebc2d2899afd7..59b4b6e8a785215dbe8be42b51469446f7772dfa 100644
--- a/spaceres/__init__.py
+++ b/spaceres/__init__.py
@@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
 import sys
 import os
-#sys.path.insert(0, sys.path[0]+"/../")
-import ROOT
 import time
 import subprocess
-from . import telescope as tlcp
-#from . import test
-from particle.g4simulation import Particles
-from particle.geometry import R3dDetector
-from current.cal_current import CalCurrentPixel
+import ROOT
 def main(kwargs):
     label = kwargs['label']
@@ -18,103 +11,17 @@ def main(kwargs):
         print("taichu_v1:   ","first version of telescope simulation")
         print("taichu_v2:   ","second version of telescope simulation")
     elif label.startswith("taichu_v1"):
-        #paths = ['det_name=Taichu3', 'parfile=readjson/detector.json', 'geant4_model=pixel_detector', 'geant4_parfile=readjson/absorber.json', 'pixel_detector']
-        dset = Setting() #read label.json instead of inputting path
-        my_d = R3dDetector(dset) #remain the same
-        my_f = 0
-        my_g4p = Particles(my_d, dset) #remove my_f
-        my_charge = CalCurrentPixel(my_d,my_f,my_g4p)
-        if label.endswith("draw_charge"):
-            draw_charge(my_charge)
-        my_telescope = tlcp.telescope(my_d,my_charge) 
-        #tlcp.main(my_d)  
+        from . import telescope_signal as tlcp
+        tlcp.main()  
     elif label.startswith("taichu_v2"):
-        #virtual object
-        class MyObject:
-            pass
-        #output 
-        res = []
-        psize = []
-        N = 25
-        MaxSize = 25.
-        for i in range(N):
-            t_my_d = MyObject()
-            t_my_d.seedcharge = 100
-            t_my_d.p_x = MaxSize*(i+1)/N
-            t_my_d.p_y = MaxSize*(i+1)/N
-            t_my_d.p_z = 200.
-            t_my_d.lt_z = [20000.,60000.,100000.,140000.,180000.,220000.]
-            psize.append(t_my_d.p_x)
-            res.append(tlcp.main(t_my_d))
-        graph = ROOT.TGraph()
-        for i in range(len(psize)):
-            graph.SetPoint(i,psize[i],res[i])
-        canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas", "TGraph", 800, 600)
-        graph.SetMarkerStyle(ROOT.kFullCircle)
-        graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Resolution [um]")
-        graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()  
-        graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Pixel Size [um]")
-        graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()  
-        legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.27,0.67,0.62,0.80)
-        legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
-        legend.AddEntry(graph,label)
-        canvas.SetGrid() 
-        graph.Draw("APL")
-        legend.Draw()
-        canvas.Draw()
-        Name = "Res vs size"
-        now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
-        path = os.path.join("output/fig", str(now),'' )
-        """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
-        if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
-            os.makedirs(path) 
-        canvas.SaveAs(path+Name+".png")
+        from . import telescope_signal as tlcp
+        tlcp.taichu_v2(label)
     elif label.startswith("acts_v1"):
-        python_script = "raser/spaceres/telescope_simulation.py"  
-        result = subprocess.run(["python3", python_script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
-        if result.returncode == 0:
-            print(f"Script '{python_script}' executed successfully.")
-        else:
-            print(f"Script '{python_script}' failed with return code:", result.returncode)
-        stdout_output = result.stdout
-        stderr_output = result.stderr
-        print("Standard Output:")
-        print(stdout_output)
-        print("Standard Error:")
-        print(stderr_output)
+        from . import telescope_acts as tlcp_acts
+        tlcp_acts.main()
+    elif label.startswith("g4"):
+        from . import telescope_g4
+        telescope_g4.main()
         raise NameError(label)
-def draw_charge(my_charge):
-    path = os.path.join("output", "pixel",)
-    create_path(path) 
-    c=ROOT.TCanvas("c","canvas1",1000,1000)
-    c.cd()
-    c.Update()
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.12)
-    # c.SetTopMargin(0.12)
-    c.SetRightMargin(0.12)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.14)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    my_charge.sum_charge.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510)
-    my_charge.sum_charge.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505)
-    my_charge.sum_charge.GetXaxis().SetTitle("X")
-    my_charge.sum_charge.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Y")
-    my_charge.sum_charge.Draw("lego")
-    c.Update()
-    c.SaveAs(path+"/Pixel_charge.pdf")
-    c.SaveAs(path+"/Pixel_charge.root")
diff --git a/spaceres/telescope_simulation.py b/spaceres/telescope_acts.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 93%
rename from spaceres/telescope_simulation.py
rename to spaceres/telescope_acts.py
index 80a2e6805dd4045e3a36d10da78fe575f81602bc..a007c578c63154f703cdfc079c9fd795ff4c9b32
--- a/spaceres/telescope_simulation.py
+++ b/spaceres/telescope_acts.py
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ from pathlib import Path
 import acts
 import acts.examples
+from util.io_decorator import io_decorator as iod
 from acts.examples.simulation import (
@@ -30,9 +33,11 @@ from acts.examples.reconstruction import (
-u = acts.UnitConstants
+# get run result
+def main():
+    u = acts.UnitConstants
-if "__main__" == __name__:
     detector, trackingGeometry, decorators = acts.examples.TelescopeDetector.create(
         positions=[20, 60, 100 ,140, 180, 220],
         stereos = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
@@ -42,10 +47,10 @@ if "__main__" == __name__:
     field = acts.ConstantBField(acts.Vector3(0, 0, 1 * u.T))
-    outputDir = Path.cwd() / "output/telescope_simulation"
+    outputDir = Path.cwd() / "output/spaceres/telescope_acts"
     if not outputDir.exists():
-    inputDir = Path.cwd() / "setting"
+    inputDir = Path.cwd() / "setting/acts"
     rnd = acts.examples.RandomNumbers(seed=42)
@@ -148,4 +153,7 @@ if "__main__" == __name__:
         outputDirRoot=outputDir / postfix,
-    s.run()
\ No newline at end of file
+    s.run()
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spaceres/telescope_jiaqi.py b/spaceres/telescope_g4.py
similarity index 93%
rename from spaceres/telescope_jiaqi.py
rename to spaceres/telescope_g4.py
index 918cfdd30fe70b0a9e47889782b66d9240e2f58b..8d464f11b1dbfcdc29457cc24e2de55a0b769f84 100755
--- a/spaceres/telescope_jiaqi.py
+++ b/spaceres/telescope_g4.py
@@ -584,45 +584,50 @@ class B2ActionInitialization(G4VUserActionInitialization):
-# Detect interactive mode (if no arguments) and define UI session
-ui = None
-if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-    ui = G4UIExecutive(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
-# Optionally: choose a different Random engine...
-# G4Random.setTheEngine(MTwistEngine())
-# Construct the default run manager
-runManager = G4RunManagerFactory.CreateRunManager(G4RunManagerType.Serial)
-# Set mandatory initialization classes
-physicsList = FTFP_BERT()
-# Set user action classes
-# Initialize visualization
-visManager = G4VisExecutive()
-# G4VisExecutive can take a verbosity argument - see /vis/verbose guidance.
