diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80e594d92eed792026e0bdeaf384522832ff6a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Examples/options/gen_write.py b/Examples/options/gen_write.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..001dd825a84c3f6ec04c3d8a61cfeeabaa73fb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Examples/options/gen_write.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from Configurables import CEPCDataSvc
+dsvc = CEPCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")
+from Configurables import GenAlgo
+read = GenAlgo("read")
+#support format: stdhep, slcio, hepmc #
+#read.Input = "/junofs/users/wxfang/CEPC/CEPCOFF/TestExample/stdhep/nnh_e2e2.e0.p0.00001.stdhep"
+#read.FileFormat = "stdhep"
+read.Input = "/junofs/users/wxfang/CEPC/whizard_apply/ee/ee.slcio"
+read.FileFormat = "slcio"
+read.PrintEvent = True # true for printing mc info
+read.WriteFile = True  # true for writting info to root
+from Configurables import PodioOutput
+out = PodioOutput("out")
+out.filename = "test.root" #name of output root file
+out.outputCommands = ["keep *"]
+# ApplicationMgr
+from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
+ApplicationMgr( TopAlg = [read, out],
+                EvtSel = 'NONE',
+                EvtMax = 11,
+                ExtSvc=[dsvc],
+                OutputLevel=DEBUG
diff --git a/Generator/CMakeLists.txt b/Generator/CMakeLists.txt
index ef5f37288904999d8fff0953e54169bc519b7ca7..a9a5cd9f9e5946684d60058219d2b28725528c08 100644
--- a/Generator/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Generator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,42 @@
+gaudi_subdir(Generator v0r0)
+set(GenAlgo_srcs src/GenAlgo.cpp src/GenEvent.cpp src/IGenTool.cpp src/StdHepRdr.cpp src/GenReader.cpp src/GenPrinter.cpp src/LCAscHepRdr.cc src/HepevtRdr.cpp src/SLCIORdr.cpp src/HepMCRdr.cpp)
+set(GenAlgo_incs src)
-gaudi_subdir(Generator v0r0)
\ No newline at end of file
+find_package(ROOT COMPONENTS RIO Tree TreePlayer MathCore Net Graf3d Graf Gpad REQUIRED)
+    message("found ROOT: ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES}")
+    message("found LCIO: ${LCIO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LCIO_LIBRARIES}")
+    message("found podio: ${podio_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${podio_LIBRARIES}")
+    message("found plcio: ${plcio_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${plcio_LIBRARY_DIR}")
+    message("found HepMC: ${HepMC_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${HepMC_LIBRARY_DIR}")
+############## for producing plcio library #############
+gaudi_add_module(GenAlgo ${GenAlgo_srcs} 
+LINK_LIBRARIES GaudiKernel ${LCIO_LIBRARIES} ${podio_LIBRARIES}  ROOT ${plcio_LIBRARY_DIR}/libplcio.so  ${plcio_LIBRARY_DIR}/libplcioDict.so FWCore HepMC
+#gaudi_add_test(Reader FRAMEWORK options/read.py)
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenAlgo.cpp b/Generator/src/GenAlgo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d8c4698a1fe5a619d41bd88b084adeaafbc0c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenAlgo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include "GenAlgo.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IEventProcessor.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IAppMgrUI.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"//plico
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "IGenTool.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "StdHepRdr.h"
+#include "HepevtRdr.h"// not correct still
+#include "SLCIORdr.h"
+#include "HepMCRdr.h"
+#include "GenPrinter.h"
+#include "GenWriter.h"
+using namespace std;
+GenAlgo::GenAlgo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator): GaudiAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator) {
+    declareProperty("MCParticleCol", m_hdl, "MCParticle collection (output)");
+    m_evtid = 0;
+GenAlgo::initialize() {
+    cout << "initialize start" << endl; 
+    string generatorName = m_input_file.value();
+    string outputName    = m_output_file.value();
+    string format        = m_input_format.value();
+    IGenTool* gen_reader;
+    if(format=="stdhep") gen_reader  = new StdHepRdr(generatorName);    
+    else if(format=="slcio") gen_reader  = new SLCIORdr(generatorName);    
+    else if(format=="hepmc") gen_reader  = new HepMCRdr(generatorName);    
+    else{cout << "Error : unsupport format for generator input file" << endl; return StatusCode::FAILURE; }
+    //IGenTool* gen_reader  = new HepevtRdr(generatorName);    
+    m_genTools.push_back(gen_reader);
+    if(m_print.value()) {
+        IGenTool* gen_printer = new GenPrinter(generatorName);    
+        m_genTools.push_back(gen_printer);
+    }
+    //IGenTool* gen_writer  = new GenWriter (outputName);    
+    //m_genTools.push_back(gen_writer);
+    cout << "initialize done" << endl; 
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+GenAlgo::execute() {
+    m_evtid++;
+    auto mcCol = m_hdl.createAndPut();
+    MyHepMC::GenEvent m_event(*mcCol);
+    for(std::vector<IGenTool*>::iterator it=m_genTools.begin(); it != m_genTools.end(); ++it) {
+        if ((*it)->mutate(m_event)) {} 
+        else {
+            cout << "Have read all events, stop now." << endl; 
+            auto ep = serviceLocator()->as<IEventProcessor>();
+            if ( !ep ) {
+            error() << "Cannot get IEventProcessor" << endmsg;
+            return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+            }
+            ep->stopRun();
+            return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+             }
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+GenAlgo::finalize() {
+    cout << "finalize" << endl; 
+    for(std::vector<IGenTool*>::iterator it=m_genTools.begin(); it != m_genTools.end(); ++it) {
+        if ((*it)->finish()) {} 
+        else {cout << "finish Failed" << endl; return StatusCode::FAILURE; }
+    }
+    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenAlgo.h b/Generator/src/GenAlgo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43b4339b71eed42a04dc862bc0cf539956b26b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenAlgo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#ifndef GenAlgo_h
+#define GenAlgo_h
+#include <GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h>
+#include "GaudiKernel/Property.h"
+#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
+#include "FWCore/DataHandle.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+class IGenTool;
