diff --git a/Analysis/TotalInvMass/CMakeLists.txt b/Analysis/TotalInvMass/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f51ee995440c5b76114495421ba3bc2fd26b8528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Analysis/TotalInvMass/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+gaudi_subdir(TotalInvMass v0r0)
+find_package(DD4hep COMPONENTS DDG4 REQUIRED)
+find_package(EDM4HEP REQUIRED)
+find_package(GEAR REQUIRED)
+find_package(GSL REQUIRED ) 
+find_package(LCIO REQUIRED ) 
+find_package(podio REQUIRED ) 
+find_package(k4FWCore REQUIRED)
+set(TotalInvMass_srcs src/TotalInvMass.cc)
+gaudi_add_module(TotalInvMass ${TotalInvMass_srcs}
+    EDM4HEP::edm4hep EDM4HEP::edm4hepDict
diff --git a/Analysis/TotalInvMass/src/TotalInvMass.cc b/Analysis/TotalInvMass/src/TotalInvMass.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..536739b25b1939bb841dbb54216c21671c78a28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Analysis/TotalInvMass/src/TotalInvMass.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+#include "TotalInvMass.hh"
+#include <EVENT/LCCollection.h>
+#include <IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h>
+#include <EVENT/LCFloatVec.h>
+#include <EVENT/MCParticle.h>
+#include <EVENT/ReconstructedParticle.h>
+#include <IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h>
+#include <values.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <EVENT/LCFloatVec.h>
+#include <EVENT/LCParameters.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <TFile.h> 
+#include <TTree.h>
+#include <TH1F.h>
+#include <TVector3.h>
+#include <TRandom.h>
+#include <Rtypes.h> 
+#include <sstream>		
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include <TMath.h>
+#include "TLorentzVector.h"
+#include <UTIL/CellIDDecoder.h>
+using namespace std;
+const float sqrts = 250.0; 	//GeV
+const string ECALCellIDDecoder = "M:3,S-1:3,I:9,J:9,K-1:6";
+//TH1F *h_hit;
+TotalInvMass::TotalInvMass(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
+    : GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc),
+      _output(0)
+    // _description = "Print MC Truth" ;
+    /*
+      _colName="MCParticle";
+      registerProcessorParameter( "MCObjects" ,
+      "The name of the PFOs" ,
+      _colName ,
+      _colName);
+    */
+    /*
+      _leptonID = 13;
+      registerProcessorParameter( "LeptonIDTag" ,
+      "Lepton ID that will be used in this analysis." ,
+      _leptonID ,
+      _leptonID);
+    */	
+StatusCode TotalInvMass::initialize() {
+    info() << "TotalInvMass::initializing..." << endmsg;
+    // printParameters();
+    TFile *tree_file=new TFile(_treeFileName.value().c_str(),(_overwrite ? "RECREATE" : "UPDATE"));
+    if (!tree_file->IsOpen()) {
+        delete tree_file;
+        tree_file=new TFile(_treeFileName.value().c_str(),"NEW");
+    }
+    //h_hit=new TH1F("hit","hit",80,0,80);
+    _outputTree = new TTree(_treeName.value().c_str(),_treeName.value().c_str());
+    _outputTree->SetAutoSave(32*1024*1024);  // autosave every 32MB
+    _outputTree->Branch("EventNr", &_eventNr, "EventNr/I");
+    _outputTree->Branch("Num", &_Num, "Num/I");
+    _outputTree->Branch("OriQuarkID", &_OriQuarkID, "OriQuarkID/I");
+    _outputTree->Branch("ISREn", &_ISREn, "ISREn/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("ISRP", _ISRP, "ISRP[3]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("ISRPt", &_ISRPt, "ISRPt/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("NEn", &_NEn, "NEn/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("NPt", &_NPt, "NPt/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("N3En", &_N3En, "N3En/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("N3Pt", &_N3Pt, "N3Pt/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("OriJ1CosTheta", &_OriJ1CosTheta, "OriJ1CosTheta/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("OriJ2CosTheta", &_OriJ2CosTheta, "OriJ2CosTheta/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("MaxOriJetCosTheta", &_MaxOriJetCosTheta, "MaxOriJetCosTheta/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("J1CosTheta", &_J1CosTheta, "J1CosTheta/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("J2CosTheta", &_J2CosTheta, "J2CosTheta/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("MaxJetCosTheta", &_MaxJetCosTheta, "MaxJetCosTheta/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("OQDir", &_OQDir, "OQDir/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HDPID", &_HDPID, "HDPID/I");	//Higgs Daughter Type, Direction??
