diff --git a/FWCore/CMakeLists.txt b/FWCore/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ddac21d7a011994871cbc5e43fdb535dd2afb1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Package: FWCore
-gaudi_subdir(FWCore v0r1)
-find_package(podio REQUIRED)
-find_package(plcio REQUIRED)
-find_package(LCIO REQUIRED)
-# this declaration will not be needed in the future
-gaudi_depends_on_subdirs(GaudiAlg GaudiKernel)
-# gaudi_install_scripts()
-		  src/*.cpp
-                  INCLUDE_DIRS podio ${LCIO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${plcio_INCLUDE_DIRS} ROOT
-                  LINK_LIBRARIES GaudiAlgLib GaudiKernel podio::podioRootIO ${LCIO_LIBRARIES} ${plcio_LIBRARIES} ROOT
-                  PUBLIC_HEADERS FWCore)
-                 src/components/*.cpp
-                 LINK_LIBRARIES GaudiAlgLib GaudiKernel FWCore ROOT)
diff --git a/FWCore/FWCore/DataHandle.h b/FWCore/FWCore/DataHandle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 642d082380a708cbe88a2becbf74fc98418a47a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/FWCore/DataHandle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/DataWrapper.h"
-#include "FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
-#include <GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h>
-#include <GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h>
-#include <GaudiKernel/Property.h>
-#include <GaudiKernel/ServiceLocatorHelper.h>
-#include "TTree.h"
-#include <type_traits>
-template <typename T>
-class DataHandle : public DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>> {
-  friend class Algorithm;
-  friend class AlgTool;
-  DataHandle();
-  /// Initialises mother class
-  DataHandle(DataObjID& descriptor, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode a, IDataHandleHolder* fatherAlg);
-  DataHandle(const std::string& k, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode a, IDataHandleHolder* fatherAlg);
-  /**
-   * Retrieve object from transient data store
-   */
-  const T* get();
-  /**
-   * Register object in transient store
-   */
-  void put(T* object);
-  /**
-  * Create and register object in transient store
-  */
-  T* createAndPut();
-  ServiceHandle<IDataProviderSvc> m_eds;
-  bool m_isGoodType{false};
-  bool m_isCollection{false};
-  T* m_dataPtr;
-template <typename T>
-DataHandle<T>::DataHandle(DataObjID& descriptor, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode a, IDataHandleHolder* fatherAlg)
-    : DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>(descriptor, a, fatherAlg), m_eds("EventDataSvc", "DataHandle") {
-template <typename T>
-DataHandle<T>::DataHandle(const std::string& descriptor, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode a, IDataHandleHolder* fatherAlg)
-    : DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>(descriptor, a, fatherAlg), m_eds("EventDataSvc", "DataHandle") {
-  if (a > 15) { // Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode is 'writer'
-  m_eds.retrieve();
-  PodioDataSvc* pds;
-  pds = dynamic_cast<PodioDataSvc*>( m_eds.get());
-  m_dataPtr = 0;
-  if (nullptr != pds) {
-    if (std::is_convertible<T*,podio::CollectionBase*>::value) {
-      // still handled in PodioOutput
-    } else {
-      TTree* tree = pds->eventDataTree();
-      tree->Branch(descriptor.c_str(),  &m_dataPtr);
-      }
-    }
-  }
- * Try to retrieve from the transient store. If the retrieval succeded and
- * this is the first time we retrieve, perform a dynamic cast to the desired
- * object. Then finally set the handle as Read.
- * If this is not the first time we cast and the cast worked, just use the
- * static cast: we do not need the checks of the dynamic cast for every access!
- */
-template <typename T>
-const T* DataHandle<T>::get() {
-  DataObject* dataObjectp = nullptr;
-  auto sc = m_eds->retrieveObject(DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>::fullKey().key(), dataObjectp);
-  if (LIKELY(sc.isSuccess())) {
-    if (UNLIKELY(!m_isGoodType && !m_isCollection)) {
-      // only do this once (if both are false after this, we throw exception)
-      m_isGoodType = nullptr != dynamic_cast<DataWrapper<T>*>(dataObjectp);
-      if (!m_isGoodType) {
-        auto tmp = dynamic_cast<DataWrapper<podio::CollectionBase>*>(dataObjectp);
-        if (tmp != nullptr) {
-          m_isCollection = nullptr != dynamic_cast<T*>(tmp->collectionBase());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (LIKELY(m_isGoodType)) {
-      DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>::setRead();
-      return static_cast<DataWrapper<T>*>(dataObjectp)->getData();
-    } else if (m_isCollection) {
-      // The reader does not know the specific type of the collection. So we need a reinterpret_cast if the handle was
-      // created by the reader.
-      DataWrapper<podio::CollectionBase>* tmp = static_cast<DataWrapper<podio::CollectionBase>*>(dataObjectp);
-      DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>::setRead();
-      return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(tmp->collectionBase());
-    } else {
-      std::string errorMsg("The type provided for " + DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>::toString() +
-                           " is different from the one of the object in the store.");
-      throw GaudiException(errorMsg, "wrong product type", StatusCode::FAILURE);
-    }
-  }
-  std::string msg("Could not retrieve product " + DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>::toString());
-  throw GaudiException(msg, "wrong product name", StatusCode::FAILURE);
-template <typename T>
-void DataHandle<T>::put(T* objectp) {
-  DataWrapper<T>* dw = new DataWrapper<T>();
-  m_dataPtr = objectp;
-  dw->setData(objectp);
-  DataObjectHandle<DataWrapper<T>>::put(dw);
- * Create the collection, put it in the DataObjectHandle and return the
- * pointer to the data. Call this function if you create a collection and
- * want to save it.
- */
-template <typename T>
-T* DataHandle<T>::createAndPut() {
-  T* objectp = new T();
-  this->put(objectp);
-  return objectp;
-// temporary to allow property declaration
-namespace Gaudi {
-template <class T>
-class Property<::DataHandle<T>&> : public ::DataObjectHandleProperty {
-  Property(const std::string& name, ::DataHandle<T>& value) : ::DataObjectHandleProperty(name, value) {}
-  /// virtual Destructor
-  virtual ~Property() {}
diff --git a/FWCore/FWCore/DataWrapper.h b/FWCore/FWCore/DataWrapper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ec7a48d1628767e94b527a875495ad720426c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/FWCore/DataWrapper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include <type_traits>
-// Include files
-#include "GaudiKernel/DataObject.h"
-#include "podio/CollectionBase.h"
-class GAUDI_API DataWrapperBase : public DataObject {
-  // ugly hack to circumvent the usage of boost::any yet
-  // DataSvc would need a templated register method
-  virtual podio::CollectionBase* collectionBase() = 0;
-  virtual ~DataWrapperBase(){};
-template <class T>
-class GAUDI_API DataWrapper : public DataWrapperBase {
-  DataWrapper() : DataWrapperBase(), m_data(nullptr){};
-  virtual ~DataWrapper();
-  const T* getData() { return m_data; }
-  void setData(T* data) { m_data = data; }
-  /// try to cast to collectionBase; may return nullptr;
-  virtual podio::CollectionBase* collectionBase();
-  T* m_data;
-template <class T>
-DataWrapper<T>::~DataWrapper<T>() {
-  if (m_data != nullptr) delete m_data;
-template <class T>
-podio::CollectionBase* DataWrapper<T>::collectionBase() {
-  if (std::is_base_of<podio::CollectionBase, T>::value) {
-    return reinterpret_cast<podio::CollectionBase*>(m_data);
-  }
-  return nullptr;
diff --git a/FWCore/FWCore/KeepDropSwitch.h b/FWCore/FWCore/KeepDropSwitch.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d4bd4c0bc2d7525056b18d6f34914a7faa7a488e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/FWCore/KeepDropSwitch.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s, char delim);
-int wildcmp(const char* wild, const char* string);
-class KeepDropSwitch {
-  enum Cmd { KEEP, DROP, UNKNOWN };
-  typedef std::vector<std::string> CommandLines;
-  KeepDropSwitch() {}
-  explicit KeepDropSwitch(const CommandLines& cmds) { m_commandlines = cmds; }
-  bool isOn(const std::string& astring) const;
-  bool getFlag(const std::string& astring) const;
-  Cmd extractCommand(const std::string cmdLine) const;
-  CommandLines m_commandlines;
-  mutable std::map<std::string, bool> m_cache;
diff --git a/FWCore/FWCore/LCIODataSvc.h b/FWCore/FWCore/LCIODataSvc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 74bf958bf2987b048192bb1031bbb40987ad4bf0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/FWCore/LCIODataSvc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#include "GaudiKernel/DataSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IConversionSvc.h"
-// LCIO
-#include "podio/CollectionBase.h"
-#include "podio/CollectionIDTable.h"
-#include "podio/EventStore.h"
-#include "podio/ROOTReader.h"
-#include "IO/LCReader.h"
-#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticle.h"
-#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
-#include "src/components/LCIO2Plcio.h"
-#include <utility>
-// Forward declarations
-/** @class LCIOEvtSvc EvtDataSvc.h
- *
- *   An EvtDataSvc for LCIO classes
- *
- *  @author B. Hegner
- */
-class LCIODataSvc : public DataSvc {
-  typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>> CollRegistry;
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode reinitialize();
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
-  virtual StatusCode clearStore();
-  /// Standard Constructor
-  LCIODataSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc);
-  /// Standard Destructor
-  virtual ~LCIODataSvc();
-  // Use DataSvc functionality except where we override
-  using DataSvc::registerObject;
-  /// Overriding standard behaviour of evt service
-  /// Register object with the data store.