+namespace plcio {
+    class MCParticleCollection;
+using namespace std;
+class GenAlgo: public GaudiAlgorithm {
+    friend class AlgFactory<GenAlgo>;
+    GenAlgo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
+    StatusCode initialize() override;
+    StatusCode execute() override;
+    StatusCode finalize() override;
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_input_file{this, "Input", "NULL"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_input_format{this, "FileFormat", "NULL"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_output_file{this, "OutputRootFile", "NULL"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_print{this, "PrintEvent", "NULL"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_do_write{this, "WriteFile", "NULL"};
+    std::vector<std::string> m_genToolNames;                                                         
+    std::vector<IGenTool*> m_genTools;                                                               
+    int m_evtid;                               
+    int m_evtMax;
+    //MyHepMC::GenEvent m_event;
+    DataHandle<plcio::MCParticleCollection> m_hdl{"MCParticleCol", Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this};
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenEvent.cpp b/Generator/src/GenEvent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1cd5ccb3c6bcc02df464106e391b846a77bbd159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenEvent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "GenEvent.h" 
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"//plico
+using namespace std;
+namespace MyHepMC{
+GenEvent::GenEvent(plcio::MCParticleCollection& mcCol)
+    : m_mc_vec(mcCol){
+    m_event_id=-1;
+    m_run_id=-1;
+    m_time=-1;
+    m_det_name="";
+void GenEvent::SetEventHeader(long event_id_, long run_id_, float time_, string det_name_){
+    m_event_id = event_id_;
+    m_run_id = run_id_;
+    m_time = time_;
+    m_det_name = det_name_;
+void GenEvent::SetMCCollection(plcio::MCParticleCollection vec_){
+m_mc_vec = vec_;
+plcio::MCParticleCollection GenEvent::getMCVec(){
+return m_mc_vec;
+long GenEvent::getID(){
+return m_event_id;
+long GenEvent::getRun() {return m_run_id;}
+long GenEvent::getTime() {return m_time;}
+std::string GenEvent::getName() {return m_det_name;}
+void GenEvent::ReSet(){
+    m_event_id=-1;
+    m_run_id=-1;
+    m_time=-1;
+    m_det_name="";
+    m_mc_vec.clear();
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenEvent.h b/Generator/src/GenEvent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dae1b3772d3044ad3434898ec1c216ab41493d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenEvent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#ifndef GenEvent_h 
+#define GenEvent_h 1
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"//plico
+namespace MyHepMC {
+class GenEvent{
+    public: 
+        //GenEvent();
+        GenEvent(plcio::MCParticleCollection& mcCol);
+        ~GenEvent();
+        void SetEventHeader(long event_id_, long run_id_, float time_, std::string det_name_);
+        //void SetMCCollection(plcio::MCParticleCollection vec_);
+        long getID();
+        long getRun();
+        long getTime();
+        void ReSet();
+        std::string getName();
+        plcio::MCParticleCollection getMCVec();
+        plcio::MCParticleCollection& m_mc_vec;
+        //plcio::MCParticleCollection m_mc_vec;
+    private:
+        long m_event_id;
+        long m_run_id;
+        float m_time;
+        std::string m_det_name;
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenPrinter.cpp b/Generator/src/GenPrinter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..827f5b4055dec886e91169b5407ba2ddda026e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenPrinter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "GenPrinter.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+GenPrinter::GenPrinter(string name){}
+bool GenPrinter::mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event){
+    std::cout << "print mc info for event "<< event.getID() << ", mc size ="<< event.m_mc_vec.size() <<  std::endl;
+    for ( int i =0; i < event.m_mc_vec.size(); i++ ) {
+    auto p = event.m_mc_vec.at(i); 
+    std::cout<< "PDG      :"<< p.getPDG               ()<<std::endl 
+    << "id                :"<< p.id                   ()<<std::endl 
+    << "ID                :"<< p.getObjectID().index    <<std::endl 
+    << "GeneratorStatus   :"<< p.getGeneratorStatus   ()<<std::endl 
+    << "SimulatorStatus   :"<< p.getSimulatorStatus   ()<<std::endl 
+    << "Charge            :"<< p.getCharge            ()<<std::endl 
+    << "Time              :"<< p.getTime              ()<<std::endl 
+    << "Mass              :"<< p.getMass              ()<<std::endl 
+    << "Vertex            :"<< p.getVertex            ()[0]<<std::endl 
+    << "Endpoint          :"<< p.getEndpoint          ()[1]<<std::endl 
+    << "Momentum          :"<< p.getMomentum          ()[2]<<std::endl 
+    << "MomentumAtEndpoint:"<< p.getMomentumAtEndpoint()[0]<<std::endl 
+    << "Spin              :"<< p.getSpin              ()[1]<<std::endl 
+    << "ColorFlow         :"<< p.getColorFlow         ()[1]<<std::endl 
+    << "Parent size       :"<< p.parents_size         ()<<std::endl 
+    << "Daughter size     :"<< p.daughters_size       ()<<std::endl; 
+    //for(unsigned int j=0; j<p.parents_size(); j++) std::cout << " for parent: "<< j << ",PDG="<< p.getParents(j).getPDG() << ",id=:"<< p.getParents(j).id()<<std::endl;
+    for (auto it = p.parents_begin(), end = p.parents_end(); it != end ; ++it ) std::cout << " for parent ,PDG="<< it->getPDG() << ",id=:"<< it->getObjectID().index<<std::endl;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool GenPrinter::configure(){
+return true;
+bool GenPrinter::finish(){
+return true;
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenPrinter.h b/Generator/src/GenPrinter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9fe8a1c9d9fa3306db67471fc686885fbbfa2c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenPrinter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#ifndef GenPrinter_h
+#define GenPrinter_h 1
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "IGenTool.h"
+using namespace std;
+class GenPrinter: public IGenTool{
+    public:
+        GenPrinter(string name);
+        ~GenPrinter();
+        bool configure() override;               
+        bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event) override;    