-# visManager = G4VisExecutive("Quiet");
-# Get the pointer to the User Interface manager
-UImanager = G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
-# Process macro or start UI session
-if ui == None:
-    # batch mode
-    command = "/control/execute ./cfg/ "
-    fileName = sys.argv[1]
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand(command+fileName)
-    # interactive mode
-    UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute ./paras/g4macro/init_vistelescope.mac")
-    if ui.IsGUI():
-        UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute ./paras/g4macro/gui.mac")
-    ui.SessionStart()
+def main(batchMac = None):
+    # Detect interactive mode (if no arguments) and define UI session
+    ui = None
+    if batchMac == None:
+        ui = G4UIExecutive(1, [__file__])
+    # Optionally: choose a different Random engine...
+    # G4Random.setTheEngine(MTwistEngine())
+    # Construct the default run manager
+    runManager = G4RunManagerFactory.CreateRunManager(G4RunManagerType.Serial)
+    # Set mandatory initialization classes
+    runManager.SetUserInitialization(B2aDetectorConstruction())
+    physicsList = FTFP_BERT()
+    physicsList.RegisterPhysics(G4StepLimiterPhysics())
+    runManager.SetUserInitialization(physicsList)
+    # Set user action classes
+    runManager.SetUserInitialization(B2ActionInitialization())
+    # Initialize visualization
+    visManager = G4VisExecutive()
+    # G4VisExecutive can take a verbosity argument - see /vis/verbose guidance.
+    # visManager = G4VisExecutive("Quiet");
+    visManager.Initialize()
+    # Get the pointer to the User Interface manager
+    UImanager = G4UImanager.GetUIpointer()
+    # Process macro or start UI session
+    if ui == None:
+        # batch mode
+        command = "/control/execute ./param_file/g4macro/"
+        fileName = batchMac
+        UImanager.ApplyCommand(command+fileName)
+    else:
+        # interactive mode
+        UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute ./param_file/g4macro/init_vistelescope.mac")
+        if ui.IsGUI():
+            UImanager.ApplyCommand("/control/execute ./param_file/g4macro/gui.mac")
+        ui.SessionStart()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[1])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spaceres/telescope.py b/spaceres/telescope_signal.py
similarity index 84%
rename from spaceres/telescope.py
rename to spaceres/telescope_signal.py
index fbcc272202f7a5df50d83c252ad0c25219d08c89..2d2514377aa5187f8d098e7234dc08b53ac7c8ca 100644
--- a/spaceres/telescope.py
+++ b/spaceres/telescope_signal.py
@@ -6,13 +6,20 @@ Description:
 @Author     : yiminghu
 @version    : 1.0
-import ROOT
 import time
 import os
+import ROOT
 import acts
 import numpy as np
-class telescope:
+from particle.g4simulation import Particles
+from field.build_device import Detector
+from current.cal_current_diffuse import CalCurrentPixel
+from util.output import create_path
+class Telescope:
     def __init__(self,my_d,my_c):
@@ -128,7 +135,7 @@ class telescope:
         Name = "fit"+str(DUT)
         now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
-        path = os.path.join("fig", str(now),'' )
+        path = os.path.join("output/spaceres/taichu_v1", str(now),'' )
         """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
@@ -220,7 +227,7 @@ class telescope:
         now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
-        path = os.path.join("fig", str(now),'' )
+        path = os.path.join("output/spaceres/taichu_v1", str(now),'' )
         """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
@@ -376,7 +383,7 @@ class island:
 #interface to generate simple examples for  debugging
-class Test:
+class PixelHitTest:
     def __init__(self,my_d):
         self.event = []
@@ -444,11 +451,89 @@ class Test:
         return t_list
-def main(my_d):
-    my_c = Test(my_d)
-    tel = telescope(my_d,my_c)
-    return tel.Resolution_Tol[2][0]
+def draw_charge(my_charge):
+    path = os.path.join("output", "pixel",)
+    create_path(path) 
+    c=ROOT.TCanvas("c","canvas1",1000,1000)
+    c.cd()
+    c.Update()
+    c.SetLeftMargin(0.12)
+    # c.SetTopMargin(0.12)
+    c.SetRightMargin(0.12)
+    c.SetBottomMargin(0.14)
+    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(ROOT.kFALSE)
+    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
+    my_charge.sum_charge.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(510)
+    my_charge.sum_charge.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505)
+    my_charge.sum_charge.GetXaxis().SetTitle("X")
+    my_charge.sum_charge.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Y")
+    my_charge.sum_charge.Draw("lego")
+    c.Update()
+    c.SaveAs(path+"/Pixel_charge.pdf")
+    c.SaveAs(path+"/Pixel_charge.root")
+def main():
+    my_d = Detector("TAICHU3") #remain the same
+    my_f = 0
+    my_g4p = Particles(my_d, my_d.absorber) #remove my_f
+    my_hit_charge = CalCurrentPixel(my_d,my_f,my_g4p)
+    draw_charge(my_hit_charge)
+    my_telescope_charge = Telescope(my_d,my_hit_charge) 
+    my_hit_test = PixelHitTest(my_d)
+    my_telescope_test = Telescope(my_d,my_hit_test)
+def taichu_v2(label=""):
+    #virtual object
+    class MyObject:
+        pass
+    #output 
+    res = []
+    psize = []
+    N = 25
+    MaxSize = 25.
+    for i in range(N):
+        t_my_d = MyObject()
+        t_my_d.seedcharge = 100
+        t_my_d.p_x = MaxSize*(i+1)/N
+        t_my_d.p_y = MaxSize*(i+1)/N
+        t_my_d.p_z = 200.
+        t_my_d.lt_z = [20000.,60000.,100000.,140000.,180000.,220000.]
+        psize.append(t_my_d.p_x)
+        my_hit_test = PixelHitTest(t_my_d)
+        my_telescope_test = Telescope(t_my_d,my_hit_test)
+        res.append(my_telescope_test.Resolution_Tol[2][0])
+    graph = ROOT.TGraph()
+    for i in range(len(psize)):
+        graph.SetPoint(i,psize[i],res[i])
+    canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas", "TGraph", 800, 600)
+    graph.SetMarkerStyle(ROOT.kFullCircle)
+    graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Resolution [um]")
+    graph.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()  
+    graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Pixel Size [um]")
+    graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle()  
+    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.27,0.67,0.62,0.80)
+    legend.SetTextSize(0.04)
+    legend.AddEntry(graph,label)
+    canvas.SetGrid() 
+    graph.Draw("APL")
+    legend.Draw()
+    canvas.Draw()
+    Name = "Res vs size"
+    now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
+    path = os.path.join("output/spaceres/taichu_v2", str(now),'' )
+    """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
+    if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
+        os.makedirs(path) 
+    canvas.SaveAs(path+Name+".png")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     start = time.time()
diff --git a/tct/__init__.py b/tct/__init__.py
index ee92e9a50ad43cff91a237a8b9c968e213079d17..acadfc43471714874894ba86a63098b4a78985b7 100644
--- a/tct/__init__.py
+++ b/tct/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-from . import foo
 def main(kwargs):
     label = kwargs['label']
-    if label == 'foo':
-        foo.main()
+    if label == 'signal':
+        from . import tct_signal
+        tct_signal.main(kwargs)
-        raise NameError(label)
\ No newline at end of file
+        raise NameError
diff --git a/tct/extract_waveform.py b/tct/extract_waveform.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7787fb1532da6e4852a73994b7b9a058283286..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tct/extract_waveform.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-import os
-import math
-import ROOT
-from array import array
-def save_experiment_data(Vbias, z_init, z_0, t_init, myt, out):
-    n = myt.Draw("-(volt-aBlineMean):(time-{})".format(t_init),
-                    "Vbias=={}\
-                    &&(z-{}-{}>-0.0001)\
-                    &&(z-{}-{}<0.0001)\
-                    &&((time-{})>0)\
-                    &&((time-{})<10)".format(Vbias,z_init,z_0,z_init,z_0,t_init,t_init),
-                    "goff")
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(n,myt.GetV2(),myt.GetV1())
-    v1 = array('d')
-    t1 = array('d')
-    for i in range(n):
-        v1.append(graph1.GetPointY(i))
-        t1.append(graph1.GetPointX(i))
-    volt = array('d',[999.])