-  virtual StatusCode registerObject(const std::string& fullPath, DataObject* pObject) final;
-  StatusCode readCollection(const std::string& collectionName, int collectionID);
-  virtual const CollRegistry& getCollections() const { return m_collections; }
-  virtual const CollRegistry& getReadCollections() const { return m_readCollections; }
-  virtual podio::CollectionIDTable* getCollectionIDs() { return m_collectionIDs; }
-  /// Set the collection IDs (if reading a file)
-  void setCollectionIDs(podio::CollectionIDTable* collectionIds);
-  /// Resets caches of reader and event store, increases event counter
-  void endOfRead();
-  TTree* eventDataTree() {return m_eventDataTree;}
-  EVENT::LCEvent* evt = nullptr;
-  // eventDataTree
-  TTree* m_eventDataTree;
-  /// LCIO reader for ROOT files
-  IO::LCReader* m_reader;
-  /// LCIO reader for ROOT files
-  plcio::EventHeaderCollection* pl_evtcol;
-  /// the handle of DataProvider
-  IDataProviderSvc* m_pIDP{nullptr};
-  /// podio::ROOTReader m_reader;
-  /// LCIO EventStore, used to initialise collections
-  /// podio::EventStore m_provider;
-  /// Counter of the event number
-  int m_eventNum{0};
-  /// Number of events in the file / to process
-  int m_eventMax{-1};
-  /// the current file index in the m_filenames vector
-  int m_fileIndex{0};
-  SmartIF<IConversionSvc> m_cnvSvc;
-  // special members for podio handling
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>> m_collections;
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>> m_readCollections;
-  podio::CollectionIDTable* m_collectionIDs;
-//  bool exist_MCP = false;
-  LCIO2Plcio cvtor;
-//  EVENT::LCCollection* mcpcol_lc;
-//  plcio::MCParticleCollection* mcpcol_pl;
-  /// ROOT file name the input is read from. Set by option filename
-  std::vector<std::string> m_filenames;
-  std::string m_filename;
diff --git a/FWCore/FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h b/FWCore/FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d9bc830bc3bd228a526a9aca1b7ea871478347..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#include "GaudiKernel/DataSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IConversionSvc.h"
-#include "podio/CollectionBase.h"
-#include "podio/CollectionIDTable.h"
-#include "podio/EventStore.h"
-#include "podio/ROOTReader.h"
-#include <utility>
-// Forward declarations
-/** @class PodioEvtSvc EvtDataSvc.h
- *
- *   An EvtDataSvc for PODIO classes
- *
- *  @author B. Hegner
- */
-class PodioDataSvc : public DataSvc {
-  typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>> CollRegistry;
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  virtual StatusCode reinitialize();
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
-  virtual StatusCode clearStore();
-  /// Standard Constructor
-  PodioDataSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc);
-  /// Standard Destructor
-  virtual ~PodioDataSvc();
-  // Use DataSvc functionality except where we override
-  using DataSvc::registerObject;
-  /// Overriding standard behaviour of evt service
-  /// Register object with the data store.
-  virtual StatusCode registerObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view fullPath, DataObject* pObject) override final;
-  StatusCode readCollection(const std::string& collectionName, int collectionID);
-  virtual const CollRegistry& getCollections() const { return m_collections; }
-  virtual const CollRegistry& getReadCollections() const { return m_readCollections; }
-  virtual podio::CollectionIDTable* getCollectionIDs() { return m_collectionIDs; }
-  /// Set the collection IDs (if reading a file)
-  void setCollectionIDs(podio::CollectionIDTable* collectionIds);
-  /// Resets caches of reader and event store, increases event counter
-  void endOfRead();
-  TTree* eventDataTree() {return m_eventDataTree;}
-  // eventDataTree
-  TTree* m_eventDataTree;
-  /// PODIO reader for ROOT files
-  podio::ROOTReader m_reader;
-  /// PODIO EventStore, used to initialise collections
-  podio::EventStore m_provider;
-  /// Counter of the event number
-  int m_eventNum{0};
-  /// Number of events in the file / to process
-  int m_eventMax{-1};
-  SmartIF<IConversionSvc> m_cnvSvc;
-  // special members for podio handling
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>> m_collections;
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>> m_readCollections;
-  podio::CollectionIDTable* m_collectionIDs;
-  /// ROOT file name the input is read from. Set by option filename
-  std::vector<std::string> m_filenames;
-  std::string m_filename;
diff --git a/FWCore/python/FWCore/__init__.py b/FWCore/python/FWCore/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/FWCore/python/FWCore/dump_joboptions.py b/FWCore/python/FWCore/dump_joboptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf71c9aa02ca604f7c25c2777ed3f9e7cd00246..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/python/FWCore/dump_joboptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import ROOT
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Job Options Dumper')
-parser.add_argument( dest='fname', type=str, help="name of file to read")
-def dump_joboptions(filename):
-  """ Simple and straightforward dump of the output of Gaudi's JobOptionsSvc
-  to stdout.
-  Parameters
-  ----------
-  filename: str
-      The name of the CEPCSW output file containing joboptions to print
-  """
-  f = ROOT.TFile(filename)
-  t = f.metadata
-  for event in t:
-      s =  event.gaudiConfigOptions
-      for e in s:
-          print(e)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    dump_joboptions(args.fname)
diff --git a/FWCore/python/FWCore/joboptions.py b/FWCore/python/FWCore/joboptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f8173d837c452551803be2690acb6d5e513ff2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/python/FWCore/joboptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-def parse_standard_job_options(scriptname=""):
-    """
-    Returns the parsed arguments, adding a parser with commonly needed opts:
-    - args.nevents      -- number of events (int), specify with --nevents
-    - args.inputfile    -- the input file (string), specify with --inputfile
-    - args.outputfile   -- the output file (string), specify with --outputfile
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('--inputfile', type=str, default='', help='specify an input file')
-    parser.add_argument('--outputfile', type=str, default='', help='specify an output file')
-    parser.add_argument('--nevents', type=int, default=None, help='specify number of events to process')
-    args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
-    return args
diff --git a/FWCore/src/KeepDropSwitch.cpp b/FWCore/src/KeepDropSwitch.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6617c03208e39556e2594ebe48d7bf0c29796b8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/KeepDropSwitch.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/KeepDropSwitch.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-int wildcmp(const char* wild, const char* string) {
-  // Written by Jack Handy - <A href="mailto:jakkhandy@hotmail.com">jakkhandy@hotmail.com</A>
-  const char *cp = nullptr, *mp = nullptr;
-  while ((*string) && (*wild != '*')) {
-    if ((*wild != *string) && (*wild != '?')) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    wild++;
-    string++;
-  }
-  while (*string) {
-    if (*wild == '*') {
-      if (!*++wild) {
-        return 1;
-      }
-      mp = wild;
-      cp = string + 1;
-    } else if ((*wild == *string) || (*wild == '?')) {
-      wild++;
-      string++;
-    } else {
-      wild = mp;
-      string = cp++;
-    }
-  }
-  while (*wild == '*') {
-    wild++;
-  }
-  return !*wild;
-std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s, char delim) {
-  std::vector<std::string> elems;
-  std::stringstream ss(s);
-  std::string item;
-  while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {
-    if (item != "") elems.push_back(item);
-  }
-  return elems;
-bool KeepDropSwitch::isOn(const std::string& astring) const {
-  typedef std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator MIter;
-  MIter im = m_cache.find(astring);
-  if (im != m_cache.end())
-    return im->second;
-  else {
-    bool val = getFlag(astring);
-    m_cache.insert(std::pair<std::string, bool>(astring, val));
-    return val;
-  }
-bool KeepDropSwitch::getFlag(const std::string& astring) const {
-  bool flag = true;
-  for (const auto& cmdline : m_commandlines) {
-    std::vector<std::string> words = split(cmdline, ' ');
-    if (words.size() != 2) {
-      std::ostringstream msg;
-      msg << "malformed command string : " << cmdline;
-      throw std::invalid_argument(msg.str());
-    }
-    std::string cmd = words[0];
-    std::string pattern = words[1];
-    Cmd theCmd = UNKNOWN;
-    if (cmd == "keep")
-      theCmd = KEEP;
-    else if (cmd == "drop")
-      theCmd = DROP;
-    else {
-      std::ostringstream msg;
-      msg << "malformed command in line: " << std::endl;
-      msg << cmdline << std::endl;
-      msg << "should be keep or drop, lower case" << std::endl;
-      throw std::invalid_argument(msg.str());
-    }
-    bool match = wildcmp(pattern.c_str(), astring.c_str());
-    if (not match)
-      continue;
-    else if (theCmd == KEEP)
-      flag = true;
-    else
-      flag = false;
-  }
-  return flag;
-KeepDropSwitch::Cmd KeepDropSwitch::extractCommand(const std::string cmdline) const {
-  std::vector<std::string> words = split(cmdline, ' ');
-  for (auto& word : words)
-    std::cout << "'" << word << "' ";