+        bool finish() override;
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenReader.cpp b/Generator/src/GenReader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04c38c534fcffd6283b14842824df2450b867a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenReader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#include "GenReader.h"
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenReader.h b/Generator/src/GenReader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9abac0a8a6c994872e73d094a07a65c1a99d87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenReader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#ifndef GenReader_h
+#define GenReader_h 1
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "IGenTool.h"
+using namespace std;
+class GenReader: public IGenTool{
+    public:
+        ~GenReader();
+        virtual bool configure()=0;               
+        virtual bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event)=0;    
+        virtual bool finish()=0;
+        virtual bool isEnd()=0;
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenWriter.cpp b/Generator/src/GenWriter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1f93a571dabc98f710c660754ae6507248c0212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenWriter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "GenWriter.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "podio/EventStore.h" //podio
+#include "podio/ROOTWriter.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"//plico
+#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+GenWriter::GenWriter(string name){
+    m_output_name = name;
+    store  = new podio::EventStore();
+    writer = new podio::ROOTWriter(m_output_name, store);
+    ehc   =  &store->create<plcio::EventHeaderCollection>("EvtHeaders");
+    mcc   =  &store->create<plcio::MCParticleCollection>("MCParticles");
+    writer->registerForWrite("EvtHeaders");
+    writer->registerForWrite("MCParticles");
+bool GenWriter::mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event){
+    std::cout << "write mc info for event "<< event.getID() << ", mc size ="<< event.m_mc_vec.size() <<  std::endl;
+    mcc=&event.m_mc_vec;
+    auto header = plcio::EventHeader(event.getID(), event.getRun(), event.getTime(), event.getName());
+    ehc->push_back(header);
+    writer->writeEvent();
+    store->clearCollections();
+    return true;
+bool GenWriter::configure(){
+return true;
+bool GenWriter::finish(){
+    writer->finish();
+    std::cout<<"Saved root "<<m_output_name<<std::endl;
+    return true;
diff --git a/Generator/src/GenWriter.h b/Generator/src/GenWriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30e6db4365343c44f0f7de97781774f0e5700db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/GenWriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#ifndef GenWriter_h
+#define GenWriter_h 1
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "IGenTool.h"
+#include "podio/EventStore.h" //podio
+#include "podio/ROOTWriter.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"//plico
+#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+using namespace std;
+class GenWriter: public IGenTool{
+    public:
+        GenWriter(string name);
+        ~GenWriter();
+        bool configure() override;               
+        bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event) override;    
+        bool finish() override;
+    private:
+        string m_output_name;
+        podio::EventStore* store ;
+        podio::ROOTWriter* writer;
+        plcio::EventHeaderCollection*  ehc  ;
+        plcio::MCParticleCollection*   mcc  ;
diff --git a/Generator/src/HepMCRdr.cpp b/Generator/src/HepMCRdr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22acd3ff013603ace42a4086c61d2621fe5e2fdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/HepMCRdr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#include "HepMCRdr.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h"//HepMC
+#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
+#include "HepMC/GenVertex.h"
+#include "HepMC/Polarization.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticle.h" //plcio
+#include "plcio/MCParticleObj.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
+#include "plcio/DoubleThree.h"
+#include "plcio/FloatThree.h"
+#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace plcio;
+using namespace std;
+HepMCRdr::HepMCRdr(string name){
+ascii_in = new HepMC::IO_GenEvent(name.c_str(),std::ios::in);
+delete ascii_in;
+bool HepMCRdr::mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event){
+    HepMC::GenEvent* evt = ascii_in->read_next_event();
+    if(!evt) return false;
+    m_processed_event ++;
+    int n_mc = evt->particles_size();
+    //std::cout<<"Read event :"<< m_processed_event <<", mc size :"<< n_mc <<std::endl;
+    std::map<int, int> pmcid_lmcid;
+    int index = 0 ;
+    for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator p = evt->particles_begin(); p != evt->particles_end(); ++p ) {
+        //std::cout<<"start mc "<<index<<std::endl;
+        plcio::MCParticle mcp = event.m_mc_vec.create();
+        pmcid_lmcid.insert(std::pair<int, int>((*p)->barcode(),index));
+        index++;
+        //std::cout<<"map<id,i>:"<<mc->id()<<","<< i <<std::endl;
+        mcp.setPDG                ((*p)->pdg_id());  
+        mcp.setGeneratorStatus    ((*p)->status());
+        mcp.setSimulatorStatus    (999);
+        mcp.setCharge             (999);
+        mcp.setTime               (999);
+        mcp.setMass               ((*p)->generated_mass());
+        if ( (*p)->production_vertex() ){
+            HepMC::GenVertex* vertex_pro =  (*p)->production_vertex();
+            double three[3] = {vertex_pro->point3d().x(), vertex_pro->point3d().y(), vertex_pro->point3d().z()};
+            mcp.setVertex             (plcio::DoubleThree (three)); 
+        }
+        else mcp.setVertex(plcio::DoubleThree()); 
+        if ( (*p)->end_vertex() ){
+            HepMC::GenVertex* vertex_end =  (*p)->end_vertex();
+            double three[3] = {vertex_end->point3d().x(), vertex_end->point3d().y(), vertex_end->point3d().z()};
+            mcp.setEndpoint           (plcio::DoubleThree (three));
+        } 
+        else mcp.setEndpoint (plcio::DoubleThree());
+        mcp.setMomentum           (plcio::FloatThree(float((*p)->momentum().px()), float((*p)->momentum().py()), float((*p)->momentum().pz()) ));
+        mcp.setMomentumAtEndpoint (plcio::FloatThree(float((*p)->momentum().px()), float((*p)->momentum().py()), float((*p)->momentum().pz()) ));