-    time = array('d',[999.])
-    fout = ROOT.TFile(out+".root", "RECREATE")
-    t_out = ROOT.TTree("tree", "signal")
-    t_out.Reset()
-    t_out.Branch("volt", volt, "volt/D")
-    t_out.Branch("time", time, "time/D")
-    for i in range(len(t1)):
-        time[0]=t1[i]
-        volt[0]=v1[i]
-        t_out.Fill()
-    t_out.Write()
-    fout.Close()
-    del t_out
-    print(out+".root Saved")
-if not os.access('output/pintct/HPK-Si-PIN/data/', os.F_OK):
-    os.makedirs('output/pintct/HPK-Si-PIN/data/', exist_ok=True) 
-if not os.access('output/lgadtct/HPK-Si-LGAD/data/', os.F_OK):
-    os.makedirs('output/lgadtct/HPK-Si-LGAD/data/', exist_ok=True)  
-myPinFile = ROOT.TFile("/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/f/fuchenxi/disk/1/edge_voltage_2019_10_24_15_12_57_HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5PINNM-01.txt.root")
-myPinTree = myPinFile.Get("edge")
-myLgadFile = ROOT.TFile("/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/f/fuchenxi/disk/1/edge_voltage_2019_10_09_12_26_57_HPK-EPI-W2-200-DS-SE5-04.txt.root")
-myLgadTree = myLgadFile.Get("edge")
-# myPinTree.Show(17) # checkout the members
-z_init_pin = "11.986"
-z_init_lgad = "11.954"
-t_init_pin = "10.853"
-t_init_lgad = "10.803"
-for j in range(-10, 60+1):
-    rel_z = 0.02*j
-    z_0 = str(1e-3*j) # in milimeter
-    save_experiment_data(-200, z_init_pin, z_0, t_init_pin, myPinTree,"output/pintct/HPK-Si-PIN/data/exp-TCT"+str(round(rel_z,2))+"fz_rel")
-    save_experiment_data(-200, z_init_lgad, z_0, t_init_lgad, myLgadTree,"output/lgadtct/HPK-Si-LGAD/data/exp-TCT"+str(round(rel_z,2))+"fz_rel")
-for V in range(-200, -40, 20):
-    z_0 = str(1e-3*25)
-    save_experiment_data(V, z_init_pin, z_0, t_init_pin, myPinTree,"output/pintct/HPK-Si-PIN/data/exp-TCT"+str(round(V,0))+"voltage")
-    save_experiment_data(V, z_init_lgad, z_0, t_init_lgad, myLgadTree,"output/lgadtct/HPK-Si-LGAD/data/exp-TCT"+str(round(V,0))+"voltage")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tct/save_TTree.py b/tct/save_TTree.py
index fd29690812237f1a208d276f187e3a56ac0bb85b..eb23d91f8bc74aec5675785af633692dafcd8f8b 100644
--- a/tct/save_TTree.py
+++ b/tct/save_TTree.py
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 import os
-from util.output import output
+from util.output import create_path
 from array import array
 import ROOT
-def save_signal_TTree(dset,my_d,key,ele_current,my_f):
+def save_signal_TTree(my_d,key,ele_current,my_f):
     if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
-        path = os.path.join("output", "pintct", dset.det_name, "data",)
+        path = os.path.join("output", "pintct", my_d.det_name, "data",)
     elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
-        path = os.path.join("output", "lgadtct", dset.det_name, "data",)
+        path = os.path.join("output", "lgadtct", my_d.det_name, "data",)
-    for j in range(my_f.read_ele_num):
+    for j in range(ele_current.read_ele_num):
         volt = array('d', [999.])
         time = array('d', [999.])
-        if my_f.read_ele_num==1:
+        if ele_current.read_ele_num==1:
             fout = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(path, "sim-TCT") + str(key) + ".root", "RECREATE")
             fout = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(path, "sim-TCT") + str(key)+"No_"+str(j)+".root", "RECREATE")
diff --git a/tct/source.py b/tct/source.py
index cd631a4fc72109c0b4b64e5e7371e94349c08f0d..cf8a2627d5a1f30cdd5b1c1cbc7e315ab06a2f7a 100644
--- a/tct/source.py
+++ b/tct/source.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import math
 import ROOT
 import numpy as np
-from particle.geometry import R3dDetector
+from field.build_device import Detector
 class TCTTracks():
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class TCTTracks():
     def __init__(self, my_d, laser):
         #technique used
+        self.model = laser["laser_model"]
         self.tech = laser["tech"]
         self.direction = laser["direction"]
         #material parameters to certain wavelength of the beam
@@ -190,54 +191,53 @@ class TCTTracks():
         # to reduce run time, convolute the time pulse function with the signal after the signal is calculated
         return np.exp(-4 * np.log(2) * t ** 2 / self.temporal_FWHM ** 2) / ((2*np.pi)**(1/2) * self.temporal_FWHM / (2 * (2*np.log(2))**(1/2)))
-def draw_nocarrier3D(self,path):
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","canvas2",200,10,1000,1000)
-    h = ROOT.TH3D("h","",\
-        int((self.x_right_most - self.x_left_most) / self.x_step), self.x_left_most, self.x_right_most,\
-        int((self.y_right_most - self.y_left_most) / self.y_step), self.y_left_most, self.y_right_most,\
-        int((self.z_right_most - self.z_left_most) / self.z_step), self.z_left_most, self.z_right_most)
-    for i in range(len(self.track_position)):
-        h.Fill(self.track_position[i][0], self.track_position[i][1], self.track_position[i][2], self.ionized_pairs[i])
-    h.Draw()
-    h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Depth [\mu m]")#[μm]
-    h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Width [\mu m]")
-    h.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    h.GetZaxis().SetTitle("Thick [\mu m]")
-    h.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    h.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    h.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8)
-    h.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(2.2)
-    h.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
-    c1.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c1.SaveAs(path+"nocarrier_"\
-        +str(round(self.fx_rel,5))+"_"\
-        +str(round(self.fy_rel,5))+"_"\
-        +str(round(self.fz_rel,5))+".pdf")  
-def draw_nocarrier2D(self, path):
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","canvas2",200,10,1000,1000)
-    h = ROOT.TH2D("h","",\
-        int((self.x_right_most - self.x_left_most) / self.x_step), self.x_left_most, self.x_right_most,\
-        int((self.z_right_most - self.z_left_most) / self.z_step), self.z_left_most, self.z_right_most)
-    for i in range(len(self.track_position)):
-        h.Fill(self.track_position[i][0], self.track_position[i][2], self.ionized_pairs[i])
-    h.Draw("COLZ")
-    h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Depth [\mu m]")#[μm]
-    h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Thick [\mu m]")
-    h.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    h.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    c1.SetRightMargin(0.15)
-    c1.SetLeftMargin(0.12)
-    c1.SaveAs(path+"nocarrier2D_"\
-        +str(round(self.fx_rel,5))+"_"\
-        +str(round(self.fy_rel,5))+"_"\
-        +str(round(self.fz_rel,5))+".pdf")  
+    def draw_nocarrier3D(self,path):