-  std::cout << std::endl;
-  return UNKNOWN;
diff --git a/FWCore/src/PodioDataSvc.cpp b/FWCore/src/PodioDataSvc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c2920e12f90f95a147d03d9480c5ab805881b88d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/PodioDataSvc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IConversionSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IEventProcessor.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
-#include "FWCore/DataWrapper.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-/// Service initialisation
-StatusCode PodioDataSvc::initialize() {
-  // Nothing to do: just call base class initialisation
-  StatusCode status = DataSvc::initialize();
-  ISvcLocator* svc_loc = serviceLocator();
-  // Attach data loader facility
-  m_cnvSvc = svc_loc->service("EventPersistencySvc");
-  status = setDataLoader(m_cnvSvc);
-  if (m_filename != "") {
-    m_filenames.push_back(m_filename);
-  }
-  if (m_filenames.size() > 0) {
-    if (m_filenames[0] != "") {
-      m_reader.openFiles(m_filenames);
-      m_eventMax = m_reader.getEntries();
-      auto idTable = m_reader.getCollectionIDTable();
-      setCollectionIDs(idTable);
-      m_provider.setReader(&m_reader);
-    }
-  }
-  return status;
-/// Service reinitialisation
-StatusCode PodioDataSvc::reinitialize() {
-  // Do nothing for this service
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// Service finalization
-StatusCode PodioDataSvc::finalize() {
-  m_cnvSvc = 0;  // release
-  DataSvc::finalize().ignore();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PodioDataSvc::clearStore() {
-  for (auto& collNamePair : m_collections) {
-    if (collNamePair.second != nullptr) {
-      collNamePair.second->clear();
-    }
-  }
-  for (auto& collNamePair : m_readCollections) {
-    if (collNamePair.second != nullptr) {
-      collNamePair.second->clear();
-    }
-  }
-  DataSvc::clearStore().ignore();
-  m_collections.clear();
-  m_readCollections.clear();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void PodioDataSvc::endOfRead() {
-  if (m_eventMax != -1) {
-    m_provider.clearCaches();
-    m_reader.endOfEvent();
-    if ( ++m_eventNum >= m_eventMax ) {
-      info() << "Reached end of file with event " << m_eventMax << endmsg;
-      IEventProcessor* eventProcessor;
-      service("ApplicationMgr", eventProcessor);
-      eventProcessor->stopRun();
-    }
-  }
-void PodioDataSvc::setCollectionIDs(podio::CollectionIDTable* collectionIds) {
-  if (m_collectionIDs != nullptr) {
-    delete m_collectionIDs;
-  }
-  m_collectionIDs = collectionIds;
-/// Standard Constructor
-PodioDataSvc::PodioDataSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc)
-    : DataSvc(name, svc), m_collectionIDs(new podio::CollectionIDTable()) {
-  m_eventDataTree = new TTree("events", "Events tree");
-    }
-/// Standard Destructor
-PodioDataSvc::~PodioDataSvc() {}
-StatusCode PodioDataSvc::readCollection(const std::string& collName, int collectionID) {
-  podio::CollectionBase* collection(nullptr);
-  m_provider.get(collectionID, collection);
-  auto wrapper = new DataWrapper<podio::CollectionBase>;
-  int id = m_collectionIDs->add(collName);
-  collection->setID(id);
-  wrapper->setData(collection);
-  m_readCollections.emplace_back(std::make_pair(collName, collection));
-  return DataSvc::registerObject("/Event", "/" + collName, wrapper);
-StatusCode PodioDataSvc::registerObject(std::string_view parentPath, std::string_view fullPath, DataObject* pObject) {
-  DataWrapperBase* wrapper = dynamic_cast<DataWrapperBase*>(pObject);
-  if (wrapper != nullptr) {
-    podio::CollectionBase* coll = wrapper->collectionBase();
-    if (coll != nullptr) {
-      size_t pos = fullPath.find_last_of("/");
-      std::string shortPath(fullPath.substr(pos + 1, fullPath.length()));
-      int id = m_collectionIDs->add(shortPath);
-      coll->setID(id);
-      m_collections.emplace_back(std::make_pair(shortPath, coll));
-    }
-  }
-  return DataSvc::registerObject(parentPath, fullPath, pObject);
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/CEPCDataSvc.cpp b/FWCore/src/components/CEPCDataSvc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0325578c04befbdc4f25235749a85c6f94883814..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/CEPCDataSvc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include "CEPCDataSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IConversionSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
-// Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create
-// instances of this service
-/// Standard Constructor
-CEPCDataSvc::CEPCDataSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc)
-    : PodioDataSvc(name, svc)
-  declareProperty("inputs", m_filenames = {}, "Names of the files to read");
-  declareProperty("input", m_filename = "", "Name of the file to read");
-/// Standard Destructor
-CEPCDataSvc::~CEPCDataSvc() {}
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/CEPCDataSvc.h b/FWCore/src/components/CEPCDataSvc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ff3878d76ac3f2d5d4dab236eb26ceab22149fd4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/CEPCDataSvc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h"
-class CEPCDataSvc : public PodioDataSvc
-  /// Standard Constructor
-  CEPCDataSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc);
-  /// Standard Destructor
-  virtual ~CEPCDataSvc();
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/LCIO2Plcio.cpp b/FWCore/src/components/LCIO2Plcio.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 72cd688a9469a06c26113ec76aaf5be6df189d39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/LCIO2Plcio.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-#include "LCIO2Plcio.h"
-#include "lcio.h"
-#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h" 
-#include "plcio/MCParticle.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticleConst.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
-#include "plcio/LCRunHeader.h"
-#include "plcio/LCRunHeaderCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
-typedef std::vector<EVENT::MCParticle*> MCParticleVec ;
-CollectionsMap LCIO2Plcio::map_cols;
-std::string LCIO2Plcio::CollName;
-void lp_info(std::string s){
-  printf("[LCIO2Plcio]:\t\t%s.\n", &s[0]);
-template<typename T>
-static plcio::FloatThree FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(const T* vpos){
-  float tmp[3];
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<3; i++){
-    tmp[i] = vpos[i];
-  }
-  return plcio::FloatThree(tmp);
-template<typename T>
-static plcio::FloatThree FloatThreeFROMFloatVec(std::vector<T> vec){
-  float tmp[3];
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<3; i++){
-    tmp[i] = vec[i];
-  }
-  return plcio::FloatThree(tmp);
-template<typename T>
-static plcio::DoubleThree DoubleThreeFROMConstPtr(const T* vpos){
-  double tmp[3];
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
-    tmp[i] = vpos[i];
-  return plcio::DoubleThree(tmp);
-std::array<float, 6> vec6_2_arr6(std::vector<float> vec){
-  std::array<float, 6> arr;
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<6; i++){
-    arr[i] = vec[i];
-  }
-  return arr;
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("MCParticle", Convertor_MCParticle));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("LCRunHeader", Convertor_LCRunHeader));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("SimTrackerHit", Convertor_SimTrackerHit));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("SimCalorimeterHit", Convertor_SimCalorimeterHit));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("Cluster", Convertor_Cluster));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("Track", Convertor_Track));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("TrackerHit", Convertor_TrackerHit));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("TPCHit", Convertor_TPCHit));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("ReconstructedParticle", Convertor_ReconstructedParticle));
-  map_cvt.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, fptr>("ParticleID", Convertor_ParticleID));
-LCIO2Plcio::LCIO2Plcio(EVENT::LCCollection* collection){
-  LCIO2Plcio();
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_LCRunHeader(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::LCRunHeaderCollection* pl_col = new plcio::LCRunHeaderCollection();
-  // Convert basic info from LCIO to plcio;
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-      EVENT::LCRunHeader* lc_var = (EVENT::LCRunHeader*) lc_col->getElementAt(i) ;
-      plcio::LCRunHeader pl_var = (plcio::LCRunHeader) pl_col->create();
-      pl_var.setRunNumber( lc_var->getRunNumber() );
-      pl_var.setDetectorName( lc_var->getDetectorName() );
-      pl_var.setDescription( lc_var->getDescription() );
-      std::vector<std::string> vec_dct = *(lc_var->getActiveSubdetectors());
-      for( unsigned j=0,N=vec_dct.size(); j<N; j++){
-        pl_var.addActiveSubdetector( vec_dct[j] );
-      }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-void LCIO2Plcio::setMCParticle(EVENT::MCParticle* lc_var, plcio::MCParticle& pl_var){
-  pl_var.setPDG( lc_var->getPDG() );
-  pl_var.setGeneratorStatus( lc_var->getGeneratorStatus() );
-  pl_var.setSimulatorStatus( lc_var->getSimulatorStatus() );
-  pl_var.setCharge( lc_var->getCharge() );
-  pl_var.setTime( lc_var->getTime() );
-  pl_var.setMass( lc_var->getMass() );
-  pl_var.setStopped( lc_var->isStopped() );
-  pl_var.setOverlay( lc_var->isOverlay() );
-  pl_var.setBackscatter( lc_var->isBackscatter() );