+        const HepMC::Polarization & polar = (*p)->polarization();
+        mcp.setSpin               (plcio::FloatThree(polar.normal3d().x(), polar.normal3d().y(), polar.normal3d().z()) );
+        int two[2] = {1, (*p)->flow(1)};
+        mcp.setColorFlow          (plcio::IntTwo (two) );
+    }
+    // second loop for setting parents and daughters
+    index = 0 ;
+    for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator p = evt->particles_begin(); p != evt->particles_end(); ++p ) {
+        plcio::MCParticle pmc = event.m_mc_vec.at(index);
+        index++;
+        if ( (*p)->production_vertex() ) {
+            for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator mother = (*p)->production_vertex()-> particles_begin(HepMC::parents); mother != (*p)->production_vertex()-> particles_end(HepMC::parents); ++mother ) {
+                pmc.addParent( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at((*mother)->barcode()) ) );
+            }
+        }
+        if ( (*p)->end_vertex() ) {
+            for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator des =(*p)->end_vertex()-> particles_begin(HepMC::descendants); des != (*p)->end_vertex()-> particles_end(HepMC::descendants); ++des ) {
+                pmc.addDaughter( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at((*des)->barcode()) ) );
+                }
+        }   
+    }
+    event.SetEventHeader( m_processed_event, -99, 9999, "Generator");
+    //std::cout<<"end event :"<< m_processed_event <<std::endl;
+    delete evt;
+    return true;
+bool HepMCRdr::isEnd(){
+return false;
+bool HepMCRdr::configure(){
+return true;
+bool HepMCRdr::finish(){
+return true;
diff --git a/Generator/src/HepMCRdr.h b/Generator/src/HepMCRdr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61c777bba02c8f8a807940162322691c04d127ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/HepMCRdr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#ifndef HepMCRdr_h
+#define HepMCRdr_h 1
+#include "GenReader.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h"//HepMC
+#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
+class HepMCRdr: public GenReader{
+    public:
+        HepMCRdr(string name);
+        ~HepMCRdr();
+        bool configure();               
+        bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event);    
+        bool finish();
+        bool isEnd();
+    private:
+        HepMC::IO_GenEvent *ascii_in;
+        long m_total_event;
+        long m_processed_event;
diff --git a/Generator/src/HepevtRdr.cpp b/Generator/src/HepevtRdr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f036e2e970d5af1292d0ac22bcfc8769748862c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/HepevtRdr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#include "HepevtRdr.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "lcio.h"  //LCIO
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "LCAscHepRdr.h"
+#include "IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticle.h" //plcio
+#include "plcio/MCParticleObj.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
+#include "plcio/DoubleThree.h"
+#include "plcio/FloatThree.h"
+#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace lcio;
+using namespace IMPL;
+using namespace plcio;
+using namespace std;
+typedef enum HEPFILEFORMATS
+  stdhep = 0,
+  HEPEvt,
+  hepevt,
+  slcio
+HepevtRdr::HepevtRdr(string name){
+m_hepevt_rdr = new UTIL::LCAscHepRdr(name.c_str(), hepevt);
+std::cout<<"initial hepevt_rdr"<<std::endl;
+delete m_hepevt_rdr;
+bool HepevtRdr::mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event){
+    LCCollectionVec* mc_vec = m_hepevt_rdr->readEvent();
+    if(mc_vec==nullptr) return false;
+    m_processed_event ++;
+    int n_mc = mc_vec->getNumberOfElements();
+    std::cout<<"Read event :"<< m_processed_event <<", mc size :"<< n_mc <<std::endl;
+    std::map<int, int> pmcid_lmcid;
+    for (int i=0; i < n_mc; i++){
+        MCParticleImpl* mc = (MCParticleImpl*) mc_vec->getElementAt(i);
+        //std::cout<<"At mc :"<< i <<std::endl;
+        plcio::MCParticle mcp = event.m_mc_vec.create();
+        pmcid_lmcid.insert(std::pair<int, int>(mc->id(),i));
+        //std::cout<<"map<id,i>:"<<mc->id()<<","<< i <<std::endl;
+        mcp.setPDG                (mc->getPDG());  
+        mcp.setGeneratorStatus    (mc->getGeneratorStatus());
+        mcp.setSimulatorStatus    (mc->getSimulatorStatus());
+        mcp.setCharge             (mc->getCharge());
+        mcp.setTime               (mc->getTime());
+        mcp.setMass               (mc->getMass());
+        mcp.setVertex             (mc->getVertex()); 
+        mcp.setEndpoint           (mc->getEndpoint());
+        mcp.setMomentum           (FloatThree(float(mc->getMomentum()[0]), float(mc->getMomentum()[1]), float(mc->getMomentum()[2]) ));
+        mcp.setMomentumAtEndpoint (FloatThree(float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[0]), float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[1]), float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[2]) ));
+        mcp.setSpin               (mc->getSpin());
+        mcp.setColorFlow          (mc->getColorFlow());
+    }
+    // second loop for setting parents and daughters
+    for (int i=0; i < n_mc; i++){
+        MCParticleImpl* mc = (MCParticleImpl*) mc_vec->getElementAt(i);
+        const MCParticleVec & mc_parents = mc->getParents();
+        const MCParticleVec & mc_daughters = mc->getDaughters();
+        plcio::MCParticle pmc = event.m_mc_vec.at(i);
+        //std::cout<<"mc at "<< i<<", parent size "<<mc_parents.size() <<std::endl;
+        for(unsigned int j=0; j< mc_parents.size(); j++){int p_id = mc_parents.at(j)->id();
+                                                 //std::cout<<"parent id "<<p_id<<std::endl;
+                                                 pmc.addParent( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at(p_id) ) );
+                                                }
+        //std::cout<<"mc at "<< i<<", daughter size "<<mc_daughters.size() <<std::endl;
+        for(unsigned int j=0; j< mc_daughters.size(); j++){int d_id = mc_daughters.at(j)->id();
+                                                 //std::cout<<"daughter id "<<d_id<<std::endl;
+                                                 pmc.addDaughter( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at(d_id) ) );
+                                                }
+    }