+        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
+        c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","canvas2",200,10,1000,1000)
+        h = ROOT.TH3D("h","",\
+            int((self.x_right_most - self.x_left_most) / self.x_step), self.x_left_most, self.x_right_most,\
+            int((self.y_right_most - self.y_left_most) / self.y_step), self.y_left_most, self.y_right_most,\
+            int((self.z_right_most - self.z_left_most) / self.z_step), self.z_left_most, self.z_right_most)
+        for i in range(len(self.track_position)):
+            h.Fill(self.track_position[i][0], self.track_position[i][1], self.track_position[i][2], self.ionized_pairs[i])
+        h.Draw()
+        h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Depth [\mu m]")#[μm]
+        h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+        h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
+        h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Width [\mu m]")
+        h.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+        h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
+        h.GetZaxis().SetTitle("Thick [\mu m]")
+        h.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+        h.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
+        h.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.8)
+        h.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(2.2)
+        h.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
+        c1.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
+        c1.SaveAs(path+"/nocarrier_"\
+            +str(round(self.fx_rel,5))+"_"\
+            +str(round(self.fy_rel,5))+"_"\
+            +str(round(self.fz_rel,5))+".pdf")  
+    def draw_nocarrier2D(self, path):
+        ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
+        c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","canvas2",200,10,1000,1000)
+        h = ROOT.TH2D("h","",\
+            int((self.x_right_most - self.x_left_most) / self.x_step), self.x_left_most, self.x_right_most,\
+            int((self.z_right_most - self.z_left_most) / self.z_step), self.z_left_most, self.z_right_most)
+        for i in range(len(self.track_position)):
+            h.Fill(self.track_position[i][0], self.track_position[i][2], self.ionized_pairs[i])
+        h.Draw("COLZ")
+        h.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Depth [\mu m]")#[μm]
+        h.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+        h.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
+        h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Thick [\mu m]")
+        h.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
+        h.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
+        h.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
+        c1.SetRightMargin(0.15)
+        c1.SetLeftMargin(0.12)
+        c1.SaveAs(path+"/nocarrier2D_"\
+            +str(round(self.fx_rel,5))+"_"\
+            +str(round(self.fy_rel,5))+"_"\
+            +str(round(self.fz_rel,5))+".pdf")  
diff --git a/tct/tct_analysis.py b/tct/tct_analysis.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fbdf3b8c566f9c68b1c9706598c8acd360ad9942..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tct/tct_analysis.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-author: wanghaobo
-time: 2022.12.25
-Use: 1.Read the data of Raser eTCT induced current
-     2.Add experimental noise on induced current
-     3.Get the risertime,charge collection and velocity profile
-from array import array
-import contextlib
-import os
-import sys
-import ROOT
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import raser
-def collect_data(path, model, volt_scale, time_scale, keys, key_name):
-    amplitude = array("d")
-    risetime = array("d")
-    charge = array("d")
-    velprof = array("d")
-    difprof = array("d")
-    volts = []
-    times = []
-    for key in keys:
-        volt=array("d",[0.])
-        time=array("d",[0.])
-        rootfile=path+model+str(key)+key_name+".root"
-        volt,time=read_rootfile(rootfile, volt_scale, time_scale)
-        volts.append(volt)
-        times.append(time)
-        J=len(volt)
-        amplitude.append(get_amplitude(volt,J))
-        charge.append(get_charge(volt,J))
-        velprof.append(get_velprof(volt,time,J))
-        risetime.append(get_risetime(volt,time,J))
-        difprof.append(get_difprof(volt,time,J))
-    return amplitude, charge, risetime, velprof, difprof, volts, times
-def read_rootfile(rootfile,volt_scale,time_scale):
-    J=0
-    v1=array("d")
-    t1=array("d")
-    myFile = ROOT.TFile(str(rootfile))
-    myt = myFile.tree
-    for entry in myt:
-       v1.append(volt_scale*entry.volt)
-       t1.append(time_scale*entry.time)
-       J=J+1
-    return v1,t1
-def add_noise(rootfile,J,v1,t1):
-    v2=array("d",[0.])
-    t2=array("d",[0.])
-    noise=np.array([0])
-    fout = ROOT.TFile("noise_"+str(rootfile), "RECREATE")
-    t_out = ROOT.TTree("tree", "signal")
-    t_out.Branch("volt", v2, "volt/D")
-    t_out.Branch("time", t2, "time/D")
-    for i in range(J):
-          t2[0]=t1[i]
-          v2[0]=v1[i]+noise[i]
-          t_out.Fill()
-    t_out.Write()
-    fout.Close()
-def get_amplitude(volt,J):
-    Vmax = max(volt)
-    for Max in range(J):
-        if volt[Max] - Vmax > -1e-5*Vmax:
-            break
-    for min in range(Max,0,-1):
-        if volt[min-1] > volt[min]:
-            #Vmin = volt[min]
-            Vmin = 0
-            break
-        else:
-            #Vmin = volt[0]
-            Vmin = 0
-    return(Vmax-Vmin)
-def get_charge(volt,J):
-    sum_volt=0
-    for j in range(J):
-        sum_volt+=volt[j]
-    return sum_volt*50e-12/(100*0.65e-9/2.2/(3.7e-12))*1e15
-    # t_bin = 50e-12 A = 100 Ï„_RC_D = 0.65e-9/2.2 C_D = 3.7e-12 result in fC
-def get_velprof(volt,time,J):
-    t = 1.1 #ns
-    for j in range(J):
-        if time[j] >= t:
-            break
-    return volt[j]
-def get_difprof(volt,time,J):
-    max_diff = 0
-    for i in range(J-1):
-        if volt[i+1]-volt[i] > max_diff:
-            max_diff = volt[i+1]-volt[i]
-    return max_diff/(100*0.65e-9/2.2/(3.7e-12))/50e-12/2.24e-4/16992*1e-6
-    # A = 100 τ_RC_D = 0.65e-9/2.2 C_D = 3.7e-12 t_bin = 50e-12 k_2hν = 2.24e-4 E_p/hν = 19992 result in μm
-def get_risetime(volt,time,J):
-    x=array("d")
-    y=array("d")
-    Vmax=max(volt)
-    for Max in range(J):
-        if volt[Max] - Vmax > -1e-5*Vmax:
-            break
-    for min in range(Max,0,-1):
-        if volt[min-1] > volt[min]and volt[min]<0.1*Vmax:
-            Vmin = volt[min]
-            break
-        else:
-            Vmin = volt[0]
-    for k in range(J):
-        if (volt[k] - Vmin)<0.1*(Vmax - Vmin)<(volt[k+1] - Vmin):
-            break
-    for l in range(J):
