diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 50ec59c80a3dadae5508209825f8041756271e40..6a2ad91f299f94bdff4a5feb1f0f98aac9785c71 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,37 +8,47 @@ Similar to JUNO Offline, two main structures exist: one is named **`algorithm`**
 ## How to use existing method
-source setup.sh // in the spmtOffline folder
+# The first time
+git clone https://code.ihep.ac.cn/wudr/SPMTOfflineForCommissioning.git
+cd SPMTOfflineForCommissioning
+source setup.sh
+# If the software was already compiled, only need to config the environment
+source setup.sh # in the SPMTOfflineForCommissioning folder
 ### Convert binary to ROOT
-python $SHAREROOT/convert.py --input [path of binary file list] --output [output path]
+python $SHAREROOT/convert.py --input [path of binary file list] --output [output path (folder only)]
+# example: python $SHAREROOT/convert.py --input ./rootList --output ./ROOT/
 ### Get charge spectrum
-python $SHAREROOT/getChargeSpec.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path]
+python $SHAREROOT/getChargeSpec.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path (folder only)]
 ### Get hit rate
-python $SHAREROOT/getHitRate.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path]
+python $SHAREROOT/getHitRate.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path (folder only)]
 ### Get hit rate distribution in xoy
-python $SHAREROOT/getHitRateDis.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path]
+python $SHAREROOT/getHitRateDis.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path (folder only)]
 ### Get time interval
-python $SHAREROOT/getTimeInterval.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path]
+python $SHAREROOT/getTimeInterval.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path (folder only)]
 ### Get noise per channel
-python $SHAREROOT/getNoise.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path]
+python $SHAREROOT/getNoise.py --input [path of ROOT file list] --output [output path (folder only)]
 ## Create your own algorithm