+    _outputTree->Branch("visE", &_visE, "visE/F");	//Higgs Daughter Type, Direction??
+    _outputTree->Branch("HDir", &_HDir, "HDir/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("Mass_a", &_Mass_a, "Mass_a/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("Mass_p", &_Mass_p, "Mass_p/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("Mass_p_Pisr", &_Mass_p_Pisr, "Mass_p_Pisr");
+    _outputTree->Branch("Mass_a_Pisr", &_Mass_a_Pisr, "Mass_a_Pisr");
+    _outputTree->Branch("Mass_a_Plcal",&_Mass_a_Plcal, "Mass_a_Plcal");
+    _outputTree->Branch("TotalP_a", TotalP_a, "TotalP_a[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("ChP", ChP, "ChP[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("PhP", PhP, "PhP[4]/F");	//Gamma
+    _outputTree->Branch("NeP", NeP, "NeP[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("FrP", FrP, "FrP[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("FrPh", FrPh, "FrPh[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("FrNe", FrNe, "FrNe[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("KPF", KPF, "KPF[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("UdP", UdP, "UdP[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("TotalP_p", TotalP_p, "TotalP_p[4]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("nCHPFO_a", &nCHPFO_a, "nCHPFO_a/I");
+    _outputTree->Branch("nCHPFO_p", &nCHPFO_p, "nCHPFO_p/I");
+    _outputTree->Branch("nNEPFO_a", &nNEPFO_a, "nNEPFO_a/I");
+    _outputTree->Branch("nNEPFO_p", &nNEPFO_p, "nNEPFO_p/I");
+    _outputTree->Branch("NeCaloE_a", NeCaloE_a, "NeCaloE_a[2]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("NeCaloE_p", NeCaloE_p, "NeCaloE_p[2]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("ElargeP", &ElargeP, "ElargeP[2]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("TrkSumEn", &TrkSumEn, "TrkSumEn/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EequP", &EequP, "EequP[2]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EsmallP", &EsmallP, "EsmallP[2]/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalTotalE", &_EcalTotalE, "EcalTotalE/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalEn1", &_EcalEn1, "EcalEn1/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalEn2", &_EcalEn2, "EcalEn2/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalEn3", &_EcalEn3, "EcalEn3/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalEn4", &_EcalEn4, "EcalEn4/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalEn5", &_EcalEn5, "EcalEn5/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalTotalE", &_HcalTotalE, "HcalTotalE/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalEn1", &_HcalEn1, "HcalEn1/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalEn2", &_HcalEn2, "HcalEn2/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalEn3", &_HcalEn3, "HcalEn3/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalEn4", &_HcalEn4, "HcalEn4/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalEn5", &_HcalEn5, "HcalEn5/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalCluE", &_EcalCluE, "EcalCluE/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalCluE", &_HcalCluE, "HcalCluE/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("EcalCluE_p", &_EcalCluE_p, "EcalCluE_p/F");
+    _outputTree->Branch("HcalCluE_p", &_HcalCluE_p, "HcalCluE_p/F");
+    _outputPFO = new TTree("PFO","PFO");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("EventNr", &_eventNr, "EventNr/I");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("Num", &_Num, "Num/I");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("Type", &Type, "Type/I");	// 0 == Arbor & 1 == Pandora
+    _outputPFO->Branch("Charge", &Charge, "Charge/I");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("Energy", &Energy, "Energy/F");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("P", P, "P[3]/F");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("CluEn", &CluEn, "CluEn/F");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("CluEnCom", CluEnCom, "CluEnCom[2]/F");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("TrackHit", &TrackHit, "TrackHit/I");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("StartPos", StartPos, "StartPos[3]/F");
+    _outputPFO->Branch("EndPos", EndPos, "EndPos[3]/F");
+    _Num = 0;
+    info() << "TotalInvMass::initializd" << endmsg;
+     return GaudiAlgorithm::initialize();
+StatusCode TotalInvMass::execute() 
+    info() << "TotalInvMass::executing..." << endmsg;