-  pl_var.setDecayedInTracker( lc_var->isDecayedInTracker() );
-  pl_var.setDecayedInCalorimeter( lc_var->isDecayedInCalorimeter() );
-  pl_var.setCreatedInSimulation( lc_var->isCreatedInSimulation() );
-  pl_var.setVertexIsNotEndpointOfParent( lc_var->vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent() );
-  pl_var.setHasLeftDetector( lc_var->hasLeftDetector() );
-  pl_var.setSpin( plcio::FloatThree( lc_var->getSpin() ) );
-  pl_var.setColorFlow( plcio::IntTwo( lc_var->getColorFlow() ) );
-  pl_var.setVertex( plcio::DoubleThree( lc_var->getVertex()));
-  pl_var.setEndpoint( plcio::DoubleThree( lc_var->getEndpoint() ) );
-  pl_var.setMomentum( FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getMomentum()) );
-  pl_var.setMomentumAtEndpoint( FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getMomentumAtEndpoint()) );
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_MCParticle(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::MCParticleCollection* pl_col = new plcio::MCParticleCollection();
-  // Convert basic info from LCIO to plcio;
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-      EVENT::MCParticle* lc_var = (EVENT::MCParticle*) lc_col->getElementAt(i) ;
-      plcio::MCParticle pl_var = (plcio::MCParticle) pl_col->create();
-      setMCParticle(lc_var, pl_var);
-      // dealing each of 'Parents' of lcio::MCParticle ;
-      const MCParticleVec& veclc = lc_var->getParents();
-      for(unsigned j=0; j<veclc.size(); j++){
-        EVENT::MCParticle* vlcreg = veclc[j];
-        for(unsigned k=0; k<i; ++k){
-          if(((EVENT::MCParticle*) lc_col->getElementAt(k)) == vlcreg){
-            // A loop for plcio's MCParticleCollection to recover plcio's relationship;
-            plcio::MCParticle mcprt = pl_col->at(k);
-            pl_var.addParent(mcprt);
-            mcprt.addDaughter(pl_var);        
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_SimTrackerHit(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::SimTrackerHitCollection* pl_col = new plcio::SimTrackerHitCollection();
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-    EVENT::SimTrackerHit* lc_var = (EVENT::SimTrackerHit*) lc_col->getElementAt(i) ;
-    plcio::SimTrackerHit pl_var = (plcio::SimTrackerHit) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setCellID0( lc_var->getCellID0() );
-    pl_var.setCellID1( lc_var->getCellID1() );
-    pl_var.setEDep( lc_var->getEDep() );
-    pl_var.setTime( lc_var->getTime() );
-    pl_var.setPathLength( lc_var->getPathLength() );
-    pl_var.setQuality( lc_var->getQuality() );
-    pl_var.setPosition( lc_var->getPosition() );
-    pl_var.setMomentum( lc_var->getMomentum() );
-    pl_var.setOverlay( lc_var->isOverlay() );
-    pl_var.setProducedBySecondary( lc_var->isProducedBySecondary() );
-    // Looping the LCIO::MCParticleCollection to pick Particle for Hits;
-    CollectionsVec vec_mcp;
-    vec_mcp = map_cols["MCParticle"];
-    EVENT::LCCollection* hitcol_lc = (EVENT::LCCollection*) vec_mcp[0].first;
-    plcio::MCParticleCollection* hitcol_pl = (plcio::MCParticleCollection*) vec_mcp[0].second;
-    int index = -1;
-    // search corresponding MCParticleCollection*;
-    EVENT::MCParticle* mcptr_reg = lc_var->getMCParticle();
-    for( unsigned j=0, M=hitcol_lc->getNumberOfElements(); j<M; ++j){
-      EVENT::MCParticle* mcpin_lc = (EVENT::MCParticle*) hitcol_lc->getElementAt(j);
-      if( mcpin_lc == mcptr_reg ){
-	index = j;
-      }
-    }
-//    if( index != -1) lp_info("Cedar: Convertor SimTrackerHit Success.");
-    bool is_empty = false;
-    if( index == -1){
-      if(mcptr_reg == nullptr) is_empty = true;
-//      lp_info("Convertor SimTrackerHit Problem.");
-//      printf("LCCollection size: %d\n", hitcol_lc->getNumberOfElements());
-//      printf("MCParticleCollection size: %d\n", hitcol_pl->size());
-//      printf("Index: %d\n", index);
-    }
-    if( is_empty == false )
-      pl_var.setMCParticle( hitcol_pl->at(index) );
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_SimCalorimeterHit(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::SimCalorimeterHitCollection* pl_col = new plcio::SimCalorimeterHitCollection();
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-    EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit* lc_var = (EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::SimCalorimeterHit pl_var = (plcio::SimCalorimeterHit) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setCellID0( lc_var->getCellID0() );
-    pl_var.setCellID1( lc_var->getCellID1() );
-    pl_var.setEnergy( lc_var->getEnergy() );
-    pl_var.setPosition( FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getPosition()) );
-    // converting from lc_var to pl_var on the contribution variables;
-    for( unsigned j=0, N=lc_var->getNMCContributions(); j<N; j++){
-      plcio::ConstCaloHitContribution tmp(
-	lc_var->getPDGCont(j), lc_var->getEnergyCont(j),
-	lc_var->getTimeCont(j), FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getStepPosition(j)) 
-      );
-      pl_var.addContribution( tmp );
-    }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_Cluster(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::ClusterCollection* pl_col = new plcio::ClusterCollection();
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-    EVENT::Cluster* lc_var = (EVENT::Cluster*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::Cluster pl_var = (plcio::Cluster) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setType(lc_var->getType());
-    pl_var.setEnergy(lc_var->getEnergy());
-    pl_var.setEnergyError(lc_var->getEnergyError());
-    pl_var.setPhi(lc_var->getIPhi());
-    pl_var.setITheta(lc_var->getITheta());
-    pl_var.setPosition( FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getPosition()) );
-    pl_var.setPositionError( vec6_2_arr6(lc_var->getPositionError()) );
-    pl_var.setDirectionError( FloatThreeFROMFloatVec(lc_var->getDirectionError()) );
-    std::vector<float> lcio_seq0 = lc_var->getShape();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq0.size(); j++){
-      pl_var.addShap( lcio_seq0[j] );
-    }
-    lcio_seq0 = lc_var->getHitContributions();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq0.size(); j++){
-      pl_var.addHitContribution( lcio_seq0[j] );
-    }
-    lcio_seq0 = lc_var->getSubdetectorEnergies();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq0.size(); j++){
-      pl_var.addSubdetectorEnergie( lcio_seq0[j] );
-    }
-    EVENT::ParticleIDVec lcio_seq1 = lc_var->getParticleIDs();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq1.size(); j++){
-      EVENT::ParticleID* lc_locx = lcio_seq1[j];
-      pl_var.addParticleID( plcio::ConstParticleID(
-        lc_locx->getType(), 
-	lc_locx->getPDG(),
-	lc_locx->getAlgorithmType(), 
-	lc_locx->getLikelihood()
-      ) );
-    }
-    EVENT::CalorimeterHitVec lcio_seq2 = lc_var->getCalorimeterHits();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq2.size(); j++){
-      EVENT::CalorimeterHit* lc_locx = lcio_seq2[j];
-      podio::CollectionIDTable col2id;
-      plcio::ObjectID tmp;
-      tmp.index = i;
-      tmp.collectionID = col2id.collectionID(CollName);
-      pl_var.addHit( plcio::ConstCalorimeterHit(
-        lc_locx->getCellID0(),
-        lc_locx->getCellID1(),
-        lc_locx->getEnergy(),
-        lc_locx->getEnergyError(),
-        lc_locx->getTime(),
-        FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_locx->getPosition()),
-        lc_locx->getType(),
-        tmp
-      ) );
-    }
-  }
-  for(unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); i<N; i++){
-    EVENT::Cluster* lc_var = (EVENT::Cluster*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::Cluster pl_var = pl_col->at(i);
-    EVENT::ClusterVec lcio_seq3 = lc_var->getClusters();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq3.size(); j++){
-      for(unsigned k=0,K=lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); k<K; k++){
-        if(lcio_seq3[j] == lc_col->getElementAt(k)){
-          pl_var.addCluster(pl_col->at(k));
-	  break;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-// QUEST::isAvailable dows not analyze;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_ParticleID(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::ParticleIDCollection* pl_col = new plcio::ParticleIDCollection();
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-    EVENT::ParticleID* lc_var = (EVENT::ParticleID*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::ParticleID pl_var = (plcio::ParticleID) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setType( lc_var->getType() );
-    pl_var.setPDG( lc_var->getPDG() );
-    pl_var.setAlgorythmType( lc_var->getAlgorithmType() );
-    pl_var.setLikelihood( lc_var->getLikelihood() );
-    EVENT::FloatVec vec_float = lc_var->getParameters();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<vec_float.size(); j++){
-      pl_var.addParameter(vec_float[j]);
-    }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_ReconstructedParticle(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::ReconstructedParticleCollection* pl_col = new plcio::ReconstructedParticleCollection();
-  for(unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); i<N; i++){
-    EVENT::ReconstructedParticle* lc_var = (EVENT::ReconstructedParticle*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::ReconstructedParticle pl_var = (plcio::ReconstructedParticle) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setType( lc_var->getType() );
-    pl_var.setEnergy( lc_var->getEnergy() );
-    pl_var.setCharge( lc_var->getCharge() );