-        if (volt[l-1] - Vmin)<0.9*(Vmax - Vmin)<(volt[l] - Vmin):
-            break
-    n=l-k
-    for j in range(k,l+1):
-        x.append(time[j])
-        y.append(volt[j])
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(n,x,y)
-    f=ROOT.TF1("f","[0]+[1]*x",0,10)
-    graph1.Fit(f,"Q")
-    b=f.GetParameter(1)
-    c=f.GetParameter(0)
-    e1=np.true_divide((0.2*(Vmax-Vmin)-c),b)
-    e2=np.true_divide((0.8*(Vmax-Vmin)-c),b)
-    risetime=np.true_divide((e2-e1),0.6)
-    return risetime
-def draw_graphs(array1,keys,key_name,name,path):
-    n=len(array1)
-    g = ROOT.TCanvas('g', '', 800, 600)
-    g.SetFillColor(0)
-    g.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    g.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    g.SetRightMargin(0.15)
-    g.SetTopMargin(0.1)
-    g.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    graph=ROOT.TGraph(n,keys,array1)
-    graph.SetMarkerStyle(3)
-    graph.Draw('ap')
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.6,0.7, 0.83, 0.89)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph,"RASER Simulation", "p")
-    legend.SetTextSize(18)
-    legend.SetTextFont(43)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    legend.SetFillColor(0)
-    legend.Draw()
-    g.SaveAs(path+name+".pdf")
-    return
-def draw_double_graphs(array1,array2,keys1,keys2,key_name,name,path):
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', '', 800, 600)
-    c.SetFillColor(0)
-    c.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    n1=len(array1)
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(n1,keys1,array1)
-    n2=len(array2)
-    graph2 = ROOT.TGraph(n2,keys2,array2)
-    graph1.SetLineColor(2)
-    graph2.SetLineColor(1)
-    graph1.SetMarkerColor(2)
-    graph2.SetMarkerColor(1)
-    graph1.SetMarkerStyle(26)
-    graph2.SetMarkerStyle(4)
-    mg.Add(graph1)
-    mg.Add(graph2)
-    mg.Draw('ap')
-    if name == 'Amplitude':
-        Y_title = 'Amplitude [V]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.13)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.04)
-    if name == 'Charge':
-        Y_title = 'Charge [fC]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,200)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,6)
-    if name == 'VelProf':
-        Y_title = 'Ve+Vh [a.u.]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.1)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.015)
-    if name == 'RiseTime':
-        Y_title = 'RiseTime [ns]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.5)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.5)
-    if name == 'DifProf':
-        Y_title = '1/\sigma [\mu m^{-1}]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.1)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.003)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle(Y_title)
-    if key_name == "z":
-        mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('z [\mu m]')
-    elif key_name == "voltage":
-        mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Reverse bias voltage [V]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.45,0.65, 0.81, 0.86)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph1, "RASER simulation", "p")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph2, "TCT measurement", "p")
-    legend.SetTextSize(27)
-    legend.SetTextFont(43)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    legend.SetFillColor(0)
-    legend.Draw()
-    c.SaveAs(path+name+"_"+key_name+"_comparison.pdf")
-def draw_triple_graphs(array1,array2,array3,keys1,keys2,keys3,key_name,name,path):
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', '', 800, 600)
-    c.SetFillColor(0)
-    c.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    n1=len(array1)
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(n1,keys1,array1)
-    n2=len(array2)
-    graph2 = ROOT.TGraph(n2,keys2,array2)
-    n3=len(array3)
-    graph3 = ROOT.TGraph(n3,keys3,array3)
-    graph1.SetLineColor(2)
-    graph2.SetLineColor(1)
-    graph3.SetLineColor(35)
-    graph1.SetMarkerColor(2)
-    graph2.SetMarkerColor(1)
-    graph3.SetMarkerColor(35)
-    graph1.SetMarkerStyle(26)
-    graph2.SetMarkerStyle(4)
-    graph3.SetMarkerStyle(32)
-    graph3.SetLineWidth(4)
-    # fill the background
-    # gain layer
-    x1 = array("d",[0,2,2,0,0])
-    y1 = array("d",[0,0,0.1,0.1,0])
-    excl1 = ROOT.TGraph(5,x1,y1)
-    excl1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kPink+1)
-    excl1.SetFillColor(ROOT.kPink+1)
-    # bulk
-    x2 = array("d",[2,50,50,2,2])
-    y2 = array("d",[0,0,0.1,0.1,0])
-    excl2 = ROOT.TGraph(5,x2,y2)
-    excl2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kCyan-10)
-    excl2.SetFillColor(ROOT.kCyan-10)
-    mg.Add(excl1,"f")
-    mg.Add(excl2,"f")
-    mg.Add(graph1,"p")
-    mg.Add(graph2,"p")
-    mg.Add(graph3,"l")
-    mg.Draw("a*")
-    ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis()
-    ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis("G")
-    if name == 'Amplitude':
-        Y_title = 'Amplitude [V]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.13)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.04)
-    if name == 'Charge':
-        Y_title = 'Charge [fC]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,200)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,6)
-    if name == 'VelProf':
-        Y_title = 'Ve+Vh [a.u.]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.1)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.015)
-    if name == 'RiseTime':
-        Y_title = 'RiseTime [ns]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.5)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.5)
-    if name == 'DifProf':
-        Y_title = '1/\sigma [\mu m^{-1}]'
-        if 'LGAD' in path:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.1)
-        else:
-            mg.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.003)
-        Box=ROOT.TBox(8,0.03,42,0.05)
-        Box.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
-        Box.SetFillStyle(0)
-        Box.SetLineStyle(2)
-        Box.Draw()
-        l=ROOT.TLatex()
-        l.SetTextSize(20)
-        l.SetTextFont(43)
-        l.DrawLatex(11,0.022,"Full Gaussian shape region")
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle(Y_title)
-    if key_name == "z":
-        mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('z [\mu m]')
-    elif key_name == "voltage":
-        mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Reverse bias voltage [V]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.4,0.65, 0.76, 0.85)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph1, "RASER simulation", "p")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph2, "TCT measurement", "p")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph3, "Expected value", "l")