+    EVENT::LCEvent* evtP = nullptr;
+    // if (evtP) {		
+    TLorentzVector ArborTotalP(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborChP(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborPhP(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborNeP(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborFrP(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborUdP(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborFrPh(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborFrNe(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborKPF(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector PandoraTotalP(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborLCAL(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector ArborISR(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    TLorentzVector PandoraISR(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    // TODO: using the event header
+    // _eventNr = evtP->getEventNumber();
+    for(int i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
+        TotalP_a[i0] = 0;
+        TotalP_p[i0] = 0;
+        ChP[i0] = 0;
+        PhP[i0] = 0;
+        NeP[i0] = 0;
+        FrP[i0] = 0;
+        UdP[i0] = 0;
+        FrPh[i0] = 0;
+        FrNe[i0] = 0;
+        KPF[i0] = 0;
+        if(i0 < 2) {
+            NeCaloE_a[i0] = 0;
+            NeCaloE_p[i0] = 0;
+            CluEnCom[i0] = 0;
+            ElargeP[i0] = 0;
+            EequP[i0] = 0;
+            EsmallP[i0] = 0;
+        }
+        if(i0 < 3) {
+            P[i0] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    nCHPFO_a = 0; 
+    nCHPFO_p = 0;
+    nNEPFO_a = 0; 
+    nNEPFO_p = 0;
+    Type = -100;
+    Charge = -100; 
+    Energy = 0;
+    CluEn = 0; 
+    TrkSumEn = 0; 
+    _EcalTotalE = 0; _HcalTotalE = 0; _EcalCluE = 0; _HcalCluE = 0; 
+    _EcalCluE_p = 0; _HcalCluE_p = 0;
+    _HcalEn1=0;_HcalEn2=0;_HcalEn3=0;_HcalEn4=0;_HcalEn5=0;
+    _EcalEn1=0;_EcalEn2=0;_EcalEn3=0;_EcalEn4=0;_EcalEn5=0;
+    _HDPID = -1; 
+    _OriQuarkID = 0; 
+    _OQDir = -10;
+    _HDir = -10;
+    _visE=0;
+    _J1CosTheta = -2;
+    _J2CosTheta = -2;
+    std::vector<CaloHitColHandler*> hdl_EcalHitColl{
+        &m_ecalbarrelhitcol,
+            &m_ecalendcaphitcol
+            };
+    std::vector<CaloHitColHandler*> hdl_HcalHitColl{
+        &m_hcalbarrelhitcol,
+            &m_hcalendcaphitcol,
+            &m_hcalotherhitcol
+            };
+    std::vector<std::string> EcalHitColl;
+    std::vector<std::string> HcalHitColl;
+    EcalHitColl.push_back("ECALBarrel");
+    EcalHitColl.push_back("ECALEndcap");
+    //EcalHitColl.push_back("ECALOther");
+    //EcalHitColl.push_back("LCAL");
+    //EcalHitColl.push_back("LHCAL");
+    HcalHitColl.push_back("HCALBarrel");
+    HcalHitColl.push_back("HCALEndcap");
+    HcalHitColl.push_back("HCALOther");
+    try{
+        for(int t = 0; t< int(hdl_EcalHitColl.size()); t++) {
+            const edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection* ecalcoll = hdl_EcalHitColl[t]->get();
+            for(auto hit: *ecalcoll) {
+                // TODO
+                int NLayer = 0;
+                _EcalTotalE += hit.getEnergy();
+                // UTIL::CellIDDecoder<EVENT::CalorimeterHit> idDecoder(ECALCellIDDecoder);
+                // int NLayer = idDecoder(a_hit)["K-1"];
+                //h_hit->Fill(NLayer,a_hit->getEnergy());
+                if(NLayer < 6) {
+                    _EcalEn1 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else if(NLayer < 12) {
+                    _EcalEn2 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else if(NLayer < 18) {
+                    _EcalEn3 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else if(NLayer < 24) {
+                    _EcalEn4 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else{
+                    _EcalEn5 += hit.getEnergy();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for(int t2 = 0; t2< int(hdl_HcalHitColl.size()); t2++) {
+            const edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection* hcalcoll = hdl_HcalHitColl[t2]->get();
+            for (auto hit: *hcalcoll) {
+                // TODO
+                int NLayer = 0;
+                int HLayer = NLayer+30;
+                // UTIL::CellIDDecoder<EVENT::CalorimeterHit> idDecoder(ECALCellIDDecoder);
+                // int NLayer = idDecoder(a_hit)["K-1"];
+                //h_hit->Fill(HLayer,a_hit->getEnergy());
+                _HcalTotalE += hit.getEnergy();