+    event.SetEventHeader( m_processed_event, -99, 9999, "Generator");
+    //std::cout<<"end event :"<< m_processed_event <<std::endl;
+    return true;
+bool HepevtRdr::isEnd(){
+return false;
+bool HepevtRdr::configure(){
+return true;
+bool HepevtRdr::finish(){
+return true;
diff --git a/Generator/src/HepevtRdr.h b/Generator/src/HepevtRdr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ee2d7fd411f554fdc2114ca854f2fc52f8e7a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/HepevtRdr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#ifndef HepevtRdr_h
+#define HepevtRdr_h 1
+#include "GenReader.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "lcio.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "LCAscHepRdr.h"
+class HepevtRdr: public GenReader{
+    public:
+        HepevtRdr(string name);
+        ~HepevtRdr();
+        bool configure();               
+        bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event);    
+        bool finish();
+        bool isEnd();
+    private:
+        UTIL::LCAscHepRdr* m_hepevt_rdr;
+        long m_total_event;
+        long m_processed_event;
diff --git a/Generator/src/IGenTool.cpp b/Generator/src/IGenTool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5562baf5de1088c292ce37a4a48adbdb6226ef61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/IGenTool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#include "IGenTool.h"
+IGenTool::~IGenTool() {
diff --git a/Generator/src/IGenTool.h b/Generator/src/IGenTool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87af6bd8167d7f1d57415b537de53923c136a34a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/IGenTool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef IGenTool_h
+#define IGenTool_h 1
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+class IGenTool {
+    public:
+        virtual bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event)=0;
+        virtual bool finish()=0;
+        virtual bool configure()=0;
+        virtual ~IGenTool();
diff --git a/Generator/src/LCAscHepRdr.cc b/Generator/src/LCAscHepRdr.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eabca0bb170238264887b321795fcc401b36f777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/LCAscHepRdr.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#include "LCAscHepRdr.h"
+#include "EVENT/MCParticle.h"
+#include "IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h"
+#include "lcio.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include "Exceptions.h"
+using namespace EVENT ;
+using namespace IMPL ;
+// the time being we leave it as #define, to avoid to depend
+// on Mokka business if it could be part of lcio package
+#define HEPEvt 1
+#define hepevt 2
+namespace UTIL{
+  LCAscHepRdr::LCAscHepRdr(const char* evfile, int fileFormat)
+    : theFileFormat(fileFormat)
+  {
+    //
+    //   Adapt the Geant4 G4HEPEvtInterface code 
+    //
+    switch(fileFormat) 
+      {
+      case HEPEvt :
+      case hepevt :
+	inputFile.open(evfile);
+	if (!inputFile) 
+	  {
+	    std::stringstream description ; 
+	    description << "LCAscHepRdr, no ascii Hep file found: " << evfile << std::ends ;
+	    throw IO::IOException( description.str() );
+	  }
+	break;
+      default :
+	std::stringstream description ; 
+	description << "LCAscHepRdr, bad suffix on file name: " << evfile << std::ends ;
+	throw IO::IOException( description.str() );
+      }
+  }
+  LCAscHepRdr::~LCAscHepRdr(){}
+// Read an event and return a LCCollectionVec of MCParticles
+  IMPL::LCCollectionVec * LCAscHepRdr::readEvent()
+  {
+    IMPL::LCCollectionVec * mcVec = nullptr;
+    double c_light = 299.792;// mm/ns
+    //
+    //  Read the event, check for errors
+    //
+    int NHEP;  // number of entries
+    int NOUT ;   // number of outgoing particles
+    int BRE ;   // beam remnants
+    double WEIGHT ;   // weight
+    inputFile >> NHEP >> NOUT >> BRE >> WEIGHT; 
+    if( inputFile.eof() ) 
+      {
+	//
+	// End of File :: ??? Exception ???
+	//   -> FG:   EOF is not an exception as it happens for every file at the end !
+	//
+	return mcVec;
+      }
+    //
+    //  Create a Collection Vector
+    //
+    mcVec = new IMPL::LCCollectionVec(LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
+    MCParticleImpl* p;
+    MCParticleImpl* d;
+    //
+    //  Loop over particles
+    //
+    int ISTHEP;   // status code
+    int IDHEP;    // PDG code
+    int JMOHEP1;  // first mother
+    int JMOHEP2;  // last mother
+    int JDAHEP1;  // first daughter
+    int JDAHEP2;  // last daughter
+    double PHEP1; // px in GeV/c
+    double PHEP2; // py in GeV/c
+    double PHEP3; // pz in GeV/c
+    double PHEP4; // energy in GeV
+    double PHEP5; // mass in GeV/c**2
+    double VHEP1; // x vertex position in mm
+    double VHEP2; // y vertex position in mm
+    double VHEP3; // z vertex position in mm
+    double VHEP4; // production time in mm/c
+    std::vector<int> *daughter1 = new std::vector<int> ();
+    std::vector<int> *daughter2 =  new std::vector<int> ();
+    for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ )
+      {
+	//if ( theFileFormat == HEPEvt)
+	if ( false)
+	  inputFile >> ISTHEP >> IDHEP >> JDAHEP1 >> JDAHEP2
+		  >> PHEP1 >> PHEP2 >> PHEP3 >> PHEP5;
+	else
+	  inputFile >> ISTHEP >> IDHEP 
+		    >> JMOHEP1 >> JMOHEP2
+		    >> JDAHEP1 >> JDAHEP2
+		    >> PHEP1 >> PHEP2 >> PHEP3 
+		    >> PHEP4 >> PHEP5
+		    >> VHEP1 >> VHEP2 >> VHEP3
+		    >> VHEP4;
+	if(inputFile.eof())
+		return nullptr;	
+	//
+	//  Create a MCParticle and fill it from stdhep info
+	//
+	MCParticleImpl* mcp = new MCParticleImpl();
+	//
+	//  PDGID
+	//
+	mcp->setPDG(IDHEP);
+	//
+	//  Momentum vector
+	//
+	float p0[3] = {PHEP1,PHEP2,PHEP3};
+	mcp->setMomentum(p0);
+	//
+	//  Mass
+	//
+	mcp->setMass(PHEP5);
+	//
+	//  Vertex 
+	// (missing information in HEPEvt files)
+	double v0[3] = {0.,0.,0.};
+	mcp->setVertex(v0);
+	//
+	//  Generator status
+	//
+	mcp->setGeneratorStatus(ISTHEP);
+	//
+	//  Simulator status 0 until simulator acts on it
+	//
+	mcp->setSimulatorStatus(0);
+	//
+	//  Creation time (note the units)
+	// (No information in HEPEvt files)
+	mcp->setTime(0./c_light);
+	//
+	//  Add the particle to the collection vector
+	//
+	mcVec->push_back(mcp);
+	//
+	// Keep daughters information for later
+	//
+	daughter1->push_back(JDAHEP1);
+	daughter2->push_back(JDAHEP2);
+	   // fg: comment out the  mother relationships altogether ....
+// //
+// // Add the parent information. The implicit assumption here is that
+// // no particle is read in before its parents.