-    pl_var.setMass( lc_var->getMass() );
-    pl_var.setGoodnessOfPID( lc_var->getGoodnessOfPID() );
-    pl_var.setMomentum( FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getMomentum()) );
-    pl_var.setReferencePoint( FloatThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getReferencePoint()) );
-    std::vector<float> vec = lc_var->getCovMatrix();
-    for(unsigned j=0,N=vec.size(); j<N; j++){
-      pl_var.setCovMatrix( j, vec[j] );
-    }
-    // QUEST: boolean to int: isPrimary, str2int: getAlgorithmType;
-    // pl_var.setStartVertex( lc_var->getStartVertex() ) 
-    // ignorant;
-    std::array<float, 6> arr_6;
-    EVENT::FloatVec fvec = lc_var->getStartVertex()->getCovMatrix();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<6; j++){
-      arr_6[j] = fvec[j];
-    }
-    pl_var.setStartVertex( plcio::ConstVertex(
-      lc_var->getStartVertex()->isPrimary(),
-      lc_var->getStartVertex()->getChi2(),
-      lc_var->getStartVertex()->getProbability(),
-      FloatThreeFROMConstPtr( lc_var->getStartVertex()->getPosition() ),
-      arr_6,
-      0
-      //lc_var->getStartVertex()->getAlgorithmType()
-    ) );
-    //pl_var.setParticleIDUsed( lc_var->getParticleIDUsed() );
-    EVENT::ParticleID* lc_locx = lc_var->getParticleIDUsed();
-    CollectionsVec vec_cols = map_cols["ParticleID"];
-    EVENT::LCCollection* lc_mapcol = (EVENT::LCCollection*)vec_cols[0].first;
-    plcio::ParticleIDCollection* pl_mapcol = (plcio::ParticleIDCollection*)vec_cols[0].second;
-    for(unsigned k=0, LCsize=lc_mapcol->getNumberOfElements(); k<LCsize; k++){
-      if(lc_locx == lc_mapcol->getElementAt(k))
-        pl_var.setParticleIDUsed(pl_mapcol->at(k));
-    }
-    //pl_var.addCluster();
-    std::vector<EVENT::Cluster*> vec_clust = lc_var->getClusters();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<vec_clust.size(); j++){
-      CollectionsVec vec_cols = map_cols["Cluster"];
-      EVENT::LCCollection* lc_mapcol = (EVENT::LCCollection*)vec_cols[0].first;
-      plcio::ClusterCollection* pl_mapcol = (plcio::ClusterCollection*)vec_cols[0].second;
-      for(unsigned k=0; k<lc_mapcol->getNumberOfElements(); k++){
-        if( vec_clust[j] == lc_mapcol->getElementAt(k) )
-          pl_var.addCluster( pl_mapcol->at(k) );
-      }
-    }
-    //pl_var.addTrack();
-    EVENT::TrackVec vec_track = lc_var->getTracks();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<vec_track.size(); j++){
-      CollectionsVec vec_cols = map_cols["Track"];
-      EVENT::LCCollection* lc_mapcol = (EVENT::LCCollection*)vec_cols[0].first;
-      plcio::TrackCollection* pl_mapcol = (plcio::TrackCollection*)vec_cols[0].second;
-      for(unsigned k=0; k<lc_mapcol->getNumberOfElements(); k++)
-        if(vec_track[j] == lc_mapcol->getElementAt(k))
-          pl_var.addTrack(pl_mapcol->at(k));
-    }
-    //pl_var.addParticleID( lc->getParticleIDs);
-    EVENT::ParticleIDVec vec_ParticleID = lc_var->getParticleIDs();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<vec_ParticleID.size(); j++){
-      CollectionsVec vec_cols = map_cols["ParticleID"];
-      EVENT::LCCollection* lc_mapcol = (EVENT::LCCollection*)vec_cols[0].first;
-      plcio::ParticleIDCollection* pl_mapcol = (plcio::ParticleIDCollection*)vec_cols[0].second;
-      for(unsigned k=0,M=lc_mapcol->getNumberOfElements(); k<M; k++){
-        if(vec_ParticleID[j] == lc_mapcol->getElementAt(k))
-          pl_var.addParticleID( pl_mapcol->at(k) );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //pl_var.addParticle();
-  for(unsigned i=0, N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); i<N; i++){
-    EVENT::ReconstructedParticle* lc_var = (EVENT::ReconstructedParticle*)lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    EVENT::ReconstructedParticleVec vec_RecPtc = lc_var->getParticles();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<vec_RecPtc.size(); j++){
-      for(unsigned k=0, M=lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); k<M; k++){
-        if(vec_RecPtc[j] == lc_col->getElementAt(k))
-          pl_col->at(i).addParticle( pl_col->at(k) );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_TrackerHit(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::TrackerHitCollection* pl_col = new plcio::TrackerHitCollection();
-  for(unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); i<N; i++){
-    EVENT::TrackerHit* lc_var = (EVENT::TrackerHit*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::TrackerHit  pl_var = (plcio::TrackerHit) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setCellID0(lc_var->getCellID0());
-    pl_var.setCellID1(lc_var->getCellID1());
-    pl_var.setType(lc_var->getType());
-    pl_var.setQuality(lc_var->getQuality());
-    pl_var.setTime(lc_var->getTime());
-    pl_var.setEDep(lc_var->getEDep());
-    pl_var.setEDepError(lc_var->getEDepError());
-    pl_var.setEdx(lc_var->getdEdx());
-    pl_var.setPosition( DoubleThreeFROMConstPtr(lc_var->getPosition()));
-    pl_var.setCovMatrix( vec6_2_arr6(lc_var->getCovMatrix()));
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_Track(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::TrackCollection* pl_col = new plcio::TrackCollection();
-  for(unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); i<N; i++){
-    EVENT::Track* lc_var = (EVENT::Track*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::Track pl_var = (plcio::Track) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setType( lc_var->getType() );
-    pl_var.setChi2( lc_var->getChi2() );
-    pl_var.setNdf( lc_var->getNdf() );
-    pl_var.setDEdx( lc_var->getdEdx() );
-    pl_var.setDEdxError( lc_var->getdEdxError() );
-    pl_var.setRadiusOfInnermostHit( lc_var->getRadiusOfInnermostHit() );
-    //pl_var.addTrackerHit( lc_var->getTrackerHits() );
-    //rely on TrackerHits collection;
-    //corresoponding with TrackerHit collection; 
-    EVENT::TrackerHitVec lcio_seq1 = lc_var->getTrackerHits();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq1.size(); j++){
-      EVENT::TrackerHit* lc_locx = lcio_seq1[j];
-      CollectionsVec vec_cols = map_cols["TrackerHit"];
-      EVENT::LCCollection* lc_mapcol = (EVENT::LCCollection*)vec_cols[0].first;
-      plcio::TrackerHitCollection* pl_mapcol = (plcio::TrackerHitCollection*) vec_cols[0].second;
-      for(unsigned k=0; k<lc_mapcol->getNumberOfElements(); k++){
-        if( lc_locx == lc_mapcol->getElementAt(k) )
-          pl_var.addTrackerHit( pl_mapcol->at(k) );
-      } 
-    }
-    //pl_var.( lc_var->getSubdetectorHitNumbers() );
-    std::vector<int> lcio_IntVec1 = lc_var->getSubdetectorHitNumbers();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_IntVec1.size(); j++){
-      pl_var.addSubDetectorHitNumber(lcio_IntVec1[j]);
-    }
-    //pl_var.( lc_var->getTrackStates() );
-    EVENT::TrackStateVec lcio_seq3 = lc_var->getTrackStates();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq3.size(); j++){
-      EVENT::TrackState* lc_locx = lcio_seq3[j];
-      std::array<float, 15> tmp_covM;
-      for(unsigned k=0; k<15; k++){
-        tmp_covM[k] = lc_locx->getCovMatrix()[k];
-      }
-      plcio::TrackState tmp;
-      tmp.D0 = lc_locx->getD0();
-      tmp.Z0 = lc_locx->getZ0();
-      tmp.covMatrix = tmp_covM; 
-      tmp.location = lc_locx->getLocation();
-      tmp.omega = lc_locx->getOmega();
-      tmp.phi = lc_locx->getPhi();
-      tmp.referencePoint = FloatThreeFROMConstPtr( lc_locx->getReferencePoint() );
-      tmp.tanLambda = lc_locx->getTanLambda();
-      pl_var.addTrackState( tmp );
-    }
-  }
-  //pl_var.( lc_var->getTracks() );
-  for(unsigned i=0; i<lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); i++){
-    EVENT::Track* lc_var = (EVENT::Track*)lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    EVENT::TrackVec lcio_seq2 = lc_var->getTracks();
-    for(unsigned j=0; j<lcio_seq2.size(); j++){
-      EVENT::Track* lc_locx = lcio_seq2[j];
-      for(unsigned k=0; k<lc_col->getNumberOfElements(); k++){
-        if( lc_locx == lc_col->getElementAt(k) )
-          pl_col->at(i).addTrack(pl_col->at(k));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_Vertex(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::VertexCollection* pl_col = new plcio::VertexCollection();
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-    EVENT::Vertex* lc_var = (EVENT::Vertex*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::Vertex pl_var = (plcio::Vertex) pl_col->create();
-    // Quest: data.primary is an int value, set by boolean number;
-    pl_var.setPrimary( lc_var->isPrimary() );
-    pl_var.setChi2( lc_var->getChi2() );
-    pl_var.setProbability( lc_var->getProbability() );
-    float plcio_v[3];
-    const float* lcio_v = lc_var->getPosition();
-    plcio_v[0] = lcio_v[0];
-    plcio_v[1] = lcio_v[1];
-    plcio_v[2] = lcio_v[2];
-    pl_var.setPosition( plcio::FloatThree(plcio_v) );
-    std::vector<float> vec_pra = lc_var->getParameters();
-    for( unsigned j=0,M=vec_pra.size(); j<M; j++){
-      pl_var.addParameter(vec_pra[j]);
-    }
-    // convert string into int(type code);
-//    pl_var.setAlgorithmType( lc_var->getAlgorithmType() );
-//    pl_var.setCovMatrix( lc_var->() );
-//    pl_var.setAssociatedParticle( lc_var->() );
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_TPCHit(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  plcio::TPCHitCollection* pl_col = new plcio::TPCHitCollection();
-  for( unsigned i=0,N=lc_col->getNumberOfElements() ; i< N ; ++i){
-    EVENT::TPCHit* lc_var = (EVENT::TPCHit*) lc_col->getElementAt(i);
-    plcio::TPCHit pl_var = (plcio::TPCHit) pl_col->create();
-    pl_var.setCellID(lc_var->getCellID());