+                if(NLayer < 10) {
+                    _HcalEn1 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else if(NLayer < 20) {
+                    _HcalEn2 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else if(NLayer < 30) {
+                    _HcalEn3 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else if(NLayer < 40) {
+                    _HcalEn4 += hit.getEnergy();
+                } else {
+                    _HcalEn5 += hit.getEnergy();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }catch(lcio::DataNotAvailableException err) { }
+    try{
+        auto MCPCol = m_mcParticle.get();
+        TVector3 tmpP; 
+        TVector3 ISRP(0, 0, 0);
+        _N3En = 0;
+        _N3Pt = 0;
+        int NNeutrinoCount = 0; 
+        for (int s0 = 0; s0 < MCPCol->size(); ++s0) {
+            auto MCP = (*MCPCol)[s0];
+            int tmpPID = MCP.getPDG();
+            int NParent = MCP.parents_size();
+            int NDaughter = MCP.daughters_size();
+            auto VTX0 = MCP.getVertex();
+            auto EndP0 = MCP.getEndpoint();
+            TVector3 VTX(VTX0.x, VTX0.y, VTX0.z);
+            TVector3 EndP(EndP0.x, EndP0.y, EndP0.z);
+            if(tmpPID == 22 && NParent == 0 && s0 < 4) {
+                auto tmpP0 = MCP.getMomentum();
+                tmpP = TVector3(tmpP0.x, tmpP0.y, tmpP0.z);
+                ISRP += tmpP; 
+            }
+            if( (abs(tmpPID) == 12 || abs(tmpPID) == 14 || abs(tmpPID) == 16) && NParent != 0 && NDaughter == 0 && VTX.Mag() < 100 && EndP.Mag() > 100) {
+                _NEn += tmpP.Mag();
+                _NPt += tmpP.Perp();
+                NNeutrinoCount++;
+                if(NNeutrinoCount > 2) {
+                    auto tmpP0 = MCP.getMomentum();
+                    tmpP = TVector3(tmpP0.x, tmpP0.y, tmpP0.z);
+                    _N3En += tmpP.Mag();
+                    _N3Pt += tmpP.Perp();
+                    cout<<"Found Neutrino: "<<NNeutrinoCount<<" En "<<_N3En<<" Pt "<<_N3Pt<<endl;
+                }
+            }
+            if(tmpPID == 25 && NDaughter > 1 && NParent !=0 ) { //Higgs
+                // cout<<"tmpPID:HDPID"<<tmpPID<<" "<<NDaughter<<" "<<NParent<<endl;
+                _HDPID = abs(MCP.getDaughters(0).getPDG());
+                _HDir = MCP.getMomentum()[2]/MCP.getEnergy();
+                if(NDaughter == 2) {
+                    auto D1 = MCP.getDaughters(0);
+                    _J1CosTheta = D1.getMomentum()[2]/D1.getEnergy();
+                    auto D2 = MCP.getDaughters(1);
+                    _J2CosTheta = D2.getMomentum()[2]/D2.getEnergy();
+                }
+            }
+            if(abs(tmpPID)<7 && NParent == 0) {
+                if(tmpPID>0)
+                    _OriJ1CosTheta =MCP.getMomentum()[2]/MCP.getEnergy();
+                else
+                    _OriJ2CosTheta = MCP.getMomentum()[2]/MCP.getEnergy();
+            }
+            if(abs(tmpPID)<7 && NParent == 0) {
+                _OriQuarkID = abs(tmpPID); 
+                _OQDir = MCP.getMomentum()[2]/MCP.getEnergy();
+            }	
+            if(abs(_J1CosTheta) > abs(_J2CosTheta))
+                _MaxJetCosTheta = _J1CosTheta;
+            else
+                _MaxJetCosTheta = _J2CosTheta;
+            if(abs(_OriJ1CosTheta) > abs(_OriJ2CosTheta))
+                _MaxOriJetCosTheta = _OriJ1CosTheta;
+            else
+                _MaxOriJetCosTheta = _OriJ2CosTheta;
+            if( (fabs(VTX.Z()) < 1000 && fabs(VTX.Perp()) < 1600 ) && ( fabs(EndP.Z()) > 2000 || fabs(EndP.Perp()) > 1600  )&&abs(tmpPID)!=12&&abs(tmpPID)!=14&&abs(tmpPID)!=16 ){
+                _visE+=MCP.getEnergy();
+            }
+        }
+        _ISRPt = ISRP.Perp();
+        _ISREn = ISRP.Mag();
+        _ISRP[0] = ISRP.X();
+        _ISRP[1] = ISRP.Y();
+        _ISRP[2] = ISRP.Z();
+    }catch(lcio::DataNotAvailableException err) { }
+    try{
+        auto col_RecoNeP = m_reconep.get();
+        for(int i0 = 0; i0 < col_RecoNeP->size(); i0++) {
+            auto a_RecoP = (*col_RecoNeP)[i0];
+            TLorentzVector currP( a_RecoP.getMomentum()[0], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[1], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[2], a_RecoP.getEnergy());
+            ArborTotalP += currP;
+            auto currMom0 = a_RecoP.getMomentum();
+            TVector3 currMom(currMom0.x, currMom0.y, currMom0.z);
+            //				if(a_RecoP->getType() == 22 && a_RecoP->getEnergy() > 2)	//Compensate...