-    legend.SetTextSize(27)
-    legend.SetTextFont(43)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    legend.SetFillColor(0)
-    legend.Draw()
-    c.SaveAs(path+name+"_"+key_name+"_theory_comparison.pdf")
-def draw_double_signals(time_1,time_2,signal_1,signal_2,key,key_name,path):
-    c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', '', 800, 600)
-    c.SetFillColor(0)
-    c.SetFrameFillColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
-    ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
-    c.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
-    c.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
-    mg=ROOT.TMultiGraph("mg","")
-    n1=len(time_1)
-    graph1 = ROOT.TGraph(n1,time_1,signal_1)
-    n2=len(time_2)
-    graph2 = ROOT.TGraph(n2,time_2,signal_2)
-    graph1.SetLineColor(2)
-    graph2.SetLineColor(1)
-    graph1.SetMarkerColor(2)
-    graph2.SetMarkerColor(1)
-    graph1.SetMarkerStyle(26)
-    graph2.SetMarkerStyle(4)
-    mg.Add(graph1)
-    mg.Add(graph2)
-    mg.Draw('apl')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Signal [V]')
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Time [ns]')
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05)
-    mg.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0,10)
-    legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.45,0.65, 0.81, 0.86)
-    legend.AddEntry(graph1, "RASER simulation", "pl")
-    legend.AddEntry(graph2, "TCT measurement", "pl")
-    legend.SetTextSize(27)
-    legend.SetTextFont(43)
-    legend.SetBorderSize(0)
-    legend.SetFillColor(0)
-    legend.Draw()
-    c.SaveAs(path+str(key)+key_name+"_comparison.pdf")
-def analysis_depth(path,output_path,pulse_energy_scale):
-    Z = array("d")
-    rel_z = array("d")
-    for L in range(-8,59):
-        Z.append(L)
-        rel_z.append(round(0.02*L,2))
-    if "experiment" in sys.argv:
-        amplitude, charge, risetime, velprof, difprof, volts, times = collect_data(path, "sim-TCT", pulse_energy_scale, 1e9, rel_z, 'fz_rel')
-        amplitude_exp, charge_exp, risetime_exp, velprof_exp, difprof_exp, volts_exp, times_exp = collect_data(path, "exp-TCT", 1, 1, rel_z, 'fz_rel')
-        draw_double_graphs(amplitude,amplitude_exp,Z,Z,"z","Amplitude",output_path)
-        draw_double_graphs(charge,charge_exp,Z,Z,"z","Charge",output_path)
-        draw_double_graphs(risetime,risetime_exp,Z,Z,"z","RiseTime",output_path)
-        draw_double_graphs(velprof,velprof_exp,Z,Z,"z","VelProf",output_path)
-        draw_double_graphs(difprof,difprof_exp,Z,Z,"z","DifProf",output_path)
-        velprof_theory, difprof_theory = dif_cal()
-        Z_vel = array("d")
-        Z_dif = array("d")
-        for L in range(0,51):
-            Z_vel.append(L)
-        for L in range(2,51):
-            Z_dif.append(L)
-        draw_triple_graphs(velprof,velprof_exp,velprof_theory,Z,Z,Z_vel,"z","VelProf",output_path)   
-        draw_triple_graphs(difprof,difprof_exp,difprof_theory,Z,Z,Z_dif,"z","DifProf",output_path)   
-        for volt,time,volt_exp,time_exp,z in zip(volts, times, volts_exp, times_exp, list(Z)):
-            draw_double_signals(time,time_exp,volt,volt_exp,z,"z",output_path)
-    else:
-        amplitude, charge, risetime, velprof, difprof, volts, times= collect_data(path, "sim-TCT", pulse_energy_scale, 1e9, rel_z, 'fz_rel')
-        draw_graphs(amplitude,Z,"z","Amplitude",output_path)
-        draw_graphs(charge,Z,"z","Charge",output_path)
-        draw_graphs(risetime,Z,"z","RiseTime",output_path)
-        draw_graphs(velprof,Z,"z","VelProf",output_path)
-        draw_graphs(difprof,Z,"z","DifProf",output_path)
-def analysis_voltage(path,output_path,pulse_energy_scale):
-    V = array("d")
-    VN = array("i")
-    for L in range(60,220,20):
-        V.append(L)
-        VN.append(-L)
-    if "experiment" in sys.argv:
-        amplitude, charge, risetime, velprof, difprof, volts, times = collect_data(path, "sim-TCT", pulse_energy_scale, 1e9, V, 'voltage')
-        amplitude_exp, charge_exp, risetime_exp, velprof_exp, difprof_exp, volts_exp, times_exp = collect_data(path, "exp-TCT", 1, 1, VN, 'voltage')
-        draw_double_graphs(charge,charge_exp,V,V,"voltage","Charge",output_path)
-        for volt,time,volt_exp,time_exp,v in zip(volts, times, volts_exp, times_exp, list(V)):
-            draw_double_signals(time,time_exp,volt,volt_exp,v,"voltage",output_path)
-    else:
-        amplitude, charge, risetime, velprof, difprof, volts, times= collect_data(path, "sim-TCT", pulse_energy_scale, 1e9, V, 'voltage')
-        draw_graphs(charge,V,"voltage","Charge",output_path)
-def dif_cal():
-    lgad_paras = ["det_name=HPK-Si-LGAD","parfile=paras/setting.json"]
-    lgad_set = raser.Setting(lgad_paras)
-    my_lgad = raser.R3dDetector(lgad_set)
-    my_lgad_field = raser.FenicsCal(my_lgad,lgad_set.fenics)
-    field = array("d") # in [0,50]
-    dif = array("d")   # in [2,50]
-    E_2 = my_lgad_field.get_e_field(650,650,2)[2]
-    for i in range(0,51):
-        E = my_lgad_field.get_e_field(650,650,i)[2]
-        field.append(0.002*E)
-        if i not in range(2,51):
-            continue
-        fE = (E_2/E)**2
-        C = (350e-12*1e5*1e6/2)**2/2/np.log(2) # Ï„^2v^2
-        z1C0 = (6.8/2)**2 # w_0^2/4
-        z1C2 = 1.064**2/4/np.pi**2/(6.8/2)**2/11.9**2
-        z2 = 2.8
-        alpha = 9.87e-4
-        def f(x):
-            return np.exp(-alpha*x)*alpha/(C + (z1C2 * x**2 + z1C0) * fE + z2/2 * (fE-1))**0.5
-        n = 1301
-        x_list = np.linspace(0, 1300, n) # in cm
-        f_list = np.zeros(n)
-        for j in range(n):
-            f_list[j] = f(x_list[j])
-        int_f = 0
-        for j in range(n-1):
-            int_f += (f_list[j] + f_list[j+1]) * (x_list[j+1] - x_list[j]) /2
-        dif.append(int_f)
-    return field,dif
-def main():
-    path=sys.argv[1]
-    output_path=sys.argv[2]
-    if not os.access(output_path, os.F_OK):
-        os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) 
-    if 'LGAD' in path:
-        pulse_energy_scale = 1.58
-    else:
-        pulse_energy_scale = 1
-    # the pulse energy difference in experiment
-    analysis_depth(path,output_path,pulse_energy_scale)
-    analysis_voltage(path,output_path,pulse_energy_scale)             
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/tct/tct_signal.py b/tct/tct_signal.py
index e08a73adab33d52250b5edbd202e07435a546739..2af29b6ec5feeba376aed023a0e8568a49ebe881 100644
--- a/tct/tct_signal.py
+++ b/tct/tct_signal.py
@@ -1,73 +1,133 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
 import sys
-import raser
-from .save_TTree import save_signal_TTree
+import os
+import array
+import time
+import subprocess
+import json
+import time
-# TODO: Need to be rewritten!