-    pl_var.setTime(lc_var->getTime());
-    pl_var.setCharge(lc_var->getCharge());
-    pl_var.setQuality(lc_var->getQuality());
-    for( unsigned j=0,M=lc_var->getNRawDataWords(); j<M; j++){
-      pl_var.addRawDataWord(lc_var->getRawDataWord(j));
-    }
-  }
-  return pl_col;
-bool LCIO2Plcio::isReady(const std::string& TypeName){
-  if( TypeName == "SimTrackerHit" ){
-    std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = find(
-                  vec_Types.begin(), vec_Types.end(), "MCParticle"
-    );
-    if( it != vec_Types.end() )
-      return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-podio::CollectionBase* LCIO2Plcio::Convertor_getPlcio(EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col){
-  podio::CollectionBase* collection(nullptr);
-  TypeName = lc_col->getTypeName();
-//  lp_info("Converting "+TypeName);
-  bool ready = true; 
-  if( !ready ){
-    lp_info("Not ready yet.");
-    lp_info("Please put MCParticle firstly in the python file, Please");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  fptr fp;
-  if( map_cvt.find(TypeName) == map_cvt.end()){
-    lp_info("unrecognized "+TypeName);
-  }else{
-    fp = *map_cvt[TypeName];
-  }
-  fp = *map_cvt[TypeName];
-  collection = fp(lc_col);
-// maintain map<TypeName, CollVec>;
-    map_cols[TypeName].push_back(
-      std::pair<EVENT::LCCollection*, podio::CollectionBase*>(lc_col, collection)
-    );
-//  lp_info("done.");
-  return collection;
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/LCIO2Plcio.h b/FWCore/src/components/LCIO2Plcio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3729105ce2c7dbf763c15d4524b4bde333b6d7a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/LCIO2Plcio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// LCIO
-#include <map>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include "lcio.h"
-// #include "IO/LCReader.h"
-// #include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/Vertex.h"
-#include "EVENT/SimTrackerHit.h"
-#include "plcio/SimTrackerHit.h"
-#include "plcio/SimTrackerHitCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "plcio/SimCalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "plcio/SimCalorimeterHitCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticle.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
-#include "plcio/VertexCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/TPCHit.h"
-#include "plcio/TPCHit.h"
-#include "plcio/TPCHitCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/Cluster.h"
-#include "plcio/Cluster.h"
-#include "plcio/ClusterCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/ParticleID.h"
-#include "EVENT/CalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "plcio/CalorimeterHit.h"
-#include "podio/CollectionIDTable.h"
-#include "EVENT/Track.h" 
-#include "EVENT/TrackerHit.h"
-#include "EVENT/TrackState.h" 
-#include "plcio/Track.h"  
-#include "plcio/TrackerHit.h"  
-#include "plcio/TrackCollection.h"  
-#include "plcio/TrackerHitCollection.h"  
-#include "EVENT/ReconstructedParticle.h" 
-#include "plcio/ReconstructedParticle.h"  
-#include "plcio/ReconstructedParticleCollection.h"  
-#include "plcio/ParticleID.h"  
-#include "plcio/ParticleIDCollection.h"  
-#include <utility>
-// Forward declarations
-/** @class LCIO2Plcio LCIO2Plcio.h
- *
- *   An LCIO2Plcio for Converting from LCCollection to plcio collection;
- *
- *  @author jhZou, gjCao 
- */
-// typedef plcio::MCParticleCollection* (*fptr) (EVENT::LCCollection*);
-typedef podio::CollectionBase* (*fptr) (EVENT::LCCollection*);
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<EVENT::LCCollection*, podio::CollectionBase*>> CollectionsVec;
-typedef std::map<std::string, CollectionsVec> CollectionsMap;
-class LCIO2Plcio{
-  /// Standard Constructor
-  LCIO2Plcio();
-  LCIO2Plcio(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  /// Standard Destructor
-  virtual ~LCIO2Plcio(){}
-  void test(){ printf("MYTESTFUC\n"); }
-  void clear(){ map_cols.clear(); };
-//  plcio::MCParticleCollection* Convertor_getPlcio(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_getPlcio(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_MCParticle(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_LCRunHeader(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_SimTrackerHit(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_SimCalorimeterHit(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_Cluster(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_Track(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_TrackerHit(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_TPCHit(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_ReconstructedParticle(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_ParticleID(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_LCRelation(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static podio::CollectionBase* Convertor_Vertex(EVENT::LCCollection*);
-  static void setMCParticle(EVENT::MCParticle*, plcio::MCParticle&);
-  void setCollName(const std::string &collName){ CollName = collName; };
-  bool isReady(const std::string&);
-  std::string TypeName;
-  static std::string CollName;
-  // maintain a log vec about data read;
-  std::vector<std::string> vec_Types;
-  // maintain a map from keyword to function pointer.
-  std::map<std::string, fptr> map_cvt;
-  static CollectionsMap map_cols;
-//  plcio::MCParticleCollection* hitcol_pl;
-//  EVENT::LCCollection* hitcol_lc;
-#endif  // CORE_CONVERTOR_H
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/LCIODataSvc.cpp b/FWCore/src/components/LCIODataSvc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a807be847902c81973c872851edb2d9785241e6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/LCIODataSvc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/LCIODataSvc.h"
-#include "LCIO2Plcio.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IConversionSvc.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IEventProcessor.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
-#include "IOIMPL/LCFactory.h"
-#include "FWCore/DataWrapper.h"
-#include "lcio.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
-#include "plcio/MCParticle.h"
-#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
-#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-typedef std::vector<lcio::MCParticle*> MCParticleVec ;  
-/// Service initialisation
-StatusCode LCIODataSvc::initialize() {
-  // Nothing to do: just call base class initialisation
-  StatusCode status = DataSvc::initialize();
-  ISvcLocator* svc_loc = serviceLocator();
-  // Attach data loader facility
-  m_cnvSvc = svc_loc->service("EventPersistencySvc");
-  status = setDataLoader(m_cnvSvc);
-  if ( name() != "EventDataSvc" ) {
-    service("EventDataSvc", m_pIDP, true);
-    if ( m_pIDP == nullptr ) {
-      error() << "Could not get the EventDataSvc instance" << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  m_reader = IOIMPL::LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCReader();
-  if (m_filename != "") {
-    m_filenames.push_back(m_filename);
-  }
-  if (m_filenames.size() > 0) {
-    m_reader->open(m_filenames[0]);
-    m_eventMax = m_reader->getNumberOfEvents();
-  }
-  return status;
-/// Service reinitialisation
-StatusCode LCIODataSvc::reinitialize() {
-  // Do nothing for this service
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-/// Service finalization
-StatusCode LCIODataSvc::finalize() {
-  m_reader->close();
-  delete m_reader;
-  m_reader = nullptr;
-  m_cnvSvc = 0;  // release
-  DataSvc::finalize().ignore();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode LCIODataSvc::clearStore() {
-  for (auto& collNamePair : m_collections) {
-    if (collNamePair.second != nullptr) {
-      collNamePair.second->clear();
-    }
-  }
-  for (auto& collNamePair : m_readCollections) {
-    if (collNamePair.second != nullptr) {
-      collNamePair.second->clear();
-    }
-  }
-  DataSvc::clearStore().ignore();
-  m_collections.clear();
-  m_readCollections.clear();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void LCIODataSvc::endOfRead() {
-  if (m_eventMax != -1) {
-    // m_provider.clearCaches();
-    // m_reader.endOfEvent();
-    if ( ++m_eventNum >= m_eventMax ) {
-      if ( ++m_fileIndex < m_filenames.size() ) {  // move to next file
-        m_reader->close();
-        m_reader->open( m_filenames[m_fileIndex] );
-        m_eventMax += m_reader->getNumberOfEvents();
-      }
-      else {  // reach to the end of the file list
-        info() << "Reached end of file with event " << m_eventMax << endmsg;
-        IEventProcessor* eventProcessor;
-        service("ApplicationMgr", eventProcessor);
-        eventProcessor->stopRun();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  evt = nullptr;
-void LCIODataSvc::setCollectionIDs(podio::CollectionIDTable* collectionIds) {
-  if (m_collectionIDs != nullptr) {
-    delete m_collectionIDs;
-  }
-  m_collectionIDs = collectionIds;
-/// Standard Constructor
-LCIODataSvc::LCIODataSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc)
-    : DataSvc(name, svc), m_collectionIDs(new podio::CollectionIDTable()) {
-  m_eventDataTree = new TTree("events", "Events tree");
-  declareProperty("inputs", m_filenames = {}, "Names of the files to read");
-  declareProperty("input", m_filename = "", "Name of the file to read");
-    }
-/// Standard Destructor
-LCIODataSvc::~LCIODataSvc() {}
-StatusCode LCIODataSvc::readCollection(const std::string& collName, int collectionID) {
-  StatusCode stat = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  podio::CollectionBase* collection(nullptr);