+            //					ArborTotalP += 0.98*currP;
+            //				else 
+            //					ArborTotalP += currP;
+            if(a_RecoP.getCharge() != 0) {
+                ArborChP += currP;
+            } else if(a_RecoP.getType() == 310) {
+                ArborKPF += currP; 
+            } else if(a_RecoP.getType() == 22) {
+                if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() < 3.0)
+                    ArborFrPh += currP;
+                else
+                    ArborPhP += currP;
+            } else if(a_RecoP.getType() == 2112) {
+                if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() < 3.0)
+                    ArborFrNe += currP;
+                else
+                    ArborNeP += currP;
+            } else if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() < 3.0) {
+                ArborFrP += currP;
+                cout<<"Undef "<<a_RecoP.getType()<<endl;  
+            } else {
+                ArborUdP += currP;
+                cout<<"Undef "<<a_RecoP.getType() << "En "<<a_RecoP.getEnergy()<<endl;
+            }
+            if(a_RecoP.clusters_size() > 0) {
+                auto a_clu = a_RecoP.getClusters(0);
+                auto CluPos0 = a_clu.getPosition();
+                TVector3 CluPos(CluPos0.x, CluPos0.y, CluPos0.z);
+                if( CluPos.Perp() < 300 && abs(CluPos.Z()) < 1300 && a_RecoP.getCharge() == 0 )	// 1150-1300
+                    ArborLCAL += currP; 
+                float MinAngleToCH = 1.0E6;
+                float MinAngleToNE = 1.0E6;  
+                if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() > 5 && a_RecoP.getCharge() == 0) {
+                    for(int i1 = 0; i1 < col_RecoNeP->size(); i1++) {
+                        if(i1 != i0) {
+                            auto b_RecoP = (*col_RecoNeP)[i1];
+                            auto tmpMom0 = b_RecoP.getMomentum();
+                            TVector3 tmpMom(tmpMom0.x, tmpMom0.y, tmpMom0.z);
+                            float tmpAngle = currMom.Angle(tmpMom);
+                            if( b_RecoP.getEnergy() > 3.0 ) {
+                                if(b_RecoP.getCharge() != 0) {
+                                    if(tmpAngle < MinAngleToCH) {
+                                        MinAngleToCH = tmpAngle;
+                                    }
+                                } else {	
+                                    if(tmpAngle < MinAngleToNE) {
+                                        MinAngleToNE = tmpAngle;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if( MinAngleToNE > 0.5 || MinAngleToCH > 0.5 ) {
+                        ArborISR += currP; 
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            TrackHit = 0; 
+            for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+                StartPos[k] = 0;
+                EndPos[k] = 0;
+            }		
+            Charge = int(a_RecoP.getCharge());
+            CluEn = 0; 
+            CluEnCom[0] = 0;
+            CluEnCom[1] = 0;
+            if(Charge) {
+                Type = 1;
+                nCHPFO_a ++;
+            } else {
+                Type = 0;
+                nNEPFO_a ++;
+            }
+            Energy = a_RecoP.getEnergy();
+            P[0] = a_RecoP.getMomentum()[0];
+            P[1] = a_RecoP.getMomentum()[1];
+            P[2] = a_RecoP.getMomentum()[2];
+            if(a_RecoP.clusters_size() > 0) {
+                auto currClu = a_RecoP.getClusters(0);
+                CluEn = currClu.getEnergy();
+                if((!Charge) and (currClu.subdetectorEnergies_size() > 2)) {
+                    CluEnCom[0] = currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(0);
+                    CluEnCom[1] = currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);	
+                    NeCaloE_a[0] += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(0);
+                    NeCaloE_a[1] += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);
+                }
+                if (currClu.subdetectorEnergies_size() > 2) {
+                    _EcalCluE += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(0);
