From 4679662ac6261f1cb5cdd19c0b78dd10b20b9dd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: myliu <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 15:31:35 +0800
Subject: [PATCH]  Added shift

 Detector/DetDriftChamber/compact/det.xml      |  2 +-
 .../src/driftchamber/DriftChamber.cpp         |  2 +-
 .../DetSegmentation/GridDriftChamber.h        | 16 +++-----
 .../DetSegmentation/src/GridDriftChamber.cpp  | 39 ++++++++-----------
 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Detector/DetDriftChamber/compact/det.xml b/Detector/DetDriftChamber/compact/det.xml
index 1ff377f0..f6d0a84d 100644
--- a/Detector/DetDriftChamber/compact/det.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetDriftChamber/compact/det.xml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     <readout name="DriftChamberHitsCollection">
-      <segmentation type="GridDriftChamber" cell_size="10*mm" offset_phi="0." epsilon0="Epsilon" detector_length="SDT_length" identifier_phi="cellID" />
+      <segmentation type="GridDriftChamber" cell_size="10*mm" epsilon0="Epsilon" detector_length="SDT_length" identifier_phi="cellID" />
diff --git a/Detector/DetDriftChamber/src/driftchamber/DriftChamber.cpp b/Detector/DetDriftChamber/src/driftchamber/DriftChamber.cpp
index bc0c3e38..144dd7dd 100644
--- a/Detector/DetDriftChamber/src/driftchamber/DriftChamber.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetDriftChamber/src/driftchamber/DriftChamber.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ static dd4hep::Ref_t create_detector(dd4hep::Detector& theDetector,
         double layer_Phi = 2*M_PI / ncell_layer;
         if(layer_id %2 ==0){ offset = 0.; }
-        else { offset = 0.;}//0.5 * layer_Phi; }
+        else { offset = 0.5 * layer_Phi; }
         DCHseg->setGeomParams(layer_id, layer_Phi, rmid, epsilon, offset);
         DCHseg->setWiresInLayer(layer_id, numWire);
diff --git a/Detector/DetSegmentation/DetSegmentation/GridDriftChamber.h b/Detector/DetSegmentation/DetSegmentation/GridDriftChamber.h
index 769b6716..ef39f692 100644
--- a/Detector/DetSegmentation/DetSegmentation/GridDriftChamber.h
+++ b/Detector/DetSegmentation/DetSegmentation/GridDriftChamber.h
@@ -48,20 +48,18 @@ public:
   double phi(const CellID& cID) const;
   inline double cell_Size() const { return m_cellSize; }
-  inline double offset_phi() const { return m_offsetPhi; }
   inline double epsilon0() const { return m_epsilon0; }
   inline double detectorLength() const { return m_detectorLength; }
   inline const std::string& fieldNamePhi() const { return m_phiID; }
   // Setters
   inline double phiFromXY(const Vector3D& aposition) const {
-    double beta =  std::atan2(aposition.Y, aposition.X) ;
-    if( beta < 0 ) { beta = beta + 2 * M_PI; }
-    return beta;
+    double hit_phi =  std::atan2(aposition.Y, aposition.X) ;
+    if( hit_phi < 0 ) { hit_phi += 2 * M_PI; }
+    return hit_phi;
   inline void setGeomParams(int layer, double layerphi, double R, double eps, double offset) {
-    // layer_params[layer] = {layerphi,R,eps};
@@ -71,13 +69,10 @@ public:
     for (int i = 0; i<numWires; ++i) {
-//    if(layer % 2 == 0) { phi0 = 0.; }
-//    else { phi0 = 0.5 * _currentLayerphi; }
       double phi0 = m_offset;
-      auto phi_start = _currentLayerphi * (i + 0.5) + phi0;
-      if(phi_start > 2 * M_PI) { phi_start = phi_start - 2 * M_PI; }
-      auto phi_end = phi_start;// + _currentLayerphi;
+      auto phi_start = _currentLayerphi * i + phi0;
+      auto phi_end = phi_start + _currentLayerphi;
       TVector3 Wstart = returnWirePosition(phi_start, 1);
       TVector3 Wend = returnWirePosition(phi_end, -1);