+import ROOT
-import time
-from util.output import output
+from field import build_device as bdv
+from field import devsim_field as devfield
+from current import cal_current as ccrt
+from elec import readout as rdo
+from elec import ngspice_set_input as ngsip
+from elec import ngspice as ng
+from .source import TCTTracks
+from .save_TTree import save_signal_TTree
+from util.output import output, create_path
 from gen_signal.draw_save import draw_plots
-args = sys.argv[1:]
-start = time.time()
-dset = raser.Setting(args)
-if "parameter_alter=True" in args:
-    # need to put the changed value at the end of the parameter list
-    key,_,value=args[-1].rpartition('=')
-    value=float(value)
-    if key in dset.laser_paras:
-        dset.laser_paras.update({key:value})
-        key_string = str(dset.laser_paras[key])+key
-    elif key in dset.paras:
-        dset.paras.update({key:value})
-        key_string = str(dset.paras[key])+key
-    key_string = ""
-my_d = raser.R3dDetector(dset)
+def main(kwargs):
+    """
+    Description:
+        The main program of Raser induced current simulation      
+    Parameters:
+    ---------
+    dset : class
+        Parameters of simulation
+    Function or class:
+        Detector -- Define the basic parameters and mesh structure of the detector
+        DevsimCal -- Get the electric field and weighting potential 
+        Particles -- Electron and hole paris distibution
+        CalCurrent -- Drift of e-h pais and induced current
+        Amplifier -- Readout electronics simulation
+        draw_plots -- Draw electric field, drift path and energy deposition        
+    Modify:
+    ---------
+        2021/09/02
+    """
+    start = time.time()
-if('devsim' in args):
-    print("using devsim to build the field")
-    my_f = raser.DevsimCal(my_d, dset.det_name, dset.detector, dset.fenics)
-    print("using fenics to build the field")
-    my_f = raser.FenicsCal(my_d,dset.fenics)
+    det_name = kwargs['det_name']
+    my_d = bdv.Detector(det_name)
+    if kwargs['voltage'] != None:
+        voltage = float(kwargs['voltage'])
+    else:
+        voltage = float(my_d.voltage)
-my_l = raser.TCTTracks(my_d, dset.laser)
-my_current = raser.CalCurrentLaser(my_d, my_f, my_l)
-ele_current = raser.Amplifier(my_current, dset.amplifier)
-if "ngspice" in args:
-    my_current.save_current(dset,my_d,my_l,my_f,"fx_rel")
-    input_p=ngsip.set_input(dset,my_current,my_l,my_d,"fx_rel")
-    input_c=','.join(input_p)
-    with open('paras/circuitT1.cir', 'r') as f:
-        lines = f.readlines()
-        lines[113] = 'I1 2 0 PWL('+str(input_c)+') \n'
-        lines[140] = 'tran 0.1p ' + str((input_p[len(input_p) - 2])) + '\n'
-        lines[141] = 'wrdata output/t1.raw v(out)\n'
-        f.close()
-    with open('output/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
-        f.writelines(lines)
-        f.close()
-if "scan=True" in args: #assume parameter alter
-    save_signal_TTree(dset,my_d,key_string,ele_current,my_f)
-    if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
-        path = "output/" + "pintct/" + dset.det_name + "/"
-    elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
-        path = "output/" + "lgadtct/" + dset.det_name + "/"
+    if kwargs['laser'] != None:
+        laser = kwargs['laser']
+        laser_json = "./setting/laser/" + laser + ".json"
+        with open(laser_json) as f:
+            laser_dic = json.load(f)
+        # TCT must be with laser
         raise NameError
-    draw_plots(my_d,ele_current,my_f,None,my_current,my_l)
-if "draw_carrier" in label:
-    now = time.strftime("%Y_%m%d_%H%M")
-    path = output(__path__, now)
-    my_l.draw_nocarrier3D(path,my_l)
-    my_l.draw_nocarrier2D(path,my_l)
+    if kwargs['amplifier'] != None:
+        amplifier = kwargs['amplifier']
+    else:
+        amplifier = my_d.amplifier
+    if "strip" in det_name:
+        my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, my_d.read_ele_num, my_d.l_z)
+    else: 
+        my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, 1, my_d.l_z)
+    my_l = TCTTracks(my_d, laser_dic)
+    if "strip" in det_name:
+        pass
+    else: 
+        my_current = ccrt.CalCurrentLaser(my_d, my_f, my_l)
+    if 'ngspice' in amplifier:
+        save_current(my_d, my_current,my_f = devfield.DevsimField(my_d.device, my_d.dimension, voltage, 1, my_d.l_z), key=None)
+        input_p=ngsip.set_input(my_current, my_d, key=None)
+        input_c=','.join(input_p)
+        ng.ngspice_t0(input_c, input_p)
+        subprocess.run(['ngspice -b -r t0.raw output/T0_tmp.cir'], shell=True)
+        ng.plot_waveform()
+    else:
+        ele_current = rdo.Amplifier(my_current.sum_cu, amplifier)
+    if kwargs['scan'] != None: #assume parameter alter
+        key = my_l.fz_rel
+        save_signal_TTree(my_d,key,ele_current,my_f)
+        if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
+            path = "output/" + "pintct/" + my_d.det_name + "/"
+        elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
+            path = "output/" + "lgadtct/" + my_d.det_name + "/"
+        else:
+            raise NameError
+    else:
+        path = output(__file__, my_d.det_name, my_l.model)
+        draw_plots(my_d,ele_current,my_f,None,my_current,my_l,path)
+    print("total time used:%s"%(time.time()-start))
+#TODO: move this to calcurrent
+def save_current(my_d,my_current,my_f,key):
+    if "planar3D" in my_d.det_model or "planarRing" in my_d.det_model:
+        path = os.path.join('output', 'pintct', my_d.det_name, )
+    elif "lgad3D" in my_d.det_model:
+        path = os.path.join('output', 'lgadtct', my_d.det_name, )
+    create_path(path) 
+    L = eval("my_l.{}".format(key))
+    #L is defined by different keys
+    time = array('d', [999.])
+    current = array('d', [999.])