+                    _HcalCluE += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);
+                }
+                if(Charge) {
+                    TrkSumEn += Energy; 
+                    if (a_RecoP.tracks_size()>0) {
+                        auto a_Trk = a_RecoP.getTracks(0);
+                        TrackHit = a_Trk.trackerHits_size();
+                        if (TrackHit>2) {
+                            StartPos[0] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(0)).getPosition()[0];
+                            StartPos[1] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(0)).getPosition()[1];
+                            StartPos[2] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(0)).getPosition()[2];
+                            EndPos[0] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(TrackHit - 1)).getPosition()[0];
+                            EndPos[1] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(TrackHit - 1)).getPosition()[1];
+                            EndPos[2] = (a_Trk.getTrackerHits(TrackHit - 1)).getPosition()[2];	
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if( Energy > CluEn + sqrt(Energy)) {
+                        ElargeP[0] += Energy; 
+                        ElargeP[1] += CluEn; 
+                    } else if( fabs(Energy - CluEn) < sqrt(Energy) ) {
+                        EequP[0] += Energy;
+                        EequP[1] += CluEn; 
+                    } else {
+                        EsmallP[0] += Energy;
+                        EsmallP[1] += CluEn; 
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            _outputPFO->Fill();
+        }
+    }catch (lcio::DataNotAvailableException err) { }
+    try{
+        //LCCollection* col_RecoPandora = evtP->getCollection( "PandoraPFOs" );			
+        //for(int i2 = 0; i2 < col_RecoPandora->getNumberOfElements(); i2++)
+        for(int s = 0; s < 1; s++) {
+            auto col_PFO_iter = m_arbopfo.get();
+            /* 
+               if(s==0)
+               col_PFO_iter = evtP->getCollection( "ArborChargedCore" );
+               else
+               col_PFO_iter = evtP->getCollection( "ArborNeutralCore" );	
+            */
+            for(int i2 = 0; i2 < col_PFO_iter->size(); i2++) {         
+                auto a_RecoP = (*col_PFO_iter)[i2];
+                TLorentzVector currP( a_RecoP.getMomentum()[0], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[1], a_RecoP.getMomentum()[2], a_RecoP.getEnergy());
+                PandoraTotalP += currP;
+                if(a_RecoP.getCharge()) {
+                    nCHPFO_p++;
+                } else {
+                    nNEPFO_p++;
+                }
+                auto currMom0 = a_RecoP.getMomentum();
+                TVector3 currMom(currMom0.x, currMom0.y, currMom0.z);
+                if(a_RecoP.clusters_size() > 0) {
+                    float MinAngleToCH = 1.0E6;
+                    float MinAngleToNE = 1.0E6;
+                    auto currClu = a_RecoP.getClusters(0);
+                    CluEn = currClu.getEnergy();
+                    _EcalCluE_p += CluEn;	
+                    _HcalCluE_p += currClu.getSubdetectorEnergies(1);
+                    if(a_RecoP.getEnergy() > 5 && a_RecoP.getCharge() == 0) {
+                        for(int i3 = 0; i3 < col_PFO_iter->size(); i3++) {
+                            if(i3 != i2) {
+                                auto b_RecoP = (*col_PFO_iter)[i3];
+                                auto tmpMom0 = b_RecoP.getMomentum();
+                                TVector3 tmpMom(tmpMom0.x, tmpMom0.y, tmpMom0.z);
+                                float tmpAngle = currMom.Angle(tmpMom);
+                                if( b_RecoP.getEnergy() > 3.0 ) {
+                                    if(b_RecoP.getCharge() != 0) {
+                                        if(tmpAngle < MinAngleToCH) {
+                                            MinAngleToCH = tmpAngle;
+                                        }
+                                    } else {
+                                        if(tmpAngle < MinAngleToNE) {
+                                            MinAngleToNE = tmpAngle;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if( MinAngleToNE > 0.5 || MinAngleToCH > 0.5 ) {