-  if( evt == nullptr ){
-    evt = m_reader->readNextEvent();
-    cvtor.clear();
-    // basicly set EventHeader;
-    pl_evtcol = new plcio::EventHeaderCollection();
-    plcio::EventHeader evt_header;
-    evt_header = (plcio::EventHeader) pl_evtcol->create();
-    evt_header.setEventNumber( evt->getEventNumber() );
-    evt_header.setRunNumber( evt->getRunNumber() );
-    evt_header.setTimeStamp( evt->getTimeStamp() );
-    evt_header.setDetectorName( evt->getDetectorName() );
-    // wrap event header collection into Data service;
-    auto wrapper = new DataWrapper<podio::CollectionBase>;
-    int id = m_collectionIDs->add("EventHeader");
-    pl_evtcol->setID(id);
-    wrapper->setData(pl_evtcol);
-    if ( m_pIDP ) {
-      m_pIDP->registerObject("EventHeader", wrapper);
-    }
-    else {
-      m_readCollections.emplace_back(std::make_pair("EventHeader", pl_evtcol));
-      DataSvc::registerObject("EventHeader", wrapper);
-    }
-  }
-  debug() << "reading collection name: " << collName  << "." << endmsg;
-  EVENT::LCCollection* lc_col;
-  std::vector<std::string> vec_colns = *evt->getCollectionNames();
-  std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = find(vec_colns.begin(), vec_colns.end(), collName);
-  if( it != vec_colns.end() ){
-    lc_col = evt->getCollection(collName); 
-  }
-  else
-    return stat;
-//  debug() << "Got collection: " << collName  << "." << endmsg;
-  std::string TypeName = lc_col->getTypeName();
-//  if( !exist_MCP && (TypeName == "MCParticle") ) exist_MCP = true;
-//  if( TypeName == "MCParticle" ){
-//    if( !exist_MCP ) exist_MCP = true;
-//    mcpcol_pl = LCIO2Plcio::Core_MCParticle(lc_col);
-//    LCIO2Plcio::setLCIOMCParticleCollection(mcpcol_lc);
-//    LCIO2Plcio::setPlcioMCParticleCollection(mcpcol_pl);
-//  }
-  cvtor.setCollName(collName);
-  collection = cvtor.Convertor_getPlcio( lc_col );
-  pl_evtcol->at(0)->addCollectionName(collName);
-  pl_evtcol->at(0)->addCollectionType(TypeName);
-  auto wrapper = new DataWrapper<podio::CollectionBase>;
-  int id = m_collectionIDs->add(collName);
-  collection->setID(id);
-  wrapper->setData(collection);
-//  info() << "readCollection completed." << endmsg;
-  if ( m_pIDP ) {
-    stat = m_pIDP->registerObject(collName, wrapper);
-  }
-  else {
-    m_readCollections.emplace_back(std::make_pair(collName, collection));
-    stat = DataSvc::registerObject(collName, wrapper);
-  }
-  return stat;
-StatusCode LCIODataSvc::registerObject(const std::string& fullPath, DataObject* pObject) {
-  DataWrapperBase* wrapper = dynamic_cast<DataWrapperBase*>(pObject);
-  if (wrapper != nullptr) {
-    podio::CollectionBase* coll = wrapper->collectionBase();
-    if (coll != nullptr) {
-      size_t pos = fullPath.find_last_of("/");
-      std::string shortPath(fullPath.substr(pos + 1, fullPath.length()));
-      int id = m_collectionIDs->add(shortPath);
-      coll->setID(id);
-      m_collections.emplace_back(std::make_pair(shortPath, coll));
-    }
-  }
-  return DataSvc::registerObject(fullPath, pObject);
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/LCIOInput.cpp b/FWCore/src/components/LCIOInput.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dab645881d2f0afce2407416e5a581bb76ae7c0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/LCIOInput.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include "LCIOInput.h"
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TROOT.h"
-#include "FWCore/DataWrapper.h"
-#include "FWCore/LCIODataSvc.h"
-LCIOInput::LCIOInput(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc) : GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc) {}
-StatusCode LCIOInput::initialize() {
-  if (GaudiAlgorithm::initialize().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  // check whether we have the LCIOEvtSvc active
-  auto pSvc = service( m_dataSvc );
-  m_LCIODataSvc = dynamic_cast<LCIODataSvc*>(pSvc.get());
-  if (nullptr == m_LCIODataSvc) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  auto idTable = m_LCIODataSvc->getCollectionIDs();
-  for (auto& name : m_collectionNames) {
-    debug() << "Finding collection " << name << " in collection registry." << endmsg;
-    if (!idTable->present(name)) {
-      error() << "Requested product " << name << " not found." << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    m_collectionIDs.push_back(idTable->add(name));
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode LCIOInput::execute() {
-  size_t cntr = 0;
-  // Re-create the collections from ROOT file
-  for (auto& id : m_collectionIDs) {
-    const std::string& collName = m_collectionNames.value().at(cntr++);
-    debug() << "Registering collection to read " << collName << " with id " << id << endmsg;
-    if (m_LCIODataSvc->readCollection(collName, id).isFailure()) {
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  // Tell data service that we are done with requested collections
-  m_LCIODataSvc->endOfRead();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode LCIOInput::finalize() {
-  if (GaudiAlgorithm::finalize().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/LCIOInput.h b/FWCore/src/components/LCIOInput.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 252a504c657af62a40fd4adf3f92a1244572c852..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/LCIOInput.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Gaaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-// STL
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-// forward declarations
-// from FWCore:
-class LCIODataSvc;
-/** @class LCIOInput FWCore/components/LCIOInput.h LCIOInput.h
- *
- *  Class that allows to read ROOT files written with LCIOInput
- *
- *  @author J. Lingemann
- */
-class LCIOInput : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// Constructor.
-  LCIOInput(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
-  /// Initialization of LCIOInput. Acquires the data service, opens root file and creates trees.
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  /// Execute. Re-creates collections that are specified to be read and sets references.
-  virtual StatusCode execute();
-  /// Finalize. Closes ROOT file.
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
-  /// Name of collections to read. Set by option collections (this is temporary)
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_dataSvc{ this, "DataSvc", "LCIOInputSvc" };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_collectionNames{this, "collections", {}, "Places of collections to read"};
-  /// Collection IDs (retrieved with CollectionIDTable from ROOT file, using collection names)
-  std::vector<int> m_collectionIDs;
-  /// Data service: needed to register objects and get collection IDs. Just an observing pointer.
-  LCIODataSvc* m_LCIODataSvc;
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/PodioInput.cpp b/FWCore/src/components/PodioInput.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f031744cdbe8c27728eeed3356cc8bc030fcf9d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/PodioInput.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#include "PodioInput.h"
-#include "TFile.h"
-#include "TROOT.h"
-#include "FWCore/DataWrapper.h"
-#include "FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h"
-PodioInput::PodioInput(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc) : GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc) {}
-StatusCode PodioInput::initialize() {
-  if (GaudiAlgorithm::initialize().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  // check whether we have the PodioEvtSvc active
-  m_podioDataSvc = dynamic_cast<PodioDataSvc*>(evtSvc().get());
-  if (nullptr == m_podioDataSvc) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  auto idTable = m_podioDataSvc->getCollectionIDs();
-  for (auto& name : m_collectionNames) {
-    debug() << "Finding collection " << name << " in collection registry." << endmsg;
-    if (!idTable->present(name)) {
-      error() << "Requested product " << name << " not found." << endmsg;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-    m_collectionIDs.push_back(idTable->collectionID(name));
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PodioInput::execute() {
-  size_t cntr = 0;
-  // Re-create the collections from ROOT file
-  for (auto& id : m_collectionIDs) {
-    const std::string& collName = m_collectionNames.value().at(cntr++);
-    debug() << "Registering collection to read " << collName << " with id " << id << endmsg;
-    if (m_podioDataSvc->readCollection(collName, id).isFailure()) {
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  // Tell data service that we are done with requested collections
-  m_podioDataSvc->endOfRead();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PodioInput::finalize() {
-  if (GaudiAlgorithm::finalize().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/PodioInput.h b/FWCore/src/components/PodioInput.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b2157f8bad865a61e333e2a858276de61090fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/PodioInput.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Gaaudi
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-// STL
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-// forward declarations
-// from FWCore:
-class PodioDataSvc;
-/** @class PodioInput FWCore/components/PodioInput.h PodioInput.h
- *
- *  Class that allows to read ROOT files written with PodioOutput
- *
- *  @author J. Lingemann
- */
-class PodioInput : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// Constructor.