+    fout = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(path, "sim-TCT-current") + str(L) + ".root", "RECREATE")
+    t_out = ROOT.TTree("tree", "signal")
+    t_out.Branch("time", time, "time/D")
+    for i in range(my_current.read_ele_num):
+        t_out.Branch("current"+str(i), current, "current"+str(i)+"/D")
+        for j in range(my_current.n_bin):
+            current[0]=my_current.sum_cu[i].GetBinContent(j)
+            time[0]=j*my_current.t_bin
+            t_out.Fill()
+        t_out.Write()
+        fout.Close()
-print("total time used:%s"%(time.time()-start))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    args = sys.argv[1:]
+    kwargs = {}
+    for arg in args:
+        key, value = arg.split('=')
+        kwargs[key] = value
+    main(kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tct/tct_t1.py b/tct/tct_t1.py
index 5701fd72fdb1311889549c60b6b98b650b062c3c..7cc4d52d43cdd3b591794cd592f79e600663f996 100644
--- a/tct/tct_t1.py
+++ b/tct/tct_t1.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ my_f = raser.FenicsCal(my_d, dset.fenics)
 my_l = raser.TCTTracks(my_d, dset.laser)
 my_current = raser.CalCurrentLaser(my_d, my_f, my_l)
-ele_current = raser.Amplifier(my_current, dset.amplifier)
+ele_current = raser.Amplifier(my_current.sum_cu, dset.amplifier)
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ t_start = t1
 t_rise = t2 - t1
 t_fall = t3 - t2
-with open('paras/circuitT1.cir', 'r') as f:
+with open('param_file/circuit/T1.cir', 'r') as f:
     lines = f.readlines()
     lines[113] = 'I1 2 0 pulse(0 ' + str(c_max) + 'u ' + str(t_start) + 'n ' + str(t_rise) + 'n ' + str(t_fall) + 'n 0.00000001n ' + str((T_ele[len(T_ele) - 1])) + 'n 0)\n'
     lines[140] = 'tran 0.1p ' + str((T_ele[len(T_ele) - 1])) + 'n\n'
     lines[142] = 'wrdata output/t1.raw v(out)\n'
-with open('output/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
+with open('output/elec/T1_tmp.cir', 'w') as f:
diff --git a/util/batchjob.py b/util/batchjob.py
index 600ab2b306a0ddb2c9448d49f3c8ed6f7307539a..36ac65e99eacc36c108dcf4665740a19df1db263 100644
--- a/util/batchjob.py
+++ b/util/batchjob.py
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import subprocess
 import grp
 import pwd
+from util.output import create_path
 def main(destination_subfolder, command, args):
     test = vars(args)['test'] 
     stat_info = os.stat("./")
@@ -40,11 +42,6 @@ def submit_job(jobfile_name,destination_subfolder,group, test=False):
     run_cmd(command, test)
-def create_path(path):
-    """ If the path does not exit, create the path"""
-    if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
-        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) 
 def run_cmd(command, test=False):
     if test:
diff --git a/util/io_decorator.py b/util/io_decorator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3dcc74dd612e5d4960a949d57c1f35529af0cce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/io_decorator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import sys
+import io
+from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
+import importlib.util
+import inspect
+def io_decorator(func):
+    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            # Capture the standard output and error
+            stdout_buffer = io.StringIO()
+            stderr_buffer = io.StringIO()
+            with redirect_stdout(stdout_buffer), redirect_stderr(stderr_buffer):
+                func(*args, **kwargs)
+            # Get the output
+            stdout_output = stdout_buffer.getvalue()
+            stderr_output = stderr_buffer.getvalue()
+            print(f"Function '{func.__name__}' executed successfully.")
+            print("Standard Output:")
+            print(stdout_output)
+            if stderr_output:
+                print("Standard Error:")
+                print(stderr_output)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(f"Function '{func.__name__}' failed with an exception:", e)
+    return wrapper
diff --git a/util/math.py b/util/math.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d8c72aefeea4ec435fd98b9b98bd4ed7b60af6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/math.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+    Math Objects
+@Date       : 2024/09/19 20:57:33
+@Author     : Chenxi Fu
+@version    : 1.0
+import math
+from typing import Callable
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as p1d
+from scipy.interpolate import interp2d as p2d
+from scipy.interpolate import griddata
+from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator as LNDI
+import ROOT
+x_bin = 1000
+y_bin = 1000
+z_bin = 1000
+class Vector:
+    def __init__(self,a1,a2,a3):
+        self.components = [a1,a2,a3]
+    def cross(self,Vector_b):
+        """ Get vector cross product of self and another Vector"""
+        o1 = self.components[1]*Vector_b.components[2]-self.components[2]*Vector_b.components[1]
+        o2 = self.components[2]*Vector_b.components[0]-self.components[0]*Vector_b.components[2]
+        o3 = self.components[0]*Vector_b.components[1]-self.components[1]*Vector_b.components[0]
+        return Vector(o1,o2,o3)
+    def get_length(self):
+        " Return length of self"
+        return math.sqrt(self.components[0]*self.components[0]+self.components[1]*self.components[1]+self.components[2]*self.components[2])
+    def add(self,Vector_b):
+        " Return the sum of two Vectors. eg: [1,2,3]+[1,2,3] = [2,4,6]"
+        o1 = self.components[0]+Vector_b.components[0]
+        o2 = self.components[1]+Vector_b.components[1]
+        o3 = self.components[2]+Vector_b.components[2]
+        return Vector(o1,o2,o3)
+    def sub(self,Vector_b):
+        " Return the subtraction of two Vectors. eg: [1,2,3]-[1,2,3] = [0,0,0]"
+        o1 = self.components[0]-Vector_b.components[0]
+        o2 = self.components[1]-Vector_b.components[1]
+        o3 = self.components[2]-Vector_b.components[2]
+        return Vector(o1,o2,o3)
+    def mul(self,k):
+        " Return Vector multiplied by number. eg: 2 * [1,2,3] = [2,4,6]"
+        return Vector(self.components[0]*k,self.components[1]*k,self.components[2]*k)
+def get_common_interpolate_1d(data):
+    values = data['values']
+    points = data['points']
+    f = p1d(points, values)
+    return f
+def get_common_interpolate_2d(data):
+    values = data['values']
+    points_x = []
+    points_y = []
+    for point in data['points']:
+        points_x.append(point[0])
+        points_y.append(point[1])
+    new_x = np.linspace(min(points_x), max(points_x), x_bin)
+    new_y = np.linspace(min(points_y), max(points_y), y_bin)
+    new_points = np.array(np.meshgrid(new_x, new_y)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
+    new_values = griddata((points_x, points_y), values, new_points, method='linear')
+    f = p2d(new_x, new_y, new_values)
+    return f
+def get_common_interpolate_3d(data):
+    values = data['values']
+    points_x = []
+    points_y = []
+    points_z = []
+    for point in data['points']:
+        points_x.append(point[0])
+        points_y.append(point[1])
+        points_z.append(point[2])
+    new_x = np.linspace(min(points_x), max(points_x), x_bin)
+    new_y = np.linspace(min(points_y), max(points_y), y_bin)
+    new_z = np.linspace(min(points_z), max(points_z), z_bin)
+    new_points = np.array(np.meshgrid(new_x, new_y, new_z)).T.reshape(-1, 3)
+    new_values = griddata((points_x, points_y, points_z), values, new_points, method='linear')
+    lndi = LNDI(new_points, new_values)
+    def f(x, y, z):
+        point = [x, y, z]
+        return lndi(point)
+    return f
+def signal_convolution(signal_original: ROOT.TH1F, signal_convolved: ROOT.TH1F, pulse_responce_function_list: list[Callable[[float],float]]):
+    so = signal_original
+    sc = signal_convolved
+    st = ROOT.TH1F("signal_temp","signal_temp",so.GetNbinsX(),so.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),so.GetXaxis().GetXmax())
+    st.Reset()
+    st.Add(so)
+    t_bin = so.GetBinWidth(0) # for uniform bin
+    n_bin = so.GetNbinsX()
+    for pr in pulse_responce_function_list:
+        for i in range(n_bin):
+            st_i = st.GetBinContent(i)
+            for j in range(-i,n_bin-i): 
+                pr_j = pr(j*t_bin)
+                sc.Fill((i+j)*t_bin + 1e-14, st_i*pr_j*t_bin) # 1e-14 resolves float error
+        st.Reset()
+        st.Add(sc)
+        sc.Reset()
+    sc.Add(st)