+                            PandoraISR += currP;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }catch (lcio::DataNotAvailableException err) { }
+    _Mass_a = 0; 
+    _Mass_p = 0; 
+    _Mass_a_Pisr = 0;
+    _Mass_a_Plcal = 0; 
+    _Mass_p_Pisr = 0; 
+    _Mass_a = ArborTotalP.M();
+    _Mass_p = PandoraTotalP.M();
+    _Mass_a_Pisr = (ArborTotalP - ArborISR).M();
+    _Mass_a_Plcal = (ArborTotalP - ArborLCAL).M();
+    _Mass_p_Pisr = (PandoraTotalP - PandoraISR).M();
+    TotalP_a[0] = ArborTotalP.X();
+    TotalP_a[1] = ArborTotalP.Y();
+    TotalP_a[2] = ArborTotalP.Z();
+    TotalP_a[3] = ArborTotalP.T();
+    TotalP_p[0] = PandoraTotalP.X();
+    TotalP_p[1] = PandoraTotalP.Y();
+    TotalP_p[2] = PandoraTotalP.Z();
+    TotalP_p[3] = PandoraTotalP.T();
+    ChP[0] = ArborChP.X();
+    ChP[1] = ArborChP.Y();
+    ChP[2] = ArborChP.Z();
+    ChP[3] = ArborChP.T();
+    PhP[0] = ArborPhP.X();
+    PhP[1] = ArborPhP.Y();
+    PhP[2] = ArborPhP.Z();
+    PhP[3] = ArborPhP.T();	
+    NeP[0] = ArborNeP.X();
+    NeP[1] = ArborNeP.Y();
+    NeP[2] = ArborNeP.Z();
+    NeP[3] = ArborNeP.T();
+    FrP[0] = ArborFrP.X();
+    FrP[1] = ArborFrP.Y();
+    FrP[2] = ArborFrP.Z();
+    FrP[3] = ArborFrP.T();
+    UdP[0] = ArborUdP.X();
+    UdP[1] = ArborUdP.Y();
+    UdP[2] = ArborUdP.Z();
+    UdP[3] = ArborUdP.T();
+    FrPh[0] = ArborFrPh.X();
+    FrPh[1] = ArborFrPh.Y();
+    FrPh[2] = ArborFrPh.Z();
+    FrPh[3] = ArborFrPh.T();
+    FrNe[0] = ArborFrNe.X();
+    FrNe[1] = ArborFrNe.Y();
+    FrNe[2] = ArborFrNe.Z();
+    FrNe[3] = ArborFrNe.T();
+    KPF[0] = ArborKPF.X();
+    KPF[1] = ArborKPF.Y();
+    KPF[2] = ArborKPF.Z();
+    KPF[3] = ArborKPF.T();
+    cout<<_Mass_a<<" : "<<_Mass_p<<endl;		
+    _outputTree->Fill();
+    _Num++;
+    // }  	  
+    info() << "TotalInvMass::execute done" << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode TotalInvMass::finalize()
+    if (_outputTree) {
+        TFile *tree_file = _outputTree->GetCurrentFile(); //just in case we switched to a new file
+        tree_file->Write();
+        delete tree_file;
+    }
+    return GaudiAlgorithm::finalize();
diff --git a/Analysis/TotalInvMass/src/TotalInvMass.hh b/Analysis/TotalInvMass/src/TotalInvMass.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98a36eeacf870e3728475947e7fb3811ed037cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Analysis/TotalInvMass/src/TotalInvMass.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#ifndef _TotalInvMass_hh_
+#define _TotalInvMass_hh_
+#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/Property.h"
+#include "k4FWCore/DataHandle.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <TNtuple.h>
+#include <TObject.h>
+#include <TTree.h>
+#include <TFile.h>
+#include "edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h"
+#include "edm4hep/CalorimeterHitCollection.h"
+#include "edm4hep/ReconstructedParticleCollection.h"
+class TotalInvMass  : public GaudiAlgorithm
+    TotalInvMass(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
+    ~TotalInvMass() {};
+    StatusCode initialize() override;
+    StatusCode execute() override;
+    StatusCode finalize() override;
+    typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::MCParticleCollection> MCParticleColHandler;
+    MCParticleColHandler m_mcParticle{"MCParticle", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection> CaloHitColHandler;
+    CaloHitColHandler m_ecalbarrelhitcol{"ECALBarrel", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    CaloHitColHandler m_ecalendcaphitcol{"ECALEndcap", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    CaloHitColHandler m_hcalbarrelhitcol{"HCALBarrel", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    CaloHitColHandler m_hcalendcaphitcol{"HCALEndcap", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    CaloHitColHandler m_hcalotherhitcol {"HCALOther", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    typedef DataHandle<edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection> RecParticleColHandler;