-  PodioInput(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
-  /// Initialization of PodioInput. Acquires the data service, opens root file and creates trees.
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  /// Execute. Re-creates collections that are specified to be read and sets references.
-  virtual StatusCode execute();
-  /// Finalize. Closes ROOT file.
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
-  /// Name of collections to read. Set by option collections (this is temporary)
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_collectionNames{this, "collections", {}, "Places of collections to read"};
-  /// Collection IDs (retrieved with CollectionIDTable from ROOT file, using collection names)
-  std::vector<int> m_collectionIDs;
-  /// Data service: needed to register objects and get collection IDs. Just an observing pointer.
-  PodioDataSvc* m_podioDataSvc;
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/PodioOutput.cpp b/FWCore/src/components/PodioOutput.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 26e6e37f6c367ec2a494b01a5606c578678e5de3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/PodioOutput.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#include "PodioOutput.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IJobOptionsSvc.h"
-#include "FWCore/PodioDataSvc.h"
-#include "TFile.h"
-PodioOutput::PodioOutput(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
-    : GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc), m_firstEvent(true) {}
-StatusCode PodioOutput::initialize() {
-  if (GaudiAlgorithm::initialize().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  // check whether we have the PodioEvtSvc active
-  m_podioDataSvc = dynamic_cast<PodioDataSvc*>(evtSvc().get());
-  if (0 == m_podioDataSvc) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  m_file = std::unique_ptr<TFile>(new TFile(m_filename.value().c_str(), "RECREATE", "data file"));
-  // Both trees are written to the ROOT file and owned by it
-  // PodioDataSvc has ownership of EventDataTree
-  m_datatree = m_podioDataSvc->eventDataTree();
-  m_metadatatree = new TTree("metadata", "Metadata tree");
-  m_switch = KeepDropSwitch(m_outputCommands);
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-void PodioOutput::resetBranches(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>>& collections,
-                                bool prepare) {
-  for (auto& collNamePair : collections) {
-    auto collName = collNamePair.first;
-    if (m_switch.isOn(collName)) {
-      // Reconnect branches and collections
-      m_datatree->SetBranchAddress(collName.c_str(), collNamePair.second->getBufferAddress());
-      auto colls = collNamePair.second->referenceCollections();
-      if (colls != nullptr) {
-        int j = 0;
-        for (auto& c : (*colls)) {
-          m_datatree->SetBranchAddress((collName + "#" + std::to_string(j)).c_str(), &c);
-          ++j;
-        }
-      }
-      // vector members
-      auto vminfo = collNamePair.second->vectorMembers();
-      if ( vminfo != nullptr ) {
-        int j = 0;
-        for ( auto& c : (*vminfo) ) {
-          m_datatree->SetBranchAddress((collName+"_"+std::to_string(j)).c_str(), c.second);
-          ++j;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (prepare) {
-      collNamePair.second->prepareForWrite();
-    }
-  }
-void PodioOutput::createBranches(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>>& collections,
-                                 bool prepare) {
-  for (auto& collNamePair : collections) {
-    auto collName = collNamePair.first;
-    // TODO: we need the class name in a better way
-    std::string className(typeid(*(collNamePair.second)).name());
-    size_t pos = className.find_first_not_of("0123456789");
-    className.erase(0, pos);
-    // demangling the namespace: due to namespace additional characters were introduced:
-    // e.g. N3fcc18TrackHit
-    // remove any number+char before the namespace:
-    pos = className.find_first_of("0123456789");
-    size_t pos1 = className.find_first_not_of("0123456789", pos);
-    className.erase(0, pos1);
-    // replace any numbers between namespace and class with "::"
-    pos = className.find_first_of("0123456789");
-    pos1 = className.find_first_not_of("0123456789", pos);
-    className.replace(pos, pos1 - pos, "::");
-    pos = className.find("Collection");
-    className.erase(pos, pos + 10);
-    std::string collClassName = "vector<" + className + "Data>";
-    int isOn = 0;
-    if (m_switch.isOn(collName)) {
-      isOn = 1;
-      m_datatree->Branch(collName.c_str(), collClassName.c_str(), collNamePair.second->getBufferAddress());
-      // Create branches for collections holding relations
-      auto colls = collNamePair.second->referenceCollections();
-      if (colls != nullptr) {
-        int j = 0;
-        for (auto& c : (*colls)) {
-          m_datatree->Branch((collName + "#" + std::to_string(j)).c_str(), c);
-          ++j;
-        }
-      }
-      // vector members
-      auto vminfo = collNamePair.second->vectorMembers();
-      if ( vminfo != nullptr ) {
-        int j = 0;
-        for ( auto& c : (*vminfo) ) {
-          std::string typeName = "vector<" + c.first + ">";
-          void* add = c.second;
-          m_datatree->Branch((collName+"_"+std::to_string(j)).c_str(), typeName.c_str(), add);
-          ++j;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    debug() << isOn << " Registering collection " << collClassName << " " << collName.c_str() << " containing type "
-            << className << endmsg;
-    if (prepare) {
-      collNamePair.second->prepareForWrite();
-    }
-  }
-StatusCode PodioOutput::execute() {
-  // for now assume identical content for every event
-  // register for writing
-  if (m_firstEvent) {
-    createBranches(m_podioDataSvc->getCollections(), true);
-    createBranches(m_podioDataSvc->getReadCollections(), false);
-  } else {
-    resetBranches(m_podioDataSvc->getCollections(), true);
-    resetBranches(m_podioDataSvc->getReadCollections(), false);
-  }
-  m_firstEvent = false;
-  debug() << "Filling DataTree .." << endmsg;
-  m_datatree->Fill();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode PodioOutput::finalize() {
-  if (GaudiAlgorithm::finalize().isFailure()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  // retrieve the configuration of the job
-  // and write it to file as vector of strings
-  std::vector<std::string> config_data;
-  auto jobOptionsSvc = service<IJobOptionsSvc>("JobOptionsSvc");
-  auto configured_components = jobOptionsSvc->getClients();
-  for (const auto& name : configured_components) {
-      auto properties = jobOptionsSvc->getProperties(name);
-      std::stringstream config_stream;
-      for (const auto& property : *properties) {
-          config_stream << name << " : " << property->name() << " = " << property->toString() << std::endl;
-        }
-        config_data.push_back(config_stream.str());
-      }
-      m_metadatatree->Branch("gaudiConfigOptions", &config_data);
-  m_metadatatree->Branch("CollectionIDs", m_podioDataSvc->getCollectionIDs());
-  m_metadatatree->Fill();
-  m_datatree->Write();
-  m_file->Write();
-  m_file->Close();
-  info() << "Data written to: " << m_filename << endmsg;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/FWCore/src/components/PodioOutput.h b/FWCore/src/components/PodioOutput.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a7de0c06c7a0e54dad03bc641691bf90261d979..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/FWCore/src/components/PodioOutput.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#include "FWCore/KeepDropSwitch.h"
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
-#include "podio/CollectionBase.h"
-#include "TTree.h"
-#include <vector>
-// forward declarations
-class TFile;
-class PodioDataSvc;
-class PodioOutput : public GaudiAlgorithm {
-  /// Constructor.
-  PodioOutput(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
-  /// Initialization of PodioOutput. Acquires the data service, creates trees and root file.
-  virtual StatusCode initialize();
-  /// Execute. For the first event creates branches for all collections known to PodioDataSvc and prepares them for
-  /// writing. For the following events it reconnects the branches with collections and prepares them for write.
-  virtual StatusCode execute();
-  /// Finalize. Writes the meta data tree; writes file and cleans up all ROOT-pointers.
-  virtual StatusCode finalize();
-  void resetBranches(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>>& collections, bool prepare);
-  void createBranches(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, podio::CollectionBase*>>& collections, bool prepare);
-  /// First event or not
-  bool m_firstEvent;
-  /// Root file name the output is written to
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_filename{this, "filename", "output.root", "Name of the file to create"};
-  /// Commands which output is to be kept
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_outputCommands{
-      this, "outputCommands", {"keep *"}, "A set of commands to declare which collections to keep or drop."};
-  /// Switch for keeping or dropping outputs
-  KeepDropSwitch m_switch;
-  /// Needed for collection ID table
-  PodioDataSvc* m_podioDataSvc;
-  /// The actual ROOT file
-  std::unique_ptr<TFile> m_file;
-  /// The tree to be filled with collections
-  TTree* m_datatree;
-  /// The tree to be filled with meta data
-  TTree* m_metadatatree;
-  /// The stored collections
-  std::vector<podio::CollectionBase*> m_storedCollections;