@@ -131,7 +126,6 @@ protected:
   std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<TVector3, TVector3> >> m_wiresPositions; // < layer, vec<WireMidpoint, WireDirection> >
   double m_cellSize;
-  double m_offsetPhi;
   double m_epsilon0;
   double m_detectorLength;
   std::string m_phiID;
diff --git a/Detector/DetSegmentation/src/GridDriftChamber.cpp b/Detector/DetSegmentation/src/GridDriftChamber.cpp
index d2ca3196..3b0032e0 100644
--- a/Detector/DetSegmentation/src/GridDriftChamber.cpp
+++ b/Detector/DetSegmentation/src/GridDriftChamber.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ GridDriftChamber::GridDriftChamber(const std::string& cellEncoding) : Segmentati
   _description = "Drift chamber segmentation in the global coordinates";
   registerParameter("cell_size", "cell size", m_cellSize, 0., SegmentationParameter::LengthUnit);
-  registerParameter("offset_phi", "offset in phi", m_offsetPhi, 0., SegmentationParameter::LengthUnit, true);
   registerParameter("detector_length", "Length of the wire", m_detectorLength, 1., SegmentationParameter::LengthUnit);
   registerIdentifier("identifier_phi", "Cell ID identifier for phi", m_phiID, "cellID");
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ GridDriftChamber::GridDriftChamber(const BitFieldCoder* decoder) : Segmentation(
   _description = "Drift chamber segmentation in the global coordinates";
   registerParameter("cell_size", "cell size", m_cellSize, 1., SegmentationParameter::LengthUnit);
-  registerParameter("offset_phi", "offset in phi", m_offsetPhi, 0., SegmentationParameter::LengthUnit, true);
   registerParameter("epsilon0", "epsilon", m_epsilon0, 0., SegmentationParameter::AngleUnit, true);
   registerParameter("detector_length", "Length of the wire", m_detectorLength, 1., SegmentationParameter::LengthUnit);
   registerIdentifier("identifier_phi", "Cell ID identifier for phi", m_phiID, "cellID");
@@ -46,37 +44,32 @@ CellID GridDriftChamber::cellID(const Vector3D& /*localPosition*/, const Vector3
   double posy = globalPosition.Y;
   double offsetphi= m_offset;
   int _lphi;
-//  if(layerID % 2 == 0) {
-//      offsetphi = 0.;
-//     _lphi = (int) (phi_hit / _currentLayerphi);
-//   }
-//  else {
-//    offsetphi = _currentLayerphi / 2.;
-    if(phi_hit >= offsetphi) {
-      _lphi = (int) ((phi_hit - offsetphi)/ _currentLayerphi);
-    }
-    else {
-      _lphi = (int) ((phi_hit - offsetphi + 2 * M_PI)/ _currentLayerphi);
-    }
-// }
+  if(phi_hit >= offsetphi) {
+    _lphi = (int) ((phi_hit - offsetphi)/ _currentLayerphi);
+  }
+  else {
+    _lphi = (int) ((phi_hit - offsetphi + 2 * M_PI)/ _currentLayerphi);
+  }
   int lphi = _lphi;
   _decoder->set(cID, m_phiID, lphi);
-//std::cout << "#######################################: " 
-//          <<  " offset : " << m_offset
-//          << " offsetphi: " << offsetphi
-//          << " layerID: " << layerID
-//          << " r: " << _currentRadius
-//          << " layerphi: " << _currentLayerphi
-//          << std::endl;
+std::cout << "#######################################: " 
+          <<  " offset : " << m_offset
+          << " offsetphi: " << offsetphi
+          << " layerID: " << layerID
+          << " r: " << _currentRadius
+          << " layerphi: " << _currentLayerphi
+          << std::endl;
   return cID;
 double GridDriftChamber::phi(const CellID& cID) const {
   CellID phiValue = _decoder->get(cID, m_phiID);
-  return (_currentLayerphi * 0.5) + binToPosition(phiValue, _currentLayerphi, m_offsetPhi);
+  return binToPosition(phiValue, _currentLayerphi, m_offset);
 double GridDriftChamber::distanceTrackWire(const CellID& cID, const TVector3& hit_start/*,