+    RecParticleColHandler m_reconep{"AncientPFOs", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    RecParticleColHandler m_arbopfo{"ArborLICHPFOs", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> _treeFileName{this,
+            "TreeOutputFile", "MCTruth.root",
+            "The name of the file to which the ROOT tree will be written"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> _treeName{this,
+            "TreeName", "MCPart",
+            "The name of the ROOT tree"};
+    std::string _colName;
+    std::string _colAdcVals;
+    Gaudi::Property<int> _overwrite{this,
+            "OverwriteFile", 0,
+            "If zero an already existing file will not be overwritten."};
+    int _leptonID;
+    float _cmsE; 
+    TTree *_outputTree, *_outputPFO;
+    float _ISRP[3];
+    float _ISREn, _ISRPt; 
+    float _N3En, _N3Pt; 
+    float _NEn, _NPt; 
+    int _HDPID, _OriQuarkID; 
+    float _OQDir, _HDir;
+    int _NMuP, _NMuM, _NChP, _NChM;
+    float _P_MuP[4], _P_MuM[4], _P_DL[4];
+    int _EventType; 
+    float _InvMass, _RecoilMass; 
+    float _J1CosTheta, _J2CosTheta, _MaxJetCosTheta; 
+    float _OriJ1CosTheta, _OriJ2CosTheta, _MaxOriJetCosTheta; 
+    float _Mass_a, _Mass_p; 
+    int _PID1, _PID2;
+    float _PL1[4], _PL2[4], _RPL1[4], _RPL2[4], _SM[4], _P_allCharged[4], _P_allNeutral[4], _P_Higgs[4], _P_allReco[4];
+    float _Hmass; 
+    int _Num;
+    int _NHDaug; 
+    int _HdaughterPID; 
+    int _ZdaughterPID; 
+    float _Pz[4], _Ph[4], _PzD1[4], _PzD2[4], _PhD1[4], _PhD2[4], _RPzD1[4], _RPzD2[4], _RPhD1[4], _RPhD2[4];
+    float _P[4], _SumP[4], _VisP[4], _MissP[4];
+    int _PID, _NFMCP, _MotherFlag, _NNeutrino; 
+    float _ENeutrino, _DiPhMass, _DiPhMassCorr; 
+    //		float _CosTheta, _Phi, _Charge;
+    float _Mz, _Mrecoil, _MzReco, _MhReco, _MrecoilReco; 
+    float KthEn[7][9];
+    unsigned int _eventNr;
+    float _Mass_p_Pisr, _Mass_a_Pisr, _Mass_a_Plcal;
+    float TotalP_a[4], TotalP_p[4];
+    int nCHPFO_a, nCHPFO_p, nNEPFO_a, nNEPFO_p;
+    float NeCaloE_a[2], NeCaloE_p[2];
+    float ElargeP[2], EequP[2], EsmallP[2];
+    float ChP[4], FrP[4], PhP[4], NeP[4], UdP[4], FrPh[4], FrNe[4], KPF[4];
+    float _EcalTotalE, _HcalTotalE, _EcalCluE, _HcalCluE, _EcalCluE_p, _HcalCluE_p; 
+    float _HcalEn1, _HcalEn2,_HcalEn3,_HcalEn4,_HcalEn5;
+    float _EcalEn1, _EcalEn2,_EcalEn3,_EcalEn4,_EcalEn5;
+    int Type, Charge;
+    float Energy, TrkSumEn; 
+    float P[3], CluEnCom[2];
+    float CluEn;
+    int TrackHit;
+    float StartPos[3], EndPos[3];
+    float _visE;
+    std::string _fileName;
+    std::ostream *_output;
+    std::string _histFileName;
diff --git a/Examples/options/tut_analysis_TotalInvMass.py b/Examples/options/tut_analysis_TotalInvMass.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb7faebb30a6907790371ff4677735c2ece03b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/options/tut_analysis_TotalInvMass.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from Configurables import k4DataSvc
+dsvc = k4DataSvc("EventDataSvc")
+# read LCIO files
+from Configurables import k4LCIOInput
+lcioinput = k4LCIOInput("k4LCIOInput")
+import glob
+# inputlists = ["/cefs/higgs/yudan/CEPC240/Reco_tpc_1800/qqh/Reco_qqh__00001.slcio"]
+inputlists = ["/cefs/higgs/yudan/CEPC240/Reco_tpc_1800/qqh/Reco_qqh__00003.slcio"]
+# inputlists = glob.glob("/cefs/higgs/yudan/CEPC240/Reco_tpc_1800/qqh/Reco_qqh__*.slcio")
+lcioinput.inputs = inputlists
+lcioinput.collections = [
+    "MCParticle:MCParticle",
+    "CalorimeterHit:ECALBarrel",
+    "CalorimeterHit:ECALEndcap",
+    "CalorimeterHit:HCALBarrel",
+    "CalorimeterHit:HCALEndcap",
+    "CalorimeterHit:HCALOther",
+    "ReconstructedParticle:AncientPFOs",
+    "ReconstructedParticle:ArborLICHPFOs"
+from Configurables import TotalInvMass
+total_inv_mass = TotalInvMass("TotalInvMass")
+# # write PODIO file
+# from Configurables import PodioOutput
+# write = PodioOutput("write")
+# write.filename = "test.root"
+# write.outputCommands = ["keep *"]
+# ApplicationMgr
+from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
+        TopAlg = [lcioinput, total_inv_mass],
+        EvtSel = 'NONE',
+        EvtMax = -1,
+        ExtSvc = [dsvc],
+        OutputLevel=INFO #DEBUG