+// //
+// 	   int fp = _reader->mother1(IHEP) - 1;
+// 	   int lp = _reader->mother2(IHEP) - 1;
+// //
+// //  If both first parent and second parent > 0, and second parent >
+// //     first parent, assume a range
+// //
+// 	   if( (fp > -1) && (lp > -1) )
+// 	   {
+// 	     if(lp >= fp)
+// 		 {
+// 		   for(int ip=fp;ip<lp+1;ip++)
+// 		   {
+// 			 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+// 				 (mcVec->getElementAt(ip));
+// 			 mcp->addParent(p);
+// 		   }
+// 		 }
+// //
+// //  If first parent < second parent, assume 2 discreet parents
+// //
+// 		 else
+// 		 {
+// 		   p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+// 			 (mcVec->getElementAt(fp));
+// 		   mcp->addParent(p);
+// 		   p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+// 			 (mcVec->getElementAt(lp));
+// 		   mcp->addParent(p);
+// 		 }
+// 	   }
+// //
+// //  Only 1 parent > 0, set it
+// //
+// 	   else if(fp > -1)
+// 	   {
+// 		 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+// 		   (mcVec->getElementAt(fp));
+// 		 mcp->addParent(p);
+// 	   }
+// 	   else if(lp > -1)
+// 	   {
+// 		 p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+// 		   (mcVec->getElementAt(lp));
+// 		 mcp->addParent(p);
+// 	   }
+	 }// End loop over particles
+//  Now make a second loop over the particles, checking the daughter
+//  information. This is not always consistent with parent 
+//  information, and this utility assumes all parents listed are
+//  parents and all daughters listed are daughters
+    for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ )
+      {
+	//
+	//  Get the MCParticle
+	//
+	MCParticleImpl* mcp = 
+	  dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	  (mcVec->getElementAt(IHEP));
+	//
+	//  Get the daughter information, discarding extra information
+	//  sometimes stored in daughter variables.
+	//
+	int fd = daughter1->operator[](IHEP) - 1;
+	int ld = daughter2->operator[](IHEP) - 1;
+	//
+	//  As with the parents, look for range, 2 discreet or 1 discreet 
+	//  daughter.
+	//
+	if( (fd > -1) && (ld > -1) )
+	  {
+	    if(ld >= fd)
+	      {
+		for(int id=fd;id<ld+1;id++)
+		  {
+		    //
+		    //  Get the daughter, and see if it already lists this particle as
+		    //    a parent.
+		    //
+		    d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		      (mcVec->getElementAt(id));
+		    int np = d->getParents().size();
+		    bool gotit = false;
+		    for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+		      {
+			p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+			  (d->getParents()[ip]);
+			if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+		      }
+		    //
+		    //  If not already listed, add this particle as a parent
+		    //
+		    if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+		  }
+	      }
+	    //
+	    //  Same logic, discreet cases
+	    //
+	    else
+	      {
+		d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (mcVec->getElementAt(fd));
+		int np = d->getParents().size();
+		bool gotit = false;
+		for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+		  {
+		    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		      (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		    if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+		  }
+		if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+		d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (mcVec->getElementAt(ld));
+		np = d->getParents().size();
+		gotit = false;
+		for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+		  {
+		    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		      (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		    if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+		  }
+		if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+	      }
+	  }
+	else if(fd > -1)
+	  {
+	    d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	      (mcVec->getElementAt(fd));
+	    int np = d->getParents().size();
+	    bool gotit = false;
+	    for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+	      {
+		p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+	      }
+	    if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+	  }
+	else if(ld > -1)
+	  {
+	    d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+	      (mcVec->getElementAt(ld));
+	    int np = d->getParents().size();
+	    bool gotit = false;
+	    for(int ip=0;ip < np;ip++)
+	      {
+		p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>
+		  (d->getParents()[ip]);
+		if(p == mcp)gotit = true;
+	      }
+	    if(!gotit)d->addParent(mcp);
+	  }
+      }// End second loop over particles
+    //
+    //  Return the collection
+    //
+    return mcVec;    
+  }
+} // namespace UTIL
diff --git a/Generator/src/LCAscHepRdr.h b/Generator/src/LCAscHepRdr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d05d62b07cb1ec7959622f2e2c49b5eb3c6dee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/LCAscHepRdr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#ifndef UTIL_LCAscHepRdr_H
+#define UTIL_LCAscHepRdr_H 1
+#include "IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h"
+#include <fstream>
+namespace UTIL{
+  /**Basic utility for reading a ASCII HEPEvt file and filling
+   * a LCCollectionVec with MCParticles containing the HEPEvt
+   * file information.
+   * 
+   * @author Mora de Freitas
+   * @version $Id: 
+   */
+  class LCAscHepRdr{
+  public:
+    /** Open the HEPEvt input file in the constructer
+     */
+    LCAscHepRdr(const char* evfile, int fileFormat) ;
+    /** noop
+     */
+    ~LCAscHepRdr() ;
+    /** Read an event and return a LCCollectionVec of MCParticles.
+     */
+    IMPL::LCCollectionVec * readEvent() ;
+  private:
+    std::ifstream inputFile;
+    int theFileFormat;
+  }; // class
+} // namespace UTIL
+#endif /* ifndef UTIL_LCAscHepRdr_H */
diff --git a/Generator/src/SLCIORdr.cpp b/Generator/src/SLCIORdr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c57a8e7ded7b0ba100c4d26cc4725537c6f2e78d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/SLCIORdr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#include "SLCIORdr.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "lcio.h"  //LCIO
+#include "LCIOSTLTypes.h"
+#include "IOIMPL/LCFactory.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCEvent.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "IO/LCReader.h"
+#include "IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h"
+#include "IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticle.h" //plcio
+#include "plcio/MCParticleObj.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
+#include "plcio/DoubleThree.h"
+#include "plcio/FloatThree.h"
+#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace lcio;
+using namespace IMPL;
+using namespace plcio;
+using namespace std;
+SLCIORdr::SLCIORdr(string name){
+m_slcio_rdr = IOIMPL::LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCReader();
+delete m_slcio_rdr;
+bool SLCIORdr::mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event){
+      IMPL::LCCollectionVec* lcMCVec = new IMPL::LCCollectionVec(LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
+      EVENT::LCEvent *lcEvent = m_slcio_rdr->readNextEvent(LCIO::UPDATE);
+      LCCollection *lcCol = NULL;
+      if(lcEvent) lcCol = lcEvent->getCollection("MCParticle");
+      else return false;
+      if(lcCol){
+	MCParticleImpl* p;
+	//MCParticleImpl* d;
+	int NHEP = lcCol->getNumberOfElements();
+	lcMCVec->parameters() = lcCol->parameters();
+	lcMCVec->resize(NHEP);
+	for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ ){
+	  MCParticleImpl* mcp = new MCParticleImpl();
+	  EVENT::MCParticle* in = dynamic_cast<EVENT::MCParticle*>(lcCol->getElementAt(IHEP));
+	  lcMCVec->at(IHEP)  = mcp ;
+	  mcp->setPDG(in->getPDG());
+	  mcp->setCharge(in->getCharge()) ;
+	  mcp->setMomentum(in->getMomentum());
+	  mcp->setMass(in->getMass());
+	  mcp->setVertex(in->getVertex());
+	  mcp->setGeneratorStatus(in->getGeneratorStatus());
+	  mcp->setSimulatorStatus(in->getSimulatorStatus());
+	  mcp->setTime(in->getTime());
+	  mcp->setSpin(in->getSpin());
+	}
+	for( int IHEP=0; IHEP<NHEP; IHEP++ ){
+	  lcio::MCParticleImpl* mcp = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>(lcMCVec->getElementAt(IHEP));
+	  EVENT::MCParticleVec parents = (dynamic_cast<EVENT::MCParticle*>(lcCol->getElementAt(IHEP)))->getParents();
+	  int np = parents.size();
+	  //cout << "DEBUG: the " << IHEP << "th particle has " << np << " parents ";
+	  int i;
+	  for(int ip=0;ip<np;ip++){
+	    p = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>(parents[ip]);
+	    for(i=0;i<NHEP;i++){
+	      if(p==lcCol->getElementAt(i)) break;
+	    }
+	    if(i==NHEP) cout << "HepLCIOInterfaceNew: error" << endl;
+	    mcp->addParent(dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>(lcMCVec->getElementAt(i)));
+	  }
+	  //ignore daughter table, auto-regonize relationship while addParent()
+          /*
+	  EVENT::MCParticleVec daughters = (dynamic_cast<EVENT::MCParticle*>(lcCol->getElementAt(IHEP)))->getDaughters();
+          int nd = daughters.size();
+	  //cout << "and " << nd << " daughters." << endl;
+          for(int id=0;id<nd;id++){
+            d = dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>(daughters[id]);
+            for(i=0;i<NHEP;i++){
+              if(d==lcCol->getElementAt(i)) break;
+            }
+            if(i==NHEP) cout << "HepLCIOInterfaceNew: error" << endl;
+            mcp->addDaughter(dynamic_cast<MCParticleImpl*>(lcMCVec->getElementAt(i)));
+          }
+          */
+	}
+      }
+      else{
+	cout << "Debug: no MCParticle Collection is read!" << endl;
+        return false;
+      }
+    m_processed_event ++;
+    int n_mc = lcMCVec->getNumberOfElements();
+    std::cout<<"Read event :"<< m_processed_event <<", mc size :"<< n_mc <<std::endl;
+    std::map<int, int> pmcid_lmcid;
+    for (int i=0; i < n_mc; i++){
+        MCParticleImpl* mc = (MCParticleImpl*) lcMCVec->getElementAt(i);
+        //std::cout<<"At mc :"<< i <<std::endl;
+        plcio::MCParticle mcp = event.m_mc_vec.create();
+        pmcid_lmcid.insert(std::pair<int, int>(mc->id(),i));
+        //std::cout<<"map<id,i>:"<<mc->id()<<","<< i <<std::endl;
+        mcp.setPDG                (mc->getPDG());  
+        mcp.setGeneratorStatus    (mc->getGeneratorStatus());
+        mcp.setSimulatorStatus    (mc->getSimulatorStatus());
+        mcp.setCharge             (mc->getCharge());
+        mcp.setTime               (mc->getTime());
+        mcp.setMass               (mc->getMass());
+        mcp.setVertex             (mc->getVertex()); 
+        mcp.setEndpoint           (mc->getEndpoint());
+        mcp.setMomentum           (FloatThree(float(mc->getMomentum()[0]), float(mc->getMomentum()[1]), float(mc->getMomentum()[2]) ));
+        mcp.setMomentumAtEndpoint (FloatThree(float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[0]), float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[1]), float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[2]) ));
+        mcp.setSpin               (mc->getSpin());
+        mcp.setColorFlow          (mc->getColorFlow());
+    }
+    // second loop for setting parents and daughters
+    for (int i=0; i < n_mc; i++){
+        MCParticleImpl* mc = (MCParticleImpl*) lcMCVec->getElementAt(i);
+        const MCParticleVec & mc_parents = mc->getParents();
+        const MCParticleVec & mc_daughters = mc->getDaughters();
+        plcio::MCParticle pmc = event.m_mc_vec.at(i);
+        //std::cout<<"mc at "<< i<<", parent size "<<mc_parents.size() <<std::endl;
+        for(unsigned int j=0; j< mc_parents.size(); j++){int p_id = mc_parents.at(j)->id();
+                                                 //std::cout<<"parent id "<<p_id<<std::endl;
+                                                 pmc.addParent( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at(p_id) ) );
+                                                }
+        //std::cout<<"mc at "<< i<<", daughter size "<<mc_daughters.size() <<std::endl;
+        for(unsigned int j=0; j< mc_daughters.size(); j++){int d_id = mc_daughters.at(j)->id();
+                                                 //std::cout<<"daughter id "<<d_id<<std::endl;
+                                                 pmc.addDaughter( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at(d_id) ) );
+                                                }
+    }
+    event.SetEventHeader( m_processed_event, -99, 9999, "Generator");
+    //std::cout<<"end event :"<< m_processed_event <<std::endl;
+    //for(unsigned int i=0; i< lcMCVec->size(); i++) delete lcMCVec->at(i);
+    delete lcMCVec;  
+    return true;
+bool SLCIORdr::isEnd(){
+return false;
+bool SLCIORdr::configure(){
+return true;
+bool SLCIORdr::finish(){
+return true;
diff --git a/Generator/src/SLCIORdr.h b/Generator/src/SLCIORdr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b429475fee3f53e80c48b881a54fc1bbea324077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/SLCIORdr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef SLCIORdr_h
+#define SLCIORdr_h 1
+#include "GenReader.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "lcio.h"
+#include "LCIOSTLTypes.h"
+#include "IOIMPL/LCFactory.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCEvent.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCCollection.h"
+#include "IO/LCReader.h"
+class SLCIORdr: public GenReader{
+    public:
+        SLCIORdr(string name);
+        ~SLCIORdr();
+        bool configure();               
+        bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event);    
+        bool finish();
+        bool isEnd();
+    private:
+        IO::LCReader* m_slcio_rdr;
+        long m_total_event;
+        long m_processed_event;
diff --git a/Generator/src/StdHepRdr.cpp b/Generator/src/StdHepRdr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec3bc12096ed9f5b718e8adec6d74386e91759a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/StdHepRdr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#include "StdHepRdr.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "lcio.h"  //LCIO
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "UTIL/LCStdHepRdrNew.h"
+#include "IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticle.h" //plcio
+#include "plcio/MCParticleObj.h"
+#include "plcio/MCParticleCollection.h"
+#include "plcio/DoubleThree.h"
+#include "plcio/FloatThree.h"
+#include "plcio/EventHeaderCollection.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace lcio;
+using namespace IMPL;
+using namespace plcio;
+using namespace std;
+StdHepRdr::StdHepRdr(string name){
+m_stdhep_rdr = new LCStdHepRdrNew(name.c_str());
+m_total_event = m_stdhep_rdr->getNumberOfEvents() - 1 ;
+delete m_stdhep_rdr;
+bool StdHepRdr::mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event){
+    if(isEnd()) return false;
+    LCCollectionVec* mc_vec = m_stdhep_rdr->readEvent();
+    m_processed_event ++;
+    int n_mc = mc_vec->getNumberOfElements();
+    //std::cout<<"Debug: Read event :"<< m_processed_event <<", mc size :"<< n_mc <<std::endl;
+    std::map<int, int> pmcid_lmcid;
+    for (int i=0; i < n_mc; i++){
+        MCParticleImpl* mc = (MCParticleImpl*) mc_vec->getElementAt(i);
+        //std::cout<<"At mc :"<< i <<std::endl;
+        plcio::MCParticle mcp = event.m_mc_vec.create();
+        pmcid_lmcid.insert(std::pair<int, int>(mc->id(),i));
+        //std::cout<<"map<id,i>:"<<mc->id()<<","<< i <<std::endl;
+        mcp.setPDG                (mc->getPDG());  
+        mcp.setGeneratorStatus    (mc->getGeneratorStatus());
+        mcp.setSimulatorStatus    (mc->getSimulatorStatus());
+        mcp.setCharge             (mc->getCharge());
+        mcp.setTime               (mc->getTime());
+        mcp.setMass               (mc->getMass());
+        mcp.setVertex             (mc->getVertex()); 
+        mcp.setEndpoint           (mc->getEndpoint());
+        mcp.setMomentum           (FloatThree(float(mc->getMomentum()[0]), float(mc->getMomentum()[1]), float(mc->getMomentum()[2]) ));
+        mcp.setMomentumAtEndpoint (FloatThree(float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[0]), float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[1]), float(mc->getMomentumAtEndpoint()[2]) ));
+        mcp.setSpin               (mc->getSpin());
+        mcp.setColorFlow          (mc->getColorFlow());
+    }
+    // second loop for setting parents and daughters
+    for (int i=0; i < n_mc; i++){
+        MCParticleImpl* mc = (MCParticleImpl*) mc_vec->getElementAt(i);
+        const MCParticleVec & mc_parents = mc->getParents();
+        const MCParticleVec & mc_daughters = mc->getDaughters();
+        plcio::MCParticle pmc = event.m_mc_vec.at(i);
+        //std::cout<<"mc at "<< i<<", parent size "<<mc_parents.size() <<std::endl;
+        for(unsigned int j=0; j< mc_parents.size(); j++){int p_id = mc_parents.at(j)->id();
+                                                 //std::cout<<"parent id "<<p_id<<std::endl;
+                                                 pmc.addParent( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at(p_id) ) );
+                                                }
+        //std::cout<<"mc at "<< i<<", daughter size "<<mc_daughters.size() <<std::endl;
+        for(unsigned int j=0; j< mc_daughters.size(); j++){int d_id = mc_daughters.at(j)->id();
+                                                 //std::cout<<"daughter id "<<d_id<<std::endl;
+                                                 pmc.addDaughter( event.m_mc_vec.at( pmcid_lmcid.at(d_id) ) );
+                                                }
+    }
+    event.SetEventHeader( m_processed_event, -99, 9999, "Generator");
+    //std::cout<<"end event :"<< m_processed_event <<std::endl;
+    return true;
+bool StdHepRdr::isEnd(){
+if(m_processed_event == m_total_event) {std::cout<<"Have read all events, end now."<<std::endl; return true;}
+else return false;
+bool StdHepRdr::configure(){
+return true;
+bool StdHepRdr::finish(){
+return true;
diff --git a/Generator/src/StdHepRdr.h b/Generator/src/StdHepRdr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d92510bb90e9abe2dbc60f29b2770b563d35598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Generator/src/StdHepRdr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#ifndef StdHepRdr_h
+#define StdHepRdr_h 1
+#include "GenReader.h"
+#include "GenEvent.h"
+#include "lcio.h"
+#include "EVENT/LCIO.h"
+#include "UTIL/LCStdHepRdrNew.h"
+class StdHepRdr: public GenReader{
+    public:
+        StdHepRdr(string name);
+        ~StdHepRdr();
+        bool configure();               
+        bool mutate(MyHepMC::GenEvent& event);    
+        bool finish();
+        bool isEnd();
+    private:
+        lcio::LCStdHepRdrNew* m_stdhep_rdr;
+        long m_total_event;
+        long m_processed_event;